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VERKHIVKER, G.F., inah.; LAGUTKIN, O.D.j. inzh. Caloric properties of Freon-12 in the supercritical rqODn. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; energ. 4 no.5t72-76 Y4r 161. (KERA 14; 6) I* Odeeskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut, Predstaylena kafedroy toplotekhni i. (Atomic power plants) (Freons) -VEMI R G P.; ZUBATOV, N.C.; KOTLYAREVSKrY. P.A. I Dbigram of gas combustion products allowing for dUmmUtion. lm:.sbo-fiz. sbur. 6 no.6:68-73 Je 163, WIRA 16:6) Is Tekhaologiebookiy institut imeni M.T, Lomonomova, Odessa. (Saratov-Gas, Natural) (CombLetion) 25671 s/o96/6l/ooo/oo9/oo8/oo8 E194/El55 AUTHORS: DaGskovskiyj V.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Verkhivh9X,-r1,,_P., Engineer, and Lagutkin, O.D., Engineer TITLE: Calculations of mixing of flows of gas and liquid PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1961, No.9, pp. 92-93 TEXT: It is often necessary to make calculations relating to mixed flows of gas and liquid, particularly when the liquid \apourises. one instance is the intermediate cooling of air in a compressor by injecting water between compressor stages. The object of the present article in to provide an approximate simple solution for this particular problem. If the gas and fluid are mixed and no liquid is present at the discharge from the mixer (d YI-2 '-- 0; pn2 4 PW2 ) we have the following expressions: ir2 + dn2 in2 - irl - dni 1(11 d)K iiYA 1 il 0 (4) Card 1/ 3 25671 s/o96/61/ooo/oo?/oo8/oo8 Calculations of mixing of flows .... E19VE155 dn2 = !a (5) r (P2 R pn2 dni + dA I = d n2 (6) The notation used here ist indexes (1) inlet to mixer; (2) discharge from mixer; )K liquid; a dry gait; n vapour or injected liquid; H saturated vapour; i entheilpy in kcal/kg; d flow of liquid or vapour per unit flow of dry gas kg/kg; R the gas constant kg.m/kgOC. The appliCat4oll of these equations to the cooling of compressed air by water injection is explained. A nomogram is given to determine i;r2 and d"2 from given values Of tri, -Jnl and P2 when injecting water into unsaturated wet air until it is saturated. In drawing up the nomogram it was taken that i,)KI = 15 kcal/kg, a = 0.413 kcal/kgOC; b f% 598 kcal/kg. The method of using the nomogram is indicated by a dotted line. For convenience two scales are plotted on the da2 axis. The difference between the calculations made by the equations given Card 2/3 25671 Calculations of mixing of flows ... s/o96/61/00o/009/00/00 E194/EI55 above using a slide rule and those obtained by the nomogram differ in practice by I - 2%. There are I figure and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 VM"IVKER,, G.P.; SHEVCHENKO, G.Z. Increasing the efficiency of high-duty gas-turtdne units. Trudy Od. tekh. inst. 1401 -38 162. (IURA 16:12) 1. Rabota'vypolnena na.kafedre teplotekhniki Odesskogo tekhnologi- cheskogo instituta. Rukovoditell raboty - doktor tekhn. nauk pi-of. Gokhshteynp D.P. . GOKHSHTM'N, D.P., profs, doktor tekbn.nAuk; VSMIVKNR,, G.P., inzb.*, GOIZODF,TSXIY, A.B., inzh. Fixylansion of existing electric power plantse I%v,Tys.u(*heb*%&v*; energ. nooll:71-78 N 156v (WRA 12: 1) 1. Odesakiy, tekhpologicbeskiy inatitut imeni I.T. Stalin&. Pred- sta7lona kafedroy obahchey toplotekhniki. (Zlectric power plants) I sov/4)6-59-5-6/ig AUTHORS: G6khshteyn, D.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences and Verkhivker G P Engineer ~ TITLE% io e e iods oReconstruct*ng Steam Turbine Electric Power Stationt Using Steam-Gas Circuits (Nekotoryye puti rekonstruktsii~paroturbinnykh elektrostantaiy po parogazovym akhVmam) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, Fr 5, PP 33-37 (USSR) kBSTRAM As a number of st6am-driven power stations become converted to natural gas fuel, it will be possible to make extensive use of optn-cycle gas-turbine installations. A combined gas-steam cycle offers thermo-dynamic advantages. If the heat of the gas-tvarbine exhaust is used to heat feed-water for the steam cycle, the amount of Steam tapped from the turbines for this purpose is reduced and the output for a given steam consiunption can be increased by 20%. A combined gas-steatm installation can, quite easily be introduced into existing stations with quite small cost for equipment and structural alterations. The simplest steam-gas circuit for reconstructing existing Card 1/7 installations with 100-MW condensing turbines type W-100-2 SOV/915-59-5-6/19 Some Methods of Reconstructing Steam Turbine Electric Power Stationel Using Steam-Gas Circuits is given in Fig 1. In this the turbine exhaust gazes are used first to heat the air entering the combustion chamber and then to heat the feed-water of the steam cycle, Table I gives the results of calculations of the effective efficiency and output of a steam-gas installation using- the circuit of Fig 1 for various feed-water temperatures~ It is shown that the efficiency of the steam-gaB installation is increased by raising the feed-water temperature after the water-gas heater. The increase-In efficiency is quite marked up to a feed-water temperature of 2200C but beyond this it does not increase so rapidly. ,rhe circuit shown in Fig 2 considerably reduces the power -taken from the gas-turbine part of the installation. Here the feed-water draws heat both from the turbine exhaust gas that has already passed through an air regenerator and from the air between the high and the low-pressure compressors. In this case, the highest efficiency is obtained if the feed-water is heated to a temperature of Card 2/7 3.01-30C in the water-gas heat-sxchangor with subsequent sov/96-59-5-6/19 Some Methodis of Reconstructing Steam Turbine Electric Power 5tations Using Steam,-Gas Circuits heating to 2200C in the regenerative heaters of the ,turbirke& With this circuit the increase in efficiency :LA less than with circuit 1, because -the output of the gas-turbine part of the installation is less, The results of calculations on circuit 2 are given in Table 2 and it is shown that in this case quite a small gas-turbine offer3 an appreciable increase in efficiency as compared with a straight steam cycle, A circuit with two--i3tage fuel consumption is shown in Fig 3 and the reaults of calculations on this circuit are given in 'cable 3. It is of interest to note the efficiencies with t-mo.-stage compression and two-stage expansion of gas in the gas.- turbine installation: they fall into a pattern similar to that observed with single-stage compression and single- fitage expansion. A schematic circuit for two.-stage oxpanslon and two-stage fuel combustion with Hingle-stage compression is shown in Fig 4. It increases tho efficiency Card 3/7 of the steam-gas installation to.36.711 which is 13% higher SOV/96-159-5-6/19 Sbme Methods of Reconstructing Steam Turbine Electric Pawer Stations Using Steata-Gas Circuits than for the purely steam cycle. The total output of the steam-gas installation is 138600 kW and the feed-water temperature after the steam-gas heater is 220'C~ The improved performance of this circuit as ccmpared with that shown in Fig 1 results from the greatly increaBed output of the gas-turbine part. An importhnt disadvantage of the circuits mentioned is that the gas-air regenerators and water-gas heaters are very big. In order to increase the unit output of the gas-turbine and to reduce the size of the regenerators and water heaters, there is some point in using the semi-closed steam-gas-turbine cycle, illustrated in Fig 5. Here the main gas-turbine operates against a back-pressure~ the exhaust gases pass through an air regenerator and ~ater-heater before delivery to the inlet part of the compressor. The part of the gas needed to supply air to burn the fuel in the combustion chamber of the main turbine passes into the combustion chamber of the auxiliary turbine, Tho chamber also receives air,from the first stage of the auxiliary Card 4/7 compressor, and fuel.. The gas temperature at the cliamber SOV/96-59-5-6/19 Some Methods of Reconstructing Steam Turbine Ele-ctris Power Stations Using Steami-GaB Circuits outlet is 700*C, as it is after the combustion chamber of the main turbine. The exhaust gases from the auxiliary turbine are passed to a regenerator where they heat up the air and gas supply to the ccmbustion chamber and are then discharged to atmosphere, The auxiliary turbine drives the two-stage compressor which delivers combu!~tion air to the main system. With this arrangement the size of' t-he different heat-exchangers can be much reduced. S!M1., .closed steam-gas cycles are better than closed ones for tiodernising existing power stations because there is no need to instal an air boiler; also,, the heating surfaces tire smaller and the circuit is simpler and more efficient. Results of efficiency calculations for the circuit are given in Table 4. It is possible to use a circuit in which part of the turbine exhaust gas is used as air to maintain combustion in the boiler furnaces. This Arcujt~, shown schematically in Fig 6, embodies the senii-closed Card 5/7 part operating on the circuit already described but without sov/96-59-5-6/19 Some Methods of Reconstructing Steam Turbine Electric Power Stations Using 9team-Gas Circuits the second combustion chamber. In addition, there is an open-cycle part. Exhaust gases from the gas turbine No 3 are used as combustion air in the boiler furnace. Air from the compressors is hoated in the tail-end heating ,,surfaces of the boiler and then passes to the combustion chamber and the turbine. Calculations made for a stated set of conditions with this circuit show that the effective efficiency of the installation is 36.6%, which is 12-5% greater than that of the steam installations whilst the total output is 141300 W. It is of interest to note that with a steam pressure of 90 atm and a temperature of 480*Cg the efficiency of a steam-gas installation operating on this circuit is only 15% less than the efficiency of a steam installation operating at 300 atm and 6500C with double reheat. A valuable advantage of all the circuit's considored is the possibility of burning mixad fuel, that is, solid fuel in the steam boiler and liquid or gas fuel in the combustion chambers of the gas turbine. Therefore, these circuits Card 6/7 may be used in the power stations of metallurgical works SOV/96-59-5-6/19 Some Methods of Reconstructing Steam Turbine Electric Power Stations Using Steam.-Gas Circuits which burn blast furnace or coke oven gas as well as solid fuel. For comparison the calculations were made on a closed steam-gas cycle, with single-stage compression and two-stage heating operating under the same conditions as the steam-gas semi-open cycle. The effective efficiency of this installation is 34.7% and the increase in effective efficiency of the closed steam-gas cycle compared with the straight steam cycle is 8.05%. As the ordinary gas-turbine installations developed by Soviet factories are not the best ones for steam--gas circuits, there is a need for special versions suited to operation in combined installations. There are 6 figures, 4 tables and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and I English. ASSOCIA:TION::,Odesskiy Tekhnologicheskiy Inatitut (The Odessa Technological Institute) Card 7/7 L 08060-6Z Ewr (M) /EWP (f FDN199~jLq. ACC NRi AP7001676-- -souRcCcODEi-UR/of43/66/c