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BABIM, B.Z., prof & Autoimmane therapy in oateoarticular tuberculosis. Vrachadelo n0,,71"05-709 J1158 (miRA n:9) .1 1; Ilinika tuberkuleza kostey I sustavov (zav. - prof. B-K. Babich) liyevskoy orodskoy .klinicheskoy bollnitay im. Oktyabrlskoy revolyutelit fBO M --TUBERG = SIS) BABIGH, B.K. [Babyoh, B.K.), doktor mod.nauk, prof. - Osteomyelitis. Nauka i zhyttla 9 no.10:41 0 '59- (MnU 13:2) (OBTIOMLITIS) %4 4 BABICH, Theoretical principles and results of 3-stage functional therapy of oateoartioular tuberculosis. Khirurgiia 15 no.2/3: 180-185 62. 1. Is Klinika po koetno-otavna tuberkuloza i ortopediia na Ukrainskiia nauchno-iseladavatelski inatitut po ortopediia - Kiev. (TUBFX-MMIS OSTEOARTICULAR ther) BABICH, Boris Karlovich; prof.1 GAVIMITKO, )j.S.3, rod. [,';~mdamantals-or compound functional treatment in osteo- articular tuberculosis] Osnovy kompleksnol funktsionall- nol terapil pri kostno--sustavnom tuberkuleze. Kiev; Zdorovtla, 1965. 196 P. (MIRA 18:5) SUBJECT USSR,/ PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1632 AUTHOR BABIC,B.M. TITLE The Radiation Method of Computing the Intensity of Wave Fronts. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fase.3, 355-357 (1956) Issued: 12 / 197- The development of dynamic seismology requires the computation of the inten- sity of the longitudinal and transversal waves in inhomogeneous media and on the occasion of the reflection of waves by a curvilinear boundary. Such compu- tations can be carried out if their relations holding good for the characte- ristic varieties (of the equations describing the wave processes) are known. An important part of this method is based on the assumption that the in- homogeneous medium "in the small" may be considered to be homogeneous and the curved wave front as plane. Let it be assumed that t - T(XPYIZ) is the equation of the wave front at the moment t. Frequently solutions of the wave equations or of equations of the elasticity theory must be investigated which are characterized by discon- tinuities of one or the other type. The wave process is to be described by a scalar or vectorial function u(x,y,z,t). Nothing is assumed as to the type of the discontinuities and it holds that u uo(Xjy,z) f 0 (t-T) + U 1(xly,z) f,(t--r) + 0(f2(t-T)) with f2' - fl, fl, f 0, I O(f 2)1 ~"- c If2 )' Ifl I ~~ If2 I' Ifo I >> fl - If u 0 is known, the behavior of the solution near the wave front can be determined. The Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110,fase-3, 255-357 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1632 function u01 is described as intensity of the wave front. The above expression is now inserted into the wave equation with variable velocity u -(1/a2(Xtypz)) u tt - 0. Thus, the thoroughly examined equations I '~ P r 12 1/021 2 (V -r, Vu 0) + U0 A T - 0 are obtained. Analogous equa- tions are given for the equations of the elasticity theory of an inhomogeneous medium. Next, the field of the extrema of the integrals ds/a with a + 2,~,)/q'anci ~ ds/b with b are examined. "ach TO TQ extremum of these integrals is characterized by tw: parameters each. In the plane case the formulae are analogous, but the extrema of the integrals are each characterized by only one parameter. Analogous formulae can be derived on the basis of energetic formulae. The front of the longitudinal and transversal waves can easily be determined in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media on the basis of the F M I principle. V INSTITUTION: Leningrad State University "A.A.'"IDLNOV" .iB.6ooo 77162 SOV11 29 -6 o- i AUTHORS: .-Babich, B. a. (Engineer)., Portno , Ke Is (Ma-n-didate of Technical Sciences~, Sam3onov, 0. V. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences) TITLE: Pressing and Sintering of Boride Powders PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termiche3kaya obrabotka metallov, 1960) Nr 1. pp 31-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first investigation of the processes of pressing powders of various compositions was carried out in earlier work (Samsonov, 0. V., Neshpor, V. S.s D*A.N* SSSR, Vol 104, 1955). Later on 0. A. Meerson de- veloped a theory of sintering for plastic metals. In this work the authors investigate the pressing and sintering of (1) titanium and chromium boride powders, and (2) titanium and chromium bortde alloys (ratio of molar concentration TiB :CrB = 4:1). The initial titanium and boride powde;s we;e prepared by the thermal-vacuum method, and double titanium- Card 1/7 chromium boride by homogenization of these boride Pressing and Sintering of Boride Powders 77162 SOV/1.29-60-1- 2-9 2` (Ti.,Cr)B2 is (in grams) 0.80, 1.05, 0.97, respectively. mixtures at 1,7000 C for 1 hr in a vacuum. The size of particles of all three powders ranged between 2 and 3 micron. Tne weight of 1 ml of powders TiB CrB Pressing: The method of investigating the process of pressing consists In studying the effect of holding under pressure on density of compressed briquettes, measuring the elastic aftereffect, and studying' the effect on density of intermediate grating of com- pressed briquettes. None of the tested plasticizers markedly improved the pressibility of briquettes, although briquette strength was at a maximum when using V=Cl solution. Fig. 1 shows the results Of pressing depending on compacting pressure. The data show that TiB2 is endowed with the best pres�ibility. Card 2/7 Pressing and SlnterinL; of Boride Powders 77162 sov/129-60-i- .vs, bi-jimerro Y,t C: 4 0.50 .01 I r/"* S M ) ~~ 0, 'J 11 O, Fig. 1. Correlation between relative density and compacting pressure. 6 7 -ronlet" Fig. 2 shows a compacting pressure diagram in logarithmic coordinates log p p-log/5 , where 13 is L,elative volume Ycompact ahbwing that 13 -/briquette Card 3/7 Pressing and Sintering of Boride Powders M62 SOV/129-6o-i- r/CM 6 5 Z -4 0.5 1,5 1,6 1,7 48 1-9 zo 41 zz fi Card 4/7 ~-(TiCr) 81 Ti 8: Fig. 2. Correlation between relative volume and compacting pressure. the process of pressing is well expressed In straight lines. For TO 2 log p s = -11.0"(, log 13 + 3.02; for CrB 2 log p sp = -10N18 log 13 + 3.25; for (TiCr) B2 log P~p =-11.29 log P3 -~ 3.211 (P sp = specific pressure). The authors conclude that the process Pressing and Sintering of Boride Powders M62 SOV/129-6o- i -i,. /.-, 2 of compacting titanium) chromium and titanium boride solid solution powders is described by the logarithmic relationship between relative volume and compacting pressure. Results of determining the elastic after- effect are shown in Fig. 3. The elastic aftereffect Ah h, Mcrm; I 7 ToB, T, 8, % 4 i t 3 C rfi Fig. 3. Relationship between elastic aftereffect and compacting pressure. ITI 1 1 1 1 1 q3I1j j 6 7 TICM 4 Card 5/7 Presuing and Sintering of Borlde Powders 77162 SOV/129-60-1-1 -1-IL, Card 6/7 of the investigated materials is of major importance since the character of the relationship of aftereffect and pressure is connected with high brittleness and nonplasticity of borides. Sintering: In order to observe sintering conditions, the briquettes were com- pacted under a pressure of 3 ton/CML~ and sintered in a vacuum (0-1 mm Hg) in a retort furnace with a graphite heater. To determine the optimum sintering tempera- ture the specimens were sintered within the 1,700- 2,4000 C range for 1 hr. It was found that the sin- tering process occurs in two stages: (1) minor density Increase at maximum temperatures up to 2,100-2,2000 C; and (2) intensive density increase above these tempera- tures. TiB 2 boride and solid solution (Ti,cr)B 2 ware held at 2,300 0 C while CrBO was held at 2,0000 C: The maximum density was obtained at a holding time of 120 min. As a result, the process of compacting boride briquettes in sintering consists in drawing particles Into the pore space at temperatures qf the second stage of sintering at which the forces of surface tension Pressing and Sintering of Boride Powders 77162 SOV/129-6o-1-10/22 predominate over the strength of the particles which became plastic. The investigation shows the pos5i- bility of pressing and sintering separately, instead of using the complex and expensive method of hot pressing. There are 3 figures; 3 tables; and 12 ref- erences, 10 Soviet, I U.S., 1 German. The U.S. ref- erence is: Chiotti, P., "J. Amer. Cer. Soc.", Vol 35, 1952. Card 7/7 28157 S/122/61/000/003/011/013 D241/D305 AUTHORS: Mukaseyev, A.A., Engineer, Rakovskiy, V.S., Candi- date of Technical Sciences, Babich, B.N., and Le- vinskiy, Yu. V., Engineers TITLE: Some problems of ultrasonic machining hard-melting ceramic materials PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya 1/7 no. 3, 1961, 63-66 TEXT: Cast heat resisting alloys as well as alloys based on car- bides and bonded with nickel or chrome work in temperatures up to 10000. The alloys based on carbides, nitrides, borons and si- licides of rare metals are considered as the most promising by K.I. Portnoy and G.V. Samsonov (Ref. 2: Boronnye splavy, VINITI, 1960). They posses high creep resistance and hardness as well as thermal stability, but it is impossible to machine them by usual methods. Their grinding has a low efficiency, whereas anode ma- chining produces cracks. Ultrasonic machining is, therefore, the most suitable. The main criteria of the former method are the Card 1/4 98157 S/122/61/000/003/011/013 Some problems of ultrasonic ... D241 D305 wear of the tool and material. The accuracy of the machined pro- file is reduced when the wear of tool is significant. The authors determined experimentally the coefficient K which is the ratio of wear of material to that of the tool. Specimens were prepared from powders of hard melting alloys of sufficient purity and ho- mogeneity. Specimens were obtained by hot pressing in a labora- tory lever press, and their porosity varied between 0 to 255' in order to study the effect of porosity on ultrasonic machining. After shot blasting, specimens were weighed to determine their density. The ultrasonic maching was carried out on a cast iron disc and using boron carbide suspension in kerosene. To assess the wear of tool and the value of coefficient K, the concentrator was made according to the exponential law of reduction. Balls from bearings were used as a tool, and their wear proved to be mini- mum compared -to other materials. The spherical foriiri of the ball allowed most accurate data to be obtained. The machined blind holes were measured with a dial indicator. The amplitude of swing of the tool vibrations was 0.10-0.11 mm, and the frequency was Card 214 2 �157 S112 61/000/003/011/013 Some problems of ultrasonic ... D241YD305 18 - 20 Kc. The concentration of abrasive was 40-60%, which is tile optimum, and its grain size - no. 150. The static load on the tool reached 400 g. The hardness of the material as well as its brittleness characterize its ability to plastic deformation. It is possible to assume that less ultrasonic energy is required for plastic deformation of harder materials and, therefore, a greater part of the power will be directed to breaking (cutting). Higher porosity of ceramics reduces the cross section of contacts be- tween the particles, which affects the machinability. Comparison of data does not permit a relationship to be established between K and the microhardness of the material. It was noticed that specimens of the same material, but of different density possess unequal coefficients K. Alloys of W 2B, MoSi 2' ZrC as well aB the heat resisting alloy BS-1 with a relative density from 70 to 100% were investigated. The data obtained show that higher porosity improves the ultrasonic machinability, It should be noted that the machinability of ceramics is 5-10 times greater than that of carbides. There are 1 figure, 4 tables and 6 references: 5 Soviet- Card 3/4 2815T S112 61/000/003/011/013 Some problems of ultrasonic ... D241YI)305 bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: F.W. Glaser and W. Iwanick, Sin- tered titanium carbide, "Journal of Metals, vol. 4, no. 4, 1952. Card 4/4 2LI D 29555 S/122/61/000/004/002/007 D211/1)303 AU T I IOR Babich. 3. 1'.F ., Engincers and Bellmer, J. TITLE: On the manufacture of products from refractory Compoluitcls 41 P'_IUUDICi~L: Vestnih mashinostroyeniyal io. 4, 1961, 49-52 A TtXT: The authors give a description of properties of refractory Compou"Ids (Carbides', nitrides, borides and silicides of refractory metz.0.0 and possibilities of applying tliei',l in i,.iachine parts etc. l4ethods, oL- manuCi-ictitriug articles from refractory compounds include cold pressinE; with subsequent sintering, and liot ~)rcssing. The lat- ter if, discu.""cd in detail. A press for hot oressing produced by C('essa factory is descri!)ed. Methods of working of rCfrC,.ctorY com- tm e pounds are i,,wntioned; the ultrasonic iiiethod is stated to th most adwnitageous and is described iii detail. There are 3 tables, 6 fic'ures and 14 re-.L:~erences: 13 Soviet-bloc and 1 noii-" oviet -bloc. 1~ 0 Tlie reference to the En_~lish-laiiigiiage publication reads ar, follows: J. Everlwxt, 1-laterials and Methods, 40, 90, 1.954. Gard 1/1 NEKRASOV, Boris Vladimirovich; BAWCH, B,!,1,, red. [Principles of general chornistry In throe volumes] Ot3novy obshchei khAmil. Yoskva, Khlmila. Vol.l. 1965, 518 P- (MIRA 19! 1) Chlen.-korrespondent AN SS.1311 (I'or Noki-wRov). KILICHEVSKIY, N.A. [Killchevs1kyi, M.O.] (KJ.yev); PETRENKO, M.P. (Kiyev); BABICIIV D.11. [Babych, D.V.) (Kiyev) . Longitudinally radial vibrations of a system of cylindrical shells with concentrated masses in joints. Prykl. mekh. 9 no.6:677-683 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR. "w p _,q p AMMSION IUI: APLOO0112 6/01( ~3/64/010/006/0660/GUU3 AMOR: Kil'cbevalkwy. M. 00 mkiv N. A)(Klev); ]!!~rep~o lebe P. (Kiev); Barfiuk,-R. P.. (Kiev); Babych D V - 7(iTa~i ch, D. V. (Ki eT) SOME: Pryk-lo4na mManika, ve 10, no. 6, 1964, 66o-663 ------- TOPIC qMS, c-3-11n&-leal sbell, cyliralrical sheU vibration, liqtdd fi d h I Ile 6 a 11, oscillatory sy-titen, elmtIcitj heary sbells partly 11.11--d vitb em in-lucid Inecopressible liTuid -a Tilt, are lzlvestigote %m *,hp - - --------------- Card RD M7 Im.. COS M) Card 2/2 [~_.14_0.5.0_66 n-1T(dJ1M~t1)/EWPW/EWT (m)/WP(0YWA_(d)Jg~T v. W Em. U SOURCE CODE: UR 000/0015/0019 CC NRs ATb004255 1311(c) 1%W/HM/EWGS Y6 1~ UTHORS; Ste2arl V., V.; Babich, D. V. "74 A y2k - . . 1--- 1. - . . - 4) i ORG: Institute of Mechanics,AN UkrSSR (In8titut mekhaniki Mf Ukr53R) TITLE: Vibrations and stability of a conical triple-layered shell .with fluid flow in the middle layer ~~ (19 SOURCE: Ali Ula-SSR. lec-ledovaniya po prikladnoy gidrodinamike (Research in applied hydrodynamics). Kiev, Jzd-vo, Naukova dumka, 1965p 15-19 TOPIC TAGS: shell, shell theory, fluid mechanics, shell vibration ABSTRACT: The vibrations and stability of a composite triple-layered conical shell were investigated. The shell consisted of two isotropic coaxial smooth layers rigidly joined at contact points formed by a corrugated middle layer. An ideal incompressible was flowing in th~L_channela formed by the corrugation cr:Lmps and fluid of density P,__ the external ahelle. The general rate of flow in the middle layer was constant. The analysis employs it coordinate system based upon the median surface of the middle layer- Coordinate lines ure the lines of principle curvature of this surface, and the origin is at the apex of the cone. The following variables and constants are defined: hip h2v h3 , and h are the thicknessea of the innerp outerp and middle layers, and the Card ACC NRs AT6004255 sheet thickness of the middle layer, respectively; El, E 2, and E are the respective moduli of elasticity; Y.: and 0 are linear and angular coordinates; a is the angle between the generatrix and the axis of "the cone; x0 is the distance along the g,eneratrix frou the ap(m of the cone to the lesser face; L is the length of the cone along the generatrix; t is the length of the corrugated wave; U 0 is the velocity of the fluid on the larger face; u, v, and w are components of the translation vector; R0is the radius of tho section of the coordinate surface at the larger face. An equivalent orthotropio smooth shell of thickness h 3 is substituted for the corrugated layer according to the method of L. Ys. Andreyev (Raschet gofrirovannykh membran kak anizotropra.vkh plastin, Inzh. ob. t. 21, M., Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1955). Elasticity conditions for the coo:rdinato surface are given by S. A. Ambartsum,,ran (Tooriya anizotropnykli obolocheic, M., FIff, 1961). The solution of the problem'is based upon the Bubnov-Galerkin method, with equations of motion written as + a x U + x(apx+ ax FX Isinta (N 3. sinm 0 I-a,ctg a) a+ (a.,x+aa cig a) V+ aIx2 (X. '~') + ax ax TXI xa, ~ +a,, ~x (ajO+a ctg a) a+ OX fix, + alffx ctgg lq+X3X=O Card 2/4 * - - I . . I L lh05O-66 ACC NRI AT6004255 X [(blv+ b, c(g a) x 1 +.(b3x+ b, ctg ct) u + Mn ct Ox + (b,X'+b,x cig a+b, ctg a) X2 -t + (b*,x' + Ox' sinla +b,x ctgct+bio ctgt a) at +x2 (bllx+b,2 ctg a)+ x +x(bj3x+bjfctg;2)]v+-~j--"" (b~~x+b,,ctga)�- ay sina X, + - (bllx+bls ctg a) -t + ~ x sin ct 61 . sin a 0 xctga - i +bloctga)j- + Z"w- (b,jx-j-bj3ctga) w+xY=O x sin cc L C,X3 -x x C, + sinla 2(x X c4ctga+cb)-+X(Xcoctg +cl) U+ + +1[ Xl- a, (xc,,+ c. ctg a) + (Xclq+ dO sin m Ox" sin a 5x- a+XC13+.%C[4 C192 11+ + c' '.Ctg ct) + (xc"ctg Card 3A L 14050-66 ACC NR, A! + C15 Ctg a) V+ -Fr,, + 04 03. X a3 Cis -W lox 4+ C + sIn4 a + C" sin' a Ox'00, + ---L (xC2l+C2IC(9C') 63+X, (cis+ Cl,x Ctg a) 2- + sinla 2 (Cis + CI6x C t 9 a)dx (C214- CtBX Ctg.*)+ + W X +xctga(c29+XCtgaC30) W+.IrIz=0 where an bm and ck are constants related to conditions of elasticity. The authors conclude that: 1) the frequency of shell vibration decreases continuously with incre ing rate of flcw~ 2) the shell loses stability throug)i divergence at supercritical rates of flow; 3 the amplitude of vibration increases or decreases depending on the direction of flow. Orig. art. has: 8 equations and 1 figure. (041 SUB COM 20, 13/ SUBM DATE: '26Aug65/ ORIG REFt 006 / ATD PRESS: 4//f P V/,~ WEVFROV., V.A. (Novierov, V.A.]; AK1M(3VA, N.A. [Ak~7rova, b,'51CP, D.D. [Bakych, D.D.1; VILNOGRADCVA, T.V. [Vynohrodrva, 7.V.~ I - -1 Economic utilization of waste gases from the d1rect synthesis of phenyltrichlorosilanas. Khim. prom [Ukr.) no.1t56-57 in-Mr 165. (MIRA 18W Cc, :I P "" " " ' A-" Ez SFl-, S OC! V- I ON none Cord 1, 523.81-65 Flff(m) /2' F(Wo"PO WTIEWA(C) PC -h/pr-h jwlaN F 1 (94 A T"- 86 UR/0286/f,5/000/008/0020/3020 AUTHOR llamei:Iin, 11. S.; Vdovin, V. H.; babich, E. D. all, N, 0 7 v a I -rI vn a v F) 7 A r, chlor,)siiane, amine., cyclic tvjdreca.-t)c)n, crpin--)~7, C7: This A-uthor's CAortificate introduces a method for producing tris-(silyJ,)- sii".'Ited 2.rnink~s. Di.,ilazan~,s are interact;~d with ct)loi-osiliccicyc'i(Nb~i,'.-inr- derivatives. ASSOCIAY ION: nz)ne SUBMITTED: I i'Mar6 4 ENCL! 00 SUB CODE: M OC Nc' PET Scj,;: COO 07HER: 000 CA' -~~/j A: I )/T Pc-l P;I- NiYAW' L c-,c3. ACCESSION IM t AP5010164 UV,0020/65/161/002i"03,58/0361 AUTH -9!: Nn-jp0jn 1; (CorresporAing mt~-Lhnr AN S&SH) Vdvviin, V m fir i r i b e-, - S Mil, TITI.E., Cart on-cmbining derivatiras of s4l-lcon, cyclobut eq S-CUiEF": AN S-SST.. Dolk-~dy, v. 161, no. 2, 1965, 358-361 :!yC*IJC ourd, butane, orgaric nqynt!-min, eilicor. orepandc pu,)y=--3r' ar,~, T-.