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L 07056-6~ FWT(mY JR ACC NR: AP6021634 SOURCE CODE: W0089/66/020/003/0277/02T9 (A) 3q AUTHOR: Vereskunov,, V. G.; Zakharova, K. P. Ku:~i V- ORG: no -ne Ziaakay., P TITLE: Use of the heat of chemical reactions for thermal reprocessing of liquid radioactive waste A SOURCE: Atomnaya elergiya, v. 20, no- 3,, 1966) 277-279 TOPIC TAGS: radioactive waste disposal., vitrification,, metal ceramic material., thermal process ABSTRACT: This is a review article dealing with various possible effects connected with the vitrification of liquid radioactive waste. The authors prcrpose, in view of I the lack of materials with sufficient thermal and chemical endurance! for the construc- tion of equipment in which liquid radioactive waste can be converted. into solid vitreous materials, that the vitrification be effected in the radioective graveyard itself and that the ),eat be dra7im for this purpose directly from radiative * self-heating of the radioactive material. This would permit the use of higher temperatures. A speciaXly advantageous reaction for this purpose is the metallotherrdc reaction MemOn + q~fe Me4On + mMe + Qj, where Mem0r, serves in this case as the oxidizer and I Me' as the reducer. The possible choice of oxidizers and reducers is discussed, and the heat released in several typical reactions, with Fe-103P Cr2O3t cm Mn02 as oxidizer& and Al, CaS13,, and SiAl as reducers are presented. Various possible features of the Card 1/2 UDC: 621.039-75: 542.65: 536.66 L 07U56-67 ACC NR, AF602Y~4 I reactions are diacunsed and it in conclUded that the chemical stability of the wIten material obtained as a result of metallothermic reaction exceeds the. chemical stabiliti of the molten compounds prepared in furnaces. Orig. art. has: 2 fcrmulaa and 1 table.~ SUB CODE: 18/ suBm nATE: o1wov65/ ORIG PY.F: 005/ OTH FIIF: 001 Card 2/2 ,b AFANASOYEV, Nikolay Arsentlyevicb; VERFSKUNGV, Vadim Konstwitin:wich; PRO.:OFIYEV, Petr Sergeyevich;'!.!1ktYEV, A.K., red. [Fire safety of Industrial enterprises) Pozhamaia bezopas- nost' pror~yshlenxWkh predpriiatii. Mcs),va, Izd-vo MKKH ILSFSR, 1963. 245 P. (MIRA 17:51) YERI~aMW,, Vadim Eons tautinovich; SIMALOV, Mikhail Grigor lyevich; RUIN, A.A. , nauchn. red.; TALUITINA, M.A., red.; TARKEM, K.Ye., tekhn. red. (Fire cafety in the performance of construction and erection work) Pozharnaia bazopas'I-nout' pri j,roizvodatve fitroitellno- nontazhnykh rabot. Moslva, GoostroUzrifit, 1963. M F. (MIRA .16:12) (Cont3truction indu2try-Fires and fire prevention) RUBIN, Abram Aleksandrovich; VERESK OV, V K red.; KOMONOV, I.S..' red.lzd-va; LELYUXHIN,, A.A., tekhn. red. (Fire prevention measures in the construction and operation of stoves] Protivopozharnye meroprilatlia pri ustroistve i ekspluatatsii pechei. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.kh02. RSFSR, 1962. 75 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Stoves) (Fire prevention) ARKHIPOV, Konstantin Nikolayevich; prof.; Prinimli uchaatiye: ZOLOTNITSKIY9 N.D.,, doktor VERWONU.-VA.., nauchnyy KASIMV, D.Ya., tekhn. red. SOLDVIYEV, Nikolay Vasillyevich, GLEBOV, A.G.; TOLCHINSKIT, S.S.; tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; red.; ZHURAVLEV, B.A., red.izd-va; [Fundamentals of dafety engineering and fire prevention in the building materials industry]Osnovy tekhniki bezopasnosti i pro- tivopozharnoi tekhniki v promyahlennosti stroitellnykh materialov. Pod obshchei red. N.D.Zolotnitskogo. Moskva, Gosstroilzdat, 1962. 295p. (MIFA 16:1) (Building materials industry-Fires and fire prevention) (Industrial safety) VERESKUTV-1-10-im Konstantinovich;LFSIIYAKOV, F.I.,, red.; GALAKTAGIVIOVA, ~- Ye.11.0 tekhn. re(L---- [Fire prevention measures for drivors)Shoferu o pozhanioi bezopasnosti. Moskva, Avtotransizdut, 1962. 65 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Motor vehicles -qA ety measures) VEPUMO _VvLdiq_FoAstnj~tTkovich; kFANASIYEV, Nikolay Ariltntfyevich; AMMOSOVO F.A., red.; MYAKOHKO, V.P., red.izd-va; KMUOVA, G.L.v tekhn. red. (Worker's guide on fire preventJon] Rabochemu o pozharm:)i bezopasnosti. Hoskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 62 p. (HIM 16:6) (Woodworking industries--Fires and fire prevention) SEHFZLUNOT,,-Vadia-Konstantlppvich; AFANASIYEV, Nikolay Afanaslyevich; SHALYT, N.A.; red.; DORODNOVA, L.A., tekhn. red. (Fire prevention in agricultural production] Pozharnsia bez- opasnost' v sellskokhoziaistvennom proizvodstve. Morkva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 55 p. (MIW,. 16:5) (Fire prevention) (Agricultural machinery--Maintenance and repair) Vr-.RE5KUTI,, letvan "1960 censusurofile of the nation" by A.W. Itwood and L. Aikmm, Reviewd by Istvan VereskutJ6 Stat szemle 38) no.4:432-433 Ap 160. MALEVSM, A_*Yu.; RIKHTER, T.L.;,.VERESM.G.I. Lead-bismuth sulfo salts and isomorphic substitution of selenlun for sulfur in them. Trudy IMGRE no.18:30-43 163. (YJIIA.16.12) Letts develop the creative activity of poUtical ocience In-structors. Prof.-tekh. obr. 18 no.7:26-27 JI 161. (MMA 34:7) (Stalingrad Provinc"ocial ocioncos--Study and teaching) AUTHORt Veresoka, I. 27-4-lC/25 TITLEi A Meeting of the Leading Competitors of Udmurtiya (Slet pere- dovikov sorevnovaniya Udmurtii) PERIODICAL: Profesoionallno-Tekhnicheakoye Obrazovaniye, 1958, # 4, p 19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The best pupils of the Labor Reserve in Schoola in Udmurtiya met under the leadership of Ya.K. Bondarenko, their local chief. They reviewed their achievements and planned competitions for the future. The local timber combine "Udmurtles" was blamed by a teacher, Berestova, for not giving sufficient aid to the school. A 1958 plan was drawn up, including meas!ires for eco- nom;ies, repairs and re-equipment. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 VERESOKAP L - ------- Let's raise the level of political knowledge. Prof.-Wlh.obr. 20 no.2:19-21 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Political sciencet-Study and teaching) VXWKOV, I.M. Thirteenth plenary session of the Central Resort Council. of the Ministry of Pablic Health of the U.S.S.R. Vop.kur.fizioter. i lech. fiz.kul't. 22 no.4:83-90 JI-Ag '57. (111RA 10:11) 1. Glavnyy meditainskly inspektor Ministeretys zdravooidiraneniya 353H. (HRALTH RNSORTS, WATNRING PIACIS, ITC.) VFIRESKUNOV L1,,_.t!u~d.tnkhn.nauk Compresned air locomotive. Mitnt. ugl. 7 no.9:22 (Locomotives-PneuTvitic driving) (Mine rnilroads-Pnnnnntic driving) I 3 'in. OCRA 11z10) 15-1957-1-1141 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 181 (USSR) AUTHOR: --Vereskunov, G. P. TITLE: Investigation of the Rotary Hole Drilling process in Hard Rocks (Issledovaniye rezhintov vrashchatellnogo bureniya shpurov v krepkikh porodal:h) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author'E. dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technice.1 Sciences, pre- sented to the Dnepropetr. gorn. in-t. (Dnepropetrovek Mining Institute), Dnepropetrovsk, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Dneproperr. gorn. in-t. 'Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute), Dnepropetrovsk. Card 1/1 VERESKNOV, N. G. Vereskumv,, N. G. - "Investigation of an Air4Wtor of a PHL-Typi Rock Loading Machine." Min Higher Education USSRp Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Mining ID8t imeni Artem,, Dnepropetrovsk.. 1955 (Dissertction for Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences)* SO: Xnizhnaya Letopis', No. 23P Moscow, June, 1955P pp. 87-104. VZRBSKUNOV, V. zafety me"I'Mes for motion-picture projection. Pozh. del* 5 no-3:12-13 Hr '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1.1achallnik Welentya Glavnoge upravleniya pozhar-ney komandy. (Motion-picture projection-Safety measures) VMMONOV, V. G. "Prospects of Unint, Fission Prorbict Owirce Phdiatlon in Peeliation 'Mremictr/ff, by N. V. Zimakov,, 1-7. V. Volkova, A. V. Fokin, V. V. Kulichenkc, V. G. Vereskunov., A. G. Bykov, and If. T. Bof-,danov. Report presentod at 2nd MIT Atom-3-for-Ppace Conference, Geneva, ?--13 Sept 195B RUBU, Abram Aleksandrovich; V=KU]NOV, V.K.O red.; NIKOLAYEVA, T.A.p red. izd-va; NAZAROVA, A.S.t takhn. red. [Fire prevention measures in storage buildings) Protivopozharrqe meropriiatlia v skladskom khozialstve. Moskva# Izd-vo M-va, komun. khoz. RSFSR 9 1961. 109 p. (MIRA 14t6) (Warehousea-Fires and fire prevention) KHUDYNA, Ivan Semenovich: VMW3NOV, Y.K., red.; UCIIITXLI, I.L. red. izd-va; LSLYUMII, (Fire safety of children's, eduentional, and medical institutional Pozharnaia bezopasnost' detskikh, uchabnykh i lechebaykh uchrezh- denii. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kom:mm.khoz.RVSR, 1959. 42 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Public institutions--Fires and Fire -orevention) GORBACH19V. Ivan Nikolayevich- YIMSKUNOY, V.K., redaktor; YINOKUROVA, Ta.B., redektor izdatellotv; takhnicheekly redektor [Manual for district fire inspectors] Posobts dlia raionnykh pozhar- nykh inspektorov. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kommun.khoz. &?SR, 1957. 211 p. (Fire prevention--Inspection) (MLRA 10:9) L 24A68-66 EhT (m)/EWP (w)/r/Ehp (t)/644P (k UP(c) JD/M/GS ACC NR: AT6010571 SOURf-T WDE: UR/0000/65/0001000/0004/0028 (N) q'I AUDIOR: Martynov, Ye. D.; Veresnev, B. I.; Bulychev, D. K. Rodionov, K. P.; Aq3 N. Rya inins. r3 4-1 ORG- Institute of Physics of the Carth.AN SSB. Koscow (Tnatitut fi!,Aki Zemli AN SSSR); Institute of Physics of Ketala.1AN S.SSR, Sverdlovsk (Institut :;:iziki metallov AN SSSR) TITLE: Effect of-higb pressure on ductj1j,.tL nd fracture of metals ~SOURCM AN UkrSSA. Nekhanizm plantichaskoy dfaformat5ii metallov (Het-.hanism of the ,plastic deforration of metals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 4-28 TOPIC TAGS: pressure effect, material fracture, crystal defect, yield stress ,ductility 'ABSTRACT: The effect of pressure an ductility of metals is studied fmm the stand- point of origin and development of flaws in materials subjected to daformation. The specimens were placed in a chamber (cylinder) and subjected to high iydrostatic pressure P, followed by tensile force Q (see figure). Several types of metals were studied. rormulas are given for critical stresses and pressures in cases wher3 the Card 1/3 L 24468-66 ACC UR: AT6010571 joint action of plastic deformation and high pressure cauggs secondary changes in the metal such as recrystallization, phase transformation tk3tc. It is shown that hir,h pms.-,jre mtards or completely suppress,~s the pmcess of crack formition during jrnlti . Healing of flaws during inn of ri-r-tals under high pressure is discussed. It is found that a flaw na~, cr)7,letely closed by the application of external pressure only when this flaw has an infinitely thin wall (i.e. when it touches the outside surface of the specimen). Otherwise infinite pressure is needed to heal the flaw. Theoretical analysis shows that extremely high pressur-es are nec essary for healing flaws even when pressure and deforimat.1G., are combll-ned (several orders of magnitude greater than the yield stress of the material). However, exper iments show that this conclusion does not correspond to tha observed facts. The mason for this discrepancy is that the anisotropy of actual polydrytitals is dis-m- gar,ded in the theoretical calculations. Experiments combining the effect of pres- -Ia id defgrmotion showed that flaws are noticeably closed by presnures of the s um ar. same order as the stress of the material. The differences betwev.. the be-h;avio-r of ,a theoretical isotrnpic solid and an actual anisotropic polycrysta-Illne material '.subjected to pressure and deformation are analyzed. Orig. art. has: 15 figures, 138 forwilas. 'Card 2/3 jq4 L 24468-66 ACC NR: AT601-0571 0 - 9 1' I d - - ~ 1:: --67n 1 1 1 1 1-1) 1 Fig. 1. SUB CODE, 11 / SUBM DATE: 220ct64/ ORIG REF: 012/ OTH lTr: 007 AUTHOR: Veresoka, 1. 27-58-6-5/35 TITLEs The Schools Help the Kolkhozes (Uchillohcbe pono,_vayut kolkhozam) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-Tekhnicheakoye Obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 6, P 5 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Various schools decided to help the kolkhozes and sovkhozes by creating special repair and raintenance shopn for agri- cultural machines and by making toola for already existing repair shops. The initiative of the collectives of the Kursk Technical School Nr 4 is described by the author. Not only did they promise to create repair shops for thu kolkhozes of the oblast , but they also pledged themselves to deliver to the kolkhozes a certain number of lathes no lcnger of use to Card 1/1 the school. 1. A6ricultural machines-Maintenance 2. Educational dynamics-USSR 3. Education-USSR VKWOKA, L Conferencecf the leaders of socialist competition In the Udmurt. A.S.O.R. Prof.-tekh. obr. 15 uo.4o.19 Ap 158. (KUIA 11:5) (UdmLxrt A.S. S.R. -Technical edwmtion) VXMOKA, 1. . ,w-.. -"~ Schools help collective farms. Prof.-tekh. obr. 15 no.6:5 Je '58. (Yield work (Iducational method)) (111RA 11:6) VUESOTSYMA, K.I. Visual perceptiGn of the 4,7Ages of objects. Uch. zap. IMBPI no.94:93-123 163. (MIRAJ IF:6) ELITSINA, N.V.;, VERESOTSKAYA, N.A. Mechanisr of the action of deo-cyglucose on tumor cells. Bio"Inlia 27 no.3:452-457 My-Je 162. %'MIRA 15t8) 1. Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Acadenv of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (GLUCOSE) (CANCER RESEARCH) V---RFFCT-,KAYA, N. A., and YFLT`d?,'A, N. V. (USSR) "Mechanisms for Maintennnce of thp ATP L--..vel in the Cancer Cell.11 Report present-.1 at. th- Ith International Bioeh,~mlstrv Conv_r-s!:, Yoncow, 10-16 A"g 1961 BAIASHOV, A.P.; BEBRIS, K.D.; VERESOTSKAYA, N.V.; DA141OVICH, L.Ye.; DRIGUNY V.N.; KABICHKINA, S.I.; NOVIKOV, M.I.; SOKOIDV, V.D. Improvement of the methods for the preparation of tread rubber compounds based on BR under the conditions of Dne- propetrovsk Tire Factory. Kauch. I rez. 23 no. 3:5-9 Mr 164. (141M 37:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Bhinnoy promyshler,nosti i Dnepropetrovskiy shinnyy zavod, Dj,;!)",aOj R.D.; VER320'IflAYA, ?1.11.; KABICHRINA, ~S.I.; NOVIROV, M.I. Effect of the mechanical processing conditions In the lxocens of mixing on the m-opertion of compounds and vulcanizat,.,s. Kauch.i rez. 24 no.1:4-8 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Nauchno-is-,:lcdovatel'skiy institut :3hin,loy promyst.lenno-9ti. 50V/1138-59-3-~//-16 AUTHOhS: Veresotrkaya_,.I',I.V., 3~;brls, Tkj.'Lv~: variation .s__ in the Properties ol' Crude Rubb~r DurinE; Processing ( Ob izmeneniyaldi svoystv syrykh rezinovykh smeEey v protsesse ikh teldmologichusko-I., obrabotki) P&iLIODIGAL: Kauchuk. i rezir-a.. 1959.. IIr 3, pp 27 - 33 (UFS"'10 ABSTRACT., form:a,.ion of free rtdicals in hif:h-riolecul-r sub- stances du,~ to th;-, rLipturiiq, of th.-. z:iolecul!ar chn-ins VUIC".TIJ_L_-'_tiOn and a-uin- )f rubbers b_;en described in v_-riou.-~ --i?ublicazioni~ (R,Aferences 1 - 9). Theme radicals inil,iate u nu:abear 3f econdary proces-Zes: tho- int-~;rauti(-)n of r-i:"ic~ -iith the chain molecul-_L3, t h-~,~ forn-.tion of br-riched the oyidation processzcs, stabiii.,~-ition oil tht,, r:,,dJ_c;.--1_- during the inzeraction v;ith form:.!,tion of I-..ttir.-.-Uod com-- -U'-horc- invc-ti~yited th(: properti(.~L of r;i d,, pounds, _~h e au I j_; U I; f ,c,al.yj 1/5 rubber rnixtLu,es ba. edl on bul_'tdicnc-st,yi~erv_. duidn-(,, SM/138-59-3-7/16 Variations in the Pro-D-3rties of Crude ibalbber ProcessinG t1heir prepaiation and processinC,. Their i:?astic and elast;c properties were tQ,_-teC on a GoodrIch pla.,.t, cmeter at 80 C when loading for 10 minutes and after a relux- ation period of 10 minutes. Experimental resultc of non-processed and processed mixtures are ,:*_h.ov,-n in a r_-raph in Figure 1. Improved tt~chnojorjcal. proi-eities of the nixtures were obtained when procec.,iing a quickly- cooled mixture- The plas"Gic and elastic properties of mixtures chanGe to a slif er deGree vilien processing is carried out under industrial conditions (Ficure 2). The tendency to scorching when mixtures, coolied to room U~ Or, temperature affer mi:~an,,, are proce"-ed at; 110 Wt is shovn in Fi-ura 3. The firA elactic propeit-'es of rnix- 0 L Lures containing chui 'nel bL-Ick -Lnd furn;tee biWk ".-Ore also te~;ted (.,i~_:urc 4). Uo,ndition.-, of processino voE:e- MeS affeC4- ti the derree of T)I-a-sticisation of the :-dx- U tures in th.. initial of hoattinG (5 to 10 ninutes in a thei:iaostat at 110 0), but have no apprecicable effect on the fin,,_~_l result-s i.e. on the plastici-,-y of a Liixture. Carl 2/5 after heatinL, -L-'or 50 to 60 minutes. Chan,-es in the prci).- _'30V/138 ic, Variations in -the of Cruau, ibiblp_r D~;Irin:; Processing erties of ribbe~~ mi-A-tllurt~. for t7rc-, durin, 1~ - investigated 5). TIv, obti-In.'A cor%c~~ 'csroved tll:lt approxia"GO117 C(illal C11,3-1-02 OCCUr US dILI'in-- laborat- 4- ory Ch,;Lnrl*~IS In '-h~., ",trenc, h. c,-f' Tondin~ 1'.c- u tween -the la,,er~ rvpudLud displr_lccm~-~Rlt are zi-10*11M to depend on the pi,ocessinf.,", o4f' on the rollc1l's cltiviod cdl-lt; oil on vJLu ity of 0.14-9 (accordin:- to Ear.ior). D i f f e 1 ~~ r, i_~, t~ i e v, of inhibit-or- in;jti;l-l0l,Z V."Ol"O a,1:1.ed durinr~- tlao merisation (fro,,:i 0,02 to 21~ by c atIlitives w-re. proces.lin Ll Of ~O alld '10 C Li .)l~:idocl of 7 minutes. The plw,tic and properties of crude =L~_ture- v 'ere af,;ain determined on a aocclrich plac d i- Card 315 tometer at 80 C durin-, 10 minute defonii-.,LiDn,, arfi aLflor SOV/1,58-59-3-7/16 Va-riationz in Propeituio:_. of CrUrIC "-~Ibb:_%r Durinf- Pr o ce s.; in c a relaxation time of 10 minutes. The m-a-Itivity of the mixtu.r- def-ined according "-o tht_~ scor2hin- tendency L~,-t 1160C. '2h,-, pliy-Tioal and of the vulcanizates wei\e all-so anul-,,L3ed. ".Phz:, most ef Cecuiw add- itives viero: benzoquinone, Santovar-O and hexaia,.~,~'U-Ihyl,~ne tetramine; thu w,.,ro la-:1,1-od i.n the form of a Oolution in Glycevine, C.aanr,os in the pro,I,,..rti-s of cnide tyre mi-dcures aftar ro--".IinG for 7 minutcE L,.-V- 30 C ";ith/ without- i:iduitives are sho.,.ii in FiL-ure 7- "ile I)lazi.-icity and reactivity of th--, mixture increases on introducing additives; thus che tuendu-ney to scorchinE become-r- Sreater and af--ect;~, -the phy,,_~i(,,L al and uech!,nical characteristics L L U of the vulcanisa~es (Table 1); (increased. elisticity 11_, 0 1~~ t i C 4 mo ulus and decre-sed relative elonf,7atior..). z and reactivizy cf th;.3 mixture increazes when S~~ntcvar-O and benzoc;uLione af,~; added (Table 2). T~c -phy-cical and mechanical pro-pt,~;.rties aie, howeirer, not affected by these additives. ~ut'-k;he ela:.tic modulus and tensile stren2;th U1 increase slightly when Santuovar-O is addEd and the relat-_ve U __ - - -. -, -_:A 1 - tion " ....j- - -1 .- ~, - Card 4/5 elonE.I. u ~; o Oa.: :)n ol ~ - - , _;.~ OV/1. 3~8 7/16 Mixtu re s Du rin- Processing y: and ela.,,tic propeities of IIIJ.-,lctuurPs durinj.~ rollinj- L)Cree with the results obtained by other inve,-,~ioators- -.c-fs 12 - 16". There are 7 -figures2 2 tabluj 16, ~-rc ~;ov-'e-Ll ASWGIATIOjt.,: I'lauo~hnc,-i,~l-:'Lc('Lcv7li.-.~l,""r-il-,' 411stitut slliri--Oy promysLIer, nosti (Scientif ja R,,, st-:;,arcjj III s4- iut(a of tll~~ Tyre. Card 5/5 BEBRISY K.Ds; VERESOTSKAYL-.,,N.V.; NOVIKOV, M.I.j AKSENOV, V.I.; KABICkKj%-,-�' .1-.- ' Effect of the method of z1xing on the properties of rulbber made from oil-extended btftdiene-styrene raw material. Kauch. i rez. 22 no.6sl7-20 Je 163. (HIRA 16:7) 1. Naucbno-issledovateltakiy in8titut shinnoy proWshlonnoBti. (Rubber, Synthetic-Testing) S/138/59/JOO/011/")06/011 A051 A029 AUTHORS; Bebris, K. D.; Vas illyev, A. R.; Veresotskaya L_Z__~V-' Novikov, M. I. TITLEt On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber mixers Using an Elevated Power Input PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, 110- 11, pp, 27-34. TEXT: The mixing conditions of rubber mixtures and the methods of in- creasing their productivity were studied on a usuaIPC-2 (PS-2) mixer. The in- vestigations were based on experience obtained at various Soviet Tire Plants and on general world practice of using the method of elevated pressure at the upper lock and increased rotation of the rotors (Ref. 1). It was found that the intensification of the mixing process could be accomplished by increasing the volume of the filling mixture by loading all the mat,~rials into themixer at the beginning of the cycle and by increasing the pressure of the upper lock, i.e., by the production of the mixtures using an elevate.d. power input. The order in which the material is fed to the mixer also ha3 an effect on the in- creased pressure of the upper lock. Fig.1 is a diagram showing the input power used in the production of tread rubber based onCKC-30AH(SKS-30AM) with 30 weight Card 1/4 S/138/59,/000/011/006/01! A051/AO29 On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated Power Input parts of furnace and 30 weight parts of channel carbon black. Table 1 shows the energy consumption and the input power used in the production of the mixtures in addition to the physico-mechanical indices of the cor- responding rubbers. It is concluded that the mixing intencity is directly proportional to the input power. The specific energy consumption during the mixing process of mixtures of the same compositions at elevated power input and,correct mixing conditions is approximately the sume as for ordi- nary conditions. The general criterion for evaluating the mixing intensity is the input power, and for the mixing duration the energy consumption at given conditions. In producing a mixture with a hardness of 500-800 9~ according 'to Defoe, a specific pressure at the upper lock of 1.2 kg/Cm was found to be adequate, corTesponding to the highest values of the Input Fower and the consumption of energy per unit of time. The value of 1.2 kg1cm was accepted as the optimum specific pressure. The replacement of the upper cylinders having a diameter of 203 mm by those having a diameter of 407- 410 mm at tire plants in the Soviet Union is unjustified, since the mixtures manufactured in the Soviet Union are not as hard as those manufactured Card 2/4 S/138'/59/000/011/006/oil A051/AO29 On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated Power Input abroad, which have a hardness of 1,200-1,500 g. The clearance between the rotor comb and the wall of the mixing apparatus has a direct bearing on the intensity of the mixing process, the optimum value being 4." mm, at a charge of 158 liters or a 62-5/*~-filling of the'mixing*apparatus. Research carried out at the NIIShP and various tire plants resulted in an increase 1:n this volume to 155-164-1 for casing mixtures and 150-155 1 for tread mixtures, depending on the mixing temperature and the distribution of the ingredients in the mixture, and also on the clearance between the rotary combs and the walls of the mixer. It ia pointed out that feeding the car bon black into the mixer after the other ingredients can decrease or olimi- nate the effect of the increased pressure at the upper lock on the mixing procedure. It is recommended that first the furnace carbon black be intro- duced, then liquid softeners, then the finely-ground ingredients. the rubber, and finally the channel carbon black. A reverse sequence is recom- mended when producing mixtures containing lump-forming carbon blacks, such as channel carbon black and anthracene. When loading all the ingredients into the mixer at the beginning of the cycle and at an elevated pressure of Card 3/ 4 S/13 59/000/011/006/011 A051YA029 On the Production of Rubber Mixtures in Rubber Mixers Using an Elevated Power Input the upper lock the optimum duration period is 5-0-6.5 min, (depending on the composition of the mixture). The fcllowing characteristic features of mixing in the RS-2 mixer were eatablishedt 1) The mixture temperatl%re during the mixing process increases propo:,~tionately to the energy consumed in the mixing. 2) The compression system of the rotors should be improved to eliminate an increase in extruded parts and dusting- 3) In applying an elevated power input to the RS-2 mixer, the loading apparatus can be sub- jected to vibrations, leading to a loosening of various parts, such as the loading funnel and cylinders. It is suggested that these defects be eli- minated by close observations. Producing rubber mixtures at an elevated power input decreases the mixing time and improves the quality of the mix- ture at the same time. There are 4 sets of diagramst 6 tables and 5 refe.- encest 2 Soviet, 3 English. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Bebri.,;, Y,. D; Veresot,-kaya, N. V; Zherebtscv, A. N; Novikov, M. TITTZ: Investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process in the Rubber Mixer 3A. (Issledovaniye protsessa skorostnogo smesheniya v rezinownesitele 3A). PERIODICAL: Kauchuk j Razina,' .1958, Nr.l. pp. 13 - 20. (TJSSR). ABSTRACT:' The intensification of mixing in a rubber mixer was achieved by ingreasinf the speed of the revolu- tions of the rotoMnd by ncreasing the pressure of the seal on the mixture. Pig. 1 shova the rato of duration of mixing to the pressure of the upper seal for butadione-styrene rubber (aocording to R. N. Comes - Ref-on page 20). In the mi4er Vo.11 40 ti t l / i u ons m revo q; the speed of revolutlons = n~ the optimum pressure on the mixture 4-5 kg/cm ; the pressure of air in the oylindert 7 atms. For this experiment the rubber mixer 3A was modified, tha speed of the revolutio of the rotcra waq increased T N #6 revolutions/minute- from 28.4/32.1 to 57.2 he 100 KWT motor was exchanged for a 195 K7T motor; the pressure of the up al on the mixture was In- p o;q a e Card 1/4 , creased to 4.8 Kg/om' by inatalling a 370 mm diameter 138-1-4/16 Investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process in the Rubber Mixer 3A. cylinder Sprayers improved the cooline arranpment of the mixer. Basic technological factors influenc- Ing the process of mixing were determined. Various experiments were carried out to determine the opt!--u::: height of charging the mixers The optimum volume was found to be 41/43% (Yie.2). Fig.3 gives the dependence of the properties of the mixtures and vuloanising agents and the volume of the char a of mixture and the methods of mixing. The opti- mum fime of the process of mixing in the first stage was found to var7 between li - 2 minutes; for mix- tures containing,a large amount of carbon black e.g. 2p~_305, the op mum time of mixing z 2 minutes. Results of experimonts to determine tho optimum tem- perature of mil-ing are given In Table 2 . The depen- dence of the properties of the mixtures and vulcani- sates and the pressure of the upper seal and method of mixing: F1r,.4. The effect of the pressure of the upper seal on the process of mixinC when thu charge was 50 litre, according to methods of mixinE: Figs.5, 6 and 7. Frcm results given in Figs. 5 - 8 it can be concluded that th rgsoure of the upper seal should card 2/4 be approximately 3 Mom for a 50 litre charge and Investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process in the Rubber MiXer 3A. the plasticity of the mixture above 0.40(accordinE to Karrer). When the pressure 6f the upper seal is increased from 0.66 to 3 ks/cm the average input and loss of electro-energy Increases from 14 to 17%, whilst the properties of the mixture and vulcoLdsates remain constant. The load on the motor is practi- cally unchanged when the volume of the mixture is increased from 40 to 45 litre and the pres Ure of the upper seal on the mixture is 4.3 keem (Fig-9). Good results were obtained when natural rubber was plasticised in the mixer; the temper~Lture of the rubber was increased from 140 - 1500C after process- ing for 3 minutes, and to 155 - 16000 ,,Ihen the time of the experiment was increased from 5 to 7 minutes. 6.4 minutes processin was required to achieve a p-asticity of 0.37 - 9.40 Rie.ll). Vilien natural rubber was plasticised in the presence of accelerators a 0.45 plasticity (according to Karrer)owas obtained after 3 minutes at a temperature of 145 C. Experi- ments on controlling the rate of the mixing, process Card 3/4 were also carried out. The consumption of electro- 130-1-4/16 -Investigation of a Rapid Mixing Process in the Rubber lj'ixer 3A. energy was investigated and results are Viven in Table 4. Mixtures prepared by the 2-stage method of mixing make it possible to improve the properties of mixtures. The process is more economical because when compared with 1-stage methods only about one third of the number of mixers are required. There are 11 Figures, 4 Tables and 1 English Reference. ASSOCIATION: Research Institute of the Rubber Tyre Industry. (Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut shinnoy promy- shlennosti). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 I I Al iZ' VERZSOTSKAYA,.,H-V-;BEBRIS. K.D.; SLONIKSKIT, G.L. Changes of properties of crude rubber mixture during Industrial processing. KaucM rez. 18 no.1:27-33 Hr '59 (6A 12:5) 1. Ilaucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promynblennosti. (Rubber) 'I YERE$OTSI~lj~j Ye JUX iuzh Characteristics of the use of a radio compass. Ja 155o (Radio compass) GrdzMa-y, 12 no.1:28-31 (MIRA 16:3) VFA=OrSKlY.Te. -- Radio In aviation. Grazhd av. 12 no.5:25 MY 155. (KLRA 8:9) (Radio in aeronautico) USSR / Rudio of Rud.;.o-Physios Methods. 1-12 Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Fizilza No .3, 19-57, No 7405 All thor :V,.:-rQsr..t3lCiy, fe. T-itlo :Radar For 'Civil Aircraft. Orig Pub :GrazIlid. aviacslya, .~-956, '-io ~,', ZC-28 Abstract :Survey article, devoted to the development of radar for -.,;3.rninl~ L' amin-jt of" f e air. tir-)Jwnez in t11 Card 1/1 I,over the Cost of Radio Servicing of kights 84-12-34/49 transistor devices, reduction of stand-by facilities and ell-In tion of the necessity for constant supervision are suggested. Reduction of maintenance costs is considered to depend primarily on the level of automatization and remote control, which yields savings in payroll expenses. Automation in turn is dependent on the centralization of power supply in the airports and along the airways. AVAILABIZ: Librery of Congress Card 2/2 VMESOTSKIY, ie., -,.nzh. In the United States of America. Grazhd.av. 17 no.4!2~-31 Ap s6o. (MIRA 13:9) (United States--Aernautics, Commercial) VERESOTSKIY Y~A- -- f Combined or divided? Grazhd.av, 18 no.lt22-23 Ja 161. (MIM 34-3) 1, X4ohallnik Upravleniya ovyazi i radioavetoobespecheniya POIS;;v laroflota. (Instrument landing systems) VERFSOTS ~Y -- - K ,. U., Airplane and radar. Grazhd.av. 18 no.9:12 S r6l. (mIW. 14:9) (Radar in aeronautics) . VZMOTSKIY; Ye., insh. Impressions from London. Grazhd.av 17 no.9:29 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (London--Airports) ".-yrin'sov , A. Workero of tho Baltic Plants. V3rmpoi- 11 no.16:19-20 Ag ',~18. 12:9) (Lf)nirq;rad---")h Ipbii1ldi rig) I?otC-.toC3 - %'Cfy'et~ a 20344- Abs JOur'- ,-f io 51 195 *, I ,,titute. t 1~,Otbed in the p,uthor d A91 ti., Cabba6e 'Athou itury kapust'y Leninr~~ cultiva (11, just f, gethod of I .,,It. (-BezV1sGa -W SPOE30b 3~ul Title 1,1On_Cher,,,,,e, Olose)- v nechernozeunoy 9 ta, 1956, VYP. 1_1, 134.141. or-Ig pub, DIP' Lcnjvjgr -kh. Leningrad t.,gricultura-1 Insti- e XG of the 0.41ast, jadi- Lesearch COAducted &t thd kolkhOze ields Of Cute and in 'Wkhozes ax jacreased Y Abstract' F v fodder t sibilitY Of Cbt'linilag white Ond,,,t,,, them Cate the POS dium-iate varietleG Of -i of Culti) of Culti- early and "'cauliflower by EL Or-the chnY cabbage 8.nd tbed. ,rhe agrOte tion, use Of the bo.owing timesp fertiliza ,Without the scribcd, the vation 10 de Card 1/2 1958, 20344. feeding area rated Increase in the assjmjj,t,,, the head in a'lc' care The significant accele- organs vell as the comparison to the hotbed au&aP and weight of sYstem (the Culture Is noted, as ated bull and altered nature shoots.) for'mtica Of a taproot vItb Power Of the root 11ul si de C~Lrd 2/2 Country : USSR M Category: Cultivated Plants, Potatoes, Vegctablos. Oucurbits. Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 22, 1958, No 100302 Author Veresov, X.N. Inst Title Cabbage Planting by Sowing Directly into the Ground. OrIS Pub: Sad I o3orod, 1958, 143 3, 15-18 Abstract: During 1947-1957, yields of up to 500 cent- ners/ha were secured In the experiments of Leningrad ASricultural Institute, at the TraininG and Experimental Farm, and at a number of kolkhozes and sovkhozes In Lenin- Card 1/2 Country : USSR M category: Cultivatcd Plants. Potatoes. VeSetable8. Cucurbits. Ab8 Jour: RZhBiol., No 22, 1958, No 100302 gradekaya and Moskovskaya Oblasts, with the planting Into the 3round of early, Inter- mediate, and Intermediate-latG varieties on well fertilized soil, after winter cereals or on the bed of perennial grasses on flood- land plots and reclaimed pent boge. Gencral principles of a3ricultural technique are given for the cultivation without transplanting In the non-chornozom belt. -- M.V. Dranishnikov Card 2/2 m-61 BRYZGALOV; Valentin Andreyevich, prof.; WMQY,--~n dots.; KUSOVNIKOV, Ye.N., red.; PARANOVA,, L.G., tekhn. red. (Vegetable gardening]Ovoshchevodstvo. Leningrad, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 343 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Vegetablegardening) ra 36332 7_iyaniy-_, E! .-M in-ta Zhurnuif nyldi f;'f(,LGY, KARVAUKEOV, Ivan Prokoflyevich, dot2'; lVill-KIl", va~-iliy K11-1110'.1ch, Prof c . d(t liikoiay VLs' 11 "yevi, cK, d, o t,-7. IK'E-ll t antl r; Goorgiyevich, dots.; LANGE, K.Y., k.iinu. scilki.oz. naull-, Lot,--. rotsenzent; VEIKULOV, M.P., harid. ,~ollkhuz. miuk, dots. , retsenzerit; NOVIKOV, A.A., ~:F~-llkhcz. mu? I clot S. I retsenzent? "OSULIKC, preyod., ri~t.;enzcrlit; SA"'~U:011A, O.G.J. st. prepcd., r~~tzsunzcrit; YE.----"'OV, A.L., i-edl. [Fi~amcntals of agrIculture] Orriwq :iell.,;kogo khovlai.-Avni. perer. izii. Fr,)sve~-,h(;hen-.'Lcj 11)(-,5. 61,~ (MIRA 16:3) 1. Kuybyshevskiy pedac-ogicheskly imititut (for Lange, 1-lerkulov)- 2. Orlov-skly j-.edaf_7ogicheski-.' Inotitut (for 1:ovikov, llosullko, Safronova). v7msov , 0. State Bank control ovor the opqrations of comminications' enterDrisoso Dor4ej krorl, 17 no,4:43_44 Ap ~59. (Mla 12 ' 8) (Communication and traffic--Finance) MAXAR'YEV, P-N.: SIROTA, M.M.; VEUSOV, Y.U., inzh., nauchnyy red.; ROTENBERG, A.B., red.izd-va; ROZOV, L.K., (What's new in the mechanization of construction] Novoe v mekha- nizataii stroitelletva. Leningrad, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 62 P. (MIELA 13:6) (Building machinery) FMMAN, Ya.D.;_j: UVA, _R.A.; DOILASHOVA, N.V.; SOROCHAN, R.I. Formation of mixed comples compounds of metal oxalatee to otbylenedUzine solutions. Zhur.neorg.kh1m. 8-oo~3:676-684 Mr 163. (KEHA 16:/+) 1 Akademiya nauk Kirgizskoy SSR. ioxalates) (Complex compounds) (Ethylenediaminq) SALYAYEV, R.F.; VERESOVA, Z.A.; GAVRILOVA, T.M. Physiological aspects of the effect of adult pine roots on yotaig seedlings growing in their proximity. Trudy Inst. biol. UFAN SS-IM no. 43tI49-153 165 (HIRA 19:1) 1. Vontochno-Sibirskly biologicheskly Institut, Sibirskogo otdtle- niya All SSSR 1 Institut lesa Karel'skogo filial& M SSSR. VEFMS, Andor, okleveles mernok Remark about dr. Iehel Hovan7lls article entitled 'Water- proof shaft~plumblng installation."' Bany lap 96 no.129 939-940 D163. 1. Banyaszati Tervezo Intezet, Btidapest. ,VSR&J.5, Andor~kllmornok. haft plumbinL! equipmnt with opal scale divisicn. 5 L Bany lap 9) no.6-.390-394 Je 160. 1. Banyaszati Tervozo Intozot, Budapent. MRW , Arpad Complete technical service. Mezogazd techn 3 no.12:1 163. Q -jle"e; r.~atn on 12-,t- Pasant 1,:,.ez,7renus,l f--r-t e c,-~ c1 e o f t'. om r no. SO: !'ont--,--, jr:t o" Tn"t 7,iro-ef~n cccnsirm 1~1,1", T'ncl. VVJZS, Blemer. Dr.; HSTUI, Pal, Dr. Rupture of corpus luteum cyst sl=Iating symptoms of ruptured ectopic pregnancy. 'Magy. noorv. lap. 21 no.5:297-299 Oct 58. 1, A Szegedi mj. varoal tarLacB korhaza ~ igazgato: Nagy Iaszlo dr. ssuleszeti es nogyogynazati oaztalyanak (foorilos: Bodis Iajos dr'.) kozlemenye. (PREGUNCY, NGTOPIG, differ. diag. corpus luteum cyst rupt. simulating ruptured ectopic pregn. (Hun)) (CORPUS LUTM, cysts ruT,t. simulating ruptured ectopic pregn. (Ebin)) VEUM, Elemer, dr.; ANTAL, Albert, dr. Our case of disgerminoma. Mag7. noory. lap. 24 no.6:379-381 N 161. 1. A Szeged m. J. Varosi Tannes Korhaza ~Igazgato: Nagy leazlo dr.) azuleozeti as nogyogyaszati osztal3ranak (foorvoo: Bodio Iajos dr.) kozlemenye. (DISGEMINORA case reports) vElIESS, Gabor - -- -1 _ -i,,;bul:LioscoPe heated by meaM of , thermostat- Magy ken lap 18 no.Q.-.458 S 163. 1. Gyogyszoriparl Kututointozoto VMZS, Gabor 110mogram, and punched card sYstem of molecular weight determination. Magy kem lap 18 no-9:457-458 S 163. 1. Gyogyszeripari Kutatointozat. MIiISFI) Antal; IGII)Y, 11argit; Gavor Dater-mirvition of snall quantity glynrln. !'avy Zt.-~ lf%7 ns.9: 503-504 S '64- 1. Research Institutfi of the DOM ) D. , ,:-. ; 'Ji IL ~ Y-i , L. , f., r. ; I . L. , dr , j- ;" ~-, ~ T 1 , dr. Resuscitritir,n mensui-es a:~,i , -, 14 no.2:97-99 Mr-AP165. 1. IAicrare efectu~:u:- ;, -,I;: !,~ i - - , .. i,~. ,I ivt3rs " ta t ii dc nt4.intr, mudicale din Szllged (Urt-Elrlfl) (,i7 : prof. D. Boda). PAMU, Endrc; lin-l-e Ion beam position stabilizer for the !,G-200A neutron gsnr-ratwor. Koz fiz kozl !,!:,A 1-1 no.4:311-319 163. Tr;IWS, latvah; WUMESLY, Andras Some problems relating to the-technical development. Vasut 12 no.10:3-4 25 0 162. 1. MAX Vasuttervezo UV. I HEROLD, Istvan; IEHE-SS, Lasz2o Determining the milk protein producing capacity of Hungarian spotted cows and the efficiency of their selection on the basis of milk fat production. Allattenyesztes 13 no.2:109-114 Je 164. 1. Chair oC Animal Breeding, College of Agriculture, Debrecen. VEPISS, Laszlo bAii2ZX- GIM Hy Animal Husbandry Research A"notitute# CattlebreedIM I Department (Allnttenyeszteal 1--utatointezet Vzarvas- marhatenyeLiztesl Osztnlya)gBudapest Budapest# Allattenveaztes, No 3# Sep 62, PP 193-202, "The felf-feeding of Bullocks Between Spring and Autumn." CO-Outhorl YEIRF.30# LSOZ10)I A!:-ricultural University# Experimental Fbrm (Agrartudon-nnyl Feyetem Tnngazdanaf-n) llojdu- szoboazloo 1 Fndro; I&RES1, Laszlo ,10 w IN AR I I Preparing hydraulic con3trUCtion designn. krir', .7 no.!: 31-34 165. - 'jut) 21 L 1UP R:9111~11wl -0~~.~" ~4. .;.V h m ~ rv 4 M yk AM 69600 W6000900096066000990199 000000000000 40P ii 00 o 0 0 0 "W .1 46 ~ 0 D ff G N M L U 0 P4 2 1 0 tit ammodnivi) menswasm iviiiriim" v 1 004 0 ot 1~ 000. oo_- o or 0 0* 00 0 0 0 On 00 06, 00 00-- 00 00. 00 ~IIIIAI~-ki' 1.x 1 00 00. 00 00 go m 00 00.1 00.- fe A~ IA W -670-9-0-0-9, 4 1 1 f a f, 91 it ad f$ #A 4 is 0 0 in r j0 p It v w it a a v a v 41 At a a a a -0 I A.- 1.11 ~1-111 I a M W mfi-" L-A--L-A- A --j -- 1, vot"A 0o ..0 a T~ 4 FIRSOCtil's M.Ow Or" AIA. MA, 74~MIW).-Wit' dlarviatmi in WOOD blINITO MA mot -visictitte (n= bema&b1m of nad bl*W C-PU-kL S. C. A. zoo so 0 see so no a. go: 4000 See told., .4. JIt tia. 4 alfatal ad "T All ---I - T If 40 ;v P 0 of x 99 At .1 1. it t It a A all, I 1 0 Do 0 1 v 0 9 It- O;T"11 ~.O +4..9 1.91 . go * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 oil* 0 o o o 0 0 0 s 6 0 6 *Is 4 0 0 NAGY,.Hndre, dr.,- V1U1HSS,_MikloR. dr. Incidence of Staphylococcus carriers and Its significance in relation to hospitals. Orv.hetil. 100 no.51:1834-18)7 D 159. 11 Szeged Heinrel Jogu VELrosi Tanace lorhaza (Igazgato: Naff Laszlo dr.) Kozponti Laboratoriumanak (foorvos: VereBs Mikloo,dr.) kozlemenyo. (HOVITALS) OTAymococcAL IVECTIONS transm.) RUMUT I A 576-852.211:615-84 AUSLANDER, D., POP, E., BUZILA, A., VERESS, E.p and ARDEVAN, A. Work performed at the Three-Year Peda-g-og-Tc-61-1fiatitute (Institutul Pedagogic de 3 Ani) and the "Babes-Bolyai" University (Universi- tateall3abee-Bolyaill), Cluj. "The Action of Ultrasound on Iroch bacillus." Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologial-EEidemiologlat Vol 11, No 6, Nov-Dec 69, PP 549-557. Abstract (Authors' English summary modified]: The authors tudied the effects of sound fields with a totai~ power of 150 to 250 watta at conutant temperature on cultures of i~och bacilli dispersed in normal saline from a solid Loewenstein-Jensen modium. The disse- mination of the bacilli in the dispersion media was also studied, as were their frequency, the proportion of live bacilli to the initial amount, cultivation characteristics in solid and liquid media, development of the germs under the activity of ultrasound waves and in the presence of antibiotior,. Among the conclusions were that ultrasound brings about a numerical reduction of the bacilli but does not change their basic characteristics. Includes 8 figures, 4 tables and 8 references, of which 4 German and 4 ]French. -- Manuscript eubmitted 29 September 1965. 2/2 Landop dr.; V~:',R:S, ,. rlltvin,, dr, Trmtr,w t of atVc,.-( salta-utia rAtforta WM cluat&m. (ky. hetils 1q) r-o*44s2rvZ-"4 31 0 1 65 1. DDbreocel Crvoutudomanylt 3-jorotonp To flolllinike oa 11. Sabouseti KlizAlm. KISS, Antonia; CSABA p B. ; DAYJANOVIC11, S. ; ~111.MESS . Olivia . SZILAGYI, T. Diabetes and az%phylaxis. Ac~.-,i phy3iol. acad. nci. hung. 23 r.0-3: 275~-279 163- 1. Instituto of Pathophysiologyp Medical University Debrecen. (AVAPHYLUIS) (ALLO)W,.' DIADEM,)) (Ir:SULIN) (HISTAMIT) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALISIS) (BLOOD SUGAR) (BLOOD PRESSURE DETFRMINATION) (OVALBUI-IIN) NOOSAR,Iasslo; VARIM,0livia; KAJTOR,7erenc Iffect of andaxin (meprobamate) on the phosphorylase activity of the skeletal musculature. Ideg. szemle 13 no-3:9()-93 Mr 160. 1. A Debreceui Orvostudomanyi Igyetem Korelettani Intezetenek (Igazgato: Dr. Ke9ztyue,Isorant) so Ideg-Zlmeklinikajanak (igazgato: Dr. Juhass,Fal) kozlemenye. MMOBILMATIC pharmacol. ) CLIS pharmacol. ) 0 (PHOSPHORYUBMS chem.) EXCERPTA YEDICA See 2 Vol 12/9 Physiology Sept 59 4092. EFFECT OF TYPHUS ENDOTOXIN ON THE PHOSPHATE FRACTIONS OF RAT MUSCLE - Wirkung von Typhusendotoxin auf die Phosphatfraktion- en des Rattenmuskels - Veress 0. , Bot Gy. . J6kay 1. and Kesztyas L. Pathophy-tTol. inst., Med. Univ.. Debrecen - ACTA PHYSIOL.ACAD.SCLIIUNG. 1958, 14/suppl. (41) After poisoning of rats with typhus endotoxin the ATP fractions ofmuscle dimin- ished. The extra labile P showed a slight elevation. The inorganic phosphate frac- tions showed no significant difference. The effects of endotoxtns on muscle, such as tremor and fatigue, are believed to be related to the differences in the muscle phosphate fractions. KWCA4, L.; SZIIAGYI, T.; V,-dj~S, 0.; BAN, A. Xffect of largactil on the formation of immune bodies. Kiserletes o"ostud. 10 no.14:416-419 Aug 58. 1. DObreceni Orvostudomanyi 7,gyetem Korelettani Intezete ea 1. sz. Belklin -ikaja. (ANTIBODM , form., off. of chlorpromazine in rabbits (ffin)) (GHWJPRO,lUdljlll1C, off. on antibody form. in rabbits (Hun)) KCW-SAR, L.; S"IlIAGYI, T.; VNJU5653, 0.; W, A. Effect of chlorpromazine on immine body formation. Acta physiol. bung. 14 no.2.-163-166 1958. 1. Institute of.pathophysiology and 1st Department of Medicine, Medical University, Debrecen. (ANTMDIZS form., off. of chlorprocazine in rabbits) (CHIANIPROMAZINre, eff. on antibody form. in rabb Its SZENTIVANT. A.; YOLDXS. I.; VAR=, P. 1--l- ; . . Tissue changes In thyroid gland following chronic experimental nico- tine Doisoning; contributions to the so-talled nicotine hyperthyroidies on the basis of experimental and quantitative histological examinations. Orv. hetil. 93 no. 50:1424-1427 14 Doe 1932. (CTXL 24:1) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Bola 7ornst) and Institute of Anatomy, Histology, and Imbryology (Director -- Prof. Dr. Iatvan Xrompechar). Debrecen Medical University, WENT, Forenc, dr. ; VEMS, dr. pathological aspects of diabetes In pregnan-7. Orr. betil. 97 no. 17:455-457 22 Apr 56. 1. A Debrmeent Oryostudomanyl Iffetem I. oz. Balklinikajanak (Igasgato: Fornet, Bela dr. egyat tanar) Kozlemerqe. (DIABNES MILLITUS. in progn. diag. & ther. aspects & off. on fetus (Run)) (PREGRARCY, compl. diabetes mellitus, diag. & ther. aspects & off. on fetus. (Hun)) nTKVFY, Pal, dr. The effect of light on the genital glands and egg, yield of lion. Tom tud kozl 7 n0-5:219-220 My 163. 1. Targu-Wres-i (ma oavarsarlielyi.) Klinikai Korhazak Onkologiai Gondozo Intezete es a Targu-1-turos-i Orvostudomanyi. es Gyorgy- szereizeti Intezet Korbonctani Tanszeke, Romania.