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RCZANOV, Yu.A. Renarks on asymptotically effective linear estimates of regression coofficionts. Trudy Mat. inst. 710-16 164. (MIRA 18:2) (c) A NRz "5028001) CC SOURCE CODE: UR/0052/615/01)/06440713/0726 UT FAHOR--:Vvazya31' S. A. ORG.- None TITLE: Th'D distingulghing lwtween neighboring hypotheses on the forin of the distribution density in the schame of a generalized sequence test SOURCE: Teorlya veroyatnostey I yeye primenenlya, v, 10, no. 4, IM, 713-726 TOPIC TAGS: sequonce, probability, distribution funct:bn ABSTRACT- The auth)r introduces an approximate version S 0 of in optimal generalized sequence test and inve stigates then Ito optimal propertle s (as37.nptotIc with -4 In particular, it is shoim that its asymptotic effectiveness e0o) M 1(0) comes extremely c1cso to unity (in a majority of distribittion cases it exceedo 95% and is never below 90-921k), while the asymptotic effectivenes,5 of tho Wald test In isimilar , situations tends to zero with ac--4 0 and e P 0 . Author considers it hI6 pleasant duty to express his gratitude to , u. V. 11n), 0 'V under whose supervision thI6 work was perforined. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas. MRM-~'; SUB CODE: MA SU]j3M DATE: 04Aug65 / ORIG REP: 006 / OTH REF: ON Ctrd 1/1 X, AYVAZYA;I, S. A. (Moscow) listinction between the netighboring hyi-othoses on Lhe frequency dista-ibution function in the schemo of the Eenoralized sequential prc)l)abil.-*.+.v ratJo ter-t. Teor. veroiat,i ee prim. 10 no.i,.-713-'r26 165. (MIlLk 18:12) 1. Submitted August 4,, 1965. AYWZYANP S.M. Gaop,,iyalcal prlnolpleis of re:~stivjim. Izv, AN Arm. SSH. Nauki a zem. 18 no.5,69-73 165, (MIRA 1M) 1. Inatitut geologicheakikh nauk A~ Armyfinakoy SSR, MKFiTCIIYXNI t.S.j_AYVAZYAN, S.M. ~ Raw material resources and the nelting system In Metvamor. Izv. ,U1 Mrm. 57R Nauki o zem. 17 no.603-81 164 (MIRA 180 1., 'Jpravl,eniyo geologil I. okhrany iiadr pri Sovete Ministrov A~-nkyanskoy SSR i A14 ArmSSR* MKRTCHYANO K.A.; BARSEGYANp L.A.; OGJLNESYA]lp Dzh.A.; MJJTYUNYAII, A.R.; ArVAZYMIN-se 0 Ancient mining and metallurgic structures of Me-'samor (Armenia). 0 lzv. AN Arm.SSR Nauki o zem. 17 no,2:69-74 164. (MIU 17z 8) 1, Upravleniye geologii i oldwany nedr pri Sove-~e Min-latrov Annyanskoy SSR. l'.AYVAZYANP 19.11. Tcward the if E;~!olcgy and Izv. AN" Arz. SSP. Nauki o zom. 18 no.!.:61--',f~ 165. (19RA 28--) 2. Institut geologichez;1,11kh nauk 0 A=~varskoy S"I'll'o AYVA.ZTJLN. V.A., kandidat meditainskikh nauk V-.A*UmWO* 4t>" Urinary schistonomiaele (bilhar siasits) Sov.mod. 1!? no.6-:65 Je '55. (HIJLA 8:9) 1. Is urologichookogo otdoleniya (sav,. N.A. Karapetpm) pe:rvoyp Yerovatokoy klAnicheakoy bolluttey (glavMy vrach G.B. A:mtyu- Evan). (SCHISTOSOMIASIS. urinary) . I '. t , /; ! I , I , I - - - - r- ~ . - , - , - - - - - -- --- - - - - ~~ -1, V- - A~, - - - -- -- -- ---- AYVAZIYAN,_VF. G., 'j)r'o Tekh. Sci. and GUBIN, F. F., Prof. "Repo:-t on Technico-Econoide Studies in H power Conntruction Projects," abstracted in Gidrotekh. stroi.~ Hos. 5/6, pl) 28-290 19 6 Glavgidroen,ergstroy AYVAZZ'YAN, V. "Methods of calculating power engineering econtxky in planning hydroele'Aric stations." Dissertation for Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow Powel-engin.?ering Institute im. Holotoy (Mm) Subject: Ryirojover Engineering AAkoye, stroitel'stt qt4.Z.ottkhnt.qh -0, 12, 1946 AYVAZIYAN, V. G. AYVAZIYA.q, V. G. - Dr. Tech. Sol. - "Fundamentals for Making Comput-atlons on Hydrob3chnic-al Ferrocorcrete," Gidrotekhnicherk9ye Stroitel.lstvo, No. 6, 1948. USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Oct 51 Turbines "On the Methods for Analysis of Energy Losses in Blocks of Hydraulic Turbines," Prcf.~V.' G. Ayvazlyan, Dr Tech Sci A "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 10.1 pp 23-26 Beriews existing methods for conversion of ef- ficianci factor of =ode! to efficiency factor av- tturbinc; itzzl_fy emp-strxbizcts tneir deficiency and suggests nev method based on sepn of energy loss into its components., according to their 2oi=6 USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Oct 51 Turbines (Conzd) causes, and on establishing formulas vhich permit calen of these components with increase in dimensions and other hydraulic character- istics of turbine 'blocks. 20="06- AYVAZIYAN, V. G. "Conference on problems of projecting and letboratory testing of buildings of combined hydroelec,~ftc stations," Gidroteklinicheskoye StroitsPstvo, No. 3, 1952. Monthly Ust of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952, Und . AID P - 3205 Subject 1 WSR/Hydraulic Engineeriqg Card 1/1. Pab. 35 - 9/19 Author t Ayvazlyant V. G., Dr. Tech. Soi., Prof. Title 3 &1 computing real bydraulic loa&3s in a generating unit of a bydro 1xver plant Periodical t Gidr. stroi., 5, 27-31p 1955 Abstract : The artiole pwonents an analysis of the hydrattlic losses occurring in the turbine and suggests mothcdo for their computation. The author recommends a series of tests on the model tm,bine before computing the efficiency of the actual unit. Four diagrams. Institution : Nolte Submitted s To date .~ZHIZHOOUWIT. G.M., akademik; ATTJZXLkLJL4.aL., ALAMPITW, P.M.; BUf.=VS,IIY. M.S.; VARTiMl, S.YmL., VINS, V.L; GUVIN, F.F.. DTktTRASHKO, N.V.; KARAUWV. N.A.-, IMCILARTAR, G.A.; Ul~!SKIT, S.N.; LIBIM, M.M.; MURZATIV, B.M.; IMLODKkX, M.P.; SHCOMILIYAN, P.G.; ERISTOV, V.S. Suk!L&3 Efromovieb Hanamorlan; obit-jary. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.,;:143-144 S-0 156. (HLRA 9:11) (Hanamerlan, SukloLs Ifremovich, 1881-1956) SOV/1 24 - 57 -7-7868 TranslEition froin: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mel:hanika, 1957, Nr 7, p 57 (USSR) AUTHORS: Ayvazlyan, V. G., Kartvelishvili, N. A.. Kuperman, V. L. TITLE- Sill-We Tank 'ofthe Pneumatic Type (Ura-,-nitel',iyy rezervuar pne,.-- maticheskogo tipa) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1956, Nr 19, pp 160-173 ABSTRACT: The problem of incorporating it pneumatic surge tank into the System of it hydro-electric powerplant a subterrpnean powerhouse is inves- tigzited. It is pointed out that the use of a pne%ri~atic surge tank in a spe-- cific case taken under advisement permits doing away with an above-4he- ground location of the tank. It i,_ further pointed out that such a pneumat- ic surge tank does not create an~r additional problemi that could affect adversely the operation of the hydraulic powe r- generating units and per- mits retaining a controllabi!ity of the entire system analogous to that of a system equipped with a regular 3urge tank. The desirability of con- an investigation on a model of a pneumatic surge tank is men- tioned. G. V. Aronovich Card 1/1 AYVA',IYAII. Y.G.. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, professor. Construction of hydraulic structures abroad. Gidr.stroi.25 ns.5: 51-56 Jo '56. (Hydraulic fingIneering) (NLRA 9S9) z AYVILSIYAN I G. doktor takhnichaskikh n&W*, professor. ializ, Statietical, method of determining the volume of a water reservoir. Gidr.stroi. 25 no.1007-41 N ~56. OW& 9:12) (Uservolre) ATFAZ'TANt_T.G., doiqor takhnlohooklich naik. professor; ZOWTOT. L.A.. Imadidat ,- toiNn-jahemijkh nauk; OSKEMOT, Y.K.. inzheser. Is:reasing the capsaity of pressure spillways of "integral" hydree lo3tric power stRtioms during mx1mum flood discharge. Mr. stroi. 26 no.3:15-20 Ur 057. (KIRA 10-.4) (Hydrooleetric power stations) NIKITIN,. Serpy Nikolarvich, dQtoent, kani~.tekhn.nsuk (decestied]; KAROL', L.A., kand.tokhn.neuk, ied.; SHIMIKITS, 1,Ta., inzh.,, red.; nITUIY, S.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; I.YVAZTAN, V.G., prot., doktor tekhn.nauk. retsenzert; ALIKSANDROVSXIT. Tu.A.. dotsimt, kand.tekhn.nauk, retisenzent; ORLOV, V.A., red..; BORUNOV. I.I.,, rPrinciples of calculations connected with hydroelectric poverl 0snovy gidroonargaticheakikh raschatov. Koskya, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1939. 510 P. (MIRA 12:5) (Hydroelectric pover) 14k' EP) SOV/98-59-3-7/17 11WIT'lull: A iazlyan, VVOG, . Doctor of Technical boiences, N~Vofesnor TITLE: The Distribution of Rub')ish Retaining Grates of Hydro-Electric Power Plant Buildings (0 razmeshche- nii sorouderzhivayushch:-kh reshetok zdaniy gidro- stai%tsiy) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye strcitellstvo, 1959, Nr 3, Pp 38-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Losses of energy occur every year ftn the exploita- tion of hydro-electric Power plants. due to large quantities of rubbi:gh blocking the proti~cting grates, installed at the entries of each ttrbine chamber (the case in most Soviet GES). Th.=. author reviews diffi!rent methods of pla,,ing these grates, and pro- poses his own schente in which grates protect not only the entries of' chambers but also the entries of waterspill chEimbers. The grates are in- clined advanced in the d 4rection of the head-waters, Card 1/2 and fixed onto buttresseE which are prolongations Sr"V/98--59-3--7/17 The Distriblition of Rubbish Retainin,r Grates0t' Hydro-Electric Power Plant Buildings of block buttresses. When some of grates are block- ed with rubbish, water can always rench the turbine chamber through the apei-tures in the buttresses. Losses of pressure can Lappen in such cases but the turbine will still work without interruption. The author also describes other nchomes of distributing grates, but stresses that the choice of any scheme depends entirely on specific local conditions in each separate case. are 7 diagrams. Card 2/2 SOY,/98-59-8-7/33 30(l) AUTHORt A:rvazlyan, V.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TITLEs The Reinforcement of the Lower Waters of Spillway Dams on Found%- tions Subject to Erosion PERIODICALs Gidrotekhnichookoye stroitellstvo, 1959, Nr 8, pp 28-31 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This in a discussion of a system for strengthening the lower waters of spill-way dame. Fig.1 showt 2 variations of this method in dia- gram form. Variation a) c~'nsistia of a r-Anforced basin at the end of the apron.which prevents eroaion of-the latter by lowering the ki:2etic energy created by the d:.scharged stream flow. The bottom of this basin is constructed of single or multi-lityer concrete shooting and. stones (selected fvr their resistanct to erosion); tho basin may also be replaced by a rikme. bolaind vhich., stones are deposited~ While this system of reinforcemenil. in now widely accept- ad as being the classic solution to the probAem, the author ques- ticna the expediency of the method, subjicting some amp eta of it to criticism. The need to reduce the velocity of the discharged Card 1/3 water atthe base of the spillwalf calls for a, corresponding in- SOV/98-59-8-7/33 The Reinforcement of the Lower Waters of Spillway Dams on Foundatioas Subjoct to Erocion crease in the height of the d 'an, while the rala 'tively high position or the iipillway aprop renders it unable to atand up to the forces p:-oducedt by wave movement and filtratiori pressure at the front paxt of the apron. The gradual slop4 or the recetiaed basin, necessitated by the high velocity of the di 's~oharged water, considerably ipcrefts- ei the length of the reinforcemitnt. illustrates a scheme by means of which the author suggeats many of the fa:~lts of the for- mer method are removed. The levil of the apron in placed as high as possible, the height of t)ie con-~~rete dam thus being reduced, aud at the lower and of -the apron a shcirply inclin(id basin is recessod,. the base of which is reinforced by powerful concrote sheeting. The velocitios involved in this metl;od depend naturally on the h&ight of the upper and lower waters aid the angle Df inclination of the baiiin. The advisability of constructing a xocond a-pron wall in the foundation of the basin is pointed out, espe,.-ially when the major- ity of the vater energy developed by .Le dist-harge flow is concen- trated on the bottom, as opposed to the surface. Fig.2 shows a Card 2/3 Spillway apron constructed on thtse lines, which was described in SOV138-59-8-7/33 u t The Reinforcement of the Lower Waters of Spi'tlway Dams on Fo nda ions Subject _to Erosion a work compiled by the Moscow tranch of theVNIIG (All-Union Sci- eutifle Research Institute of hydraulics) on the instructions of the Gidroonergoproyekt, and the author points out.that this system is admirably suitable for low-pressure dams, which are now being construcied on a large scale. A b-,ief survey of the question' of the stone deposits used in the :'irst system is then made, particu- lar attention being paid to the problen'i of increa~%ing their re- siatance to erosion; it is suggosted that this could be b-, t ef- ~fevted by altering the shape of the lower part of the incl.nation. The question is further complicated by the fact that as yet, the prcblem has not been solved of erosive 'action once the stone de- posit layer hns been worn &way. Research on this 'new system-of high-level spill-way aprons has been conducted by Professor V.S. Daungart, Candidate of Technical Sciences P.I. Gordiyenko, etc.; finilly, a method of covering aprons ifith concrete shooting, re- sea~rched in 1939 by Candidate of Technical Sciencen N.A. Preobra- Card 3/3 zhenskiy, is briefly mentioned. There are 2 diagrams. AIMSANDROV, B.; AYVAZ'YAN, V., doktor tvkhn.nauk, starsIdy nauchrqy Sotrudnik; KARAULOV-,--N-.,--d6ktM--t-ekhn.nauk, strashiy nauehW sotrudnik; FELIDMAN, M., doktor tel-'.-s.nauk, strashiv nauc:bnyy notrudnik Biased attitude to the construction of hydroelectric power stations. NTO 3 no.8-19-2.2 Ag 161. (MIRA 14-9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR, zaveduyushchiy sektotom gidro- enorgetiki energeticheskogo instituta imeni G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo (for Aleksandrov). 2. Energeticheskiy institut imeni G.M. Khi.hizhanovskogo (for Ayvazlyan, :Karaulov, Felldman). (Hydroelectric power stations) Aly. - AZ!Mo-V-G.p dol-tor tekhn.nauk, prof-~~ UMRSHIN, insb,, Increasing the effectiveness of delwiB-rdtainimr instAtl2atione of cotabined by&oelectric power staticne. Ojdr.stmi. 31 no.2%32-37 P 161. (Hydroelectric power stations) (MIRA 1433) TORGOI-I'AL, N.S., hand. tekhn, nauk; 1NJJLDi*,ARYAJjj L.A.., kand. tekhn. naul:; SHAMBAZY/di, Sh.A., kand. to',,hn. nauk; ACLIKHMAN~ G.A., kand. sel"khoz. nauk; RULOYAN, L.T-, kand. tekhn. nauk; ARSLAKYAN, D.T.; BARYJFJDA]n~All, I.G,; SARKISIAN, S.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUITAMIN, S.A..; 0-1QEIYAN, A.M., daktor ekon. nauk, prof.; BEK4A-,VARCI[EV, B.I., kand. googr. nauk, red.; FYAVXANy-N-vGv-y-otv.~ red,; FELIDtIfiN, M.P., otv. red.; AVETISYAli) A.A.j teklui. red.; CWHALYAN, TS.P., tekhn. red. (Rosi7Llts of the corbined studies of the Sevan problem ]Rezul I taty komp:.eksrWkh issledovanii po Sevans--coi probleme. Erevan., Izd-vo Akad, nauX Armianskoi SSR. Vol,,3.[Water resourc03 and power engincering]Vodnoe khoziaistvo i enorgetika. 1962. 330 p. WIRA 15:.U) 1. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Erivan. Institut vodnykh problem. (Sevan Lake region-Water resources developaent) (Sevan Lake region-Power engineering) rdpm~w- BOLOTOV, VJ. ~ doktor toklin.nauk (Laningrad)l A7VAZIUN., _V~G doktor tekha.muk (Moskva) Meth)dology for determining the economic efficiency of hydr.)electric power stations. Blektrichestvo no.9t88-92 8 16;!, (Hydroelectric power stations) (MM 15:9) KARAULOV~ N.A.,* AYVAZYAN3 V.G.s ZHILIN, V.G. Problains of optL=m peak-load coverage in a complex power systemi, and ' modern ways of dealing with them in the conditions existing in the USSR. Report subetitted for the ~'Ywosiuz on Peak Load Coveragep Venice, Italy May 2003 1963 - A~y'AZ~~j AN.., j' -.~C-., prof.; VELlKANOV, A.L., kinci. tekhn. n,%'ok; KOAVDDVA., D.N., mlad. nauchn. autz"; "FIL'T"MANI V.P.? doldor tekhn. nauk; VASILIYEV, Yu.,~., md. (Solection of power parazaters and str-detural d-.'Imensions of lydroelectric power stations) V~-bor energeticheskilch parametrov i razrerov sooruzhenii. j,,idroelektrustantsU. Moskva,, Nauka, 1965. a35 P. (MIRA 18:4) 1. MDSCOW. Energetichaskly institui. AYVAZIYAN, V.G. Techrical and ionomic calfulations in the design of complua hydroolectrio developments. Probl. j-,idroenerge i rego rech, stoka no.Ilt65-77 163. (MA 18:3) ---------- L- Wi(d)/NP(k)/EWP(1) JT ACC NRI ju"50241 SOURCI, CODE: UR/0105T65 AUTHOR: AYvaz1Yau,_Y b.; Aleksandrov,, B. K.; Andrianov, V. No; Beschinakiy, A. As; t C Budzko, Do Go; Krasnovt V, So; Kruzhilin, Go N.; Kulebakinp V. So; Listovs P. No; Kvkvardt, X. Go; Markovich, I. No; Popkov, V. I.; SLyrikovichg M. A. ORG: noni~ TIMe. n ~ofessor Andrey Gsorgi~svieh Zakharin SOURCE: laektricbestvo, no. 1. 1965p 91 TOPIC TA&S i: elect4c power engineering, electric, engineering pernonnel ABSTRACT: A short biography of tmbject on the occasion of his 60th birthday in November 64. A cl)ae disciple of Krzhizhanovskiy, he now heads sector of general methodological prd,)lems and forecasting at ENIN (Institute of Power-Engineering imeni KrzhLzhanovs1qy), and power engineering secbion within its scientific cou-n-c-11-. In 1927-19.'32,, workild in designing and constructioa of power stations and industrial power inst;Mationti in the Trans-Caucasus. In 19.~2,, having graduated as electrical engineer 1)!om Polytechnical Institute,, he~switched to scientific work at All-Union Institute, of Farm Blectrification, and *at ENIN since 1944. Became candidate of technical sciences in 1937j', doctor,, :~n 1948. Subject it) credited with working out tte methods for designing efficitint and economical regional and local power systemej, utilizing local power resouroes and coordinatinE,, them with the power grAdc. He participated in studies on electrification through 1.980, and on -Card JL2 UDC~. 621.31t(0975-5-) - ------ L 11548-66 ACC NRt AP6005028 the application 01'Mathematical methods to 9oluti,on of problems concerning fuel-pdwr balance. In recent years# he ha3 been concerned with linear programing, and long- term precH.otion with computer techniques. He authored 'about 80 scientific works,, including monographs, textbooks auid handbookep ard has been editing all EhT1M pubU- cations. Is activ3 in CEMA commissions and-QTM&%35SR, devoti---Ag special attention to coordination of scientific revearch in power engineering, Hau been awarded the Order of the E~e of Marit and other decorations# Orig, arto hast 1 figureo SUB COM 09 8UBM DATEI none AYVAZYAII, V. Ye. qxmntitative characteristics of the fall of tempereture in the Armenian S.S.R. during the Invasior of cold air masses. Trudy Tbil.BIGMI no.5:53-61 159. OMIRA 13:6) (Armenia--Atmoopheric temperature) M GIGINEYSHVIII, V.M.; AYVAZYAN V.Ye. I . Aerosynoptic conditions of the orihin of hail phenomena in k-meaia. Trudy TbilNIGMI no.12%3-2C 163. (MIR& 18:5) 3/02 60/013/005/005/008 C1 1 1YC222 AUTHOR: Ayvazyan, Yu.M. TITLE: Motion Equations of Charged Bodies in the General Theory of Relptivity PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Seriya fiziko- natemat.icheakikh nauk, 1960, Vol. 13, No- 5, PI). 47 - 54 TEXT: Infeld (Ref. 6) showed that the motion equations can be obtained relatively easy from the field equations by assuming that the energy-im_,ulse- tenoor is proportional to the generalized 9 -functions. The author generalizes tho method of Infeld to charged bodies and obtains motion equations of two charged bodies. In the considered came the equations of the gravitational field read 0(_ 131 CZ j3 It (1) R "-(T "ech + T OL"m. R g m' el. where the lettors in bold-face type denote the tenaor density, and it is put k -, 1, c - I (k-gravitational constant). A Assuming that ;here are only two charged bcdies and that external elestro- magnetic fieldii are missing, furthermore tt-at the bodies move on world lines Card 1/4 -/02 C 11 1A~22'- Motion Equatiors of Charged Bodies in tho Coneral Theory of Relativity with the coordinatee q 01- (t) I ~z a (t then with the assumption of Infeld and results of Tulkzuyev (Ref- 7~ it follows that (5) T o1a . 1 .' 5 " I ~ (X s - -- -1 -?" 2 ~( X'n _ ~8) meoh + 1 a Ir cit .a -7 ~. Oc d~ 13)1 /2 , the prime denotes Here V) eto A g,,( a d do that do is taken on the world line and singlilarities are separated, the left indices give the number of the body. F-.7om the expression of de. finition E- A- ( Fo~ Far B P ipr6- (9) T Im. M r 4 eil . 4 -c for the energy--..mpulse-tensor of the electrcmagnetic field the author obtains Card 2/4 S/022/60/013/005/005/008 C11I/C222 Motion Equations of Chapged Bodies in the 'Jeneral Theory of Relativity (13) T OL' . - F~' j , (--g el.m.;S 8 The expression (8) dt ~ (TDL'3 t T `Om.) jd3x . 0 Ts mech al. is called the notion equation of the first body, where it is integrated with respect to the coordinates of the first body over the whole three- dimensional space. With the assumption (18) 3 . e -~~ (xS and after the p:7oof that is constant, the author obtains, after some transformations, the motion equation (26) + 13 0 F~Iy the spatial part of which is Card 3/ 4 N~ S/022/60/01V005/005/008 C111/C222 Motion Equations of Charged Bodies in the General Theory of Relativity k o k + k3) 0 e;U,, t't k_I m F (29) + From (29) the motion equation in Newtonla a~?proximation iB obtained by an approximation (series development in terms of the paramoter 1/c., restriction to first terms). There are 7 ref-~rence8s 2 Soviet, I German, I Poliah, 1 English ana 2 American. [Abstracter's note s (Ref- 7) concerns W. Tulkzyjew, Dull.Acad.Polon.4 "'957, 111, 5, '479 ] ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy 3SR (institute of Mathematics and %echanico of the Academy of Sciences Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED% Mar-,h 23, 1960 Card 4/4 AYVAZYAN, Yu,.M. MRaa differences in isotopic multipLets. Izv. AN Am. 35R. Ser, fiz.-mat. nauk, 17 no.W15-117 164. (MIRA 170) 1. TSentrallnaya nauchno-irmledovatcllskaya fiziko-tekhnichaskaya laboratoriya AN Armyanskoy SSR. ACCESSION NIR: A4038581 3/0022/64/02-7/002/0115/013.7 AUTHOR: A M.. TITLE: Gn mass differences in isotopic multiple`~s SOUILLE: AN ArmSSF.. Iyv. Seriya f12iko-matemati.,-hoskildh nauk, V. 2.7, no. 2.,' 1964, 115-117 TOPIC TAGS: isotcpic multiplot particle., irrodu-,.ible representation, interaction representation, d(goneracy, infinitesimal operatl)r, meson octat ABSTILNCT: Expres.-ions wore derived for mas.-. diX.~'erences kin isotopic z--iultiplet particles- transf ormed by :L-reducible reprosentat%ons DS(1-.-i) and DIO(3.0) of I SU (3) groups. The interaction ropresontal~ior~ (i"'j + a)' is used in order to remove degeneracies in iTiultiplet particle masses,. T' is given in terms of the infinitesimal operator A. of SU(3) group 'j', =- (I j- bA', c (A - A)',. For D8(1.1) representation the following were selected as ba.,;as A! or 0i The latter lea,~*-s to an expression for meson octets +'WR+ MR. - Al, -M, Sixd1zrily, it is sho-,m. that the Card 1/2 ACCFZSION N-R-. AiW365ft particles p, S-, Y1, N~N can be transformod by the ten-dij-,ionsional operator D10(3-0), with the following expressions for n.ass di-Cferencos Ale.. - Af Al M All A"' IV IV .-I M m A-1 YI These results are valid for any interaction deponlence on T1. Orig. art. has: 13 f OMULIS. I ISSOMNTION: TsN-L Fiziko-1-oldinic lie skaya labarato.-iya AN Ar,-rjanslko J . , y SSR (TsNrl Engineoring, Flipic., Laboratlory., XN Armonian S&I) SUBKMAED t 040ot63 DATE o5.iur.64 E'rv L 1 0 0 SUB CODE: G? NO Ra. SOV: , o00 OTIER -. 005 Cord 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AE4042538 the Hertz vector has a single component in the x direction. An expression is obtained for the field H Zbetween the plates and it is shown that the TEM wave does not contain components with a,fre- quency such that -the time of passage of the filament betwe-n the plates is equal to or is an integer multiple of the poriod of the wave. An analogous result was obtained by B. M. Bolot:ovskiy and G. V. Vosk:cesenskiy (ZhTF v. 43, no. 4, 1964, 704) fox- the excita- tion of an equidictant set of parallel perfactly conductinSt planes by a charged filament. It is also shown that the-field outside the waveguide can be cbtained by integration by the saddle-point methode and the spacing between the plates approaches ;zero the re- sults become identical with those obtained by D. M. Sedrakyan (Izvestiya AN ArmSSR, seriya fiz.-mat. nauk, v. 16, 3, 1963, 11S) !for the diffractioa of the field of a chargcd filament by one per- fectly conducting plane., Orig; art, bass 3.0. formulas. 2/3 AYVAZYAN, Yu.)4. Radiatio.i during the flight of a lino&r aource ovor two ideally corduoti,ig parallel half-planes. Izv.AN Arm. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat. nauk 17 io.3i8l-86 164. (HIRA 170) 1. Tgentrallnaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya fiz!.ko-tekhnichaskaya laboratorlya AN Armyanskoy SSR. AYVAZYAN, YU.M.; MEMELYANp O.S. Uue of optical methods in determining the pararieters of optically actfxe media. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-nauk 17 no./+:125-126 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. ',rSentrallnaya nauchno-isoledovatellskayn fiisiko-tokhnicheskaya laboratoriya AN Armyahskoy SSR. AYV,',-7YAl4, Yu.1-1. ; SE'DILIKY.All, 1).M. Excitation of clectromapnetic waves by it ClIfLI'l-01 I i 1 1 J 1) a I -,q - t C E plane sEmi-infinite wavo guido. PokI. All Arin. I,,:',R 39 no. 2: 81-85 164. (mllu, 1-1 :9) 1. Muntrallnuyu nauchno-iss1c-dovateI':;kaya laboratcl,iya AN ArmSSR. Predstavleno cidenom-korrospondentorr, AN AmS11:11 G.M.Garibyanom. AYVAHAN) Yu.?.!. Radiation from the open fn., of a syvt~rr. of -~irl-Irflai-te ida&lly conducting Wf-plane~-l. Dc'~'.. IJI Arm. ssr, T) 164 IIJTP_~ a8:2) I.- 1, TSontrallnaytt nauc41-n,.)--i.!,-IodOvatcl ,~kav% f.1- laboratoriyu AN Arv,31,11Z. Jur, ~-'y ACCjq 100 6166 7-7- tiofi': e-i iund guld 10 on~~. unif.#'~] 1, 12 -ve' t lei V. d -vayeaulde's" He, at 0 un 461 ion Lai ih' Acl 6: OSUI *i b thc-'~ It 'fitild,'pro ed RGI a 19 ikti,roun votgOid e,--, 9. no APT ten's'ity b;. t a Hertz ~vv Id ed,.4 terva of, h Id rVd t 'or nip erivedi- 1 1 ed~ ar 4 t t ~'f Vmv*pt'~' -in v ch: thi jrinci~ *44~ _00 - _q --p rtiplew~ ijid :rO be brig tt ill. - jnaU~Oi t~i em*te .,63qx. creasing vmber,~ mautially: idth 6it zl:irilu n' Mug -.Assoc a, ~UO40W vb6a vai ot Mi -Z 2.,- .. -41 V, X I 16W I "AT i0 4 -v.- ly bi =.s 301 'del tie- Lld OME c GO 1 64 211.92!41 94 ~A A TIP- tj A -.,Tol)zc liov, im Om vabw V-I'Afj d i"o tv,~~ funct! a 1. cqvht tons - 0 a 3t lapf tau, 0t Tbul mak y- (Eli so 31% linsear, trgo x t I-p; ov Om - veil) I ~x ; -~pfan" ( ., , 0 wi thout 01 ty V p j -t!t 101W ~ Para ex Sol y * ib a 4' A at e the "... .0ins. -7210 t1-63 Is. E a lid H, n, x -4:A lkand6-![~. frontAile r.0 pressef' in e n the: UsU4;'1.:ray aft(i t1mr k a ii Sought in the :10M is -L 10556oZ6__ EUT(d) tDl JjA ACC NR1 AP50:?8292 UR/OC~',?2/65/018/005/OC-83/0059 0 10 W_t AUTHOR: ~edrakyan, D. M. 'I ~1 Y I Y OR(!-. 'rr.M1 Phyt I'P-u - +t.t- kv%* &.*-, -&A0V~.4_0 ArmenlaiT SSR TFs-NI1;1z1k -tekhicheska 'r)'laboratorly,a, MI Armyanskoy i Ya 4~2 !VN SSR) TITLE: Emission of a, point charged parti.Dle paasinj~~ along the axis of a semi-iiifinite wavegulde SOUROB: AN AriaSSRO I'zvestlya. Seriya flitiko-matematicheekikh nauk, V. 18, no. 5, 1965t 83-89 TOPIC TAGS: chikrged particle, waveguide, electric field, magnetic field,. KBSTRA05~: The plane,waveguide consists of two semi.-infinite flat plates x < Ot 7'= t b, The z axis to directed vormal to thia plane of the sketch (See Fleio 1). It is assumed that a point charged piirticlo flies out of the waveiguide, moving along the,,X,,, 4e, ulth a veloolzy v.=v. It is v necessary to solve the MaXW43111 e4umbirs with boundUry c0nditione im- posed by, the presencti 60-Wo eeml-Influlte Ideally (ionduoting half- planes. Oonseq,uentl~r, to the solut1j9n,,9,f,,the nonhomogenooxis equation must be added rolutione of the d'Aleifiberb equation sthich satisfy these boundary conditions. As a solution of % nonErm-ogetneoun wave equation we choose the field of the charged partii)le passing along the axis of t);A,plqqFL semi-infinite waveguide ACC NR, AP50211292 1where ~76 Fig. 3. Y. dqd,*,' Cl 4 1,0-1 V., Y-) A 1eq -qt k,- ACC NRi AP5()?8292 Here B 0 are 'the tangential components of the electrical field. The remainfij compi)nents of the electromagnetic field coLn be'expressed through them. The solution of the d'Alembert equatLon for these same components of the field Is sought in the form q. Y) da dqdm. 12) kfter extensivo mathematical manipulation, the authors arrive at the following final. expression for the angular diotrlbulUon of the emiselon Intensity at a frequency w et,9'coe (Osin lp sin I.W T) x 2-.%Ic cl? th X*"(-k cos ~p slit coo Cos, 'PI + a:310-1 (I + Pdln+) 2 2 X. V sin t cos ?)I - where Card 3L4 ACC NRs AP50'426292 "in conclusloc,, the authors thank B. H.- Bolotoyakilt for~ueeful advice." Orig. aito has: 19 formulas and 1 r1gurt. SUB 001M 20/ SM DATE: O9ian65/ ORItl REP: 005/: OTH,Rlpi 001 LCpd AYVAZYL'4,, YU.M. Diffraction of the field of an ELrbitrarily moving particle .)n a half-space. Dokl. All Arm.S";R 40 no.3:lr"5-158 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted October 28, 1964. AYVI,2,YAN, Yu.M.; SEDRAKYAN, D.M. Radiation ftom a point charged part!.cle flying along the axis of a semi-infinite plane wave guide, Izv. AN Arm. SSR. oer. fiz.-mat.nattk 18 no.5183-89 165- (MIRA JEil2) 1. TSentralinaya nauchno-issledovatollakaya Fizilco- tekhrichoskqya laboratoriya Ali ArmS!):R. Submitted Jan. 9, 1965. Ocholiob kby,flSUd'. V S5 jdoi~ ur -2i ahano sarti6le- ~:Xl JIM Aw two oix"'vd-p2rallel 'Ponducting hill .qi*tiuF a . A a- plo'no, verpeudlv-~tl* ypgu 1j, calcul4ktod a var~kqpt-of t~ -1:89 0 ior Z~e- 4;dlatia~ [SIvId the',~Mai'iidilted suide.~~% a the j0pslsti6a betw~eh~,thq wal. 3.8 of lorsulk rivbd :t)r anorgy appivac A965 459-404 lati vviuide th ew"o t Au -uml 16 The- 30 pollilt ~dla A t6 ".0 waillir si enls-i~,jrirdt oi moth -the. Th -1tv -054i, !v W I I Mu" 'der wvegulde~.!!! lp~ v Ith Anolde SO out4de' th w I~b wavoiruid(il appr44cbes :kero& thel-~!.*. o thiA obtal~6cd- b~j AiP.Kazantliev 1 .1 ;11 J.. L 092J-4~ 5-. ATMIDO-MOO R Y CTA' Awo lj~ (03 , ML, ODI~ us Nu ESP 84 ODO j AW",11KO, D.D.; PLOAN9 A.A.; KOGAN, 1-1.0f. Opere.tions of the amronia-lime section e-a,.Ioying an external saturator and d.ecnater. Kok-, i khi,-,i. no.2:3(~-32 161. 0,aTIA 14:2) 1. Es.,~;leyskiy koksolchimichoaxiy zavod. (Dneprodzerzhinsk-Coice inductrr-By-products) (Ammonia) -4 AYVYAZA,N, A. I., Doc Med Sci -- "Effect 0 :rf3 sections-of-the L&O 0 )) ;L."the exAcrin"A-m fmiction of the pancreas and 101-.1 blood." Len, 1961. (Len Pediatric Med Inst) (KL, 8-61, 257) - 06 - AYVA,'Y,YAN, A.V. Primary cancer of the fenale urethm, Vopo onk. 6 no.4:87-89 Ap '6o.. (MIRA6 .14:3) (UMTHRA-CANCER) 1,~ it MUSTELIP E.R.:i _AYVAZYAN, S.A. Quan'Utative analysis of statistical regularities connecting floes.-ull and M-disturbances. Astron.zhur, 38 no.2:227-241 Mr-Ap 161. (MIIU 14:4) 1. Astronoqticheskiy sovet AN BSSR I Matematicheskiy inatitut AN SSSR im. V. A. Steklova. (San'-plocculi) (Magnetic atoms) AMRffla,_L,_;jhurnaJist From a reportorls point of view. Gr.:izhd. av. 21 mo.6t3O Je 161" (MIRA.17:8) 1q. d (61!Pliherl U- dl may! U buldyted Oulu-star A ., = se is back Cift"s- The fier . lod"as rtrw 1) &MrAiaev, A an idp Ig ujv at qu of thi$ too are Vcd. )q 29823 S/020/61/140/006/022/030 YJ 00 B107/B101 AUTHORS: Ayzatvillin, T. A.# Voronkov# V. G., and Zubov, V. P. TITLE: Dependence of the limiting pressure of the explosiveness of ganeous hydrazoic acid on the spark pulse intensity PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 6, 1961, 1356 - 1357 TEXTs 'It is asiiumed that the limiting presE;ure of the axplosiveness drops with iner-iasing spark energy and then reaches a constant value. This is explained by assuming the occurrence of two different ignition mechanisms (L. N.. Khitrin, Fizika goreniya I vzryva (Physics of, combustion and explosion explosion), M-, 1957). It is shown in the present paper that these assumptions do not hold for gaseous hydrazoic acid. In this case the limiting pressure was found to decrease continuously with increasing spark pulse intensity. The, experiments were carried out in tin 11-cm diameter spherical glass vessel. Fused-in electrodes gave a 3 mm spark gap in the V;V center of the vessel, The electrodes were connected to an auto-transformer secondary, while capacitors of defined capacitance were discharged over the primary. Hydrazoic acid was prepared by the reaction cf pure Btearic acid Card 1/3 298 S2~020/61/140/006/022/030 Dependence of the limiting pressure ... Bl()7/BIOI with sod'um azide, The tests were carried out at room temperature. Result: The logarithm of the limiting pressure P of the explosiveness is a linear function of i /CO*2 (C - capacitance). Fig. I gives P as a function of C. Another test series was carriid out with a mixture of 25% hydrazoic acid and 75% calcium-chloride dried air. The results may be /Cn + B, q1 expressed by log P - A where A, B, an-I n are constants dependent on the respective mixture. The expression log (~?/T 1+2/n . A/T 0 + B derived by N. N. Semenov (N. N. Semenov, Tsepnyye reakts~Li (Chain reactions), M. 1934) for thermal self-ignition evidently represent~i a more general rule applying not only to oxidation reactions and -1hermal self-ignition, but also to decomposition reactions and spark ign-.,,tion of widely varying explosive systems. There are 3 figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. Th-a reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: M, V. Blance, P. G. Guest, G. Elbe, B. Lewis, J. Chem. Phys., 15 11, 798 (1947). Card 213 M - -- ATZATULLOV. M.. 1. . kandidat voterinarnykh nauk. Prevention and treatment of toxic dyspepsia in calves. Vetor!.narlia 33 to.12:41-46 D '56. (MM 9112) 1. Iraunnakiy Nauchno-Iseledovatel'skly Yeterinarnry Institut. (Calves-Diaeasee) (Dyspepsia) USSR/IDis-rases of Farr. AnimnIs - Diseases Caused by Ba cteriv. R and Fungi - Abs Jour: Ref 21ur-Biol., NO 5 1958, 21630. Author Aylat. Inst Kazan' Scientific Research Veterinary InBtit-ute Title Use of Syntomycin and Disulfar, for Treating Anaerobic Dysentery in Lambs Orig Pub: Byul- nauchno-tekhn. inform. Kazansk. n--i vet. in-ta, 1957, No 1, 14-15. Abstract: Diaulfan was administered to 32 animals in a 0.2 gr dose 2-3 times daily; 26 of the lambs recovered. Syntomycin was injected into 16 animals in a 0.1 dose 3-4 times daily; 17 animals r!covered. Card 1/1 22 A:FI:BZW, R-Te.; KAHYMV, N-H- Salt dome uplifts in the Xara Kum und the age oJ! their Pealments. Geol.nefti i gas& 4 vo.6:26-30 Jv 160. (MM 13: 7) 1. Yugo-voatochnaya Karakumakaya. gcologicheakaya. ekspediteiya Upravleniya geologii i okhrwW necb, pri Sovete R.inistrov Torkmenskop -SSR. (Kara Kum-Geology) AYZBERG, R. Ye. Correlation of Upper JUrasaic and 1-wer Cretaceous sediments of the Kelif Usboy and southwesterri spurs of th,D Giaear Range. Trudy Inst. geol. AN Turk. SSIt 3:11-4-147 160. (MIRA 16:1) Mrs. Kum Canal region-Geology, Stratigraphic) G!Issar Range-Geology, Stratigraphie) ~ AYZIMRG, R.Ye. Cretaceous mediments in the Anu Daryi Valley portion of southeastern Tarkminia. Trudy VNIGNI no.35tl4.4-161 161. (WIU 16:7) (Amu Darya Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) AMBERG, R.U.; GEMANYUK, M.M.; KAKYSHEV, N.N. Trendu in goological and geophysical prospecting for oil and gas in the Gmrdai-kerki area. Geol. nefti i gaza vol. 4, no. 4:13-15 Ap 161. (MMA 14: 5) I.Yugo-vostochnaya Karakumakaya geologicheskaya ekspeditsiya Upravioniya geologii i okhrany nedr Turkmenskoy SSR. (Turkmenietan-Petroleum geology) (Turkmenistan-GELs. Na-wral-Geology) AIVIRG3 H.Ta.; AWHAII,, G. I. Contomporary struotural plan of' Uio Ibpetek fault zone. Gool. nefti t gaza 6 no-3939-41 &- 162. OMA 15:4) I* Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete 14inistrov Turlarteaskoy 33R. (Tiarkmanistan-Faults (Geology)) AYZB]i,'RG, R.Yo,,,, KOKORINA, L.K.1 KOTS, V.G. Buried extension of the megantlellne in the southwestern Glogar Range,. Sov. geol. 7 no.11:114-117 :4 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Ytq:o-vost,ochnaya Karakumskaya geoLogicheskaya Pkspeditalyn. AY2219 AsX.; XHAZANOVICH, A.I# =M V.D. Soldstoy and XI. Oleinichuk'sbook IYood imdustry nochaniols han6ook." *Ileviewed b7 A.M. Atsen, A.I. )Diasanovich. Xhleb, i kand. prom, 1 no,11,2:43-44 D 157, AKIRA lltl) (7ood induetr7-3quijyment and supplies) (Soldatov, V.D.) (Olainichuk, I.I.) SOV/144-58-7-10/15 AUTHORS: Naumov2 Adollf Llvovich, D;%Tech.Sci., Professor, and ---,A , Arik Markovich. Eng:lneer. Hzen TITLE: No-lo-a-(!-Investlg-al.--T-.�rr-on a Magnetic Amplifier (Issleilovaniye kho'lostogo J&ioda magnitnogo usilitelya) PERIODICAL-t IZVOStiya vysshikh uchebiVIdi zavadeniy, Elektromekhanikaj 1958~ Nr 77 PP 93-98 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Calculation of the operavIng conditions of a magnetic amplifier with the d1re:-t ,-.-arrent- c-.itcuit open and with allowance for the w~~,&,k magnatk_- saturation of the cores, ODnsists in determining the Instantaneous-and effective va-ues of current in the sEL tura choke and also the pclwer consumpt-1 O-z' The ba.sis of the Investigatlon of t,qis problem Is of , non-linear differential eluati.cin thdt expressas tho relationship between current aad voltage In the c~",,ke .)xi the ass-L~mption that the gi-aph of the magnetiLsation line is represented by a ,3.Lbic parabol-3.. The basts of the investigation is e:ipressilon (1) whir,.h gives the relationshi.p between vurrent and voltage in a (%i.-c-ait ~f this kind. Here the Card 1/3 'i' gnetic flux It--,nked with-tha coil is variable and is oonl.'IenJently gkz-~u by exp-ression (2). The limits of SOV/1414--58-7-10/15 No-load Invi)stigation on a Magnetic Amplifier application of these approximations are then considered. E~,presslon (4) is then derived as the i.,ion-linear d:;.ffereiatial equation required to dete:rmine the current in the system. It is then shown how to solve this equation by the method of s'accessive approximations, and ultimately expression (10) is derived Tor the current and (11) for the power consumption. The limitations of these, formulae are brieflymentioned. Formula (10) was u!:ed to work out the results of tests to determine the relationship between current and voltage in two coils, one with a core of transformer steel and the other with a core of permalloy. The rasults cf the test's are given irt Tables 1 and 2; the expe:,nimental values of voltage ar.d cur3-ent are given in columns 1 and 2 of these tables. The theoretical and experim,~ntal values of current for given values of voltage are plotted in the graphs of Figs 1 and 2 and the value of the curront calculated from theory is given in column 5 of the table. 'Tt is concluded that tho method of making cal.-alations of no-load Card 2/3 conditions of a magnetic amplifier basod on representing the magnetisation lines by EL cubic parabola is applicable I "I -K, F !NO G"E:V , I - -1.,1114SKIYI TRUISHLYAKOV T.P.; KRI, A.I.; SFFV-. Ya. LIPE'13, KOSW-~~-,TSEIYP D.L.; K.I.; YAMTO."IsKly) S.L.; K,,DClTOV, D.K.; lKilli.101', 1.11.; OSHERCIV, S.Ya.; "YSIN, V.A.; OGLOBLIN, G.A.; KANAYEV, A.A.; MUGA, S. 40-U)MI-Vill, V.A.; 10ELISON, V.I. Inven-~ions. Energ. i elektrotekh. prora. no.3:48-49 Jl-S 164. (".11-RA P: 11) GEIEV, Georgly Nawrovich; AYZFJi. ArkadiV Markovich; KARPOVTSEV, Artem Ilikol3yevicb; VASIOTKO, i.A-...---dokt-C.-FT-okhri.naukp retsenzent; NIKIF)ROVA, R.A., inzh., red.; GOWICSTAYFOLISKAYA, M.S.$ tekhn. red. (Handbook for designing chain tranudosions) Spravochnik po raschetu tsepnykh peredach. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962 171 (MIL 152* (ChFtins) UUM, NikAay Va.lentinovich; AYZEN, A.M.v inzh,, retsenSent; GELEVI G.11.$ retsenzent,--NIKIFOROVks R.A., insh., red.; GORNQ3TAYPOI,ISXAYA, M.S., tekhn, red. [Tabli3a of dimensions for designing the profile of sprocket- wheal teethl: handbookt.Tablitsy rawerov dlia pogtroaniia filia zublev zvezdoc6k; spravochnik. Moskva, Maohgiz, lq'6ro- 1.17 p. (MIRA 1517) (Chains-Tables, calculationsp etc.) ROKHLIN, Wye- Aleksandrovich, kand.tekhn.naukj LUWHENKO, Ivan Andreyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; AYZENL Arkqdiy.Mark!y~ckt-Prinim&1i uchastiye: DRANISHNIKOVY P.I., kand.tekhn.nauki MINTSKOVSKIY, H.Sh,, kand, tekhn.nauk. KDMkR, A.H. [deoeased], red.; BERGER, K., red.; GARKA'VENKO, L., tekhn. red. [Handtook for ponstruotio~ engineers*1 Sprevochnik konstruktom- stroitelia. Pod red. A.N.Komara. K:,ev, Gostrolizdat USSR, 1963* 813 p. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademiy atnAtel'stva i arkhitektux7 SSSR J. UkrSSR (for Komar). (Building) AYZICN, B. Workaril dyruisty, PrOf--takh, obr, 22 no.9:7 S 165o (HTIU 18t9) AYZLINA.."_ "Give bac'c to school its good nam." Prcf.-tekh. obr. 22 no.3t2l ft- 165. (WRA 1817) AVERY G.S.; MOMKINAO V.K.; SALITSEVA,M.T. I~mamics of the bioelectrig processen within the he.rt under the influence of acurWcture in the area of the Gbdnese points. Sbor. trud. %II no.9:104-107 162. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii lechobnogo fakullteta Gorlkovskogo meditsinskogo instlluta (zav. kafedroy prof. V. 'I. Vogralik). K*D,'K(IV, Yi,.. ., kanfl. ;---od. nauk, asai j tent.;. G.S.p kwid. mod. nauk, Psaisi,ent; S/d IMI-VII, M.T., k~ nd. med. nauk, dotsonit litigaioxic beart, Sbor, urud. G"ll no..15:93-11.20 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kafo~-a gospitallnoy terapli lechobr)ogo fakull-Leta Gorlkc-v.-:kogc meittalrxkogo inotituta imeni Kirova (for S&lltsava). KINTSINVA, U.P., kand. ined. nauk, nt!sis-~en-,; AYZ.*-.N G S kand. med. nauk, assLotent; PAROKHONYAK, 7.11.j Bear,; in diabetes mallitus. Sbor. t.-,ud. GI-11 no.1:5:121~143 t63. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kikfedra Conpitallnoy terapil. lechebnogo fakulltata Gortkcyvokogo medi-~sinskcgo instituta imuni Klrov!t (for Kamyshlava, Ayzen). 2, G.>rlkovskaya oblastnaya k-linichoskayu imeni Semashko (fcr Parukhonyak). Iluli I VIE) f(.G.9 kand. med. kand. mod. ~Lauk-, assJntent,; PAWLUOUT"K, Z.A., crililitto-... . Heart durin,-5, a pathological :Iima,,teric in women. Sbor* trud, G141 no.15:1,45-3.69 163. 0, ,, I R 0, 1,/.. 5 ) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy torHI-di Gor'j'(ov,-,kogo meditainskop imnidtuta iiwni Kirova (for llairlyf-~, lyzen). AYSEN, I., inzh. IntrDduotion of automAtii pllots on seagoing Mor. flot 21 no.4:23o-24 AO 161. (MIRA 104) 1, TSentralln4e proyektno-konstrul:torskoye byw-o Wo.1 Ministeretva morskogo flota. (Navigation) (Gyrocompass) AUEN3ER, C.Z., BEL',)USOV, S.F.; I 1111DEBTER(l, "t, I' h~; y"d-1101 ',';I IY, V.(~. DiversLty antenna for radiabroadcastinC. I?jdiotePhnik:i ra.12: 21-30 D (PUIN 1,i:12) 1. Dc-y;tvitel.'nyye chleny Nauchnu-tekhniclieskoFo obshchestva radio- tekhni',i i el.ektrosvyazi imeni Popova. (Hadio-jintennas) SOKOLYANSKIY, G.G.; KURAKO, Yu.L.; KHACHATURO", D.I.; AYZEN Ollifir's disease (dyschondroplasia) combined with a brain tumor, cran-'.opharyngion,a. Zhur. nevr. i psJkh. 65 no.6:821-824 165. (MIRA 18: 6) 1. K:.inika nervnykh bolezney (direlator - prof. G.0. Sokolvanskiy) Odevokogo meditsinskoeo instituta it.. Pirogova na baze Oblastnogo psikhonevrclogicheskogo dispans(ra (glavnyy vrach li'.F. Kravchenko). =iUMERG) A,, lrand.pedagog.muk ftt*wt and tankB of vocational 18 nP.8:23-26 Ag t61. . (vocational pocbigogics. aduoltion) Prof,-tekb. obr. ~ (MIRA 14:9) GUSEVI V.,, avtolyu'Ditell; IVANOV, L.., avtolyubitell; AYZENBERG, A... inzh. Amateur drIvers protest, Za rul* 20 no,,4:27 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Gosudartstvennyy soyuznyy ordena Trudovago Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-Isoledovatellskiy avtomobilInyy i avtomotornyy institut. (Automobiles) -VELLMp-.5._V'i o-,1 -DR- ' -- A3 I_'kx_A --- i 4F P- Pavements., 71:1,6 Production ef floor ti].e from.local claya, Stek. i keir., 9, No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Rwsslan Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195%. Unclassified. 2 AYZIIINBERG, A, A.; POVOLOTSKAYA, G. M. V, DIsorder, of anti-toxic liver function In infectious and wrtain liver diseases. Klin. mail., Moskva 29 no.8:63-65 Aug 1951. (CLML 20:11) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Depirtment of Functional Diagnosis 0ead --- Prof. A. A. Ayzenberg), Ukrainian Institute of Clinical. Medicine (Director - Academician 11. D. StrazheAo). STBJiZHISNO, Akolay Disitriyevichl AYZMERG, A.As, professor, redaktor; YNTUMOVA, M.L., dotsent. 'r6daktor; KAVLPTSKIY, P.Ye., professor, redak-tor; L102INA, Ye.M., doteent. redaktor; XNEW, A.L., profetisor, otvatetvennyy redaktor; PRIM, F*Y&,, professor,, redabiorg SAYKOVA, V.Ts, dotment, riods]:.Aor; OMOPAM, D.Y., profaiisor. r*dak-tor.- YANOVSKIY, D.N., professor, redaktor; SNZM:01, X.I., redaktor isdatelletva; J13MI)FA,N.?., tekhnichookly rtdakl;or. Lselected. works] IsbraWe trudy. K14vw, Isd-vv Mrademil Awk USSR* Volelo [Problems In the pathophyAoloS7 of -the eirculation. of thc blood) Problemy patofistologi:i '~rovoobrmshi:heuila. 1955. 398 P. Vol*2, [Probless of &epate, tudocardAt:.%, rhenuatism, physiolog7 and pe.thology of the organs of digestic:n] Problem sepsisa, ondokWita, revuatixua, fisiologila I patologils, organow pishchavarenila. 19~60 365 u. NLRA 9:7) 1. Daystvitel'My chlen AN USSR (for Navetskiy) (PHTS.IOLMY, PATHOIDGICAL) AT=X=GO A.A. o,mmwm mommow Data on @loop therapy. Fisiol,shur. (Uk-r.) 1 no.4:28-39 Jl-Ag 155. (HLRA 9:11) 1. Ukrainsfidy riaukovo-doolidniy inetitut kliiiahnoy meditmint im. akad. M.D. Strasheeks. (SLUP, therapautie usej