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Effect of Various Factors Upon the Curie Temperature SOV/48-22-12-17/33
of Piezoelectrics With 'the Sti-acture of the Porovskite Type
type of the piezoactive cation , as proposed in references 8, 9,
13 promotes the solution of the problem discussed. Therefore,
they have been investigated again in this paper. It was attempted
to explain the diff.erences of the Curie temperature in
piezoelectrics with perovskite structure in the same way, by
using.only such characteristics as polarizability, charges and
radii. The degree of covalence of the bindings in the respective
compounds was neglected. The authors started from an approximate
theoretical estimation. They used the results from references
15P 16, determined in the investigation of the effect of various
parameters of cations upon the internal field of piezoelectries
with perovskite structure. The conclusions drawn on the basis of
theoretical estimations agreo with the few experimental results
obtained by the authorq of thio artialo and Stiv.-tguchi (Ref 7).
As soon as now experimental data will be obta4ned it will be
possible to check also the theoretical resulti; still improved.
Card 2/3
Effect of Various Factors Upon the Curie Temperature SOV/46-22-12-17/33
of Fiezoelentrias With the Structure of the Pero-iskite Type
There are 2 tabigs and 26 referencest 12 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova
(I)h '
yslcn,-Chemi~--al Irizstititte imeni L. Ya. Karlyov)
Card 3/3
SSOVg7?-A;-2-26/~~P. and
AUTHORS: Venevtsev, Yu.N., Zhdanov, G. 0 ov yev,
TITLE: On Internal Fields in Ferrooloctric PbTiO- ) (0 vnutrennikh
polyakh v segnetoclektrike PbTiO 3
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 11, Nr 2, pp 255-257 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Calculations of the internal fields in PbTiO 3 crystals
have been made by the Madelunog-Hagadorn. method
(R. Hagedorn - Ref 3) which is moro accurate than
Kozlovskiy's method used before, according to the work
of Yu.N. Venevtsev et al (Ref 1). These fields E. arc
8 1
Pb 1.4, Ti 6.91 oi 6.1 and 0 0111 1.8 x 10 V cm
The contributions of the separate.:,.ons to 'the spontaneous
polarisation of 81 x 10- 6 coulomb/(;m2are tabulated. Tjie
internal fields for model crystals of the PbTiO 3 typo
but with ions of different polarisability are similarly
calculated. For BaTiO 3 the calculations by botli mothods
On Internal. Fields in Ferrooleatric PbTiO 3
are in good quantitati-a agreement. Graphical examination
of the parameters affectin-,, the internal fieldii show their
relative importance. In order they are: 1) lattice
period; 2) charge on the forroelectric cation;
3) polarisabili.y of the ions of the oxygen octahedra.
4) polarisability of the forroelectric cation-,
5) polariBab-ility of the non-ferroolectric cation.
Thoro are I fl-vure, 2 tables and 5 references, 4 of
whic.h are Soviet and I Geriian.
ASSOCIATIO-N: Fiziko-1dAmiciies.,-,iy in3titUt iM. Ya. Karpova
Itstitute irg. L. Ya. KarPov~*
SUBMITTED: Novei-,iber 14, 1958
Card 2/2
SOV -1
Z70-4-4 11/34
AUMORS: Venevtsev, Yu.N., Solovlyev# and Zh anov, G.S.
.TITLE: On the Structural Coefficients of the Intirnal Field in
Ferroelectrics of the Perovskite Type
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4,'Nr 4, pp 575-578 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The notation is carried over from an article by the same
authors (Ref 1). The values of the projection of the
structural coefficients SL(X'Y'Z) g~ Cik for different
orientations (cube edges, face or body diagonals) of the
dipoles in a cubic perovskite-type cell are tabulated in
terms of P and Q . (P = - 15.0102 and Q = 4-33387).
The coefficients C ik are dimensionless and numerically
equal to the field strength, additional to the Lorentz
field, due to the sub-lattice of unit dipoles of the k-th
sort of ion and acting on the i-th sort of ion. The
derivation of expressions such as :
S 2(0, 1/2, 1/2) = S 3(0' 1/2' JL/2) = Q/ f3'
Cardl/2 and
'On the Structural Coefficients of the Internal Field in Ferro-
electrics of the Perovskite Type
S2 (1/2, 0, 0) = S3(1/2, 0, 0) = P/13-
is given but all the other values are tabulated.
There are I table and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya. Karpova
Physico-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov"
SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958
Card 2/2
24.2800, 211-7700 77108
s ov /-(o -4- - 6 -
AUTHORS: Zhdanov, G. S., Solov1yev, S. P., Venevtnev, Yu. N.,
Ivanova, V. V.
TITLE: Internal FIeld3 In the OrthorhombIc Modification of'
iERIODICAL: Kristallograftya, 1959, Vol 4, N 6, PP 8515-861 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Internal fields In orthorhombic (pseudomonoclinic)
barium titanate ave compdted accovdIng to Ionic-
displacement data reported In Phy:3. Rev., 105, 1'~, 856,
1957. Computations are based on the a3Lumptiorj that,
point Ionic charges are displaced parallel to th3 edges
of monoclinic unit cells, twice as small as orthorhombic
cells,and are superposed by the similarly di3DIaced
point dipole moments. The latter's magnitude Is
Card 1/5 determined as the orodLICt Of' ionic polarization and
the affectlng Internal field. I The known equation:
2X, - y2 ,ix 3a
i i-1; fyi
P. ~; (.2 ~ P" +P,
, +.,I
yi (-2, + Y" +
Internal Fields In the Orthor,homble 77193
ModIfIcatLon of BaTIO, SOV/70-";-'-)/,'
that deflnes th,~- leld ~jlorgr the X axl-~ I-, 'erms of
equal dipoles p and (,oordinate.,; x . y
dipole, is reduced, sub3tituting ~he
the sake of briefness, by h )1 11 , h In
xij X~ xZ
and tetragonal BaTIOY h,, , Z' ave equal to
zero. Using, v"Wlous cQlNlat-,X!.on nl~~h'od,-7 t'he
proved that h Ln "monoclLnlcll BjTIO, 13 v.,I.n1,;hLrig1y
3mall relativ6yto h and can bf-~ dIsvdgz~rd1,-n!, Wi,,Llc
h remains about t(A same as In cuMc B-~,TIO-. Thus
d pole moments p k for each projection upon icx,z)
Card 2/5 axis become defined by:
(Sig - (h U)ik) a'
where k = 1,2 ... 5 is numijuv of nnl11,-.e atonm,:; In "'he
unit cell; e is charge of a k-type Ion; a and c ":,-2
edgelengths 8f mnoclinic cells; (f )i)~. Is Struct.-I-e
fa,c:;,tor whose magnltuIe equals the ~Ie7d intensit y
affecting t-th atom in the ~3ublattlce foviTied by 'x-
type atoms; is anirle between I Lixis Lind 'X-
type dipole--;
.Intert al Fields In the Ot-thorhombic
Mo(.Iifl:,-ation of BaTiO
SpontaneOUS polat,lzatLon Is computed to:
= 1-4 cot 91A Iek"kl
where 3ICl denotes displacement of k-type atoms along
1 axis. The computed values (Table2) are about the
same as io tetvagonal BaTIO-,. The computed spontaneous
polarization proved to be equal to the experimental one.
T1 atoms are subjected to the highest field Intensity
and Ba atoms to the lowest. The fields affecting both
atoms and oxygen 0 are parallel to the polar axis and
to the displacements of the respective atQms, while the
fields affecting 0 1 and 0111 are synimetrically inclined
to the polar axis; they are under 2.)-o to -~he displace-
Card 3/5 ment directions, and 90.70' to X and Z axes.
Internal Fields in the Orthorhomble
Modification of BaTIO
3J 10 -- k /,, I.
E, -10--, VA,
(Pi 'I + Pi too tot) P, it 100%
E. I ti, I 1E1 P. P,
BA -0,08 0.08 0,12 1.3 t,3 - 1,3 t,3 0
Ti -3,60 3.60 5.09 15.7 -5,3 5,3 -9,7 9.7
01 -0,44 2,62 2,66 -12,3 57,1 -8,3 49,9 -4.t 7,21
Oil -0,47 0,47 0,67 -13,8 13,8 -9,0 9,() --4,8 4,8
0111 -2,62 0,44 2,66 - 57, t 12,3 -49,9 8,3 -7,2 1., f)
Assistance of the late G. I. Skana,i L is acknowled6ed.
There are 3 figures; 3 tables; and It references.,
4 U.S., 3 Soviet, 2 German, 2 Danish. The U.S.
references are: G. Shirane, H. Danner, R. Pepinsky,
Phys, Ref., 105, 3, 856, 1957; J. C. Slater, Phys.
Rev., 78, 1"18, 1950; S. Tv1ebwa,-,L;er, J. Phys. Chem.
Solids, 5, 112, 55, 195'1; It. H. Wleder, Phy3. Rev.,
Card 11/5 99, 1161, 1955.
Internal Fields in the Orthorhombic 77108
Modification of BaTiO3 SOV/70-4-",-9/171
ASSOCIATION: Physicochemical Institute Imenl L. Ya. Karpov
(Fiziko-khimicheskly institut iment L. Ya. Karpova)
SUBMITTED: September 16, 1959
Card 5/5
o2tl Woo Zp
,A~"/F_36R.S. . So
AUTHORS: V-enevtsev, IOV.1 'V. Sep.
_V1 _ye ~
BezuL,_ Ye.V. . Ivanova. V._V., Fedtilov. S.A. and
Kapysliev, A.G.
TITLF,~' CrystaJ. Chemical Investigat ions of Substances with
the Perovski-te Type of Structure Which Has Special
Dietectric Properties~l
PERIODICAL-. Kristallografiya. 1960, Vote 5, No. It.
pp 620 .. 6~,6
TEXT: In BaTiON6th, dl,lec;trically-active ion is the Ti but
in PbT1.03 it is the Pb ion. The (Pb.Ba)TiO 3 system may, there-
fore, be empected to show peculiarities where these two effects
int crac.t. The variation in 9tructure, dielectric and piezo-.
electric properties is not continuous~ from one end-member to
'thc~ other. Experimentally. solid solutions witli 7, 9, '11, lit
and "It wt.. PbTio3 !-ihowed anomalies not explicable as due to
loos of PbO. NaNbO 3 undorgoee. gieveral pha5e transitions in a
tshort temperature interval. Dielectric and optical observations
give transitions at 360, 1170, 520 and 64o 0C. X-ray data contra-
dic~ al.1 but the first of these. Polycrys~.-allinc material was
Card 1/4
Crystal Chemical Investigations of Substances WLth the Perov-
shi.te Type of Structure Which lia-, Special Dielectric
studied by X.-ray methods up to 700 0C; And tran-iitions at 360,
430, 470. 520 and 6(to CC were found. Below 360 0C NaNbNO, 1.9
Monr'c 11 in ir- wi t 11 1! b and 90 C. Above 360 C
It is
monoclinic with a Q b and P > 90 C (true symmetry
or t horhomb.i:; ) .Thr- rran.:;ition from nrthorhombic to tetragonal
is not at 300 but at 430 OC. The X-ray method is no
Sensitive than the optical and diell:ctric mc-thods.
From an examination of solid solutions BaTiO 3 (Ca,Sr)(Zr,Sn,)O,,
it is concluded that , other things beLrg equal the Curie
tc-mPf'rature of perovskite type ferroelectrics is higher~ the
smaller is the pert.od of tht, lattice and the higher i4 the
pol-ai,isability of the a,.t xvc catron.
BiTio3 with added Bi 20 3* Cr2O~ and Bi2 03' Al ~!05ha5 bec-n
iynthe.ii%,~d and -,pecirrjen& -~ha-z-d prop&rtiet-! like those found in
B~JiO containing Bj,4 T150A
Card 2/4
Crystal Chemical Investigations �139OMances with the Perov-
skite Type of Structure Which Has Spf_,cial Dielectric
BiFeO3 and 5PCOimens in the system PbTiO 3-,BiFeO3have been
synthesised. The former has a rhombohedral distortion
(a :: 3.g6'3 X , a = 890210) and a susceptibility about 80.
At 200 C the suscepti-bility has a maximum of about 1200. In
the solid solution up to 701/110 by wt. of BiFeO3there is also
a tetragonal modification. The Curie point of BiFeO 3 appears
to be higher than that of PbTiO-.
General methods forcalculating the internal field have been
developed for structures of any dipole configurations. These
have been applied to the orthorhombic structure of CaTIO 3'
Ifere. the internal electric field is zero at the Ti si-tes.
There- are 29 references., 2 Japanese (in English). b English.
2 -international., .1 Swiss, 1 German and 15 Soviet.
Card 3/4
Crystal Chemical Investigations of Substances with the Verov-
skite Type of Structure Wlxi-.Ii llat3 Special Dielectric
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut
im. L. Ya. Karpova
(2hy2,icc..Chemical Institute imeni
L.Ya. Karpov)
SUBMITTED,, February 23. 1960
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Solov'yov, S.P., Venevtsev Yu,N. and
Z lid an
TITLE: On a Method of Calculating the Internal Fields in
Complex Dipole Structures
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, .1960, Vol. 5, No. 5,
Pp. 718 - 725
TEXT: A method is proposed for calculating the internal field
in complex dipole structure. In general, the problem comes down
to the solution of a system of linear equations with 3m
unknowns, where m is the number of atoms in the elementary
cell. If the symmetry of the structure is taken into account
the number can be decreased to 3n where n is the number of
complexes and where n is less than m . Ewald's method can be
successfully applied to calculating all the structure sums
necessa-y for estimating the fields. The method is generally
applicable in all cases where the structure has been determined.
The calculation of the structure sums enables the idealisation
of the structure to be avoided as these sums can be calculated
in any case. Somet-imes, however, in spite of the methods
Card 1/2
On a Method of Calculating the Internal Fields in Complex
Dipole Structures
avatlable for reducing the tediousness of the calculation of
the fields in real structures, the number of unknowns may be
too big to enable the system of equations obtained to be solved
by liand methods. This raises no difficulty as modern computing
machines can dval with such systems of equations with extreme
Xspeed. In fact., the systematic calculation of the fields in real
Nantiferroelectric crystals and in other structures is best done
by a macK-Ine appropriately programmed.
There are I figure and 14 references: 5 Soviet, I Swiss,
5 English and 3 German.
ASSOCIATION-, Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni
L.Ya. Karpova (Physics-cliemiral Institute
Imeni L. Ya. Ka
SUBMITTED, March 1, 1960
Card 2/2
? S/048/60/024/01 0/005/033
B01 3/Bc6 3
AUTHORS: qolov'YPv, :i. P.. Venevtsev, Yu, N., Zhdanov,-G. S., and
Ivanova_j V. V.
TITLE: Method of Calculating Inner Electric Fields in Complicated
Dipole Structures and Their Application to-CaTiO, ;,I
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960,
Vol. 24, 110. 10, pp. 1191 - 1194
TEXT: A general method is suggested for calculating the inner electric
fields in complicated structures, in which there may take place both
parallel and antiparallel ionic displacements in an arbitrary direction.
This method, which was applied to the calculation of fields in CaTiQ.
type crystals, constitutes a generalization of the methods that are
used for calculating the fields in piezoelectric substanceal'bf an
LBO 3- type structure, and proceeds from the respective structure model
of the compound concerned. A total of six different cases were examined.
The calculation was made at the vychislitelInyy tsentr MGU (Computer
Card 1/4
Method of Calculating Inner Electric Fieldo in S/048/60/024/'JIO/005/033
Complicated Dipole Structures and Their B013/BOO-3
Application to CaTiO3
Center of MGU) with the computer iiCTPFJ1A11 (Strela). The calculation of
the fields in CaTiO3 shows that the distribution of fields in this com-
pound depends only little on the polarizability of Ca ions. It is all
the more dependent, however, on the effective ion charge, up to the
change of the signs of the fields acting upon the oxygen ions, although
the qualitative picture remains unchanged. The fields acting upon Ca
ions are only little varied in this connection. In all of the six cases
examined the fields are considerably smaller than is the case with the
piezoelectric ABO3 compounds. In this case, as may be seen from the
structure symmetry, the field acting upon the Ti ions is exactly vanish-
ing. In BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 (Refs. 8 and 9), on the contrary, fields of
maximum strength act UDOn the Ti ions. The basic difference between the
fields in CaTiO3 and in the piezoelectric ABO 3compounds related to it,
is connected with the fact that in the latter the octahedra are greatly
deformed, while they are nearly ideal in CaTiO 3* The relationship
Card 2/4
Method o f Calculating Inner Electric Fields in 8/040
Complic ,
tad Dipole Struoturea and Their BO13/BO63
Applica CaTiO,*
betweenl the anomaly of dielectric properties and the deformation of
BO oct4
6 hedra can ba also observed in thG caae of such ABO compounds
as arep e.g., PbZrO PbHfO Haffb ~t can be stated that the presence,
Y 31 03-
of a do ormation of B - 0 is an indispensable prerequisite for an anti-,
piezool otric phase transition. The authors thank N. E. Tj:it=v, colla-
bo of the computer center of HGU for his assistance in the computa-.
tricitv 'he present paper was read at the Third Conference o
L_which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 3.OP 1960. Ther'
are I f gure and 12 references: 4 Soviet-'
ASSOCIAT ION: Fiziko-'k'iimicheekiy ins,'Wttut Lo Ya. Karpova
(Phyeicochomical Instit;dto imeni L.lY&, Karpov)
Card 3/
84996 :3 5
slo481601024,101 0/005/03 3
B01 3/B063
Lagend to Fig.:
f I
Tie OaTiO unit cell 0 n
I rill
Card 4 4
p I
X-ray and electric investigation of solid solutions in tbb system
PbTiO3 - SrSnO3, Fiz. tvor. tela 3 no. 3:959-963 Mr 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
(Lead titanate) (Strontium stannate) (Solutions, Solid)
T. 2.6 C-0
~`07 9 3
It 0 1 /6 YJ03/011/020/056
AUTHORS: Fedulov, S. A., and Venevtaev.
TITLE: Investigation of structure and d,,t,lectvric properties of solid
solutions (Pb,Sr)(Ti,Zr)O 3
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, ji:). -, 19061, 3371-3375
TEXT: The authors found a continuous ijfk z3olid solutions in the
PbTiO 3 - SrZrO 3 system. The temperature of the dielectric
constant I , the conductivity 0, and tan -,ni~-utigated by employing
VN-3 (UM-3) nnd MON-4 (MOM-4) type bridge-, a k8-1 (KV-1) type q-meter.
C and tan d were mainly determined for cycles. Part of the samples
with pseudomonoclinic distortion were invet;-I'u~4ted with Cr radiation in
PKA-143 (RKD-143) type chambers (built by institut
im. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute At room temperature,
these solid solutions of the PbTiO 3 - SrZr,, --y.,ttem are found in three
modifications: tetragonal, cubic, and (Fig. 1). Period
Card I
Investigation of structure and dielectric ... ~'~2'5/B104
c becomes smaller in the tatragonall 'out period a increases.
Fig. 2 shows the behavior of ratio c/a. a 3hows a steady increase
in the cubic system. In the p3eudomonocl:,:-.--- range, monoclinic angle/3
and periods a-c increase while the ratio -L.1a of the monoclinic axes
decreases. Solid solutions (Pb,Sr)(Ti,Zr,'~(, --iti, 32.5;f. by weight (40 mole,,
of Sr7,rO3 show a Curie temperature of mor-; "IQO C. Fig. 3 shows tiie
temperature dependence ofE for solid of various types. The
temperature dependence for a Bample with 15/ u-.Aght of SrZrO3 was
established at 500 kilocycles, that for -.r.-r samples at 1 kilocycle.
decrease with increasing
Conductivity of solid solutions and tan d 1~;
concentration of SrZrO 3' From these data~ i- Ij possible to compile p--rt
of a phase diagram for solid solutions inv,)~;t.a~.ted (Fig. 6). When
writing down the composition of ferroelectr~.-I.- cf perovskite-type
structure in the general form ABO 39 gclA':i .,rji1,-Acno are formed through
simultaneous substitution of ions A and ;,e systems PbTiO - ~;.Czrc';
PbTiO 3 - SrSnO 3f and PbTiO 3 - SrTiO 3* 17: *emperature shows its
Card 2
Investigation of structure and dielectric B125/B104
strongest decrease in samples investigated if SrSnO 3 is introduced, and it
is less affected by SrZrO and SrTiO A aimllar behavior was observed in
3 3* 2+
analogous series of solid solutions where A-type ions are either Pb or
Ba 2+ ions. The monoclinic structure may be ~,ausad for the cubic cell in
the series SrTiO 31 srsno 31 and SrZrO3 by a decrease of the geometrical
factor t from 0.96 to 0.88. G. S. Zhdanov is thanked for a discussion of
results and interest in the paper. There are 6 figures and 16 references:
10 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The three'mo5-, recent references to English-
language publ 'ications read as follows: J. Phys. Soo. Japan, 14, 10, 12a6,
1959.; F. J. Kulacar. J. Am. Cer. Soc##,L~ 1, 49, 1959.; J. Smith,
A. J. E. Welch. Acts. Cryst., U, 8, 653, 1960.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy fiziko-khimiche3kiy institut im.
L. Ya. Karpova Moskva (Scien-~'Lfic Physicochemical Research
Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpvv)
SUBMITTED. June 7, 1961
Card 30' 7
(2-3 a -1~ /I V S/070/61/006/ool/002/011
V) E032/E314
2eoo (/I V2., 13av, 11.36)
AUTHORS: Solov'yev, S.P., Venevtsev, Yu.N., a-danov, G.S.
and Ivanova, V.V.
TITLEi Calculation of Internal Electric Fields in
Perovskite Crystals (CaTiO 3)
PERIODICALi Kristallografiya, 1961, Vol. 6, No. 1,
pp. 78 - 85
TEXTt in a previous paper (Ref. 13) the present authors
gave an account of a general method for the calculation of
internal fields in structures having an arbitrary dispostion
of dipoles, The aim of the present paper is to apply this
method to the calculation of fields in the antiferro-electric
dipole structure of CaTiO 39 using a model based on the real
structure reported by Kay and Baily in Ref. 14. In the
method described by the present authors in Ref. 13, it is
assumed that the polarisabilities and effective ion charges
are known. The polarisabilities of Ca and 0 ions-we 3taken
from the book by Kittell (Ref. 15) (MCa , 1.10 10 cm
Card 1/5
Calculation of Internal Electric Fields ....
ao = :&.4 x lo- 24 CM3) , It is further assumed that the
effective charges of the ions in BaTiO3are approximately
equal to one-half of the total ion charges. In order to
estimate the effect of the assumed magnitude of the charges
and polarizabilities on the field distribution jix different
variants of the calculation were carried out, in which the
charges and pofarisabilities were varied within reasonable
limits. The results obtained are summarised in Table 3,
which giveo the internal fields in-CaTio3. The first five
variants are based on the real structure of CaTiO 39 shown in
Fig. 2. For comparison, variant 6 is based on values of the
f and h sums calculated for undispersed positions of the
ions. All the calculations were carried out on the electronic
computer "Strela" at.the Computation Centre of MGU.
Card 2/5
2 00 -214
Calculation of Internal Electric Fj.(!Id.-3 ....
Acknowledgments are expressed to N.P. Trifonov and
A. Tellnova of the Computation Centre of MGU, who carried
out the nunlerical calculation on tl-ie "Strela" computer.
There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 1-1 rcterencets: 7 Soviet
and 10 non-Soviet.
AS6OClATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Larpova
(Physicocheinical Institute im. L.Ya. Karpov)
SUBM17CED: March 1, 1960
Card 3/5
caicuiation of internal Electric ....
Table 3: 1 Variants; 2 E1.10 V/cm; 3 Projection Axis;
CGSE esu
Oelf. It. aca; C4 2aCa. ao Ca: 110
CA; Oca
eca - 1.0
0 CC4 - 1,D
2 '
" 2.J-10-," CAO;
l -
tI eT1 -
, .
vrl - -1.0
40 !---
; eT1
00 --1.0 #0 - -1,0 60-1.0 -2.0 CGSR; to
0, no 0 1 097 0,0720 -0,0840 0,0072'
0 0
0 0
z 0,494 0,751 0,517 0 601 0,557 ~0,422
0 0
0 0 0
ETI 1 y 0 0 0 0 0 0
z 0
X 0,767- 0,876- 2,053'. -0,477 0,792- 0, B56-
oL y 0 1 0
1 0
1 0
v 0,02 0,080 0,0906 -0,0714-.
Card 4/5 X 0 470* 928*
0 0578*
0 0 489, 0,544-
v 0:875 0 892 _
1 887
: 0 IVO
: -0:880 -0,942
z -0 ,OM -01085 -0,570 0,519 -.0,0253 -O,no
Calculation of Internal Electric Fields .....
Vig. 2:
y ulz
Pitc.2. 3.1leMellUpliaM sqcAKttCaTiO3-
Card 5/5
X-ray diffraction study of phase transitions in Na!;L-:3- Kris-
tallografiia 6 no.2:218-224 Mr-Ap 161. (,u.IRA 14: 9)
1. Fiziko-ithimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova.
(Sodiun niobate) (X rays--Diffraction)
7/0 0 (,1/6 6/ E021/E435
AUTHORSt Ven( itsen- Yu.N. , Bondarenko, V.S. , Vidanov, G.S. ,
Stember, N.G.
TITLE: Anomalous changes in the lattice parameters, the
dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (Ba, Pb)T'03
solid solutions
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1961, Vol.6, N0.3, I)P.375-380
TEXT: Samples were prepared from chemically pure titanium
dioxide and barium and lead carbonates. X-ray investigations
showed that solid solutions of (Ba, Pb)T103 had a tetragonal-
distorted cell of the perovskite type. Results of precision
measurements on the parameter of the cell are given in Fig.1,
where changes in lattice parameters and volume are plotted against
weight % PbT103' The curves are not continuous and there are
sharp changes at 5.5, 9.2, 11.2 and 13.5% PbT103- shows
the periods of the crystal lattice C and a; Fig.16 shows c/a;
Fig.113 shows the volume v of the elementary cell against
eight % PbT103- The results of measurements of the dielectric
constant C against temperature (*C) are shown in Fig.2 (the
numbers on the curves correspond to the % PbTiO3). The values of
Card 1/7
Anomalous changes ... E021/E435
the dielectris constant at the Curie point Cmax are plotted
against concentration (wt.%) PbTiO in Fig.3. There are sharp
maxima at 5o5t 9o2t 11 and 13-7~', PbTi03- The curves in Fig.2
enable the Curie point and the positions of the second ajid third
phase transformations to be found. On the basis of the:,e
measurements, the phase diagram at the BaTi03 rich end can be drawn
(Fig.4). The change in the piezo-modulus d33 with composition
is shown in Fig-5. There are maxima at 5.5, 11,2 and 13.5 wt-",',
PbTi03- The obtained data agree in many respects with those of
previous work when commercially pure materials were used. The
results, as well as published data, lead to the conclusion that the
observed anomalies are characteristic of the solid solutions of
(Be, Pb)T103 and they may be due to the differences in the
properties of the barium and lead titanates. A change in the type
of ferroelectrically active cations probably takes place in the
concentration range of 11.2 to 1.35 wt.% PbT103 when the second and
the third phase transitions, which are characteristic for barium
titanate, ceased to exist. Other observed anomalics are also
attributed to the differences in the proper-ties of the titanates of
barium and lead. Acknowledgments are expressed to Senior
Card 2/7
Anomalous changes E021/E435
laboratory assistant B.G.Nikolov, Technician I.I.Moreva,
Engineer V.A.Ulitin and Laboratory assistant G.V.Bazlianova for
their assistance. There are 5 figures and 9 references:
4 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Sovict-bl6c. The three references to
English language publications read as follows: 11. D. Megaw, Proc..
Phys.Soc., 58, 133,.1946; G.Shirane, F.Jonn, R.Pepinsky, Proc.1RE,
43, 12, 1738, 1955; B.Joffe, R.S.Roth, S~.Marzullo, J,Res.Nat.Bur.
Standards, 55, 5, 239-254, 1955.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova
(Institute of Physics and Chemistry ii;:eni
SUBMITTED: August 24, 1960
Card 3/ 7
2 G S/070A1/006/005/OU4/0I1
AUTHORS Fedulov, S..A,,, Verievtsev Yu , N Zlidanov, G S,. and
Rez- 1,S., -
T ITLE X-ray crystallographio- aiid clcctr~ical stiidies of'
specimens of the system 1111'r 10 3 *BaZri.) 3
PI.v1 ODICAL, KristallografLya 1961 ~ ~.~o I. o No.5 po 681-685
F E.Y. T ~ Hitherto the sy5tem PbTio,% - 13,&ZrO has hardly been
studied, The PbTiO 3 synthesized li,id a tviragoAally-di..~-.orted
perovskite structure With a -- 7;-1391) .111d L It 15 7) g I v I Tig
,~/a z 1 065 The BaZrO ctih,~~ ;,lth 'I 1 91 agree
with previou.51.y publ:'ghea data ;Pvt (~ ! t M (2,q a w Pr I'll%.S Soc.,
56 133. 1()46),, Fig I shows th(~ iari,iton oi cell dimensions with
composition for intermediate cormc),,if -,on-i in the COTItinuous series
of solid soluti.ans obtaxned, [hv ckmngv~. f LthOlit khscuritin-
uity, The two phases appi-ared it) kv- xiit over the ccmpomition
range 37,5 to 40% (by weight), io. thv high PI)Tm- t,nd ol the
ompo s i t tcvi range, measurements v1' tii, lllelf-f~trl_C Cmstorlt Weec
hiLridered by the h.igh conduct;.vi!v ilic iota ol the conducti-vity
was a linear function of I./T (tji;, illp
( ard I/it
,./(j 1(j/6i/ou6/oo-)/oo it /() I I
X-ray cryt-tallographiL and
I E 5) 0 0
dielectric constant was ineasure~.I ~it :'),`0 '~c for tilt', compo-qitions
20-25% BaZrO_ and at I kc othet-wL~,3t~ i ~v, 'I slviws the variation of
d.c,, with temperature for various ci,mpomitions of' material, The
existence of a two-phase region bc? 't~tvii the ferroc-loctrit (tetra-
gonal) arid the paraelectric (cubic) inf,dilLcations in not new but has
been found also in PbTiO -BaTiO , 'ihis is cxpre~,.sed in the
spreading of the maxima in the Lrve~s o! d c, against I and
corresponds to the statist:cal distribution of the cations in the
two phases, This statistical di!-trihittion grives riie to strains
in the crystal lattices and as it rt--,tiit tho ferroc-lectric-
paraelectric transformation takes tlocv over a fintte temperature
interval- The rhomboliedral pha4o: loillid by T Ikeda Olel,l, J,.Phys,
la countered, -the absence of
Soc, Japan,, 14 2 1 ' 8, 1959 ) wa s no X vil
a piezoelectric effect in thc range from 40-1121-4% also confirms
that there was no rhombotiedral pbase in ihis case, Work reported
by others on the system PbZrO 3- 11a f 10 i~-i contradictory
Acknowledgments are expressed to Stiazlievskaya and
N~ A, Kabalkina for their assii!atance, There arv 6 Figures and
11 ret'erences, 6 Soviet and 5 The English-language
Card 2/1j
X-rety crystallographic aml ... 5/07o/61/006/005/004/011
reforetmes read as followst. 110f.1 (cluoted it, text); Rof. 7 :K. Suzuki,
J. Phys. Soc. Jnpnn, 6,15,340, 1951; Hcf.8t B. Jaffe, R.S.Roth,
S. Mill.ZU110, J.Hes.Nnt.Dtir. StnTiclnrdti, 55, 239, 1955; Ref-9:
S. Nomurn, S. Snwndn, J.11hy.,l.Soc. Japan. 10, 2, 1955.
ASSOCAnoNt Fiziko-khimiclieskiy Iiistitut imoni L. YA. Knrpovtk
(Physico-Chemical Inatittite imetiL L. Yn. Karpov)
SUBMITTED: Januavy 20, 1961
2D q 80 /go
ta C)
0 Zo IN tu
Card 3/4 PbT(Ds 71ler
Ll S/07o/6j./oo6/oo5/ooq/oi1
7'pL 4 d E0312/E114
AUTHORS,, Fed-alov, S,A., Venevtsev,, Yu,N,j Vidanov, G.S., and
Smazhevakaya, YW~-,G-.
T IT LE , High--~emperaturp X-ray and thermographic studies of
bismuth ferrite
PERIODICAL; Kristallografiya, 1961, vvi..6, No.5., pp. 793-796
TEXT. In previous papers, Ref.1 II-S, Rez, Tezisy dokl,
Tret,yego soveshchaniya po segnetoalektr2.chest-,,u "Abstra~~ts of
tho Third Conference on 1zd--o AN SSSR, p.51~
1960) and Ref.2 (Yu.N. Venevtse-., Zhdanov, Solovlyev,
Ye,,V, Bezus, V,V. Ivanova, S,ji. Fpdul,)v, A.G, Kapyshev,
Kristallografiya, Vc,1,5, 4, 620. 1960) -.b;m! present authorm et al.
reported the existence of the compounJ BiFeO3 with pprovskite
type 19tru:Aure ' and suggeBted that th!..; 1:1--Mpiun1 1-4 a fvrro-
hi~ving -. highir 1~uria than titaiiate~
Th-i Curie temperature of 13'"03 1-Al" '11" ()'* t"' s(,wjl(l sc"'t'(.)1t8
bt-'~-,nging to the Aystem PbT'03 d(!tL'r111i11'
1y 2 ckr'.;)F~t LIC' ed "rom
measurements owIng to the ~iizl- ronductivily of the
specimens. The present au;hors have thr.':-foit~ Tarryvd out high
C ar d 1/4
L, X-ray and s/0-,0/6 1 /()()t-/()O5/009/0 I I
temperature X-ray and thermographi,: otIBi!'eO-,, Specimens
if-re prepared from a mixture of BL.-,O- by boat-ng them
,~ P"'-103
OC I*cr one hour and subseq,jently rr_,pc-
.c 800 c~t.irig th-4--i process~
The X-ray photographs were obtaine-d ;,;-ith .;opper radiatLon and the
!"PKA-.114 (VRKD-114) camern ;It fhr~
institute imeni L..Ya. Karpov). , The f!Ynthesized spec'mens
censisted of a single phase and had a r1-_,DtnboherJrn1 dimtorted cell
of the perovnkite type with a 3-r,63 X .-. I Id -., m 8 9 - ~, 4 1, "
The latter is in agreement with the riitult.,i reported in Ref.2
(.rcom temperature), Fig,l shows ~:ariation of a and a with
temperature, Analysis of the X-ray photegraph.9 obtained led to
the conclusion that at 700 OC the BlFoO3 b~-gan to decompose arid
weak lines belonging to i-t secend phnse appeared, The
de-omposit.ion is an irreversible process. The thermographi: study
was carried out with the aid of theYVTA-38 (IJKTA-58) apparatus.
Flg..2 shows the thermogram obtained for B 'Fe03' It follows from
the form of the differential curve (,A). the contraction curve (Y)
and the weight-loss curve (18) that up -to about 1350 OC no phase
transformations occur in the specimen, In the temperature ranges
Card 2/ 4
High-temperaturc X-ray and ..... 5/070/(A/GQ6/CO5/(,'G9/ol1
875-930 OC, 970-1030 OC and 1030-1090 OC endothermic ef'fects were
observed and there wiLs an appreciable contraction of thn. specimen
which became noticeable imme dint a 1y after the eridothcriiiic cffect
near 675-930 OC. It is concludod thi~.t the Ciirie of'
D'F003 should be greater than or equal to 650 OC. 1311,,(,03 call
therefore be used as a basis for forroclectric solid .;olUt:1011:3
with high Curie temperatures. In addition, tkiii suh~,,trwc(~ will
be In the development of materials which have both
maj!Jtetic aiid fc-rroclectric properties. Ackyiowled,~,rweiits are
expressed to V.I. Rivkin and Yu.M. Toropov for a--.,!-;i!-,taiice in the
thermographic studies.
There are 2 figuref, and 1k Soviet references.
ASSUCIAl"ION: 1~iziho-khiiAche~skiy institut ii;i. L.Ya. harpova
(1hy.iicochcmical Institute imwril L.Ya. harpov)
SUBMITTEID: January 20, 1961
Cnrd 3/4
V"r,NEVTSZV Yu U - SOILV I aW,-S-P.~-ZHDA IOV-,--G.S,--- - ---- --
-1-*1 - - - -
Methods for the X-ray diffraction study of small deformations
of cubic primary-cells. Zav.lab. 27 no.9;1112-1115 161.
- (MIRA 14:9)
1. flauchno-isoledovateltakiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut,
imani L...*i. Karpova.
(Elootric batteries) (XIray-Diffraction)
V1-'1:E1JTS!W) Yu, ~j.
"InVeStigation of some solid solutions bared on tile forroelectric-
anti ferroiragnetic
report presented at the Symposium on Phase Transitiolls ill Solids) 6th Grneraj
Assembly, Intl. Union of Crystallography, Rome, Italy, 16-18 spp 1963.
(Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, USSR)
"The Calculations of the internal electric fields and electric-field
gradients in the perovskite-type compounds with special dielectric properties.,,
report presented at the Symposium on Phase Transitions in Solids, 6th General
Assembly,, Intl. Union of Crystallography, Rome, Italy, 16-18 Sep 1963.
(Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistxy, Moscow,, USSR)
Yu. N-j. LYUBIXGV, V. N. , SOLOVI-M, S. P., Viskov, A. 5. and 3. 5'.
"Calculation of Internal Electric Fields and Field Gradients in Pcrovz%i'1..a
Typa Compounds unith Special Dielectric Properties."
report presented at the Symposium on Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism,
Leningrad, 30 MaY - 5 June 1963*
"Yubimov, V. N., and Ve-nevtsev, Yu.
TITLE: Calculation of potentials in hyperstructures
I C1 C.. Fi"iku tverdoGo tola, v. 4, no. 5, 1)62,
1352 - 1~57
T-'~'X TThe potentials of hyperstructurez of c~ej3tals cl the tirpo ABO
,.-,,ith ato.-.:3 per unit cell are investigated theoratically. The hyper-
structures are complexes of unit cells with, for jxample 20 atoms
C(II4.1io ) or '0 atoms (e.g. '.ObZrO-'
(CaTiO31 3 It , . In -he formuition of hyper-
structurcs not only the lattice constants become larr-er but also the
crystal axes chaz-e thei-. di-ruozions in zpace. Some fundamental
consider'--tions are made for the very com,-Ikcated problem of potential
c"iculation and so,.,ie oeneral rolz~.ticono ~.,iritten do'....n. A formula is ob-
gained for the relationship bet-.,,een the potentials of the structure field
of -a unit cell and the potentials of the structure field of a hypercell
(-..,hich consists of an integral number of unit cells, such as .", or 8),
uivin,- the relations bet-..,een the structure coefficients of the
Card 1/2
Calculation of T)otentials . . . 3102 B104
inte--nc.l field of the unit cell and hYperstructure are derived for
concretc cares. liot only tho natjz,:~ of electrical properties but al-so
o--" Ot."er .)roperties of hyrerstr,,~ctureo de:)~;nd or. the
distrib,.~tlon .,ay be derived from Gotentic.1 c--lculations. Tne resul-.s cb-
tained mul:,- it possible to --tudy the aifferc;ncej in the behavior of the
vario"a zodificaion3. Ther.E~ are 2 figurcs.
A. 3 ~) 0 C - 1 ;.,2, -7 0 institut i;~. L.Ya. Karqcvz~ '.:oskvL,
(I?hy3icocho.-..ic----, institute- imeni L. "'a. Karpov, ",ozco-.,.-)
U I. ~ I T'-I 211:) January 251 1962
Card 2,,2
Ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in polar crystals.
Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.8:2123-212? Ag 62. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova, Moskva.
(Crystalo-Electric properties)
Lyubimov, V. N., Venevtsev9 Yue Not Soloylyev, S. P-9
Zhdanov, G. S.,and Bakus .hihikiy-O A. B.
The dipole structure and the internal electric fields in
Fizika tverdogo telas v- .4.* no. 12, 1962, 3543-3550
TEXT; The most probable values of the internal electric fields and field-
induced electron dipoles are calculated for a PbZrO 3 crystal on the basis
of the model of point dipole structure. Using the method developed by
S. P. Solov,yev, Yu. N_ Venevtaev, G. S. Zhdanov (Kristallografiya 39 473P
1958)9 the determination of the 28 different projections of the electron
dipole moments was reduced to the solution of a system of 28 linear
algebraic equations for 28 unknowns. The structural sums which are
necessary for the set-up of these equations describe the fields of the
infinite eublattices of the unit charges and unit dipoles# the number of
which exceeds by far 1000. Both the structural sums and the system of
Card 113
The dipole structure and the ... B125/B102
equations itsel:.' were calculated in various modifications using the
electronic computer "Strela". The effect of all structure sublatticeB on
each of the 40 atoms incorporated in the elementary cell was taken into
account. The variant F S was determined by extrapolation for the
parameters e Pb " 1.279 eZr - 1-73, eo - -1P aPb - 4-32-10' 24 CM3
aZr " 0.60-10- 24 CM3, ao - 2.26,10-24 CM3. ei denotea the effective
charges and ai denotes the electron polarizabilities of the ions. The
small value of PS within a certain temperature interval makes it possible
to establish a correlation between the data obtained from structure and
those from dielectric studies. At room temperature, the ion polarization
for the above-mentioned values of the parameters is compensated by electron
polarization. Henceq the FbZrO crystal is antipolarized and very similar
to an anti-electret. Results, similar in principle, are obtain 19 d for any
of the ten crystallographic polar classes of pyroelectrice (electrete).
It is assumed that at least the direction of most of the projections of
the electron dipole moments and of the internal fields corresponds to the
Card 2/3
The dipole structure and the ... B125 B102
real structures of PbZrO3 at room temperature. The displacement of the
atoms may be attributed to nonelectrostatic forces. The highest field
strength acts on the Zr ion. Tn general the internal field strength
increases with decreasing ion polarizability. Th.e rules found for PbZrO
resemble those governing the ferroelectric crystals BaTiO3 and PbTIO3
It would be useful to investigate PbZro3 under pressure. There are
7 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheakiy inatitut im.*L. Ya. Karpova, Moskva
(Phyaicochemical Institute imeni L. Yao Karpov, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: July 9, 1962
Card 3/3
AUTHORS! Lyubimov, V.N., Venevtsev, Yu,N, and Zhdanov, G.S,
TITLE- Internal electric fields in NaTaO- and CdTio
crystals 3
PERIODICAL-, Kristallografiya, v, 7, no. 1, 1962, 12 - 19
TEXT,- The aim of the present calculations was to obtain
some information on the electrical properties of the above
crystals. It is stated that they have not been extensively
investigated and that the published information is to some
extent conflicting~ ThU5, G~A. Smolenskiy (Ref. I - Dokl.AN
SSSR, 85, 985, 1952; Ref.2 - ZliLtekhn. fiz.. 20, 137, 1950
and Ref. 3 - Dokl. AN SSSR, 70, 405, 1950) reported that CdTiO3
was a ferro-electric with a Curie point at 50 60 K, while
J.K. Hulm, B.T. Matthias and E.A. Long (Ref. - Phys. Rev-,
79., 885, 1950) did not find these properties~ According to the
experimental results of B.T, Matthias (Ref,, 5 Amer-Phys,Soc.,
24, 28, 1949 and Ref. 6 - Phys~ Rev., 75, 1771, 1949), NaTaO 3
should be regardedas aferro-electric, while V.A. Isupov
Card 14
Internal ciectric fields E032/E3111
(Ref, 8 - Izv, AN SSSR, Ser., fiz., 22, 15011i 1958) describes it
asllquasi-ferro-electric!'. In order to resolve these difficulties,
the present authors calculate the internal vlo-ctric fields of tht,
above structures at room temperature. UBo 1-,4 made of a modified
form of Eq. (10) tit the paper by 5.11. Solov~yev, Yu.V~ Venevtsev
and G,,S,. Zhdanov (Ref. 10 - Kri5tallografiya, 5, .1960, 718) in
order to abbreviate the calculations, The 5tructural coefficiEnts
of CdTiO3 were calculated by P.P. Ewaldis method (Ref. 11 -
Ann. Phys, 64, 253, 1921) using the Streln computer. Each
structural coefficient was determined to four decimal places.
The procedure used by the authors enabled them to reduce the
number of points for which the coefficientshad to be evaluated
from 34 to 15. There are 9 structural coefficients for each
of these 15 points. Of the resulting total number of 135, there
are 74 which are equal to zero. The authors have used this
theory to calculate the dipole moment of the superstructure
cell. and found its antiparallel components The dipole moment
and the contribution of i-ons to the spontaneous polarization
Card 2/5
Internal electric fields .... E032/E314
ai.~ given (in units of 10- 18 ESU) in Table 5. The internal
fields (in units of 10-8 V/cm), the spontancotts polarization
and the structural distortion of various crystals of type
ABO3 are given in Table 6. It is stated that further canful
studies of the structural, dielectric and other charncteristica
of these substances are necessary. Acknowledgments are expressed
to S.P. Solov'yev for advice and T.A. Osipova for evaluating the
structural sums. There are 6 tables and 17 references:
10 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc., The four latest English-
language references are: Ref. 4 (quoted in text); Ref. 7 -
H.F. Kay, J.L. Miles - Acta crystallogr., 10, 213, 1957;
Ref. 12 - H.F. Kay, P.C. Baily - Acta crystallogr., 10, 219, 1957
and Ref. 15 - J.R. Tessman, A.H. Kahn, W. Shockley - Phys. Rev.,
92, 890, 1953-
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya. Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute im. L.Ya. Karpov)
SUBMITTED: February 15, 1961
Card 3/5
AUTHORS: Fedulov, S.A., Venevtsev, Y N., Zhdanov, G.S.,
Smazhevskaya, Ye.'G., Rez, I.S--.
TITLE: X-ray-and electrical studies of the system
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.1, 1962, 77-83
TEXT: X-ray powder photographs were taken at various temperatures
up -to about 8000C of specimens from the BiFe 03 -PbTi 03 system and
measurements were made of dielectric constant and electrical
conductivity. Fig.1 shows the change in cell dimensions with
composition, wt.%1 Fig.7 shows the phase diagram. The rhombo-
hedral phase near the composition BiFeO3 has an exceptionally high
Curie point, about 850"C, which is near its incongruent m.p.
At lower concentrations of BiFeO3 (650%) before the transition
from tetragonal to rhombohedral, the tetragonal phase reaches a
c/a ratio of 1.17, which is exceptionally high. As a base for
ferroelectri,( stxucture, BiFeO3 has wide possibilities and may
lead to tec'h-nicaj TnaLt~rials with both ferroelectric and ferro-
ma-netir, propextigs. There are 7 figures.
",~ _ , r,
AUTHOI,RS: Lyubimov, V.,N. , Vencyt.sev, Yxi.',%'. , and Zhdtnov, G. 6.
TITLE: ()n a nlethod of calculating the gradients of the
internal electric fields in complex dipole structures
PERIODICAL: Kristallomrafiya, v-7, no.2, 1962, 229-233
TEXT: The problem of calculating the gradients q of the
internal electric field in a crystal lattice of any symmetry made
up of charges and dipoles is examined. As q = grad E = - grad V
and 8LX/ 3 y = 8 Ey/ 8 x, q is a symmetrical tensor -with 6
Co.-IT)onents. In the general case 6m quantities must be calculated
to give the field if there are m atoms per unit cell.
Inclusion of the symmetry of the unit cell may reduce this to.
6n where n is the number of complexes, and simplify the
formulae. The symmetry of the ions themselves introduces
further simplifications.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya. Karpova
Card 1/1 (Physico-chemical Institute imeni L.Ya. Karpov)
SUBMITTED: April 26, 1961
ZARA diffmation and electric studies of the system
rTi;; UA103. Krista.Ilografiia 7 no.3*./+08-43.1 MY-Je 162.
(MIFLA 16: 1)
1. Fisiko-khimicheakiy inatitut imeni Karpova,
(L-ray crystallo&raphy) (Dielectric conntant)
. pterio(ChemisV7))
AUTHORS: Lyubimov, V.N., Venevtsev, Yu.N.
TITLE: The formation of dipole configurations in certain
structures with special dielectric properties
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, V-7, no-5, 1'962, 793-794
TEXT: A. Jas~kiewicz and H. Kbnwent (Bull.'Acad. polon. Sci. CI.
III, v.9, ig6i, 553) have examined the.process of the formation
of dipole structure in perovskites (AB03), although not entirely
successfully. An attack on the structure of W03 (Re03- type)
proves simpler. Here, either the IV or the 0 ions can be
ferroelectrically active and the method of trial and error is
practicable. For the case where the W- ion is active and the
dipolar structure is formed because, as a result of the thermal
oscillations, the W ion in one cell possesses an initial dipo*le
(090,mz), the field, acting on W ions in neighbouring cells, can
be determined by the above method. This given the case of
tetraggnal W03 consisting of chains of pseudocubic cells, where
in each chain the polarization of the cells is directed in one way
and in the neighbouring chain oppositely. This is the simplest
Card 1/2
The formation of dipole ... E132/E46o
configuration known for W03. The method cannot be pursued
further to give other configurations but some results can be
obtained for the NH4Cl and N114Br structures (where the halide ions
are active). These are found to be antiferroolectric. The
method is only confirmatory and does not disclose now
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova
(Physico-chemical Institute imeni L.Ya.Karpov)
SUBMITTED: February 21, 1962
Card 2/2
'Iii r.,
3 ~' 3,;~u
AUTIMS: Fedulov, S.A., Venevtsev, Yu.N., Dzhmukhadze, D.F.
TITLE: X-ray diffraction and electrical studies of the
system PbTi03 - LaA103
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.6, 1962, 1108-411
TEXT: PbTi03 being ferroclectric and l,aj\]O- paraelectric, the
pseudo-binary system is of interest. Pure hC03. A1203, Ti02
and La203 were used to make the materials, sintering being carried
out at 8oo to 12000C and again at 1100 to 14000C in each case for
1 hour. High precision X-ray powder photographs were taken of the
products. The dielectric constant E and the loss tan 6 were
measured at 1 Kc/s on a bridge. The phase diagram is as shown
in Fig.l. The cubic region widens with increasing temperature
until'at 5000C there is only a cubic phase at all compositions.
The temperature dependence of c was measured with increasing
content of LaA103- A significant drop in the peak height takes
place and the position of the maximum passes below OOC for
contents greater than 20%. A significant piezoelectric effect
was found for specimens.containing 5 and 7.5% LaA103, The
Card 1/2
X-ray diffraction and ...
combination of high piezoelectricity and high Curie temperature
(above 300'C) may be technically useful. Professor
G.S.Zhdanov is thanked for his advice. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute imeni L.Ya.Karpov)
SUBMITTED: July 10, 1961
P '.#Ojg
)(A,0 :
49W a
Card 2/2
14 3 56T/
AUTHORS: Lyubimov, V.N., Vine%,t.,;(,v, Yu.N., Kovranskaya, Ye.Yu.
TITLL: Calculation of the gradients of the electric field in
ionic crystal!5
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v.7, no.6, 1962, 949-952
TEXT: It has been shown (E. Bri-m et al. llelv. phys. acta, v.34,
1961, 391) that the contribution ot' 6Ed of the multipolarity
of the ions to the field gra(lierit may greatly exceed that ' 6EPI
of the point charges. I'his effect would be expected to be
particularly great for ferroclectrics with dipole structures.
The authors' formula (Nristallogr. v-7, no.2, 1962, 229-233) for
calculating 6E in a dipole -,tructitre is now applied to the
tetragonal Ba"'03 (or the general 1)erovskite ABOI). The structure
sums were calculated on the "'-:insk" computer. The. dipolar
contribution to 5E of any atom does not eveed 0.7 x 1014cgsu
and is normally between 0.1 and 0.5 X 101 The true efrective
charges may, however, differ from. those assumed by 20 to 30C/0.
(Assumed eA eB = -'-2; 00Y = Coll
Card 1/2
Calculation of the gradients E132/E435
If so, then the contribution.9 of' the A and B atoms to 6E will not
be zerwand there will be it dipole contribution of tile order of
bEd = approx 0.5 x 1011, cgsu. For the oxygen ions the charge
contribution exceeds the dipolar contribution. Inasmuch as tile
electronic dipoles have the functions of effective charges and
their values are only approximately known, their contribution to
the-dipole structure cannot be calculated accurately. The
dynamic corrections to tile effective charges can be CalCUlated.
For the oxygen this is' a -bE = approx 4 x 10-10 cgsu. For the
Ti the correction is significantly less and is about 0.1 e
and the force acting on tile charge greatly exceeds that acting on
the dipole. This gives grounds for treating the movement of the
ferroalectric ion a-, that of a point cha.-go and not of a dipole.
For the other ions the forces are of the sarite order. For
calculating the fields at the wiclei (or nuclear quadrupole
resonance, Noessbauer effect etc) quantum mechanical methods are
necessary to calculate the Sternheimer constant y,,, which must
be included. There is I table.
ASSOCIATION: Fizilco-ichimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova (Physico-
SUBMITTED: March 27, 1962 chemical Institute im. 1,.Ya.Knrpnv)
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Ivanova, V. V., Kapyshev, A. Go, Venevtsev, Yu. N., and
Zhdanov, G. S.
TITLE: X-ray determ'-pation of symmetry of the elementary cells of
the ferroelectrics (K O,5B'O-5 )TiO3 and (Na 0-5 Bio -5 )TiO3 and
of the high-temperature phase transitions Iin (K 0-5 Di 0-5 )TiO3
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 26,
no- 3, 1962, 354-356
TEXT: The ferroelectrics with perovskite structure '0 (K 0.5 Bi 0-5 )'PiO 3and
(Na 0.5 Bio -5 )TiO3with the Curie point at 380 and 320 C, roDpectively, had
been described in earlier papers (Ref. 1: G. A. Smolenakiyj A. I.
Agranovskaya, Fiz. tverdogo tela, 1, no. 10, 1562 (1959); Ref. 2: G. A,
Smolenakiy, V. A. 1supov, A. I. Ai-ranovskaya, 11. 11. Kraynik, Fiz. tverdoeo
tela Z, no. 11, 2982 (1960)). The radiographic examination with an
PM-;14 (RKU-114) camera shows that the samples are aingle-phasod at room
Card 1/3
S104 62/026/003/oo6/oi5
X-ray determination of symmetry B107YI3102
temperature, and that K and Bi, and/or Na and Bi are statistically
distributed in the sites of the elementary cell with the coordinatlon
number 12. Splitting of some lines waj observed, but could not be measured
accurately. CrK radiation and anPKA-143 (RY.D-143) camera (produced at the
FKhl imoni L. Ya. Karpov) were therefore used. The following lattice
constants were determined from the splitting of the line with
-hi . 6 : (K 0 5Bi ~-5 )TiO3is tetragonal with a - 3-913 � 0-005
c - 3.993 + 0.~o3 , v 61.1 _+ 0.15 ~3 (Ila Bio )TiO is rhombohedral
-891 + 0.002 a - 890361 + 0-5 -5 + 0.3 V
with a = 3 3 V - 58-7 - 1 zurthermore,
the change in Ge lattice constants w ith temperature up to 5000C was deter-
mined for (K 0.5 Bi 0-5 )TiO 3. At 2700C the tetragonal passes over into a
pseudocubic phase. The slightly diffuse lines make more accurate determina-
tion impossible. on the basis of previous conolusions (RQO.. 4t Yu. N.
Venevtsev, G. S. Zhdanov, Izv. LN SSSR. Ser. fiz., L1, 2275 (1957)) the
distortion can be assumed to be tetragonal. The cubic phase occurring fror,
4100C onward makes the radiographs cleare,~*. The authors thank V. I'M. Isupov
who supplied the samples. There is I figure.
Card 2/3
X-ray determination of symmetry ... B107/BI02
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy inatitut im. L. Ya. Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS Fedulov, S. A., VSIUvtsSv, Yu. Zhdanov, G. S., and
Dzhmukhadze, D. 1'.
TITLE: X-ray and electrical analysis of the system PbTiO 3- LaFeO3
PERIODICAL: -Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 206,
no. 3, 1962, 357 - 361
TEXT. This paper was presented at the VII Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye
soveshchaniye po primeneniyu rentgenovykh luchey k iseledovaniyu materi&~lov
(7th Scientific-technical Conference on the Use of X-rays for the
Examination of Materials) held in Leningrad from June 22 to 29, 1961. The
system PbTiO 3 - LaFeO3 was studied by means of X-ray and electrical
analysis. The specimens were prepared by double annealing (preliminary
annealing at 600'- 1100 0C, final annealing at 1100 - 1460 C, for one hour
each) in lead oxide vapor. X-ray analysis was made with CuK a and FeKa
radiation in P'.,Y-l 14 (RKU-1 14) and (RKD-143) cameras (designed at
the Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical
Card WAY
X-ray and electrical analysis ... B117/D102
Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov). The dielectric constant was measured at
450 kcPS by a'.'-:I-l (KV-1) Q-meter, electrical conductivity -.iaz measured by
al'~'1-4 (YOM-4) bridge. The results obtained by X-ray analysis agree with
those in other publications. The system PbTiO 3 - LaFeO3 forms a
continuous series of solid solutions which at room temperature occur in
three modifications: tetragonal, pseudomonoclinic 1, and pseudo--onoclinic
II. Specimens with an LaFeO 3 content higher than 501i4o showed a hyperfine
structure of the lines whose intensities increased with the LaFeO
concentration. The elementary cell volume of solid soluions (Pb,La)("Aije~jO3
decreased with increasing LaFeO 3 concentration. This became especially
distinct in the region of tetragonal modification and can be explained by
the specific electrostrictive properties of MOO 3' According to the
activation energy determined for PbTiO 3 and LaFeO3 from their conductivities
(with relatively high values), these compounds were classified as semi-
conductors. The temperature dependences of conductivity of solid solutions
as functions log a - f(I/T) had a complicated course when the LaFeO
Card 2/5
X-ray anJ electrical analysis ... B117/BI02
content was increased. This indicates a change in the conductivity
mechanism of solid solutions according to their composition. At certain
temperatures, corresponding to the phase transition points, salient points
were observed on these strai.ffht lines. A phase diagram (Fig- 5) was set
uo on the basis of the data obtained. Comparison of the data obtained for
PbTiO 3 - LaFeO3 with those for PbTiO 3 - BiFeO3 showed that in contrast to
PbTiO 3 - Bipeo3 in which the Curie temperature rises when BiFeO 3 is added,
the Curie temperature decreases in PbTiO 3 - LaFeO3 when the LaFeO 3
concentration is increased. Probably the main reason thereof is the
different polarizability of the La and Bi ions compared with the
polarizability of the Pb ion. The different ionic radii of Bi (1.20 ~) and
La (1.04 40 probably do not influence the behavior of the Curie temperature.
Pre3umably they are the main reason of the different sequence of the
phases. The Eelatively high temperature of the magnetic transformation of
LaFeO 3 (- 570 C) in part of the solid solutions in its neighborhood also
suggest magnetic properties. The authors thank Ye. G. Smazhevokaya for her
help. There are 5 figures and 13 references: 8 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet.
Card 3/5
X-ray and electrical analysis... B117/B102
The four references to English-language publications read as follows: N. D.
Megav, Proc. PhDs. Soc., ~8, 133 (1946); R. Roy, J. Re3. 'Nat. Bur. Stand'ardo,
58, 2, 75 (1957 ; M. 11. Francombe, 3. Lewis, J. Electronics, 2., 387 (1957);
G. Shirane, S. Hoshino, K. Suzuku, Phys. Rev., ~LO, 6, 1115 (1950)-
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khinicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-
chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
Fig- 5. Phase diagram of the system PbTiO 3 - LaFeO 3'
Legend: (1) cubic (paraelectric); (2) tetragonal (piezoelectric); (3)
poeudomonoclinic 1; (4) pseudomonoolinic II.
Card 4/5
o q, r Pi Ft
A r
S em e s o- i-:-e 0 3 -LzreC~ vere z---e-re e a fl~ wt 2
fl~r 7f-
Ccrd 1
L lh282-43
of a given c'o-I El o I u r, Bc;'~h ~Pr-nlenl- upr~n "he s%me
t-he --Le
k. 1~ .
3TT. A -mid--V I S=-wva-for-their-vajusbl*- Rri
WOCIATION- Nauchno-iseledavatellskiy fiziko-?-hlml-,heskly institut im, L. Ya.
---Karpova (Scientific Reae-arch Plh~,sleochem'-ca:l institute';
C.,d 4/5.
PZ7- -),I Do,-
e r, C.
Coc-xistence of art
a r 1y,
..- I I.,--- * : ~ ( 'i , -'. 9 ! '. -- -- . -~ --- 9 , 4 - - , . - t . , .
1 -~~3 - -".' "IL '- 1: - '. . It :- 9
.,. - ~ .- 1.-71-, : -- -Q -~ - . I , , .- . . I "
-- . - . I . . .- .- . ~ " I - -, -,, - . :,~ - e.~ - -.3 *- , - -- ,
S7~~, ~-T = -
TO CODE: 00 NO FEF SOV: OIS on-:ER: oo6
~: -- , d , 7-1 ')
Some solid Bolutions on the basis of the forroelectric-
antiferromagnetic BiFeO3- Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 28 no. 4:
683-690 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5)
Abrupt change of the-probability of the MoBabauer effect during
a phase transition In-ferroelectric substances. Zhur. ekep. i
teor. fiz. 44 no.6:2*1,82-2183 Je 163. (MIRA 16W
1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo, goBudarstvannogo
univerBitata i Fizlko-khimicheskiy, inatitut im. L.Ya. "ova.
(Mossbauer effect)
Study of the systems PbTiO3 - C&SnO and PbT103 - Ca7rC3
6 - ()G RA t
Kristallogr&fiJa 9 no 3:358-w-! 2 My e 164. i7.
1. Vseisoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inatitut khimicheskikh
ACCESSION NRt AP4043189 S/0070/64/009/004/0516/0520
AUMORS: Fedulov, S. A.; Lady*zhenskiy, P. B.; Venevtoeve Yus N.
TITLEs Investigation of the system BiFe03_LaAlO 3
SOURCE: Mistallografiya, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 516-520
TOPIC TAGS: bismuth inorganic compound, lanthanum compound, ferro-
electric property, perovskite structure,. solid solution, dielectric
ABSTRACT: Both investigated compounds have a perovskite structure
and were expected to form solid solutions. It was also assumed that
addition of LaAlO3 to BiFeO3 would lead to a decrease of the conduc-
tivity which would facilitate the study of *the temperature dependence
of the dielectric constant in a wide range of temperatures. It was
assumed that the results of these measurements would further confirm
the presence of ferroelectric properties in bismuth ferrite. The in-
Card 1/5
vestigation of the system was also aimed at studying tho effect of
various factors on the magnetic properties of similar compounds, and
to determine regions in which they possess special dielectric and The starting materials were Bi 2031 Fe2031
Al 0 (analytical purity), and La 0 (technical purity). The x-ray
2 3 .2 3
analysis was carried out with CuKa and CoKa radiation. The lattice
parameters were determined to within 0.0015 A, the volume to within
0.07 A3, and the angle to within 2'. Themagnetic measurements were
carried out by a method described in Kristallografiya v. 8, no. 4,
p. 610, 1963. X-ray analysis of samples with intermediate composi-
tions showed that one-phase perovskite solid solutions occurred only
up to 37.5 mole % LaAlO 3* Samples with 25--35 mole % LaAlO 3 exhibit
the clear maxima of the dielectric constant typical of ferroelectrics.
With increasing LaA103 content the maxima shift towards lower tem-
peratures. The temperature dependence of the specific magnetization
for samples of the homogeneous region was obtained at H - 7600 Oe.
Card 2/5*
All solid solutions-were found to be antiferromagnetic with weak
ferromagnetism. For samples with 35 mole % LaA10 3 the specific spon-
taneous magnetization reaches 0.15. The Curie temperature of BiFeO
is estimated by extrapolation to be about 6500C. The data make it
possible to construct a part of the phase diagram of the system
BiFeO 3--LaAlO3on the side of BiFeO3 (Encl. 01). The decrease of
the ferroelectric Curie temperature with increasing LaAlO 3content
is due, in the opinion of the authors, to the considerably weaker
electron p9larizability of the L13+ ion compared with that of Bi3+.
Most interesting is the rather strong increase of the Neel tempera-
ture on the introduction of LaAlO 3' 'This is due mainly to the some-
what smaller lattice constant of LaAlO 3- Is The authors thank Prof.
G. S. Zhdanov and Yu. E. Roginskaya for valuable advice and remarks."
Orig. art. hass 7 figures.
ASSOCIATION: VNII khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chisty*kh vesh-
chestv Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Xarpova (All-Union
Institute of Chemical Reagents and Ultrapure Materials, Physico-
chemical Institute)
Card 4/5
r, r
d \..
Biftoj L4AIOj
Part of the phase diarram of the BiFeO LaAlO system
on the BireO side. 3- 3
TX - ferroelectric Curie teaqvrature, TN antiferyommeti(
Neel temperature
I ferroelectric rerion
II region of weak ferromametism
II rejyion with ccmbined pmperties
Gard 515
AU-171OR: Venevtsovo Yu.,,,T.; Zhdanov, G.S. ; Roginskaya, Yu.Ye.; Fedulov, S.A. ; Ivanova,
A.G. ; Dondarenko,V. Lady* zhinskiy.
V.V. A.S.; Xapy-4shevP
TITU: Investigation of some solid solutions based on the forroolectkie-forromagnot
bismuth ferrite Za-cport ' Symposium on Farromagnatism and Ferroeloctricity held in
Leningrad 30 May to 5 June 19637
SOURCE: AN SSSR..Izv. Ser.liz., v.28, no.4, 19G4, 683-690
TO?IC TAGS: ferromagnetism, forroelectricity, bismuth ferrite, bismuth ferrite so-
lid solution
ABSTIZACT: By investigating solid solutions Of B12O34F02O3 in-PbTiO3, some Of thc'
authors, together with others, were able to show the existence of the compound Bi-
FeO3 with the perovskito structure and strong ferroolectric properties. 7"Aiis wor% is
reviewed, and later investigations are reported of the oledtric and magnatic proper-
ties of solid solutions containing BiFeO3. The solutions discussed are the two-com-
ponent systems in which one component is BiFeO3 and the other is LaFeO3, LaCrO3,
Card 1/3
ACCES31ON NR: AP4030644
PbTi03, BaT103, PbZr03, LaAI03, or SrSn03- Of these solutes, two are ferromagnetic,
two nre forroclectric, one is antiferroclectric and two are perovsk-Itc!; wit'.-,
maZnctic and electric properties. 11"hase dingrans are given for the LXrC~, ,
and DaT103 sulut'O,-'s- Curves of magnetization versus temperature ire gi4n. for v:~Ir-
ious compositions of the LaCr03 and 'bZ!'03 solutions, and curves of dielectric con-
stant versu:i Lure for the L0,103, PbZrO3 and BaT103 solutions. T!,a Neel poi:nt
is plotted nainst composition for all tsic solutions except those containing SrSnOq,
vi!-,ich could not lia as a single phase. Iixtrapolation of tllu- Curia pointr, ca
the LaAlQ3 and PbZi-C;3 solzitions to Zero coixontration confirmed the 14i[;h ferroclec-
tric Curie point (about ';500C) Of IA-VeO3. The wcalc Yorromagnetic properttics Off Bi-
Fcu-~ persisted in solutions containing high concentrations of materiils without pe-
c-.'a.iar "..10-netic Properties. Particularly interesting is the concentratJon dependence
o he spontancous m.,.-netiz.-ition cZ the LaCrN solutions; the inagnetiz,iti-in increas-
cddi:;co.I"i'I-'IOuSly as the ,yste,-,i crossed t1he boundary from the feroelc.-t--ic to the
antiferro,31ectric state. 'rhe LaFe03 solutions are uaid to have behaved s'..Iilarly,
but as these solutions have boon discussed iLI (IC"41il olacwhorc (;~nsll;aya, Yu.
.N-VUr'OVtsCv' G.S.Zhdanov and S.A.Fedulov, Kristallo-ratiya,8,1933) , %Iie data are rot
givon. An a,-.orzaly in the Mossbauar apoctrum of the 51-6n03 solutionn tlat was pro-
-viously ascribed to a ferroclectric transition (Fam Zul Xhiyen, A.S.Vialcov, V.C.
Slipinel' -and 'Alu."I.Vonevtsov, Zhur,oksp.i teor.fiz.,44,1963) ifj now beliuved to be
duu to antiforrum.,griatic ordering. 10 figures.
Card 3/3
Interrelation of specific dielectric and magn,~-tlc propertirs
in "ferrowignetica." Zhur. ekap. i toor. fiz. 46
1923 My 164. (MIRA 17:6)
1. Fiziko- 4himicheskiy institut lwmi Karpova.
AUMIOR: Venovtoov,Yu.N.; Lyubimov,V.N.; Solovlyov,S.P.,* Zhdanov,O.S.
TITLE: Calculation of the internal electric fields and their gradients in perov-
skito compounds with distinctive dielectric properties Lleport, symposium on Ferro-
magnetism and Ferroolectricity hold In Leningrad 30 May to 5 June 10GZ7
SOURCE-.AN SSSR. Izv.Ser.fiz., v.28, no.4, 1964, 630-635
TOPIC TAGS: internal field , crystal internal field , perovskite structure, ferro-
electricity, ionic forroelectricity model, forroelactric compound
ABSTRACT; For a number of years the authors have been engaged in calculatfng the
internal electric fields in compounds having the perovskite structure and peculiar
dielectric properties. The methods of calculation and the results have been reported
in a series of papers appearing in Xristallografiy (Crystdllography) and Fizika
tverdogo tela (Solid State Physics) from 1958 to 1062. The results of these calcula-
tions are discussed in the present paper. The calculations were based on the ionic
model of a crystal with Imown or assumed structure. The charges and polarizabilitles
of tho point ions were treated as given quantities, but the induced dipole moments
Card 1/3
were calculated. Calculations were performed for several values of the charge, pola-
rizability, and radius of the ions; reasonable variations of these parameters Wd
not alter the qualitative picture of the fields In the six compounds investigatod
(lead, barium, calcium and cadmium titanates, sodium tantalate, and lend zirc i
Good agreement was obtained between observed and calculated values of the Spontan-
eous polarization with the value 0.5 for the ionic charge factor. The results of
the calculations indicate that NaTa03 and CdTiO3 are ferrielectric materials and
that PbZrO3 is a ferrielectric material with nearly antiferroolectric properties.
The internal field at the position of the Ti Ion was found to vanish in CaT103 but
to be large in BaT103 and PbT103. This difference in the fields accounts for the
different dielectric behavior of those materials. Because of the strong field at the
Ti ion, the conclusion of II.D.Megaw (Acta crystallogr.,5,739,1952; lbid.,7,167,1954)
that the principal factor in ferroolectric tran:3itions of AD03 type materials must
ba a sharp increase in the covalent character of the B-0 bond is regarded as inade-
quately grounded. It is concluded that further theoretical and experimental investi-
d improved calcula-
gation of the possibilities of the ionic model is desirable, an
tions of field gradients are promised for the near future. I table.
Card 2/3
AUTHORSs Fedulovp So Aq VenevUav# Iru*.-.Uo-
TITLEt rn-fe3tigating the system PbrT'03'C&SF'03 and PbT'O3'WrO3
SOURC8# Krist-allogrefiyap ve 9v no* 39 1964P 358-362
TOPIC TAGS: ceramic technology, x ray analyviop electric property/ RKU U4 x ray
c4ftera, fixD 143 x ray camera
ABSTRACT: Samples of the indicated systems were prepared by ordinary ceramic
technology. X-ray analyses were made with CuK,,, FeK.,, and CrKb.< radiation in RKU-114
and RKD-143 cameraeo The results show a continuous series of solid solutions in
tha PbTiO 3-CaSn03 system. The solid solutions form at room temperature in three
.,modificationas tetragonal Il tetragonal Up and poeudomonoclinice In the field of.
tetragonal I, the lattice constant c-docreases sharply and a increases with
increase in CaSnO content# When the C&SnO content reaches -22% (by weight)# the:
3 3
tetragonal II field is reached, With further increase in CaSn' contentp the
change in a is negligibles but a diminishes appreciably* At C&SnO the
Card 113
pseudomonoclinic field is re~chedo Here a c and the two increase slightly wiU.
increase in C&Sn0Y but b remains almst unchangedo The PbTiO3-C&Z to 3 system
displays no continuous series of solid solutions, Here there is a broad two-phase
region consisting or two perovskite modifications,* The dielectric constant shows a!
harp maximum for each system when the concentration of the second constituent
(stannate or zirconate) is 20% or less., The absolute value is higher for PWiO 3~
Cazro3 (- 3000i than for PWiO 3 _Wno 3 '(,0-2000). In both system the values
decrease appreciably with increase in content of the second constituent. Condue-
tivity and dielectric lose diminish markedly with Increase in these second
constituents* The decrease in conductivity was found to be on the order of a
thousandrold for a content of i5% C&S over pare PbT at 100C~ The authors
n03 '03
conclude that no anomalous effects were noted that night be associated with
transitions of "cruxplingo" The authors thank Professor Go So Zhdanoy for his
interest in the work and his discussions of the resultes Origo art* hast 3
ASSOCrATrONs VassoyusaM caudwo-Issledovatellekty institut khinichaskikh
roaktivov (AU Union Scientific fts"rch Institute of Chanica "onto)
CWj 2/3
SUBMMEDt 2!~Sep63 '
SUB CODES 630 Ect Mr
ND MY SOVt 004
0THERs 005
Card 313
meters, the dielectric constant, and the specific magnetization,
with special care in the region of the antiferromagnetic transition.
The details of the experiment are described. The noticeable anoma-
Jies in the curves of these parameters in the region of the Neel
point offer evidence of the existence of a connection between the
,magnetic, electric, and atomic structures. it is precisely by vir-
tue of this connection that the sharp change in the magnetic struc-
ture at the point of antiferromagnetic transition leads to notice-
able changes in the electric and atomic structures, as reflected in
the anomalies of the corresponding parameters near the Neel point.
The observation of one of the manifestations of such an interaction
in BiFeO indicates that this connection is experimentally detectable
and can ge observed and investigated in a comprehensive fashion, by
studying the changes in the magnetic and electric characteristics and
.ok the parameters of the atomic lattice as functions of sevcral ex-
traneous factors (temparature, pressura, fields, etc.). Tho connac-
tion can be regarded both on a unit-call scale, as well as on a scale
Card 2/4
of multidomain formations in the case of single crystals or poly-
crystals. Orig. art. hasi 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physi-
cochemical Institute) I
bATE ACQ: 09Jun64
ENCL: 01
NR REF SOV% 01.1
OTHER: 000
Card 3/4
t 15328-66 DTAVP
X-CC NR, 6001001 SOURCE CODEr UR/026S/65/000/022/0067/6067
AUTHORSt Hitrofanov, X. P.; Viskov, A. S.; Venert-ser, ru, N.1 Sbpinel", V. S.;
Plotnikova#'H, V,
OROt none Lj Lj
TITLEs Method for measuring temperature. Class 42, No. 176W
SOURCEs Byulloten' isobreteniy i tovarnykh znakovs no* 22, 1965p 67
TOPIC TAGSt temperature measurement, gamma ray absorption Li
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for memuring temperaturep based
on the discontinuouD change of the effect of resonance gamma-ray absorption with a /
phase transition in the absorber. To increase the accuracy of measurewnts,'-!- -seid
of absorbers with different phase tran.-ait-ion temperatures is placed in direct thermal
contact with the investigated sample. The abaorbers are exposed to radlation from a
resonance source of ga=%a-rays and the absorption effect is recorded with detectors.
L 22121-66 i,,',,,'T (Wal-i W/--wP (w)/F!7 (n) -2/T/ZiJ1f (t) !JP(c) 'D1JG1,Y,
ACC 0: AP6w4921 SOURCE CODE! uR/oo56/66/o5o/wi/oo6q/0075
AU7HOR- Roginskaya, Yu. Ye.; Tom-ashpol'skiy, Yu. Ya.; Venevtsev, Yu. N.; Petrovt'
M.;_Zhdancrv, G. S.
ORG: Frysicochemical Institute im. Ya. Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut)
TITLE: On the character of dielectric and magnetic properties of B1FeO3
SOLURCE: Zhurnal ekspertmental'noy i teoreticherkoy fiz 1ki. v. 50, no. 1, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS, bismuth compound, ferroelectric material, dielectric propertyp solid
solution, Curie point, Neel temperature, MagneLic property
ABSTRACT: Mis Is a continuation of earlier work by the authors on BiFeO3 , (ZhETF
v. 46, L921, 1964). In view of the contradictory reports on the properties of
BiFeO3, especially with respect to Its ferroclectric properties, the authors ara-
lyze th-~! published data and In addition carried out a more detailed irvestigation
of the dielectric'701-opertiea and the stT cture of BiFeO3 in a by~ad rargw,'6f temp
peratu-es, as well as of solid solutionsfjof this substance with PbFe1/2?Th1/2O3-
Particular attention is paid to the 400--~OOC region, and to the solid solkition.
The polycrystalline samples for the investigation were prepared by the usual ce-
ramic techniques. The dielectric constant and the losa angle were measured at
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