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The Free Energy of Strong Electrolytes S07/56-z6-3-5-6/71 J z1 and Z 2 respectively. For the free enerey of such an electrolyte the author gives: F-F Tk3 2 7ETR rzdr2 I V ("-PDap(t)- o- -i-2n + "m t- a R -) 00 0 ap T 3 it 2 6 3 2 + +,X R - 3 0 e z ) 1n k R~+ +RP 2 et 6g.~ Z3)1 1 (C-ln3 )_I.OZ2 ~93 Z 'j 3 K = f4npe I z a I Zaz (Po = free energy of the perfect gas, K - a quantity which is inversely proportional to the Debye (Debay) radius,,~ a and Z a Card 2/3 density and charge respectively of the particles of the kind The Free Energy of Strong Electrolytes SOV156- 765- 3- r6/71 a,0-1/T, T - the absolute temperature, and C - the Euler (Eyler) constant. Summation is carried out with respect to the kinds of particles. The author finally thanks Academi- cian L. D. Landau for valuable remarks during discussions. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: November 25, 1958 Card 3/3 21M AUTHORS: Vedenov, A. A., Larkin, A. I. TITLE-. The State Equation of a Plasma (Uravneniye sostoyaniya plazmy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 4, PP 1133-1142 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A considerable number of papers has already dealt with the problem of the equation of state of a particle system with Coulomb interaction. A general formula for the virtual coefficients is not applicab 1e in this case. The Coulomb forces are found to be remote action forces and therefore limitation by pair interactions is impossible already in the first term of an expansion in series of thermodynamic quantities according to the gas density n, By employing the method of the selfconsistent field Debye and HUckel (Ref.1) found the first term of an expansion of free energy according to the density n of the interacting particles, which is proportional n3/2 . Glauberman and Yukhnovskiy.(Ref 2) endeavored to calculate the following terms, but, as they used Card 1 an unsuitable method, they obtained incorrect results, The State Equation of a Plasma SOV56-36-4-27/70 For the purpose of calculating the first terms of the expansion according to n the authors of the present paper used a graphical method which is analogous to that used by Feynman in quantum electrodynamics. First, the diagram technique used is discussed for a system of interacting particles in thermodynamic equilibrium for close-range action forces. In the following the technique of summating graphs in the case of Coulomb interaction is discussed. For the free energy F of a completely ionized gas an *ex_Dansion'a'ccording to n is 3/2 2 2 obtaIined in the form F F ideal + An + Bn ln n + Cn The second term is identical with the Debye-Hilckel term. Expressions are given for the coefficients of expansion. The authors finally thank L. D. Landau and V. M. Galitskiy for discussions. There are 5 figures and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State Card 21~_ University) 24(8) AUTHOR: Vedenov, A. A. SOV/20-125-4-18/714 TITLE: New Method in Classical Statistical Physics (Novyy metod v klassicheskoy statisticheskoy fizike) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 4, pp 757-760 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author first gives a short report on earlier papers dealing with this subject. The present paper develops a new method of determining the thermodynamical potentials of the system of interacting particles in classical statistical physics. The author, above all, recalls the known relation which expresses the variation AF of free energy, which is due to the-interaction, by the correlation x function in pairs KI). K may be expressed in form of an infinite sum of terms of different order of n with respect to the potential Yj to these terms there belong certain coefficients. To each summand a graph is then assigned, which contains 1 points (14, K), which correspond to the coordinates of the particles belonging to the Card 1/3 slimmands. The construction of these summands is described A New Method in Classical Statistical Physics BOY/20-125-4-16/74 in short. The correlation function in pairs K is equal to the sum of the contributions made by individual possible graphs, in which case a factor is added to each diagram. The general formula for these factors is written down. The author then passes on to using Fourier components, and he employs the diagram tech:Aque in momentum representation. The author showi that by means of this method it is possible to calculate the second virial coefficient for a gas of particles with short-range forces. In this case the small parameter is the ratio of the effective radius r 0 to the average distance R - V-113 between the particles. Formally, also the density V may be used as a small parameter. A formula for the total contribution of the graphs with the smallest possible number of points (1- 2) is written down. For the qorrelation x = e " function in'pairs the expression K(") P(- ~V(X') ) is found, and also a formula for &F is written down. In a similar manner also the expressions for the higher virial coefficients can be derived. Next, the case of forces with Card 2/3 remote effect (Coulomb interaction) is investigated. The A New Method in Classical Statistical Physics SOV/20-125-4-18/74 graphs corresponding to this are given, and a formula for the total contribution of these graphs is written down. The generalization of the discussed technique of graphs for multi-component systems is trivial. In a two-component system (consisting of charged particles) it is sufficient to introduce two types of points and three types of lines in the graphs. An expression for the correlation function corresponding to this case is written down. In conclusion, the here discussed method of determining the next-higher correction to correlation functions in pairs is employed in a system with Coulomb interaction. Also the correlation function corresponding to this case is explicitly written down. The author thanks Academician M. A. Leontovich for discussing the present paper. There are 3 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESERTEDt November 27, 1958, by M. A. Leontovich, Academician SUBMITTED: November 24, 1958 Card.3/3 22293 j 1 /'C;7,',," 0 1 3/0 5 -zlr Q 41. ,2 1A 0 a /u. J -7 P) 9 B 1. 2 ',~ /B ") 0 1 AUTHORS: Vedenov, A. A. Ve 1 i 1,*-C~v Y-i . PS, t;, d --i y cR - Z TITLE: The stability of plazina PERIODICAL: Uspekh' fiz-icheski-kh nauk, v. 73. no. 4; 1961, 701-7~f) TEXT: The authors of the nresenr, nacer repirt or. Iia basit, physicai results of the theory of stability, and illustrate rile subjcct by physical considerations, without mrik-ne, !-,n analysis of the matlhem%ti--~-,] means. The problem of the stabil-i"'; hris be,,n J'JMe are corcerned The ioej nes6 onl~r where small not, in principle, distin,--zish be*,~-ieer me t as ;2 and z-it,-ole state i.3 .3eparated and is therefore unsuited in the ~;--tse 'rihere a stead I by a barrier from another one, ThIs r-)rololem --alre-dy leads -,,n e nl-n- q J, With the c-xce, linear theory of stabilily. there is as yet no nonlinear theory of stalbilit, The theory of stability, -L -en succe-oolf,,il ly J-:?-ve-11rLed 2,: the --,e~-,Ent wh`ch has past, deals with the effect -of pert,.rb.,1' ions on in L-'!J :" I:rr,.s t')r- 'r1--7'-:irc,--;r~ the development of small pert~i.--0-15": .-I .T s f:~ ~-- t'L n-d Card 1/7 22293 1 /07 5 /C 0U C-) 0 -0 The stability of plasma B:2~-)/B201 is suitable if the critizal slight extent. Of some zertij (,f chysi~ ..I %re e aperiodic instability, wilerl- the dcIviari(,,n frcm the tq,--i:Llibriam increanes monotonically ir~ tr - growing amplitude, The for an oscillation instability rear": R i~ w 0 a d, R C len--41-- -,I.e par-er, C1.1i 3 [Abstracter's note: becai.-,ae articulation and the princi-al eq:-,ations Cur. cl,E, given I~erp_j T.-e for the Dlasma description are as fol-lo-zis: Svstem of kinetic at,,d two-liquid hydrodyn (ions, electrons) mo lone-liquid hydrodyna7m_i~c73 leo-is 'rba,~kgrz;~LJll magnetohydrodynamics k in t; io Ca i,-k r; f c r the " d r an ideal liquid I Card 2/7 22293 S/053/61/073/004/006/0071 The stability of plasma B125/B201 The s-7o.tem of equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics for an ideal p1*2,ma, (zero.dissipation and vanishing dissipation) reads: + div Qv = 0, YF av 7+(V V)V= --!.VP+7-1 (3,2) Qc[.rot I1,H], OH T rot [v, H], (3,3) P=P(Q)- (3,4) When considering dissipative effects, the term -n,6v.+ (L + grad div 3 appears. additionally on the right-hand side of (3.2), rhere -q and denlo.e c 2 the viscosity coefficients. In addition, ~-7 LH appears on the right-hand side of (3-3). -4) in taken by.the two equa'Uions -o =P(' T' he,place of (3 and ~e, Card 3/7 22293 4. 3/053/~1/0711/004/006/007 The stability o plasma. B125//B201 C.T + 2 -dl' -L[E, III 01~') T v Q1 2 4:t CL rile I Ov, 2L' + -4- talk dxj 3 dxt ~ihere ;-1 denotes tile heat conductivity. In the case. of a homojLeneous or almost homo.-eneous background one obta4ns: Of of ='O. -1 +(vV)I+ILE-+ -, jv,I1jj M me dv divE-4ae(~J,dv-~f,dv), div111 -1). 11,T1 rat H e /,v dv - dv ) + I L", rot E I oil C 0 C at -C -it- ,.a 3ystem is al3o baoed upon "'inetic tankinc account of collisions. in the "drift" a-) f (V can be intro- duced inatead of the distributiz)n --~--,nction T, t" . The corresnon-1 in,~ Card 4/7 22293 3/0 5 3/-',- The stability of -31asma B-1,25/ 201 klne+ic.equation aas "'-e form AP =-0- (3 - + Aperiodic plasma instabilil~: 4. Ideal plasma.: 4a. Energy princinle; olight displac-ement of 'he plasmaa from 'he 2osition of equilibrium satisfies the equation of motion (4a,l). Here, ~ denotes the displacement from position of equilibrium. 4b.-Stability of the plasma boundary (reference is made to an instability indicated by L. A. Artsimovich), convective inutability, stability of a cylindrical pinch, stability of a ,rotntinu inho.-iogeneous plasma in a magnetic field, aperi'odic instability of a non-1,1ax,,-,ellian plasma, stability of a plasma kept back by the 71J pre-sur~e of h -frequency electromapetic field, aper~odic instability of a Dlasma dissipative.processes into accouni, fitability of 'he ta rotation of a pl ma, stability of a pinch. III.'Oscillation instability 9f a p~asfia. Inc ability of beams in the plasma, ino tqbility of t-.;o beams, absolute a d "drift instability" of be-ams, stability of ion beams in a plasma, effel' t-of a magnetic-field upon the instability of beams, macroscooic insta ilituy of a-11non-IMaxwellian" plasma, cyclotron resonance, Card 5/7 22293 S/0 53/61/073/004/006/00" The stability of plasma B125/B201 mfstuning (raskadIlka) of oscillations ina plasma'in the presence of a -relative motion of ions and electrons, microscopic instabilities of dn inhomo-eneous'plasma, stabil'ity of plasma floms in a magnetic field, V stability of plane flors, stability of -floas in -perpendicular to the field, stability of n rotating pl-aama, 116acillation bon,;ection" in a -Olasma-, instability of the positive column of a gas discharge in a magnetic field. 111. Problems of the nonlinear theory of inatability. This Chapter do-,Is with the quasilinear treat-m6nt of the I'supercritical" state o--!' the -plasma, which is then used to study 'he behavior of the plasma near the I-Imit of itabil-Ity, the steady convection in a plasma and the "anomalous d i 1 -1 o n! the quacilinear approximation in the study of oscillation instabilitiez in a diluted -)I-aama, 'he developed instability. Appendix I de--ls -,ith the z;ta~bilit~r of the beams in a olasna, aonerdix II 7,itb the slanbility of a rotating,, plasma, namely, the homo,~eneous rotation of a pla-,!ma cnd the ro~.ation of a )Iaorl!i inder the action of an electr4C L-, acylindrical condenser, appendix !II -iith'llhe stability of t-,e )ositliie column, and an-oendix IV -;IWi Vlf: --'onic su-ind --n an inhomoreneo~-..---- There are 52 fi,-Ures, 1 table, and 50 3 0 3 o -v --*- -2 to c .Th e t v o references to Englinh-lan(,,uae~ 1.ublfcations re--:.! --c follows: Care, 6/7 22293 S/053/61/073/004/00Cj"337 The stability of olasma B125/B201 B. B. Kadomtsev, A. Nedospasov, J. Plasma Phys. (1961) (being printed); Y. Nakagava, Phys. Fluids, 3, 62, 87 (196o). Card 7/7 VEDENOV, A.Ai_VELIKHOV, Ye.P. Development of the electrostatic instabilitY of a plasma in a high magnetic field. Dokl. AN SSSSR 246 no.1:6548 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Fredstavleno akademikom M.A. Leontovichem. (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Magnetic fLelds) VEDENOV, A. A. Dissertation defended for the degree of Doctor of Physicomathematica Sciences at the Institute of Physical Problems imeni S. I. Vavilov in 1962: "Problems of the Theory of Weakly Turbulent Plasma." Vest. Akad. Hauk SSM. No. 4. Moscow, 1963P pages 119-145 AUTHOR: Vedenov, A. A. 86 1~101 S SY62/013/001/001/012 B102 B104 TITLE: Quasilinear plasma theory (theory of a slightly turbulent plasma). PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, Y. 13, no. 1, 1962, 5-24 TEXT: A-quasilinear plasma theory is developed to describe the resonance inte*raction between particle and wave. This theory holds it tie plasma oscillation energy is notably lower than the thermal energy of's.11 particles an(k notably higher than the thermal noise energy of the plasma waves* It ii'based on decomposing the particle distribution function f which enters the self-consistent.field equations a - , , ,, , 0, H):L-0 V (E ax Card 0 TMI S/08 62/013/POI/001/012 Quasilinear plasma theory*,. B102ytIO4 4x'y, e. dv; V x E, (2) 7 x H =Anc-t I e. J.. v/a dv of a c"pletely ionized rarefied plasma into a ralidly oscillating (f 1) and a slowly variable part (f0), the influence exerts"d by the former on the 0 latter being taken into account. f I 'qt f , F_ ~> nT/O D; re is.-the energy density of the plasma waves, nT the energy density of the Coulomb IND is interaction, n'the plasma density. The two components of f are given by ate X7 Card .2/5.. S10891621015100110011012 Quasilinear plasma theory... B102/BI04 and W 2YkEk, d, k 8/' (tft kv). T all a D a's :D ,l -k. ihus the behavior of the slow oomp-onent is described by a diffusion equation, that of the fast component by equations of the linear theory. (8)-(9) is a closed set of equations of the quaqAlinear theory for the 2 spectral density 6- - IE-t-1/ons This system is extend ,, Vpr9psing its k k equations in terms of the productioD and absorption ok the "illeotive Card 3/5 quasilinear plasma theory... 3/089/62/013/001/001/012 B1021BI04 oscillation quanta by the particles$ and of the particle displacements in. the phase space. Thereby 04)(9C) re obtained; ._N fs the w Iavq density in q the phase space, c k vector k, o--P is* the q is the kinetic energy of the particle with the wave 2 2 energy of the q"'wave, 0 0 ILO 4R /q'; N w2E. k,k-q' 0 q q/* WO O/k aN N, j Nq (*k+q- q *k, q), -6k 489) Y Wk k~ltb (4 -V A~9), ft k q i's the plasma frequency The application of this theory to problems of 0 V spe al concern is considered, e.g.t quasilinear relaxation of collective pla a oscillations or formation of disturbances in the-'initially unstable pl~ia. Th .e phase space region, wherein constant .(the f lateau) p is studied. The interaction of a charged-partiole beam penetrating the plasma is dealt with and the results provide a basis for examizling the relaxation of a state with f plateau under the action of pairtio;a collision The absorption of plasma waves with amplitudes greatl exceeding the theima noj,'se level is studied. Further, the author deals (&~ with the oxcitatio'n of~non-equilibrium oscillations when an electric current P009i through the Card 4/5 S/08 621013100110011012 Quasilinear plasma theory... B102YB104 plas'ma, (b) with plasma diffusion in the direction transverse to a magneti field subjoct to the chaotic fields of these non-equilibrium oscillations, and (c) with the threshold absorption of waves having amplitudes which exceed a certain critical value. In conclusion the rqaults are discussed and some problems particularly amenable to solution by the quasilinear theory are stated. There are 7 figures. SUBMITTED: January 26, 1962 6 S/056/62 3&1/046/056 C) B102/B104 AUTEO.R. Vedenov, A. A. T112L:w,-. Kineti c tranaitiona 2E"W70DICJIL: Zhurnal, eksperimentallnoy i teoret~cheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 1M, 1962, 333-335 TEXT: ','iherl a thermodynamic force X (gradient of the el.ectric field, of the chemical potential, of temperature etc) acts upon, a system which is in thermodynamic equilibrium a current J occurs which is proportional to this force. If X exceed~s a critical value X , the system may become c unstabib and new degrees of freedom are excited therelin, giving rise to an. inner periodic motion. J(X) is discontinuous, exhibiting a salient point in X c. The behavior of J(X) in X c is studied more accurately. The first derivative has a finite discontinuity: (J)Xc+o 0 N W /49X)X,+, - (di ax)x,-, A W / ax) + 0' 00. (2). Card 112 S/056/62/043/00 1/046/0506 Kinetic transitions B102/B104 The. value of X c depends on outer parameters, denoted by'a. M differentiated with respect to a gives A (OJ / act) x (dXIda) A (ailOX).; (3); hence, also dJ/P)oIL h4s a discontinuity. in Xc- (3) can be used to study t.he transition. Similar relations hold likewise when two thermodynamic forces X,,X are acting. Convection of a viscous conducting liquid, 2 -'-ced between two horizontal plates in an outer maGnetic field and heated .krom below, is considered. 10 N: '~iLoskovskiy.fiziko-lekhnicheakiy institut (Moscow Pbysico- U technical Inr3titute) SVB.,.ITTZ;D; April V, 1962 Card 2/2 Vt 2 5 S/056/62/043/00.3/034/063 9- BIOS/B102 AUTHORS: Vedenov, A. A. Velikhov, Ye. P. TITLEs- Quaoilinear approximation in the kinetics of a rarefied plasma PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 3(g), 1962, 963.- 967 TEM The processes in a real plasma can' be divided into'fast and slow. By averaging over the fast oscillations it is possible to write equations which describe the slow changes occurring in the mean quantities. This method can be applied only if the resonance interaction between waves and:- p rticles is slower than the variation of the self-cdnsistent field acting o the particles. The processes in a uniform eleqtron plasma without a r gnetic field are investigated by this method. Wave-wave and particle- p rticle interactions are neglected. For describing relaxation processes t~hie linear theory has to be supplemented by terms accounting for the effect of the waves on the particle distribution in phase space. These conditions in a rarefied plasma lead to the following quasilinear set of - tquationss ard 1/2 Q asilinear approximation in... dek OP k ~f' a kv) do. et, dt Of, C1 f TF TU_ --o- ej,6 (o),, kv) ~-* . S/056/62/043/003/03*4/063 BIOB/BI02 (9) (11) 2 E JE f is the slowly varying part of the particle distribution k k 0 function. These equations hold for sufficiently great t. Eq. (9) accounts for rise and attenuation of plasma waves, Eq. (11) for the diffu- sion of particles in velocity space owing to these waves. Neither of these equations, however, is suited for studying instabilities of a mono- energetic beam in a plasma. SUBMITTEDt March 24, 1962 Card 2/2 VEDENOV, A.X ;, VELIKHOV, Ye.P. Instability of the drift of carriers in solids and coherent phonon radiation. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 43 no.3:MO-1112 162. OMIRL 15:10) (Electrons) (Ultrasonic-waves) (Gryat~al lattices) 4 42704 S/020/62/14T/002/010/021 B102/Ble6 AUTHOR: Vedenov, A. A. TITLE: Quasilinear equations for a quantized plasma PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 2, 1962, 334-337. TEXT: The author adapts his quaailinear theory of a weakly turbulent plasma to a quantized plasma. The relatione'derived are important for investigating the behavior of a weakly turbulent carrier plasma in a solid. The method of derivation is the same as is used for a classical plasma. Starting from the self-consistent field equations and assuming f i~p Q(x-f/2,x+1/2) for the density matrix in Wigner representa- xp tion, one obtains 2 C11xP eft(9-P) -P T,-+-, Card 1/4 Quasilinear equations for a A.,q) = 4nne (YJ P S/020J62/147/002/010/021 B102/B186 (2). 2 For the system considered the dispersion law 5p M p /2 is assumed to be valid (fi - m . 1) when longitudinal oscillations of an electron plasma exist over the positive space-charge background, These equations are replaced by a system of equations of quantum distribution functions f0 - averaged over a period which is great with respect to the plasma oscillation period, the oscillating terms of (1) and (2) are separated and spatial Fourier components are introduced. After some further steps d W21 (p' 4;rnel I q),2t I (ot (kP)' (rp+k,, rp 7T t k _k12) na (G)k kp). (8) df,O ___: + ne. YJ I (P" 12 lop) 6 (o), k (p. + k 2 0 (9) UP tpo-kj k (P - L )I . Card 2/4 12) 8/02 62/147/002/010/021 Quasilinear equationa for a ... B102YB186 is obtainud. It is assumed that the functions "~k(t)' and fo(t), which vary slowly with time, are constant. Eqs. (8), (9) represent a closed system of quasilinear equations, a kind of kinetic equations for an almost ideal. system of waves (bosons) and particles (fetmions), on condition that the only processes occurring in the system are emissions or absorptions of these waves and particles. The variation in t he number F P of particleain the momentum space due to the above-mentioned processes is then aF I Wp.'p+k Nk f(Fp+k - Fp) 6 wk - k k (P + (10) _ (Fp - Fp_t) 6(wj, - k(P _L 2)))1 - where WP17P = WP'P' is the probability of an absorption accompanied by a transition of the particle from p to pl;co k is the wave energy. For the wave density (N k) variation due to these processes one has Card 3/4 S/020/62/147/002/010/021 quaailinear equations for a ... B102/B186 aN - N 'K'- W -F )6 -kp) k/al; k Z- p+k/2,p-k/2(pp+k/2 -k/2 ((jk (11). p p (10)t (11) and (8), (9) agree, if Wp. p, = 4jt2 e2 (I)P-P, Nk IT421 FP --P1 V 4AWk Of course the energy and momentum conservation laws are satisfied. PRESENTED: June 21, 1962, by M. A. Leontovich, Academician SUBMITTED: April 10.. 1962 Card 4/4 ACCESSION NR: AR4014754 B/0059/63/000/012/GO17/GO17 SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abe. 12G121 AUTHOR: Vedenov, A. A. TITLE: Thermodynamics of plasma CITED SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. teorii plazmy*. vy*p. 1. m., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 273-285 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, thermodynamics, plasma thermqdynamics, Coulomb interaction, statistical thermodynamics, Coulomb force, Coulomb scattering, thermodynamic potential TRANSLATION: Topics are considered in the statistical thermodynam- ics of a plasma, defined as a system of particles with Coulomb in- teraction. The task of statistical thermodynamics is to calculate the thermodynamic functions of a system of interacting particles in Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4014754 thermal equilibrium. Only weakly non-ideal gas systems with Cou- lomb forces are investigated. In this case the small parameter of the.problem is the ratio f/r of the average amplitude of Coulomb scattering f - e2/E (E -- average plasma particle energy) to the average distance between particles r - n- 1/3 (n -- plasma particle density) - The thermodynamic potential of the plasma can be expanded in powers of this small parameter. The principal terms of this 11virial" expansion are considered. DATE ACQ: 24Jan64 SUB CODE: PH ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4019713 S/3041/63/000/003/0203/0244 AUTHOR: Vedenov, A. A. TITLE: Introduction to the theory of a weakly turbulent plasma SOURCE: Voprosy* teorii plazmy*, no. 3, 1963, 203-244 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, turbulent plasma, weakly turbulent plasma, particle and wave interaction, plasma oscillation, thermal noise, particle distribution function, diffusion equation, plasmon, turbu-, lent heating, plasmon-plasmon interaction, three plasmon process ABSTRACT: A quasilinear theory is developed to describe the dy- namics of 'the interaction between rezonant particles and waves in a j Plasma. The analysis is confined to tho case when the energy con- centrated in the collective degrees of freedom -- plasma oscilla- tions -- is much lower than the energy of random motion of all the particles and at the same time is much larger than the energy of !Card 1/3 . ...... ACCESSION NR: AT4019713 the thermal noise on the collective degree of freedom. The method consists essentially of breaking down the resonant-particle distribu17 tion function into two parts, one rapidly oscillating and the other slowly varying, and taking account of the effect of the mean square of the oscillating part on the slowly-varying part (a method clulit! is shown that to the Van der Pol method of nonlinear mechanics). it the behavior of the slow part of the distribution function is de- 'scribed by the diffusion equation in phase-space, while the growth or damping rate of the fast oscillations (plasma oscillations) is determined by the formulas of the linear theory, in which the non- oscillating part of the distribution functions varies slowly with tiMO. The section headings are: Interactions of plasmons with par- ticles. Fundamental equations of quasilinear theory. Relaxation of plasma oscillations. Development of perturbations in an unstable plasma. Interaction between a beam and a plasma. Effect of.-. threshold absorption of waves in a plasma and turbulent heating. Plasmon-plasmon interaction. Three-plasmon processes. Higher- !Card ACCESSION NR: AT4019713 order processes. Literature. Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 67 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 12Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; PH NR REF SOV.- .021 OTHER: 007 CQrd , 3/3. of -lirbi 2250 -Te 164. 1. Moek--.v,,:kly A _:1 F F Cb ? WA -7 ACCESS.--ON NR: AP-50,32307 AUT]HOR: V denoy, A. A. TITLE: Solid state plasm SOURCE: UGpelchi fizicheskikh nauk-, v. 84, no. 4, D964, 533-555 TOPIC TAGS: solid state plasma, plasna oscillations, metall-plasma, semiconductor plasma, seadmeta-1 plasma, plasma flow, plasma turbulence, plas- Lat'~ice interac- tion ABSTIVCT: This review article analyzes the properties of solid-state plasma Fs -(1 ctions of the host crystal latt4ce of in--eraction between --he ch--ges .un L~ and the lattice, as well as phenomena occurring when the plasma 4-n -~he constitutes a subsystem which reacts we&?dy with the lattice. Expressions axe given for the frequency and amplitude of plasma, oc-cillation,s in meta_Ls, sem,.- meta-is, and semiconductors. This is followed by an analysis of the flow of a charge plasins-, in a metal of var'_a'b_*e cross Zec"_:in, _'ead-*;.nZ to the occurrence of the so-called configurationa-L emf, and -flow of neutral plasma in a Cord 1/2 L C~ 17 " 4 -6 ~: ACCELSION IrR: AT~00230'(? p! a c el_~ I* n &_n eKt_ernal magnet f Le ad i ng to p_' a sma n~etic =onnent The nabi.iaty of Lzuhinax _f~.3w o-' -_--e-na con-n-cr wi- th the -4r,,,t?r a cLion so 1 i -14 -st at. c- p1&sma and the cr-js-~a__ --cc a -, 1- a n c L~1- i o,o1-Ine s a-,ii-,d by r D:-~ p -a LLf.,: 0 n th e d i s -. e -- s i o r, c u--v e s D:' D-"arzra _zs bz- re s c ~z_- Some thcorez~icai and experLmenta-L prob-t=z- ble the properties of solid-state plasma --re men--foried _"n the conc-lasi'on. has: 14 figures and 36 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS., MM NR REF sov: o14 omm: o45 Cord 2/2 A I "N" VC-4 _1110V C A. Rudakov, -W UM3: Wave interaction in continuous media SOURCE: Ali SSSR. Doklady, v. 159, no. 4, 1964, 767-770 TOP113 TAGS: plasma hydrodynamics, planmon, plasma electron teMDerature, Dlasma instability ABSTRACT: The authors show that interactions occurring in continuous media betw.?en collective oscillations be-Ionginp to different vibrational branches, and a r,; 1 r ri~_Y 7r - Ply r --11-1 F, ' VFM 0~ ;1,1 P_ 7, the coordinates and wave vectors), and equations of the hydrodynamic types for the variations of the density, velocity, and pressure of the material. This system of equations can be used to investigate processes whose Periods 9-nd wave- lengths greatly exceed the period and wavelength of the high frequency oscilla- tions. The equations contain only average characteristics of the high frequency Card 1/2 waves, which under these conditions can be regarded as quasiparticles. The resultant self-consistent system, which describes the interaction between the high frequency oscillations (quasiparticles) and the field of the low-frequency ww~res, is used to calculate severp-L efferts in an isotropic- plasma not electrons. This includes the damping Df the lonif-sou-nd wave In a gaZ of .'_,_,i;mUir piasmons, the instability of a cold gas of Langnmir piasmons, :rLterjon, for instability of a hot plasmon gas, and the interaction of plasmons with a random field of ionic-sound waves. "We thpnk D. D, Ry-utoy for usefui discussions." This report was presented-. by M, A. ,enntov.,:h. Orig. art. has: 20 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUMITTED: 1Z41aY64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HE 1IR REF SOV: 001 OTHKR: 000 Card 2/2 VEDENOV, L.A y of turbulent plasma] Teoriia tur' lentnoi plaz--y [Theor- I ou Moskva, Ali SSSR, 1965. 114 p. (MIRA 18:10) VEMOV, A.G. Cooperation between the (Leningrad Kirov) works and scientific institutes in the drive for technical progress. Zav.lab. 21 no.10:1147-1148 155. (MIRA 9:1) l.Glavnyy metallurg Leningradskogo Kirovskogo savoda. (Research, Industrial) - TF=HEV, A.B., redaktar; KARA , V.D., khudo- VTZD OY __P - -- ~ zhestvannyy redaktor; AMESANDROV, V.L. tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Photography with a roll-film Toti)3'e-o',:a plenochri-,,' ~ramaroi. Pod red. Y.V.Paelkova. Moskn-_'~, irkusatTre, 101";,. [73 p.(MLRA 8:1.) (Phot ography) W'Xz-i\c'V' Ak~- -V 14, % ~'c VOSNOV, Aloksley Ilikolayevich; IMBEDAY, P.B., red.; TAIROVA, M.Y., [Aid for the rural amateur photographer] V pomoshchl sallskomu foto- liubiteliu. Moskva, lzd-vo 'Bovetskaia Rogoija." 1957. 1,09 P. (Photography) (MIRA 11:3) VEDENOV, Aleksey Nikolayevich; VOROZIEBIT, A.A., nsuchnyy red.; BARKOVSKIY, 1-."r.-,--Ted-;,-.Lv,YoNKrsKAYA, L.G., (Taking pictiine with ninititure rarrros; mnnuall Mnloformtnaia fotognifiia; rukovodstvo-npravochnik. LenDWvid, Loniodat, 1959. 687 p. (HERA 12:12) (Miniature cameras) (Photopraphy--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) VEDNNOV. A.V. FersOnalit.7 an a subject of psychological science. Vop.paikhol. no.1!19-33 Ja-F '56. (NLRA 9:5) 1. InBtitut psikhologii Akademli podagogichookikh nauk RUSR, Moskva. (Personality) VEDENOT, A.T. *Psychology of personality* by A.G. KovaleT, A.T. Vedenov. Vop. psikhol. 10 no.ltl79-182, Ja-FI6641 (141TU 1793) VEDENOVY A.V. Communist education and the science of psychology. Vop. ps4khol no.4:7-20 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut psikhologii Akademii pedagogcheskikh nauk RSFSR, Moskva. VLTN'~NOV, VASIL'YEVic'; V06PITAlirlk; VOLI SHKOLINIKA V FROT6FbSh; UCHMNOVY DaAT Vi,()S KVA, 17D-VO AKADJ,~Jl FEDAGOGI- Z CHiSKIKII NAUK iWSR, 1957. 95 P.PMAGOGICHESMYA BI-PLIOT4M EXHITUYA) AT HAD 0.--' TITLE: AlKADD-lIYA P!TnAGO- GICHE6KIKH NAUK I,A.!3TITLr,, PSIKHOLOGII. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL FO(M.OTE~. RUSSIA VAMOV, A.V. Role of internal contradictions and of the means of overcoming them In the dovolopmant of pernonality (with pummary In Nnglish]. Vop.paikhol. 5 n0,1:51-63 Ja-F 159- (mru 12 -.4) 1. Inatitut pa M ologli APB RSFSR, Moskva. (Maturation (Psycholog7)) GORLOVSKIY I.A.; AYZEIIBERGP.Ye. S. [deceased]; VEDEII)V,..~.N.; MIGAREV, S.K.; i*IRO., I.S.; EPSHTEYN, S.Z. Technology of the production of ultramarine. Iakol=ao. mat. i ikh prim. no.3z2O-25 161. (MIU 14-.6) (Ultramarine) Apgove K.F* A. Haeckells fight for Darvinlem. Biol.v shkole 6:65-69 H-D 158, (MIRA 11:11) (Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919) -pOc.O1y.,4,ph; SUKHOV, A.D., red.; ATROSHCHEEKO, L.Ye., lum~ya'- , [Ernst Haeckel as a fighter for Darwinism] Ernst Gekkall - borets za darvinizm. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1959. 30 P. (VOeBoiuznoe obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politichookikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.8. Biologiia i meditsina, no.11) (MIRA 12:8) (Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919) (Evolution) YEDENOVY Mikhail-Te.doroyiph; PLATONOV, G.If., doktor fil. nauk, otv. red.; KONDAKOV, N.I., red.ixd-va; SYKINA, G.S., tekhn. red. (Ernst Haeckel's struggle for materialism in biology] Borl- ba E.Gekkelia za materializm v biologii. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 222 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919) (Biology--Philosophy) FIRANK, G.M., otv. red.; KUZIN, A.M.p otv. red.; KUZNETSOV, I.V., doktor filos. nauk, red.; LIVSHITS, N.N., doktor biol. nauk, red.; VEDENOV, M.F., kar,'. filo.,z. nauk, red.; SHATALOV, A.-7.-, sotr. , nauchn. red. - KREMYANSKIY, V.I., miad. nauchn. sotr., nauchn. red. [The essence of life] 0 sushchnosti zhizni. Moskvay Nauka, 1964. 3~O p. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Akariomiya nauk S35R. 1'-chuyy t3ovot po f1losofakim vop- rosarr yestestvoznaniya. 2. Institut filosofli. AN SSSR (for Kremyanskiyj Shatalov). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Frank, Kuzin). ASEYEV, A.A.;.,g'DENSKAYA,_ I.E.; MARKOV, K.K., doktor geogr. nauk, otv. red.; SPRYGINA, L.I., red. izd-va; RYLDIA, Yu.V., tekhn. red. (Relief development of the Meshchera LowlandlRazvitie rellefa Meshchersko'L nizmennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 126 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Meshchera-Landforms) AUTHOR: Vedenskaya, ------ TITLE: The Permanent Interdepartmental Geomorphological Commission (V pootoyannoy mezhvedofistvennoy geomorfolo6richoskoy kornissii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk 3SSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1956, Nr 3, PP 156-158 ABSTRACT; In April 1956 the USSR Ministry for Geology and Conservation of Mineral nesources founded a permanent interdepartmental geo- morphological commission in Leningrad. Its 30 members repreaen- ted various geological, geographical, geodeticetc., institu- tions. S.S. Shullts was chosen head of the commission and S.A. Epshteyn was appointed learned secretary; B.A. Fedorovich is leading the Moscow branch. At the end of January the commission gathered in Moscow to discuss a directive,composed by S.V. Ep- zhteyn, on the organization and performance of a geomorphological survey for maps of the scale 1:100,000 and 1:200,000. The com- mission decided that in the future every expedition should in- clude a geomorphological expert for ~juaternary geology and geo- morphological mapping. Furthermore, the commission instructed Z.A. Svarichevskaya and A.I. Spiridonov to edit a geomorphologic- Card 1/2 al glossary, and decided to take the necessary steps to ensure The Permanent Interdepartmental Geomorphological Commission 10-,58-3-26/29 the publication of a geographical dictionary compiled by I.S. 6hchukin. AViLILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Geology - US3R 2. Minerals - Conservation - USSR VEDENSKAYA, I.E. Main forms of the morphosculpture widespread in the U.S.S.R. Izlr. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.5:64-72 S-0 163. (WRA 16:10) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. VEDENSKIY, A. Moving pictures in Education Documentary films shown to school children., Kinomekhanik, no. 10, 1)51. a List of Russian Accessions., Library of Congress,, May 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. Mont.] VOENSKIY,, A. Moving Pictures,, Documentary Documentary films shown to school children,., Kinome-khanik, no. 19, 1951. Mon List of Russian AccessiOns, Library of Congress, May 1952. OCLASSIFIED. -YiA9lWTT,-AZ.; KOROSTOInSEVA, N.V., (Leningrad, )11. Tekstile;r,'J8) Homo - and autoplasty of the poital vein. Veat. kK-r. 91 no.7 233-40 .31163 (MIRA 16:1.2) 1. T7, laboratorli konse:rvirovaniya i peresadki tkaney i organo-T (zav. - prof. N.G.Kartashevskiy), laborator--li r-k---- perimentallnoy patologii ( nauchnyy rakovoditel.? - pro'l. I.R.Fetbrov) i khirargi.cheskoy kliniki leningradskogo oi-dena Timdovogo Krasnogo Zharteni nait(-,-hno--,:ssl--dovatellskogo lnstl- tut-a perelivaniye. kro-vi (nauclm7 rukovoditell - prof. A.N. Filatov). A AUTHOR: Vedenskiy, A. N. TITLE: Methods of major vein autoplasty CIZED SOURCE: Sb. nauchn. tr. Lenlner. n.-J1. in-t perelivaniya krovi, vyp. 14, .1963, 508-515 TOPIC TAGS: transplantation, vein TRANSLATION: SegTnents 15 cm long wer-- excised from the external jugular vein of ,rarlous animals. After t-reatment, the ends ioined together ring ,)r sviur--. Tlhk-~ opposire poit-s c-,f a ruunj au--otran-s:~Iai:'w `4er7,w r-- rE- A-7-1~ 'he S-Iles of T!~ e-,I, iarel-a!-L~ Card 1/2 NP: mme -.e we ir 7; ~l Cff J-arge S ENCL- 00 ISUS COD-E- LS 2/2 !Mr c IlAr 1, y tom. Abs. BMI~- SOURCE: Ref. zh. Biologiya. '7:vr>drT AUTHOR: Vedenskiy, A. N. ,TITLE: Inferior vena cava plastic surgery !CITED SOURCE: Sb. nauchn. tr. Leningr. n.-i. in-t perelivaniya krovi, vyp. 14, :1963, 516-523 TOPIC TA(iS: plast-ic surgeni, transplantati-, 11--~", prnosthesis 7F-AN 7- vascuiar Dros`e:,es =T h .remain unobstructed for a loplg S SUB CODE: LS ENCL: 00 C."I 1/1 T-,, !fj A ~jl o r jr~ n .,Aj SO: L:~Ituc,-: I's 71-urn a! I ny,:l-, VEMISKIY, A. P. Vedenskiy, A. F. - "Experience in seekina -P 0- "-,e 1-as*s 0~, - .. . I ~ I floating roe", Iz+jestiya Tikhookean. nauch.-issled. in-ta ryb. khoz-va i I V0116 xxix, 1949, P. 35-49. so: u-411o, 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statcy, No. 19, 1949). tiThe - Ll , 1 11 - -, -1 ,,a r Ka Exn ffil i a t F 54') SO: 3um 4*-3"-', ?,? Air 55 VEDENSKIY, O.N. Measures-taken to prevent the thinaing of diesel lubricants. Elek. i tepl. , tiaga 7 no.11:23 N 163. (MM 17:2) 1. Starshiy inzh. sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Sredneaziatskoy dorogi. VEDETISKIY, O.N.; U-11TRIYEV.- N-.I.; KOROLEV- -V.A.; TURGUNCV, D.T.; -- -- - -- 'M%IT_IXOVy V.Ye., red.; HEDVEDEV'. G.G.., inzb., retsenzent; MURAITTYEVA, N.D.p toekhno red. I [Maintenance and repair of TGM3 diesel locomotives in the depot] Remont teplovozov TGM3 v depo. Moskva "Transport," 1964. 107 p. ~MIRA 17:3) VEDENSKIY, O.N. I... 'I..-------- Use of an epoxy, paste in the repair of cylinder blocks. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.6tIl Je 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Inzhener sluzhby lokomotivnogo ienergeticheskogo khozyaystva Srodneaziatskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives-Maintenance and repair) bTAR.KOV, Gennadiy Leonidovich; VEDENSKIY, S.S., red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., - [How to preserve and improv6 vision; talks with an ophthalmologist] Kak sokhranit' i uluchohit' zrenie; besedy glaznogo vracha. Izd.2. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1958. 51 P. (MIRA 12:9) (BYR-CARE AND HYGIM) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 477 Shuvalov, Yuliy Avraamovich and Vedenskiy-, Viktor Aleksandrovich Meta I lore zhushchiye stanki; kln-e-ma-t-i-e-he-s-kly-e-r-gaTra-v-lTc-H-e-dl~fye skhemy (Metal-cutting Machine Tools; Kinematic and Hydraulic Diagrams) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958.242 p. 25,000 copie8 priinted. Reviewers: Nalchan, A.G. Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Vladziyevskiy, W.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Managing Ed.:of General Technical Literature and Catalogues: Ponomarev,', K.A., Engineer; Tech. Eds.: Matveyeva, Ye. N. and ElIkind, V.D. PURPOSE: This book is a textbook for students of mechanical engineering and polytechnical vuzes. COVERAGE: The book contains diagrams of speed and feed mechanisms .and assemblies and mechanisms for special and'auxiliary movement. Kinematic and hydraulic diagrams for some metal-cutting machines are presented. Technical char:,.cteristies of the most widely used modern metal-cutting machines are briefly given. VEDNASKIY, V.A_.----, Standardizing norms 'for the rigidity of machine tools. Standarti- zataiia 24 no.12:11-17 -D 6o. (MIRA. 13:11) (Machine tools) VEDENGKIY. V.A. Development of rigidity standards for machine tools. Standartizatsiia 25 no.6:16-22 Je 161. (MPIA 14:6) (Machine tools--Standards) GUSEV) I.T.; VEEIEIJSKIY, V.A. Rigidity norms for circular grinding machines. Standartizatsiia 26 no.9:6-8 S 162o (19M 15:9) (Grinding machines-Standards) GUSEV, I.T.; VEDENSKIYj V.A. Rigidity standards for surface-grinding machines. Standartizataiia 27 no.3s24-30 Mr 163. (WRA 16 s4) (Grinding machines-Standards) NEDEN IT'YEVA, R.Aa- c Characteristics of the inhibition of vascular reactions in depressive stateo. Zhur. nerv. i pBikh. 61 no. 1:99-103 161. (MBU. 1-4:4) 1. Nauchno-i-osledovatellskiy paikhonevrologichookiy institut V.M. Bekhtereka (dir.-prof. V.N. Hyashishchev; zav. otdelom patologii nervnoy deyatellnosti - prof. G.Yu. Belitskiy)y Lenipgrad. (PARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) (DEPRESSION MENTA~) VEDENT I EVA, R! AID_ _ -- Characteristics of the inhibition of vascular reactions during description of the stereotype of experimentation in dogs. Zhur. vys. nerv.deiat. 11 no.5:927-931 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Bekhterev Research Psychoneurological Institute, Leningrad. (CONDITIONED &SPONSE) (BLOOD VESSEW) VEAWAKINA, T.; VLADIMIROVA, Ya. -I- - - Business accounting in the shop. Mr 156. (MLPIA 917) 1.Pr4daedatell pravleniya arteli "MoskeepshTeybell7ew (for Vadenyakina.2.Sekretarl byure partorganizataii (for VladimirOTa) (Industrial management) VEDENYAPINA, A.S. Some ifi2lldes of the cocidation-reduction processes in patient43 operated on for stomach cancer under different types of anes- thesia. Sov. zdrav. Kir. no.6:29-341 'N-D'62. WIRA 16:6) 1. Iz Kirgizskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta onko- logii i radiologii (dir. - prof. A.I.Sayenko). (OXIDATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL) (STMIACH-MCER) (SITU. ACII--SURGERY) (AIMTHESIA) VEDENYAPINA,..A.S. Chamges in venous pressure in operations for cancer of the stomach under endotracheal nitrous oxide anesthesia. Sov.zdrav.Kir. no.4:41- 44 Jl-Ag 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Iz Kirgizskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta onkologii i radiologii (direktor - rof. A.I.Sayenko). (BLOOD PRESSURE) MOMACH-CANCER) (NITROUS OXIDE) VBUWAPI]i, A.Ya. (g. Rostov-na-Donu) Certain concepts in a chemistry course for secondary schools. KhiM.T shkole 9 no.3:67-70 MY-Je 154. (MLRA 7:6) (Ohemistry-Study and teaching) N; - , -~.. 1 -,7 -i:~ - 1 :-, - - , , 7- & " I- ~; a- 1-w-a.I -~ --~ -1 -.- ;I -- I VIEDICKTAPIN.A.Ya. . --%,1.f---, ~. ~, Chemistry experiments In schools. Alm. v shkole 10 00-3:27-35 5- 0 '55. (HLRA 8:11) (Ghemistry-Experiments) I'Some n-2 rroject-v- -osc j-. ,~r of -on. 0v, ;..Osc VI "'o 7, -'C:I!jnos jU,:- 631, 2.) )uirvoy of :)-issertntioris ,efen-Aed at Iii,,her -,ducatio.,~,.! ,58019 4'so/ 0 SOV/155-58-6-20/36 AUTHOR: Vedenyapin, D.V TITLE- '~`On-n-=TY~~Ztve~-Sac~es \~4 PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye naukiq 1958, Nr 6,pp 119-126 (usn) ABSTRACT: The following problem is considered s Determine spaceaq free of torsiong of affinitive connection which allow a mapping on- to the affinitive space such that the geodesicB are mapped on- to curves lying in two-dimensional planes of the affinitive apace. These planes are demanded to be completely geodesic, do not.pass through the same point and are not parallel with the same direction, i.e. they are not subprojective in the sense of Z_Ref 2 with the desired 7 . The author constructs a spece T - n is a properties and explicitly considers the case where T n Riemannian space. As an example of a four-dimensional Rie- mannian space of the class A the author gives the space with n / the metric Card 1/2 68C 10- 19 On n-2 Projective Spaces SOV/155-58-6-20/36 ds 2 = 2 dyldy3 _ 2 dy2dy4 + (Y 4)2 (dy' )2 This space is irreducible and symmetric and has a transitive group of motion of order 8 . The author mentions P.K. Hashevskiy. There are 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 German, 1 Frenchq and I American. ASSOCIATION% Chernovitskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet (Chernovitsy State University) SUBMITTEDs April 23, 1957 (Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk) October 249 1958 (Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko- matematicheakiye nauki) Card 2/2 BOVDA) V.; YIPEUAFIV G.; MOROZOV, A.; FORTUVA, V.; PIIRSOO,E. Itranslatorl; RISTOJA, J., red. [Checking the technical condition of a tractor diesel engine without dismantling] Traktorite diiselmootorite tehnilise seisukorra kontrollir-ine ilma lahti monteeri- mata. (By) V.Bovda ja teised. Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1964. 57 p. [In Estonian] (MIRA 17:6) RtDffltS-XIY, N.M.. kan.d. tekhn. nauk; VEDEIMPIN, G.A.,; KOZWVSKIY, I.S., kand.tekhn.nsuk, red.; ZIL13MMEM, Ya.G., insh. xamestitell BRILING, N.R., doktor tekhn.nauk, Drof., red.; YALISH, G.G., doktor tekhn.nauk-, prof., red.; PEVZM, YA.M., doktor tekJm.nauk, prof., red.; XHRUSHCq~V, M.M.; dok-tor tekhn.nauk, -orof., red. RAMAYVA, K.S., dohtor tekhn.nauk, red.; LIPGART, A.A., prof., red.; PUADIWV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk. red.; ROZANOV, V.G., kand. tekhn nauk, red.; CHISTOZVONOV, S.B., inzh., red.; AVAKIMOV, G.G., red.izd-va; SHIKIN, S.T., tekhn. red. [Investigating the durability of crankshafts in TAAX diesel engines) Isoledovanie yynoslivosti kolenchatykh valov dizelai IaAZ Moskyao Gos. nauchn.-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroitellnoi lit-ry, 1957. 30 P. (Moscow. Gosudarstveanyi nauchao-issledovatel'skii avtomobillnyi 1. avtomotornyi institut [Trudy]. no.8a]. (MUL 11:4) 1. Direktor (,'rOBudarstvennogo soyu2nogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zmmeni nauchno-iseledovateltakogo avtomobillnogo i avtomotornogo instituta (for Vadenyapin). 2. Zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti Gosudarstvannogo soyusnogo ordena Trudovogo Krasmogo Znameni nauchno-issledovatellakogo avtomobillnogo i avt6motornogo instituta (for Kozlovskiy). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Briling). (Oranks and crankshafts) (Diesel engine) TRAKTOMIKO, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;-4EF~~~-t, otv. red.; KOZIOVSKIY, I'S., kand. tekhn. nauk. red.; ZILIBBRBUG, la.G. inzh. zaaegtitels otv. red.; BRILING, N.R., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; TAL SR. G.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; RUM, U.N., doLrtor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; IGIRUSHCHBV. M.M., doktor takhn. nauk, prof., red.; RAMAYYA, K.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; LIPGART, A.A., prof., red.; FRYADILOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ROZANOV, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; CHISTOZVONOV, S.B., inzh., red.; SHIKIN. S.T., tekhn. red. [Investigating the effect of the cetane number of di'esel fuels on the performance of engines] Iseledovanie vliianlia tsetanovogo chisla topliva no rabotu dvigatelia. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroitellnoi lit-ry, 1957. 30 P. (Moscow. Gosudar- stvannyi nauchno-issledovatelleni avtomobillnyi i avtomotoruyi institut. [Trudyl no-83). (MIRA 10:12) 1. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo soyuznogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-iseledovatellskogo avtomobillnogo i avtomotornogo instituta (for Tedenyapin). 2. Zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy rabote Gbaildarstveunogo soyuznogo ordena Trudovogo Kraenogo Zname- ni nauchno-issledovateliskogo avtomobillnogo i avtomotornogo inati- tuta (for Kozlo*skiy). 3. Ghlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Briling). (Diesel fuel) (Diesel engine) SKOTHIKOV, Vjktor Vanil'yevich~~~JY,-Gj,""d.; LIPGART, A.A., otv. red.; BORISOV, S.G.,red.; BRISKIII, H.I.,red.; DYBOV, O.T.,red.; ZILIBM, Ta. G.,red.; KOZLOVSKIT, I.S.,red.; LOZARI, A.S.,red.; LINff, I.S., red.; FRUM. la.M.,red.; PRWILOV, Y-I.,red.; RMYYA# K*S-trod.; S&MOL', G.I.,red.; SEDOVA, Ye.V.,red,; KIMMN, N.S.,red.; CIMPAW,; CHISTOZVOIFOV, S.B.,red.; SHKOLINIKOV, E.M.,red.; YgGama, L.I.,red.izd-va; SMIRNOVA, G.V., [intermediate transformation and temper brittleness of auto- mobile body steels] Promezhutochnoe prevrashchenia i otpusimaia khrupkost' v konstruktsionnykh avtomobil'nykh staliakh. Moskva, Gos.nanchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry 1958. 74 p. (Gosudarstvennyi nauchno'-issledovatellskil avtomobil'nyi i avto- motornyi institut TivAy, no-85) (MIU 12:2) (Steel, Automobile--Metallography) 21160 3/032/61/027/004/022/C,28 C) 0"60 B103/B201 AUTHOR: Vedenyapin, G. A. TITLE: Recording of torsionsl vihrptions of small amplitude PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no- 4, 1961, 468-469 TEXT: The author describes a simple transmitter which regulates the sensitivity toward bending and torsional vibrations, and, at the same time, permits recording low-frequency vibrations at torsion angles of 1.10-5 rad and over. This transmitter consists of two Helmholtz coils and a glass tube in-between, which constitutes part of a vacuum system. This tube contains a frame consisting of a great number of windings of a thin conductor. One terminal of this conductor is grounded, while the other is connected to the input of the amplifier via a mercury contact. The frame is tightly linked to the sample. Alternating current of a given strength is fed to the coils by a sound generator. If the plane of the frame is equal to the direction of the lines of force of the mag- netic field between the coils, the emf in the frame will practically remain equal to zero. If the frame deviates from this neutral position, Card 1/4 21160 S/032/61/027/004/022/028 Recording of torsional vibrations ... B103/B201 a changing emf with a frequency given by the sound generator will arise in it. The amplitude of the emf is a linear function of the torsion angle if deviations from the neutral position are small. To reduce vibration energy losses (caused by the magnetic interaction of the frame with the coils) as far as possible, it is necessary to diminish the currents flowing in the frame. For this purpose, the emf induced in the frame is fed to an amplifier with a high input impedance. The author simplifies the formula for calculating the inductivity of the coils and of the magnetic field strength in-between, neglects the small values in the addition, and obtains for the maximum value of the emf-amplitude in the frame for the case of the coils being connected in series: Emax cto K1- Un2fS f2l , where n1 denotes the number of windings of D2W 2 + K2n1 a coil; n 2 is the number of windings of the frame; V is the resistivity of a unit of length of the coils L; KI, K2 are constant factors; f is the frequency of the alternating voltage fed to the coils; S is the Card 2/4 23-160 S/032/61/027/G04/02-2/028 Recording of torsional vibrations ... B103/B201 average area of the frame; U the voltage fed to the coils, and D the average of the coils. The author concludes that the emf in the frame, hence also the change of this emf when vibrations arise, will be the larger, the larger U, n2, and S, and the smaller D, ?, and n1. The emf of Emax is hardly changed by a frequency chang e of voltage f. The parameters of the coils are chosen such that the sound generator has a normal load with any chosen f. It is suitable to choose f = 3 - 4 kc/sec. An example is given of a theoretical calculation of the abovementioned values which are in good agreement with measured ones. The connection of low-frequency filters to the amplifier, which are adjusted to the fixed frequency f, is recommended. Noises can thus be attenuated. The author's transmitter is said to be superior to similar devices by L. I. Bayda (Ref. 3: Elektricheskiye izmereniya, Gosenergoizdat, 460, 1950) and Yu. D. Chistyakov (Ref. 4: Zav. labor. XXII, 71 1956)- Its readings are not affected by an inaccurate centering of the frame, and its range of application is considerably extended. Valuable advice has been obtained from 0. T. Malviinhknv, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Card 3/4 23160 S/032/61/027/004/022/028 Recording of torsional vibrations B103/B201 [Abstracter's note: It has not been possible to attach the figure to this abstract, because it happens to be the rear side of another figure which has been attached to the preceding abstract]. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali im. I. V. Stalina (Moscow Steel Institute imeni I. V. Stalin) Card 4/4 VED&4YAPIIN, G. V.,ed. The Siberian kolkhozes. Redaktaiia Vedeniapina i Vazanova. Novosibirsk, KniEosoiuz, 1929. 108 p. V C ; ? 'L~. i V y A V i N -- -Ll I I ") f I s-, - 7 , Y M NYAPIN, G.V.; GURSVICH, A.M. LOperation of the DT-54 tractor] Ikeploatateiia traktora DT-54. Moskva, Goo. lzd-,ro sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1953. 221 p. (MI-RA 7:6) (Tractors) BUDKO, A. I.; VEDEIMPIN, G. V. ; SAFFRAU.",'KYAN, 0. A.; LIKEACH'iEV, V. S. Agricultural Machinery Considering G. B. Klimov's article "Evaluation of the work calxicity of agrLcultural machinery by usage coefficients." Sellkhozmashina No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953, Uncl. I-lame i -YEDENYARM., Georgiy Vladimirovich Disnertationi Scientific bases and methods of construction of systems of technical care for tractors Degree: Doe Tech Sci Affiliation! Stalingrad Agr Inst Defense Date, Place: 2 14arch 55, Council of the Moscow Inat of Mechanization sad Zlectrif ication of Agr imeni Holotov Certification Date: 12 I!Iay 56 Source: BhIVO 4/57 YEDINYAPIN, G.V. i~4!, Istablishing maximum values for wear and disadjustments. Sellkhoz- mashina no.2:23-24 Y 156. (KLBA 9-5) (Mechanical wear)