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VIDOGIRADOVA, Tatlyana Pavlovna ;,MUtl3AKH, N.M.t red. (Diapilosis of pathOlDgy I);,- biopsyl Diag- nDstlka kostno-sustavnoi patologii po biopsiiam. Vo- skva, Ileditsina, 1964. 191 p. (1,11RA 17.8.) KAKITELASHVILI, Ya.V.; AVERBAKH, M.M. Morphological. characteristics of large and giant caverns in pulmonary tuberculosis,, resection dILta. Khirurgiia 39 no.8t:Ll-19 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz kafedry, khirtirgii legoohnogo tubeikulaza, I, drugoy legochnoy patologii. (zav.- chlen-korrespondeni; AMN SSSR prof. L.K. Bogush) i patomorfologicheakoy laboratorii I:zav.- prof.'V.I. Fuzik) TSentrallnogo instituta tuberkuleza Ministerstv& zdravo- okhraneniya SSSR. KRMEVSKIY~, Nikolay Aleksandrovich3 NEMMOVA, Nadezhda Maksimovna; KROKHD)VA, Margarita Petrovnat AVERBAKIII II.M., red. (Pathological anatomy and problems of the pathogenesis of leukemia] Patologicheskaia anatomiia i voprosy patogeneza leikozov. Moskvar Meditsina. 1965. 417 p. (MIRA 18:7) VOROPAYEV, M.M.- SARKISOV., D~S.; MAZAYEV, ll..N.~ ADAVYZ, A.A.; AVERPAM, V1. M. .. red. [Late seque"Lae of blind gwishot wounds of the lungs] Otdalennye posledstviia slepykh agnestrellnykh ranenii legkikh. Moskva, Meditsina, 1965.. :140 P. (1,111RA 1819) AVERBAKH,K.N., Inshener brp^nding the field of application and,the now method of regulatIng the capacity of OFrokhodka-50OK" ventilators. M.N.Averbakh. Ugoll 30 no.4:10..12 AP 155. WaA 8:6) 1. 11aebal'alk ventilyatell shakhty. (Min* ventilation) AUM','-X~H, ~14.~--- Effect tof depression on gas SMiNSiDA. U901' 33 to. 7:43-44 Jl 158. - - (mnu 11:7) (mine g4all) AVMAXHt M. S. FA53T78-- Join/mLicing Nerymn Byltm DRI 107 "2he *as Way Passage of Moulssis in an Altered (Alltemirorvamcm) Nerve)" M. S. Averbakh, 2 pp *Vest Leningrad Universitet" No 12 AMlabas Verigo I s phonmenon: wbon a short portion of a nwre In polarized, only those Impulses vltlob w1glukta, at anode are able to pass through; la- panes originating at cathode are not cmductel. Ibis axtiole Is author's candidate thesis. AVERBAKH, M.S. Conditions for the conversion of the peripheral nerve of the frog into a unilateral physiological conductor. Uch. sap. Lon. u-n. no.99:88-113 149, (HLU 10:2) 1. Iz Labomtorli nervno-myshochnoy .-fiziologii Fiziologichookogo institute imeni akademika A.A. Ukhtmaskogo Leningradekogo gosudaretvayinogo universiteta. (MUIVES) (MICTROPHYSIOWW) COO go 0 lis 64 a It is)-is )-itioploti. &JU sims too, monot 41 orki to 020 1, "IL is f. 11- ~L-A- 41, Is r a I I -W~ A. L. 1 40 0 CC 0 U 0 * 0 r%H ti, 491 Till PAJOICIPLAII ff SIL116ADJUSTMANT Oft AN INTINSI, of "INS 91CITATION VAU It 110111r) A")Itsol text to Ists. OismI.Ad. L Averimmish 9W P. 0L Platinum #14TSIOLOOICAL so JOURNALIGOUrollem-Pols '111111 IWI WMINVI: pp 4"; 12 Illes. 4 W 400 a 0 tit I One ol the ssmts o(Ow Nswmv Ilxvq on the hilvivittr tJ impul%es 100 it riplainril Attordinjs to Nasionav. an extilation ipteadt x1mg tive 4110 8 wlvr 4%f Inuioulat "s, OrA I$* fiftilial forlixtit%1tv least .00 "In 9; rrottiplovii at any town paint W the fiber is islosays Stisjusi, .60 smmt quantitative relation to tlw ncitation forct juid is not o: X'i -6;. see I I! the plifusple of "Oil m Omit." If an ewrical Jecitaticso of 'I. 00 J- m ImAntlador of %hr pin" in"I", t1w Intal Potential kbftl.l goo 04 ork-ml the onsipulsoje (it the runninit per"Worm i"Itte. Ilve likat 400 04 i-4ential should sperssl in deirritmeatts ismul it equals the value rit 06 P'IMII&l 00- hison this MOfWM On the ill"IfIC SIK%W 13301if (09W&td vi-thoirt Jet-te"venik istitOnvitkistlY adjusting its COUNINOt value. Until is .00 IF Ica, two the end to( the iv"w. Tests made on a sciatic mere of a fn*. 00 so verAI41c%j from the vine to the lissit" tinges of the "m riumuty, have $00 %ci:fmd the Naromom thrmy and have shoviv t1wil an itletttical ittiution M he nervir. ;~vuv&lmt to four times the threstold volvc~ incrites" the value of the Ittial pocmtimJ toalmism twice the valueoll theself-adlusting Ike lv&k The length tit %hr irk(ement itniillse tiltivi w*o equal tit 0 1 % '.. I urifier "ovirnerst of the impulse until is trot fw, the err rr~l 111 live nrs%r 141srs PlAte isithoml dnic"ImU Ilif flivatomej tesults Are AI%trkAfIC* UP - la- .A. -11 ot *4 is jj~ L) to to r. 14 a it It 0090 0 0 0 oe 0 lo lo 0 0 0 0 0 we 0 06 00 411 0 a 6 0 0 0 41 OAP 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 TJSHAKOT. B.P.;AVFABAXH, M,S.;SUZDALISKAYA, I.P.;TROSHINA, V.P.;CHSWANOVA. T.M. Parabiotic nature of physiological electrotonue. Fisiol. zh. SSSR 39 no.2:21&225 Kar-4pr 1953, (GIXL 24:3) l..Isboratory of Histophysiology,of ths Inatituts of ftsiology imani A. A. Ukhtomskly. Leningrad State Universit.r imeni A. A. Zhdanov. AVERBM, H.S. 14 WOMMIAMMMA"" Comparative charnaterlotics of the 8.)h and gth anterior nerve roots of the spinal cord.,P.176:119-124 154. (WLRA 9:9) I.Is laboraterli srownitellney fisio"Logii fisiologicheakege Institute. Iment alademike. A.A.Ukhtssiskogo pri loningradekom gesudarstvonnom ordmxm universitete. (SPINAL CCED) BWHZINAq Mariya, Pavlovna; VASILEVSKMig Natazllya Yefimovwt--AYERBAKH Solomonovight _V=KOVp Ivan- Alekeelpewichp dote.; ~ZLIWV, Nikolay Va- sillyevichi GULYAYEV9 Pavel Ivamovicb; ZHUKM, Tevixaf Konstantinovich; LATMANIZOVAl Lyudmiki Vladimircmma; YAKAROV, Fetr Cleipoviobi NIKVINA, Iya Pavlomaj SPERANSKAYAg Yekaterina Nikolayevnaj VASILOYEV9 LeLopprofop red.; PEWELISKAYA, N.M., red.; PAIL9ADANOVAp,K.G.j red. isd-,val GRIGOR- CHUKp L.A.9 tekbn. red. [Capprehenolve laboratory maml of Imunam apd animal pbysiology) Bolishoi praktikum po fiziolog~i cbelovska i shivot*)cb. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Mo- skyat &s. izd-To *Vyshaia sbko3.a,O 1961. 674 p. (MIu 14:8) (PHYSIO*,GXL-LAWFATORY MANUALS) AVERB-10., Mkhail S. - "The role of personality structure in tlie adal)tabLlity of the patient In the postpsychotic period" Report to be submitted for the Second Irtternational. Congress on Rehabilitation, Dresden, East Germany, from 11-15 June 1962 Inntitute of Physiology imeni A. A. Ukhtowciy, Leningrad State University, Leningrad AVMkXH.. Hikolay V , _.gldizairovich; BARANOV, Tix.K., redaktor; ALMSYST, A.Z., VAI,11~,UVMOTA, H.H., takhnichaskiy redaktor (The use of radar in navigatio: I lopcilizovanie radiolokatsionnoi steintaii, v sudovozhclenii. Koslcvas IsA-vo "Morskoi transport,". 1956. 50 p. (ML17A 100) (Radar in navigation) t -, I "MaAmwN." shturman dallnego plawanlya. Graphic plot-ting to a reliable moth*& f~r radar observation of approaching vessels. Mor.flot 16 no,g:lo-ll 8 156. (KLRA 9:16) (Radar In navigation) (Collision at Sta-Prevention) AVAUW[H. H.V.; BARAYOV, Yu.K. (Determining maneuvering elements of seagoing vessels and log correctionJ Opredelenie manevrennykh alementov morakogo su&na i popravki lags. Leningrad, Izd-vo 'Horskoi transport," 1957. 52 p. (Navigation) (MIRA 11:2) - -,- .. E4jil F--V P FKA 9 1P... ",", IIA - AVERBAKH, 14. V., Candidate of Tech Sci (diss) -.- "Determination of the elements of surface ocean streame by u-sinS radioactive indicators". Leningradl 1959. 18 pp (Min Mritime Fleet USSR, Leningrad Higher Engineering Maritime Pchool im Admiral S. 0. YAIatrov).. 1'50 copies (HL,, No 20, 1959., 111.) I 3 (9) AUTHOR: Averbakh, H.11. SOV/50-59-9-1 1 /16 TITLE: Determination of the Elements of Sea Surface Currents by t1he Method of Radioactive Indicators PERIODICAL: Meteoroloeiya i gidro".1ogiyap 1959, Hr 9v PP 41 - 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At present, there are 4 principally different methods of de.- termining-the t--urrent-elements (Ref 2); float-, ventilatcr-, ole,,,tromaGnetio and navigation meth6ds,'Only the first one; the float-method~ permits a direct meaauz-ement of the zurrent elements. This method can be irproved by using as floats pa~- ticles of a radioactive indicator sunk into the water layer. Fig-ure 1.shows the principle.of this method. A radioactive indicator'is lowered into the water to a certain depths and driven b~ the current~from this place past an initial counter to one of the final counters which are set up at a certain distance from-the initial dounter. At the :passage? the radi,.,.-. active indicator is rec 'orded by these two (,.ountera. The re.- quirements neces6ary for radioactive radiation are pointed c%it. A P-radiation is beat suited for this piirpoae. The ictnizatic-n method was chosen for recording the P-radiation. Recording waa Card 1/3 done by means of a halogen counter. The construction of thrz Determination of the Elements.of Sea Surfaoe Currente SOV/50-59-9--11/16 by thp Method of Radioactive Indicators device for determining the current elements by means of radio- active indicators is described in brief. The calculation of -the necessary and of the sufficient activity is indicatedg and formula (9 ) is derived for i"11-s determination. Formula (10) for determining the root m 'ean square error in the determination of -the current direction is derived. The method described here permits the.elements,.of the sea surface currents to be de- termined much.more rapidly than-by means of other methods. This method permits the current velocity to be determined with & somewhat higher accuracy than the ventilator method. The small current velocities and current directions can be more Eicourately determined by thiB method than by any other method. The advantage of this method over the ventilator method is the possibility of evaluating very easily the accuracy of each ob- servation. The method permita the quantity of observations of the currents to be considerably enlarged by one device and irith little waste of time. The method described permits the imnount of the wind drift to be determined. The application of Card 2/.,s Determination of the Elements of Sea Surface Currents SCIV/50-59-9--ii/16 by the Method of Radioactive Indicators amall doses of activity permits thin method to be widely used. The observation of the elementary safety measures ensures the absence of danger in. this method. There are 1 figure, 6 tables, emd 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 ummustm FIRMS GAMOV, kietaiy Grigor'yevioh;_#MWM. NilcolAy Vladimirovich; HATOUTO, A.F., spetered... II.B.,, ELocation by radar in navigatlorj lapolizovanie radiolo- kataii v sudovoshdanii. NoBic", Isil-vo *Korskoi transport," 1960.. 232 P. (mm 14:2) (Radar in navigation) wv PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5429 Gamov, Anatoliy Grigorlyevich, and Nikolay Vladimiro-Ach Averbakh Ispollzov,-miye radiolokataii v sudovo*z)idenii (Utilization of Radar in -Marine Navigation). Moscow, Izd-vo "Mot-skoy transport, " 1960. 237 p. Errata slip inserted. 7, 000 copies printed. Special Ed. : A. F. Matsyuto; Ed. : M. 1. Petin; Tech., Ed. : N. B. Lavreno- va. PURPOSE: This book has been approved by the Ministry of the Merchant Marine, USSR, as a textbook- for refresher courses of Merchant Marine com-mRnd personnel. It is intended for- navigators, who, according to Lhe author, should be perfectly acquainted with the operation ot ship- board radar equipment and with its use for navigation. COVERAGE: The authors discuss in detail the methods of utilizing ship board radar for such navigational purposes as: fi)dng the position of jC-ar-d--1j-7-:-- AVERBAKH, N.V., assistent Determining the amount of drift camed by wind with the h6lp of radioactive indicators. Sudovoslidenie, no.2 -.105-106 162. (MIRA 17W 1. Kafodra, sudovozhdeniya IAiningradskogo vysshego inahenernogo morskop uohilishcha im. achtirala Wkarova. t BARANOV, Yu.K.,, dotsent,- kand.tepm.nauk; AVERBAKH, N.V., assistent Length of the path traveled to determine log corrections and the speed of a vessel with the help of a ship's radar. Sudovozhdanie no.2:111-115 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra suddyczhdaniya Loningradskogo vysshego J.nzhenernogo atorskogo uchilis$hcha im. adidrala H&karova. AVER13AKR,-,Niko:Lay--Yladimtrovich; GAMGVp AnatdU7 Grigortyovich; -~---WATSYUTO, A.F.j. retsenzent; GEW3341=0# V.I*.% apots, red.; SMXOj G.S.p red.; KHLOPCIVA, L.Lp tekbn. red. (Radar '.17drometeorology in navigation]Radiolokatsionnala gidrome'toorologiia Y oudovozbdonii, Moskva., lzd--v-o "14orskoi transport.." 1962. 46 p. (KMA 15:8) (Radar in navigation) (Meteorology, Maritime) AVEMIAKH, Ilikolau VladWrovich; BARANOV, Yuriy Xonstantinovicb; kULICHIKOVA, N.P., tekhn. red. (Determining the maneuvering properties of a seagoing vessel and log corrections]Opredelenie memevrennykh elenentov morskogo sudna i popravki laga. Leningrads Izd-vo "Morskoi transport,," 1962. 75 p iShip trials) (Logbooks) (MRA 15-11) ATERBAKII), N.V., hand. tekhn. nauk, kapitan dallnego plavaniya Calculation of small noninduc*,,ive compensators of quarterly deviation. Siidovozhdenie no-4:76-79 164. (MIRA 18: 31 1. Kafedva sudovothdeniya Len:Lngyrii.dakogo vysshego inzhenernogo #iorskogo uchilishcha imeni admira')a Makarova. RASHKOVSKATA, To.,&.; AVMZBAKU, R.A.; DAIIILOV'SKATA. M.F.; b-ISKNOOLITS. 7.S. Isotherms of the solubility of the -ffa2I(HC03)2, S04+ H20; K2 1 (HO03)21 SOO-'V; Na'2- K2U(HC03).L'SOOR20; 'f1t2v K21(HC03)21 003+H20 and K2 11 (HO03)2, CO 3- S04+1120 systems Elt 35*C. Ukr. khim. zhur. 24 no.4: 510-520 158. (WRA 11:10) 1. Kharlkovskly nauchao-issladovatal'skiy institut onnovnoy khimii. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Solubility) AVERBAKH, R.D. Technical modifications of an apparatus for drying plasma "jy the method devised by the Central Division of the Leningrad Institute of Blood Transfusion, Top.perel,,krovi 4:274-277 '55. (MLR& 9:12) (BLOOD PLASKA) (DRYING AXPARATUS) ?A llA9T77 I llumm Mums mrfi=l~ I P A Ill /4979 3 AVEMAKEs V~L--~ G IF BqwW4 W MrWaMR %=W~( t-55zi wvn jo r 'VER' V- IAK H P-At 33449794 USSR/$~oU,ar, low'-0: Mesotrons Oot,;. Nuclear ~rsics Partilcles, Elementary "Nuclear Splitting by Mesotvons," V. Averbakh, 2.ppl "Uspekhi FI% Nauk" Vol XXXV1, No 2 vork done by LukArskly, Perf ilov, and Alikhanyan. Stresses Imporiance of the "stars" formed by slow meeotrons., ats It Is possible to determine size of particles 'by their radiation. Two photographs show weatr(m traces and stars. 7, 33A9TA t Me p 7: ley regard the.method 6f Iiiii, ----6M.4d1lYA'Co1is1 1011A th6xroupof Im ti yptrsp ere*r In: of~ a,h lw,,spacc, atic from this standpoint explainihe-aittifiraiLlness hi his choiv of niomentuiii optr- atorst,aawo6a-t4.,vY1th the well-krc-wn arbitrarinets in the definition of--'.,dis'tance" :in a spaci of constant curvature. Theyr-point-out--thnt Sayder's x1eme can be cbtained uniquidy 1 One IMIXW-8 Certain vintli tions on the mr(lincte operators. They also set up a more gi -neral scheme, of Whi rh Snyder's is a special case, and find t] iat the former, like I he latter, is not invariant under transh tions. The assumptim Of commuting coordinaten is found v~ Imad to results essen- tially equivalintto those of the wml quantum blieory. The authors treat the field a ations consid(Uld 6V .SL%de- [Physical Rev. (:'), 7-2=.-,.*-('PTM/ , thcit Rev- Y 8, 608] by introducing neA variable-ti n the space of wh1i.-h ("t-he wave-equation spacce") the -cuations take on thtir usual lorm. However, in this space point chargn aie found to have extended charge flistributiou, leading to differences from '11c usLial theory. N. Rost2 Chapel Hill, N. C.). No. 0- J 00 ! 14/ soil 00 seg... O:W oil A -00 :00 00 THE POMILIKU or MANY BODMI RN THE QUAWMED e PACE,?M. V~J~A!~rbsjdh an I H. V. Medvedev. ZW ' sro, ; ' K 1 . 1 T at , iris, - WIVIOW1 I)IA (Letter to tt~~- , 94 tar: to go"" 1n A r s P w r (MILIA p q A km d . a e;fou * u k & S R 4 6 ;. 4 ~ - 19 4V ( N & bv ra ; t c t 1- I t A w ) tW t i-i~ t e.rp $ Y it P fe- roe UUOO of 3nyder's (;!L~. Rev. -, 1, 31(1947)) theory of quan. e '.' coo, Used 31PAct for the iii, of one bAy interacting with a field. It I h ' goo s s own here thal their interpret Ilion can be applied to i the problem of many tailles. coo ~ A Ito -0 As OR o 0 o : 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 !see lag* a" &Bill, a 0 -1 it of 0 13 o000 0000 0 40 go 0 * 9000 00 - . , 0 0 a a a ~ . - - .00 ; ; w w -W 0 0 0 00 'A I I I I -C &, -1 1 f " -L-L L to 0 0, it 4p ff w---wmgS.- ~ m m to w MEM111111111111k o : 00064 0 0 0 0 b l 0$0 0 40 0 0 9 13 is 1 11 11 .1 P f ""Cjjfj . Aloellp G-liZ4k1w Ar Ngdki n and j~ L Irlin. ph or. x V kite MA m . 'i I'llinent't a Of J&MIZU. trog x one I It 4'er ni t- qu 1- 0r alf., 3 contal 't- Au & " U14 Ix 'ereI " il 0 V l . . ro It Cl in, np ?,uen tu 900* I t, MultsI .It t ere no ~19 fe th to m the R1111 erl" c 11 -1 24. U go so I 1 wr T it 41 0 0 *0 A0,00 AMBAKH. V,~.; ZIIIDKO, YU.M. Reciprocal ferrite switch itsing a slot bridgo. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; radiotekh. 6 no.3:259-264 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Rekomendovana Nauchno-issledovEttellskim radiofizichaskim institutom pri GorIkovskom gosudai-stvennom universitete imeni Lohichevskogo. (Electric switchgear) epjpn4 ow., '6 4~ onc'ThIlHineter an"A're's ittor J b atof, -Ohis ab ti .,TOpIq ABSTIUVM: Gunera Characteristics of the iwlutions of the problorn for'nud-ated 14. the title are analyxt:d, and some nunierical and experimental resitits are rep()rtedj,' the problera waii formulated by A. G. Fox an i T. LI (Proc. IEEE, 196 3, 51, 80). Generali.-ted symetry relations are derive d for mltmligried iniki-ors; the nCitV.-plane resonators are more sensttivft to syrnmetrical rnivaligntrionts. The fundonkantva:t equationo were Inveistigated in detail by solving t1tem numerically. on -a-dJ.,g Puter -bV the It6ratloa method, The theoratin-al-reirdIts wore 11 -,a PI skitm,(' 'who; parformed,:. nt 7 JI S 0 13 o-thank- ~o r fro:6 Ov c- MEMAC-- I sary Coll lpilt one on a 2 1601 o,z,rn-uia -a is CO EWT(.I)/EWA(h) CODE --T5 SOURM UR/010P Of Q00~/O O/OT52- I A AUTHOR. krerbakh, V. S.; 'V1q6ovj S. 11* ~Rovei, E.M.; Sheronova, . N M. ORG: none:. '-01 TITLE: Experimental study:of a mirror-type be am wave &ide. SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11 no. 4, 1966,,750"752 TOPIC TAG3: beafn waveguide, waveguide mirror, millimeter wave propagation ABSTRACT: A stu(J~! has:been made of the charact-Existics of a mfrror-tjpe waveguide consisting of reflectors in.tbe form of 150 210 mm sections shaped i Lg ellipsoids of x revolution. The principal radii of curvature wre Rx = 50 cm and Ry 100 cm~ The mirror reflelctors were made by deposition of a. layer of silver on an tToxy.base. They., ~iere mounted parallel to each other at, a distant~e of 50 cm and spaced in such a way that the eenter of each' mirror: coincided with. the focal points of the preceding and succeeding mirrors. The angle 'of incidence was.A5*. The arrEv, consisted of eight. mirrors with rectmagular aperturemasks which wli;,n shifted could Vary Lhe F!reasnel parameter c.~ The transmissioncoefficient of tht~ vaveguide was deternAlned by the effectiveness cif excitation and reception and tlo~ value of the energy 'loss during reflection. Theori -tical calculations ii2dicated i;hat the upper limit of the excit atio coefficient. for the primary power mode of a wavel juide with a rectangulir radia .ting hom was 0.91 for c 3.5 and 0. 84 for c 114ree types of radiatorti operating at L- _Card1/112 Oj UDC. 62i.3L2.833.1 _T -66 EMT (I ACC NR-AP6011458 AUTHOR: Averbakh, V*_-S. ORG: none SOURCE CODEs 0757 '_1510 16 TITLE: Oscillariory0n an open resonator ivi the itnstable zone near the confocal SOURCE: Rediotekhnika i alektronika, v. 11, no. J, 1966, 757-759 TOPIC TAGS- SHF antenna, resonator, quasioptic roBonator ABSTRACT: A two-mirror quasi-optical confocal resonator was investigatod experiment ly in its unstable regionj 160-mm diameter copper mirrors mounted on a solid base were excited from a SHF klystron oscillator. Mirror radii: 380 and 470 mm; the position of one mirror was adjustable. With compl-Dtely open mirrors, only three axisymmetrical modes TER.,, TER0,2. TEK., were ob.-i-Drvedl their amplitudes had a .ratio of I : 0.4 : 0.1, respectively. In the =itable region, the transmission factor dropped rapi6LIy, amplitudes of all modes became equal, and the difference between their frequencies varied slowly. With tho mirrors shaded by square masks, only the lower mode was excited. It is found that, with small deviations of the mir radii (production tolerance), a properly seleatki shading practically dDes not affect the dominant mode and yet protects from increased loss in the unstable zone, near the confocal.point. Orig. art. hast 2 figures and 5 formlas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DAM OMaY65 / ORIG REF: 001 / M REF, 003 4253 SOURCE CODE; UR/0109/661011/OOS/0943/0945 .,,AUTHOR: Vlasov, S. N.; TWanov, V. 1. LA ORG: none TITLE: Nonaxial-mode discrimination In open quasi-optical systems SOURCE: Radiotekhaika I elektronika, v. 11, no. 5, 1966, 943-945 TOPIC TAGS: mode discrimination, quasioptic system, millimeter wave AWM401%, ABSTRACT: A highly mode-selective open-resonator system is considered. If tha dimensions of a two -concave -mirror system are so proportioned that the caustic surfaces are formed only for the dominant (axial) mode, only thia mode will be located near the system axis. Or else: any infinite -nonplanar -mirror resonator can be conformally mappod into a plane-parallel system filled with a nonhomogeneous dielectric. These considerations were verified by a numerical solution of an integral equation that describod the field in a two-dimensional resonator, selectivity curves are shown. A qualitative corroboration was obtained from an experimental study of a resonator w-ith 200-mm diameter mirrors operatilng at an 8-mm wavelength. "The authors wish to thank L. V. Piskunova and V. F. Morozov for their wark on an electronic computer. 11 Orig. art. has: 3 figuras and I formula. SUB. CODE. 20, 09 / SUBM DATE: 16Aug65 / ORIG REIN 004 Card ACC NRt AP6011396 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/0361003/0497/0507 A AUTHOR: Averbakh V. S., Vlasov, S. N.; Talariov, V. 1. ORG: Scientific-Research Radiophysics Institute at the Gor'kiy State Uniirersity imo N. 1. Lobachevskiy (Nauchtib-isoledovatel'sk4.y radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor'kovskom gosudarstventlom universitete) TITLE: An open resonator with an arbitrarily located stop SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnichoskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 3, 1966, 497-507 TOPIC TAGS: laser, laser theory, resonator, electromagnetic field ABSTRACT: The authDrS consider the normal modes and losses in an open resonator con- sisting of two spherical mirrors with a single beam-limiting diaphragm located at an arbitrary position on the opatical axis. Such a resonator is regarded as a model of a laser with external mirrors in which the beam is limited by the dimensions of the working medium. All dimensions are assumed to he sufficiently large so that geomet- rical optics can ba employed. -The conditions for focusing are specified by the two parameters gi - 1 - L/Ri (i - 1, 2), where L is the distance between the mirrors and Ri is the radius of curvature of the i-th mirr017. The effect of misalignment of the mirrors is taken into account. Two types of dinphragm are considered: a perfectly transparent rectangular aperture, and an absorbN ng aperture in which the transmission is a Gaussian function of the distance from the axis. The basic equations are taken AVERBAKH I Y#". I ~----4-- 1111cohol as a social problem" b7 H.V',.Keyserlink. Reviewed by I.A.Averbakh. Zhur.nevr.i psikh 61 no.3;461-462 161. (MIP-1 14:7) 1 (ALCOHOLISM) iKEYSERLINK, H.V.) AVEMXH, YaJ~,_ (~oiokva) Repeated abstinenoe [symptoms] In tb) oliniciLl aspects of alcoholism.. Trudy-Goo. nauch.-Issl.bint. paLch.38slOI-106163. (MIn 16tll) Causes of relapses in alcoholism, lbid.SI13-121 4- FEDOTOV, D.D., prof.,, otv. red, AVERBAKH, Ya.K., red.; Yu.A.,, red.; BAIASHOVA., GUIROVICH, I.Ya., red. SEGAL, B.M.,- zam, otv. red.; AVRUTSKIY, G.Ya., red.; ALEKSANDR011SKIY, L.N., red.; BELKIN, A.I., red.; (Problems of exogenous and organic iieuropsychic disorders; materials of the scientific confereitee of the Stato Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Publiz Health of the R.S.F.S.R. March 1964'] Voprosy ekzogennykh I or- ganicheskikh nervno-psikhicheskikh i*asstroistv; materialy na- uchnol konferentsii Gosudarstyennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta psikhiatrii MZ RSFSR. Ma.,~t 19,64. 164 p. No.2. 1964. 164 P. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvannyy nauchro-.-Issledovatellskly institut psikhiatrii. 2. Direktor Gosudarstvinnogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituts. psikhiptrii Ministe,-stva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (for Fedotov). 3. Otdel psiklozov pozdnego vozrasta Gosu- darstvermogo nauchno-issledovateltskogo instituta pr4khiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSF.S.1 (for Belkin). 4. Otdel ekzogenriykh nervnopsikhicheskikh rasstroystv Gosudarstvernogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo institute. n-,ikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSF&R (for Segal). 5. Gosudarstvemyy riauchno- isaledovatellskiy institut psikh4.atrii Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneniya R3FSR (for Averbakh). AVMFAKH Ya (NoAva) Some ebaraetexIst-iou of thd rmlm3tin In paLlentts. Trud7 Gris. navob.-issl, bSts P3'Akh, 00. (m-1 RA Il C,7 ) SEGAL B.F.., nauchn. satr.; AVEIMAKH Ya.K.) 0 . . r, -ichn. sotr.; LUKOMISKIY, I.I.j 'p-fb-T.-,F6d. (Trea+---Rnt of alcoholics with ciamile (calcium carbordde citrate) in hospitals and under outpatient conditions; ar. instinActive and methodological letter] Lechenie lits, stra- daiushchikh alkogolizmom,, tsiamidorl (tsitratoin karbairida kalltsiia) v statsioioxe i vnebollnichnfth uslovilakh; in- strulctivno-me-Lodicheskoe pisima. I!oslcvn, 196/+. 7 p. (MIRA 17: 0) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvenny-y nauc.-hno..-Issledovatellskiy in- stitut psikhiatrii. FEDOTOV, D.D., prof.p otv. red.; REMZOVA, Ye.S., zam. otv. red.j AMOAkH,Ya,L~ red.; BOLDYREV, 1..I.',(Mosicva) red.; GOLIDOVSKAYA, G.I., red.; KOPSHIVER, I.Z.(Moskva), red,, [Materials of the AIL-Russian Conference on the Problem of Epilepsy, April 1964] Materialy Vserossiyskoy konferen- tsii po probleme epilepsii, Mosk,tap Gos.nauchno-issl. :Ln-t psikhiatrii, 1964. 293 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vs8rossiyskaya konferentsiya po probleme epilepsii, 1964. 2. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo nauc)mo-isaledovateliskogo in- stituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva ,.,dravookhraneniya RSFS1 (for Fedotov). -7 q.0 dl - - - rt 77 -7 y 6 066 3/ /0 75/ i 11A~ THOR~:1:` ;'K _ ~4_ ~7;7'-_114 17,-77 7,77-77' `7 f: ~t e ra:,- Opp I. ICA, nyy 1 _16 Me, pr1Mdneniy"wiq f 6 urnplo., e Mi -7ra -no; Ab p trab t bot:, 1 ill -102:- Sb nauchn qek* un-, depitantoV Vor(Snes', o. 2, 1962t :It 7) ia, n 7~,:TEXT.- esark6ti -An a pi a- g v4I~n- p iratus., -which --provide a. for s ane .~w, measuremen :of. imul-t ous.: M, 6 t -r:the kinetic; parameters of se ic ndue i -he a - for Ahe'- t rmo"BMF~i,~an4_~~cohwant~ tran6verse -.12'and -long'i'l Inghail n,-e ut 'n Nernst_'Ett & ecis). The heaterbi magne-~:~. t io ~ circ uit'.. ead 'vrobe -'hold e1'_,m0unteA:. in: It 8 -gap are. all o' ntained 0 uum-.ays ez-6 "d- Side Theiiqaagnetic~_ci buit. is: made:-fromi- rmo iron the~.,'fiiild '14~ iti~ ;jjp' X"10 Oe.-'-The j 0 speoime*A d- is!~~plac- d- 1h U6,7. pro i "'hold r:ani clamped at ite-ehdo-W ,.,Aesto e e n lead-4 a onduc tore. The 86 conduc"ore pass throughAhel hea; ter ovens4.-,-_6*4 fulT il.~thelrcile~ of -heat ng el Ing -an cooli so ant a 'A, -7 -,Z 3 5 ~63/00 t601/018/035JI, 7 'A-19bdrdt Y-.: ~Ppa a. us, or D4113 D308 7,J., 'i f! ith-)-I, pa TS h a4 . ~;w ng 6e spec mer pp e -pirp',b eiw-ar 'a OVO- e ;:are:, 0 9,, .a -s4it ceiv. -,:p1 Th 0 ]Mai T . __. i ~,:, 11 !-*:of -*T&--ii~-~,bhd.,~,"fdtin".,tdJ6 iw6~~64ged. --By 4'01 Ahel~ or'd;: 'ding er-- t ion of ~Vhb. probe q . in',~,'pa re, can pai ~y out measm" Mein h e e 13 of kine-tic 1iAtAMdtbrs:~:*.X-A. thormodouplet are ~ mounted at -the ends ~of t 0' men o4 of~_the ei"*16ureti-I.:,~,~l.:,%.,"~:,!-". hol~ier: .7. attainel-il e measuremimt..' cap 71 "that. isotherma.L.- 66n~A-ionb, -are h was r ed eT i the ~bk, m- first being- ~2. d a Ate,' takeh~ifit_h ..he:,- J - MI equ ~p ivegn;..-_ 3~~Ire__f.iexcinb'e ac y~r_s,_-n t i a 0 Comp e e ran e 7. 1-.,:'. - - 'u6tibri.-T P"I" v P; !w, AUTHORS: TITLE: PER10DICAL: 8/181/62/004/003/C07/045 B102/B104 Uuall, Ya. A., Averbakh,,Ye. M.., Marshakova, 12. A., and Matvc~- evj 0. V. Somo electrical properties of the intermetallic semiconducting comnound Cd Sb doped by various impurities 4 3 Fizika tverdogo Wa, v. 4, ro. 3, 1962, 615 - 617 TEXT: In order to determine the effect o~' Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Pb, Sb, and To impurities in quantities of up to,1 at0A an Cd 48b 3, the temperature dependence of conductivity in the range 20 - 300 C, the Hall constant, and the thermo-omf at room temperature were measured. d - c measurements were made with a two-probe compensation T-ethod; the thermo-eitf was deter- tiiiincd aith respect to copper; the field strength in the alit of the electro- ma,.~net was 2500 oe. Cd 4Sb3 (impurity concentration 2.1-10-3cib') was fused together with the doping metals (purity 99.9967,) in evacuated quartz am- pouls. The conduction type of the stoicbiometric.Cd 4Sb 3(p-type) was changed only by To impurities. Card 1/3 s/lal/62/004/003/0')7/045 Some electrical properties ... B102/B104 Composition 1hermo-omf Conductivit,y Oarrier mobility /"V/deg (ohm,cm)-l CM2/v.sec Cd4 Sb3 +101) 30 goo zith AF, +47 4000 000 with In 4130 80 45 wi th Te +29 or -77 ?900 or 5100 345 or 1035 The forbidden band width as determined froff, the log 6 versus ('/T) clirve was 1.25 ev. C1 Sb of stoichiometric composition has a carrior concentra- 4173 -3. -to, 10 16 cm-3 tion of 2.113-10 cm Sb additions incLctaso this value up the other metals even up to -10 19 cm-39 Vie Cd-Sb alloy conziets of CdSb and Cd 43b 3' The stoichiometric and the T-3--doped samples (P-t.;Pe) show rectifying properties; the Te-doped samplz--is also ahow a ranUe of negative resistivity ir the back direction. If the! current is raised to more thzn 4 ma tbe rectifying effect vanishes. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/3 3/101/62/004/003/0()7/045 Some eleotrioid properties ASSOCIATIONe Voronozhslciy gosudarstvennyy univeialtet (Voronezh State University) 6 SUBMITTEW October 2, 1961 Legend to Fig. Is (1) Cd Bb (2) Cd48b 3+Ino (:3)-+Sbt 4 3' (4) -+ Cd. (OOJ LG Card 3/3 h313O 8/181/62/004/011,/031/049 B125/B186 AUTHORS: Ugay, Ya. A., Averbakh, Ye. M., and Lavrov, V. V. TITLE: Certain electric properties of the intermetallic compound 0-:&n4Sb 3 PERIODICAL. Fizika t verdogo tela,. v. 4, no.. 11, 1962, 3270-3272 TEXT: In order to reveal semiconducting proportiea in stoichiometric Zn4Sb3 the temperature dependences of the eloctric conductivity and of the thermo-emf, of single and polycrystals were neasured in the rango 20-400OC- The Hall constant was measured at rc-om temperature. A stoichiomotric melt of Zn and Sb was kept slightly above the me lting point of Zn 4Sb3 and was continuously mixed by vibration. Small crystals of P-modification were prepared by quetiching the melt in ice-water. The coarsely crystalline specimens were produced by slowly cooling. ')Ingle crystals 'were obtained by zone melting of the coarsely crystalline upecimens. At room temperature all samples showed hole-type conductivity. Results: Zn 4Sb3 can be purified by zone melting. O-Zn4Sb3ii 4 semiconductor vith a width of the forbidden Card 1/3 S/181/62/004/011/'031/049 Certain electric propertius of.'.. B125/-B186 band of 1.20 ev. The clear metallic conductivity of the 0 sample A7 (Fig-1) is attributed to additional acoeptors formed as a result of lattice defects in quenching. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy 6osudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State j, University) V SUBMIITTED: June 29, 1002 Fig. 1. loga versus inverse temperature. Legend: B5 - single crystal, 612 - coarsely crystalline, A7 - A-modification. Fig. 2. Differential thermo-e.m.f. (1,v/deg) versus inverse temperature. Card 213 investigatiOn Of semiconducting phases based on antimony. Ya. A. Usay. Semiconducting phases in the system zinc-antimony. Ya. A. Ugay, Ye - M. Averbakh. [Study and some properties of thin layers of Ind-ium phosphide. Ya. Ugay,.R. L. Fogellson, V. V. Lavrov. (Not presented).] Repox-t presented at the 3rd National Conference on Ser-deonductor Comounds, Kishinev., 16-21 Sept 1963 JACCESSION NItt AP4041373* 8/0046/64/028/bU/1044/2047 'AUTHOR: Ugay, Y**A.; Averbakhp yi.uo T TLIt Sow) electric proportion of single crystatle of ZnSb-CdSb solid solutions !-Yeport, Third Conference an Semiconductor Compo%uids h .old In Kishinev 16-21 gap I S6URCEt AN-1105R. luvastlya. Soriya fisicheakaya, ir.28, no.6, 1964,, 1044-1047 TQPIC TAGS: noulcondintor, solid 'solution, zinc sintimonide, cadmium Inoirganic c.ow- pound. electric condmetivity, thermal emf tompersiture deinsidence, ball constant ;ABSTRACT: The electric conductiyity, IM11 constavt. and thermal enif of isingle crya- tale of Zwft-~CdSb ablid solutions were measured ut temperatures-from 24) to 2200c. The measureownts werit undertaken because'of the 1cm thermal d high! thermal emf I's of zine and cadmium antimonides and the fact that theme toubsta nces form solid solutions In all proportion#. Single crystals of the solid oolutions more obtained by the none loweling-method. Tho'cr)wtals of the solid solutions, as well as those of the pure compounds ~ had two uneq%)ally marked cleav The age planes. samples were oriented for measurement with the less marked cleavage plane parallel to the ourrent, and perpendicular, to t 'he magnet lo'ftold. All the materials proved to'i card 1P.1 I I Vow 4mgW-1 SW9R;AWM I tKM1kVM'UWUW !AOCESSIOK MR-. AP4041373 be.p-type semiconductors. The thermal oaf was 2otind to be positive fo:r all the a pies over the full temperature range Investigated., This,in regarded as an Indic&- tion that the hole isability exceeds the electron vbo~illiy in the intriiasic conduc- tion region, i.e., that the materials are anomalicats semiconductors. This Hall mobi- lities were found to be proportional to T"'n (T is, the absolute temperature)- with n ibetween 1.7 and 2.0.' The value oUn for the pure coopounds in 1.66. This'difference Is ascribed to the greater concentration of lattice defects in the solid solutions,. In about half the sanples the value of a Increased sudderly by a larje factor (ab- out 4) at now temperature within'the range inventigated and remained large at hJ&h-; er temperatures. 7hia behavio r Ia not understood. The encygy gap, as disiterkined ft=!'. the temperature dependence of the- conductivity, ints 0.41 eV In both pure compowids I and was lose in the nolutions. The minimum. energ)? gap War 0.21 eV and accurred at a: composition of 64 mole percent CdSb* The energy 1;np deteimined from thio temperature! dependence cof the Hall constant was approximately 20% gr'iater thaz tha t t determimid from the conductivity, This discrepancy in ascrikid to Via fact That not only the :energy gap# but also the lonation , of lattice defficts p c mtributels to the tompsri~& iture dependence of the mail constasts- .2 f:irmulav 4 J1IgWMS and I table. Card 2/.$ ACMSIOIN Mat AP6041373 !'ASSOCIAT14X: Vo. w~,dwkiy:gmudarstir*nny*y'uniiriorsits.-.1 (Volm ilk state upilverolty) Smuz 1 00 RICLI. ~w Bows 416 I ate cm: lw o"MRS, 003. i. J, Card 3 3- -S/0048164/0;!8/00i$/0998/0999!- ACCESSION NIV AP4041 6 -YA. A.-;, -A"r-bakh'.~- Y4i.-. M. rogellson.. R., L.;, AUTHOR: -'Ugayj~ Golldfarb,-V. A .1-TITLE: Some pro~,ettles' of.'ihlu: indium.pliaspbide layeis f SOURCE i AN SSSR.. 144estlya Ser ya izio-heakayaq -28, no. Al i'1964, 998-999, ..TOPIC TAM indiuu,'1u4iuu jhoxphide; . In4lun phospbidei f i In, iiadium lphosphide propavty, f1lu property, filu 1111ectric eandu OSTRACT: The temperature. diieu"deuce of electric con4uctilrity of in'-" -dium phosphida twin filus and of,their 14.uit of 'absorption in the '.1onguave range have been investikat'ad. Filas were produceit- by a iirseparatu vacuum vapor. depoA itioh of.couponents. first of iAdium and. .,then of phosphorus, under pveasura .of about 10-5 an Us; at AOOC. Eledtrou dif f rsctlou paitterns of._the Lf L111S corrospondeid to those of the InP, coupaund, 'the tauji4ratur 'a. dependence of electric. 4tonductivity of InP filims Oa55-0*06 it thick was dow:itued at 20-500C., Out of the two ffilvas iuvealtizated was'. fire i - innaaled in vacuttu at 2.50C- .1A J-1 /3 ACtd'E:SS'1ON -'filiit AP4041363 for 3 hr. An s h osm' In the diaoran (see F11g. 'I of' th*e Enclosure) the electric conductivity of at high teuperature.As almost F identical. The vidth of the forblAden zone deternin~ed front this diagram is IAZ av. The width of the forbiLdden zone -determin:ail fromL the longwave absorption,edge was 1427 Lov. The higher value obtained! from the tampetatuire-dependence~~of*alactlrj'.c conductivIty is explained by partial decomposition-of -1md1.uu, at. high temperatures*- Orig art-. has: 2. f tgures AS90CIATION: Vore-ne;ighskly,'g6svdarstVeny3tyI universitst -Voronexh State UnIv4srsity) 'PlOSSu, 30S8,:: 11,NCL: :~:-O -Altb SUBMITTED: 00' DE.t 6 S j.0 I: SUB CO SOVI -002: OTHERt 01 ilt .0 Card -% 2 3 UGAYO Ya#Aoj AVEREM, Ye.M. Some electric properties of aingla arystals of the-solid solutions ZnxGdj-x8b. lav. AN "ISSI. Ser. fiz. 28 no.6:1014- 1047 Je 164. (MIRA 1737) 1. Voronezhakly gosudarstvannyy universitat. UGAY, Ya.A.; AVERBAKHJ, Ya.M.; FOGELISON, R,.I,.; GOLIDFARB, V.A. Some propqrtles of thin films of indium phosphide. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 28 no.6-.998-999 Jo 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Voronenhakly gosudarstvennvy -un!.versitet. AIT-MAKH, Ye.M. Laboratory equipment for measuring the kinetic parameters of semLconductors. Sbor.nauch.ritb.asp. VGU no.20-7 162. (MIRA 18:11) I AV- jP( Y': C 2708,wft E W W T r, i P, j j j ~ACCESSI044t..':: jjmjp~B UR/6139j65100i)VOO`3102291~1".~ ~Ax' Y A -MORI--:i'- S"Oj 16o A..' TITM t: (N t t643*40ti Of "S 16' (M I or ph~Lev i~At A SOURM IVUZ's Fizikap hof 3~ 1965# 129w4~3 f TOPIC TAUS: zJxc Q-1w., ~P.~ntJn aUay~; sioWi solutionp single cryntal growthi~- zone melt mg AMMACT:i,:; Ifie authors discuss the varlduo technical difficulties involired In the producti(6 of sir*,,Ie orystals of inter:!~A&Uic; ZnSb. Althougli they.succeeded in using,th(b Bridgman or the Chalmers met-hod to 1voduce single ZrGb ex1ratals UPAO .12= lom and*8 mn In diameter drawn Evt a rate of 4 mWhr, the end parts of tho ingot were, not monocrystalline and the:crys4Ua.!Ls contained an excesit of antimoqy Over the stoichiometyle tomposition. It is abown, however,, tkat such single orys- tals can be lined as grow stoichiometric ZnSb crystals by zone-mcltin3. The tecluxLque and thij properties of the:grown urystals are devcribed. It in Claimed tlmt the prociedmie employed comfoims n6re closely t-') the properttes of -.,.the Zn-Sb.state diagram, is t ed:, simplerp anti akew less time. ibis teclinique was tri also to grov P-Zn4Sb3 single crystals ~dth lildted success., etwirg to the low tem- Card 1/2 AVERBAXH, Yu.; KIRETEV, I. In a coke and chemical plant. Pwh.delo 8 no.2sl2 F 162. . I (KMA 15:2) 1. Glavw inzh. Gubakhinskogo koksokhimioheskogo zavoia, (for Averbakh). . - (Chemical plants-Fireo and fire prevention) Sf)V/91--58-12-17/20 AUTHORS: Averbakh, Yu.A., Gusev, A.S., Gerashchenkop A.I.u Engineers TITLE- The Reconstruction of the M; AK-25-1 (TN-165) Turbine (Rekonstruktsiya turbiny LMZ AK-25_1 (TN-165)) PERIODICALt Energetik, 1958, Nr 12, pp 2'1'..29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following improvements he.-ve been introduced into the LMZ AK-25-1 turbines. The steam-pass section of the high- pressure cylinder has been roconstructed. The console thrust bearing has been replaceO Ihv a combined journal-thrust bear- ing. The hydraulic end-beal,'J--ig has been replaced by steam sealing (pressure 1.2 to 1-5 atm). There are 2 -rariations of the reconstructed steam-paas section of the t%irbine. One maintains steam bypass, the other eliminates it. The re- constructed turbines work mo:.-.a reliably and econ:)mically. Heat consumption dropped 3 to 5 % at a 21,000 to 25,COO kW output, which is equal to a ~5,000 ton fuel economy yearly. The entire reconstruction wo:7k was done by the KnarIkov branch of the Central Constructor's 'Bureau attached to the Glavenergo- remont of the MES in 1954-55,, There are 3 diagrams, Card 1/1 NMYANI)t V.L, inah. 13fon,mralon of birbines to back-pressuns operation. Elek. sta. 36 no.6425-29 A 165. 011RA 18:7) AVFRBA)Qlp Yu,h,, Jnzh.; NAYMANOV, O.S., inzh. Choice of the type of a reversible control diaphrqrm for central heating, Elek. stat. 35 no.1:16-18 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:6) AVMU.Ul. A. Use of electricity for military mines. Iroon.znan.31 no.6:23 Je'55- (Shillder,A.A.) (Minos, Militw,7) (HOA 8: 11) ATMUM, A., kandidat Wmiehaskikh nauk. - Smolmless gunpowder, Voen.ozaane:['32) 20-300 ~*- 156. 1(MMk,917) (Gunpowder. Smokoless) - AVJWDM, A., kand. tekhn. nauk; GWSHKO, )I.Te., insh. .. U;BiAg oonmuloation gmphe in orgaz.,Izing intrafaotory traffic at the lborshinskii Plant Slul, TOITOW no'3t66-69 158,(Ifm lIt5) lFailroads. Industr;&I-Proight) 1 4 1 1 0 It 1) 11 4 It is U a of jo 11 0 a 34 Is is Is )9 to It 1) 11 m A 14 v IF Is 0 it Sol 6, 7 1 1 *-" Vo 10-1-4 j' 00 H"ItXCU-40, IA=A ------- o, l 00-f XJd WaMv Irm ph"pWa. Va. L IN-skin and A. Avctbukb. U,S-SJk. 04.481, April; V. 3945. In order 1`d-fft*MTf'tbe raw skin w murb (it the noncollagen Car"Potantsas poWbie and thmby to Inerram the strength of the finUW product, the skins wc!w*krd for 2-24 lirs. without astringent, and ligned fur 5-41 hts., with the kv-m pmibk ddsy In the "race -J the aperalion,; preceding tanning proper... god sea eou 904 fill 11 AIVIII 11 sti ALL var CAL LITIMATUAl CLASSAFKAl" a A 11 x 09 a M to 09 4 0 fit 0 00 .09 1*0 -Sol -00 Area x --so coo COO 7 too LLD a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coo ties tool bvililaW hidec A. A_ 0. 11,11mkill" I It. 1. Goilikhr,. atul M. US S R .N.Y. *P), 11147. RAW 1114% llft b-TUICIthIl Ill fill (4 list Alkali sulfite And wIllivirlite And I'llc d"pilatt'l blift is thm Irrated fur wo-t4l hr'. ill ml Ak. I"tll the pit of %hich i% jgmduAlly iai~A from ", t,. 12.5. ,rl;e hl'im tire Own washed, 11cullillited. alld picklol at *U)-:Lr". M. ll-h ACC NR AT.6,01.3789 possibiliti,:,Of the' exisitence'of both- the hydride the oxides df,Ti at the surface of Ti over !%'broad range of potential a, the more -at) as it is'knq),Oh that .not only the -oxides but itlao the of,Ti usually inhibit .hq-SQxxQ-9-LcLn I ~a te of ti in acids. ''been it han also -observed that prior cathodic poliwization inhibits in certain cases ,the anodic dissolution of Ti.~ In this connection: nhe authors investigate the effect of the hydij~de layer, forming on'.Ti during its com.,osion or cathadic polirization, on the electrochemical dissolution and oxidation of To this end, the'anodic cuTves were plott"ed. for T,i:with vart.ous duration of prior.cathodic. polarizatiort of its surface._. On:comparing curves 1. and 2 in Fig.~,I it can be seen that the hyOide layer-piodueed during I hr of catLodic polarization shwrply inhibits A:he process oUthe anodic.disisolution 'of TI.- the limiting Passivation cu:rrent is reduced neatly in half. If this prior cathodic pol.arization is prolonged for 18 hr,- however, An opposite effect in produced: the maxLtum anodic current incroases (curve 3). This to due to the loosenihk and augmentation of true'surface area of Ti-owing to the aboorption of hydrogen. In the region of active anodic dissolution the .surfaces of Ti (,whether pure or with hydride layer)! ,got oxidized..' The~dCgree of this .oxidation intreases as the potential-,changes from its normal valua to a positive lanodic) vallaa.l. Studies of the corrosion resistanm of Ti oxides show that the. oxides forming in the p-.tasence , of ,-a'potential of +UO-v in a 3M H,,!SO4 solution, and particularly,An diluted 0. 5N. or 0. IN H2SO4 ~ solutiO1261 are relatively resistant in the region of active - anodic~' die solution' and -in - conditions of,cathodic polaritatioub In 4 jl~ A[CC _NR, ~ATOQ_1-370 Ii4 4 its E U j, CO M t Tf 2 ~ bo acl j ~ ~ 2 dinsiLy I, iii!!'cm .,current _ i V 4 0 0 P. , . 7r, ng. L' Anodic potentiostatic curves plotted for Ti~ in.3% ' H S04 solution: 2 I; - titanium iii tha hydride layer pr opedd after 1 hr, 6f cathodic'polarization at 1 50 ma/cm nad6 P.42 Ii-,, titanium ~f ter 18,bir of.cathodic polarization at i k2 Ma/cm 6,~ 10 )1 CaM'~ 3/4 oACC NR, AT6013789 l th,~_ process pf. the anodizin g i6i Ti the oxides forvi",on the~hydrig i. The ayer ~pf T - the 6f'the hydride' th ~ e 'c q u r a i b. fanodic I th , , . l oxidation, d iffusion of Ti' iolis takee - plac-2 f rom tLe me tal acros sthe, h_pIride layer The relative comision, resistnnce~,of:,Ti in the:solu,tions:of acidw in uhiq-1 corrosion-., ocafts with- hydrogen depolari!~&tion is. due' to hydride-oxide passivit OTtg. at, t y Awn 11 figures"l tabl a _ OWI.".,,~ ORIG REV: 013 M i IMF t ,:A "4 L M. Card 14 -L;zwl AVERBUKH, A. G. Tectonic structure of the southem part of the Dniester-Frut interfluve based on regional seimic prospecting. Geotektonika no-4:110-3-12 XI-Ag 165. 1. Vsesoyuzriyy nauehno-issledovatellakiy institut geofJ.zichaskikh metodov razvedki, Moskva. AVERBUKH, A.G. Determining the position of tho refracting boundary and wave velocities from hodographt, of nonlongitudinal profiles in the correlation method of rofracted waves. PrikI. geofiz. no-38!58-68 t64. (MIRA 18:11) AVEMU10) A,G, some. kinematic characterlst1ca -,f :,ofracted wavea. PrJkl. geofiz. w. 44-:79-9.3 165. (MlIM 18:9) AT"T'SlAlf, ZANT7,V, V.I.j .01WRINA, F,.?.-, GORB A L, ~ Ac fl, M lkw dalia on the g,?cilcgy of southern Moldavia. Sov, c:eol. 8 rko.5 ~ I 12-113 Hy '6r,,* ('ql RA 18,7) -AVERBUKH, A.G.. -1- Interpretation of hodographs of refracted waves. Prikl. geofiz. no.36:.28-37 163. (MIRA 160) (Seismic waves) AVERBUKH, A.G. Acouraoy of determining the depth of penetration of a ray with Chibisov's formila. Prikl. goofia. no.37:64-66 163. (MIRA 16i10) AVERBUKH, A.G.; GORBACH, L.M.; SUMERINA, E,P. Physical nature of waves arrivingfirst, recorded in observations by the correlation refracted wave method, Prikl. geofis. no.36: 38a-49 163. (MIRA 16:9) (-3eismie waves) AURBUKH, A.L. kandidat takhnichosidkh nauk. Determining the attenuation Ifti-to by the frequency-characteristics of automtic control oysteva. li~ay MAI n,).75:65-72 157. - (Automtic control) (Wath 10- 6) 29246 S/1 O3j6l/O22/0;1 0.100-51018 A D274/D301 AUTHOM Av*rlmkbp A. Is e,- TITLEt S. A,. Chaplygin's theorem as relnted too the theory of optimim processes PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemckhanil;ag v. 22p no. 100 19,31p 1309-13its TEXT: The relation between S. A. Chaplygin's theorem on differential inequalities and optiimm control is considered. The condition3 of appli- cability of this theorem on a given interval are obtained. If, of two functions y(x) and z(x) vhich have the same value for x - X (as well 0 as their n-1 derivatives), the first function satisfies the differential (n) equation 7 - f(Xp Y 371 900Y Y(11-1)), and the second-the inequality z(n) > f(XV zP ~), then z(x).>, y(x) on some interval z-xo 1 13, Chaplyginl-q theorem on differential inequalities states the upper bound of X Ii the solution of the conjugated equation should be Card 1/6 S. A. Chaplygints theorewee* S129246 103/61/022/W0/005/018 D274[1)301 non-nogative (on the interval fxo t 11_7). This applies to linear equa- tions. For nonlinear equations, matters wre more complicated. ChaplygJ111- problem of ascertaining the conditions for whichp on Z-x , x -T 0 J-j Z(X):> Y(X) if (n) f(XI 0 0 01) )I Z f(XIOOOP z can be solved by the methods used in the theory of optimum sys-Wr-s. Ii, from the conditions (XI Yl--*9 YU)P Zil fi (Xj Z, 9 zn) 9 Yi 0) - Zi (X.) Yi. (i n) Card 2/6 S. A. Chaplygin's theorems** it follows that 29246 t$1/022/010/005/018 b2741201 zi .-> Yi then for all u (x) > Ot the solutions of system Yi' fi (ZO YO ... P. Y.)f Z! f U 1 1 (1f Y19 ... 9 zn) (x)' 71 (xo) Z.j (xo) Yo satisfy (2) (3) Yi (xK, zi,(X). (i = 196*01, n) (4) for all x E fxo~ XI-7. In order to deterTaine the conditions for which (4) holdog the circumstance is used that itiW is a functional of Card 3/6 29246 S/103)61/022/010/005/018 S. A. Chaplygin's theorems** D274/D301 U(x) - U Uin (x).~ and yi(x) --the value of this functional for u(x) 0 Hene the variation of tho functional with the variation e of the controiler u(,',) from u =-= 0 to u(x) has to be determined. System (3) is written V(0) (z) ~ 0, VU) W ~- U W, 8-Tk (X) = Ek (Z) - Yk (Z), Ck 1 11 C) 0 + k. hence Zk (X) Yk (X) pjujdx where Y =-h (YI, Yn, X), n all (VI, YJ. Z) pi. P. ayi (10) P) M 0 i+k (11) Card 4/6 S. A. Chaplygin's theoremoss 29246 S/103/61/022/010/005/018 D274/D301 where n Is a remainder. The solution of Chaplygin's problem roduces to finding the conditions for which the right-hand side of Eq. (0) is non- negativo for any u i(x) >, 0. These conditions are that the functions P,(x) which satisfy syntem (10) should be non-positive on flo, Xl_7 for any initial conditions (11). Hence, the necessary condition for applyl Chaplygin's theorem for system (1) is: for any k and any XGI~_Xo, Xl the quantities PiPk (x) which are the solutions of the n systems Y, = (X, Y11 Y.), L/V n), (12) Pi. k ~ Pv.k Oyl V-1 Pf. k (X) Ci, L'61, kN,k>o) Q: n), should be non-positive on fx, , X_7. From Ile arbitrariness of I c i,k1 Card 5/r) 29246 S/103JOI/022/010/005/018 So A. Chaplygin's theorem*oo D274/D301 and the linearity of system (12) it follows -that the neces sary condition is that the solutions p, should have the l'ollowing property: for any xEfx 2 x1_79 p (x) sbould be negative for xC~f_Xoj X_72 if Pi(X) is negative for any i 'm 1,*.., no If the sys,tem is linear in yi, then Y\rM 09 mid the above condition is also sufficient. In particular, for a single n--order equation$ it is necessary ilic&-L the solution of Lh(~ conju- ated equation with zero initial conditions ahould not cliange sig ,,n on ?X'O _7. In case o:r a linear n-order equation, 12 for any X(-ZZ-X., X, this is also the sufficient condition. Further, an extension of Chaply- gin's theorem is considered. The above method permits ascertaining the dependence of the limits (interval) of applyiing Chaplygin's theo:rem on the variables ylt ... p y n of the problem. There are 7 Soviet-bloc re- ferences. SUM TTED: April 119 1061 Card 6/6 AUTHOR: TITLE: S/103/62/023/004/006/011 D299/D301 Averbukh, A.I. (Tvloscow) On the choice of actual -parameter-values in analysis of systems with random paxameters PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanikaj v. 23, no. 4p 1962t 497- 502 TExT: A refinement is proposed to B.C.14 Dostupov's method (Ref. 1) of determining the mean and dispersion of the solutiozia of a system of differential equations with random parameters; (Ref. 1: Avtoma- tika i telemekhanikat v. 18, no. 119 1,957)o The systema of equa- tions x i. = fi(t; x1f ... t Xn; Vjjj ... p v.) (i=l,...,n) (1) is conaideredp where vl,, e.., v m are :random parameters; it is assu med that these parameters are uncorrelated, with zero mean and dis 2 2. persion d k MVk The method, proposed in Re'L. 1 (Op.cit.) involves Card r1 S/103/62/023/004/006/011 un the choice of actual parameter- D299/D301 I N integrations of system (1); (for the s-th integration, the random parameters are chosen as equal to 9si'; thereupon the nean and dis- persion of the solutions x,(t) are determined by formulas: N (3) Afxj (t) a.xii (t), 111:4 (1) a,42i W (i n).j The numbers a and are arbitrary for any system (1), except for the conditions: a,Lj fit) 71 a, = 1,2 (4) 'IV t=cri N does not depend on m. The actual values of N, as and ~Sij Pro- posed in Refs 1 (Op.cit.), have the disadvantage of irwolving very high values of g is In the present ax-ticle# values of N, a3 and ~si Card 2/4 S/103Z62/023/004/006/011 On the choice of actual parameter- D299/D301 are obtained, which satisfy (4) with comparatively small values of Firstt conditions (4) are transformed by means of Vas V a u (5) s Eli 81* The minimum condition N 2 min (9) B = ~ " ) , %i leads to 1 :Z~,< max 1%kI (12) S#k Fuxther, the case of m = 41 - 1, is considered. Therbby Hadamard's (H-) matrices are used. H-matrices of(m+l)-order are written down for m =: 1 and m = 4k - 1 = 3; 7; 11. Then the mean and dispersion of xi (t) can be calculated by formula. (3), in which N := m + 1p a S = 1/(m + 1), and ~ sk dk (the sign depending on the (k + 1)-st Card 3/4 3/103/'62/023/004/006/011 On the choice of actual parameter- D299/D301 columnp s-row element of the H-matrix)o If M / 4X -- 1, but some of the parameters vm are normally distri"),uted, then the above results can be ox"'ended to the general case. This, hoveverl, involves a cer- tain ambiguity, due to the fact that the proposed interpolation for- mulas are valid only in the quadratic approximation (for the mean). As an examplep the velocity stabilization system of an aircraft is considered. There are 4 Soviet-bloo references. SUBMITTEM: November 18, 1961 Card 4/4