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VEG.~-'R' P. VEGO, B. Urban paaronger traffic in the US~- P. 4LL Vol. 3, no. 11, 1955 CESTI I MOSTOVI Zagreb, Yugoslavia So: Eastern European Accoosion Vol. 5 I-Io. L AprLl 1956 004 goo 004 004 0016 eel Ise w ?00-060000104 is 11 u V I f-I as t LAD, goal' A Ay ---------- ALLVOGICAL town VIA L S61403 a a kv 10 d0 0 a so so Ise ago coo roe too coo 11104` goo use goo woo Osveshchenie aerodroma. Moskva, Izd. Akaderaii vrozdushnof:o flota Lm. N. 2. 1"hukovskoro, 1921t. Title tr.::Airport lighting. TL725-3-L5% SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. VEGEUEP, ALEKSPIT-DR NIKOT-A.LVICH) ed. 11ozdushnye soobshcheni-ia. Zapi-ski slushatelei L. A. ~geeva i M. I. Solovieva. Moskva, Izd. Akademii vozdushnoE7o flota, 192h. tables, diaFrs. Title tr.: Air transportation. TL552.V4 SO: Aeronautical Sci-ences end Aviat4-on in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. TjT-GENEF, ALFMANDR N rKM~.-P 717~1. Aerodromy. Odobreno nauchnym komitetom vozdushnopo flota v kachestve rukovodstva pri proektirovanii aercdromov. Mos)-va, 1924. 74 P., illus. (TSAGI. Trudy, no. 9) Summary in English. Title tr.: Airports. Approved by the Scientific Committee of the Air Fleet as a manual for airport desJ-fn. QA911a,65 no. 9 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union., Library of Congress, 1955. 'I.M-FER, R. V. aektroprogrev betonnyl-h i z!~elezobetonnykh konstruktsii. /-7TO -ectric heating in concrete and re i-9for ced- concrete constructio2n. "OS'C-r~' -1-is. i--d-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1953. 144 p. :~O: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, vol. 0 t.o. U February 1954 VIGEM, R. V. ....... [Blectric heating of concrete and reinforced concrete constractions] 31ektro- progrey betonnykh i zhele2obetoanykh konstraktaii. Koakv-.L, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture, 1953. 142 p. (KLRA 6:'r7) (Concrete construction--Cold weather conditions) VIGYAR, Anton Markovich I- (Expert teetimonv on medical aspects of labor; general principles] Likaralko-trudove ekspertyse; zahallni oenovy. Kyiv, Derzhmadvydav URSR, 1957. 55 P. (MIRA 13:8) (DIaABILITY EVALUATION) - V Z- C' L-- N " A .;I-;' M10, A.M. a Prof. ---- ,Relations between medical consultation commissions and work fitness evaluation commissions. Sovozdrav.-16 no.2:24-27 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo tsentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo institute ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i organizataii truda invalidov. (DISABILITY EVALUATION determ. of phys fitness of hosp.patient for return to work, rolo of Mod. Consultfitive Commitifilon (Rus)) mat, A.M. Medical and labor wMert commission and tasks of medico-consultation commission. Sovet sdravookhr. 11 no.2:50-54 War-Apr 1952. (CIML 22:1) 1. Professor, 2. Of the Central Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute for the Certification of Working Capacityand Orgsaisation of Work of Invalids (Director -- Docent A. 1. Prikhod1ko) and of the Department of kedical Work Certification (Head - Prof. A. W. Veger), Mcrainian Institute for the Advanced Tralaing.of AWsloians (Director - Docent I. I. Owsiyen- VEGER, Anton Markovich, prof.; KAIMINSUI, A.G., red. 4=3edw-, 1. ~- [Doctor's manaul on problems of expertise of the cap--city for work; general fundamertals for determining temporary and persistant incapacity for work] Spravochnik vracha po voprosam eksperitzy trudosposobnosti; obsbchie osnovy op- redelenila vremennoi i stoikol notrudosposobnosti. Kiev, ZdorovIia, 1965. 204 p. (MIIIA 19:1) TAGM, A,M.. pro essor .MM0M0MM~ The work of medical consultation commissions and workers' medical examination commissions* Sov.zdrav. 16 no.3:9-14 Kr 157, (KLRA 10:6) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo teentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovetallskago institute ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i organizatelt truda invaltdoy (dir. - prof. A.F.Kotov) (POLIO HIALTH .in Russia, maintenance of work capacity) (WORK - capacity; maintenace as pub. health problem in Russia) VBGNR ~. M. [Medical examination to certify fitness for labor; practical manual for physicians of the Medical Xxperts' Commission on Labor and for Provisional Control Committee] Vrachabno-trudavaia ekspertiza; prakticheskoe posobie dlia vrachei VTXK i VKK, Kiev, Gos. Meditsin- skoe izd-vo USSR, 1955. 433 P. (XLRA 8:11) (Labor and laboring claoses-Medical exftminatjon) ITE G" R, M. Medicine, Industrial Commission of the medical and labor experts and the tasks of the medical consultation commissions. Sov.zdrav., 11, No. 2. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1951 Unclassified. ~7 VEGERj, Jaromir Single test tube identification of c6liform microbes in bacteriological oxamination of drinking water. Cenk. hyL. 7 no.1:28-31, F 162. . I 1. Vojensky ustav hygieny, spidemiologie a -idkrobiologie Praha. (WATER SUPPLY microbiol.) (ESCHERICILIA CHIJ CZECHOSLOVAKIA uDc:614.777:614.484:547.292-939 VGNA, Jaromir graduate biologis"; Military Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology a (Vojensky ustav hygieny, epidemiologie a mikrobiologie), Prague "Disinfection of Drinking Water with Peracetic: Acid." Prague, Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy, Vol 35, No 5, Oct 66, 205-2o6 Abstract: A summary is presented of the final report on a research project for studying the feasibility of disinfecting drinking water for troops with peracetic acid. A 0.001 percent concentration and an exposure time of 10 minutes are more effective than regular chlorination for preventing intestinal infections. Under exceptional conditions (more resistant microorganisms, e.g., anthrax spores) the concentration must be increased by two orders of magnitude, and the long-term use of peracetic acid requires further research (corrosion, smell, taste, effects on digestion and other functions). No references. SHEFFER, A.; KONCHAKOVO G.; VEGERI L. Continuous action apparatus for the quick freezing of ravioli. Mias. ind. SSSR 33 no.4:20-22 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut myasnoy promyshlennosti (for Sheffer, Konchakov). 2. Kharlkovskoye opytno-konstruktorskoye byuro torgovogo mashinostroyeniya (for Veger). T VEGEPI - ., i Magnet-L-c liqui--' iE~ve.l rell-,y tn fir;a p-knup for ruLLroe-d trang- portation. Khel. 4~- nr,.4,47-58 .3-1-Ag 165. I'VITRA 18~9) i. Kha-lkovskc,7e byurc. 4 VEGER, M.G.; KYURI, N.P. ..... .. t - - ~ ~ - The use of machines to prepare author indexes of a simple type. NTI no.6:21 163. (MIRA 17:1) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Blood Circulation. T AbB Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41249. Author : Veger, R. M Inst ff~' Nec~al Institute. Title The Compensatory Reaction of the Cardio-Vascular System Under Conditions of Artificially Induced Resistance to the Blood Flow. Orig Pub: Sb. tr. Kurskiy med. in-t, 1956, vyp 11, 213-216. Abstract: The Lumen of the abdominal aorta was considerably narrowed for periods of 1/2 to 16 hours in acute experiments on dogs, cats and rabbits. The arter- ial pressure (AP) measured in the carotid artery rapidly increased by 20-50 mm of mercury and remained at a constant level even in the 24th eXperiment, which is evidence of compensatory reactions of the cardio-vascular system. Section Card 1/2 57 BOLGOV, I.V.; KOPYLOV, Yu.M.,- PASECIR11KOV, N.S.; BRILI, E.P., red.; FARSHIN, V.G.,, tekhn. red. [Cold weather operation of tractors] Tekhnicheskaia eks- pluatatsiia traktorov v kholodnoe vremia goda. Moskva, 1962. 179 p. (MIRA 17.4) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy tekhnologicheskiy institut remonta i ekspluatatsii ma- shinno-traktornogo parka. 2. Sotrudniki Laboratorii tekhniche- skogo obsluzhivaniya mashino-traktornogo parka Gosudarstvennogo vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo tekhnologicheskogo in- stituta remonta i ekspluatatsii mashinno-traktornogo parka (for Bolgov, Kopylov, Pasechnikov, Veger). ANGHI, Csaba, dr. (Budapest); VEGER, Zdenek (Prague) A visit to Askaniya-Nova. Elet tud 19 no.46:2171-2175 13 N 164. j r , _ , f-_, / f/r - - j" /7 1 11 ro, Mikhail Tro,fimovich; TARAN, Arseniy Grigorlyevich; VGROTWNITSIKA, S., _.jG6 ..:,R P [Manual for mechanics in charge of drain pumps] Posionik mashynista prokhidn.vtslkoho vodovidlyvu.. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo tekhn.lit-r7 URSR, 1957. 62 p. (MIRA 11:2) (Hine pumps) ARTIMIYEV, Ye.If-, VEGIMA N.L.- SHUMIIA), I.A.; VOLKOV, V.M.; PUL'RANOV, N.Y., =A--=,.. I kandidat telchnilchesicMh nank, retsenzent; LIVSHITS, X.L., inzhener, redaktor; UVAROVA, A.Y., tekhaicheakiy redektor [D-6 diesel engine; installation. assembly and operation] Dizell D6; uatroistro, montazh i skepluatatatia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tokhu.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-r7, 1957. 190 p. (HLRA 10:10) (Diesel engines) .P,: BRGAK, V.A., redaktor: ARTEM I YEV, Ya. I. ; BOYFn, L.M.; SG~RRAJJ#, SEDOV, V.M., inzhener. rateanzent. [Technical specifications for major repairs on D6 type engines] Tekhnicheakis usloviia na kapitallnyi remout dvigatelai tipa D6. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1951. 416 p. (KLRA 7:4) (Diesel engine) SHUMILO, Ignat Afanasly&vich; VEGERA, Hikolay Leontlyexich;- VOLKOV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; DUGITIA, N.A.p tekhn. red. [D 6 diesel engines; design., assembly and operation]Dizeli tipa D6; ustroistvo, montazh i ekspluatatsiia;M Moskva, Hashgiz, 1962. 291 P. , IRA 15:9) (Diesel engines) ACIIKA.~`,'V, ho"St"I'MI, Ale~sjiai:irovjoh; V%(j~JQL, Vln(jinill, pctjjTjO%,J(;jj [Pepair of fuel and hydraUj4e cvystem deiices of traLtors, 1. motor vehicies and combiries] Remont I)ribc)rov sistem, pi- taniia i gidravlicheskoi sisteiV traktorov, avtomobilei i kombuino-v. Mloskva, Vysshaia slik-olap 1965. 275 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1:2, 1~00 0 68132 SQV/,144-59-~- AUTHORS- Drozdov, A D., Doctor of Technical Sciences ~V"Ass r, 0 0 Dean, Sabadashev, V.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior-LectUrer ~7Ve-gera,-Yu..A., Scientific Worker TITLE: Phase-selective Device with Impulsive Alternating Current for Remote Control PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh uchenbykh zavedeniy) Blektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 90 - 93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The circuit shown in Figure 1 works on the principle of adding and subtracting pulses. Two separate load resistances T I and R 2 are shown. In a practical application these would be subst�tuted by the control windings of a differential magnetic amplifier. -The operatlon of the circuit has already been considered in some detail in Refs 1 and 3, where analytical expressions were found for the instantaneous (e) average E Cp and effective (E) values of the voltage 4n the load circuit. The magnetization curve for the core is represented by a hyperbolic sine as in Eq (1). Card 1/3 68132 SOV/144-59-2-3-1/19 Phase-selective Device with Impulsive Alternating Current for Remote Control The formula for e is Eq (4). In the present application there is an additional pair of Input terminals and the modified expression is Eq (5). The separate outputs are el 9 where the pulses add (Eq (6)) and e 2 " where t1ley subtract (Eq 7). Depending on the phascialationships at the inputs three important cases arise: 1) In R 1 the phase of one set of input pulses coincides with the supply3 the separate outputs are Eqs (9) and (10) and the differential output is Eq (11). 2) The phase of the input pulses shifts 1800 compared with the previous case; the differential output is now Eq (12). 3) The phase relations are more general and the phase response is Figure 2. The corresponding waveforms are in Figure 3. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/3 68132 sov/144-59-2-11/19 Phase-selective Device with Impulsive Alternating Current for Remote Control ASSOCIATION: Elektromekhanicheskiy faku.'Lltet, Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (F'-^tr-%mncharir-n1 Fanixlty. Novocherkassk Polytechnical SUBMITTED: January 16, 1959 Card 3/3 68!33 q000 S OV/.1411-5 9- 2-12/19 AUTHORS: Sabadashev, V.P . Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer and Veg ra, Yu.A., Scientific Worker 'FITLE: Contactless High-speed Remote-control Phase Device Using Impulsive Alternating Current PERIODICAL: Izvestiya v-ysshikh uchebnykli zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 94 - 104 (USSR) 4 1 ABSTRACT: An equipment, the Zu=zg 1~as been developed which is faster, less susceptible to supply fluctuations and more reliable than comparable devices at the present time. For a 3-phase system using zeros the relation between the number of symbols n and the number of codes is Eq (4), which is valid for 60-'N,>15 . When, for greate? -reliability, zeros are excluded, Eq (5) is relevant; in which case the range of validity is 12 >N >3 . In the arrangement described pulse trains are used with 2-phase pulses. The number of possible symbols is 60, enabling 30 binary devices to be controlled. Figure 1 is a simplified diagram of the equipment. This consists of two sub-.set:---. The sub-set at the despatching point Card 1/4 looks after the coding of the pulses, their transmission 68133 SOV/144 59-2-12/19 Contactless High-speed Remote-control Phase Device Using Inpulsive Alternating Current and the control of the transm ssion line.. Vie two saturated transformers UT-l and UT-2 are used to generate the pulses. Operating switc ies V and 0 select the transmission line. At the raceivin- p6int there are 6 phase-sensitive detectors and differential magnetic amplifiers controlling individual relays. The primary windings of the receiving transformers are connected to the appropriate supply phases according to Table 1. The connections between the relays and magnetic~ amolifiers are listed in Table 2. In the decoder the relay used is the polarized type TRM The rel ti kt. ion between codes and supply phases is given in Tab. The operation of all switches and relays is desiribed for the particular case of selecting object Nr 1. Experiments have been carried out on a mock-up of the system in the NPI laboratories. Figures 2 and 3 are oscillograms of line currents, amplifier and relay currents when receiving Card2/4 the orders llswit~:h on Nr 1" and "switch off 'Nr 111, 681.33 SOV/1411-59-2-12/19 Contactless High-speed Remote-control Phase Device Using Impulsive Alternating Current respectively. The decoder takes about 0.1 sec to operate, the majority of the delay being in the amplifier. The sending time for "switch-on" is 0.11 sec and for 11switch- offil, 0.06 sec. Figures 4,5 and 6 show the effect of system deterioration on performance. In the first two diagrams the line resistance has increased to 7 000 JZ- The maximum resistance permitted would be 6 000 a . In Figure 6 the line capacitance is twice the permitted value of 0.25 ILF. The supply voltage can be changed +- 150,06 without ill effects. The transmission distance is intended to be not greater than 15 km. Disadvantages of the system are the use of a large number of rectifiers and the fact that both ends of the system must-be within reach of an electrical supply network. There are 6 figun-es, 4 tables and I Soviet reference. Card 3/4 68133 SOV/1-44-59-2-12/19 Contactless High-speed Remote-control Phase Device Using Impulsive Alternating Current ASSOCIATIONS: Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute) Kalininskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Kalinin El ec trio al__Zn_&jav_er_inZ -.qq i ent * fie Research Institute)- SUBMITTED: December 22, 1958 card 4/4 V-3 GEB2 F. (Ge=anskava Demokraticheskay -. Reepublika); USIVISKAYA, 11. Yu. .or i--i Results of searching f oil a:- prospects for finding oil and A'C -ublic. Trudy MIIIKHiGP no.25: gas in the German Democratic ' 1~ 351-359 -'59. (MIRA 15:5) (Germany, East-Petroleum geology) (Germany, East-Gas, Natural-.Geology) MATOLCSY, Oy.; HAMM, M.; VEGH, A.jun. Synthesis hybricide and fungicide effect of some s-triazin derivatives. Acta agronom Hung 10 no.3/4;409-413 160. (EW 10:6) 1. Research Institute for Plant Protection, Budapest. (Triazine) (Fungicides) (Herbicides) VEGH, A.; *,~~ATOIZSY, Gy.; !~!;T,~N, J. Synthesis of a few new type s-triLzina derivntives. p. 2812, MAGYAR IKEMIAI IF,)IZ')--;-U,.T. (1-1,io .1 .. k E.-vesulete) Pudanest, "~~mg~rv, Vol. 65, yar KerrIiI.-Liso No. 7, July 19,19. Monthly List of East -European Accessions (EEhI) LG, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 1960. UNCL kandIdinuna, egyatemi a r, ak mial tudomanyok Elemer Schulek, 1893-1964, obituary. Magy tud 72 no.1*42-1,5 Ja 465. 1. BudaDest Medical University. vFcill, ~.i J Ft. Ic ides; a deriW Ilydrophil 21. c-omqur-ication. P- T)reljjninar.v EC, M (Jaj~5-an yr-mikusol ~Csijete) -L~Udare5t, or-,t. no. 10i Furopean Accession Wl~j), LC, VOI- 92 ,,o* 21 Feb. a960 J.'~cntj,.Jy List Of Fast Uncl. 7,vo, Iy f) :L~-An~tal, ERWITNER, Antal, ';')ZA3Z, Gyorgy, BUDVARI, o' r., r- , -IRA GZA, Foter, Mr~-,; Me-dlcal University (Orvostudemanyi Egyet,~Yr' of Ph&rrriaccutical Chemistry (C-yoFynzf--r-,szI Kemiai Intezet), P.,laarist. "Dat.a. 3r, identity Tests of Po,,,reer Mixtures. 1. Demonstration of Morphtne, Fthy:L,vorphine and Godaizne." Badazest, Acta Ph-a-nr=eutIca Fltz~,.-;arica, Vol 33, No 2, Apr 61, pp 47-S6. tL~n5tr ct: lxlu-thors, Germ-an summary modified] The Harquis and Huserda-rin ~L L raacttan i5 proposed as the group tes~~ for the demorstration of opi'WTI .-I",alotds in powdrr mixtures. Morph-ne was shm;n by the Robinet reaction chlor-lde) aund the Kieffer reaction (pctassium ferricyanide). E- thylmorphine and code-Int, were shown. y the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) th ar I a ~ n f:,, Feigl-Silva methad (ethoxy group', re-sp otively. The methodt may be cArrioJ out with 0.1-0." grans of material by a simple procedure in 5-15 r-Inutes. Of 20 refe-rences, 2 are Hungarian, the rest is Western. Aa-tai, 0yorgy, BRANTNEP. iintai, 3,;LAZZA, V ~-! W`cmanyi Egyet-~m~, of ihar- -Peter, F.-I-q-Medical U;niversity (C -vosl maceatical latfizet), Pudapest. " ` 1 11 Datz or ldc-ntity TestB of 'vitier mixtures. 11. 5emcn5tration of Atrcpine." Budapest, Actl Pirvix:,aceutica ~Vol 33, No 24, Apr 63, pp r'-S?-72. Hun;,arian stx=varyl I-ce l4terature of the reactions of atropine 'arivative alkaloids) was reviewed critically from the trorans pa:D~t ~~I- vi;~w Gf demonstration cf atrop~xe in powder mix-tures. it has been ffound tha,-" none of the reactions are suitable for the direct, de?ro.-,- of t'he substance. A siffple pro~~edure for "tie prelimirA-y Se;:ara- tion of' atropine h%s been described a:-.,: it was sug~,estsd that the Vi -tali yircxamate r,,-,a- or erric ?I ut~oas hp usFzd for 'dentifyine atropine. Fror. r, rr,-"xtn1IPS whil-ch ^!no cont:i.;In paraveripc. and am-Adr-a7oph-en, atrop-ine is separat,cd and identified by ti,in-layer chromatograrLy. A.-~ nodel mix- tltrcs atropine c,-;ritainin-i zni-yture,~; list(YI in Fcr~tulae No,.,males IV. were vl-P6. Cf 23 --Ierence~, nre, &-;~1.tern F'uropean, the rest 1.3 J~!l J VEGH, Antal; PAPP, Otto; SZASZ, Gyorgy Dehydration of methanol and pyridine. Acta pharm. Hung- 35 , no.203-60 Mr 165 (" .. - , . -C z il, : . " I-,"- V '. .. . " ~ (-;.~ . , , - . , I ; - ; . k I !! . . - . f.- -;f -ev C, :),~ 4 , . : , -! ; , i -, -,, 1) - , ~ " i, .", ,~-, --i y9r Ch: ,., . p4ttrm. ov.,tig. 35 nu~6. ,- " N '65. L, i~A-:b-ailvted July Igy 1965. MH, A. - Politically and professionally reliable work. G7ogyszeresx 6 no. 10; 219-220 Oct 1951. (CIAL 23:5) 19' Dootor, RUMANIA / Virology. Hunan and Animal Viruses. Hepatitis E-3 Viruses. A,bs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1958, No 90624 Authors Hermann, J,; Hirsh, Alice; Vegh, A. Inst Not given Title The Role of External Factors in the Evolution of Epidemic Hepatitis. Orig Pub Rev. med. (RPR), 1956, 2, IiD. 4, 19-28. A!-3t::--ct- No abstract given. Card 1/1 I ye- ~ M . - Viffi A. A andfonmidok es neharW aromas oxulfon. L-Sulfonamides and few aromatic mdfoneg7 Gyogyszereaz 5s15 I Oct 50 p. 345-7; contd. 1. NAI I,iATOILSY, Gyorgy; IIANIRAN, Maria; VEGII, Antal (Jr) H7drophile 2,4-diamino-6-chlorine-s-triazirle drivatives as herbicides; a preliminary communication. Magy kem folyoJ-r 65 no. 10:414 0 159. 1. Novenyvedlmi Kutato Intezet, Btidapost. VEGH, Antal, prof., dr. (Budapest, VII1%, Puskin u.11-13) In memory of Elemer Schulek. Acts. chimica Hung 41 no.1/2: 5-36 164. 1. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Budapest Medical University. VEGII, Ahtal; SZASZ, Gyorpy; PAPP, Ottj. Data to "he puri-ty tests ac,-,crdrg to the pha=,aceutical code. A new method for the detection of zinc contamination in Ifungarian pharmaceutical products. Acta pharm. Ring. 35 no.4.* 145-151 J1165- VEGH, Antal Elemer Schulek, 1893-1964; obitua*. Magy kem folyoir 70 no.11:465 N 164. MATOLGSY, Gyorgy; HAMN, Jozsefne; VEGH, Antal Preparation of some new type s-triazine derivatives. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 7:282-283 Jl 159. 1. Noveryvedelmi Kutatointezet, Budapest. KELEMEN, L.; KASZA,, L.; VEGH, A. Hypertension In scarlet favor. Acta mad. hung. 6 no-3-4:2,83-290 1954. 1. Hospital des maladies contagiouses do 11 Institut d' onesignement superrieur medical et pbarmacologique do Maroevasarhely. (SCARLET FEYER, compl. hypertension) (Ify TINSION. stiol. & pathogen. scarlet favor) 1 . 1* IV crfl~ Country : TFMITIGART H_3 Gat("yory : Chemical Technvloor. 4 j Products and Their A.Dplications. TnstrutaentE and Automation Abs. Jour : Ref. Zhur.-R-himiya, .195>9, No 14, 49846 Author VIO 9h, 9 Institut. -g I ; 0 n Ti tl(,- Determination of Water in Gaseous Media Ori~,, Pub. Meres es automat, 1956, 4, No 10, 294-299 Abstract The author discusses concepts of absolute, relative and specific humidities (R) and interdopend4nce~existing among them. He describes briefly the existing method of R measuring and analyses in detail -the psychro- metric method.--D. Pyushpeki Card: 1/1 VEGIfy Elek The 36th General Meeting of the Ihmgarlan Meteorologic Soc-lety. Idojaras 67 no.6.-381-383 U-D 163. VAJDA, Feranr.~; V,~~Ijfl, )-',ndrt3 Poactor period aad level me-aw-ring device. ~Leres automat 12 nc.11: 334-338 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Physics., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. HUNGARY TOTH, Imre, Dr, department head, VEGH, Endre,,, Dr, Megye veterinary specialist; Animal Health Institute of II'DASY, Pal. Dr, cand. of vet. sci.) (Miskolci Allategc.5z3eguj,y1 Intezet), and Borsod-Abauj-Zempler, ~Jegye Council Executive Committee, D~partment of Agriculture (chief veterinary in charge: KARATSON, Dezso, Dr) (Bursod-Abauj-Zemplbn Megyei Tanacs Vpgre- hajto Bizottsag, Mezogazdasagi Osztaly). "Practical Observations Concerning the So-Called 'Wattle Disease' of Poultry." Budapest, Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 21, No 2, Feb 66, pages 87-89. Abstract: [Authors' Fnglish summary modified] 'Wattle disease' was en- countered often in the course of a survey of large poultry stocks,con- taining over 200,000 birds, during the past two years. It is stressed that the condition is not related to fowl cholera; this is emphasized es- pecially because of the diagnostic implications, The opinion is expressed that the condition should be regarded as a symptom of some other condition associated with damage to the epithelial cells, probably fowl pox. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the etiology of the condition. No refer- ences, Vi VEFMS, S. --YEGH, G. Modem pregnancy care record card or general health record booklets. Orv. hetil. 105 no.27:1291 5 J1064 VEGH., Gabriel Twenty efficiency apartments from the material saved. Constr Buc 16 no.759:3 25 Jl 164. 1. Construction Site No.1), the North-South Thoroughfare, Enterprise of Constructions No.3, Generni Office of Con- struction and Assembly, Bucharest. VEGH, Geza, dr. 3-Year report on activities of a maternity hoooltal in Mor. Hep- egoozoegugy 41 no.11:332-336 N 16o. ((IBSTETRICS hoop & clinics) VEGH, Janos; IkM:T, laazlo Direct and alternating voltage valve voltmeter. Radiotechnika 10 no.8:227-2-29 Ag 160. VBGa jozoef dr 1889-1943. Magy radiol 12 no.1:1-4 Mr Dr. Aladir Henazelemanut l6o. (BIOGR&PHINS) VIGH. J. ACuts neurogenic atrophy of the vertebra. Kagy. radiol. 5 no.2:59- 64 Majy 1953. (GIML 24:3) 1. Doctor. 2. Roentgen Department of Hungarian State Railways Hos- pital and Gentral Dispensary (Departmental Head Physician -- Prof. Dr. Zoltan Hrabovesky). VWH, Jossef Dr Re'Peated roentgenological irradiation in varians cases of unauccess- fal epilation. Magy. radiol. 11 no.3:132-144 Aug 59 : 1. A YAV Korhaz es Kozponti Rendelo kozlemenye. Igazgato-foorvos: Oo InjoB dr., MAV igazgato. A routgenoaztaly vezetoje: Turnai Oszknr dr. oBztalyoa foorvos. (HUR MMOVAL) (RADIOTMLVY) VZGH, Jozaef, dr. 1lecklingbausen's neurofi~romatosis and its roentgenological syMtoms. Ifa&y.radiol.' 11 no.4:241-248 N '59. 1. A Yovarosi VIII. ker. Tanace 7. kozlemenyo. Igazgato-foorvas: Regos esaidoorvos: Vegh Jozaef dr. (NMMOFIBRON&TOSIS asakorvosi rendelointezatenek Janos dr. RMiolo&nis- radiogr) VEGH, Jozsef Following the path o-P our old vanishing folk traditions. Elet tud 16 no.26:819 25 Je 161. VEGH, Jozeef dr.; NIKL, Istvan Exposure of the base of the brain to roentgen rayB during epilation of the scalp. Orv. hetil. 102 no.23:1077-1081 4 -To 161. 1. 14AV Kerhaz es Kozponti Rendelointezet, Rontgenoaztaly. (BRAIN radiation eff) (HAIR REMOVAL) (RADIATION PROTECTION) A M % iXCERFrA ?EDICA Sec 5 Vol 12/10 General Path Oct 59 2851. TIIE LY.MPH CIRCULATION OF THE LIVER, ,)T(,*I)IED IN ORGANIC SHOCK WITH THE AID OF tSOTOPLS - A mAj nytrokkcring6st-nek iiot6pos vizsgdlata szervi shockhan -_ V dc hn L. Kocsdr L. and K1-rt(-sz L. T_ .Z. DebrecentOrvostud. Egyet. 6z. Min Int. 6s a M. T. A. Atommagkutat6 Int., Debrecen - KIML. 6RVOSTUD 1958, 10/6 (584-589) Tables 3 These investigations were made in normal dogs and in dogs with organic Shock. using human serum labelled with colloidal silver (Agut) and with 1131. The isotopes were always introduced intraportally. In normal animals. I"t appears inog rapidly and in larger quantities in the lymph of the thoracic duct than does the Ag I . In the case of animals in peptone shock, the silver isotope content in the lymph showed a reduction of 60~4. In the case of organic anaphylactic hepatic shock. the lymph volume in the thoracic duct was practically unchanged, but the excretion of I'llar"i Aglioshowed an increase of 300-400%. Results so far obtained suggest that organic anaphylactic shock is ass'ociated withincreased permeability, whereas peptone shock is characterized by decreased permeability. (V. 18) VEGH, Laszlo Guiding principles of power economy in the light industry. Ipari energia I noel/4:42 -11-0 160* 1. IounrWipari miniozterhel"tten. VEGH, L.; KOCSAR, L.; XERTESZ, L.; SZATAI, I. Isotope studies on the lymphatic circulation of the liver in chronic liver lesion. Acta med.hung. 14 no.3:271-277 '59. 1. Department of Medicine No.1, and Institute of Pathophysiology, University Medical School of Debrecen, and the Naclear Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (LYXPMTIC SYSTEM Ph7siol.) (LIVXR DIMBBS exper.) VEGH, 1Ajos; KOC-W, Laszlo; KERTESZ, Laszlo; SZATAI, Inre Studies on lymph circulation in the liver with the aid of isotopes in experimental chronic hepatic diseases. 11jaerletes OrvOBtud. 11 no.5:490-495 0 '59. I. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Hgyetem I. oz. Belklinikaja, Korelettani Intezete es MTA, Atonna&itato Intezete. (LYMPH) (LIVER DISEASES exper) FOLDVARY, GyUla, dr.; VEGH, Lajos, dr. ----------- Mosential hypercholesterinamic hyperlipemia. Orv.hetil. 101 no-5:166-17o Ja 16o. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I*. oz. Belklinika. (CHOLESTEROL blood) (LIPIDS blood) C, "r,3 t Ins tit ut. it 1 Pl -ijvai L- --o'l(at ic Or 13 PLO- 'mit"u, -c- U r4- zri7 av~t`-,,S 0, _r" left olev I C ,.r r hc r ac r, e-7e-, thr~.' S 7L r e). ..i. r -) o- --,c c - 1- -na" -Lis -io- so-le 31, o t "I ei* J-, 4S~ CO n,-, n 0 b L b1cod tj-,- nsfii~-~ioos in vrhic'.i -,1!:_3m& s-._-,bS o c rd sL~?jutjorj. Frk -%ha r trte-~ b:- _a Lj-~!,sio7 gr_loh i 1 il czovii; te ii, wero t or 1 f 7 h -j r - u. L D 1 504 T -1 t 1 c; orir~. Pub. .,X,r, C, t' r. j. "~ i, f (cont'; f as"'er e pn-"-'n"Js C 'I 1!- 0 a s e ~7- b S -,.-ouat cP ~-he j. s ~D t C r b r o e c 2i -,,ar -:3 n.'- s p 4-~-e 4-;-.f-;1 fn cfird-~nc tv,e -ns--iffic en c Y e~ ~3 r r an i i i CC'" E: FF~r El 1- 0 V, 41; fou~-44 or-. the left s-*-~Ie. -- 1'. "ayzzlLis c r'd 2/2 VEM, Lajos, dr. Primary cancer of the small Intestine at-mlating TrIloric stenosis. Magy. ra4iol. 7 no.1:44-47 Jan 55- 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi ~gyetem I. az Belklinikajanak kozlemAnye (Igazgato: Fornet, Bela dr. egyetemi tanar). (INTESTINE, SMALL, neoplasms, differ. diag. from pyloric stenosis.) (PTLORUS, stenosis, differ. diag. from cancer of small Intestine.) VJ*H, Lajos. dr. Investigations on ebolineaterase in liver diseases. Orv. betil. 96 no-17:461-464 24 Apr 55. 1. A Debreceni Orvoetudomanyi 7~ffetem I. as. Belklinikajanak (Igazgato: Fornet. Bela'dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. (LIVXR, diseases. blood cholinesterase in.) (BLOOD, holinesterase in liver die.) (CROLINWTIMASM, in blood, In liver die.) VNGH, IAJ os Arperiences with presacral insufflation in the diagnosis of adrenal timors. Ylagy. radiol. 9 no.2:106-110 JU17 57. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Rgyatem I. BZ. Belklinikaja Kozlemenye, (Iga2gato: Dr. Fornet Bela egyet. tanar) (ADMAL TUMOFS, neoplasms, diag.';, x-ray with presacral insufflation (Hun)) VWH, Lajos, dr.; KDCSAR, Laszlo. dr.; KFMESZ, Laszlo, dr. Isatone studies on the pleural lymphatic circulation. Orr-.' hatil. 97 n6.34:946-948 19 Aug 56. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi 3gyetem I. as. Balklinikajanak (igaagato: Fornet, Bela, dr. egyet. tanar), Forelettani Intozetenek) (igazgato: Keaztyus. Lorand. dr. egyetemi ta~ar) kozlemenye. (M=ATES AND TRANSUDATES, exper. pleural transudateB, localization of origin by studying lymphatic absorp. with labelled bismuthlactate in dogs (Hun)) VZGH, L. -CM5) Debreceni Tudomanyogyetem Belklinikajanak Kozleemenye. A ser umcholinesterase aktivitas klinikai vonatkozasai Clinical importance of the activity of serwn cholinesterase Magyar Belorvosi Archivwn 1948, 1/4 (210-?20) Graphs 15 The authors estinated the activity of serum cholinesterase in 540 patients suffering from various diseases. The activity was independent of erythrocyte count and sedi- mentation rate, whereas, to a certain extent, parallelism was found between activity and the Takata reaction. Decreased activity was present in severe general conditions and in allergic states, and with diminution of the albumin fraction, In diseases related to sympathicotonia the activity was increased. Czoniczer - ~usapest (See. XIY) So: Excerpta Medica, Vol. II, No 7, Sec. II, July 1949 GAL, I.;JAVOR. T.;IMZTYUS, L.;IAZAR. J.;NIKODRKWZ, I.;SZIIAGYI, T.;VWH, L. t- Effect of roentgen rays on diphtheria toxin. Acts, physiol. hung. 2 no. 3-4:533-537 1951. (GLHL 22,l) 1. Of the Pathophysiological Institute and of the 7irst Medical Olinic. Debrecen University. VIGH, Lajos, dr.,; GAL, Imre, dr. lxperimental studies on locali2ation of thoracic transudates. Orv. hatil. 97 no.23:620-630 3 June 56 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Figyetem I. sz. BeklinikajAna (igazgato: Fornet Bela dr. eg7et. tanar) kozlemenye. (IXUDATIS AND TRAIISUDLTICS transudates, pleural. localization in humans & rabbits in various pathol. cond. (Hun)) (PLEURA transudates, localization in humans & rabbits in various pathol. cond. (Hun)) .-I --2 ~-- " - 5 ~' GAL, I.; JAVOR, T.; KESZTYUS L.; LAZAR, J.; NIKODEMUSZ, I.; SZILAGYI, T.; VIGH, L. Effect of roentgen rays on diphtheria toxin. Kiserlates Orvostud. 3 no. 5:363-365 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Doctors except Javor and Lazar. 2. Institute of Patholof;y and First Internal Clinic of Debrecen Medical University. GAL, I.; VXGH, L. Data on the mechanism of local pain sensation and local analgesia; investigations on competitive ferment inhibition. Kiserletes orvo- stud. 3 no.6:435-443 1951. (CIh(L 21:4) 1. Doctors. 2. First Internal Clinic, Debrecen Medical University. VFG Vi, L. FOMT. B.; FIIIPP. B.; VEGH. L.; SUITTIMM. A. Iffect of claternal administration of dye on experimental anaphylaxis. Acta, med. hung. Suppl. 6 no-1:115-119 1954. 1. r. Klinik fur innere Medizin der Medizinischan Universitat, Debrecen. (DYIS, admin. ciaternal, eff. on anapbylactic shock in rabbits) (ALLIRGY, wer. off. of cisternal dye admin. on anaphylactic shock in rabbits) VIEGY, L. 19,51 (Pathophysiol. inst. and I. lied. Clin'c, U. of Debrecen) 2117he Action of X-Rays on Diphtheria Toxin." Acta P.hys-oliCica (Budapest), 1951, 213-1,,(533-537) Abst: Exc. Ned. IV, Vol- 5, No- 9, P. 972 V-EwMi, L. 1951 (Debrecer."nrvostudomanyi ECyetem KcrelettAnf Intezete eS T. S-2. Bel-k1in.) 11 The Effect of X-Ra~s on Diphtheria Toxin." Kiserl. Orvostud, 1951, 315063-365) Abst: Exe. Vied. IV, Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 407 VIGH, LAjos, dr. Prl*Arr tumsor of the heart similated by poricarditis. Orr. hetil. 95 no.43-.1191-119Z ;* Oat, 14. 1. A Debracent Orwostudomanyi 1&7eten 1. as. Balklinikajanak (Igazgato- Fornet Bela dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemenys (Elm. neo"Plasms *&room&, multiple hemorrhagic, aiwalated by pericarditte) (SARCOM, MUIRIPIa HIMOMMOIC heart, slynilated by pericarditie) (PIRICARDITIS, differ. diag. sarcoma, multiple hemorrhagic) VEGH, LUDEVIT Prefabricated buildings. Ist ed. illus., footnotes Praha, Statni nakl. technicke literaturyj 1959. 80 P. Czechosiovakia Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), W, Vol. 8., tio. 8, August 1959 Unclassified A, It At. Pool qZ4106re A J it 4 IL V 1i V -A its - 24. 0 ~4 ~S-L-L-L so Ar Blood 1"11c W4 In beefth linif in clocufalwy dWwb- ances. Ulkli. T4r%-xv And L*?. Vigh I Vtliv. I Irforrell. IIIII.K.uYi. Omm Urtild/o JIS, PA-7119M. Nlantal i ::: t'i,%.f vmtxin~ IS-22-35.4 mg. "~ Wile avid at the tuament -06 119.2413A Inc. r;. after 5 min . anti 16.2-31.1 after 10 min. Carrolttloinding values in dectIm- 66 mg- pen,% we" ISAVAHA, Z!.0-67A, ancl :AI.,"W2 mg -00 Stvtmlaf work increawd tbA- ctvitent 4 tartic Arid. 190 IIWMA-~ %41 CVUT*IL"Ijjy thAn itt nortual wbj,,ct,b. Styin Finkly so I : go* Y wee tie 0 It _2 too A .#IALL%i*;,KAt Lltf#ATW9 (LOSIFICATWO its 0 ...1-1-- 1On,-NO,In-V wee Tj;ljl ipc 11SIll am Oq All AV 00 At Ill Itt s a a 3 v 1 it ft tilt CRATIS 111119 Kult tin 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 16 0 0 0 0 0 Op 0 ? 0 ele 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 000 0 * I //17p -1 // - ty I Effed of demorycortkostarone in scats liver diseases. If.aJos %ligh (Univ. lkhremn. flung.). Onvii lIrlibsp 90. 47'r-'XI949).-Daily dows of 10 Ms. (Imlycortimsterolle (tyr 8- to mmecutive days shortened the length of the curu- tive ;wriol suad eliminated disturbances in the synthesk and fi-tal ion of glycogen. The deemse in the lmd curve o( the hit"I sugar level syrfaged 20-40%. IstvAn Finfily Clinical aspectro of chotinastefiere actively at tereern. Prss~ humery Corrustunicallon, Imes, (',At tild Vah. VC16 (111.1'. 'Mal V's, weviously ( C.A. 43, 0272h) the vhlslinestrr;I~r activity (1) 14 wrum~ (I( MO ps-rsexis suffering from variou% diwa%es vus dett.l. I of 'eni"l is not Currel4l'A "ith tile I 'tr I,( In with tile nw of test 1,11h.1 v'"pusdr, Nmtr %*.I'q "I-fv'A I Ols- T.A.a., detica'st Ill AVVVIV SelirfA 'fise."C" III -.11ripti, .1i, and tells dmtea- .4 else 'dis"Inill frjttwil dine.k" Pi'lAy gl' Wit jw partwi. be I'minst tw(mr. stctivi!y IMI ,,, cl,"Jillesli, Th, 11c"T"Ir I titts'. " it, lj%,Tf f"'IctiOlto J~tvhsl Aite bitilgr C.4110. In=es on Soil. ajas P_ _1,J dor Schonfc1d. n Percel. and G)-ula inistry Local Inds., B, :i'::j&ipest). Algrokimis Ij 3, 67-74(l1.D54XFrcmch nnary).-Expts. bepin in 1950 (cf. i:rtybig. A grokbitai KuhlO !~,k.!Dly;e (1950)) ivith brown prairic snil n-cre con t i .... cd ... Thima,uhtevedby 61;orouilY stautpivig the snil in the calture vesv:k xyhmievt~r Wa tering, to exclude Rir. While air inade the boils acid, an- "4 Ucrobic conditions caused mineralization of the C~rg. Sub. stance--5 and kd to a plf shift tov.-ard nlky. Theurg,content of the soils decreised by about I/i. This mas considerably accclerated by the adda. of synthetic fertilizers. Both ac- tive anti total humus content dccreawij, and some of the active lutunts becaine itiactivated. The N content do- crcAfe,l in geural. probably by denittificaticin, The lower, s:!vre anaerobic soil layers had a N los3 appmx. 3 tijue-i 43 I igh its the'higher, better-aired layers. The raine was triie of the org.-content dihiribution, leading to atil,vur-all lower- ing of the CIN ratio, Treatincnt, start analysi.~4, end analy- sii, and cithe dma all the 20 soil s-tmplu art, tabulated. r Peter D, 'Moskovits I 62 W IMIGARY/Soil Science - Fertilization. Mirieral Fertilizers. Abs Jbur : Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 1375 Author : Gaspar, Laszlo; Vee~i, Marta; Szalai Dezsone; Gaspar Laszlone -. ...... ... Inst : HunGarian Academy of Sciences Title : Experiments on the Preparation and an Investigation of the Effects of a Slow Acti;iG HitroGen Fertilizer, "Ureaform" Orig Pub : Ma_cZrar tud. akad. agrartud. oszt. kozl., 1957, 13, No 1-2, 113-128 Abstract : Ureaform was prepared by the following method; 3 Exam- molecules of crystallir-e carbamide was dissolved in I liter of water, the reaction c)f which was preliminarily brau(jbt up to a pH of 3.6 at a tepperature of 25 deSTees with citric acid and sodium diphosphate. The solution Card 1/2 - 26 - ALMASI, M.; SZABO, L.; FARKAS, S.; KAGSO, F.; VEGH, 0.; MURESAN, Iudita Reactions of metallic carbonylis. Note III.On the mechanism of the formation of acrylic asters from acetylene, nickel carbonyl, carbon monoxide.. and alcohols. Studil cerc chim, 8 n0-3:509-517 160. (Ew 10:9) 1. Laboratorul do chimie organica al Universitatii "Babes-Bolyal", Cluj, in colaborare cu. Institutul *CHI14IGAZ", Medias. (Carbonyl compounds) (~%tals) (Acrylic acid) (Esters) (Carbon monoxide) (Alcoho"ls) (Nickel) ALRAST Nicolaie; KACSO, Francise; SUM, Ludovic; VEGH, Oliver. I Obtaining vinyl ethers from acetylene and alcohols in the pre- sence of potassium hydroxide at atmospheric pressure& Pt.l. Studia Univ B-B S Chem 8 no.l.'2-97-301 t63 1. OBELbes-Bolyai* University, Cluj. KOTATS, T,G.; LAUR) G.;'nGH, P- The phenomenon of 6rdotoxin hypersensitivity and its relation to the s~wartzman phenomenon. Acta physiol. acad. sci. bmg. 23 no.2:169-187 163. 1. Jswtitute of Pharmacology, Medical University, Szeged. (ENDOTOXIIIS) (SCh-WARTZM N PHENOMENON) (SKIN) (KIDNEY) (RETICULOEIMOTHELIAL SYSTEM) (ALLERGY) 00 A god', OO#j sea nd lie: J;: sooree* *Oslo I At a 0 4. a 4 11 111 x m IN 31 U D It IS it v a to v o 41110 A-A. ,a ) 1-1 A a - 4 4 . -~* 0 tit A 0AID III 19-Y see tbbmdft AD- Sabo*" mmilmmimmir dm dbo~d COO @we Wo 06 dwWmw of 141 g. of Kea In OW l a ai Nato fo JONW a" In m with bmkby Nevc Am., (n) ISO ILA WALtURSKAL UTIRATIAt CLASSIFKATION Rol I Zia'. - - - .- ---- 143GAIJ it Q'I. got -W-q 'MA u is xv so it! it at it a, a, In U I it "M 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ** 15440 : : : : :10000 0 6 * 0000 0 * 0-0 00-0-0 0-6-4 zoo tsoo t Z'- i ties I 1 1314POI .0-0, -QW AA I S 6 FW 0 00 0 '1 9;--, 0 #no 0 * Ali 0 10 0 0 * 0 010 0 0 0 0 e : 9~ SM 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .11111 4K a.. 11, I 'I" W_W_w 00 o 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 it 11 flu if, ry'l to t, P'"SORCIOMMS, Ulf lab MU *ISO it Qlj more -A A C A A_J fi_A_A__JL_1 A. 9 P 9 A J_?_. Y_ Y-LI-A-1-1 cc 1 6 AA A[ 00 1-00 00 00 it Ingestion of elcest Sodlu- Cillonde in AlleWc disuses. Wall, ,Aul Anil 1,.,Il %,fFh. Onvii 11thljP 78, IM& In -00 00 ~n)v part of the NaCl Allfrr 00 Thefimparr"Cilm, NJ. -00 pt,,,1mt)ly retain% vn~t 0( the Rbs 0111 W414-9.-The N&Cl rcttntion of the HIM is not due to .00 as a Parenchymal SIM-riftiom but to ttl,,ulTp ir*nt funcliffn (74 the liver. 8, fir MnAlv so 0 00 j 00 00 Zoo 0 zoo :0 0*0 00 R~ o 0 -00 boo 96 A I a. It A 011,11.1.1,106KAL ti?E*ATLWE CLAISIPICAT)OP ij __ 41, "o 0 0 10 12*0 I*.. fall 10.11. Ij sfoUAV so ill r 4-r- i If OW 0 Of I At to 5 a a 2 It K it it MO n I 0, of 0 00 0 a 0 olo 0 41 4 0 & o of* Go o oo 0 o 0 ro 09 *0 O's 00 ii's .0 o : : o 0 o : : : : 0 0 0-111 0-001,10 0 0 C, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 01 cj,,Ar_-, Laurc~ntlu, cn!m; Indust,'-a usoa-~a 11 no.11; 5-17-580 .14 Shoo and Leather Workf-,, Cluj, I'laboratorl.