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18(5) SOV/135-519-9-2/23 AUTHORS ~_4 sjJ_, y e.R Candidate of Technical Sciences and IsachenkO, A., A., Engineer TITLE: Heating by Plasma in Welding Processes PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 9, pp 5-6 (USSR) X3STRACT: The authors state that tL-!,,u,:rh free plasma streams have found some use in welding cechniques, they are little known yet. In these processes, the heating of the metal is realized by a partly defori-Ued arc stream and -in unformed stream of ,;as discharging plasma. For the production of thc. arc vtithin the gas strearri, auxiliary arc dischargc~3 v.,cre used which can 1_)c produced in the stream of argon between a tungsten electrode and a As water cooled copper tip. . a result a 15-20 Trim, Iong bright cone-shaped tongL~e of argon plasma comes out of the tip-hole. The authors renark that the luminous plasma jet is surrounded by a non-luminous stream as a trans i stage of ionized and neutral gas (Fig 2). Fig 3 shows the ef-rective power at differcnt lengths of Card 1/2 the argon plcsma jet at a current of 165 A. 8ecause of Heating by Plasma in Welding 2rocesses 3 OV/1350-59- 9 - 2/23 its high temperatures, the plasma jet has a considera:Ae. melting power. Al-ready at limited otitput po,_-(?r (8-10 M,I) within the plasma jet, diffe-ent -,i,.ctals citn be melted, for iru tance steel, asbestos-cement, crystalline corun- dum (20500C) carbc-nindum (22000C) and other ozhers. The chemicA composition of the pl;~sma jet is mainly that of the gas in the -!Irc . One can get plasma of one-atom or multi-atom gases4 argon, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, vapors of liquie.-s (~.,ater) etc. The use of plasma heat- ing for local tre~-.tment of non-electroconductive mater- ials is bein,- considered. There are 1 photogrLph, 3 graphs and 4 =fere-,:ces, 2 of which are SoAe_-:_-, 1 Ger- man and 1 Ln~-Ii~Fh. ASSCCIATION: VNILAV-VOGEN Card 2/2 VABILOYEV, K.V-, kand.tekhn.nauk Investigating ox7gen-are cutting of steel. Trudy VNIIAvtogen no.6:49-79 160. NIRA 13:8) (Gas velding and cutting) (Undervater velding and cutting) r W18 S/788/6o/ooo/oo6/oo4/oo4 E202/E392 AUTHORS: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Isachenko, A.A. TITLE* Plasma heating in welding processes length increased considerably when diatomic gases (e.g. N2, H2). Card 1/2 SOURCE: Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy naxichno-iialedovatellskiy institut- avtogennoy obrabotk *i metallov. Trudy. no.6. 1960. Kislorodnaya rezka, metallizatsiya, payka. 147-150 TEXT: VNIIAVTOGEN has evaluated in detail eiectric-arc welding of the constricted-arc plasma type, particularly from the point of view of metal-cutting. The type of plasma torch used employed a high-frequency priming arc whi6h started a low-voltage, high-current arc. It was found that with suitable cooling of the constricting nozzle, current of the orlder of 180 to 300A might be used. The geometry of the resulting plasma jet was studied in relation to the type of gas used. With increased rates of gas flow the visible part of the Jet became extended and approached a cylindrical shape. A similar result was obtained by constricting further the diameter of the nozzle exit. The jet diameter and S/788/60/000/006/004/004 Plasma heating ... E202/E392 Were introduced. Some crude caloriffietric measurements were made, playing the jet on stainless steel and measuring the resulting temperature increase. Even with a reduced power input of 8 to 10 WS the jet was capable of melting various refractory materials, e.g. tungsten and corundum. The coefficient of meltIng a rod made of low-carbon steel, calculated according to the method used in arc-welding, was a P = 11.5 S/A.h , for a current of 210A I arc voltage Of 40 V and argon consumption of 45 litres/min; V~ the constricting-nozzle diameter was 3.5 mm. The above Plasma jet was capable of melting 2.4 kg/h of steel wire, while the oxyacetylene flame of corresponding power melted only 1.8 kg/h. Conclusion: this type of process lends itself particularly well for treatment of non-conducting materials, sensitive to reactive media and, in general,to melting refractory metals and non-metals ---and usi-n-g-44eae -for -ha4-d-facingy-apra-y"g-r welding and cutting. Card 2/2 VASILIUV, X.Y., kand.tekbn.nauk; SWIRO, I.S., inzh. Despription and characteristics of air-arc cutting. Byars proixv. no.8:1,-4 Ag 160) - . OCIRA 13: 7) 1. Yeesoyuznn nauchm-isaledovatellskiy institut avtogennoy obrabotki metallov. (Ilectric metal cutting) jil VASILOYEV,-K.Y... kand.tekhn.no6uk Certain properties of the penetrating cutting arc. Trr-dy TMIAvtogen no-7:67-87 160. (MBUL 13:7) (Blectric metal cutting) VABIL'YEV, K.V., kand.tekh.nauk; SHAPIRO, I.S., inzh. Conditions of air-arc cutting of steel. Srar.oroizv. no.9:7-10 8 6o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. VessoyusW aauchno-issledovatellskiy institut aytogennoy obrabotki metallov. (Electric metal cutting) 3/135/60/000/0 12,/OIDP,//(, 10 O't A006/AOOi AUTHOR- Vasil'yev, K. , can idate of Techni,_~al Sciences ..' . . ..... ... .... . . ...........,LL_~4 TIME., Gas-Flame Treatment and Gas..Electnc Cu+,ting PERIODICAL?, Svarochnoye proizvods'~v~:, 1960, N-_-~ 12, pp. 30-_3a TEXT ~ Information is given on the section of gas flame treatment- and gas- electric cutting at an exhibition on welding. The -author reports on varic.,-,s ~1 machines and techniques exhibited, The "Avtogend-M" unit designed by Yu V, Dalago _Yu!,Dmitrivev is fully mechanized and or_erat,~-~- with a medlum-pre.ssure ace- V~ -and tylene generator producing up t: 80 ff~/hr acetylen-?,_ The unit is ~:mpie-.ed by a cc-nveyer for the SUpply of carbide-contalning drums and is equipped with a device for the methanized closed carbide supply to the bin, All the mechanisms are con- trolled frr;m a central desk. The automatic operation and hermeticity of the unit provides for safety and improved work conditt--ri.t, The high-pressure NUA -1 ~UVD_ 1) unit for the compressor-less 2fIlling of acetylene flahks produces acetylene at a pressure of up to 30 kg/cm The rPK-10 (GRK-10) acetylene generator is in tended for acetylene supply of industrial main pipelines and the ACP-1 (ASR-1) generator for the centralized gas supply of welding shops, The waste frsm the Card 1/) 8 54- T~'1135 *-O1VX)1G I 21XP""010 Ga----Flame Treatment and Gas-Ele--+ric Cutting A0067A~01 ASR-1 machine Is In the form of dry lime powier-, thereby imprcving w.-rk -zondit-icris: in acet7lene shopi~, TheA3W-i (AZSh-1) jnit is used for the automa!.ic hardening of spur large-module (10-30 mm) gears of 200-1,500 mi~ in d,,-ameter, Each !c,--,th is hardened consecutively, The burner is combined with a sprayer and grasps th'~ booth from tw~~ sides, it moves upward:- at a given rate, After harJening the flame U I is exting~iisned, the burner is taken off th~ gc-ar whi~,n Is turned by a pneuma-,ic mechanism, by one t-.oth. Then the cycle recealed, Ancther unit, -.MY3-1-58 (UGZ-.I-r-8) mcdel, is used for fl2e hardening of sm-a-II-module (2-8 mm) gear-z by high-speed rotation, -The gears are heated by 4 a,~etylene-fed burners, which -an also operate on propane, coke-gas or municipal gas, The ~~H -i-6o (uFN-i-6o) stand (Figlzre 2) is intended for the autcmat,.c building-up of brals rings or rec- tilinear parts on fixtures., A programming device Is used for the automation of all necessary operations. A fillet weld of 1a.5-15,5 = wid,h and 3-3.5 mm height is p-roduced at a speed of lip to 10 m '/hr, Which c:nsiderably exceeds the efficiency of cc,nventicnal electric heated methods of building up brass.6M-l (BM-1) gazeaus fltzx is being used wblcb is a mixture of methylborate and methy'. Th--s flux can be very ace--irately proport1pned., Gas flame welding and s.,~1der-'ng car, d,:jo be automa.*,:,r . A manual device for gas-flux weldIng Is on view It cludlpg a Ir I i flLx -leeder (Fijrare 3), Natural gas f-r g~.-2-flame trea-ment in cu'.tirg, Card 2119 854741 s/135,/6o/ooo/o 1 2/oo~,o lo Gas-Flame Treatment and Gas-Electris Cutting A006/AO01 bending, surface cleaning and preheating has been successfully used, resulting In considerable savings and imprcved work condittons, A prof, ane -but ane mixture can be used f:)r gas-flarre treatment, A model of a PA -.16 (RD-1B) prcpane-butevle balloon redu,:!tor is exhibited and oxygen reduc-~rs of the fcllcwing type-- the KPP-56 (KRR-56) model of 220 m3AW capacity; the two-chamber PKA--59 (RKD-59) reductor of 60 ~3/hr capacity; and the A3P-1-59 (DZR-1-59) type with shielding ga-=.-meter,, The equipment for manual cutting includes the 3PP -6oo (uRR-6oo) ap- paratus f or ?~ut,ting 300-600 mm thIck steel ~ and t,~,e f lux-oxygen ~ ~ P (UFR) and ~PXC-4 (uRjehs-4) cutting devicets (Figure 4), -1he latter is Intended for'external flux feed by the installation of an additional tube and +w~~ lateral nozzles sup~ly- ing the flux to the cutting area, and by a f iux-:FeedLng bin, t large number --f gas cutting devices Includes conventional manual cutters equipped th guide rollers wi',h controlled electric drive and scale-tele-photocopying macnines. A r-,:~rtable gas cutting machine is on view with a magnetic copying system for the mechanized cutting of grooves in flanges and rings ir)f up to 7 m in diameter. A characteristic feature of the machine is that a master frrm Is fastened to the paralellcgram system of hinged frames serving for the suspensicn :7f ~he cutter, The magneti-,- drive is rigidly mounted on a plate, equipped with a clamping device Highest dliplicating ac~:uracy is obtained by the uZe of A(W -2 (ASSh-2) machines for 'he ~a . , rd 3/) 85471 3/1 35/6-0/V,;O/O ! 2,1008jO 10 Gwi~Flame TreatmenT, and Ga.5-Electris Outlina AOC61AO01 simaltaneous cutting of similar parts by -hree- A mac.'-I-ne f:,r 'he _~har=j r;~u-ing -.f pipes has been maniffactured by 'he "Nef1ezavcd=nTazh" T-r,.l-zlr. at~ -he s-_iggesticn of N.M. Kudryavtsev, a locksmith, Fipe!~ '~f 108-529 mm in diameter and 1-12 m 1=rg'.h can be cut on this stand (F4.9- -ri- 5) -,qi'h-u+ prellminary lay---~-.. I- 'IC 1h,: buts be s-!,raight, oblique, perpen: u,ar tr -the pipe axia, or. under an angle, etc,, The pire rotates during cut'.Ing and 'he cutler mcves re,_!~rDca+lnglly alzng its axis. 1he machine is equipped with a suppor,. fLr the :ii~-.Iing ~-_f rc-,ating gipe and an.-ther cne for perforating *he fixed pir-, Am~ni_z vartc-, machines f.,.r oxygen c-,Ating which can be useJ in chip and 1cccm,.t1vebu!1,_4,_ng, Cr"~ -1 (SGU-1) machine is a particuiarly inter-aB- ing m:,del, 11. 1-= of t!-.e re~tazr_ ccordinaticn type and intended for the mecha~7ized cutting of shaped rar's. Low carbon steel is cut by the acetylene-oxygen m-31~hcd and alloyed steel or ncn- ferrcus metals by a penetrating arc, Sheet-:, u; t:1. 2 m wi~le and 6 m Icng may be pr.--cessed. The longitudinal mction of the 15 ~,zmbined with 'he tranBver~e motion of -the carriage, so that -!~he lav~-er can te lc--ated a. any !:cint ~f .he ~peratic_,nal area and displaced along ",..e traje:--Ir~i of any ~_cnfigurat!~-I. The machir.e 1E equIpred with a magnetic, a me-haLnical or a pho~,~:.A-jplical_lng head, Ths~ motion speed c~f the meshanical and. photo-duplicating heads Is 50--1,500 mm.i'mln, the magretic head moveZ at a speed cf u~~ t-. 5.000/mIn, rhc mechanized ._-utting of card 4/19 854Ta 31135160100010121-008r-110 Gas-Flame Tvdatment and Gas-Electric Cut-!".irg A0061AOOI sheets improves the surface quality of the edges. Gas-electric cutting id demon- strated by a series of exhibits, The PGA -1-59 (RO-1-59) lever type alr-arc cutter is intended for rough cutting of 20-25 mm thick stainless steel; this is a simple device permitting the rapid exchange of the electrode and its air con- sumption is up to 20 m3/hb. Air-are cutting is employed at heavy machine-building plants, In shipbuilding and locomotive-building, New equipment was shown for metal cutting by a penetrating are Ind2uding the PAIM-1-60 (RDm-1-6o) cutter (Figure 8), equipped with a head with tui electrode-centering device and an insulat ed water-cooled tip. The tungsten electrcde is hidden in the tip and the Igni- tion of the cutting arc is made by an auxiliary arc discharge excited between the electrode and the tip. The auxiliary arc Ignition is made by hand and its cur-rent is limited by a ballast resistance which, in the form of a ni-chrome string, is located in the water supply hose. Cutting Is made with the arc burning in an argon-hydrogen flow. The thickness of met4l cut by the penetrating are depends on the current source voltage. A standard type 17C _500 (P3-500) generator with 90-95 v idle run voltage can be used. Then up to 25 mm thick aluminum alloys and stainless steels may be cut. The cutter is equipped with gas-measuring nozzles and a tip for exchangeable inserts, The ~AP_2_58 (UDR-2-58) unit is used for manual cutting of up to 80 mm. thick metal.- its ccntrol cycle is fully mechanized, Card 5/9 8 5 4 ra, S/135/60/tw/G I 2/008A 10 ,. t~ Gas-Flame Treatment and Gas-Electric Cutting A006/AOOI GW,ting with a penetrating arc can be easily mechanized, The NAP -1-.58 wDR-i-58) unit (Figure 9) is intended for the mechanized rectilinear cutting of sheets~ The cutter and the autcmation unit are mounted on an electric-driven autcm0411 trcl-. ley with a 8peed range of 80 to 8,000 mm/min. Gas consumption is 2-2.5 /hr and does almost not depend on the thickness of the material to be cut. The methsd is particularly effective when cutting curved -paxts, using the SGU-1-58 duplicating machine and the EDR-1-60 gas-electric cuttl_ng apparatus, The SHP -I (UPR-1) unit is used for mechanized cutting with a penetrating arc (Figure 10). The cutter is transported by the ASSh-2 machine, The pro"cess is contrUled from a portable board. The head Is equipped with an exchangea1ble copper nozzle, the electrode is fixed, The head housing is silumin-cast, Excitation is performed with the aid of an oscillator. A three-phase Ignitron rectifier is used as feed source. Falling characteristic is obtained by a ballast rheostat (RB-300), The idle-run voltage is 300 v; current is 400 amp 120 mm thick aluminumNAc V The machine cPA be used to cut up t.~ 80- EpperAbrass,\4stainless s-reellband other non-ferrous metals. The ~u_tting speed is96--4~-m/h-r-.--A-r-i-a-r-g-i-,-n-.Yydrogen mixture is used. A ser'Le-z of modern deVices are on view f.-.?r metallizing and the application ~~f non- metallic coatings, such as the ')M-3A (EM-._3A) apparatu?~ for 1,he application of coatings in -the c=ditioning of worn out sirfa.,ss :,f r-.-Ilers, piunger3,. spirdles Card 6/ 9 'S1135160100010 12/008/010 Gas-Flame Treatment and Gas-Electric Datting A006/AO01 etc; the 'IF1 -6 (34-6) electric-m allizing apparatus for prayin of steel and other metals; the gas metallizinPA -1-57 (MGI-1-57) dsvice for spraying internal surfaces-of pipes and cavities and the -4-~, (UPN-4u) multi-pu~pose unit for applying low-melting thermoplastics or refractory powders. Figure 2. The Um"-1-60 automatic building-up stand Card 7/9 Gas-Flame Treatment and Gas-Electric Cutting Yj NIX :4::- Figure Equipment for gas-flux welding and building-up 8547 11 - S/ 13 5/50/0 00 /01' 2/C~O 8/0 10 A006/AO01 FilI .-J Figure 7. machine f or The coordinate-type SGU_ oxygen cutting Card 8/0, Gas-Flame Treatment and Gas-Electric Cutting Figure 9. The mechanized UDR-1-58'unit for metal cutting with a penetrating arc. F7~ Figure 8. The RDM-1-60 manual cutter for the cutting of metals by a penetrating arc There are 10 figurqs. V1351601,00010 12/00-3/0 10 006/A001 0 -A V i,1,7 4,AQ Wk, 'I Card 9/9 GLIZMANENKO, Dmitriy Llvovich,- YEVSE-M, Georgiy Borisovich; SHORSHORM p M.Kh., kand. tekhn. nauk; -YA-SIL97p -I.V. 9 kand. tekbn. nauk, retsenzent; CMMYAKp O.V., red. izd-va; CHEMOVAp Z.I., tekhn. red. [Gas welding and cutting of metals] Gazovaia evarka i rezka metal. lov. Izd.2., perar. Moskva, Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit. iit-ry, 1961. 447 p (MIRA 14:8) (Gas weiding and cutting) NATSVIN, A.V,; CID,10-11ATENKO, A.S, VASILIYKY.-I-V~; P:-,OTOq-,VIGII, I -V A. K. L.A.; CIMILOVIUMA, V.P. ~ I ~LILSVAYA. A.A.; Fk,!LO ) TASH,:ATOV, L,T..- --'-.P-I-.OV, P,K,; SOLDAIGV, F4K.; Y-IWDAF,!XL0V,G.I.; TSR(TLIN, M.G., kand. sellkhoz.nauk4 xJjZfl"I~~SOV, V.'I., '-,and. seltkhoz.riduk, otv. red.; MIVOLOSOVA, II.A., red.; al)ROKIIIA, Z.I., tekhn. red. [Best fruit and grape varieties for drying and preserving in the southwestern regions of Uzbekistan) Luchshie sorta plodovykh i vinograda d1la sushki 1 konservirovaniia v iugo-zapvdrWkh ob- lastiakh Uzbekistana. Tashkent, MISKh UzSSR, 1961. 162 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. 1nstitut sadovo6stva i vinogradarstva im. R.R.Shredera. Sa- markandskiy filial. 2. Samarkandskiy filial Instituta sadovod- stva i vinogradaratva im. v..t,..~;Iiredera (for till except llx~:;-.otsov, Krivonosova, Sorokina). (Uzbekist~ip~-Fruit-Varieties) (Uzbekistan--Grapes-Varieties) VASILIYEV, K.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ISAGHENKO, A.A., inzh. - no.9: Plasma heating in welding processes. Trudy VNIIAvtogen 55-71 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Gas welding and cutting) VASIL'YEV.0 K.V., kand.tekhn.nauk,- SHAPIRO, I.S., inzh. Ragularities of the air-are cutting process. Trudy VNIlAvtogen no.8:101-122 '62. (MIRA 15;6) (Electric metal cutting) I VASILIYKV K V - YVSEYFV, G.B., kand.tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; inzh., red.; ELIKIND, V.D.r tekhn. red. ~ 4~ [Gas and electric cutting of metals] Gazoelektricheskaia rezka metallov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 173 p. (KIRA :L6:22) (Gas welding and cutti ) (Electric metal cutt=9 VASILIYEV, K.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHAPIROp I.S., inzh. Principles of the mechanization of air-are cutting. Trudy VNIIAvtogen no.9t65-72 16.. (MIRA 16:12) VASILfYEV, K.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Gas4lectric cutting 'kerminology. Trudy VNIIAvlogen no.9: 85-9� 163. (MIRA l6sl2) VASIL-YEV, "ard. te-kri.,j. yauk; yelp r r A -1, '1 4 z-:, CuttJng wllt,~i a I .,n ~ - r,~ 1--%,jy ',1111T'vtogen no. I C- 1106- -' 17 164. (MIRA 17ilO) VASILI-YEV, K.V,, kand. tekhn. najkj 1,1OR070V, M,Ye., kand. ~ekrn. nau'k; SEGALOVA. 0.1., lnzh. Heat exchange In water-cooled nozzles. Trudy VNI]Avtcgen no.12.illO-116 164. (MIRA 180) ACC NR: AP7000311 SOURCE CODE:- UR/0413/66/000/022/0025/0025 INVENTOR: Levin, B. G.; Yermin, N. I.; Plyuta, V. Ye.; Shestakov, M. I.; Vasil'yev, K. V. -ORG: none ~ TITLE: Method for manufacturing articles with variable cross section. Class 7, No. 188454 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 25 TOPIC TAGS: cold rolling, variable cross section article, ar*!-~ ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method for manufa-turing articles with variable cross section by cold rolling of a stationary blank with two undriven rolls. To improve the dimensional accuracy and the surface quality of the article the blank is rotated after each working cycle around the longitudinal axis for a programmed angle and the amount of feed is automatically changed. SUB CODEt 13/ SUBH DATE: 05Aug6l/ 1 UDC: 621.771.65.04 VA31L'YFV, K.V.., Rand.tpkhriosuk; STGAUNA, Stondnrdizat'lon cLf equilpm-rit for gas-pleol.ria mevrrnn'-zp cutting. Svar.proizv. zioo5e-110-41 my 165. (MIRA 1846) 1, Vsesoyuz-~.,i7 no- institut avtogennogo mAsh!n3stro,yvnly, a - I VASILITSV, K.V. Impulse method for measuring torque. Trudy LTA no .83:65-73 159. (MIR& 13:4) (Torque--Measurement) VASILIYJV, K.V.; TROFIMOV, U.N. - - . - Restoration of old architectural monuments in Moscow. Gor. khoz.Mosk. 33 n0-11:15-17 N '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Direktor Moskovskoy nauchno-reatavratsionnoy proizvodetvannoy masterakoy (for Vasillyev). 2. Glavrqy arkhitektor Moskov- Gkoy nauchno-restavratsionnav proizvodstvan4op, masterskay (for Trofimov). (Moscow--Architecture-Coneervation and restoration) Vft~~IL~tv' -I EXCERPTA IEDICA Sec.12 Vol.11/9 Ophthalmoloey Sept 57 1517. VASILIEV L. and KAPLUNOVICH P. *Adrenocorticotrovic hormone and cortisone in the treatment of diseases of the eye (Ru a a I an t e xt) VESTN.,OFTAL. 1956, 6 (15-19) A review of the literature, grouping and action of the steroids are given. The authors observed 52 patients treated with ACTH and cortisone; local treatment was given to 28 and injections of ACTH to 29 patients; 31 patients suffered from keratitis and kerato-scleritis of various aetiology. Iridocyclitis occurred in 12, acute myositis in 2, sympathetic ophthalmia in 2 and vernal catarrh in 2 patients. In one case of rodent ulcer, which was treated unsuccessfully for 6 months, the inflammation quietened down after 4 injections of ACTH. Four cases of phaco- anaphylactic iridocyclitis were effectively treated by local cortisone. The treat- ment with ACTH of 2 cases of sympathetic ophthalmia was spectacular. The fol- lowing conclusions were arrived at: (1) Cortisone and ACTH is an effective treat- ment in various eye diseases, particularly allergic inflammations of the eye. (2) The advantage of topical cortisone treatment as compared with parenteral ACTH treatment is its use In the clinic; it can be used for a prolonged time; it does not have a depressing action on the cortex of the adrenal gland and it has no side-effects. (3) Of 52 patients treated with cortisone and ACTH there was a cure in 26, improvement in 15, no improvement in 11 patients. (4) In 13 patients, there was recurrence of the inflarnmationsupon cessation of steroid therapy, so that it had to be continued for the Improvement of the condition. Sitchevska - New York, N.Y. VASIL"i7-,IJp L. Summer fuels and lul)ricatits. No 5. T~nkist, No 12, 19118. .-I , - ~ -;1- , ~ j I . . f " f, Ill 100" ', : 41'dOri 0, - Im" ts ` 7 at'! r~- o 3. A - - I , o I- 1~141 I.) . VASILIM. L. '~. 1 -'. j-, ;-'. [Propagandizing progressive practices in enterprises] Propaganda peredovogo opyta. na. predpriiatitakh. LKoskvaj Moskovskii rabochii, 1933. 46 p. (MLRA 7:4) (Efficiency, Industrial) .VASILlYEV* -L.---(Krasnodarskiy kray) Those who go out in front@ Voene Znan, 38 no.10:11-22 0 162. (Krasnodar Territory-44ilitary education) (MIRA 15:10) VASILIYEV, L. A number of problems should be solved. Mor.flot 22 no.12t4O D 162. (KMA 15tl2) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda "Professor Popov" Baltiyskogo parokhodstva. (Merchant varine-Management) VAAIJ IYFIIV. i- 20670CI. Vasil'Yev. L. 1'riyer:nik - Radi.0, jr,ig I , fir.. 6, 3- c!-41 SO: LETOI-13 Zi:UPTAL STATEY - Vol. 28, '.'oskva, 1949 vAsnly-tv, L. PA 35/49T106 USSR/Ikdio - Training Devices Fab 49 Radio - Training "At the Conference of Inventors and Innovators," L. Vasillyev, 2 pp "Radio" No 2 Describes now devices for demonstrating radio prin- ciples, designed by members of the Moscov M111tary Coummnication Club. 35Aqnot VASILIYEEV, L. Television Persistence. Radio no. 3, 1953. MonthlyList of Russian Accessions, Librax7 of Congress, Juno 1953. Unclassified. VASILIYEV. L. Television The place where television sets are being made. Radio no. 5, 1953. Monthly-List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. USSR/Electronics - Television Apr 52 Antennas "A Wide-Band Television Antenna," L. Varjillyev, Moscow "Radic" No 4, p 39 Describes an antenna which has two identical arms in the same plane. Each arm has three conductors fanned out by means of a triangular brace. A two-wire coaxial cable is used as a feeder. 238T61 USSR/Electronics - Television Receivers MaY 53 451 Ll ~ G_V , L. "Where Television Receivers are Produced4- Vasillyev ftdio, No 5, pp 47-49 Describes assembly-line production of tejvvt5�m receiveri-xk (KVN-49-4's) ~Febftb3y jog n- at some plant,,~' Sted Ue test pattern of the Moscow Television Center is sometimes used to test finished production.. Plant is preparing to mass-produce receivers having kinescopes with electrostatic deflection. UM/ Electronics Radio recorders 1/1 Pub. 89 16/31 Authors Title I Vasillyev, L. I Radio receiver-and-recorder set "Rekord" Radio 11, 26-27, Nov 11, 1954 Periocuca,l I Abdtraot. I A combination radio-receiver, recorder and record player, manufactured under the name "Rekord-53"~, and orsrating, on long, medium, ard short waves, is de- scribed. The electrical narameters of the receiver, conforming to the Soviet Bureau of Standards (GOST5, such as sensitivity, selectivity, frequency at- tenuation, pass band and non-linear distortion factor, are set forth. The "Rekord-53" is a superheterodyne receiver operatin; on 5 nutal tubes. The tyres and designations of tubes are listed. The component parts of t're --()Iay- back section are also described. Data on the receivei, coil-windin7ls are listed in a special table. Illustrations; circuit dialrara; table. Institution : Submitted : AUTHOR: Vasillyev, L. (Tyumen' oblast TITLE: In a Far Northern Town (V dalekom severnom gorode) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 7, p 7 top (USSR) 107-57-7-9/56 ABSTRACT: A retired physician Sergey Ivanovich Tinskly, over 70, who resides in a remote northern town Khanty-Mansiysk, has constructed an ultrashort-wave receiver, the first one In the town. Contacts with Kirovograd (035511), Zaporozhlye (035501), Karaganda (011005), Kishinev (020006), Sochi (049051), Tashkent (028001), and other ham stations have been established. Physics teacher Anatoliy Petrovich Revenko has built a 3-tube superrogeneratire receiver and listens to many Soviet ham stations. Tinskiy Is constructing an ultrashort-wave transmitter; his call sign will be 073514. Photo shows'Tinakiy, Revenko, and M. Borodin. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress CArd 1/1 AUTHOR: Vasillyev, L. 107-9-15/53 TITLE: "Turiat" Radio Receiver (Radiopriyemnik "Turist") PERIODICAL: Radiol 195T, # 99 p 21-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Riga 11VEF11 Plant is manufacturing the superheterodyne "Turist", equipped with five miniature tubes for medium and long wave reception. The design and the constructional parts are described in de- tail in this article. The power is provided either by one "75- AMUr-22"anode battery and two"1KC-Y-3 "heating batteries or by an a.c. network having 110, 127 or 220 v, using a separate selenium rectifier. The rectifier is contained in an attach- ment having the dimensions of 230 x 120 x 33 mm. The following tubes are utilized in the receiver: `K2M' HF wide-band amplifier)#"IA2rl"(heterodyne-converter), ,imn" kHF amplifier), ,1E2rI11 (detector and LF preamplifier), 2r1211 (LF output amplifier). There are 2 photos and 2 diagrams. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 VASILIYXV, L. .... ... .** Tho "Nov'" receiver. Radio no.10:37-38 0 157. OGRA 10:10) (Radio--Receivers and reception) VASILIYBV, L.; PAKHOMOV, Yu. Tape recorder vith pushbutton control. Radio no.11:56-59 N '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Magnetic recorders and recording) VASILIYEV, L. (Tallin) Soldiers are thankful -for their trainir.7. 70en. z-.a-n. n0.2: 30-31 F 166. (IMI-11"i _'9: J-) VASILIYEV) L.A.; SINEGLAZOV, 0.1-1. comparative characteristics of the shadow (laiife-and-aliL) method and the phase contrast method. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.6:1065-1071 Je 165. (MIRA 18:12) VASILIYEV, L. [Vasylliev, L.) Hothouses' for raising vegetables vithout soil. Sill.bud. 12 no.2319-21 F 162. (MM460 1. Glavnyy Inzh. Ukrainskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo I proyektnogo instituta sellskogo khoz aystva, (Gr ANUFRIYEV, L.; VASILIYEV, L. Directed deposition of the condensate in stock buildings. Sell. stroi. 17 no.2:20 F 163. (14IRA 16.31) 1. Sotrudniki Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta sellskikh zdaniy i sooruzheniy Akademii stroltel'stva i arkhitektitry SSSR. (Condensation) (Farm buildings) Ventilating cow barns by using heat exchangers. Sill. bud. 11 ao. 2:3-5 F 161. (KM 14:2) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii mikroklimata Ilauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta sel'skogo stroitellstva Akadem-11 stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Dairy Barns-Heating and ventilation) VASILIYzV L.,,,,Inzh. Prolonging the life of livestock buildings. Sel.stroi. 14 no.6: 4-5 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Dairy barns) (Dampness in buildings) AUTHOR: Vasillyev, L. (Tyumen') SOV/107-59-1-24/51 TITLE: The Balancing of the Ultrashort-wave Transmitter with the Use of a Fluorescent Lamp (Simmetrirovaniye UKV peredatchika pri pomoshchi lyuminestsentnoy lampy) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 1, P 31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes his experience in the balancing of the push-pull output stage of an ultrashort-wave transmitter with the use of an ordinary fluorescent lamp. Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AP4043541 S/0020/64/157/004/0830/0833 AUTHORS: Vasil'yev, L. A. TITLE: Shadow diffraction method for the determination of the phase difference in a discontinuity of a plane wave front SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 4, 1964, 830-833, and in- sert facing p. 821 TOPIC TAGS: shadom-jraph photography, diffraction pattern, diff-rac- tion analysis, photometry, wave surface ABSTRACT: The theory developed by 1. V. Obreimov (Tr. Gos. optich. inst. v. 3, no. 23, 1924), V. S. Su'khorukikh (The Slot anc' F'.lament Method from the Point of View of the Diffraction Theory oL laage Formation, Candidate's Dissertation, M., 1948), and the ziutl.or (with M. M. SkotniRov, DAN v. 143, no. 2, 1962) is used to determine the parameters of inhomogeneities such as wave-front disc.ontinuities Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043541 (the true location of the discontinuity or the increment in path length due to the discontinuity) from the photometric character of the diffraction pattern obtained on the shadow picture. The analysis was applied to diffraction patterns obtained experimentally with an IAB-451 instrument, using as a light source a narrow slot (0.02 mm) illuminated with a lamp and filter combination having a maximum transmission near 6000 A. The objects were glass plates on which phase steps with additional path differences X/2 and X/4 were sputtered. The practical results agreed fully with the theory. Among the limitations of the method is that the additional path. difference cannot be determined from the jump in the positions of the diffraction maxima, and that the diffraction methods are suit- able for the measurement of discontinuities that produce a path- length increase not exceeding X/2. However, they can be used to obtain a more accurate measurement of a large discontinuity if its effect can be measured accurate to X/2 by some oth-r method. This report was presented by I. V. Ovreimov. Orig. art. has: 2 figures Card 2/3 r ACCESSION NR: AP4043541 and 13 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 02Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP, CP NR REF SOV: 003 OITIER: 000 Card 3/3 3LOVOKHOTOVA~ N.A.: '.A31L'YEV,. L-AI-, KARCilll: VIA' Ef of Ion z (:,I rad 'a cr, Vysokom. soed. Ap (MI-6 NaucnTo--,,ss*-E-d---~-q-.e' lske~y If" Institit Inkeni L.Ya. Karpova. ACCESSION NR: AP4042201 S/0020/64/157/002/0317/0320 AUTHORS: Vasil'yev, L.A.; Obrelmov, I.V.; Yerelov, I.V. TITLE: Application of the diffractibu-shadow method for the quanti- tative determination of the intensity of the plane density jump at the model In a supersonic flux SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 2, 1964, 317-320 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave, supersonic wave, shadow diffraction methadg. optical phase change I ABSTRACT: The diffraction-shadow method by I.V. Obreimov (Tr. Goo. Optich. Inst. 2, #23, 1924) was used for the quantitative determin- ation of the plane supersonic jump. It is based on the comparison of the light Intensity In the center of the diffraction pattern at the plane jump and at the opaque border. The theory of the method Is based on the assumption of a point source and an infinite alit, the jump being parallel to the knife of the shadow apparatus. Oor- rections are developed to account for the deviations of actual con- ditions from the ideal ones. The theoretical results are compared with the experiments In a ahook tube on a model which van a wedge of Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042201 600. * The agreement between the theoretical and experimental results shows that the method can be used In the Investigations of gaaodynam- ical fluxes'by establishing the connection between the velocity of the shock waves and the optical phase change before and after the discontinuity. Orig, art. has: 4 figures and 1 table ASSOCIATION: None 'SUBMITTED: O2Jan64 ;SUB CODE: 0Fj H3 Card NR REP SOV.# 002 ENOL: 00 Am: 003 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041052 S/0120/64/000/003/0195/0199 AUTHOR: Vasil'yev, L. A.; Galanin, A. G.; Ycrfjhov, I. V.; Suntnov, G. N. TITLE: Photoelectric shadow method for investigating transient processes SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3. 1964, 195-199 TOPIC TAGS: transient process, aerodynamic test, shock tube, shock tunnel instrumentation ABSTRACT: As spark shadow photography yields only one picture and as superhigh-speed cinema is technically very difficult, a new shadow method is suggested which permts obtaining a time picture on an oscillograph screen. The method, intended for aerodynamic shock-tube studies, involves an optical scheme shown in Enclosure 1. A small-size diaphragm D is placed after the Foucault knife edge 14. The light pas'sed through the diaphragm falls on a multiplier photo- tube M whobe signal is applied to a pulsed electron oscillograph. An CarA I / 3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041052 I inhomogencity I between 01 and 02 causes a variation in the illumination of the diaphragm port and, therefore, is recorded by the oacillograph. A Z-alit scheme permits measuring flow speeds (of the shock front and after region). Speed of the contact surface, duration of and nonequilibrium processes in the working flow, gas glow after the shock wave, and impurity-caused glow were measured by the above method. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 04Jun63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: AC NO REF SOV: OOZ OTHER: (103 Card 2/3 ACG&SSI0N NRj AP4041052 a, , (~ j f/ IPv 11 I a X "', - --, I .,Z~o 9 - 0 H KM I-, ', N Optical scheme of the photoelectric shadow method ENGLOSUREt 01 Card 3/3 I 24-11-27/31 ALIT HORS: Vasillyev, L. A., Semenov, S. S. and Tarantov, Ye. A. (Moscow) TITIE: Study of the physical processes inolde a ohock-tub6 by means of high speed photography. (Izucheniye fizicheakildipr6toessov v udarnoy trube pri pomoshchl vysokookorootnogo fotografirovaaiya)- PERIODICAL : Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhaicheskikh Naux, 1957, No. u, pp. 186-188 + 2 plates. ABSTRACT: Hertzberg (Ref. 2) has Investigated shock wives by means of a film camera with a filming speed of 13 000 frames per second. This speed is too low for detailed investigation of the process since numerous details are blurred and neither the main shock wave nor their contact surfice can be observed on the thus produced exposures. In the here described experiments, a set-up was used which enables a filming speed of 100 000 frames per second, a sketch of which is shmm in Fig. 1, p. 186; thus, it was possible to obtain a camplete picture-of t4l flow around the model for each 10 u sees. The data obtaii,64 for wedge-shaped models and for the angles of propagation of weak disturbances in the flow can be Card 1/2 utilised for evaluating the thermodynamic properties of 24-11-27131 Study of the physical processes Inside a shock -tube by means of high speed photography. the investigated gases. Two plates are included containing 23 exposures each of the flow around a semi- wedge and around a symmetrical wedge. The measured speed of the shock wave near to the observation point and the density ratios in the shock can be utilised for determining the real dissociation energy of the gas. Fine.11y, the c /c ratio can also be calculated. 4erv are 5 figures and 5 references, two of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: July 9, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 212 VASILITEV, L.A. the IAB-451 instrument. Nhuch.dok1.vys.shkol3r; msh.i prib. no.4:230-237 158. (MIRA 12%5) 1. Predstavlono Wedroy "Optika" Hookovskogo goBudarBtvennogo universiteta im. Lomonosova. (Optical instruments) VASILIYIW, L.A.; TARANTOY, Ye.A. Iffective light pulse duration. Usp.nauch.fot. 6:113-113 '59. (MIRA 13:6) (Alectric discharge lighting) (Notion-picture photograpbv--High speed) VASILIYEV~ L.A.; SKOTNIKOVI M.M. - ------ -- -- Diffraction phenomena observed when using the knife and slot shadow photometric method. Dokl. AN SSM 143 no.3s578,-581 Mr 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Predstavleno akademikom O.I.Petrorym. (Photometry)(Diffraction) VASILIM. L.A., MINA, V.P. Using the ablieren, syEA~,,m of photographic measuremeats,for the quantitative investigation of the supersonic flow around the aerofoil. Zhur.nauch. i jxIkI.fot. i kin. 8 no-5:337-342 S-0 163. (IURA 16:9) S,/051/63/0111/0011/017/o26 3 9/E '12 0 AUTHORS: Vamillyev, L.A., TITL4 CDTTrr-~-,-ti-,n--ro--,t~rictioyis of the phase contrast method and the limits of' appkicabiLity or the vector theory PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskapiya, v.14, no./t, 1963, 553-558 TEXT: 1rector theory does not take into account diffraction eCfects in the mounting of the principal objective and of the diaphragm in the plane of the image. Changing the parameters of optical systems does not reduce diffraction errors below a certain optimunn value. Any change of auxiliary parameters aimed at decreasing the effect of any factor influencing the error leads to ' increase in the general error because of the effect of other factors. For a real optical system the optimum value of the error varies between 5 and 105~. A decrease of this error is possible only by increasing the speed of the principal objec47ive, ~--,.-Ancreasing_ the size of the diaphragm iii the focal p -ane and NW ecr_~ ~'Ahe 'wavolong th of -the light -.u ed. -esults obtailled -d s ng The.-. y s - -ontrast- mothod can only be b th a application of the phae c :--satisfactorily.exan.ined by the use of diffraction theory. There is' L figure. Card 1/1 SUBMITTED: May 7, 1962 -C T L 41766-6-5 ~GINII) iG(Ty ACCF3SION IfRi AP4032561 S/0190/WO06/004/0608/0624 Z. F.; V as III 'y A.; Kargin, V. I. A'' S~ovok�otova, N. A. MLE: Effect of ionizingr radiation'on the atructurre of polyprop~jlene SOURCE. V-yaoko=I9k. soyedin., v. 6, no. 4, 1964, 608-614 Ei ctrophotom- Pe r--/-- N_ 800-- hotor- ABSTRACT: liums of isotactic and comnercial amorphous polypropyline ware pre- pared tq hct pressing. They were irradiated in a vacuum (10-4 =) at 25 and -1960C by fast electrons from an acceleration tube (voltage of accelerating field 60 200 Icv) and by Co go mmm rays, Infrared spectra ef thr. initial and irradiated s pec tmena were recorded on coi N-800 spectroj)hr-J.,)-ioter. Absorption bands Rt 890 -1 RI and 911) CM for ix-radiatGd apeci-mers canrespcnd to the double oands an' RCII=CH., These bards are dae to degradation of poly-propylene 'th-rough radiatioa. a-ands in the w--855- region ahcI O-t'1665 cm co=eapor4 to plp~v~ bu-nde the Card 113 --rat" -a ri Utz -i q u pro,,Tlone (other factors to, i rg U~ 3amle) -E~2 T ~,Vps r'qe t-, free -c!~,ene % r eq uenC7 ra"CS IL ',,~1-3 5 PC- C lowers tho o9cillation fr eq u o n c y e ~.i D-'i e ol 1- 5 -IC r ea S,3 r: p t1a n I L 0 tL 0 ,,he 1645 cm- regior. zmy take ay 3ouL)I,~ t,-cnd Sb3orp i n in a rare I cp- '.be os I ia tior, f req uency Z~. -f:, te-cause cf, cross - 6 c 3 ~xn ~:n -'- j da 10 C; t ro nof t "I C, radicai, Or L,~ . n. r tta S * -1r e s farmu~as, -r 'ova te I I ck I yfizIko-~-hJ,.mi,;hGskiy inst-'Lut ~m -L Nf; 11ch o -i3a lad L. Ya. ~ - - - - - T du Mrpava (SaiantlXic-Ptese"oh~Phya 4te) Card LC;CESST A.P403256.1 Ic S UB COZZ DC su3m",n,m: 08Apr63 FNCLz GO 0--ff,-R 006 NO w sov 0103 Card 3/3 VPSILTYEV, L.A. Use cf ti.t, -'-.-iow diff-ractim methr~-' !ri '~.e phaae 1 -1 ~ I in the discontinuities of a plane wave front. rjrI-1. AII SSSR 1,71 no.4:930-833 Ag 1",4 (MIRA 17.08) I. Predi~tavleno Aademikom .1.V. Obreimovym. PANCHENKOV, G.M.; KOZLOV, L.L,; YAKOVLEVp V.I.; KATSOBASHVILI, V.Ya.; VASILOYEV, L.A.; RYABUKHIN, Yu.S. Polymerization of wqlenes under the action of high-energy slectrono. Iry. v7s. uoheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.107-58 162. (MIRA 1611l) 1. Mookovaldy institut neftekhimichookoy i gazovoy promyohlennostj imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina. 90 4.3 3 a God 00 U 00 NO U WOO 01 ass momusivoolv dold" *Fwas. 1. mew. A-l"Loo Ormfow L A- Sarp"m byr"t riot "0 p6m i I T, 24. TW,b*. wAy be thmovably fmprrSmW i ;t t M%ft, applicalon. The rate of M&UOM cc Sho Omm. vi--. ry mWI whis As cinow. applied in Ow fur tradio. ]Vwm" of *WUiwbkA SAft plom during Ow I M- I W* plot I Ina so N omimt of Ap hak varim at The enUm I ~ , thus [wh into aw behr. forawtion of (1) wKbr eandidum ot drying. &M adamoioml or ho-vad. we. Oxidiation pvodwft by do bWr. H. DW"a O(p-~H4(NH8h IrAo hak W&W WM Kj (~, IS %I, by foriasistion of a mumbrane at th:04=6"Amfew, dm iWalum bob* la i am Iy ac IKAgOll aW to dw clummew a( mAIP4 of the at 46 hak. =on In dyvWg Imeoper" of $*% halt and down (mbbit) A I 8I a ARTALLUSSICAL 4, am due pmOy to the looijer uskellar texture of tbv Wwr and martly tA "nwtvad differenc" (ebmum NNW s - air 0 of cu4';Fw Cy., ftm dom). R. T. #&A it 4K $i -a-I v U an I wpolam MA as 0 a 0 0 0 be# me* - 6 0 [660969alilteish 0 * 0 0 its 0 111, 0 # 0 * 0 0 *41r !1 4 to a 11 :1 n A ;6 17 x m 1. 11 1 11 1 1 1 -L-1 A. -A-.A I. I, N 11111 LX W It 00 JUVid colorutiatric dortermilmostim III wool fat, 1: 9 ' A, illil 4 kem 1 J v . . cv. brski,61 still L. ~. iv il p/ 7 l., A -A : W IIAX 7 674 Q ~ 00 00 A - i inp titian. . i I . itu . S. S. k. j 10. 1 '.I III.R.1 (12.5g.) j, Im.41til ins tu.1 Itol.. pf"Withif Willi 0 1- -00 00 S (fm vissubtrut with 1% 1404" "f C1104 k*,Il,k,l, arwl 11. :ls 00 , t, wahr,l wish ",ulticia mixt. i, filt"rit. 1he tr,,ptI ptive CIICI. still an aliclum Irmi sill uAmilmnsil filitair I% 00 ir i,IAfc-tf with I cv. if A.J) solid Is) do.q. A mit.d. 1114 1. -00 I.-F J 4 little . still ,-k-tank mrsolly rtsislmird wish m it., sO 06 .1.'"14141 Jos.. I Ill, vomilkhold .4s). Air pirloll by .1,1111 00 )Jim 111. :.41, 30. lit. ru., top 1., 1141 IV Is-# OW I vag.111 'Cle ,.NIh),AIIjU 762 still K,0,41, 4.5 x., 1. 111 mal") with too Ism? lv~ milli air vulilwal"I agaill't klumll ill CM:4. 1114till And Pat. bmil Of, 17, 1104 1 INS:., I (A.* Ira, 11,41. I'Mvnm -041 lee -zoo ASI %I I loc. j u it AV -0 at go Is 0 of ; , ; ' 414 N 14 " A, 0 41111 111111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e *10 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 * 41 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 e .. 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 0 0 0 *lip 4 '*,a 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *10 too 311 3 1 1 6 Y I I N it I? is It is 16 111$ "Ai2ju B342) m vultwit sim bin iv spau 41 dausce Aa- L~~ L_A__X_ ? Q j_L_M w Gt,x-.U j - b .5 a - I , ..' 9_ 04 ~t " __; w .-.n ". *0 00 00 ik Pytift furs wah &same black. L.A.Vasil'try. Russ. OS WAU1. July 31, Im. Mordanted Ntli tr~ited in an smium Val Conte. a redudni arzt, such as K~Fe(CN)s at a mist, at hypomadfite with CuSO4. wa-4hc%1 with a iota. of NxC1 and oxidiscd in the tvqW ntunrwt. .00 00 -00 toi x 00 13! coo coo ate* 220if COO 009 ZOO two* ;too vo I. A ACIALLURCKAL LITIN-TUAR CLAWOKAtOOK Iva* aua AT 'D is, AA' I I 1 69 a Is a I v 19 -1;,- a 0 9 0 IT to to a a 19 It 11 it It a 11 4 410 4 1 0 O'v 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111111fte bk*. 1, M A ~%flo4j'p-. M.111. 11m; -00 J4. AZNI'), f1j."Jolftf CWf HU-A. M At,- soldle '"IFns 6m b.;-:- mckvmi t)y hk f i 0 e urs a m n. 01 quel, Ihv freated with the Itiowds"I KA13. of KIC11(h oil ffoh 0 . C OO zoo 1j'O '00 zoo A L A 8119LLUNGPIC41. L1111MATUP1 CLASSWK&TIC" '04 hill$, M J.. .1, it YA AT 10 it: An a MA a . I of 96 0 0 a "a No 1 :14 to CIPPON all Its It 01 It it K I 0 9 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS eme 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 10 0 [e-'681 ~4* -ee 6 1 1 v is 11 1) 11 W 1) it Is is 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 A A -L- AL -"-A x 1 A k s. X f 9 0, 1 1 0 '1 -1 1 a M go CS -of., -00 :-00 09 i-all I-so 09 Z' L.A.V&,Wev. 1.9, ya P oft. Is. No. r)4-8(IW9 cliffl-S-q- -& IX. 4 trio Q, 332.-Purs am dyed ia HA by nsems of dyc- 09 9 uds al the utsal croup. which am intermallate producti *41 'E' Is as ibe pheitykawismi the pulypb.",. th,, amislophessols and their derivs7int-nic mordonting with see 00 k5:-: KQi-'h is fii%t aLrrW out, and the PH of the bath is thrn raimcd b NHI to retard the re"tion by which the glyr Is 1-~=- "Itbe fiber. A. Pakpio-n-Couiurs: a4ldt COO SLS NIETAIAURGMCAL WERATIONI CLAItIFICATION ~9 LI- .11 *shall T--r U Al 11 '7' .0 IT R qua K tat is it Is Iff 11 "' 00 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 a 0 I OTI: '00 00 a 41 0 0 111 0 Ul- I 00 it. MI 1 0 ad a 0 9 1 W IS Is A' 4 !%a lie 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 11*0040046000404000661~ 0 0 10 0 0 a 0 eal II 1 4 116111tv"flis U Is 16 it I )I n a A a a A A julluumisist)"If m a so 400 AA C--A Rod. 1. F -4 A -1 -1 I-A-1-1- AA IM W. Wttfs.,k t *0 4 at ------- Dyeing fur. L.-A. i~,,h,,,V. T"Tv (let, 31, 141A. T,, 4 tfw t4w sivi it. *0 -A f-61141110 (11 MI,biliK. 1~11. ate a b.-hr-mO, 00 9 .)Jn~ itsid Own dytA with It. 00 *0 sow ,of A -11ALLOJOGICAL L111RATUNI CtASUPICATION is AV b u to All; a vitepst W41 xx plan fit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 !800 to., 4 r. il WOO w 6, U) A I RA i t 4 PW 0 wx,! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ']A STATINSKATA, N.A.; KAMRK3TSKAYA, S.A.; PSENZOTSKIY, S-Ta.; ~ TASILIYRV, L.A. Influence of ionizing radiation on the oxidation kinetics and ignition of butane. Zhar.fiz.khim. 34 no.6:1169-1175 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Fisiko-khimichaskiy inetitut im. L.Ya.Xarpova, Moskva. (Butane) Plectrons) (Oxidation) L 20 A, - WO ( J 1 /7 V!' ~ 1, 7 1' -4,'N- 5,1 Y- b : P-4 -i RM ~WA I i,CCESSION HR: AR50112259 ZOLRCE. Ref. Th. FiAka. Abs. 3W'Sa -12 tUTHOR: Sadovskaya, G. K., Slcvokhotova. M. A.; Vasi~~v ~LA-.: Kargim, 11, A. 7A TITLE: Use of infraved spectroacc-Ey to study the effect cf fast electroms on Folyamides CITED SOURCE: Tr. Katmis. pd spektroskopii. AN SSSR, 7yp. 1. 1964, 483-487 --eleetrcw~ ar TOP :7 so C do s 4 I -~- - - - ;- - - - - 1: ~eleetmtw parama.&ettle rezionance 49pactra. The mchanism for processes that occur in the irradlation, Card 1/2,1 VASILIYEV, L.A.; GALMIIN, A.G.; YERSHOV, I-V-; StDlTSOV, ":- - "'. Ph,otoele.otric shadow method of study of ncnsteady-state Prib. J tekh. eksp. 9 nob3t195-199 ~~c 164 m,R, 1831) T;e rs ~n -aused oy -rne uu- ",5 -~-~lectea 11, sllcu 17--" f 1 . t N '.. , f w kjl Tf (I ACC Mt W(]K) "9997 DZ !~.VZNTORS: Vasillycv, L. A.; ORG: none Travnikova, L. 1. i/0- 3/66/00 15/O197/01VY--' U1 41 0/0 TITLE: A method for determining the routiltant of the light pressure forces on a body of a complex shape. Glass 62, No. 164155 SOURCE: Izobrut prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 197 1 TWIG TAGS: light radiation effect, Totion moc-iianics, pros.sure offoct ABSTWLIT.- This Author Certificate presents a method for determining the resultant of the light pressure forces on a body of a complex shape. The method is based on- measuring the reflected light and is designed to increase the precision and to shorten the time of the determination. An optical wedge ..jitii a transparency w1iich varies linearly (from zero at the center to one at the edge) is mounted in front of the two photoelectric colls in the imago plane of the body being studied. This test body is a J-6,:; 1,(j Lill) im~i-:o wtLii LiiLl'U I'U Wi .. ..... ui' i.wj wo(ig1j. A straight line is determined on vii"cli ,,hu iju-IiiL of iq)piication of the resultant of the light pressure forces of the light reflected in' Lho given direction is found. Then the angular position of the optical system is changed in respect to the test body, and L_10068-,~7___ ACC NR: A?6029997 the measurement process is repeated. The point of application of the resultant is determined by the intersection of the straight lines which arelobrained. Tne optical system mounted in front of the two photoelectric cells consists of one cylindrical and two spherical lenses with a screen between them. The screen has a diaphragm. in the form of two symmetrically positioned wedge-shaped apertures. The screen is moved until the light fluxes from both apertures are equalized. When this is done thel straight lines on which the resultant is located pass thxough the center of the diaphragm. A nontransparent, screen having a rectilinear border is mounted in front of the photoelectric cell. This screen is ropeatodly shifted in a direction perpendicular to the rectilinear border from a position in which it completely cuts off the image to a rosition at which the whole image is exposed. Measurements of the illumination are ma(.n at the different positions. When this is done, the straight line on which the resultant is found is located at a distance from the border of the screen at which the last measuron-ont was conducted. This distance is obtained as the quotient of the division of the sum of all illumination measurements by the value of the illumination at the last measuromont. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Jul6h C 2-- "TIT: 2h 1 o r i de i9i iSOURCE ; Vyt3okormlekulyar.,y-ye soyedineniya, v. no. B, 1965, 13o6-1309 J, TOP I,' FAGS 7 p-lyviriyl -hl~ ri I-, pr,lym-r, 1P anslyiiin, ionizing radlatlon, pollytrv-r ARSTRAC'r: "'ie e Ffec4, i -~n,. z:n~ r ;~f i r% -,~Ti th- structurf, ~,f pclylvinyl chloride) 1CM, L 64767-65 ILCCESSIOli RR: AP5020962 ,,rlth BOO Mrari at 20C caused an increase in the conjugated double bond concentration ~ _as . land the appearaiice of arornatic sy0r-ms. 11'rig. art. !)aS: I figure and formu sm r-!i Ir n ai i i 1i f- K q-rpova (Phy 9 1 cf.1c heml c a-l F- I ::3 UBMITTED OlAug6h EN L: 00 CODE: or-, Op JO rZEF SOV: 0 0 HE F I I ATD PRI'99, i(,Ip Card 61'j 0 1 S/076/60/034/06/03/040 /A a BO15/BO61 ,54Sv ed AUTHORSs Slavinskaya, N. A., Kamenetskaya, S. A., Pshozhetskiy, ~3. yst., Vasillyevr L. A. (Moscow) TITLE: The Influence of Ionizing Radiati o0on the Kinetics of th-a Oxidati2n`11t.nd Ignition of Butane.1 1. Formal Kinetics PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, ig6o, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 1169-1175 TEXT: The influence of fast electrons and of a static discharge on the formal kinetics of the chain reactionlof butane oxidation with oxygen was examined. An electron accelerator was used, and the pressure in the reaction vessel was changed from 582 to 640 torr, and the temperature from 40 to 2540C. The strength of the discharge current was.measured with an MBJT-2M P(MVL-2M) cathode voltmeter. It was established that irradiating. with fast electrons accelerated the butane oxidation and decreased th;! induction period and the effective activating energy. The latter falls from 45 to 15 kcal/mole with an increase in the radiation intensity. The effect of radiation on the reaction kinetics is mainly due to the X Card 1/2 The Influence of Ionizing Radiat-.on nz , 8/076V60WO/06/03/040 Kinetics of tho OXidaUvri a.W 16.lit.Lva uL B015/ .061 Butane. I. Formal Kinetics formation of primary active centers of the chain reaction in the ioniza- tion and excitation of the molecules, and to the reactions of atomic oxygen with carbon, On the basis of N. N. Semenov's theory of branched chain reactions, the results of the tests were analyzed, and agreement with the theory was established (Table 1, data on the rate of formation of active centers and chain reactions; Table 2, values of the effective activating energy). Tests on the ignition of butane with oxygen in a vessel heated to 5200C showed that radiation shortens the induction period of the ignition of the mixture,and that the character of the dependence corresponds to that of the effect of radiation on the kinetics of the oxidation. N. M. Emanuelf is mentioned in the text. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIOR: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova Moskva (Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 25, 1958 Card 2/2 VASIL'YZV., L.B. Heche-nizaticr. of heavy nanual vork at the "oscow -Fiant Of Small Automobiles. Miekh. i avtom. pro-izv. 18 no.11:42-45 IT 164 (MIIU-. 18:2) 1. Direktor 140skovshowo -,avada,-ia1oIitrazhnyI:h avtomobiley. r A VASIL'YEVo L.G. (Beigorod) blic health service under organizing the management of rural Pu s. Zdrav. Rog. Feder. 7 no.8:12-U, Ag'63- new condition (m-RA 16:10) (BELr,oROD PROMICE - PUBLIr- HEALTH) RURAL) GEYNRIKHS, Georgiy Karlovich; YAIIKEVICF, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; kIKIURGV, A.M. , kand. tekhn.nauky retsenzent; XASI.I~IYI~Y, L.G., nauchn. red.; 111KITINA, 0 .,.D., red.; IMAKOVA, D.M., tckl%n. red. [Ship and coastal oxygen plants] Sudovye i beregovye kis- lorodnye ustanovki. Leningrad., Sudpromgjz, 1963. 341 p. (MIPA 16:12) (Oxygen) (Gases--Seperation) VASIL'YEV. Leonid Georgiyevich; LETIM, Samail Mironovich; KRIVCHENOK, rod.; POD"YELISKATA, K.M., [Public Roalth Service In Karelia] Uravookhrananis Urelii. Petrozavodsk, Gos.izd-vo Kerellskoi ASSR, 1960. 93 P. (MIRA 14:4) (KAMILIA-PUBLIC HFALTH) VASrLI17EV, L.G.; LEVINg S.M. Work with medical personnel in the Karelian A.S.S.R. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 4 no-11:27-29 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Zamestitell ministra zdravookhrananiya i sotsiallnogo obespecheniya Karel'skoy ASSR (for Vasillyev). 2. Zaveduyushchiy organizatsionno- metodicheskim kabinetom Respublikanskoy bolOnitsy Karellskoy ASSR (for Levin) (KARELIA-MEDICAL PERSONNEL) VA 51 L' YPJ L- '~- ' AUTHOR: Vasilev, L.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences. 346 TITIB: leakage of stea!,-i throu~~h the assembly gaps between individual turbine nozzles. (Utechki pa:ra cherez montazhnye zazory mezhau soplami turbin.) PEIdODICAL: "Energomashinostroenic", (Power MUchinery Construction), 1957, No. 5, pp. 7 - 17, (U.S.S.R.) AMPRACT: The permissible values for these Gaps is about 0.05 mm for steam turbines; for gas turbines it can be considamt~y higher, depending on the maximum temperature of the operating medium. In this paper, the results are described of experimental investigations on a test stand for an arrangement, as shown in Fig. 1, of the leakages of 0 super-heated steam with initial temperatures of 250 - 300 C and initial pressures varying between 1 and 15 atm; after working, the steam was let out into the atmosphere. The obtained results are summarised in graphs 2 and 3 and the table, p. 16, for gaps in the cold state equalling 0.05, 0.08 and 0.11 mm. The Graph, Fig. 5, shows the leakage of the super-heated steam thro-ugh these gaps for all the 3 gap widths. The investigations covered convergent as well as divergent nozzles, skotches of ~,ffiich are produced in Fig. 4. 5 figures, including 3 graphs, one table. WYNY, ~!G., kaudidat takhaicheakikh nauk. ,V4 40wor. Design and buildixg of atomic powered warabips and freightarL in foreign coustries. Sudestreenis 23 no.5:59-63 Yq 157*(NIaA 10:6) (United State~--Atomic ships) VASILIYV, LoO., kandidat takhniobaskikb nauk, 14 1 Was nwbine powor plant on the tranaport "John Sargent* (from foreign periodicals), Sudontroente 23 no.7.,48-52 JI 137. (United Rates--John Sargent (Ship)) (KLRA 10t8) (Kerins gas turbines) ,, / /; ~, - '/ I---',Y !. !- ., X Z-, G" , VASILIYEV, L.G., kand.tekhn.nauk - ONSENNOW Determining areas in straight turbine bladings. Sudostroeaie 23 no.9:24-31 S 157, (MIRA 10:12) (Marine gas turbines)