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S/194/62/000/007/010/160 A special-purpose analog device ... D222/D309 ned curve, specified in the form of a series of discrete values. The device consists of the following parts: the analog circuit-it- self; a computer unit to estimate the proximity of the solution to- Y the curve given by the discrete points; a control system for signal-V ling time intervals to ensure the synchronous operation of all ele- ment8 at a solution repetition-frequency of 6.25 cps;-and a visual display system. The analog circuit usqs typical D.C. operational blocks. The computer unit, the search control system and the time- interval control System use pulse techniques. The time-interval system contains; a master oscillator of 1 kcps frequency# ring fre- quency dividers of 10 (units) and 16 (tene) connected in series; a group of decodersy and also switchee for the control of pulses which transmit the values of the curve N at the experimental points to the computer unitt and for the control pulses required for the ca- thode-ray tube indicator and for integration. 8 figures. [Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 ARKHM40VICH, M.B.P kand, biol. nauk; IKONEN,, Ye.V., naucbnyy sotr.; rlauchWy sot-rq HIMUNIN, S.D., kaIAO tekhn. nauk; BAKHTIYAROVA, R.Kh., red. izd-va,- KHENOKH, F.M.9 takhn. red. (Regulations for the protection of wood from decay and damage by wood-destroying insects during major repairs of residential buildings]Pravila zashohity drevesiny ot gnieniia i povrezhde- niia derevorazrushaiushchimi nasekommi pri kapitaltnom, remonte zhilykh domov. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR, 1962* 51 P. (MIRA 15:3-0) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva. Leningradakiy nauchno- isoledovatellskiy institut. 2. Laboratoriya zashchity dere- vyannykh konstruktsiy Leningradskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute Akademii k . .--*Ilnogo kho2yaystva (for Ikonen,, Serebrova, Akhremovich) (Wood-Preservation) iDwallings"Maintenance and repair) A ff Call Nr: QA75.s65 AUTHOR: Stanislavskiy, V. N. TITLE: Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Osnovy teorii elektricheskikh schetno-reshayushchikh ustroystv) PUB. DATA: Moscow, 1948, 116 pp. ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Arkin, A. G. PURPOSE: This monograph is a0dressed to specialists working in the field of electric calculating machines. It represents a first attempt in the USSR to systematizeand disseminate material on electric calculating machines. COVERAGE: A number of specialists took part in the work of systema- tization and compilation of material in this field. This task was completed in 1946. From then to publication time a number of problems in the field were more carefully investigated. The results of this research, however, were not, for one reason or another, included in the present work. Due to the complete absence of any literature on- Card 1/11 Fundamentals of Electric Computer TheDry (Clont4) Call Nr: QA75.S65 the subject, it was deemed unwise to Oostpone publication of the monograph. The following specialists took part in compiling and systematizing the material and in the composition of the sections as indicated: Papernov, A. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences (sections,g, 21, 2~r); Yakhinson, B. I., Candidate'of Technical Sciences sections 5, 6); Livehits, A. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences sections 10-12, 115); IVanenko, S. V'. (sections 41-43);. Bakhtalovskiy,, 0. B,., Eng, (section 19); Lukashenko.,-K. G., Eng, (sections 13-15, 18 and 20). Thefollowing Soviet personalities are mentioned in connection with computer developments bearing their named: Engineer A.. A. Fonarev is mentioned in connebtion with a method for designing'the random winding for round coils. The method is explained and formulae are given.(p. 125). Shillinger, V. J., Eng., is mentioned in connection with the scale-of-ten potentiometer for which he obtained an author's certificate (p. 100). Some Soviet-produced equipment is de- scribed e.g., the M-9 instrument,-in which, as in practical operating circuits, a.current adding circuit in-combination with an amplifier with a negative fee0ack is used (see Diagram 12, 10). In such circuits, the amplifier gain factor,/,'-~~ 6.10&*. Of the magnetoelectric instrument-types serially built in the USSR the most useful'in control instruments are the 4 MUland the 5XA. Both types are switchboard instruments of Card 2/11 Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Cont.) Call Nr: QA75.s65 the 2.5 class. Basic specifications are given (PP. 78-79). Opera- tion-dbsign,ahti fabbicati6n bf thel4K-42 coWrSe indicator are described ,aid other'data .- . gLWn addition to this instrument,, a number of organizations put out small numbers " of ferrodynamic instru- ments which meet special technical specifications (Figs, 91 ' 92 ig; 93194). This textbook contains many tables, graphs and charts. ro a one bibliographic reference. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Foreword 2 Part I: Operating Principles of Electric Computers Chap. 1. Principles of Performing Electrical Computations 3 1. Transformation of mechanical magnitudes into electrical and back 3 2. Methods of adding electrical magnitudes 7 a. Method of adding voltages 7 Card 3/11 b. Method of adding currents 9 Call Nr: QA75.s65 Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Cont.) 3. Methods of electrical multiplication 12 a. Cascade multiplication on potentiometers 13 b. Cascade multiplication on rotating-transformers 15 c. Multiplication.with the aid of bridge circuits 15 4. Trigonometric calculations 16 a. The vector-electrioal method 16 b. The scalar-electrical method 18 5. Differentiation and integration 19 a. Methods of differentiation 19 b. Methods of integration 26 6. Smoothing out and averaging 29 Chap. 2. Resolver Unit Circuits 34 7. Circuits with poteftidmeters 34 8. Bridge circuits 42 Card 4/11 call Nr: QA75.s65 FLuidamentals of Electric Computer-Theory (cont.) a. Field of application, operating principles and accuracy of'bridge circuits 42 b. Rheostat bridge eireuXts 44 c. Potentiometer bridge circuits 46 d. The design ofbridge potentiometer circuits 50 9. Circuits with synchro-control transformers 59 a. The s~nchro-control transformer 59 b. The construction'of cascade circuits with eon- trol transformers 66 C. Circuits wi~h,control transformers 69 Part II: Electrie Computing Elements Chap. 3. Indicators 75 10, Classification of indicators 75 Card 5/1.1 ARKIN, Wlktor On the passing of Groonouwls disease to a transparent corneal graft after 7 years. Klin. oozna 32 no.3:271-275 162. 1. Z Kliniki Okulistyemej Studium Doakonalania Lekarzy 91 w Warazawio Kieromik: prof. dr med. W. Arkin. (COPMEAL OPACITY) (CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION) - ARM, Wiktor . On causea of failure in aurgery of the naoolacrimal anastmoBis. Klin, oczzta 33 na,1:49-55 163s 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oesu Studium Dookonalania Lekarzy v AM w Warazavie Kierowniks prof. dr medo W. Ark" IACRMAL DUCT OBSTRUCTION) SURGEHY, OPERATIVE) ~ ARKINy WiLkjjr _-- On diabetic cataract and its treatment. Klin. oczna 33 lio.3/4a 303-307 163o 1. Z Kliniki Chorob 0ozu SDL w AM v Warazawis Kierownik: Prof. dr med. W. Arkin, (DIABST*S MMITUS) (CATARACT) (CATARACT EXTRACTION) i-Aktor; KRAUSSOWAP Janina On ocular leuionis caused by corticosteroids. Klin. oczna 33 no.3/4:323-326 163. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oozu SDL w AM w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr mod, W. Arkine (CORTISONE) (CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION) (M BURNS) (GLAUCGMA) (UVEITIS) (OPHTHALMOLOGY) (DIABETIC RETINOPATHY) ARKRI, Wiktorpprofe dr. med.j JABLCUSKA-GOIISKA, Wieslawa ... The problem of keratoplasty according to dnta on 300 cases. Klin. oczna 34 no.4:371-382 t65 1. Kliniki Okulistyc=ej Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w Akademii Medycznej w Warazawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. V. Arkin). ARM, Wiktor The syndrome of blue sclerae with keratoglobus. Min. oczna 35 no.lt89-93 165. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oozu Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w A'kademil Medycznej w Warszaw-le (Kierawnikt prof* dre mede W. Arkin). ~1*11114. wik-i-or Etiology of glaucoma and its, diagncsJs. Mr.. oc:zna 35 no.2t 143-151 165, ARKINs Wiktor, prof@ dre medej ANTOSZKIEWICZOWA, Hanna; TRACZUK- SOROKOWSKA, Nat&3.iaj ZUKOWSKI, Ludwik. An objeotive detection of ecoentric fixation by fundus photography. Klin. oczna 35 no.2:251-253 165. 1. ZKliniki Chorob Oczu Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w Warazawie (Kierowniks prof. dr. med. W. Arkin). _~RKIN,,.Wiktor, prof. dr. medj MADALINSKI, Wlodzimierz Changes in sodium-potassium balance in the rabbit aqueous humor under the influence of ouabain. KIJn. oczna 35 no.2: 343-348 165. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczu Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w Akademli Medycznej w Varszuwie (Xierowniks prof. dr. med. W'. Arkin). ;~IN, Ild" t-jr. deveneration of ~he cornea and its treatment. Klin. oczna 35 no.3:423-.l"S 165. 1. i(linikJ Cborob Oc?,u Studitun Doskoiivlenia Lekarny %4 kV, I.;arszawie. 21911-M -- Lypt-01W(m) up(t) r#4 A%OM54 W SOURCE COD81 MV0138/66/OW/MWM/0009 AUTHCR& 1~-iklons!!~Lap No *I 4rkinap S. No .0AGS Scientific -Research -,Institute for the Wbbor ln!~~m (Nauohno-4selodavat, ut- - i instit resinov*y prcwsh iao-stll- TITLE s Preparations of mixtures using siloxans, rubber. SOUAGEs Nauchak I resina,, moo 2. 1966# 6-9 ruliber' titanium oxide TOPIC TAOS s material mixing,, AWfRAGTs Tlie preparation of mixtures In conventional mixing-shooting rollers using Ailoxane rubbers takes 25-40 minutese A closed rubber mixer RS-45 increased proAuctiom efficiency approximately four time and allowed hermetic sealing. This suppressed dust, formation which in the case of derosil (SiG2 produced from tho gas phase) resulted in a dust concentration in the plant air in amounts higber than sanitarily permissible. The coefficient of utilization of the mixing chamber should be 0,74 (volume of charge 52 liters) for normal mixing and producing a homogeneoua monolithic mass . At a charge volume of 45 liter the mixing or rubber with filler either did not occur Wxture was in the form of :rumba) or occurred only if charged in five or more stages* 7he temperature developing during the mixing of rubber with titanium white and aoot U-333 was small (40-55C) and permitted an addition of vulcanizer UDGs 67804,08.023.334 L 235.33-66 ACC NRj AM007854 (benzoyl peroxide) into the chambere During preparation of the mixture with aerosilp the temperature at discharge reached 700 and vulcanizer therefore had to be added on roners. 7he mixtures from siloxane rubbers responded excellently to extrusion without an increase in temperature* This permitted substituting sheeting roUers with a strainer-slobber. Orige. orto bass 4 tables, So CODES 11013/ SUBM Dam wan65/ ORIG RUs OM/ OM RUs 004'' Cord 2/2 A6 ANMIKOV. X., lilslushenW master sport&; ARKIN, Y&L., muster sports, %wwqwM""wwvft Oonquerore of viountitin peaks. Tekh.molod. 21 n9-7:36-38 J1 153.(MLVA 6s8) (Hountainseriug) call Nr: QA75.S65 Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Cont,)~ A. D-c indicators 77 12. A-c indicators 79 13. Perromagnetic indicators 81 14. A-o indicator operation 84 a. Operation of zero indicators in scalar circuits 84 b. Operation of zero indicators in electro-vectorial circuits 87 c. Operation of zero indicators in amplitude dircuits 89 15. Design of phase transposition ciieuits go 16. Structural design of indicators 93 Cbap. .4.Potentiometers 94 IT. ApplicatXon and function of potentiometers and general'bpecifications 94 Card 6/11 Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Cont.) Call Nr: QA75.s65 18. Structural design of potentiometers 95 a. The design of segmental (coil) potentiometers 96 b. Single bar (continuous windi'ag) potentiometers 105 19. Material for potentipmeterB 113 a. Resistance wire 113 b. Slide contact 115 20. Potentiometer parts 121 a. Resistance coils 121 b. The design of shaped continuous wdnding potentiometer forms 130 a. Coil form manufacture technique 138 Card 7/11 Fundamentals of Electilic Computer Theory (Cont.) Chap. 5. Synchro--Gontrol Transformers 21. Control trafisfomer windings 22. Design features of the control transforiaer Chap. 6.. Tachometer Elements 23., Function, application and specifications of tachometer6 24. The magnetic tachometer 25. Magnetoeleotric tachometer 26. Electrodynamic~taahometer 27. Induction tachometer Part III. Automatic Processing of Electrical Magnitudes i Chap. 7. Contaotless System of Automatic Adjustment Card 8/11 call Nr: QA75-s65 141 141 147 151 151 151 152 153 154 163 Call Nr: QAT5.365 Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Cont.) 35. Natural movement of the system 188 36.~ Tracking movement of the system 193 chap. 10 Damp ing and Stabilizing of Circuits 196 37. Damping and stabilizing signals 196 38. Practical damping and stabilizing methods. Chap. U Nonl inear Compensation Systems in Automatic Adjust- ment Circuits 201 39. The basic relation 201 40. Automatic control of amplification factor 203 Chap. 12 Automatic Solution of Two Equations Simultaneously 204 41. Equations of movement 204 42. Stability conditions 208 43. System errors under dynamic operating conditions 213 (1, a rd 10/11 Fundamentals of Electric Computer Theory (Cont.) Call Nr: QA75.s65 Chap. 13 Tachometer Drives 215 Chap. 14 Operation of Noncontact Automatic Adjustment Circuits Under Practical Operating Conditions 019 44. Operation characteristics of circuits under practical conditions 219 45. Sustained circuit oscillations in the case of tachometer damping 224 46, Sustained oscillations in the presence of backlash 229 AVAILABLE: Library of Conkxess Card 11/11 I I " MALININ, V.M - ARKIN A G. otv. red.; LEVINA,.,M.D., red.; VOLCHOK, - ei 1.4 teft ~e' ' I (Sound detectors; a handbook] Zvukoulavlivateli; spravoc~ k. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1948 107 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Range findini) (Sound-Apparatus) DIOMIDOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich; E141TRIYEV, Aleknandr Nikoltjyu~vich. . ~'JEW-V- Priniral ucha3tAye ZRI)ELY, U.A.p kand. tekhn.nauk~ retsenzent; OSOKIN, S.D., kipitan 2 ranga retsenzent; 7MOV101, L.A., red.; KAZAROV, Yu.S., red. [Conquest of the depths) Pokorenio glubin. lzd.2.1 ispr. i perer. Leningrad) Sudostroenie, 1964. 383 p. (MIRA IS: 3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent PJI SSSR (for Zenkevich). PHASE I BOOK MCPLOITATION SOV/3610 Moscow. Goeudarstvennyy soyuznyy zavod. Byuro tekhnicheskoy informatel Sbornik materialov po vakuumnoy tekhnike4)vyp. XIV (Collection of Articles on Vacuum Engineering, No. I Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 103 P. 500 copies printed. Eds.: R.A. Nilender, Chief Engineer of the Plant (General Ed.); A.0. Aleksandrov,, V.D.,Vladimirov; Ed. I.L. Iglitsyn; Tech. Ed.; K.P. Voronin. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is intended fo~ opecialist.s in vacuum technology and electronics. COVERAGE: "The collection contains five papers on electron tubes written by the engineering personne*l of the Gosudarstvennyy. soyuznyy zavod (State Union Plant). No personalities are mentioned. References accompany all but one of the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/5 Collection of Articles (Cont.) SOV/3610 Lipkovskiy, L.M. Sensitive Method of Measuring Ion Currents in Electron Tubes With a Grid, 3 In order to determine the pressure of grid gas in unsoldered electron tubes, a method based on the measurepent of positive ion current is applied. The method used by the author consists in finding the tube's "vacuum factor". which is determined by the relation between the value of the full ion current flowing across the ion-collecting electrode and the full-value of the excitation electron current flowing across the electron-collecting electrode. This factor also depends on the selection of the elec- trodes, their geometry, and the difference in potential between the point in space at which the positive ion Is produced and the potential of'the cathode. In order to eliminate the influence of leakage current on the results of measurements, the plant lab- oratory applied the alternating-current method. As a result of investigations, the methods of measuring ion currents introduced by E.W. Herold were improved by making them more precise. Card 2/5 Collection of Articles (Cont.) SOV/3610 Vasillyev, V.I., and I.S. Marshak. Load-Limit of Tubular Flash- tubes 19 The first part of the paper is a study of the critical load associated with the destruction of the glass shell in flashtubes with low discharge-frequency. The critical load was found to depend mostly on the value of C.1, where C is the bapqcitance of the supply capacitor and 1 is the distance between the flash- tube electrodes. The type of glass and the kind and pressure of gas in have less effect on the c,ritical load. In addition, each type'of glass flashtube may be charact6rized by the maximum permissible value of C.U4 (where U is the value of supply voltage), which the authors call the "load factor"'. The second part of-the paper deals with quartz flashtubes in which the critical load depends on several factors, the most.important of which is the breakdown of tipat leads, which are usually made of thin molybdenum,foil strips. Other causes of bireakdown are cracking of the quartz tube or its explosion, and disturbances in flashtub6 controllability. Parusnikov>,V.N., V.S. Nikolayeva, and M.I. Sokolova. Production of Card-3/5 Collection of Articles (Cont.) SOV/3610 Tungsten Wire 5 to 8 Microns in Diameter by the Electrolytic Etch- ing Method 51 This paper d6als with the work done at the refractory metals 4eatio'n of-the plant In obtaining very thin tungsten wires by eleotrochemical etching. This metal fiber is needed for produc-. tion,of grids-in a new type of receiving tube, for developm6n~ ,of precision optloomeohanical instruments, and for other purposes. The'first samples and experimental lots of this wire were pro- 1949 and 1950. These first samples were 8 microns in diameter.. Later, with improved equipment, 5 micron fiber was obtained In regular factory production lots, According to non-U Soviet data, wire 3 microns in diameter has been produced under laboratory conditions in the United States.. A description of the etckng process, the equipment used, and some characteristics of' the wire, are given. Disman, A.M. Equipment for Measurihg Conversion Transconductance 68 The author describes equipment developed by himself and B.I. Genkin for measuring conversion transconductance in ikip,and lA2P type tubes. The general testing capacity of the .;quipment Card 4/5 ARKIN, G. I Now methods of improving the signal to noise ratio where the !uter:mrerce is caused by microphonice in electron tubes. Sbor. mt. po vak. tekh. no.14:79-104 158- (MIRA 13:2) (Amplifiers, Electron tube--Noise) lt.RKIN'~' G. I., Gand of' Tech 6ci -- (diss) 11 Study of the Electromect-eniabl 0 Properties of Receiving Booster Tubes and Interference Produced by 1, Noises and Development of Methods mf for Reducing Them," Moscow, 1959, 8 pp (Moscow Order of Lenin Power Institute) (n a-eo, lie) U111 G.L. inshoner. 46x.~- 14 Bliminate messes. Ayt.dor. 19 no.4t27 Ap 156. MU 9:8) (Architecture) ARUN, G.L.,- in2h.- - Concrete pavement for truck roads in mines. Shakht.stroi. 4 no.2:27 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Tuzhgiproshakht, (Roads, Concrete) ARKIN, M.Ya.; MIROTIMRSKIYp V.S.; NIKIFOROV, A.Ya. Laboratory aystem for the deoxydation of inert gases. Zav. lab. 31 no.11;1418-1419 165. (MIRA 19:1) IS a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 seels *Goo 06 000000000 0 & 0 6 0 0 4 Ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 If 41 -4 A I to 0 0 vu 11 0 41 Q 43 1, ch .1 %, ", ", '. '* I 'k I ". : I , , . .- -- eon 00 001, r 00 00;- 00 0 01; 4 le go, jj.IS 069 16'0 All A!! rit = 009 001, oo~ FIVII '11'N*6 -"-;I 004 27, 1 0 0 00-~ 0 so- op- so- 00- I vill go to It Ak of 41 a 111 n It 9 0t 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 see 00 no* 4' 00 *0 cr v *94no )a NWLI" so La ""Mm ja 8"Pultups "Peft -1 so 00 :r 00 09 A IN I I T A a I I f a if of It a life All to it 0. 111 it it 11 #4 1 ro 1 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 1 0 0 0 0 1w 9 O"s -ow-we Ole 0 4 0 40 1 0 0 0 00 0 4 go 1 1 It 11 is 1) wIt4It to &.tin bida 0627,1111%,tit U111 wh is I? v ba of A; I) at ro L kA 01 (t tip It 00 0 Tbe capdfY tke VXhZ knaip ud methiods for its -00 0 A ratiftsumum. N.L.Atkin. J-(*k--1Nd-(l1-'-'-`1" I it, 44 this U114SIA11 16 Nm U. 30-- 'lets lumav are 1111m,414wd. -so so so J: --,a 0 coo 00 '00 00 v goo 1 00 0 0 - ~ 1 0 9 z see 0 so 2 0 1 e ::O0 ~86 I ~ Flo 0 of a 700 iba j es too 00 .40 WW 7 b0 0 we 0 - u vi AT .0U IT I K Is a It 9 ""Ant sip Wit -3 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 000 00 0 0 00 0 000 so 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 IF 0 0 0 0 00 goo 0* 0 0t see 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6~ wwwwww "l )4n xpolov:mll wit Q it 1. a 1 11 u 114 11111 lll if I IL L 4 a AA 0 CC UP U . - tt~ 0 1 ti t 00 04 t 00 00 00 a 00 of vxkz o 9, (U. S. a. .40 00 . 00 00 &00 00 Of as 0 be 0 '00 'so o Jo 6-L--. 611ALLUF6KAL LITEMAU01 CLASOFICAt" t'o 0 ee too. t".611104 b k It (P.9 OR e.( 0.- M POO ' AT so As q u n u * Ivewo 'lei IF Is 5 a :90,,0 00 : o o 000 0 00 o 0 : ~1 A 000000000600000*; 0 ; 00%oooo*OOOOOO 0 :000: OOO!o00000*00000000 000 11be Committee on Stalin Priz*& (of the Council of MinJetere tMR) in the fivide of OcLence and Inventions announm that the folloving scientific works, popular eclen- t1fic books, " textbooks havo boon submItted for competition for Stalin Pr1tes for the years 1952 and 1953. (Sovetzk!Za KultWra~ bbacow, No. 22-4c;, 20 Feb - 3 Apr 1954) MUM TItle of Work "Techwlom, of Siilf~'rio Boreskc,v, ax'. (stwlent Arkin, '7.L. Nominated bX ~f V-.e Chemical Tn + i 7 ~ r-.- so: w-3oW4, 7 JulY 1954 . - II a r1i ft~ I - y ARKIN, V.I. (Moscow) Uniformly-optimal strategies in search problems. Teor. veroiat. i e9 prim. 9 no.4t746-753 164. (MIRA M12) AR =KIN Y.I. (Moscow) Problem of optimum distribution of search effort. Teor. veroiat. i ee prim. 9 no.1:179-190 164. (WRA 17W Ali 33n- W-ItMatichask-'y lnpt tilt. .-)d-v, v. 71, 196,4. Sbornlk rabot yy q tr,.,, pv - . o P 0 A t T- d If [us ~r, LT: The authors ccTisidpr the. 'in a afmnr- Mi'MIS ma ~ 04"U'lo OPY N,14. - MATS r4 4" NA ARIJTN, V.I. (tJO3CC)W) Sme extremum proWems rellated to the theory of search. 'll*e,=. varoiat. I ee pr_~Jrjo 10 nc.3;93-596 165o (~jTRA 18:,)) - ~- zRt, MAM M.-*,s I Y-ut! ux, a, L a Dc a ox 1m a a vr6tegy a w a-vw ri nA- ff I " g Pr-o I i c it fc, rug. L 27449-66 . EWT(d) ACC NR: AP6028976 SOURCE CODE: UR/0052/65/010/003/0593/05 AUTHOR: Ar L. (Moscow) ORG-. none TITLE: Some extremal problems connected with the theory of search SDURCE-. Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeyeprimeneniya, v. 10, no. 3, 1965. 693-596 TOPIC TAGS: search theory, strategy optimization, statistic distribution, distribution function ABSTRACT: Let one among N cells have a mark with an a priori distribution pl, i = 1, 21 *.*1 Np p, = 1. At each instant of time only a single cell can be examined. N If the mark is in the i-th cell, then the total time spent for the search of the mark up to its detection is a random quantity with a distribution function ri(Q. The class K of admissible search strategies consists of a vector-function 6(t) (81(t), ON(Q), Card 1/2 L 27449-66 ACC NR; AP5028976 where 6 (t) - 6i(t + 0), N(Q I if at the Instant t the search is carried out within the 1-th cell, aln 61(t) = 0 oth r%Ase. In addition to the K class Its subclass K Is also considered.i e K a consists of functions having discontinuity points at Instants of time which are multiples of-&> O.-_ After the presentation of additional definltlon7 &ad theorems connected -with optimum strategies, the author investigates the following problems: 1) Let the mark disappear from the i-th cell after a random time with a distribution function R (Q- the strategy which maximizes the probability of the observation of the mark shoull be' found; and 2) Let the mark appear In the i-th cell with probability pi after a random time Living a distribution function Gi(t);, the probability of the observation of the mark durinig' a given time T should be maximized. Similar problems fit into the maximum principle spanned over the functional given in terms of Lebesque-Stieltjes integrals. The paper pre-, sents theorems needed for the establishment of optimum strategies. Author thanks Yu. V. Prokhorov for his interest in the present work. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas. SUB CODE: 12 SUBM DATE-. 21May65 ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 IMZZ:77'7 ARM, W,;FICKA, X,;FIRYNIMKA, H. Treatment of retrobulbar optic neuritis by milk hypoglycemic shocks; preliminary communication. Klin. oczna 23 no.3:171-174 1953- (OLML 25:5) I..Of the We Department (Head--W.Arkin, N.D.) of Warsaw Municipal Hospital No. 1. BXC:-QiPTA XED1CA Sec..12 Vol.9/10 0,,hthalmology Oct5.5 1554 ARKIN W PaAstw. Zakf. hig. z Dziatu Bakteriol. i Zakt. Badania Zywnodci. A-i- Z , ~'* * , '~ I *0 przyczynach powstawania zadmy po operaejach przeciwjaskrowych. Causes of cataracts after anti - glaucomatous operations POST.OKULISTYKI 1954, 1 (115-120) In order to prove the role of ascorbic acid as the carrier of oxygen the author ex. amined the amount of vit. C in the aqueous humour of rabbits after antiglauconint - ous operations performed on one eye. The 2nd was used as control. It seems that after those operations vit. C escapes for a longer time from the aqueous humour, perhaps as the effect of the rupture of the eye barrier. Szmyt - L6d1 MC.-i,RPTA i-;EDlCA Sec..12 Vol.9/10 0-tthalmology Oct55 IG34. ARKIN W Zaki. Fizjt)l..A. M., Warszawa. 00 odwrottivni do4wiadezainvin -vr-zeszczepianiu roowek. 0 n r e v e r s e e x 1) e r I in v n 1.11 1 ra 11. 14 p la 111 .1 t i o n o f c o r n en s Pos,r. OKITIASTYKI 11154. 1(120-124) -Illus. 2 The grafts were inserted with the epitheliu:si inwards. Histological examination proved that. the epithelium Is absent after some time. It may survive only If there is continuity which may occur it the anterior chamber remains opell for a longer time. The experiments were carried out on corneas of rabbits. S%myt - 1.6di AT I-MMICA Sec.12 Vol.11/10 Ophthalmology OCt57 1L.__A'C11T1P Wo 1593. ARKIN W Odd. Ocznego Inst. Doskonalenia I Spec. Kadr Lek., Warszawa. _V U ~~w~lanlach ocznych w cukrzycy.. The eye complications of diabetes POST.OKULIST 1956, 308-64) Ulus. 8 The data from the clinic and the LAvestigations are stressed e.g. the resemblance of the ocular (undue symptoms in hypertension and diabetic disease. The Kimmel- stiel and Wilson discoveries are mentioned. The coma diabeticum is cited which arises with hypotoriy of the eye ball. Iritis may be considered rather as the addi- tional Irdective symptom. The main symptom in diabetes is the cataract with chan- ges under the capsule, which happens among young subjects. The rapid appearance of myopia Is also stressed. The therapy is discussed. Szmyt - LAdl (XII, 6*) ARKIN. Wiktor Pathogenesis and treatment of glaucoma in recent research. Polski, tygod. lek. 12 no.13:481-486 25 Mar 57. 1. (Z Zakladu 01culistyki. I.D. i S.K.L. W Viejsk. Svpit, ur I w Waresawie). adres: Warszawa. u1. Blektoralua 15 m. 16. (GLAUCOMA pathogen. & ther. (Pol)) Synchronous ocular therapy; conservative and surgical. Foleki tygod. lek, 12 no.15:567-572 8 Apr 57. 1. (Z Zakladu Okulistr4-,' L9. 'A -O.K.L; kisrowniki prof. dre mad. W, Arkin). Adrest Warszawa. ul, IllektoraIns, 15 m. 16. (MB DISIASISO thef. combined mod. & surd. ther. (POW AMIN, Wlktor Ectopla lentis congenita., d~scrlptlon of family consisting of 39 members In four generations. Klin. ocsna 27 no.2:169-173 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Okulistyki I.D.S.K.L. v Warilsavis Kierownik: prof* dr. med. W. Arkin; Warszawa, ul. Blektoralna 15, m. 16. (ORYSTALLINA LIMS. abnorm. ectopla lentis, familial (Fol)) ARKUT, W. (Warszawa, al Jerozolimakie 29 m, 5.) late cormlications of corneal transplantation. Klin. oczna 28 no-3:251- 257 1958. 1. Z ZakladLx Okulistyki I. D. i S.K.L. w Warsawie Kierownik; prof. dr. med. W. Arkin. q (GOITOML T-RANSPIANTATIONj compl, opaoity & necrosis of transplant (Pol)) AUIN, Wiktor; GCROWSKI, Tadeuez -A case of neglected progressive exophthalmos with severe visual de- fect. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.48.2113-2114 30 Nov 59. 1. Z I Zakladu Chorob Wewnetrznych; kierownik: prof. dr mod, W. Hartwig i z Zakladu Okulietyki; kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Irkin, Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy Akedemii Hodycznej w Warazawie)o (MOPH7HATMOS, compl.) ARKIN, Wiktlor . - - - On cyclookiascopy, skiascopia circu3Aris, Klin-oczna 30 n0-1: 9-14 160, 1. 2 Kliniki Chorob Oosu Studium Dookonalenia Lekarzy. Kierow- nik: prof.dr mod. W. Arkin. (REFRACTIVE ERRORS) ARKIN, Wiktor; MADALINSKI p Wlodzimierz w------------ On metabolic changes of the Ions after glaucoma surgery. Klin. oczna 31 noo3:245-252 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oazu Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy Kierownik: prof. dr mod. W.Arkin. (GLAUCORA surg) (LENS CRYSTALLINE metab) ARKIN, Wiktor Hydrostatio properties of the vitreous body in separation of the retina. Klin. oczna 31 no.3:275-278 161. 1. Z Kliniki Okulistycznej SDL w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Arkin. (RETINAL DETACIUMT) (VITREOUS BODY) ARKIN, Wiktorw TRZCINSKA-DABROWSKAS Zof1# Toxic effect of streptovVein on ocular vessels. Klin.oczna 31 no.4: 343-348 161. 1. Z Zakladu Okulistyki SDL przy AM v Warazavie Kierownikt prof. dr mad, W. Arkin.. (STREPTOMMIN toxiool) (M blood supply) ARKIN, W-ktor; CZERSKIp PrZOMYBlaw; TRZCINSKA-DABROWSKA, Zofia . ..................................... ............, Experimental tests on the corneal graft survival problem on the basis of observations of changos in sexual structural of the graft cell nucleus. Klin. oozna 32 no.3t2O9-214 162. 1 1. Z Katedry Okulistyki Studium Dookonalenia Lekarzy Kierownik,. prof. dr med. W. Arkin Z Katedry Histologii i Embriologii AM w Warszavie Kierowniki doo. dr mod. K. Ostrowski. (CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION) (CELL NUCLEUS) (SEX CHROMTIN) AMIN, Ya., inzhener, master sports. Skis. Takh.mol.22 no.2:26-27 F 154. (MIRA 7:2) (Skis and skiing) ARKIN, Ta., inshener, master sport&. self a pair of water skis. Tekh.mol. 24 no.5.-40 My 156. (MM 9:8) (cater skiing) MINENKOV, B.V.; ARKIN, Ya.G. Selecting the optimum design of sports racing skis. Der. prom. 15 no.1t11-13 Ja 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. TSentrallnoye opytno-konstruktorskoye byuro oportivnogo oborudovaniya i inventarya. t . F- --., " ~ ,'M , -M O'g,;* 'L - -M 4, ""MM, , AIMIN,I, B. YE. 11ilIVAT "M Epidemiology and Statistics Medicine Sputun, Examination "The Significance of the 01IRobacillary Condition in Clini6al and Epidemiological Studies of Tabqrculoa1s,11 B. Ye. Arkina, 1. G. Lemberskiy, Moscow City Sci Reis Tuberculosis Inst, 2 3/4 PP "Problem Tuberkuleta" No 3 oligolbaoillary condition to the presence of wall ambers of baoini In sputun. Authors have studied ~O cases, 1940 - 1946. In general, tubereular proo- 668 vas less severe, tending to result in recovery, in-casei indloatUm-sporaiLic swafestation of tubero biollll.. fte faxlIles of such patients are loss -susceptible to tuberouloole, but nevertheless, they should b6 protect4ty the usual prophylactio O"ev"s B.- 1E. ?A 7/49T7-3 jbop -mediclie - 6 1101n& Ion "beportance of the Flotation Method of Isolating Tubercle BaciUi frou Poor Speolmfts of Gastric Content Obtained by, Iayw," B.Ye,,Arkina, and L.O. Lwaberakiyt Moscow Municipal Soi Res 1hat of Tuberculosis, i p "Froblamy Tuberkuleza" No 3 iWorial staff stress Importance of this method. 7m,A)uw research on this method, however, is still required, 7/49TT3 0 W 0 IF W W a A I t 11 u IS it a 4 A As v a AD a 4) 43 a a L A_j 9, l.'2__ L #Weisel Afto arploont .."t, ' Se/ Is lead III Ou St l I d fl l4 - a MA n - u U. Ombfilaphsi 0441 A. p. I:Iidman and R. Ch. Atkins. Arck Sri. bW. -The &W 4dnffrXMfF'!LR% -71 t AW141.) 39 R . . 1 . IrAU11% all 31%) mir" of Prinal-fluid -Ister 14 lbe Ifalte- ..oo dlicn-ji-mmen metlind as# re"te-f. N(wmal hu"1111,01lid ctleltalai Mr. 49 tilt."e, The Ci-101,1*1 7 1-00 t . mj~% awl duld t( mttiv ictrurs senj bldi.) i. adultelow. 4 6, " 60 r. In sheep anst glints thr Or, t. Al Ms. r; .151 Mr. ewvc . o :0 In dogs 43-77 mg.'re. av. 64 In$ I Their du not appear -4 I he 0 'evict I cited t diff Ift l .00 0 l t . errIWA an 4 0 1* azy a " , 1% A IlerlewAl Sao goo =41100 coo 00 A 0 00 no 0 0,0 :0,0 :040 ) . . 0., ate salc e . 4 _V T-T ' , ;oo, 0 u a AT it, [ 1 4 C 5 A 0 : 0 0 0 411 IN 0 0 6 0 0 00 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 1 1 ) 0 t , f I # k: P) )t it to to !4 it 14 fox I'D DNA APPAX Art) 1~ 1) be i1 it 1. a 0 a 4; It 41 41 1;0 A 1, C & -L L L a t. ? I I V y I -A I I AA to to T n, K h TIO ciorstimplaW-fluld luau Cosmal in rabbit* R 7n a.,,,d. 194- ~"- At" S' .4. , cf. C. A. 00 71MP.-Con the basis Of AHAJYW" Of 17S wAmPles of -09 00 u Z".1141 kpinal fluid obtsinW without aneialm-%ioo titan too /ratolAt,of5diffe"I the (011,11ting (tultzate given: 41'. 'rhe mxar content vat L~ lwtwecu AS and 79 ins. %. The atwtu&tkft OxawrAj little dirtiend-ne, lit 90 AnlPlitUdC Of tht age or the spccic~ of rablik Ntudird. In conspafioa 06 with the m1wr animsh atudwd (C. A. 30, 7lmsj (,obbitj. 00 and doss show a Witter amplit utle of fluctuation* pointing to a prates pegambility of the brinatucerelind barrin 0 thin in anitn&K ompying a hishrr plam in the pbylo- genetic wooko, W. A. 11cirlitoweis 00 Cil 0 00 0 00 0 00 200 00 Of 00 it t" tA j~p 11 1 0-k 4"1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 :J: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0000 of o 000 00 060 0 a 0 0 0 toot 0 too 00 0 0 & 0 0 * 0 * 111 0 411s0 of, I A 14 V A) ji D h lo a jp a AV I) V *P* .1 y L -#A Is ct W It 1 0 f a 00 40 to a The 1.1 1 bdity of the ct"timIlinvil barrier to sugar m t! P Isidmoto mA R. Kb. Aikimi a d n la .1.,h ..v. N.4 it $~ S, It 1 50. N., I S lif .11, 1:9714 PUS) The'la-ff no* hww., %Niw. avid tablihil. varving within the liniflit 1.0 m 1.141. 'Ifir fillAllfily .4 1AI-fiC O.-fil 11) Ill Ille Wrllf- 6. 11,11 ..,.1 1. 14 %1. '-wil It, . 1.1- 40-mclit-i--is - I%, sli-I 4 1-n-Al .-It i Go 0 gilt Ill illu lwvlill~ S A kAlJ41A *0 00 go 0 f -00 t bo* If I An I % a ow 0 4 a I ill ill i ii U a AV 00 as ;. v;v to a it 01 It 9 IS I it Or a I and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0!0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 0! 0 * 0 0 0 :0 40 0 0 0 0 4v 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 111 0 * i 0 0 0 * 9 9 0000 0 90000 * o 0 i!~ 1 L 1#t$ to t"1111111411 is *jA 00 as t 00 1jq'(% U f~; ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 :10 0 0 g ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 I ll?" "a inn 36 S )ODA J&P NPAS . 1 . 111 I KWU a sa* at 4434 a m )$v so N L-1., "~ q. I A - - ' I W 1 1 1 :j AA 0 M it I a 1L. W I i 4 I'm PaWs __ , - I .Ott lllvfnti Oft of the Sytik"T bituminous mlaeftil. L k . 1, ciltloovoi d and ll. U. Arkints. Khios. J~vrJop- ot6w S. 30T-7-3(lPn).-:-Th6-e`xtJi -of (his mineral with ~' CoHi yielded 4.4-8.73, with CC4 4ii-7.0. with ClIC4 4.2 anti with Q% 4.4% CA bitumens the lattrt Cunts. 4.0% .00 ad the dRawal OM% of S. The C.11. ext. altv = 99 .1 Call. was liquid .1 . .,. .d lina,,pj %v.zT-OM.CT4G RVOK 0664 total SK.I.Ticilun. S 2 62 N J i" ii .44 I ' O I Olamtsum) M-44, ' - ; = R ;1i .00 O sond WJ 1w residue olklai"I after 6 R. 7 dialg. off froactlatts b. below 2901 had a s4%. gir. of LOW. easitcalng P1, 44.6% Marrit"lan asphal. -A t P 28 0 0 M il nst im . . isr . . o s 4 .1 anti 8 A.08%. The 8 in "rious culls is tattulated. Low-truip. to 0 is a Piolglih mort with Menus Superheated its 3.'A)* jime an oil Co nts. S 3.63. C #I A 11 12.2% slid Deptrwi vv hydrugmaticist of this ad In a 411110. r LO 0 vlavv wit ' 0 io 6% Mo& yielded W-M.8% al liquid pruditcls, - - 4) 1U S 0 r 46 j f h d see - 1. . the frac. . cmts. . rl o . t e ) ,, , ,T~ngh. below 2110 was 6.0-&'.O%: Its %p. sr. was 0.7404'. .00 ()-!bill and the 8 claurnt 0.03-0.28%. )-irld %if the fise. * too tism b. 2W-= was 28.0-37.0%; lie op. V. was OA M and 8 004-0.60% the residue had a op. cr. a AS OAM-O.W'. The gaswine traction was mWnpowd i'l 00 aromatic mailds. 0-32.21). naphthenes.32A-40.4. paraffins ' :11.4~150.0 and unsaid. campsts. A. A. W i t1o 41 loo a,- 16100a Mae ossv da .1. 9. go a J, P ~96 U 0 iis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 *4F o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 o 0 0 o CHSIMOOVSny, V.M., AX-XM--. -X-V-, Kam, V.O., U001xv, A.X. OInteroception and alimentary behaviour of the animal.* Poport submittood, but not presented at the 22nd International Congress of Phym1ologloal Solenoss. loldenp the Nother2evAs 1047 Sep 2962 ARK121D, M.V.; KASSILI V.G.; UGOLEV, A.M. Regulation of the water and salt apperiten. Trudy Inst. norm. i pat. fiziol. AMN SSSR 6t146-149 162. (MIRA 1'7-.l) 1. Laboratoriya obahchey fiziologii ( zav. - akademik V.N. Chemigovskiy) Inntituta iiomallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziolo- gii, PNN SSSR,, , E. G., LYUBANSKIY, V. A. and REZZISKOVA, L. P. "Basis for the Sepazate (Unique) Temperature Regine of the Caspian Sea and its (Surrounding) Area." In Book - Works of the State Oceanographic Institute, published by Hydrometeorological Publishing House, Moscow, 1958. LEVIN, Iosif Yakovlevioh; kand. takhn.nauk, retsenzent; YERMAXOV, S.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SHIRTAYEVA, V.Ya.0 kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; RODZEVICH, S.S., red.; ORESHKINA, V.I., tekkn. red. (Handbookforthe designerof precision instruments ]Spravoch- nik konstruktora toohnykh priborov. 2. izd. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1962. 727 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Mechanical engineering--Instrument manufacture) , Irena AgO Blectroshock and partial relwcation. Zdrav. vestn- 33 no-41 115-1.16 164 1. Bolnisnica za dusevne in zivene bolezni Ljublyana-Polje (Predstojniks prof. dr. Janes Kanoni). ARM, Jose ROMMIMOW District physician is only writing the prescriptions. 2drav. vest., Ljubljana 24 no-7-8:283-234 1955. (GINMIAL PRACTICS, District GP in Slovenia, difficulties & misunderstanding with hoop. physicians (S1)) (NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMS District OP in Slovenia, difficulties & misunderstanding with hoop. physicians (S1)) PLXVKO,Oo; ARKO,K. Modern laboratory management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Neuropolhijatrija 7 no.1-2:93-101 159. 1. Is Neurolooko-psihijatrijake klinike Hadicinakog fakultsta Svaucilista u Yagrebu, predstojnik.* prof. dr. Radoslav Isopasic. (ARTHRITIS RKRUMATOID diag.) MON) N.t V114EKp Z.; PALMOVIC, R.; ARKOy K.; BETHIAN1, M. On some modifications of electric shock therapy. Neuropsihijatrija 9 no.2/3.-:L66-3.T 161. 1. Iz Nouroloako-psihijatrijake klinike (Predstojnik: Prof. dr R. Lopazio) i Kirarske klinike Medicinskog fakultata u Zagrebu (PredstoJnik: Prof. dr D. Juzbasic). (SHOGK THEMPY =CTRIC) YUGO ISLAV 11% ARK0, Ksonijaj and CREN.;K3, Ir.5a, Clinic of k .ULJI-010J.~ laid PS,'C.,IaLr~' awd =yo, Cytol o-y c f the Cl i ni c o F in t,!rnal ci aid of . ,A1 ta Do MXrFr ical Faculty of tho Univor3it,.1 at the Eozpital (;;,!urolOSKLI-~-5i.iijlLrij-jf%-a Kliiiita i Citoloski laLoratorij Intarni %linike I,,:Jicinsko) faalult,~tta W,!,jcM:,ta u Solnici) "U"r. 0. l,ovosel", Za5reb "Cytology of the Cerabro3pinal Flula" Za2rab, Lijccr-icI;i Vj'asnik, Vol 33, ;lo 'I', Auru:;.L ~11-~21 . 4 t , .. Abstract [English sumr.--ary nodified]: Description OF authors' ~xAiNcaLiori of jayL' (1954) spccial chambor davica (produc,;d by Zoiss for 0~timal j L sodimon'ation diaposis of comLro3pinal fluid calls, and u.-)Cj in jla.~~1104is of 436 pationts (743 spocimans); t1lic CSF L,-.Inq obtainad Uy lu:,ibar neodle aspiration in all but 3 suboccipital (7 specii,ieris) and 31 ventricular (77 specinans). Two tables, 3 photographs, 18 Photomicro,,,rapi-ts; 9 a.'Qstarn, 1 Yugoslav rafaronca. Manuscript received 5 AU3 66, DUPELJI 14.; Diagnostic value of proteins in the cerebrbspinal fluid in acute oirabral vascular ineultus. Neuropsihilatrija 8 no.4:261-270 160. 1,, Iz Ne=looko-psihijatrijoke klinike *dicinskog fakultsta. u Zagrebu (PredBtojnikt Prof. dr. R. Lopasio). (CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE cef) (PROTHINM caf) .1 ARKOP K. % Stadies on oerebrospin&I proteins with the aid of paper filter soootraphoreets. NouropsibiAtrija 8 no*4t296-305 '60. 2. Is Nourolooko-psihijatrijoke klinike Medidnskog rokulteta u Z4grebu (Predstojnik: Prof. dr. R. LopiBic). (PROTZM *of) ARKOj N. Yugoslavia (430) Social Sciences - Serials Care for working women. p. 226. NASA ZENA. (kntifasistena fronta zena Slovenije) Ljubjana. (Mustrated monthly for women issued by the Anti-Fascist Women's Front of Slovenia, with Young pioneers., a supplement for children)- W01- 10o no- 8-9~ 1952. East bur24an Accessions List Library of MongroBs. Vol* 1. no, 13,Tfo-Nember 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. yr It ARKO, V. Contribution to the diagnosis and therapy of distorsion of the spins* ZdriLv. vast*, Ljubljam 23 no-3-4i69-70 1954, 1. Kirurgioni oddelek stlonne bolnice v Mariboru (predutojuik sef primerij dr. V.Arkol (SPINV$ dislocation dia.g. & ther.) (D;SIDOATION *opine, diag, & ther,) ARKOS, Dorde, inz. Evaluation of the quality of molten cast iron, Livarstvo 9 no.45A6t4l-50 Ja-Mr 162, 1. Fabrika zeljeznickih vozila "Vaso Miskin Crni," SaraJovo. ARKOS, Dorde, inz. Vessels for sod ',um hydroxide boiling. Livarstvo 9 no.49/50;165- 177 S-N 16-1. Is Vaso Miskin Crni Factory of Railroad Vehiclesp Sarajevo* ARKOS, Dorde, diplomirani inzenjor , ~ Accidents In foundries, LJ6vftrstvO 10 no. 5/61134-142 163. - - I - I ARKOS, Dorde, dipl. inz. motalurgije Means used in malting heavy nonflerrou3 metals. Ljevarstvo 9 no.1/6t49-53 164. 1. Vaso Miskin-Crni Fourdry, Sarajevo. I , f ARXOS,, DDrdsv inze Net-frequency Induction furnaces in foundries. Livarstvo 11 no. 55/56 ~101-U6 W 4e - 164 1. Vaso Mikain Grni Factory of Iron Vehicles, Sarajew. ARKOS, Dorde, Jr-, Shrinkaga of castings. Livarsm 11 ". Vaso MlskAn Orni Factory of Railroad Vehicles, Sarajevo. - - ARFOS s - F-. "A few words on the statistical recording by our rolling mills and its evaluation." (n.193) KOHASZATI LAPOK (Magyar Banya9zati as Kohas2ati 31gyasulot) Budenost. Vol 7, No 9, Sent 1952. SO; Nast Buropean Accessions LiFit, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954. ARFOS: F., and others "I'ethod, of Exanination of the Production Capacity of Rollirr I-Alls", F. 10. (TOMM'FIES, Vol. 7, No. 2, Fel--. 19.53, Puclarest, Funrary) SO: Yonthly List of East Europeem Accessions, (-1UL), LC, Vol. No. 2, Jan. 1955, Uncl.