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ARKHANGELISKIY, P.P., agronom-entomolog A necessary addition, Zashch. rast. ot vrod. i bol. 8 no.8t 62-63 Ag t63. (MIRA 16tlO) ARKHANGELISKIY, P-P-0 agronom po sashchite rasteniy (Alma-Ata) CAM"MWAVDistribution of pests and diseases of farm crops in the U.S.S.R. in 1960 and the forecast of their occurrence In 1961." Reviewed by P,P.Orkhangeltakii.' raat. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.9t6O S 161. WRA 16:5) (Rodenticides) 4Z- Al 7-, 0 AS e-I -2 ARKHANGELISKIYp P.P., agronom po zashchite rasteniy (Alma-Ata) Is is necessary to disinfect aU grain crop seeds for protection against smuts? Zashcho rast, ot, vred, i bol. 7 no.9tl3-14 S 162. (NIRA 16t8) (smuts) (Seeds-Disinfection) ARKHANGELISKIY., P.P..,.,entomolog; MAK,NUDOV, D. Before and now. Zashch. rast, ot vred, i bolo 7 nooll;13-15 N 162. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Direktor Leninabadskoy stantsii zashchity rasteniy (for Makh- nrudov) - ARKHANGEL'SKIY, POPO, agronom po zashchite ranteniy (KazakhBkaya SSR); -----XM-YAYr,.V t- A. V. Responses to our articles. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.l: 18 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. -Starshiy agronom po z4shchite rasteniy Manturovskogo proizvodst- vennogo upravleniya Kostromakoy oblasti. ---, ARKH7A.N,,G,EL,ISKIY, P.P., agronom-entomolog Controlling pl&nt lice. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.8:36 164. (MTRA 17:12) A.'qnANGELISKIY) POP., agronom po zashc1iite rketeniy Shortcomings of a necessary book. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.3t6l-62 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:1) AMI FIll I (j*.%,Li SKI Y) P. F. ( ALL-- !a -A ta) kLmost like Mark -T-aftin. rrst. ot vred. i bal. 9 no.10: 61 -62 164 (MIRA 18:1) --ARK=GZVS'AlYV-P MIXHAYMMUT, W.I., insbemer; AhKHA 'way. PAO., insbalmr. Hothouse construction. Stroi.prom. 32 noo7:34-37 Jl 154, (Greenhouses) (NLRA 7:7) inzhener; ARMPOY, P.P., inzhener; VASIKOV, M.P.., agrono "; ];SKIT, D.A., arkhitektor; IVANOV, A.P., arkhitaktor; KIBI- REV, SIIF', arkhitaktor; KRYLOV, N.V., inzhener-arkhttaktor; XULAWV, D-V., khitaktor; HARTYNOV, P.F., inzhener; NIKIFOROV, V.S., inzhener; HOSXDV B,G., arkhitektor; FXTUKHOV, B.V., kandidat tekhnicheakM nxtk, RUD M.L., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; RYAZANOV, V.S., kandidat arkhi kt-ary; SOKHRANICHXV, H.S., inshoner-arkhitektor; TARABOV, D.I., arkhi ektor; SHMIDT, H.E., kandidat arkhitakturv; KHOMU70V, Ye.Ye., arichi -ktor; VOLIFOVSKAYA, V.H., redaktor; FHDOTOVA, A. F., tekhniche- skiy- idak'vor. '= ook on the construction of farm buildings3 Spravochnik po sellsko- k 021 istvennomu stroitallstvu. Avtorskii kollektiv: P.B.Arkhangellskii i dr , avtor-sost. N.V.Krylov. Mosksa, Goo.izd-vo sollkhoz.lit-ry. Vol-3 1955 ~843 Y. (Farm buildings) (mLRA 9:6) rOGROV, B.I., arkhitaktor; inzhaner-konstruktor; GIAGOIXV, L.S., inshener-tep lot ekho A; KUDRYAVTS3VA, Ye.T., inzhener- elektrik; OSTROUMOV, A.N., redaktor [Poultry bouse for 5,000 chieks; model no.15-26) Toypliatnik na 5000 golovo Preakt No*15-26. Moskva, 1956- 31 P- (MIAA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstyo gorodskogo i sel'skogo stroitell stva. (Poultry houses and equipment) HATSINTOY, D.I., kandidat seliskokhozyaystvennvkh nauk; MTCHIYAN, V.S., kandidat sel'skokhozyayetvennykh nauk.- ARXHkNGILISKIY P.To., inzhener; NOSKOV, B.G.. arkhitaktor; RUSFOSOHNOT, RI.. r6m-aktor; LILOYI, A., tekhnicheekiy reclaktor (Greenhounes, hotbeds andheated soil] Teplitsy, parniki. uteplennyi grunt. (Moskva) Moskmkii rabochit. 1956. 246 p. (Him 9-9) 1. Nauchno-imeledovatellskiy inetitut ovoshchnogo khozvayrtva (for Nateentov, Xkrtchlyan) 2. Reepiiblikanskiy gosudarstven-yy institut proyaktirovanlya soVraioznvkh predplyatly - Roagiprosovkhozatroi) (for Arkhangel'skiy). 3. Vsesoyu%W goiaudaretvenL" in%~Utut proektirovaniya ael'skokhozyaystvanufth preapriyatiy - Soyuzgipro- sellkhoz (for Noskov) (Hotbeds) (Soil heating) (Greenhousee) AWAN I Y'X.- ~0- RMSHTBU, A.M.; BYKOV, H.A.; DLUGAGH, M.L.; ILITASOVSKIT, Ta.A.; KIRIILLOV, A.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, A.S.; KRYLOV, N.V.; LESOV, N.M.; KAWYNOV, P.T.; NIKAHMOV, B.I.; PARUNINP. V.Ye.; RUDANOV, M.L.; SINYAKOV, V.K.; MIKKER, O.G.; PXTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; BMW, A.I., [MamLal on the construction of farm buildings] Spravochnik po ellskokhoziaistvannomu stroitallatvu. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo : ellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 704 P. (Farm buildings) (MIFLA 13:12) ARXHkMRLISKIY, S., kmAidat pedagogichookikh nauk Planning life's work activitleo. Prof.-tekh. o'br. 12 no.4:23-25 Ap '55. (Vocatiowa guidance) (MI2A 8.7) 11. , - AI. .4 ARM.NGSLISKIY,S. v -P ife should fully utilize all industrial potentialities. Magt. ugi. 4 no.3:9-10 Mr 155, (MLRA 8:6) 1. Nachaltnik tekhnicheskogo otdola tresta Prokoplyevokugollkom- binata Kuzbassugolt (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal mines and minine.) IC A-- Y 27-7-14/3? AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences TITLE: Standardizntion of Industrial Training Work(0 normirovanii ubhebnoproizvodatve'nnykh rabot) PERIODICALt Profetsionallno- Tekbnichaskoye Obrazovaniye, 1957, ~ 7(146), Pprf-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The author discusses the need for a standardization of student production work. He maintains that the students must be taught to pace their,work. He suggests that the Aministration for Methodical Training and Technical Production of the Labor Reserves Main Administration compila time standards for such apprentice work. ASSOCIATION: Main Administration of Labor Reserves, Moskva (Glavnoye upravleniye tru4Wkh rezervov, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ARMfOGELISKlY, S., prof. "Transactiow of the Fifth All-Union Congress of Dermato- venereologists,"~Vest.der~* i ven. 27 no.105 Ja'63. (MIRA 16tlO) (DWIATOWGY-CCEGRLSSES) (VMWOWGY--WlMI&WW) ARMt4OEL1SXjYv s. -A. USSR/Medicine - Dist and Dietotics Realcine - Ilealth, Noorts th'e NOVIDec Preparation of Koumiss," S. A. 'Ihe Problem of Arkhangellskiy, Koumiss Iab of Bororoye Health Re- sort, 1 p "Problomy Tuberkuleza" No 6 Report of Investigations at Borovoys health resort. Your stages In fermentation of koamiss ar~ veak, atedlum, strong and very strong. Chemical Investi- Bation of each type should reveal reason. for dIfferences In action on patient's organism. Ow . 20/49T77 'OPJ-IF ~' F c SI~ NY, .01 _lr.or S. A. . W. Abdr.. low d AM POW, do'm -:via* 0 wed* i=s at ~* rod"Im 0040 *1Zm== ma caltivow vw*uu glit "yWift botol -Igpkvfv X wbPA Z"Olc"14161 t"MOMS, is "o nba-460t I - wirtw ~'t Of motliars R"Aa. by tM OMRWT dAyW4 C. B. No*". ..JMMGELISKIY, S.A., kandidat sell skokhonyaystvannykh nauk.;K=YAVT6EVA, sell skokhozyaystvannykh nauk.;T1TnND=, s.S., nauobnyy sotrudnik.:XHIA)PIU. S..I., nauchnyy sotrudnik. "Intarzonal system" In tomato breading, Trudy VNIIKOP n0-5:103-112 '55. (MLU 9:11) (Tomato breading) - PiPIWATA --I-.- ---. - -.- -- ARKIIANGELISKIY, S.A.; SHCREPERIN, G.M. 1-1 .1 . . . - Practice in mapping Lower Paleozoic formations as revealed by a study -nade in central Kazakhstan. Vop.razved. eofiz. no.4t87-92 164. PRA 191l) F- i%OAL) P NTWLT NwRimun ( 1!1-1 OVA S. A., lam ftsokbov# As No and lisrogla, 5. N. Wcol (Coal)* Nov 091. 17-21$0 Progreas Is mechanization to deecribed In six mines selected from three loviet fleldse A tablo gives the stage reached In mechanization of I!x wmin operations &M oaly see (losdinig after cutting and breaking Amon) to not 100% menhanivad in every mine. tL). Amu-NME-LISKly, S. F. ARKMGF.LISKIY9 S. F. -"Intra- and Inter-Varietal Crossing of Oil-Seed Flax." Odassa, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidato in Biological. Sciences). Sot Knizhnaya letopial, No 8. 1956, pp 97-103 ARKIIANGEI,tSKIY, S. I., Engr. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Synchronization of Firing Throuvh the Circle Covered by Rotution of Single and Coasial Propellers." Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Triat Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 6 Jun 47. SO: VechernXave Moskya, Jun, 1947 (Project #17836) AR101ANGF.1-1SKIY) S.F., kand,biol.nauk; BELOSHNIGICENKO, G.M. Effect of the disposition of seeds an a pea plant on the seeding quality and yield. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. nauk no.10,..14-17 0 16r '.10 (MIRA 18:12) 1. Vvesovuznvy selektsionno-genetichaskly institut. nA Program f-o.-, z -Cour-" T; ke Rabic Ze-chydqu" of indtwtry ond Agricult A I'l Ure in (;oni)e-et-i~"--uLtli-,th-a-Jntrodtk I.-V T ---Fa-c-u`1-tPt~s--67f- Pedagodcal Institute )I' Higher le-arning,~, a report discussed at ,)ne of the 10153 nF-etinqrs of thD DPnt-: )r !-lrh.-v-,j lzve5t~.ya vses Creov. Obshch., NL-..5. 7-M, 3-58-6-13/34 AUTHORi Arkhangel.'skiy,-S.-I,,--,-Dotsent, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: A Matter That Requires 'Everyday Attention (Delo, kotoroye trebuyet poveednevnogo vnimaniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vy8shey Shkoly, 1958, Nr 6, P 56-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives a short historical review on scientific photo- graphy and cinematography, and points out the advantages of this means of research. lie refer~j to a regulation of the USSR Council of Ministers of 16 Nov 1947 "On Measures to Introduce Educa-tional and Scientific CinematogrEiphy into the Higher School" and emphasizes the considerable amount of work done during the past 10 years in this direction. About 30 moving picture studies and laboratories have been organized in the country's higher educational institutions. The T-tentrallnaya kinolaboratoriya Ministerstva, vysshego obrazovani~a (Central Cinema Laboratory of the Ministry of Higher Education) is per- forming important work in systematizing the schools' scientific cinema material and preparing sho ,rt films as teaching aide. At the Moscow and Leningrad textile institutes, wotion of fibers being stretched and the twisting of thread and fiters Cardl/2 was recorded with the aid of a camera. This led to a change A Matter That Requires Everyday Attention 3-56-6-13/34 ASSOCIATION: Card 212 in the technology of the productional process. Interesting processes occurring near critical temperatures, when bodies pass from one state into another, were photographed at the Kiyev University. under direction of A,Z. Golik. At the Lenin- gradakiy itakhnicheakiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute,~O,Ifree jets of a liquid were studied by high-speed photography. Professor P.D. Glebov supervised this work. Scientific research with the help of motion pictures is also being conducted at the Moskovskiy stanko-instrumentallnyy institut (Moscow Machine Tool and Instrument Institute). Scientific cinematography is sometimes being used in theses. The doctorate dissertation of M.A. Frishman (Dnepropetrovskiy institut inzhonerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports - Dnepro- petrovok Institute of Railroad Engineers) was, for instance, dedicated to the examination of questions of railroad track and rolling qtock interaction by the metbod of filming. So far, very little is being done by the vuzes to utilize scien- tific cinematography in teaching. The author enumerates a number of shortcomings and makes several recommendations on this subject. Moskovskly gorodskoy pedagogicheskiy inatitut imeni V.P. Potem- kina (Moscow City Pedagogical Institute imeni V.P. Potemkin) L 18734-66 WT(M)/T/WpW 1, ACC Me AP6.005140 SOURCE~CODB:-UR/0126/66/021/001/0083/000i-.''- ~AVMR:- Kris-fital, M. A.; GV1QVIU* &_A.; Arkha MG so Tula-Polytechnic Institute (Tullskiy politekbnichookiy Inatitut 1ITLE: Determining the characteristics of dislocation tructure by the Internal- .-friction moth SOURCEs Fix1ho metallov I ustallovedenlye, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 83-91 .TOPIC TAGS: crystal lattice dislocation, internal friction, torsional vibration,iron ABSTRACT: The authors estimate the parameters of the dislocation structure (the energy of the bonding between the dislocation line and point defects and the nodes of ithe dislocation network,.the length of dislocation segments, and the dislocation density) according to the curves of the amplitude dependence of the damping,of torsi-. onal vibrattons in metals with body-centered cubic lattice (work-hardene4j.99nd-N-01 with the aid of an experimental setup where the suspension system is excited by Mani) of electromagnets and two mirrors together with two illumiuatior. systems serve to simultaneously record the damping vibrations of the specimen b3~ means of photographic attachment and to visually determine the decrement*' Th dawping',af vibrations is de- termined while at the same time successively increasing the level of the stresses applied and measuring the Internal-friction background. The critical deformation Card UDCt 539.67-- L 18734-66 AEC NN AP6005140 9 amplitudes associated with marked changes in the mechanism of energy dissipation in the material at various amplitude levels are established and on this basis curves of the amplitude dependence of the decrement are plotted. With the aid of the formulas of Granato and Luecko (J. Appl. Phys., 1956, 27, 583 and 789), the parameters of the dislocation structure are determined from those curves on the basis of a calculation - of the energy of bonding between dislocations end impurity,atoma on taking Into account the correction for entropy* The tabulated data show that dislocation density in annealed areco iron (0.03 wt.% C and N) is appr. 1o7 em"2 and following a'11.1% plastic deformation it increases to 39109; then the length of the dislocation segment changes from 10,4 to 2.6*10-5 cm and the energy of bonding between dislocations and impurity atoms is 0.18 ev after annealing of iron and 0.23 ev after its 11% deform- ation, A similar pattern of variation in the characteristics of dislocation structure- is observed for Mo. Orig. art. base. 4 figures, 2 tables, 13 formulas. SUB CODE: Up 130 20i SM IDAM .19J,an65/ ARIG RIM 005/ OTH RUS 008 Cqjj 2/2 J%W,'~ IMF M.-MIZ NIFIN L 40060-66 EWT (m)/VEWP(w)/EWP(t)/ET I IJP(c) JH/JD/ttq/JG ACC NR. AP6016582 CA) SOURCE CODE; U.RI0129166100010051000910012' AWHORS: Golovin, S. A.; Arkhangellskiy, S. 1. SS' 0111G: Tula Polytechnioal Institute (Tullskiy politaknicheskiy institut) 0 TITLE: Damping of vibrations in various metals SOMCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no- 5, 1966, 9-12 TOPIC TAGS: metallograplxy, vibration damping, metal friction, internal friction ABSTRACT: A study was made of the vibration amplitude dependqnce of internal fric- tion in metals having a particular type of lattice structure.(6 Measurements were conducted on machinery equipped with a torsional pendulum; small amplitudes were observed visually on the relaxer RKF MIS, and larger amplitudes were recorded with the aid of an optical system. Auxiliary, instrumentation included a Peppel-Perts device and oscillograph equipment. Certain aspects of the experimental measurements are described by M. A. Krishtal, S. A. Golovin, and S. I. Arlthangellskiy (naa, 1966, t. 21f vyp. 1) and by Yu. K. Favetov (Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, No- 5)- Measurements were made of the amp.Litude variation of the vibration decrement with internal friction in aluminum specimens of varied purity. Parameters in these tests were temperature and metallographic process. Annealed metals (zinc"',Inickel, al copper,, ron, titanium, and molybdenum) were tested for the teip-eratuie-amplitud".. Card 1A UDC. 620.18:539-671 ACC NR, "bUIb5tiZ decrement variation. Other tests gave data on the amplitude variation at homological temperatures and stresses. A constant magnetic field was applied to nickel and steel specimens. The results of the amplitude variations with selected values of field intensity are shown in Fig. 1. 40 Z.V Zo H,oe - yloe~ Fig. 1. Amplitude variations of inte fricti-lof nickel and steel in constant magnetic fields of varied intensity. ;-I Orig. art. has: 4 figures- MB CODE: 11/ SM UTE- none/ CRIG REP: 007/ OTH RWi 003 MAWR ~I ~Kiy h--KATSEIfflLZ1qBOGEN, Bmmanull Devidovich; . reeRmIft"K 16 U - mLeh; TATURA, G.L., tekhn.rod. (Blementary photography; textbook for pedagogical institutes] Elementarnnia fotograftia; uohabnos posobis dlia pedinstitutov. Moskva, Gon.uchabno-psaagog.ima-vo H-va prosv,R&M, 1939. 317 P. (KIRA IWO) (Photography-Study and teaching) AhffLkN"L!-5-U-Y-, -S~ - KRa - - 27962. A13XWGELISKIY, S. ICH -- Operateli na simpaticheakoy nervnoy sisteme v neyrokhirurgicheakom gospitale. Tubileynyy abornik khirurg. Rabot. posvyashch. Prof. Shilovtaevu. KuybyEhev, 1949, S. 60-65. SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey. VOL 37, 1949. - - - --- -.1 -mnAm-t,-L*-rT-. I 27890o Soeudistyye syyaxi shaltulka a okryzhayuebchimi orfAmmi. rub!lsynyy aborulk khIrurg. rabot, poevyashch. r*ofe ShIIovtsevt4 JbAyshev, 1949, S. 91 - 98, R SOt Knizhaya Letople, Vol. 1, 1956 ARKHANGELISIXIY. S-Kh., prof. (Saratov) Operations on the sympathetic nervous system performaed in a neuro- surgical hospital. Medych.zhur. 16:444-449 147. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Z neyrokhirurgichnogo gospitalys (nachallnik - pidpolkovnik medichnol sluzhby S.H.Mirkin). (MVOUS ISYSTEM, SYMPATHETIC-SURGERY) ARKHANGDIII�glj,.-5.,,NA,~,TENDOVITSKATA, T.V.; NEVIRDVICH, Ya.Z.~ SOKOWT. M.Y., red.; ALPATOVA.' V.V., rind.; KOZWVSKATA, M.D., [Visual aide and meriments for a course In psycholog7; for pedagogical schools Nagliadnye posoblia i opyty v kurse paikhologii; dlia pedagogicbeekikh uchilishch. Pod red. M.V. Sok-olova. Moskva, Gos.uc'hnbno-pedap,og. iad-vo H-va proov. RSFSR' 1958. 103 P. (HIRA 1211) (Psychology--Study and toaching) 'IT' e XX Contross of the USS (Comnii-ist llart~- of tl-,t,, Loviet i;fA~7,ri) an3 the .coals of tlie 1.-~iim-rad lf-,rraato-,,mprolo:,ical loelet. �~stnik ire-erol,gii 3, derrnatolo,rii (bulletin of Venerolc-_:Z~ Elermitoloa), AWWGILISKIT, S.P. - professor "NOPbVlaxis and therapy of cancer of the skin and mu=ua mombraneg with Gordeev's liq~id.m T.G.Gordeev. S.P.Arkbangeliskii. Test. ven. I derm. no.5t5g-6o s-o 154. (MIJIA 7:n) (SKIN--CANCIM) (MUCOUS MllMMUn--CANM) ARKHANGXLISKIY, S.P-# professor "Nauchays sapiski' of the Gorkiy Venereology and the.Department of the Gorkiy Institute of Medicine, Arkhangellskit. Vest.ders. i veno (SJCIN-DISBASJCS) (VICHKEW.L DISRAS)CS) Institute of Dermatology Ond Skin and Tenerial Diseases of No.l?. 1956. Reviewed by S.P. 31 no-3155-56 My-Je '57- (KIRA 10t1j) ARMN09LO SKIY S P rofesoor; GORBOVITSKIT. S.Te.. professor; PAVLOV, S.T.; 4:.S O-P --?ww'SO-TS-KATA, O.H.; SHTITNIBM, L.A., kandidat maditainikikh nauk A ehort sosey on the development of armatology and veneraolqv~ in St.Patereburg-laningrad; on the 250th anniveraary of LeningradL. Vest.derm. i van. 31 no.4:45-53 JJ-Ag '57, (KM lbill) 1. Chlon-korrespoDdent Akedemit maditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Pavlov). 2. Daystvitellmy chlen Akedemii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for PocIvysotIS kaya) (DIRMATOLOGY, Mot. dermato-yonereol., in Leningrad) (VXNNRNAL DISXASSS, deruato-veuereol., hist. in Leningrad) Vol 13/5 Dermatoloey May 59 EXCERPTA MEDICA See 13 1097. MATERIAL RELATING TO TIC, QUESTION OF Till, -POSSIBLE INFI.UVN- Cl; OF TYPOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF 111GIVAt NERVOUS ACTIVITY UPON THE ORIGIN AND COURSE OF ECZEMA (lic-sian text) -A r k h a n g e I a k i T S. P. Milit. Med, Acad . Leningrad - TRUDY VOEN. - MKD.-At.A-1).-tL-eningrIdYI957, 68 (47-66) Thorough study of biography and behaviour of patientb suffering from eczema was carr',etf ou' , for determination of the type of higher nervous activity (according to Pav!ov). Onay 16 patients out of 40 with intractable Pczema of long standing were claWfled as belonging to the middle type (correspondinR approximately to phleg- matic and sanguine persons). 14 were of the weak type (melancholic) and 10 were of the strong irrepressible type of nervous system (choleric). The type of nervous system is markedly reflected upon the course of eczema. Duration of treatment is considerably prolonged in patients or the weak type (69 days) and the strong type (61.2 days) In comparison with the middle type (40-51 days). Dobrotvorakaya Leningrad (S) ARMIANGELISKIrp Sorgey-Pe~~roh [Supparatme diseaeos.of tb& skin) Onoiniobkovye bolezni kozbi. Leningradt Modgist 1960. 4.7 P, (MIRA 141-7) (SKIN-DISEASES) GOLOSOWER, Sanuil Yakovlevich$ prof.; ARKWGELtSKIY, S.F., red.; SHEVCHENKO, FAA.,, tekhn. red-.---- [Skin di6eases in children] Kozhnye zabolevaniia detskogo voz- rasta. Leningrad, Modgiz$ 1960 44 P. (MIRA 15:3) (SJ~JN-DISEASESV ~CHILDPM-DISEASES) .1,RKHANGELISKIYP S.Fep prof,; SIIAPWIINIKOVI O.K.r doktor meditainskikh ..... ...... ... n"E~----- "Diseasou of the hair" by E.S. Zalkind. Reviewed by S.P. Arkhangell- skiip O.K. ShaposLnikov. Sov. mod. 24 no. 7:153-155 JI 160s (MIRA 13:8) (ULkNDt E.S.) (HAIR--.DISEASFZ) ARKMIGELISKIY, S.P.f profe "Guide book to *kin diseases" by A.B. Seliaskii. Reviewed by S.F. Arkhangellskii. Veotedermai vene no*12:68-69 161. (SKIN-DISMES) (SELISSKII, A.B.) (MIRA 15:1) KOZHMIKOV, Petr Vasillyevicb, prof.; ARKELANGELISM,S-P., prof., 07 - _i-- I nauchrqy red.; VOROBtYEV, G.S . ed.,- PMOVA, M.P., tekbn. red. [Prevention and treatment of skin diseasee] Profilaktika i lechanie kozhrWkh bole2nei. 14ningrady Ob-vo po rasprosti-anenilu polit. i nauchn. znanii RSFSR,, 1962. 57 p. (MIRA 15:6) .1. rblen-korrespondent Akademli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kozhevnikov). (SKIN.-DISEASES) POTAPOVA, Soflya Nikitichna; ARKHANGELISKIY, S.P., red.; BUGROVA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Paronychia and onychia due to yeast; Candida infection of the nail wall and the nail body]Drozhzhavaia paronikhiiia i onikhiia (kandidoz nogtevykh valikov i nogtavoi plastinki). Leningrad, Medgiz, 1962. 122 p. (MIRA 16:3) (MONILIASIS) (NAIL-S-DISEASES) f prof.1 GORBOVITSKIY, S.Yo,v red.; LEEEDEVA, Z.V., tekhn. red. [Veneral diseaoeol Venericheakie boleani. Leningrad, Medgizt 1963 47 p. (MIRA 160) iWJMFaAL DISUM) ----I- ............ ..I--, M"'.-R, - GOLOSOVKER, Samuil Yakovlevioh(duceased); ARKHANGELISKIY, P , red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekhn. red, - . [Skin and venereal diseases in childrqn]Xozhnve i venerichookie bolezni u detei. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 242 p. (MIRA 16:3) (CHILDREN--DISEASES) (SKIN-DII;EASFS) (VENEREAL DISEASES) KOROLEV, Turiy Fedorovich; ARKHANGKILISKIY, S.P., red.; LEBEDEVAp Z.V., tekhn. red.- [Seborrheal Seboreia. Leningrad, Medgis, 1963. 94 p. (KRA 16M. (3EBACEOUS GLANDS--DISEASES) lo~ ........- ~ lx~. I ARKTIANGF-LISKIY, Sorgoy Patruvich, prof.; POPOVA, G.F., red. [Eczema] Ekzema. Mogkvap Meditsina, 23 P. (MIRA 18i12) r k -A X\ C, ", C, C., N ~ --, -f" I I ~ ~%~ ~ - ARXWGRLISKIY, S.S., alektromakhanik. , ~ ~ . Ghange the installation of code boxes. Avtom., te'sm. i ariaz' no.12:16 D '57. OURA 10112) 1. Buyskaya distantsiya signalizateii i evyazi Severnoy dorogi. (Railroads--Train dispatching) S.-S. (DeccaSed) (Textile Industry) See ILC ARICHA ISKIY,,Vl.; KIRIIC")KIY, S.Teej otyerede; FWHKOVA, S.K., tekhn.'red. [How I tre'veled in the gtai mountains] Kak i& puteehfistvoval po-Altalu., --Moskva, Gba.izd-vo detskoi lit-ry H-va proev. L%MR, 19580 166 p. (KUL 12:7) (Altai Mountains-Description and travel) - . ARKHANGELISKIYY V.A. ExoDhthalmos in diencephalitis. Trudy I-wo 1411 32:180-2CX) 164. WIRA 18;5) 117!1 r mot, The c. I -T It uvIzen. . co" ("P,." Channel,; n 9' ea (I O.'k o u. JO'I "'nstca'I" 44 VO , "T', - f Vil. Iz V, IiA~" --V, - . R AWMANGELISKIYj V. 25434 Meteorologicheskaya Sluzhba V Chitinskoy Oblasti. Zaba3talbep Kn. 1, 1947, s. 267-70 SOt LETOPIS NO. 30s 1948 APTHANGELISM, V . A. USM/Flov - Measurement Fab 1947 Matbematics, Applied, "Charts for Calculation of Unsteady Flows in Channels," V. A. Arkhangellskiy, 6 pp "InzhenerW Sbornik" Vol III, No 2 Charts for the calculation of slowly changing unsteady,.complled by means of the determi- nation of momentary states of the flow. PA16'1)6(), 16T69 ) Ve As Arkhangellakiy, V. A. "Movement of Gasified Liquids and Gas-Liquid Mixtures in Vertical Pipes." Inzhenerwa Sbornik, Vol V, No 2, AcadezW of Sciences USSR, 1949. A r.1 I - ~A-. ' I I L. I -l' I Ili Y, V. A . 77 rt. of Llqu'-~~-. I I It, Vo I - I 195' `03 -~10 Calculations of One-Dimenrio-al Unsettled l'otio I'l-l-to DI--Teronces r u.- -5 o' Grol-unrl, 'vla~-7n- 1-y 'hr I*et~ocl of Presents a r-leti-od b,-,sci on -the anpllc~-.tlon. of eou.-tlons of for Vnc calnul',O-Ion of nnv~-~-O: t 0", rrz~'Lv'd TI'L, :-.I,tllk)r ar poi~-t.r of departure in ',Ls cili.scusslon: equatlion of cr~Alnul-ty eqintion of mm-e-e-A. SO: Referativ-"r, Yc'M~arftka, '.o. 4. 1~54 (','i'-30-~07) - I'.--.- --, '~ - - API - --- ---- 'HANGELISKI Puteshestvic kapli vody (Peregrination of a drop of water). Rie. M. Gorshmana. Moskva, Detgiz, 1934. ?9 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol 7, No. 8, Nov. 1954 W4 RK Aypbc4U= to W"Ijafi 61 f Otg Larne .Oman MUG M6 01*1 -Ftkh . ikuk.4064. (7), j., stable filtration orgas,chargfd cruda cannot, strictly speaking. be solved. At present this problem in in",stigated bl, the motbud of chanw~ablo Stut-10111iry states, in which the values for the dischurbo of gas and of crude, amd consequaritly tlie g" factor, are a9sumod, fur a given instant. to be the sinne Jor tho entire croes-awtion, of tho liltoring flow. An, evaluation of 'he orrom intruduciM by stieb nit amumption can be tuade by comparing tl~ figure olitahwd by the method ofohangeable stationary stntas with a solution of the equation for the uvatable filtration by tho onithod of finite difformoceo. (Author's vwninmy.) Y- '? 4- PAnovsny, N.N., ak-ademik; NXMSOV, A.I., alcadomik; KOCIIINA, P.Ta.; ARAVIN. V.I., professor; AKHUTINO A.N., professor; %MIN, V.D., professor; CMTOUSOV, H.119, professor O"'Im lAr I Y.All doteentl NUHHROY, S.N., do'teent; SEHOHINWA,, InSh6UM CHUGAYRY. R.R., professor, doktor tekhnicheskiy nauk; ESHHAS, Yu.A., redaktor; SHIRHOVA, A.V., tekhnichesk1y redakt)r [Collected works] Sobranie sochinanit. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil neuk SSSR, Vol. 1. [Principles of hydraulics, open channels and the transition of water over hydraulic structures] Oenovy gidrayliki otkx7tye ruala i sopriazhonis blefoT sooruzhenii. 1955. 547 P. (MIRA 8:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kochina) (1brdraulics) ARYUNGELISRIT, Vladimir Alekseyevich Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, based on his defense, 30 June 1955, in the Council of the Inst of Mechanics Acad Sci USSR, of his dissertation entitled: "The mvvement of aerated oils In a system of porous strata.* Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 222, 12 Nov 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No- 19, Oct 56, Moscow, pp. 13-24, Uncl. JFRS/NY-536 -11-~Fal:, S Raschety avizhenlya &mzoz1udkustn1.,1 'I v vertilknllr.-I~h k n v 1 Academ-Y Of -73~7cnolc-cry, abs-Er. 1,*'. Tt-ploencrGetika (Ec!at Yvir Engng, Illoscow) jure 1956, Collection OIL twelve papers describing experimerte.1 work or, the mover,)2nt of stema and water, the formtion of steam and licat. transfer in boiler tubea. SOV/124-57-4-4457 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 84 (USSR) AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, V. A. TITLE: Calculation of the Motion of Gas-liquid Mixtures in Vertical Pipes (Raschety dvizheniya gazozhidkostnykh smesey v vertikalInykh trubakh) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Gidrodinamiki i teploobmen pri kipenii v kotlakh vysokogo davleniva. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1955, pp 35-45 ABSTRACT: The author proposes a method for the computation of gas-air lifts based on the employment of the following relationships: Wr 'P (1b) TJ4 _W_T,__ + r dx+ P dwz + d(wmir+w ) + I dx = 0 (2) Card 1/ 3 0 -Y g g 'Y i SOV/1 24- 57-4-4457 Calculation of the Motion of Gas-liquid Mixtures in Vertical Pipes rv ~ Y2 [ a + so*(p* - 1) const. (3) YL - So P - 1) -Y 2 where a is the ratio of the volume of gas to the volume of the liquid; w, the velocity of the liquid; w6 , the reduced velocity of the liquid; wr , the relative velocity of the .-gas; p*=--P/po - the relative pressure; y, 'yZ , and VL, , the densities of the mix- ture, the gas, and the liquid, respectively; 1, the coefficient of losses; so I the coefficient of solubility of gas in the liquid; x, the distance along.the..axis of the pipe, and ~, the volumetric gas content. Equation (2) defines the motion of the mixture, while expression (3) is an equation of continuity. Experiments conducted by A. P. Krylov [MuravIyev, 11. N., Krylov, A. P. Kurs ekgpluatatsii neftyanykh mesto- rozhdeniy (A Course in the Exploitation of Petroteum Deposits), 1940] are utilized in the determination of values of C Wr , and 1; it is then possible to express these values as functions of cL/p*, w6 , and the diameter of the pipe, D. Equation (2) is rewritten in the form AX PO I P __I mean 6x Ii-hean Card 2/3 SOV/124-57-4-4457 Calculation of the Motion of Gas-liquid M'xtures in Vertical Pipes the inertia terms being disregarded in the course of the computation. Examples of the computation of the length L of the lift are presented and the results obtained are compared with experimental data taken from literature sources. The article is poorly edited; equation (2) is given incorrectly. Its proper form, in which it appears in this abstract, may be found in the preceding article by the same author (Inzhe- nernyy sbornik 1949, Vol 5, Nr 2, pp 181-189, equations 5 and 15). Bibliography: 5 references. A. A. Armand Card 3/3 FD _3G11"i Card 1/1 Pub. 41 2/15 Author : Arkhangq!,_'BKn_Y., A Moscow Title : The movement of gaseous petroleum in the well-strata system Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR~ Otd. Tekh,, Nauk 9, 14-36) Sep 55 Abstract : Computes flow of gaseous petroleum in a well-strata system, taking into account time, gas factor, and well and strata pressures Pre- sents mathematical solutions of various flow problems. Tables, graphs, formulae. Five references) all USSR. Institution: Submitted : June 171. 1955 RABINOVICH, Tofis Zincytyevich; ABIRAINDSLISKIr, T.A.. rodaktor; GATRIIDT, S.S.. tekhnichemkir rodaktor. [Hydramlics3 Gidraylika. lid.2-os, Ispr. Xoakva, Gos.izi-vo tokbifficb toorst. lit-ry, 1956. 395 P. (WAA 9tQ (Hydraulics) CHARNYT, I.A.. (Moskva); ARKHANGILISKIT, V.A., (Moskva) Calculating steady inflow in wells following a drop in the level of underground water. Inzh. abor. 23:147-157 156. (MLR& 9tIO) (Water, Underground) (Soil percolation) I S t i t t. r C 1, -n 1, i C S , 1) -~~ 6".3 A d o f ,,The Flow of Heterogeneous Fluids in Pipes Through Porous Media". paper presented at Third National Congress of Applied Mechanics at he Indiat Institute of Science, Bangalore, December 1957/IWMMONdP Comment: B 3,102,544, 16 April 195~ HINA, F.Ya., akademik, otTatetvan- red.; BANXVITM, A.L., red. izd-va; XASHM. ?.S., tekhn. red. [7low of diseloved-gas oil in the well and layer] DvIzhenie gaziro- Tauuykh neftei v eisteme skrazhina - plant. Hookwa, Ixd-To Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 89 p. (KIRA llt8) (Petroleum engineering) ~-AWHGXLISKIT, V.A. (Moskva) Steady flow in pressure water pipes with variable discharge. 1xv. AN SSSR, Otd.tekh.nauk. Inerg. i avtom. no..4.-159-165 JI-Ag 139. (MIRA 12:11) (Water pipes) ARKH"GA61 SK Ir, T. A- (Moak-ya) Calculating the axlsymms~rlcal flow of gassy oil toward wells in edge water flooKlinge Inxh.sbor. 29t98-105 160. (KIRA 13tio) (Oil field flooding) TADIDNSLUI Voevolod Sergeyevich; ARMMGEL-'6UIj,-LL-*.-red.; BRUDNOt K.F.g tekhn, red. (Brief course of gidrozaakhairLki. 355 P. d applied bydromachanics] Kratkii kure tekbnibbeakoi MoaWap Goo, izd-To fiziko-matem. lit-17p ^0 Oydraulies) (MIU 34:7) RABINOVICH; Yefin Zinovlyeviahj AUHANGELISKIY, V.A,,,-red.j PLAKSHE, L.Yu., takhn. red* (Hydrauliool Gidravlikas Izd*3*0 ispro i parer, Moskva 006, izd-vo ilziko-matem, lit-r7s 1961. 403 p. (MIRA 15,12) (Itrdraulios) 25752 S/O24/6j./0OO/OO1/OO6/ol4 E:032/F,314 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, V,A Woscow) TITLE% Approximate Method or the Determinntion of an Optimum System PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Altademii nault SSSR, Otdeleniye telchnicheskikli nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1961, No. 1, Pp. 133 - 142 TEXT. The problem is formulated as follows* Suppose that Z(t) = Y(t, U) + X(t) (1.2) where y(t, U) is the required function which depends on the random parameter U, and X(t) represents a random interference. required to ootain the best approximation Ast) to a random function W(s') using the known values of Z(t) for s - T < t < a . The random function W(s') , which is defined as thellreproduced signal", also depends on the Card 1/10 25752 S/024/61/ooo/ool/oWo14 Approximate Method for .... E032/E3i4 random parameter, e.g. W(SI) Y (St, U) (1.3) The random parameter U can be either a scalar or a vector and its distribution is assumed to be defined by ~.he appropriate probability density f(u) . It is assumed further that the interference term X(t) is distributed in accordance with the normal distribution law and is statistically independent of U The relatioa between the observed random function Z(t) and the estimate of the reproduced signal W*(sl) can be obtained with the aid of the operator A so that W*(s') = AZ(t) (1.4) Thus, the problem of determination of the optimum system subject to the usual optimisation criterion o = Mct Ws'), 1~*(S') )I = min (1.1) Card 2/10 ~X Q!., M Ak'-.., _*Vr" S/024/61/ooo/ool/oWo14 111 V Appro-ximato Mothod for .... rm E3 where is the so-called loss function-and is tile average risk can be reduced to the dc3termination of the form of the operator A , which.would ensure a minimum of the mathematical expectation of the function It was shown by Pusachev in Refs. 1 and 2 that in order to solve this probl-am it is sufficient to find an operator A which will satisfy the following condition M (11, AZ) ZI - min where the lefthand side of Eq. (1.5). is the conditional mathm-natical expectation of the functio4 ~ with respect to the random function Z The con ditional'.distribution law f(ujZ) of the random parameter U with respect to the random function Z(t) , which is necessary in order to compute the lefthand side of Eq. (1-5), was shown by Pugaoliev to be Siven by Card 3/10 25752 S/024/61/000/001/006/ol4 Approximate Zlothod for E032/E314 M exp g t. U) Z (t) dt -(u) (1.6) PUM du CO wh er e g (s. I., u) T (t. u) dt P M - T (1-7) an*d the weight -ftinntion'. S(s,' t, u) -i9 the solution *'of the integral equation (s u) dt y (t u T 191A Or ex(t, 'r, is t~e correlation function'of the interference term X(t) Substituting Eq. (1o6) into (.1.5), C.ard 4/10 251,12 S~pn/61/000/001/006/014. Approximate Ilethod for it is found that the problem optimum approximation to a random determination of W*(sQ in r,.032/E3l4 of the determination of the function is reduced to the accordance with the condition., I (TV (8,), TV*(#')) i (U) QXP 'u) Z (s) di -0 Ml dij to inin (1-9) This fo,rmalism is then used to obtain an approximate expression for the conditional distribution law f(ujZ) This is done by a3suming that the domain of practically possible values of' U , after the observation of the random function Z(t) (i.e. the a posteriori values of is small comparad with the domain of practicall(y posqible a priori values of U It is shown that under this..assumption the conditionrAl distribution law f('Ulz) approaches the normal distribution law, with the mathr-,,intical expectation z defined as the solution of the integral equation Card 5110 R, N M- 25752 S/024/61/ooo/ooi/oWo14 Approximate Mothdd for .... E-05tAE314' 8, IY,) Z (1) ds -9. 17,) (t. t7l) di0 and a variance D given by V.1 d, ffuz In other words, it is shown that RUIZ) The next part of the paper is concerned with the optimum" estimate of the rand6m parameter U . It is assumed that the optimum estimate can bo obtained-by determining the ~iinimuri of tlio.rQot moarx square error,from Eq. (2.9) 25752 S/024/61/000/001/006/014 Approximate Method for E032/E314 However, this cannot be done exactly but an approximate procedure is described. It is shown that thi operator for the optimum estimate of U using the criterion involving the minimisation of the root mean square error is, in general, a nonlinear operator and ' , in fact, a nonlinear function of tLe quantities obtained after application of the linear integral operators- AiZ ,(')(s, t)Z(t)dt (3-7) T X to the observed random function Z(t) . The weight functions 9(i)(s, t) are defined by expanding 9(t, u) so that Card 7/10 2575Z S/024/61/000/001/006/oi4 Approximate Method for .... E032/E314 ni tP U ) I,*-- z I~i(u)~Qi(t) (3-1) 1-0 which applies in the domain of pra Mcally possible a priori values and the weight functions g (s, t) are then defined by g(s, t, U),;~%-- 4~i(U)S(D(S, t) (3-2) and can be determined as the solution of the integral equation ~ K. (t (S , V dt = Yi (t (3-3) - T The last section is concerned with the optimum estimate of the reproduced signal using the general Bayes criterion Card 8/10 Q = M Ee (W(s I), W*(s I) )] = min ' (1.1) . 'gfgwt 2575Z S/024/61/ooo/ool/oo6/ol4 ApproXim at a Method fdr .... B03 2/ r,.3 14 To obtain this estimate, the function W(sQ is represented approximately by B%b (01. U) w (e) (e. U) (e. IT,) + (if V OU LUS (4.1) and assuming a normal distribution law 'for f(xtlz) it is found that the appropriate condition is -'min (4.6) I/ rR D.-. It thus turns out that the problem of determination of the optimum value W4*(s I) ~an be reduj od to the'det ermination of the optimum estimate of the parameter U using the criterion involving,thp minimisation of the root mean square orror and the computation of a certain function'of s.0'. ID and D The paper is concluded with a consideration .z uz of two special cases. There are 3 Soviet r6forences. _Card 9/10. ARKHANGELISKIY, V.A.; KARTVELISHVILI, N.A.; MIKHAYLOV, G.K. On E.P.Kovalenko's investigations on the "Unsteady flow of water in open beds." Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh. i mashinostr. no.4:183-184 Jl-Ag: 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Hydrodynamics) (Kovalenko, B.P.) ARKHANGELISKIY. V.A. (Moskva); AUZBAYEV, D. (Bupullma); BASHKIROV, A.I. (~-Uwi-,~~-W~VLI'yv, Yu.N. (Bupalrm); MMUTOV, R.A. (Bupa,m) Investigating gas-oil mixture flow in gushers. Inzh.zhur. 2 no.1155- 68 162. (K[RA 15:3) 1. Institut makhaniki AN SSSR i Tatarskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) ARKHANGELISKIYL_Y.A.; KARTVELI'SHVILIp N.A.; MIXJIAYDOV, G.K. ----------- Apropos of S.P.Kovalenl.ols study an the water in open channels. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. Ag 162, unsteady motion of 5 no.8:130-132 (MIRA 15211) 1. Institut, mekhaniki AN SSSR, Moskva. (Hydrodynamics) ALITER-PF-SOTSKIY, F.L.; KATTS, N.V. ;_Afq(tf~YGELISKIY, V.A.; DEYNFKA, V-14.; ZHAVORONKCV, V.I. Ways to increase the efficiency of the use of carbon dioul0de retorts. Dim. volok. no.6:47-49 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut (for Aliter-Pesotskiy, Katts). 2. Ryazanskiy kombinat iskusstvennogo volokna (for Arkhangellskiy, Deynekal Zhavoronkov), LOubmitted January 6, 1965. AMANGELISMY, V. A. Foresters Oldest forest guards Les* khoze 5, no. ?, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September AM Unclassified. ABNANGELISKIY, V.A.; STEPANOV, R.D. ------- In the scientific institutions of Canada. Vest. AN SSSR 31 no.11i 101 N 061. (MIRA 14:11) (Canada-Mechanics-Research) TSVETNOV~ V.V.; VETTSELI, V.A.; ARKHANGELIS-KIY, V.A. Letter to the editor. Radiotekhnika 18 no.10s73-74 0 163. (MMA l6sl2) AREHANGEL.ISKIY, Yu,A,,.,-,, Single-valued integrals in the problem of the rolling of a ball on a plans surface. Voist.)(ook.un.Serstiat.,mekh.,astron.,fis. khis. 13 no-3:13-37 158--a (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kafedra teorsticheskoy nekhaniki Moskovskogo universiteta. (Mechanics, Analytic) ALITSHUL', Adollf Davydovich; KISELEV, Fetr Grigorlyevich; I '~!K-W-RkLs~ml V.A.V doktor ',ekhn. nauk prof., imucime resue 7 (Hydraulics and aerodynamics; fundamentals of fluid mechanical Gidravlika i aerodinamika; osnovy mekhaniki zhidkosti. Moskva, Stroiitdat, 1965. 273 p. (MIRA 18;7) ARKHJU4GELISr V. D U15 741-93 X Prisposobleniya Dlya proizvodstva Stol~tanqv T'Dbali (Equipmont for Lho Productiii of Wooden Furnituro, V. D. ~rlcliazigellskiy i A. Am Strongin. Moskva, Koiz, 1951. 211 p. Illus.. Diagrs., Tablau. "LiLoraturall: p. (210) AB 520223- 1. A.M." 'NCEL I"'KIY, V. D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Resins, Synthetic 7. Interrelationship of lumber and synthetic resins. Der. i lesok-him. prom. 2, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953, Unclassified,