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VARH.IYEV, A.F. 20656 Vari) 'yev, A.F. Osobennosti stroitellstva gldrotekhnicheskik, Tunneley v zijnnikl usloviyakh. Gidrotekhn. stroit-vo, 19L9, No. 6, s. 22-23 SO: LETOPIS ZHUMAL STATEY Val. 28, Vloskva, 1949 al VARI N, I. "Information bulletins published by the Medical Department of the Central Administration of Health Resorts,Cwmtoria and Rest Homes of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions." Top.kur.fizio- ter.1 lech.fiz.kul't no.2:82-84 Ap-Je '55. MAU 8: 8) (Therapmutics, Physiological--Periodicals) VARIN. I.Ye, *Mineral waters of Udmurt and their use in theraryff bv I.1k. Gubergrin, V.I. Naumov. Reviewed b7 I.N. Varin. Top.kur., fizioter. i lech.fiz. kul't. no.4.-73-75 O-D 155, (MIRA 12:12) (UDMURT A.S.S.R.-MIMIRAL WATBRS) (OBJWRIN, A.IA.) (NAUMOV, V.I.) VARIN, I.Ys..; NEVRAYNV, G.A. Survey of work on resort problems, carried out in 1954 at medical and research institutes and at resorts of the R.S,Y.S.R. Vop.kur. fizioter. i lech.fiz,kullt. no,402-86 O-D 155, (MIRA 12:12) H TOSORTS, WATXRIN~.-PIACBS, EM) VARIN, I. X-ray therapy for ulcers by G.I. Legkovod. Reviewed by 1. Varin. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 22 no.1:79-80 Ja-F '57 (MIRA 10:4) 1. Vypolnena v Uzbekskom nauchno-issledovatellskom institute fizioterapii i kurortologii imeni N.A. Semashko. Zashchinhchana v aprele 1955 g. v Tashkentakom meditsinskom institute imeni V.M. molotova. (X RATS--THERAPEUTIC USA) (PEPTIC ULCER) (VARIN, I.) Vli It; I -, iA !!- VARIN, I.Ye.; IENRAYEV, G.A.; SAMSONOV. M.A. Yourteenth All-Union (Jonference of Therepeutists. i lech. fiz.kul't. 22 no.2:85-95 Mr-Ap t57. (MOICINN) Vop-1-mr., fizioter. (MIRA 11:1) VARIN. I.Ye.; IIEVRA)MV. G.A. Basic principles of scientific works accomplished in 1953 by the State Balneological Research Institute in the Caucasian Hinerall- njvye Vod~v,; aid to physicians' compiled by P.G.TS&rfie, X.N.Zavlialo- va. Vop.kur., fizioter. i lech.fiz.kul't. 22 no.388-90 Hy-Je '57- (MIRA 11:1) (HEALTH RESORTS, WATERING PIACES, ETC.) (TUR21:5, P.G.) (ZAVI IALOVA, K.N. ) "Drusicininkail by, J.Jussmaite. Ar.Kedonis. Reviewed by I.B.Taria. Yop.kur.fisioters I lach.ffiiz.kullt. 22 no,4;78-79 Jl-Ag '57, (MIRA 10:11) (DRUSKININKAI-THIRAPBL'TICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) (JUSINAITNI J.) (MDOMIS, Ar.) I F I A VARIN, L List of books published in the U.S.S.R. in 1955-1956 on subjects discussed in our magazine. Yop.kur.0 fixioter. i lech.fiz.kallt. 22 no.5:92 B-0 157o (MIRA 11:2) (BI'BLIOMAPHY--HEALTH RNSORTSo, WATIRIKG PIAGNS, !dTC;.) tZ I IV).-L ROBAKICZE. A.D erent Iffect ot pain and balneotherapy on skeletal rmBcle tone; abstract of a diseertation, Vop,kur.fizioter. i lech. fiz.kul't. 23 no.2: 179-180 Mr-AP '58, (MIRA 11:6) 1, Vvpolnena v Institute kurartologii t fizioteraDii Gruzii i v Tbilisakom mediteinakom institute. 11auchnyy rukovoditell - chlen- korrespondent Akedemii nauk Gruzinakoy SSR prof. D.H.Gedevaniahvili. (PAIN) (HYDROTHERAPY) (MUSCLES) VAR 111. 1. Fractional ar7themal ultraviolet irrRdiation in infenc7o I.V* Piatigorskilo Vop,kur.fizioter, i lech.fiz.kul't. 23 no.3:764-266i my-je 158 (UIMRAVIOLv-T RAYS_-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (XIU ID7 (PIATIGORSKII, I.V,) VARINO 1, Treating rheumatic heart defects at the Kielovodek resort. LIP. Donchen)m. mr. I le-chafix.kul't. 23 no,3:z65-266 N7-Te '58 (MMA 11:7) (RHEUMATIC bRART DISEASN) (IISLOVODSI-PH-YS NAL THEUPY) (DONCHEno, I.T.) VARIN, 1. Oxidation-reduction changes Inducmd in cardiovascuIRr patientE by alimRtic and balne ologic al factors at the Avndkhar resort. N.V. Hgeladze. Vnp.kur*fizioter. i lech.fiz.kullt. 23 no.3:267-268 my-je 158 (MM 11.7) (AVfiDMAR-,HYDR0TKMAPY) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTICH-DISRASRS) (MGRUDZY.,Ij.v.) NEVRAITV, G.A., VARIII, I.Yo. "Effect of sulfur spring baths" [in German] by Onhimm, Jonhio. Reviewed by G.A. Ifevrarw, LE, Vmrin. Vop.kur.fizioter. i lech. fix.kulit. 2,3 no.41374-375 -TI-AP 158 (MIRA 11:8) (MIUML WATERS, SUlantROUS--PHYSIOLOGICAL !TFPCT) (JOSHIO, OSHIMA) VARIN, I. Fifth list of recent diaaertntions an problems in rpsort thersp7, physicnl thernpy nnd exeraine therapy. Vop.kur. f izioter. i lech fiz. ku.'t. 23 no.6:e ~054-555 N-D 158 (MIRA 11112) (BIBLIOGRAPHY--nMAW,"ICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) ... Dissertations presented on problems of health resorts, physical therapy, and exercise therapy, Vop. kur.p fizioter. i leeh. fiz. kul't. 24 no. 4:370-371 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 13:8) (BIBLOGRAPHY-THEWEUTlCSo PHYSIOLOGICAL) VARIN, I.Yo., vrach Dzhermuk. Zdoro-rle no.7.*30 JI Idi. (MIRA 14:6) (YMRWK--MXMMAL WAM%) VAU-NLI-YIE~. Interprovince conference of health resort physici-r-- a-zr; therapists in Kuybyshev. Vop. kur.-V fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 26 no. 23185-190 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) (PHYSICAL THERAPY) VARIN, I.Ye., vrach Polyustrovskaia mineral water. Zdorcvle 8 no.2:30 F 162. (LENIfIGFLAD--kNERAL WATERS) Off HA 15: 4) 4"'HDAIN'OV) V.M., prof.; AlEKSAINIF-Or B t I ..I --via S., . , vTq& %1. :"T ARKAD 1 -A T ; ~,:j -.- vrach (Kiyev); T- 5 vrach; Li-,v, I.- - vvrrach-koosmet~,_-.Ov, -w Health hints. Zdorovte 8 no-10:30-11 0 162. OCUUX 15:10) (HYGIENE) VARIN. I. Socond AJ1--Rtwaian Confer-jnco of BalnoologiAo and Phynical thorapiato, Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 27 no.1:83-89 162. (MIRA 15:5) (THEWEUTICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL-COUGREMS) RYABOVp N.A., vrach; YARM,-- ~Ye- vrach; ARKHANGELISKIY, V.N., profs; WBOTSKAYA,RMELIS, Ye.M.., vrach; BXLMKIY, V.G., dotsent (Smolensk); UKRAII, M.L., dotsento; USTINOV, S.D., starBhiy prepodavatell gimnastiki Health hints. ZdarovIe 9 no.2:30-31 F 163. (MM 16'3) (HYGIEO) ARUTYUNOVp V.Ya., prof a; YARIB., T.Yee, vrach; GUSAROVA, A.S., ROZENTUL,L.M., vrach-kosmatolog; ROSSOVA, N.M., kand.biolog.nauk,* .4LEKSARDRUT, B.; GOLYAXHOVSUT, V,Yu., kand,med.nauk Health hints. Zdorovle 9 no.400-31 AP163. (MIRA 16:7) (HYGI ENE) GOLIDFAYLI, L.G.; -~~,.I.Ye..[deceasedj;- GOLOVINA, V.T. Reviews and bibliography. Vop. kar., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kult'. 30 no.3t274-276 MY-Je 165. (MIRA l8tl2) prof VAIIIN', !Ldcc-a!:,-Jdj,. NO C A I, ,;;-R .114. (As trnkhan V.T. RevIews and bibliograrhy. V c p . kr . , fl % ~: r 'r-ch. liz. kul't. 30 no.lj,--7..89 J;i-F 165 (MIRA 1.8; S) VARIN) Mop. Using electronic digital computers in cal~-ulating. the -3-.Taren,4 places of stars. Izv. GAO 23 no.4:32-4-rl '&,. 9) Oz 'In 4A SOV: W( LP od VARINA, V.A.; GNEVYSHEVA, K.G.; TIEREV, M.S.; IZVEKOVA, A.A. Preliminary determination of diameter corrections of the Toepfer meridian circle. Izv.GAO 23 no.1:85-98 162, (MIRA 16:12) -0 BATURI'AIIA, G.D.; Y 11A, V.A.; Gli'-'VYSHLVA, K.G.; NAUMOVA, A.A.; POLMENTSEV, D.D. Method for the processing of differential observations of declinations by means of punched card machines. Izv. GAO 23 no.4:27-31 164. (MLIA 17:9) BATURINA, G.D.; BEDIN, V.S.; VARINA, V.A.; GIIEVYSHEVA, K.G.; ZVERE;Vp M.S. I;'j IZVEKOVA, A.A.; 14UHRI, S.A.; RAUMOVAs A.A.; PCLOZH-7h'.CSEV,, D.D. Observatior3 of AGK3R stars with the Toepfer meridian circle at Pulkovo.' Izv. GAO 23 no-4:3-15 t64. (MIR.A.17:9) IVARIVICiPINI-1,01 I . 1%. Uman' District - Forest Nursf?ries Wf3 will f~row two ser-AlInF.0 !4hei,e one grew. Les 1 5, No. 2, I'lonth1v List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress June 1953. UNCL. USSR / Forestry. Forest Cultures. K Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958, 29601. ffi_rinichenko, I. M. Author : _V Inst : Not gi-VL~~ Title : From the Practical Experience in Forestry of Umanskiy Timber Landi (Iz lesokullturnoy praktiki Umanskogo leskhoza), Orig Pub: Lean. kh-vo, 1957, No 9, 76-79. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 VARINIGHMIKO, I.M.[Varynichonko, I.M.], inzh. W,10~ ~-Ow f or digging out saplings. Mekh. sill. boso. 9 no. 8:5-6 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Plows) VARITSEV, A.P. Methods for economic valuation of the components of a complex of agricultural prVI tices. Izv. AN Mold. SSR 'no.2:/,6-61 162. 1 , (MIRA 1~: 12) (Agriculture-Economic aspects) (Soil fertility) -1 t/ /~ / -, ~ 7___~~ e-- 6,-- ,, " i-.f I DUBYANSKIY, V.A,; VARITSEVA, V.M. Significance oT -mechanical protective devices for protecting the Ashkhabad railroad from sand drifts. Trudy, TSHII "S no.129: 81-96 '57. (YJARA 10:5) (Ashkhabad province--Railroads) (Sand Danes) USSR/S,Dil Science. Soil Conesis -md Go-o,-;raj.!-1y J-2 A.,ba Jour :13of Zhur - Bi~)1., iici 20, 1958, No 91357 "Uthar : Pershina M.N., Varit:3eva I List Moscjw '~~ricttltuml *.cad. in. K.A. Tinivjanz,.~v Titlc Characteristics -if SAI For.!cticn in the Tb;.-rit~,i-j f-)f the ;aicieut Kunya-,,aryinol~ Uluvif~l Plain Ori I- Pu; Dol-l. Moak. s.-kh. i~.:. K.,*,. Tilliry7m~v,~~, 1957, vy!). 29j 272-275 ,',bstrf-.ct In the tcrritory ~~nl f~ncicnt dolta- of Vic :j:)u-rr-.ryn river t two types of smOL are clistributc-1: deflational (Lm-,:iSFlrLcUd) r-nd inflatimal The sancis nre in old-irriL;ntud ta1:yr-f.)r.-1 sieroZOLIG, s:)ils ~,.ndl ,,Ulcnch~lm. The defl:~%tional sanctr hillejch sl-.nds ~rc char- Cct,~rizcd by a dry rcsid= -A 0.062 percent, 1-,w allmlinity (HC03) - 0,017 pommt, simll C1 content - 0.012 pcrceat an.' cunoidQra1.,,.1-, CnCO content - 11.5 ~crc(jnt. Whon movement occurs :~t thc sar~acc of the solonchakq, the inflation--1 samV hillock srinds arc enricile(I with water- Card 1/2 USSR/Soil Science. Soil Gunoois I-nd Gco,mphy J-2 Abs. Jbur Rof Zhur - Bi(d.) Pk, 20, 1958, NJ 01357 soluble salto, thr)u,,~h which the di7 resitluc is increasod V) 0.114 - 0.122 percent. Soil fomatim on thu si-mds is foo-bly dcvcl,);~ed. Characteristic features of it :7~re: clayinI.P, absence c)f v. fracti-in in the -,-IrDfile ana contrast -)f sensuml Clodly conditions. Nikitin cared 2/2 AUTH;Oh; Varitseva V.2. , TITLE;: Eighty Years Since V.A. D-ubyanskiyls Birth (60 let sc, rozhdeniya V.A. Dubyanskok;o) P_-,,'RIODICALx Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, 6eriya Geograficheskaya, 1~~" Nr 3, pp 158-159 (USSR) AVAILABLEi On the 3rd March 1958, the Both birthday of Professor Vladimir Andreyevich Dubyanskiy, Doctor of Biological Scionces, was celebrated in t4oscow. The author presents a short biography of Professor Dubyanskiy and evaluates his scientific activities. Professor Dubyanskiy reported on the "Basis of the Karakum Desert Melioration and the Protection of Irrigation Canals, Irrigated Areas, and Communication Lines Against Sand-drifts". The USSR Ministry of Agriculture awarded Dubyanskiy a Michurin Memorial Medal, and the Deputy Minister A.I. Bovin expressed the gratitude of wood cultivators. Congratulatory telegrams arrived from the kinietry of Communication, from the Academi- cians V.N. Sukachev, A.N. Askochenskiy, A.S. Yablokov, N.A. Dimo, I.V. Larin, P.S. Pogrebnyak, G.N. Cherdantsev, and other persons and institutions. 1, Biographies - Dubyansklyls. V. A. Card i/i VARITSIVA The creative life of Vladimir And eevich Dabianskii. Dot. zhur. 43 no.4:612-617 Ap 158. (KM 11:6) 1 PochvemWy inBtitut Koldavskogo filiale, Akademii nauk SSSR, (Babiauskii, Vladimir Andreevich, 1877-) AUTHORi Varitsey&t V.M. 12-90-2-5/30 TITLEt Vladimir Andreyevich Dubyanskiy's Scientific Activities (Nauchnaya deyatellnost' Vladimira Andreyevicha Dubyanskogo) On the Occasion of his 80th Birthday (K 80-letiyu so dnya yego rozhdeniya) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1958, Vol 90, Nr 2, PP 146-149 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Biographical information is presented on Profensor Dubyanskiy, a botanist and geographer, explorer of the Central Asian de- serts and founder of the Repetek station for sand study. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Biography yetalline str1jr-turn in IM111110DA, I. D. Cand Phys-;Math Sci -- "Rolp of ix~cr I t-~e stren3.tening 1960 (Min of Higher and pecialized iSecon'aryj Education W-30SRe Dnerjror.,,,trovsk of alpha-iron cmd Fe-Cr and Fe-Mn solid solutions." Dnepropetrovsk Stste Univ im 300th Anniversary of the R611-111 0-1-0f the McrRine and 'Russick) M, 1-61, 179) S/081/61/000/012/002/028 B105/B202 AUTHORS: Varivoda, I. Kh., Kurilekh, D. G. TITLEt Precision of the constant crystalline lattice of Fe - Mn - and Fe - Cr-alloys PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 12, 1961, 34, abstract 12B209 (Tr. Dnepropetr. khim.-tekhnol. in-t, 1960, vyp. 10, 3-7.) TEXTs In view of the contradictions in earlier publications (Gulyayev A. P., Trusova Ye. F. I'M teor. fiz.11, 1950, 20, 1, 67; Shteynberg M. M. 113tall"t 1949, No- 8, 737) a careful X-ray study was made (method of back reflection, A Cc) of the dependence of the lattice parameter of alloys of armoo iron and Mn and Cr on the concentration of the alloying element in order to solve the problem of the effect of the admixtures Mn and Cr on the change of the parameter of the lattice o(-Fe. It was found that upon the formation of the solid solutions Fe - Mn and Fe - Cr the parameter of the lattice/.-Fe changes linearly in the concentration limits I - 8.5 at% with Mn exerting greater influence on the change of the parameter than Cr. Card 1/2 Precision of the constant crystalline ... [Abstracter's note: Com~lete translation.] S/081/61/000/012/002/028 3105/B202 V/ Card 2/2 254141 S/137/6 1/000~ 306P68/09 2 LL L5- 110 AW61A 10 1 AUTHOR- Var�voda, I.Kh. -- ~_- -1 TITLE- The part of stresses of the ill order in -the strengthening of(Yi-iron PERIODICAL! Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurglya, no. 6, 1961, 28, abstract 6zh186 ("Tr. Dneprop5tr. khim.-teklmol. In-t", 1960, no. 7, 159 - 170) 'T tegrated Intensity and w-dth of rcen-tzen reflex- EXTi An anal7siB of the Int ee 110 And 220, was emp'~ - :1-ud-7 di~E,,,~ortlcons of crjatal of Kn and -.:!Y-a ": - 8 a-.%) in Uk,-Fc-, ir!Ellng during all-yInS and plaet!;~ de- Cr solid fcrmation. RL, arid of ~.he aijcv2 in apn5aled ani deformed Stite were mea-p-ared, It -was rev-?ale~! that hn d%arlng Clif f-3---% i-.1 CL -Fe, 1-ausema irrr-ater distovulc-ni of I ime --ae ocl! t-reatment Drocess .,5:uses greater% the la'-tice thax, Cr- a-, -the same t I - %I distortlcms of the cz-vetal ~Iatt-lee of Fe_Cr-alicya 11-h%n of Fe-Mr-alloys. Tnere. are 1.6 A. Babareko [Abszxacter' s n.-,-,e-. 0,:~jrple-.e tranBlla-,ionl Card 1/1 254431 A G,06, /A 10 1 AUTHOR-, Varlvcda, TITLEg Ina eff--~ct of axinealing 41-empera-..ure z:n. e-cf-Wening ~~f Fe-M.1 an-' Fe-:1'- FERIODICAL2 Refera-~Ivn~-j zhurma.. Metallurglya., n,-.,, 6, 1961, 33, aCS~.r,3C-t 6Zh2I7 ("'71'r. Dneprcpetr. ~94,0, 10; 1-9 - 185) da-ing arx.,aaI1_rg a-~~ 100-SOC , 0 M 162~ f'Imi line struc-,-.4re _)f -Fe and w,~th Cr axd Ym 8 a-,.%', de- formed ty coll rcl~'~ng, vere d--ex-mlined fr-.-.T. in --he width ~_,nd rela,~!ve inten-sIty ~-f r!Oenl~ixen refiexes VsO ana 220, waS fc;,.Lnd, ~ha~~ ~he 7~eTperac-jre range of re. ieving cf -,he 1-71 cr-jer arm c;f Jcrralln grow-.r, wl,~h the temperature range 1-,f rf, --he And was 4CO - FCOc," fc:- Te-Yr, BLI-Icrys IfM - F'Obo'-` for Fe-C:- al~"?Ys. The rellev:ng cf of ~he 7~1 der takes e- -he~ earIy -_-'ags of annea.'I_~n~: ara considera't-le chfinges In -'h~ h_ardnes~?. lrhere are 12 rsfertf~,:e~. A~ Bnharek,~, FAt2tra,?ter .i r, e - e -~ra- tI at Card 1/1 VARIVODA, _ ~~Kh. - Corrosion resistance of Fe-Cr and Fe-Hn solid solutions. Izv.- vys.uchab.zav.; khi:n.i khim.takh. 5 no.2s264-266 162. (MA 15;8) 1. Dnepropetrovskly khimiko-tekbnologicheskiy institut imeni F.E.Dzerzhinakogo, kafedra fiziki. (Iron alloys--Corrosion) V - - ___ VARI-VODA.-I,Kh,- -_ - Bonding forces in crystal lattices of Ot -iron., Fo-Cr., and Fe-lb solid solutions. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 13 no.1:144,146 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni F.E.Dzerzhinskogo. (Iron a]-loys-Metallography) (Crystal lattices) - l.- - VAl'iMDz'l - IF 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Villeat 7- Record wheat harvest, Kullt. -pros. rab., 8. No. 4, 1947- 9. Monthly List ~f Russian Accessions, Librarl of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. -- - --- -- - - ____ SSHM. Y.V.,,,-_ VARIVODA, Ye.A. Electric conductivity of zinc chloride solutions. Trudy WHTI no.6:208-215 '58. OGRA 13: 11) (Zinc chloride--Electric properties) :W--z V-Iir- ativa Euzanb fr-ura !nt-ongivA igti--icln of- uria nau F,- gJ.--q -16 ~ LIPKIN M.Ye.; ARTYKOV, M.S.; ISAYEV, Yu.V.; pnLULYAFJ!, P.A.; 'JALf' 'D"" SHILYAYEV,, L.F.; FUNIKO, T.A.; ANDIREYEVA, A.P.; BA!~TJLIL~,A, L,!-: ABIW49VA, S.G.; T.K.; YEGOROV, 'v.A.; M.B.; DASHEVSKIY, V.V.; SOU111, Yu.i.; KOLE'I'DUl'OF, L.I.; ITAGAYEV, V.N.; NEESTEEROVA, G.N.; ALEKSEYEVA, N,A.; CrOUPEVA, ANISIMOVA, T.I.; OVASAPYAN, O.V.; GALOYAN, V.O.; AEAKELYAN, E-A. Abstracts of articles received by the editors. Zhur.mikrobiol. I i immun. 42 no.3:147-152 Mr 165. (MiRA 18-:6) pg t, VARIYUSHINJO Met. Contamination of buildings and ranges vith the agent of tuberculoerie in poultry on infected poultry farms. Vaterinariia 37 no.6:44-i,6 Je t6o. (MMA 16:7) 1. Kurskaya nauchno-issledovatel'okays. vaterinarnaya stantalya. (Tuberculosis in poultry) 10006000 as*@ 0900 000-00 440*66640600000000*0 [ijog- F 04-00 0 o a Is o a a W a 0000600000 0 0 041 1 1 41 t 41 1 1 - 10 11 Ij 11 14 Is III It If t* it a n A is 27 j g A : x if 11 4 m 0 1,10MAC. 4'all W m CO A t L. 8 Alt, I I Y o A-A-A-l A4 Hoc Ulf 6 c It A a 0 1 &106 so 00 00 js i 00 ToBBTERMEM - MUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION -00 0o VM. IV. - 1950 No. 8-9, Aug. - Sept. t 0041 % -06 go -00 Ago Soo zoo 000 IlYs "r.),1 owl I I 'I zoo ooJ zoo o0v 00-4 see 0, logo 'Coo A 0 too ~ "", "' a r If a Pf a 11 is IT 1 W n I s v rw 0 0 6 1 W IN 5 'i 0 0 0- 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .44 000 006009199994104600606 - 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 IS, 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 e I- so J1 0 0 0 0- 6 0 0 0! .71 -,TI : HUNG-kPly C T T : Cbeyrical TeehnoJopy. Clic-mical, Produrli and Their Applications, Ceramic'.r. Glass. 11indinv" A-153. JOUR. : RZI(112n., No. 23 19 59 8?90;3 AUT-xioRk , T It" Conditions Under Whieb Fire-Renistent Clays of the Vilish Mountain Rerion "ere Formed and TeebnolopicnI Characteristics of the Clay, Oli(* .PUB. Bnmya'sz. kirtato, int. ko7l.? 1957, 11 No IT3--I 4 0 A 3d I-! T IRA CT No abstrnct. *Materimls. Concrete. C ARD: 41 VAP,TAS, I. ForrAtion or mixed openings. p. 223 lljlrYj',.q TE-MUMMUICKA Didnr,38t VOL. 11, Ito. 6, June 1955 SOMICE: East E~=opann Accessions List (EFJ.L) Mbrnry of Congress Vol.. 51 ?To. 6, Jime 1956 VARJAS, Ist7an Application of the Danulon synthetic fibers in the cotton weaving industry. Mlagy textil 16 no.1232-34 Ja'64. VARJAS, Jozsef, dr. Progrosoion of tuberculosis observed In connection with phenyl- butazone therapy. Orv.hetil. 100 no.41:148o-1482 0 '59. 1. A Debreceni Ox-vostudomanyi Egyetem The. Klialkaja (mb. igazgato: Pongor Yerenc dr.) 1. Belosztalyanak kozlemenye. (PHEMMUTAZONS eff., inj.) (TUBERCULOSIS, PUIJ401URY physiol.) HUNGARY _VA RJAS 1,_E4i_~, Research Institute for Athletic Sciences (Testnevelesi Tudomanyos Kutatointtzet)[location not given](Director: HEPP, Ferenc, Dr., Candidate of Poycholcgical Sciences). "The Significanc-, of Performance Equivalency in Motions" Budapest, MagXar Pazichologlai Szomle, Vol 23, No 1-2, 1966, pp 62-68. Abstract: The tests described involved the execution of the same task with different limbs under various conditions. The purpose of the investigation was to establish the criteria for motion equivalency. The spring-loaded task device was moved by the subject through a traction dynamometer. The subjects included 37 twelve-year old boys. The findings were pre- sented and discussed. It appears that the agility and strength of the limbs varies and if the weakest of the limbs (for the task concerned) can barely perform the task, the other limbs exert unduly high effort when performing the same task. In all tests the path, i.e.p from 'A' to OBI , was the same regardless of the limb involved. The findings confirm published results based on animal tests. 3 references, including 1 Wes- tern and 2 Hungarian. YK. TREIT, Sandor, dr.; SZIIUTYAI, Miklos, dr.; VARJASI, Feranc, dr.; HInffA, Razoo, dr. Palentan treatment of thromboembolism folloving a gynecological operation. Maa.noorv.lap. 17 no-5:296-299f Sept 54. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyt FqLvatam I. sz. Noi Klinikajanitk kozlemenye (Igazgato: Horn Bela dr. e&yatemi tanar). (GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES, surgery postop. thromboambolism, thar., mtkvl bincoumacatatm (Hun) (COUKARIN,derivativen ethyl biscoumacetate, thmr. of thromboarmbolism after gyn. surg, (Han). (TIMOMBOEMBOLIS14 therapy etI71 biscoumacetato in gyn. Burg. (Hun) ru", VARJASI Ferene dr.. SZIMIYAI, Miklos, dr.; TREIT, Sandor. dr.; HUNKA, ffeeZo, CLr. Postoperative variatiens of blood coagulAtion in gynecolopical urgery. Hagy.noorv.lap. 18 no.2:107-111 Mir 55. A Budapesti Oryostudomanyi Hpyatem I. oz. Hoi Ilinikajaritk k;zlemanye (Igazgato: Horn Bela dr. egyatemi tanar) (BLOOD COAGULATION, postop. changes in blood coagulation) (GTNECOIA)GICAL DISEASE, surgery, postop. blood coagulation HORN, Bela. dr.; BOUT, Janos, dr.; VARJASI, Ferenc, dr. Ergometrin managemmnt in placental stage. Kw/. Doorv, lap. 18 no.4:205-210 July 55. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Effetem I. oz. Klinika anak kozlmmanys. (Igazgato: Horn, Bela dr. egyetemi tanari. (ERGOT ALKALOIDS, ther. 'use, argonovins. in labor, placental stage. (Hun)) (LABOR, placental stage, use of argonovina. (Hun)) SZI?MYAI, Miklos, dr.; VARJASI, FArenc, dr.; TREIT, Sandor, dr.; HUNKA, Razso, Pelantan therapy In puerperal thrombosis. Mag7. noorvo lap. 18 no.6:351-360 Nov 55. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Mg3retem I. sz. Noi Klinikajanak kozlemanys (Igazgato: Horn. Bela dr. egyetemi tanar). (TEMM30sis in puerperium, ther., ethyl biscoumacetate.) (PUERPERIUM, complications thrombosis, ther.. ethyl biscoumacetate.) (COTMAIRIN, derivatives ethyl biscoumacetate, thar. of puerperal thrombosis, eff. on newborn infants through milk.) (INFANT, 1TWBOTLIT, effect of drugs on ethyl biscoumacetate in tber. of puerperal thrombosis of mother, transm. through milk.) A VARJASI, Ferena, dr.; NEMAUER, Gyorgy, dz.; RECHNITZ, Kurt, dr.; TRZIT-;-Sandor, dr. ,. :Detection of -f-rsaaiacerous conditions of the c'ervix uteri by . simultaneoue colposcopy nnd cytodiagnosis. Orv.hetll. 102 no.10t 438-442 5 Mr 161. I# Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. sz. Noi Klinika. (CERVIX XECPLAS14S diag) CSOMOR, S.,- THEIT, S.; VARJ II, F.., CSERVENY, A. On the clinical and pathological significance of the amputation stump of the uterus. Acta chir. aced. sci. hung. 4 no.1:51-62 163. - 1. L Frauenklinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. B. Horn) der Modiziniihlln Univeraitat Budapest. (HYSTERECTOMY) (CERVIX NEOPLASMS) VARJUO GY. Geologic surveying in the Toleavaarea. P. 375 A MAGYAR ALLAMI FOLDTANI IDTEZET EVI JELEITESE. Budapest) Hungary, 1955/56 (Published 1959) Monthly List of East 'uropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol, 9) No. 2, Feb. 196o Uncl.. NEMZP E.1- VARJU.. Gy,~ Sodium bentonitization, clinoptylolitization and adularization in the rbyolitic tuffo of the Szerenes piedmont area. Acta geol Hung 6 no.3/4-.389-427 162. 1, Technical Univereity, Veszprem (for Nemeez). VARJU, Gyula, dr.,, geologus Allevardites a-'now FAmgarian clay mineral.. Bany lap 96 no-4:285 Ap !.63- -VAPJU, L. Strongyloides studies. Pt.l. Acta veter Rog 23 ro*31 267-280 T63. 1. Parasitologische Abteilung des Forachungsinstitits fur Tatorlparmadizin (Diraktors J.1-bazaron ) der Ungarlachen Akademie der Wissenschaften. li MVE, I.; VARJU) Lo Strongyloides studies, Pt.2,3. Acta veter flung 13 no.3: 289-305 t63. l.Parasitologische Abteilung des Forachungsinatituts fur Veterinamedizin (Direktort J.14eszaros) der Ungarischen Akademio der Wisoenschaften. HUNGARY VARJU L. Dep~artmcnt of Pathology at the Research Institute Eor Mcdicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences [original-language'ver- sion not given; location not given)(Director: MESZAROSY J.). "Strongyloides Studies. Part 4: The Pathogenicity of Ifog Strongryloiaes Under Experimental Conditions" Budapest, Acta Veterinar-la Academiae Scienti-arum Hungaricae, Vol 16, No 2, 27 Jun 1966, pp 115-141. Abstract: [German article] The author investigated exper:mentally induced cases of ho- strongyloides since there exists no information on th-'s sub- ject in Hungary at the present time. It was established that the pathogenic effect is primarily a function of the number of pathogenic larvae present. The age of the animals influences the disease only insofar its it affects the size of the animals. Even older animals may be afflicted if they have not been infected before. A certain degree of immunity develops following even a slight infection. Incidence of hog sLrongyloides indicates less than ideal care and there is a strong possibility of transmission Und re- infection. 8 references, including 3 Russian, 1 German, I Hungarian, and and 3 Western. (Manuscript received 2 Mar 1965). 1/1 MORAVEC, Jiri, inz.; VARJU, Ludovit Technological processes of pressing agglomerated wood materials into shaped parts. Drevo 17 no.41113-116 Ap 162. 1. Statny drevarsky vjskumny ustav, Bratislava. VARKA, J. Use of noluentionetric tit.-Ption. in analysis o' ceramic raw a.,-i products. p. 7. 5.U AT, I A YZ, M'4I Y Vol. 6. no. 11, Jan. 1956 Czechoslovakia Source; EiZ-T EUROPL~11 LISTS Vol. 5, no. 7 July 1956 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/ Analytical Chemistry - General Questions G-1 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12001 Author : Varka Josef Title : Use of Potentiometric Titration. II. Determination of Homogeneity of Glass- and Enamel Batches Orig Pub : Sklar a keramik, 1956, 6, No 6, 144-145 Abstract : To determine the homogeneity of the batch samples are ta- ken at two different places, of 20-30 g each, and 10 g portions of them are weighed out and washed into 250 ml measuring flasks. The mixture is brought to the volume- mark, stirred and after 3-5 minutes 50 ml of the solution are removed with a pipette diluted with 50 ml water and titrated with 0.1 N HC1 (I~ by the potentiometric procedu- re, using two Sb-electrodes, a buffer solution (PH 7.94 according to 9! crensen) and a galvanometer having a 8ensi- tivity of '10- a. Duration of determination is 15-20 Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/ Analytical Chemistry - General Questions G-1 Abs Jour : Referat, Zhur - Khimiva) No 4, 1957) 12001 minutes. With sufficiently uniform batches the diffe- rence in titration of samples from two different places amounts to .- 0.3 ml I. Communication I see RZhKhim, 1956) 5io8l. Card 2/2 VARM I J. VARKA,, J. Use of potentiometric titrations. III. Determination of alkaline salts in ceramic and enamel solutiong. po 193 Vol. 6 no* E. .0 Aug. 1956 SKLAR KERAIUK TECHNOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession Vol.6, no~-2., 1957 VARKAY) L. New method of constructing ditches for the laying of pipelines; a review of an article. P. 508 (V!.'IUGYI KOZIJ,~-U:,;MF~X) Budapest, Hungary Vol. (38) No. h, 1956. SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (AFEI) Vol. 6, Nfo. 11 November 1957. VABXJIATSXIY, A.F.. professor Stimulation.of labor by durable forms of pitaitrin and pachyearpine (with summary in English). Akush. i gin# 33 no.2:44-50 Mr-Ap 157. (HIBA 10:6) (lav. - profe N.F. 1. Is akushersko-ginekologichookoy kliniki Verkhat eiciy) Odeaskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (LABOR, INDUCED pituitrin & spartsine) (PITUITARY GLAND. FOSMIOR, hormones' pituitrin, induction of labor) (SPARTNISH. ther. use induction of labor) VARKEDI, D. VARKHEDI, D.: "Author's abstract of a dissertation on "The calcining of zirc concentrates using air enriched with oxygenn, presented toward the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Science. Moscow, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Inst of Nonferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. ., Chair of the Metallurgy of Heavy M Kalinin ietals. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science.) SO: Knizhnaya Latopis' No. 50 10 December 1955. Moscow W~ M __, MgL ._[,Varhe.1y., T.] - J~ Using air condensaticil to fight water nhunger." Tekh.nd, 30 nc.11: 33 162. (MIRA 16: 9) 1. Glavnyy reduktor zhurnala "Napseryu tekhnika". (Electric power plants.-Cooling) (Heat-Transmission) VARMOTOV, K., inzh, Now road rollers. Avt,dor. 23 no.28 Mr 160. (KM 13:6) (Rollers (Zarthwork)) ..'r. ~) - -- -()'. G1, ~, -, -lnz',I. p 6- - J- I-el, -cad f-rcri tho lat-La z dc--* Man-li. 6 no.9--l-3-17 -1 161. 14:10) ipnch-;nory) VARKHOTOV, K.P., inzb. Pneumatic-tired road rollera. Awt. dir. 24 no.7.-29-30 J1 162. (MIRA 14:7) (Road rollers) VARXHOTOV.,..Nt~~. f-- . _,-_Lnzho Slope planer. Stroi. I dor. zmash. 7 no.7e26-17 JI '62- (MUU 15:7) (Road machinery) LYADUKHIN) I.A.; NIKOLAYEV, A.F.3 TARASOV, S.M.; DEVYATKOV, A.N.,--VARKHOTOV, ZLOTNIK, M.I..; YEVDOKDIOV V.I.; LYSYAKOV, A.G.; GERSHTEYN, A.K.; KISS, N.L.; ~SLINIK, V.I.~ BEYZERMAN, R.M.; SlaR%V, I.M.; NIMISHIN, I From the pages of Soviet magazines. Mekh. stroi. 19 no.901 - S 162. (MRA 15:9) (Bibliography--Construction equipment) VARKHOTOV, K., inzh. Mounted planer of slopes. Avt.dor. 25 no-3:10-11 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Road machinery) VARKHOTOV, K,, imh. Grid road roller. Av-t,.dor. 25 no.4:27 Ap 162. (IaRA 15:5) (Road rollers) AA A 3 C-Y KOL4DV,D*Ta.,l doktor takhnichookikh nauk; YAM V. T.L.,Jnzhener; - 1- m0 M1110, P.Te., inzhener; YUKSM, Ya.N.,-~~atekhnlcheekikh nauk-, INLITSTY, M.T*Inzhsner~redaktorj SII0K0T,L-T*,rd4aktpr Witel'styal, PERSON. M.N., takhnichaskiy redaktor. [Colle0tion of drawings of hydrotachnic installations in rvral hydroolectri(rpower statiouej Atlas gidrotokhnichookikh zooru- zhenii seliskikh gidroolektrostantsii. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit- ry po stroit. i arkhit. , 1956. 53 plans. (MLRA 10:6) (Hydroelectric Power Stations) t V I - I I IV "', ~ vil IVII I!- I '-~ '~ r,' I - , -,: VAMOTOV, T.L., inzh. 101WAINIINNOWWAMWMI"', Precast elements and monolithic dams for rural hydroelectric power stations. Bet.i zhel.-bot. no.7:274-279 J1 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Dams) 14(6) 6OV/98-59-4-3/17 AUTHOR: Varkhotov, T.L., Engineer TITLE: The Use of Composite-Monolithic-Type Cellular De.- signs in the Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants (Primeneniye sborno-monolitnykh yacheistykh konstruktsiy v stroitel'stve gidroelektrostantsiy) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 4, pp 13-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes five variants for constructing the Konstantinovskaya GES (Konstantino-~Tskaya Hydro- electric Power Plant) on the Yuzhnyy Bug river, Nikolayevskaya oblast'. They were worked out by t-he "Giprosel.'elektroll Institute. The composite-mcnc- lithic type cellular design proved superior. A,----- cording to it, the power plant will have a capacity of 27,000 kv and a pressure of 22.5 m. Its dam - in contrast to monolithic dams built heretofore - will have a cellular design and be composed of pre- fab elements. The new power plant will consist of Card 112 a spillway dam calculated for floods with a 0.5% SOV/08-59-4-3/1-' The Use of Composite-1.1-onolithic-Type Cellular Des'gn= J- the Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants U supply factor (6,540 m 3/sec ) and a poaerhouse ad- Joining the right bank of the Yuzhnyy Bug river. Specifications: dam length - 152 M; nunber of water gates 12; their size - 12x6 m; nunber of units - 3 turbines of the RO-123-VI;1-275-type W-1th generators (N 119200 kva n = 150 rev/min). In addition to this, the au'Zhor gives comparative data on the remaining four variants: the single- body variant, a counter-force dam, a cellular dam made of box-like blocks, and a cellular dam made of cross-like blocks. The cellular-structure 'ariant was given preference as it can be built within 1.5-2 years at a cost of 33,738.6 thousand rubles, with specific investments beina only 1,250 rubles per kw and 45 Kopecks per kwhr. There are 4 photo- graphs, 1 table and 5 diagrams. Card 2/2 VAR~jllOTOV -I,.; j~ Taras Lavrovicl . Prinimli uchastiya: ORLOV, 13.V., im FILIROZE, R.M.., inzh.,- STUMVICH, V.I.., inzh., m-uchi*,.,,- red.; SAFO)IOV, P.V.Y red. izd-va; BO.-,OVITEV, N.K., tekhn. red. [Composite-monolithic and precast honey-combod dnms]Sborno- monolitrye i abornyo incheistye plotiny. MoBkva, Gosstroi- izdat, 1962. 342 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Dams) (Concrete construction)