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wncuall, ZZONa.
I'Analyt icka m~- 'i. 7 Praha, Statn- nakl. techni(~*ve
,tocla v geometr'.
literatury. r"ie analytic me .thocf-i~ geonj-etr"; a aniversity textbcok. 15t
ed. bibl., ~-raphs, index 7
Vol. 1. 1957. 297 p.
p. 297 (Praha, czechoslovakia)
J~Jonthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, no. b, June 195,'.
VANCURA, Zdonek (Praha)
"Analytic geometry" by Jiri Klapka. Reviewed by Monek
Vanoura. Cas pro pea met 85 no.4:,468-469 160,
Studies on microbiological determination of Btaphylococci. I. One-
stage method for the determination of leukocytic activity of staphy-
lococcal toxin (liukocidin.). Ceak. epidem. mikrob. immu. 8 n0-3:
197-201 May 59.
1. Vojenskv ustav bygieny, epidemiologie a mikroblologie v Praze.
toxin, leukocytic activity WE))
leukocytic activity of Micrococcus pyogenes toxin (Gz))
Contribution to microbiological diagnosis of staphylococci. 11.
The importance of the determination of leucocodin and its relation
to certain further roperties of staphylococci. Cesk. epidem. mikrob.
iman. 8 no-5:304-31 Sept 59.
1. Vojensky ustav bygiezW, epidemiologis a mikrobiologie v Praze.
The generalization of local stapbylococcal infection in
X-irmitated rabbits. Folia microbiol 6 no.1:33-39. (60.
(EZAI 10: 5)
1. Military Institute of Hygienep Epidemiologyp and Niorobiologyp
VORREITH, Milos; BARES, Ludek; BENES, Vladimir; ~'T;URIKI ~Josef
Cahdidiasis of the central nervous 07stem diagnosed b7 a bioptic test.
Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.31:966-971 1, Ag 161.
1. Patologickoanatomicke odd. UVN v Praze, nacelnik pplk. MUDr. M.
Vorreith, neurologicke odd. nemocnice OUNZ v Rumburku, prim. MUDr.
L. Bares, neurochirurgicka, klinika KU v Praze, prednosta gen. prof.
MUDr. Z. Kunc a Vojensky ustav hygieny, epidemiologie a mikrobiologie,,
nacelnik pplk. MUDr. Z. Vlasak.
Contribution tv the isporUnoo for hwun pathology. if grs.*-
negative cooml badMry zicrobee diffioult to claosify
(Be anitratum). Cook, spidem. 22 no.4;220-224 JI 163.
1. Vejensky ustav b7giony, spidemiologis a mikrobiologie v
(mmiNoms) (AcHROMACTER)
Some emotional and social aspects of preschool children. Cesk.
pediat. 17 no.7/8:628-631 Ag 162.
1. 1. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU v Fraze, prednosta
prof. dr. J. Sevjcar.
Introduction to the problem of the psychological asquelae
in restriction of movement in chronically ill children. Cesk.
pediat, IS no.4:289-290 Ap 163.
lo I detaka klinika, fakulty detskeho lekarstvi KU v Praze,
prednosta prof. dr. X. Svejoar.
VA 14C U W) VAI L .
Research problems concerning education in the field of hygivne.
P. 75 (Ydnistry of Health, Research Institute for (jr, anization of Health Serrice)
Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1957.
SO: Yonthly Index of East European Acessions (EDU) Vol. 6, LUo. 11 11ovemErr 191~'7.
Problems of research In public health education. Conk'.
sdravot. 5 no.2:75-80 Fab 57.
1. Reditelks Ustradniho ustavu zdravotnicke onvety v Praze.
(PUBLIC R M TH. edue.
research problems (Cs))
In public health educ. (Cs))
- --mmu - ---
Precancerous conditions Of the cervix uteri. Role of health educa-
tion, Cask. gyn. 241381 n0-7:530-552 S 159
1. Ustredni ustav zdravotnicks osvety v Praze.
(GZRVII UTIRI, neopl.)
VANGUROY4',lo XVRr. tnositalka Radu prace;KLIMOVA-YUGN]JRoVAKLTitr.
Health education in the retrospect (1943%-1960). Gesk. zdravot.
8 no.5:257-264 My 160.
1. Reditellm Ustreidniho ustavu zdravotniake oevety(for Vancurova).
A.Krajska osvet ova, lakarska' MO - Praba(for Klimova-Tagnerovs.)
Special botanika zemedelska. Praha, Statni pedagogicke
nakl., 1955. 260 p. (Ucebni texty mysokych skol)
SOURCES- EEAL LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Oct. 1956
Cviceni ze opecialni botaniky a geobotanicke exkurse. (Exercises in Special Botany
and Geobotanical Excursions; a university textbook. lst ed. illus., bibl.)
Authors: Ruzena Vancurova, Vaclav Fiala, Framtisek Volf. For thestudents of the
faculties of agronomy and economics. Prague, SPH, 1957. 225 p.
Bibliograficky katalog,, CSRj Ceske knihy, No. 33. 24 Sept 57. P. 717.
AVDOT1111, Lo, band. arkhiltaktury; VMID.J., Inzh.
Designing apartzent houaea by electrwil: computefa. Zhil-
stroi. no.lx24-25 165. (MIRA 18.,)-
Long-term planning of conotruction b~
y the r:,Ahcd:~ 'a#, 'irear
probrari-Ang. llych. i crg.tekh. v stroi. i r~rook- rio.1:4L /.
0- 3
164. (MIRA 18:3.0)
1. Gosudarstvannyy institut tiiovcgo i eksperimentallnogo
- proyektirovaniya 1. tpkhnirilriaskilkh '~.,Sledovaniy fjo~,stroya SSOR.
Repairs of Zetor Super tractors,the repairs of j.ulleys-
p. W8 (Mechanisace Semedelstvi) Vol. 7, no 1P, Sept. 1957 - Czechoslovakia
SO- Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. 1101. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1915P-
and gavel Vailda War ova Univ~, Prdiiiej. t1im-
cf--~i&~dhig abstr.-The pti-,,.
mum wt. ratio 20:6:iOO:2 of Ba(011)2:P:lf,,0:acti 0 ,
C yielded Ila hypophosphite 3partsirtir,X51,10ptirity. The;
wem u,
!Lxnic malar prujjortion~ wit for tile ~repll. o(Cit 11)1)o-
pha5phitc. White P and the activatot C were mixed wlth~
wat" in a 11 atrij., and CiO was added. The reactiOll wasl
Icarried out tinder reflux and the escaping Pill was burned Ill.
and ah-510-1 In water. After cooling, CO, Wai imsmed!
to plit. cXmis Qu (011)2, tile SuspC1131orl wa% 1,11tcred, macd.,!
iand Mixed witik an equal vol. EtOlf, pptg. Ca(l(~POA.t
~The yield was 0.60, 0.68 and 0.40 g./g. P -with 1110/11 wt.1
'ratios of 30, 20, and 10. Most of the reactiOn Will .
~found to Lakeplace within the Ist fir. Fett4,,'Al*"+,,n,0
);,,~!solvents rentwing the P surface (CCJj, cycIribexanotic) wejru~;
l;L1~4T,11,OV, Y,11. 11. FD 401
U~SiR/Physics Electromagnetic waves diffraction
Ca rd 1/1
Author Vandakurov, Yu. V.
Title Diffraction of electromagnetic waves emitted by an arbitrarily
oriented electric or magnetic dipole in an ideally conducting half-
Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26~ 3-18P Jan 1954
Abstract : Derives a rigorous solution of the problem of the diffraction of
electromagnetic waves emitted by an arbitrarily oriented electric or
magnetic dipole in an ideally conducting half-plane. The results are
presented in the form of single integrals with finite limits of tabu-
lated functions. Generalizes the Sommerfeld problem by locating the
dipole source at a finite distance from the edge of the half-plane.
Acknowledges the close guidance of Prof G. A. Grinberg and advice of
Prof N. N.' Lebedev and Ya. S. Uflyand. Refers to G. A. Grinberg's
Izbrannyye voprosy matematicheskoy teorii electricheskikh i magnitnykh
yavlenyy, Acad Sci USSR Press, 1948.
Institution : Leningrad Pbysicotechnical Institute, Acad Scl USSR
Submitted : June 23, 1953
- 7,
U, L%
VANDAUKUROV, Yu. V.: "The theory of Electron-optical focusing
systems with cirvilinear axes, and its application to
the investigation of certain types of systems with a
plane axial trajectory." Leningrad Physicotechnical
Inst. Acad Sci USSR. Leningrad, 1956 (Dissertation
for the Degree of Candidate in Physicomathematical
So. Knizhnaya letopis' No. 38,, 1956 Moscow
124 -1957- 1-27
r ari3 Lati c-';; frrrn: Referativriyy zhurn-al, Mekhanika, 1957 Nr I , p 4 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Vandakurcv, Yu, V.
TITLE. On a Method of Approximate Solution of the Problem of n Bodies
in Natural Coordinates (Ob odnom metode priblizhennogo
re-cheniya zadachi n tel v yestt.-:~tvennykh koordinatakh)
PERIODICAL: Byu), In-ta teor. astron, AN SSSR, 195b, Vol 6, Nr 4,
Pp -'40-;14 ~
ABSTRACT: A rnethod. it, proposed for the ;'Ipproximate irtegr~xtion of an
c.:;uation of ce)e5tla) mechanics by iT,troducing info the pertur-
b-ition function the ---olutirn of the problem of tvro bodies ard. by
eualuating only the- firZt powers of the de~,iation~; of the perturbed
motion re)aflve to the unperturbed motion, The new feature in
,,he papcr ir tht uf,e cf n-:tturaJ coordinates,
G. A. Merman
Celestial mec-hanics-Equations-Theory
Card !./I
Cr V N' V
Category o USSR/Nuclear Physics - Instruments and Installations. C-2
Methods of Measurement and Investigation.
Abe Jour , Ref Zhur - Fiziksp No 3, 1957, No 5761
Author I Y
Title 3 Concern ng Anti-Syminetrical Magnetic Fields with
Double Focusing.
Orig Pub : Zh. tokhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 7, 1599-161o
Abstract : Examination of the focusing imperties ef nnti-symmetrical
magnetic fields with a rotationnl symmetry for the cose when
the fundamentrl trajectory of the beam, lying in the central
plane of the field, is perpendicular at the initial point to
the radius r. Fields cre investigoted with double focusing,
in which several intermediate images are produced between the
cource and the final image, no a result of the focusing in
a single direction, horizontrl or vertical. It is shown that
in certain fieles of this type the dispereior.*is great and at
the same time the second-order nberration, which depends on
the angle of divergence of the beam in the central plane, is
absent. For Fort I see Referet Zhur Fizika, 19%, 21918.
Card 1 1/1
VI) Ze
USSR/Electronics - Electron Optics H-3
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 12302
Author : Vandak-urov,*Xu.V.
Inst :
Title : Electron-Optical Systems, Whose Fields are Independent of
One Coordinate.
Orig Pub : Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 11, 2578-2594
Abstract : A method, developed by Grinberg (Selected Problems in the
Mathe tical Theory of Electric and Magnetic Phenomena,
published by the Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1948), hac
been employed. Almost all the derivations are made in
the non-relatiViBtic approximation. The author examines
electron-optical systems, that have cylindrical or axial-
ly-symmetric fields (electrostatic and magnetostatic).
In addition to the two known differential equations of
Grinberg (second-order equations), which describe the de-
flection of the trajectory from the axial trajectory of
Card 1/2
USSR/Electronics - Electron Optics H-3
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5) 1957, 12302
the beam, the author obtains for these fields still ano-
ther equation) which is simpler (of first order), and
which is a consequence of the two Grinberg epations
(and in some cases of one of these equations). When in-
vestigating the trajectory, this simpler equation can be
used to replace one of the second-order equations. Par-
ticular cases are examined, for example, that of a field
with a center plane, and also the case of fields with sym-
metry of rotation and with a center plane. Very briefly
discussed are the following examples: field of a linear
current, field of spherical and cylindrical capacitors,
field of a cylindrical capacitor with a superimposed inho-
mcgeneous magnetic field.
Bibliography, 15 titles.
Card 2/2
Ff N D rq K, (jJ
TITLE InvestJMd-m-R-J~-al:1y Sy=etrlael Wigneft Yields YlWah Bring Into FWus a
Space Beam Having a Helical Axial Path with. a Slowly Varying Radius.
(IselecLovaniye aksiallno, simmetrichnykh magnitnykh poley,, osushche-
stv4ayushchikh fokusirovku prostranetvennogo puchka, osevaya, trayek-
toriya kotorogo Ineyet vid spirall, s medlenno, menyayushchimsya radiusom.
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz, 1957, Vol 27# Nr 6. pp 1319 - 1329 (U'SeSeRe)
ABSTRACT Axially symmetrical fields with a mean level (symmetry-level of the pole
shoe type) are investigated. The character of the fields is determined
bythe condition of the focusing of a broad plane bundle with a non-cir-
cular axial trajectory, The author shows that if the axial curve is al-
most circular the field distribution can be cho3en in such a way that the
aberrations dependent on the deflection-angle on the mean level are
small compared to other aberrations. The focusing of the bundle round
a wide angle can be carried out in the fields investigated. With in-
creasing width*of the focusing-angle the dispevion increases,proportio-
nally to the sq4are'of the angle while the aberrations which are depen.
dent on the height of the source and of the initial angle between tra-
jectory and mean level,, change only slightly. Besides, the focusing of
the bundle takes place in two directions in the case of some angles.
Card 1/2 The author shows that the fields investigated here can be used for the
Inn otl&%Uon of Azia3ly 91y=etr1cal Magnetic Fie Ida Which Bring Into Jbouo a
Space Beam Having a Helical Axial Path with a Slowly Varying Pladiuee
consiruction of a spectrometor'with a great rsaol-' _ ,,,omr in the case
of a sufficient intensity of light. (With 3 Slavic- references).
SUBMITTED 29,1191956
AVAILABLE Library 9f Congress
JC&rd 2/2
AUTHOR: Vandakurov, Yu.V.. 57-8-28/36
TITLE4 On the The)ry of Aberrations of Electronoptical Systems with a
Curvilinear Axis (K teorii aberratsiy elektronnoo-ptioheskikh
fokusiruyushchikh sistem s krivolineynoy oslyu)
FIERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 8p pp 1850-1862 (USSR)
ABSTRAM Equations are deduced according to the trajectory method and the
method developed by Grinberg. By their means the geometrical
aberrations of first and second order as well as the chromatic
aberrations of first and second order can be found for any
electric and magnetic fields. Formulae are given for these aberra-
tions. Formulae are also deduced for the dispersion according to
velocities and masses. The conditions are put up in the case of
the fulfillment of which the geometric aberrations of second
order lack. All deduaions of 6eneral formulae are carried out
for a relativistic case. There are 10 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATIGN: Leningrad Physical Technical Institute of the Acadenq of Sciences
of the USSR)(Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut PJ1
SUBMITTED: January 15, 1957
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Vandakur 57-28-5-27/36
TITLE: Investigation of the Stability of Particle Motion in Accelera-
tors With Radially Growing Field and Supplementary Systems
Guaranteeing the Focussing of the Particle Beam(Issledovaniye
ustoychivosti dvizheniya chautits v uskoritelyakh s radiallno
narastayushchim polem isdopolnitel 'nymi sistemami, obespechi-
vayushchimi fokusirovku puchka chastits)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, PP- lo65-
-1o76 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the author investigated the motion of the
particle beam in accelerators, the field of which can be re-
presented by the sum of two separate fields: One field symmetri-
cal to the axis of the leading field, and one field periodi-
cally dependent upon the azimuth of the field, which is inten-
ded for focussing the beam in a direction parallel to the axis.
The second field is created by differently arranged systems of
current-carrying conductors. In one of the investigated fields
the full field belongs to the class of ordinary fields with a
gradient variable as the azimuth. In alinear approximation the
trajectories of particles with constant energy were investigat-
Card 1/ 5 ed and the conditions were found, at a satisfiction of which
Investigation of the Stability of Particle Motion in Accelera- 57-28-5-27/36
tors With Radially Growing Field and Supplementary Systems Guaranteeing the
Focussing of the Particle Beam
the motion is stable. The relation determining the minimum
amperage necessary for the maintenance of the stability of
motion, was found, 1) If it is assumed, that the length of the
horizontal conductor area is so great that it influences only
little th*agnitude of field in the isnge of from r 11 to r2,when
it is increased, theAnve9tigated system can approximately be re-
placed by a system of N conductors of infinite length inter-
secting in the point with the coordinates r - 0, z - h. The
field created by the current passing through the n-th con-
ductlor with an amNrage I can conveniently be expressed by the
scalar potential 5. The scalar potential is obtained from a
summation of the quantities Qn with n, n extending from 0 to
N - 1. If the leading field is created by a magnet with an iron
core, the directed currents in the iron can exert considerable
influence on the magnitude of the leading field. These currents
are determined by concrete constructive peculiarities, and can
approximately be taken into account by the introduction of an
effective field into formula (5). The schlar potential then be-
comes Q-Qt +Q,.
Card 2/5 2) In order to investigate the stability of motion, the motion
-Investigation of the Stability of Particle Motion In Aacelera- 57-28-5-27/36
tors With Radially Growing Field and Supplementary Systems Guaranteeing the
Focussing of the Particle Beam
of the particle beam, the energy of which can be assumed as
being constant, must be examined. If one of the trajectories
of the beam is known, the others can be computed according to
the equation by Grinberg(Ref 9). 3) The minimum amperage Imin
equals I - 4-76-y1 + V (Ar sh h k roHO)ro
min r7- r2 r2
The value of the current I necessary for guaranteeing the ata-
bility of thevertical movements can be reduced by winding the
conductore in a spiral form in a plane parallel to the middle
field plane. In order to remove unfavorable resonance pheno-
mena such an acceleration condition is advantageous, at which
andV remain constant for all r in the interval rl< ro, r2-9
k _Sz 4
will be constant, if (Hz V.) -Ir . Furthermore the con-
ductors can be twisted in such a way as to make%2 also inde-
pendent of ro- 4) The error corresponding to an inaccurate
choice of the axis curve is small; it also has only an effect
on the trajectory and by no means on the frequency. In the in-
vestigated ca3e the amplitude of the fast oscillations is N-
Card 3/5 timesless than the amplitude of the slow oscillations. This
.Investigation of the Stability of Particle Motion in Accelera- 57-28-5-27/36
plementary Systems Guaranteeing the
tors With Radially Growing Field and Sup
Focussing of the Particle Beam
circumstance is unfaVorable, because it increases the number
of resonance values p and 9. The amperage in the case h
is in the investiguted field equal to that in section ro
three. 5) The formulae set up in sections 3 and 4 determine the
trajectory of the beam in the zero-th approximation with re-
apect to t e small quantity 1/H. They are sufficiently acuratel
if k and It are considerably smaller than N2.If, however,they
are only .1, LL LO somewhat smaller, more accurate solutions of the
equations of motion are necessary. The obtained solutions are
as follows: + (2g+f)sinN$ - ~ g2cos 21it 1+ 2 COS424*
41 4-N 0
2 1-2 )~
+ 1- E_ )~f 2g+f J O'nP2 1)
1( 2N2 0 N 112
f vinN~ - -6 g2cos2NA 2 2
9 1 - EL )? +
IV2 8N2)zocoBV2 + 8N2 0
f zol sinl0l.$
Card 4/5 + oil
Investigation of the Stability of Particle Motion in 57-28-5-27/36
Accelerators with Radially Growing Field and Supple-
mentary Syjtems Guaranteeing the Focussing of the
Particle xseam.
The here detailed method can easily be generalized to cases
of a more general type. It can also be applied to the com-
putation of equations, taking into consideration terms of a
higher order of infinitesimals. The author thanks V. M. Kellman
as well as Professor G. A. Grinberg. There are 2 figures and
11 references, 5 of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AR SSSRJ, Leningrad (Leningrad.,
Physical-Technical Institute AS USSR)
SUBMITIED: may 29, 1957
1. Particle accelerators--Design 2. Particle beams--Focusing
Card 5/5
Theory of focusing In acceleratorr with a magnetic field of
azimuthal periodicity. Zhur. tokh. fiz. 28 no.11:2567-2582 N
'58. (Particle accalarators) (HIRA 12: 1)
9.3150,16.,78oo,24.2120 '17845
AUTHOR: Vandalcurov, Yu. V.
TITLEt Stability E. .;,'ine .,.nni: Yar Plasma Conductor in a
Magnetic Field
PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1j.
PP 330-337 (USSR)
ADSTRACTs Many authors have analyzed stability of an infinite
cylindrical plasma twine, with respect to different
perturbations, assuming the validity of equations of
magneto-hydrodynamics, It is usually assumed criterlais
obtained in the infinite case apply also in case of a
thIn annular plauma conductor. The present; paper
inve3tigates the validity of such assurriptions. The
author, in the framework of magneto-hydrodynamics,
investigates stability of an annular plasma twin!:~
located inolde a perfectly conducting mantle, The
twine is bent only 8lightly, I.e., aIR = 6 and b/R
Card 1/7 are small compared to unity. Here aandbam respective
Stability of a Fine Annular Plasma
Conductor in a Magnetic Field
radii of the sections of the twine and the mantle; R
is mean radius of the ring. The author assumes further
that in the stationary state there are no volume
currents inside the plasma conductor, while t-he mediu-m
is taken to be incompressible and perfectly conducting.
He starts from equations for total fields inside H I
and outside lie of the twine developed previously by
Vandakurov (ZhTF, XXIX, Nr 11, 1959). He investigates
stability of the equilibrium configuration with respect.
to perturbations depending on tIme t and angle
according to
Card 2/7
The author does not investigate n = 0 axially symmetri-
cal perturbations. He denotes by p, v, and.H the
values of perturbed pressure, velocity, and magnetic
field in the inside region r z~~ a. Total values of
Stability of a Fine Annular Plasma
Conductor in a Magnetic Field
these quantities are then denoted by p 0+p; V and If1+11.
The author starts from magneto-hydrodynamic Eq3. "B"
i4l hj11q (inv -t- 2R(v grad X) II)i
Rj 27
v = -gra a
,MO R~_, (inH-2RH+gradX),
wfilelqc- divH=O, divv=O,
. hjHO
(4-,p -4- U V4- # H,
lie next transforms '.-he equation more convenient
forms, and develops appropriate L)OLIfidary conditions.
He solves the problem applying the Fourier Expansion
and notes each golut-lon containing, one of' the harmonics
s = in (in = 0. 1 .... ) as the domitiant one corresponds to
Card 3/7. a perturbation of type m. The final step is to intro-
duce these solutions into Eq. 13
Stability of a Fine Annular Plasma 77845
Conductor in a Magnetic Field SOV/571-_-30-3-21/15
AW _[1 _Eq COS y _*_ 0(S2)jJ,P -inch, (D
[I -3_zqcosy -f- 0(s)]E=0. (13)
and obtain the bouridarler3 of' t,he Btabll]._~y vej_flon
which completes the study. in Eq. (13) -q = ;N,2 6
Note the solutions in form of Fourier expansions are
characterized by various values of expansion coellfi-
cients. The author expands those coefficient's into
power series in 6 , arid solves the problem utilizing
the method of successive approximations. The problem
of investigation of various types of perturbations
is now reduced to discussion of roots of the determi-
Card 4/7
Sf,;~`,;ility of.' a Fine Annular Plasm:~,~ 78't5
CotidU(Aor In a Mimkellic Fleld SOV/--17 -3 -j --3 - J. 2, /1' 55,
A,, zA,
A, 1.
A, P, U, X, f/ (16)
A .. B, Z U, (,:: V.t '
Z-2A., --p.. X. . C., V,
where the elements of the deter-ininants are obtatn~-,-d a s
the reSUlt Of sub3titution of the Fourier-e;ipa.,ided
solution Into Eq. (13). In the first approximath.ion
one uses for instance the minor
A,, -B,. z'[Jo I
A,~-B 0.
z A, 13: ~ 0,,,, 1 Z-
and two of the roots C,-Lve Eqs. 20.
Card 5/7
Stability of a Fine Annular Plasma '7'034 5
C()'// 7 -
Conductor in a Magnetic Fleld
Card 6/7
2 h!
(M -iM 2n h,
It can be shown these roots determine the boundary of
stability for perturbation ni = 1. The author also
finally 3how3 that with accuracy up to the order in
e 2, the limits of stability of a fine annular t,.-iine
are determined by the same equations used for an
infinite cylindrical plasma twine. The wavelength of
the perturbation in the latter case must then be put
equal to L-jn! . Prof. G. A. Grinberg evaluated the
work. There are 5 references, 3 Soviet and 2 U.K.
The U.K. references are: R. J. Tayler. Proc. Phys.
Soc., B70, 1049, 1957, M. Kruskal a. M. Sch,,,.1arzsc-ii1d.
Proc. Roy. Soc., 223, 348, 19511.
8tability of a Fine Annular Plasma 1,181
M 0
Conductor in a Magnetic Field I) V57-30--3/-11-15
ASSOCIATION: Physico-Tecbnical Institut AS USSR, Lenin~rad (FizJ.ko-
tekhnicheskly institut AN SSSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED: October 22, 1959
Card 7/7
Oscillations of a thin annular plasma flux in magnetic field.
Zhure takhns f12e 30 no*6:711-722 Je 160, (KIRA 13:8)
1e Fisiko-tekhnicheskiy In8titut AN SSSR, Leningrad,
(Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Magnetic fields)
Stability of a thin annular plasma conductor in a magnetic
field Part 2. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 30 no.7:781-789 il 160.
(MIRL 13:8)
1. Fiziko-tekhaichookly institut AN SSSR, Leningrad.
(Magnetic fields) (Plasm (Ionized gases))
Vandakurov, Yu. V.
Steady State of a Thin Annular Plasmalolumn of Finite
Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 9,
pp~ 1134-1136
TEXT: In the introduction, thl author refers to the known fact that in
an infinite cylindrical plasmalcolumn in an electric longitudinal field
the plasma drifts, which are described by two summands in formula (1)
for v, set up by L. Spittser may compensate each other (VL is the plasma
velocity in transverse direction to the magnetic field lines in a state
near the steady one). In the transition to a toroidal form, this compensa-
tion is not maintained, and a plasma drift of a new type originates. In
his investigation, the author also restricts himself to states near the state
of equilibrium, and first he studies an infinite cylindrical plasma
column. Expressions for the current density and the radial plasma velocity
Card 1/2
Steady State of a Thin Annular Plasma Column S/057/60/030/009/021/021
of Finite Conductivity B019//BO54
are obtained. It appears that with a toroidal column no complete compen-
sation of drifts can be attained. Further, the radial velocity depends on
the conductivity of the plasma and its distortion, but not on the magnetic
longitudinal field. The drift which is connected with the distortion of
the axis of the plasma column is considered to be essential in systems
with strong magnetic longitudinal fields. There are 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Institul-e of Physics and Technology of the AS USS
SUBMITTED: June 18, 1960
Card 2/2
Effect of the final conductivity on the stability of a slightly
curved string plasma. Zhar.tekh.fiz. 31 no.8.,907-915 Ag 161.
(19RA 24:8)
1. Fiziko-tokhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR, imeni, A.F.Ioffe, Leningrad.
(Plasma (Ionized gases))
VANDAKUROV, Yu.V. (Leningrad)
Aeory of the stabilit7 of a conducting fluid cylinder in a
wagnotic field. Prikl. mat. i inekh. 26 no.5-.877-884 S-0 162.
(MIRA 15:9)
(Plasm (Ionized gases)) (Magnetic fields)
AUTHOR: Vandakurovt Yu. V.
Effect of finite conductivity on the equilibrium of a
slightly curved plasma column. II
PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheekoy fiziki, v- 32, no. 6, 1962, 948 - 957
TEXTs The steady state of a slightly twisted and a slightly helical
plasma column with finite conductivity is studied. The column is located
in a strong longitudinal magnetic field and in a transverse magnetic
field, necessary for the equilibrium condition. It is assumed (1) that
the equations of magnetohydrodynamice are valid; (2) that the diameter
2a of the column is small compared with the radius.of'curvatur~j R, and
the radius of twisting, q; (3) that the pressure produced by the longitu-
dinal current is equal to the plasma pressure and much smaller than the
total magnetic pressure; (4) that the zeroth approximation depends only on
the distance from the axis of the column. Hence the author approximates
.the solutions with respect to powers of s a a/R. The distribution of the
fields hnd of pressure pFovee to be similar to that of an infinitely long
plasma column with circular cross section. It is shown that the
Card 1/2
S105 62/032/008/006/015
Effect of finite conductivity... B104YB102
longitudinal current may prevent a separation from the wall and that the
pressure over the cross section remains constant. An experiment with an-
incompressible liquid is described which enables mass flow distribution
in the column to be studied. There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. P. loffe AN SSSR
Leningrad (Physiootechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe
AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTEDt August 26j 1961
Card 2/2
6 11
S/02 2/143/005/007/018
.2 B104FB6102
AUTH Vandakurov, Yu. V.
TITLEs The stability problem of a plasma cylinder with an in-
homogeneous cross-sectional current distribution
PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady,-v. 143, no. 5, 1962, 1076-1081
TEXT: The stability of an incompressible, nonviscous, and ideally oo;,-
ducting plasma cylinder of radius a is investigated. The equilibrium
distribution of the magnetic field inside and outside (vacuum) the column
is given 1-
I,&,, r + i,h npii 0 < r < d,
(9+/ In + i~h(l + I In-L) npu d< r
,TITIZ: On the instabilltv of a rotating plnqmn.111 on In the presence of high
.froquency radial pulsations
SOUKE: Zhurnal teldinicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 8, 1965, 1304-1371
7OPIC TAG3: plasma stability, plasma heating, Larmor frequency, longtttrtitnal mag-
!nettc field, alternating magnetic field, mognatohydrodynamics
;ABSTRACT: Tile author investigates In the magnetohydrodynamic approximation the
stability with respect to radial pulsationa of a perfectly conducting rotating
plasma filament U a strong longitudinal magnetic field, oil which is superimposed
i n longitudinal oscillating magnetic f told of high f requency tuxi moderate amplitude*
':Tile calculations are of interest in connection with the problem of heating plasmas
!by magnetic fields oscillating at frequencies near the ton Larmor frequency. Tile
author has previously treated similar problems for nonrotating plasmas (ZhTF, 34,
1788, 1964; ZhTF, No.3, 1965) and employs some results of the earlier work at dif-
ferent stages of the calculations. The rotation frequency of the plasma is assumed;
Co,d JL/3
1 to be small compared with the ion Larmor frequency, the frequency of tile oscilln-
ting magnatic fioldo nnd tile frequnncy of tile radinl pulsations. Tile mngnntohydro-:
Aynamic equations are linearized for perturbntiomg proportional to exp (fin
where m is an integer and cp is the azimuthal coordinate, mid approximate solutions
nre derived by expanding in powers of a parameter which is npproximately tile ratio
of the rotation frequency to the magnetic field oscillation frequency. The cases
of a plasma f ilament of constant density anti of a f 11ament with tile dermity pro-
portional to exp (-ar2), where a is a constant and r Is the distalice from tile axis,;
are treated separately. It is found that tile stability criteria derived by the
author In the work cited above are applicable to the filament with constant dowgir
t , but that a f ilament wAth a Gaussian dems-ity distribution can become unstable
(whether it rotates or not) at frequencies equal to or greater than tile ion Larmor
frequency even in the abbence of all known unstabilizitg factors such as rotation,
curvature of the magnetic lines bf force, longitudinal current, imperfect plssma
conductivity, etc. The experimental results obtained by M.D.Vasil'yev, LI.
Grigortyeval B.I.Smerdov, arid V.V.Chochkin (ZhTF, 1531, 1964; Yadernyy sintez, 4,
145, 1964) in their attempt to heat plasmas by oscillating magnetic fields are dis-i
cussed very briefly and it is concluded that the instability observed by these
authors may be the Instability derived here theoreticallyo A more detailed com-
L :Z72,
AMB3316 HH: APS020719
parlson with experiment will be possible only when the theory hns been developed
In a nonlinear approximation, Origi art. hFLq,. 48 formulas awl 2 f lgiirev.
A350CMION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institat im. A.1.1offe AN SSSR, Leningrad
(Physico-technical Institute, AN SSSR)
j SUEMITTED: 16Dec64 E Nc L: 00 SUB CCDH1 KE
01710111 002
I Card 3/3
-1, 3953-66 FNTM
IMWrIO-N M: AP5=06 m/oo2o/65A64/003/0525/0528
AUTHOR: Vandakurov, Yu V
TITLE: On an instability mechanism for pjqp~qqng_.s;tars
SOURCE% AN SSSR. Doklady, vo 1164, no, 3, 1965, 5245-528
TOPIC TAGSi variable star,, hydrodynamic theory, astrophysics
ABSTRACT: Starting from the linearized kydrodynamic equations, with an adiabatic i
equation of state, the eigenmodea for a homogeneous or slightly inhomogeneaLtzi
star are examined. For the familiar example (see, e.g.p P. Ledoux and T. Walraven,
Handb. Phys., 51, 353, 1958) with conntan't density e (except for a thin surface
layer where ? goes to zero), a now class of radially symmetric modes is found;
its stability is studied with the help of the Bogoliubov-4-litropolskV asymptotic
methods. These modes pulsate periodically; if the frequency is sufficiently
close to a half-integral multiple of a frequency cr(which is proportional to the
constant internal stellar d3nsity), instability results. Tho mechanism of the
instability is a transfer of energy between radial and nonradial modes. Applica-
tion is made to observed behavior of variable stare like RV Tauri and the Caph-
sidap and an explanation is provided for the common relationship between
L 3953-66
fundamental period and spectral class amung these disparate types. The author
thanks Professor L..-E.,.Gu,revich for valuable discusnions. Orig. art. has: 21
ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko tekhnichaskiy institut im, A, F. Ioffo.. Akademii nauk SSSR
(T~nica~L-Tqchnical In!jtituta, Academy of Sciences, SSSR)
SUBMrMDi 2.70ot64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEs AA
HOREF SM 003 0THKRt 003
':Card 2/2
Stability of a compresible gravitating cylLnider of homcgEncus
density in a longitudinal majmetic field. Astron. zhur. 43
no. 1:99-104 Ja-F 166 WIRA 19:2)
1. Fiziko-teldinicheskiy Institut imeni A.F. loffe AN SSSR.
Sutmitted May 11, 1964.
ACC NR, AP60ii
AUTHOR: Abramova, K. B.;
Peregud, B. F.
/j ci -;F~ cl, SOURCE CODE: UR/002o/66/i67/oo4/0778/0781
Valitskiy, V. P.; 'fandakuroy, Yu. V.; Zlatin, It'. A.;
ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Fiziko-
tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Magnet9hydrodynamic instabilities-in an electrical explosion
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167,'no. 4, 1966, 778-781
TOPIC TAGS: -exploding wire, electrical explosion
ABSTRACT: The disintegration mechanism of an electrically exploded conductor was in-
vestigated experimentally by the method of pulse x-raying. The -arrangement7riade it
possible to obtain four exposures of 0.1 to 0.2 psec during each experiment at
selected instants from the beginning of current flow througl
,~the i1ire. . Copper,
tungsten, molybdenum and lead wires and a thread of liquid 'lead'ifere investigated.
The experiments were prompted by the results of an earlier investigation by one of
the __ co--authors,(Ab-ramova) showing that the threshold energy for explosion remains
below that of evaporation, exceeding only the level required for melting. The
data from the experiments show that two types of instabilities develop in the con-
ductor which deform it and lead to its breakup into numerous parts. During the pre-
threshold period, a helical instability was observed, which was followed by a con-
strictive instability accompanying the actual explosion. Both types of instabilities
Card __ 113 uDc: 234.143
ACC NRs AFt)01142b
are apparently of magnetohydrodynamic origin. An analysis of the conditions of
stability of a fluid cylinder in the magnetic field of the current flowing in it
established the dependence of a dimensionless increment 0 =. iwr Anp on the factor
x = kro (ro is the radius of the cylinder, p is the density, ans k = 2ff/X, A being
,the wavelength of the disturbance) for two valu'es of an integral factor m describing
the mode of disturbance: m = 0 corresponding to the constrictive, and m = 1, to
the helical, instability. However, the experimental values of corresponding wave-
lengths exceed the calculated values by approximately 2 to 3 times in the case of
constrictive instability, and 70 times in the case of helical instability. The
difference can be explained by the onset of helical instabilities before the fusion
of the wire begins, and by the fact that the energy spent on it is much lower than
that necessary for constrictive effects. Special experiments, where the input energy
remained below the melting level, bent the specimens. The constrictive instability
can develop, apparently, only above the melting point of the specimen. -This was
aleo confirmed by the experiments with liquid thread,~where constrictive instabilitie
developed at a relatively low level of input energy. The mechanism of constrictive
instability is attributed to the concentration of heat in the nodes of constriction,
-which leads to a--localized -evaporation -of metal. - Since only -a -small proportion of
the metal is evaporated, the threshold energy may remain below the vaporization level
as was actually observed. A complete evaporation of all metal, however, may not
occur even when the input energy exceeds the vaporizationilevel. In this case, the
helical instabiliiy may not have enough time to develop bdfore fusion and evaporation
set in. It is concluded that the occurrence of the "current pause" is the result of
constrictive magnetohydr6dynamic instability. The time constants of the instability
A%-C-NRt Ap6oll426
increment were 0.2 psee for copper wire and 0.1 Psec for L!ad wire. The experiments I
with molybdenum uxid, tungsten wirer, showed definitely tla~ the de6truction if3 due if
solely to m =. 0 (ie. , constrictive) instabilities. The current, however, after
reaching the maxiinum, drops to 1/2 to 1/3 of its peak value, and after a while rises
to a second maximum. Since instability develops after the first peak value of the
oscillatory discharge, the conductivity drop at the end of the first puloe cannot be i
explained by the onset of instability. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (FP)
VANDAMOTA, Te*V. (deceased]
Natural virgip and waste land vegetation of northern lulunda as an
indicator of suitability for cultivation. Tru4y Biol. inst. ZaP.-
Sib. filo Au jSSR. no-3:11-23 157- (MIRA 13:10)
(Kulunds, Steppe-Botany)
2* USSR (600)
4, Geology and Geography
7. Steppes of Siberia, A. V, Kuminova and Ye. V. Vandakurova. Now
Siberian Regional Press, 1949)p Reviewed by M. 1. Pomus, Sov. Kniga,
No 3" 1951*
9. 400 Report U-3081, 16 Jan 1953, Unclassified*
Steppes of the Ursul Basin and Their utilization for pastures.
Trudy Biol. inst. Zap.-Sib. fil- AN SSSR no-2:363-377 156. (MIRA 13:10)
(Ursul Valley--Fastures and meadows)
AUTHOR: Vandalov, V. S. SOV16-58-6-1&121
TITLE: On the Tolerable Leneth of the Theodolite Traveree in Systems
With Intersections (0 dopustimoy dline teodolitnykh khodov
v sistemakh a uzlovymi tochkami)
PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1958, Nr 6, PP. 45 - 49 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The determination of the points weakest as regards the accuracy
in traverses an well an the tolerable length of the traverses
is insufficiently dealt with in the instructions for systems
of theodolite traverses incorporating junction points. By sub-
aequent equivalent substitution any network can be reduced to
the most simple form - the single traverse. Proceeding herefrom
a single theodolite traverse can serve as a basis for the
determination of the weakest points. This theodolite traverse
is supported at its ends by the triangulation points or by the
traverse stations. The weakest point with respect to accuracy
in the case of a single traverse supported at its ends by
traverse stations is the middle part ( thin concerns errors of
point position after balancing). The error in the position of
Card 1/1' the traverse central point is equal to about half of the linear
On the Tolerable Length of the Theodolite Traverse in BOV/6-58-6-lo/21
Systems With Intersections
deviation in the traverse: By means of several iVen formulae
the tolerable length of traverse as well as the%rror at the
weakest point can be determined in advance and the weakest points
of the system can be found. It is assumed that the length of
the traverses between the traverse stations and the junction
points as well as between the intersections are the same. Four
systems are investigated: 1) Three traverses with I junction
point. 2) 4 traverses and 1 junction Point. 3) 5 theodolite
traverses with 2 junction points. 4) 6 theodolite traverses with
3 junction points. For all these cases the weakest point and
the tolerable length are determined. Concludingit is said that
the length of the traverse may be calculated according to the
given formulae under the assumption that the error magnitude is
located at the weakest point, and knowing the accuracy in setting
out the theodolite traverses. There are 5 figures and I table.
Card 2/3
M -
On the Tolerable Length of the Theodolite Traverse in SOV/6-58-6-lo/21
Systems With Intersections
1. Theodolites--Performance 2. Theodolites--Calibration 3. Theodolites--Errors
Card 3/3
..VANDAIA)Vt V.S.# inzh.
Precision norms for marking operations. Tranbp. otroi, 13. no,2:43-
44 F 161. (MIFA .14:2)
2 7 77'1~
e izrncrendyc ~erq-em tiuz-,- v z5us.,-~
nykh ustawovkakh (na kdj-p4c',,ni7kh
V.~T- 10, S. 34-35-
SO: letcluis' Zhurnallrr.A:h 6 atcy, Vol. 37., 1~401-
Formatka of the mormiaditiod" oWme lovertmom in YOW.
it- tmy wW ht. Vandounne (State Univ., Ghent. Mir.).
I14""AMPROP(mNin floglith).-Iftycrtaso IQc-
tolalitm In a Pam Orafts ell 1304101" yvast RNA JILUO WillkXlt
Icell ImTraw wben mucrome wux acltk-d ecoulin"Waly and the
hmedium ormird V~rcrwsxjy, Inywam activity increased
Uh iswrmsins xv of. the colls and rearbed a max. in the
ottkmary xrcrwtb phase. Adaptation vms Inhibited by the
mission -f MI. *, Pth --', tor hfg I * (but mK NO.-) from
;,b, ff"llun, Atkx,t ball of the quantity of adaptive en-
A"rasine and asparlk- arK
W. IRA glulandracUl. 41111JULto lovertale fortuation as writ
FAS does N If. 1. lirkh Ifirsebbets
For a further improvement of pilotaga service. Mor.tflot 23
no.4:13-14 AP 163. (KMA 16:5)
1. Starahiy shturman parokhoda I'Vetluga" Sakhalipokogo parokhodstva.
(Pilots and pilotage)
VANDANOV, T., kapitan dallrogo p1nvaniya, aspirtint
Settling controversies concerning th- ~olliBi-ow of seagoing
vessels. Mor. flot 25 no.2:17-18 F '65.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Leningrad3koye vyssheye inzhenernoye mor,3khodnoye uchilishche
imeni, admirala S.O.Makarova.
VANDANOV, T., aspirant
Liability for the collision of seagoing veB3els umer
conditions of poor visibility. Mor.flot 25 no.6s23-24
ii 165.
(MLA 19ti)
1. Leningradskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche
imeni admirala Makarova.
KOZLOVA, Yri.I,, kand. biolog. na-Lik; ijEAW11U)VA, AA,, lj~~LJA.~O&VAW. V.S,
Effect of simazine anel atraz-;ne on trii, dev*,~I-Dpnent of so�l
micro-orgftnlams. Agrobiologlia no.2:2'11--2?7 ~L--.-Ap 164.
(MIRA 17;6)
1~ Moskovokly gosuriarstvennyy wUv,!riJtet j-,nr-,ni M.V. l'onlollosova,
Biologc-pochvenriyy fakulltet.
VANDAS.) J. , inz,
MinArs' Conference on 1cience and TechnoloU in ?r1tr&T., gcvember
22-27, 1964. Rudy 13 no.2:6r;i-70 F 165.
1. Central Administration of the Rasearch and Mining of Radioactive
Raw Materials, Tribr&m.
- zation of work in the =it method of traotor repair. p. 427.
Organi ISACE ZEMMLSTVI. pralla, Vol* 4. no. 22P Nov. 1954.
Li 1 t (EgAL) I w., Vol - 5 . no. 3, March 1956
SOURCE, EaSt European AC0088111 0
VANDAS, ?,-;.
Repairs of Zetor Super tractors. (To be contd.) P. 377. (YECffANISACE
ZFY,EDEL-qTVj, Vol- 7, No. 16, Aug 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
SO: Monthly List Of East !European Accessions (iML) LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dee 1957. Uncl.
Repairs of Zetor Super tractors; disassembling and assembling the rear
semiaxle. (To be contd.) P. 399. (MECHANISACE ZZI~T'IDLLSTVI, Vol. 7, 110- 17,
Sept 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (h-EAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dee 1957. Uncl.
JLJDJ~s 0 1.,.
Repairs of Zetor Super tractors; disassembly and assembly of the suspersion
apparatus and the front wheel.
P. h46. (Mechnnespee Zemed1stvi. Vol. 7, No. 1~, Oct. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
Monthly IndeX of East European Accession (E-PAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 2,
February 195b
CATTGOPT Flr~.nt Disea."s. GuItAvated Ficait"
133. j0!)-R. RZIIIIA01. No. 3, 1~159) No. 11272
,Aj"II,GR Vardasheya,
:INST. =--Ub~fd-n of Adric-al"Yaral I~aianoea im-ni LonLn
JUTLE Diz; Spottinavs of 4Wa2fa and Reaeures for Ita Control.
BRIG. PUB. DoU. VlWiIIIL, 1958, 110. 1, 23-28.
ATTRACT The spattiness of alfalfa under the ~;Witions of Voron-
ezh Oblast' and in other ragions of the counU7 is caused
by the ffwng~ of the genus Ascoohyta,, Two species paras-
itize on alfalfa; 1) A. iqp9rfacta which causes the ap-
pearanco of large dark spats with concentric aones atrac~
ture or the appearanoe of amall spoto on the leaves and
black spots on the at-ims, petioles floral shoots and tlilel
infuction of the pods and seedsi 2; A. species which
causes light-colorad spots on the leaves and on the
stams - spots with rims. The oausative organiams wintor
!"cARD: 1/3
ABS. JCO. RnBiol,2 1951,
JABSTRACT at the conidial stage on the affeated poat-harvest res-
idues. The soarce of ".,he res,=ption of the lafection 1.n
spring, are the pyanospores ;&ich mature at this time.
Daring Uhe vegetation period, Tho infootion in transmit-
ted ia the field br mhD pyowspores. The oh.1-3f meas-.U,38
for restricting tbe spread of ha disease are a thorough
removall of -the oost-harveat residues from the field in
early spring WMe3n3 of burni-ng the stubhle or removing
it frca the fields, the uss of summer sowings, a supple-
menta-vi foeding of alfalfa with juliospharo-potash fortil-
CARD - 2/3
- RZhDiol.p ITO,
1959) NO. 11272
izera and the purification of the seeding material.
G. D. Uspqnskaya
ICARD! 313