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VALOVIC, Aleksandar, dr Role and importance o~' the magagement, -ldministration, and other services of ar, e -iterprise in the struggle for the prevention of indust--.Lal accidents. Tekstil ind Beograd 12 no.3.2:693-695 164. 1. Physician of the "BEKO" Garment Factory, Belgrade. I VALOVIC, S. Microclimatic research in the Dobsina Ice Cave during the years 1952-1956, P. 91 MrEoRmooim zpjLkTt) vol. lo, no. 4. Aug. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC., Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 VALOVIC, S. Close air at so places of SlovaJda. Meteor zpravy 16 no.1:2-4 F 163. 1, FoiD~cka Hydrometeorologickeho ustavup Bratislava. L 30905-66 M (1 )IFCr- GV ACC N& AP6022945 SOURCE CODE: WOM/65/000/005/0144/0149. AUTHOR:'.Valovica-Simon CHG: PHMU TITIE: Dry period at Trebisov SOURCE: Meteorologicke zpravyo no. 5. 1965s 1"-149 TOPIC TAGS: climatic condition, weather forecasting, atmospheric precipitation ABSTRACT: The article reports on an investigation of the dry periods at Trebisov by monthly and annual averages and by the probability of their arrival on -the basis of the moving average precipitation and the Ap B and C criteria. The expectation 'of their period of repetition also is determined on the basis of the Gumbel theory -of extreme values. (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 04 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 002 SOV REF: 001 OTIH REFt 004 C 'd 1A UDC. 551-577-38 0 A! r VAIDVICH~ A.A.1; !,*'FTI,';OIvr,',, 1:.!. (Lesiim, arn cslculaticn of cco:~---ey-irg z.,Fste= for dried milk arw augar] Proaktirtwanta i raschot rjncv;ro- transportnykh untanovok dlIa aukhogo rolokn i sakhara, F10- skva, TSentr. in-t nauchro-tekhn. Informits1i pishchevoi prouVshl., 1963. 15 p. (MIRA 17. 10) GURCHWO) Z.K.; VALOVICH) A.A.; NABATOVA, L.N.; FETIWVA, N.P. [Mechanization of canned milk plants] Mekhanizatsiia mo- lochno-konservnykh zavodov. 1-loskira) Vl-'entr. in-t nauchno- tekhn. infomataii. pishchevoi prorqshl .0 1963. 77 p. (MIRA 17:8) I TURSKY.,T.; VALOVICOVAE. Asparaginase activity in the nervous system in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. II. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.151 395-400 10 Ap'64 1. Biochemisky ustav Ioekarskej fakulty UK v Bratislave; prednosta: doc.dr. T.Tursky. 7: r-.~ 1,73 F; R m (I'Stnt"Cry CULTIVATED PLANTS. Ab-3. PEF ZHUR-81,M-21,1953, NV)5`45 Yuudrya,3.A.; 76.1m3nko,D.K. Inotit"Xt. : : Fertilizing Corn an the rj"Lirf-Podzolic Soil of Ukrainimn Folealye. --1'h, Udobreniyj i UrozhaY, 1.957, No.4, 32-35 tion an the -orn yield in Zhitonirskuya Oblast' is atuditid. Uuah greatur efficiency was noted in th,-i app-tlc~ition of und,~r fall plowed plotS, U110n UJIdt;r those replovied in the spring. The cr>b yi,.:Id aphinst a backpyound of manurQ. fartiliz.-r (20 tonsllhn.), p1nood undar fall plowing totallod 63.1 evit/lin., while that from spring P, I vcement was 0111Y 45.6 owt/hn. Vanure fertilization in combination with minertils 113 The ~~ffect nf manur-- nnd full riim;ral fortiliza- CULTIVAIED G!? A I W; j,".)s. j~-,ur. RIF ZHUR-MOL.,21,1058. NO-gr945 z-. Or i R;h. (1111.5 P45 I.L5) boostLrj !Jiji,- Y'Ljld vinan appliud in 'J~ell to L 89.1 cvm'hq. erid in th,~~ cp_-1np:- to 67 , a V6 r I a TPATt of thu- nitroeen fertil- izer g1van In sidc .-dressing. The trans- r_jxlence o,~ it 1),jlAl do.,3e of 3.1 tror. the basic for- ti1_i_/_!r'T,i6O P60 Y,60 to rAde.-dressing boosted the cob viAd by 6.2 c,.vt/ho. r~rtinsfiezence to side- dr--s'si-lir o ' the hnl-f doges, of pb,,),gphorus und A POtaPsium -1-_rtiliz8xa did not tluvo a.'1Y affect on the corn hurve:3t,, In the, e n-parimonts one also 2/4 71 CULTIVATED PLANTS. UAIIN'-r, 15945 affwn-tlven--i.~is -ILn (10 tomn per ha.), !IPPI.Jed to thu holes or undur tho calt~.vritor, T)nrticulqrly ngninst a back,arnivid of :m-11 l1ning.-G.N. Cburnov 3/3 USSR / Soil Science. Fertilizers. Organic Fertilizers. J Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-B-Iol., No 2, 1959, 6096. Author : Valovnenko, D. Inst :'Zhitbairskaya' dbiast' Scientific Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge. Title ;3tubble Sowing of Lupine as Green Manure Under Potatoes and Corn. Orig Pub; Byul. sillskogospod. inform. Zhitom. obl. vid. t-va dlya poshir. polit. ta nauk. znan' 1957, No 4, 89-91. Abstract: A survey of the viork of the Polesskaya Oblast' Agricultural Experimental Station from 1918 to 1951 on the influence of green raanure (lupine) on potato and cor-n crops is presented. When yellow lupine is stubble sowed for green manure Card 1/3 US-JR / Soil Scienco. Fertilizers. Organic Fortilizors. J Abs, Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 6096. Abstract: after winter rye, wheat and barley the sawing rate amounted to 160 - 170 kg. per hectare and with blue lupine it was 200-220 kg. per hectare. Before sowing the oeeds are trated with nitrogen. The crop after lupina depends on the amount of plowed in green L-iiatter, and not on the lupine variety. The addition of 10 tons per hectare of graen matter to the tilled land increased the po- tato crop to 33 centners per hectare, while the addition of 20 tons per hectare increased the crop to 74.5 centners per hoctare, and tbc addi- tion of 30 tons per hectare incroased the crop to 96.5 contners per bactare. According to data with corn for the years 1950-1951, the plowing of lupine stubbles increased the corn cob crop (in the dry state) to 15.8 contners per hoctaro, Card 2/3 35 USSR / Soil Science. Fertilizers. Organic Fertilizers. -T Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Blol., No 2, 1,95~j 6096. Abstract: and that of dry seed to 12.7 contnors per hoc- taro, while the corn cob crop in the control was 26 centnors per hoctaro and that of tho seed was 21.3 contners per hoctarc. 3uch an increase in the crop was observed with the application of 20 tons per hoctuaro of fiianuro, tho crop of dry corn cobs was by 16.8 eontners per hootaro groator than in the control, and that of seed by 13.5 contnors per hectare greater than in the control. The a- vailability of a groat rLmoLvat of gruon raattor do- ponds in many respects on the prosonco of suffi- ciont moisture in the soil oonrioction with which the sowing of lupine stubblos should be applied as soon as possible. -- Ye. U. Tsvotayova. Card 3/3 VALOVNENKO, D. o 9 CANo AOR PRO"OURSPS-A 60-#-N CULTIVATION ZONE OF ZHITOMIRSICAYA OBLAST," 74,k ~ t. I-,-) SCIV or OF CORN IN THE POLES SW,4-1-/l-l KIEV# 1960. (MIN OF AGR UKSSR9 UKRANIAN ACAD AGR SCA). (KLt 2-619 214). -2-11- ZUBENKO, V.F ; VALOVNMKOY D.K.; DORCSHENKO, Ye.T.- MOLIDEJ)W T.D.: B~-.-h-a-uc-Mr.-Mtn; SALEY, A.KjSalei, A.R.]., St. nauchn. sotr.; ALEKS&IDROV, 0.1. (Informational material on mineral fertilizers, poisonous and chemical substances used in animal husbandry] Dovidkovyi material po minerallrykh dobryvakh, otrutokhimikatakh ta khimichrWkh rechovynakh,, shcho zastosovuiut'sia v tvaryri!.- nytstvi. Zhytonyr, 1964. 106 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Zhitomir (Province). Sillslkohospodaralka doslidna stan- tsiya. YAWVNIX, D. t's work the now way. Fin.SSSR 19 no.11:49-50 N '58. OGRA 12:7) 1. Haeballnik finanoovogo otdela Xalininskego sovnarkboza. (Kalinin Iconostie'Region-Industries) - i, VALOVNIK, D. We need concrete directives. Fin-SSSR- 20 no-11:70-71 N '59. (MM 32:12) I. Ifacballnik finansovogo, otdela Kalininakogo sovnarl,-hoza. (Ulinin Economic Region-Finance) VALOVNIK, D., Among the KaUnin chexiiito. Fin. SSSR 37 no.10259-61 0 161. (WRA 17:2% 1. Glavnyy akonomist, zMastitall direktora Kalininskogo kombinata' iskusstvannogo volakas. VALOVKKP D, A unUorm procedure Io neceavary, Fin~SSSR 23 no,,6155-56 Je 162. (~MU 15:7) le Nachallnik finansovogo otdela Kalininskogo sovnarkhoza. (Kalinin Economic rogion-Finance) VALOVNIK. D.V. Inwove intralactory business accounting in synthetic fiber interpriseso Tekst4prom. 16 no.11:7-8 N 156~ (MLRA 9:12) l6 Zamestitell glavnogo bukhgaltera Glavnogo upravloniya tekstill- nogo volokna. (Textile industry--Acommting) Op ~Va ~Isvich; PYLAYFIVA, A.P., red.; GURIVICK.-K.K., (Blectrification of agricultural Slektrifikatmils sel7skogo khosiaistva. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. ~69 po (Blectricity in agriculture) (MIRA 12:8) BUYANOV, P.S.; KARAVAYEV, A.A.: KULAGIN, N.A.; AVAKSOV, V., Md.; VALOVOY, D., red.; LEPHIKOVA, Ye., red.; MOSrVINA, R., (How stage in the development of the collective farm system] Novyi atap v razvitii kolkhoznogo stroia. Mcak7a, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1959. 347 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Collective farms) LAPSHINA, G.; VAIDVOY, D. Some questions on the shift to monetary, coqpTneation of collective farm labor. Soto. trud 4 no.11:50-56 R 59. (MIRA 13:4) (Collective farms--Income distribution) VALOVOY, D. ... . ............................ -- Oiganization and vages in the agrien-Iture of socialipt ~ormrtz taa. I 12 D 1599 (MR Sots.trud, 4 no. :145-147 1 U 13:6) (1griculture-Congresses) (wages) ALM:SMV. Petr Fedorovich; ZAKYATIN. Mikhail Mikhaylovich;YALOVOT, D.Y., red.; GURITICH, N.M., (Collective farm of the Village of Kashinol Kolkhoz derevni Kashino. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 75 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Moscow Provinoe-Gollective farms) VALOVOY, D.V.; BMIKOVg N.A., red.; D97EVA, V.H., [Production ties between collective farms] Kezhkolkhoznye proizvodstvannye eviazi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry. ig6o. 294 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Collective farmO VALOVOY, Dmitriy VasIl!yeyjxh,-Icand. ekonon. nauk; MODSKAYA, M.L., --d-- PROKOFIYEVA$ - re ; L.P., toklin. red.; GUREVICII, tekhn. red. (Development of intercollective farm production relations) Raz- vitie mezhkolkhozr7kh proitvodstvennykh sviazei. Moskva, Sell- khozizdat, 1962. 519 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Collective farms-Intorfarm cooperation) DAVYDOV.. A.B. (14oqkva); VALOVOY, V.A. ( Ds a) Thermal and thermooxidative deg:,-adation of compositions based on organosilicon resins. Teplofiz, vys, temps 2 no.D102-107 Ja.-F 164- (MIRA 17:3) SKRYGAN, A.LfSkryhan. A.I.1; BEMoKAYA, T.Y.; SHISHKO, A.M.-CShyshko, A M.1; VALOZHIN, A..I. [Valozhyn, A.I.: GOMIt, jT14. CHarelik, B.A.]; MOR,OZ-OVA, L.V* Cmarosava, Level A~.- Composition of adubin and its use in the production of furfur&l. Testei AN BSSR, Sere fise-tekh. naVo no-3:56-63 159'. (MIRA 13:3) (Puraloebyde) (Oak) SKRYGAN, A.I. (Skryhan, A.I.1; SHySHKOI k.M.; ABRANPALISKI, I.N.; VALO=I, A.I. Study of sapropels with low ash content from lakes and marshes in the White Russian,S.S.R. Vestsi AN BSSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.nav. 64-68 162. (MM 1-6:9) (White R-assia-Sapropel) I ULIPERp Ye.I.p insh.; SAVITSKITj, T.A.., inzh. Effect of impurities on the heat transfer and aerodynamde resistance of an experimental air beater vith a heat transfer surface made of corrugated sheetse Bnergomasbinoatrcenie 7 no.3.1-.9-13 N 161. (MIRA 24:13.) Furnaces) at-Tranomission') M VALPETER, A*P* Age of high level terraces in, the Nera banAln. Trud7 SPIKIt'll no.3: 3-10 163. (MIRA 17:11) VORONOV, F.D.; TRIFONOV, A.G.; MUSID, S.Yeo; DINSHTEYN, Ye.l.,; SNEGIREV, Yu.B.; AJITIFIN, V.G.; PrJni7r-41i uchastiye: SI-M;OV, L.A.; XAZAKOV, A.I.; YELIZAROV, A.G.; KULAKOV, A.M.; XOMAIT71, N.G.; ZARZHITSKIY, Yu.A.; faTAMOTIOV, 14,P.; GOMDRIBERG, I.B.; RO,"W'C)V, V.M.; NOVIKOV, S.M.; MAYLVSKIY, A.B.; D141TRITIN, I.; MAHMIJU, M.; BEREZOVOY, I.A.; ZUTS, K.A.; BADIII, S.N.; TAWRIVITSEVI G.; MITROFANOV) N.G.; GAVRILOVA~ K.M.j IVAINIOV, N.I. Operating a 400-ten open-hearth furnace on casing-head gas. Stall 20 no. 7:594-598 Jl 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Open-hearth furnaces-Equipment and supplies) ZUDIN, V.M.; PATRUSHIM, II.N.1 ULPIMM, E.V.; VEMMSY0 I.!. ------- - Separate feed of fuel oil. Metallurg 7 no.7:23 Jl Q2. (MIRLA 15:7) 1. Magnitogorskiy motallurgicheakiy kumbinat. (Open-hearth furnaces--ftel systems) VORONOV, F.D.; TRIFONOV, A.G.; SNEGIBEVj, TU.B.; V&IPIT&R,, E.V.. Operation of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine open-hearth furnaces on natural gas. Stall 22 no.8:701-704 Ag-162. . (MIRA 15:7) 1. Magnitogorskly metallurgicheaki'y kombinit, (Magnitog-%rsk--Open,-hearth furnaces) (Gas,, Natuz*:L) FATMWA, N.-N.; VAJLPITERj E-V- Increasing the speed of mnut discharge from tank cars in the wintertime. Neft. khoz. 40 no-4:55-59 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Mazut) (Tank oars) (Viscosity) TRIFUNOVO A.G.; SNEGIREV, Yu.B.; VALIFITER,-E.V. Thermal conditions in the leading furnace of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. Metallurg 8 no.9tl6-2l 3 963 - iMIRA 16:10) -1 '-1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Magnitogorsk--Open-hearth furnaces) (Heat-Transmission) YUGOSIAVVVHuman and Animal Physiology - Reprodixtion. V-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 8948 Author : S. Vatovec and I. VqlpqVic Inst : Title : The Galli-Mainini Reaction in Prepant Rabbits. Orig Pub : Vetrin. arh., 1955, 25, No 5-6, 151-154 Abstract : The Galli-Mainini reaction was employed on frogs as an assay of the gonadotropic hormone in pregnant rabbits. The data in the literature, obtained by other biological methods, were corroborated; an increased concentration of gonadotropin in the blood urine, amniotic fluid and placentae of the rabbits viLs not detected. Card 1/1 VALS, V. Experiences with training draftees in the Brno re;*Lon. D. 683. Vol. 9, no. 22, Oct- 1955 SVET MOTORU Praha, Czechoslovakia So'. Eastern European Accession Vol- 5 No. 4 April 1956 VALSA, J - A small capacitance meter and a frequency meter vith direct reading. p.1147, (Sdelovaci Techinika, Vol. 5, No- 5, May 1957p Praha~ Czechoslovakia) SO- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 3.957. Uncl. MUSA, J. flow FM demodulator. P. 386. SDELOVACI TECHNIKA. (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7j no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly Ust of East European Accession, (EFAI)s LC, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 19,19 Uncl. VALSA, Juraj,, inz. Aperture distortion. Slaboproudy ob-zor 21 no.7t4l"-417 J1160. (EW 10:1) (Television) D409YD301 AUTHOR: TITLE; The response of some circuits to a test pulse of 2 J the sin I-T t form P2,RIODICAL: Slaboproud' obzor, -ir. 23, no. 8, 1962., 45a - 463 y TEXT: The article analyzes the response of some typical linear circuits to a test signal of the sin2 F, t waveform. The 2T sine-squared signal is most suiable for testing television, color-tele- vision, and broad-band communication links,- however, its applicatJon is handicapped by the fact that the response Lf a circuit to this tes't pulse is either very difficult to calculate, or cannot be formulated at all. This difficulty can, to a certain dearee, be eliminated by a numerical calculation based on the Duhamol's integral and by proceeding from the transfer characteristics which are known for most of the circuits in Z/03 62/023/008/001/002 Card 1/2 Z/039/62/023/CC6/001/C-02 The-response of some cirouite eat D409/D301 question. The author lists at first t~e time and 6pectrum characteristics Of the s~ 2 pulse, and uses then the numerical-integration of in t the Duhamel's integral to calculate the response of an RC amplifier with- out correction, an amplifier with parallel correction, and an ideal sys- tem with amplitude modulation and partial single-sideband juppression. 1i is shown that this calculation method is rather simple and produces only small errors when sufficiently small steps are chosen. I-lore compli- cated calculations of this kind may be made with the aid of a punched- card computer. There are 12 figures and 2 tables. The most recent English- language reference reads: I.P. Nacdiarmid; A Pulse and Bar Waveform, Gen- erator for Testing Television Links. Proc. IEE, part B, 105 (1958), no.23, pp 44o -.448. AS-'-*.OCIATION-- Vojensk& Akademie A. Upotock6ho, Brno (A.-Upotockk Military Academy, Brno) "UBMITTED; March 2, 1962 Gard 212 t Ina. Numerical calculation of the transient responses of =Itistage amplifiers. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.61338-341 Je 162. VAIZA, Juraj Numerical calculation of the transient characteristic of a linear system from the real component of transfer factor, Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.9:539-541 S 162. j&A AP5028637 AUTHOR: Offit Military keadewj im. Antonin Zapotocky, Brno, (VoJewfla akndesie'Ant~~, Zapotackeho) TME: Calculating the response of a non-67mmetrical band-pagis to a sipal moduuted in amplitude by a stepi-function SOURCE: Slaboproudy obzor, v. 26, no- 2, 1963, 78-84 MPIC TAGS: band pass amplifier, amplitude modulation, signal modulation ~bstraot(Authorls Czech and English summariest modified)f The article derives integral relations for calculating the transient responses of &udio frequency analogies for the in-phase and quadrature components of' the modulated signal.' The computation starts from the courgie of the real parts of the transmission factors in either analogy* A concrete examplo is usod to show the procedurc of practical graphic- numerical computation of the response of a simple LCR cir- cuit to a signal amplitude-Luodulated by a step-function. Cases of positive and negative modulcition and of various amplitude changes of the input. -signal. , are'examined. Orig. aLrt. has lif fig=es and 36 formulw.' /J-PPS-7 SUB OODE*.. .~.EG / SUBH DATE: OjApr64 ORIG IMPt 004 SM RBF t OIPI Card VAL."3A) V. Vozatka, V. Res~-,arch work and the Production of capit-~.'T goack;. p. I 7,-j. STAVIVO; 'I-,y 1055. Pralia Vol. 33, no. 5, ~ I SO: Monthly List of East EUropean Access~ona, (EEAII), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. 1. ) Kh. !. 2. us-sa (6ori) 4. Hectric 7. Mlass producbion of devic,-~s for remote or atito!-.qatic svitchin.-in of -.~raldin,:, transfol-m3rs. Avio.a. delo 23 no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly Ust of Russian AeCe3dons, Librar~, of CorigrQs,;, Mlarch 1953. Unclaz:dfi.~-d. Vt1L"S'-1CA4KOvjj IVI, Of an the 4%wriatk") III a 4-kilkle 041101Wt *it 04 0611%. 111 ;INV) 111111. I'verAtlag at 176 r,p.tll. The lm%tf cuil'uniption %42 dctj. Gr vallous kv diains'. moililutir Contimts of the Wooll (fit). i-twulil"i of the knives, and ansfir of gifiWing of tile knives, It was found that chipper capAcity was proixictilinal to the square of the log diam. Increasing the iingler of gi-Inding of tile knives. or biriftilied knife dullilmi. residt"I In an In- cgraw in povrer An inctraw in chip libe ill JM*FrX-f 1-U-Cr 0- Ull il~*1119 n.4.juir a4mil4ent J lite waml. Pir ar. 1-r,relf,tor, (we we. lm%lsj ill 4nes (thermsh a & x st-recil) In a chilsowir W twdinary ctinstruction amminini fit A%', varying fernin 2.6 #,I X,'~ for shierp knives and oil. 1., 1.0 .11,11 brilyrs. file Ov. I jil'. 43"; x 3s 111111. . 1_10 alm.mli,l 1'. 1'A'. I 4L, K~ve 23 M TecM., =1trad). 1&-19(19SO)~Tbc b"ie chatacterUtie Of the MUMMUC chipper is the fact that it is a Conlin given knife eaten the log before the sm=ing"rif., it. A study was made of the variables In OPCMOOU Of A 10- 'llitift chipper with a disk diem. at 1700 men., norms! speed of 460 r.p.m., poutrrd with a Iffl4iorsepmer fruitor. and with a circular We chute 300 min. in dim. at an angle of W-2* to the hilrizon. In a slibly of the effect of fox diem.. wood type. chip length. and knife sharpness on chipper olietatim, it was found tfust unit p9wer romiliption was much the same as for 3- and 4-hilife cb1ppen. "t quality E4 chips, however, was Considerably Improved, the p-icentrSt of fines being 0.".9% (by wt.) ranging from 0,6 with sharp knives to 1.270 with dull knives. slid the percentage of *iel Ichl was approx. I%. John Lake Keay# tPor M&CWAS and UMAI" row. Vs. R Ir. and A. A. Suklioparev. Bassuh. Prow. 3, No. 8, U-MKIOSM.-A deocripflan 6 given of the tethod of Orullits the various types of rolls used In a papa nill (preelt rWb, suctlem C"lle. Mender end Pupercaletumr tolls, etc.),the frequency at grinding. roll steel, slid typed of roll material. John Lake Keayil ~l - - VALISHOHIKOV, Nikolay Markovich; SHAWIN, Alakeandr Ivanovich; ARKHIPOV. *_ff_.9.-"dbUdnt,- 'nauchhyy"red9ktor; FILIMYANNIKOV, M.N.. redaktor; I DHITRIYZVA, N.I.. takhnicheakiy redaktor [Tree-head automatic embroidery machine] Tyahivallnyi trakhgolovochuyl svtomat. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-takhu.. izd-vo Ministerstva legkoi promyshl. SSSR, 1956. 69 p. (MLRA 9:11) (Imbroldery (Machine)) -/ ;L'' . I ,I II I I ,VALISHCHIICOV, N.M. - - - - - Testing and analyzing the operation of drum chippers. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 10 no.8:16-18 157. (MIU M12) (Wood-using Industries-Iquipment and supplies) N VALfSHCHIKOV, N.M., kdnd.takhn.nauk *"-~~~~~-2'qyliader chiRw.- Aeveloped by the Central Scientific ReBearch Ino-titute,'for, Mechanization and Pover Enginelring in the Forest Iroustry. Der.prom. 11 no.12:18-20 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Woodworking machinery-Testi~g) m-- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - --- - - - -- - ---- - ---- -- - -- - --- - - - - -- VALISHCHIKOV, V.M.j DOBROVOLISKIY, P.P.; IjHlKOVy I.I. Newest types of chippers. Sumagoedel. I-Saah. no.11:124,148 163. (MIRA 17:6) -.-P- ~ OBROVOLISKIY, P.P.; 31LANTIYEVy V~A*. VALtSH I 0,Vj,,N,M.; D nauchn. red. (Analyzing the design and performince of various types of chopping machines) Analiz konst,rWctsii I raboty rubitell.., nykh mashin razriykh tipov. Moskv;3L2 TSentr, nauchno-issl. in-t informatsil i tekhniko-ekon. iSBIsdovanii po lesnoi, tselliuloz-no.-bumazhnoi, derevoobr.abatyvaiushohei promyshl. i lesnomu khoz., 1963. 68 p. (MIRA 17.-9) VALISHCHIKOV, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk -1 ------- Ten-knive disk. cUppar,, Bum& pror4 38 noOU3-15 Yq 163. (MM 16:8) (Woodpulp InduBtr7-Equipment and supplies) VALISHMITKOV, flikolay Markovich- ZlIT9W','V ~l V.) rc-j.,. - , J, - (Disk-type chopping 1 .-l'i-skorie =.--- shirW. Mosk-va, Lesnaia proiVshlermoott, -31964. 208 p. (tv"1111A. 17:10,1 m - VALISHCHIKOV, N.M.; YEFRON, A.I. - ",W.- Helicoidal surface of the cutting knives and disk sectors of chippers. Bumagodel. mash. no.12:30-36 164. (WRA 17:11) VALISHCHIKOV, N.M. Design for strenRth of the basic parts of chippers. Bumagodel. mash. no.12:37-54 164. (MIRA .17:1-1) KRUCHININA, R.A.; DANILOV, K.D., inzh.,, retsenzent; 'ALIS.11CHIKOV, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Machines for mechanical textile finishing; theory, design and construction] Mashiny dlia mekhanicheskoi otdelki tka- nei; teorila, raschet i konstruirovanie. 14oskva, Mashino- stroenie, 1965. 270 p. (MIRA 18--5) 8"U t1 0 SOVM-59~-5-15977 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Xhimiya, 1959, Nr 5, P 327 (USSR) AUTHORS: -Mikulinskiy, A.S., Yakunohikov, V.N., Val'shchikov, V.I., Yafremkin, V.V. TITLE.- The Refining of Amorphous Boron-by Oxidatim-i Burning in a "Fluidized Bed" PERIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo n.-i. khim. in-ta, 1957 (1958), Nr 5, pp 206-210 ABSTRACT: The possibility is investigated of refining amorphous boron (AB) by means of oxidation burning in a fluidized bed (FB). Wei3hed portions (4 - 36 g)of AB, containing 85% of total B and 11% Mg, were placed in a chamotte crucible and air was blown in through the bottom of the crucible with a rate of 20 - 35 1/min, at a temperature of 20 to 4000C, and a burning time of 30 - 95 minutes. When the reaction zone (RZ) of the furnace was heated up due to the hot air, a thermal gradient of 120 - 1400C was observed over Card 1/2 the porous bottom and in the mass of the product, which brin3s SOV/81-59-5-15977 The Refining of Amorphous Boron by Oxidation Burning in a "Fluidized Bed" about.the ignition of the product. By installing a separate heater of the RZ, the self-ignition was eliminated. At a temperature of 540 - 56oOc of the FB, the obtained product contained 94 - 9% of total B and 2.7 - 3.3% Mg V. Shatskiy Card 2/2 VAILIM, Y.A. [Yals'.k, J.A.j The ralle of -c--- cutt'ng in in a!-n. Tnriv X" Otd. blol. L4-34-41 164. "Mi" 13-4) 1. Kafedra antropologiA i genatik' unlver3l',-,3',a Komemk-ogo v Bratislave. GARTSKAN, B.M., kand.ekon.nauk; VALISHONOK, A.S.. ekonomist; HEKITAR, UoA., ekonomist. Methods of estimating the needs in ceramic buil4ing materials during the sixth five-year period (1956-1960). Trudy - NIIStrolkeramilci no.13-*26-243 158. (MIR& IZ:5) (Russia--Economic policy) (Building matertaIR) (Ceramice) GARTSMAN, B.N., kandekonom.nauk; VAL'SHOWOK, A.S., insh.-okonomist; SOLOLINA, D.L., Growth of production and Improvement of technical and economic indices in the building-ceramics industry. Trudy NII Stroikeramiki no. 14:154-168 '59. (MIRA 14:1) (Ceramic industries) IALkSj~ONGK- Q~`, --yLADIMIROVA, O.F. (Vladynyrovuj, O.F.] _j Z,,-, Dymmlcu of electroencephalogrrapW,a disturbances in experimenta' lation. Fizol - 10 10' disorders of cerebral blood circu" . zhur, kr.) I no.2:190-195 Mr-Ap 164. (MIFA 18-7) 1. Ukrainokiy nauchno-issledovatellokiy pikhonevrologicheskiy institut, KharIkov. VALISHONOKt O.S.; SHINDELIKO, R.Ya. Reflex vegetative syndrcmes in the late period of lesions of the peripherai nervous system. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 62 no.2:259-265 162o MIRA 15:6) 1. Otdol vegetativnoypatologii (zav. - doktor meditsinskiih nauk O.S. Vallshonok) Wmainskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituts,(dir. - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik PJ. Kovalenko) i Kharlkovskaya psikhonevrologicheskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach - kand.mednauk O.R. Stepanenko). (VERVES, FMPITML-'DISEASES) (NEWOUS SYSTEM., AUTONOMIC-DISEASES) VALISHTEYN, G.I.; NARUSEVICH, V.S.; XIM, Ye.P. Supports for short duration seam workings. Rauch. trudy KHIUI no.3.4s284-286 164. (MIRA 18s4) VALISHTEYN, G.I.; NARUSEVICH, V.S,- SMOLYAGA, V.M. Cable-amhor bollving for development workings. Hauch, trudy KNIIJI no.14-.286-291 164. (MIRA 1614) VALISHTEYN, G.I.1 KLEMNOV, V.P.1 FILIMONCV, Ya.G. Inveetigating effioient parwmUrs of tha rod bolting of stopos in the Dzhezkazgan Mine, Nauch. trudy KNIUI no.14091-298 164. (MIRA i8W VALISHTEYN, G.I.; NARUSEVICH, V.S.; SIVRUBA, M.R. Concentration of operations in the development face. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no,10325-329 164, (MIRA 18t4) V-z VAL' TIT-EYN, -1~1, 4 RAMIMMANGIIA, K.K~ to the limit Determining the ls,aticn --f of the area of stat,'on'iry bt~,?-Ingr pressuro ~il:?tibuticn. Hauch. trudy KTUTJI no.14;33(Z 3" 164. Vanifestation of tempcrary beazing prossure during the ground movement cver lateral drifts. IbLd.044-349 (MIRA 18t4) v tweattinting tomporAry bo4ring pr4nauro On flut aaA,.~,n. 111vicb., trudy VICIT 16119 InvostigalAnp thf-. divitribtitAnn of tho mAxi.mum b(-~irtnp arni I.n rront of the longwAll face, lbl,d,.-355.-359 tIlt) iltraosed .1tato of rock atrraundtng tho laterAl dri `Vj 6,-M.rid tho longwnll fa!~a. Ibld..,159..366 Invantigat-1,nil Lhr. c)f* tho dhitribation of tomporary martngl Proasurn in Cront, of' the longwall f -e. lbid~,30( -372 (MrRA 18s4) I- - MATONIN# II.Y..) Jazli.; kand.tekhn.nauk New objectives of Karaganda Basin minern. Shakht..3tr(;J. 9 no.4:J-4 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Glavnyy inzhe kombinata Karagandaugoll (for Matonin). 2. Nachall- nik otdelapodgotovitelinykh rabot Karagandineko 0 nauchnQ-issledo- vatellskogo u-ollnogo instituta (1' r Vallshte-M, 0 .0 VALISHTEYN G.I.., VOLKOV, A.S.; THOFIMOV, V.P. Baeic measures to control the suelling of ground rock in development -wft*4,ugS,Nauch. trudy KITIUI no.14:'721-325 164. (MIRA l8s4) IOM. Solomon Yefimovich; VC.'a"M &OOjedaktor-, DOIAWYATOT, Yu., redaktor.- OYSTRAKH. T., tekhai-CheskAy redaktor (General combined vork creiis in mineal.3kvosnys komplakenys brigady na shakhte. Alma-Ata, Kazakliskoe gos. izd-vo, 1956. 13 P. (HLRA 9:10) (Coal'mines and mining) FATYUKHIUO Mikhail Dmitriyevich, mashinist elektrovoza; TAL'jHgjQ", redaktor; VIYUSHINA, L., redaktor; OYSTRM, V., takhnichookiy redAktor [Pros assignment of locomotives in underground transportation] Kolltsevaia ozda. na' podzemnom transportee Alma-Ata, Kazakbekoe gooo izd-vo, 1956. 13 p~ (HLRA 9:10) 1~ Shakhta No.17 imeni Kahnina tresta Lentaugoll kombluata *4ragandaugol'O (for Fatyukhin) (Mine railroads) LYUBOSHCHINSKIY, Dmitriy Markovich; VALISHTIYN G.. rodaktor; SHILOV. F., I redaktor; OYSTRAKH, T.. tekhUf6I-e--SW~`r;","ktor [Give coupled cutter-loaders a clear track ahead-, the work practice of Y.Borodin's rapair crew at the S.M.1irov Mine] Sdvoennym kombat- nam - ohirokutu dorogu; ix opyta raboty remontao-podgotovitelluol brigady shakhty in. S.H.,Xtrova V.Borodina. A!=-Atet, Xazakhokoe goo. izd-vo. 1956.*13 p. (KLRA 9:10) (Coal mines and mining) WSTIR. Abram ZinovIyevich; , -G., redaktor; KIRPIGMUKOT, T., "164 redaktor; OYSTRAKH, V., te Rccgekiy redaktor (High labor productivity in mines on a 24-hour schedule] Vysoka~a proizvoditellnost' truda na shakhte oploohnol talklichnosti, Alma- Ata, Razakhakoe gos. izd-vo 1956. 39 P. (KaA 9:10) (Coal mines and mining) VBLICEU, Vasiliy Dmitriyovich, mashinist kombayna nDonbasow; VALISHTEYN G. 'fermy-C'Mew- , I rodaktor; DOLCrOPYATOT, Yu., redaktor; OYSTRM, V,.G..& cnesKly redaktor [27 thousand tc:ns of coal a month per cutter-loader is not the limit ] 27 tysiach tonn uglia v mesiato n& kombain - no prodel. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskoe goo, Izd-vo, 1956, 14 p, (KIRA 9:10) 1. Shaldita No.31 kombinata. PKAragandaugoll" (for Velichko) (Coal mines and mining) SMUYDKAN, Make Iostfovich; YU rodaktor; ZrAKHOTffSrAYA,T., red4itor; OTSTRM, V.-O -afflkhINI IT" redaktor [A new, efficient method of mine timbering] Novyi etfoktivnyt sposob upravln'niia krovlei. Alma-Ata, lazakhekoe goo. i-zd-vo.,1956. 22 p. (MIRA 9:10) 1, Nachallnik tekhnichaskogo uprav'leniya kombinata "Xmragandaugoll* (for'Shwdman) (Kine timbering) VALISHTRYN, G. I,, inift. StudY of effioient parameters ofunsupported sunken timbers fo.r development vorldngo in the Kiraganda Basin. Izv. ryar, uebeb. Sav.1 ger.'shur. 5 no.8234.-44 162. (MIRA 15,10) L Naragandinakty nauchno-iosledo-mbellskiy ugol'W institut. Rekombncipvana 3aboratoriyey provedeniya i krepleniya podgoto- vitellrqkh vy-rabotok. (Karaganda Basin-Mine timbering) VALISHTEYN, G., gornyy inzh. One of 59. Sov. sb&kht, 11 no.11:9-10 Yx '62. (kflPA 15:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy neshtatnym otdelom zhurnala "Sovetskiy shakhter" v Karagande. (Karaganda Basin-Coal mines and mining) 0 'LALI qlg lnzh.; VOLKOV, A.S. Unsupported roof cap sets maintained in stock for short-term mbiing operations, Shakht. stroi. 7 n,,).3t25' Va"63 (MIRA 17 97) 1. -Karagandinskiy nauchno-issledorateltski7 ugolt-nyy institut. (for Valtshteyn). 2. Kombinat Karagandaugoll (for Volkov-). a MATONINI P.L., inzh.; VOLKOV, A.S., inzli.; VALISMYN, G.J.., inzh, Karaganda Basin miners fight i or improved mining methods. Shzkht. stroi. 7 no./+:1-4 Ap 163.- (MIRA 16:3) 1. Karagandinskiy ugolInyy kombinat (for Matonin, Volkov). 2. Kara- gandinskiy nauch-no-issledovatellskiy ugollnyy institut (for Val'- shteyn). T" !%.I 3r in3t n., 4%-.- Va' I 1,:; L d k'v Uf) ALEKHINY F.K.; ALOTIN, L.M.; ALTAYEV, Sh.A.; ANTONOV, P.Ye.; BEVZIK, Yu.Ya.; REM IKIY, D.M.; 13RATCBEIKO, B.Fop gornyy inzh.; BRENNER, V.A.; BYR IL'"o 'I.F.; VAV~MTllj ELI.; YMFOIMIOK? N.S.; ZHISL321, I.M.; IVANOV, V.A.p* IVANCHENKO, G.Ye.; KVON, S.S.; KODYK~ G.T.; KREYIENCHUTSKIY, N.F.; KURDYAYEV, B.S.; KUSHCHANOVp G.K,; MASTER, A.Z.; FREOERAZHENSKAYA, Ye.I.; ROZENTALI, Yu.M.; RIUDOY, I.L.; RUSHCHINI A.A.; RYBAKOVI I.P.; SAGINOV, A.S.; SAMSONOV, M.T.; SERGAZIN, F.S.; SKLEPCHUK, V.M.; USTINOV2 A.M.; UTTS, V.N.; FEDOTOV~ I.P.; KHRAPKOV, G.Ye.; SHILENKOV,V.N.; SMAYDMAN, M.I.; BOYKO, A.A., retsenzent; SUROVA, V.A... ved. red. (Mining of coal deposits in Kazakhstan] Razrabotka ugoll- nykh mestorozhdenii Kazakhstana. Moskva., Nedra, 1965. 292 p. WIRA 18: 5) VALISHTEYN, VA, Clinical manifestation. of Popov's p~henomenon, Sbor.naucb.-prak. F.E.D2erzh. no.2s2:16-222 161. (KMA 16t4) (TEETH-ABNORMITIES AND DEF.)RKTIES) -VALISHTRE2,1, Ye. A. I "Coordination of Somatic Muncle Levelo,=~nt Rates in the CTItAgerx.,niq r", Manuals. 11 Cand Biol Sci, Lnninfrad 1,edaf,--, Inst, Lonin,grad, 1953. (RZhbiol, No 7, Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at U6SR Higher Educational Institutions (12) '~Ot STRI1. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 USSR/General Biolo.-~y. Individu--l Devalo--xlont B Abs Jour : Ref zbur-Diol.., No 13, 1(58, 57154 Author : Inst : I!oninf sr,:~d oda3o,-ical In,,;tituto ,2itle : On t!ie Coordination of the Tompo of Development of 3omatic 7,usculature in Vic Onto-:wnesis of Planimal s Ori- 'ub : Ucla. zap. ".anin-r. --:.,d. in-ta, 10/55, l1,), 2--,-5,-, Ab3tract : The 'hi-togenesis of tb.,' 7JUSCJ.3S of .,i'Ate rats embryos, beginning with the 1?th day of' intra- uterine dov,~loT)ment to the day of birth was studiad. In ordjr to study t~ie temoo of m,7o&a- nesis the dcvclo-)mant of muscles of various ori,~in was comoac,3d: optic, nt_-bra- chi9l, La-,, trun!.-, diaT)hra-m, and ton,,_ue. It - 0 U was sno,.,in, that di-flLarences in the devolopm-~~nt Card 1/3 29 U"ISR/General Biology. Individual T)f.-v,_,loprjent .19 Abs Jour _2Lef ~hur-Diol. , No 13, 1~1'53, 57154 Abstract levai. of si-multaneously fo-inin&: iauscular bases may be obsorved '~o tn~) 13th d-~.,,.r only. From the 13th day all muscular base's t1ev1-1o,.).)d slmcl-lro- nic~:.lly. In order to cl;.,rify t:'ie si nificance of the nz~rvous system in the coordination of tlio tempo of musculature d3volo-ouont, the denol-va- tion of an extremity J_n the n,::wly born rats by removin,, from tno sciatic Fnd fomoral n,~rves sections 3 to 5 was car-ril-d ov.t. Cbs--,,vati- ons were continued for a -,)~;riod of 1 raonth af- ter birth. ":ithin 3 days Vie d--nervatod extremity lag-,r-,d -behind tho wei '~t of tlie nor- mal extremity of the intact rat; by the ond of the month it equalcd 37-14-'o of the vii-ht of the normal extremity, and to 57-03"j' of Vie woiSht of the contralataral extrenity. The longth of the denervated extremity on the 30t'1 day of observa- Card 21- VALISHTREM, Ye.A. Pathogenesis of radiationInjuriev and the.reparative processes in rat embryos following irradiation of the female with roentgen rays on the tenth day of pregnancy. Arkh.anat.gistA embr. 38 n0.3: 72-?9 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Laboratoriya embriologii (zav. chlen-korr. AMN WSR prof. P.G. Svetlov) Instituta, eksperimentallnoy meditsiny ANN SSSR i kafedra zoologil, (zav. - prof. S.V.Gerd) Leningradskogo-pedagogicheskogo institutwimA.I.Gertsena. (?ADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (EMBRYOLOGY-RODENTIA) qKiM Y,4 ~~W-Ark w6w 993~_ 298 8 I'L2-0 310t20/61/140/006/030/030 B!03/B"0-: AUTHORt Vallshtrem, Ye. A. TITLEs Analysia of damages and reparative processes in the embryogenesis of rats after x.-ray irradiation PERIODICALt Akadem-4ya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 6, 1961, 1434 - '436 TEXTt Reparative processes set in. after developmental abnormalities in rat embryos (Y-~,. A. Vallshtrem, Arkh.ana.t., gistol. i embriol,., 38. N, luded that a significant (.960))~ Therefrom, It was cone p9rcentage ~of the damages is repaired (single total x-ray irradiation of rats on the 10th day of gravidity,. f3mM-3 (Rumm.-3) apparatus, dcse ':30 r). In tne present paper., the int6rrelaticn between the damage3 and reparati7a processes found in irradiated. embryos ia c-haracterl2ed in de-lai-,. Th,; varjing pezoentages of mitoses in the :),~rebral rudiment (innrei ependym) of irradiatad and normaa embryos (--ontrcl) were compared In stainc-d vagittal slices of 6A thickness. The index of' mitotic a-,tilv-,ty, -i.e. jercentage of mitotic :aells to total number of cells was Card :4 29828 S/020/61,/':40/006/030/03~0 Analysis of damages ani... B!03/B101 computed fcr The individual days devolzpment for both grOlIDS Of embryos, It has been found that the dividing pr-,:csA :if the neural rudiment il,~ strongly suppressed in the cage of irradiated embryos (on the 1-1th day after insemination), sinoe ~,nly 11.680146 Df mitotic -ells wert~ found &s %:-:~mpared with 42.13% in the sontrole. The mitotic Index in-- crqased 6radually on the subsequent days so thaz the cur;-,es cf test embryo2 and controls c,oincided from th;~k 14th day or.. This resti:,r:ng of the normal level of mitotic activity proves the axistance of efficiEnt regulative mechanisms in the embryo, The degree of r&auctlon of mitotic activity in the ependyma of the cerebrum is interrelated wi-6h tne app-:earan~.e of anomalies (Fig.2). A very cloes interdependence was found between the mitoti: index in the cerebrum hemispheres of irradiated embryos and the total degree rif damage done to the embryost the heavier the total damage after irradiation, the lower the mitotic activity of the nerve tissue ~f such an embryo. It has been proved in '3 days old embryos that the degree of damage undergone by the cErebrum is c1coely connected with the reduction of the mitotic activity. The efficiency of the reparative processes would be hardly possible without the intensifit~d growing of the cer6brum, and thus witho'ut increase of mitoses. Card 2//,) Analysis of damages and... 29328S/020/61 /1 40/0C) 6/030/030 B103IB101 Conclusionsi Due to the above comparisons, it lbecomes probable that the increase of cell divisions in embryos vitwh anomalous cerebrurzi has a regulating effect. There are 2 fipros, 1 table, and 4 Soviet refer- ences. ASSOCIATION; Leningradskiy r'-osudurstvennyy peda-oeicheskiy institut im. A. I. Gertsena Leningrad State Institute imeni A. I. Gertsen), Institut ekonerimentallnoy meditsin~, Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Exnerimental 11'edicine, Academy of -,',edical Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 16, 1961, by Yu. A. Orlov, Academician SU,p""1ITTED- May 8, 1961 Card 3 - t-r, ",!~ P : - ~,j 1 1 ~t~j Ir . ~, M~X. - - ~ - ~-'!Lm I i . I , - , . . I VALISFITREM, Ye.A. Reparation of the mitotic activity of the brair, ep6ridyma In the embryos of rats following X-ray irrAdiation. uokl. AN SSSH 161 no.4s955-957 AP 165. (MIRA 18%5) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A.I.Gertsena i Institut eksperimentalinoy meditsiny Al-21 SSSR. Submitted June 17, 1964.