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S/079/62/032/007/005/007 1032/1232 AUTHORS: - And riyanov, K. A., Vasil'ycva T. V., Nudelman Z. N., Khananashvili, L. M., Kochetkova, -A-.C-i~n-d Cheiried-nikova, A. G. TITLE: Dimethyl-tin-dichloride; its synthesis and a study of its reaction with disodiurn, salts or dimethyl-siloxanes. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchei khimii, v. 32, no. 7, 1962, 2307-2311 TEXT: Reaction of methyl chloride with stannous chloride in the presence of spongy metallic copper gives dimethyl-tin-dichloride (1) and methyl-tin-trichloride (11) according to the scheme 2SnO + 2CH3CI - (CH3)2SnCI2 + SnO2, 2SnO + 3C"3CI - C"3SnC13 + Sn02 + CH3CH3- The reaction takes place between25O*and 350*C; theyield ofthe process and the ratio between I and Hinthe reactionproduct are temperature dependent.At 250*C mainly dimethyl-tin-dichloride is formed.The reaction of dimethyl- tin-dichlorides and diethyl-tin-dichlorides with disodium, salts of dimethyl-siloxanes gives polymer pioducts the molecular weight of which exceeds 3000. There is I figure and 3 tables. The English-language reference [8] reads: E. Rochow, Smith, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 75., 4103 (1953). SUBMITTED: July 5, 1961 Card 1/1 PBASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6118 Andrianov, Kuz'ma Andrianovich, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Skipetrov Sinteticheskiye zhidkiye dielektriki (Synthetic Liquid Dielectrics). Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 175 p. (Series: Poliniery v elektroizolyatsionnoy tekhnike, vyp. 4) 8500 copies printed. Editorial Board: K. A. Andrianov, Chief Ed. ; K. 1. Zabyrina, V. 1. Kalitvyan - skiy, Yu. V. Koritskiy, A. V. Khvallkovskiy, and L, A. Epshteyn; Ed. : S. V. Shishkin; Tech. Ed. - V. V. Yemzhin. PURPOSE: This boqk is intended for electrical insulation specialists, particularly technical personnel in plants and scientific research institutes. COVERAGE: The book reviews synthetic dielectric fluids which are of interest in electrical and radio engineering. Such dielectric fluids are those possessing good characteristics stable over a wide temperature range, I'm vi s c o s it y, and resistance to electric fields and high temperatures. The Card I/ it-, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6400 Andrianov, Kuzlma Andrianovich. Polimery s neorganichaskimi glavnymi tsepyami molekul (Polymers with Inorganic Backbones In the Molecules) Moscow., Izd-vo AN SSSR., 1962. 326 p. Errata slip inserted. 4500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut alemento- organicheskikh soyedineniye Resp. Ed.: V.V. Korshako Corresponding.Member Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed.t A.A. Zhdanov; Tech. Ed.t A.I. Ballod and I.N. Dorokhina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists, aspirants, and university teachers working in the field of polymer chemistry. It can also serve as a manual for students in this field. COVERAGE: The book presents a systematic critical review of developments in the chemistry of polymers with inorganic Card 1/A 33267 S/062/62/000/001/006/015 B117/B101 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Fromberg, M. B., Sorokina, L. 1..~ and Kirilenko, E. I. TITLE: Polyorganoaluminoxanes and polyorganoaluminosiloxanes PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, no. it 1962P 78 - 86 TEXT: The composition, the structure, and properties of intermediates of polyorganoalumoxane synthesis, their conversion into polymers, and the possibility of producing compound polymers were investigated. Mono-, meric organoaluminum compounds were synthesized with azyloxy,and chelate groups (Table 1). The solubility of the compounds obtained is largely affected by the nature of organic groups with aluminum. Aluminum iso- propoxy dicaprylate and aluminum diisopropoxy caprylate are soluble, 6-hydroxyquinoline derivatives are poorly soluble in organic solvents. Dialkoxy derivatives, and above all aluminum dihalides are easily hydro- lyzed by atmospheric moisture. Hydrolysis of benzoate aluminum dichlo- ride always yields insoluble composite products, since the acyloxy group Card 1// 33267 S/062/62/000/001/006/015 Polyorganoaluminoxanes 13110101 is separated. Aluminum dihydroxy caprylate and aluminum dihydroxy-,8.- oxyquinolate were obtained (with almost theoretical yields) by hydraly., sis of aluminum diisopropoxy caprylate and aluminum diisopropoxy-8- oxyquinolate which takes place at the alkoxy groups only, and does not destroy the chelate bond nor split off the acyloxy group. These hydroxy derivatives are poorly soluble in the usual organic solvents. Their iifrared spectra showed absorptionbands (3600 and 3430cm") correaponiing to associated HO --- X and -OH---X hydroxyl groupu,, Experiments have shown that the bynthesis of polyorganoaluminoxanes proceeds via hydr"~Jyl derivatives which are condensed with alkoxy groups into polymers e~'her directly or due to a reaction with hydroxyl groups bound with alt~mjnum. Tfie interaction of hydroxyl derivatives of organoaluminum compounds with alkoxy derivatives is a general one. This reaction -.akes place among organoaluminum monomers and among organosili-con and organoalum"'num ,-om pounds. Isopropyl alcohol is separatedg and a polymer is formed by polyconaensation of aluminum diisopropozy-8--oxyquiriolate wish hydroxy-I derivatives of'organosilicon compounds. Folycondensai~ion of aluminum diisopropoxy caprylate with d,,td -dihydroxy-methyl-phenyl siloxanee Card 2// -? 33267 S/062/62/000/001/006/015 PolyorC;anoaluminoxanou ... B117/B101 yields linear polyorganoaluminosiloxanes. Such a polymer is.elastic and rell soluble in-organic solvents. These properties are also pre- served rith continuous heating (20000). Heterofunctional polycondensa- tion of alkoxy derivatives of organoaluminum oompounde aluo takou pluce Tith organosilicon oompoundB in which hydroxyl groups are replaced by other functional groupsi In this process$ ca:prylic acid is separated presumably due to the presence of HC1 traces. Therefore, insoluble, steric polymers of compound structure are formed, but no linear molecules. There are 3 figures, 2 tablesp and 7 references; 3 Soviet-bloc and ", non-Boviet-bloo. The two references to the English-language publica- tions read as followas USA patent 2744074 (1956); English patent 783679 (1957)- ASSOCIATIONs Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina (All-Union Eloctrotechnical Institute imeni V. 1. Lenin) SUBMITTEDt July 199 1961 Legend to Table 1: (1) Compound; (2) melting point, Oc. Card 3/1 S/062/62/000/001/007/015 5~AIIDO B110101 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A,9 and Volkova, L. M. TITLEs Reactions of amines with bis-(chloro-methyl)-tetramethyl disiloxane and its derivatives PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1p 1962, 87 - 90 TEXT: The interactions of 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,4-octazethyl-2,3-di-(ohloro- methyl)-tetrasiloxane with hexamethylene diaminep and bis-(ohloro-methyl)- tetramethyl disiloxane with trimethyl-(P -amino-ethoxy)-ailane were studied. Both hydrogen atoms of the amino group were substituted. There- fore, to avoid cyclization, the reaction of trimethyl-(~ -amino-ethoxy)- silano and ohloro-methyl pentamethyl disiloxane wap studied. In this reaction (8 hro at 110 - 120 0C), one hydrogen atom only was subatituted and 2,2,4,4,10,10-hexamethyl-6-aza-3,9-dioxa-2t4olO-trisyla-undecane was separated. Treatment of the reaction products with aqueous alkali yielded 4,4-tetramethyl-6-aza-3-oxa-2t4-disiloxane-8-ol. The interaction Card I /,57 AUTHORS* Andrianov, K. A_ Synthesis of polychelate polycondensation method nauk 53SR. Izvestiya. 2, 1962, 261-264 33978 S10621621000100210031013 BI'7/BI38 TEXT: Polychelate titanosiloxane elastomers were synthesized by poly- condensation of organosilicon diols with monomers containing titanium. The monomers used were bis-(acetyl acetonate)dibutoxy titanium (1) and b:Ls-(8-oxyquinoline)dibutoxy titanium (II). Organosilicon diols were obtained by the method described in Ref. 3 (K. A. Andrianov and V V, S97ernyy, Dokl. AN SSSR 134, 1347 (1960)), The polycondensation took place in pure nitrogen atmosphere at 1600C and a residual pressure from 1 to 2 mm; the separating butyl alcohol was distilled off at the sa timp. Soluble red-brown elastic polymers were produced: poly-biq- (B.-o-xyquir.oline)titanodimethy1 siloxane elastomer (C 13 8H 37206A SI 60 TiN 2)n (mole-ralar weight 97,000, vitrification temperature at -1100C) and ' 33278 S/062/62/000/002/003/013 Syntheeis of polychelate... B117/BI38 poly-b~s-(acetyl acetonate) titanodimethyl siloxane elastomer (C 130 H374 06;;Si6OTi)n (molecular weight 58,000, vitrification temperature at -.790C). The thermomechanical properties were examined by the method des-,ribed In Ref, 4 (B.- L. Tsetlin, V. I. Gavrilov. N. A. Velikovskaya, and V, V. Kochkin, Zavodsk,, laboratordya ?2~ 352 (1956)). The vitrification tempeTature was found to be influenced by the groups surrounding the titanium atom., Molecular weights were determined by the light diffusion met.hod. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 non-.Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication rc-ads as fc- 'lows* A. Yamamoto, S, Kambara, J. Amer, Chem, Soc, a, 43544 gr)7) ASSOCIATION: Inst'-tut elementoorCanicheskikh soyedineniy Akadem'Li nauk SSSR (lnstitute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: September 23., 19611 C-9rd 212 AUTHORS: Andrianov TITLE: Synthesis groups at 33979 S/062/62/000/002/004/013 B117/B138 K A and Volkova, Lora M. of dimethyl cyclosiloxanes with functional the silicon atom PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 2, 1962, 264-269 TEXT: Cyclic dimethyl siloxane compounds with functional groups at the silicon atom were synthesized. Highly reactive groups such as chloro, alkoxy,phenoxy, and amino groups may serve as functional groups in the conversion of polymers into different materials. The exchange reaction between 1,5-sodium oxyhexamethyl, trisiloxane and methyl trichloro silane in the presence of excess methyl trisiloxane showed that the reaction could be influenced to yield low-molecular cyclic compounJs. Heptamethyl chlorocyclotetrasiloxane (C 7H2104Si4Cl, boiling point at 79-810C (14 mm H9); yield -30 %), and other compounds not distillable in vacuum were obtained in this manner. The substitution of methoxy and phenoxy groups for Card I 33979 S/062/62/000/002/004/013 Synthesis of dimethyl cyclosiloxanes... B117/B138 chlorine in heptamethyl ohlorocyclotetrasiloxane is accompanied by secondary processes. In all cases polymeric substances, not distillable in vacuum, are formed besides heptamethyl methoxycyclotetrasiloxane M and heptamethyl phenoxy cyclotetrasiloxane (II). jAustracter's note: Roman numerals refer to the table.] The substitution of amino and phenyl- amino groups for chlorine in heptamethyl chlorocyclotetrasiloxane has a smooth course and shows that cyclic compounds with different functional groups at the silicon atom can be obtained by this reaction. Heptamethyl amino cyclotetrasiloxane (V) (yield 60.4 %) and heptamethyl phenyl amino cyclotetrasiloxane (VI) (yield -40 %) were synthesized in this manner. The joint hydrolysis of dimethyl dichloro silane with methyl butoxy dichloro silane and methyl ethoxy dichloro silane yielded, corresponaingly, hexamethyl dibutoxy cyclotetrasiloxane (IV) and hexamethyl diethoxy cyclotetrasiloxane (III). All synthesized compounds are colorless, transparent liquids, well soluble in benzene, toluene, sulfuric ether, and acetone, Their structure was determined by both IR-spectra and ultimate analysis. Physical properties are indicated in the table. L. Tartakovskaya, a student at the Institute, who participated in the experimental work, is mentioned. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and Card 21k Physical properties of synthesized compounds. Legend: (1) cyclosiloxane; (2) formula; (3) boiline point, OC (pq mm Hg); (4) found; (5) calculated; (1) heptamethyl methoxy cyclotetrasiloxane; (II) heptamethyl phonox cyclotetrasiloxane; (III) hexamethyl diethoxy cyclotetrasiloxane; (IV~ hexamethyl dibutoxy cylcotetrasiloxane; (V) heptamethyl amino cyclotetrasiloxane; (VI) heptamethyl phenyl amino cyclotetrasiloxane. +) Position of alkoxy groups not established. Synthesis of dimethyl cyclosiloxanes... 3 Soviet references. S/062/62/000/002/004/013 B117/B138 ASSOCI AT 1011 *Moskovokiy Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologil im. M. V. Lomonooova (MOSCOW Institute of Fille C11011lical Technology Imeni M. V. Lomonosov) C&rd 3/4, a, 1~ 33980 S/062/62/OCO/002/005/013 ~7 0 0 0 B11,0138 AUTHORS: Semenova. Ye,. A., Zhinkin, D. Ya., and Andrianov, K. A TITLE: Synthesis of alkyl hydridt- cyclosilazanes PERIODICAL: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdcleniy-,? khlmichesk.4kh nauk, no., 2, 1962, 269-271 TEXT: Pure alkyl hydride cyclosilazanes were synthesized on the base of met,-hyl. and ethyl. dichloro silane. Method applied: A determined amount of dry ammon-'a was sent through a solution of suitable alkyl hydride dichloro silane in benzene (15-20OC; 1.5 1/min, 2 hr). Ammonium chloride was then filtered off from the reaction mass and benzene was distilled off. At a residual pressure of 10 mm the resulting mixture was distilled off from the Cla:Lsen flask and the distillate was decomposed in a rectifying column w~-"h I'? or 17 trays.. The ammonolysis of ethyl dichloro silane yielded triethyl cyclotr:isilazane (C 6H21 Si.5NYboiling point 620C, 0.5 mm H9; n20 1,4700; d20 0.9596; molecular weight 215 (219); MR 63,55 (63.63)) D A a-nd tetraethyl cyclotetrasilazane (C 8H28 Si4N41 boiling point 102,0'3C, Card 1,12 33980 S/062/62/000/002/005/013 Synthesis of alkyl hydride... B1'7/BIIk8 0.; mm Ugi n20 1.4810; d20 0,9767; molecular weight 290.4 (292); D 4 ME 54-97 (84-84)), The residue from rectification was a viscous prodr-zt 20 ~ .9000; molecular weight 620). The total yield of ethyl hydr:,de cy,~:cs;.Iazanes was 68 %,. The ammonolysis of methy! dichlorc, silane yielded (total yi9ld 49-49 %): tetramethyl cyclotetrasilazane (C4H20 S14NC I OC 0 mm Hg); n20 d20 1.0069; molpc-iiar weigit 2~~4 roiling p-,,--'nt 54 D 1.4780; 4 (2361); MR 66.34 (66.32)), and a polymer consisting of condensed rings ((CH 3S'H)6N2(NU),, boiling point !160C (1.5 mm Hg); n2o 1.4860; 20 3 D dA 1 037',; molecular weight 325 (337)', MR 93-36 (93,.66)). The res.dli was a polymer of molecular weight 1261, n20 1.5020, There arp I table D and 4 -.ion-Sovn-et referf-n--es- The two referenres zo English-language PuL.,3.catiors read as follows: S,. D. Brewer, Ch. 11. Haber, J Amer. Chem, Soc 70; 3888 (1948). US Patent 2885, 370, May ~), 10-19 S/062/62/000/003/007/014 Investigation of the heat... B117/b144 resistance was investigated on three types of polymers which were synthetized according to the method described previously by K. P. Andrianov, and A. Zhdanov (Ref. 1: Dokl. AN SSSR 114, 1005 (1957)). The polyorgano siloxanes, polyorganopheny lone siloxanes and polyelementorgano siloxanes used contained 2-4 ~6 terminal hydroxyl groups. On the basis of the experimentally determined data for polyorgano siloxanes and poly- organophenylene siloxanes it could be assumed that andothermal effects observed at relatively low temperatures may be traced to reactions produced in the chains by hydroxyl groups. They take place at 70-1330C for poly- methylphenylphenylene siloxane and at 89 and 133-1530C for polyphenyl- phenylene siloxane. The destruction of the main chains of molecules is very distinct at 5400C, thus at a higher temperature than in the case of a linear polymer, polymethylphenylBiloxane. From the thermograms of poly- organometallo siloxanes it results that the weight changes most intensively in the temperature range from -300-6000C. It was found that the heat resistance of the polymer may be increased b- introducing metal into the main chain of the macromolecule or by substituting the oxygen in the main chain by a phenyl group, The following decomposition temperatures could be ascertained: for polymethyltin siloxane 4800C, for polyethyltin siloxane Card 2/3 Investigation of the heat... S/062/62/000/003/007/014 B110144 4620C and polyphenyltin siloxane 4600C. There are 8 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institlate of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR). Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences USSR) VA/ SUBYITTED: October 24, 1961 Card 3/3 3/062/62/000/003/008/014 B117/B144 AUTHORS: Andri hdanov, A.-A., and Kashutina, E. A. -L anm.-X-A-" TITLE: Synthesis of polyorganosiloxane-oligomer.,;.with terminal malonate groups PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 3, 1962, 454-456 TEXT: The joint hydrolysis of dimethyl-diethoxy silane and (diethyl- malonylmethyl)dimeth,yl-ethoxy silane was studied. Dimethylohloromethyl- ethoxy silane synthetized by the method described by K. A. Andrianov and Id. A. Golubenko (Ref. 4: Dokl. AN SSSR 112, 257 (1957)), boiling ppint 131-13)OC, dimethyl-dietboxy silane, boiling point 112-1160C and freshly distilled malonic ester were used. The reaction was shown to take a smooth Vr course in slightly acid medium without cleavage of ethoxy groups in malonic ester rests. Polyorganosiloxane-oligomers with terminal malonate groups are formed here. Investigation of infrared spectra of the compounds produced showed that the malonic ester residue is not added to the oxygen atom, but to the carbon atom. The following compounds were synthetized: Card -1/3 S/062/62/000/003/008/014 Synthesis of polyorganosiloxane-oligomers... B110144 (diethylmalonylmethyl) dimethylethoxysilane, 0 10H 190 4Si, yield'42 %, clear, 20 20 colorless liquid, boiling point 120-1230C (5 mm Hg~ nD 1.4312, d 4 1,0058, MR 71.29; 1,3-bis-(diethylmalonylmethyl)tetramethylailoxane, C 20H3809S121 yield 76-4 %P clear, colorless liquid, boiling point 184-1880C (2 mm Hg), n20 1.4425, d20 1-0588, MR 119-94; 1,5-bia-(diethylmalonylmethyl) D 4 hexamethyltrisiloxane C ~8 H44 010513, heavy, colorless liquid, boiling point 232-23400 (7-8 mm Hg),: n 1.4363,d 20 1.0425, 14R 138-93; 1,7-bis- D 4 (diethylmalonylmethyl)ootamethyltetrasiloxane, C 24 H5001131 4f clear, color- less liquid, boiling point 242-2550C (8-10 mm Hg), n20 20 D 1-4338, d 4 1-03751 MR 157-56; 1917-bis-(diethylmalonylmethyl)octadecamethylnonasiloxane, H 0 S19, n20 1.4250, d20 1.0190, MR 250.66; 1,37-bis-(diethyl- 34 80 16 D 4 malonylmethyl)ootatricontamethylnonadecasiloxane, C 54H140026"19' clear, viscous liquid, n20 1.065, d20 ixo68, MR 434-48- N. S. Leznov and D 4 Card 2/3 3/062/62/000/003/009/014 0 B117/B144 AUTHORS: and Kuznetsova, 1. K. TITLE: Substitution of chlorine in a-ohloromethyl-methylalkoxy silanes by residues of diethyl-, dibutyl-dithiophosphoric- and diphenyl7-dithiophosphinic acids PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1962, 456-460 TEXT: The substitution of chlorine in a-chloromethyl-methylethoxy silanes by residues of dialkyl-dithiophosphoric- and diphenyl-dithiophosphinic acids was studied.' Heating of a-chloromethyldimethylethoxysilane with potassium salt of diethyl-dithiophosphoric acid for 8-10 hrs at 130'1350C produced only a 30 ~of yield of diethyldithiophosphoric dimethylethoxysily~l- methyl ester M. It was possible to increase its yield to 94 ~6' 1, after 3-4 hrs by adding catalytic amounts of diethyl aniline. Compound (II) was obtained in a similar way with a yield of 80 %. Reactions of potassium salts of dibutyl-dithiophosphoric- and diphonyl-dithiophosphinic acids with a-chloromethyl-dimethylethoxy silane and a-chloromethyl- Card 1/3 S,/062/62/000/003/009/014 Substitution of chlorine in... B117/B144 methyldiethoxy silane in the presence of diethyl aniline also produced almost quantitative yields (90 ~o) of dimethylethoxysilyl- and methyl- diethoxysilylmethyl esters of the corresponding acids (III), (IV), (V) and (VI). Tetramethylsiloxy-1,3-disilylmethyI ester of diethyl-dithio- phosphoric acid (VII), of dibutyl-dithiopho8phoric acid (VIII) (yield 65 and of diphenyl-dithiophosphinic acid (IX) (yield 85 %) were obtained from reactions with 1,3-bis-ohloromethyltetramethyl disiloxane in the presence of catalytic diethyl aniline amounts. The catalytic effect of diethyl aniline is probably connected with its participating in the formation of a transition complex with a-chloromethyl-methylethoxy silanes. Owing to ionization of the C - C1 bond, this favors the mobility of chlorine in the chloromethyl group. The properties of the products obtained are listed in a table. There are 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganichoskikh soyedinaniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTMD: October 16, 1961 Card,2/3 Substitution of ch lorine in... Legend to the Table: 0 CO (1) Number of I (Clij)l (C21160) Si - C112SP(s) (OC31,S)z the compound; 11 C112 (CIIISO)ISicillsp (S) (OW103 Formula; III P19)6040) - 5iC11tSP(5)(QC411P-n)' 3 Boiling M IV Cils(Cilbo)tsicli2sp(S)(OCIIIP.n)s oint OC V (CHOAC2110) SiCII, - S - P(s)(Coll')l ~p mm Hg~; (4) vi cij.((:~jibo)isicllasP(s)(C.11.). Molecular refraction; (5) (CH3)1 - Si - 0 - Si - (CIIS)2 found; calculated; *-) T er tur (C2.H&O)P(S)-IS' ~-P(S)(OC4110.2 a es emp vill (C11,),-S1-O-Si(C113)2 of the bath. I C11 2 S I 2(n-G41j*o) P(S) P(S)(OC,1jq-n)x Ix P!02 - si-O.- S1-(C112)1l Card 3/3 I (C,11,),(S)PS&12 C11j--S-P(S)(C,116)j S/062/62/ B117,/B144 000/ 003/009/014 .6 T. ifun. 20 RI) 2D 4 ~ "All pe,~PAI(Man- CT.) - liljqltc 71A a Ae .1 126 (t) 1,48G3 1,0715 81,1 81,36 150-tGO (6) 1,4815 t,0919 86,76 86,75 60-168 (2-3) 1,482J 1,0267 09 82 99,81 170-171 (2) 1,4770 0,0514 1(Y1:9 105,3 2tO-220 - ') 1 10 ( 1 6056 1,1481 110,1 t09,4 0 - 3 2 3 5 2 ' (t-103) - t,581, 8 1, 1545 115, 1 114,82 ;00 . 1 40 15 1134 1 138 4 139 2 , , , , 2W-104 11,41"611,07531176, 1 42 . nil. 12G-t271, - 1 1 --7 1 70 AUTHORS: TITLE: jolV) S/191/62/000/004/006/017 B110/13138 Galashina, I.I. A., Sobolevskiy, 1J. V., Andrianov, K. A., Alekseyeva, T. P. 'Organosilicon compounds containing phosphorus PERIODICAL: Plasticheakiye massy, no. 4, 1962, 16-19 TEXT: In experiments in the production of organosilicon-phosphorus monomers and polymers ,vvith the rrouping -Si-C-O-P- S followed by condensation with cx,(,~-dichloro polydimethyl siloxanes, the monomer of diethyl thiophospha-.e methyl dimethyl ethoxy silane was obtained from chloro methyl dimethyl ethoxy silane and sodium diethyl thiophosphate: C3tfj0Sj(C"~jCHjCj + Na0p(S)(0Cjf1J3 S qT160Sj(CH3)jC1i%J'(0C.1v. Card 1/2 5/191/62/000/004/0061'017 Organosilic.on compounds... BII0/BI38 A liquid (d 20 _ 1.0561, n 20 = 1.4450) boiling in vacuum (890C, 15 mm He) 4 D without decomposition was obtained in good yield (52 ~) in alcoholic medium. Condensation with a,t.~-dichloro polydimethyl siloxanes takes place accordi ng to 2(IC~IibO)jP(S)OCH3SI(CH3)jOCtI 1, + CjjS('-U-17b'(-1 CI cli, CI 1, 2CIUsCI + (CjIikO)jP-OCHJ~1-0jI- 611-a f2OP(OCjHb)j to a where 4, 5, 6, or 7. The most.important English-lanbluage reference reads as follows: A. E. Canavan, C. Eaborn, J. Chem. Soc., no. 12, 3751 (1959). Card 2/2 S/062/62/000/004/004/013 B110/B101 AUTHORSt Andrianov, K. A., and Zhdanov, A. A. TITLE% Polyboron dimethyl siloxanes PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR- Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1962, 615-619 TEXT: Polyboron dimethyl siloxanes, which are of interest as elastomers (molecular weight 200,000-400,000), were produced by heterofunctional olycondensation as described by the authors (Dokl. AN SSSR 138, 361 61)). In the first stage, 326 g (1.1 moles) of octamethyl M cyclotetrasiloxane was telomerized in the presence of 2.37 9 (0-0184 moles) of dimethyl dichlorosilane in an autoclave for 4 hrs at 2000C. The resultant substance, 79 g of colorless, viscous ct,cj-dichloro polydimethyl siloxane Olsi(CH 3)2 O[Si(CH 3)2017,S'(CH3)2C') was hydrolyzed in acetone and benzene by means of sodium bicarbonate, whereby 72 g of colorless, viscous oc,tj-dioxy polydimethyl siloxane, [(CH 3)2SiO]m , was obtained. The molecular weight of the compound was calculated from Card 1/16 S/062/62/000/004/004/013 Polyboron dimethyl siloxanes B110/B101 (11) - 2 -15-10- 4.~10 , 6 5. In the second stage, 100 g of fx,(.j-dioxy poly- dimethyl siloxane (molecular weight 3300, specific viscosity of the 8elb solution: 0.413) and 6.97 of dibutoxy boron were polycondensed 1 to a gel-like polymer, [Si(CH B(OC R )0. The complete synthesis 3 20144 4 9 can be represented as followst C11, C113 0 - Si/ C113 C113 C11, \Cif, 1 0- 1 C11 0 0 C11A :4- (CIIS)t Sicis C1 -si- - Si-Cl C11, CUX C113 Oard 2/5 Polyboron dimethyl siloxanes C%-1 cli, S/062j62/000/004/004/013 B110/B101 110- ISM Nvi~co. I clist cil, C113 1)1,110-SIi _O_SI1 -01 11 + tit B (OC41111)3 [Glis (ills Gil, I -oil Si -0 13 -0 C4119 + (2111 - 1) C-411,01i In the two-stage process, the degree of polymerization of the oligome::ic intermediate product is already so high as to render the formation of low-molecular cycles impossible. On heating, tributoxy boron reacts with the oligomer, whereas in the cold it reacts only by Card 3/5 S/06 62/000/004/004/013 Polyboron dimethyl siloxanea B110YB101 association. The characteristic viscosity of the reaction mixture of oc,Q-dioxy polydimethyl siloxane and tributoxy boron does -not increase at 200C at ratios of 1:1 or 1t2. Measurements of viscosity showed that the removal of the resulting butanol with carbon dioxide accelerated the reaction. After 30-min heating at 2000C, the specific viscosity of the 8% solution increased to 0.946, butanol being obtained in a quantity of 43%o of the theoretical amount. The gel-like, polymeric substance, which is soluble in polar and apolar solvents, w4s also formed after 30-40 min heating at 15000 in vacuo. Its vitrification temperature (-1250c) and yield point (-5000 were established by thermomechanical investigations. It is elastic on sudden deformation, capable of springbacks on shocks, but flows under slow stress as in the case of polyaluminosiloxanes, coordination bonds are assumed to exist between oxygen and boron atoms in the siloxane chainst Card 4/5 36 6 2, C S/062/62/000/004/010/013 B110/B101 tio AUTHORSt Andrianov, K. A.) Fichkhadze, Sh. V., and Komarovaq V, V, TITLEs Reactions of dimethyl oyclosiloxanes with butyl orthotitan t PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. Otdoleniye khimioheskikh nauko no- 4, 1962, 724-725 TEXT: In continuation of earlier papers by the authors (Vyeokomolek. soyed. 2, 577 (1961), ibid. 1321 (1961)) on the synthesis of poly- organotitanosiloxanes, the reaction of butyl orthotitanate with dimethyl cyclosiloxanes was investigated. It was established that the siloxane bond was split and that low-molecular organo-silicon compounds formed. 4 hral heating at 2000C of octamethyl cyolotetrasiloxane with butyl ortho- titanate in a'10 molar ratio gives dimethyl dibutoxy eilane (b.p. 186 0, 20 , 1-4034) and the hardly accessible 1,3-dibutoxy tetramethyl disiloxane nD 20 20 (C 12H30 03Bi2be p* 98-10000 (10,mm Hg)t n D 1.40459 d 4 0.866)s Card 1/3 3/062/62/000/004/010/03 Reaotions'of dimethyl oyolosiloxanee ... B110/BI01 SL-Q-SI < C,H CH CH 1 0 CtIs CH# Us CHj I . 1)6LYMF-R c 0 - At -.-: OC411p + nonumep (1) Hexamethyl cyolotrisiloxane with butyl orthotitanate (molar ratio 131), heated for 10 hre at 1800C, gives dimethyl dibutoxy eilanet 4 Card 2/3 37hO2 S/062/62/000/005/004/008 3110/B101 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Pichkhadze, Sh. V., Komarova, V. V., a ardosa-- Tg-. N. nl"z -, The reaction of organocyclosiloxanes with butyl orthotitanate Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 5, 1962, 833 - 837 TEXT: The reaction of butyl orthotitanate with octamethyl cyclotetra- siloxane, tetramethyl tetravinyl cyclotetrasiloxane, and octaethyl cyclo- tetrasiloxane were examined. In the reaction of octamethyl cyclotetra- siloxane with butyl orthotitanate (5:1, 3:1), only two molecules of the cycle react with one molecule of butyl orthotitanate to form the following products: dimethyl_dibutoxysilane (n 20 = 1-4055), 1,3-dibultloxytetramethyl D 20 20 disiloxane (d 0-8700; n 1-4040), 1,5-dibutoxyhexamethyl trisiloxane 4 20. D 20 (b.p. 969C/4 mm Hg; n D 1-4031; d 4 - 0.8960), 1,7-dibutoxyoctamethyl 20 20 tetrasiloxane (b.p. 118OC/4 mm H9; nD - 1.4049; d 4 . 0.9060), and a Card 1A S/062/62/000/005/004/008 The reaction of organocyclosi~oxanes ... B110/B101 polymer of a chemically constant composition and the atomic ratio Si:Ti - 1:1. At 3:1 and 5:1 ratios of the initial components almost equal yields were obtained; however- at a 511 ratio, the part of non-reacting oczamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane rose. At a 1:1 ratio, the yield of dimethyl dibutoxysilane, 1,3-dibutoxytetramethyl disiloxane, and of the polymer rose significantly. The polymers were readily soluble in benzene and toluene and had a vitrification temperature of rvIO00C. The formation of e-~'nars and polymers is explained by disproportionation of the initial reaction products. Coordination of one of the oxygen atoms of organo- cyclosiloxane with the titanium atom of butyl orthotitanate takes place first: R RI .R Ro***': R RI - . R Si 0" Si Sr -0- Si +'TI (OC4H D)4 0 Ti (OCj1,),, (A). -o- S1 81 -o- Si R' R/\ R(' 11 /\ R, The SiO bond in the dycle is thereby weakened, opens, and 1-butoxy-4-tri- butoxyoc4-aalkyl tetrasiloxane is formed: Card 2/4 S/062/62/000/005/004/006 The reaction of organocyclosilbxanes ... B110/BI01 11 R, R R, Si 0 - Si a ... Ti (0C, 110)d - ji "0- - Si R, /\ R, R/\Rl 11 R 11 11 OC,11, -Q,II#O-Si-O-SI-0 -Si-O -SI-0-Ti-OC411, ,R R R.--. The latter is disproportioned to dialkyl, dibut-oxysilane, 1,3-dibutoxy- tetraalkyl disiloxane, and the polymer. The following succession holds .1 for the reactivity of organosICoxanes with butyl orthotitanatat i-(CH Sio, ) Sio > ((C H . The large ', 3)2 .13 , L(CH 3)2 ]4 > VCH2 CH)S'OJ4 2 5)23'014 organic radicals are steric hindrances making the reaction difficult. Disiloxane ethers are easy to prepare in the manner described. There are 2.figures and 4 tables. Card 3/4 The reaction of organocyclosiloxanes ... S/062/62/000/005/004/008 B110/B101 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Acadany of Sciences USSR) 3 A 03 S/062/62/000/005/005/000 B110/B101 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A-, and Zhdanov, A. A.' T IT LS Synthesis of polyaluminoorganosiloxanos with molecules of a periodic network strueture Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 5, 1962, 837 - 840 T3XT: The polycondensation of a,ii-dioxypolydimethyl siloxanes (K. A. Andrianov et al. (Dokl. AN SSSR 134, 1347 (1961)) with aluminum butylato investigated. When the components were'in a proportion 391, the following reaction took place at 200OCt Clio 0 Isi (Cil'), 01" if Al (0C411 )3 +3110 P ~i - 0 -11 -Al 0 jSj (CIJ3), 0172 11 :1- X41190H (A). 1 172 CH3 0 Isi (c1, 3)3 0 172 11 in the first stage of polycondensation, the intrinsic viscosity changed very slowly, increasing from 0-052 to 0.092 within 48 hrs. This indicates the formation of a branched oligomer with a central aluminum atom, whereby. Card 1/4 S/062/62/000/005/005/008 Synthesis of po]yaluminowganosiloxanes ... B110/B101 viscosity is only sli ghtly increased. A polymer with a periodic network structure, C 140441 074 Si 72 Al, is obtained by further heatingt 0 ISI (Gil,), 0]" 11 A] OISI(C1102017211- 0 ISI (CI13)3 0172 11 - At - 0 IA]4& At - 0 (Ahdi- At 0 [Alkga- At (B), - At - (5 (Alm- At - 0 At - 0 IJ1,1111 -,AI - I I I 0 v At - 0 Mlut-Al 0 Am - At - 0 1;111,, At- A ,.an'ial where (Cii3)2SiO. This assumption is confirmed by the subst .Card 2/4 S/062/62/000/005/005/008 Synthesis of pol~ajumjrDorganosiloxanes ... B110/B101 increase in viscosity from 0.092 to 0.263 during polycondensation for 32 lirs. At a ratio 1:1, linear polycondensation takes place; Al (OCjI1q)3 + Ito (Si (CIIS)l 0172 11 Al - 0 ISi (C113)4 017s- Al - 0 ISI (CHS)l 0),j- Al - 0 - + C,11,011 I I I (C). 0C-111 VC-411, This results from the change in viscosity during polyconden6ation at 180 and 2000C. At 2000C, viscosity rises from 0.092 to 0.164 after polycon- densation for 14 hra, but at a ratio 3:1 this value is only reached after 72 hrs. At rcom temperature, the 3:1 polymer with an intrinsic viscosity of 0.263 is very elastic, soluble in benzene, toluene, 0and ether, but becomes insoluble when kept on at a temperature of 200 C. It 0is elastic over a wide range and has a vitrification temperature of v-60 C. The high elasticity of its periodic network structure is due to the large spacing of the Al atoms and the considerable flexibility of the polydimethyl siloxane chaihs. At room temperature, the linear molecule is elastic, readily soluble in organic solvents, and has a wider range of elasticity than the network polymers There are 3 figures. Card 3/4 S/062/62/000/005/005/008 Synthesis of polyalumirmrgan6siloxanes ... B110/B101 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Acada-V of Sciences USSR) SUB'.:ITTED: December 19, 1961 Card 4A 38065 S/1 91/62/000/006/006/016 B1 I O/B1 38 Y 6 AUTHORS: Shashkova, Z. S., Grinevich, K. P., Andrianov, K. A. TITLE: Reactions of fluorophenyl magnesium bromides with alkyl chlorosilanes and alkyl ethoxysilanes PERIODICAL; Plasticheskiye masayt no. 6, 19621 18-19 TEXT: The reaction takes place as follows I F-4F \\-Br + hig --o- F-// \-,NigBr F F -,MgBr + RSM, x F R-S1->/-\\1-r+MgBrX Card 1/ 3 S11911621000100610o6lo16 Reactions of fluorophenyl B11O/B138 reagent. The '113 and 1159 cm bands of (p-FC6H4)Si(CH3)(OC2H 5 2 indicate a para-substituted group in the_fluorophenyl radical, and with (F2C6H3 )Si(CH3)(OC2H 5)2 the 1000-1200 cm 1 bands indicate an asymmetricalv~ trisubstituted radical. There is I table. Card 313 S/191/62/000/006/007/016 B110/B138 AUTHORS: Kuznetsova, A. G., Andrianov, K. A., Zhinkin, D. Ya. TITLE: Investigation of the hydrolytic condensation of diethyl dichlorosilana and phenyl trichlorosilane PERIODICAL: Plastioheskiye massyp no. 6, 1962, 19-22 TEXT: The composition of hydrolytic condensation products of equimolecular quantities of diethyl dichlorosilane and phenyl trichlorosilane at organochlorosilane/water ratios of 1 ; 1 : 2.5 and 1 ; 1 : 1.25 was studied I. The products formed are: hRSICI, + (n + 01W HO(R,W)nli + 2nHCI. R,Si%'~ n'Ho (RrSIO)n + 2MM nRSiCl, + 241,0 - IRSiO(OH)I. + 3410 nRSICI, + 1,5ni 1,0 IRSiOi.sin + 3nHCA Polyorganoailoxanes and non-reactive diorganodichlorosilane are likewise Card 1/4 S/191/62/000/006/007./016 Investigation of the ... 3110/B138 formed at ratios of water to hydrolyzable Cl< 0-5*: 1. The'compoaition of the hydrolytic condensation products of dimethyl dichlorosilanep diphenyl dichlorosilane, and methyl phenyl dichlorosilane was investigated in a homogeneous solution with an insufficient quantity of water. The ratio of the components in the hydrolytic condensation of 5 moles/1 solutions ofi phenyl trichlorosilane and diethyl dichlorosilane in dioxane (1. 1": 1.25)- at 0-50C was, 2(q1 lj,SO, + 2Cf I'Sicl, + 211,0 CI(C '11.)~SiOSi(r'H.)'Cj + C1'r'11&SiOS1q11'C1jj + 41-ICI (Cal ]JIS iC1, + q1-1,SiC1, + H,Q C1(C,1J,),SiOSiCHC1, + 21 ICI Eight fractions containing 20.61 27-38~` Si and 51-68-54-56~ C'Were separated in yields of 0.8-21.Wlol by fractional distillation between 33 ands 2200C. For the f ractions between 74 and 1850C about 10/16 1 3-diphenyl- i 1,3-tet-.achlorodisilaxane was present, and in the high-boiling fractione Oii content, 22.0-22.04-/o) the ratio of diethylailoxy groups to phenylailoxx groups was 00-3 : 1- In the hydrolytic condensation of homogeneous solutions with an insufficient quantity of water, the hydrolysis of Card 2/4 S/191/62/000/006/007/016 Investigation of the ... B110/B138 phenyl trichlorosilane occurs more rapidly than that of diethyl dichloro- silane. lion-reactive diethyl dichlorosilane and copolymers with a high i content of phenylsiloxy groups are thus formed. In the hydrolytic condensation of 6.5 M solutions of diethyl dichlorosilane and phenyl trichlorosilano in dioxane (I : 1 2-5), at -/250C9 nine fractions were obtained with a content.of polymer between 3-7 and 20-5%, of Si between 22.62 and 25.44%, and of OH between 1-56 and 3,03%, and with molecular weights between 834 and 1215. This proves the formation of copolymers with a variable ratio between diethylailoxy and phenylailoxy groups. The absence of a continuous decrease of the molecular weights is due to the varying solubility of the polymers, which depends not only on th jx~ molecular weight but also on the chemical composition. The cont:nt of OH groups indicates the presence of C6H5Sio 1-5 and C6H5(OH)sio groups. For the ratio 1 ; 1 : 2-5 the condensation products are: [(C2H5)2S'O].EC6H5Siot.51Y&H 5SiO(OH)jz, where x + y +,z is the number of structural units in the copolymer molecule; x : (y + z) is the ratio of diethylsiloxy to phenylsiloxy groups in the copolymer moleculej z : y is the ratio of pherylailoxy to phenyl-(hydroxy)-ailoxy groups Card 3/4 $10621621000100610041008 B110101' AUT-iORSi L'.orozova, Le P., Golubtsovq S. A,, Andrianov, Ke A9, Trofim- ova, 1. V., and Morozov, N. G - ---------- Formation of alkyl (aryl) chloroeilanes in direct reaction of alkyl (aryl) chlorides with silicon. Communication 1. Selectivity of silicon and copper catalysts, and formation of nethyl dichlorosilane ?MODIOAL; Akademiya nauk 83SR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1962, 1005 - 1011 Tl.'.*~T: Production conditions, precipitating agents, and promoters affecting t'ne selective activity of silicon and copper hydroxide catalysts in the '-orm--tion of methyl dichlorosilane and dimc,.hyl dichlorosilane were studied. A active catalysts can be obtained by using copper chloride and coppor nitrate, but copper stilfate gives completely passive catalysts. Simultaneous precipitation of copper hydroxide and zinc hydroxidc ( -2~ by; Weight) increases the selectivity of the catalyst. Sodium hydroxide (in the formation of methyl dichlorosilane) and NH OH or Na CO (in the forms- Card 1/3 4 2 3 3/062/62/000/006/004/0.08, Formation of alkyl ... B117/B101 tion of dimethyl dichlorosilane) were found to be precipitating agents* PL~voring the selectivity. The greatest effect on the selectivity of the catalyst is that exercised by promoters after the precipitation of hydroxi- des: Thus afters introducing ZnCl 2 the yield of dimethyl dichlorosilane Sio reaches 602a and after introducing Na 2 3 that of methyl dichlorosilane reaches 450o' Thermal decomposition of methyl chloride on copper catalysts at 360-3606; (contact time 6-10 sec) was also studied. The hydrogen ohlor-_I- ide separated in' this reaction considerably affected the formation of methyl dichlorosilane. The following reaction course was suggested for the forma- tion of methyl dichlorosilanei catalyst CH CI 4RCI + carbon + hydrocarbons 3 C11 Cl Si + 11c1 Eflsicij 3 4 CH SiHCl 3 2 _-~i + 20H3Cl --> C113ISM2+ carbon +.hydrocarbons The optimumtemperature for synthesizing methyl dichlorosilane was foundW bo 350-300 U0. At higher and lowor tomperaturos, silicon totrachloridej Card 2/3 510621621000100610051008 B117/B101 AUTiiGRS s Ant1rianov, X. A., and Kumaheva, N. A. '7ITLL: Syntbesis of cruciform titanodimethyl siloxane oligomera PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1962, 1011 - 1014 i3XT. Tetrafunctional, cruoiform titanodimethyl siloxane oligomers with hydroxyl groups at the ends of the branchings were synthesized by the action of titanium tetrachloride on o4,~)-dibydroxy dimethyl siloxanes. The reaction conducted at >35 OC in C6H6 and in the prpsence of diethyl aniline yielded oligomers having the common formula ;'i CH Ti 0 Si 0) H where n - 5, 9, 131 H oTit vitrifioa~ CH C40 12OO24S'2 - ( 3 n .4 tion temperature 0~ -6000, molecular weight 1650; 0 1 Tij v 72H2160403 36 Ca'rd 1/2 3/062/62/000/006/005/008 Synthesis of cruciform... B117/B101 T - -110 C, molecular wdieht 3000; G H 0 Si Tit T - -120 0C, V 104 312 56 52 V molecular weight 3540. Thus, increasing content of OH group lessens the extent that T is reduced by increasing molecular weight. A similar in-!, V . fluence of the OH groups on the T V ~vas found to occur in cJ-dihydroxy dimethyl-siloxanes having the common formula CH 3 45 HO 31 - 0 H CH 3 0 where n - 9,50,150; TV ._105'C at hi- 91 TV -1370C at n 50; TV -132 C 0 1 at n 150 C. Conclusiont The as$ooiation of molecules is greAtly affectai by~the bydroxyl groups at the ends,of the branohingev probably owing to for- mation of hydrogen bonds, There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementRorpnicheakikh soyedineniy Akadeiii nauk M (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy .of Sciences USSR) SUBI'ITTEDs Docember 19, 1961 Card 2/2 3/062/62/000/006/006/008 B117/B101 AUTHORSt Tsitsishvili, G. V., Bagratishvili, G. D., Andrianovt K. A61' Rhananashvili, L. M., and Kantariya, M. L. TITLEt Study of infrared spectra of cyclic organosiloxanes PERIODICAL: Alcademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauX, no. 6, 1962, 1014 - 1019 TEXT; Infrared spectra of octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane (1)f trimethyl triphenyl cyclotrisil6xane (III), tetramethyl tetraphanyl oyclotetrasilox- ane (IV), and 8 cycloorganotetrasiloxanes with methyl, ethyl, ethoxyl, butoxyl, phenyl, vinyl, and nitrile groups were investigated. The infrared spectra of (1), (111), and (IV) agreed with those described in the litera- ture. The spectra of the other 6 cycloorganotetrasiloxanes were obtained for the first time. -Stretching vibrations of the Si-Ov-Si group w6re de- termined for all organotetraoiloxanes in the form of broadl very intense 1080-1089 cm-I bands; the,positions of these were constant-and scarcely effected by the obaraoter and number of the substituents. 1he correspond-, ing band of the trimers appears at 1020 cm-1 and is less intense. The Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/006/006/00.8 3tudy of infrared spectra ... B117/13101 bands corresponding to the stretching vibrations.of the CH-CH group were found for compounds with I to 3 Anyl groups at 1596 cm-1 I -thgy became more intense with increasing number of these groups. The lower frequency of stretching vibrations of the C-C bond is due to the strong effect of the Si atom on the vinyl group. This effect is greater than that of the: con."uFate phenyl ring, and is commensurable with the effect of conjugate', O-C or C-0 bonds. 'The bands of the vinyl group found at 959 and loo6 cm W1 originate in uneven deformation vibrations of the CH bond in -CH2 and -CH. T~e intensity of these bands grows proportionally with the number of vinyl groups. Bands corresponding to stretching vibrations of the Si-C6 H5 group were found at 1434 cm- I for organocyclosiloxanes with phenyl groups. The 1034 cm-1 band ascribed to the Si-C 6H5 group by L. Spialter, Do 3, Priest, V G. Harris (J. Amer. Chem. Soc- 77, 6227 (1955))' is masked by the vibra- tione of the Si-0-4i groupo it appears distinctly in trimers only, Strauh- ing vibrations of the SIICH 3 and 3~(CH3)2 groups were observed inall'tcyclo- I organosiloxanes in the form of broad bands at 1258-1263 cm- , Bands at 960 and 1010 cm-1 were found for tbeethyl radical bound to silicon corres- Vard 2/3 S10621621000100610061008 "'tudy of infrared spectra ... B117/B101 ponding to those reported by 0. 17. JO-ung et al.0. Amer. Chem. Sec. 70, 3758 (1948)). Stretching vibrations of the methyl vnd methylene groups appear at 2685 - 2974 and 2923 cm-1 as in carbon compounds. There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION; Institut kh iniii im. P. G. 1.1,elikishvili Akademii nauk GruzSSR (Institute of Chemistry imeni P. G. ty',elikishvili of the Acadew of Sciences GSSR). Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnotgii im. M. V. Lomonosova (Institute of Fine Chemical Technolo(.,y imeni M. V. Lomono8ov) SU i~. ITT ED g January-:43, 1962 C~rd 3/3 MIMS: TITLE: .397le S/191/62/000/007/005/011 B124/B144 Andrianov, K. A., Zhdanov, A. A. Some peculiarities in the structure of polyorgandailoxanes and polyorganometal siloxanes PERIODICAL: Plasticheakiye massy, no. 7, 1962, 24-27 T:-',XT: Problems-concerning the structure of polyorganosiloxanes and polyorganometal siloxanes are discussed on the basis of earlier papers by the authors and in publications from the USA. The flexibility of Si-O-Si bonds surrounded by organic groups is proved by the formation of cyclic compounds (e.,-. octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane) -in the hydrolysis of aqueous dimethyl dichlorosilane solutions, the.size of the resulting ring being dependent on the type of organic groups on the Si atom. Cyclic polymers of the structure Card 1/6 S/191/62/000/007/005/011 Some peculiarities in the structure B124/B144 0,"~ _ 0 , R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 R 0 5;i Si Si i SI1 31i 0'N 1-,0 0 0 0 1-1 0 Si Si Si 1-11 '_~ N-1 R OH R H R OH were also forred in the hydrolysis and cohydrolysis of trifunctional' organosiliacn monomers (phenyl triahlorosilane) in aqueous solution. A polymer having the structure /0 O-SI _CC1, 0 0 0 Cla, C1 r,_S1 0 'b_S1_ZL_ca, S/191/62/000/007/005/011 Some peculiarities in the structure ... B124/BI44 is formed in the hydrolysis of phenyl trichlorosilane, whereas compounds v~ith the structure cli, cli, cli, i-0-1 \0 CH, 0 S1 CI,2 eb.0,\O, I / \0r,,,. \~1-01/0 CH3 C113 CH, I I C%H6O-Ii-O-Si-O-Si-CCIH6 0 0 I I -CIIiiA-0-S1-0-SI--OCjHj I CHS a~ve formed in the hydrolysio.of ethyl trietboxy silane.and methyl triethoxy silane. Rings of the composition R 0 R R 0 SI / \b R 0 R i S~\ SI S1 0/ /1\ /1\ / Card 3/6 0. S/191/62/000/007/005/011 Some peculiarities in the structure ... B124/B144 are formed in the synthesis of polymers with inorganic chain molecules by hydrolysis and condensation. Polyalumophenyl- or polyalumoethyl siloxanes: -O-SI-O-SI-O-SI-O-0I-V-AI- I I I I OH OH 0 v 10.5 10.5 10.5 result from the cohydrolysis of phenyl trichlorosilane or ethyl trichloro- silane %ith AlCl,, as well as from reactions of C16115S i(OH )2 ONa with A12(SO4),; they are readily soluble in organic solvents and do not melt at 7000C; their structure may be stated as follows: R R Si S1 0 0 Si-Al Card 4/6 0 R 0 0 S~191~62/000/007/005/011 Some peculiarities in the structure ... B 24/ 14 forr. cyclolinear polymers, but aterio hindrances caused by organic radicals on t1lie Si atom prevent branching of molecular chains. There is l'table. The nost important English-language references are: M. al. Sprung, F. 0. Guenther, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 77, 6045 (1955); ibid- 77, 3996 (1955) ; B. L. Chamberland, A. C. McDiarmid, ibid. , 83, 549 (1961 J. F. Brown at al., ibid. 82, 6194 (1960); K. A. Andrianov, J. Polymer Sci- 52, 257 (1961). Card 6/6 TSITSISHVILIj O.Y.; BAGRATISHVILIp G.D.; A~ ~RIANGVI_ 4.; KWi&WHVILI,, L.M.; _k KANURIYA, M.L. Infrared spectra of cyclic organosilazanes. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim. nauk no.7:3297-3-198 n 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut khiynii im. P.G.HilWshvili AN Gruzinskoy SSR i Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M.V.Lomoriosova. (S,ilazanes-Spectra) B117/B180 AUTHORSt Andrianovq K. A*, and Severnyyy V. TITLEs Splitting methyl-phenyl cyclosiloxanes with dimethyl dichlorosilane PERIODICALz Akademiya nauk SSSR. IzvestiYaq Otdeloniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 7,' 1962, 1237 - 1242 TEM The reaction of trimethyl-triphenyl oyalotriailoxane with dimethyl dichlorosilane was studied at ratios I s 2 and I s 1. The telomers CH CH CH CH 1 3 1.3 1 3_ " 1 3 Cl - Si'- (OSi)3n - 01 (1) and oligomers 01 - Si (Osi) C1 (II), I I I n U113 CH3 Un3 3 with n = 2 - 10 were obtained. Despite the change in component ratio, the products are not dominating individual substances, but always mixtures of homologe. Reduction of the dimq;Chyl dichlorosilan6 content reduced the yield of lowest homologs considerably and increased that of highest homologe (distillation residue). In the reaction of tetramethyl-tetra- Card 1/2 S/062j62/000/007/ 0 007/013 B/062/62/000/007/011/013 B1171BIBO AUTHORSs Andrianov, K. A., and Rumba, G. Ya. TITLE: Rearrangements of dimethyl oyclosilasanes and synthesis of tricyclotrideoamethyl heptasilasane PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 7,.1962, 1313 TEXT: A new rearrangement has been found in dimethyl oyclosilasanes# which changes the silicon - nitrogen skeleton of the molecules. Tricyclo- tridecamethyl heptasilasane was synthesized by this reaction ht 160-2600C by heating octamethyl oyolotetrasilasane or hexamethyl cyclotrisilasane in the presence of catalytic amounts Of OaUBtiO alkali. The material has molecular weight 482 - 488; melting point 165 - 1670C, refractive indices. of n 1-551, nP 1-535 extinotion angle of 4900p and the structuret 9 Card 1/2 S,/062j62/000/007/011/013 Rearrangements of dimethyless Bl17/Bl8O CH3 NH CH3 CH 3- S, X \5 , \,CH3 CH3 1 H CH ~ix 6 1 X 3- \ 3 "-Cla3 HN I \\\,s i Si/ CH 6H CH/ \,CH 3 3 3 3 ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganioheekikh soyedineniy kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elementa~ Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs may 16l 1962 Card 2/2 S/06 62/000/008/007/016 B1 1 7YBI 80 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A.9 and Sipyagina, M. A. TITLE: Synthesis of u,G3-dihydroxy-mothyl-phenyl siloxanes and their.., reactions with silicon tetrachloride and tetrabutoxy titanium PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 8, 1962, 1392-1395 TEXT: apci-dihydroxy-methyl-phenyl eiloxanee were synthesized by hydrolyzing pure a,o-d -ichloro-methyl-phenyl ailoxanes. At -50C, the following were obtained from an ethereal solution of a,o-dichloro-methyl- phenyl siloxanes with 4~ aqueous caustic soda: -a,ci-dihydroxy-113-dimethyl- 1,3-diphenyl disiloxane, m-P- 7700, 84-7% yieldi a,(J-dihydroxy-1,3,5-tri- methyl-1,3,5-triphenyl trisiloxane, 76.1% yield; a,0-dihydroxy-1,3,5,7- .1 tetramethyl-10,50-tetraphanyl tetrasiloxane, 74-5~ yield. Cross-shaped compounds with a silicon atom at the center and hydroxyl groups at the ends of the arms were obtained by reacting (excess) ag(J-dihydroxy-methyl-phenyl siloxanes with silicon tetrachloride at 230C in the presence of pyridine: a,o-dihydroxy-1,3-dimethyl-113-diphenyl diailoxane gave tetracid-OP5,-di- Card 1/2 AUTHORS: Andriano_v,_YA,_a~d Yakuehkina, TITLE: Synthesis and polymerization of some methylene siloxanes PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. nauk, no. 8, 19629 1396-1400 S/062/62/000/008/008/016 B117/B180 S. Ye. organocyclosilyl-di- Otdeleniye khimicheskikh TEXT: The following six-membered cyclic compounds were synthesized by reacting bia-chloro-mqthyl-tetramethyl siloxane and aryl-(alkyl)-dichloro silane with metallic sodium in toluene at 108-1090C: (CH 3)2si - 0 - Si(CH3)2 - CH2 - Si(CH3)2CH2 j b.p. 90-930C (45 mm HOP 20 20 nD 1-4385t d 4 0-8846; (CH3 )2Si - 0 - Si(CH 3)2 - CH2 - S'(C2H ) CH2, 5 20 20 b.p. 97-1060C (15 mm, Hg), nD 1-4524, d4 0.8930; (CH3)28'i - 0 - Bi(CH 3)2 - CH2 - S'(CH3)C6R5CH2 , b.p. 134-1380C (8 mm Hg), Card 1~_3 S/062/62/000/008/008/016 Synthesis and polymerization B117/B180 n 20 1-5112, d20 0.9607. In the presence of caustic soda and aluminum D. 4 chloride, these compounds were found to polymerize less readily at T20 0C than six and eight-membered dimethyl oyclosilanes. A polymer of molecular weight 169,800 was obtained from hexamethyl-cyclo trisiloxane after 4 hrs in the presence of KOH (46-3~6 yield). Under idpntical conditions it took 33 hre to produco a viscous polymer, n2O 1-44009 froi M (CH 3)23' - 0 - S'(CH3)2 - CH2 - 3'(GH3)2CH2 (18.24, yield). After substituting a phenyl group for the methyl group, a viscous polymer 16~)# molecular weight 1436, n 20 1-49509 was obtained from D (CH3 )2si 0 - S'(C"3)2 -.CH2 - Si(CH 3)C6R'CR 2 after 3 hre, When 1 0 - Si(GHj)o -6 GHO ;; gi(OH3)~1112 wiih A1013 tit iP�'~. WFin 4W4104 for 20 hrs, ^~700* of the monomer was recovered unchanged and r-J30~;4 remained as undistilled residue with 20 1-4420. There are 3 figures-and 1 ,table. 5 Card 2/3 5/062/62/000/008/000/016 Synthesis and polymerization ... B117/B180 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganioheakikh eoyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: Febriiary 14P 1962 $10621621000100810121016 B117/B180 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Astakhin, V. V., and Sukhanova, I. V. TITLE: Reaction of alkyl-phenyl-amino silanes with boric acid, phosphoric acid and glycols PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no..8, 1962, 1478-1479 TEXT: Trialkyl-phenyl-amino silanes were found to react easily with boric and ortho-phosphorio acid, giving organo-silicon eaters. With ortho-phosphorio acid and boric acid respectively the following were obtained; trio-(triethyl-ailyl) phosphate, b.p. 1 '800-C (4 mm,Hg); *20 1-4400; d20 0-9700; 700a yieldl trio-borate, b.p. 157-1600C (5 mm Hg); D 4 *20 1.4372; d20 0-8946; 95% yield. It was also found that dialkyl-diphenyl- D 4 .amino silanes give cyclic dialkyl ailane diole eaters with glycols. 2,2- dimethyl-1,3-dioxa-2-aila cycloheptane: Card 1/2 S/06 62/000/006/012/016 Reaction of alkyl-phenyl-amino ... B117YBIBO CH 0 CH - CH Si CH 0 CIT 3 2 - CH2 b.p. 14600 (760 mm Hg); n 20 1-4252; d20 0.9652; was synthes-ized from D 4 dimethyl-diphenyl-amino silane and 1,4-butanediene in 54% yield. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR). Vaesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheakij, institut im. V. I. Lenina (All-Union Electrotechnical Institute imeni, V., Is Lenin) SUBMITTED1 February 14# 196B Card 2/2 h0728 8/062/62/000/009/004/009 B179/B101 AUTRORS: Andrianovp K. A., Dabagovd, A.;K.,.and Sjrtsovaj. Zh. S. TITLE: Heterofunctional condensation of methyl(phenyl) acetoxy silanes with organomilicon compounds containing an ethoxy-Si bond PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1962, 1572 - 1577 TEXT: Si-organic compounds with ethoxy-Si bond e,daily enter into. condensation reactions with trimethyl-, phenyl methyl,, diphenyl methyl- and triphenyl acetoxy silanes if HCl is present. Tetra(trimethyl siloxy)- silane is formed by way of Si(OC H ) + 4CH COOSi(CH )---t--SiFOSi(CH ) 2 5 4 3 3 3 3 3~4 + 4CH 3COOC2H 5with 80% yield, whereas the reaction of SiCl 4 with Na-trimethyl silanolate yields only 18%. Hexa(trimetbyl siloxy)-disiloxane is formqd according to (C2H 50)3 Si-O-Si(OC2H 5)3 +'6CH3COOSi(C11 03 ) + 6CH COOC H In similar fashion 3 3S'013S'OS'1OS'(C113)313 3 2 5' Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/009/004/009 Heterofunctional condensation... B179/BIOI octa(trimethyl siloxy)trisiloxane com3ounds baying the general formula Osi(CH OSi(CH Osi(CH 1 3 3 1 3)3 '1 3 3 Cl-CH 2- SJL - (0-Si)n O-Si-CH 2-C1, n - 0 or 1, O'Si(CH3 3 hH 2C1 OSi(CH 3 )3 and 1,3-di(ohloromethyl)tetra(phenyl methyl siloxy)disiloxane were obtained. Alethyl metbacrylate ethoxysilanes, with trimethyl-, phenyl dimethyl-, diphenyl methyl- and triphenyl aoetoxy silane, react according to the general equation CH VMC(CH )COOCH Si(OC H ) + n CH COOSi(CH ---,CH 2 3 2- 1 2 5 n 3 1 3)3-n 2 (CH 3)3-n Rn C(CH )COOCH sg[osi(CH + n CH COOC H where R - methyl-, phenyl- 3 2 ( IY3-n 3 3-njn 3 2 5Y and n - 1,20. Certain compounds enter into radical polymerization (forming benzoyl peroxide), these being 1-methyl methaorylate-3-phenyl tetramethyl disiloxane, 3-methyl methaorylate-lp5-diphenyl pentamethyl disiloxanel I-methyl methaorylate-393-diphenyl trimethyl disiloxano and 1-methyl methaorylate-3t3t3-triphenyl dimethyl disiloxane as well as other metha- Card 2/3 ANDRIMOVj, K.A.;; YERM&KOVAj, I~Nt Polycondensation reaction of oc* cL)-dihydroxydimethylsiolxane oligomers with phanylaminomethylmethyldiethoxysilans. IZV.AN SSSR.Otd. khim.nauk no.9:1577-1580 S 162. (MM 15:10) lo Institut elementoorganichookikh soyediusniy AN SSSR. (Silo*mo) (Silane) i RAFIKOV, S.R.; ANDRLANOV, K.A.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; TVERDOKHLEBOVA, I.I. Folyorganotitanosiloxanes In solutions, Izv,.AN SSSRjOtd,khim,nauk no-9sl581-1584 8 162, (MIM 15:10) I* Institut alementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Titanium organic compounds) (Siloxanes) AfiDRWOV,, K.A.; DABAGOVA, A.K.; KUZNMSOVA~ I.K. Synthesis of unsaturated phosphorooganosilicon compounds of the siloxane series* Izv*kN SSSR.Otd,khim.nauk no.9:1664,4*666 S 162. IT (MM 15:10) Institut %lemen-toorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Silicon,organic compounds) (Phosphorus organic compounds) h0912 S/191/62/000/010/005/010 B101/B186 AUTH01133 Golixbtsov, S. A., Popeleva, G. S., Andrianov, K..A.', Zaalavs" "aya, N. I. TITLE: Thermal condensation of trichloro pilane and methyl dichloro silane with vinyl 6h1 oride PEMIOD10AL: Plasticheskiye maosy, no. 10, 1962, 21 - 27 T.-l-,XT: Thermal curden8ation of vinyl chloride w16 methyl dichloro silane into metoyl vinyl 11chloro uilane (I), ahd vinyl chloride with trichloro silnne into v'Inyl trichloro silane (II) was conducted in a of stainlezas steel under atmospheric pressure.and at 30 see contact time. .Optim~iw renction conditions were determined, and the a 'ondenSation mechanism and decoatoosition were studied. Resultst The optimum tempetature for syntbesizinr W is 530 - 540C, the yield is 75 - 80/%' as referred to the re.,Actinp. mothyl dichloro silane. The side products are methyl trichlom I silane, butadiene, high-boiling products, and gases containing 2'~ C H 41.: C,H3Cl, 21'. CH and up to 17~ C H The thermal decomposi.tton of,' 2 V 41 2 5' Card 1/3 '8/191/62/000/010/005/0,10 Thermal condensation ... .9101/Bie6 methyl dichloro si lane in at 400 OC and reaches 2(y~ at 5700C. The f,nueoua ~Icoomponition products contain 75~ H 2and 2% CH 4' The solid residue cont!iins 65~-' 31 but no free carbon. A radical mechanism is.. assumed, w the solid decomposition products catalyze the decomposition of methyl lichloro silane. The optimum conditions for the.s nthesis of II aret a molar rntio fijiCl : C H OY The yield 3 2 3CI - 1 2 1.5 and 500 520 C. is 70 - 750 as referred to the reacting Liel 39 and 6e/o*referred to the reactine vinyl chloride. If the ratio is reduced to 1 1 0.6, the tempera- ture has to be raiced to 560 - 5800C. A ratio of 1 1 1 yielded 80~~ II with respect to HSiCl 3. The side products are equal amounts of SiCl ( 15 C- moles per 100 p-Moles 11sicl )and hieh-boiling polymers. The gas conlains 5~- H,- 1 25~ C211 40 )~4 C21i6l the 3solid residue contains 10 - 5(yio' Si and 30 - 75~~ clementary carbon. The thermal decomposition of HSiCl in H and 0 3 2' S'C'41 Ji sets in at 560 - 570 C. The effect of the reaction vessel wall on the composition of thb reaction products confirms the radical mcchaniim of the reaction. A surface increase of,tbe reiotion vessel by Raaohig rings, Card 2/3 8/191/62/000/010/005/010 Thercaal condooontion ... B101/B166 increascs Vie ,,i.Lld Of A014and decreases the yield OCII. Purification of the renction veu:,el with lkali.also reduces thp yield of 11'. ~ nitro- ren oxide addition of-24A re(luces the yield 6f II to 432L and increases that 0 of ~Acl to 13;,. In the reaction of II with H01 at 560 - 570 C9 the gas 4 consists of 93~j It with 7% C H There are 6-fiffures and 3 tables. 'The 2 2 4` most impurtant Engliah-languaCe references-ares English Patent 752700 (1956), C. A., 51, 7402 (1957)1 US Patent-2770634-0956), C. A.i 51 10560 (1957), Japan Patent no. 16 (1951),. C. A., 52,.3673 (195t3) Card 3/3 ANDRIANOV, K.A.; SHAPATIN., A.S. Interaption of aluminuim isopropylate with dialkyl es+ers of methyl- ' ' phosphinic acid. Izv AN &9SR.Otd.khim.nauk n0-10:1753-.1756 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) I* Mokovokiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheekoy tekhnologii im, M.V. Lomonosovas . (Aluminum compounds) (Phosphinic acid) ANDRIANOV, K.A.; TURETSKAYA, R.A.; GOLUBTSOV, S.A.; TROFIMDVA, I.V. Formation reactiona of silkul(aryl)chlorosilanes in the direct, inteft,etion of alkyl(iryl) calorides with Bilicon. Report No. 12: Effect of hydrogen chloride on the formation of ethylehlorosilemes. Izv. AN SSSR.Otd.khJvn.nauk uo.lOsl788-1794 0 162. (NOIR& 15:10) (Silane) (Hydrochloric acid) ANDRIMOV, K ASTAKHIN,, V.V.; KUCHKIN, D.A. f Reaotion of hexaalkydisilazanes with alwAnum and boron halideq. Izv, AN SSSR.Utd.kbw.nauk no.10:1852-1853 0 162 (MIRA 15-10) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy i Elektrotek1kcheakiy institut im. V.I.Lenina. (4ilazanea) (Aluminum halides)- (Boron halides) KUZNETSOVA., A. G.; ~~Iq_A!~OVy_ K. A.; ZHINKIN, D. Ya. Hydrolytic condensation of dimetbylahloroBilans and phanyl- trichlorosilane. Plast. massy no,11:15-18 162. (MIRA .16: 1) (Silane) (Condensation producte(Chomistry)) 5/06 62/000/011/004/021 BIOIYZ144 AUTHORSs Andrianov, X. A., Volkova,-L. M., and Chumayevskiy, N. A. TITLEs Vibration spectra of organic compounds containing elements of group IV (Si, Ge, Sn). Communication 7. Infrared ab- oorption spectra of substituted amino-methyl siloxanes and stretching vibration frequencies of C-H bonds PERIODICALs Akademiya-nauk SSSR. Izvestiya~ Otdeleniye-khimicheakikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 1958 - 1964 TEXTt The IR absorption spectra of the Sollowing compounds were studieds. C6H5NHCH 2( CH )Si(OC H , b.p. 130 - 1320C/5 mm Hg, n 20 1.4915; 3 2 5)2 D C H NHCH 20 1-51111 G6H5TIHCH 2(CH3)2S i0c2H5# 140 - 1440C/20 mm Hg, nh 20 6 5 2 (GH 023 i0si(C2 H5)3' b.p. 109 - 109-500/0-5 mm Hg, d40.9402, '20 144927; (C H )3siosi(CH )(CH NHO H )OSi(C H )50 b.p* 159 - 161OC/1 nalig, nD 2 5 3 2 6 5 2 5 d20 0-9514, n 20 1-4819; (C R ) SiOSi(CH )LCH NO H )31 4 D 2 5 5 3 2 2 5)230$'(C2H5 Card 1/3 Vibration spectra of organictes S/062/62/000/011/004/021 BIOI/BI44 20 20 bope 102 - 1060C/0-5 mm Hg, d 4 0.8882, n. 1-4410; (C H ) Siosi(CH )(CH N CH CH Wosi(c R )3~ b.p. 129 - 1310C/1 mm Hg, 2 5 3 3 2 OR 2CH2 2 5 d20 0o94259 n 20 1.4525; 0 H NH0H2(CII )2SiOSi(CH C H , b.p. 123-128OC/I Mm 4 D 6 5 6 5 20 20 Hg, d4 1.0047, n. 1.5310; C6H 5(CH 3)2S'os'(CH3 )(CH2 NHC6H5)OSi(CH 3)2C6H51 20 20 b.p. 187 - 196OC/I mm Hg, d 1.0534, ni) 1.5381; 4 C6H5NHOH2(CH 3)2S'OS'(C2H5)2 osi(CH 5)2 CH 2NHC6H 51 b.p. 175 - 1750C/0-5 mm Hg- d2o 1*023, 20 1-5216; (C H ) Siosi(OR )(OR NHC H CI)Osi(C )3, b.p. 4 nD 2 5 3 20 3 2 6 4 2R5 153 - 1570C/0*5 mm HgP d20 1.000, n 1.4885, and (C H 4 D d20 0.9238, 2 50)2Si(CH 3)CH2NH0CH2)6"R2 , b.p. 144 - 1470C/7 mm Hg ' 4 20 1-4450. The results confirm the conclusions drawn by N. A. Chwmyevskiy "D (Optika i spektroskopiyal Y. X, no-11, 1961, p. 69) concerning the Card 2/3 8/06 62/000/011/004/021 Vibration spectra of BlOlYB144 frequencies of Si-O-Si, Si-O-C' Si-CH39 Si-C H and Si,-C bonds. In the 2 59 present paper the frequencioa-of the C-H bonds in the Si-CH 3 and Si-C2H 5 groups were identified, using data from the earlier paper. The following interpretation of frequencies is suggesteds v a(CH2 ) 2870 - 2880 ca- 1 Qas (CH2) 2925 - 2940 cm- 1; v8 (CH3) 2900 - 29 .10 cm-1 , and vas (0.93.) 2956 - 2970 cm- 1. There are 4 figuree-and .-4 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSH (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED& March 23, 1962 Card 3/3 S/062j62/000/011/010/021 B101/B144 AUTHORSs Semenova, Ye. A., Zhinkin, D. Ya., and Andrianov, K. A. TITLEi Reaction of dialkyl dichlorosilanes and alkyl dichlorosilanes with methyl amine PERIODICALs Akadcmiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye-khimicheskikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2036 - 2039 TEXTs Methyl dichlorosilane (1), dimethyl dichlorosilane (II), ethyl di- chlorosilane (III), and diethyl dichlorosilane (IV) were aminated by bubbling gaseous =ethyl amine through the benzene solution of the silane at 15 - 200C, filtering off the precipitated me_thy!-a#ne:-1WazSo-111rn-j Od distilli4g off the benzene, and rectifying the end product. Alkyl dichlorosilanes give disilazanes and cyclosilazanest RHSiC1 2 + CH 3NH2 -----,L(CH3)HN-SjHRj 2NCH3 + [RHSiNCH [RHSiNCH ] 1+ CH NH HCl. Cyclotetrasilazane is only 3 W 3 2' -formed in the aminolysis of I. The liquid reaction product from I con- taineds 2.5 - 5% bis-(methyl amino methyl silyl)-mothyl amine, b.p. 48-500/5 mm Hgt n 20 1-4425, d 20 0.8871; 35 - 40% trimethyl cyolotrimethyl' D 4 Card 1/3 S10621621000101110101021 Reaction of dialkyl dichlorosilanes ... B101/B144 silazane, b.p. 560c/5 mm Hg, n 20 14580, d 20 0.9297, and 20 - 25% tetra- D 4 20 20 methyl cyclotetramethyl silazane, b.p. 88OC/2 mm Eg, nD 1-4610, d 4 0-9776.' The total silazane yield was 60A referring to I. The distillation residue (31%) contained 38-32% Si, 16 - 17% N, and had molecular weight 1856. The reaction product from III contained 38 - 40% each of bis-(methyl amino ethyl silyl)-methyl amine, b.p. 68.50C/1-5 mm Hg, n20 1-4520, d20 0.8929, D 20 4 and triethyl cyclotrimethyl silazane, b-P- 74 ,5 1-5 mm Hg, nD 1 , 468o, d20 0.9324, total yield 75%. The distillation residue (23%) contained 4 32.99% Si, 14.25% N, and had molecular weight 518-3. Dialkyl dichloro- silanes reacted thus with methyl amines R Sicl 2 2 C H3NH2_> fl(CH3)HN-SiR2] 2NCH, + R2 Si(NHCH 3)2 + CH3 KH2.HCl. The reaction product from II contained 20~ bis-(methyl amino dimethyl silyl)-methyl amine, b.p. 34-50C/0-5 mm Hg, n 0 1.4435, d20 0.8886; and 70% bia-(methyl D 4 20 20 amino)-dimethyl silane, b.p. IOSOC/750-5 mm Hgp n D 1 ,4140t d 4 0982191 total yield 55 - 56~. The distillation residue (5%) contained 32-78% Si, Card 2/3 5/062/62/000/011/010/021 Reaction of dialkyl dichlorosilanes ... B101/B144 6-87~ N, and had molecular weight 445.6. From IV only bis-(methyl amino)- diethyl silane was formed, b.p. 1560C/745 mm Hg, n20 1-4330, d20 0.8421, D 4 yield 57%. The distillation residue (19.5%).contained 27-454, Si, 7.5ig X, and had molecular weight 491. There is I table. The most important English-language-referenoe iss E. Larason, L. ~Jellerup, J. Amer. Chem. ~00-, 759 995 (1953)t SUBMITTEDt March 15# 1962 Card 5/5 S/062/621000/011/011/021 B101/B144 AUTHORSs Andrianov, X. A!-J- Pakhomov, V. I., and Lapteva, N. Ye. TITLEs Reactions of allyl phenol and trimethyl siloxy allyl benzene with alkyl alkoxy silanes PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye-khimicheakikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2039 - 2046 TEXTt In the reaction of o-allyl phenol with alkyl alkoxy silaneB in the preaence of H2ptGl6' 6H201 the following addition was found to take places ~SiH + CH 2-CHCH2C6H 4OH--PNSi(CH 2)3-C6H4OH (1),' as well as substitution of the hydroxyl hydrogen according tot sSiH +.HOC H CH CH-CH ~Vsioc H C H T 6 4 2 2 6 4 3 5 + H2 (2). Reaction (2) was confirmed by ether formation from o-allyl phenol and triethoxy silane in the presence of KOH. The resulting product was identical with that obtained by reaction (2), its IR spectrum, in con- trast to.the compound obtained by reaction (1), did not show the 3400 - 3600 cm- 1 band of the H006H 4 group. To avoid hydrogen substitution, the Card 1/5 B/062/62/000/011/011/021 B101/B144 reaction of the alkyl alkoxy silanes was carried out with o-trimethyl siloxy allyl benzene synthesized from trimethyl chlorosilane and o-allyl phenol in petroleum ether by bubbling with 14H~ (yield 70), or in petroleum ether and pyridine (yield 50), - b.p. 93-- 9500/7 - 6 mm Hg, d 20 0-9542, 20 4 n 1.4865. It reacted with silanes at 1250C in N atmosphere and in the D 2 presence of H 2Ptcl 6* 6H 20, dissolved in i-propanol, only by additiont CH (RO )2S'H + CH2'CHCH2C6"40qt(--.Cl~)lt'(CH ) SiOG H C H SiCH (OR )2; R ' CHY 3 3 3 6 4 3 6 3 C2H51 C4H90 The following compounds were synthesized by this reactions (CH3 )3SiOC6 H4(CH 2)3 SiCH3(0C2H5)2' yield 54%, b.p. 145 - 146OC/2 - 3 mm, Hg, d20 0-9527, n20 1.466o, OH ) Si0C,H (CH ) SiCH (0C H yield 55 %, b.p. 4 D 3 3 0 4 2 3 3 4 9)2' 180 - 1830C/2 - 3 mm Hs, d20 0. 93i, , n20, 1 D '4663; (CH ) SiOC H 4 20 3 ~O 6 yield 52%, b.p. 157 - 1590C/I - 2 mm Hg, d 4 0-9771, nD 1.4620; (CH3 )3SiOC 6H4(CH 2)3 Si(OC4H 9)31' yield 50%, b.p. 202 - 2040C/1 - 2 mm Hg, 8106 62/000/oli/Oii/021 Reactions of allyl phenol and... BIOIYB144 d20 0.9442, n 20 1.4954; (CH ) Sioc H (CH Sic H (OC H ),, yield 75%, b.p. 4 D 3 3 6 4 2)5 2 5 2 5 162 - 1640C/ 2 mm Hg, d20 0-9509p n20 1.4696; 4 D (CH 3)3 SiOC6H 4(CH 2)3 Sic 2H5(OC4H9)21 yield 52%, b-.p. 184 - 188OC/I mm Hg, d20 0.9336, n 20 1.4700; (CH ) SiOC6H (CH Sic H (OCH 4 D 20 3 3 20 4 2)3 2 5 )2t yield 6o%, bp. 143OC/1 - 2 mm Hg ' d4 0 .9729, nD 1-4750. -The IR spectra of these com- pounds and of the products of their hydrolysis did not show the 1375 cm- 1 band characteristic of the C-CH, group, but the 1449-cm- band correspond- ing to the -CH2-CH2- group. Thus the Si adds to the carbon atom situated at the end of the allyl group. The alcohoiysis of these compounds in-the presence of XOH or H2SO 4 !yielded heterocyclic compoundst 00) Sic H C H Osi(CH ) ROH L(RO) Sic H C H OH] + (CH ) SiOR 3 3 6 6 4 3 3 K6r 3 3 6 6 4 3 3 t, (RO)'2S 'C 3H&V+ ROH. The following compounds were thus obtained: y Card 3/5_ S/062/62/000/011/011/021 Reactions of allyl phenol and... BlOl/Bl-44 20 6C H C Si(OC H )CH3, yield 79%, b.p.. 95 9700 - 2 mm Hgj d 1-0359, 645H6 25 4 20 - - C H )CH,I yield 69 70%, b.p. 132 - 1340C/9 mm Hg, nD 1.5020; 6C04YO~(O 4 9 d20 1.0099, n 20 1.4952; OC _HC H-S'i(OC H b.p. 143 - 1450C/3 - 4 mm Hg 4 D 6 4 3 6 4 9)2 d20 20 ML 1.0044, nD 1.4812; 0C H C H Si(OC H 4 6 4~3 6 2 5)29 yield 59%, b.p. 117-1-21? 20 20 Hg , d 1-0563, n 1.4918; OC H C H S~O H (0C H.), yield 50%, b.p. 4 D 6 4 3 6 2 5 2 5 20 20 110 - 11200 - 2 mm Hg, d4 1.0023, nD 1.5040; 0C 6H 4C3H6SiC2 H5(OC 4H9 yield 45%, b.p. 148 - 1500C/2 - 3 mm Hg, d20 1.0042, n20 1.4985; 4 D OC/I mm Hg, d20 20 6-C6H4C3 H6~iC 2H5(OCH3), yield 67%, b.p. 95 4 1.0504, n, 1.509. The hydrolysis of some of these cyclic compounds yielded polysiloxanes con- taining oxyphenyl groups. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. The English- language reference ias J. I.. Speier, R. Zimmerman, J. Webster, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 78, 2278 (1956)1 British patent 769497 (1957). Card 4/5 '77,77, S/062/62/000/011/01.1/021 Reactions of allyl phenol and... B101/B144 ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plasticheskikh mass (Scientific Research Institute of Plastics) SUBMITTEDs March 27, 1962 Card 5/5 S/079/62/032/007/006/007 1032/1232z~ AUTHORS: 6ndriyanov. K. A., Vasil'yeva. T. V. and Korotkevich, S. Kh. TITLE.- Reactions-oTtelo'nierisation of organic cyclosiloxanes with titanium tetrachloride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchei khimii, v. 32, no. 7, 1962, 2311-2314 TEXT: The reaction of octa-methykyclo-tetra-siloxane with titanium tetrachloride was studied with the aim of elucidating whether the products of the reaction would include, besides ot-chloro-(o-trichloro-titanoxy- octa-mctliyl-tetra-siloxane, also other telomers. It-was found that when octa-methyl-cyclo-tetrasiloxane was made to react with TiC14, at molar ratio 2:1, two compounds were obtained: a-chloro-c&trichloro-titanoxy- octa-methyl-tetra-siloxan; and a higher 1clomcr, the analysis or which corresponded to the formula C16H4808 SisTiC14. The yields were 42.4% and 8.51 Y. respectively. The higher telomer is a yellow liquid sensitive to humidity. It could be distilled only under high vacuum at 133-135* is considered to be bis-(chloro-octa- methyl-tetra-siloxane)-dichloro-titanium. The reaction orTiC14 and tri-methyl-tri-phenykyclo-trisiloxane did not result in the formation of a telomer. Usually poly-titano-methyl-phenyl-siloxane polymer was obtained. At a higher temperature, at 170*C a polymer corresponding to the formula C0H720j0.SSi9TiCl4 was formed. There is I table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskii institut tonkoi khimicheskoi tekhnologii (Moskow Institute for Fine Chemical Technology) SUBMITTED: July 5, 1961 Card III S/079/62/032/007/007/007 1032/1232 AUT"ORS: Andriyanov, K. A. and Astalthin. V. V. TITLE: The reaction of poly-alkyl-amino-silones with alcohols PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchei khirnii, v. 32, no. 7, 1962, 2316-2318 TEXT: The reactions of hcxa-met hykyclo-tr iant ino-si lane and acia-methyl-cyclo-tetra-aniino-silane with ethyl-, propyl-, butyl- and iso-butyl-alcohols result in complete destruction of the rings and in formation or ammonia and dimethyl-di-alkoxy-silants, according to the scheme: I(CH3)2SiNH). + 2nROH - n(CH3)2Si(OR)2 + nNH3 The English-language reference reads: L. Sommer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71,,.3254 (1949) ASSOCIATION: Institut clementoorpnicheskikh soyedinenii Akademii nauk SSSR (institute for Metal- Organic Compounds, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1961 Card 1/1 S/079/62/032/010/008/008 D214/D307 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K.A# Rhaydukt Ionelf Khan~maehvilij L.Mov and TITLEs The synthesis of dimethyleyolosilthioxanes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey 4imiip v& 32,.nof 10# 1962P 3447 -TEXT: A description of the synthesis of two examples of a hitherto .unknown class of compounds: cyclosilthioxanes. The treatment of 1,3-dichlorotetramethyldisiloxane with H2S in the presence of pyri-, dine gave a crystalline compound (b. range 116-1220C/2 mm Hg; m.p. 38-420C). From the quantitative analysis of this'compound and from ir, which showed the presence of Si-O-Si, Si-S-Si.and Si-CH3 ~ondsl the structure was found to be (CH 3)2 21 0 Si(CH 3)2S Si(CH3)20 S' TC-H7,-,,S1. Under similar conditions 1?5-dichloro-hexamethyltrisiloxa- gave.a colorleast transparent liquid (b. range 170-172*50C) the structure of'whioh was shown to be ?CH 3)2 Si(CH 3)2SS'(CH 3)20' Cird 1/2 ANDRIANOV K A MWANASHVILIp L. M.; KHMI ENI-TSZE(Han Eh-tme]; V. S. Reaction of dimetbyldiablarosilane with iron oxides ZhWe obo khira. 32 no,,12:3951-3952 D 162. (MIRA 1611) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khinicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M. V. Lomonosova. (Silane) (Iron oxides) S/030/62/035/007/006/013 D214/D307 .'ilj T: " 01'. 'S Turets1raya, T.A., Golubtsov, S.A., Tromimova, I.V. and iindrianov, X.A. The influence of additions of some metals on the activity of silicon-copper alloy in its reaction with ethyl chloride I'IZ'%IQDIC,'~L: :41-turnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1962, 1496-150~ The rencral and selective activities of Si-Cu alloys 6 in t1le reaction with IE'tCl to give a mixture of ethyl chlorosilanes are a-f."ected by the chemical nature of the ~Iloy. The presence of 1-21') 17c, Al, Ca or Ti in the alloy increases its general activity, ,71' -10 Al Ca and Ti also increase its selective activity by increas- I 'tSi~IC12. The increase ill activity is more evident ine the yield Of Z at low Cu concentrati. ons. The added metals are localized at the inter7)hase boundaries in the alloy, these being the active centers a in the reaction. The influence Ca bears on the activity of the Card 1/2 ,/62/035/007/006/013 S1030 The influence of additions ... D214/D307 of the alloy is af.~-*cctcd by the presence of other nietals. Fe in concc -:~zr ant ions 0-1-7 U-,) to 10'1 io does not in-Eluence the process. Con- centr-~.~I-io-as of Bi and Sb of the order of 0.001c,'O influence the selec- tive %ctivity nmd increase the'-yield of Et 'iC12- Pb, in these con-~ cen":: --ions, acts as a catalytic poison higher concentrations, both Ji a-Lid Sb also become poisons and at concentrati6ns of 0.0176 the-e metals render the alloy inactive. The mechanism of the action of ~'ae added metals can-not as yet be explained. There are 4 figures and 6 tibles. S U -31, " 1T, 'LE7 DDecember 9. 1960 qard 2/2 S/020/62/145/005/010/020 B1o6/B144 AUTHORSt An_d_d_anqy_L~ Corresponding Member AS USSRf and Rumbat G. Ya. T I TLE , i Rearrangomont of hexamethyl and octamethyl oyclooil.a.zanes FERIODICALt Akndemiya nauk SSSR. Dokladyq v. 145, no. 5# 1962, 1049-1051 TXXTt It has been newly discovered that dimethyl cyolosilazanes may unaer- go rearrangement of the silicon-nitrogen structure. Ring extension occurs! through notion of trimethyl chlorosilane and ammonia on hexamethyl cyclo.; trisilazaTie (I) at 20 - 400C. 36.5% octamethyl oyclotetrasilazane (II) forins 18.9% high-boiling products in addition to the normal reaction pro- ducts, e. g. ootnmetbyl trisila.zane, and 126 3% of a polymer (moleoular weight about 2000) are formed. About 3% of II is formed by 48 hra heating! 0 of'I togetber Nvith ammonium chloride to 250 0. The rearrangement the action of ammonia on trimethyl chlorosi plainea as followst Ian thr- thermal dissociation of NH Cl, produce hydrogen chloride whibh splits 4. the ring of I in some plaae4 Thereby the chlorine is added to the siliconl Oard 16 0/020/62/145/005/910/02& fteAkrantoot of henift6thyl st a' B106/BI44 Haber, Ji Am. Chemr Boa.# 70i 1W a (19401 E. Laresont B. Sm4b# Acts, chem I 3~ 401 09 49)e A~96diATfONI institut elemahtoorgabioheakikh ooyedinehiy Ytkademii nauk YM (I'atittite of lglemefital Orgdnic Compounds of the Adadafn~of Soibboda USSR) SbbMfTtADI May ill' i~6~ dard 3/3 . S/020/62/146/003/012/019 Telomerization of organooyolooiloxanes B101fB144 17.64,, the resilue containing 18-6~ telomers with n> 2. For the telomer with n - 11 the b.p. is 1560C/5 mm Ug, d 20 1.0102 n 20 1.4303; for n i. 2 4 ' D the b.p. is 175-1760C/0.01 mm Hgj d 20 0.9988, n 20 1-4364. The reaction 4 D of-II with III under the same conditions as for I with III yielded 32.9% telomer with n n 1P 4-9~$ n - 2, residue 63.2%. Conversion of II was 88.611af, of 111 36-5%. Telomer with n - I had b.p. 198OC/4 MM H9# 20 20 0 d4 1.1276P nD 1-5116t and with n - 2 b.p. 201-203 C/0.01 mm HgP d20 1-1310,.n 20 1.5304. Reaction of II with III in a ste'el autoolave led 4 D to cleavage of the siloxane bonds and formation of oligomers Ci(CH (CH H Cl owing to catalytic action of the resulting 3)23'-[03' 3)(06 5)]n PON 3' In the reaction of trimethyl trivinyl eyolotrisiloxane with III in glass ampoules at 250-20600 no telomers could be identified, owing to intense polymerization. The hexaorganotricyclotrisiloxanee are in the following order of-tolomerizing capacity: Card 2/3 "Card 3/3 AIUWJMUVP K. A. (Macaw) "Polporie mit enargenleeban Uttemmlakulan fur Slants und Plants." report presented at the Cbamistry Toobnology Amen.., TbobnIcal Conference on the Chemistry arA Toobnology of Ri& Pollmers, laipzig., GM., 17-19 Jan 1963. KOLESNIKOV, O.S.~ otv. rod.j ANDRIANOVp KOA rod j DOOADKIN, IJ*A., red.; DOLOOPLOSK) B.A.9 r6d.-i YEHIALOPYJ~, N.S., red.; KARGINO V,Asp red.1 KOZLDV$ P,V., red.j KOROTKOV, A.A.# red,; KORSHAKp V.V.p red.1 LAZURKINj Yu.S.# red.1 MEDVEDEV, S.S.# red.1 MIKHAYLOVp N.V., rod.1 PAMSKIY, A.G.v red.1 SLONDISKIY$ O%L.p red.1 SMIRNOV, V.S., red.; TSVETKOVI V.N.p red.1 FREMAN-KRUPENSKrY, X.A., takhns red. (Carboohain high-molecular wight vyaokomolakuliarrWe soadineniia; lzd-vo AN SSSR) 1963. 287 p,, compounds) Karbotnapnyo abornik atatoi. Moakvap (MIRA 171l) ANDRIANOV Kuzima-Andrianovich; EPSHTEYN, Lov Abramovich [deceased); RYZHIKEINA, Ye.G., red.; BULIDYAYEVA, N.A.p tekhn. red. (Mica electri 'c insulating materials] Sliudinitovye elek- troizoliatsionxWe materialy. Moskva, Gosenergoizdats 1963. 230 p. (Polimery v elektroizo-liatsionnoi tekhnike, no.8) (MIRA 17:4) )/Fv7(m /T pc-4/Pr-4/ps-4/pt-io ACCESSION NR: AR 500 0 SOURCE.# Ref, th, Khimiya, Abs, 06-2001 -7 7 AUTHOR: AndriaLov,.K,,.,,.A-,,Khanonashvili. L. H., qiV gqtia, Sha tin.L S. - Lo~ TITLE: The synthesie of p(2jXdimgjhyW1axanv; and' silicoorganic pqj .-_th with a cycloreticular molecular structure GIT4D SOURCE., Sb. Vysokomolekul. soyedineniya. Geterotsepn. vysokomolckul. soyedineniya, M., Nauka, 196% 18-23 TOPIC TAGS: polydimethylsiloxone, sill-coorganic polyurethan, heteroorganic polymer, polyurethan synthesis, polysiloxene synthesis, c~oss-linked polymer, alkytene diisocyanate, glycoxysilane, silicon tetrachloride: transesterification, alkoxrsilane TRANSIATION: Cross-linked oligomers of the dimethylailoxane series were obtained by opening the rings of oc tamethyleyc lo tetras i lo-tane under the influence of KOH and then reacting the resultant potassium salts of dime-thylsiloxanes with silicon tetrachloride. Glycomynilanes were synthesized by the transesterification of CaAtraet~?ysi lane with glycols at 155C and of phenyltriethoxysilane with glycols