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73-2-8/22 Kinetics and mechanism of the oxidation of naphthalene on a OxYvanadium catalyst. 1: Investigation of the effect of the gas phase composition on the chemical composition of the catalyst and on the catalytic activity:d (Cont.) is shown that a partial reduction of V 0 to lower oxides occurs during the catalysis of naphth~ieie-air mixtures. The low oxides are formed on the catalyst particlep, in the centre of the catalyst particles the pentoxide is found. Catalysts prepared from lower oxides acidify after a certain time. Partial reduction of V 205 sharply increas- es the electroconductivity of the catalyst. and its catalyt- ic activity. This makes it possible to investigate the kinetics of the process without having to consider the changes in the composition which are caused by changes in the concentration of naphthalene in the gaseous phase. Catalysts containing excessive quantities of lower oxides are very active but not selective. This seems to be caused by the high catalytic activity of the lower oxides in com- parison with the pentoxide (complete oxidation of phthalic anhydride). Catalytic oxidation of phthalic anhydride can Card 2/3 also be carried out with copper, aluminium and glass2 the activity decreasing from copper to glass. The catalytic Kinet i es a nd me -. Ear- i zr.* C f the ox id-Ij tri c.) f napht tialene on a oxyvanadfum ~~at',iiyst~ I. InvestIg-F--tion cf tLe effect of the gas phase compcsition on the chur;ical ,;-_,mpo5ition of the catalyst and on the catalyti~"~ activi-ty, (CoLt. ) oxidation of ph-t-h%'Lic anfwdride is strongly in~i-ibited by naphthalene valjours, The i~ataiyst ch,.~LEs gradually in such a manner the most suitab?.c conditions for a selective process are established. The r~,-duced paiticles come into cont-aL-t with the highly ccncentrc4r_j r1aplithalene containirW, solution. Vie particles consist of slightly active higher vanadium oxides. There are 2 drawiggs, 5 Fraphs and 3 tablea. There are 3 referencesj 1, of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION-. Institute of Playslloal Chemistxy imeni L,V.Pisarzhevsk, Academy of Sciences) Ukralue, (Institut Fizicthes]kcy Khimii im. L.V.Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR), SUBMITTED-. N07eMbf,'r l'-,;9 195f_ AVAILABLE; Library of Congress C~xd .3/3 A-C 73-3-5/24 KorneyChUk, G. P. , and Royter, Yr. A. AUTHOR: Usha4~o~ V TITIS: Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oiidation of Naphthalene with a Vanadium Catalyst-2. (Kinetika i Mekhanizm Okisleniya, Naftalina, na, Okisnova-nadiyevom Katalizatore. 2) PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, 1957, Vol.23, ITO-3, pp. 310-321 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Data on the kinetics of the oxidation of naphthalene with a vanadium oxide catalyst are given. The detrimental influence of the macrofactor was eliminated. The investi- gations on the kinetics of the process disregarding some of the ch9mical changes in the composition of the.catalyst were published in the first part of this article - (-Ref . I Experiments were carried out on a macrocrystalline, non- porous vanadium oxide_cata;yst (2 grains 5 x 7mm weighing 0.495 g) between 380 410 01 by the continuous circulation method, as indicated in Figure 1. The macro-cryetalline catalyst was prepared by slow cooling of the vanadium pentoxide solution. The internal diffusion was minimised by usinj~ ti-iis catalyst. The rate of oxidation of naph- tbalene was measured at 383, 392, 400 and 410 0. Prelimi- nary experiments showed that the catalyst shows sufficient- ly reproducible activity in tbebe temperatux-a limits; Card 1/5 outside these temperature limits the catalytic activity 73-3-5/24 Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Naphthalene with a Vanadium Catalyst. 2. and selectivity of the material changes. qLmntitative analysis of the oxidation products gave the following results: phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride, 1,4- naphthoquinone,,CQ CO and 0 . The unreacted naphthaline was determined by ~L differe3ce between the initial concentration and the concentration of the reaction products. The analysis of the gaseous products was carried out in the apparatus BTIA, the 1,4-naphthoquinone was analysed with a (PK-53 photo%olorimeter. Investigations were carried out at 0.505 x I6_-~' mole/litre(1:20 1 series) and 0-342 x 10_-~' mole/litre (1:30, II.series). hgUres 2- 5 give data on the relation of the output and the concen- tration of phthalic anhydride (WP a), maleic anhydride (W ), 1,4-naphthoquinone (W I ) and of products ofmdgdp oxidation (WCO). The ndEdentration of naphthalene was denoted by Cn. Tla3 kinetics of oxidation can be expressed by the equation: WPh'a = kph.Cm. The velocity constants of these partial reactions, calculated on the basis of the given equations in Table 1. are shown Card 2/5 to be reasonably constant in the given temperature limits. 73-3-5/24 Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Naphthalene with a Vanadium Catalyst. 2. The rate of formation of phthalic anhydride does not depend on the concentration of the reaction products and at a constant concentration of oxygen only the naphthalene concentration has to be defined. The activation tempera- tures were calculated from the inclination of diagram lines 1g ki and 71 (figures 6 - 9). The following results were obtained (in cal./mole); EPh.a. = 37.4; EM.a. = 31.6; EN*qu. = 32.7 and Eco - 37.2 A second series of experiments with smaller initiai concentration of naphthalene than in the first series was carried out to clarify the total influence of the reaction product* on the rate of oxidation of naphtha- lene(O.342 x 1071 mole/litre). These investigations were carried out at 410., 392 qnd 3830C with the same catalyst as in the first series. Practically identical results were obtained. The mean values of the velocity constants were calculated according to the equations 1 - 4 given in Table 2. Figure 10 shows that the relation of output of phthalic anhydride and the concentration naphthalene Card 3/5 of the 2 experimental series tally during each given 73-3-5/24 Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Naphthalene with a Vanadium Catalyst. 2. temperature. The zero-order of the reaction of formation of phthalic anhydride can be illustrated according to the values given in Table 3. The rate of formation of maleic anhydride, of 1,4-naphthoquinone and total oxida- tion also increases during increasing concentration of naphthalene. When maintaining the initial concentration of naphthalene by constant relation of the reaction rates and the concentration of naphthalene in the cycle 0.5 = k 2 ; = kCO CN. WM.a. = ":m.QN ; WN.cpl. N - qu. 'CN WCO2 When maintAining a constant concentration of nap&halene an increase in the rate of formation of maleic anhydride occurs when the concentration of the products is increased. The rate of formation of products of deep oxidation, how- ever, isinhibited by the products of incomplete oxidation (figures 11 and 12). The assumption of the formation of an obstruction of the lower vanadium oxides by products of incomplete oxidation was proved. This explains the stability of the lower oxides during catalysis conditions. Card 4/5 The obstructive effect is ascribed to the effect of the 73-3-5/24 Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Naphthalene with a Vanadium Catalyst. 2. initial oxy-compounds or 1,4-naphtoquinone. There are 13 figures, 3 tables and 13 references, 9 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November, 12, 1956. ASSOCIATION; Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L.V. Pisarzhev- skiy, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. (Institut Fizicheskoy Rhimii im. L.V. Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR) - AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 5/5 ROYTERp V.A.; USRAKOVA, V.P.1 KORNEYCHIJKO G.P.; SKORBILINAP T.G. Kinetics and mechanism of the catalytic oxidation of naphthalene to 19/+-naphthoquinone. Kin. i kat. 2 no.1:94-102 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 11+0) 2. Institut fiqicheskoy khimii imeni. L.Y. Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR. (Naphthalene) (Naphthoquinone) (Chemical reactioa# FAte of) KORNEYCIRM, GJI,~-USHAKOVA, V.P.; SKORBILINA) T.G. Method for studying the reacticn klmetics on catalYsts in unsUady state. KinA kat. 2 no.6:931-935 14-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Inastitut fizicheskoy kliimi-i AN USSR. Kiyev. (Catalysis) ROYTER, Vladimir Andreyevich; KORNEYCHUX, Grigorly Petrovichl USHAKOVA, Viktorina hatmzna: STUKkNOVSKIYA, Mina Aleksand?6-vna;-P0XBDVSKATA, Z.S., red.; XATWGH9K,-A.I., tekhn. red. (Catalytic oxidation of naph-*alene] Kataliticheskoe okisle- nie neLftalina. Kiev, Izd-vo kkad. nauk MR, 1963. 106 p. (HiRk 16:5) (Naphthalene) (Oxidation) (Vanadium catalyets) V USSR/hIumn and Animal Physiology (Norml and Patholoaiccl). Dlood Circulation. General. Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79512. Author Ushak a Inst Title On the Problem of Cardio-Vasculnr Chanacs During Diphteria. OriG Pub: Pediatriya, 1957, No 8, 24-29. Abstract: Fifty-nine children were investigated. Durine a localized forEi of diphtheria, there is noted in the beginning of the illness a weakening and irre- gularity of the I tone in the apex, decrease in the pulse rate, noderate increase of arterial pressure, positive solar reflex and low oculocardiac Card 1/3 7 USSR/Hunan and Anirial Physiology (Nomal and Pathological) . Dlood Circulation. General. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79512. appearances of an "infected heart" are benif~n and reversible; they are connected with a reaction of the autonorAc-endocrinu apparatus and dystrophy of the myocardiun. Card : 3/3 I 'Y USHAKCNA, V. 6., Cand Ned 6ci -- (disci) "Characturi~,ticz of c-_;rdifvaz- ,,4 cular disorders in -diphtheria." 'Wosco,.v, 1960. 16 T)p; (Acadezy of %-- ical Sciences j&r:o-R, Crdef of Labor. in-t r~f 300 copius; price not (KILL, 21-6o, 1.~I) -- ~, -~_ I - , ISHHRSKAYA, Ye.Y.; USHAKOVA '- - Breezes of the lower Vb2ga. Isy, T"s. Gbog. ob-va 89 w.2:154-157 Mr-Ap 157, (Volga Talley--Winds) (XI2A 10:6) TJSHAZOVAO VeTa., red.; AVRUTSKAYA, R.F., red. izd-va; VAYNSHTIM, Te.B., Eftegren of a course in "Electric measurements' for technical schools of ferrous wtallurg7 in the subject IIKLeotric equipment for Industrial enterprises and establishments"] Programs, kursa 111ektrichaskle Ismerenila" dlia takhnikumov chernoi metallurgil po spetsiallnosti "Iliktrooborudoyanie promyshlenrqkh prodpriiatii i untenovok.". Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-r7 po chernoi I.tevetnol metallurgii, l957, 14 pe (MIRA 110) 1. Rued a (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo chernoy metallurgii. Uprwrleu#e uchobnykh zavedenii. Nauchno-metodicheekly kabinat. (Blectric measurements) USHAKOVA, V.Ya., red. [Program of a course in the *Techuolog7 of netals" for technical schools of ferrous metallurgy in the subject: *Zlectric equipment for industrial enterprises and establishmentsOl Programma karss, "Tekhnolosiia metalloy" dlia tskhnikmov chernoi metallurgii po spetsialluosti ExiektrooboradoTanis promyshlenrqkh predpriiatii i ustanovok.0 Mookwa, 1957. 15 P. (MIRA 11t8) 1. Phasels, (192)- U.S.S.R.) Niuisterstvo chernoy metallurgii. Upraylenlys uchebnykh zavedeni7. Nauchno-metodicheekV kabinet. (Metallurgy) USHAKOVA, Ya.G. Conditions for the existence of an integral invarlant, of a transitive group. Uch.zap. MGU 115:149-152 161. :F,~ 1 7. --j'; USFAKCNA, YE." Ushp.kovf~. Ye,"How the S-viet -ts -,-- zh - ~:Iclurin t:rou,, cr-- te -fc---- -' 1 1 f: cro, s. I Xul I t. T, r0 s: ve t. r - '~ o ta, 191-9. 11 . '. T.~ I SO: U-193", 29 f"'t 5", (Lotol,is 'Z.-um,-,.l Inykh, -:t- Ley, No. lc~, 191'~)- - - I r ~ v Tow, I ~ I i m UZA :- ~ 1- , 1 ~' . Vup~-I.~~ 1)-', r; Sowing vegetables in thc late fall. Kolkh. pi-cizv. 12 Uo. 9, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Lecember 195 ~953, Uncl. 1 . IIIIIIA111011 ~.) Yo. T. , '.c.,u-I . 2. 'UT" )-I (61M) 4. Vegetable Gardening 7. Dinks of scipntifIc workorn in ve'rotahle gardening. Sad A og, No. 1, 19r,1. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953, Uncl. USSR/ Agriculture - Vegetable raising Card 1/1 1 Pub. 77 - 8/21 Authors I Ushakoval E. I., Act. Mem. of the All-Union Acad. of Agri. Sci. TWO : Two hundred kinds of vegetables PerlodIcal t Nauka i zhizn' 21/9p 21-22, Sep 1954 Abstract A description is given of the vegetable exhibit at the Moscow Agricultural Exposition with some account of experiments in raising vegetables and adapting them to different climates. Illustrations. Institution Submitted LIS 11A /(a A , Yr. /, USSRAgriculture - Truck farming Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 8/37 Authors Ushakova, E. I., Act. Mem. Lenin A,,ri. Acad. Title The Gribov vegetable-selection experimental station Periodical Priroda 43/10, 57-60, Oct 1954 Abstract A account is given of the work done at the Gribov experimental station, in collaboration with a number of collective farms, in the production of some 200 new varieties of better vegetables and the raising of seeds. The prin- ciple vegetables involved are mentioned by name and the naT.-les assigned to the new varieties are given. Illustrations. Institution : Submitted : KARINICH, P.Te., redaktor; USHAKOTA, Yeolo, akademik, redaktor; BAGRAMOV, G.G., redaktor; YEVDOKIXOY. N.M., redaktor; MARTYNOV, Y.K., redaktor; BTJDYUJI, V.P., redaktor; GURIVICH, M.X., tekhnIcheskIjV redak-tor [Methods of state testing of varieties of farm crops; vegetables, melons and squash, potatoes, and fodder root crops] Metodika gosudaretvannogo sortoispyteniia sel'skokhoziaistvennykh kulltur; ovoshchnye, bakhchevys kulltury. kartofell i kormovye korneplody. Pod red. P.I.Marinicha i dr. goskva. Gos. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 260 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Plants. Cultivated) USSR/Cultivated Plants. Pot,itues. Vegetables. I-Itelons. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-:-,iol., No 5, 1958, 20339. Author : Ye. I..Usbakovn. Inst : "Not given. Title : I=ediate Tasks in the Selection and Seed Raising of Vegetable Crops. (Ocherednyye zadachi selekt(;ii i Bemenovodstva ovoshch- nykh kul'tur). Orig Pub: Sad i ogorod, 1957, No 6, 6-9. Abstract: 21o abstract. Card : 1/1 n V In cd, r), :.,e ,L, 'Win A, Yro. rl - 2/2 USHAKOVA, Ye.I., akademik Late fall sowing of vegetable crops. Politakh.obach. no.10: 41-43 0 159- (MIRA 13'-2) 1. Gribovskays, ovoshchnaya selektsionno-ppytnaya otantsiya. (Vegetable gardening) Vv,,Ill %:~,--.di for (~--IRA 18112) 1. Grtbovalcava wioih-Anaya se'-,,3kt,s!ur,.raya opry-,riaya stantsiya, akkidemlya -31'S)(Okl-.ozyaystven- naok imen, V. ,oasod]; liSItAKOVAy YOIN. NATANSON, G.L,, Cdoc Roviewing some works on the theory of aerosol filtration, Zbur. fiz. khim. 35 no.2,463-466 F 061. Omu 16:7) 1. Fiziko,--khimicheskiy institut imeni Karpova, Moskva. (Aerosols) .1 1 USUPT4, To. N. Curmingtonit4s from the Zavalya vilWe in the Bug Talley. Min.sbor. no.12:317-322 158. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Goeuniversitet Imeni Ivana Franko. L'vov. (Zavalya region (Bug Valls7)--Comningtonite) USHAKOVA, Ye.N. - Yerruginous hyperath8ne in Zavallre In the middle %g Valley. Zap. Voes. min. ob-va 87 no-3:367-369 '58. (MIRA u: 10) l.Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Zavaltye--Hyperethene) USHAKOVAV YEo Neg CAND Jj9OL-MIN$i S019 "IME MINERALOGY AND PETROGRAPHY OF THE METAM ORPHIC SKAYA cfv), ZAVALlYEV,^4iATiott or (INST GCOL AND GEOPHYS. SIBERIAN (KLt 2-619 202). ROCKSOF THE KHOSHCHEVATO- NovoslaiRsKo 1960, DEPT ,ACAD Sco USSR). -55- USMOVAII-Ye.N. . Ferruginous sepiolites from Zavallye in the middle Bug Val-ley. Min.sbor. no.14:327-331 160. (MIRA 15-2) 1. Goeudarstvemyy universitet imeni Ivana, Franko, LIvov. (Bug Valley-Yieerschaum) KHLESTOV, V.V,; USHAKOVA, U.N. F,.-.trography and geneEis of the Kyakhta sillizanite deposit In the Buryat A.S.S.R. Trudy Inst.gool.i geofiz.rjib.otd.AN 3SSR no.1.5:19?-241 163. (MIRA 17:4) DOBRETSOV, N.L., REVERDATTO, V.V.; SOWLFV, V.S.; SOBOLFV, N.V.; USHAKOVA, Ye.N.; KHLESTOV, V.V. Bftsic characU-rlstl-is of the distribution of the facies of regional metamorphism in the U.S.S.R. Geol. i geofiz. no-4: 3-18 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut geologil i geofiziki Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSSR. Novosiblrsk. VOL-LISON, LV., Insh.; USHAKOVA, Ye.S.. insh. Simplified telacnmmnication circuit In the operation of substations. Blek.sta. 28 m.12:80-81 D '57. (MIRA 12:3) (Telecommunication) (Blectric substations) ISIRIKYAR) A.A.; KISELEV, A.V.; USHAKOVA, Ye.V. Adsorption of water,, zothanolp biaxane, and bear-one vapors on pilgment rutile modified by diethyldichlorosi4Ane. Koll. zhur. 27 no.5:690- 696 S-0 165, (MIRA 18:10) 1. MoskovBkiy univerDitet imen! Lomonosova, khinicheskiy fakulltet. ISIRIKYAN, A.A.; KISELEV, A.V.; USHAKOVA, Ye.V. Chemical modification of the rutile pigment swfare by hexanol and dimethyldichlorosilane. Koll.zhur. 26 no.1:45-50 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy universitet, khimicheskiy fakulltet. BORODINA, M.L.; YERMOLAYEVA, T.A.; ISIRIKYAN, A.A.; KISELEV, A.V.; USHAKOYA-)~,-Ye-.V. Adsorption properties of commorcial samples of a rutile pigment with a modified surface. Koll.zhur. 26 no.2:156-162 Mr-Ap ,64. 1 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy universitet Imeni Lomonosova, khimicheskiy fakulltet. USHAKOVA# Z.A. (Blagoveahchensk) Cerebroapinal, quid pressure in late oequelae of closed injurito of tife brain. vop.neirokhir. 24 no,6t48-49 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Kafedra tervnykh bo3.ezney Blagoveshchenskogo meditsinskogo institutao (BRAIN-VUUNDS AIND INJURIM) (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID) 0 49 4; 0 9 0 Z 0 C Z 0 0 0 e t S 6 e e 9 0 It 0-0-6-0-0 0 4 0 0 0 It# 0 4 a a 0 6 0 9 9 0 0 If 0 0 " 1, 11 it ?, " '. .11 ". .. i 1. . . a 09 A If L A & I a l a I L L 9 N 1 to T A4 90 k LILI it v ,. bethips of Ike mall"tw god camplex in the Viet jecolic mgmtkaDic V N 00 IWI .00 so r :; '"',fit I!njh-h ;.l.' -00 Wlill :;Ii' 1'.1t, '4 Gf'.Al 11flijill o he miallm.41w i,qL. " fit,- I w1 Itt.%mim. .1low that I 0 0 ille wa %fillricill Its .4 llkt "I.I.In -00 0 hulkiinvil Shield asu -.4mvilml t ... mi.1 .11M '~41' I 1-00 00 NIII . ~Nlll' -IKMKI lks oh% I.-IIIIII1.0 Nq - 00 h~FV M i' "Ilt'll 1'. 'talld, I." Ilw -11- Ill. *0 es m,,jml:f..j lh-fw~ on fit, -1.** es 00 zoo 00 0 COO z;eo goo goo No* t:oo Abe a Ao S L A OlAtILIJOCICit LITIFRATIVINIF CtillIFICATION U09 1111110 u it &I 0 a ff to P100169 Hit HIM K it it 0 n 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :4 0 a A ?__Ll It ~1, 11 11 14 11 14 ~11 0A,))) M b A A A 2) X 19 AL J1 Pal wo WIt UP& Litt It-r- 4- L L 4 R 1' G. 3 V-.-~ I-Y--L-AA 05 CC Oft,$II j 4"Mlitationat the A ChOG" Sul f on qpt. ji. N. Clair, bl"k Ch"41fillk ra -0 o IsbAkuwa, Afflo"'I'llmas, slikut. X(f vinskil Wall Z Abilf,14f) 10 j * R.S'S. . Ofivinar 1100, 'ificAt" (im-laulms satapllitO w.1AI %%t. got 10 'Ut goo 0 002 :0: 2 -00 0* f goo "O0 go noo L1Tf#4fU#f CLASUMATICh koo Vr ' too q a $p v b( If IF Ita It ') 4a as 4 0 410 0 0 0 ei Ij I i-ift(Ad Tc~.rz of ma cl,.,imc,6wc terje, a o: c,~Iitmi n parl OT CEC: iv( =.,ra 5li0j. Z. 0. Y'r~' I, I'l?", ' Geol. VAe?.Jr1:'-a. Ak~;J. 'V1171W UTT 11" ?'~. 27.-A r,~p,rt 4,,scrihin4 wil-ni;c rock,; foind III *!I(: Ald,soa ".10i H irt-a. TI;c r,,k lotin; III mnll solid rIjz--.1'.s III tiL';L~ 1141L V~re:ktvr 1:11m al~mt 1;) ~11.' km. cotitaet'~' "'401 C'.! "ur"'nvidiny. r"' 'k, ix~' i--cidivr pr-idaulr !h:~rp. 01:c V"'R ~hl dw nauw 1a ~'i 4 rock will be found a coutintiou, ot Iran: iliwi z frmn il , :wid its, hy,')1,itl]0IC 31111 '~IANO(J~',Tjtl ~,Yjwr- n i-A to ~,ated LN ncritm 11~tru~r;'!Alic zml miii,ndujc~l cfuta,,I~i; '~-, a.4 v-sw1h (Achant. mu.biii Gi tl"c rm~' :!rc provil"It. (Yuzhna7a Yakuti3ra); Dzevanovskir, Tu.K. (Tushnaya lakutiya) I Principal geological and tectonic features of the Gonam River Basin. in southern Takutia. Hat. VSIGXI no.1:13-31 '56. (NiAA 10:1) (Gonam Valley-Geology. Stratigraphic) DRUGOVA, G.M.; KLIMY, L.V.; KRYLOVA, M.D.; WKHATWV, D.A.; SUDOVIKOV, N.G.; USHAKOVA, Z.G. Pro-Cambrian geology of the Aldan mining region. Tr!ud7 Isb. geol. dokem. no.8:5-331 159. (WRA 12:10) (Aldan Flateau--Geology) USHAKOVA, Z*G& .rr~- Lower Paleozoic trap formation in the western part of the Russian Platform. Trudy VSEGEI no.80.-3-108 162. (MIRA 16Z9) ARTITIM. YU.N. ; USH.;.KOVSXIY, V.T. Genesis of quartz placers in the Urals. Trud7 IGEM no.40:46-6,1 160. 04IRA 13:11) (Ural Nountains-Qua rt 2 ) USH&MMSKIY, M., inzh.; VAGM, V., inzh. Experimental large-panel houso built of kerawit-concrete details. Zhil.stroi. no.8:10-12 160. (MM 13:8) (Novoku,ybyehovsk-Apartmont houeen) USHAMIRSKIY, M. The complex will be finished ahead of time. Na stroi.Ros. no.4: 5-6 Ap f6l, (KM 14:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Novokuybyshevskogo stroiteltno-montazhnogo tresta. No.25. (flovokuybyshevsk-Chemical plants) SPI VAK kin,!. t,~4.lin. zviuk; LISPINIRSKly, Mark I y y ak-, v KMCNOVA, Z�na.ida Pa-vi-ovaf., st. irz-h.; B.A., -Lnzh.. red.; [Large.,panel ai~ar-tr_c2n' of k-r--unzit concrete; practi,res of trul-t Oie Kuy4shev. Economic C-_UTIC~11] Krupznor~anel'iiy~~-. ziIi-live doma iz keramzitobetona; opyt trasta no.25 Kuih1,:zhev.,-kor- .~,),,Yiarkhoza. IJ,-qkva, Gosstroi, JL12,lut, 19~~2. 4'0 (MIA 18: 5) A.. '-6,t-tA,_k . mr- 1 - _. ,, _- --) rjauchnc-i s sled ovate 11 iris il ta z~ii.ykli i rpassovykh kull- t;-urnc--b---,--,v-Tkh zdarliy Akademi-i strc-itellstva i arkhitektury SSSR ('10'r Spivek),, 2. C,:Iivrrjy inzhener tresta No.25 Ktrylrfshevokogo savnarkho7A (for Ushamir6kiy). 3. Rukovodi- tell laboratorli I'lau2hno-,!,-sle,71~,,.,atellskogo instituta stroitellriq~ fizlki i ograzhdayushchikh konstruktsiy Aka- dezr.ii. Stro4taj1St,;p J arkhitektu.-T SSSR (for Linetskiy). USHAMIRS Ke (g.Xuybyehev) -"M-m Mixed creve in petroleum industr7 construction. Stroi.pred.neft.prom. 1 no.6:7-9 Ag 156. (MIRA 9:9) (Petroleum industry) (Building) VARZHITSKIY, A.G., inzh.; UCJ,~ UT, U.K., inzh.; PALEVSKIT, S.A., inzh., nouchnyy red.; SHIROKOVA, G.M., red.izd-va; KKDY=V, L.Ta.,; TMINA, Te.L., [Building large-block apartment houses in Novokuybyshevsk] Opyt stroitollstva zhilykh zdanil 12 krupnykh blokov v Novo- kuiby8hevske. Koakva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkh1t. i strolt.uqtarialam, 1959. 40 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Novokaybyshavsk--Apartment houses) (Building blocks) M USSJI/ Electronics - Radio, receivers and transmitters Card 1/1 Pub. 89 10/29 Authors I Azatlyan, A.; Ushanev, V.; Lavitx N.; Sodin, L, and Baramidzet L. Title I "Urozhay ~.-211 radio receiver and transmitter Periodical Radio 9, 24-261, Sep 1954 Abstract A detailed description, with circuit diagrame, of the "Urozhay Y-2" radio transmitter and receiver is presented. It is a pox-table transmitting aM receiving amplitude-modulation station, redesigned from a similar set named the "Urozhay Y-111. The improveiwnts of the converted set, its auxiliary equipment, power-supplyland operation are described in detail. Diagrams. Institution Submitted USHANKIN, B.I. "Passage of Random Functions Through a Linear Dynamic System," and Synthesis of Systenm With Automatic Control of Random Reactions," Reported at the Second All-Unionf'Conference on Autom tic Control Theory, Moscow, 1953 Sum in 1467 SMIRNOV P O.Yn.; GILYAREVIS)KIA, ",.V., rvitichnyy solrudnlk; " ~auehnyy sotrudnik Modernized driving of tentering and dry-ing, rrar~;lr-es. To, ~.-, *, . prom. 25 no.4:67-69 Ap 165. (wu,p, 1. Nachallnik otdelochno proizvodstva l'nc) '.T%fen~ V.I. Lenina (for Smirnovj. 2. Kostromskoy tekhnolcgic!h---3.k-'y instltut (for Gilyarevsk-iy, Ushanov). USHANOV, V., kapitan 2-go ranga; KOPYTOV, L., kapitan-leytenant Sailors are trained in naval work. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 2 no.6:46-49 Mr 162. (I-EM& 15:3) (Communist Youth League) (Russia,llavy-Education., Nonmilitary) USHANOV, V.F.; POZDNYAKOV, A.A.; VARDUGIN, A.V.; CHERMFITIN, B.I., student III kurea Changes in the physicochemical properties of the wood of Siberian larch during compression. Trudy STI 34:48-55 163. (MIRA 17:2) U'iFV:O~I~A, B.A. W2', rroyn., 11 (7), 23-24 (1q51) WEANOVA, A. V. "Investigation of the Crystalliza' ion Of Highly Aluminous Olichtly Alkaline and lionalkaline Ulasses." Cand Tech Sci, All Union Sci Res Inst of Glass, Min Construction Platerials Industry USSR, Moscow, 1954. (KL, T'o 7, Feb 55) L 30: Sun. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of 6clentific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSIR Higher 'Educational I-stitu'lions (14) U-_/ AUTHORS: Syritskaya, ZX., Rogozhin, Yu.V.,_~shanQva,.-A,Y. - -6-2 9 _7" /I TITLE: Alkaliless, Boronless Types of Glass for the Mechanical Production of Goods (Besshchelochnyye bezbomyye stekla d1ya mashinnoy vyrabotki izdeliy) PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958, Nr 6, pp. 4-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: These types of glass are at present not being produced in the USSR. This investigation aitm at d4veloping these types of glass for the production of tubes and glass fibres. At the same time the question is to be examined whether it is possible to obtain this composition f rom. raw material f ound ii. the Estonian SSR, viz. quartz sand, a olo-, mite, and phosphorite. Chemical composition is giver. in table 1. The compositions of glms to be melted are given In table 2. The results obtained by the investigation of the best qualities of gl&ss, 39 and 147, are given in table 3. The cur;res of the viscosity of these types of glass may be seen f rom the illustration. In table 4 the coefficients of thermal dilatation and the fusing temper-lire, determined by means of a dilatometer constructed by the Glass Institute,. -~re given. The compositions of the types of glass inelt- Card 1/2 ed at : -.- maximal temperatures of 14500 and 14800 in the course of Alkaliless, Boronless Types of Glass for the 2- 5&-6-21 ~ 9 Kachani~al Production of Goods 30 hours are given in table 5, and the composition of the 19,yer is giver, in table 6. The forming of tubes with a diameter of 25-30 min from glass 147 (at 1340-13600) presented some difficul- ties 'because the glass mass cooled down rapidly. The blowing of cylinders and the pressing of glass balls vras carried out with- out difficulties and so did the production of tubes and other blown- and0pre3sea goods from glass 39. Burning off %-,as carried out at 620 . The drawing of glass fibres vms also carried out satisfactorily. There are I figure, and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut stekla. (Glwi Institute) 1. Glass--Production 2. Glass--Physical properties 3. Glass--Processing 4. Glaafl--ViscositY Card 212 15(6) AUTHORS: Okhotin, M. V., Professor, Doctor of SOVI/72-5~-2-5/21 Chemical 3ciences, Ushanova, A. V. TITLE- Influence of FluoridcoUpon the Crystr%llizntion nnd Viscosity of Alknli-Free Highly Aluminous Glass Types (Vliynniye ftoridov ns kristallizatsiyu i vyazkost' besshchelochnykh vysokoglinozemistykh stekol) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 2, PP 15-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As can be seen from the pnper by V. V. Pollyak (Ref 1), fluor- ine compounds in the form of fluoride are added to the glass charge to accelerate the glass formntion process. As is shown in figures 1 (for three-component glass) and 2 (for four-com- ponent glass) a 3 "'0' fluoride content can be regarded ns an optimum percentage. It becomes evident from figure 3 that fluorine additions lend to a decrease of viscosity. Card 1/2 Influence of Fluoride Upon the Crystallizntion and SOV/72-59-2-5/21 Viscosity of Alicali-Free Highly Aluminous Glass Types Conclusions: By fluorine additions, glass tubes can be Dro- duced under lower temperature conditions. By a 4 "0' fluorine addition the production temperature can be lowered by 8014. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet reference,. Card 2/2 3 A6 EVP(L' )/EPA (S'--21F-Wr (mj'/EWPWjEPA (W) -21tWP(b) WZ. :ACC=10N )IRt AM24427 Uk/()286/65/00()/M5/0133/0133 666.29 0 i AUTHORSt Rogozhin., Yu. V.; Syritskaya, Z. M.; Ua~a~ p A ~-V. e TITLE: A meth9d for chemically stable namels. Class 46., No. 173567 SOURCEs Byulleten' izobretenly i tovarnykh znakov., no. 15, 1965v 3,33 TOPIC TAGS*. enamel., paint, sulfur trioxide ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining chemically stable enamels. To improve the technical parameters of the enamels, S03" 'on in the amount of 0-3-1.0% by weight ~s added to the original batch by in-troducing sulfateEr such as lithium sulfate# ASSOCIATIONt none SUPMITTED i 14Dec63 RIM 1 00 SUB COM 0G.J 110 REF -SOV9 000 OTHERt 000 I Card EWP (e )/EPA (s) -2/EWT (M)/EWP(I)/EPA (W) --~/EW P (b' ACGMIOK MR: AP502U27 UW0266165100DIaLSIO13310133 666.29 :,0 AUTHORSs Rogoshin, To. V.j Syritskaya, Z. M.; U4" .M, A. V. ------------ -~Clsw 46, yo. 173 TITLEs A meth9d for chamical1y at=bI, 567 SOUICEs Byulletent isobrotenly-i toyarnykh anskov, no. 15, 1965, 133 TOPIC TABSt enamel, paint, sulfur trioxide AWRACTs this Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining chemically stable enamels. To Improve the technical parameters of Ww enamels, 3D3* Ion in the mount of 0-3-1.00 by weight Is added to the ariginst betah b7 1hLrofteing gulf stair awk as uudva Musteo A IATION I none wwaTuDs 24pe~63 ND RIF DOTI 000 cwd 2A ZWLI 00 Uf=o aw an ccoik oc, MT L 167go-66 E1wP(e)/E_11T(M) WH ACC NRt AP6002541 SOURCE COM UR1028616510001023100blIOO)42 AUTHORS: Rogozhin,.Yu, Vo Syri shanava.- O.N.: Maz rov M. K.; adorozL _natlyev, 0,, S.1 Goroshchen~ z nap" V. K. j Ig 01 la j, /7 ORGs none TITLE: A method for preparing titanium -containing enamel and glassy crystalline materials. class 32., No. 176663 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniv I tovarnykh znakov, no. 23, 1965, 41-42 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, enamel, sphene, perovskite, crystalline matter, specialized coating, ceramic coating ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for preparing titanium- containing enamels and glassy cry3talline matorials. To broaden the base of raw materials and to improve the physico-chemical properties of enamels and glassy crystalline material, the minerals sphene and perovskite are Introduced into the original charge, SUB CODEz 079, 13/ WDM DAT& 09Aug62 .Card l/1 2Y/ Mos 666-.293.5 Z, /t/c AUTHORS: Godnev, I. N., Sverdlin, A. S. and Ushanova, N. 1. TITLE: Calculation of the Normal Vibration Frequencies and of Thermodynamic Functions of Germanium TetralLodide. (Vychisleniye chastot normallnykh kolebaniy i termodinamicheskikh funktsly chetyrekhiodistogo gormaniya.) PERIODICAL: Optika, i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.II, Nr.6, pp. 704-709. (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper reports approximate calculation of the normal vibration frequencies for germanium tetraiodide (Ge14). These frequencies were calculated by extra- polation of' the coefficients of induction (vliyaniya) of the molecules GeF4, GeC14 and GeBr4- From the dependence of the reduced induction coefficients for the above threa molecules on the equilibrium bond lengths the coefficients of induction for Ge14 were calculated. The results are given in Table 2. The mean values of the normal frequencies 1of GeI were Card 1/3 found to be: 171, 60, 276 and 87 am- Thts method Calculation of the Normal Vibration Frequencies and of Thermodynamic Functions of Germanium Tetraiodide. 51-6-4/26 was checked by applying it to the molecule Of Si14- This was done by extrapolation of the Inductions coefficients for SiF4, SIC14 and SiSr4- The calculated results for S114 are given in Table 4. Comparison of the calculated values for the normal frequencies Of B114 with those obtained experimentally (Refs.15, 21) shows that the error does not exceed 20 cm-1 for the two higher frequencies of 166 anj 405 CM-1. For the SiI. freqlXencies of 63 and 94 cm- the error was only fO cm-1. The present authors conclude that the results of Jolly and Latimer (Ref.1) are incorrect. The latter two authors used Hildebrand's method (Ref.2) and obtained results which are consid- erably too low. Thermodynamic functions for Ge14 are given in Table 6. They were calculated assuming harmonic vibrations and a rigid rotator model. There is 1 figure, 6 tables and 24 references, 9 of which are Card 2/3 Slavic. . Calculation of the Normal Vibration Frequencies and of Thermodynamic Functions of Germanium Tetraiodide. ASSOCIATION: Ivanovo Chemico-toohnologioal Institute. (Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut). SUBMITTED: November 19, 1956. AVAIUBLE: Library of Congress. D1-6-4/26 Card 3/23 SOV/51-5-5-11/23 'AUTHORS Ushanova, N.I., Godn9y, I.N. and Orlova, I.Y. --------------- TI TLE: Normal Vibration Preqaencies and Thermodynamic Functions of Titanium Totraiodide (Chastoty nomalinyidi kolebanly I termodinamichoskiye funktaii chatyrokhyodistogo titana) InRIODICkLt Optika i Spektroskoplya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 5, pp 567-,970 (TiSSR) A13Z T.I-'%C TThe present paper reports an approximate calculation of norwal vibration frequencies and thermodynamic functions of T114 using the method described in Refs 1, 2. The equilibrium distance r. betNeen Ti and I in TiI4, is not known. It may be calculated approximately using the covalent radius inethod of Ref 3. Using the known distances Ti--(;l and T1--Br in TiC14 and TiBr4, and the covalent radii of 01 and Br a value of 1.17-1-22 1 vas obtained for the radius of Ti. Assuming the covalent radius of I to be 1.33 1 the authors found r. between Ti and I to be 2.50-2.55 49. The mean value of ro a 2.52 .1 was used in the present paper. This method of calculation of r. was checked by findiag the dimensions of Go halides (Table I). It was found that although the Card 1/3 calculated values o ,f the dimensions of GeFo, and GeG14 departed SOV151-5-5-11123 Normal Vibration Frequencies and Thermodynamic Functions of Titanium Tatraiodide considerabl from the axporlwoutal valuem, tho calculated value for GOI4 (2.55 1) -was within 0.05-0.07 .1 of tho exporlwantal value. This -mis taken as confirmation that ro = 2.52 A for the Ti--I distance is approximately correct. Using experijaental values of frequencies the authors calculated reduced induction coefficients for TiQ14 and TiBr4 using equations given by Sverdlin (Ref 1). These induction coefficientri are given in Table 2. Using the results of Table 2 the authors calculated reduced induction coefficients for T114 for the following values of ro: 2.47, 2.52 and 2.57 1 (Table 3). Using the calculated induction coefficients of Mo, the authors doduced noraal vibration frequencies (Table 4). Using the value ro = 2.52 2 and the normal vibration frequencioa of TiI4,, as 6iven in Table 4, the authors calculatad thermodynamic functions on the assumption of harmonic vibrations and rigid rotations. These thermodyngaic functions are given for gaseous M4 at 1 atm pressure in Table 5. To estijuats the lar6ast possible Card 2/3 error the authors calculated the thermodynamic functions at 298.2 and SOV/51-5-5-11/23 Iloro"I vibr.~tlon inri tic of Ti-,-AU--t Tatcliodide 1000`i~ for tha !j2:tru._.a valu3!, of "-iij froq.t3nci~)u tnd for valv3a of r. 2~Lllgin~- f ro-.a 2.47 to 2.57 1 (T" bla 6) . Ths largos t arrors in rIvirmodynamic functions vara of the order of 1.5-2.0 cal/der, per ?aol3. ThorLj tire 6 tAblau, 1 fi&uro and 15 raferances, 7 of which ara Sovltt, 2 3nglish, 2 A~Aarlcan, 1 German, 1 Japanose, 1 Belgian and 1 trAns lati on WaZT.VJW; Daceuibar 31, 1957 Card 3/3 1. Titanium iodide--Spectra 2. Titanium iodide--Thermodynamic properties GLEBOV-KOTELINIKOV, Erik Anatollyevich; LIBERMAN, Erik Anatollyevich; ZAVIYALOVA, A.N., red.1 V_q ml. red. (Mechanization of economic calculations in an enterprise] Mekhanizatsiia ekonomicheakikh raschetov na predpriiatii. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1965. 150 P- (MIRA 18:12) USUMVA, . Ye.V. Decreasing the acidity of raw butylacetate- and ester-containing water. Gidroliz. i loofthim. prom. 8 no.4:21-22 t55- a: 9) (Acetates) (Acetic acid) 5, vz~Wx11j,,,-Y, j. (,. 'IT-he autoregLlation of the er- - ythroFoesis. " (, . 0) by Ushansky, T. G. 340: Advances in Modern Biolo (Unrokhi Sovremennol Dicloeie) Vol. XXII, !"0. 1, 1946. USSRA4edicine Physiology Card 1/1 Pub. 33-28/29 Author Perellman, L. P. (Leningrad) and Ushanshi ,.,,Xa. G. ('~vcrdloisk) Title From letters to the editor. In reference to T. M. Turpaye-i's article "Method of recording the tonus of bronchial musculature" Periodical : Fiziol. zhur. 40, 387-388, May/Jun 1954 Abstract : T. M. Turpayev's method of recording the tonus of bronchial muscula- ture is criticized by the authors of this article. They claim that Turpayev seemed to have ignored the accepted concept about the active tonus of the lungs. The method described by T. M. Turpayell may be successfully used provided it is borne in mind that not only the tonus of the bronchial muscles is recorded, but also the active tonus of the lungs. The instrument for recording the tonus of bron- chial musculature was described by T. M. Turpayev in his article published in Fiziol. zhur., 39, 732, 1953. The principles used were based on the methods developed by Kcnzett and Rossler. Institution Submitted USSR/Chemical Te`cbnDl0UY- C! ProdLlCtS and Their 1-14 Applicatiori.--Tr.~,,,~.tlnotit of natural gases and P0 tr ole uni. M, ci L c, 1, f i i eLubricants Abs Jour,, Ref Zhur-l"himiya, No 3, 1q-57, 9275 Author I..,'elikadzo, L. D, Ushavauli, E. A., and Chavchan- idze, D. G. Inst Georgian Acade-ay of Science Title On the Presence :bi-fi Oil of Ili gh -1.1ole cular Compounds Capable of ProducinG Crystalline Structures Grig Pub: Soobshch. AN GruzSSI~, 1956, Vol 17, No 4, 317- 320 (in Russian) Abstract: The influence of thermal and catalytic treat.,nont as woll as of selective solvants on the separation of hiCh-riolecular coi~,-,Pcu~-,ds from petroleun crudes. It has- been !;i-!:~t the separation of luminescent crySt-,11 ne cc,,nponents from the high- molecular aromatio fraction is genetically related to tho coiistitution of the crude and that these Card 1/2 bMH/ Chomical Tachnolo-y. Products and Tj-,(-~irI Application-Treatr.r.ent af natur!41 gasos and petroleum. Niotor fuels. Lubricants. A bs Jour Ref Zhur--Khimiya, Ilo 3, 1957, 9275 Abstract: crystalline components aro not formed during- the seDaration carried out by the z-.icthod developed the authors. Tho scpar-atlon method consi3ts in tho treatment of a broad cut of oils obtained during the vacuibii distillation of tho crudo wita anilino; this reDults in the ox-Graction of tho aromatic hydrocarbons present in-thb cut. The anilina is ramovod by distillation, r,~sidual anilina bainF, romoved by treatlL-nnt vviLh fj,.-L. The mixturp, of aromatic hydrocarbcns ubt-Airlod by this mothod io vacuum distillud into narrow fractions which arf, then subjected to chroirvitographic separation. Card 2/2 MELIKAZZE, L.D.; USHkMUL_Z,--N.A.-;- 01MCHAVIDZE, D.G. Photochemical stability of the luminescence of higb molecular weight petroleum fractions. Trudy Inst.khim. Ad Gruz.SSR 14: 165-176 158. (MIRA 13:4) (Luminescence) (Petroleum products) MELIKADZE, L.D.; ELIAVA, T.A.;.USHARAULI. E.A.; CHAVCFIANIDZE, D.G. High molecular weight aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons. Trudy Inst. khim.A111 Azerb.SSR 17:146-153 159. (KIU 13:4) 1. Insitut khImii All GruzSSR. (Petroleum-Analysio) (Hydrocarbons) S/081/62/000/012/047/063 B156/B144 AUTIMRSs Usharauli, E. A., Melikadze, L. D. Nz- TITLE: The oxidation stability of oil fractions of petroleum PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1962, 507,.abstract 12M194 (Tr. In-ta khimii AN GruzSSR,.v. 15, 1961, 169 - loa) TEXT:. hydrocarbon fractions being separated from oil fractions of Noriys- kaya-petroleum by the Use of chromatography on silica geli their stability (St) as regards oxidation has been investigated by'the AzNII method. It has been found that the fractions of methane-naphthene hydrocarbons have higher St than the corresponding fractions of aromatic hydrocarbons, V/ and that if the fractions of aromatic hydrocarbons with the lower St are added to those of methane-naphthene hydrocarbons the St of the.latter is raised. 46 references. [Abstr4cter's notei Complete translation Card 1/1 lop We OW OW We '*W*W v u w u V MAL -A 4 -L-A- 00 T- x -00 00 09 *set 004 see- .0 me* goo too moo too. 80.6m9 Iflama -to *-T !4c falsalaft ##;&#I WOW 44 U-N-Af 10 ts" I r 4 F q T YA A 0 1 v v 0 0 0 0 0 019 ?00 * USHATTIKOV, N. KAMOV, N.; USHATIKOV, N. [First car of Soviet construction] Pervents sovetskogo aytomobile- etroontia. Kookya., VMS, 1947. 15 p. (XLRA 7W (Automobiles) TAD71'19KIY, T. ; -~. 1,1hchinery In,i-.istry Initiative of yoW, people, Tekh. molod, 21 No. 3, 1953 Monthly List .2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. Jim -1953, Uncl. LMERIKI I.; Trade-union group organizer Hikolai Bykov. Sov. profsoiuzy 4 no.7:52-55 JI 156. (MILRA 9:10) Oykov, Nikolai) USHATIKOV, 11. topics for factor7 bulletins.'38w59 159. . I . (KIRA 12-6) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelam gazety 11 NO "kovsk-iy avtozavodets." (Ramearcb, Industrial) NOVICHKOV, A.;-M'HhTIKOV, N. Blacksmith Sergei Sustretov. lUn.tek-h. 3 no.2:i4-17 7 '59. (MIRA 12:1) (Forging) SWJWKO, G.; PIMENOV, P.; ORFANITSKIT, V.; VLADYCHINKO, I.; RYABOV, N.; TZGORICHXV, A.; TARNCIPDL'j*-IT, A.; GOVICH, A.; U.sHAT-IKOV,--N., profso.vuznyy aktivist Let's strengthen fraternal international connections. Sov. profootuay 16 no.16:49-54 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Nachallnik T entralFnogo turistsko-ekskursionnogo upravleniya Yeesoyuznogo ts:ntral'nogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Shumeyko). 2. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh ugollnoy promyshlennost'i (for Vladychenko). 3. Sekretarl TSentrallnogo komiteta prDfsoyuza rabochikh elektrostantsiy i elektroproaqahlennosti (for Ryabov). 4. Predsedatel' zavkoma K,-izyetakogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Yegorichev). 5. Predsedatel pravleniya Doma lKalltury-'stroiteley "Oktyabr'" (for Tarnopollskiy). 6.Fredeedatell kromisaii po zarubeshnym svyazyaM 2avodskogo komiteta staakostroitellnogo zavoda imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Gurvich). 7. kvtomobillnyy zavod imeni Likhacheva. (for Ushatikov). (Russia-Helations (General) with foreign countries) SIDOROV, N.; ANTONOVt V.; BOXVSKIY~ G.; BOCHKOp L.; SOLOVIYEN, M.; SOIA)KHINI V.; TETER121, N.; CIIISTYAKOV, L.; NENASHEY, V.; y2j~ ~KO ~;VOVICHKOV, A.; YARTSEV, Is'.. red.; KURETSOVA, A., tokhn. red. (Technology summons us] Tekhnika zovet. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1961. 194 P. (MIFLA 15:2) (Technological innovations) (Automation) NOVICHKOV, A.; USHATIKOV, N. To the front positions. Ith.tekh- 5 no.5:14-16 147 161. (MIRA 14-5) (Altai Territory-Farm. mechanization) NOVICHKOV9 A.;,USHATIKOV, N. Visit tp a millionaire. Nauka i zhizn' 28 no.12:26-29 D 161. (MIRA (Moscow-Automobile industry) (Antropov, Valentin IAkovlevich) ,- -- ~~ .' ~' USHATIKOV, N.; APATOV, V. Young people dare. NTO 4 no.11sl&-19 N 162. (MM 16:1) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom redaktsii gazety "Moskovskiy avtozavodets" (for Ushatikov). 2. Redaktor radioveshchaniya Hookovskogo avtomobillnogo zavoda imeni Ukhacheva (for Apatov). (Dump trucks) ~4SR / Forestry. Forest Management IC-4 Abs Jour; Pef Zinvr-Biol., 1,10 10, 1951C), 43(.-)3S Ai!thor Usiiatin, 1 . 11. Inct Not given Title Tree Aseo in 'Pore3t Restoration FelllnCs in the L> Fore o t -LS teppe Zone and in the Mountain -,oveots of the Caucasus Orig Pub: Les. Ich-vo, 1955, No 10, 3-9 Abstract: I t- is stated that the tree stands in the Tellerman forest are being ruined. In its 1140 years the cur- rent added grouth 'haz conprised only 0.3 cubic meters per hectare, the forest-renevral fellin~s have to be carried out in the 141st and not Dist. year. In the overmature pine forests of the Card 1/2 T ;Q Aws JOL-r: Ref Zhur-~-'io!., No 10, 1958, 4-3c,~3J.-.,' Khrenov Bange the forect-i. enevial. fellin!.,s -hould commence on the 111-Ist and not the 121st year a;3 is provided by 'U-!,-ie regulations. The natural maturity of the 3hort-trun!c groves of tlie IV-V class locality in fo;:-to,- G~aoc soils is reached in aboutt- 60 years and in :)5 years the nati-iral falling of the trees exceeds the current ncepetion. The age for the forest-restoration fellings undei, these conditions sholild be loweved to 51 years --'-nstead of the reconimended '60 years. The ',JeGinning of f ores t-reneaa 1 -Poll-ings -Por fir and ol)r-,.Ice in the forests of Camcasus sbould be timed to the 290th year and not to the 101st year. The fellings in the mountain pine forests of Cnucasvs should begin at the age of 130 years, and in the beech forest-s- at the age of 200 years. - 1. N. Yelagin Card 2/2- cowltrj : USSR CatcGory: Forestry. Forust 11=2Cemnt- Abs Jour: RZhDiol-, No 3.1, icl-,58, No 4,3742 i'~uthor Usbatin, P.N.; Lormov, V.M. Inst Title Cutting Mc-L",hods of rrincipal Produce :-ji ~hc Fir Forests of llcrt'acni Caucasus. OriC Pub: Lesn. kh-vo, 1957, No 12, 8-12 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 I ~,e -. ,:~ ?~ C-1*2GURY : Foreztry. GFneral Prob!4~&2,rA. JOUR : Re f' Z t i u r -- BI ol o g i ya , N. o . No.20099 -:.;,I HCR : Ushatin, P.N. .,-f4ot given TITLE The Untended Pitsundakiy Relict Pine Wood PU3.: Lown. kh-vo, 1958, No. 7, 82. Pitsundskiy pine wood is a highly productive close stand 80- 300 years old and of I local- ity class. There are 8- 140 yaar old strip!- of undergrowth in the cAnopy gaps. Tho under- brush conaista of hornbeam, butchersbroom, numAc and common seabuclitborn; the soil cover is poorly develop!ed. Attention As fozuaaed on the great zcientific value of this rare rolict stand and on the lack of any moasurem to renew the pine and protect the stand.-L.V. Neamelov: USHATIN, V.S.; SAV1TSKIY, N.F., red.; 1,40GOVITSYN, V.N., red. [Use of a slide rule in the calculation of a.c. networks; methodological manual for students of technical institutions) Primenenie logarifmicheskoi lineiki pri ranchete elektriche- skikh tsepei peremennogo toka; uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlia uchashchikhsia tekhnikumov. n.p. Rosvuzizdat, 1963. 14 P. (MIRA 17:4) "Itesearch -!--rk con~c-rnin,~, the chani,es in vetabclisr i rin,- t;-.r-- zeveloxqnt of insects". Theoretical and Practical '..'ork ~,Prried out by Lntomologists. reported at A-11-Union --Intornological '~,)n'erence, U-.orgian Lc~pt. A-U Entomological bociety, Tbilisi, Ij-9 Oct 1917. Yestnik AN S6SR) 1958, V# 2f , "0' 1, P. 1 ?~-30 (author '10Yarov) IT 7- 'T - "" " - .1 7. -. 'or u1c, Frnte(7t I -)n -)f ~.)re.;i ini,i frov, :,& f r i (-ill tur! I 1'~- ~A.: - '. i - )is-~ase5, Atc~ Tecbr--~j ~_ 4c,11 , .7 ~u,~~j t ;~ ~ -~ , -)"" . I . , . - . . -4 - - . -1 .~ _. .. , ." - _. . 1 3 , -1 :" fU T 'r, - ',--,3 Us-11 .~t-j : ;M~J, -;1 15 Dec~!!Jxr 11)~31 r4 - -,v rultao of several ploce"llov in Ina mvet body for pro- V 1.1lon agninat low tomperaturov. It. S. bektady AkO. Nank 08, fillm-Tril;tioll tile body wt. falls'n"d fit ri.-Wirve.) are used. he OjAc cril hL, tit tilt biochem. rivangvi derwnd-j, liply- C~er, ~ ille st~,,~ tre of hibernation (Cally or late), tile extcrlwl t,mnp., and the spmm During the emly perlod of tairmid M113n or 3 anx.116 larvae tile "ater con- llitKrM 1ASNYr? i'1 post; (tilt fell lil?rc rapidly thmi that of tile wt, of tile Wimll: body. During t StA pericA fat coutoat exprumed as pervrnt of !!m ji(oly wt. jacrea-ted. After tit(- licclort 14 ildivdi-mioll -"ttvir C(lottot tit termit At pelettit (if the hody %Vt. tintil nearly it-lonat at the clo~c of tit(! dl~tpattse. Tile fat C-11tvnt -jecr,.;.s