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BELOGUB, V.D.; IYV Al, Ye.A., dots., otv, red., LUTSM, M.S., dots., v. red.; ALYAWYEV, N Z... red. Ruildings with walls of large elementsp combine- manufactured without concrote formwork) Zdaniia so ste- nami iz kruprykh elementov bezopalubochnogo kombaino-Nrogo izgotovleniia. Kharlkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos. univ. 1964- 115 P. (MIRA 18:1) TIKHOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich; AGISM?.V, A.P.j, otv. red.; ALYABIYEV, N.Z., red. [Mathematical theory of liquid and gas flow to a central imperfect well) Matematichoskaia teoriia dvizheniia zhid- kosti i gaza k tsentrallnoi nesovershennoi skvazhine. Khar1kov, Izd-vo Khartkovaltogo univ.., 1964. 154 p. (MIRA 17:11) ANDREYEV, Ge-), i-y Yakovlevlch; SHERZHUKOV, Geliy Yefimovich; SJIE~.HEINKO, Valentin Yakovlevich; DARDYK, Yakov lostfovich; KORNrYENKO, 1,11.A., dots., otv. red.; ALYA131YEV, N.Z., red. ' [Manufacture of glass-reirforced plastic pipes] Izgotov- lenie stekloplastikovykh trub. KharIkov, Izd-vo Kharl- kovskogo univ., 1964. 98 p. (I~IAA 17:12) DUDKO, Fetr Dirnriyevic-1, YACHER, V.A., kanu. tO:hi.. nau,",Y utv. red.; ALYAD'YN N Z . red. J. [New materials in technology] Novye materialy v toklinike. Kharikov, Izd-vo Kbarlkovskogo univ., 1964. 171 P. (VI.I ~18:1) AERIAMOV, Viktor Valerionovich; GRIDNOV, S.A., otv. red., 4Y~A.B'YZVj N..Z., red. [Using the method of the strength of materials in studying strains and stresses] Iseledovanie napriazhenii i deformatsii motodom soprotivIeniia materialov. Kharikov, Izd-vo Khartkovskogo gos. univ., 1965. 62 p. (MIRA 18:12) PANOV, Borls Semenovich; POPRAVKO., K.A.., otv. red.; ALYABOYEV, N.Z... red. [Fluorite in the Donets Basin] Fliuorit v Donetskom Bassaine. KharIkov, KlutrIkovskii gos. univ., 1965. 98 P. (MIRA 18:12) ZK;lTl?;OVt Anatol.'y Bc7-Jsov!chj W?CCHUN, ej,~XQeindr "4.?iJ' ' ~ji -~-, J. V .1. Y- , FTF Turiy Favlcv-'Ich; SIIKOI INIKOV, V I k i,.,. var. c v, - t. ~ SAMCHRLP V, MUM, V.T..q k&nd.l&khn.n&,ak dvtz., AIYPBIYFV, _N,L., [;utamated e3ectric drive iT.;.nd servo aveteine.] 1vtowitizirovarinyt olelitroprivcd I uisteaV. F.Vaiicyq Llhar'.- kovekogo un!.v., 1965. 362 1). (XI-IR4 )8t'..-~' ~010 10 1.0 4.10 4 our 4 u of is 31 u a u 0 b L, a 'o 63 4i 0,0 11 cm At U n it -MITNAS%913 J'Amavajol wNgemotio f it all 64114IU4.~Wlj Jima 1141 J"t 49 IW4A %w %"tult ti't Iwp" oluav IK411wv %I wlwua% 0"41 r- ..41 ..Iluvnb )q1 IvqI palumput "a na PARItofo PUY uz*qd q'!A' .,IdsH YiujSv 2up3mo, jaq)o joi almlisqns 4131duzw v 0 An pul uOlIvIop lu!lnp row [me no auld ju Po4oul "a of ^.mLL Ijt,[, 4WII-C dtxw JAWxpV.) puv 'Vt'F 00; Z,C dr-3 Pjl() 111tg-1 pi slualwa, p444d !O'W-WCV -d- 1W6,0-VM,o p aA*q ma -japo is, Ilu!--od p- ju-1pal I-qjjm silo juandaunis -uaw., 00 -111rP J" "JOI") 11VI"Alf & U1 PWA%Pjq UKUJ 'PI9119111 00 1100V P) 0131110A .1 V I't,w AN, IV W. N. -.1 .(oteav ftfuloo)) alvay -as moalmou ow 4jap I jpvMV b1p I* opupwo $"via 00 Go 00 44 -,A.4 00 r - 00 ir M W- Sig W-T S 00 ALYAWYEV, S. V. "The Use of Therapeutic Gyramtics in Overall Therapy of Obliterating Endarteritis at Sochi-Matsesta Health Resort," Voyenno-Med. zhur., No. 6, p. 6o, 1955- ALYABIYEV, V. podpolkovnik The movement of the brigades and shock workers of comrminist labor. KoLn.Vooruzh.Bil 1 no.17:84-87 S 161. OMU 14: 8) le Vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Kommunint vooruzhermykh oil" po Fribaltiyakomu voysnnoma okrugu. (Efficiency, Industrial) RCRAIETS R.G.; ALYABIYEV, V.A.; LGIIAKOV, V.F.; BOBYLI , V.' I At. Cryostat for investigating the electric,, photoelectric, aind optical properties of liquids. Zay. lab. 31 no,9slO91 165. (MIRA 18ilo) 1. Daepropatrovskiy inzhene.rno-stroitellnyy insLitut. BOBYLI, V.G.; ROMANETS, R.G.; ALYABIYEV, V.A. Electroconductivity of ben2;ene and its monohalo derivatives in an ultrasonic field. Izv. %,ys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no.6148-53 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy lnzhencirno-stroitellnyy institut. Submitted March 13, 1964. r. ROOS, L. V.; v.. I., V-nr-.; ITI!:;',, L. 's'-TLI'-. '. 11%, ~1~- Ejectr~c Poi-.'er Pl~ants .L a( I I a 1 1. Centralized clocturic po-,,~cr su; pi, the 7 m-.A,ine, '.:el:!,. trud. rnb. 7, No. 2, 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. 1. V aNOV) G. G., Eng,.; ALYABIM, V, I., Eng. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Electricity in Lumbering 7. For over-all electrification of lumbering operations. Les. orom. 13, No. 4~ 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril 1953, Uncl. -a - V. 1. LY, ' I"-~ 9 A 7675. ALYABIYA-f, V. I. -- Tsentralizovannoye elAtrospabzheniye na lesozagotovkakh. M-L., Goalosbumizdat, 1954. 108 S. S ill. 22 Am. 5-000 ek;,. 3R. 5X. --Pered zagl. avt: L. V. koon, V. I. Alyablyov, A. Ye. Boldov, L. 5. Itinai A. M. Tsetlin.--Bibliof;r. V. Kontse Knigi -- (55-3887)p 634.98:621.3 61 (016-3) SO: Knizhna-va Vol, 7, 1955 ALTABOTIIV,V.I., Inzhener Thew TW~ skidding wench. Mekh.trud.rab.9 no.9:11-14 S 155. (Imuleering-Machinery) (KLRA 8:12) ALTAB-lyzT._.7.1.1--NOVOSILITS17q NA., red,; OSOKINA, jk.M., red. isd-va; KAMIK, NoP,, takhn, red,; VOLOKHOM, R.S., takhn. red. (?I,5 skiddl winch assoubly] Agregistnaia, trelevochnaia lebodkL "::n TL-5. [Non al X-vo lesnot pronvehl. SM 119561 12 P (Winobes) (Lmbering-Machinery) lan 11110) ALYABIYEV, V.I., inzhener; TSNLIN, A.M., inzhoner. wmmu~w --m Remote control of skidding rigs. Mekh.trud.rab.10 no-7:9-12 J1 '56. (lAimbering-Machinery) (Remote control) (HLU 9; 9) ABOLI I.P.,.AEYABlYXVV.I.,RAffTSKV. A.A.; TSAREV, B.S.; KRASHEVSKIY, V.V., red.; rZDOROV, Z.H.. red. izd-va,; BACHURINA. A.M., tekhn. red., VORONITSTIr, K.I., red. CSkiddir~g timber by meann of winches In the U.S.S.R.] Nazemnata trelovka lesa lebedkami r SSSR. [Moskva) M-4o'leenoi-promyshl. SSSR, 1957. 33 P. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Direktor TSentrallnogo naucbno-iseledovatellskogo institute mokhanizataii i energetilci lesnoy promyshlennosti (TsVIIHN)(for Voronitayn). (Iumbering) A Yl- I'l I Y7 7 ndmmp~nsion Oil C. Ir) 2) VINOGRADOV, Gennadiy Konstantinovioh, Imnd. teldm. mank; red*': POIMffA, B.M., red. lsd-va; FJMXA.N. Ts.7a., takhn. red. [Setting up and seryloing lumbering operational Podgotovks i obalushivanis I mosagotovitallnogo proizvodetva. Xoskva,.Gou- lembumisdat.' 19;. 327 P. (Iunbering) (XIRA 11210) PATSIORA. Pavel Pavlovich, kand. takhn..nauk; RUM=v 1FLkDIw' Fedooeyevich, doL-tor takhn. naukj_&TpIT1ff V., red.; WMATSX&TA. G.1., rind. _--, - I - izd-va; SHITS. V,P,, takha, red," Dlectric save for lumbering; deeign and calculation] XLektropily Me. lesozagot6vok; iconstr&tsii i rasohety, Izd.2., perer. Noekva, Goslesbunisdat, 1958- 319 P- (sawe) (XERA lltq) SOV-1-18-56-7-3/20 AUTHOR: Alyablyev, V.I., Korobov, G.B. and Nikolayev, N.V,, Engineers TITLE: A Cable Crane for the Loading of Lumber by Yeans of a Trailing Winch (Kabell-kran na pogruzke less, pri lebedochnoy trelevke) I PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoy'e'mkikh i tyazh'elylch rabot, 1950, Nr 7, pp 10-12 (USSR) ADSTRAM At tho Krestetskiy lespromkhoz ToNlIME (the KrGattsy Lesprom- khoz of the TsNIIV.E) an installation for the troiling Und load- ing of lumbar, has been successfully put into operation. The installation consists of a TL-5 winch and a cable crano with a special loading carriage. It is used in wood-cutting areas of 500 x 500 m or less. The loading operations are carried out by the cable crane, consisting of 2 booms and a stt)el cable (110 m long) between them, along which moves the loading car- riage with the hoisting device (capacity - 6 tons or 8 cu M). Card 1/2 The trailing of lumber is accomplished by a TL-5 winch~ At SGV- 118-5 8-7- 7/j/ 20 A Cable Crane for the Loading of Lumber by L~eans of a TraiIling ';,*inch present 12 loading installations with cable cranes are simult.- aneously operating. Labor efficiency is 30 - 40*~ higher than when inclined booms were used. The article presents a detailed description of the working procedure. There is 1 figure, 2 technical drawings, and 1 scheme. 1. Cranes--Operation 2. Lumber--Applications Card 2/2 )I SO'1/118-513-2-3/19 AUTHORS: Alyablyev, V.I. and Yesafov, V.D., Engineers TITLE: The Efficiency of Timber Trailing by Compound Winches (Effektivnost' trelevki less agregatnymi lebedkami) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoy�mkikh i tyazh~lykh rabot, 19513, Nr 2, pp 9-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the organization of timber trailing by single or coupled winches at the Krestetskiy lespromkhoz tsentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta mekha ni- zatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti (the Kreattsy Lespromkhoz of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Energetics of the Timber Industry - Ts NIIME)- The winches used were of TL-3, TL-4 and TL-5 types. To choose an efficient method of trailing and loading timber, and to keep down the costs of these operations (per cubic m of timber), the authors give a nomograph and a table (see the figure and table 3) compiled by them and by which the daily output for each worker in different working conditions could be cal culated. As the experience in the Kresttsy Lespromkhoz showed,the best efficiency of labor and the lowest production costs were Card 1/2 obtained when the timber was loaded by cable-cranes. A special The Efficiency of Timber Trailing by Compound Winches SOV/116-518-2-3/19 carrier with a descending transverse beam. devised by en- gineers G.K. Stupnev, N.V. Nikolayev and G.I. Korobov, was used for loading operations. The authors also give formulae by which the optimum distances for trailing the timber could be calculated. There are 3 tables and 1 nomograph. 1. Wood--Handling 2. lioists--Performance 3. Hoists--Economic aspects Card 2/2 -ALYABIYEV Viktor IvansUch; FLNSKO, Ye.P,, red.; FOURVA, B.Xh., I red.iid--Vii; FRULUIP-OVA, ju.N., (Cableway alldding of lumber on level terrain] Opyt trosovoi trolovki loan v ravninnoi mentnosti. Moskva, Gosleabumizdat, 1959. 57 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Lumbering--Machinery) G112BURG, Zinoviy Borisovich; PATSIOR.A, Pavel Pavlovichl-AMBIM, "- Vai*, red,j NIKOLAUTA, I.I., red,izd-va; BRATISEMOg LqV,,, (Using electricity at 'logging camps), Primensuie elaktri- ahastya na, lemosagotoykakh, lad,2,, parer. Moskva, (loalsebm- Isdat, 1939o 3X6 p.: (KIRA 12:7) (Blootriq,ty In lumbering) 28(l) SOV/118-59--l-1.6/16 AUTHORS: Voronitsyn, K.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Alyab9yev, 'V.I., Engineer TITLE: Forestry Idechan.i.-lation in D-uropean Countries (Mek- banizatsiya na lesorazrabotkakh v strana-kh Evropy) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomat--zatsiya Proizvodstva, 1959, Nr 1, pp 61-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article constitutes a genera.1 account of the last conference of the Research Groupaf the United Committee for Forest Exploitation Techniques and the Tranining of Specialists for the Timber Industry, together with the Group for the Study of Timber-Cutting and Timber Transportation in Mountainous Areas, and the Research Group for Utilization of Machines in Timber Processing that was held recently in Geneva. The session was attended by representatives from Austria, England, Bulgaria, SZG, Italy, Norway, Poland, the USSR, France, Card 1/2 SOV/118-59-1-16/16 Forestry Mechanization in Ehiropean Countries. Switzerland, Finland, CSR, Yugoslavia and the West Germany. The account is intended to acquaint Soviet readers with new developments and trends in the forest exploitation. It names the topics of the reports contributed by the SZG, Poland, the CSR and the USSR, but gives no detailed information. There are 7 'Photo- graphs, 2 block diagrams, 1 diagram and 1 table, Card 2/2 jqAB'Yq, Vik-tor Ivanovichj FROIDN', AN., red.-. PLESKO, Ye.p.) red. izd- takhri. red* (Timber skidding winches] 1'relev6chrWe lobadki; uchobnoa posobis dlia lobedebikov-uohasbobikbaia,loootakhnicbeskm shkol. Mo- skva Goslesbumizdat., 1960., 193 P. * (MIM 14:10) Ninches) (Lupbering-Machineq ) kand.tekhn.neuI:, MASHIN9 G.K.v inph,, NEERASOV9 R.N., inzh., TIMOFEYEVy L.G., inzh. The new TPU-4 Ymdime skidding end loading equipment. Mekh,i avtom, proizv. 14 noo5t32-35 My- 160o (MIU :14 s 2) (Lumtering-4tachinery) ALYA-41Y2V9 V.I.,':hn.,r-tu--, 1~rjuipment fc~, ja-linusr4njo and loudinj of lw~jcr large!-~s. 11;olch.l avto:,.. 15 no.2-40-4.2 F 161. O-JRA V,;2) (Lwiberino~~L--chLicry) NEKRkSOV, Roman Mikhaylovich; JkLYABIYEV, V,I , red.; MIKHAYLOVA, L.G., red. izd-va; VDOVINA, V.M., tekhn. red. (Rigging of skidding and loading equipment]Montazh trelevochno- pogruzoohnogo oborudovaniia-- praktichaskoe rukovodstvo. Moskva# I Goxlesbumizdat, 1961. 130 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Lumbering) PFMLWMp Vaum Moiseyevich; ITERA, Liya Soloronovna; KUCHARIWA9 Klavdiya Ivanovna; BOLDOV,,6Mikhaul Yefimovich; ALYAB'YE"Vf F I Viktor Ivanovich-_TSETLINp Aleksandr Mikhaylovic FFM Ye.L.p red. izd-va; VDOVINAp V.M.p tekhn. red. [Electrification of lumbering-enterpriaeo] Elektrifikatsiia lesczagotoviteltrVkh prodpriiatii. Moskva; Goslesbumissdatf 1961. 358 P. (MIU 15:2) (Electricity in lumbering) (Electric railroads) PERFILOV, M.A.; ALYABOYEV,, V.I.; NEKRASOV, R.M.; GRECHISHNIKOV, V.V.; MASHIN-,-G-.K-.T-FkDOWVv N.S., otv. red.; KALININA, L.M.,, red. izd-va; SHIBKOVA, R.Ye., takhn. red. (Album of auxiliary skidding and loading equipment]kllbum vspomogatellnogo trolevochno-pogruzoehnogo oboruclovaniia. Mo- skva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 119 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Lumber-Tranaportation) CIIUIY.()V, Viktor D%itriyevich; ALYADIYEV . ,--red.; KMMI, L.S., rod.; SHIBNOVA, it. o.., teklm. red. [Steel cables in the lumber iiidustry]Staltnyo knnaty v lesnoi prorWolilennosti. PoAva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 134 p. (mtA 15: 10) (Limbor-Transportation) (Cableways) ALYABOYEV, V.I., kand. tekhn. naukl. VINOGOROV, G.K., kand. tekhn. -mruk-,POLISHCHUKp A.P.,, kand. tekhn. naukj Prinimal uchaotiye KRALIKIN, A.S.,, inah.; DOLBILIN, I.P.,, inah., retaenzent; YERMOLIN, I.P.1 insh., otv. red.; KOZLOV, A.D.,, red.izd-va; GHECHISHCHEVAq V.G., tekhn. red. (Lumbering camps; meohanination of logging operations. A handbook] Lesozagotovk-i; nekhanizateiia lesosechnykh rabot. Spravoohnik. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 450 P. (MIRA 16:6) (LumberIng) ALYABIYEV.. V.I.; i:01)-',;)CJV, Ye.A.; L&O)EVA, V.V.; 1,,ASHIN, G.K.; -n=OV, i.M.,; URAVASHKIN, S.I., red. (Cableways for partial nerial skidding and loading of tree-3eni,th logs in mountain felling areas] Trosovye ustanovki d1Ja polupodveenoJ trelevki i pogruzki klily- stow v gornykh lesosekakh. Moskva, TSontr. naucluic-issl. An--t. Informatsil J tckhnik,-e~on. isvIedovanil po lesnol tsel1Au1nzno,-bumazhno1, derevoobrabatyvaiushchei pronyolil. A leanow hhniallstvu) 190, 46 pe WIRA !? NEKRASOV, Roman Mikhaylovich; ALYABIYEV, V.I.j. -red. T ". ' [Assembly of equipment at cutovers] 1,'iontazh oborudovani'La na lesosekakh. 2. izd. Vo:3kva., Lesnaia proiayshl.p 1964. (MIRA 16; 4) 213 P. ALYAB'YEV, Vladimir Mlkhay2ovich, assiatnet Vector diagiams of nonsymmotrical shorl.-circuits of a synchronous machine with noney=etrical stator winding. 1zv.,.-.vs.uehsb.zav.1 elektromekh. 7 no.llil.334-1.3421 164. (MIRA 18:3 1. Kafedra, elektrotekhniki i elel.troobonidovaniya Leningradskoy 3esotakhnicheskoy Akademii. ALUBMT, V.H., inzh. (Lmlngrad) Vbctor diagrams of 5 spohronous maohine vAb norrMett-Iml stator winding In noney=etriwal operation, Klektrichestm no.6t68-71 Jel&'+ OURA -178-7) LYUBOS11171SO H.A. Wlonkva T-337, Bjlyti,3hchimr;~,nyii u]. kv.3); NINSADZE, V.P.; ALYABOYEV _V,,J~ Tratunatic hip dislocation 1n children. Ortop., travin. i, protez, 25 lio-519-13 My 164. (MIRA 18:4) 2. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta truvratologii i ortoj,.edii. (dir. - eblen-korrespondent AMN 55."~R prof. M,V.Volkov) i Detskay gorod,-koy bollnitsy No,20 Imeni Timiryazeva (nauchrtyy rukovoditell - N.G.Damlye). POLIKARPOYA, T.N., assistent; ALTABITIVA. A.P. Ixtensive aneurysm of the descending aorta. rad. noel: 85-87 Ja-? '55- (MLRA 8:5) 1. Is Wedry gospit&llnoy terapit (zav. daystvit ellz hlen Aka- demil maditsinskikh nank SSSR prof. Ts.H.Tareyev) i IrVntgoenoradio- logii (, P.D.Talltsev)-l Hoskovskogo ordena Lbnina vatItteinee skogo instituta (dire chlon-korrespondent Akademit meditsinakikh nauk SSSR prof. F,F,T&lysin). (ACRTIC AMMYSH, Case report) ALYABIYYEVA, A.Ya., inzh. Absorption column with sieve plates. Khim.mashinostr. no.2:" Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) y Al Y.1,Irm, G. N. Last fit viol, ja~ Controls, Ilectric ~,'Oa6btrio Xquipwatidth Thyratron Control,* G. N. 'At A. A. ftl4akams 3.1 pp "ATtmatiks I Tolemkbamike, Val VIII, No IAvrevlew of th* min stagos of developunt of auto- matio control qyat~ deacrIbI4 a now ThMtron . I divice, for.automatic control of direct current sle.or ,trio- equipamt. 'Discuipas the - structure, prinoiplik .~C aimiationo-and basio'binations or the automatic :4*ntrol systm. Reigilatwo, Ilectronlo Clroults,, Ikeetroulo Jan 3.06 "XIectroulo Instrument for Autcantle Control of MaoUv ery by Pmer Regulation," A. A. Bulgakov, Cand Tech Sol, and 0. N. Alyablyeva, ZWP 0 pp "StaddlInstrwoent' Noi I Desorlbse.elsotron-thratron power supply for machinery and o1roults used In autcmatlo regalatlon. Method scribed can be applied to an types of machines. Circuits are based on the foed-baok principle, which greatly facilitates regulating operation. LC T57136 & 40 a 0 0 000 o .00 0 0 0 0-01" 0 ,e 11 * 0 0 * a 10 1 4 9 a 161.1 11 114 Ita 11041111113,117111131 jail VU Jill bs'nowas 1111411411 A I L A L I I, A-A-L- A.a0 0 A i I ~ VV * -A 1- 1 AA 011 M 20 IK A . I a I, , 8 --.& -1 I I V V t I - IM a Is. ..., Id. f.f.fol toplot 00 I MIMI 1.01. so rTRsri,, voi. io. 00 P-Irmkov, A.A. and All% lava G.N. Transmission function of an fiv:rrs -ft con :0 Z~ amplifior with I sistinp of Ideinticril enscadne, 0 j :10, too 0 0 11 Akado)-iiyn 4mik S.s.S.R. Doklady, Vol. 68, No. 4, (Cc'. 1, '49) are* boo tie* a 14 AMKIALLMOSICAL L11161,111011t CLA%SWKAI" boo #10 .... .. m 36( All, M O-V Atl I IN p tj 31 S T f4 is 19 04 it 9 99 U n It a mw ft 1;16 0 0 0 0 0 0 : a * 6 0 0 41 a ; ; 10, 0 : 4 0 0 0 0 0 :e 4 a 0 of 0,90 9 : : * 0 a 0 of 0 & 4 *10 4 9 000 604 a 0 0 le 0-5 .'LYALIY'.VA, G. N. , 1,LT, !!Ali C rCtsT:,~ - ALYA51YEVA, G. N. - - "I I ONL I UC A: ~ CC 117 A Cl Or C I PC U IT S I N P, 'L I I Lr C I ;,,:L I ~ ELECT110NIC -,uo 26, Jun ~2, IN-,T r.-F AL170HATIC- AW. Ac;c icl U~~R (J13SERTAT1011 FCQ TtiE D[OnCE CF CANDMATE m Tt:cw4iCAL !W: VECIICPIJAYA MO ~KVA, JAuvAry-DECEMLIEP, ALYABIYEVA. G.N.(Moslcva) Character~qpicv and design of electronic differential amplifiers. Avtom. i islem. 15 no.2:167-180 Mr-AP 154. (MLRA 10:3) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) ALYAB1BVA._m.m. Vascular reactions In younger children with dysentery. Report No.l. Pad., akush. I gin. 19 no.3:13-16 157. (MIRA 13tl) 1. Otdol profilaktiki I terapti detskikii boletney (rukovoditall ctdela A.H. Khvall) i fiziologicheska3m laboratoriya (zav. kand.biol.nauk Ye.S. Stallnenko) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo Instituta khrany materinstva I detstva im. Geroya Sovet- sk-ogo Soyuza prof. P.M. DVko (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D. Burova). (DYSEYMY) (DIARMA) ALYABIYEVA, Cand Med Sci -- (diss) I'Vascular young reactions in dysentery in/children . 11 Che-.novtsy, 1958, 20 Do (Chernovtsy State Med Inst) 200 coDies ( KL, 50-5t~, 127) - 1o6 - -ACCESSICK NRt - AP4025748- 9/02101/6~/Ooq/001/0035/0043 AUMCIRt A34v3&noYich,, He Et TITLE: The ma etic susceptibility of certain swiconductor AM DV compounds from x-ray analysis date SOURCE: AM'BSSH* Izve Beriya fiziko-tekhaicheakikh nauk, no. 1. i964s 35-43 TOPIC TAGS't magnetic susceptibility., semiconductor conpowid,' semiconductor magnetic susceptibility ABSMACT: The article reports the results of the experimental determination. of the, previously unsolved diamagnetic and paramagnetic components of the lattice-like magnetic sweeptibi3ity of semiconductor AIII BV compounds on the basis Of measurements of electron density* Indium,'galliun, and alumium arsenides and antimonides vere used as the experimental specimens. The electron density at varioun temperatures of the arsenides was aetermined by x-ray analyaise For the antimcnides of aluminum g&Uiun,,. and Andium., the published data a2 the mewure- .1/4 ACCESSION NRs AVM748 Graph of electron deneity distribu. U09 at roam temperature of elemental INCiOSURS, 01 nucleus Of alunif 2un axsenide.on.surface t , 01, Jo V ., '~ja An: . r r (no) '3/4 LAWHCHIKOV, M.T.; ALYAKIN, G.A. A devios for locating eleutric lines. Avtom*, telemo i oviazi 6 no*?.* 29-30 J1 162,, (MIRA 16&2) 1,, NaLchallnik laboratorii s$gnalizataii i svyazi Svqrdlovskoy dorogi, vmohtatmqy korreapondent zh&m&la 'Avtomatika,,. tale*= zateii avyasim (for Lanshohikov). 2. Starshiy insh. laborator i s41, i ovyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for 44a~4)0 (Electric linea-Underground) (Electrio linoo-Measurement) AINAKIN, of r-]c-,nf-,;n ani cletor~~inn of thi-i lpg bones in polio- .].Yr),,% pen elRa. Or-~Pr..# trayn. i protA):!. 26 ro.~-):59-01 "; I 1 65. (MBIA 18:10) 1. Iz Detskogo ortef*eO.chetikogo inztituta imeni G-.1. Ti:rnera (dirqktor - Prof. 14.111. Gonnharnm). Adrtis av-tora.- leningrad )7_i':l lrllhbtir;,,~~FYrt d. a()/12, TmO.Itut imeni G.J. . _0i, "Tvxnerus ,4101 k)/FSS-2 !JP(c) lyru L 09202-67 EWT(q)1EV1T(l)14j~q(kjM~1 ACC NR, AN 02772 SOURCE CODE: UR/607/6-6/6oo/008/000VO005' S. GOt-MMV, D., and C~TAF~11~=. log' ALYAKIShEV, ORG: none 111asers and Coummcationsol 1.105cow, Radio,, No 8, 66, pp 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: gas laser, laser communication, semiconductor laser Abstract: in this popular article, the authors describe briefly the properties and applications of the three principle types of lasers: solid, gao and semi- 'conductor. They note that'gas lasers are the most widely used in,practico, being I applicable in multi-channel optical comnunication lines, In order to realize i the theoretical capacity of gas lasers for communications, it will be necessary to develop lasers with high power which radiate on one frequency, as well as optical frequency convertors, wide band modulatora and detectors. Most gas 1~sers of today use helium and neon as the gas mixture which radiates the light. As the gas laser operates, the atoms of neon are excited, then drop to a Imter energy level and irradiate a quantum of lig)it, the frequincy of which is proportional to the difference in the orargies.of the higher and later states of the excitation. itt the present tiim., gas lasers operate in the wave length range from 0.25 to 132 microns. The primary problem in creating, optical communications -lines is modulation of the radiation. The transmitting .and receiving antennas used with gas leteor communications linea am ordinary telescopes. Laser technology is advancing rapidlyl the usage of lasers i~ many-areas of science will have a revoluti6nary el.fect. 'Orig. art. has'. 5 figures- 1JFR3; 38,2021 1. SUB CQT)E: 20 SUBM DATE: none L.Card L 11330-67 EEC T.TT10--w- FO-4Y3--l~-CI-666!6f!il6O75-4-70 6 54 _C NR- A 6035707 SOURCE CODE., URj INWANZOR Alyakishev, S. A.: Gordeyev, D. V~: Ostapchenko, Ye. P. ORG: none TITLE: Measuring divergence of a laser beam. Class 21, No. 186563 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 19, 1966, 54 TOPIC TAGS: laser beam, laser optics ABSTRACT! This Author Certificate describes a method for measuring the divergence of a laser beam in which measurement time is decreased by splitting the beam in two. One beam proceeds normally to a registering device. The second beam travels a longer path via multiple reflections, and after passing through an adjustable lens system, is also directed to the registering dev-tce. The setting of the lens system in- dicates the degree if beam divergence. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l7Jul65/ 621.375.8 Mull, _J 7~1~ 4A~ J- L ACCESSION 14R:' APS012899 SCT" UR/0167/65/000/005/004:4/0049 621, 397 621. 378. 325 AUTHOR- Alyakishev, S. A.; Gordevey, D. V.; Milinkis.. B. M. I . . -%" fow"Mas"M 0 a ~a~~ h e n _k o , TITLE: Tran.urniesion of tv video wad sound by laser 'Z> 1965, 44-49 SOURCE: Tekhnika kino i televideniya, no. 5, TOPIC TAGS:, laser, video transmission, sound transmission LG-Z4M laser, LG-34M lase:r ABSTRACT- The principle of operation of a gas laser is explained. Technical parameters cf Soviet-made HeNe LG-24M and LG-34M lasers are reported. An exparimental tv transmission setup incl-ided an LG-24M laser with two output mirrors. One mirror was used for victeo transmission by means of a Kerr cell; the other mirror, for sound transraiss-,on. The receiver included a 128-mm diameter lens, a 100-A interference fitter, and a 20 cps-5. 5 Mc preamp (gain a 250). A "satisfactory" quality Df reception, a 550-line defimition (0249 test pattern),. and a stable picture are reported. Orig. art. has: 10 figt;res. Card I /Z i A -~ buuLa-.riuxu none - I i SUBMTTED- 00 ENCL- 00 SUE CODE: EC ~ NO REF SOV: 000 OTHLR: 000 L24163-66 - _EWT(l) ACC NR, Ap6ols168 (N) SOURCE CODEs n'r AUT110R: akrinskaya, 10 00 A1Yt___ - ~y ORG: Novoross4sk Biological. Station ime Ve He Arnol Ida, Roatov State University 8 (NoVoro_s_s_1y_7MFa biologicheskaya stantsiya Rostovskogo gosudarstveruiogo universiteta) TITIL: Experimental data on the oxygen consumption of sea water contaminated by petroleum t, IP-- SOURCE: Okeanologiya, v. 6, no*'l, 1966, 89-97 TOPIC TAGS: sea waterl petroleum, water pollution, biology AM!Lk(:T- On th.0 basis of 6b6arvations made in the laboravo7ry and al; sedit, can b; concluded that with an increase of the concentration of petroleum, in sea water there is a decrease oi the content of dissolved oxygen and,~ an increase of the biochemical consunption of oxygen and oxidabil-ity. With an increase of water temperature there is an increase of the solu- ,bility of petroleum. The solubility of petroleum, in sea water is con- siderably lower than in fresh watero Compahson of experimental data 'on the consumption of -oxygen in sea water contaminated by petroleum and the results of 6bservations in a bay at the same temperature makes it possible to consider.protable the contamination of some coast&I regions of the sea to a half-meter diipth by petroleum in a quantity greater than..80-100 mlt .. With.the existing contamination of, Novo- GW_ L 24163-66 ACC NR: AP6015i68 trossiysk Bay b*y_*p*etro1eum' -in the shallow waters at the time of au=er .calms it is possible to expect an oxygen deficit which should have a negative effeot on the feeding of fish and food organisms. Contaminated' sea water,, beginning with a petroleum concentration of 5 m iadn- jt~s an odor for two-three weeks,, which under these conditions makes 'it assume. thqI _pqtrojq=.A_9, a stable.-contamiziation.-of a. ,water b9dys The author thanks T, Ve iridov f consultations on lVdroohemistryo oAg_**__AA. IUISI 3 figures azA 9 tables. SUB CODE: 08, 06 SUEM DATEs l1Ju3.64 ORIG REFt 009 Card 2/2 rv/ 1777 _7_1617_1.01 ACC NRt AP7001166 (,4,-W)--96-uifdE~--d-ODE-:---Uil/04S9/66/645/o67/oggS,7i AUTHOR: Alyakrineka7a~~.' ~..' 0. ORO: Novorosslysk Scientific Research Biological Station (Novoros- siyskaya nauchno-issledovatellakELya biologicheskaya stantalya) TITLE: Behavior and oil filtration abilities of the Black Sea mussel growing in waters polluted with petroleum products SOURCE: Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, v. 45, no. 7, 1966, 998-1003 TOPIC TAGS: water pollution, hydrobiology, mollusc, water purification,. Mr.1m 1. wrta., J31010CIIC EC0A.0aC/ ,iZue galZogrovinoialie) are extremely ABSTRACT: Black Sea mussels (MY.11. resistant to water pollution, particularly y petroleum products. Under experimental conditions molluscs were not affected until the con- centration of oil in water reached 20 m1/1. The ciliated epithelium of gills and mantle are extremely resistant to the action of pollutants. Also, pseudofecee consisting of oil droplets connected by mucus are formed during filtration and purify the water somewhat. Orig! art. has: 2 tablea. (WA-50; CBE No. 1L SUB com o6/ SUBM DATE: none/ . ORIO REF: 005 [LP) Card 1/1 1 ALTAKRINSKA Rapid method for determining dry matter in groats broth. Kons.1 ov.prow. 12 to.6:39-110 Je 157. (KLRA 10:7) 1. loskovskiy ordenA Leniaa piBhchevoy kombinat imeni Mikoyana. (Cereals as food) ,aLIKRIVSKAYA, N.A. ~ - . . o I0,matric determination of the sugsLr content of dried baby foods and prepared mixes for cakes and ovaer pastries. Kona. i ov. prom. 13 no.'2,.39-41 7 '!;8. (HIRA. 11221 I, Hookovskiy plabohavoy kombinat Imeni Mikoyana, (Food industry) (Rafractometer) (sugar) ALYAKRIIISKAYA, N.A., SUVOROVA, S.I. Determining sugar content in special flour for children with a refracto- meter. Kons,i ov.pron, 14 no-2:37-38 7 '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Mookovakly ordena,Lenina pishchevoy kombinat imeni Mikoyana. (Flour) (Sugar--Analysis and testing) M~.q 9 0 0909900000009090410 q 1 1 i 10060004 47"11 1 4 1 * I U 11 m i6 I I Ti 11 W a is A A 1) 11 L? A b 10 ,A -L-X-A-A-L-AL - -1-,J U A 1,V 14 OOR 0e its Ot c"bohy't"Ate a 110w. 1%, w1va d A l . . . aps an j Kmlikov.A. A l~otkt tu 1y In made 0 the OcIds 11 A 41 . 1. r d' and 01 1 " 1, i "ICI llan , sit at (twe'turd I-V I fkMaluns fm the ItY011,JYM. .4 , culcutanc sugal) 1 i 000 , c t k 11"j) uluict d Owhip by fill. tuirwral acids P/s-: X ? anous I,tvswtvs (3 7.6 Attu.) and titne Imetvals (15 0& culm-31acY The rum. atilt. ej Miming supf Obtained W" 21sj. that of oh'.. 70%.. The sullums lining IICI iffird Srh"Iler procem im k f , a s m o the inatik Iat p J wx Y atnt. and a preswurF A lot goo noel I jug We a 0 0 0 0 0 0 W is x a, it v a a O"CO L- k 6 1 1-041 oo off IPT U In ft D 0 ft a K it Ig a a rw 0 It 1 1 3ff IM I V--" 10 AV so o *so ON 9 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 9 00 * a 0 0 0 0 0 & q .1-00 *a 0o 0 * so as &am N~Ianoldln fornintlop and color of ttrqad crust. L. Va. Anemian. V. T'. KrethVich, I, _LrA~ 1jjULDka" v - Nf. it .1virn6va, and It. It. Tok;ki, %.a .-N. linkh 11 ociin. Inst. Acnd. Sci. U.S.S.R., Moscow). PPA-lady A kad. Natik 92, I'll wheat grain is dried at clevatij temp. (1501 Otv protein-protrinaw system under- goes J)PO(ound elmagev wntri-mil. N, It1w Phiten content, and Its 11,0-alv~orhitig lto%%t-t declille, with 101110M complete -inactivation of the protviua--es. Th~ lifead Kiked front the flour prel)(1. from such graiti has ln%N- porosity anti high it., owing to poor Ra% rviention. Ilowever, the rruM of such bread is unii-mall 'v light in color. vii,; is Piplaitird by the lack of proteinise netivity since tWq fact causes it lack of OWL tweemiry ct%tbohV(lrZ4e mmerial't which act ft..% raw tuat vviilm for melanoidin formation whirlt ptMuces the unnnbl crust color. When inalto.4c. frurtme, suctose, and lycint were added to the deficietit flour, the resulting reid bid a more Pigim-yacil rrmt; Oycific was particu- J larl%- Offretive, and the fiall compirment of glycine and one of thi dkmccharid" gave rionnal color. Thus the color is produced by Ititernetion of reducing sugam with products of protein hydrolysis. G, M. Ko%olapafT ALYAKIIINSXAYA, Te.L. 0 Method for determining mineral impurities in flodr by the use of carbon tetrachloride. Khleb.i kond.prom. 1 no.8:11-12 Ag 15?. (KLRA 10:8) l.Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iBsledovatelloldy institut khlebopokarnoy promyshlennosti. (Carbon tetrachloride) (Flour--Anal7sis) ARKHIPOVp B.A.; KOMAROV, Yu.S.; TITKO, B.S.; CHERNUKRA, V.Kh.; BALMASOV, Ye.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; ALTAKRINSKII. Aj,,-Inzh., nauchn. red.; POSTNOVA, I.D., red.; PETRENKO, V.M., tekhn. red. [Wood processing at the Bratsk Woodworking Combine) Podgo- t,ovka drevesiny n& Bratskom lesopromyshelnnom komplekse. V,oakva, TSentrallnyi nauchno-isal. in-t informatsii i tekh- niko-derevoobrabatyvaiiishchei promyshl. i lesnomu khoz., 1963. 22 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Bratsk--Woodworking industries) I,a,ULLER, O.F.; AIYAKiIIISXIY, A.V., naluchr. red. (Overall muchardzatiori of the hauliril: of pulpwoorl to the grinders) Kompleksnala rriekhard.zhacila trar-silwti.. r.Dvki balansa k defibrerep.. Moskva, TI-entr. nauchr-r).- lasl. in.-t informatsii A tekhnJ~r-ckon. itssledovan,J vc, 2198nois tselUuloznc-bumazhr~oi,, pronVshl. i lesnomu khoz., 196L. (~JT RA "V'3u,l F-m-ception Under Gonditions." Joa-, Contral Till-t fol. t.1 111:, Of lllnlol citin--,l l'o 1, 6er- 54) SO: StLyn 431", 20 ll~ir 55 ALTAKRINSKIT, B-S- Inhibition of similar stimuli. Yop.polkhol. 5 no.6:119-130 N-D '5 9. (HIRk 13:4) 1. TSentrallnyy institut usovershonstvovaniya vrachey, 14oskvR. (Inhibition) (Rnproauctlon(Psychology)) . . ALYAKRINSKI*V, Georjzi-y-.$ArgqytqchL HODSHTEYN, A. 1. , prof, . dokT, (-, r ekon. nauk, zaal. deyatell nauki i tekfLniki, nauchnyy red.,~ SATANOVSKIY, U.S., retsenzent; SIDNI-M, A.I., reteenzent; KUSKOVA. A.I., red.; ERASTOVA, N.V.,, tekhn. red,, (Economic analysis of the means for lowering production costs) Ekonomicheskii analiz rezervov anizheniia sebestoi- Tnosti produktaii. Leningrad, Sudpx-,nmg1z, 1.963,. 20. p. (141FU, 16-6) (Coats, Industrial) .-ALYAKRINSKIY, V.N. ; GOSTEV, P.I. Practice of the Smolensk State Testing Laboratory in control- ling the manufacture of instruments. Izm. tekh. no.9:59-61 S 163. (MIRA 17:1) ALYAKRINSKIY, V.V.;, KRASNOGORSKIY, N. L, zaYediVitshchly. Inhibitory conditioned rnsponses to different intensities of one and the same stimuluo in children. Tnidy Inst.fiziol. 1:272-289 152. (RUIL 6:8) 1. Laboratorlya fiziologii vysshey nervnoy deyLtellnosti rebenka. (Conditioned response) --- - - - ALYAn, r4SKIY,-- V.- - V. - --- - - -- -- - Alyakrinski.yo V. V. "Material on the Study of Conditioned Inhibitory Reflexes in Children." Acad Sci USSR. Inst of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov. Laboraton., of the Hirher Nervous Activity of the Child. Leningrad, 1955. (Disser- tation for the Depree of Candidate in Medical Science) So' Knizhnaya letopis', No. 27, 2 July 1955 ALTAKRINSKIY, V.V. Formatiou and characteristics of conditioned inhibitive reflexes of the first and second order in children. Trudy Inst. figiol- 7: 31-43 158. (MIRA 12:3) 1. laboratoriva vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti rebenka (zav. - N.I. Krasnogorskiy), Institute, fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova An SSSR. (INHIBITION) (CONDITIONID IMPONSE) (CHILD STUN) ALYAKRINSKIY, V.V.; HAMITIN"' ~, A.I. Effect of rheumatic infection on the speech of chJ1dren; preliminary - report. Nauch. soob Inijt. fiziol. AN SSSR no.1:9-12 159. (MIRA 14tlO) 1. Laboratoriya vysshey vervnoy dayatellnosti rebenkap saveduyushchiy - H.I.Krasnogorskiy i Revmatichaskaya klinika Nau6hno-issledovatellskogo pediatrichaskogo instituta, zaveduyusholUy -w A.Molovik). (RHEUMATIC FMR) (SPBECH, D3~0RD$11S OF) ALTArgrNsxiy,-Y,Y,--- low method for studying the physiology and pathology of speeoh. Trudy lust.fiziol. 8t5-17 159. (XIM 130) 1. Taboratoriya vysshey uervuoy a9yateilnosti. rebenks, (zaveduyu- shohy - R.I. Irrasnogorskly) Instituta fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSM (SMOK) CHISTOVICH, L.A.;.,.~TAXRAMIL-T.-TA; ABULITAN, V.A. Time delays 1~ the repetition of audible speech. Vop. p8ikhol. 6 no,lsll4-120 J&-F*160. (MIRA 13:6) le Institut fiziologit im. I.Pe Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Reproduction (Psychology)) (Reaction time) ALYAKRINISM, V.V. Imitation of Hassian and some English vowels by /,,7 years old children. Vop. psikhol. 9 no.1:80-88 Je,-F 163. (MIRA 16*-4) 1* Institut fiziologii imeni I.F.Pavlova AN SSSR Leningrad. (Child (Children-Language) study) CHISTOVICII, L.A.; KOZHMIKOV, V.A.; ALYAKtINSKIY, V.V.; vm-lw"ir, L.V.; GOLUZITTA, A.G.; KLAAS~ Yu.A.; RIZIMIN, Yu.I.; LISENKO.. D.M.; LYUBLINSMA, V.V.; FEDOROVA, N.A.; SHUPLYAKOVy V.S.; SHUPLYAKOVA, R.M. [Speech% Articulation and perception] Artikuliataiia i vospriiatie. FosImp Nauka, 1965. 240 p. (IAJ IU 18: 2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizziolcgii im. I.P.Pavlova. L1426o-66 ACC NR: AT6003900 SOME CODEi UR/2865/65/004/009/0619/0630 AUTHCR: krinakiy. V. Ve ORG: none TITIZ: Role of visible articulation In speech recognition SOURM AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologitheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmichaskoy biologuol v- 41 1965t 619-630 TOPIC TAGS: vision, space communication, acoustic signal, acoustic theoryt spacecraft capsule environment ABSTRACT: ViSu al --recognition of speech afti~ulati6n by deaf persons-was studi~ad. to determine what Information about speech signals can be gleaned by Watching the speaker' a face, and to investigate the processing of speech Information when phoneme recognition must be based on visual articulatory," I features ambfguous~lg characterizing more than one phoneme. Six" _ersiiics- (ii-one- c-ongenitally deaf-;~mute) slibw-n by audiometer to be p 1 completely deaf were used as subjects. The experimental corpus consisted i of 250 meaningless. syllables including all phoneme combinations occur r#19 i Card 1A 14260-66 ACC NR: AT6003900 in Russian, and 200 additional words or nonsensp. words consisting of 2 open syllables, half of them accented on the first syllable and half on the 'second. A single speaker pronounced the words. Subjects wrote down what they thought they saw pronounced. One group 'of subjects saw the words pronounced once, one group twice. In a second :experiment a month later, all subjects saw the words pronounced only once. It was fo'und that all phoneme~j, vowels and consonants alilce, *fall into ~groups which are visually identifiable even though their individual members are not. These groups are: /o/ (easily identified and therefore in a group by itself); /u/; /a/ and /e/ (often confounded); lyl and /il; /p)', /b/. and ./m/; /f/ and /v/; /sh/,- /zh/, /ch/, and./shch/.; /I/ and /r/; /t/, /d/, 1 InI, and Itst; IsI, /Z/, and the semivowel 1-y1; and /k/, IgI, and /kh/. The phonemes most often "recognized it for each group were /i./, /p/, /sh/, and /k/. AnaAysis 6fiheseiies]~6ii6es-, and-also of additional data on the reli- ,ability of vi ' "hard" from "soft" consonants, shows sually disfirguishing -that a given phoneme is identified visually as belonging to a certain group but that specific attribution within the group is. done unconsciously on the Card 777 _L .14260-66 ACC NR:- AT6003900 e In- basis of'probability (io e., frequency characteristics of the languag volved). Of course, frequency tables for the Russian lanoguage are not present in the subject's mind, but all the words he knows are, and this vocabulary !constitutes a corpus whose statistical (phonemic frequenc *) characteristics y correspond to those of Russian. The subject does not individually identify each articulatory movement, but ratfier stores the sequence pattern obser- ved (as, labial consonant + roundled vowel + alveolar consonant), then com-, 'pares this sequence with the words in his vocabulary and chooses one fitting the pattern, e. g. , "pol". If this is the process used, one" would expect to find a noticeable proportion of nonsense syllables converted into meaningful words, and this does indeed occur. A last question is that of the form in which the articulatory sequence is stored in the subject's mind pending his final identification of the sounds seen. - Earlier studies have shown that a person stores acoustic speech signals not as a sequence of sound images but as a sequence of his own articulatory movements corresponding to the sounds heard. Our observations;' Card A -.L 3.4260-66 ACC NR: AT6003900 indicate that the same-do*rt of storage occurs when visual sp'c!'ee'h features ,are beincr stored. When the subjects did not recognize the sound pronounced at first glance, they were observed to repeat the articulatory movements ,of the speaker. If one such repetition did not bring recognition, subjects continued to repeat the speaker's articulatory movements until recognition. icame. This repetition of articulatory movements is evidently a.definite :step in the process of visual recognition of speech. The study indicates that visual speech recognition depends primarily on the words and grammatical word combinations st.ored in the memory and available for comparison with signals coming from outslide. Special ,training In lipreading c an b e of us e, under conditions of speech distortion ~or high noise levels,, ~Rr ~id~N in, the m aintenance of two-way speech comunicat-ion. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 9 tables, [A7D PRESS: 4091-F] ,SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: ncne ORIG W-. 010' OTIi riEF: oa4 1?414 A"! Y;,.*,'R 1'~ YU ly A4 Dio (per,tivr i)rxl der Disputorlic-rdler-vt in 'derhzeugmachercien (von) Yu. A-Iya!xJrskiy und A. 1. Parmenov. Berl-in, Technik, 1952. 90 p. diaC-rs., tables. Translation frrm the Ruosian: Oporativnoyo planircvaniye v irstriz-.entalv- nyl,h tselhakh, Ioscow, 1952. "Literaturnachweis": P. (91) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 838 Alyakrinskiy, YU.S. Predmetno-zamknutyye uchastki v makhano-obrabatyvayushohikh tsekhakh Product-oriented Sections in Machine Shops) Leningrad, 1955. 11 P. iSeries: Leningradakiy dom nRuohno-tekhnicheakoy ropagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheski,y listok, no. 116 (804)y T,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vaesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheakikh I nauohnykh znanly. Ed.: Vinogradov, G.S., Engineerl Tech. Ed.: Qvirts, V.L. PURPOSE: The booklet is Intended for plant personnel engaged In planning shop-production on the basis of the overall manufacturing schedule. COVERAGE: The heavy machine-bulding industry and most machine shops have been organized on the old principle of arranging production departments and shops according to the machine Card 1/3 types. The now principle advocated by the author calls for und the thel I e ffec t 111 equlp_ Veness Product-oriented Sections in Machine Shops 838 from the economic point of view. There are no references. No personalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS: For*word The Necessary Conditions for, Product-oriented Sections Organization of Product-oriented Sections 3 Nomenclature of the Parts and Equipment for These Sections 3 Characteristic Features of the Single-pass System 5 Calendar-planned Production Schedules 8 Planning of Work for the Product-oriented Sections 9 Effectiveness of the Transition to Product-oriented Sections 11 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/whl 11-21-58 Card 3/3 ALYAKRINSKIY. Yu.S.; VINOGRADOV, G.S., inzh., red.; GVIRTS, V.L.,, [series methods of production in a large-scale machinery 1ndustr7; practices of the S.M.Kirov Plant for hoisting and conveying equipment] Seriinye metody proizvodetva v krupnom mashinostroenil; iz opyta zavoda podlemnotransportnogo oborudovaniia imeni S.M.Kirova. Leningrad, 1955. 15 P. (LeningrAdskit dom nauchno-tekhniche8koi propegandy. Informatsionno-takhnicheskii listok, no.11~003)) (MIRA 10:12) (Hoisting machinery) ALYAKRITSKAYAq A.V. Medicolegal significance of alcoholic intoxication in the genesis of death. Su.-med. ekspert. 4 no. 1:10-13 Ja-Mr 161. (MIRA 14:4) J., Kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof. V.I. Voskoboynikov) Voronezhakogo meditainakogo instituta. (MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE) (ALCOHOLISM) (DEATH-CAUSES) ALYAKRITSKIY,, Ivan Pavlovich; MANDRYKIN, Sergey Andreyevich; '-- ed. [Drying of electrical machines and transformers) Sushka elektricheskikh mashin i transformatorov. Moskva, Energiiap 1961,. 86 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no.144) (MIRA 17:12) V _- - 'Oei,es --- v .,k, " p . t ,04~ ,*k 1 (2, /0:/,, / -56, -C . . _.,r /) ~, 6, - - ~4 Y- A. les of lon~-Utillzed- t- Vcjiji AW, W": rus. 1054, No. 4, 70-M-Rtlative %uoistu er tage of the decofnim. of . I~ii dedaU714 T.1'ree of porosity. air vol., M thr. level of undersmind water of the peak-bog soils cultivated for 16- 26 years am presented. anti their relations to each other and tothr meth. propettle.-i of tile "N am. Ilscusstd. AV.-.- A ALYAMKINA , Ye.A. Mineralogical correlations of Devonian terrigonous formations in northeastern Bashkiria. Vop.geol.vost.okr.Ruseplatf.i IUzh~Urala no*6:41-0 1609 (MIRA 14:7) (Bashkiria--Zeology, Stratigraphic) ALTAMON, L.S. - DISOUgsion on the article b7 Xh.K.Yorshter and N.V.Svinkina on the "Iffect of sulfonamides on inflammator7 reaction caused b7 Shigells, dysenteriae.0 %hur.mikrobiol. epid. i immun. no.2:101-103 7 155. (SMYONAMIMS. effects. (MLTIA 8:3) on expero Shigella-dysenterias inflamm.) (SHICMLLA, infections, dysenteriae, exper. inflamme, off* of sulfonamides) 11"G". ALy:LCT;J--".Y-.P ICA% Solubility products of uranyll boryi2lum, and cc.-lw7 phoolhates. Izv.vys.uchob.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh, 4 no,3;359-363 1610 I (IMM 14:10) 1. Ural'skiy polite.dinicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova, kafedrr- radiokhi.-,Ui. Uranyl phosphate) Cerium phosphate) ~ (Berynium ~,,host,,!iate) (Solubility) CHUMMAMBLV, V.G.,- ALYMOVSKAYA, K.V. Solubility of copper, cobalt, nickel, and cadmium phosphates. Izv.vys.uchob.zav; khim.i khim.takh. 4 no.5:706-709 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova, kafedra radiokhimii. (Phosphates) (Solubility)