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URAZAKOV, Lt Host important proble= in oncology. Vest.AN Kazakh.SSR 17 no.4-98 Ap 16.1. (Oncology-Coogreivaes) (MIM 14.- 5) UMUKOV, J.U. , zaallizbaunYy vrach Kazakhak~y SSR Skabat and its j=o&-istas Z&av. Kamkh.. 23 no./i73-TI 163. Oa,M 1?.t5) URAZAKOV, I. U- - Application of preparation collosilicate in surgical practice. Khtrurgila, Moskva no. 5:78-79 May 1952. (CLKL 22:3) 1. Of Chinbulak Children's Bone Taberculosis Samtorium (Head Physician -- I. U. Urazakay), Alma-Ata. URAZAIrOV,.,I.U.?., kandidat maditainakikh uauk (Alma-Ata) Splint made of collosilleate. Pelld. I akush. no-10:35-37 0 154. (SPLINTS, (KIRA 7:11) colloidal solution of silicto acid salt for arm splints) URAZAIOV, Isture Urazakovich [Collosilleatel kollosilikat; sposob7 ago poluchenita v uslovilakh lachabnogo uchrezhdaniia i primenaniia v ortopedicheskoi i khirur- gichaskoi praktike. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Kazakhakai SSR, 1956. 53 P. (HLRA 9:11) (CRTHOMIC APPARATUS) URAZAKOV,- I.U., kandidat moditsinskikh nauk Now splint from collosilicate. Ortop., trava. i prtez. 17 no-3:66 MY-Je 15& (MIRA 9:12) 1. lz'kostuotuborkalesnogo otdeleniya detskogo sanatorlya Chim-Bulsk (sav. otdo I glavnyy vrach - 1.U.Urazakov) (SPLMS. collesilicate splints for orthopedic ther. (Bus)) URAZAKOV. LU, -- nm~ Surgical complications of poliomyelitis. Trudy Inst.klin. i eksp. khir. AN lozakh.SSR j:117-122 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Institut klinichaskay i ekspertmentallnoy khirurgit Akedemii naut Uzakhakey SSR (POLIOWILITIS) UPAUKOV I.U. The teachIng of I.I. Pirogov on wDunds. TrQO Inst. klin. i ekap. thir. All Kazakh.SSR 4:3-15 158. (KIRA 12:4) (PIRDOOV. IIIZDILtl IVANOVICH, 1810-1881) URAZAKOV, I.U,,; KJYI, L.N.; LITVINENKO, M,!,-- T.-IJ, O~D~ Treatment of residual manifestations of poliomyelitis in ebildren with Sary-Bulak mud. Zdrav. Kazakh. 18 no.1:3~41 '58. OaPA 13:7) 1. Iz Inatituta klinicheskoy i eksperimentallnoy khirurgii AN KazSSR i detbollnitsa "Askay" Alma-Atinskogo gor~drava. (POL1014YUITIS) (SARY-BULAK (KAZABSTAN)-BATHS, MOOR AND MUD) \ URAZAKOV, I.U.s kand.maditaimskikh nauk Active detection of children with deformations of the skeletal and motor aplAratus. Zdrav. Kazakh. 18 no. 2:13-19 158. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz Institute, klinicheskoy i ekks~erimentallnoy khirurgii (direktor - akademik A.N. Syzganov Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. (MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM-ABVORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) .11 URA7AKOV I Use of collosilicate articles in the treatment of residual manifesta- .tions of poliomyelitis. Trudy InBt- klfn. i eksp. khir. AS Kazakk. SSR 6:175-180 160, (SILICIC ACID.-T,kEPAPEUTIC USE) (MIRA .13-12) (ORTIMPEDIC AFFARATVS) (PMICMYELITIS) URAZAKOVp I.IJ.g Crippling conditions in children and their controle 7,drav. Kazakh. 21 no. 3;16-20 161* 1 (MRA 14:4) 1. Iz InBtitut klinicheskoy i eksperimentallnoy khirurgii (direktor - professor A.N. Sazganov) AN Kazakhokoy SSR, (CRIPPLED CHILDREN---~INSTITUTIONAL CARE) URAZAKOV, I.U., Accidents to children and measums for preventing t1em. Yea-. AN Kazakh. SSR 18 no.7t"-49 J1 162. (KIRA 15;'s) (Kazakhstan-4hildren's accidents) URUMOV, LU.; TURABAYEV, A. Analysis of the causes of craniocerebral injuries in children. Zdrav. Xazakh. 22 no.5:3.2-16 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. 1z Inatitutc klinicheakoy i eksperimentallnoy khirurgii AN KazSSR (direktor - akademik A.N. Syzganov) i kafedry ortopedii i travmatologii (zav. - prof. G.L. Edel'shteyn) Kazakhakogo meditsinskogo 1wtituta. (SKULI,40UNDS AND INJURIES) ("N-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) URAZAKOV, I.; USEROV, K. ----I Characteristics of burns in children and their prevention. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. nauk no.3:78-81 163. (MIRA 17:1) ISAMBAY.U. Mamet; SYZGANOV, A.N., akademik, red.; BAURKANOV, S.B., red.; Ye.U., red.; GIIIZBTJRG, S.L., red.; ZRAMISOV, Ye.. red.; ASAINOV, ., re .; IZKAYLOV, A.O., red.; PROMOROT, V.P., [Russlan-Latin-lazakh terminological dictionary] Ruaako-latino- kazakhakii terminologichaskii Blovarl. Sont.H.1sambeev. Pod obshchei red. A.N.Syzganova. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AkBd.nauk Uzakhskoi SSR. Pt.5. [Medicine] Keditsina. 1960. 506 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. AN KazSSR (for Syz&nov). (DICTIONARIES, POLYGLOT) (HEDICIIIS--DICTIONARIBS) UWALINOV, M.S.., kapitan tekhnicheskoy sluzhby An assembly"line method is good. Vest.flozd.Fl. no.2:62 F 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Airplaneo-4faintenance and repair) GORELIK, S.S.; YE.LYIJTIN, V.P.5 MOZ2$UKH11T~ Ye.l.; URAZALIYEV-, U.S.; FUNICE, V.F. X-ray investigation of recrystallization processes of titanium, zirconium, and molybdenum borides, and titanium and tungsten carbides. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 5 no.4%143-148 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali, kafedry redkikh metallov, fiziki metallov i rentgenografil. (Borides) (Carbides) (Crystallization) AUTNOR:~U Shishmarev, Y. Yti. 1ITLE. Tric-rew3ing the, reliabdity and acciiracy of potentionwwra used In p7oscoptc 1~ SOURCE: 7elose-ow. Avlatslorinv*y fn!Rtftu-'. Trudyl-, no. 59, 1964. Teklinologiya I konstruirmvaWye g1roprit-'ru'; i'--?--ECl-Lr:'-]-in--' RD-d design of *-rDacoplc Instruments), ".11-137 TOPIC TAGS: potentiometer, gyroscope-, gyrlD linaLr-iment, pQtEnttonieter -2sign, atr- craft inBtrumeatation, electrical contact, autoptlot ABSTRACT- 'J"he bi-lefl-'- revi-w the Modern theory of fastri, ent reliabUit- and .11 in det.,01 frorr. this viexpaint- 7- .1 Ll F; ACCESSION NR- AT4046040 spe-cific oxampics. The re-asong for contact failure are discuaged, and the cRse when ~:-vo paralle.1 rc-,ntacts t, re k! -~od, r)iie -)f ~,vhich ig itsplared with respect to the other by etthe-i vKanlinui ki dpf2ll In tho -n F ;If;Ll Ia !-n 1, w 111 ti turn vAth respect to each other, th- ca~ccuzacy 6- middle range by a factor of two. 1"he theoretical coaclusions concerniag Lhe .-eiauve dlsplaccrn~~nt If[ tvvo par-all-I pnnLacts were corroboratAad experimeat.-tily. The agreement fA 71' :1- '1 1!4' T t a! C h 1 r;i CtO F I SCAlf:jjrjod roafli-nq dio. vididity oc in tht,! ru, i~idl 18 A Audbe -ek-awlda it-oUthe- anv= 1-7 allv oppor-ed paxallel wiping coutnefs -showo that der-rsaseF; b", .1 factor -if two tj1r0-j;:he--u't tile eatire- Poten-tiometer lengih compfxcd;~I~ 20 1 -65 ACCESSION NR: AT4046040 -7- a Potentiometer whoze wiping contacts are not displaced with respect to each other, To angure an accurate and stable relative position of the cmitact Voints of two parallel wiping contact.;3. ;I ne- wiping contact dosign is propooaO tind LEuatrated. Orig art lias 24 foimular., 16 figures and 2 Lablen. A3SOCIATION: Moakovglcly aviatalormy*y tekhnologichealdy institut (Moscow IDstltlite of Aviation Techmlogy) ENCL: 00 NQ SUB CODF! F SUBMITTED: 00 NO RF F SOV- 000 CYTHER: 000 Card 3,13 GAMIN p N. P. , red. I LASHEVICH p V. I. , red, I SIJRIXOV p N. 1. p red. 1, URAMYSV p A.K., red.1 FIMKO, V.A#, ired.; YURASOVI, M.K., red.1 MELINIKOV, Velep tekbne rsdo [Handbook and guide to the Irtysh and the -lower part of the Obt Valley] Putevoditell-opravoohnik po irtyshu i Nimbnei Obi. Omsk Omskoe knizhnoe izd--vo, 1960. 156 p, (MIRA 14110~ I* Irtyshokoys otd*leniya nauchno-tskl~ichenkogo obabohei3tva vod- no7o transports, (for all except YurasovA, Meltnikov). Irtysh Valley-Guidebooks) (Obt Val2ey-Guidebooks) UUIZ..I,Y_EVj A. Z. URAZAYEV, A. Z. -- "The Prophylaxis of Ureter-Vaginal Fistulae in Broad- Scale Extirpation of Uterine Cancer (Clinical-Experimental investigation)." Kazan' State Medical Inst. Kazan', 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.) SO: KnWuwa Letopist., No 5, Moccow, Feb 1956 -- .--r ' ' 'L,f SIDGROV, bl.Ye.. professor; URAZAYXV, A.Z. Prevention of ureter"oe4tYlstulas following extensive extirpation of a cancerous uterus* Sovemed,21 no*3:78-81 Mr 157. (KIBA 10:7) 1. Is akushersko-ginekologichookoy kliniki (dir. - prof. M-Te. Sidor*T) Irazanskogo instituta usoversheastvovaniya vrachey imeni Y.I.IAnina. (UTARIZ KNOPIASMS, surg. causing ureteroyaginal fistulae. prev.) (LWTUS, fistula ureterovaginal. prev. after extensive resection of cancerous uterus) (VAGINA, fistula same) URAUYEV, A.Z., Two Gases of complete inversion of the uternso Kaz.-med.zhur. 40 no.2:76-77 Mr-Ap '59. (9IRA 12:11) 1. Iz ukusherako-ginekologicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof.11-Te. Sidorov) Xazanskogo inatituta usoverflhenotvovantya vrachey imeni V.I.Lenina. (UTERUS--DISPIACEMITS) URAUTEV, A.Z., Fistulas of the female generative organs an r evealod by data of the Obstetrics Clinic of the Kazan State Institute for Specialization and Advanced Training of Physicians from 1946 to 1956. 40 no-5:43-45 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Iz akushersko-gionkologichookoy kliniki (sav. - prof. N.Ye. Mom) razanskogo gosudaretyentogo institute, dlya usover- shenstvovanlya vrachey Im. V.I. Lenina. OFISTULA) ..Imuyxvt B.M. M --EMWXIW& Some dike formation* of the Zirabulnk Hills. Zap.Us.otd.Tses, win.ob-va, se.6:41-43 154. (IMU 9:12) 1. Kafedra petralogit I neWlogeall Sreduessiatskogo polttekh- michaskogo iustituta. Mrsbulak Hills--Dikes (Geology)) BAYXUXXUMWV, KATSOXINA, T.H.; SAWV, F.I.; URAUYEV, B.M.; XUKWAYEV, I.Xh.; CHXVJlff, V.S. - Letter to the editor. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.gool.21 ne.3:121-U4 Mr 156. (Ore depositO (KM 9:7) AUTHOR -MUSAYEV, B.M. 20-6-9/59 TITLE On the Rowth of the Number of the Totally Critical Cyclic Fields of the Degree 1 . (0 roste vpolne kriticheskikh tsiklicheskikh poley stepeni lh-Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akadfamii Nauk SSSR,1957, Vol 113, Nr 6, pp 1222 - 1225,U.S.S.R. AMTRACT The note under review is devoted to a considdration of the problem of the distribution of the totally critical cyclic fields of the degree lh,the dis- criminants of which are not larger than a known boundary value.In this con- text, 1 stands for a simple natural number, and h denotes an arbitrary num- ber.The field K is then called totally critical, if all simple divisors of the discriminant of K are totally critical simple numbers of the fild K.The- re obviously exists an infinite number of totally critical fields.On basis of the Kronecker-Weber theorem dealing with the Abal fields over the field of the rational numbers it is possible to give thought to graup-theoretical considerations and to derive a general expression for the discriminant of the Abel fields of the degree la. In this context, a is a whole number. Theorem 1 yields a representation of the discriminant D of the Abel field Kl. TEe-ore-m-7 the discriminant of the totally critical Abel field of the degree 1 has the form of (p1ps ... pm) H(I-(l/lh)) ftere H - Ic'Jand piw l(lh)(i-l,2,..,m) are different simple numbers, m> 1. Theorem 3 the discriminant of the totally critical cyclic field of the de- gree 11, reads (Plpgl ... p )lh-1. In this context, p,~ff 1(lh)(i - 1,2.... A a- Card 1/2 re different simple nlMrs, m~l. On the Growth o9 the Number of the Totally Critical Cyclic Fields of the Degree 1 20-6-9159 Theorem 4 the number of the totally critical cjclic fields of the degree 11- I- m h Wli-ve the discriminant given in Theorem 3 equals y(lh) -1. w Theorem 5 the number N of the totally critical cyclic fields of the degree 1h,the di criminant of which is not larger than x1h-1, is represented by the asymptotic formula N =;~x+O(xl- (1/y (lh))+6 ). In this context, >v is a con- stant which depends only on the structural properties of the fields inve- stigated) and 6 is an arbitrary number. The proof is made with the aid of the classical method of the distribution of the simple numbers. (No reproduction) ASSOCIATION State Pedagogic Institute Alma kta PRESENTED BY VINOGWOV I.M.,Member of the Academy, on 19 November 1956 SUBMITTED 12-11-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 URAZBAYEV, B.M. Asymptotic evaluation of'arithemetic sums. zv.All Xazakh.SSR. Ser.mat.i mekh. no.8:70-87 '59, (MIRA 13:5) (Arithmetic) URkZBAYZV, B.M. --.1 Ass7"totic formula for the growth. )f the number of cyclic fields of the power Ln. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Spr.mat.1 mekh. no.8:88-91 !59. . 04IAA 13:5) (Fields, Algebraic) URAZAYRV, B.M. Some characteristics of the manifestation of ore mineralization in the southern part of the Zirabulak Mountains. Trudy Sred.-Az- politekh.inst. no.12:23-30 161o Mineralogical types of skarms in the southwestern part of the Zirabulak Mountains. Ibid.:59-69 Formation of skarns in the Zirabu:Lak Mountain region. Ibid.t76-90 (MIRA 18:12) URAZAYEV, B.M.; KARELIN, A.G. - --, ....... Geological results of geophysical investigations in the Khabandytau and Pistalitait region. Trudy Sred.-Az.politekh. inst. no.12:159-167 161. (MIRA 18:12) URAZAYEV, B.M.; SURGUTANOV, Ye.I. Possibility of mapping igneous rocks in western Uzbekistan using magnetometry. Trudy Sred.-Az.politekh.inst. no.12:176- 179 61. (MIRA 18:12) ALIKJKHANBETOV, D.; URAZAYEV, B.M. Possibijiti~~s of using the methcds of electric prospecting in Dzhezkazgan District. Izv. All Kazakh. SSR.Ser.geol. no.lt5&64 162. (MIRA 15:5) S/169/63/000/002/094/127 D263/D307 AUTHORS; 'Urazayev, B. M., Babayants, S. P., Glushkov, M. Ial Koristashevskaya, T, I# t Popov, A.,,,- kntonenko, A. N. , Kolik, A. L., Kotlyarov, A -M Kylb-aye --2. ---Gullnitakiy,-V.-L.--and--TsareT-.----- gradskiy, V. A. TITLE: Geological and tectonic structure of the Dzhezkazgan- Sarysuyakiy region in the light of existing geophy- sical data, results and further directions of work PERIODICAL: a Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizikao no. 2, 19639 17, ab- stract 2D99 (In collection: Bollsboy Dzhezkpzgan. Ge- ol. i metallogeniya. Alma-Ata AN KazSSR, 1961,82-100) TEXT: Geophysical work was carried out in the above region with other regional investigations, to discover areas promising for the prospecting for copper and other useful minerals. The geological and tectonic structure'of the region is complex. Copper deposits -~t_are asbociated with local folded structures of second and higher Card 1/3 i S/169/63/000/002/094/127 Geological and tectonic 1)263/D307' ..orders, complicated by disjunctive disturbances, and lie in the sandstones of the Dzhezkazgan beds. Geophysical inveatiga- gray tions, begun in 1955, make use of all methods. In spite of the dif-'~ a of geological interpretation of geophysical data, it was possible to propos6 a struc.tural-tectonic structure for the region, 'Three structural stages were marked out, 5 geologically distinct ~z-~~-territories were resolved, and 3 main oubmeridional structures were discovered. A series of intrusive maasifo was also found by gravimetric, and magnetic explorations, which do not emerge on the. surface of the erosion shear, together, with a number of large scale iearing rdistuxbances and fractures. Deep seismic soundings provided a picture of the course of1the surface of Lower Paleozoic basement and of deeper boundaries. Electric exploration allowed a resolution of the Dzhezkazgani-strata and demarkation of several dome salt domes. Owing to widespread occurrence of presumably salt structures the favorable section of the Upper Devonian and -Saruyakiy region may be re- Lower Carboniferous, the Dzhezkazgan 1 garded as a potential oil and:gas area. From the results of com- ~.,:~,-.'.--bined.geophysical,works, it."was possible to mark out regions which Card 2/3 S/169/63/000/002/094/127 Geological and tectonic ... D263/D307 are perspective for-copper*mineralization, among these the western border of the anticline. /-Abotracter's note; Complete transla- tion.-7 ARG032152 -;0tMWt' CODE: 7JIl/0169/6(i/(,'00/006/DO13/DO13 AUTHOR: Xotlyarov, A. llv% ; Kollik, A. L. ; Tsaregradskiy, V. A. ; Urazayev, 'I. I.; Allmukhanbetov, D. V, B. M. Koristoshevsaya, TITLE Geophysical investigration of unexplored areas of the Dzhezkazgan- Sarysuysk region SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 6D90 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. issled. v Kazaldistane. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1965, '120-126 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum geology, geologic exploration, oil, scismic logging, electric logging, geophysical exploration, oil deposits/Dzhezkazgan A13STRACT: Data obtained on the physical properties of rock in laboratory studies of samples and in electrical and seismic logging are presented. Geological and geophysical analyses showed that intense positive anomalies extending linearly along the meridional (up to 1000 ~v) are formed by iron quartzites, porphyr itoides, and epidote and amphibole shales of the Karsakpay serics. The area distribution Card 1/2 UDC: 550. 830(574. 5) NR' AR6032152 of the electrical properties of the rock had IIIA been sufficiently studied. The study of the polarization characteristics of rock and ore was begun only in 1961. Residual magnetization was studied principally in extrudcd and metamorphic rock. Geo- physical investigations showed a block structure for the Dzhezkazgan trougb-the syrclinal region situated to the north of the DzIiezkazgwj deposits. Geophysical studies and drilling operations revealed ;3. rather wide distribution of halogenic formations, whose age was determined roughly as Permian. Thick Lower Paleozoic strata and overlying rocks with oil-bearing characteristics, salt dome tectonics, indications of oil in the gaseous and liquid phase in the Permian cross section, and favorable structure, all indicate that the D7hezkazgan-Sarysuysk trough is an oil-bearing region. Yu. Kaznacheyeva. [Yranslation of abstract) SUB CODE: 08/ Card 212 11 -1 i ! v Some data'on the 'U7.c c-I :-,neralization in the C%%=tau 'L,,rCc (Tajik S.S.R.). Dolcl. 'i4" SSS-2, 341 no.DIS-3-18 1! '61. 1. Geologicheslciy institut Ka::a-.isl:ogo filiala L-1 33S11. Predstavleno aRademalo-, A.G.Betelchtinym. (01mrtau Range---Ore deposits) (Skarne) URAZAYEVj 1.14. Methods for the calculation of electromotive force originated in the contact nf sulfide ore bodies and enclosing rocks as revealed by a study In the Capot mine in Cananea (Mexico). Izv. Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. nauk no.1002-76 163. Methods of allowing for corrections for the distant zone when converting za into Ha- lbid.;59-64 (MM 18t6) MIROPOLISKIYj L.M., glav. red.; SEYFU1,MULYUKOV, R.B., otv. red.; AVERtYANOV., V.I., red.; MIROFOLISKAYA, G.L... red.; P4gEVj.,1'-1_p red.; SHISHKIN, A.V., red.; YUSUPOV, B.M., red.; KALANTAROV, A.P., red.izd-va; POLENOVA, T.P., tekhn. red. (Characteristics of the distribution of oil and gas fields in the Volga-Ural region] Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniia mestorozhdenii nefti i gaza Volgo-Urallskoi oblasti. Mo- skvap Izd-vo All SS.Tp 1963. 365 P. (M1RA 17:2) 1. Kazanskiy filial All SSSR (for Averlyanov, Miropol'skaya, Urazayev, Yusupov). URAZAYEV I.M. Distribution of natural electric field on the earth's surface depending on the mineral composition of ore bodies. Iz7- Kazarl. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. nauk no.10:102-106 163. 04IRA 18:6) URAZAYEVp 1.M. ........... Dependence on natural electric currents of the development stWs of the oxidation zone of sulfide deposits. Razved. geofiz. no.2185-91 164. (MIRA 180) I URAZAYEV I Subsurface structure of the crystalline basi.::~~nt of Udmurtia and northwestern Tatarstan based on the interpretation -lata of geo- magnetic field anomalies. Izv AN SSSR Ser geol 29 no. 5-42-55 My 164. (MIRA D: 5) 1. Geolopicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR, Kazan 1. URAMEV, I.M.; SALION, A.G. Geomagnetic field of Tataxis-tan ard methcds Ior the interpretation of Za and Ha anomalies using nomographs. Izv. Kazan. MI. AN SSSF.. Ser. geol. nauk no.10:3-17 163. (IMIRA 18: 6) SALIKHOV, A.G.; IJRAZAYEV, I.M.; YUSUPOV, B.M. Geophysical characteristics of the northwestern regions of the Tatar A.S.S.R. in connection with planning oil and gas prospectLng. Izv. Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. nauk no.10:69-76 163. (MIRA 18:6) VARNIKOV, V.V., dotsent; MUZAYEV, N.k., dotsent; PADERIN, V.P., dotsent Pathologicophystologiml changes in traumatic pericardit.s. Veterinariia 42 no.7:63-66 Jl 165. (MIRA IP,:rj) 1. Semiptilatinskiy zootekhnichesko-ieterimrnyy irwtitut. PERELATOV, V,D.3..-U~jA.ZAYEV,,. f*1,VIc, red,4 AKULOV, A N., red.; VATh.11iy Fx'.' red. '. D'7V;!!iIGVA, red., KASFL-~OV, A.A- red.i LITVING"j. 1-N.. re~i. (Work experien,;e i-.,f the F-ubiic Health StatIon in rural areas ~M-3rthr- ~cTdttl---%s of etilarged dis-!~rjctsl Opyt raboty R)s-~ovsk(A 2-qTiqo'df3ta-nIEiii na Eelf; v viiakh ukrapner-rqxe~ rr~,z~,r, v~ M~sk-vxl, 1%editairm, .196"', 9 (RIF-A 1.13-7) USSR / Human and Ani;aal Phyaiology. Intornal Secretion, Thyroid T Gland - Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.) NO 15, 1958, No. 7o348 Author Urazayev, 11. 1.1. Inst k~idh"-M'ddi&a1-T5qtitute Title The Vatural Content of Molybdenum in the Soil and Food Products of the TASSR and the 1AWR Orig Pub Sb. muchn. rabot KazarjBk. mad. in-ta, 1957, No 1, 65-69 Abstract The content of Mo in the soil and food products in different regions of the TASSR is, on the average,, higher than that in the Orshanskiy and Volzhskiy Rayons of the WSSR. It was sho~m that there is an inverse relationship between the content of 1-b in the soil and food products., and the incidence of endemic goiter. Insufficient quantities of bb in the food, along with other factors, nay favor the develolmant of endemic goiter. -- L. A. Kashchevskaya Card 1/1 PAUOMYCHIV, I.I.,prof.; GHEWLA.SOV, Ye.F., dote.; BUZZIBA9 T.A.,atuistent,; VISMYSEATA, YO.P.,assistent,;DARIUVSKATA. A.A.,aesistent,; SARKISTANTS. B.Z.,assistent.;KOZ10VA, T.A..aseistent,;VOR.OBIYlVA, R.S..assistent.; URAZA'IZV, H.H., red. ;LTUIXOVSKAYA. N.1., tekkm. red. [Methods of teaching hygiene in medical and pediatric departments of institutea of medicine] Netodika prepodaveniia gigiany na lechabnom i pediatriebaskom fakulltstakh maditsinakikh inatitutov. Kookwa, Goa. izd-vq mod. lit-ry, 1958. 142 p. (MIaA 11:12) (HYGI=E--STUDT AND TZACHIVG) ALIN, S.L.; MIUHUSTDI, Ye.N.; MTSOYSEATA, R.I.; KHLONIKOV, N.I.; STSIX, A.M., prof., red.; URAUYV, U.N., red.; BULIDTATKY, N.A., (Indications of the sanitary condition of the soil of populated placeSJ Pokazateli annitarnogo sontolaniia pochvy naselennykh most. Pod red. A.U.Sysina. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 149 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen ANN 3WR (for Sysin). (SOILS~BACTMIOLOGT) HER TIN, Vyachealav Takovlevich; KURLTAND'SKATA, R.B., doktor biolog.nauk, prof., obahchiy red.; MUMM, N.M., red.: ROKANOVA, Z.H., tekhn. red. [Materials on the toxicology of some lithium compounds] Materisly k toksikologii nekotorykh soedinenii litiia. Pod obshchei red. A.B.Kurliandskol. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 154 p. (MIRA 13:2) (LITHIUK--TOXICOLOGY) ARON, D.I.; STAVITSKAYA, A.B.~ kand. biol. nauk; GOLID11LID, A.Yfi.p doktor red. nauk.. red.; IATRMT, A.M.p doktor med. nauk,, red.; TSEYTLIII, A.G., doktor red.naukp N.Y., red.; ZUYEVA, W.K.., telchn. red. [Materials on the physical development of children and youths in some citieB and rurnl settlements of the U.S.S.R-11/ateri- aly po fizicheskomu razvitiiu detei i podrostkov nekotorykh gorodov i sellskikh r4stnostei Soiuza SSR. Pod red. A.IA. Golldfelld, A.M.Merkova, A.G.TSeitlina. Voskvu., Medgiz. No.l. 1962- 374 p. (MRA 15: 10) 1. Institut organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny im. II.A.Semashko (for Aron). 2. Inatitut pedietril Akademii meditsinskikh nauk WSH (for Stavitskaya). (Calma-wWTH) GABIDUill1l, Gabdulla Khayruillyevich, dots.; -URAZAYEV, Nikolay ,AE~~dot,-.; NI-H)IL10, A.T., red. A P~ ~fj 9 j-Noncomuni---- le brci-h~+neuirvanian In animals) Nezaraz- .11 zrilvotirjkli. Alriz-Ata, Kazoellkhoz- yrj- - gizp 1963. 31 1,. (t." I RA 17 - 10) 1. sawtjAlltjll.;kJ.y z,~;Gwtillstitut (for Glibidull.111, UraviyuV). GOROVIOSO'17) M.,%.,, red.; GR(A-IBAKII, S.M., red.; ZHDPIIOV, V.M.,, red.; POKROVSKIY, A.A., red.; KROTKOV, F.G.s red.; LETAVET, A.A., red.; LITVB;OV, red.; RYAZANOV, V.A., red.; U:RAZAYEEV, N.M.j red.; GI Mw KINSKrf, S.N.p red.; KHAMI DULLY' , red. [Transactions of the 14th All-Union Congress of Hygienists and Public Health Physicians] Trudy Vsesoiuznogo zllezda gigienistov i sanitarriykh vrachel, 14. Mos)n'al Medgiz, 1963. 322 p. (MIRA 18%2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy sllyezd gigiyenistov i sanitarnykh vrachey. 14th. 2. Glavnyy uchenyy sekretarl 921 SSSR (for Zhdanov). __ OWN" z AID P - 4295 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 20/25 Author Urazayev, Z. F., Kand Tech. Sci. ------------- Title Measurement of the non-axiality of a two-step cylinder shaft on a prism. Periodical : Vest. mash., #2, p. 64-65, F 1956 Abstract : A method is shown of ascertaining the play of a cylinder shaft and indicating its non-axiality by placing and turning the shaft on a prism and thereby measuring its divergence from uniaxiality. Formulae, diagrams. Institution : None Submittted : No date URAZ&YL'V, Z.F., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk. -; - - V-block measurement of untoward shaft-stop eccentricity. Vest. mash. 36 no-2:64-65 F '56. WaA 9:5) Ohafts and shafting) U13AUY-Ev Z.F.9 kand.tekhn,nauk Technological bases for mcbIal gyTcbals paltse Trudy.',U-LI no.47: 23-38 16o. (Metal cutting) ' (MM 14:2) I(CA A (q4 I , ? F~ $s! 3" 1 f!,- erg rx a a Eli t p% Im, 2 R41' F Jill; V va FH Oil S/146/60/003/004/010/010 B004/BO56 AUTHOR: Urazayev, Z. F. TITLE: The Problem of Projecting Machine Elements With Noncircular Cross Sections NA PERIODICAL: Izveatiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4, PP. 108-110 TEXT: The author describes the transformation of a uniform rotation into an alternating motion with small amplitude such as occurs in vibration presses, computers, etc. For the cross section of the machine element causing this transformation an equation is written down: r - R + a cos ny (1). r is the current radius of the cross section; T is the angle between the current radius and a certain initial position; R is the mean radius; a is the greatest difference between r and R; a is the coefficient showing how often r attains a maximum or minimum value. Fig. 1 shows cross sections for n = 2 and n - 3 at different ratios between R and a. For the function (1) the condition io made that at a maximum ratio of a to R, the cross sec- tion remains convex on the entire circumference. The curvature K is expressed Card 1/2 The Problem of Projecting Machine Elements S/146/60/003/004/010/010 With Noncircular Cross Sections B004/B056 in polar coordinates by the equation X - (r 2 + 2r' 2_ rr")I(r2 4- r' 2)3/2. Convexity is conserved if r 2 + 2r, - r" does not vanish. By substituting z 2 2 2 2 2 for cos ni one obtains for (1): r + 2r, _ r" - (R -i az) i 2an (I - z L/ 4 (R 4 az)anz, and herefrom for convexity the condition: a 4- R/(n 2+ 1) (2).- This paper was recommended by the kafedra tekhnologil aviapriborostroyeniya (Chair of the Technology of Aircraft Instrument Construction). There are 1 figure and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION:: Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut (Moscow Aviation Technologic Institute) SUBMITTEDt. September 29-, 1959 Card 2/2 URUAYEVAt Z*V* Influence of remol4val of the chromaffin tismue on conditioned reflex chOnges in cardiac function. Biul. ekBp. biol. i mod. 52 no,7:9-14 Jl 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1., Ir, kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zavodtiyushchiy I dotsent Z.V.-Urazayeva) Altayokogo moditsimkogo institutax Barnaul. Predstavlena deyetvitelinym chlanom, A1.91 SSSR V.V. Parinym. ,(MM) (CONDITIOIED USPOL02) (ADRENAL GLAIMS) B/53 61/000/052/005/008 ~s- D201YD301 AUTHORS: Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Shishmarev, V.Yu., Engineer TITLE; Quality of a special fluid filling of loating gyroscopic instruments SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy inatitut. Trudy, no. 52, 1961. Nekotoryye voprosy sovremennoy tekhnologii priborostroyeniya, 52-60 TEXT: The term 'quality of filling' is defined as the amount of re- sidual air bubbles left in the housing of a floating gyroscopic in- strument after filling with a special fluid to reduce the total amount of friction in its bearings. The authors consider the effects of air bubbles on the gyro errors and describe a special installa- tion and method of filling. The apparatus has a bellows type ther- mostat with two visual indicators of the bellows pressure. The in- dicators are arranged so that the difference in their readings, i.e# the reading of vacuum duringthe filling process and of atmospheric pressure restored after it had been finished, determines accurately Card 1/2 S/53 61/000/052/00c//008 Quality of a special fluid filling D201%301 the volume of the residual air bubble in the housing. Although the total air content left alter the filling using the above method is of the order of 1 - 2 mm-~', this amount is considered to be still too large for proper operation of modern gyroscopic instruments of integrating or differentiating type as used in aviation and further investigations in this field are thought to be necessary. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. Card 2/2 S/263/62/000,/009/0) 0/010 f007/1207 AUTHORS: Urazayev, Z. F. and Shishmarev, V. Yu. TITLE: On the -quali-tyor filling floating gyroscopic devices by special liquids PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otedl'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 9. 1962. 63, abstract 32.9.430 jr. Mosk. aviats. tekhnol. in-ta ), no. 52, 1961, 52-60) TEXT: A unit for filling the float chamber is described and method for checking the filling quality are outlined. These methods ensure accurate measurements of the volume of the air bubble in the device. Suggest- ion is made to use as measuring devices in the quality-control circuit, instruments requiring only small measu- ring force, e,g. microcators. The existing quality of filling (total volume of air bubbles in the device amounts to 1-2 MM3) is found to be unsatisfactory. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/]' KORABLEV, P.A.; SUMINOV, V.M.; URAZAYEV Z.F. kand. tekhn. nauk, - - -r;et JiINA, N. F. , zh.:,-;; retsenzent; FRID, L.I., h:, tekhn. red. [Automatic control of the readjustment of cqtting tools on automatic lathes] Avtomatizatsiia podnastroiki instrumenta na tokarnykh avtomatakh. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 129 p. (Lathes) (Automatic control) (MIRA 16:10) URAZAYEVV ZoF a Increasing the reliability and precision of potentiometer pickups, Priborostroenie no.601-32 Te 163. (KrRA 16:8) (Potentiometer) GIPPENREYTER, Yu.B.; URAZAYEVA, V.A. Research on the eye movements in performing metric tasks. Vop. paikhol. 9 no.6:76-84 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra psikhologii Mookovskogo gosudarstvannogo univeroiteta. tnatTmm'ert' "AtItomation" as U)p use ui r-:x-miiy .A i ACCESSION Nil: AT4046033 - f- , laborims and c-umberGOT118 -67 d)/ WP(h)/EWF(l) _0079~ (m)/EWPCV)/T/EWT(t)/ETT/EWP(k)/F IJP(c) JDZ -Acc I -Nat 6W4302 -RH MUM COM UR/027 9, W6MW AWMORS i grasaMp Ze Yet Fadeyevj, A. He TITLEs Specifications Of machines for producing high precision SOURCE: Ref, she Tekhnologiya mashinostroyaniyap Abs* 99?08 ,REV SOUBGSt Sbo Onnovne napravleniya i perspektivy rasvitiya takhnole priborostr* M., 19649 ?9-87 TOPIC TAOSs lathe,, turning isachinep metalvorking mach#eryj, threading machine.. milling machine, ABSTRAM It is pointed out that rigidj~Z of mach -Ss_ as an actual bearing on the accuracy of the geometric form and relative position of the surfaces being machinede In choosing equipment for producing details with low tolerances,, the degree of rigidity should be considered together with other parameters of geometrical accuracy of its elements. Variation of rigidity with the angle of spindle turn should also- be taken into consideration. Under actual conditions, the "give" in the assembly does not remain constant at all angular positions o,? the apindle. "Give" is a quality opposite to rWdity and constitutes the main cause of machining inaccuracy* A system of toleranceavTor the rigidity parameters of metal-cutting machines of five types has been dmloped on the basis of investigations. These machine types &rot LWC t 621.9-187 L 00795-67 ACC NRs AR6W4302 1) turning-Bcrow catt 2) internal milling; 3) flat milling; 4) gang millin 5) radial grinding. Rigidity norms are indicated for every accuracy class of a machine according of the classification r osed by ENIM-S, 4 illustrations,, 1 table* V, Golubeva #-ranslation of abstrape7t SUB GODEs 13 MjS c4wd 2/2 uWAYEV ACCESSION NR: AT4046041 B/2536/64/000/059/0138/0168 AUTHOR: Shishmarev, V. Yu. (Engincer)i Zakharovaj L. Ie (Engincer)j Urazayevq&F, (Candidate of technical sciences) TITLE: A method of designing current-carrying wipers for potentiometers used In gyroscopic Instrument ,a SOURCE: Moscow. Avlatsionny*y teklinologichoskly Institut. Trudy*, no. 59, 1964. Tckhnoiogiya I konstruirovaniye giropriborov (Technology and design of gyroscopic instruments), 138-168 TOPIC TAGS: *gyroscope, gyro Instrument, gyro potentiometer, potentiometer brush, commutator brush, wiper design, potentiometer wiper, electrical contact ABSTRACT: Ile main shortcoming of potentiometers Is the low reliability of the contact I at the point where the wiper touches the potentiometer winding. 'I'his paper examines the effect of wiper parameters on the reliability of potentiometric transducers, and proposes f a method for designing cu. rren t- carrying wipers. Ile effect of the contact pressure o wipers is examined In detail. Formulas for the minimal contact presBure assuring a reliable contact pressure are derived. For contacts between noble metals Ve contact pressure should be between 0. Z and 1. 2G, The problem of the constancy of the contact Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4046041 pressure with time Is Investigated. In this connection, It Is noted that for small object's like wipers the effect of Internal stressos due to thermal and mechanical processing can be relatively large. Ile effect of the natural frequency of oscillation of a wiper or the wiper assembly on the reliability of contact Is examined, and It In concluded that the frequency of natural oscillation of a wiper must be about twice an high as the maximum frequency of the vibrations actually occurring. On the basis of the above cotisiderations a method for designing the main parameters of wipers Is developed which fakes Into account giv6n operating conditions such as vibration and overload; In this design method a wiper is considered as a beam, one end of which Is fixed and the other end of which, the point of contact, is considered to be supported. on rollers. Design formulas are derived for arm-type wipers of constant circular cross-section having a flattened segment near the mounting place. The design formulas derived are conveniently summarized in a Table, and their use is Illustrated In specific examples. Ile method shows that for given operating conditions and material the magnitude of the desired contact pressure uniquely determines the optimum value of the wiper diameter and length. The operating conditions as well as the wiper metal uniquely determine the optimum magnitude of the Ca,d 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4046041 wiper bend Inflection to be used. Following this design method the reliability of petentio- metric transducers and. consequently, of the Instruments where they are used, will be Increased. The method proposed can also be employed to design other types of current- carrying wipers like commutator brushes, elastic parts of central contacts, Itc. Orig. art. has: 106 formulas, 19 figures, and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Aviatsionny*y tokhnologicheskiy institut (Moscow Institute of Aviation Technology) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EE, NG NO RE F SOV: 003 C.,d 3/3 OTHER: 000 A Y'EF VA) ~, ~/, ABRAMOVA, U.N.; AUISIMOVA, V.F.; GUTOVSKAYA, A.V,,; KIBUAKOV, A.Y.; MZAUV,k, Z.V. Role of dynamic cardiac nerves in the trophic regulation of the myocardium (with summary in Xaglish]. Piul.ekep.biol. i med. 44 no-7:50-54 JI 157. P (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.Y.Kibyakov) Kazaaskogo gosudaretvennogomeditsinakogo instituta. Predstavlens deystvitelInym chlenom AMU SSSR prof. S.Ye.Severinym, (MYOCARDIUM. metabolism, eff. of stimulatio of autonomic innervationiof heart (Rue)) (AUTONOMIC EIRVOUS SYfTIH, pbysiology, eff. of stimulation of dynamic nerves of heart on myocardial matab. (Rus)) ABRAMOVA, N.M., AHISIMOVA, V.F., GUTOVSKATA, A.V., KIBYAKOV, A.Y., URAZAYEVA. Z.V. 1-'.. Trophic chAnges in the myocardium In chronotrapic effect. Biul.ekap. biol. i mod. 45 no.6:22-25 Jo '58 (MIRA 11:8) 1, Is knfedry normallnoy fiziologii (znv. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR A.V. 11byakov) lazRnskogo maditainskogo instituta. Predstavlona doyetvitollnys cholnou ANN SSSR $.To. Severinym. (HEART, physiology off. of rhythm changes, trophic aspects CRUB)) URAZBAKIYEVA, S. V. URAZBAXIYEVA. S. V. -- "Investigation of the Effect of Sulfanilamide Preparations and Antibiotics on the Causative Agents of Bacterial Dysentery." First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst imeni I. M. Sechenov. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: Knlzhn&U jetools' , No. 4, Moscow, 1956 -LfRkzawlrp -8.m. 24739. URAZBAEV, B.M. Nekotorye Primerieniya Metodoa Mnegougollnika Nyotona. Uchen. Zapiski Kasakh, Goo. Un-ta In. Kirova, T. XII, 1949 S.-34-39 SO: Letopin' NO-33P 1949 '~~ra%ba2~vB, M On ilie discriiiiiii'llit of a ca!KEILU of lzvt~-Iiva"W-id. ih. SSI, 101-0, prime degree. no. 97, Set-. Mat. Nicla. 4, 11) 32 (1951.). Rfissimi) Let K be it cyclic exiewlioii of Ihe of tatlinials of cidd priiije dept-ce p. Thrii the lia!5 1110. form D=p,ffqp-', where tl"L (1, 01C distinct ralioilal pritile numbers of the forni np+I and a~-O cr a=2(j,)-l). ZBAYV, P. V. Mathematical'Reviews May 1954 Number Theory VVrazbaev, B. M. On indexes' of algebraic equations. _Tz_v_es-ti~_,_i_7Ar._td Nauk' K.-aza-Ii. SSR 1950, no. 97, Ser. Mat. *Meh. 4, 33-41 (1950). (Ruscian) . e Let R be the,field of rational numbers, and a a root of the irreducible polynomial f(x) with integral coefficients and leading coefficient 1. Then the index ns of f (x) is defined by d(a)-Dos', where d(a) is the discriminant of f(x) and D the discriminant of the field R(a) over R. Let p be a rational prime, and let f (x) sa 11pi (x)" be the facforizatiotf of Y(x) modulo p. Put f(x) - jjpj(x)#'+pAI(x). Then p is a factor of m if and only. if there exists a j such that ej?.2 apd pj(x) divides M(x) modulo p. IV.- 11. -Afflh. URAZDAYEV, B. M. 14athematical Revlle: S May 1954 Mmber Theory A? A~Wbaev, 13. M. On the dens':*ty of distributign of points of qyclic fields of prime degree. Izvestiya~Akad. Nauk Kaza i. f9_51, no. 62, Ser. Mat. Aleh. 5, 25-36 (1951).:~' (Russian). Let p~ be an odd pritne. If a is an'element of K, a. cyclic extension of the field of rational numbers of degree p, then a can be regarded as tile point (a(", -, a(0) of p-dimcn- sional Euclidean space, where a01, - a(PI are tile conju- gates 6f a. The author considers the set of all q'Idlic cxtc:i- sions of the rationals of degree p, and the act of all a1,g(.br;,:c integers of these fields that correspond to po1n1_; in the interior of a sphere of radius R. 1*he number Af, of such points is given by Af,=o pRP+0(RP-') if 15,>3, Af3=o,,R1 log R+0(R% where the a, are non-zero constants that deperld Only Oil P. IV. 11. Hills (New Haven, Conn.). I . URAZBAY?,Il, B. M. ?,Mbemp.t1C--k1 Rovi,r; W, I-lay 1954 Number Theoi,y /Utazbaev, B. M. On the density of,~Ustribution of cyclic lMei-of 'prune degree. lzvestiya Akad. Nauk K;mth, SSR 1991, no. 62, Ser. Mat. Xleh. 5, 37-52 (J951). (Russian) The number L of cyclic extensims of thefieldof ratilotials re;Jor fl, X ir haviiig degree p aml discritninatit not p vivell [it, tile :1symptotic forlwila I.-CIV-4-0C., !,) 11 where C~is a po-Ative constant depending only on' P. IV. 11. Mills (New Haven, Conn.). - UPAZaAm, i?. m. Reviews IJ,,v: 19 11L ~:br~r Theory pu v6razbaev B. M 0 11 the number of cyclic field egree with given dibcriminant. 1 - rime Kaah. S-SR 1951, no. 02, Ser. All ~'vcstiya Ak-,ld Nauk (Russian) t. Alell, 5_i,j-67 !-et P be an 01111 prinle, and let q, 72, Pl , qk be distinct .111'e5 Of tile form Then tile Mill -lbel- Of cyclic e tensions of the field of rational X- (p-qj ... qk)p-, is (P_ I)k if a 9 Of degree p jin(I di, * scrimmant There are no o 2 and is !her POssibic discriminants for if a -0' ra t I:Yclic extell- 5'Ons of tile lonals of degree p. [Cf tile f);Iper reviewed above.] (Nev Haven, Conn.). 6 0 URA23AYICV. B.H., kandidat fiziko-matematichookikh nauk. - On the number of 1h degree cyclic fields. Izv.AN Kazakh.Sa.Ser. astron., fiz., mat. i makh. no.129:51-57 '53. (KLM 9:5) (Groups. Theory of) (Galois theory) URAZBAYBY, B.M* AsMtotic forma& in algebra. Dokl.Al SBSR 93 no.5t933-938 Ap 134. MR A 7 t 4) 1. Katematicheekly institut im. Y.A,Bteklova Akademii nauk SSSR. rredstavleno akademikon I.X.Vinogradovyx. (Alpbra. Universal) U3WVAth - Topolov card 1/1 Author, I Urazbaev,, Be Me Title I An asymptotic fradit for the growth of a number of absUan fields of the 1 degree. .Periodical 3 Doki AN SSSR 950 6, 1145 - 1147# 21 Apr 1934 Abstract : The article deals-with abelian fields of the(l,l) type rich, In .respect to rational numbers# represents fields of the I degree,, Laos a direct product of two cyclic fields of a simple degree 1. The article further states that every field can be expressed through a discriminant, but the nuipber of fields represented by the dis- criminant is Kj - 9 N -2- 0-4) C,e-*a cc -t If# however, the discirminant of a field is not higher than X the number.of fields represented by that discrin4nant can be expressed I- -e-.# by an asymptotic formulai irx) 4 The article gives proof of AN tatement. Institution i Aced. of Scs. of the USSR Submitted s 9 Fab 1954 Call Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont. ) Moscow, Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '56 V. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, i 1956., 237 PP. Suprunenko, nsk). IAnear Nilpotent Groups. D. A. (M 35 Turkin, V. K. (Moscow). Qaasi-monomial Representations of Groups. 35 Urazbayev, B. M. (Alma-Ata). On Some Asymptotic Formulas 35-36 Mention is made of Delone, B. N. and Fadeyev, D. K. Khion, Ya. V. (Tartu). Rings Normed by Means of Semi-groups. 35-36 Chernikov, S. N. (Molotov). Nilpotent Groups. 37-40 Mention is made of Kurosh, A. G., Shmidt, 0. Yu., Ado, I. D., Malltsev, A. I., Myagkov, N. N., Mukhamedzhan, Kh. Kh., Glushkov, V. M., Golovin, 0. N., Sesekin, N. F., Smirnov, D. M., Plotkin, B. I., Charin, V. S. Card 12/80 ~- -I-I ~13j V~ X-1 - W,T I SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Algebra CARD 112 FG - 332 AUTHOR URAZBAJEV B.M. TITLE An asymptotic formula for the increase of the number of the abelian fields of the type PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 1o5, 659-661 (1955) reviewed 10/1956 Let the abelian field K be of the type (i.e. it is a direct k times product of k cyclic fields of degree 1 (1 - prime number)) and possess the conductor f = pi.P2 .... PU , (p, The following theorems are proveda k-1 le The discriminant of K is D - (PIP2 .... pa) 2, The nn-ber N of all abelian fields K with the discrizinant D in N - AO (1 k_ 1), + Aji k-1 _,)n + ... + Lk_l(,_,),, where the terms A 0 Alp"*Ak- 1 depend only on 1 and k. 3. The number of the abelian, fields of the type the discriminants k tim-e Doklady Akad. Nauk 105, 659-661 (1955) CARD 2/2 PG - 332 of which are not greater than xIk-1 (1-1) , is given by the asymptotic formula 1 - I + F xf(ig X) + 0 (X 1 k_1 f_>0 arbitrary. Here f(Y) is a polynomial of degree Ik-1 + 1k-2 + ... + 1 the coefficients of which depend on 1 and k. INSTITUTIONt Bducational Institute Alwa - At&. 10 7 P AY A I MULBAYNT, B.M. ~ . I least disoriminant of Abelian fields. lzv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. mt. i makh. no.6:lo8-lil 157. (NUA llr4) (Numbers, Theory of) URAZBAYEV, B. M. "Asymptotic Evaluation of One Arith--eUc Sum" Trudy. t. 1. Transactions of the Mathematics and Mechanics Section, Kazakh 80, Acad. Sci., Alma-Ata, lzd-vo AN Kazakhekoy SO., 1958, 207pp. URAZEAUPT. B.14. ---- Asymptotic evaluation of an ariPmetic stme Trzidv Sekt.mat. i makhAN Kazakh.SM 1:160-174 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Kathematical analysia)