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..,ULMCH# Sandor.. dr..p a,wnlx ald tudomanyok kand!Ldatusa Kinetics (if-controllable hydraulic motarv with axLal pistons. Gep.13 noe5tI76r-183. MY-161..' 11 Szerozaxgepfejleazto Intezet., ULBRICH, Sandor, dr... a muszaki tudomanyok Imndidutusa. Dynamic testing of hydraulic directional change. Gep 15 no.5s201-209 My 163o 1, Szerszamgepfejleszto Intezeta, ,-ULBRICH,, S dor,, a muszAki tadomanyok kandidatuma. " - f!:~ Present state of aggregating mechine tools. Ge-p 16 no.1t 17--7-6 A164, 1. Smerazamgepipari Muvek Fejleazta Intezete. UL-gaICH, Y. Amperometric determination of 2, 2-bis-p-hydroxyphenlpropane using bromine. P. 741, (Institute of Applied Physics - Czechoslovak Academy of Science) Vol. 50, No. 5 may 1956 SO: Monthly index of East European Accessions (E:AI) LC, Vol. 7, N - 5 fay 1958 ; 110 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their H-30 Application. Iacquers, Paints. Lacquer-Pai-at Coatings. Abs JOuri Ref. Zhur-Ehimiyal No 11, 1958, 38193. Author I Rejhova Nana, Ulbrich Vladimir. Inst : Not given. Title : The Identification of the Glycol Component in Unsaturated Polyester Resins and Lacquers, by means of Paper Cbromato- graphy. OftggPub: Chem prumys', 1957, 7, xo 4, 212-215. Abstract: A method of fast identification of polyatomic alcohols entering into the composition of unsaturated polyester resins was developed by the method of paper chromato- graphy (in the character of a traveling phase, n-butanol is effected by means of saturated water. The method was Card 1/p CZECHO-LIT"OVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Lacquers. Paints. Lacquer-Paint Coatings. Abs Jour, Ref. Zhur-Ehimiya, No U, 1956, 38193. developed on artificial mixtures of polyatomic alcohols, and verified on industrial types of polyester resins. The method is fast since the analysis is ccmducted on the unrefined alcohol component extracted by suponification of the tested resin. The ingredients (alke-U, potassium salt) are separated out in the beginning ard do not in- fluence the result. The data obtained by paper chromato- graphy were subdected to the usual chemical. analysis. H-30 Card 2/2 '7773 41 ri^h V ~~a?e3, J. Sr.,uii-Micro Method of DeterniLning Active. Hyd:'o&Pr4 in Epoxy-Riesins with -,ithitm-Aluminum hydride. C'I,(-m. prumysl, 19158, ?,, 'No 3, 163-1ft b~:tr Ot, The determination Is carried out ir, the thermo-I sLaLic apparatus of Souchka (RZrdI--iJ_m, 11956, No 23, 75480). 1 'A 15-20 mg sample ol" epoxy-resin is dissolved in 4 ml anisolrA and treated with 1 ml of a solution of 115 g LiAlH. in 100 mll tetrahydrol"uran. The error of this viethod, which was tested on chemically pure benzoic and salicylic acid, p-nitro- phenol, alpha-naphthol and diplienylolpropane, does not exceed 2-2.5$. The method can be successfully utilized for determination of OH-groups in low-molecular aInd high- mo'Lecular epoxy-resins. -- L. Pesin. C:~rdl: fe 0'f L- - H~7 IT.i ma~ttf,d 100134, almd by elvir, AA~. Ond (fitrull I chariwttfis,Lm Ile la plma ot reactiif t;mwrt," I an is ch.-meltyacd ty adda. -j 41! e!~71sr m: Zroup to th - Phenolic b1droxyll, which. 4 thtn Wlow--l )y dehydr,duil. gmatk-n o. Vi,: ~hlc--i-,yilriu t-.'~cr produce a rici pltas-z, w3lyt 1-11 4~5 C.~-4vrvcd to F& undf!? L -1 U44nLCA22 3-idr, ltttR,-t1'3r, bet-~~n I v,~' !V P,~us ~it! -1, dtfl'tftarc! t':,-, T m1mil ph~~ -7 4 ~ / ' Vt 9 Wad rr J,'L04---f 4~ CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Analysis of Organic Substances. G-3 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 1969o Author Vladimir Ulbrich Title Z Amperometric Det mination of 2.2-Bis-n-Oxyphenylpropane by Bromometric Method. Orig Pub : Cbem, listy, 1956, 50, Vo 51 743-747 Abstract : The amperometric titration of 2.2-bifi-n-oxyphenylpropane (I) was carried out. By this titration, the consumption of Br2 in the bromation process of I alone and of I mixed with epichlorohydrin (II) in presence of condensation pro- ducts was studied, For the preparation of solutions for titration, dimethylformamide in which the condensation products are well soluble was used.- Tha methid was used for the time study of the process of condensation of I with II in an alkaline medium at the manufacturing of epoxide tars.. The result3 were arranged in 4 tables and the determination error was computed; it amounts t05% for 2.2 x lo-5 mole of I mid to 04 for l..7 x 10-4 mole Card 1/1 . 14 - of I. ULBRICH, V.; MAKES, J.; JURECEK, M. Identification of glycidyl ethers; bis-phanyl and bif-v( -naphthylurethan ofO(-a1kyl(az7l)ethers of glycerin. Coll Cz Chem 29 no. 6tl466-1475 Ja 164. 1. Research Institute of Synthetic Resins anti Lacquers, Pardubice (for Ulbrich and Makes). 2. Institute of Inalytical Chemistry, Higher School of Chemical Technology, Pardubice (for Jurecek). ULBRIKH, Sh.. anpirant. Investigating transient processes in governors controlling oil Inflow and outlet rates. real. v obl. metallorezhatan. no.3:145-168 155. (MLRA 10:2) (Hydraulic transmission) (Governors (AnLchinary)) UL''BRUJI, Ya. I., Cand Med Sci (diss) "Comparative evaluation of data of the functional capacity of the heart in young: and adult ath- letes." P'lloscow, '1960. 16 pp; (State Central Order of Lenin Inst of Physical Culture im I. V. Stalin); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 28-60, 166) ...VLIBRIKH, -I------- -T Heart sounds in adult and in youthful athletes at rest and folloving physical exertion. Probl. vrach kcatr. :ao-5:363-375 160. (MIRL 140) (HELRT-ZOUNDS) (EXEWISE) GREBE Y A. , doktor nauk; REYNISH, G. , doktor nauk; TSI1,1ME, RMAN, G. , doktor nauk; GREBE, F., doktor nauk; ULIBRIKHT I. dok-tor nauk; SHIFFNER, R., doktor nauk; FILIPP, B. . a~ito-r--tu7,'FJJS1U3R, Kh., doktor nauk; GASPERSON, G.J. doktor nauk; KLARE, G., dok-lor nauk; ViKOPYAN, V. I Search and solutions; important research of the German Democratic Republic chemists. Priroda 54 no.6:83-88 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut izilcheniya volokna Germanskoy Akademii nauk v Berline, g. Tel'tov, GermAnskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika. BLASKOVICy D.; XMIKOVIC2 N.A.; STYK2 B.; ALBREOHT2 Pjj tochnicka spolupmca U13HMWJ-4Aj.; RAUS, J. The course of adaptation of inhibitor resistance of influenza virus A2 for ferrets. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. Jymin. 10 no.3:158-165 161. 1. Virologicky ustav CSAV, Bratislava, CSSR, a Institut infekcionnych boleznej ON SSSH, Kijev. (I~?LLENZA VIRUSES Immunol.) 3/:138/61/000/005/003/006 P051/A129 AUTHOR: Ul I brkht, Ya.- TITLE: Reactors for e=lsion polymerization PERIODICAL- Kauchuk I rezina, no. 5, 1961, 12 - 15 TEXT: A technological process for the production of the first Czech rubber, qKc-1 (ChKS), based on butadiene and styrene Iis being; developed at the present time at the Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber (NISSK) in the city of Gottwaldow. The plant for the production of ChKS-1 is to be put.up in Kralupy nedx, Vltava. During the construction of this plant the necessity for erecting reactor's of polymerization arose. Industry demands c-; switch-over from designing the polymerization reactors by empirical methods to that of construction-technolo- gical computations. The present article deals with the results of the work on the total volume and number of reactors. At first, the cmulsion polymerization on an industrial scale was carried out by the batch method in separate reactors with mi- xers. At present the method of continuous polymerization Is widely used carried out in batteries consisting of a number of apparatus with mixers. A computation of this polymerization battery was performed. The Min parameter characterizing Card 1/7 Reactors for emulsion polymerization S/138/61/000/005/003/006 05VA129 the relationship between the volume of the reactor and its productivity is the du- ration of the reaction mixture's presence in it. This duration 'Cis determined by the following relationship: where V is the working capacity-of one reactor of the battery, F - rate of flow of the reaction mixture. Usually this ratio multiplied by the rramber of reactors is called the "time of polymerization under continuous actiorf. This time is greater than that required to reach the same degree of polymerization when using batch ap- paratus. An index is used to evaluate the course of the reaction, characterizing the depth of the polymerization of the initial mixture: dD 1 (Dk - Dk-1) (2), where D is the depth of polymerization of the monomers and is determined by the formula: Dk= Co Ck , 1 (3), Co Co Card 2/7 S/138/61/000/005/003/006 Reactors for emulsion polymerization A051/A129 where C is th3 concentration, t - the time, r- the rated duration of the presence of the mixture in the battery, 0, k, k-l the order irbiiees of the reactors in the polymerization battery (Fig. 1). Equation (2) must b.? solved simultaneously with the function of the polymerization kinetics: , dD f(D) (4). (#)k The solution of this equation may ,be graphical or analytical. However, the emul- Pion polymerization can only rarely be regarded as thes only chain of reaction, the course,.of which is expressed by the kinetic equation usually of the zero order. In Ptactice, the relationship of the polymerization depth to the time only partial- ly approximates the given scheme. In that case the Nnotional relationship has the following form: dD k ~(5) dt where k is the constant of-the rate of the process. Vfith-n terms the equation is: D n jj_ Dn-F k#V k.V- Card 3/7 S/138/61/000/005/003/006 Reactors for emulsion polymerization A051'/A129 The estimation of the required number of reactors in the polymerization battery is based on a number of assumptions: It Is assumed that the reaction Is isothermal; that the function of transfer is exponential in nature; that the data for the pe- riodic polymerizers can be used for calculating the flow systems. Since the emul- sion copolymerization of butadiene with styrene meets all these conditions, the data of batch polymerization are completely applicable to calculating the reactors of continuous polymerization. Using the graphical method, it is required to know the kinetic relationship as wel -1 as the initial and final conditions, the tg of the angle of decline of the active curves or their reciprocal value (rated holding time of the mixture in the reactor). Since the rate of the latex flow is given in ad- vance, the duration of the mixture depends on the reactor volume in the battery. Since the reactions of polymerization differ from the reactions of the zero order with the reaction rates being the same and being a function of the conce4tration, the volumes of the reactors in the battery should be decreased and the reamber of reactors increased. The optimum capacity of the polymerization reactor should be 20 m:~ At a specific.gravity of the ChNS-1 of 950 g/CM2 and a working time of 8,000 hrs per year, the rate of flow of*the latex is: F = 120,000 . 15.78 m3/br. 8,ooo.o.95 about 16 m3/hr. The exact determination of the working-volume of the boiler is Card 4/7 S/138/61/000/005/003/006 Reactors for emulsion polymerization A051/A129 difficult. It-is usually considered to be 90% of the total capacity of the reac- tor., Then V = 20-0.90 = 1& M3. The rated holding time of the mixture in the re- actor is .'= 18 . 1.125 hrs, and the reciprocal valuo isl = 0.889 (hrs)-l. Thus, if'the polymerization is of the zero order; it can bo brought to a depth of 60% in a battery of eight polymerization apparatus with a cc-pacity of 20 m3 each. Fig. 2 shows the graphical calculation of the required quantity of apparatus taking into account the kinetics of the process. When the polymerization depth is 60% for the given capacity, 9.3 apparatus are requi 'red. Taking into account a higher induction ,period, then 10 apparatus with-a capacity of 20 m3 each connected into a continuous battery are needed. Actually the holding time of the mixture is equal to 16-1.125 11 .25 hrs. The duration' of the continuous polymerization is even greater due to the absorption. of the inhibitors. There is 1 diagram, i graph and 14 references: 3 Soviet-bloc, 11 non-Soviet -bloc. The references to the 4 most recent English- language publications read as follows: Weber, Chem. Eng. Progr., 49, 26 (1953); Leclerc, Chem. Eng. .- -Sci., t_', .213 (1953); Johnson, Thring, Pilot Plants, Mac Craw-Hill, 1958, Dankvrerts, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2, 1 (1953). Card 5/7 S/138/61/000/005/003/CO6 Reactors for emulsion polymerization A052/AI29 ASSOCIATION: Ilauchno-issledovatellskiy institut syntcticheskogo kauchuka g. GotvaV- dov, ChSSR (Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber, Gott- vraldow, Czechoslovakia) Fig. 1. Polymerization battery CO CA C/7 'CO "0 Card 6/7 I - -- - ---- --- --- - - --- - - - - -- -- ULO* A4; BRARENEC., R. "Introducing work in several shifts. p. 239" SLEVARBNSTVI, (Ministerstovo tezkeho strojirenstvi a Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka spoleenost pro hutnietvi a slevarenstvi.) Pra~aa, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3j Noe 8 Aug. 1955. Monthly List of East European Accessions(EBAI)s W., Vol.. 8,, No. 6 June 1959 Uncl. M - - - AMMER, Z.; ULCI 14? ~,;JLDINSKY, Q. Aneurysm of the internal carotid artery J.n its extracranial course. Rozhl. chir. 44 no.9;667-669 S 165. 1. Reurologicke oddeleni Vojenske nemocnice v Plzn:L (nacelnik MUDr. 14. Ulc), Neurochirurgicke oddeleni (vedouci 14JDr. Q. ba- dinsky, CSc.) a I. chirurgicke kliniky lakarake fakulty Karlovy University v Plzni (prednosta doc. dr., J. Spinka). ;(99 qed 6 PGAT90QJ qdTjoamul-1) IFT4 a -G9DU9JGJGJ qGTT0d e zO EL 4uJ04VGM 2 'GTqul L IsojnST,q a *vTu9tjqsuanou oq pGpuods9jaoo ean4cTd IVOTUITO GqJ, *S2UTPa00GJ GUTTaepaoq %5~92 Pue TSWJOU 0/9*C9 P;14OT49 eTOXWOD *%L*93 UT PtMOJ UUM fLqT -AT4zia doo-ES ur J4-MGTO We 1%5w6 uT jumaouqv ST4q~~Tjs UT 0UTjj9pjoq 9p, L~ wc luwaou oaam sO~-rpuTj .9,qg GT4,L bL wt)/ UT OVUJGA~ UV 4V 'GanOq 14w 2*0 90 4TRuQ4 -f gansodxo S.ITPG -poqTjosop sT oauoS L-~ jo 92viDAB IM JOJ 9JO49M -T4U90 OL 04 e JO GqVUOT JO GGAVM q4TM 2UTNaOM SJODUTOUG ~LL Uolq-au-ttLil3xo L P()'[J!:POUI SaIRLaw"O tlf;-E qn-v7 4o-eaqsqV .-19uzg t saOq M - zo~ dd '99 AOR 'g oil '6a 10A 'GTvoToan9N BNSUOAOTSONS90 ge-nSuaa It*Sa94GWTqUGD UT Gq4OUGU JO SSAW14 OTP16H T44TA ?UT31aO~j 9TenpTA'EPUI WE SSWEP~Td ME,' -a aa (TonOPGA) puall IGrI2uaj IZ-pauivjdx9 4ou uoTqvTAeaqqv:7 KM (TuOTOPPO GNOT',10TOan0g) 4u0ta4jvdGd IvoTooloanom I-Dm tw ja (TOnOP9A) PvQH 'UGZTd I(GoTuoocaoil oNsugfoA Tualoppo q3jZt~j0T0,zn0,LT) -KXe4T-(TjI IquGuiqxadoCj j:,e;D-L~;oToan9Il -*I? 'VRI0VA!3-!IFIT-5,m VINVATISOHOSSZO T/T aTqrl T PuP saan2Tj z gm swo3dwAs 0TUDqISVanau (c0] SUTpUTj D23 zq3 ol popuod9ajI00 RIOT :Seq '32V 2TaO *9 1 jo %T,gZ UT PDAJz)sqo sum 43TA"CIDU pajTqTqya suvT3TuqzaI AuPua D'41 "3 deaTSI, *%Z*~ uT jv0TSoToMjvd ATs2TuTJzP Puv '%9*6 uT TvIuJOuqu 41342TTS 1%99 UT TvUUoU zaam 92UTPUT3 Z-0 uT Tvwj0u ATauDu paTpn3s Z9043 jo XVTC Z PaSuIzAv SUvT,3jUqoaj aqj aoj uOT3eanp sun A2Tsuap jamod ainsodxa PUL- SJR V/1 UJUAV Ue ao! 9joaujoU02 ainsodxa 1,TTvQ *su0TIvUTtmxq Das UDAT2 'OIDM sa?zA VC 30 2 - w-j-0T-C Punoav 2up1lom uaaq putl oqm supplutIZZ2 appua STT 30 jujol V :13WISUY wojs,~Cj GnOA.Xou TV-Iquoo it UO-P -&L4, 6409ija OT201OTq '1UTPe.1 0 moao'ca :,3,jVrWT OIJOJI -0u el2oloanDu vxsUaA0TS0')1s30 :SoEflos M-M c996T t9 gazanos aAun aa30WT3UD3 punoau jauuosaad ul sliTtIs 032 :2qIII 'a Z)UTzjPZj4 -la :101aalTa (NAn TU8TOPPO a)j3T2oTojnax) /30)lsaTa . /-oTn /on2vaj NAn A2ojoanax jo auewaxadoa !(OOTUDOUIDU DXSUDCOA TuDTaPPO :DUO I~a%Ta 'Tv3Td9oH ILIvITTIR 'ABOToinam jo juawlardza !(auTvTPota ;o ;103z)oa 'PLIDII) 'N "DT11 '11011MY 9010/ZOIO/900/000/99/zgoo/20 VLWAorjsomqzo oUToTpo,,.,, TvTaqsnpuj ULG, Miloslav, polplukovnik KJDr. Considerations on the E:-G examination of healthy subjects with special regard to their ability to drive motor vehicles. Voi. zdrav. listy 34 no.5:192-193 0 165. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni vojenske nemocnice v Plzni. 130 M146 -3 -W-C NR. ~.AP6023133: Somacm Cm: CZ/0060/65/0007005761 /6f9 I' :iAUTHORt. fttoslav (Lieutenant colonel; Doctor of medicine) ~:ORG:' Neur'olog2lpal"Pepartment, flilitary HopRita Plzen Nourologicke oddeleni ":ToJ nske nemocn).ge)- .:~TITIZ% .~l~rtance-of'olectrooneophalograpkic examination of'healthy subjects in 'evaluati ng their ability to drive motor vehicles ~;!'SOURMI Vojenske w1ravotnicke listy, no. 5. 1965, 192-193 TOPIC ITOS's -EEG, nefirology. central nervous system, nervous system disease, !:Jd3Atsrj medicine W subjectawho are to become military drivers should be given a thorough neurologicarexamination, including E&Ge The EEG exambmtion must be given to all who.suffered'head injury or suffered from a disease affecting the CNS. The sub- J46ti who toiogical EEG finding should not be llovmd to drive, although a show a path k,Uist:nust -not be designated as latent epileptics CJPRS .90B comic o6.;/,'.SM DATE: none VORIG REFt C05 OTH REF; 002 'Iv& -0?3 Oct 616AU *97-052t62 a Z-7 bt UdiM9Mu*Id Be Wit uk Fit" I 'Utbir it, dot .10,31net Umv (. (NIA'-donials. F - -jitlf, (If kll 4d. lf"Ol"" l v vt l o Aii ( I ' v "Vto" il . l Ir d, --7-. _77~ - 7- 7 Fit, 4 F j ~. j 2 :7 to ULCARs JOZE. Elementarno-geometriski preslikuvanja i grapen princip bo geometrijata. Skopje, 1950. 63 p. (Filozofski faku~tet na univerzitatot, Skopje. Prixodno-matematicki oddel. Posebni izdanija, knj. 1) /Graphic presentation of elementary geometry and the concept of the transformation group in geometry'? German suimriary. Footnot;20 SO: Monthly TAist of East biropean Accessions., L. C., Vol. 2. No. 7,, July 1953, Uncl. J, W it U it W m 66 it a it 11 a a 14 a U 14 0 v jo J'f 4) v 43 a a r A V_f._AL~" A 1-A-A.-J. M_ X M A 11 1 A J 1 9 It L L-11 4 - o"t #jSfJ A.(, Pktlf-fli; I.rlf osbc a 00 a pro rali r Aging. $9 00 09 a . 47 ZO(ISMI --The apparent clupiltt, dCti%.jty of "Cay"c bating In8ttfiati COME (KHOAU d d $s - ot . s, by their -flm on elastin. diminightd during but - no diminuti n W b d i i h - IF 0 0 00jo i ~ o as O serve n t e r ar6m on ra,,cin. COMM-d" Of PWMtiO with WdS subMUCC A nodl ** j; V 1 . I'M and 1. PoRpitil. Ibid. 99-1m), Jil I-1._Tt, e00 bydr?ijrtk- cffct,t of the C111 my toward "win v,, wnw. y 00 siremmely lowered by Pti'vioun contact with hide ago Mwdff. due to coinbination of The Pancrealin wilb the Coo '100 epowder. C. A. 1 so .4 1 coo see 00 W !Coo 9 OR oil MITALW101CAL LITINATUff CL*S11FK&TPCm lid. 11.19 L a d, IF cw. a it it a It It of 1 0 ad 0 a I v Of 2 a 4 3 1 o A I Its 1 0 0 0, 10 0 0 000 0 00 0 l g 01 w 0 0 0 0 9 : f 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0)904,4 go ULCENCO, N. Technical scientific bases in the field of agricultural machine construction in Rumania. P. 117. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. MIALELE. Bucuresti. SuPPl- to v- 3, 1955- SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAQ Librar-j of Congress. vol. 5, no. 9, Sept. 1955 RUYLAITIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Froducts H and Their Applications. Chemical Pro- cessing of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor and Rocket Fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour z Ref Zhur-Khimiya, Nj 67 19599 20964 Author : Ulcenco N - Maris, I.; Frenkel M.1 iFain~e~~Ncu.-*'.',, Dragutan, V. Inst : Title : Comparative Tests of 413, 33.2 and State Specification-5304 Oils on IM-35 Tractor Engines. Orig Pub : An Inst, cercetari mecaniz. si electrif. agric., 1950, 29 164-178 Abstract : Oil (0) toots were conducted on KD-35 engines: bench-test idling for 1000 hours and use for 1600 hours. Tho hard-to-got Card : 1/2 ULCENCO$ N. Technical scientific bases in the field of agricultural machine construction in Rumania P. 117 Suppl. to v. 3. 1955 ANALBLE Bucuresti SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), .1,C, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 KOSTTUSHKO, Suggestions which save millions. ITO 2 no.7:43 Jl 160. (Technological innovations) (M EM 13:7) 1 I I MELINIKOVO G.B., prof. ; ULICHENKO. Ye.M.-, Zooplankton of the middle reach3s of the Ihieper River in the Kremenchug-Dneprodzerzhinak section in connection vith the construction of the Dneprod2erzbinak Hydroelectric Power Stationo Veot, Vnep. nauch.-ioal. inat, gidrobiol. 12M.- lu 160, (MIM 34:12) (Dnieper Valley-Zooplankton) UP CHIYVIA, M. "Serp i Molot" plant. Metallurg 6 n0-7:35-36 il 161. (KMA 14: 6) 1. Otvetstvennyy vekzvkr.1 redaktaii g4;:ety "Martenoka" zavoda "Serp i molot." (Moscow-Metallurgical plants) ULIDAFGV G*A*, aseintent Malgizant. t=ors of the eye as revealed by the data from the eye cUnic of the Kazakh Medical Irstitaite and the Xazakh Institute of Eye Diseases for the past 20 years (3.936-1955). Vest.oft. no.3t?-10 161. (MIRA 14:9) (EYE-GAVOER) ULIDAUOV, G.A.; ZHIDIKYWIOV, K.A., (Moskva) Public health In Irrq. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.12:75-77 161. (HIFJ1 15: 6) 1. Iz otdela vneshnikh snosheniy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (I1RAQ- .-PUBLIC HEALTH) ULIDANOV _.q.A., kand. med. nauk Primax7 melanosarcoma in the atrophied a7e. Veot. oft. 76 no.3%52-55 MY-Je 163. (MMA 17:2) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolezney (zav. - prof. V.P. Roshchin~ Kazakhskogo maditsinskogo instituta. ULEDOV, A., kand.filosoftkikh nauk Moral code of the builders of communisr. Komm.Vooruzb.Sil 2 no.20:21-29 0 'Al. (YJRA 14:9) (Communist ethics) (Military discipline) J4. MN Local treatment of specific ulcerous systitis with guaiazulene. Urologiia 28 no.201-52 MrAp163. (MTM 16:6) 1. Iz Igauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituts. tuberlmlema v Prage (dir. - dotsont R.Krzhivinka). (BLADML.-UT,CERS) (GUAIMLM) ULDRICH, Josef, MUDr I , Autonsphrectomy in advanced tuberculosis of the kidneys. Rozhl.~3hjr. 34 no.1-2:109-112 7 155. 1. Urolog, oddel, fakultni asmoontoo II v Praze II (prednosta, Doe. Dr V.Paces) (KIDIRS, diseases tuberc., advanced, &utonaphreatomy) oaf , MUDr. Urogenital tuberculosis. Prakt. lek., Prahe 35 zw.25-16., 354-356 20 Aug 55. 1. Z Vy2karansho ustavu tuberkulosy v Praze 8--Bulovka, raditel ustavu: doe. KUDr. Rudolf Krivinka. (TUBERCUMSIS, UROGINITAL) ULDRICH, Josef, I'Mr. Nberculonls of tl?.(- lirinary bladder. lb)zhl, chir. 35 no,2;n-310 Ye! 56. 1. Vyknimny i2stav tu),nrlmlopy v Prnze VIII-Bulovica (-nrednost doe. MUDr Rudolf Frivini-n.'. '.'W)erlrulosni le,.,ebnp- na Plesi (reditel MUDr Jon.ef Ungir, uroln,~;-r-lIz-v --onsiliar M=r JaFef Uldrich), (TIMPRGUIV.-I"!, FAVIANSKY,-, R.; PLINAL, V.; UORICH, J. Paraarticular ossification & nephrolithiasis complicating basilar meningitis after tuberculous epididymitis. Gas. lek. cask. qj uo.41-. 3-299-1303 1. Vyzkwmy ustav tubarkulosy v Praze, redital doe. dr. R. Krivinka. Ortopedicke oddeleni nemocnice v Praze 8-Bulovka, prednosta dr. R. Pav- Innsky, R. P., Praha-Balovka. (MENINGITIS, compl. nephrolithiasis & paraarticiLlar OB81f ication of hip com- basilar meningitis after tubere. epididymitis (Cz)) (KIDNM, calculi complicating basilar meningitis after tuberc. epididymitis 02)) (HIP. die. ossification. paraarticular, complicating ba9ilar meningi- tis after tuberc. epididymitis (Cz)) (EPIDIDYMITIS, compl, 136silar meningitis complicated by naphrolithiasis & paroarticalar osaifioation of hip after tubaro. apididyiditie (00) (TUMCU10SIS, MALE GIVOITAL, compl. same) ULDRICH, Josef (Praha-Mradcany, Gogolova 2.) Zxudative pleuritis & tuberculosis of the urogenital tract. Rozhl. chir. 37 no-5:336-338 May 58. 1. Vyzkumny uatav tuberkalosy v Praze VII - Valovka, reditol doc. dr. R. Krivinkas (TUSIMCUIA)SIS, UROGEHITKLP compl. pleurisy with effusion (Gz)) (PLZURISY, compl, urogenital tuberc. in pleuriny with effusion (Cz)) KURTI, V.; ULIRIGH, J. Effect of azulenes on Ngobacterium tuberculosis & their use in the local treatment of tuberculous pystitiii. Case le1c. cesk. 97 no.): 67-70 Jan 58# 1. Vyzkumny ustav tuberkulosy v Fraze, red. doe. Dr R. Kravinka. V. I., Praha-3ulovka, Vyzku=y ustav tuberkulosy. (TOUGUIWIS, LFROGINITAL, ther. 1, 4-dimethyl-7-ethylazulene & 1. 4-dimethyl-7-isopropy- lazulene in tuberc. cystitis, eff. on Isoniazid & P&M resist. X. tubera. (Oz)) (OTOZOPARAMNS, ther. use same) (CO) (CYSTITIS, etiol. & pathogen. tuberc., ther., 1, 4-dimethyl-7-othylazuleno & 1, 4-dimethyl- 7-isoprol3ylAzulene, eff. on isontasid & PAS reeiet. N. tuberco 02)) ULDRIKH, Ioze (Uldrichy Jol (Fraga) Uro&Mnital tuberculosis in young men. l0iirurgiia (Sofila) 16 no.12: 1055-1060 "63. 1. Sanatorium za tuberkLiloza "Pt-oceenica" pri Praga. NOVACEK, A.; ULDRICH, M.1 STEJSKAL, F. Steroid hormones. 1. 3 /!,,-acetoxy-,,N5,16-prognandiene-20-one (dohyd-ro- prognenalone acetate). Cook. famnno.4:178-181 162. 1. Chemopharma, n.p., Usti nad Labem. (PREGMNALONE rel cpds) ULIDZHABAYET, T. [Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Taj stan to the llth Congress of the Communitst Party of Taj%stan] Otchatnyi_d6klad TSentrallnogo Komi.teta Komm- nisticheskoi partii Tadzhikistana ZI s*ozdu Kompartil Tadwhi- kistana. Stalinabad, Tadshikgosizdat, 1958. 79 p. (KIn 12:3) (Tajikistan;--loonomic conditions) ULIDZEUBAYRY, T. -MOOMOMPOWN~ Resolutions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU and tasks of the finance organs of Tajikistan. Yin. SSSR 20 no-7:8-13 JI 159. (HIRA 12:11) l.Yervy7 s9kretarl TSantrallnogo komitata Komministichaskoy partii Tadshikistama. (TaJikintan-Finance) KUKHAKED2MOV, N.V.; ULIDZHABAYEV, T.U.; HAM=V, WT.; RODICHEY, S.D.; YIRSOV' B.P. PROTASOV, F.V.; POLETSHCHIKOVA, V.K.; KALITMs' A.M. PZVZMM, L.I., red.; BOHDARMO, M., red.; ,1 BAWMROV, A., tekhred. [On cotton plantations of the U.S.A.] Ra khlopkovykh plantateliakh bShA. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR, 1959. 172 Pe (MIRA 13:10) (United States--Cotton growing) GCSTACHU, A., coAf* ingo; UL&&-, F..# Oef luer. ingo; NEAMU, M., asist. ing, priwdplea " nor= involved in the cmpensation wthods of traverses and polygonal.., leveling motworlm. Rev goodezie 7 no-3:18-30 163. 1. Institutul do constructiip Bucureoti. .7 COSTACHEL., A.,, conf. ing.; ULEAp E.t lho..; IIEAMTUI 14.j, ing. Contributions to the direct mbasurement.of d-Utances., of medium preoisiont with metallic overheld tapes and threads. Pt 1. Metro- logia apl 10 no.lltl+81-489 N 63, COSTACHEL...,Aa, conf. Ing.; ULCA, El, ing.; IMM4TU, 1,1,, ing. . ............ "Ibutions to the direct meauuremerit of d1stancee, bf,i"I~m precision, with overhead metallic bands and e,Ads. Pt.2. Metrologia apl 10 no.12.-529-535 D 163. RMWM Cultivated Plants, Fruits,, Berries M-7 Abe JQur Ref Zhvx - Biologiya, No 3.3, 1958, No- 58767 Author Inat School of Viniculture in Minis (PM) Title I Soze, Obsei-iations on Wildings on the Idnis Vineyard Orig Pub so G~adina. Yia si livads, 1957, 6j No 8P 30-33 Abstract tObservations coniucted in the vineyea-d of the school of V3.nicurvure in Minis (PYR) showed that the percentage of whithering of shrubs varied in 20 varieties of grape grafted on 3 different vildingao The lowest percentage of whithering of shrubs (4%) was obaerved in the case of the Mystoass do Mederat variety grafted on the Riperia Gloar wilding. The highest percentage was found in the case of tha Black Coarns. variety grafted on the Riparia x Rupestris 101-14 wilding. It is reco=OrAed to utilize the Berlandieri x Riparia Teleki for the Card 1/2 "&oIUIf1t:4tW an stophOl 4nd othor by&-ocarboa ba"o. I -L. RAN)lnova, hl. V, Vk1whova, isjul I.. V. Magnits,hdys m1boblolotips 19. of ifenits-ifierst soth " Arksumo. batter ifstropondatwor. A. atife, and hronfoo moms i a"solittow vvrfe pfrWilve of It"tiew"r, tioultilinq. hytir-wafixtil They all in lillsed hytin worlwoi wit I.-ut AILAlitting I lie wrillaut; frinwillatlan 1"-rr&~fdIt4l I lie #now fi4to. Sulfovrofts' cita utillir ctuile wphxlt~ roDIE. S V01111111%. Julia F. Sinill; 18(7)q 28(2) SOV/115-59-8-9/33 AUTHOR: Ulegin, V. G. TITLE: The AcciiAb-y-o-f-Zest Machines for 8ti,etdhing and Com- pressing of Metals PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, 11r 8, pp 22 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigated the accuracy of machines used for stretch and compression tests of metals. The basic characteristics of one and the same metal may be obtained with considerable differences on re- corded diagrams, depending upon the test conditions, especially on the relative deformation speed of the specimen under investigation and the flywheel inertia. The rigidity of the system "specimen - test machine" is one of the factors influencing the relative defor- mation speed of the specimen and the inertness of the test machine. The author states that the rigidi- dy coefficient 2 /W provides 1-he possibility of judging the accuFacy and reliabbility of the basic characteristics which are to be recorded on diagrams Card 1/2 and the practicability of the test machine under in- 0 'OV/115-59-8-9/33 The Accuracy of Test Machines for Stretching and Compressing of Metals vestigation. He describes a device, shown in Figure 2, which was used for a systematic investigation of the influence of the rigidity. This device consists of a press, a traction link and a hydraulic dynamome- ter DPM. The drift was measured with a device, shown in Figure 3. The error arising because of the inertia of machine components, especially the fly- wheel, was measured by a rheochord, amplifier and oscillograph, as shown in Figare 4. With these three devices it was established that the basic mechanical characteristics of specimens should not be compared if the diagrams were recorded on different types of static test machines. When designing test machines, the rigidity and inertia must be taken into consi- deration. According to test results, the accuracy of existing test machines changes from 0 to 65% of the value to be measured, depending on inertness, rigidity, load and other factors, Thore are 3 dia- Card 2/2 grams and 1 graph. 28 (5) AUTHOR: Ulegin, V. 0. TITLE: The Influence of the Rigidity Tests of Machines With Respect PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, (USSR) 05747 BOV/32-25-10-36/63 Df Machines Upon the Results of to Extension and Compression Vol 25, Nr 10, pp 1242 - 1245 ABSTRACT: Practice showed that different types-of machines have different rigidity, which, besides, varies according to stress. For the quantitative determination of the rigidity of static machines a device (Fig 1) was constructed, which contains a piston press and a drawgear of a hydraulic dynamometer of the type DPM. The deformation of the machine was determined by means of indicators in the case of stresses caused by the drawgear operated by means of a piston press, while the stress itself was measured by means of a manometer. The tests were carried out on parts of the ma- chines of the type R-5p IM-12A, SZBD-.20, and ZDM-30, and the variation of rigidity with stress was graphically shown (Fig 2). The influence exercised by the rigidity of the machine upon the test results was investigated, for which purpose a machine with low moment of inertia (Fig 3) was used. Tests carried out with Card 113 605 samples of annealed steels of the typesSt. 2 and St. 4 05747 The Influence of the Rigidity of Machines Upon the SOV/32-25-10-36/63 Results of Tests of Machines With Respect to Extension and Compression showed (Fig 4) that the rigidity of the machine does not in- fluenoe the lower flow limit and the.strength, that, with an increase of rigidity-i the proportional limit and the upper flow limit increase,-while the true tear resistance decreases. The error caused by the inertia of individual machine parts was de- termined by means of a rheochord amplifier of the type 8ANCh7M and of o8cillographs of the type 9S0-2201 it was found that a rigid machine reproduces the mechanical characteristic values more precisely. When constructing the machine, care must be taken that a nominal relative deformation velocity be warranted for eamples of all dimensions. In ateel tests this velocity should amount to a minimum of 5-10-5 1/second in the elastic zone and to'a maximum of410-3 1/second in the zone of flow. The deformation rate of the sample is to be laid down in the GOST standard. There are 4 figures and 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 05747 The Influence of the Rigidity of Machines Upon the BOV 32-25-10-36/63 Results of Tests of Machines With Respect to Extension and Compression ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i konstruktorskiy institut ispytatell- nykh mashin, priborov i aredstv izmereniya mass (Scientific Research- and Designinge.' -,. Institute"of Testing Machines, Devices, and Means of Mass Determination) Card 3/3 ------ - --- ___ - - __ __ - - __ ULEGIN, V. G., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Rigidity of metal-testing machines as to elongation and compression and. its effect on tLe re- sults of testing." Moscow, Metallurgy Publishing House, 1960. 2,1 pp; with charts; (All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Inst); 15G. copies; free; (KL, 22-60, 139) ffmiffil V. 0.- 1~ Hardness control in automatic and continuous product1w lines. T-zm. tekh. no.9:20-22 S 163. (KrRA 17.-l) ULEGIN~ V.G... kand. tekhn. nauk r --- T-* --~' -I --- - - --- ; - t ~ - - ~ -, Devices for the measurenwnt and contr)l of,balrdness of intermediate and finished articles in automatic and line production, Avt. prom, 29 no.8t4O Ag 163, (~M 16: I:L) 1. VassoymW zaoebVy po3itekhniche.OkJy institut. UTEGIN, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk F, -WNA WWWAN6W. Using the impression methut In tnating hardnese in autar-atic and continuous production lines. Avt.prom. 29 no.10:33-34 0 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuzny-,f zaochnyy politekhnicheskiy insticut. AUTHOR- Ulegla, Ivan 56-2-22/47 :TITLE: Note on Anomalous Equations for Particles with Spin 1/2. (Anomallnyye uravneniya dlya chastits so spijaom 1/2) ,PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol. 33,Nr 2(8),PP.473-477 (USSR) ABSTRAM The present paper deduces irreducible wave equations for particles with spin 1/2 which differ from DIRLC-18 equations. The author starts out from the representation DR for the maximum spin value 3/2 and shows, that anomalous equations exist for particles with spin 1/2. The si#iplest of these equations is the equ4tion by PETRASH. The relativistic form of the anomalous wave equation: If the equa- tions (8k ~) k - i-4e )y-O are covariant, then the matrices sk Must sa- tisfy the well known relations. [801.] - gkiSm - gkmBli [Iklimn] gkmIln + glmlkn + gknIlm - glnIkm; BJZ a ZBJ; Ik, denoting in- ; initesimally small rotations, and Z the matrix of space. Relativistic wave equations with spin 1/2,which are differ- ent.from DIRAC's equations can exist in principle. In-this c"e they are said to be anomalous, because the state with spin 1/2 is not realized. (Although the start was made from the representation DR for maximum spin 3/2). The states with spin 3/2 are excluded by the condition 1-0. These anomalous equations read in spin-tensor- Card 1/2 form than -~_ k_ 61-ta 1 56-2-2?/47 Note on Anomalous Equations for Particles with Spin 1/2. - ik6utk ~ kX __v11 X (69 denoting DIRAC's spinors, Bk the '11~t k spinvector introduced by RARITA and SCHWINGER the usual matri- ces by DIRAC. The anomalous equations for particles with spin 112 with eigenmeses Between the coefficients of the matrix a certain re- lations can be chosen, so that the charge density is positive de- finite. Thisproblem is discussed in the rest system of the particle. The next chapter deals withthe equations of particles with spin 1/2 and several eigenmass. The electromagnetic interaction can be introduced into these anomalous equations in the usual manner. There are no figures and no references. ASSOCIATION: United Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob-~-Yedinnennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) SUBMITTEDt February 2o, 1957 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. gard 2/2 ULEGLA, I. (Praga) History of Ue watch paradox and space flights. Vop.iFt.est.i tekhi no.12:184-189 162. (~aRA 15:4) (Space and time) (Relativity (Physics)) 00011. 6MM1b01A3z" -7 AUTHORi tilegla, I TMEt 'The history,~f. al' 11M 4 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zN 1;ict OV(ipr owl abstract 1051*365,11n_00 Ion 1, t"Woslip I 12, M*#',:WSS 96? 184 TEM The author maititalm tMiAM qu" objective diffepene'e In Vilh durfm, ~t, ihi~: 101 the-, order of -light - velocity - "has fibi Y*eit'.r6idly V- 1W,, .'Woauae nc6_vM formIty in rocketmotion iYam, ;talcefi~.Iftu - ira~~ *wii 1y (Agms. 1962, 9AP18), or incorrect 10d::-. him to the conclusion +.hat "tit"e, In a a wMi "OvIft *ft40t4Tdy,- W, #h a - Vol"Ity .y I , !_." . higher than 0.7 o flown faa,ter.~ thin -,in- rxtb-.; er than retardation, of,.tht"illim flow i'"", ("id -1,04 '"166M w At lowqt~ the passenger of a rocket *11 or -vaple or UM now I be"Youm Upbn, his is MW age remaining on, the Shrth, [Abstracter's notet Complete: t~~Blailoin,], Card 1/1 wo- --- ---- -- - - - - - - - - -- --- --- --- Model of a nucleon in the nucleus. I. p. 1. (Ceskoslovensky Casopis Pro Fysiku. Vestimik. Vol- 7, no. 1, 1957-) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LCj Vol. 60 no- 7) July 1957- Uncl. I Z , . - , . . --- - - , " ~ ---T- , , , ~,,- ~i- .- , , - '.-I- - -i ~ -, IFM ,.- - : , z , , . 1, - I f 1-1 - I I., - I 4 1 a I I I lititku a IL AL-L-J. A Ut (-~____ A 90 It 00,7 090 00. *0 a 0991 dillityll Ila It 41 a a al ~_A_Jl A I u x 7 1 M rr m X 11 a A-& i4p Amy"ifliN.Wav @I 1. CUMA. em. na. mo. my, is IL Difill(Aft (Abo. YM (19MI Lead Fwmrs cp -note" dcaradmainks W'itbmt the nual climina. tion of dw JMWWWind Maj OMW 0WOm for -Wililing the sW-mwW o(dwalactrcort. Thermit is not unarnbAloom rw "**Ww cm hownr bm: dit-mated by a -k" ddnklm of ft (mm.4mal Of 51M Of t1w IM 0600a Add. Mw mvmWalm i, buld an dw Lapar4lan of the Inawsaift CWMn Sbd PlIO(Oft &W (PAMMOM Of do lmtkT kadins Of 9W PhOt" W do.. oWus cl partutbatiock any (kc un Sduuk4pes fime-fm quation, wkm F_ H mW 0 am cVwmkd ia Wm of tto pwamwr r. The -It of dw PawAmdon CaLvius is formily &-kW- WM dm OPMaWn mad by lklinfante. The aLkstlatim of the matria ckmms 0" (Utnht*s the mAtcrish f(W the adf-CwVp the capmuion 0( whkh is lopdthmkaw djvwprN, skcwu to that cktived by Wdukopf, who Ow ma itte, climinatw, of km*udkwi and scaler phoiam L P. KRAVIJ T 91 It 4 11 U 0!0 * 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 * 0 0 O;i 0 0 0 0 * *too 0 00 * 00 1114111 CIA O%W III ZA An I N 0 a 0 1 N U0 a, I ]KIN 9 0 Ill 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q e10 0 of 00 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 -o# -go -04 too a** coo :40* Aro* x9o NO* !too 77 - - ------- - lo th'. .=~!t "Taving loll; icr,- and I. ln:toldt~cei 1-h) Jun mlau..-iid"; quair"iril tri-I'MrItcl thc Mlllmu T,6-z, fm (h- apmatr:,rs cif tc co-xdinatmi i. 2. 3) and me mc-mcmS 'F/ altj th'C tquat'jn Inotion It I asium~d T~Af the 114 Ito-,af, lor a pamac wtu a ringic sz~f mav' I'VI-11 in. f d= ("ffca to Ml"%-c panr~4ei Q~r li-in 4t_*mtrw,-, Om- o~.-,iaioi H. ntp!ac4d b, the m~m~ wL-_n~~nml !s Fur-,~,:r -:ssunacd'uhat Lli~ zpm L~ gi,tn ~,~e :,:i: :,--or is of the jwatcri a! Z. 3,1 o=rring in t:~c up- mar fer thic H~..,=Acnfan_ TM equalors M-UL.: in two ioLut!dtts. in equations - for ekcL--n.% azd ffi -j"ations for rncsorA with spin r-o ard ora. For tho second mse, which is dcalt Wivq bd - ' -a W r, the tf4r--ritl a'N. a rclatim, i3 T'N' Mrc a! and the DufEr.-Kemm_- matri=a k 'an U -var and he nm oper . ~lul the mT'-t;ra:.:Orl (J.' Lht cc "lauum of ffjfjuua~ Integraning givm f--r tie oxrmurs ~( th: ia -xhkh the flrU t" tepar, carMspoad to the cbvikal r:lad..on be-hten i-,L,_-'ty md and tht &WOT-4 two -so "eszilUting" at Figil fr(.jlx'vzv and ar_.lP!Lmf=. a= of tf~-_ crdcr 4 Compton's The cba.-ictzr of foe a ft ULEK-k I. "Reciprocal R-ilationship ~etwoen 1~~itter in Ener- 45, FYZ.LEI,.-Jj'-f Vol. 4, No. 2, Bratislava-, SO: Monthly List of Fast ,,uropean Accessions, (B--'AL) , DJ, Vol. 4 No. 5x May 1955, Uncl. vzX wi~ c6t. The t-?Icfrv. Thii Tp~tplr CA (~:aj elf UIEBIA . Ivan -- --In-terz~~iional conference on elementary particles in Venice. Jaderna. energio 4 no.1:2(>Q7 A 158. 1. Spojeny ustav pro jaderny vyzkump Dubna, SWR. v UIEHTA,-:-!&-Z- SCIENCE Perioclicals: CESKOSLOIMISKT CASOPIS PRO FYSIKU. Vol. 8, no. 4. 1958 UIERIA., L. The decay of mesonlrand its relation to the deday of neutron and mason X. P. 395. Yonthly List of East Dwopean Accessions (EEAI), 1G, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. cz/38-6o-1-4/24 AUTHOR: Ulehla, I. TITLE-. International Conference on Physical Properties of Nuclear Energy. V/ PERIODICAL: Jadernh Energle, 1960, No. 1, p. 8 TM: This is a report on the 9th International Conference on Physical Properties of Nuclear Energy which was held in Kiev between July 15 and July 25. It was attended by over 300 scientists from 34 countries, Card 1/1 26379 Z/028/60/000/005/003/003 0 0 D255/D304 AUTHOR:- Ulehlaq Ivan (Prague) TITLE., Will time expand and cosmic rocke*ts ? PERIODICAL: Pokroky matematiky, fysiky a'astronomie, no. 51 19601 57~ - 582 TEXT: This article investigates the influence of*movement on time in a moving vehicle in accordance.with the law of relativity. First of ally it-is essential to determine the observer's time (as. time depends on the system, in which it is measured). The obser- ver's time (own time) is T. In one hour T a by passesp ~o that, ds, C-f where c the speed of light. As the observer's time is invariable, the interval is also invariable and independent of the system in Card 1/6 26379 Z/028/60/000/005/003/003 Will time expand,a'"nd contract ... :PZ55/D304 which it is measured. If time is determined in an inertial-syptem (not moving) a b = 't a -t b (2) (time equal to ordinary timb). For ddtermining*the time dif-ference, it is further important that the rays meet at leal3t twice. To show the difference, three inertial systems are required; these are con- nected to physical clocks (see Fig. 1). A ~L- clock at rest in the first syetemp A' is moving in relation to A.with a a~eed of v = v 0t and A." v =-vO 9 when the clocks meet the time is checked..When A. meets All the time will be r/2 r V,* V'2' (3) TAM dl + I dt, T,, P 4 -c 27 C2 and the difference*between T and is A TA" Card 2/6 26379 Z/028/60/000/005/003/003 Will time expand arid contract D255/D304 V. Ar 'TA-TAI 7~2 T > 0 (4) Y Ec", ) I This value for the difference is always positive, and independent of the position of the observer. For speeds v 0._'~'.c 2 o'T; (6) 2 C2 (5), and-for vo,-,c -r T. From this it is clear,that time moves'very slowly in inertial sys- tems.moving the stationary system at a speed near that of light. However, from the practical viewpoint this-formula (6) cannot be used as a rocket will have to be acceleratedp and then decelerated. In a simplified single dimensional case, a rocket is started and accelerated evenly until it reaches -the speed v 0; it then.mkntains this speed for.a definite time, then is decelerated until it reaches the maximum distance f--om its start. Then-the Card 3/6 26379 Z/028/60/M0/005/003/003 Will time expand and contract ... D255/D304 same order of movements is applied for the return journey. T4e placed in this rocket will show 1-lime U (7) 2U ~)U V2 + -Lb~) _) 71 dt, f V( G2 C2 T while, the stationary clock show8.T rk dt = T. The duration of 0 he maximum distance can be expressedt and for the flight and t difference Air p (i 'Y" W-TMI. (19) where f Y 1 + 2(1 2,y2)(V'F+ + 72) dy. Card 4/6 ID' + Y2 (20) 26379 .,Z/028 60/000/005/003/003 Will time expand and contract D255YD304 can be found. This can be solved for low speeds, for high speeds, and in general. The results of the numerical integration of (20) for the general case are shown in Table 1, y is ahovin in* t. 0 relation to Y . Acceleration is the important factor; if toollow 0 it takes a very long time to reach v 0, on the other hand.biologi- cal factors constitute'limits. Table 2 is given for 20 years '(at rest): Column 4 is in light yearsp and column 5 in years.-As can be seen time is slowed dom in the rocket, quite considerably. As can be seen, flight at a steady speed will have to be long in or- der to make a real gain. As the earth is not an-inertial system, and cannot be excluded, these results are merely indicative. It is cleart' howeverp'states the author, that.the plan to travel a long distance into space, and returny all in one iifetime is not,,reany practical. There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 4 references: 1 Sov- iet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English- language publications read as follows: C.B. Leffert, T.M.- Donahue, Amer. Journ. of Phys. 26, 515, 1958; H. Dingle, Naturc, 177, 78~, 1957. Card 5/6 ULEHLA , Ivan "The classical theory of fields" by L.D. Iandauil M. Lifsic (Lifshits., Ye.M.]. Reviewed by Ivan Ulehla. Apl-ikace mat 8 no.3:224-225 163. IUVRATIL, Emil, inz.; UIDIIAI Ivant prof,, dr., CSe. Calculation of some integrals containing Hermite polyno.-dals, Aplikace mat 8 no.5:385-391 163. 1. Katedra matematiky Fakulta technicke a jaderne fyziky, Praha 1, Myslikova 7 tfor Navratil), 2o Katedra teoreticke fyziky, rialculta technicke a jaderne fyziky,, Praha 1, Myslikova 7 (for Ulehla). T 15502-0 EWT(m)/BDS AFFIC/ASD ACCESSION NRs AFJOO~612 Z/0053/63/M3/M5/0311/0317 AUTHOR. _~SlekL Vi; Ulehla 1. TITLE: Single~nucleon model of nucleus 11 311-317: __j_SOURCE:_ Chekho'slovatskly-fizieheskiy zhurnal, v. 13, no. .5, -equa ong nucleon motion, TOPIC TAGS: single nucleon model, relativistic ti atomic nualeus,"nucleon., pi meson field i, --a eh: thei exi t e _`continu6tion of ---a.-prov ous- tudy in whi, s one -of a- !--coupled, Gtate-:-Of: nucl In, -a e3on- a eon M_ field was investigated, 'he author fomulates a.single-nucloon od 1 of the atomic nucleus by means of a po, m tential well, which is assured to be an averaged n-Meson. field formed by inuileons in the nucleus. The resulting interaction taking place in the averaged field on the nucleon is considered as a mixture of psoudo-vector, The relativistic equations of motion Ipseudo-scalar, and scalar coupling. of the model were numerically solved for C 15 017, and Ca41 n,iclei. Vha results wore in Cood aGreemient with values obtained by the nonrelativistic shell modely which uses spin-orbit coupling. Tht agreement with experimental ;Card 1/2 PMHAR,Z.; ULEHUJ. Perturbation theory for system of many-fermions starting from degenerate state.Chekhoal fiz zhurnal 13 ne.121861- L 870 "63. 1. Fakulta technicke a jaderne fyziky, Ceske vysoke uceni technicke, Praha. I - - 'VEVIA, IV= . M'qPr7" Y.-MOB=- 163 f IELFK, -77'-meson scattering on rwl,leons. Pt.2. Chekhosl fiz zhi~..'T.--l 14 no.2:96-100 164. 1. Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rez (fcr Lelek). 2. Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physica, Praha 1, Brehova 7 (for Ulehla).