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AIMMT11, n. 1'.
"The 4111pificance of the Heryour System in the Responce of
the IMvrroid to Iodine Deviciency."
report to to subiui.ttc~d at the 4th Intl Goiter Conferencex London, England, 5-8 Jul 60
kLISHIN, B.T. (Khartkov)
- 1. -... --.1.1 . ..... -"
Healmnism of .1wpothdlamie control of the &nterior lobe of the
pittiltary body. Usp. sooy. biol. no.2s2ll-218 S-0 160.
Somo MaTent, Problems in the etiology and
Vra*h. delo no.80-9 Ag 160.
1. &mimkiy Izatitut ekaperimentallnoy
med:Mainskiy imatitut. (GOITER)
pathogeimais.4pf gaiter
1 PA 13:9;
endodrinologii i lkarlkamkiy
.1 US, L.A.
Effect of svdxAzins on the funatiom " structure of the anterior
lobs oX the pituitaz7 under certain experimental conditions.
Probl. andak. i gom 6 no. 302-45 Ny~je 160. . (MIRA 14:1)
Signiftcance of the hypothalann, In the regulation of the anterior
pitullary 16~e. Usp. sovr6 biol. 49 no.ltn5-135 Ja-F 160.
AIMED, 18. V.; DIMMKO, N. S.; MAMINA, V. V.; SIWREWto, E. V.
..... ......
Significance of higber parts of the central nervous system in the
pathogenesis of goiter disease. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.3:289-304
L thm*inskiy institut eksperlsentalIncy sndokrinologii iloarIkavskiy
wdltsinskiy institut, Kharikov, SSSR.
(GOITMR atiol)
Correlatiom of Cora and function in the UVmId gland altered t7
goiter. Trudy Mtr.rAuah.-Isal.inst.oksper.endok. 18s7-31 161.
(MnA 16 s 1)
1. In otdola gimtorisiolocii i klimicheskogo otdalenlya
Ukmbskogo Institute. sksperimestallnoy mdokrinologii.
AUSM, D.Y.; XMINA, V.V. (Kharlkov)
Raprodtiction of the basic symptoms of outhyrold Coiter under
expirlmenti I eewdltlomn. Proid.andakc.i gom. 7 no.4:3-18 t61.
(MIRA 14:8)
1. 1z otdola jjjfttofiz~ologli (zab. - zaeluzhenrivy deyatell
naulti, prof. D.V. Aloshin) Ukrvinskogo inatituttl 4ksperimentall-
nay ecndolminologii (dir. -- k& S.V. Haksl:mnov).
AU-kPAN, (XbtLrlkov, 220 Dm gpotaialistov, lc~. 91)
mConmetive tiamue (h1stophysiological ess&Ys)" by V.G.Maeov.
Roviowed by D.V.Aleshin. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 42 no.2:122-
126 It 162. (CONUCTUB T13SULS) V. G. ) (MlHA 15t2)
Sh! r lia ~ n ttl(, aboorpt;lv* capacity -rd Jr.~ioh.,tr-c
hy-r old cc 1 1 -Jurlng qj~ action :)f' P-ul.
PL-sj,. bic--. Lued. Vi I r- I t~'I, o,:- -I- -,)
'I. itUf4"Al 1 .110: Z It f n
jr!,t. T u ta -C!d",,- -er.5
POLENOVt A.L., otv. red.; GERBILISKrY, N.L., otv. red.; ALESHIN,
B.V., red.; URMiNIKOVA, I.A., red.; ZAKS, M.G.'s
TAX&LEVA, I.V., red.
(Ve-urovecretory elements and their significance in the
bcd;r) Nei-rosekratornye elemartty i Ah ynachenie v orga-
nimie. Noskva, Nauka, 1964. 238 P. (MIRA 17:13.)
1, VuesayuzrVy Omposium po problemam nsyrosekretsii,
Leningrad, 1961. 2. Leningraditkiy gomWhrstverjwy uni-
verijitat (for Gerbillakiy, Barannikovs). 3. Institut
toitologil AN SSSR , lAningrad ( for Polenov), 4, Khart-
kovijkly moditsinskiy Inatitut i Ukrainskiy institut
0:sperimentallnoy ondokrinologii, Kharlkuv (for Aleshin).
Mkl;..D*.l')',TKhYA, AUS311N, R.V., prol',
ljiyj-oj~4 glarid find prejnanr-, r; a roview of lltcru*.~re. ;rct,..
clidolt. 1. gorm. 10 S -(~ I ~-,. .
(11";-., -.1 r,: C `
1 - ',I It It! y *!:,,, Li tut nkz-,ycr' rwrAra 'I o krino-- cr-' i ( -j I r .
, .'J. Mit k. ci 1,!Dv ~ , Kha r 'h ov .
AIXM311, Boris Vladiml-rovIch, Prot.) DAL, M.K., red.
:~'i ...- ....... oil'. 1-~ i -;'t. m..- jil
I-.. "...
[ GC&Ijjer W4 tjoavtoxicasis an the pathogenetic correla-
tiami twen #aiter mW tbMtoxiaosls] Zobnaia bolezn'
i metk8lkaill o patogenetichmakikb sootnoeboniiakh
memUlu isobnot. bolesuliu i tireotoksikozom. Kiev, Zdo-
ro,02a, 1965. 58 ps WIRA 18:7)
f J
ir sit
,- AMR131. D.V. jzmb.
SOPOlOtAon of addition alloys in the grain lir-4ts of primary
arystml 11 ration of structural steel. Metallurgila 2:142-152 'p.
(StesIq Structural-44stallography) (MIRA 14:3)
VEYI;GMTSN, Ala-am Mikha7lovlehp kwA. tekbn.nauk; DELIE, VaBilly
Adoli,yevich, prof., doktar tekhn. nauk; WOSKIN, Aba
U-Mimirovich, kand. takhn. nauki SOKOLOV, Rikolay
V110igmdob, kaDd. tekbn. nauk) TOVSTfXH, Tevgeniy
VasilOyevich, kand. takhn. no:ukj SHPFYZMAN, Veniamin
Vatvmyevich, kazd. tekbn. nauk; IEBEDEV, K.P., kand. tekhn.
nauko retsonzentl �A!LA3S�MH-R%--M-s irlzh., retsenzent; FM 'KIN,
V.S.p doktor tokbd. unuk, nauchnyy red., YJUORDIA, T.A.,
red.1 TSAL, R.I., tekhn. red.1 HRYAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red.
[Shipbuilding ateollSudostroitelInaia stall. [LT] A.M.
Veizilptrten i dr, Leningrad, Sidpromgiz, 1962. 303 p.
(MIRI 15:11)
(Shipbuilding nwiterials) (Steel, Structural)
AU-41111 MI. ~. J.
licoopritph of the stresp Fiz,k~iv- make. mat. 1
no.W51-1.61 165. (Y.IPA ~P-6)
1. tnmtltutr-fzll%;]'Ll! lm. A.A. lla7l:nva, Pirlva.
ALMIN, G. 1.
Nov =chluerr for potato t7c*Ang in the northvestern area. Trakt.
i sellkhosmoh. 30 no.9tl9-21 8 160. (KRA 13:9)
1. Spetsialluoyo konxtruktormkoye byxwo Severo-gapada.
(Rusia. lcmtbwastern --Potatoes)
(Agricultural mehinery)
Moin trend. Soy. profmaiusy 20 no-4:24-25 F 164.
(MIRA 170)
1. Predsodatall teekhavogo komitsta agragatnogo tsekha
No.2 Taroplavokago satornogo zavoda.
,or: ;'.- - "T , "'! , .
RABIMOVICH. X.B.. inshener: AMBIN. 1.A. inshener.
Supprttening radio notes In start-Otop telegraph apparatus.
Test.wriast 16 so.10:13-14 0 156. (min 10:10)
1. Ummtrallnyy nm=hn*-ias1edorate1'vk1y institut avyati.
(Telegraph-Aquipeent and supplies)
Slectrnptystalogical determination of the latent period of
function of the gastric glands. Biul.skep.biol. I mod. 40
wIlOtI&" Oct. 155. (HLRA 9:1)
1. Is Imfodry normallnoy fistologii (sav.-prof. A.I.Tenchikov)
Turkmeftskogo maditsinskogn InstitUta iment I.V.Stalina.
(STORACH. pbymiolW.
gastric gland latent period, slactropbysiol.daterm.)
21"trit" ph* ,An in the Stomach with the Introduction of milk
into it. ltv.AN Tark.=M no.1:49-52 156. (KLRk 9:8)
1. Tarkmonakty gosudarstleaw meditainakly Institut Iment I.T.
=ERFZA NEDICA SOO.2 V01*10/2 Phy3ldlogy.etc ieb5?
TOG. ALESHIN I.A. Chair of Normal Physiol.. Turkmenian Med.Inat.. Ashkhabad.
ilvestigation of the initial process
of extlt*tion of the gastric secretory apparatus FIZIOLA.
1956. 42JI (581-568) Illus.4 (Russian text)
In 2*3 experiment 8on 15 d the potential difference between gastric mucosa
and back (indifferem elect= was recorded before and during secretion. elicit-
ed by feeding. during application of conditioned stimuli Iview and smell of food).
orduriag elecUrical stimulation of the vague. During secretion. the electrical
,po sharply (by about 30 tAv.) for about 90 n6in.. parallel with theal
potential dro
increase of hit volume of gastric secretion. This drop is preceded by an Initi
stigh negat1vt oscillation of 3-9 mv. followed by a transient increased potential
of 1510-300 atti. deration. The initial oscillations are not due to n uscular activity.
end are bellevoti to be caused by a transient inhibition in the initial phase of gas.
trk secretion.
Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn.
Use aC *Uatrogastropaphy In pharmoology. Farm.i toks. 23 no.;b
178-U2 W-Ap 160. (KIR& 3483)
jj..A~tvent (Aktyubinak)
!!~p __I~A.
Oil the 9M anniversary of the birth of V. IU. Chagavets
amit the 60th anniversax7 of the publication of his w9saays
on electrical pbenmena in living tissues.* Vrach. delo
no.10%155-156 0 163. (N:1RA 17:2)
ACC NR:AT&6C13G652
SOURCC; COU: UR/0000/661000/000/0278/0279
':Crshchikov, A. G.;_Aleshin..I. A . Oianyshova, R. a.
C1;: nono
TITLE: in tho stLucture of thf) SyStolic portion of phono- and
ball wlt.% chan,"s in respiratioa resii~tance LPapor presented at the
ConfZrenca on ProbLems of Sp4CQ ~;;.,diclno hold In NDscow from 24-27 1.:ay 1966,7
po problerrumn kosmichesicoy nod: tsiny, 1966. Problemy
kO&=1c*.iCsRoy neditt;iay. (Problems of space nedicLne); materialy konforentsLI,
%.bscow, 1966, 27S-279
10111C =AaS: ballistrocardloaraphy, phonocardiography, human physiology
.The effect 6f increasecl res-piraitluii rubistance on the systolic portions
of phono- and balliSLOcardiograms (containing information on cardiac pump-
Wir functJon, which is closely related to respiration~ was studied in heal' thy
human subjects who were unaccustomed to the studied conditions. Phono-
cardiognam, electrocardiogram, and ballistocardiolgram, indices were re-
corded b."-ore and during exposure to increased repiratory resistance.
Inc"ased respiratory resistance produced a phonocardiograrn, A
changed duration of segments and intervals and some cranges in tile nu.-..ber
of oscillations and the frequency characteristic of the .--"rst heart sound:
I_Cc,d 1/2
' largest wave sillifted its position, and the arnplitude ratio of acoustic
,#aves entering into the main segment of the first heart sound changed.
-1-aKen together, those changes point to differences in the tension phase and
in initial phase of tlystolic ejection, and possible nonuniform phase varia-
;tion in the right and left ventricles.
An the ballistoca rdiog rams, increased respiration resistance produced
changes in the duration of intervals, amplitudes, amplitude ratios, and
ballistic coefficients. The H-K time was shortened by shortening of the
tension phase andfor ventricular ejection phase. In most cases, JK in-
creased. This increase is made possible by decrease in the inspiratory
and (mainly) expirattory IJ amplitudes. The range of respiratory variations
MW in the activily state of the heart increases.
Rhonocardiogeaph and ballistocardia."raph data show that changes in
cardiac p-irnping function during respiratory resistance include not only
changes in the force and rhythm of cardiac contractions. but cha.-Irres in
the structur-t- of the cardiac..Qyr-le itself as well.
A. :*. 22; Az) Rapor: 66-11q7
SU3 CODZ: 06 / S= DANt 00FAy66
'cold 2/2
Tbe T-2750 t3schamical r1prer for w*rkivg frozen ground Rant. i
spots. rab. v stroi. 22 no.5:29 1#1160. imIn 13: 10)
1. Uyr*vlonlye askhanitateii luyby*hevgidroutroya-
(Barthmning machinery)
AMHIH. 1.D.. Inzb.
IvaUlling additional brakes on IL-1003-1004 examPotor-mounted
cranes. KontA spets.rab.v stroi. 22 no.10:25 0 160.
(KLU 13:9)
1. Upri%vlemire uokhauttateli XqybjshergIdrostroya.
(Cranes, derricks, ate.)
AUMN, I.D., Insh.
Uzdto for drilling boreboles in frozen ground xcunted an S-80
trMetows. Xont. i "ta. rab. ir stroi. 23 no. 1:23 Ja 161.
(MIRA 14t1)
I* Uproylonlye makhm"isataii ftybysbaygidrostroya.
(Baring machinery-Xold weather operation)
Additional brake for the bocu winch on the E-1003 and 1-1004 track-
2&yiskg crane. Stroi. I dor. sash. 6 ro.2tS F 161. (MIRA 14:5)
(Cr&na6 derricks, etc.)
ALSSIURN 1. D4, Insh.
Improtring the m ralft Soar clutch. Stroi. i dor. mab. 7
mc.lun N 162. (MnA 1611)
(16cavating machinery)
A199141 , I.T, j in211.
I^pjut, of the Chi.-rkf)y Fqdroalectrin P,%."r Station cc the
SUIAIL River. Oldr, stroi. 32 no.5:13-.16 Ifq 162. (111YU 15:5)
(ChIrkey Hydroelectric Pawer Station)
assm, 1. V.
"UtIlItation of 11sed Twlo~hone Line Binding 'dire," Vestnik Sryazi, No, 6. (147)m
p 22, 1952.
Hmoneer, Xwwas Line Technical Unit.
Translation- M- 792, Sep. 30, 1955.
PODUATNOU, VAO I~ ALTMIN, I.Y4L*o instruktar persdavykh metodoy truda 4
Best tl~ivor In the gamp. Tr"spi strol. 15 no.1:35-36 Ta 165.
- (MM 18:3)
1. Znuo~mtltell nachallnika liyovskoy nauchno-ionledovatellskoy
dt&nta~i Orgtrannstroys (for Podgilynov).
3riof method for separate retouching of negatives. G*od.1
tart. no.10-39-43 D 156. (HLRA 1082)
(Ikp printimg)
~T ileshin, I..Ye. SOV/6-59-9-i6/ig
T I TI 3: Methods of Collecti-!,,. r Fror Oilver-bearing Waste
1,91HODIC k1: Gv,deniya I kartograflys, 1959, N'r 9, pp 65-70 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper servos for the exchange of experience with
respect to the collection and primary working of silver-bear-
iiij; waste in cartographic and nerogeodetic enterprises.-
3uch waste originates in the preparation of negatives, in the
scrap negatives, and nonretouched negntivev. The process of
collecting, recovering, snd working of these silver-bearing
films is described here. The safety rules to be observed in
burning the scrap films are put forward. At preoc-at, the
silver is recovered from the fixing solutions by apparatus
enpocially designed for this purpose. Such a plant, an appar-
atus of typo U-19 Is showm in the fig-ure and described. The
romation proceeding in this apparatus is as follows: fixing
solution + reagent - silver + solution + gas. This apparatus
treads between 15 and 18 liters of silver-bearing solutions
in 8 hours. A larger plant, nn apparatus of type M-2, treads
40 liters in 8 hours by the same operation principle. On the
Card 1/12
Uethods of Collocting Silver From Silver-~jearing SOV/6-59-9-i6/ig
basis of the data given, it in shown that about 70% of the
ailver in the oaulsion layer passes over into the fixing
solution. There are I figure and 1 table.
Card 2/2
Nw e*lars fwump coca. I but. no.gtL&-Lg s 161
_77 __ MRA 14;9)
0 11 -
i.' ftp vrbtm)
ACC HL AM07W SOURCE COW, UJI/0386/66/OD3/002/0081/0085
AUTHORz -Lukush*v1*h, 1. 1.; Skjy&revsicii,~V.1t.--; Alashin,_K.P. ; Samoylov, B. N.;
~Stepanov, Te. P. Vilippov, N. 1.
6kG: none
TITLE: Mossbauer effect on Dy sup 161 impurity nuclei in astallic gadolinium
1 V~OURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fisiki. Pistm& v redaktaiyu, v. 3,
'no. 2, 1966, 814 5
:TOPIC TAGS: dys osium, gadolinium, Mossbauer effect, Mossbauer spectrum, cryostat,
gazma spectrometi
!ABSTRACT*. Irrafigion lie gado)4nium in a reactor (97% Gd160 gives rise to
!the reaction Cd .1idet TbIbi 16-1
(n7)Gd , and the decay of the Tb causes emission
1of-r rays of Dyl6l This,puthors investigated the Mossbauer spectra of such a source,
1 4 Oil" impmrity nuclei in a gadolinium lattice. The magratic
;constituting in faat
properties of the' m Mtripre Investigated by studying the hyperfine
i splitting of' the Y rays of thesis 1 nuclei.
The &U*Owr uit*4 use po2ymst&UIs* A" (40 W/o?, 9D% MW"'). At T tM
Itrl*% ban a *Wek!1 aboarp4jon line (-,I cwlaec, r1W% - 0.02 calsoe), which Is suitabie, how-
11 Vor %be *%*W 0t 1jaW negisetle bWportim splittiags or %be scums (-e5 esifsee).
A Lsbaunr "otpowter was used with a permanent-magnet ~ibratcr, operating in
IUDC: none
ACC H14 AP7()D76W
the constant-valcialby mode. The spectra were meamwed at different mwce
t raturas frow, to 300*K- (So* Fig- 1)
jw ON
4 - -
me", 1060.
Fig. 2o
1ACC "42 AP7007600
At T the spectrum is the usual hyperrLme splitting spectrum or W61, consisting
or 116 lines (not aal 11nas are resolved). 7he magnitude or the magnetic splitting corresponds
to 1k field -T.) z 20'' *a an tho Dy muclel. At T - 16*K the number of lines increases# and at
;T - 30'K It 6*~s lb* previous value,-bout the relative Intensity of the central peak In-
Vj, creases sharply tamp zed vith the spectriat at 5*X. With further rise In temperature the mag-
antic splitting decreases gr%duLW and finally vanished near the Curie point of g"olLnLum.
This bobawlar jr the spectra "' be, UPIXIM4 'a ru*.S. At T - 5*X there an tvo dif.
ferent system* of 214t0 Ctwo diffeven spoetra) with appraziftstely identical kqperflue split-
ting. Witb Ancre.Lai" temperature, the magnetic splitting of one of these spectra
decreases rapidly and vanishos at T - 30*K. The lines of the qxctra are crowded
together and enter the central peak, thus increasing its intensity. Measurements
of individual spe,.tral lines at T - 7-5 and 10*K have made it possible to trace the
broadening mid ths splitting of that spectral lines at 5eK. In addition, we measured
the Individual litme of the spectruin at T - 5"K with an absorber heated to T - 800*K
and having a na=Wer line than at T - 300*K. There measurements have shown that
the spectral lines at 5*K are doublets, i.e., this spectr= consists of two different
Mactra With Ant differiM hyporl'ine spli-ttings. Two systems of hyperfine
splittings were foond to corr spond to two digirent states of the electron shell
Iof the Dy Lonsi, pmduood in the p decay of Th . A distinctive feature of this
case in thkt it it observed in a setal, wbere the relaxation time of the electron
shell should seew#W be mall. Figure 2 shms the temperature dependence of the
fields an tim nuclei, corresponding to these two systems of hyperfine splitting.'
For T 200 or
* " 0 was obtained from the pcmition of the outer-most line3 of
the *"at The U M far the second syntam vanishes near the Curie point of
gad-olinium. (T) for the first system apparent4 shows that the
I~ation of t
pon4l~~ 14
carrespondixig Dy a behave U parium4gnetic ions in gadolinium. Reduction of the
spectra of Fig. 1 elded for the ratio of the magnetic and quadrupole mownts of
the first-4maktod ground Ptates values P 1.2 � 0.1 ( ' -0 37 ' 0-05),
Q ~% - 0.85 10. The quadrupole splittizpN -- -(1/4)aqQo atP?e;;r-a*-Lres 30 aM
A-K turned out to! IN 660 � 60 and 530 z; 50 Me*. The authors thank I. B. Filuppoy
far help; 10. It. iv~vfth, V. A. Drosdov, and V6 S. Shaffer for supplying the liquid
h*U=; Yu. Kagan iwd A. M. Afanaslyev for dis*ussion of the results; and V. Ye.
Kaylin Ar belp In'oaftstrue" the cryostat. Origo art. hast 2 figures.
SUB OWE: 20 qVBN UTZ 1 29"5 ORM FdW 1 001
MR MW: 0%
"Tw. musimuer Eri%,(.i; in Tel-25,10
repc~rt lim-sented tit the 3rd Intl. Conf. .in the Mc~ssbauer Effect, Cc~rneil Univ.,
flev T(,r~., 4-7 I.,e-p 63
.... .... ..
HEIM, H.D. UK)ILIN, 1.7e.1 A-AlAill SMEGIN, I.I.; POGODDt,
[crbqrW,l.&valiaya Mighusc tith tratlt navemen- rnade of reinforced
vomg1rome al.abg in tbo Belozerak Logg4zg Enterprise of Vclogda
PmYNC03] (lecilglavskiLia avtowbilInala doraga a kolelMm po-
kr7ltlcm, in zbolasobotoraUkh plit v Belozerskom lesprozkhoze
Voloj~odskol oblastio Vologdm, Savero-7Apadnoe knizhnoe izd-vo,
3964. F. (MIRA 1825)
1. Nuus.-h:w--tekhAicboakoy* obmhchestvo lesnoy prorWahlennosti i
lesr.Ogo UK~""atva. Vologodskoye oblastnoye pravleniye.
". bOlDwracyle lesoprm7thlannoye khozyaystvo (fo: P404",
Pomtw, retrilkhov).
1. M.1.
2. USU (t.00)
4. UraLa Mountain - Iron Ores
7.- ioport on the j~tuol.cTlcul-:-ro"ctinF, actiVities dur1nr 194.)-19" at, tne Saroba
iron am deDonits. rAbstract.7 Izv. rilav. upr. ceol. fon. no. 3 147
9~. Monthll List of Apasian Accensions, Library of -;vaCress, Maren 195 1. Unclassified.
434S~4~. Mik2mil Illtch;,AXIp,N. I.I.. spateredaktor; UNNISOVA. 1.S..
ridakiotj RAXOT. $.I.. takhnicheskly redaktor
labor rottetion In coal mines] Ochrana truds v ugol$nykh shakhtakh.
oskV05 Ind-To VISS", 19564. log P. (KIRA 9:11)
(Coal nine* and sining-Safety measures)
~~VJL MAMU41,11%0; 013MI713MO, Nsl.. otvststvemqy red.; CRLNMWA.
-.-- - * CC. tekhi.~ rod.; SMUR. S.Ts.. tok:hn. red.
ClMor protection sad Industrial sanitation In the coal industry]
Wmna OWL& I pr=wudt&rIIjL v ugollnoi Proavehlenmosti. Noskra,
Uglertemda"t, 1953. 61 P. (xm lit?)
(Co" *I=* and vdaing-Wety wawures) (Miss mmitation)
Owa-mll motbanisatioa wA automation In enterrrle*s of the Rost*v
Provinoe A*onoole Commil. Slul.t6kh.-skon.i:%form. no.lOt65-67 160.
(DUDA 131l0)
(Rostov ftuvince-44toahtion)
(lostov Proviso*--lachablocloaa Mmovations)
-*J:;, 11.1.
- ------------ -----
WDv% (if agencies of technical laomttion at the lzningo ud, C--~r'zi:~-,
7,=m3,tLvl, =1 Udmart Recincr-Le Carwrici.1c.
n-.1-47.2-74 161. 14-.2i
(Toe'. mology-Wor-Ati on scirvices)
savivers ror workers of technical luform.Uan Services In
economit: comwils of the 11,S.F.S.R. Riul. tankh.-akono inform.
no. 2:114, 161, (Technology-InflomAtion aervicea) (KM& 14t2)
Om-aU mobanigation &M autonation of production processes in
entonwisem of the Fam gaamada CauncU. Diul, takh.-okons -
intom. no. 4tS2-U 161, (MIRA 14: 5)
(Parm VrovUwe--In4ustrW U+Rgement)
Agricultural machioer7 industr7 in the Rostov Economic Region.
sitapUkh.-skon.inform. no.6:57-39 161. (MIRA 14:6)
(Raetay Provinee.-Agricultural machinery industry)
Intr%oduoinr new equipment in enterprises of the Kemerovo Economic
CouwW in the first cuarter of 19(l. Biul.tekh.-elcon.inform.
no.91FI3 'fl. (MIRA 14:9)
(Kemerovo Province--Induattv--TechnologicaI innovations)
Tochmlogical development in entArPri6865 Of the DAla Economic
CouncU. Biul.t,*kb.-ekom.lnfozu. w.10M 161. (KMA 14:10)
(Tula ill-ovince--Icdustry-Tecbnological innovations)
1 1-1,11.11-1.1 .......
Claffai.fication of supergene iron and aluminun deposits in the
Uralao. Gsol.rudwaterozh. 5 no.4:43-55 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9)
1, Inatitut geologii rudmykb matcrombdeniyj mineralogii, petro-
grafil I geakhInii AN SSSRv Moskva, i Sverdlovskoye Coologiches-
koye AlicavlaniYo.
(Ural MountAiiAo.-Iron orail-Cla.:rificatior.)
(Ural Mo-tintaina--Alumivuz-Claosification)
M, J-
-~W c rit;l - a~~:" the L-Mers uf scmuffde cowncils
v, lh+ -otnclla of Lhe R.S.F.S.R. Piul. tekh.-
flkntl. 1103. ilauch-issl. inst. nauch. 1, tekh. lnfo~m,
I" mr.1:89-0 '64.. (MIRA 17;9)
Au:4413fi, 141"
istuinar or, ue liici-eans of m~,tor ca:,melty of
er4jines. Blul. Wh.--ekon. inform. G~m. nauch.-Isal. Irat.
nauch. i takh. Inform. 17 no.4~67-68 Ap 16-4. (141RA 17--0
&MRIII, m.l.
I ,,
PlabliBIting activity of central offices of technical information
of the economic councils of the H.S.F.S.R. Blul.tekh.ekon.i.rfom. I- no.10:85-86 0 164.
(MIRA .18:4)
J 1~1
lit, i a A
A13811N. la., in2h.
tfoirq- -%aehifiery In painting. Strottel I no.7-.18 J1 '59.
(PaLint ailing) (Sprov vatutirg) (MIR& 12:10)
AL'AS111N. 1. , Inxh.
Automatic unit for making narters. Strolt-91' w-10:15 0 159.
(ULU 13:2)
(Mixing machinery) (mortar)
JL~JEL-. ::. i.. Fr7r
~Un Inwi. ti~i.tlon of the Operatton of Tw-C~ycle -~as Ln-,-iras ll,*ith Crankcaze
Scavongirc." ~G~ Tech Sel, ltoo=.; AutombIlle ind Road Ins', V. '.. :tolotov,
30 -OV ~4. ( V 1, 18 ;' OV Y4)
SurviV of 3alftntiflc and Tectmical Dissortatio-is Leferid,.,d [A -Agaler
Lduc,,IUatv-! :4-LitituLlons (1,I)
SC: 3m. -o. 'i21, 2 Jun ~,5
'aamix I A .,AAndldat tokhmichookikh n&vjr.
. " -
Rowlew of L.K.1rallorev's book wPIv%*m-tn" gas *agimes." Ruergommahlao
strovols se.6:30-31 Ja 156. (KM 9,9;
(One and all onsines) (Koll*rsv. L.K.)
Lf t'.,I- ir
"~~p N.04, Mayor med1tainskoy slushbtr
Una of dry nud for therapeutic purposes. V&m.-med. zhur. Wo.8s
77-V Ag 158. (BATHS, MOOR AND MUD) (MIRA 1617)
4LtSI4114- 0-1-
sclul"10. N.V.. Inshenor; ALISHIM, V.I., Inshener.
...... ""Wm-A#mW
Nachantigation of fitiold" work. Kakh.trud.rab.8 no.1:30-34
Ja-Y '54. (KIAA 7:2)
GURMUCH, VAktor; DERIDOV, Hikolay Alekseyevich;
CHIFKOVA, V.G., inzh., retsenment: MINDIN. r..". . kand.
tekhn. nAuk, nauchn. red. AW
rod. . I-,,An~h!,.red.;CHFAS,M..A,
(Eloctric heating 1"taUationq of ships) Sudovye elektro-
magraTatel'Tgpe ustrqlstva. laningrad, Sudostroenie, 1965.
243 p. (MMA IS: 8)
.!AM5M%#1koIV 1v*novichg DAVIDOVICH, Yeliks Stanislavovich; TSAL. X.I..
clwj7 redalctor; WUYSX1r, TO.T.. relaktor; UMOIDTA. T.K.,
tekhalchaski.v redaktor
[Teclu%olagy of electric assembly work In ship units] Takhnologiia
slaktxvmontasbnykh rabot v blokmkh sudna. Leningrad, Go*. voiuznoe
lad-v* suiostrolt. promyshl 1956. 78 p. (KLRk 9:12)
(Alectricity on abip;i
PAVL3:DtS, A.L, insh.; ZDWAKOV, G.A., inzh.; ALRSHIN, N.I., inzh.
YachInom for firtimblng operatiomil. Vakh. stroi. 18 no.12:
21-23 D 162. (MM 16:7)
(Finiah&s and rinishing)
DAVIWVICH, Feliks Stanislayovich;
LA MOV, retsensent; CHERNIKOV, L.V.,
nayahn. red.; GOLUMA, N.P., rsd,j ERASTOVA, N.V.,
taklin. red.
[LomdIng devices for testing naval generators] Nagrusochnye
ustroistya dlia ispytaniia sudovykh generatorov. Lenin-
grad, SudpromgIz, 1963. 82 p. (MIRA 16:9)
(glectrie generatoro-Teating)
(Ships-Electric equipment)
4S*IiIN, N1,;j Insh.1 PAVLIDIS, A.K., inah.
Nov fl.nishing machirwry at prookst housing construction plants.
StroL I dar. mwh. 7 no.5tl2-11 My 162. (YJR& 15:5)
(Construotion oquipment)
:K. S. S. f6d.
Ou.r prPetIre In preyvir-Ing food of outstanding quality. Eoskvm, Go3. torg. ird-vo, 1953.
50 E.
1. Cooke-ry for InpUtution. ate.
2. I%estaur*zVi. Tonch room. "tc. - Russian
:1 L
Vecheryaya Moskva
Surn 71
.krr:!:jT-" t'. r.
-ILc'flr t'l'(' t,"lle" 'In wert. lf~'.Lf!v. -,:- -'. -, -.-. 7 p 1~ I.
I * ~-- ";. ., - 1 .. :- .- * ..
1: 14" ~2'
9111TINO Mlkbatl IWtIcb; AMM, Mr Apto lab, 13RMWIN, Viktor
Vbtrorivb. Audrey Ivanovlch;
LIOZIOT,A.0., redaktor; FRANTSUZOT,I.K.. retsensent; NZMA6SOVA,0.1..
tekbnic"Ody redaktor
[Construction. assembly and adjustment of automatic looms ATS-qM
and AT-1730h] Umtrolstr*, mcnWh I naladka ayt oust icheskikh tkats-
k:Ikh stiu*ov ATS-9H I 0-173U. Isd.2-oe.p*r9r. I dop. Hookys., Go*.
nailchoo-tekhn. ixd-vo Kinisterstva tekstilOnot promysh. L-M. 1955.
211 p. (KLRA 90)
VAKS, Ye*E., insh.; nim&U uchastlys; ALESHIN, P.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;
BELTAM N7 , lnzh.
Devslopment and inyeatigation of the thread regulator.
Nauah.-isal. trudy ISNIISherstl no.16:54-58 161. (MMA 16:11)
hoviewod tv 1"A" Aloshln, V 3 6rigor ev, DoUtneli,
Tokut: , .1.
.pro:., 21 rio.ll-$8-90 N
uaoclunvy liaotitult tokstil ncy -1 legkoy promysh-
lonnootl (.or AlitsIdn).
(Wcftvl~~,) 0,00mr."
v 0.,
(VIE-wov. P. .ozunoA,.
AIMIU~, Nix Antonovich; AKIMV, P,S., retsenzent; AKS,61C.VA, I. I.,
-reit.; BATTREVA, G.G., takhn. rved.; VIRWRADUVA, G.A., takhn.
(Now t;chnology and equipment for wool and worsted manufso-
ture) ovola teUmologila i oborudovanie 3herstotkatakogo
pn)izvodetva. Moskva, Gitlegprom, 1963. 194 p.
(MIRA 16:1-1)
(Woolen and worsted manufacture)
A:Z.111:11 T-.
nZ.1 iwl 0, A. y C ly 7.
I:Z,L ! I,rl:',- r7 V.
"ni t1 t ~it Arl_!: Ii w fi c, (I r I i ,-. h4. n Ary I
:alJccti,:n C!' klricUticns of Scaxntific cnk cn _'cnrtruction,
....... .. .
W"Ift of the Ge*pbpit~al bratch.of Q4, tt t-G0*10gic4a
CtmjwU of tbs. JUmixtry of Gtdlogy 'and 0mummation of HLnera:L
Bes"w1wa of tbs lJ48A.A.
nq.1sez .83 (MM 15 5)
10 !d&Uterstim goalpgli I okhrW nedraM.
(bl~aoc "~. -400phom1i1cal.-Miuods.)
("f life; fron the fife of
U, tnkltl VoItw; im 2hlzrl moAW- yih ;%!'i . ~lsr(,v.
ga:vnty "Krasnairt 19tt. Z:,
~'U' "' 17:9)
1-.) t""o. ~I~ ur rl ~, t
f, Ot of foot If 0 $$$,ROW
a JAn .. "1 0. 01. 1*. 1, - .4 lb. V, A-
-4 tb'
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