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LAINDAY, L.D. -1 BERPSTEMKII, V.-B. 2058. LANDAY, L.D. I BEFESTETSKlY, V.P. 0 Bzaimodeystvii flezhdu Elektronom I Pozitronom. Zhurnal Eksperim. I Teoret. Fizild, 190, VYPF. 6, "S. 673-751- Bibliogr: 5 NAM SO: Letopis' No. 33, 1949 LANTEDAY, L.D. i 2h768. LAINTAY, L.D. I YdIALITITIKOV, Teoriya Byazkosti Geliya II. f-CH.7 2. Bychisleniye Koeffitsienta V,~ zkosl F- :L.Ci .1 Ya Ili. Zhurnal :,7ks-perLm. 1 Teom--. F-lz ' 19,119- V-YP- 8, X. 709-26--fr,11- 1-7: TYP 7. SO: Letopisl IT - 33, 19h9 IM LANDAYA, L. Ya. , Cand Pharm Sci -- (diss) "Synthesis and reactions of diarylpseudothyo,-,idantoiris." L'vov, 1960. lr/- pp; (1,11inistrly of Public Health Ukrainian SSIR, L'vov i4edic-al Inst, Ministry of Public 11:ie~-ALth RSFSR, Leningrad Chemical Pharmaceutical Inst); 2G0 copies; price not given; (KL, 22-60, 141-) TSEYDLER, S.A.; TERMOVA, T.G.; ~,ANDE, F.Ya. Wningoencephalitis in morbillous rubeola. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 65 no.7:985-988 165. (KRA 18-7) 1. Institut morfologii cheloveka (dir. - prof. A.P.Avtsyn) ANN SSSR i patologoanatomicheakoye otdeleniye Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy infektsiomoy bollnitsy No.7 (glavnyy vrach N.G.Zaleskver). - IANIEl, L~14. , kand.pedaGogi,;heukikh x1auk, star -31dy nauchnyy sotvadnEk Cybernetics and pedagogics. Nauka -IL zhizmt 29 Kr V6.2. 1, Imu'u, --., r _4 -, j 1, Institut yeorii i ictorii nedagogiki Akademii pedagogichesk-,-',.n. wmk RSFSR. (Cybexnetica) (Teaohing) BRZEZIESKI, Jan; LANDECKA, Blanka; LHZIAK, Zygmunt; STOJALOWSKI, Kazimierz . t,- Results of pneumotborax therapy in Lublin and in the Lublin District. Gruzlica 24 no.8:653-658 Aug 56. 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy Pluc A.M. w Lublinie Kierownik doc. dr. H. Mysakowska. (PNBMTHORAX, ARTITUCIAL compl. & results) LANDRITOK, K., starshiy prepodavatell (Minsk) Taking water with the 194-1200 pumping machine. Pozh. delo 5 no.6:31 Je 159. (MIRA 12:'8) (Fire engines) LANDER, A. Pageo about a life. NTO 6 no.5t47-49 Yz 164. (MIRA 170) I. Ucbenyy sakretart pravii5niya Nauchno-tekhnicbefikogo obshchestva Oktyabrlokoy *bbleznoy dorogi. LAWER, LANDERP G.B. (Lander, H.B.] Devices for stamping names and sealing stoppers. Farratsev. zhur. 17 no.6:78-80 162. (MIRA 17:6) L A -P. ~ SMATORCV, Yu. 1. ~ ZIMAM~ A, 14, , ZZYMEMIM, V, 'K, Engineers "Arithmetical Device of an Automatic Parallel Action On Germanium Point-Contact Apparatus," a lecture delivered Congress, 12-17 March 1956, Moscow. Calculating Machine. at the Soviet Computer Translation of abstract D 499674 LAMER, V., gvardii inzhener-kapitan. ~. Logbook for airplanes and aviation engines. Vest.Yozd.Fl-34 no.12:74-77 D 151. (MMA 8:3) (Airplanes) (Logbooks) IANDER, V. Let's strengthen our production base. Sell. stroi. 15 no. 2:14-15 F i61. (1-dRA 14:5) 1. Starshiy inzh, Glavorgkolkhozstroya pri Sovete Ministroy Belorusskoy SSR. (White Russia-Building materials industry) (Collective farms-Interfarm cooperation) - LANIMR V.A. inzbezvor-podpolkovnik - -11" What was satisfactory yesterday in obsolete today. Vest.Tozd.Fl. no,1:70-72 Ja 161, (HIPA-13;12) (Airplanes-Maintenance and repair) r: LANDER, V.A., inzhener-podpoDcovnik Safety regula:tions =ast not be forgotten. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.3: 69-71 Mr I&L. (IURA 14:6) (Airplanes-liaintenance and repair) UNDER, Ya2exjya-Llyqyn!.i;, ROGINSKIY, Vadim Nikolayevich; sULOVYEV, Shaya Grigortyevich; ILOINA, L.D.P otv. red, KUMAROVA, Ye.V., red. [Engineering metbods for constructing relay systems] In- zhenernye metody postroeniia releinykh skhem. Moskva, lzd- vo "SviazIll 1964. 39 P. (MIRA 17:5) KOVALEVSKIY, G.T., red.; LJUIDIN, Ye.I., red.; OSADIKO, M.P., red.; PASHYMICH, (Labor incent: es in a socialist society] Stimulirovanie ,IV truda v sotsialisticheakom obshchestve. Minsk, Izd-vo "Nauka i tekhnika", 1964. 190 p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Akadeipiya navuk BSSI~ Minsk. Instytut ekonomiki. LANDER,~- P., Engineer 9ENT-0-W, YU. I., Engineer ZEYDENBERG., V. K., Engineer ZIMAREV, A. N., Engineer "Arithmetic Unit for Automatic Parallel Operation Computing Machine Employing Germanium Point Contact Instruments" a paperpresented at the Conference on Methods of Development of Soviet Mathematical Machine-Bui-lding and Instrument-Buildin-g, 12-17 March 1956. Translation No. 596, 8 Oct 56 ZICYD314BERG, V.K.; ZDIARBV. A.N.; LODBR.,,_Ye_..P._:. SHNATOROV, Yu.I. [parallel-type arithmetical system using semiconductor devices] Arifmetichezkoe ustroistvo parallellnogo tipa na poluprovodnikovykh priborakh. Moskva, In-t tochnoi mekhaniki i vychislitellnoi tekhn. Akad.nauk SSSR. 1957. 27 P. (MIRA 12:10) (Transistor circuits) (Electronic calculating machines) SIL;-PL-60, I.M.; Y:!.i.,i. Eegmul ation cf cc 11 divisiori d win-- t,.e a bnyonic dcv~.': op-.P--~ C-- pond lo-ach fosal-l-'s L. accordi-iZ to data of, exoer-L-aent;~. Do'ft. A!-,, 3 1SR 135 ao-3-756-759 1~1 160. 1-1-2 13:12) 1. In3titut -.orfol o, ii 7,liivoUn:~-:',, i,,,. A.i.'.3evertsa-va kude.-Ai nau~: (C'cl2 division (i3iolou)) (X rU,--pjjrsiol.,:),jcjj affec-b) SHAPIRO, I.N.; MiDER, Ye. Role of radiation injury of the nucleus in the mechanism of mitotic inhibition. Zhur. ob. biol6 21 no.5:385-387 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institute of Animal Morphology,, Academy of Sciences.of U.S.S.R. (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CELL NUCLEI) . (KARYOKINESIS) L:Ilol.l,;Scuy M.; IMIOLIU, N.; ~,; BABA, C., PAVLU, A.; ZALTSBI-:Z,'iG, N..; MAITOLIU, L. ~ LAITES C , Or.. - ,'ho W.aEnoois uLi. aspgts of anicteric hepazitis in Children. Aov. moLl- 6 noJA`161-164. 761 016PATMS Jn inf: & chil.dh.')' PLATONOV V.; AMPLEVSKAYA, S.; LANDES G - DISANSKI, S.; BICREROVA, A., P red.; SALAKHUTDINOVA, r.- ekhn. red. (Practices in machine barvesting of cotton] 4yt mashinnoi uborki khlopka. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 16-4) (Uzbekistan-Cott-op-picking machinery) STANC'LrULF.SGU,, Ghoorghop ing,; h&NDZa,_Yictorp ing.; ILINA, loan, ing.; FIZM, Slebdstian, ing. Contributions to determining the possibilities of manufacturing ferromanganese and silicomanganese out of poor silicious and phosphorous manganese otes, Metalurgia constr mas 14 no,6: 481-486 Je 962. 1. Institr-tul de cercetari metalurgice. -TATAN, Nicolaie, ing.; 1,4~~V~ ing.; ILDA, I., ing.; CIOCIRLIE, S., ing'.; MITROFAN, A.; POPA, M., ing.; 14IHAILA, Ch..; POPA, Septimiu, ing.; PASARE, P.; STENSCHI, C., ing. Considerations on the quality of the equipment used for casting steal ingots in Rumania. Metalurgia 'constr mas 14 no.]-1:976-983 N 162-. 1. Institutul de cercetari metalurgice (for Iatan, Landes, Ilina). 2. Uzina nVict6riall Calan (for ~,iocirlie, Mitrofan). 3. Intreprinderea metalurgia Aiud (for Popa, M. , 14ihaila) - 4. Combinatul siderargic Hunedoara (for Popa, Septimiu; Pasare). 5. Combinatul siderurgic Resita (for Stenschi). - Janos (Budapest); IARDESCH, Istvan (Budapest) InnovDtors' letters. Ujit lap 21+ no.21:31 10 N 162. LAVDESMAN L.M YABWVSKIY, G.V. (Vinnitsa) CUmical aspects of Rendu-0sler disease. Vrach.delo no.2WO- 131 P' 963. (MIRA 16-0) l..Gamatologicheskoye otdeleniye oblastnoy bollnitsy imeni of.'N.I'. Pirogova, (nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. B.S. Shklyar dooeasedl).,- F (TEWGIF,GTASIS) SANUIRI, C., Col, Dr, LUNDESKLN V. L-..-Col, Dr, ROMLUN, I., 1,1..aj, Dr, and ST-UM, I not givenj "ReSDiratory Infections of Virotic 'Natuxe in Armed Forces Personnel. Preliminary Note: The Incidena--of ~_nti-Virotic Anti- boLes in Recruits." Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 59, No 3, May-Jun 67., pp 477-479. Abstract: Describes a study undertaken to detei=ine tl-e indices oT -positive serologgical reactions to a number of viruses (grippe virus, adenovirus and ornithosic) among a groups of 1962 recru'j.ts. Discusses the biocnemical Drocedures and analyzes the findings. -Anproximately 1/3 of the recruits were found to have had previous grippal, adenovirotic or ricket-tsial infec-~.ions. "L'he importance of the testing is said to be its allowing a deterrdnation of the resistance level of the military units, more effective diagnoses, and the taking of specific prophylaczic measures. Includes one table. SARATEANU, D.,, dr.; ISTRATI, I., dr.; PITESMAN, V., d-.; SATMARI, C., dr., SORODOCY G.) dr.; BABES, V.T., dr.;INICHIFOR) I., dr.; UORGHT, I., dr. Contribution to the incidence of ornithosic infections in the Rumanian People's Republic. Microbiologia (Bucur.) 10 no.4:355- 360 Jl-Ag 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul de inframicrobiologic al Academiei R.S.R. COPELOVICII Yolanda; in colaborare cu: FETRUbCA, J.; SIRATI, I.; LANDESMAN, V. Research on an epidemic of mumps appearing in a group vacci- nated against mumps. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 14 no-5: 641-648 163. 1. Comunicare prezentata, la Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. (MIPS) (DMNOLOGY) L 4541-66, 1 A ACC NR: AP6033591 SOURCE CODE: RU/0023/65/010/004/0355/Q360: AUTHOR: Sarateanu. D.-.-Seretsyanu, D. (Doctor); Istrati, I.--Stratu, 1. (Doctor); Landesman,,..V (Doctor) Satmari, G.-Satmari, K. Doctor]; Sorodoc, G,*,--Sorodok, G. ,-I- (Doctor); Babes, V. T.-Mabesh, V. T. (Doctor); Nichifor, I.--Nikifor, I. (Doctor); Georgian, I --D7.hor-d-zhian, I. (Doctor) ORG: Institute of Inframicrobiology, RSR Academy (Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academi-e-TMMR77- TITIE: Contribution to the study of the incidence of ornithosis in Rumania SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia si epidemiologia, v. 10, no. 4,.1965, 355-360 TOPIC TAGS- antibody, animal disease, man, disease incidence ABSTRACT: In a test of 468 persons aged 20 to 22, 18.5 percent showed anti-ornithosis antibodies (determined by complement fixation). The positive percentage varied according to the origin of the subjects, but no difference was found between rural and urban areas. In closed communities the index of positive reactions increased in the course of 3 months from 6.2 and 7-3 percent to 25.6 and 19.1 percent, respectively; of the 40 persons kept under constant observations, 7 showed an increase in antibody titer. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. [Based on authorst Eng. abst-1 1JPRS: 32,9131 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: lqDec64 / ORIG REF: 005 / SOV REF: 001 OTH REF: 004 IAMSRAN, Ye.G. Treatment of ruptures of the bladder and urethra' Urologila. 23 no,'5:43-46 s-o 158 (MrRA 11:11) lo' Iz khirargicheiskogo otdeleniya (zav. - H.S. Yepifanov) :Kirovsk-oy oblastnoy bolinitsy. (BLODER, rupture surg. ther. (Rua)) OMTHRA, rupture aurg.ther. (Rua)) LANDGRAF... V.N.; KLJZ IMIN, B.M. Measures for the ci)ntrol of concentrate freezing. Obog. rud. ~', no-3:"-1+5 163. (MIRA 17:1) LJOID14AII-EP J. Assambly-line constructic~i in PraTae; exparl~----Ca'- In usr'F tha I- -.Y mat~od of --onstruction on vacf!nt lotp bat%,,!ot-n hcaisos in 13. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jar. 1956 p0,-' .1;T QTAV-7~y Z-i2 - - Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: East Zuropean Accession List. Library of Congress Vol. 5, 8, Atigust 1956 A 7)~'O,/ v YUGOSLAVIA / Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry, Abs Jour: Ref 2;hur-Khimiya, No 18., 19.58, 6o958. Author : G. B, Marini-Bettoloi R4 Landi-Vottory; Do Bovetv Inat : Title :Study in Benzodioxane Series6 Report VII. 2-Amino- methylbenzodioxane6 Substituted In Position 7. Orig Pub: Croati chem. acta, 195!j 29, No 3-4, 363-367. Abstract: Biologically interesting 1,4-benzodioxanes (Iia to Ile) and (IIIa to IM) were synthetized by the interaction of 7-substituted 2-chloromethyl- 1,4-benzodioxanes (Ia to Ie) with NH3 or amines. Ila to IIej IIIa and IIIb can be synthetized Card 1/4 YUGOSLAVIA / Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyaj No 18, 1958,, 60958. Abstract: also through 2-aminimethyl-7-rlitro-1,4-benzodioxane [hydrochloride (HC)j melting point 2160 (from al- cc'no!"I prepared by nitrating 2-acetylaminometbyl- 1PL~-bonzodioxane with a mixture of HNO 3 (d = 1 with (;H3COOH and hydrolizing the product with HC1. The mixture of 0.1 mole of Ia to Ie in 0o2 liter of alcohol and 0,2 mole of amine is heated 12 hours at 1200 or 24 hours at 1000 and the follow- ing is separated (the substances, their boiling points in 00/mm, their melting points in 00y the melting points of hydrochlorides in 00 and the noD-s are enumerated): IIa, -, 218, JIb, 140 to 142, -, -; He, 155 to it5/0-3, - ' -; IId,.-.6 -1 275 to 276, -; iIe, 168 t0 177/0-1, -p 1 5; 00; IIIa, 127 to 137/0-1, IIIb, Card 2/4 29 YUGOSLAVIA / Organic ChemistrysSynthetic Organic G Chenil3try# Abs Jour: Ref Zhur&-Khimiyaj No 18p -1958, 60958. Abstracti 2 to 158/0-12., 1#5743; Me, 200 to 210/ ~0&2.9 -.9 -j~ -; 1116, 164 to 166/o.2, -2 -1 -; Me) 178 to 180/0,09) 134 to 135j -j IIIf, 117 to 122,,-$-p IT6 125114 18 to 188, 1-5375; 11 h) 15;;to 1 13 -P 3 1-E30; iiiij~ 166 to 170A, 1 3 111L to 116/o.2, -, 185 to lg6j-i 1-5 30; 1 Ii IRt = Cl; aR = NH 2; bR *NH2; R-- H2R cR = Cl; dR = )He eR = CH30; IIR = N02; aRl = HH2; bR1 = 0~ ~r = ll(CH3)COCH3; cRI = !T(C2li5)2; Card 3/4 YUGOSLAVIA / Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G Che:nistry. Abu Jour: Ref Zhur.-Khimiya,, No 18,, 1958, 60958. Abstract: dR'* - C R ON (N-pipiridyl); eRt = C4H8NO (N-6-mor- .1 H )2 ; bR = 1,TH pholinyM IIIa R = NH2, RI = N(C2 21 R' = C5P*.',,)N; C H 141 .5 10" NH2; gR C5HlON; NH2; A cR = OH, R I = NHCH2; eR = OH, RI C H NO* ~C5 10 1 = CH Op R' N H . hR 3 P iR =--CHO, RI =C[H8NO; = Cl~ P = C5HjON! IR = OH, R 3 0) '-q I fR CH = CH ~ RI 30 JR =C1, RI Cl, R' = C08110 p1crate, melting point 193 to 19501 1-5675; IlIk, 1~9 to 152/1$ -$ -$ 1.5h.92; 11111 140 to 143/0.2, , -, 1*5508* See report VI in RZhKhim, 1958, 43363. Card 4/4 30 LAUDIX, G.T.; YAEGM?,NKO, M.K. Detection of the source of brucellosis infection by labora- tory examination cf milk. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i im"In. 40 no.l*.79;-;83163. (14MA 16:10) 1. Iz Luganskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy staLntsii. 6.66 1'~ 27 t-WT(I)/T ACC NR, AM17456 SOURCE CODE UR/0016/6 oblastn 0RG:~~ugansk Regionali~Sanita bion and Epidemiological Station ay~ stantslya) te in vanitizing foci of brucellosiainfection resulting from migration~of brucella melitenAs to cattle SOURCE:. -Zhurnal akrobiologiJ., epidemiologii i immunobiologiio no. 1. 1966 64-69, bruceIlosis, cormiercial animal, man, sanitation .:..ABSTRACT: :,The e ~descrii)6~ t 'a takeii in D~ganAAY& he~ contiol program im er -. 10blast.$-.Ukrainian SSR, ~vhere between, 1956 and 199j- 252 persons 'suffered the' lacitte forin of brucellosist, T'Lls resulted from 20 to ci of brucellpsis in 1 sheep, 6 foci of migrat~Lon of Br. melitensis to cattle.. a considerable number- ~of cattle' Wected with:Br. ab6rtus, and 10 foc-4 of brucellosis in hogs dur- ing this period - Bruce3la kelLtensis which had migrated to cattle was in- volved in 69~3% of the Imman cases.' In 59% of th e cases transmission ww ~I iliwntary; in 41% it was by contact, The high percentage for alimentary. I -transmissi4t resxilted fkam con6umption of raw milk fr~m infected cows The init iA concentratioli of the control program was on interrupting the ali~aentary route of tran.8missica and on sanitizing the foci of migration 'f ~Dr- melitensis to cattle P steuri 0 zation quicklysolved the first I: probl Th fti, e course of sanitation measures on each of tho farms involved C,,d: 1/2 - UDC: 616,981,42-w4.93-- 7 PHASE I TREASSURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 201-1 BOOK Call No. TS 370. t3 Author: LANDIKHO'!., A.D. Full Titlis- -IWMFACTURYING OF TUBES, RODS AND SHAPES OF NONFERROUS METAIS Transliterated Title: Froizvodstvo trub, prutkov i profiley iz tsvetnykh metallov Publishing Data Originating Agenc-.r: None Publishing House: State Scientific Technical Publishing House of Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metallurgy. Date: 195^4 No. pp: 408 No. of copies: 4,000 Editorial Staff Editor; None Tecb. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: Eng. _Gra4usov, P.I. Text Data Coverage: The book opens with a few chapters of elementary information on the properties of metals and alloys and the plastic deformation and thermal treatment of metals. The technology of pressing and drawing of tubes, rods and shapes is described with a brief outline of main and auxili.- ary machinery. Inspection, management of production and safety codelt are given in abstract form. (Tables, sketches, photos) The book may bg of interest.but only fgE gtj~jga,jabor emi2loved in tlie above describol manufagturing processes. 1/2 I Proizvodstvo trub, prutkov i prolCiley- iz lksvet-nykb- mattalov AID 201-1 Purpose., A textbook for n-m-professional workera, Facilitleez None No. of Russian and 31,qvic Referen-css.- 25 (19.32-1951) AvaJltable~ Library 0', congrass 21/2 ALRISMV, K.S.; BEWITIV, A.P.; BUGAREV, L.A.; BUTOMO, D.G.; VASILITW,Z.V.; VERIGIN, V.B.; VOROIBOYEV, G.M.; GAYLIT, A.A.; GOLISHTM, P.M.; GOEHSHTF,YN, M.B.; ZROLOBOV, V.V.; ZXDIR, N.N.; IVANOV-SKOBLIKOV, N.I.; KUTRPOV, Ya.V.; LAR11MOVI-I.D.; MARAYEV, S.Ye.; MILLER, L.Te.; OLOKHOV, N.P.; Pntbr~f-:L.; -fOSTNIKOV, X.N.; ROZOV, M.N.; CHFIMAK,S.N.; CHUPRAKOV, V.Ta.; TS:1NM, Ya.A. Vladimir Oskarovieb Gagen-Torn, obituary. TSvet.met. 27 no.5-67-68 S-0 154. (MIRA 10:10) (Gagen-Torn, Vladimir Oakarovich, 1888-1954) j,- i ZHOLOBOV, Viktor V1adAmirovich;.BOGOYAVLIANSKIY, Konstantin Hikolayovich; ZUBTSOV, Mikhail. Yefim:)vich; LANDIIMDV, Aleksandr Denisovich; LXKKREM, Ynvigeniy Molseyev Ifitftlayevich; MILLER, L.Ye., inzhener, retsenzent; BAZHIODY, M.F.. inzhener, retsenzent; WMNOV, A.H.. redaktor; STARADUBTSBVA,S.N.. redaktor; -ATTOPOVICH, M.K., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Working non-for:rous metals and alloys by pressure] Obrabotka tevetrykh metallov i qlavov davlaniam. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metAllurgii. 1955. 486 p. .(Non-ferrous metals--Metallurgy) (MLRA 8:12) 137-58-5-9627 I- A 1Y 6) //~,pe,) '~ A, -/) - Tianslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p I I I (USSR) -AUTHOR: TITLE: Experiments in the D~rawing of Magnesium Alloys (Opyty po volocheniyu magniyevykh splavov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. alyumin. -magn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 39, pp 520-525 ABSTRACT: An investigation of hot drawing (D) of wire (W) and tubing of Mg and its alloys. A 4-mm extruded blank of MAI and MA2 was employed in W El. Drawing was at 5 m/min through a pobedite die with a 60 angle, and a 2-mm cylindrical collar. Type-T steam-engine cylinder oil was applied as a coating to the cold W before D. The optimurn temperature for MAI and MA2 alloys, which proved to be 100 and 1500C, respectively, was determined on the basis of prior determinations of mechanical properties at various temperatures. Annealed extruded tubes of 40x34 and 45 x 31 -F7 rm. diameter, 2 or 3 m long, were employed in testing the possibil- ity of D Mg tubes. Wher. the tubes were drawn without heating they ruptured in t.-ie dra-N head. Therefore, the tubes were pre- Ca rd 1/2 heated to 1200, coated ,A,ith machine oil, cooled to rJ1000 after 137-58-5-9627 Experiments in the Drawing of Magnesiim Alloys -coating and then drawn through a hot die at 15 m/min. Experiments were also conducted in D shapes of MA2 alloy for jersey-knitting machines. The investigation showed that heating of objects to 100-1500 made possible a sig- nificant increase in the reduction ratio on D. The mechanical properties of Mg alloy W drawn with and without preheat are adduced. The mechanical properties of the hot-drawn products are more uniform, and the S were higher than those of cold-dra-,vn items. Yu. F. 1. Magnesium alloys--Processin.a .2. Magnesium wire--Production 3. Magnesium tubing--Manufacture Ca rd 2/2 AUMORS: Zholobov, V.V. and Landildiov, A.D., l30_r)8_3_j;,'/21 TIM,.- Plastic properties and microstructure of technical titanium prGduced in arc furnaces ( svoystva i mikrostruktura technichesko.go titana. dugrovoy plavki) PERIODICAL-t Tsvetnyye Metally, 1058. 111r.3. pp. 60 - 69 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The aim of this work was to establish the temperature range for the pressure forming o,,~ arc-melted technical titanium. Ingots 150 and 200 mm in diameter were produced in an inert atmosphere in two arc furnases. The smaller ingots contained 0.19 - 0.20g oxygen, the larger 0.01 - 0.00:3, and there were other minor differences in composition and in hardness (table.1). Tensile test pieces were turned after two-stage piessing and tensile tests were carried out at rates of 0.3 mm/minute in an open platinum resistance furnace at 20 0 800 and 20 - 1000 C. The oxygen content was found to affect the plastic propertiesz below 4000C the high-oxygeia metal has a high strength and low plasticity, but above 4000C oxygen content has a small affect, higher oxygen again resulting in lower plasticity. Photomicrographs at X100 of sections etched with hydrofluoric C, Card 1/1 acid show microstructure of the metal in the pressed state in relation to tempe:7ature and purity and also in the hardened state for different harlening temperaturen. There are 5 figures, 3 tables and 3 references, I of iwhich is Slavic. A.SSOClATION.- VffifT - 1.- Titanium-Deformatior-Temperature factors PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5530 Smiryagin, A. P. , N. Z. Dnestrovi3kiy, A.D. Landikhov, N. N. Kreyndlin, G. N. Krucher, V. A. Golovin, B. L. Urin, and V. N. Golldreyer Spravochnik po obrabotke t,,3vetnyl(.h metallov i splavov (Handbook on the Processing of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 872 p. Errata slip inserted. 9, 300 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): L. Ye. Miller, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: K. D. Misharina; Tech. Ed. : M. K. Attopovich. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for technical personnel of metal- workina and machine -building plants, design organizations, scientific 0 research institutes, and laboratories, and for students at schools of higher technical educalion. COVERAGE. The handbook discusses the physicochemical and mechanical properties of certain Edements and the composition and properties of Handbook on the Processing (Cont.) SOV/5530 nonferrous metals and allOYS, and includes an explanation of the theory of principal methods -for the hot and cold working of nonferrous metals and alloys. Reference material on designing, engineering- economic planning, quality corycrol, ai.-id other aspects of production is systematized and presented. Each part of the handbook contains explanations of ptin- ciples underlying bafjic processes, presents formulas for process and engineering calculations, aialyzes properties of metals and alloys., gives parameters of accompanying and secondary processes, and describes equipment and tools and thb-ir*operational parameters. The authors thank I. L. Perlin, Ya. F. Shabashov, and M. F. Bazhenov. References accompany each part, as well as various chapters. There are 130 refer- ences, mostly Soviet. Card-Zl*'U- Handbook on the Processing (Cont. ) SOV/5530 PART VII.. MANUFACTURE OF BARS AND TUBES [by A. D,, Landikhov, and V. N. Golldreyer, Engineers) Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card-gTg' 872 VK/wrc/bc 10-12-61 LANDIKHOV,_Aleks !# KREYNDLIN, N.N., red.; KAMAYEVA, O.M., red. izd-va; KARASKV,:A.I.,, tekhn. red. [Production of nonferrous metal pipes, rods, and shapos]Pro - izvodstvo trub, Prutkov i profilei iz tsvetnykh metallov. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Metallurgizdat., 1962. 390 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Nonferrous motals) (Pplling (Metalwork)) BOGOYAVLM4SKIY, Xonstantin Nikoleyevich; ZRAIA)MV, Viktor Vladim1rovich; DERGACHEV, Vladimir Ivanavich; ZUBTSOV, Mikhail Yefimovich; LWIKHOV, Aleksandr Denisovich; FOSTVIKOV, Nikolay RMM-y ILLER-;-r-.Ye-.I ELIKIND, L.M., red.iod-va; ISLENTIYEVA~ P.G., (Working nonferrous metals and alloys by pressure] Obra- botka. I;svetnyIch metallov i splavov davleniem. [By] K.N. BogoiaN-lenskii i dr. Izd.2.-f- perer. i dop. Moskva, Me- tallurgizdat, 1964- 564 P. (MIRA 17:3) TSENTER, YA.A.; FANINA, L.A.; LANDIKHOV, A.D. Secondary magnesium alloy for automobile castings. Lit. proizv. no.1;2:5-6 D 164. (MIRA 18:3) TEPLITSKIY, ll.P.[Teplitslkyi, V.P.1, red.; KOPdIIYCHUK, L.Ya.[Korniichuk2 L.LI.J., red.; SHABLTY, Ye.A.[Shablii, IE.A.], red.; LOIDIT, B.O.-, red.; KADASEEVICH, 0.0.[Kadashevych, 0.0.1, ---A - [History of economic thought in the Ukraine] Z istoril ekono- michnoi duinky na Ukraini. Kyiv., Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1961. 346 P. (14M 15:4) 1. Akademj~ra nauk IMSR, Kiev. Ins t ekonomilc3r. (Ukraine-Econon,iesTu UNDO T PAS.WWIC14 0- (Minsk) Q !!7~ Academic work of White Russian economists. Vop. ekon. no.1:156-157 is 161. (MIRA 13:12) (White Russia-Zoonomic research) 4 PASHKEVICH, Oleg Nikolayevich; S!11DYUKOVy Petr Ivanovich; kand, ekon6 naukp Ted.; NAIIOV~ V.I., red.; DAVIDOVICH, Z.p red. izd-va; SIDER110, r., te3,-hn. red. [Comranist labor brigades and technological progress]Brigady kommmisticheskogn trada i tekhnicheskii progress Minsk,, Izd- vo Akad.nauk BSSR, 1962. 151 P. 411RA 15:9) (White Russia.-Machinery industry--Technological innovations) (White Russia---Socialist competition) LMIN ; RAKOV, Ya.G., pmf., rod.; VASILIYEVSKIY, ~.; red.izd- -3!~~v.a; AITIA , A., tekhn. red. (Workers, real wages and income]Real'naia zarabotnaia plata i dokhody tradiashchikheis.. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.nauk ESSR, 1962. 158 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Wages) (Cost and standard of living) - )-cxf."'Oe'~tit 6i I ird. f pr deri~7. ivealof A;Ft y Xsi) A b- USSEA,Iathematies - Cauchy's Problem 21 Mrr 52 'Uniqueness of Sol-ation of Cauchy's Problem for the Parabolic Equation," Ye. M. Landis "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 83, No 3, PP 345-348 States that Carleman's f~111 investigations of sub- ject uniqueness do not encompass the case of para- bolic systems, A.D. Myshkis having constructed an expmple of a parabolic system for which uniqueness did not hold. Landis demonstrates the uniqueness of soln of Cauchy's problem for the following eq: UXX = a(xy).u,. Submitted by Acad I.G. Petrov- skiy 28 Jan 52." 227T48 H(X.Y) - ficil-yy Call Nr: AF 1108825 Transactions of the Third jUl-union Mathematical Congress (Cont. )Moscow, n-Jul 1956, 237 PP. eMar A. TF~y A' V'n~) WeaorQ"s"7o0f'M' e '0 c d uu ( aiA&e e i& nce" OR14 i Uniqueness for a Non-lineaz Integral Equation of a General Type. 56--~:~7 Landis, Ye. M. (Moscow). on SOMe Properties of Solutions of E-M-pTi-cEq-uation. 57-58 Lozinskiy., S. M. (Leningrad). J~rror Bounds of the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Solved by Approximate Methods. 58-59 Lopatinskiy, Ya. B. (Llvov,). Or.-i One Method of Solution of a Basic Problem of the Theory of Elasticity. 59 Markosyan, S. A. (Leninakzu-i). Application of "a Geometrical Method" to the Investigations of Some Problems of.Dynamic Systems in a Plane. 59-60 Meyman, N. N. (Moscow). Some Applications of the Method of Finite Difference to IXLfferential Equations. 6o-61 Card 18/80 LVIDIS, Ye. 11. "Uniqueness Theorems for the Solution of Elliptic Equations," Lomonsov Lectures in 1956," Vest. Mosk. U., Physico Math and Natural Sciences Series, 4, i7io. 6, pp 147,.i6o, 1956, I-Lachanicomathematics Faculty T~ranslstion U-3,054,363 lanis, Te.m, -,rA Set of points with an i.-ifinite derivative. Dokl.Aff SSSR 107 no.2: 202-204 Mr 956. (MIRA 9: 7) l.Moskovski3r gosudaretvonny7 universitet imeni M.V. 1pomono soya. Predstavleno akademikom I.G.Petrovskim. (Aggregates) IN B JE (11 TJSSR/MATHE "ITICS/Dif ferential equations CARD 1/2 PG 353 AUTHOR LAM)IS E.M' TITLE principle for the solution of ell4ptic equations,, PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 508-511 (1956) reviewed 10/1956 This paper contains the fcllowing generalization,of a classical theorem due to Pbra-gme-n--Linde16ff,, In a domain G of the n-dimensional Euclidean space let be given the equation (1) 1 D2 U Cu 0. Z ik '63: 1 Zx k i5k '4 A ik '3 Aik a2A ik Let the A have continuous derivatives where the .1. k Zxj so Dxk I -6xi!bxk ' absolute values of these derivatives be smaller than one. For 1 and xrzG (x) 0(0> 0. Besides let one of the following conditions be ;k satisfieds '6 Aik 1 , ji)Aik ;2Aik C $ 0 and - < 1- 'V 4 1 ~~XA'k I:xl -a X]c I 1X1 I K 1 2 i dxi Vxk 1XI Doklady Alkad Nauk 508-511 (1956) CARD 2/2 PG - 353 Or k ax iZx Le+ further q be a fixed number >1 and Q M be a cube which is determined by the ineq-aaticne Let S be the bound of G. Then the following theorem is valldz- There eX4 it constants ~ '%-0 and 0 depending on n, cY, and q (or n, 0 u~,Oo and q) such that for every -q1 c i,k.1 ~'he aik, possess second, and other coefficients first continuous derivatives. Y, denotes a common uppe;r boundary for the coefficients and their 'Card 1/2 -/020/63/148/002/009/037 A three-sphere law ~1,72/Bl 02 derivatives in so far as they exist. Also, it is assumed that c(X) :~~_ 0. The following law holds: If u(x) is a solution of.(1), which is defined a sphere Q of radius r