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! ACC NRt AT7001361 described as having shown itself to have a high degree of sensitivity and contrast when tested in the Polar Institute for the Fishing Industry. Complex automation, and the use of electronic computers to assist in finding fish and in navigation, is contemplated. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 13,06,09,17/SUBM DATE: 15oct65 S/263/62/000/005/005/01 0 Authors: Lade, G. I.,Shpor, K. K., Yanushkovskiy, V. A. 1007/1207 Title. RADIOACTIVE MEASURING DEVICES PRODUCED BY THE TALLIN OPTICAL PLANT OF CONTROL -MEASURING DEVICES (KIP) Periodical: Referatirnyy -hurnt, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 5, 1962, 61 abstract 32.5.340 (in sb. "Radioaki. izolopy iyadern. izlucheniya u nar. kh-re SSSR" v. 1, 1961, 69-74, Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat). Text: The Tallin optical plant for control measuring devices started in 1959 the mass production of radio- active instruments of the relay type for automation of production processes. These instruments are assembled of standard components: beta and gamma radiation sources, radioactive transducers and electronic relay units of the YPAII (URAP) type. These standard components form the basis of the following apparatus- radioactive multiposition level-controllers of the PnPY-I (RPRU-1) type consisting of a single-position or a two-position PA-1 I (RD-1 1) radioactive transducer and of the electronic relay units YPAn-3 (URAP-3) or YPAn-2 (URAP-2); the radioactive source consists of a float containing a cobalt 60 isotope or cesium 137 isotope; the PrIPY-3 (RPRU-3) type containing one or two radioactive PA-9 (RD-9) transducers and a stan- dard radioactive beta source EH-2 (131-2); radiactive blocking devices: of the 5PrI-I (BRP-1) type con- sisfing of the radioactive P)J-6 (RD-6) transducer, a YPAFI-3 (URAP-3) unit and a B14-2 (BI-2) source; the EPTI-2 (BRP-2) type comprising instead of the radioactive PA-6 (RD-6) transducer. a small size PJI-10 (RD-10) transducer; radioactive PK4 (RK4) controller for regulating the degree of filling of nontrans- lucent vessels by liquids; this controller is assembled of the radioactive PA-10 (RD-10) transducer. Card 112 MESZAROS, Miklos (Jaazbereny); LADECZKY, Jeno (Jbszbereny'l A new epicyclic gear with large transmission ratio Gep 16 no.11:431-1+35 9 164. UDEKHIN, A. - For rural areas. Pozh. delo 9 no.9:21+ S 163. (KRA 16:10) 1. Starshiy inspektor Upravleniya pozharnoy okhrany Khabarovskogo kraya. (Fire engines) M-FMINSY11 S. ~=- Thiamine, riboflavin and nacin content in Polish yeasts manufactured urider different tr-chnological conditions. P. 156. (Przemsl Spozywczy. Vol. 10, n . h, Apr. 1956, Warszavia, Poland) I 1-11onthly Index of East European Accessions (E-AI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2 Felruary 1958 LADENKOI A.A., inah. f -wood in a system Tossibilities of decreasing the consumption of of working inclined layers with hydraul# filling. Sbor. XvzNIUI .1 0.9t43-50 161. (HIRA 16:5) (Kuznetsk Basin-Mine timbering) (Mine filling) MAMYKIN, K., inzh.; POLYAKOV, V., inzh.; LADENKO, V., inzh. Logs under control. Izobr. i rats. no.8:11 Ag 162. NIRA 15:9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut mekhanizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti. (Lumbering-Equipment and supplies) IADMOV - - - Material incentives in :bnproving qualifications of agricultural workers. Vop. skoh. no.12:UO-146 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Agricultural wages) LADERSTEGER, Karoly, Dr. drohocep prof.# elnok. (Bees) New investigation of the theor7 of the heterogeneous spheroid equilibrum figures. Geod kart 13 no.1:1-8 161. (RUI 10;6) 1. Muegyetemp Bacs; Osztrak Felsogoodeziai Intezet. (Earth) (Geodesy) LADES, V. I. Operattion of a cathode voltage to the-cathqde 2230-34 163-0 follower during the su'41y, of circuit, Vestili AN BS;. J3jj-. I I linearly imrs"i I I # --";q Fiz.-tekh. nav. h ~jt no'* -." (WRA 17:1) LADES, V. I. -1-111- Multifunctional logical circuit of the pulse-potential type. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser.fiz.-mat.nav. no.1%19-28 165. (?URA 19:1) L 10270-67 ACZ__,N__R_,___M 7T003083 SOURCE CODZ: UR/0201/66/000/003/0093/0099 AUTHOR'. Blokh, A. Sh.; Lodes, V. 1. OIR3: Institute of Tochnical Cybornotics, IANI_-BSSR (Instillut tollchnichoskoy TITLE: Synthesis of single-cycle systems whose behavior is described by linear inequalities SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vostsi. Soryya fizika-toldinichGslmykh navu1c, no. 3, 1966, 93-93 TOPIC WS: switching circuit, digital computer i~ The Control o' 1' 'goductioYl proacs-_00 does not aiw,'_~Ys A13ST`RACT*- cculxc -bsolut_C_1di6 of a m It t w edge of U0 dQ610:0 irwv func Ion 'r AfiCiOnt to J of -,)=a=ctcrs X, Y. Z. Lj many Cases 5 SU-1 osi-al~lish the membership of values of U In a cc-ztain given in- ..A. L. Llerval along the number axis. Tho usage of digi-Val OOMPUters is ,;sometimes limited in such casen by their Insufficient speed. A -method Is presented in this cx1i"licle for synt-hasis 01" Circuits .1hich allow us to determ, Ino the membership of the values Off the ftxno"k.jon U (X, Y, Z) In a certain given Interval of the number axis in one Cycle for the eaSe I-Then the f1=0tiOn Is linear:' u.AX+A,Y+.,.-+A,Z, Card 1 L 10270-67 ACC--NR: A--P-7-00-3083 IThe method is ba~sea on rAe canonical met0hod'of 3'5--nt~esis of ;switching circuits. The syntlhesis Is porformou" in three stagos. !:1) on tPhe basis of the - cond it Ions of t1he problem, a canonical .t1able is constructed for intermediate.arguments; 2) the canonical ,table is used to *find the structural circuit of the device; 3) !each sector of the structural circuit Is replaced by the correspond- ing electrical circulto Orig. art. has; 3 figures and 23 formulas. EJ11AS: .38,83g SUB CODE. 09 / SUBM DAIZ: 25jan66 / ORIGIREF: 003 rn r4i 0) 1) 4111~) LADESIC.' P.; KECUVIC, D. The synthesis of some optically active 5, 6-dihydrouracils. In English. P. 47. CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA. (HrvatBko kemijako drustvo, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu i Hrvatsko prirodoslovno drustvo) Zagreb,, Yugoslavia. Vol 31, no, 2, 19599 Monthly List of East European Accessions (BEAI),, LC, Vol. 9., no. 2, 1960. Undi. LAMSIGO B.; KEGLEVICO D. The resolution of 8 -amino--T-mothylaulf inylbutyric acid (E- -methionine sul- foxide) into four optical isomers. In English. P. 57. CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA. (Hrvatsko kemijoko drustvo, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu i Hrvat43ko pr1rodoslovno drustvo) Zagreb., Yugoslavia. Vol. 31, no. 2., 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC,, Vol- 9, Ho. 21 1960. Uncl, LADEYNOVA, L.V. "A Physicoche-nical Inv~,stiz~ tion of the Equiblibria and of the Solid Phases in 'he .a Trinary System: Zn(OH) 11 0 H 0. Cand Chem Sci, Inst of Generall and Inorganic S. jU2r--202 -,Icad Sci USSR, 29 Dec 54. Chemistry imeni N. nak v 21 lee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSF Fdgher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 LADEYNOVA* L. Ve-, and MAKAROv, S. Z. "Concerning the Production of Peroxidic Capounds of Z-1nes, by .5 "Z, M&Mrov and L. V. Ladeynova, Institute of General and ~-'Inorganic-Cb mistry ImerrIt-.S-.-KUrnakov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Zburnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimii, Vol 1, No 12, Dee 56, pp 270 -2711 The methods for the laboratory preparation of zinc peroxide that are -,06i~rlbed in the literature have been subjected to consideration and pro- -ii4twes for the industrial production of this compound evaluated. On the of an experimental investigation of the system Zn(OH)2 - J1202 od for the production of Zn02 has been developed. The results ob- in the laboratory were checked by applying the method on a plant i it has been shown that the industrial process must be stopped at"4tage of the formation of ZnO2 . 0.5 HpO, because dehydration beyond itit leads to the decomposition of the product. idlq th be VIA Z 025- ymo V""' JK AUTHORS: Makarov, S, Z., and Ladeynova, L. V. 62-1-1/21 TITIEs Investigation of Systems with Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide. Part 12, The Ternary Zn(OH)2-H202-ff2O System (Izucheniye sistem s kontsentrirovannoy perekislyu vodoroda. Soobshcheniye 12. Troynaya sistema. Zn(OH)2-H202-H 0). . 2 FMODICAL: Izvestiya Akadenii Nauk SSSR., Otdeleniye Rhimichaskikh Nauk, 1957, No. 1., pp. 3-17 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRAM The ternary system Zn(OH),)-H02- 0 was investigated by the solubility method at temperatures ran-gigg f5m +30 to - 200. The authors used pure zinc hydroxide prepared from solutions of zinc and ammonium nitrate and hydrogen peroxide freed.of admixtures and stabilizers by vacuum distillation. In order to reduce the pos6ib2e errors in determining the actual comRDsition of the solid phases, the authors utilized additional structural diagrams of ZnO-H20jsin liquid phase uhich de- termine more reliably the number and lild of the existence of each Card 113 Investigation of Systems with Concentrated F4ydrogen Peroxide, Part 12. The Ternary Zn(OH)2-H202-H20 System solid phase in the system. The actual composition and the sequence of changes in the solid phases in the ternary system investigated were established by studying the data of the liquid phase diagram. At positive temperatures, the solid phases were observed as being well-forming and easily separable from the mother liquid. The solid phases, existing at temperatures of from 30 to - 200, are listed in four groups. A comparison of experimental results with literature data showed that a majority of zinc pero>dde compounds are mechanical mixtures. A poly- thermal solubility diagram was formulated which makes it possible to determine the positions of eleven fields corresponding to the existence of solid phases. Data on the composition of the liquid phases are given in Table 11. Tables,, graphs; there are twenty~-one references., of which 5 are Slavic. Card 2/3 62-1-1/21 Investigation of Systems with Concentrated Rydrogen Peroxide. Part 12. The Ternary Zn(OH)2-H202-H20 System ASSOCIATION: Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov. PRFMNM BY: SUBMITTEM June 25, 1956 AVAEUBIE: Mbrwy of ConZress 01rd 313 KAAROV, S. Z.-. IAMNOVA L. V. Systems with concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Report No.13. Studying the properties of zinc peroxide compounds. Izv.AN SSSR., Otd.khim.nauk n0-2:139-142 F 157. (MLRA 10-4) 1. Institat obahchey i neroganicheakoy khimii im. N.S.Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR. (ZinO peroxide) (Systems (Chemistry)) 5(2) AUTHOR: Ladeynova, L. V. SOV/62-59-2-3/40 TITLE: Study of Systems Containing Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide (Izucheniye sistem s kontsentrirovannoy perekislyu vodoroda) Communication 20. Synthesis of Zinc Peroxide Compounds From the Solutions of Zinc Salts and Physico-Chemical CharacteT- istic of ZnO 2 ' H20 (Soobshcheniye 20. Sintez perekisnykh soyedineniy tsinka iz rastvorov sole tainka i fiziko- "y khimicheskaya kharakteristika ZnO 2 *.tH20) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 2, pp 195-201 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the methods and conditions of produstion of zinc peroxide by means of solutions of zinc salts. am onia and hydrogen peroxide are devised and the properties of the product obtained investigated. In order to obtain ZrO 2 ' H20 the nitrate of a zinc salt solution was added under continuous stirring to the solution of the ammonia hydrogen peroxide mixture. Experimental conditions and results found are given Card 1/3 in table 1. In order to obtain ZnO 2 * O-5H20 alkali solution Study of Systems Containing Concentrated Hydrogen SOV/62-59-2-3/4,0 Peroxide. Communication 20. Synthesis of Zinc Peroxide Compounds From the Solutions of Zinc Salts and Physico- Chemical Characteristic of ZnO 2 * H20 was added to the nitrate of the zinc salt solution until the zinc hydroxide was precipitated. Excess alkali was then added up to the complete dissolution of the precipitate and the solution mixed with hydrogen peroxide solution. On oonsider- able KOH-excess a product in form of a visc8us suspension was obtained. After drying in the vacuum at 70 the product revealed only 6.52% active oxygen. In following experiments NH 40H was used. The results of this investigation are present- ed in table 2. It could be found that the dehydration of ZnO, 2 *H20 with absolute alcohol and ether leads to the forma- tion of ZnO, 2 * 0-5H2 0. The investigation of the properties of the resulting products showed that ZnO, 2 - H20 and ZnO 2 * O-5H 20 may be regarded as compounds with a hydrogen peroxide struc- ture: Card 2/3 Study of Systems Containing Concentrated Hydrogen SOY/62-59-2-3/40 Peroxide. Communication 20. Synthesis of Zinc Peroxide Compounds From the Solutions of Zinc Salts and Physico- Chemical Characteristic of Zn02 - H20 OOH Zn-OOH 1-1 1 Zn and 0 '**N I OH Zn-OOH ASSOCIATION: There are 9 figures, 3 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Institut obshchey i Akademii nauk SSSR Chemistry imeni N. USSR) neorganicheakoy khimii im. N. S, X-arnakova (Institute of General and Inorganic S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences, SUBMITTED: July 15s 1957 Card 3/3 S10621611000100110011016 B101/B220 AUTHORS: Ladeynova, L. V., Lozhkinal L. G., and Chernysheva, A. M. TITLE: Study of systems with concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Communication 22. The 200 and OOC isotherms of the Cd(OH)2 - H202 - H20 ternary system PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1961, 12-16 TEXT: The authors refer to the different, partly contradictory data on cadmium peroxides. In Ref. I they had studied the system Zn(OH)2 - H202 H20, and because of the similar behavior of Zn and Cd they expected to find analogous conditions in the Cd(OH)~ - H202 - H20 system. The present report deals with the verification of t is assumption. The system was studied by means of the solubility method described in Ref. 1. Residues and liquid phases were analyzed for active oxygen and CdO. The active oxygen was determined by volumetric analysis with KMn04' the CdO of the residue as cadmium pyrophosphate. In the liquid phase CdO was determined Card 1/4 S10621611000100110011016 Study of systems with concentrated hydrogen ... BIOI/B220 by means of dithizon and an ~9K-2 (FEK-2) electrophotocolorimeter. To obtain equilibrium in the system, 2 hr were sufficient at OOC and about 1.5 hr at 200C. The 200C isotherm was studied between 0.00 and 89.10% H202 in the liquid phase (Fig. 1). The OOC isotherm was investigated between 0.00 and 93-91% H202- For both temperatures, 5 solid phases were found whose concentration ranges are indicated in Table 3, The inter- action between Cd(OH)2 and H202 resultei in phases of the hydrate type whose composition is similar to that found in the corresponding system -with Zn(OH)2- An exact analysis of the solid phases of the zinc system indicated that they contained the hydroperoxide group -OOH. This should hold true for the cadmium system, too. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 13 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. 11. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Xurnakov, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1959 Card 2/4 m -S10621611000100110011016 BIOI/B220 ~N 4 Card 3/4 - , .. . . . I Yr -!!,~ V S106216110001001.1oollol6 Study of systems with concentrated hydrogen... 3101/B220 Legend to Table 3: a) concentration range of KOHIteHTPALtMOHHMe nPeAeAW CyIgCCT8ONaHM%I TDCPAUX 4M H?029 % ~y weight; 8 CHCTCMe Cd(OH),-H20l-H20 npji 20 m 0* b) solid phase. KOIItIPHTPAAIIO"RWC fIMAVU Itc. % TaqiAasi 4msa 20' Cd(OH), O,W-tt.60 O,W-5,40 CdO,.2H,O 11,60-20,08 5,40-23,83 CdO..1,5H,O 26,08-43,32 23,83-45.03 CdO;.H,O 53,32-72,73 45,W-5d,34 CdO,.O,SHO 72,73-89.10 58,34-433.91 Table 3 Card.4/4 MAKLROV, S.Z.- IADEYNGVA L.V. Peroxide compounds of titanium, zirconium, and cerium as products of interaction. between hydroxides and hydrogen peroxide, INT.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.6:958-961+ Je 161. (MM 14:6) ,1, Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy kbimii im, N.S.Wmakova AN WSR. (Titaaum oxide) (Zirconium oxide) (Cerium cixide) MAKAROV,, S.Z.; LADEYNOVA, L.V. Zirconiumperc~#e compounds as the products of interaction bet~iien hydroxides and hydropn peroxide. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd,,khim,nauk no.7:1169-1175'il 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut, obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N.S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR. (Zirconium oxide) (Zirconium hydroxide) '(Hydrogen peroxide) MAKAROV, S.Z.; LADF,YNOVA, L.V. Pero~dda compounds of cerium. Izv. P11 SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no-7: ia76-1182 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR. - (Cerium oxide) 29515 S/062J61/000/011/002/012 S% B119/B138 AUTHORS% Makarov, S. Z. (Deceased), Ladeynova-Soboleva, L. V. and Chernyshova, A. M. TITLEs Physicochemical study of the reactions occurring on interaction between lanthanum hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 11, 1961, 1933-1940 TEXTs In a number of experiments, La(OH) 3 was made to rea6t with H 2029 the concentration of which was varied between 0 and 97%- Experiments were made at 0 and -200C. The two reaction components were mixed in an aqueous 11XI medium at the experimental temperature chosen, until the chemical composition of both the liquid and solid phase remained constant, Both phases were analyzed for La 203 content (by precipitating the oxalate and weighing of the La 203 obtained by calcining ) and 1/2 02 (manganometrically). Card 1/3 29515 S/06Y61/000/011/002/012 Physioochemical study of the reactions ... B119 B138 At 00C, belowaooncentration of 0.72A H 202 the solid phase consists of La(OH) 3' Between 7.98 and 83% H2 0 21 the compound La 204' 2 H20 was found. At -20 0C, the compound La 204'H20 was found in the H 20 2- concentration range between 31-52 and 81.51% in the liquid phase. Both substances were separated from the mixture for differential thermal analysis which was carried out on a Kurnakov-type recording pyrometer. The substances show an exothermic effect between 27 and 45 0C and 25 and 70 0C, an' an endothermic effect between 105 and 125 0C and between 98 and 11000. The beginning of the exothermic effect corresponds to the oxygen separation which continues 0 to,v200 . The oxygen separation proceeds in 2 stagess (1) Decomposition of the adsorbed R 202 (beginning at-2500; (2) decomposition of the hydroperoxide compound of lanthanum (beginning at -8500)~ Anhydrous lanthanum peroxide compounds could not-be obtained. For the compounds obtained, the following formulas are suggestedi For Card 2/3 29516-- S106~ 4'~ b /61/000/011/OC3/012 B119/BI38 AUTHORS$ Makarov, S. Z. (Deceased) and Ladeynova-Soboleva, L. V. TITLEs Physicochemical study of the reaction occurring on interaction between neodymium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 11, 1961, 1940-1946 TEXT: Nd(OH) 3 suspended in water was made to react with H 2 02of varying concentrations at 0 and -20 C. Equilibrium was established between the chemical compositions of the liquid and solid phases after 1-5 to 2 hr Both phases were chemically analyzed (active oxygen content was determined manganometrically, Nd 203 content by precipitating with oxalic acid and weighing the Nd 0 obtained by calcining the oxalate). At 0 0C, in the 2 3 H202- concentration range from Iv53 to 35.6%, two solid phases were found. The one consisted of Nd(OH) 30 the other of Nd 2 05.2 H20. At 36% or more Card 1 4 29516 S/062J61/000/011/00 3;/012 Physicochemical study of the reaction .. B119/B138 H 202in the liquid phase, the latter compound was observed to decompose. A-. -200C in the H 202- concentration range between,24-88 and 37.42%, the compound Nd20 4. 2 H20 was found. At these experimental temperatures(O and--200C), the solubility of Nd(OH) 3 increases up to as much as 50 times with H202 content increasing between 20 and 30%. Solubility of Nd(OH) 3 in R20 at 00C is M04%, The solid phases with compositions Nd 2 05' 2 H20 and Nd204' 2 H20, respectively, were isolated for differential thermal analysis using a Kurnakov-type recording pyrometer, The compound 0 Nd205* 2 H 20 shows an endothermic effect at OOC, and between 90 and 112 C. The first corresponds to melting in the presence of the excess liquid phase, and the second,dehydration. It is suggested that the exothermic separation of oxygen is suppressed by dehydration. Nd 204~ 2 H20 shows an exothermic effect between 25 and 60 0C,.an endothermic one between 93 euad '~0500, For both compounds, oxygen separation proceeds in two Card 2/4 29516 S/062/61/ooo/ov/ocz 012 Ph,,rsicochemical study of the reaction _ B119/BI38 stages: (1) Decomposition of adsorbed H 202 from 60 to 750C; (2) decomposi- tion of the peroxide compound of neodymium from -85 to 900C. At 2000C. the composition corresponds to the compound Nd(OH) 3' The two peroxide compounds could not be obtained in a completely anhydrous state. The following formulas are suggestedi HO OOH For Nd204~ 2 H 20 Nd-O-Nd and for Nd 2052 H20 HO OH ROO OH Nd-O-Nd There are 7 fig-area, 6 tables, and 5 referencest HO OOH Soviet and 4 non-Soviet~ The two references to English-language publications read as follows: B. Brauner) Proc. Chem. Soc. 72 (1889); B. Brauner, Proc. Chem. Soc. 17, 66 (1901). Card 3/4 29516 S/062/61/000/rol-ii/00 -~ b12 Physicochemical study of the reaction B119/B138 ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N.. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General snd Inorganic Chemistry imeni N, S,, Kurnakc-.r of the Academ.-.,, of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: May 4, 196,, Card 4/4 MAKAROVp S.Z. [doceased]l LUMNOVA9 L.V. Deternination of active oxygen-in peroxide compounds of cerium* Zbur.anal.kbim. 17 no.6s743-747 S 162. (MIRA 16i1) 1. Institute obahchey i neorganicheskoy khlidi im. N.S.Kurnakova AN,SSSR, Moskva. (Oxygen4thalysis) (Cerivm cmide) TKAGHUX9 V.G,y doktor geologo-mineralog. nea, ; TOLSTIKM, N.I., prc~f..; PIRNEM, Ye.V.s, kand. geologo-i-,ineralog. nauk, mladsbiymauC?Myy sotr*; YASNITSKAYA9 N.V.q mladshiy nau-chW sotr.j khimik; tunko- VA, i.I., m]Mshiy nauchW sotr.9 khiTni ; SHOTSM9 V.P., ka33d. geogr. nauk; ORWVA, L.M.A sterWdy gidrogeolog; STAPANOV, V.M.v kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk; VLASCFV, N.A.,. kand. Icbi7n. nauk; PRO- KOPIYEVt B.V.0 kand. khim. nauk; CHERNYSHEV9 L.A.j starshiy prepoda- vatell; PAVLOVA, L.I., stirshly prepodavatell; Prinimali uchastiyo: IVAROV, V.V.p k-g-nd. geologo-mineralog. nauk; YAROTSKIYs, kande geologo-mineralog. nauk; KARASEVA, A.P., nauchrWy sotrj-,ARVTYUNYAHTS, R.R.9 nauchnyy sotr.; ROMAROVA9 E.M.p nauchW sotr.; TROF3YUK, P.I., starshiy gidrogeolog; 4!~~ ~KOV ~P-I., Otarshiy nauchmyy sotr., kand. geogr. nauk; LYSAKp S.V-.9 starshiy laborant; KRUCHOINA, L.Yn.; laborant; SERENOVA, Ye.A., red. izd-va; BOCHP s, V.T., tekhn. red. (Mineral waters of the southern part of Eastern Siberia] Minq-raltnye vody iuzhnoi chasti Vostochnoi Sibiri. Moskva. Vol.l. [Hydrogeolo of mineral waters and their significande for the national econom7F Gidrogeologlia miner&llnykh vod i ikh narodnokhoziaistvennoe nie. Pod obshchei red. V.G.Tkachuk i N.I.Tolstikhina. 1961. 346 p. (MIRA 24:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Vostochno-sibirskiy geologicbeskiy institut. (Continued on next card) TKACHUK, V.G.- (continued) Card 2. 2, Vostocbno-Sib:Lrskiy geologi-,.heskiy institut (for Tkachuk, Pinnekerp Yasilitskaya, Krutikova, Lysak). 3. Institat geografii Sibirakogo ot- deleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (for Shotskiy). /+. Chitinskoye geologiche- skoye upravleniye (for Orlova). 5. Somovskays. ekspeditsiya Mini- sterstva geologii i okhrarW nedr SSSR (for Stepanov). 6. Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet-(for Vlasovq Prokoplyev, Chernyshevp Fav- lova). 7. Leningrads1kiy gornyy institut (Tolstikhin). 8. Gosudar- stvenrWy nambno-issledovatellskiy, institut kurortologii i fiziote- 'rapii (for Ivanovp Yarotskiyp Karaseva, Arutyunyantsy Romanova). 9. Irkutskoye geologicheskoys upravleniye (for Trofimuk). 10. Bs:7- kallskaya linnologicheskays. stantsiya Vostoohno-Sibirskogo filials. AN SSSR (for Igideyshchikov). 11. Otdel ekonomiki i geografii Vostocbno- Sibirskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Kruchinina). (Siberia, Eastern-Mineral waters) ('~EYSHCHIKOV. V. Improvement in efficiency among sharpshooters. Voen. znan, 37 no. 1:28 Ja 061. (mmA i4a) 1. Predesdatell soveta Kharikovskogo oblastnogo strelkovo- sportivnogo kluba Dobrovollnogo obehahestva sodeystviya armit, aviateii i flotu. (Targets (Military satence)) LADF The classification of baby chicks based on sexual orCans. p. 10 (Tobbtermeles. Vol. 1, , no. 1~,, Nov. 1957, Budape-t, Hunt-ary) E'onthly Index of East European Accessions (E11111) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 UrOTY, J. Varsanyt, Gy. Ladik, J. "Ultraviolet absorption spectra of dipherrjIsulfone and berzcnesulfonic acid; the nature of the S = 0 bond.11 P. 243- (Acta Chisiuca Academaae Scientiann Hum~uiricae. Vol. 3, no. 2, 195~, Buda-jr.-st.) SO: 'MontInIZ List, of East European Acessions, Vol. 2, I:o. 9, Library of Congros~, September 1 1953, --.Jncl. I M. pr j7 -77 ,rk Yi V 7&ZR R,7istmWA -ka.. Croft, Ad - wivskia"(111Y410 41 -0 k; ]?bW 149 idid6d lo'.ffl lis *Xdmd - 6ou OAOG BE W, t iihi Ids '*hkb AM Vl 4brAl 5; Hungary/Atomic and Molecular Physics Physics of the Molecule, D-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34293 Author: Ladik Janos, Czukas Andrasne Institution: None Title: Magnetic Interation in the H2 Molecule, Due to the Motion of 2 Electrons Original Periodical: A mayar tud. eked. Alkalm. mat. int. kozl., 1954 (1955), 3, 'No 3-4) 425-441; Hungarian; Russian and English resume"B Abstract: The authors give in the first part of their article a simple computational method for taking into account in wave mechanics the magnetic interaction, occurring when 2 electrons are moving. Next, the authors, using the approximate eigenfunc- tionB of-warg (wang, S. C., Physical Review, 1928, 31, 579-586) calculated the energy of the magnetic interaction Pm in-the case of the H2 molecule (Tm = 8.24 x 10-4 ev). This is approximately the same magnitude as the error in the spectro- scopic determination of the binding energy of %. Kellog and others (Kellog, J. M. B., et. al., 1940, 57, 677-695) have measured approximately, with the aid of the methoa of magnetic resonance of molecular beams, the magnetic nuclear spin-nuclear spin interaction in the H2 molecule. Assuming that the energy of the magnetic 1 of 2 - I - Hungary/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Physics of the Molecule, D-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12Y 1956, 34293 Author: ladik Janos,, Czukas Andraone Institution: None Title: Magnetic Interaction in the H2 Molecule, Due to the Motion of 2 Electrons Original Periodical: A mayar tud. akad. Alkalm. mat. int. kozl., 1954 (1955), 3Y No 3-41 425-441; Hungarian; Russian and English resum4s Abstract: electron spin-electron spin interaction in the H2 molecule is 18472 times greater than the latter and that the energy of the magnetic interaction, oc- curring during the motion of the electrons, is equal to thelZnergy of the magnetic electron spin-ele.ztron spin inter&ction, a value of 3.11 x -4 ev was obtained for TMI i.e., a value of the same order of magnitude as that obtained above. 2 of 2 - 2 - -goo Eb 'thi -iL 4 A4 Vf 'i . dc J! tig VA , di t ten s I M&O a ,hit" 7 t tw)lv tICL -`jjeldL4 O.,gami 302 .-and . ti -biotibftitro-l A . q I -4934AMCU) ;S Analyzb* the Oectra of angularly condensed Irozatic h4drocarbona by experimentaIand theoretical nathodso E. Falta I.-ladik, ]~. Ling. I Magyar Tuddm~nyoo Akad6mia'- IWsponti I?Izikai in iafti-ek 10 xffOnyei (Proceed 8 of ing the.Contral-Research Institute for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Vol* 15., 1958j, 30pp. 192-197, 4. figs., 3tabs., Teste have.pioved that the 376 mtL band systeLm occurring in certain Rhewmthrene spectra can be attributed to anthracene impurities. In order to define the modified theor.yof oriented.light absorption the notion of the'atructural (gross) effect and the denomination substitution axes are introduced aethe firatatep. ffietj~~ed -,clipped abstraqJ7 card:~Vi - M-1 LADIK, Janos Gerhard Herzberg's Malecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. Vol. 2. Infrared and Raman Spectrum of Molecules with Several Atoms; a book review. Magy fiz, folyoir 8 no.2:161-163 960. (EW 9:10) (Herzbergp Gerhard) (Molecules) (Spectrum analysis) (Spectrum, Infrared) (Raman effect) ROFFMUIN, Tibor; rAn - 08 ,k possible explanation of the cancer-causing effect of radiations and carcinogen hydrocarbons on the basis of the electronic structure of the deoxyribonucleic acid. Nagy, fix folyoir 8 no.6:471-486 160. (EUI 10: 5) 1. Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet es MTA Kozponti. Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. (Garcinogenic substances) (Gancerigenic substances) (Hydrocarbons) (DeoVribonucloic acids) LADIK, J., Investigation of the electronic structure of desokyribazucleic acid. I. Approximate calculation of the Jr-electron oveklap between adjacent nucleotide bases. Probable consequences. Acta phys Hung 11 no-3t239-258 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Central Research Institute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapeat.3amlier: State Institute of Hygiene, Department of Biochemistry and Isotope Researchq Budapest. Presented by G.Schay. (Electrons) (Deoxyribonualeic acids) (Nucleotides) M 5 Wo- KARDOS., G. (Badapest)l LADIK, J. (Budapest) The gro=d state of the bydrogen molecule on the basis of the relati- vistic quantum mechanics with the aid of the Wang wave function. 1I.Metbod for evaluation of the two-centre integrals occuring in the calculation of the retarded magnetic orbit-orbit interaction tem. Mat kut k*z1 MTA 6 no.1/2.*77-88 161. 1. Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Acadeny of Sciences, Budapest. (E'7drogen) (molecules) (Integrals) (Quantum theory) LADIIK; ~. (Budapest) The gromd-state of-the..Iqdrogen molecule on the basis of relativistic quantum mechanics with the aid of the Wang wave function. II. The rela.- tivistic correction energy" ta2ma. Acts. pbys Hung 13 no.2:123-137 161. 1. Central-Research Institute for Chemistry, Hurgarian Academy of Sciences, Iludapest. Presented by Z. Cryulai. LADIIKP J. (Budapest) Approximate de~terminat-.Lon of the moat important radiation correction energy terms for the ground state of the hydrogen molecule. Acta phys Hung 13 no.2:139-1" 161. 1. Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,, Budapest. Presented by Z. Pyulai. 1ADIK, J. A not-, on the Tra(avl4c acid - p=ot,^in coding p-oblem. At-,ta phyo Hung -'?; 'r,,4 03-478 761. .1. CentrU RpsPernh 1nstitute for Chemistry of the Hungarian 'on A -dony of Scienccw, Budarest. LADIX, Janox . -'% An account of my study trip to Czechooloval". Kem tud kozl MTA 16 no.2:233-235 161. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Inteizets, Budapest. LADIX3 J. Some remarks on the energy bamd structure of protAiin. Acta phys Hung 15 no.4:287-298 163. 1. Central Research Institute for Ghemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. - Presented by G. Schay. BICZOI G.; LADIK.. J.; TUDOS, F.; BEREZSNICH, T.A. Calculation of some atomic: localization emergies of various po3,vcyclic hydrocarbons. Acts, phys Hung 16 no.2:173~-180 163. 1. Central Research Institute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. IADIK, Janos An account of my otudy trip abroad. Km tud kozl MTA 19 no.2:267-269 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapeot. LADIK. Janos An account of my study trip to Czechoslovalda. Kam tud kozl 14TA 19 no.4.-477-478 163, I, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezetj, Bbdapest. .,,ji~AW.,,(Budape sty 11. , 1-luezia-szEn-i ut r7 )C)j A idrr- ) dr. IADn~', 1 r I (Budapest, II., "usztazzeri ut 57/6S); F-MU!, Judit O"Iss) (Budapest, J1.1 Pusztaszeri ut 57/69) Research on the ele tructure of 1-benzene-azo- H-phenyl-2-naphth 0 elate.-A.I.Acta chimica Hung 38 no.4:393-1+03 163. 1. Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hun arL-:-r 'ca-den ..y of Sciences, Budapest, and State Institute for Statistics, bt~.4apest. -1 janos; TUDOS, Ferenc; BEREZSNICB, BICZO, Geza; - I ~ Tamara Calculating the atomic localization energy of polycondensed hydrocarbons. Magy kem folyoir 70 no. 1: 17-19 Ja 161,. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademla Hozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. LADIKq Janos Newer results in the quant-am mechanical analysis of deoxyribunuclaic acid. Magy kem folyoIr '10 no.99382-390 S 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Chemistry, Htmgarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. ACC NR: AT60125195 RM ' I AUTROR: Diczo. Goza-Bitao, Go (Doctar); ladiki Lq2&W1-'A6ik. Y. (Doctor); - NDssirDr,-- Andras (Doctor) 11/4:11 ORG,- 'Centr4j~e. :Vciapo joarch Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciencost TITIEs Investigation of the electrorAe structure of naV--'~hylamine chelate~. Part 2 SOURM: Academia scientiarun hungaricao. Acta chenrIca, ve 46, no. 3. 1965, 195-203. TOPIC TAGS: chelate, compourxI, organic azo compound, chemical bonding ABSTIIACT: Part 1 was published Ibid., v. 38, 1963, P- 393- The potential function oj the N-111.o.N hydrogen bond in the title compound and of the O-Iq ... 14 hydrogon boryi in 1-benzone-azo-2-naplitliol was determined for various N-11 and 14-0 distances. The cho- late system was found to be homogeneous. The vAlues obtained were presented and dis.- cussedo The authors thank Miss -A. Jeszenak for perform;*Lng the numerical calculatioris.0 Orig,.art. has: figures, 10 formulas, and 2 tables. 40rig. art. in Engj [JFRSt 34,165,7 SUB CODE: 07 SM DATEt 04Feb65 / ORIG REF.- 002 / OTH OF: 005 LADIK, Janos; BICZO, Geza Energy band calculations for periodic DNA models on the basis of the Ifuckel approximation. Magy kem folyoir 71. no.1:31-39 Ja 165. 1. Central Research In3titute of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Radapest. LADIN, Janos -~'~~-empi-- al theoriG3 of molecular crystals, Magy kem folyoi.r 71 no.2:71-81 F 165. 1. Central Research Institute of Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Submitted June '140, 1964. SOURCE-- CODE: HU AUTHCR:,,~~, Janos ORG: Cpntral Research Institute for Chemistry, IVA (MA Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezeta3-- TITIB: Coding of prote synthesis SOTJRCE-. Fizikmi azemle. no. 9, 1965, 274-278 TOPIC TAGS: protein, cybernetics, biochemistry,.organic synthetic process tMUIACT: A review i-ms rwAe of the techniques involved in and results achieved in the coding of protein synthesis. The article is the text of's lecture presented at the meeting on cybernetics hold in conjunction vrith the 1965 Genaral Session of--theHuAg- of Scienceco Orige art* has: 3 figures, 6 for=LLa WAL ,~ UOL"M06 JWA.AW6 r~,~-Ztj SUB COIE: 06, 07 / SUBM DAN: none / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REEF: 014 L 39546-66 cw/Rmt Acc NR, Ap6oo8394 SOURCE, CODEt HU/0005/6-5/071/001/0031/0039 AUTHORt ik, Janosl Biazo, G36a ORG: Central Research Institutq for Chotd.stry. Hungar-I Academy of Scieng(u4 Budapest (Magyar Tudomanyos Akadorda Kozponti Kemlai ~&tato Intezete) nos", TITLEt Energy band calculations for periodic DNA~iaodels in the Huckal approximation SOURCE: Magyar kemiai folvoirat, vo 71, no* 1, 1965, 31-39 TOPIC TAGSs DNA, energy band structure ABSTRACT: The energy band stru-totures of different periodic models of DNA were calculated by means of the Huck-el approximatione The characteristic features of the results were compared with those previously obtained forhomopC4;.acleotias and for the most simple heteropolynuclootids. Thewidths of the energy barids.-mak-9 possible a small conduction in DIA. For the forbidden band width between the highest filled band and the lomst non-filled singlet band the value of 3A6 eVe was obtained in the case of thet most somplicatid model systems, which do not differ jsignificantly from real DNA. The authors thank Prof. P. 0. lowdin and Prof'. B. Pullman for many valuable exchanges and the suitable powor guarantee. Further Card 1/2 L 39546-66 ,.~ACC NR: AP6008594 zAbanks is extended to Doctor L. C. Chen and Yw. T. 8, Sha for solving of the,40th, order special Hermite complex mtrix equations in-the research program and tha calculations done at the IBM DAta Systemd Division Devel6puent laboratory (New -iork). on the IBM 7030 (Stretch) Computer. Thanks is also given to Janos Szelezsan a~d GZE~usi Belane for the solving of the 20th order Hermite qcmwlex matrix equations on We 5111 803A Computer. Orig. art. has: 3 tables, fim-7 -ISUB CODE: 07 STEM DATE: 28F4y64 CRIG REF1 001 OTH REF-- 008 'I ,~;SOV REF: 002 _Card 11b Biochemistry HUNGARY I AI _~Ja- ungarian Academy of Sciences, Central Research Institute of U., Lnos~ M G MVTCF~' (MaFyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezet), Budapest. "The Coding of Protein Synthesis." Budapest, A MaFyar Tudomanyos Akademia Biologiai Tudomanyok Osztal nak Kozlemenyei, Vol VIII, No 2, 19b5, pages 165-17Z. Abstract: The article is a summary report on the problem of coding of the RNA-to-protein molecule step. Ochoa, Nierenberg and other authorities are quoted. The?roblem can also be formulated on the basis of an analogy with John Neumann s theory concerning self-reproducing automata and automata which construct more involved ones than themselves. This is discussed brief- ly. 2 Hungarian, 14 Western references. --? - 71 - -/A 1'4 __41 A3961-66-- - ) 11T - T.lp(r)-,---JD/,;i I ACC NR: Ap6uno8 SOURCE CODE: IfU/0005/66/000/001/0022/0026 AUTHOR. Ladik. Janos: 11~iczo, Geza ORG: Central Chemical Research Institutep MTAP Budapest (MTA Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intei-e-te-F ja TITLE: Study of the electron structure of solids having catalytic ction. I. ChIgge I of the energy band st-r-u-R-ur-e--o-T7i-r-Xj'Me nickel crystals ~~ I SOURCE: Magyar kemiai folyoirat, no. 1, 1966, 22-26 TOPIC TAGS: electron structure, energy band structure AB&I"RACT- Using ihe tight binding ap-! proximatioh in its interpolation foxm, sugdestod by Slatctr and Koster. the energy bands of Ni in the whole first Brillouin zone(lkere calculated ;at 00% and 137)OK. In the latter case the effect of the extension of the crystal by the increase in temperattire was taken into consideration, but the interaction of the electrons with the phonons was neglected. The energy integrals at 13730K were estimated from the appropriate energy integrals at OOK and from the overlap integrals at OOK and at 137)0K, respectively. According to the results, the widths of the 4s and of the common 3d band decrease considerably with an increase in temperature. Therefore in any theoretical interpretation of the catalytic properti.-s- of the transition metals it is necessary to start vrith the band structures computed for the temperature of the aatalytie reaction. Drig. art. has: L tablen 9 foimulai5~,k~FRS:A,805/ L ~6854-66 E79P _R114 X`6034717 SOURCE CODE: HU/0005/65/071/009/0388/0392 AUDIO: Diczo, Gaza, Lad1kA Jam, Yessmer, Andras; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Central Research Institute of Chemist (Magyar Tudomanyos-Akademia, Ynzponti Kemial Kutato Intezet), Budapest. TITLE, Study of the electronic structure of 1-benzene-azo-n-phanyl-2-naphthyl-sunine chela~elii'* Approximate calculation of the potential function of the n-h ... n hydrogen bond 1\ . SOURCE: Magyar kemial folyoirat, v. 71, no. 9, 1965, 388-392 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen bonding, organic azo compound, cholate --.ompound ... - - . I The potential functions ABSTRACT: of the N-H ... N hydroCen bona oi L-u(~nzene-azo-N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine and of the O-H---N hydrogen bond of l-b,!nzene-azo-2-naphtbol have been Cal- culated by using the semiempirical method of Lippincott and Schroeder. The calculations were carried out for different N-'~4 and 0-IN distances. Accord- ing to the results, in the chelate :3ystr;m containin_--~ tho N-H ... N hydrogen bond, the potential function has only one sin,-le minimum if the NrN dis- Itance is smaller than 2.76 R. Since such a large N-11 distance seems to be 1improbable, this result is in agreement with the previous experimental I in !results which indicate that this sy.3tem is homogeneous. The results obta ed 'for the second system indicate that a potential with double minima ran be lexp,-cted only if the 0-H distance is greater.than 2.78 Card L 46654-66 ACC WRt A P4,034-1/7 The authors thank Jeszanak Adrienne for carrying out the calculations. Orig. art* has: 4 figu les. IJPRS-7 jased on authors' Eng. abut ress, 10 formulas and 2tab ,7 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DALTE: 21 Jan 65 1 ORIG REF: 002 / OTH Pj-'.F: 005 2/2 L_ 47 2__3_9____6_ 6w-(j)/T-Rm ACC NR,- AP6034303 SOURCE CODE: HU/0005A6/000/006/02139/024 AUTHOR: Tudoe, Ferenc* Ladik, J Turcsanyi, Bela ,',. I- I_ap T,4 CRG: Central Research Institute of Chemistry, !!~ingarian Academy of Science_s, Eudapes (Magyar_TT&o_m`an_y_os -7 . ~aemi[aoi`ponll Kemial Kutato intezet ) TITIE: Kinetics of free radical polymerization XVII. Effect of charge transfer complexes on certain elemental processes of free radical poli-merization SOURCE: 1gyar kemiai folyoirat, no. 6, 1966, 239-243 TOPIC TAGS: radical polymerization, polymerization kinetics, copolymerization ABSTRACT:,(Authors' English summary-modified] Molecular compciunds*(charge 'W om .tran fe-r-c' plexes) which are formed in some cases of radical. polymerization have-a. considerable influence on the kinetics of the process. A theoretical study was made of the factors which determine the kinetic parameters of the .reactions*of rad'ica13 with other compounds which have a closed shell I' -electron system. Special attention was paid to the effect of the forp6tion of molecular compounds. It was found that the increase in reactivity which ils observed generally may be attributed to an Increase in the resonance .energy of the transition state. Thito can be used as a basis for the interpre- ~~t~Tj_qf some ancralous effecteofinhibited poly"rizatiorn and co-pollnerizalw~ tion in a ~ti-s'*f'a-c-to*r7---m'a-'n-'ner.-'- Orig. art. hasi 3 figure.a ancr17 formulas'a 1JPRS: 36 8621 SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: lqJun65 / ORIG REF: 006 SOV REF: 001 rVM VZ%' . J_TTTM.` . Investigation of the electronic structure of cat2jj!ticeX1Y active solids ssomEil:: Academia scientiarum. hungaricae. Acta chimica, v., 47, nos 3# 1966, 263-21r1 TOPIC TAGS:~_solid*.:statei ene band structure, nickel,.electron energy level, is, rgy l emperaure dependence ys t t A~TRACT;_,~ -Th - th alculate the energy band structure of an Le p ,,ose of is paper, is to. c ~infinitf, "! e1v 6ck stal at O-K and at t1373 -K., to. investigate the L effect of temperatux ry increase..n. thebC 6t ture ions* of the energy, band structure, d, rue For the calculat binding-, appro)CWation wadL.used, taking: :into account the 48 and the five 3rd s Ates of nickels'- The widths of the 4s band,andLof the common Ird band decreased- ~-Signifiqafitly with increase intemperature. The:importance of the findings obtained wth,6~~study for catalytic the Authcrs thank Academician mechanismiwas discudsed# I Gl_-*~OhAy_and Dr. F.. N LC' r6sponding Member: of the Hungarian Academy of -=PttLpr i 7_ to tfi , pr6bleM, ~nd f, Sci,6 Up ToR --d' their a ent on e or tbeir inspirl ng "interest-duringUis work. They also-thank Mr .-:F._Bel6znay for manyLstimulating dn6 kid lor -:ca" 3 4 ng~ their. - atteatioia to -Mffip~an ~a a in the literat,.we, aiscuSS3. .&so J; 7116, fdr. solving the matrix elgenvc-ilue ~rdblems on the Ural II computer of ~.th6~-State,Institi&0'6f-Statiaticob and.~Xss.A..,Jeiszenak for performing the tedious d6iik,..calimulat&onat';.--:,fti.,,aLrte- has': 9~: f ormufa-F-a-Ul t Abl a 9 [Drig. art., in Eng 1JPRSi %i -07- 20 UBM DAM. -/:...PTH* REP:: 'SM CODE i 3lMa3r65 . v r _Ako -OKWII I.j LADIKOVp A. Success rests -kith the specialists. Muk.-olev.prom.,26 no-5:3-6 My 160. (MnA 14:3) 1. Ministerstvo khleboproduktov Ukrainakoy SSR. (Grain elevators) (Grain milling) LADIKOV, A. Grain procurement statiouB of the Ukraine are getting ready for the forthcoming plenum of the Central Committee of the Commanist Party of the Soviet Union. Mak.-clev. prom. 25 n0-1-3:7-8 0 '59. (NIU 13:3) 1. Ministerstvo khleboproduktov Ukrainskoy SSR. (Ukraine--Grain elevators) BUGRAIEVI A.* IADIKOV A ; ZAWLOTSKrY, K.j F1LIPPOV,, G., kand.iftnomicheskikh naWc "Problems concerning the econ(my of grain receiving enUrprises" by A.A. Borinevich. Reviewed by A. Bugraev and others. Mik.-elev. prom, -28 rio,6:30-32,Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) I* Moskovskoye oblastno-ye upravleni7e khleboproduktov (for Bugrayev). 2* Kiyevskoye upravloni7e khleboproduktov.(for ladikov). 3. Rostovskoye upravleniye khleboproduktov (for Zabolotskij), 49 Moskovskiy tekbnologicheakiy institut pishchevoy prororshlennosti (for FiIippov). kGrain elevators) (Borinevich, A.A.) LLDIKOV. A.V.. elektromonter. Starting arrangement for direct-current motors. Inergetik 4 no.10: 23 0 156. (KM 9:11) (Electric motors-Starting devices) /,a 0 196./(//0 AUVIOR: TITLEt Ladikov oscow) Magneto-Vortex Rings 83304 S/179/60/CiOO/ODVO02/027 B031/9135 PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdaleniye tekhnichesk-.~Yj naukt Mekhan-ika I mashinostroyeniye, 196o,No 4, pp 7 i'i _" V y Smoj(1/jC TEXT: The existence and stability of a stationar -1112,- imrestigated. It is assumed that the velocity vector and the magnetic field are collinear. The assumption has been expressed tluit the ring is stable only when the velocity in the gas Is great-,,~-. than the corresponding Alfven velocity. It is shown here that Stability is possible when the opposite relation holds. It is also established that in many cases the pressure inside the plasmold carA exceed the external pressure and so there may be a considerable temperature inside. Assume that inside the region of the ring is an incompressible fluid of infinite conductivity. Vortices in it and azimuthal currents cause a flow and a.magnetic field In the meridian plane. The magnetohydrodynamic equations must be solved in the axisymmetric case under the condition curl X = rf(%P), where is the velocity and 41 is the stream funct-lon. Toroidal J~ coordinates f, 0,71, are introduced. It is assumed that the :adiuS 8:1304 S/179/60/000/(D)+/OC)2/027 B03 l/B13 5 Magneto-Vortex Rings of a section of the ring is much less.than the radius of the ring. Hicks' solution of the equation curl y = rf(W) with the condition W = const. on the surface of the ring and Me) = constant is quoted. The cross section of the ring is not assuated to be a perfect circle. From Hicks' expression for the stream functiong the velocity components and-the magnetic field components are determined (the latter from the condition of.collinearity). The total pressure on the surface of the ring is obtained by integrating the magnetohydrodynamics equations and using the results already obtained. The problem is now considered of the flow round the ring, the velocity at infinity and the circulation on thet ring being known. In the region external to the ring there is. also a magnetic 0 field caused by the ring current, but it is unrelated to the motion of the medium and is determined independently of it. Hicks' solution of.this problem is quoted and the velocity and field components determined as before. The total pressure on the ring Is quoted. It is deduced that if the magnetic energy exceeds the kinetic energy, agreater pressure, and consequently higher Card 2A 83304 S/179/60/000,40)+/002/027 E031/E135 Magneto-Vorteac Rings temperaturesq can arise within the ring. The analysis shows that a change in the defining parametersiwhich leaves the form of the ring unchanged leads only to a change in the velocity of the incident flow and does not cause instability. Hence the stability of the plasmoid is studied under the condition that its surface is disturbed. It is assumed that the disturbance is of the second order of smallness in comparison with -jo/a, where. c is the radius of a section of the ring and a is the radius of the ring, The equations are given which, after linearisat-lon, the perturbation values of the velocity, field and pressure must satisfy both inside and outside the ring. Explicit forms for these quantities are assumed and non-dimensional coordinates introduced. The equations lead to Bessel's equation for V2 = ve/u, where u is the value of the velocity on the surface of the ring. All the other unknowns are determined in terms of V2 and its derivatives, By comparing the expressions for the total pressure on 'both sides of the ring we obtain an equation such that if its roots do not have a positive real part) the motion is stable. Various possible limiting-conditions and assumptions are considered. S11791601000AVOO'M7 B031/913 5 Magneto-Vortex Rings There are 1 figure and 5 referencess 1 English, 1 Russian translation of an English text-booz'-L2 and 3 Soviet. 1~ SUBMITTED; February 20, 1960 Card )+/)+ 3I..5"0 (/0 S/040/6j'21~005/011/028 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Ladikov, Yu.P. (Moscow) TITLE: Some Problems of the Dynamics of Magnetic Vortex Configurations PERIODICALt Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1960, Vol.24, N0.5, pp-897-905 TEXTt The author establishes the motion equations of a system of coaxial magnetic vortex rings. These rings are circular vortex filaments through which there flow currents. It is assumed that the fluid Qutside the rings is ideal: incompressible and not conductive. The plane analogue of the system of coaxial rings are pairs of rectilinear magnetic vortex filaments situated symmetrically to an axis, and having opposite circulations and currents. It is assumed that the motion of the magnetic vortex ring is qualitatively equal to the motion of the corresponding pair of rectilinear magnetic vortex filaments. The motion of such a pair is investogated in the direction of the conductive and the non- conductive wall. It is shown that in the first case the ring is enlarged for an approximation to the wall. In the second case, for certain parameter values it is possible that the ring is narrowed for an approximation to the wall, and if the wall has a split it may slide Card 1/2 S/040 60XV005/011/028 C1 I I %C222 Some Problems of the Dynamics of Magnetic Vortex Configurations throught it (similar phenomena were observed for ball ligthnings). The author thanks his leader L.I,Sedov for advices. There are 6 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet, 2 English and 1 German. SUBMITTED: June 16, 1960 Card 2/2 LADIKOVyROYEV, Yu. P. Cand Physmath Sci -- "Certain problems of the dynamics of gas oonfigurationa taking into account ift magnetic effects." Mos, 1961 (MOB State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov). M, 4-61, 183) -22- 20735 S/020/61/137/002/006/020 3104/B212 /1/0 AUTHOR,. Ladikov Yu F. TITLE- Various exact solutions of equations for unsteady -motions in magneto-hydrodynamics PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 13~, no. 2, 1961, 303-306 TEXT: The class of motions whose radial velocitieA are a linear function of the radius have been extended in this paper. At first the pulsation of a gravitating tiphere having an infinite conducti vity is investigated in a mat;netic J.'ield. Similar investigations have beeA done previously (Ref. 1: L. 1. Sedov, Mletody podobiya i razmernosti v mekhaniki, 1957; Ref. 2: It. I. Lidov, DAN, 97, no. 3, (1954)) and, here, an axisymmetric magnetic field is studied with gas particles rotating around their axis of symmetry. The author starts from a hydrodynamic system of equations in spherical coordinates considering the axial symmetry and setting v,, 0- Card 1/8 20735 S/02 61/137/002/006/020i va*rious exact solutions of ... Bl 04YB212 'ap M arm, !mr H I H 0 - _ - -- a (rH,)- i T,-. f + V.. ao Impr Zr -6-., 7 -T . He a (r sin 0 H.) Hr a(rsIn6H,)+;3-sjnQ---Te-- 7 + Vr-Fr r F sTn-o Ur- d (f 31n 0 H.) H, (Mor OHr) I OP V2. HO -F- -7ctgo -T,-lpr wo r r0 Uprl3ln 0 a (H,.r2 sin ID) + (Her sin 0) - 0. 2u,+ ov, 0, V at Or + P( r 6p 8p + Vr rr + 'rp (IF"," + aH, + o' r + vf am, + He + 0, r Yr am, a [r (H,I), + a r NO Card-2/8 20735 S/020/61/137/002/006/020 Various exact solutions of ... B104/3212 where y c the initial radius of the particles, all other /C p v quantities are commonly used. it may easily bee seen that the last five eauations of (1) have the following solutions for a dependence of the radial velocity on the radius which has been selected here: 3- 2 H, = 42 Hr = tL h,( ", ~,); P S 2 hij(';,") The first three equations of (1) may be r~olved by assuming that the pressure consists of two summands: 3Y + Using results of Sedov (Ref. 1) the author 2 obtains the f oll owing final result: Card 3/8 20735 S102X611137100210061uzuz. Various exact of ... B104 212 -v,.- P=W(O PO( H, - Ii" (t) cos .a. HO =-L 7 J% (eta) jl/. (at) 112 sin 9 r2 -*, 1~~ J% (aR) f Tf)-% P lp 41?20 + I :o Iv. t~O sin 0 (R a R sin" 01- + PO 2pe 11 71140 '70 E3 + nfpl OF I ('1R. 4 1 + Wl R denotes the radius of the sphere and J (a~) represent first kind p Cara 4/8 Various exact solutions of C-v 1.3.1) 3/020/61/137/002/006/020 B104/B212 Bessel functions. quantity "all satisfies equation J5/2 (aR) - Ot tobe constants K, p0, ~o and L bave to be determined in a proper way. All gas particles perform a periodic pulsating motion for L"-' 0, and it is easily seen that pressure, density, and magnetic field vanish at the boundary ~ - R. The pulsation of a rotating plasma cylinder is investigated in the second part of the paper. Here, the author uses the same assumptions and starts from the system TF + Vr i 2fM Tr- 7 -F -Tr - Ta-p 7 r 04 2 rt + V` r + 7 VA2, 0, OP ap Tt+vr +P(t,+-.,.)=O, ;Y7- Or r (10), 26735 "/020/61/137/002/006/0201 Various exact solutions of ... B104/B212 OP + ~e+ 'rP ft, + or or (-rr r 0, on: air. a-t + V, + 2H.3 0, Tr- 8HI + V, 8H.' + 2H' (&, + =0. W -or- z Tr- 7 where f is the gravitation constant and ~~,Q) the initial density. The system has the following partial solutions: Vr C, M HI E4 C-2ESO (E). where r/ (t) is a Lagrange coordinate, 1Q) and are arbitrary functil FIQ), and F 2M are connected witht! functions JQ) and by the following relations: Card 6/8 e- V I S)1020/61/137/002/006/020 Various exact solutions of B104/B212 F Ap + N. 1 d Bq)' I + Fi (T, Ewt 1 dFS M (12). ) - D -dE .~(t) satisfies the following differential equation: A dt] 2B In.C + DC-2 + C (C). (13)- The solutions investigated are a function of ~(J) and for any 1, which characterize the initial density distribution and'the angular velocity. For 7 - 3 the solution is dependent on the arbitrary functions. A. G. Kulikovskiy, I. M. YavorskELya, and Ye. V. Ryazanov are mentioned. The author thanks L. I. Sedov for valuable suggestions. L-C-a-rA2/8 20735 S/020/61/137/002/006/ Various exact solutions of ... B104/B212 There are 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: gosudart3tvennyy universite~ im. M. V. Lomonos (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: September 1, 1960, by L. 1. Sedov, Academician SUB14ITTED: August 27, 1960 V~ 43321 S/040/62/026/006/006/015 16, /10-0 t234/D308- AUTHOR: I~~d~kov.,__ Y.u-.-P.- (.Or,Bk) TITLE: Properties of plane and axially symmetrical stationary flows in magnetohydrodynamics _ PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 26, no. 6, 1962, 1087 - 1091 TEXT: For plane flow of infinitely con ducting ideal gas, the au- thor defines 6V, PvX Up Pv y u, Hx TY, Hy = ax (1.2) and takes If and -e- as independent variables. It is a6sumed that vz Hz = 0 and that all flow characteristics are independent of z. If (v,H) is independent of Y and the gas is isentropic, the differen- tial equations have the integral P + H2 + V2 fl(y) (P Y p U2 cP) Card 1/2 F v