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COUNTRY Poland L-3 CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. RZ111iM., ~,o. 1959, do. 86265 AUTHOR Lada, Z.; Ealinu-.4,jka, K. 111TST T IT LET Determinatlorl of Water Content ir iticohols with Van dor lseulen Reagent ORIG. PUB. Chem. axial-Lt.. , 10/58~ 31 No 3-41 66,3-66-5 ABSTRACT The -possibility is confirmed of di;t-crminlng watEr Ln alcohols, glycols, hydxocarbons and CFIC13, with van der Yeulen reagent' in lieu of Fischer rcLgei-it. The reagent is prepared IDY mixing a solution of 25 g 1-JaI, 85 g anlydrous Cii3COONa, and 63.5 g 12, in 600 -,l absolute C,30 with a soluuion of 23.7 0 602 in (0 ml I, and adding I ~Io adjust the volu,:;e of the mixture -,..o 1 11ter. Titlration eLd-point is determined visually or alectrometrically. If a prcicipitate is fc)rmed the reaction rixture is diluted wit I. Results of the analysis coincide with results obtained on. u-sing Fischer reagent. -- 14. Turkev--ch. l 00 A R D Ab -the at aluminum, , %CQMIV=ft - ~7;~ rZak Ell L'~ L'I" 2. Detemination of the Cas yield of porophor N. P. 375. Cff-I~IA AW.L.ITYCZKA. (Komisja Analityeana Polskie Akademii Nauk i Naczelna Orb-anizacja Techniczna) Wamawa. Poland. Vol. 4, No. 1, 1959. 2 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEPI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 Uncla. IJ,D,A, Z.; KC)ZM-KI, T. A'bomb'for the manometric determination of moisture by acetylene method. P. 379. CHDIIA AIUiLIITYCZWi. (Komisja Analitycena Polskie Akademii Nauk i h-czelna Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa. Poland. Vol. 4, No. 1 1959. 21 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.8. No. 8, August 1959 Uncla. Lada, Z.; Wassak, S. Colorimstric instruments 1"or t~e deterMiT:ation OT L' some t rw7e coriponents in gases. p. 162. REVISTA DS' CHr--,ii-,. (Hinisterul industriei Petrolului si Chimiei Si Asociatia Stiintifica a In':-inerilor si Technic-lenilor din lRomdania) .;~Ucuresti-,, Rurania. Vol. 10, no* 3, Mar. 1959. Monthlv list o, East Europuan AoceS5iOf)3 (9',~AI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, A,~f!. 1~59 Uncl. IADA, Zygmunt Bibliography of Polish works in analytical chemistry. Chem anal 4 no*5/6:999~1013 59, (E-EA 9:9) (Poland-Bibliography) (Chemistry, Analytic) L!AU, Zy t; MDRCKA, Jadwiga ,p= Indirect eomplexonetric determination of pyrocatechol. Chen anal 6 no.1:95-98 161. (EM 10:7) 1. Struazynoki Analytical Laboratory, Institute of General Chemistry, Warsaw. (Complex compounds) (Pyrocatechol) IADA, Zygmunt Complexometric indicators. Chem anal 6 no.2:135-148 161. (RRAT 10:9) 1. Analytical Department$ Institute of General Chemistry, Warsaw. (complex compounds) (Indicators and test papers) LADA, Zpmt (Warazava.,37i;~Lacznosci 8) Water determination in some organic 3-iquids by means of cobalt(Il)- bromide. Acta chimica Iftmg 28 no.1/3:2,17-221 161. (Fau 10: 9) 1. Institut fur Allgameine Chemie, Analytische Abteilung IM. Stru- azyAskift, Warazava. (Liquids) (Cobalt) (Water) LADA, Zygmmt Bibliography of Poli ah works in anzaly-tic-al ch-3 -'S+-r7- 7 Chem anal 7 no.4.863-871 162. MINGMISKI, Jerzy; Zygrmlnt,. Works of' the M. St-.usz.*;nsk'L Laborator a y of Analysis. Przem chem 42 no.12;70'A.-704 D163. _Y~A,.Zygmunt, mgr inz.; NMDECKA, Jadwiga, mgr Studies on the possibility of alkalimetric determination of 6 -caprolactam. after hydrolysis to f_ -aminocapronic acid. Chem anal 9 no.2:359-364 164. 1. M.Struszynski Analytical Department, Institute of General Chemistry, Warsaw. POWD ALUMO Nataial aunt Zyrmtl Liao Urgma. boy ~ HOWA St Am9YU"A Cbm"ft7v ImUtsts It GING"a OwdIANY (Uld" Amdi%V=W is. H, ft - avaddegat uwww CW" o"I"Ps vasom - (tw an)* vwrowt orho C*wtnl of Pwt 21 Of Nam" In J* ON" of md utaSAO aWl BS.1-Ma drj IADA! Y4qxWt#-W LM& MUM Anal lad Z=t:o* 1 IVA It"* Of OMOSVI anj li*Stmxy=* w ifte west"OSYDA"W is"Puts cialaad stlew Chet" asagel I a ftv". #0 (ftr OU) werswo Aws". ue g. mereii.-April I Wp vp 275*2V *me contra or Otto 400= V-"O*AStlOG* ftrt 5S 34=UdC" now". air detem-AMUOU of stleleaussilms dlOtbA*D&tvlaftw# IAIIk4HLRNDVSKIr.4 L.K., doktor takhn.nauk Modeling the static characteristics of load and generation of electric systems* Izv.yyesucheb.zav.; energe 3 no.6: 14-19 Je 160. (MRA 13:6) 1. Poxnanskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, Pollsba. Predstavlena kafedroy elektricheskikh sistem Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta. (Blectric network analyzers) LADA-JAGAS, Romana; KOLAGZKOWSKI, Bogdan A case of toxic exfoliation of necrotic epidermis following retasulfin therapy. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.2t65-67 11 Ja 166. 1. Z Oddzj-.-u Dermatologicznego Szpitala Wojewodzkiego w Opolu, (Ordynator Oddzialu: dr. Danuta Jastrzebska). 1. LADAN, P.YE., Prof. 2. us3R (6oo) 4- Swine Breeds 7- Raising Novocherkaask lard hogs, Sots. zhiv., 15, No. 1, 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. LADMI, P.*, 6829. Ladan, P. E. Soderzhaniye sviney v svinarnikakh polliatkr-j-togo tipa na yuge SSSR. M., Sellkhozgiz, 1954. 88 s. s. Ill.; 1 L. chert. 20 am. 5.000 ekz. 1 R. 25 k. -- (55-11985) P 636.4-083 (47.892) SO: Knizbnaya batopis No. 6, 1955 LADAN, P prof.; TARICHEITO, I.I., dotsent. kand.sellskokhoo.nauk Nffectiveness of fattenipg bogs of different constitutional ' ZhlvotnQvodstvo 21 no.7:3-10' Jo 159. types. I (14IRA 12:9) 1. Novochorkasakiv zonveterinarrqy institut. 2o Chlen-korrespon- dent Voesovuznoy almdemil sellskbokboz.nauk in. V.I.Tenina (for Iculan). (Swine--Feeding and feeds) IAUN, P.Ye.; BRUM, N.N. Xffect of maintenance and additional iron sulfate feeding on the blood of swine. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz. 24 no-9:34-38 159. (MM 13:1) 1. Novocherkasakiy zoovetinstitut. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Yee- 80yusnoto Bel Iskokhozyaystvennogo instituta imeni V.I. Lenina for Ladan). (Swine--Feeding and feeds) (Blood) (Ferrous sulfate) UDO,_Rq~ ~UTe~fimovi~chp prof,; MAROSM, A.P., prof.; SINITSU, M.N., prof.; USTIKSM, L.F., red.; MZM, V.I.$,; ZMILINA, Z.P., [Stockbreading and specialized animal husbandry] Razvedenis seliskokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh i chastnoe zhivotnovodstvo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-rys 1960. 431 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Bovocharkseekiy zooveterinarnyy institut (for Ladan,.Sinitayn). 2. Saratovskiy zooveterinarnyy institut (for Harkashin). (Stock and stockbreeding) AN,-E-Ye..,-prof.; YEREMEYEV, A.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennvkh nauk Makin use of interrelations in the swine organism in breedlnv 4ork. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.5t7l-75 My 161. (NIRA l6t2l 1. Chlen-kqrrespondent Voesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk imerxi Lenina (for Ladan). 2. Novocherkasskiy zooveterinlty7 institut (for Yeremeyev). (Swine breeding) IADAN, P.Ye.., prof.; MWNOV, M.Ye. Bev method for determining the fatness of farm anizal by.ultraoonio waves. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.7:77-79 J3. 161. (MIU .16:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenins. (for Ladan). 2. Direktor Kishinevskogo zavoda, *Elektrotochpriborw (for Krasnov). (Stock and stockbreeding) (Ultrasonic waves) LADAN, P.Ye., prof.; BELKINA, N.N.., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Sod as a means for prophylaxis and treatment of anemia in swine. Zhivotnovodstvo, 23 no.8165,-63 Ag 161. (KMA 16:2) 1. buen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystven- nykh'nauk imeni-Lenins. (for Laden). (Siine-Diseases and pests) (Anemia)- KARKUSHIN, A.P.,, prof.; LADANt-PA19LI, prof.; GORBELIK, V.I., prof.; SHKUDOVA11 R.I., red. [Livestock breeding and specialized animal husbandry]Raz- vedenie sellsko-khoziaistvenmykh zhivotnykh i chastnoe zhivotnovodstvo. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 478 p. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Saratovskiy zooveterinarnyy institut (for MarkushiL, Ggrbelik). 2. Donskoy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy ingtitut (for .Ladan). ZHTIDRO, V.K., deputat Verkbovnogo Soveta SSSR,, mbkhanizator; j!~ ~ANI 'A.M kukuruzovod, dvazhdy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; imIAIV YI.R.,, okhotnitsa? Geroy Sotsializticheskogo Truda Work is a song. IUn.nat. no.7:3-5 J1 162. NIRA 15:8) (Agricultural workers) (Chukchi Peninsula-Hunting) '11' T; 0~. Nave D ANZ DkR caps); Given Names CountX7: Yugoslavia Acad.-~c De-grees: Magister A~~fliliation: not given Source: Zagreb, Farmaceutski Glasnik, No 4-5, April-May 1961, pp 185-188. Dat,a: OExhibitidn "Medicine and Technology* at the Zagreb Spring Fair.' m iZ; L C ,.Pr P_ ng r It-age T-7 .- I ;. groulls of Traan,;,-,arpai,b~'a. Zhu-:-. I.. '..;kfty jrsM tut. ci.~, deir..' mi.krobiol*g1t BUSHEY N.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; BLUDOV, L.S., inzh.; ZAYCHIKOV, A.V.Y inzh,; LADANOVY Th.N., inzh. Resistance of soldered joints under the effect of cyclic heating by an electric current. Trudy TSNII MPS no.277*.2-17-125 164. (MIRA 17:6) GREEEENM, A.D.; TSUKERVANIK, I.P. Reactions of nitroolefinw-vOk-aronatic compounds in the presence of acid cata3jrsts. Part 21 Condensation of ~ l#1'1-trichloro4-nitro4-~prqpane vith benzene in th6 presence of chloride. Zht,-r.ob.khJn7. 33 no.2s490- .493 F 163. (KIRA 16s2) (Propene) (Benzene) (Aluminum chloride) LADANY, D. Rail breaking due to fatigue. p.261. REVISTA CAILOF FL-ELATE. ((-'alle Ferate Homine) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 7, no. 5, MPY 1959. Monthly list of Eastern European AccesBion Index (BEAI) W vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. IADMr, D. -------- R. S. mixed ties of reinforced concrete with double elastic fastenings. p. 388. REVISTA CLILOR FERATE. (Caile Ferate Romine) Bucurestil, Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly list of East Earopean Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. ig6o Uncl, WST, B.;LUMI, G.;TIGYI, J. Mechanical function and m7stallization in mmecle. Acta physiol. hung. 2 no.3-4:271-279 1951* (CLUL 22:1) 1. Of the Institute of Biophysics of Peas University, SZABO, Denes, dr.L NrI, ~-Tanos~,dr. _j~ ~A -- Suppuration of surgical vo'Gnds in-atr experience during the past 5 years. Orv. betil. 103 no.24:1125-1128 :L7 Je 162. 1. ~Szeged, Varosi Tanacs Korhaz, Sebeszeti Osztaly. (SURGERY OPERATIVE compl) LADANYI, Janos Examination of failure rate of d--*g.tal funtiamental carcult-=. Finommechanika 4 no.3-69-71 Yx ?6r* 1. Research Institute of Automation of the Hungarian A~,adamy of Sciences, Budapest. LADANYI, Jenone "Data on the possibility of fulfilling the stereoscopic condition on rectifiers" by 0. Weibrecht. Reviewed br Jenone Iadanyi. Geod kart 24 no..1: 64 162. UMM 3. 3on, IADkM J. and Hn Mil Z. 11 Dept~ of Surg., mad. Univ., Debrecen. *Blood supply of experimental callus formation ACTA MaMOL. ACILD. SCIMU. HM. (Wapeat) 1954, 4A (35-") Illus. .11 An experiamental study, in dogs, of the vascularization of fracture callus. The ul- na was fractured obliquely in its proximal third, and the vascular pattern of the developing callus studied by means of injection with diluted India ink when animals were killed at periods up to 6 weeks after fracture. Now blood vessels formi in the damaged region from the first days after fracture, but for as long as the first 2 weeks they are restricted to the medullary cavity, the cortical bone in the region of the fracture being relatively avascular during this period. The newly developed blood vessels invade the fracture callus between the bone ends, and by 4 weeks the medullary vessels from the 2 sides have met at the fracture line. Fixation of the fractured bone ends with a stainless steel needle was found to stinulate the form- ation of periosteal callus and to advance the degree of vascularization of the fract- ure callus in all situations. SiBsons - London SO: Excerpts Medics, Section V, Vol, 7 No. 9 LADANTI, Jozea, dr.; HARASXTI, Antal, dr. Perforation of gastric ulcer into the wall of the left ventricle. Orr. hatil. 95 no.29:790-792 18 juiy 54. 1. A Debreceni Oryostudomanyl 31&retem II. oz. Sebeszeti Ilinika- Janak (igazgato: Ladanyi Jozaa dr. egyat. tanar az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) as Korbonctani Intezetenek (igazgato: Kellner Bela dr. east. Aanar akadomikus) kozlemenye (PEPTIC ULCER, perforation into the wall of left ventricle) (HIART, perforation by peptic ulcer perf.) LLDAIM, Josef, dr. Treatment of acute rhinitis. Orv. hatil. 96 no.16:429-430 l7APr 55. (RHINITIS. therapy, cholesterol & sodium citrate) (GITRATICS, therapeutic use, sodium cilfrate in rhinitts) (CHOIRSTIROL, therapeutic use, rhinitis) LADANYI, Jozoa, dr.,; PONGRACZ, Andre, &r. Iffect of blood clot therapy of wounds in secondar7 healing an& epithelial regeneration. Orv. hotil. 96 no.50:138&-1390 11 Doe 55, 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Figyetem II. oz. Sebeezeti Klinikajanak (igasgato: Ladanyl Jozoa, &r. egyet. tanar) kozlemezWe. (BLOOD COAGULATION clot cake. ther. use in healing of ulcers & wounds, off. on skin regen. (Run)) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES skin, blood clot cake ther., off. on regen. (Hun)) (ULM tropical & varicose. blood clot cake ther., eff. on skin regen. (Hun)) EXCERPTAXEDICA Sec 11 Vol 9/11 O.R.L. Noy 56 NN-1 J. .1161-IC F 16/14 11, 11, Budapest. Schichluntersuchungen an 2001'1d',a,~ -.ensIhI' leimliautoberflAche. Examinations of tile superficial strata of Ilie nasal muensa Z. LARYNG. IIIIINOL. OTOL. 1956, 35/2 (134-136) Tables 3 After the intro(hiction of cottonwool tampons soaked in distilled water into tilt nasa' cavity, persistent thinninp. was observed of tile mucous membrane anti inerease of inorganic tons in the tampons used. The mechanism of the increase of ions and the thinning is explained on the analogy of Donnan*s theory by dissociating colloid electrolvies and a limiting surface which is brought into existence between tile tampons inserted and the nasal mucosa. EXCa,-RPTA KtDICA Sec.11 Vol.10/6 Gto_Rhino_Laj~j;~ngo (-A 17AN Y T J~ 1188. LADANYI J. 011di-Ot 16/B 11. 11, Budapest. ", Ober die E'rgebnisse Ciner an der Iq nschleimhaut durchgeffjhrten Kalziumiontophorese zusammen mit einer gleichzeitigen Follikelhormonbehandlung. Untersuchungen an Ozaenakranken. Results of calcium iontophoresis upon the nasal mucous membrane with simultaneous administrat- ion of follicle hormones. Studies of patients with ozaena Z. LARYNG. RIUNOL. OTOL. 1956, 35/10 (655-659) lontophoresis was undertaken in the nasal cavity for the purpose of ascertaining whether a suitable ion supply would lead to swelling of the nasal mucous mem- brane. Following calcium iontophoresis, local and general improvement was en- countered in female patients with ozaena, which, however, was not maintained //88 after the treatment was interrupted. Simultaneous, continuous, parenteral follicle hormone supply inhibited the calcium action, whereas a periodical supply of hormone proved to be beneficial. The results of calcium iontophoresis could be further promoted along these lines. The result of local calcium lontophoresis depends upon the periodical supply of hormones. In 18 cases the combined treat- ment (calcium iontophorests anti periodical hormone supply) was carried out: It was successful in 16 cases; there was no result in I case (extensive hypogenital- ismus) and in a further case larger quantities of hormones had to be supplied. On the grounds of these results a new relation between the salt and sterin content can be assumed. (XI' 3) DETTRE, Gabor. dr.; LADANTI, Jozaa, dr.; FONGRACZ, Zndra, dr. Gastrojejunocolic fistulas. Orv. betil 97 no.10:259-263 4 March 56. 1. A Dabraceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetftm 11. 92. Saboazati Klinikajanak (igazgato: Ladanyi, Jozaa dr.) kozlemenye. (PEPTIC ULCER, surg. compl., gastrojejunocolic fistulas. (Hun)) (STOMACH, fistula gastrojejunocolic, after peptic ulcer surg. (Hun)) I.-SZABO, Laszlo, dr.; PONGRACS, Endre, dr.; LADANYI, -Tozaa, dr. Free skin transplantation in therapy of chronic leg ulcers. Orv. hetil.,97 no-29:803-807 15 July 56. 1. A Debrecent Orvostud.,Iffetew 11. sz. Sebeezett Klinikajanak (Igaz. Ladanyi, Jozaa dr. egyetemi tanar) kozl. (LEG. ulceri chronic, free skin transpi. (Hun)) (ULCER ' leg, chronic. free skIn transpl. (Hun)) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION, in'various die. ulcer of leg, chronic, free grafts. (Hun)) DEPM, Gabor, dr.; LADANYI, JozEa dr.; PONGRACZ, Endre. dr. Surgery of gastrojejunocolic fistulae. Orv. hetil. 97 no.35: 969-972 26 Aug 56. 1. A Debreceni OrvostudomarWi Fgyetem II. oz. Sebesseti Klinikajanak (Igazgato.- LaUnyi, Jozoa, dr. egyat. tanar) (STOMACH, fistula gastrojejunocolic, surg. (Run)) (J?ffUNUM, fistula same) (COIDN, fistula same) DETTR3, Gabor, Dr.; L&TAIM, Jozsa, Dr., ........... Data on geriatric surgery based on 5 Years material of the clinic. Mau. sebeszet 11 no.2:57-65 Apr-June 58. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Rgyatem II. sz. Sebesseti Klinikajanak kozlemenye Igazgato: ladanyi Jozen dr. egyatemi tanar, (AGID, surg. (Hun)) LOANYI, Jozea, dr. Swilc,iii-l'i-~:er,apy of ulcus cruris. Borgyogy.vener.asemle 35 no.5:221-240 0 '59. 1. A debraceni Orvostudomanyi Mg3ratem IL sz. Bebeezeti klinikajanak (Igaz&,Ato: Dr. IiManyi JozBa egyetemi tanar) koslemeVe. (VARICOSE ULCER surg) LADANYI, J.; KOSY R. A new method for testing the sensitivity of grafted fingers. Acta chir. plast. 3 no-4:256-262 961. 1. 11 Chirargische Universitataklinik, Debrecen.Direktor: Prof. D--. J. Iadanyi, C. Se. II Chirurgische Universitatsklinik, Budapest (Ungarn) Direktor: Prof. Dr. P. Rubanyi, C. Se. (FINGMS transpl) IADOYI, Zozsa Surgical treatment of post-thrombotic crural ulcer. Acts, chir. acad. sci. hung. .3 no.7+:355-359 162. 1. Second Department of Surgery (Director: Professor Dr. Jozsa Ladanyi), University Medical School# Debrecen. (LEG ULCER) (ANGIOGRAPHY) (THWOBOSIS) SZAWj L.E.; GOMBKOTO, B.; LADANYI, Jozsa; TOTH, M.G. .7 on pseudoeysts of the pancreas. Acta, chir. acad. sci. hung. no./+: 393-409 162. 1. 1 Chirurgische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. Dr. H. c. E.Hedri) der Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest, I Chirurgische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. J. Szeleczky) imd Il Chirurgische Klinik (Direktor: Prof: Dr. T. Ladanyi) der Medizinischen Universitat Debrecen. (PANCREATIC CYST) JADANrI J dr.; TOWA) Gy. . dr.; JONA, G. , dr. Splenoportograpkq in the diagnoais of liver tumorB. Magy. Sebesz. 15 no.iii-7 F 162. 1. A debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II oz. Sebeszeti klinikajanak kozlemanye. (LIVER NEOFLASMS radiog) (ANGIOMAPHY) LADANYI, Jozaa, az orvostudomanyok kandidatusal egyutemi tanar "Venous diseases of lower extremities" by Gyorgy Vas. Reviewed by Jozsa Ladanyi. Magy tud 70 no.8:571-572 Ag 163. 1. Debreceni,Oryostudomanyi Egyetem, FARKAS, Laszlo Dr; Medical University of Debrecen, II. Surgical Cli-nic (De~Tr_eceni.Orvostudomanyi E.gyetem, II. Sebeszeti Klinika). ItTrasylol Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis." Budanest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 38, 22 Sep 63, pages 1792-1794. Abstract: The trends in current, mainly conservative, treatment of acute pancreatitis are described. The treatment with Trasylol (kallikrein-trypsine inactivator) was described by Frey in 1953. and patbolo- gical considerations which led to the use of.Trasylol are described in de- tail. The drug inactivates kallikrein and trypsine in the tissues and blood, which appear in increased quantities during acute pancreatitis. The druop should be administered immediately, to avoid irreversible damage to the pancreas. If the diagnosis is uncertain, the administration of Trasylol does no harn.. Slow, steady administration of sufficiently large doses is recommended. Although its primary use is in cases of acute disease, it can be used for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis and also as a prophylaxis durin:Y un ar abdominal surgery. Some reports indicate its usefulness in ~ -P acute parotitis and in severe burns. Possible contraindications are not yet known. Side-effects are mild but, on repeated administration, allergic re- actions should be tested for. Its action is very rapid in acute cases, but the treatment should include all the usual measures as well. The cause of the disease must be found after the acute stage and treated. 13 Hungarian, 20 Western references. 1/1 iouia dr., KISS. Bela, dr T'SIAIJADY, !AS7,30, LArlp~llyl - - . A~ppendec~tojiv &:~d ~* _i ty. ',,n . he ti -1. 106 f.~ .'-, 7 Mr 165. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyctem, 11. Sebes,,,,eti Kl--Lni-ka (igazgator Ladanyl, Jozsa, dr.). LkDANYI Jozsa- FOLDES, I.; TASNADY, L. Blood supply of the callus a-f ter intramedul-lary nai2ing. Acts, chir. acad. sci. Hung. 6 no.4:365-373 165. 1.. Second Department of Surgery (Director: Prof. J. Ladanyi) and Institute of Anatomy (Director: Prof. 1. Krompecher'), University Medical School, Debrecen. Submitted December 1, 10/64. B/194/62/000/011/00.1/062 D201/D308 AUTHORS; Bbka, Andra's and LadAnyi, Jbzsef TITLE: A logic system using ferrites and diodes PERIODICAL: Referativiiyy zhurnal, Avtomati -ka i radioelektronika, no. 11, l-)62, 12, 4bstract 11-1-23y(T6L3&koztat6. Ma- gyar tud. akad. sz&mit4Lstechn. kdzp., 1961, Ao. 111-126, 11, 17, 22 (Hung.-,'summaries in Rus., Ger. and Eng. ) ) TEXT:, This is a communication on a standard logic circuit using ferrites and diodes, as duveloped at the computer center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Fundamental reasons and requirements of the design are given and the principle of operation is described. Examples of synthesis of complex logic functions using the above circuits are -iven. Simple sylAolic designation of bloc-circuit di- raws is introduced uide by side with the so-called 'image' Kar- naugh symbols. It is shown that the first samples of logical 14AG- LOGAL cells operate in push-pull at a comparatively low frequency Card 112 A logic system 3/19 62/000/011/001/0062 D201%308 (50 kc/s). It is also 6tAted tjiut Boolean functions can be readily realized by co:,,ibining the !UGLOGAL celis with one, two or three in- puts. The re8ultu of experimental investigation of the ferrite and diode loCic syutem are ,;iver. which show its high degree of reliabi- lity. it",is also stated that ~IAGWGAL cells are easily combined with otlier devices. 10 fi,-,,Ares. /-ikbstracter's note: Complete trans- lation.-7 Card 2/2 LIDANn I .67ozoef I---------- Construction of the "MAGLOG&L'I (magnetic logical subunit) system. Mares automat 10 no.8:248-252 162. GRATZER., Gyorgy; LADANYI, Jozsef Realization of logical functions from Maglogal elements. Meres automat 12 no. 3:65-70 164. 1. Mathemat-cal Research Institute. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (for Gratzer). 2. Electric Automation Institute, Budapest (for Ladanyi). kfidjAll~i "$ /(, HUNGARY Solid State Physics - Solid State Theory E-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No. 5, 1957 1,11o. 11566 Author Ladanyi, K. Inst :_R_u_n-g-F_r_1_a_n Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. Title i On the Theory of Precious Metals. orig Pub Acta phys. Acad. sai. hung., 1956, 5, No 4, 361 - 380. Abstract The interatomic bond in precious metals was studied on the basis of the statistical theory of metals, developed by Gombas. The modified potential of the atomic residues is obtained by semi-empirical means -- the generalization of the Gelman, It turns out here that the Gelman method for determining aDproximately the modified potential is not suitable for precious metals. In general, the fol- lowing espression is obtained for the lattice energyi 'U 0 WC t 171,; -+ WK * WA I W~j I 17p -I- Ep + BC - 11K - EA + % + HS, Card: 1/2 HUNGARY Solid State Physics - Solid State Theory E-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No. 5, 1957 No. 11565 Abstract : where WC is the interaction energy between the point ions and the valence electrons 'W is the energy due to the penetration of the valence Motrons into the electron cloud of the ions, WK is the repulsion energy of the atomic res- idues,, WA. IYWI and W are the exchange, corullation, and Polarization interaMon between the valence electrons and the atomic residues, EC is the Coulafftb interaction of the valence electrons, EKItheir kinetic energy, EIL and 9 N the exhhange and corellation fractions in the energyp and H the energy of ion overlap. Each of the above fractions o~ the energy is a function of the interatomic distance. This makes it possible to calculate the compressibility. The author has calculated the interatomic distances, the lattice energy, and the sublimation energy, as well as the compressibility Sor copper, silver, and gold, The calcalatioij is in satisPaotary agreement with the experimental data. Card: 2//-' 4 HUNMY/Physical Chemictry - Molecule, Chemical Bond. B. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, rx~ 14, 1958, 45611 Author : K. Ladanyi Inst : Academy of Sciences of Hungary. Title : To The Statistical Approximation of the Quantum- Mechanical Problem of Many Particlesi 16 11. Orig Pub : Acta phys. Acad. sais hung., 1957, 7) No 1, 161-166; No 2, 267-272 Abstract I. The author studies the statistical spDroximation of the rluantum-mechanical problem of many rarticles in the case of an arbitrary number of particles, Wrich has been discussed by MeKee (RZhFiz, 1956, 33748)- It is shown that the expression of the energy coincides with the known energy expression of the statistical theory only, if the particle number was very great. Carcl 1/2 HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bond. R. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 14) 1958, 45611 11. The one-particle eigenfunctions of a many-parti- cle system are approximated by the variation method, by which the corresponding statistical expression can be derived from the energy expression according to Hartree-Fock also in the case of a relatively little number of particle, It is also proved, that the equa- tions of Bloch (Bloch F., Z. Phys., 1933, 81) s~ P ,p 1y a generalization of the method provided the Weizsacker term was neglected. Card 2/2 AP HUNGARY/.Physic&l Chemistry - Atom. B-3 Alv: Jol zr Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No '17, 1958, 20331 Author P.Gombas, K. Ladanyi. Inst Academy of Sciences of Hungary. Title Conputstion of Electron Density of He Ion Based on Broa- dened Statistical Model - Orig Pub Acta phys. AcaLd. sci. hung., 1957, 7, No 2, 255-261. Abstract The computation method of atomic electron density t (r) developed earlier (RZhKhirl., 1956, 70872) is used in the concrete case of a Hg2--ion. The electrons of the He4- shell are grouped by the principal quantum number n thus that all the electrons of shell of a certain n are conse- dered as equivalent, and it is assumed that the density en(r) does not depend on the values of the orbital quan- tum number 1. The dependence of P n(r) is found by the Card 1/3 HOOMy/physic&l Chemistry Atom. B-3 'Abq_jo= Ref Zhur - K11imiY&, No 7, 1958, 20331 direct v&ri&tion&l way for shells of quantum numbers 1 n o/ooo/o48ti/0494 .AUTHOR:' Lade, B.V.; Nazarov, V. Yo. ORG: None TITLE: Modern fish searching apparatus and technical developmental prospects in the USS11 SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po razvitiyu flota rybnoy promy- shlennosti stran-chlenov SEV. 2d Leningrad, 1964. Rybolovnyy flot (Fishing fleet); abornik trudov konfarentaii, v. 1, Leningrad, Izd-vo Sudostroyeniye, 1965, 484-494 TOPIC TAGS: sonar~ sonar equipment, marine equipment, acoustic equipment, detection Iequipment, recordx*:ng equipment, electronic equipment, underVater sound equipment, food, fishing ship,, research facility ABSTRACT: The development of hydroacoustic search apparatus for installation in Soviet fishi-nd ves.sels is discussed. The O!kun', Dellfin-1, Sudak, Kallmar, and Yazl fish searching fathometers are described and their technical characteristics tabu- lated. PaltusZA,1' a modernized version of the Paltus sonar equipment used to locate fish, and now in production in the Soviet Union, is described in detail, and its technical data listed. Soviet efforts to develop the paper used in the recorders supplied with the equipments are discussed, and the ETB-3 electrothermal paper is