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v. V. V. V. --"Aspects of the Course of Cocc~il Infections in :ri~mls under S,,:--)erirrentil Conditions. (Variability in the Appe~ir-.ince of Certain T310 I ot- !e. I Prov vtie~: of Furulent Cocci) -iet,~rimry "Inst, ~~in 'Urlvur :~duc-itlon O-CSi. (Tli!~.'---A t-i'n ~"nr tht, uet7ree of Doctor of' Veterlmr~y Science.) L i,nizh-nawa le~ * " , vlo~ccv- -119f;6 '0: Lorlr- :"o. I , . " . , Increasing Labor Productivity in Machine Building (Voprosy povysheniya proiavoditellnosti truda v mashinostroenni) Gosudarstvennoye nauch-tekh. izdat. mashinostroitell. literatury, Moscow, 1957, 511 pp. (Table of Contents authors below) This collection presents a comparative tech. and economic analysis of most effective methods and industrial processes for obtaining high labor productivity in machine building a. Output may be stepped up by further standardization of machiae tools, materials, and production methods; drawing on unused potentials. Covers all stages of planning and production as performed in modern plants of USSR, acatual experience, and new methods are discussed. KUZIMIN, V. V., "Standardization of Machine-Tool Instrumentation," KUZHIN, Vitaliy Vasil'Yovich; GOLODSHTIffN. 8.A.. red.: CHURAYEVA, Z.V., takhnereds [Veterinary microbiology] Yeterinarnsia mikrobiologiia. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selikhos. lit-ry, 1958., 231 P. (Kuu 11: 5) (Veterinary bacteriology) PROTASOV, A.I., doteent; MOGDASHN, N.r.: prof., doktor-veterinarnykh nault, red, -,_W4', d.otsent, r~d.; BORODAYFW, 'A.A. , red. : CONATIVA, Z.V., [Textbook fnr young veterinary orderlies] Uchobnik dlia m1adshogo voterinarnngo fel'ohera. Izd,7., perer.i dop.,Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. Vol.l. 1958. 512 p.; Vol.2. 1958. 664 p. (Veterinary medicine) (MIR& 12:1) -k Isksan(Ir Yakovlevich; A SOZ&UM. Kimat ANUMicanovich; SUPOTALOTAo Anna Iviluovna; aMIDSHTRYN, S.A., i-ed.; BARANOVA, I.G.. [Practical lessona in vaterihoi-y.microbiology) Praktichaskis saniatiis po vaterinarnoi mikrobiologii. Pad red. V.V.Xuzlmina. Isd.2., ispr. L dop. Koskva. Goo.ixd-vo sallkhon.lit-ry, 1959. 203 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Veterinary baoteiiology) MMSHATSY, Mamet Abduremanovich; SHAPOTALOYA, Anna Ivanovrw;. JMV.- -M,-T.Y.. doktor vet.nouk, red.; RLIDSHMN.S.A., red.; CHU- NAMA. Z.Y.. LRole of micro-organisms In stockbreedingj Roll m1kroboy v zhivotnovodetve. Pod red.T.T.Kuz'mina. 14oskvn. Uos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 101 p. (MLRA 14:5) (Yeterinery microbiology) KOHONOVp G.A. g kand*veterin.nauk;.KUZ'HINp red.; POLTAKOV, P.Ta.. red.; FRIDMAN, Z.L., [Concise handbook for the veterinary feldsherl Kratkii spravochnik veterinarnogo felldshera. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, ig6o. 447 P. (MMA 13:12) (Veterinary medicine) PROTASOV, A.I., dotsent; SIM, A.V.. prof.; SMnNOV. A.M.. dotsent; BAZHENOV. A.N.. dotsent; VILINER. A.M., prof.; BASHMURIN, A.r., dotsent; ISHAKA OV, K.LO prof*; VELLER, A.A., prof.; HIKANOROVe V.A., prof.; FIMUTOV, V,P., dotaent; KUZ=SOV, G.S., prof.; BOCHAROV, I.A.0 prof.; SHCHERBATYKH, P.Ta., prof.; TSION, R.A., prof.; GRIBANOVSKAYA, Ye.Ya.. dotseat; ADARANIS, V.P., assistant; KOLABSKIT, N.A.. dotsent; MITSOVICH, V.Yu., dotsent; GUSE'VA, N.V., dotsent; MYSHKIN, P.P., doteent; GUBAREVICH, Ya.G., prof.; rEDOTOV, B.H., prof.; DOBIN, M.A., dotsent; SIROTKIN, V.A., prof. Edecessed]; -KL]7,!YIN_, V.V.,,, prof.; YRYDOKIKOV, P.D., prof.; POLTAKOV, A.A., prof.; POLYAKOV, F.Ya., red.; BARANOVA, L.G., [Concise handbook for the veterinarian] Kratkii upravochnik veteri- narnogo vracha. Leningrad. Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 624 p. (MIRA 13-.12) (Veterinary medicine) OZIMIN, Vital~~Vaqillyevich, prof., doktor veter. nauk; POLYAKOV, red,j---MIMW-, Z.L.., Ukhn. red. [How to increase the resistance of farm animals to infectious diseases] Kak povysit' ustoichivost' se3-'skokhoziaistve=qkh _. zhivotn.vkh k zarazrom zabolevaniiam. Leningrad, Izd-vo sell- khoz.lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 113 P. NW 15:1) (Stock and stockbreeding-Diseases and pests) ANDREYEV, A.I.; SHISHKINA, Ye.Ya., veterin.vrach; GULIYEV, M.A., veterim.vrach; DUBAKIN, N.I.; FOMINA, A.Ya., kand.veterin.nauk; SOKM, I.M.Kh., aspirant; KUZININ,__y V. ENBORD, O.A., veterin.vrach .,,.prof.; TSYGv Laboratory practice. Veterinariia 40 no.7s66-76 Jl 163. (MMA 16:8) 1. Direktor Akhtvrskoy mezhrayonnoy veterinarnoy laboratorii, S=skaya obl. (for Andreyev). 2. Yse-soyuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy vaterinarii (fof Shishkina, Fomina, Sokkar). 3. Respublikanskaya veterinarnaya laboratoriya Gruzirj*aX-.;OSR (for Guliyev). 4. Moskovskaya oblastnaya veterinarnaya laboratoriya (for Dubakin). 5. Leningradskiy vaterinarnyy inatitut (for Kuzlmin TSygenbord). (Veterinary medicinei ACC NR& AP603079 SOURCE CODE: UR/0346/66/000/00910040/0040 AUT11OR: Tsyro, V. A. (Aspirant);~Kuz'min, V. V.J(Deceased; Research director; Professor) ORG: Leningrad Veterinary Institute (Leningradskiy Veterinarnyy institut) TITLE; Turkey ornithosis SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 9, 1966, 40 TOPIC TAGS: ornithosis, ornithosis virus, animal disease, diagnostic medicine ABSTACT: Turkey ornithosis is a comparatively new disease in the Soviet, .Union. An ornithosis antigen has been tested and produced. .Its use in recent tests of birds on a large turkey farm has shown that there is a high percentage of positive complement fixation, indicating that the disease is present in a latent form but seldom breaks -out :amon the birds. [WA-50; CBE.N .121 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEi none/ Card 111 UDC; 619:616.988.73:636.592 KUZ IMINT 3 V. V. S,-minar~-of direators is an ignidre kim of promoting ndvon6ed practices. NTI no.;-i.6 1`5. (MIRA 18.- 6) C MARTS, A.L., kand. tekhn. naukj KUZIMIN, V.V., inzh. - . . ..... 1- --1--, ~ - - Hydraulic charactariatice of the heating surfaces type boilers with supercritical steam parameters. no.4;14-20 Ap 165. of once-through Plek sta 36 (MM 18s6) -4 SOURCE; IVUZ. Friborostroyeniyo, 't, Bt ;10# TnPTr TAGS: three rhase I dc converter Card ~~ / 2 1* BOGOFALOY, I., IVASCEZNKO, P., ROKMUK, I., OLENIN, K., KOSTIV, YZ.. XgZIMIN. ]~#-. 29 SOSR-(600) 48 Mineral Industries ?% W111.give more coal and metal to the fatherland. mast. u9l. 1 No. 8, 1952 9. monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FebrnarY -1953. Unclassified. 6- 0'i6 /ck' - MUSATOV, T.P., inzhener; NAUMOVSKIY, L.D., inzhener; I07FZ, re.r., in2hener; POEEGATIO, K*M., inzhener; KUZMIN, Ta.F., in2haner; VASILIYEV, A.A., inzhener. MMNSMWMM~ On permanent markings on the supports of electric transmission lines. Blek. sta. 26 no.1:43-45 Ja 155. (MI2A 8:3) (Electric lines-Overhead) ~ -- .. --- - - - - .- - 6~ v CHnfSKIY,A-Ta.. in2honer; KUZIMM, Ya. F.. inzh!iner. Use and impregnation of spruce supports. R16k.sta. 27 no-11:46-48 N #56, (MIRA 10:1) (Wood-Preservation) (Spruce) (Blectric lines--role~) KUZOMIN, T&.F., inzhener. ,,-. .. Improving the rallabilit7 of the power "item and lowering the cost of transmitting electric energy, Blek.sta-27 no.1203-37 D '56, (KIBA 10:1) (Blectric power distributions) TRPNSMISSION LINES "Electric Transmission Lines for 110 kv Without Anchored Towers" by Engineer Ya. F, Kuzmin, Elektricheskiye Stantsii, No. 5 May 1957, Pag`6~ On the basis of operating experi6nee with 110 kv lines,- the author claims that the present design is too conserva- tive. 110 kv line conductors very seldom break, other than under the influence of accidental factors, and such damage- is practically Independent of the safety factor used to de- sign the conductors. It can therefore be recommended to use the minimum amount of copper possible, to employ intermediate wooden towers instead of ancho-red towers, and thus effect an economy of approximately 10 -- 15,co"'. The only precaution that must be taken Is reinforcement of the insulator strings. Card 1/1 - 44 AUTHOR: Kuzmin, Ya*F.l F_Ugineer. 1o4-4-16/40 Mns- sa ion of repair and operational work On TITLE: The organrs-a-ri-ol (Organiz- mission lines with mechanised repair stations. a atsiya remontnykh J ekspluatatsionnykh rabot na liniY kh elektroperedaelli remontnO-mekhaniziro,annylai stantsiyami) pE~BIODIGAL: "Blektricheskie Stantsiii, (Power Station-S)o 195?9 Vol. 28, NO-4, pp. 58 - 61 ~u.S.S.R.) ABSTIUOT: For a long time the operation and repair of transmission lines and sub-stations was organised on a territorial basis ccnsisting of sections of 120 - 180 km Of 110 kV lines with 3 to 5 sub-stationS- The linesman and roundsman carried out major repairs on the lines and smaller repairs were carried out by the personnel of a single section- In 1955, the power system received two snail and one large mechanised repair stations. Howeverv it took a long time for these stations to become fully equipped. As soon as the repair stations were received the Organisation of the work was altered so that the four territorial sections were replaced by two specialised sectionsp one for the line and the other for the sub-stationS* The staff were especially trained in the new methods Of 1/2 working. Considerable economies were achieved particul"X17 in the number of staff required. Details am given in tables The organisation of repair and operational work on transmission lines with mechanised repair stations. (Cont.) I.04-1-160o in the paper. Some difficulties are still experience . here are not yet machines for carrying out-earth work and not all the equipment for mechanised repair of lines is available. It is concluded that the mechanisation of repair and operational work based on the use of mechanised repair stations resulted in a considerable reduction in staff during the first year and a half. It is expected that after the repair station has been working for three or four years the line staff will be halved. During this time wages will completely cover the cost of the purchase of the stations. The stations should be com- pleted by providing mechanisms for groundwork, for the repair of lines, with provision of further trailers and tracked vehicles. The mobile cranes should be mounted on machines able to run on rough country. More attention will be required to 2/2repair and maintenance of the station equipment to ensure petrol supplies and to complete the construction of bases. There are 3 tables. AVAIIABLE: KUZIMIN, Ya.F., dotsent; VONSOVICCH, M.Ya., inzh. Experience in operating 110 kv. substations without cutouts on the voltaze end. Elek. sta. 32 no.12:63-66 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Electric substations) (Electric power distribution) KUZIKIN. Ya.F., dotsent Methods for calculating the reliability of an electric power supply system taking into account the possibility of the development of faults. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav*; energo 5 no.l.-30-36 Ja 162. WIRA 15-2) 1. Rizhakiy politekhrAcheskiy institut. Pred8tavlena kafech-oy elektricheskikh atantoiy. (Electric power distribution) KUZIKIN, Te.. starshiy dispetcher-tekhnolog; VASILIYEV. Ye., briga4ir '----------Uikov; TIMOITUT, A., starshiy kranovshchik; KUMV, A.. grusc starshiy krariqvshohik; KHVOSTOVA. D.M.,,red..; KIRSA OVA, N.A.,, [Vew:equipment in the port of RigaNovaia tekhnika v Rizhakom portu. Isd-vo VTsM Profisdat, 1958. 54 p. (MIRA 1223) (Riga--Harbor) (Loading and unloading) 4 UzIjjj,"",Pnd.tekhn.nauk; MAKARENKO, I., nauchnyy notrudnik; - rMVAftUVP A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; TATARINOV, V., nauchnyy sotrudnik New developments in the design of a joint for series 1-/+64 houses. Na stroi.Rose 4 no.6t29-30 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Odesskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (for all except Kuzlmin). (Building-Details) ale pall: z 8 OR- 8 v 8.4 v 1 .11 4 still ij j VIE 14 -A! 3 A A 5 (4) 05828 AUTHOR: KuZ'MiA9 Y*#_AT,.o_-- BOV/76-33-10-26/45 TITLE: Plotting of Composition - Property Diagrams of Multicompoliont Equilibrium Systems PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiiq 1959, Vol 33, Nr 10, PP 2271 - 2279 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author devised a now method of plotting rectangular diagrams on the dependence of the properties of the aforo-mentioned sys- tems on the composition. A diagram for a quaternary system is described here for which the concentration of the various com- ponents is represented by a rectangle (Fig 1). The composition- versus-property dependence of the equilibrium systems is defined by the position of the straight-line intersections (by which the afore-mentioned rectangles are diyided). Diagrams of the alloy Al - Cu - Mg - Si (6W,, Al, V16 Si) (Ref 1 ) are represented as lanar section of the tetrahedron and in rectangular form Figs 3,4). Diagrams of sections through ternary systems may be l transformed from the rectangular form into a triangular one. The author presents the five-component diagram of Bea-water salt crystallization which was plotted according to data by Van't Hoff Card 1/2 (Tables 1,2). Projected three-dimensional diagrams are shown 05828 Plotting of Composition - Property Diagrams of Multi- SOY/76-33-10-26/45 component Equilibrium Systems which were plotted in analogy to rectangular plane diagrams. In thia ease, the number of points representing the composition- versus-property dependence is, however, reduced. Sections through multicomponent systems are, in principle, given by the well- known method of representing two-component diagrams. There are 13 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references* SUBMITTED: February 15, 1958 Card 2/2 s/169/62/000/008/052/090 E202/E192 AUTHORS: Bibilashvili, N.Sh., Zaytseva, A.M., Kuzlmin, Ye---A., Lapcheva, V. F. , Ordzhonikidze, A.M. Sulakvelidze, G.K. . TITLE: Theory of the formation of large drop fractions in the heavy radial cumulo-nimbus clouds, and factors affecting these processes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofiiika, no.8, 1962, 80, abstract,8 B 5-50. (In the collection: "IDsled. oblakov, osadkov i grozovogo elektrichestvall ('Studies of clouds, precipitations and thunderstorm eledtricityl) M., AN SSSRj 1961t 3'6). TEXT: Using observational data from the strato-cumulus, cumulus and heavy cumulus clouds in the years' 1956-1958 in Trans- V/ Caucasus and Caucasus, the growth of clouds' droplets was calculated according to the method of Bouen and Kiryukhin, in terms of the gravitational coagulation, assuming linear increase of the anabatic velocity w, with respect to the height z. Card 1/4 s/169/62/000/008/052/090 Theory of the formation of large E202/EI92 As a result of these calculations it was established that with the' greater velocities of the vertical streams the drop does almost cease to grow during the anabatic branch of the trajectory. The droplets are retained in the upper part of the cloud, where the velocities are small and the principal growth of the droplets or hailstones occurs prior to reaching the upper portion,of the cloud. With the aqueous exchange of .10-6 g/cO, and the coefficient of catchment of 0.85, the position of the apex of the trajectory depends principally on the height zl, at which w = w max and the degree of decrease of w with height at which z ~::, zl. With the velocity of the anabatic stream w max greater than the velocity attained by the falling droplet with a radius of 2.5 mm of the v crl a chain reaction is started which leads to the accumulation of a 'large quantity of moisture in the upper part of the cloud and to the appearance of intensive showers. A cloud with w max _-V cr gives only a very short-duration and weak shower. Card 2/4 Theory Wf the formation of s/169/62/000/008/052/090 E202/9192 In the case when the temperature of the cloud's top is-lower than the temperature of natural crystallisation, hail is formed-in the cloud and the size of the falling hail particles is determined by the relation: R 1/8W2 (0) max where Q(z) and e(O) are air dens 'ities at levels z and y of the Earth's surface. The growto of hail to the size R ^-*2.4 cm at w max ;:ZlO - 20 m/sec, occurs substantially above the level wmaxq at the beginning of the katabatic branch of hail trajectory. The time necessary.for the growth qf hailstones-to the above dimensions depqnds chiefly on t-he value of w and ;" max varies within the interval"Of 20 - 70 min. The terminal dimensions of hailstone .a deperid very little on the vertical thickness of the cloud, and are-determined chiefly by the moisture content of the air masses entering'.the cloud, the height of the zero iErotherm, the value and the stability of w max , and also by the velocity gradient of the vertical streams along their height. Card 3/4 Theory of the formation of large ... !i/169/62/000/008/052/090 E202/EI92 Taking into consideration in the calculations the last mentioned, leads to a conclusion that the accumulation of large amounts of droplet water and hail takes place in the zone before the tcp of the cloud, which explains the high intensity and short du.--C:,ion of the showery precipitates and hail. The pressure of the le,,. ge droplet fraction in the upper part of the cloud lowers the value of the anabatic velocity of the stream down to vcr, and the corresponding quantity of water holding may be calculated from the formula: q = m (w2 V2 2gz max cr where m - the mass of air in a unit volume. The action on the upper part of the growing heavy cumulus with w max > vcr , with surface active or hygroscopic agents does not give a positive effect. Prevention or even weakening the effect of a hail is possible only by full crystallisation of the supercooled fraction of the liquid droplets enterini'the upper part of the cloud* 4-10 kg of reagent are required to destroy the hail centre. Card 4/4 7Abstractor's notei Complete tranalationoj r T- cl-ilx of L-ibo:- Banmr Con~itruc~~Ao~t-~ -dn-rcA, M, Jan 0' SCILri'l. 'j(~ :i~ 1 TI. LAj: 31m. q, ji, 14(6) SOV/112-59-1-340 Trazislation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 46 (USSR:1 AUTHOR;,,#u m~~. TITLE: Experimental Construction of Watertight Heat-Pipeline Manholes in Leningrad PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. soveshchaniya po proyektir. i str-vu teplovykh setey. M.-L. , Gosenergoizdat, 1956, pp 79 -86 ABSTRACT: Methods for constructing watertight heat-pipeline manholes were developed by LISI in 1953-1954. Observations have shown that the principal cause of ground-water penetration is the poor quality of borulin hyd r o insulation. Investigation of measures for protecting the manholes against ground water covered the following tacks: (1) selection of additions tending to improve the concrete watertightness with a view toward abandoning the glue-type hydro- insulation; (2) searching for new types of hydroinsulating materials that would eliminate gluing; (3) constructing the watertight built-up manholes without Card 1/2 SOV/112-59-1-340 Experimental Construction of Watertight Heat-Pipeline Manholes in Leningrad hydroinsulation by using VRT9 and VBTs cements; (4) finding methods that would protect a reinforced -concrete manhole from ground water. Additions tested in constructing experimental manholes are described. A vinyl plastic was tested as a hydroinsulating material. It is pointed out that using the above hydroinsulation methods reduces the cost of heat-pipeline manholes vs. borulin- insulated types. Use of a better watertight concrete also tends to decrease construction costs. M. L. Z. Card 2/2 I...I" laiz I M ~ , ..OOOOL"_ Hot-air treatment of concrete. Sbor.nauch.trud.TISI 1:8-19 '56. (MIRA 10-.12) (Concrete) I j Y\U _Z_ ~-j I N ~ \/,L . ~). Formula for calculating basic parameters of over-all construction processes carried out by assembly-line methods. Sbor.uauch.trad. TISI 1-52-60 156. (MIRA 10:12) (Building) DAVIDSON. Nikhail Genrikhovich. doktor t6knicheskikh nauk; iaZjXjfi,... Yffy'VARIZ Rl&j&Wvioh. kandidat tekhnicheskikh aauk; UVINOV, O.A., "-ndidat takhtil-cheakikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor; KAPUN, geTa., redaktor izdatelletva; PULIKINA. Ye.A., takhnicheakiv redaktor [Now methods of increasing the waterproofnessof reinforced co=rete structureel Novye sposoby povyeheniia vodonepronitsaamoSti 2heleao- betowWkh sooru2henii. Leningrad, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, i arkh., 1957. 85 P. (MIRA 10:6) (Concrete construction) (Waterproofing) ACC NRI AT6012275 SOURCE CODE: UIR/3166/65/000/004/0082/ms AUTHORSt 'Katuntsevskiyp 0., G.; Kuzlming Ye. D. ORGt 40deasa Civil Enginee.ring Institute (Odeeekiy inzhenerno-stroitellayr inatitut) TITLE: Influence of the durat on of compression of cemant-sana mixtures on the final strength of sand concrete SOURCE: ASiA UkrSSR. Inatitut stroitellivith materialov i izaeiiy. Stroitellrej7e materfaly, detali i izdeliya, no. 4, 1965. Betony (concretes), 82-86 TOPIC TAM cement, concretet pressure effect ABSTRACT: The effect of precompressing concrete mixtures on the final strength of the concrete was determined. The concrete mixtures consisted of 1:3 - portland cemen M400:sand and 1:2-5 = water:cement. The specimens were compressed with an applied pressure of 10 kg/CM2 for variovs periods of timej and the compression strength of th specimens was determined (see Fig. 1). It is concluded that precompression of cement sand mixtures increases the final strength of the concrete. It is also suggested tha the mechanism for the strength increase consists in the initial destruction of the relatively weak aluminate structure and subsequent formation of a strong crystalline skeleton. 1/2 L 2S83IL-66 ACC NRt 390 310 ISO 350 340 ;3,v J/0 03 'Joe 110 V -SO M- 3)uration of compressiont min Fig. 1. Influence of the duration of compression of coment-eand mixtures on the final strength of the concrete. Orig. art. has: 1figure. SUB CODE: 11/ SM UTE: t none/ ORIG Mt 004 Card to 3 0 60 W e o KUZIMIN, YO.I.,inzh.; ANDREM, V.G.,inzh. Readers' letters. Bet. i shel.-bet. no-11:530-4131 N '60.(%fIRA 13:11) (Bridgeg, Concrete) L' 1412 IV q! Slashchin, M-.-S.-, Kuz'm1n, Y( !. 4-4 A laser gyroscope with a q!L~tz resonator. Class 21, No. lT24oo "I,rl v, :',t Byulleten' izobreienly i tovarnykh znakov, no. 13, 1965, h2 EWA (k )10.4T W /F EIDA'SS - 21MWT (1) /EUP (e ) / DIT W /EEC (k ) -2/WP(i)/T/&-JP(k)/ (b)/EWA(m)-2/9-1A(b.)/FdA(z) . --S.CTE~l:[JP(c)----.Iir"BG/WH NR: AP5021570 UR/0286/65/000~9113/0042/0042' 62i-3T5.8 62-752.4 C TAGS: gyroscopes Fesonator, laser, quartz ABSTRACT: This author certificate introduces a laser gyroacope (see Fig. I of En- closure) containing*a resonator composed of two joined quartz plates with quartz mirrors glued on them. This type of resonator assurea the rigidity of the laser gyroscopes. Orig. art. has: I figure. [ZLI ASSOCIATION: none SUBWTTED: 23Mar64 NO REF SOV: 000 -card ENCL: 01 OTHER: 000 SUB cote - ATD PRESS:*q? L A~2-66 WCESSION NR: AP50215TO ENCY)SURZ: 01 Fig. 1. Laser gyroscope with.quartz. resonator A, B, C, and D - Mirrors; I and 2 -artz plates; 3 -'resonator; 4 and u q openings In the plates.- !card KM IMINI YO.N. Com=tators in elastic rings* Sib, mat, zhur. 1 no.2:198-204 ji-Ag 16o. (KM 13t12) (Rings (Mathematics)) K u Z I MI N jJe -9.N a.. Generalization of Cayley's identity. Usp. mat. nauk 16 no.4:171-174 JI-Ap 161. (~aRA 14:8) (Matrices) F,\; I V PHASE I BOOK EIPLOITATION SOV/6 52 Akademiya nauk.SSSR. Vyohimlitollnyy taenbr Nomogmf Loh skly abornik (Collected Papers on'Nomography, no. l-') Moscow# 1962. 248 P. 1800 copies printed. Reap. Edo' 0. Kho9anskiyj Candidate or'Toohnloal Sciences; I. A.-Orloval Tech. Edo A. 1. Ko*lna. PURPOSEr This collootAon of papers Is Intended ror those engaged in research on and design of nomogrAphs; OOVERAORt This collection contains 2T-.Pap*rs concerning various. Aspeots-or-the theory, oonstNotion, and u6s-of nomoamms for.- the solution of algebraic, fupotlonal'f tramoendentals and dif- ferential equation*. No personalities are mentioned. There are 222 reforencest 102 SovIst:(l of which Is a tromalation from the ftlisb)*.S oerman, 5, French, 2.NnSlish, 2 Spanish, 2 Rumanians and I Osech. Card 00 Collected Papers on Nomography SOV~S352 TABLR OF CONTORSt l - tor-'s Preface Yodi '3 .1. Khovanakly, 0. S., Moscow. Kokography and Its Possibilities 5 1, Place of nomography In computational mathematics 5 2. Simplicity of use of nomograms and .41amentary nature of their theoretical foundation 3. Relationships which can be represented by nomo- Brams 4. Technique of using nomograms 8 5..'Difficulties In the construction of nomograms 9 6. Use of nomograms for analysis and Investigation 10 Use of nomogram In a typical design T 11 12 he -current state of nomography, 9. On methods - foj~ 'the further developmedt of namo- graphy 13 Card 2/10 Collected Papers on Nomogriphy SOY/16352 This paper Is based an the author's re- port at the Conference on Computational Mathematics In Moscow# Mveebor 1959.' 11. Stambergeri A. (OdlentIfic Director of t oars- hia Group of the Inotttuts of Applied Hat 08'and of' Scion oes, Berlin schanias of the- German Made -T. Nomography in the .(I*ruan Deadoratia RoVubllo Trqjns2Atjon of a report in German pro- sented at tho-C sting Center *C the ;Acadm of"Saii9moss or the USSR (Nos- oov).at the'.40 of-Pay'1962 and at the. First A1.1;.VMon OlowebrIe. Cworenoe 17 on g8 My 196g. CAM 3/10 Collected Papers on Nimagrap SOV/6352 IlL -Folldman, Ya, S.- (Dirocior of the Nomographic Cit- ole?at tho Leningrad Institute of Precision ftchaniam, and Optics)* Thq 110mogrOphle CIrGle-of Stu4*nto In a Highee-Teahnical School i 19 IV#' Filippqv, M. Ve, Tdgm. Rxperience in Using Romogrww In Up4rimental Investigatlonsi 24 V, m1ma *v# Urs 140scows Allgnment Charts for the Solu- : tion. f a Transcendental Zquation With Tb* Parameters 39 a moseow, Constructing monwrams for a V11. rapteva, D. G., Koseow. Construction Of an Approxi- mate Nomogr~im by Substituting the Bus of Functions for Their Produst 51 D. a'. G.Matimetlen of a Scoogram w1tb Cm- V111. Laptem, bined. 8"lew 0 QW4 4/1 Oollected Papers on Homokraphy 8"/6352 ZX. Felldman,'Ya.fS. -Graphic Solution orljowe Prob- f ~.lows of Sohlicht conrortoal NVVIng 60 X, - Popov,. A. A., Moscow. - Omphiv; Dsterminition of No- Monts With the Aid of a Movin * 8 "'Io' 1 70 an orthogonal focus. 1. -Thoorom an the existence 6 ' S l . dotormirAtIon of, a In tho tieltJOS Integra 2. Omphio determination of Ah? n*" moment of the area of,6 figure 74 3o Moving o"le. for the graphic determination orthe a baoiaeas df-the conters'afigravity Of thq areas boundod by the curves n ' 7T aid of moving 4. Graphl'a doter~ %t1on,,w1th! the soale,- or the. h - woment- pf the area of a figure 82 Oir4mko, B.: A.'.~ VolJograd. Now Method or Using -'Kaving, Beale Nomograms, - IkVing Oftented :102 . Colloct*d Pajers on Nomography SOYV~352 XII Kusloin Ye N Novosibirsk, iomogram for the f r +. r4 t t5 '. t-~60 .102 nll,. Khri:tov, Khristo'K.; Sofia.,-X4thod-'for.'C*n- atru t1ng 61144 Rules VIth Boveral:Slidiag scale& lo 3p[Vo Khovanakly, G. Si Graphl# Method for Construoting proximate Alignment Charts for the Bolution of Ap a 8~ too or Two Bquatione With Two Vnknowns and T hre: Parameters A 115 XV. Khavanakly, 0. S, Representation of the Relatlaq- ships f4, -fig.+-fit 4 fit, F(as my U) and f by Alignment Chaits 122 The aontent.of this-paper no Mad by t)%* author at tin nret Card 6/L0 Colleated Papers on.Homoemphy BOV/6352 XVI. Khoianskiy, 0. S., I Generalization -of Nomogram Or Aligned and Xqd1d1stant Pointist Nomogram With a Parallel Index, and. Circular Nomograxs~ Thin paper is based an the report of the w4thor*at the 4th All-Uhlon Mathis- matical Conference on 4 July 1961, XVII.- KhovanBk4 -G. 3. - ftnonical Forvi of the Syst" of'Equati4ps.'R9pr*s*nt*d;by &.Nomogram With 137 Moving Scale XVIII. Denisyuk-I.-N.,' M66do* Problem of the Best (Adook&47to Chabyshow) Projectlin'Transfor- matlon of.the Scales or Certain Functions 149 X1X* Dotdayult 'Otsphit Method f6ki Fid4l 166 r1oal Fo;". -go-r. 4, Orperbous. ptelations P CA r4 7A0 VIS Collooted Papers on'Nomography' 80 352 Constructing Nomograms XX. Bakhvalovo- S. V., Moscow. for Solutions or Differential Equations 180 M. Kuzlmin, Ye. N. Proj*ative Equivalence-of the ' * M*thod for an by Kellogglo Nomogramm ObtaIn*4 Equation of-tho ThIrd Nomographia Order. 188 =1. Kuzlmin Ye N.* Ulutiofi-6f the Probldri of AnamorpAosis, for an Equation of thik Third Nomo- graphic Order 192 =Tl* Bukhvalov, A.'K. Representations by'Romogrems ] . of EquatIons-of AlIgned Point of Zero 0enus 205 mav. Bukhval~v, A. M. Repr,wientation of the Rmpiri- "I Relationahlps'Betwedn Three VarlablespOLven in Tabular Form by, Nomokrws of Aligned Points of Zero Genus 2 2, A 1 Card 8/%0 4, SOV/6352 Collected Papers on NocioaTephy XXV. Bogolyubdv, Yu' I Cheticksary. On tt;e Possibility of Writing a S;st" of Two Squations With Six Vari- ables in the Form a + B- A + A a AIg + A 4 B + B Permitting $the Construat'l,04 01 a RoJog'M; a Ifith OA! ented Kovinj Scale 216 Thi results obtained were presented by the autho,: at the' scientific- research nem1nar on pynthetlo: oam .ett7 and nomograph 0 Moscow Iteate Ublversl~yp 2 and 19 Oetaber 1961, MM. Kusim1n, Y*. Ki; Possibility of Writing an RQUILtIon With Five VarlAbles In the Yom . . I X's - 9a& + 154 + G(Tit. + YION Witb Permitting the Coneftuation a a Na&tram Ori. ented no" goals, 225 Card 9/%0 Coli*oted Papers on Nomogisphy SOV/6352 xxvilt Xualmin, Yo. N. Ammorphosis of ftatlods 240 AVAILA=l ~ Idbmry of. Congress- 3UBJXOTi XathAvietles, KUPM.-N, Ye.N. (Hovoslbllrsk/~ Transformability of nomogramq with an orignted transparancy for certain functions of four and five variables. Nom. sbcr. no,,21 178-198 164, (MIRA ISO) GOIIJBEVP V.S.; KUZIMIN, Ye.N.; PANCHENKOV, G.M. Sorption dynamics in the presence of interaction of adsorbed molecules. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.-':1018-1021 AP 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universits-t Imeni Lomcnosova. Submitted July 29, 1964. EMININ, TO.S. Present-day taelxs In the history of psychology. Vop.polkhol. 2 no.2:2)-2? Kr-.Ap 456. (KM 9:8) 1. Xafedra palkhologil Leningradskogo gosudarstyennogo universitota. (Psychology--History) KUZIMIK, re.s. Some problems in the investigation of the problem of needs. no.287t74-85 160. OCWA 1.3: 6) (Psychologr) KUZIMM2_YO_." (Leningrad) On tWoiibject of social psychology. Vop. ppikhol. 9 no.lil42-145 Jet-F 163, (MIRA 164) (Social psychology) LYUBANSKIY; V.M.., inzh.; PZ'MIN,, YeaT., inzh. Redesigning of the cooling system of an ejector. Energetik 10 no,3-.16-17 Mr 162a MIRA 15.2) (Ejector p=po--Cooling) ----- ------ (dn of the c-.r)aracrer-1.5T-.L,,; i n Ft n-, m0 7-1 u,-, lltuu -I'L Card KP in a thin magnetic film a discrete spectrum of characteristic fre- Taencies dependent on magnetoelastic interaction. The two spectra ate not independent and mixed exchange-maqnetoelastic oscillations- P 'C- P __ n !=;-: 'h F, P X C -I t e dt'L-;- V-~r~ "-it-ons ff the repo- nance peaks oL tnese osciiiaLions or, 1-i-le exchal-lige -- ---- -t-r anrl nn inter2~ction nara- ACCESSIUN NR: A P ~ -%, -- " J -1 .: I - - I - - . - --- ----- - .~ ~11 _i ?( i - -,. -, r -1 7 . 1, !. F; " " , t "' OTI-I A 1' -1 147-6-5 A CC E-,-- 'S I A F 17 2;~ 3 mn,-i gnetc,- Iasi- -1c 4- L 15381-66 U4T(1)/EWP(G)jW(m ACC NR% AP6004456 SOURCE CODE. ;;,~~&816'4rfX'101002100IL21COIL6 -0 AUTHOR: Ignatchenko,V.A,;',~uz'min, Ye.V.*, Gorenko,L.M. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Siberian Section of the Academy of Sci4&es' SSSR ('rnstitut f iziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR) ;Z 1 L,4 q 15- TITLE: Influetwe of damping on the magneto-elastic vibration spectrum of a thin magnetic film 4T-ransactions of the second All-Union symposium on the PH-Yates of in Fe'rromagnetic Films held at Irkutsk 10 July to 15 July. 19i747 i_ SOURCE: AN S6SR,.Izvestiya.Seriya lizichoskaya. v.30, no. 1, 1966, 12- 16 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic, film, magnetic thin filuk, magnetadielectrics, iugneto- striction, spin vave, resonance line, relaxation process, ABSTRACT: Two of the authors have previously calenlated the discrete spectrum of the characteristic vibrations of a thin magnetic filAU-110110- axchange and magnotoelastic interactions (V.A.Ignatchenko and Ye.V,.Kuz'min, Zh. eksperim. I teor. fiz., 47, 1814 (1964)). In the present paper the widths and amplitudes of the corresponding lines are calculated. Terms are adduced to describe the relaxation of the spin and phonon systems, end linearized equations are written for the magnetization and the elastic displacement under the influence of a high frequency external field in a thin uniaxial ferromagnetic dielectric film which is Isotropic with regard to its elastic and magnet strictive properties. It is stated that this equation can be derived by the method 1/9 L 15381-M ACC NRt AP6004456 employed in the earlier paper. The dispersion equation for plane waves propagating perpendicular to the plane of the film is written. For right-hand polarized waves this equation described slightly modified elastic waves; these solutions are not further discussed. For left-hand polarized waves the dispersion equation described magnetoelastic vibrations. The roots of the dispersion equation correspording to ,magnetoo'.astic vibrations are discussed at some leng th. The spwtr= is made discrete i .by i=posing the boundary conditions tbat the elastic stresses vanish and the spins are pinned at the boundary, and expressions are derived for the widths and amplitudes of the resonance lines. Orig. art. has: 29 formulas and 2 figures. i CODE: 26 SUBM DATE: 00 ORIG. REF: '002 OTH REF: 000 T/ IJP(c) GG/JD KC_M_'AP50247OO s oumic Ecom uR./oo56/65/049/003/0767/1D796 AUTHOR: Ignatchefik6, V. A.; Kuzlmip, Ye. V. 0 RG: Institute of EZsi s~ Siberian Department, AcadenV of Sciences SSSR it 1 S - fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademi nauk SSSR) TITLE: Mgnetic and acoustic excitation of coupled magnetoelastic oscillations In a thin magnetic film SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticbeskoy firiki) _v. 49,1 no- 3,-1965, 787-796 J TOPIC TAGS: excited state, magnetic thin film,,-excitation gZctrum, electric energy conversion - rb ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to calculate the tunplitudes and ef- fective relaxation parameters line widths) of magnetoelastic oscill-lation in a thin magnetic film, both in the case of magnetic and in the case of acoustic excitation. A linearized system of equations is written out for a magnetically uniaxial ferro- dielectric which is isotropic with respect to its elastic and wagrketoelastic proper- ties and has the form of a thin film rsupporting uniform oscillations in the plane of the film. A general solution is obtained, from which equations exe derived for the amplitudes of the spin waves in the case of magnetic excitation and for the amplitudel of the acoustic waves produced by acoustic excitation (complex amplitudes of the elastic components of magnetoelastic oscillations). This is followed by a study of Card 1/2 1~ ACC NRs AP5024700 the magnetic components of magnetoelastic oscillations under acoustic excitation and the elastic components of magnetoelastic oscillations under magnetic excitation. The relaxation characteristics of the magnetoelastic oscillations are also considered. For bath magnetic and acoustic excitation, it is shown that a discrete spectrum of resonance peaks and coupled magnetoelastic oscillations, determined by exchange of magnetoelastic interactions, should be observed in a thin mmnetic film. In the case of acoustic excitation$ in contrast to excitation by a uniform microwave mag- netic field, even modes are also excited, thus doubling the number of resonance peaks. The distributions of the peaks are discussed, together with the optimal con- ditions for the most effective use of a thin magnetic film as an element for mutual conversion of microwave oscillations of different types. Orig. ea*l;. has: 4 figures and 39 formulas. SUB CODE: 2o/ sum DATE: lueb65/ oRIG PxF: oo4/ oTH Rw: oo2 jW k I' -, f :' 1, -o i~ I':." P .~' -, 5% r'!:.'!.~- ~ ~ /I;-T7 Jim 01j: ln:;'~_Jtuzo of Physics, Siberian Section, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut sibirs:~O'-'o 0t deleniya Alcridem. ii nauX SSSII) T:-.L:.:: SpIn-wavo resonance in thin 'AFe-Xi-Co alloy f-ilms TRcport, All-Union Confer- ence on the D'.-.y6ics of Forro- and AntiXerromapictism held 2-7 July 1965 .in-Sverdlo~V_S_9. S%:~MCZ: AN SSSIR. Izvestiya. Seriyn f izicheskaya, V. 30, no. 6, 1966, 1009-1010 V2X TAGS: spin wave, spin wave spectrun, nickel base alloy, iron contikining alloy,; co'"-alt conzaining alloy, magnotic thin film A7,STW.CT: The authors havo,investiga,ted spin-wavo resonince at 9.1 W.111z in 350 to at 10-5 A t'hicli filmms of vacuum deposited mm IIg onto -lass z.;uostrates heated to 2000 C. The specimens were mounted in a rectangular cavity which was cxcitod in the 11 mode nad had a loaded Q factor of about 1500. From 120 resonance absorption measurements with the films in different orientations with re- spo-ct to the constant ma.-netic field it was found that the effective magnatizati-Qn wns independent o'* the film thickness and equal to 9900/47(G. Spin-wave resonances %,,,oro obL;erved only in the thickost (--* 1800 ~) films when tho external field was por-1, penz;icular to the film. The data were satisfactorily described by the thoory of Card 1/2 L 08754-67 .%CC NRI: A26029121 C.-NI-Jittell (Z,,ys. Pov. , 110, 6, 1295 (1958)) , although the spin-wave modes were shifto& ,aaard lio.-ao.- neous forromagnotic resonance, oxving, obviously, to inconplete sur- face PirxLn.- Of the spins. Throe ponks were clenrly distinguished on the spin-wave resonance spect-riLa; these are identified as the fifth, seventh, and ninth modes. Prom tho measurad so-paration betwoon the succossivo spin-wavo modes it waa found thatl oxc'har.-o interaction constant A was (0.25 zt 0.015) X 10-6 erg/cm; this valuo is somewhat less than the sum of the exchange interaction constants for the separate cczaponents of the alloy. Orig. art. has: I formula and 2 figures. SUB CCZE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH RrsF: 003 SHISWREVO O.A (Winingrad); KUZIMIIN. YO.Yao (Kaliningrad) Dependence of elastic constants of a metal on plastic deformation#* Izv,AN SSSR.Otd.tekh.uauk,,Mekh.i mashinostr. no.3:167-169 It-Jo 161o (MM A -.6) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Metals-Testing) DOROKHIN, A.K.vKUZIMIN, Yu.D. Field tests of the AM-13 aerial magnetometer. Geofiz. prib. no. 12:113-122 162. (MMA 17.5) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskly institut razvedochnoy geofiziki. TRUSHTALEVSKAYA, Sand paint-grinders and their operating conditions. Iakokras.mati ikh prim. no.1:76-79 161. (MIRA 14.4) (United States-Paint Industry-Equipment,and supplies) XMININ, Yu.G.; TRUSIUALEIVSKAYA3, Ye.A. Thinning and diopersion of pigments in bindero. Lakokras.mat. i ikh prim. no.2186-87 161. (MRA .14:4) (paint materials) RYKOV., I.A.j kand.tekhn.nauk; KUZIMIN,, Yu.G.,- ZVORYGIN, L.V. Shield systeta for mining eoctra-thick steeply dipping seams. Ugoll 37 no.7:16-~9 J1 162, (MIRA 35:7) 1. Inatitut gornogo dela Sibirokogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Coal mines and mining) GELIFAND, I.M. (Moskva); DYMENI, IT.Te. (SShA); KIRILIOV, A.A. (Moskva); PODBYPAITIN, V. (Tula); TER-MOTACITAN, M. (Yerevan); KMIMIN, Yu.I. (Moskva); VFYL1, G. (SSU); FAMIM, D.K. (Ieningr-a_&r-,_MffU1T,_ V.I. (Moskva); IVAROV, V.r. (San-Karlos, Kaliforniya, SShA); GRAYEV, M.I. (Moskva); LEBEDEV, H.A. (Leningrad); LOPSHITS, A.M. (Moskva); ZHIII)MIRSKIT, Ta,I.; MITTAGIN, B.S. (Moskva); SWPBTS, Z.A. (Yaroslavl'); PUANWRE, A. (Rrantsiya); GAVEL, V.V. (Brno, Chokhoslovakiya); SOLOMTAK, M.Z. (Lanin&Tad); LEVIN, V.I. (Moskva); BARBAN, M.B. (Tashkent); FRIDWI, L.M. (Tula) Pi?oblems. Mat. pros. no-5:253-260 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Mathematics --Problems, exercises, etc.) ANDREYEV, A.P.; BRODOVOY, V.V.; GOLIDShWIDT, V.I.; KUZIMIN, Yu.l.; MOROZOOV, M.D.; EIDLIN, R.A. Distribution of deep faults in Kazakhstan. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. 22 n0.4:11-17 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18t9) ACC NRi AR6024837 SOURCE CODE4 UR/0l69A6!U0UjUV4j(;Vvj16W4 AUTHOR. Bekzhanov, G. R.; Brodovoy, V. V.; Gol!dshmidt, V. 1.1 Zhivoderov, A. a.; Zlovdinov, L. Z.1 Ivanov, 0. D.; Klt~.Mn, 1. N.; Kolmogorov, Yu. A.; Bacisin, A. P.;.. KotWrov , V. M. ; 1(uz #=in. Yu?_J' I Kuminova, H. V. I Kunin, N. Ya. ; Lyubetakiy, V. 0. ; Helentlyev, M. I.T ~orozov,~g. D.; Tret'Yakov, v. G.1 Tychkova, T. V.1 Taaregradskiy, V. A.; Eyd1in, R. A. TITLE: A schematic geophysical map of Kazakhstan SOURC9t Ref. zh. Geofixika, Abe. 4G17 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geol. rezul'taty prikI. geofiz. Geofix. issle& stroyentya zemn. kory. M., Nedra, 1965, 142-154 TOPIC TAGS: geologic survey, geologic prospecting, map ABSTRACT: Regional geophysical surveys are conducted in Kazathatan to divide the territory into tectonic regions, to study its plutonic structure, and to solve some problems of geophysical mapping. The results of these surveys will make it possible to establish structural belts and regions in which alnerals are likely to be found. The basic material will be obtained from investigations of the magnetic and gravita- tional fields in combination with seismic studies. In the magnetic and gravitational fields, tactonic and plutomic seaw are isolated which correspond to terraces in the T ACC HRiAR6024837 Mohorovicic discontinuity. Methods of regional geophysics are used to study the plu- tonic structure of a folded bass, the structure and thickness of sedimentary sheaths, and to indicate prospective petroleum bearing uplifts. '[TrarAlAtion of abstract) M. Speranskiy BUD CODEt 08 ACC NR"AP7004554----- SOURCE CODEt UR/0215/66/000/006/0034/0047 AUTHORt Andreyevv_A-_P-; Brodovoy. V. V.; ColOdshmidt, V. I.: MazImin, Yu* I.; ~brozovv ka~ia-kh Geolog ical Trust (Kazakhakly geologichaskly trest) TITLE: Deep tectoniclat%glonalization of kazakhatan on the basla of geophysical data SOURCEt Sovetskaya geologlya, no. 6, 1966, 34-47 TOPIC TAGS: tecton1csq earth crust / Kazakhstan ABSTRACTs All available Pata are reviewed for the purpose of tectonic -regionalization of Kazakhstan. In particularp observations along a series of profiles with a total length of 4#600 Ian were used. A merit,, of the article is that the authors describe exactly how all materials I were used in regionalizing the area, and the study could be used as a model for rogionalization of other areas on the basis of equivalent Pformation, The graphic representation of the generalized data in 'particularly clear and easily interpreted. Fig* 2 nhown anaVoia of the gravity field over columns of the earthts crust of identical .thickness in different areas; Figo 2 effectively shows the generalized. characteristics of the deep structure of the principal tectonic blocks I of Kazaldistan; Fig* 4 is a composite map of the distribution of deep faults and areas of intrusive magmatism in Kazakhstan; Fig, 5 is a map of the.,toctonic rejzionalizat~on on the basis of olo, ical-geophysical artb'.hass' 5 f JPRS 1 0 data~Orlg. Igureso 389465 Card 11 /1--SUR COD&I 08 UBH-D=o no ORIG REP$ Ole UDC# .5504051.24074) L NR- AT6028379 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0142/0134 ..~iOR: Bachin,-A. P.; Fkr!jttqvoy, V. V.; G~jlfdshmld t Ly. Zhivoderov, A. B.: Zlavdinov, L. Z.; Ivanov O..D.; Klenchin,.I..N.; YplMogjKQYj- I- ---A i - - - I - I'----- --I - _ - - - 4-- YU. U~- * Kuminova, M. V.; ~Kuq~q, N-. -Ya. t 1.1, fforv;-.ov, M. D.; Tre-t'ynkov, V._ G.; Tychkova, Lyubetokly, V. G. ; Melen t-.'--%f.--;-Tq-a'regradsk1y, _Kj A.; Ey4j~n, R. A. ORG: none TITLE: Geophysical sketch map of Kazakhatan SOURCE: International Geological ConRrcss 22d, New Del t 1964, Geologicheeklye rezulltnty-~-rlid~a'n-oy geofiziki .results of applied geophysics); doklady sovetskikh geologov, problema 2. Moscow, ii'A-vo Nedra, 1965, 142-154 TOPIC TAGS: V4"w%khw4;aw geophysicta map tectoni WXM- ABSTRACT: On the basis of regional geophysical and geological investigations \'(Sfi-STicp_gravimetric,_.magnetoelectric), a composite geophysical sketch map of the physical fields of Kazakhstan has been compiled. From this map, the major tectonic zones, deep structures, and geological structural zones are defined. Long zones ,#,: representing high field gradients in the gravitational and magnetic fields reflect-. deep geosutures, which.seismic sounding data suggest are scarps in the M-discontt6u: ACC NR1 AT6028379 Among the major structural zones of Kazakhstan defined are: 1) the Turgayskaya, 2) the Petropavlovakaya, 3) the Uspennknya, 4) the Tokiauskaya, and 5) the Dzhalair- Naymanakayn. Regtons of magmatinm are also defined. In the tectonic depression zones, contour linei indicate the thickness of the sedimentsiry cover, overlying the folded basement, and possible oil;.-boarinp formations. Orig. art. has: 1 figure.[DMI SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 06.1an65/ ATD PRESSt rV6-'3 Curd 2 / 2 `4 mmmj, Yu. 1. "Wbile Palatograpby as a Tool for Acoustic Stv4 of Speech somda.- report sub2dtt*d for tbo 4th Intl. Ccqpvaa of Acoustics, Copenhagen.. Denmark, 21-28 Aug 19W. Pavlov Inst. of Physloloa,, rAnIng"A UM ACC N" ARG032146 SO URC.E-- CIODE-:-URIO 16 9/66 /000 ING IGGGG5 /G005 AUTHOR: Andreyev, 'A. P.; Brodovoy, 'V. V.; Golldshmidt, V. L; Xuz1min, Yu. L; Vlorozov, M. D.; Eydlin, R. A. TITLE: Abyssal tectonic zoning of the territory of Kazakhstan according to geophysical data SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs..6G32 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. issled. vKazakhatane. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1965, 9-27 TOPIC TAGS: geophysics, geology, geographic location, tectonics, earth crust ABSTRACT- A description is given of the sequential developn.,ient of the geological interpretation of geophysical. data, from factual mater'lal to maps of the abyssal structure of the earth's crust and the typification of its individual blocks, the quantitative characteristics of the abyssal fractures, and the development of a system of geotectonic zoning. It is shown that the Moho discontinuity (M) was built according to graphoanalytic correlation dependencies between zonal anomalies and the delineation of the M boundary, and studied according to deep seismic 3rd 1/3 UDC: 550. 311(574) ACC NRI AR6032146 sounding and deep seismic profiling, An isodepth system of the "basalt" and "diorite" surface layers was built. Knowledge of the delineation of the M surface makes it possible to construct systems of isopachous lines of the "basalt" layer. A simultaneous anal sis of the Moho and Conrad discontinuities provides data for y the definition of the structure of the earth's crust in various regions. The coefficient of basalt saturation equal to the relation between the thickness of the "basalt" layer and the general thickness of the earth's crust, is used to define individual blocks. Earth-cru5 blocks of similar structure are defined by similar coefficient values (0. 77 and 0. 67 for the Akbastau and Kokchetav massifa, respectively, 0. 3 8 for the Russian, platform, etc.) The simultaneous analysis of the definition of the core of interfaces makes it possible to suppose that zonal anomalies can be caused by a possible heterogeneity in the density of the mantle. Maps of anomalous magnetic fields, gamma fields, etc., and geological informa- tion are brought out to study the structureof the "granite" layer aside from the gravitation field. The authors synthesize the data obtained and work out regional tectonic delimitations of areas of intrusive magnetism, abyssal fractures, deep seated faults, preorogenic synclinales, foredeeps, intermountain depressions, superimposed troughs, etc. The deep faults are divided into 4 groups: those reflected in the M surface; those not reflected in it, but controlled by ultrabasite belts; those manifested in the "basalt" layer, and those dying out in the "granite" Card 2/3 ACC NR~ ARG032146 and "diorite" layers. The structure of the basic gootectonic blocks of the Kazal-rhstan- Caspian tectonic syncline, group of ancient rigid folding structures, including the Kokchetav, Balkhash, Akbastau, Slavgorod, and Aral blocks, and areas of Caledonian and Hercynian folding. It is shown that the faults of the first C, ,roup are concentrated mainly in eastern Kazakhstan; the displacement of blocks contacting under it reaches 5-7 km, while the extension reaches 500-1000 km. The faults of the second group are oriented mainly in the north-east and merldional, directions. They are widespread, as are those of the third and fourth groups. The complex tectonic -formation block structure of Kazakhstan is caused by the coincidence of the main abyssal faults. The bibliography contains 28 entries G. Reysner. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 08/ Card 3/245/62/000/006/OU3/006 D222/D307 AUTHORS: Chistovich, L. A., Klaas, Yu. A. and Kuzlmin Yu. TITLE: Continuous recognition of speech PERIODICAL: Voprosy psikhologii, no. 6, 19629 27-39 TEXT: This is a report of experiments on the rapid reproduction and alphabetic transcription of consonants, a continuation of pre- vious work by the senior authors. The purpose of this work was to investigate the articulation dynamics in the running reproduction of consonants, and to find the relationship between reproduction and literal transcription. Nonsense syllables of the vowel-conso- nant-vowel and consonant-vowel type were read by an experimenter into an intercom system and the articulation movements were re- corded by means of a special apparatus developed by Kuzlmin and Shuplyakov (Voprosy paikhologii, no. 1, 196.3). The two subjects tested were required to give a running reproduction or a literal transcription of the syllables, while the same parameters were re- corded. It was found that 100 - 150 msee after the transition from Card 1/2 S/24 62/000/006/003/006 ont' YD C inuous recognition of speech D222 307 vowel to consonant in the speech signal the articulation apparatus of the subject takes up a nondifferentiated 'consonant state' which does not coincide with any consonant of the given language. As new information is received this state is progressively modi- fied towards the specific consonant perceived. This supports the view that the articulation during fast reproduction reflects the discrimination processes whereby the running synthesis of the ar- ticulation imaae is achieved. This is contrasted with the view which holds that the process is based on the identification of phonemes. The experiments with literal transcription also show that the selection of letters os not based on the acoustic information as such, but on the final state of the articulatory motor image reached during the'running synthesis of the consonant. All this supports the theory that speech sound discrimination is based on the recoding of acoustic information into an articulatory image. There are 11 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziologii im. 1. P. Pavlova, AN SSSRp Le- ningrad (Physiological Institute im. I. P. Pavlov, AS USSR, Leningrad) Card 2/2 ANDREYEV, A.P.; BRODOVOY, V.V.; GOLIDSHMIDT, V.I.; KUZIMIN, Yu.I.; MOROZOV, M.D.; EYDLIN, R.A. .1 : Crustal subsurface structure of Kazakhstan and methods for its study. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gool. 21 no.433-15 J1-Af 164- MIRA 17:11) 1. Iliyakaya geofizicheakaya ekspeditsiya i Genfi,,strest, Alm-Ata. CHISTOVICH, L.A.; KOZnNI41KOV, V.A.; ALYAKUPSKIY, V.V.; b0ll~iJAHKO, L.V.; GOLUZIVA, A.G.; KLAAS, Yu.A.; LISENKOY D.M.; UYUBLIFSKAYA, V.11.; FEDOROVA, IT.A.; SHUPLYAKOVP V.S.; SHUPLYAKOVA, R.M. [Speech: Articulation and perception] Artik-uliatsiia i vospriiatie. Foskva, Nauka, 1965. 240 P. (1411?A 18:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut flziolc"li im. I.P.Pavlova. KUZIM, YU.I. Dynamic palatography. Vop. psikhol. 9 no.1:137-141 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16-4) 1. Institut fiziologii imeni I.F.Favlova~ Leningrad. (Phonetics.-Research) f*#" It KUZIMIN, YU.I. Eleatrio method of recording the movements of the tongue in artioulating consonants. Probl. kosm. biol. 4060-572 165. (HERA 180) ACC NRt "11i RD AUT11ORt Kuzfmin, Ju, I, ORG: none TITIZ: Electrical method of recording tongue movements during the articulation or consonants SOURCE: All SSSR. Otdeleniya biologicheskUch nauk. Probleqr kosmichaskay biologii. v, 4, 1965, 560-~572 TOPIC TAGS: man machine oo=wnication, logic design, acoustic sigul, space co==.* nication, acoustic t1wory ABSTRACT-.. Development of a loo-Ic scheme for automatic encoding of speech si*gnals will require detailed Information on the temporal structure of speech siqnals. Acoustic analysis is too beset with difficulties to be useful for this purpose. Analysis of articulatory movements appears more promising. A method of palatography was therefore sou!zht which (unlike the classical palatograph of the phoneticians) would permit continuous record- ing of running speech, and which (unlike Stetson's rubber bulb palatogram) would give a complete picture not only of the duration, but also of, the exact location, of tongue-palate contacts. Card L 14302-66 ACC N(t, AT t Fig. 1. Dywide palatogram taken durIM prorw=iation of the words ftiran~l and "chakist" 1+2, 3, 5, 16, 8 - M=ber of Oled- trode; Ur - asx7ngogram; t, tim mark*' ACC NRt KLVUU:XV4 A sensor, consisting of a prosthetically fitted artificial palate with imbedded electrodes, was devised for thig purpose (see Fig. I in "Research Toward Man- Machine Speech Communication, " p. 114 of this special issue). ~Palatograms showing tongue contact at-different poi.nts of the hard palate are recorded on a multichannel recorder together with a laryngogram :trace and a time mark. Objective data are thus obtained for studying the 'temporal structure and physical articulation of consopants in various -phodetic -environments (alone and i-n co-mbination with other elements in initial, medial, and final position?. Pig. I shows typical palatograms obtained bv this method. -of the e pr es 7be amount and natut-6 s data require conijiuter - oc' i sing. System noise levels and signal strength required to obtain data which would yield sufficiently reliable results when processed by computer had to be established, and the limits of variation of the same speech signal when produced by different speakers determined. 11%, was found that not only the shape, size, and location of tongue- palate contacts, but also their relationship to each other in time d~rfng the production of a given consonant, were essential elements of the distinc- tive and unainbiguous palatographic "signature" of that sound. 'Static (classical) palatography superimposes all later steps in the pronunciation Card