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KUMOVSKI. K., akademik. Scientific activity of the Mathematical Institute Of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Uffp.mat.nauk 10 no-3:217-221 '55. (KLRA 9:1) l.Director matematicheskogo instituts. Pollskoy Akademii nauk. (Poland--Kathematice) jCtjrn IIA'n ~. f; L' r" fil z 1 1-111 a i -Z it" ni, a 'Maclaw Sierpinaki," by Kazimierz Kuratowski, full member of the Polish AcadenW of Sciences. Nauka Polska. Polish AcadeW of Sciences, Warsaw, 4th Year, No. 1(13), 1956. ~flqh 7- KuratuwiE ~K. )uelques proptlith de 1'espace CS ,. ens~Rjij es ~UN_Jlul l. Acad. Polon. &i. CI, M. 5 (1957), 967-974, LXXkl. (Russiansuniniary) Let Y be a complete in"tric, Space. t1w family LC.,,(I') ~ & intoa coinplu-te ofall itsconipact LC" su iscan, &7n metric space [Kuratolwski, Fund. Math. 43 (1956). 114-138; hl 1118, 58J. 1 t i s sh own b ere t ba t i f A c- LC a (Y), X is a perfect ace, dim X~5n+ 1, awl X-*A is continuous, C0111pact sp, I(X) =A, then for everye >0 there isa neighborhood W of A in LCO(Y) such that for every B c qt thcre is a g: X-,.B with g(A~ - B and Ig-11 ,ni. More LCi(l') has a property invariant generally, if A c under st".111 transformations" (Nuratowski, ropoiogie, v. I i, 'Ala r:, aawa, 1952; hIR 14, 892], there is a neighbiahwd of i A itt LCn(Y) composed exclusively of sets having the rty.. 1, Dugundii (Los Angvics, Ca I i f.) sime prope --------- L - M V I IN Topolagle. Vol. 1. 46ne U Mullogra)IC AlatelmIT-y"ne, Tom 20, Pahstwowt: %Vy-, dawnictwo Naukowc, Warsaw, 1958. xiii+494 pp. This is es~entidly a reprint of the 3rd. edition fAIR 14, lOW; for 2nd edition see MR 10, U9], with an alppendix in which the author gim a brief account of some of the topics not contained hi earlier Lditions. These are, in particular, the conccpti (if completely regular bicompact -space, and the Cartesi-an product ofTychunov, The appendix also contains two shott notL!3, one by A. Mostowski on W)rTle applicafiml-,3 of Ito )o1o jo mathe- m-atical logic, the other by It. Sikorski on dic 41)plications (if topology to functional analysis. f August 10, 1959 On the Extension of the Concept of a Rational Functions In an n-Dimensional Buclidem. Space -,Kuratowski X Sur 1'exte"on do lit notion de f-b-n-Ro-a -apace cuclidlen n4mensloone). Bull. Acad. Polon. Scl. Ur. Scl. Math. Astr. Phys. 6(1958), is 1\W .281-287. Let F be a compact subset of wdimensional euclideai% !space UP, n2;2), 1!~t 6,, be the ts-sphere identified-witli the ,'U~E po il~compactifirwion of (E*, and let % denote (go minus its origin. Lot Z.-I(fl denote the set of homotopy classes of continuoui mappings of F into $q. V._,Q~ is an abeAan group by means of the cohomotopy multi- fication. Denoting b Ro the unbounded component of ~n-F and b R1, % - - - tht, sequence of bounde(l .Components ol CEO- F, let p, c. R, for i- 1, 2, - - -, The main result of the paper is.the following thewrem: The- homotopy classes of the translations (x-tj)jF,~,v-Pj)JF, form a free system of generators of The arguments are similar to those of Borsuk (Fund. i'Math. 37 (19S0), 217-241; MR 13, 150). The author asserts that his main ob Pctive is to prove an analogous result for open subsets G (in place (if I-) to appear in a. -subscauent paper, E. H. Stianier (Princeton, N.J.)jj WF 6 2-5 0 j... 111;4n p .9 t an gig alp III -vj~ KURAMiSKIP K. "Development of mathematics in People's Democracy of Poland." POKROKY MAThj-IATIKY,, FYST.KY A ASTRONOMIE, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 4,, no. 2,, 1959 Monthly List of EAST ZUROPEAN ACCESSIONS INDEX (EEAI), W, Vol. 8. no, 7. July 1959 Unclassified KURATOWSKI, Kazimier2 Ten years of the State Institute of Mathematics. Review Pol Acadery 4 no.3:16-32 159. (KNAI 9:6) 1. Delivered at the mestink held in celebration of the State Institute of Kathamties decennium onDec. 13. 1958. (Poland- Mathematics) 1MENDEMp S. (Now York, N.Ye); KUMTOWSKI., K, (Warazawa) A remark on duality. Fund mat 50 no*5:53,r,,-517p'6;,. I' ENGZ MING) R.; KupitTOWSKIP Ke ('tlrrszawa) I-A.- ~ - ~ - Some theorems of Boolean algebra ard their topological applications. Fund mat 50 no,5:519-535 162- KURATWKII, Kazimierz Fifty volumes of wFundamenta Mathematicae"; recoUsetions " notes. Review Pol Aeademy 8 no,2:23-29 Ap-Je 163. Aft KURATOVSKI, K. [Kuratowski, X.] Characterization of regular structures by means of exponential topology. Dok2. All SSSR 155 no. 4:751-752 Ap 164. (IAIRA 17:5) 1. Varshavskiy universitat, Varshava, Pol'skaya Narodnaya Respublika. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Alaksandrovym. KURATMISKI) K. Mappings of topological spaces into latticas and into Brouwerian algebras. Bul Ac Pol mat 12 no. 1: 9-16 t64 1. Institute of Mathematics, Polloh Academy of Sciencesp j)G,,jart,,".(jnL of Mathcr.-iaLico un:i i w..)1co, ~iiiver3lty,*% XURATOWSKI, Kazimierz Fifty volumo of Fundaments Mathematicae; remembrances and remarks. Nauka polska 11. no.2:28-34 Mx--Ap 163. 1. Czlonek rxeczywisty Polskiej Andemii Nauk, Warszawa. pz KRlUSIIIII, V.P.; aYAZINKIII, V.11.p prof., rutrenzenti KIJ~~!Tf 1, Yc,,.,, ~- _ rcd.lZtJ-V,L; 141,1KINA, N.F., tfj~hn. r,,,d. [Rolay attachmunts for T-5M LiLtAilators an(i S45-6 sort- ing machines] Iteleinye priotrivki k tabuliatoram T-5M i rmi-tirovalInym vashimm S45-6. Moskva, Masligiz, 1963. 79 p. (MIRA 17:2) VASIL'YEV, A.G.; KLE24PNEA, X,S.; TATOCIIENKO, L.K., doktor tekhn~ nauk, retsenzont; VERKIIOVSKIY, B.I., inzh., red.; MtATSEV, L.Ye.p red.izd-vaj XURNOVA, G.V., [Holay devices with nuclear radiation sources] Releinye ustroistva a istochnikami iadernogo izlucheniia. Moskvay Mashgiz, 1963. 166 p. (MIFA 17:3) T) ~-),t' 1~1 ,nit q j( ,I ri-way'J." jr~4. Igo p. BRUYEVICH, N.V.j BREYTMAN, Z.M.; HEZ111KOV, YU.M.; MIKHAYLOV, 14.V., inzh,, retsonzent; KURATTSFV, L.Ye.p red.; GORDEYEVA, - L.P., tekhn, DA. I-- [Technical measurements in the bearing industry] Tekhni- cheskie izmereniia v podshipnikovoi prorgshlennosti. Mo- skva, Mashgiz, 1963. 198 p. (MIRA 17t2) BALAKSHIN, O.B.; VIUMM, V.:)., doktor teklin. nauk, retsenzent; KURATTS)EV, L.Yo., Inzh.,, red. (Automation of pneu-tic control of d:Lmension.,3 in the manufacture of machi-noryl Avt,)rrjLtIzat~;iia I~novv.-Ittlche!jkogo kontrolla razmerov v mashfiioArnanll. 1,11o.Ava, 1-1aghino- stroenie, 1964. 363 p. (XIRA 17: 10) AGEYKBI) D.I.; KOSTINAp Ye.N.; KUMETSOVA~ N.N.; 5TROGANOV, L.P., inzh., red.; KURATTSEV, L.Yo., Inzh., red. [Regulation and control transducers; reference materials] Datchiki kontrolia i regulirovanila; spravochnye materialy. 2,, parer. i dop. izd. Mo3kyup Mashinontroonie, 1965. 928 p. (MIRA 18:6) KURAYRV, A.; ZUBMV, A. . The ZII-157 high-roadability three-axle motortruck. Avt. transp. 36 no,1107-41 N '58. (MIRA 11:11) (Motortrucks) ACC NRt AT602ZZ59 ~501jjl:df 61~T-W~ICCOV[6'CIOOO'10-001008010087 ''i AUTHOR: Xurayev, A. A., Stepukhovich, V. A. ORG: none .TITLE: Using the variable isochronism of electron oscillations for enhancing the :efficiency of phasochronous devices 'SOURCE: Vsesoyu znaya nauchnaya acssiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. zzd, ;1966. Sektsiya clektroniki. Doklady. Moacow, 1966, 80-87 ;TOPIC TAGS: SHF amplifier, SHF oscillator, stropliotron, traveling wave tube, :backward wave tube 'ABSTRACT: Four cascade arrangements are theoretically considered of a strophotron in whose first (bunching) sections the electron oscillations arc non- 'isochronous while in the output sections the oscillations are isochronous. The SHr. 1voltage is applied between the positive -cle ctrodc segments and between the negative I ;plates (see figure); the strength of the field x-component is practically constant with-,~ i 4n a wide range of x. It is demonstrated that a system of equations Card 1/Z ACC NR% AT6022259 strophotron bunching section can b too I replaced by a system of nonlinear equations de8cribing TW and BW tubes. The strophotron output section is described by 0o another system of differential equations whose solution yields new equations that describe the amplitude and phase of the output SHF voltage. It is found that the maximum tube efficiency is independent of its gain parameter t%. A numerical example, which uses J. D. Rowe's results) shown that the above cascade strophotron has better than double thb efficiency* of the conventional atrophotron. Orig. art. has. 3 figures and 28 formulas., SUB CODE: 09 SUB M DATE: 09Apr66 ORIG REF; 001 Card -0 55 110 5 5 5 -"'n6_008z) OURCE CODE.: Ult 0 109 ,AUTHOR' KuraXev, A. A, P5 JORG: none :TITLE: Possibilily of parametric amplificatio K 'Wally nyatems jlavlrlg~ Icentrifugal el"trostatic focusing SOURCt: Radiatakknlka L atektroalka, v. 11, no# 3, 1966, 553-555 TOPIC TAGS: electroni,~ amplification, parametric amplification ABSTRACT: Periodic space variation of the-focusing voltage in an axially nonuniform :systcrn (see Fig. 1) can be used for parametric amplification of cyclotron-type ,oscillations of electrons. Coupling elements I and 3 are drocribe(I fiv 11. H. Pantell (Mikcawelienrohren, Vortrage der Internat. Tagung, hftinchen, 1960: 6 386-389). amplifying Bection 2 may, be connected in two ways (ace -rig. 2): (a) t ho focusing- e pr-rinclicity is due to voltag different valta ce on the alternate ncreen clemento or (b) the periodicity is created by nagging fields. Fig. I card a/z UDG: 621.375 3 ACC NR- '-.P6006297 14 F V11 U Li L L. Ve V" (b) RT a Q U_U_ 0 Fig. 2 Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 16 formulas. k:quations of the electron r-notion are act up, reduced to a Mathieu equation, expanded into a Fourier series, and solved according to the E. T. Wittaker method yielding a formula for the amplifier galn. The electro- static electron drive combined with clectro.-tatic focusing is seen as :pin advantage of the above amplifier, Its disadvantages are: 1) possible noise and 2) nonisochronoun "cyclotron" oscillations under large signal conditioni 1031 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM-DATE: 01Apr65 /ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 002 NTD PRESS; 41 :2 1167- 0 , EWT(l L 042L ACC NRs AR6015867 SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/65/000/012/AO23/AO23 AUTHOR: Kumev, A. A Kuvshinov, Yu. N. TITLE: An approximate Idnematlo analysis of the nonlinear characteristics of a helitron. SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika I yvyo primenenlye, Abs. 12A159 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektron. sverkhvysok. chastot. Vyp. 1, Baratov, Baratovsk. un-4, 19G4, 118-131 TOPIC TAGS: successive approximation, nonlInear motion equation, rectangular waveguide, S11F oscillator, back-ward wave oscWator ABSTILICT: A method of successive approximations Is developed for the solution of essentlaUy nonlinear equations of electron motion in an E-type helitron-61IF oscillator. These equations under specific conditions were reduced to a system analogous (excluding the sign In the equation of motion) to a corresponding system for linear 0-type devices. An analysis of the dependence of the efficiency of the hoUtron on the current magnitude of the device is performed with the extensive use of the abovementioned analogy in the nonlinear properties of 0- and E-type de- vices. The approximate equations obtained are also applied to an analysis of a resonance BWT (backward-wave tube), i.e., to a narrow-band circuit of increased efficiency and power and a LCord I UDC: 621.385.69 OA 214-G-7 ACC NR: AR6015867 backwaxxi-wave oscillator with a helical magnetodireoted flow of electrons. located in a rec- tangular waveguide. [ TranBlatlon of abstract ] Bibliography of 7 titles. D. Ya. SUB CODE: 09 L 04216-67 ENT(l) __ - . I.- __1 ACC NR: ARGO15858 SOURCE CODE: LM/6276765700b76i2/X0G4/A004 AUT1IOR- Kurayev, A. A_. TITLE: Features of starting conditions in super -4it gh 4requency oscillators with curvilinear periodical electron fluxes and Inimodified waves SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektroalka I yoye primenenlye, Abs. 12A21 REF SOURCE: Tr. molodykh uchenykh. Saratovsk. un-t. Vyp. f1z. Saratov, 1965, 23-42 TOPIC TAGS: electron flux, SIIF oscillator, magnetron ABSTRACT: An analytic investiptloqts made of a two-dimensional problem of the starting characteristics of a E --typo device: a7lRelitronp), assuming small transverse dimensions of the reaction space of the device, low HF-disturbances of the steady-state trajectories of the elec- trons (E) for thin E fluxes. In the analysis of the effect of the space charge (SC) on the group of electrons It Is demonstrated that in the G under the effect of the radial and azimuthal forces of repulsion of electrons, azimuthal grouping is Improvod, and besides It Is found that in de- vices with low SC densities, the application, of Internal transmission lines Is more effective from the standpoint of starting conditions, and In devices with high SC densities, external tranq~ mission lines, although the general dependence Is such that as the SC density Increases (CN)st 621.385.69 L 04216~671 ACC N_Ri_AR60_15668____ decreases. In the analysis of the effect of reflection from the load on the starting conditions of a G It Is demonstrated that as the length of the G system decreases, the degree of the depen- dence of (CN)st and wst upon the reflection factor from the load sharply Increases. A number of graphs arc given characterizing the starting conditions of tho G in various paramoters of the device calculated according to the formulas obtained. Translation of abstract] Bibliography of 2 titles. D. Ya. SUB CODE: 09 Card SHEVCIIIK, V.N.; KURAYFV,--A..A. Gen(,ral dispersion equation of a traveling-wave tube vith a peroidical delay structure. Radiotekh. i elektron. 6 no.9:1519- 1532 3 161, (MIRA 1498) (Travelin&.4own tWxw) KURAY~~,,.,~.A.; RCHANOV, B.H.; SHEVCHIK, V.N. Start conditions in B-type generators. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.6z983-993 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) g" 4p Tr 01, KTIR-A Yl,, VA . A Spurious oncillationa in F-typo oncillators jup to th(2 act!on of high-frequency space charge fic2da. Fadiotckh. i. elektron. 11 no.1:156-161. Ja 166. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Submitted March 3, 1965. KURAYEV, A.A.; RCKOOV, B.N. Effect of the reflected load on the start conditions of a helitron. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.6:994-1000 A 164. (MIRA 17:7) KURAYEVy A.A.; SHEVCHIK) V.N. Special feature of the interaction of a relativistic helical flow of electrons with an electromagnetic wave. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.6:1083-1086 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) 777 01 arl, r-E YPC BW Ocicllli~!c)r - 11, (a) (bi no reflection in the Ivef- LlIzU, V-4 Vurv srzmil spact: cLai-rgef-' tOrte-C. krk, a cc-notant raAiun 2md a rrnall nifrit C I PTA 'EDICA Ma Sec.2 Vol.10/3 FhYGIOIO,-j ' "ch 57 1291. KURAYEV A. I. and LOGINOV A.A. Chair of Nornial Human and Animal Ki rov' Univ., Baku. * E f f e c t o f s t i m u I a t i o n 0 f interoceptors on the chronaxie of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex FIZIOI.j. Z. 1956, 42/9 (752 - 757) Graphs 3 (Russian text) Mechanical stimulation of the rectum by inflation of a rubber balloon lengthened, in lost experiments, the chronaxie of the motor zone of the cerebral curtex in cats, while stimulation of the urinary bladder shortened the chronaxle. However, if stimulation of the urinary bladder follows rectal stimulation it also may prolong the chronaxie, and vice versa, rectal stimulation may shorten the chronaide after precedont stimulation of the urinary bladder. Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. KURAYEV. A.V.; PAIWILOV. V.T.; LDIF-11KOV, P.L.; SOSKOV. B.Ye.; ZARUBIN, A.G., otvotetvennyy red.; LEI'fflXVA, Ye.l., red.izd-ve; RATVWEVA,.Te.N.v t9khn,reda; TIKIWIOV, IL.ya., [ZIL-164 truck; instructions for operation] Avtomobill ZIL-164; inotruktaiin po ekspluatatsii. Hook-va, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. i7.d-vo moohinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 175 P,, (MIRA 11:4) 1. Hoskovekty avtomoblllnyy revod im. I.A.Likhacheya. 2. Zamestitall glnvnogo konstruktors Morkovskogo avtomobillnogo zavoda im. 1.A. Likhachava (for Zarubin) (Hotortrucks) KURATEV, Aj.; SACEMY, P.L,j BIJYZ, N.G.; BULATA, V.P.; VYAZININ, T.A.: GCWB3lV, B.S.; DYSRKAN, D.M..- KAMIN, B.S.; XAMOT, G,I,, MOIL', N.V.; MASHATIN, V.I.; nOUSKATA, LJ.; MMINSHTRYN, S.M.; SWWOT, A.B.; TARASOT, L.Aeg FZMOTA, A.As; FAMOVO L*N,; TSZMIN# H.P.; SHAMICH, A,G,; VASILOY11VA, I.A., red. izd-va; TIKHA OV, A.Ta., tekhn. red. [ZIT,158 and ZIL-15U motorbuses; instractions for operation] Avtobusy ZIL-158 i ZIL-158k; Instruktaiia po ekspluatateii. gookya, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 193 p (MiU Ilt7) 1. Yloskovekly aytombillnyy zavod, (Kotorbuseo) AWITD, G.B.; TYAZIMIN, V.A.; GRIIISHTSYN, L.M.; GOLIDBERG, G.I.; GOLUBIV, B.S.; KASIffiAKOV, M.V.; KRASHOPZVTSXV, M.P.; KUZ117,TSOV, S.I.; -.KMYXV, A.V.; KAYUKOV, G.I.; MASHATIN, V,I.; MOLOTILOV, V.I.; NERM, A.R.; PRALI, G.I.-, RAGUSKAYA, L.F.; RUBINSHTMN, S.M.; SEMENKOV, P.L.; TARASOV, L.A.; FEWROVA, A.A.; TSHPKIN, M.F.; SHAYEVICH, A.G.; ZARUBIN, A.G.,; VASILlYXVA, I.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [ZIL-157 motortruck; operation and service] Avtomobill ZIL-157: instruktaiia po ekspluatntaii. Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1958. 235 P. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Moskovskiyavtomobillnyy zavod. (Motortnicka) KUZIIETSOV, Sergey Ivanovich; ZUWEV, Ale%eey Afanaslyevich; KUAYEV, Aleksandr Van J!yaylcb~ PANFILOV, Vladimir Trofinovich -- "IT ~SOROTOV, B.V., inzh.-polkovnik zapasa, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F.p tekhn. red. [ZIL motortruck) Gruzovye avtomobili ZIL. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 495 P. (MIRA 15- 6) (14otortruoka) YE7RSIM, 13.V.; ZAIRFAYFV, N.V.; ZL(1113111, A.G., ARIAM, A.V., nauchn. red. [ZII-130 motortrucks; basic model anci its madftfications. A-Iburr -.'P witomobile designs] Gruzovye nvtomobih ZIL-130; osnovnala modoll I ee modiflkatsiia. A'."bom konstrukt1ii avtorobllei. Moskvn, Kolos, 1965. 50 1). (!,.IHA 18-.6) 1 176215-63 &dr (l )/BDS AFIFEC/ASD S/or,-6/65/044/003/056/055 :5 ~/ .AUTHOR: Kurayov, E. A. and Sannikcvp S. S. 5,3 TI 14,E I Coalescence of photons in tha Coulomb fiald of nuclol P --:A I C. DI C,% L iZhurnal oksperimental'roy i telchnicheskoy fiziki, V. 44, no. 5, 1965, 1015-1022 TEXTi Z. Fried (Rof. 1: Nuovo Cim., 22 1303, 1961) investi ';r!itod the coeloacenca of' low Ire-,.j,3,lcy photons on electrons (,in inverse d-ouble Compton offdct,).-),k -nd -,,,.v3st-73,te the sa-.o nroblorn frr ohotons c' >> !n; f ro quoncy c f ', -3 n~ on~; j 7.- g I a 5 c on cc o f su ch photr ns is tile co,3 I c s cur-, c er,~ u1 o mb 'j e I d 0 f C S They obt31n 0XDrossJDns for the probobi"Ity of ,,jcr ty-,c of coglaucerce ana specialize them for the limiting oaaos of largo arad sruu~ill rhlotcn froquoncio5 as compared to the electron mass. Coalosenco of n1notons in the high --frequency- region .requency range is investigated by introducing radiative corrections to the Lagrangian funation of the electromagnetic field. At low frequencies thair results Card 1/2 1, 1762")-63 Coalescence of photons ... 5/0%/65/044/oo5/0.56/055 cc-rea thosro in Rof. 1. There are 2 figures. A oJC C '~ A 71 C IN Fi,-.IVn-tokhnlchoakjy Inatitut A,,r!doroll wlul, Uk-rqlna~zy SS.R (Phygj&O~r_ Tochnical Inatituto of the Acudu:ay or 6cionces UlcrSSR) I Cctober 22, 1962 Card 2/2 L 2756-46 F-VJT (m)/r/EVIA (m)-2 /002/002/0272/0276 ACCESSION MR: APS024341 UR/0367/65 AUTHOR: Volkov D. eve Ee A# 'COO' TITLE: K -* 2w decays and SUM symmetrY SOURCE: Yad--rnaya fizika, v. 2, no. 2, 1965, 272-276 jrmmeqy.'~adpola model, meson radioactive JOPIC TAGS- unitary symmetry. pa;t4q_ke 8 ;decay :ABSTRACT: X 2i decay is analyzed on the basis of the Coleman-Glashou dynamic ,model (the "tadpole model"). Two versions of this model are considered. The, weak-1 .'er version considers only the transitions Into vacuum of scalar particles which be- 1 along to the unitary octet. In the strong version. diagrams are considered in which ,the octet of scalar particles also acts as intercediate resonances with the lowest energies. Since scalar particles are the virtual states with lowest energy for the! X - 21c process, the second version of thic model Is of greatest interest for this type of decay. A general expression is derived for the mplitude of decay in the first version with regard to moderately strong and electro~gnetlc Interactions. It is shown that the second version of the tadpole model results In suppression of iCard 1/2 L 2756-66 APS024341 0 ACCESSION NRi electromagnetic transitions in the tadpole diagrams for masses of the scalar octet particles considerej by Coleman an4 Glashow (S. Coleman, S. L. Glashow, Phys.Rav., 134, 671, 1464). K + w %0 decay takes place through tadpole-less diagrms, which are difficult to evaluate because of their complexity. Orig. art, has; 2 figures, 10 formulas. ,ASSOCIATIOH: none SUBMITTED: 1SMarGS ENCL* 00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOVs 001 OTHER: 006 Card 2/2 fl r , x ~~ I , .- . .- 11,:W-11 -V. , 'I . 1, N ~ql ".. .. , .. ~~ j'a..~-T , ) . - . I ~ I I 71T41 -Y ) T. V. .; PEC"TICTO! I-IV ) V . Lj. ; 1 ;11. "Experhriental investigtition of, iierit trarisfer to .1rif, " report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & 1.1ass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 May 1964. Mos.,-cw Power Engineering Inst. KMYEV, V. For the Communist tOmorrow. Avt. transP. 37 no-5:5 MY '59. (MIRA 12:8) I*Peredovo.v shofer Moekovskogo avtokhozyaystva NO.2 Mocoblavtotresta. (Socialist competition) Kura7"v, V. G. -1 L~X-' With D" curr"t." ~'in ~1'4,' hcr Ed,~C, t ion Irst I". ni .0 u V. lo,-Ov. r,.- I)V C-' t"IlItfitf, In Tc~clhnlca2 Scl,2nc,_)) OtJz~A 'n f 1--nin Fowir mltl.-)n Cor thp Kni:,Ihnallra letopis' No. 27, 2 J111Y 1955 B) 1, 1Y 130103,11111V f,11,JITilrovich; KululyLiv, V.G.p red. OTI ricip Ioj ()j, tjj() 01001-Y and Osnovy Loorii i rascheta mag Of Magnotic circuito 1 VC) "EnergiJa," nitnyl-11 tnepei.~ Moskva 19(4- 463 p. , lzd- (MIRA 17:6) KURAYEV, v ~Ictalloverdeniye dlya stroiteley (metal working Moskv,,,, COS. lzd-vo lit-ry po stroitelf-stvu I 193 P Iilusy graphs, diagso tables. Literatura; P. 193 SO: 11/5 615.9 . K9.1 for construction workers) Arkhitekture, 1952. C2 61 '~' /'P/ S/096/60/000/010/014/022 AUTHORS: H19VE135 Petukhov B 6 Sh'?jKrOv YY _____yko ZoroV. Yeva. I V 0~U olzoroy Kura and r ~z e . D , V.K7 TITLE: Calculation of Transient Temperature Fields In Multi-Layer Walls with Internal Heat Evolution by the Hydrothermal Analogy Method PERIODICALs Teploenergetika, 1960, No 10~ p 9~ TEXT: The temperature distribution is calculated in two and three layer walls with internal sources of heat, required to determine the temperature gradients during calculation of the strength of assemblies in several types of heat exchan equipment, ~Ll ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskly Institut (Moscow Power Institute) Card 1/1 KURAYEVAP I.V.; PROTOPOPOV, V.S. Second All-Union Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 2 no.4:654-655 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRk 17:9) L i 2,j 79-60 E',TT~ i )/EWP(m)/E7n-r'm'/ETC(F)/EPF(n )-21 Fvt ~rn j/ Ef4,' ACC NR. q,6o0134 F-TUtm) 9 IJP(c)/I?PL JD/W7VJVJW CE CODE: tfRIOOOOI(,51r)no,',.rlf)lclr)3210039 AUTHOR! Krannoshchekov, Ye. A.; Protopopov, V. S. ; Wnng, Feng; Kuraypvn, I. V. C -4 q OBG: Moscow Power Engineering Institute(Moskovskyy energeticheakiy institut) TITLE! Experimental study of heat transfer in the supercritical region fo,r carq5l~ dioxide VA .1 1.1 SOURCE: Teplo- i massoperenoo. t. 1: Konvektivnyy teploobmen v odnorodnoy arede Oleat and mass transfer. v4 1: Convective beat exchange in a homogeneou3 medium.). Minsk, Nauka i teklinika, 1965, 32-39 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, heat transfer agent, carbon dioxide, heat exchanger, cooling ABSTRACT: Since there is no published data available on the heat transfer of fluids at close to critical conditions, a study was made of the heat transfer in the.turbu- lent flow of carbon dioxiLe at very high tomperature gradients. The experiments were conducted in a steel tube with a 4.05 mm inner and a 5.0 mm outer diameter and a 2 length of 5.1 d. The experiments were conducted with pressures of 785 - 981 n/m . mean fluid temperatures of 20 - 110C, temperature gradients up to 500C. and heat flux densities of 2.6 106 W/M2. Changes in the liquid and wall temperatures along the tube were plotted. The experimental data could be correlated with an accuracy of 2 L ACC NRs 0 11349--- P, )0.3( Op 20% by use of the folloving formula: P1, n =-2 0,4 at Tw T,, I or TLIT.,.-# 1,2; n n, = 0,22 + 0.18 at I -< TwIT. 4.2,5: n nj+(5nj-2)(1-Tt(f,) at i