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POPIINKOJI I.I.; KODIRETKO, ye.F. Obatining high buckwheat yields in Vinnitsa Province. Zem- ledieli 23 no-4:40-45 AP 161. (14IRA 14:3) 1. Vinnitakoye oblastnoye upravleinye aellakogo khozyayatva (for Poplevko.). 2. Vinnitskaya gosudarstvennaya seliskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantoiay (for Kundirenko). (Vinnitsa Province-Backwheat) KLJNDIU, S. A., KURANOV) I. F., EFROS, D. A. (Moscow) "On the Permeability of Two- and Three-Phase Systems and, the Analysis of Flows of Liquid-Gas Aggregates." report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. Y, 1 !'M TY,E V. Yu. I. " The I-rolol~:m of the "ffect of the Fu,-,ctional Con-litiun of 'lie Cerebral Cortex on the Muscular '.'I or.)c Capacity of llumans." Cand 1-:ed .':ci, Kit~v Order of Labor Rrd B=-er imeni A. A. Bogomol;, Kiev, 1955- (K474, No 16, APr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific arLd Teclanical Dissertations Defended at USSR Eigher -'-ducat`~oirial ImAlt-,itions (16). Ll Lj I'l , V L/i SPM, Te.l.; XMWIYEV, Yu.I. VOTTFITKO, G.A.; IVANOVA, Z.V.; LEBEDEVA, T.A. Hygienic evaluation of working conditions when using chlorinated organic insecticides in controlling sugar beat posts. Nauch.trudy Inst.entA fit. AN XMSR 7:58-62 '56. (MIRA 10:3) (~praylng and dusting-Hygienic aspects) (Insecticides) (Sugar beets-Dissases and pests) XUNDffBV. Yu.I., kandidat mediti3inakikh nauk :, Secoryl scient1fic conference on the physiology of labor. Gig. i san. 21 no-5:56-59 W 156. (KEEA 9:8) (WORK) (PHYSIOLOGY) KAGAN, Tu.S.,; KUNDITEV Yu.I.,; TROTSEM,M.A.., 1cand.khim.nauk (K17s-vF---- Safety measures in using phosphorus organic insecticides for orchard spraying. Zaehcb. rast. ot vred. i bol. 3 no.4:29 Jl-Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Phnspborus organic compounds) (Chemicals--Safety measures) KWITRV, Yu,I., kandemed,nauk First All-Union Conference on Hygienic Aspects and Toxicolog7 of Ineeticides and Fungicides. Gig. i Ban. 23 no.6:81-83 Je 158 (Y,1RA 11:7) (AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS) KUNDIM-r-Yu.-I... kqnd.rqed.nijuk; SILAKOVA, G.I. [Sylakova, H.I.J. doktor biolop,nauk, glnvnyy rod. (Porniciouo effact of alcohol on human working capacity] Pro zhubnyi vplyv n1koholin rai pratnezdatnist' liudyny. Kyiv, 1959. 33 P. (Tovaryntvo dlia ponhyrannin 7)olitychnykh i naukovykh zntin' Ukviins'koi RSR, Ser.5, (HIRA 12:12) (ALCOHOL--PHYSI OLOGI CAL IWFSCT) MOVEDIp L&I., dotsent, red.; KRIVOGLAZ, B.A., prof., red.; KAGAN, Yu.S.,, red.; SM]IRYAKAYA, S.G., dotsent, red.; TOSTANOVEKAYA, A.A.,, red.; KMIDIYFV,_ Y,.j ~I, kando mad.nauk, red.; BURKATSKAYA, Ye,N., kand.mid.nauk, red.; SPYRU, Ya.I.., red.; NOVIKOV, Yu.V., red.; BULIDTAYEV, N.A., (Hygiene, toxicology, and clinical aspects of now insecticides and fimgicides) Gigions, toksikologiia i klinika novykh Ineekto- fungitsidov: trudy. Pod obahchei red. L.I.Madvedia. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo med.1it-ry Medgiz, 1959. 370 P. (Hju 14:1) 1. Vsesoyuznava nauchnays konferentsiya po gigiyene I toksikologli inaoktofungitaidov. let. KiYev, 1957. 2. Kiyevskiy inatitut gigiyeny truds i profsabolevaniy (for Medved', Kagan, Kundiyev, Spynn). 3. Ukrainskiy usuchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut pitaniya (for Tostanovskaya). (Insecticides) (Pungicidea) KMITEV. Yu.I. [Nundiiev, IU-I-1 Hffect of alcohol on muocular work capacity. Fiziol.shur. ~kr-J 5 no.1;121-123 Ja-F '59- (MIRA 12:5) 1. Kiyovskiy inotitut gigiyony truds i profzabolovaniy, otdol f izi 01001, truda. (ALCOHOL-PHYSIOLOGIUL HMCT) (WMK) 7 / 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . -,i T. 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FFrY-- M' !;:;.-P.; f)il 11~~'*:`~~:,- AND ,;I, AM, ON CON- ~MC71-101; (1*-jIw-.7dI,',I 10:;.'; 131 B1.). 1;. A. 95. OF A."ZI PF" O~, AC"'If"; 0-. cl~.1~1.1-1-.j.~:;. A. K, . . . . . . 96. T. F.. AcTIC.:; O-~ C~,' 97. M:TAR(c-p- A.:;') 7:i OF Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qa. 0, co'.."N WIT11 OIZCIANOTI~ ~171;011uz; ColfWUNDS ON T 1 ZF=jC.1 0" G: U., '~:- ~',7 TfrZ Pi,%Yi5. T. E. 1=otova et nI . . . . . . . . . . . E, 3 99. 01-' Cv; ;01'. !q('.Ro-P-RA. S. X. al. I DO. A COMTOL AGI-';T F0 -.,I::;IJ. I 1.'Atrol'u.-mv . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10). AF2-Z-010 FOII Co.,,IROL OF AGIRICUTITIMAL JT~7.3. A. 1. 31,-'orov and .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10- - X-UDY AMD AIT:-ICATTO,; 0, 0'., *:',k:X;;;!ca!T0RUs cc,;~50U";Ds FOR CoNrI70L OF D. X 11alk!r, atA N. .11. ra:";wr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COI 103. ICTICT01:3 WITH ACIION' A3 A Y.M-110D OF 0~1%.V,*L; '-OM ilLz;~*3. 1'. V. --l-zon" l.,L T&I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104. '.1;M3 ON' M-8) IN OF S-7KINO FES~13 OF A:Z) D12*--,j~!~,.,;Yr, M. 11. 0110~movti ani L. F. . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . 105. OF t;.Uj. OF INSMC'~!C=M IN AM 1~'M FOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . - T I X. IM CAII 1,0.3. YLi?__ I f-I OORMMI; OF VAPOR3 BY ACTIVA M;A 1!. E. Full" L'di- rI_, ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (-'.-j~ PrLr~*%- -c~ Soycdlvnly (Ci4miotry V-1-1 . . 1:;) 1.. Yo. Arltnwl, -"d. publ. by TArm, Iffil, EC: . Conoctico o~f ccrnploi~ pnInro prouentcd rAt tho 1959 I;azt-.n Coziformco va ori:nmjhocsrhcrruo Cozpomdo . KUNDIYEV Yu. I~ and. mod. nauky PODLINYAYEVA, M. Ye~ . -.. - % - Individual nafety measures in worldmg with poisonouB chemIcals, ZaBbcb. rust. ot vrod, I bol, 5 noc6-35-36 Je 7060~ (MIRA 16,-,,l) 1. KiyevBkiy nauchno-issledovateVskly institut gigiyeny tn,,J!-- i professional2nykh zabolewaniy. (AgrIcultural chomIcals, .-Safety measurea) KUNDIYEV,-Xv,I., kand. mod. nauk; PODLINyAyUA,, nauc yy - hn sotrudnik Rendering'4rmlesa containex , promises, and transportation means. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.11:13-34 N 161. (MIRA 16:4) 1. KiyeIskiy institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevani3r. (Agricultural chemicals-Safety measures) KUNDIXEV,,-Yu.I.,.kand.medonauk) PODLINYAYEVA, M.Ye... nauchnrj sotrudnik Measures for individual protecticn against chemicals. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.1:40-41 t62. MU 15:6) 1. Kiyevskiy institut gigiyony truda i professionalinykh zabolevaniy. (Agricultural obemicals---Safety measures) MEDVED', L.I., doktor mod. nauk, red.; BURKATSKAYA, Yo.N.,, nauk, red.j VOMNKO, G.A., kand. med. nauk,, rod.; KAGAN, Yu.S., red.; KRIVOGIAZ, B.A., prof., red.; Y.1JND1jqY, -1 kand. med.,nauk, red.; MAKOVSKAYA, Ye.I., doktor med. U~Luk, red.; SEREBRYANAYA, S.G., dots., red.; SPYNU, Ye.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; TOSTANOVSKAYA, A.A., kand. med. nauk, red.; TROTSENKOI M.A., kand. khim. nauk, red.; NOVIKOV, Yu.V., red., CHULKOVY LF.p tekhn. red. (Hygiene and toxicology of new pesticides and clinical aspects of poisoning; reports of the Second A1.1-Union Sci- entific Conference of the Committee for the Study and Roglementation of Poiaonous Chemicals of the Main State Sanitary Inspection of the U.S.S.R.) Gigiena I toksikologiia novykh pestitsidov i klinika otravlenii; doklady 2-1 Vse- soiuznoi nauchnoi konferentsil Komiteta po izucheniiu ireg- lamentatsii iadokhimikatov Glavnoi gosudaretvennoi sanitar- noi inspektsii SSSR. Pod obshchei red. L.I.Medvedia. Moskva. Medgiz, 1962. 478 p. (MIRA 16:4) ' 1. Voesoyuznaya nauchnaya konferqntsiya. po gigiyene i toksiko- logii insektofungitsidov, 2d, 1962, (Continued on next card) MEDVEW, L.I. -(continued). Card 2. 2. Predsedatell Komiteta gosudarstveftoy mnitarmoy inspektali SSSR po izucheniyu i reglamentatsii yadokhimikatov (for., Medved').3.Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy,institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy (for Burkatakaya, Voytenko, Spynu, Kagan, Trotsenko).4. Ukrainskiy nauchno-insledovatel I skiy insti- tut pitaniyLt(for Serebryanaya). (FESTIGIDES-TOXICOU~Oll / VOZNMENSKAYA, G.A.,; BOZIYAN, Xh.Av vrach (Stepanakert); SILUYANOVA, V.A.,; GRIGOROVSKIY, I.M., prof.1 _,L-~and.mod.nauk (Kiyev); MARSHAK, M.S., prof.; TLI~IM, u. Tt ZALIOPOp M.N.; DONETSKAYA, L.M.; ORGANOVA, M.G. Health hints. Zdorovle 9 no.300-31 Mr 163* (KIRA 160) (HYGIM) MIDIYEV, i-u,i,, kand.inad.nalA; PODLINYAYEVA, 14.Yo., ntauckpiyy sotrud-nik Individual protection ir, eq,ricultural work invalvLng prd- nonous chomicals. Felld, i akurb. 28 rio.M6-9 Ag'63 ~MIRA l6t-12) 1. Tz Kiyovskogo histitut'a giglymy truda i profpsvlcmmlln~kh zabolexaniy. KILI N D 1 Y EV. Yu . I a ---------- Absorption through the akin of the thiophr,~;phorftn a.::-Id ester -1 6 11 o. 3 t,3 61-3' 5 My~e 163 vorlon. Funnakol. tokafl(. - C, (1,11RA I'l ,'2) 1. Ki..,fevskly institut r~jglyemy truda i profzubrile-uniy. MEDVEDIP L.I., prof., otv. red.; YEVVISIM-4:0, G.1.1* 60t-:3., 'MiM. (AV- red.; KRIVGCj1_jjZ, ii.A., prof. red.; N'OVITSKIY, V.K.~ prof., red.; SUPONITSKEY, M.ya.' dots., rod.; SHAKUBAZYANs G.Kb., Prof.$ red. [Industrial Irygiene; interdepartmental collection of sci- entific papers] Gigiena tnida; nezlivedornstvennyi sl>ornik nmichnykh raWt. Kiev, Zduravlla, 19(41. 268 1). (1~11RA 38:3 1. Kiev. Institut gigiyeny tmda 1 profissjonallnyRh za- bolevaniy. 2.Kiycv!3kiy jj).~Aitiii ggiyerky triidti i prores- lonallnykh zabolevaniy (for JJedvedl, Kr~-~,logl_z). frUDRYAVTSE'V* A.S.,, ,!AVlCH, I.A.~, P)~~Q2 N,,,-, NIKOLAIMr, L.A. 2 1 1al .1 1 ~-.a3ytla prupert--es of the coffipl-~x -=pc-und-q olmetals wlih schirf bases. Zhur. fiz. kiAlm. 36 no.(-9082,11384 J6262 (MIRA 17."-,') 1. Moskovikjy imititut inzhen6ril-, tramsporta, riji'DOSOV I ITT. KI I "Changes in the morphological ;4nd biochemical inde4~.e5 of 'blood and certain in-amnobiological reactions of the organisr, of colt:j during ontogenesis." I-an 1h,,-7ier &Iucation USSiz. Z~oveteririary lost. 1956. (Dissertitions fort. 1~e Dagre-!.- of C~-Indidate in Veterinary Science) SO: Kaizhaya letopis 1. 140 16, 1956 USSR/Geiieral Problems of Pathology - Cytotoxi;js U Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27259 "o, Author Kundo Inst Kazakhstan Veteriimry Institvte Title The Changes of Morphologic, Biochemical Blood Lidexes and Some Immunabiologic Reactions of the Orgnnisn of Healthy Foals in Ontogenesis Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta vet. kazakhrt. fil. VASKHNIL, 1957, 8, 169-175 Abstract : Hb of blood, index of hamtocrite, nunber of erythrocy- tes, total protein content, sugar, glutathione and its fractions in serum, residual N and urea increased in you.nger age, became stabilized ia healthy foals towards 8-9th month of life, as well as heretofore decreased co- lor index, amunt of lymphocytes and nonocytes, content of Ca in serum. Towards this age, the iru-minobiologic Card 112 5 USSR/General Problena of Pathology - Cytotoxinrl U Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., lio 6, 1959, 27259 reactions of the organisiA intensify. The introduction of antireticular cytotoxic scrum increases the number of erythrocytes, leucocytes, Hb, sugar, glutathione and its fractions, residual N, urea, protein and Ca in the serum, color index and phagocytic activity of leucocyteso' The best method of aatireticular cytotoxic serm, introR duction is subcutaneous. Card 2/2 USSR/Gencral Problorm of Pntholor~w - Cytotoxiis, U Abs Jour Ref Mur Biol., No 1, 1959; 4097 Avthor Kundocov, NX. Inst Kazald,. Veterinary Institute Title The Acti.)n of A. C. S. upon the Physical, Morphological al,d Biocherdcal Didexes of the Blood of Healthy Colts. OriG Pub Tr. Kazaldisk. a.-i. vat- ill-ta, 1957, 9, 276-279 Abstract Observations were mde upon three 6-61 mm-t:.,s old colts ~y in Vaich A.C.S. was injected intrademally, three 4~_ 5_Ly mntlis old colts with subcutaneous injectione and three 5-6 moitas old colts with iatrauuscular L'jections; the fol' 'owina were investiEpted in all the animals within 12, 24 and 48 hours: Hb., erythrocyte and laukz)cyte comitg color index (CI), phogocytic index a:11d the bL;:)d val--,es ,)f Glucose, protein, residual 14, urea, Ca aA~ Glutathione, Card 1/2 USSR/Gencral Pr:)blems of Patholo67 - Cytotoxins u Abs Jjur Ruf Mur Biol., No 1, 1959, 4097 and the alkaline reserve (AR). Following introderral Lijection of A.C.S. an elevation of all the in-dexes vith the exception of erythrocytes, lewkocyteo, Glutathione and AR was noted; followinC, intranuscular adlAnistration of A.C.S. no elevation of CI, serimi protei;i, urea a*.zd AR was observed; after subeuta~ieous injection of A.C.S. no elevatioa of CI, glycei-da, I'M and tital proteiiis was noted. The 6Teatest increase of morphological and bio- chemical i-ndexes was observed *ith subcutatiez.,us adniLis- trntion of A.C.S. A.I. Geronimus. Card 2/2 - I- . - . . 111:, - . -. I ~-~ ~,,. : : I .~ . .- - , - . . - , -, -." I I ~ III- ~ .1 . ... I ~ .11 . - -&roj - - . --z . - -- .-, - - - - . -- --- .._: -I- I- - - --- - Cara If STRIPM, J.; .JMRAT, I J- e knee. Acta cbir- Ort"Ope traum. presoure artbrodesiO Of th cech. 30 no.4t288-291 Pqg 163. oveho ustroji oddeleni Pro ortopedii a traumatolOgi' V0byb re vedouci MUDr. K. Novotny. MM V Ost v FLITISY R&MMTOID) (COJITRACTURE) (OTHRODESIS) KUNDRAT$ J. -P SPITTRICT; J. C - 1.90lated .,,Cturo ,of --tIbe. diapby;is-oQ4iE~_radius.- Rozhl. chir. 4- PA-148-5~': 1. Ortopedicke a traumatologicke odeeloni ire3take nemocnics poliklinikou v Ostrave (vedoticl K. Novotny). KUNDRAT, Sindrich, promovany ekonom .,,- "-n ~ Solved's,-fentific and research tasks in the field of agricultural economy. Vest ust zemedel 11 no. 5s185-186 164. 1. Research Institute of Agricultural Economy, Prague. N KMRAT, Jinrichp prozovany skonca -~~= ------ -- Solved research tasks on agricultural economics. Vest ust zemedel 10 no.8t286-287 '163, L Vyzku=y ustav zemedeloke akonomiky,, Praha. AMERIK, D.K.; MUTOVIN, Ya.G.; SAPON, M.F.; KUNDRYUTSKAYA, N.Kh. Pilot plant for the two-stage destructive vac Istillation of oil residues. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:59-67 1763 (MIRA 17:5) ACC NRi AP6023423 SOURCE CODE: LIR/0139/66/000/003/01-51-/0-15-4---7 AUTHOR: Metreveli, S. G.; Kunaukhov, R. M. ORG: North Osetion gospedinstitut imeni K. L. Khetag_jArcy (Severo-Osetinskiy gosped- institut) TITLE: Electron-hole,flow in indium hi phosp 14e V7 --7 SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 3, 1966, 151-154 TOPIC TAGS: pn junction, indium, forbidden zone width, electron mobility t, ABSTRACT: A technique for producing ph junctions by diffusing zinc and cadmium in indium phosphide is described. Owing to its extreme forbidden zone width and high electron mobility, InP can be used in photoelectric converters of solar energy and in diqde manufacture. Polycrystal and single crystal InP plates were used as initial matprial-, pnJunctions were obtained by the diffusion method. The plates were prepar- ed from bars produced by iradient crystallization of the synthesized coqound. At room temperature, the conductivity of the specimens was 60-200 ohm I cm , the elec- tro~' 16-6.1017 cm-3 n concentration was 2-10 , and the electron mobility was 3500-5000 CM2/sec-v. The diffusion of Cd and Zn--the acceptor admixture for InP--was carried outs` ,from the gaseous phase. The InP plates were ground, polished, rinsed and etched in' fHC1 + HN03 mixture, combined with Cd, Zn and P, and placed into a 1 cm3 quartz Card 1/2 L 41268-66 ACC NRI AP6023423 ampoule. The ampoule was evacuated to 3-5-10 mm fig, and sealed off. The specimens were annealed at 730-8500C. The diffusion depth was measured by a metallographic miproscope and checked by a thermal probe. Diodes with an inverse voltage of up to 30-'60 v can be obtained from specimens annealed in Cd and Zn vapors; when Zn only is used as an admixture , the inverse voltage is 12-20 v; however, the return current in the4e specimens is smaller. Heating of the diodes to 1500C did not affect the volt- -ampire characteristic. As a rule, the inverse critical voltage is considerable larg-i er iu purer specimens. The authors thank Professor D. N. Nasledov and V. V. Galavanovi for.proposing the topic and for constant interest in the work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, I table. [14] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Dec64/ OTH REF: 006 / ATD PRESS: /6-~F Card 2/2 ACC NR3 K~6037002 A 3M) SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/011/3402/340 AUTHOR: Galavanov, V. V.; Kundukhov, R. M.; Nasledov, D. 14. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut AN SSSR); North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute im. K. L. Khetagurov (Severo-osetinskiy gosudarstvennyy padagogicheskiy institut) TITLE: Photoelectric solar energy converter made of InP SOURM Fizika tvardoAa tala) ve Sg no, 11, 1966, 3402-3403 TOPIC TAGS: solar cell, photoelectric cell, indium compound, phosphide ABSTRACT: An efficiency of 6.7% was obtained from an TnJ' photocell, compared to tile 22% calculated theoretically by F. F. Lol"erski (J. Appl., Vhys, 27, 777 1956) and the 2% obtained by P. Rappaport in 1956 (RCA Rev. 20, 373, 1956). The ;.l CM2 photoelements were Prepared from single crystalline n-type material, the p-n . tion being obtained by the double diffusion of cadmium or zinc. At a solar junc intensity of 70 mw/cm2 and a temperature of 18C, the open-circuit voltage was 0.74 v and the short-circuit current 10 ma/cm2. The authors stress that their InP elements were not prepared with a view to obtaining optimal characteristics, and that, therefore, a higher efficiency may be expected when technical improvements are made. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 13Dec651 ORIG REF: 001/ OT11 REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5108 Card_)_/l KUNDUKHOVA, YO.M. Detection of regional metastases in cancer of the cervix uteri by lmyphography. Akush. i gin. 40 no.417l,-77 J1-Ag 164. (MIRA 19:4) 1. Rentgenodiagnostichoskoye (zav. - doktor med. nauk Ye.A. Likhtenshteyn) i ginekologicheskoye (zav. - doktor med. nauk I.S.Krayevskaya) otdoloniya Gosudarstvennogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni, Gertsena (dir. - prof. A.N.Novikov), Moskva. . -- ---- -- --- -- - -- - - --.--- -- ----I---.- - ---- - ----7 --- - -- -- --- --- - v ~ , T,.-' t, **-f, 5 ., 6, - - - 7 - -Fl- - (~ -1 F,.) 4 '3 1, -w, -. -, , . P- 3h 6,;j,,,4 3/137/62/06-0/002/004/1 AOo6/Aioi AUTHORS: Terpilowski, Janu6z, Kundys, Emilfi-S-laby) Henryk TITLE, Thermodynamical properties of liquid metal solutions. VII, The Ag-Tl system PERIODICAL,, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 12, abstract 2A-97 ("Arch. hutn", 1961, vol. 6, no. 2, 137-146, Polish; Russian and English summaries) TEXT; The authors measured emf E of reversible concentration elements of type TI (liquid)/(0.58 LiCl + 0.42 KC1) + 0.05 T1C1 (molten salt)/AgxTI I- (liquid solution)+. Investigations were made of 10 liquid solutions of Af-Tl containing 10 - 95 at. % TI, The investigation method was described previously ~RZhMet, 1960-, - no. 9, 19484) . E values were determined for 950, 1,050 and 1, 150 K. The emfof all elements varied linearly with the temperature. For element's containing solutions with 0.1 and 0.2 atom portions of TlNTl, numerical values of E, 050 were,extrapolated from the linear dependence of emf on temperalture. The r;sults.*of measurements and extrapolation were applied for the case of the Au-Tl systetn'to balculate changes in the partial molar thermodynamical potentials Card 112 S11 37/62/000/002/004/1104 Thermody-amical properties of liquid metal ... A006/A101 0-1. entropy (A -sTl, A ~Aj) and enthalpy (AFIT1, A RA ) of Tl and Ag, activilies and activity factors of components, changes in-tile fheemodynamical potential, entropy.(A 3) and enthalpy (A H) of mixing liquid Tl and supercooled liquid Ag, Isotherms of activity of the components in the liquid range of the Ag-Tl system show positive deviations from the Raoult's law only within a NT1 range from about 0.1 to 0.4. The isotherm of Ag activity is characterized by a low negative deviation f6m this law, Mixing-enthalpies are positive over the whole concen- tration range and show maximum values on the side of liquid solutions enriched with Tl. These maxima attain 950 cal. g-atom of the solution. A-ITT,, A _H 9 and A H curves have an asymmetrical shape, and a maximum on the A H curve appears on the side which is opposite to the enormous majority of other liquid metal systems with sharply different atomic volumes of components. Values A-ST1' L---�A and A S for the liquid Ag-Tl system are higher than for ideal and regular solMons. The basic cause of this fact is the great difference between atomic volumes of Ag and Tl. Liquid Ag-Tl solutions behave like semiregular solutions with coefficient D - 1.42. Information VI see RZhMet, 1961, 3A111. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Authois! summary Card 2/2 P/038/62/007/001/002/003 L193/E383 AUTHORS: 1(undys', Dziil, Terpi-rourski, Janusz and Josiak, Jerzy TITLE: Thermodynamic properties of liquid metallic solutions. UN. The Sb-Tl system PER110DICAL: Arc hii4iim -hutnic twa, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 39 40" TEXT: The object of the present investigation was to,' study thermodynamic properties of liquid Sb-Tl solutions. To tj3is end, the e.m.f. of revdrsible concentra'tion cells of the type: IV T1 (0-58 LiCl + 0.112 KC1) + 0-05 TICI Sb Tl x 1-x liquidi molten salts liquid sobition was measured. A linear temperature-dependence of the e.m.f. was observed in every case. The other results are reproduced in Table 1. -Changes of partial molar thermodynamic potentials- (6GTI, /-\G Sb ), entropy (L\S TV /_~S Sb and enthalpy (!~,.HTV L\,H Sb) Card 113 P/o58/62/007/001/002/003 Thermodynamic properties .... E195/P,383 were calculated from these data as well as the activities (a Tl'aSb ), activity coefficients ( fTI' fSb ) for Tl and 5b, and changes of the thermodynamic potential C,'~Q), entropy (!~'S) and enthalpy of their solutions. As will be seen from Fig. 11, where a and a are plotted against T1 concen- Sb Tl tration (N TI ) at 650 OC, the activity isotherms for both metals show a negative deviation from Rault's law. The enthalpy of the solution is negative for the entire concentration range, reaching a value of -1190 cal/g.atom at the TI-rich end. Th e asyinptotic c'naracter of curves for the enthalpy of the solution and for partial molar enthalpy of the components cari probably be attributed to the existence of ail intermediate y-phase in the S system studied. As shourn in rig. 2 (where ~_S TV ~ S. Sb and S (Cal/OC) are plattad against 'INI - the broken curves TI. relating to ideal solutions), changes of partial molar entropy of the components and entropy of the solution for the entire Card 2/4 P/038/62/007/001/002/003 Thermodynamic properties .... E193/13,383 concentration range were found to be higher than those of an. ideal solution. This effort is probably associated with - relatively large volume changes accompanying the formation of liquid solutions and with the difference in ato.-nic-volume of both components. There are 4 A'Igures and 4 tables.' Fig. 2, eh d ld~i IM to 40- 40 It 01 Z! LO At 44 U 40 (0 Card 3/4 ajo at - P/038/62/007/003/001/002 E193/E383 AUTHORS: _Kundys, 2!~j~_Terpikowski, Janusz and'Zaleska, 'Ewa TITLE: Thermodynamic properties of liquid-metal solutions. X. Pb-Tl system PERIODICAL: Archiwum hutnictwa, v. 7, no. 3, 1962, 233-241 TEXT: Measurements of e.m.f. generated A 400 - 600 0C by a reversible cell of the type: OT 1 (0.58 LiCl +.o.42 KCL) + O.O5_T'lC1 Pb T1 X X-1 liquid) melted salts liquid solution Were used to determine some thermodynamic properties of liquid Pb-Tl solutions in a wide concentration range, Using the Gibbs-Duhemls equation and the experimental V''alues of e.m.f. at 400, 500 and 600 0 C and the temperature coefficient of e.m.f., the authors calculated the following properties: -,I) -changes* in the partial molar thermodynamic potential Card 1/3 P/038/62/007/003/001/002 Thermodynamic properties E193/E383, entropy 1~-S and enthalpy tdi of both constituents; 2) changes of the thermodynathic potential, entropy and enthalpy of the solutions (calculated per g.a. of each solution); 3) activities a and activity coefficients f for both componentsAn liquid solutions. The results, tabulated and reproduced graphically, were similar to those obtained earlier for the Bi-Tl and Bi-Pbisolutions. The validity of the method employed was confirmed by the fact that the values of enthalpy of solutions obtained by this method were in good agreement 'with those obtained by F.E. Wittig and P. Scheidt (Z. phys. Chem. NF, 28, 1961, 120) with the aid of the calorimetric method. In general, the results'6f the present investigation providod support for the view that metals occupying adjacent positions in the periodic table form liquid solutions only slightly deviating from ideal solutions. This is demonstrated in Fig. 2, where the change in the partial molar enthalpy of both components ( A KT 1 , ) and the change in the entropy-of the solutions GL,9) are plotted against the T1 concentration, the Card 2/3 P/038/62/007/003/001/002 Thermodynamic properties E193/E383 broken curves relating to ideal solutions. There are 5 figures and 5 tables. SUBMITTED: September 26, 1961 Fig. 2: -14 Q, C$ 'Card 3/3 POLAND KIINDYS, Dnil Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Section, Wroclaw bledical Acadvayy (Katedra Cliewit Nieorganicznoj Vydzialu Farmaceutycznego ki vv Wroclaviu) Wroclaw, Wiadomosei chemic2me, No 11, Nov 1965, pp 768-T70 Thermodynamic properties of liquid solutions Bi-Pbv Ag-Tlj Sb-Tlp Pb-TI, In-T1.11 (Doctoral thesis) N Al w a w LF a p 0 A a c a L_1 J~ AA so tx tK Al 4 ~7 -Y The mWts al the test of LovotenIdA Itiosellubf, V. I. K;;dh!17n.. Trooli. ('emagal &l. go"a't k -00 -7 _r _1_t;_ -37WCl3).-LcmwerAfi j No. 13. 20 -00 *0 kim-Iguht it Imccr then mincr#1 kleoctsub, Of Pu"'Allif 00 trition. and &hxhtly pow" thatt Anirsicom WM,X& .00 Ailomptlim calwitki. estxvisllY fcm"Al ti CO WtJ, &('I see 00 afl~. Isightr for Lavogerslif. than for Numussicit or flydo-Cel. *0 NuIlluillikil klem-Iguhr. is "we powffful in "or mmoval 3*0 oan coho lfir&~Ccl (m fAnvicruldl. The Irvalment of 00 wIll. -Alill Ilk-willighs ill Salf"llil W 0.6% an Ibc wt. 00 (4 Rows at high at 601F Comm. M1100m, besid" mmhavica) 0 00 oubotanm old Ca -Ajto. watt dr- 11 be *0 with kjrWjSUhfPndIAlCT tlItlt0tWllb N"ll -4,1, a twitcr fftwts Own ormllmlit itigh -111% ~'nc Ili ls"'bmt. The rato cof filtrailkill it Is glw'~t will, Ityll.- Cel, bout unifomity ut filtratim is twtier when Nurnukkal and Lovom%U kiewiguhr am used. The I"t two t-ld be much improvV4 it "ww trralmult, wrtr rulo'VC41. 1-400 If WALLIJOICKAL WIRAILINI CLASSIPKAMN t' C'Z_ -Ire* 0 Sol 0 a It 09 5 1 1l cw j0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0;& 0 1 v . - :1, * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 & 0 0 01"o 0 0 0 0 OLO 0 0 0 4 0 0 so 01 41 0 4 a 4 0 0 a 0 a a a 0 a a a &;. j I I list Ill williUllm it 16 It 111 11 a si ii ii po A It 1) U li m a 1, it is a A- 4) 1) m 1-40 I, A -A-L a If f 0 A I v 1--j_ I I AA (X 10 U it I )_t -A** ,& C ~. t I _ .41 00 06 0 .00 00 ProserdU mpr )Wee. V. 1. Kundiltutyan and N. F. .00 00 z Lriov. Run. .38,M8. ru "y"U14. The juice is 11;2 S( i CO d l 0 . w I or h to a pa th ed with vrater glass, tai m 04 J! of 10-11, and the mAidified mass im dried. 00 00 0 00 00 z0 0 -00 ZOO 21 Itz" A I L A &lIALLbPGKAL ILITtAktiAlf CLASILIFICA110" 1 2 , i 1 o ' 7T- id lag.) ;i, ~' 0.1 l 4 3 0 0 t S ' v T- i -3 --i-- U 0AV 10 It 6 1 0 It it it it 0 On 600 0 0 0 9 0 (7 0 o ##tIll'ut C., 1. 0 aa A i is 0'0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 o 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 o o -v a 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 o 0 o 0 T -W.- -20- WW - Z I- 0 ff it u a it k 11 It JD I v Z? DI is v m 34 b v m -I- " I Pit rVatice of mmW julcit. Drobov. Russ. 44,-iM, W-1- 100 ir $luXV JUk= are prowyed and dfled. and adinkto. arestilo. =t ghto Wt locartxwLatkto by Paming combustion Sj&v% the mixt. too ale coo 00 00 es Lis* U* 40 A s A WALivPCICAL OTCRATUlf CILASSIFICAVO. lute 1". 1 q. 1 .2.1 0 1 of 84 1 mi I 1 04 o -i 4 9 0b u s$ &T 10 Ls AD. 0 tv tv I Or - - ct PC tf it It opt "Lo 1) 1 I't 0 0 0 10 0 9 0 * 0l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~-o -0 0 f) OA goto -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 KMZHULYAN, V., kand.nauk worwRUM Vitamin O.P.2 Hauka. i zhizn' 27 n0-8:78 Ag 6o. (MIRA 13-9) 1. Vitaminnyy institut (Moskva). (VITAMINS--P) WSR/ Physics Card I Autbors :Kundzich, G. A. and Shiahlovskiy Title :Vavilov's law on constancy, of quantum outputs of the photo-luminescence of vapors of organic substances. Periodical :Dokl. AN SSSR, 97~ Ed. 3, 429- 432, July, 1954 Abstract Describes experimental work performed on various vapors of organic subst- ances in order to find out whether Vavilov,5 law on constancy of output quanta of photo--luminescence of various organic solutions is applicable to vapros of organic substances or not. Diagrams and a table show re- sults of the experiments. Nine referances. Institution Kiev State University, im. T. G. Shevchenko Presented by Terenin, Academician, March 31, 1954 KUNDZICH, G. A. KUNDZICH; G. A. -"Investigation of the QuantUd Yield of the Photolu- minescence of the Vapors and Solutions of Polyatomic Organic Com- pounds. Kievs 1955- (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Pbys3.comathematical Sciences.) So.: Knizbnaya Ietopis', No 7, 1956. KUIMICH, G.O. [Kundzich, H.O.1; SHISHIA)VSKIY, O.A. [Sh7ohlovelk7i, O.A.] Temperature dependence of photoluminescence of vapors of polyatomic organic compounds. Nauk povid. KDU no.1:19-20 156. (MIRA 11:4) (Luminescence) GULYANITSKIY, V.A.; KUDZICH, G.A., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk. 140MOMMINII&W-ex `_ 7 On the article "Determining the light reflection (whiteneser) of paper." Dam. prom. 32 no.10,&12 0 157. (MMA 11-.1) 1. Rt*ovouitell fiziko-Twitrologicheakoy laboratorii Ukrainskogo nauchno-iBoledovatellskogo instituta bumzhnov pron7shlennonti [UkrMIBI (for Gulyanitsldy~. (Paper--Testing) KUNDZICH G.Ay; VAYSMAN, L.Hol ZAL'iSMANO, M.G. Inspection of the structure of paper. 13=.i der.prom. no.4jl4- 20-0-D 162, MIA 15s12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy inqtitut bumazhnoy proqrshlennosti. (Paper-Teating) KUNDZICII, G.A., HAKIM, G.P.; YIPYIS, M.S. Autowtion of the sorting of sheet paper. Bum. prom. 38 no.5s 17-21 My 163. (KMA 16:8) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-isoledovatellskly Institut tsellyuloznoy i bamazhnoy prorValdennosti. (Paper industry-Equipment and supplies) (Automation) VAYSMIAM, L.M.; KUNIMICII, G.A. Method of esttmating the structure of condenser paLer. BuIll. promo no.2:10-12 F 1649 (,'.',IRA 17: 3) 1. Ulcrainskiy nauchno-insladovatallskiy irL,3titut bimazlinoy pro.-mysll- lennosti. QMIZM~, M. M., LUTSKIY,YA. Z. Wells Constructinr now-type dut- welln In Tarkmen SSR. kir. i 2ver. 5 no. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June,1952 :il P~Y, Uncl. VOLODIKO, Ivan Pomich; K111Mz.TGH- Hikball XjkUu~qvich; ORIOU, V#Fs, reds; SOX010u, N.9., telchn. red. [Irrigation and drinking water for pastures of the U.S.S.A.] Odvodnenie pastbishch v SSSR. Mosk7a, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 99 P. (MIRL 11:8) Matures and meadows) (Water supply, Raral) KUNDZICH, M.M., inzhener. _,_ - '... ~ Designing and building Irrigation systems and structures. GidrA mel. 9 no.2:3-10 F 157- (MLRA 10:3) (Irrigation) 2- iUTHORi Kundzichg M.M. 99-6-8/9 ------------- ..TITLE: Conference on Questions Pertaining to the Irrigation of Pastures, Water Supply and Irrigation of Estuaries in the Kazakh SSR. (Soveshchaniye po voprosam obvodeneniya past- bishchg vodosnabzheniya i limarr-096 orosheniya v Kazakhskoy SSR) PERIODICAL; Gidrotekhnika i Meliorats~ya, 1957,!Nr 6, pp 54-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Initiated by the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration (otdeleniye gidrotekhniki i.meliorataii) of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni Lenina (Vsesoyuz- naya akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina) and the Ministry of Water Resources of the Kazakh SSR (ministerstvo vodnogo khozyaystva Vazakhskoy SSR) a conference was held at Alma-Ata from Feb 27 till Mar 1, 1957 concerning Kazakh water supply and irrigation questions. The meeting was attended by 300 deputees from the Kazakh and other SSRts and representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of (Ministeretvo sel'skogo khoz- yaystvaSSSR) the Ministry of Geology and Preservation of Natural Resources of the USSR (1,11inistervo geologii i okh *rany nedr SSSR) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Akademiya nauk SSSR) Card 1/4 and other scientific organizations, The convention was opened 99-6-819 Conference on Questions Pertaining to the Irrigation'of Pasturesq Water Gupply and Irrigation of Estuariesin the Kazakh SSR. by A.N. Askochenskiy, of the Department of Hydraulic Engineer- ing and Melioration, who lectured on the subject of irrigation of pastures and water supply. He reported on large irrigation projects which were being carried out at present in Central Asia, Kazakbstan and in the Turkestan steppes. With the completion of the Kzyl-Ordin dam cons ,truction, irrigation projects can be developed along the Syr-Darya river. Besides surface water, artesian water resources will be used in - Kazakhstan to irrigate pastures, By 1956, a total of 50,000 wells were drilled. Further statements about the utilization of the Kazakhstan water resources were made by S,,D. Daulenov, Minister of Water Resources of the Kazakh SSR. According to the 6th 5-year plan, 43 million hectares of land will be put under irrigation, necessitating construction of approx 17,000 irrigation ptructures. In additiong more intensive use of 69-4 million hectares of cattle ranches are being contemplated. In 1957P construction of the.following ci%nals is planned:* Ural- Kushum,-Kuvan-Da,'rlya, Zhana-Darlya ana Ch%!L~i-Telekull. U.M. Akhmedbafin, of the Academy of Sciences of'the Kazakh SSR, Card 2A reported'on extensive artesian water-rieserves, exploitation of 99-10-8/9 Conference on Questions Pertaining to the irrigation of Pastureso ffater Supply and Irrigation of Estuarie5 In the Kazakh SSR. which requires detailed studles.~ M.I. Kostyukov, Deputy Minister of Water Resources, lectured on the possibilities to expand irrigation of entuaries. By 1960 the noreage of estu- ariea under irrigation will be increased to 2,2 million hec- tares, E.G. Petrov, Candidate of A&icultural Sciences, (VNIIGiM), drew attention to surface run-off, amounting yearly to 50 to 60 billion cu m of water, some of which could be used for irrigation, E:nd thus increase total grain crops by approximately 20 billion kg, V.M. Soloviyev, Managing Director of the "Kazburvodstroy Trust", reported on mecha- nization measures at the construction of irrigation structures. The following machines were tested and found to operate satisfactorily under local conditions,~ well drill "KM -2511, drills " ABE-3-100", 11 ABB-T ", 11YPE -3-AM " and "YKC -22". !,S, Kulashvili, engineer-geologist, lectured on the drilling of artesian wells within the Azerbaydzhan SSR, The units "ABB-400" and 11ABB -3-100" proved to be very efficient. From 1948 to 1956 a toial of 1,495 wells were drilled, of which 1,128 were mrtesian., The conference regarded it appropriate Card 3/4 to establish uniform system8 of complex research in different 99-6-8/9 Conference on questions Pertaining to the Irrigation of Pastures, Water Supply and Irrigation of Estuaries in the Kazakh SSR. fields serving the development of water resources in the Kazakh and other SSR's. AVAILABLE; Library of Congress 1 Card 4/4 7 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Kundziob, M.M., Engineer 99-8-11/12 Card 1/2 All-Union. Seminar on Irriga~tion and Improvement of Pastures (Vaesoyusnyy seminar po 0bvodneniy'u_.`,,, i eachubekiYu pa a tb i shah) "Gidrotakhnika i Melioratsiya", 1957, 1 8, PP 58-63 (USSR) Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR (Ministerst- vo Sellakogo Khozyayatvo SSSR) an all-union seminar was held from 27 ~ay - 3 Jun 57 on experiences gained in methods of irrigation and improvement of pastruea in the Uzbek SSR. The course was attended by 200 delegates from the Kazakh, Turkmen, Tadzhik, Azerbay4zhan and Armenian SSRS,ths RSFSR districts adjac'ent to the Caspian Sea and representatives of scientific research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as well as*of the academies of the Union republics. Prior to the field ipppections, lectures were held on the methods applied in the Uzbek SSR pertaining to improved use of desert pastured. The various experimental stations of the Uzbek SSR have been engaged in research work concerning the cultivation of forage crops, such as various grasses and alphalpha by utilizing arte- sian water, the cultivation of wormwood and haloxylon for win- ter paeture and crop protection, as well an estuary (liman) 99-8-11/12 All-Union Seminar on Irrigation and Improvement of Pastures irrigation, The field inspections were conducted in the arid Kzyl - Kuma ranges, where a number of state and collective farms as well as experimental stations were vinitedz The Ayak-Agitmin experimental etation had large flocks of Astrakhan sheep, the breading of which was made possible by instsll~ng watering places of prefabricated reinforced concrete artatian wells. At the collective farm "Thaelmann" in the Kenimekh district, 3 artesian wells produced 250 liter/see, sufficient to irrigate 500,hedtares of desert land. Besides irrigation, sprinkling was Also applied. It was stated that the available water resources in the Uzbek SSR permit to irrigate 10,000 hectares of desert, and that similar conditions exist in Kazakh- stan and other areas adjacent to the Caspian Sea. 'Good results were obtained with windmills at the state farm "Ulue" to supply range cattle with water. On 2 Jun 57 the participants of-the seminar travelled to Samirkand, where the course terminated. The article contains 10 photographs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 C '-/.A 99-56-4-3/7 AUTHORS: Bolotova, N.P.; Vinokur Ya.Ye.; Girshkan, S.A.; Koklyanov,A.F; Aundzich. M.M.: Nefedov, V.D.; Offengenden, S.R.; Pishchikov, R. S. j- Poulavskiy, V., V.; Tcw4lov, V. S.; Sharov, N.A.; Shtarev, Ya. K.; Mmblaftep K. K. TITLE: Means of Raising the Technical Level and LoAering the Construc- tion Cost of Irrigating and Meliorating Systems (Puti povyshe- niya tekhnicheakogo urovnya i snizheniya stoimoeti stroitoll- stva or081tel'nykhj osushitellnykh i obvodnitellnykh sistem) PgRIODICALt Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya, 1958, # 49 Pp 17-39 (USSR) ABSTRACTt A general review of past achievements and future tasks in the field of irrigation and melioration is given. The main deficienqies in the field are: insufficient mechanization of construction work, a shortage of excavating machines and other construction equipment, late deliveries of spare parts for machines and a too wide dispersal of funds over a multitude of enterprises. The main shortcomings at the planning stage are: insufficient use of meAnn tD cut down-filtratian-losses of water in the canals; insufficient utilization of sprinkling; insufficient development of drainage systems, a careless level- Card 1/~ lihg of irrigated fields, the most important factor in an 99-58-4-3/7 Means of a Raising the Technical Level and Lowering the Construction Cost of Irrigating and Meliorating Systems economical use of water. During the bth 5-year plan, the drainage system in the south-western parts of the Belorussian SSR, in the Poleslye part of the Ukrainian SSRI and in other parts of the USSR, is to be greatly developed. Only 8,4 million hectares out of a total of 200 million hectars of marshes or marshy soils were being drained at the beginning of 1957- More than 4 million of these undrained hectares are used as natural meadows and pastures with low yields. The article also recommends to replace the system of open drainage ditches by sub5urface drains. During the 6th 5-year plan 81,1 million hectaros will be watered by new wells, reservoirs, artificial lakes and spring water. Many sheep-breeding farms in Uzbekistan will install electric pumps, until now impossible due to the shortage of needed equipment. In 1957 production of hy- draulic equipmetit lagged considerably behind requirements. The article lists the various projects to be constructed in various republics. The melioration works will cover an area of 13 million hectares in the Belorussian and Ukrainian SSR& Card 2/3 the acreage of ar;ble land ill be increased by 3t8 million 1 99-58-4-3/7 Means of a Raising the Technical Level and Lowering the Construction Cost of Irrigating and Meliorating Systems hectares. There are 8 photos and I table and 4 maps. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 30(i) S 011/119 - 59 -14 AUTHOR: Kundzich, M.M., Fngineer ------------------------ TITLE: 'Band Water T,iftine, Device for Shaft 'N e 11 s PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 10159, TI-Ir 9 pp 51-53 , ( U S S, R 1) ABSTRACT: The Central Asian Scientific-Research Institute of Irrigation (SANIIRI) has constructed a band water lifting device in Turkmeniya. A schematic diagram of this device, Type FI. 100 SANIIRI, is given in Pigure 1. A band water lifting device of the same type, but of a somewhat simpler design, is manufnctured by the Ashkhabadskiy remontnyy zavod imeni 20-letiya Tlirk- Tnpnskov RRR (Ashkha'hnd Repair Plant imeni Turinnens1roy cssw*) under the name "Ashkhabadets". It is intended for water lifting from shaft wells 20 to 100 m deep. The outstanding feature of this device is the application of a flat driven belt, the C d 1/ operation of which is not affected by the presence of ar 3 salt and sand c'ontained in well water, The band is 0-50-0-8/ 14 Band Water Lifting Device for Shaft Wells driven by an electric motor or gasoline engine; the band size is 100 x 4 or 100 x 5 mm; speed movement 6 m/sec, Operating specifications are given in Tal-~le 1. The device "Ashkhabadets", (Figure 2), comprises the followin components; body with frame (1); electric motor (2~; driving drum (3); transmission belt (4); lifting device cover (5); and the main operating part - the band. The operation is based on the principle of utilization of molecular cohesion and friction forces existing inside water, Tn operntion, the band passes through the water in the movinT~ at bigh speed to the surface, the bnnd takes alonE,, with it a certain layer of water which is then throi,.,n off by the centrifugal force into a wat -er recipient, hence it enters the basin. The tests carried out by V,T,% Mashkov (TITTMSKh) have shown that the performance coefficient of this device increases us tl~e well depth augments, (Table 2), 300 band water lifting Card 2/3 devices of SAITTTRI design, have been thoroughly SOV/99-50-9-0/14 Band Water Lifting Device for Shaft Wells tested in Turkrenia and in the ITzbek S')R; it %,,ras es- tablished thatt~iey satisfy the requirements presented to water lifting devices from shaft viells in a most efficient way. There are 2 tables, 1 schematic d-in.- gram and 1 photograph. Card 3/3 DATSYKOV, V.V.; VOIA)DIKO, I.FILjM2MZICH,-M-JIFJ3STRYAKOV, A.I., red.; GCRIKOVA, Z.D..; PROKOPOYEVA, L.H., (Water supply on,desert pastures] Obvodnenie pustynnykh pastbiahch. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo a likhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 183 p. - Wu 14:2) (Pastures and meadows) (Water-supply, Rural) RABINOVICH, N.I.;_~~ ~, inzh., retsenzent; KOCHNEV, M.G., inzh., red.; ZHURAVLEVA, M.N., red.izd-va; TIKHANOV, A.Ya., takhn. red. [Mobile pump~hg stations for irrigation)Peredvizhnye nasosnye stantsii dli4 orosheniia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 115 p. (MIRA 1613) (Pumping stations) (Irrigation) KUUDZICHJI M.M., inzh. Methods for determining pasture Rreati supplied with water. Gidr. i meL 14 no.7t54-56 JI 162, (AURA 17%2) 1. Upravleniya vodnogo khozyaystva Minioterstva sellskogo klv~~--yaystt-- va SSSR. KUNDZICH, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; ORLOVA, V.P., red.; AZARKH, N.Ya., M.M.f takIva. red.; TRUKHINA,O.N., [Equipment for rural water supply) O'borudovanie dlia sell- skokhoziaistvennogo vodosnabzheniia. Moskva, Sellkhozizda~ 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Water supply engineering) KUNDZICH, M.M., inzh. kitomatic water-pumping unitv. Gidr. i mal. 15 no.8-43-46 A 163. (MIRA 16z8) 1. Upravleniye vodnogo khozyuystva Ministerstva sellakofto khozyayntva S.SSR. KUNDZICH, M.M., inzh. Water-jet pumps. Gidr. I mel. 15 no..12:48-53 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Upravleniye, vodnogo khozyaystva, Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. 03170-' SOURCE CODE: UR/0030/65/000/012/00961.0097 AUTHOR; Vitol, 1. K.z Zakis, Yu. R.; Kundzin',L_-A P. ORG: none TITLE: Study of electronic processes in thin film structures (Symposium in Riga) SOURCE: AN SSSR..Vestnik, no. 12, 1965, 96-97 TOPIC TAGS: thin film circuit, semiconducting film, pn junction, space! charge, electronic conference, semiconductor carrier, electron emis- sion, solid state physics conference ,2 ABSTRACT: A_symposium on electronic 'processes in thin film structures was held in Riga on May 20-25, 1965. 71 i nc- r 1 Js7 -on -1-Ue--97c1- _�imiconducto hy-pics and Chemistry and Phy-, sical Electronics ti~~he~Academv of Sciences SSSR, the Scientific and Technical Council of the iFini-StE'Y-Of**'-i)~~--E-l-ei~t-r6-n'ics Industry of the SSSR and the Latvian University !m. F. st--u-c-h-Wi-.--A7td'ta-1--oT--'350 repre- sen-atives of-s--c-* from Moscow, Leningrad, Gorkiy, 1_eii_t_i~~Ic organizations Tashkent, Vilnius, Kiev, Riga, and other cities attended the symposium.11 i The following problems were discussed: physical mechanisms of the pas-t- 1/2 __L_13M!n66 ACC NR: AP6003170 sage of currenr through thin film structures, currents limited by space charge, studying properties of contacts by studying the behavior of hot electrons in thin film systems, electron emission from thin gold films during passage of current, physics of contact phenomena; theoretical studies of electric and physical properties of thin films (particularly the study of statistical and pulse characteristics of triodes), theore- tical studies of the behavior of carriers in thin films, and analysis of modern concepts of heterojunctions. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: L;~d !2 12 ACC NRI Aullivit.: AP7004987 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0048/6r,/030/009/.150E)/1510 Hun'dZin'. A,P.; Aleksandrov,S.B.; Zakis,YU.R, ORG: none TITLE: Concerning the mechanism of cloctroluminescenco of thin cadmium sulfide films /Hoport, Fourtocath All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) hold at Riga, 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Soriya fizicheakayn, v. 30, no.9, 1966, 1509-1310 TOPIC TAGS: electroluminescence, cadmium sulfide, semiconducting film, photo emf ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the electroluminescence of 1 mm2 llsandwicb~l structures consisting of the following elements successively vacuum deposited onto glass substrates: a semitransparent gold film electrode; an approximately 1 micron thick film of cadmium sulfide into which no particular activator impurity had been introduced, and a 200 micron thick indium. film electrode. The indium-phosphor contact was practically ohmic, but rectification was found to take place at the gold-phosphor contact. The temperature dependence of the current-voltage characteristic revealed the pr&sence of a 0.6-0.7 eV Schottky barrier. The current-voltage characteristics had approximately the same shape at 909 X as at room temperature, but the currents were soma four orders of:.magnitude smaller at the lower temperature. The rapid rise of the current in the forward direction (with the gold positive) set in at a potential ACC NR% AP7004987 somewhat below I V. The electroluminescence threshold, potential was somewhat higher than I V, and the luminescence brightness increased very rapidly with increasing voltage. The luminescence spectrum showed a broad band in the 600-700 L~L region and a weak edge emission band. Photo-emf Is, (with the I:old electrode positive) reaching 0.45 V at room temperature were observed. The photo-emf excitation curve had a peak at 620 mg and in the 500-400 m;.L region it was rising monotonically with increasing photon energy. It is concluded that the low-voltage stationary electroluminescence of the investigated systems in a de field is due to double injection of carriers,i.e.,l to the simultaneous injection of electrons aiid holes. -The authors thank Yu.R.Berkovich for measuring the height of the barrier and V,L.Shteynberg for determining excitation curve. Orig. art. has: I figure. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG. REF: 006 OTH REF: 011 2/2 KACALOVA, D.; KUMSARE, A.; KUNDZINS M ; SKLENNIKS, C., red.; CERNOBROVA, L., taUn. ;Z_:I_' [Large lakes in the vicinity of RigalLielie ezeri Rigas ap- kartne. Riga, Latvijas PSR Zinftnu Akademijas Izdevnieciba, 1962. 66 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Riga region--Lakes) K01DZIN,S'A. V. In Latvian KUNDZIN, A. V. -- " Invest i-at ions of the Conditions and Methods of Assisting the Nr-,Aurai Restoration of Pine in the Most Important Pine Types of the Latvian SSR." Latvian Agricultural Academy, 1949. In Latvian (Dissertation for the De,;r;-,e of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Izvestiva. Ak. Nauk Latviyakoy SSFt, No. 9, Sept.. 1955 KVINWINV~N1 K. V. Alder - Latvia Cultivation of black alder in the Latvian S. S. R. A. V. Kundzin'sh. Les. 10ioz. 5, No. 7, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Sertember )1963~ UnClassified. CYVSYANKIN, V.N.p kand. biol. nauk# otv. red.j_KMZIVISH, A.V [Kundzins,A.), kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.1 SMA, P#Eop kande sellkhoz. naukp red.j BAGRAMYAN, 8.# red.; SIDYAKOV, L., red,j SWIT, I., tekhn. red. [Forest and Orchard Dayaj outlines on forestry, gardening and land- scaping] Dni less i sada; ocherki po lesnomu khoziaistvup Wovodstvu i zelenomu stroitel'stvu. Pod obahchei red. V.N.Ovsiankina~ Riga, Izd- vo Akad.nauk Latviiskoi SSR, 1954. 256 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Latvijae Padomju Socialistiskas Republikas Zinatnu akademija. Mez- saimniecibas problem un kokones kimijaa inBtituts. (Latvia--Forests and forestx7) (Latvia-Horticulture) V 1,,] USSR/Forestry Forest Biology and Typolo(,ye K-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958) 20107 Author : Kundzinish, A.V. Inst : Institute for Problems of Forest M4MgMent, Acadez.V of Sciences~ Latvian SSR* Title : The Natural Seed Renewal of the Black Alder. Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta lesokhoz. problem. AN LatvSSR, 1956, 1l.- 59-8o Abstract : This study was made in the Latvian SSR. It was found that the decisive factor in renewing the black alder is terapera- ture conditions, moisture and light6 Where these conditions become poorer one sees the effect mst particularly under the canopy of the wood where the black alder shoots die off as early as the first year. Successful seed renewal of the black alder is observed in fresh forest cutting areas where the grass blanket has not yet succeeded in Card 1/2 - 26 - USSR/Forestry - Forest Biology and TypoloLW, K-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.) 110 5, 1956; 20107 developing when fellinC coincides with the seeding year and is performed after the seeds have fallen. Successful alder renewal vas also noted in former plowlands (in the year followinG the termination of the culture) -when there were seed sources nearby, as well as on abandonned meadows of limited value. The nature of the grass blanket showed a diverse effect on the viability of black alder seedlings. Means are shown for instituting natural renewal. Card 2/2 USSR / Forestry. Forest Plants. K-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No. 1, 1958, 1378 were discovered. It has been determined that the eleven-year old hybrids exceed both in height and diameter not only the average, but even the most highly developed, black and gray alder trees of the same age. The hybrids are estimated to be extremely drought resistant and capable of thriving on relatively infertile soil. Their biological and ecological charac- teristics indicate a certain economic importance, especially when used for afforestation of ecol- ogically unfavorable areas. At the present time the Institute of Forest Economy Problems of the Academy of Sciences LatvSSR is conducting experiments in the sexual hybridization of the alder and the stripping of green cuttings of Card 2/~ *USSR / Forestry. Forest Mants. K-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No. 1, 1958, 1378 natural hybrids with application of growth stim- ulators (results of the first experiments are given). C ard 3A N 1) Z I ty 5 It Al 1 Ir -,f cl Ilti 1,:~n cl, !Aar-~~ A.df7-r ir. L m-, t r u 1-Z! d cJ ja 1~iolo` . - L ~ J 3 19f-7. Monthl:r aist of' Fast Diropozin I.ccession-s (F-T-td), LC, Vol. bil NO. urcia. VAI 0 7- -to ir: zc jFLSI'DIT t,." ia s PS, PiOlovihs zin,-ttnl-: Avia, YD. 3, 19.5,7. c~f F~qst European Y~cc,~soicnc ,-O1. o ,.St lac~Q V o . Lb Uncla. of Zina"ni, 1 L --olo,:ijas zinatnu nc-&J.a) 3, 19.57. I~ont:~ly 1!!7t of East Emroi~ean Iccc-c;ons (~,.r -1j), Lr" Vol. t~. ro. 1959. KAMINISH,A. [Xalninv,A. ]L_~~~~zino,A. ] Science of the forest economy to the national economy. In Russian. Vestis Latv ak no.7:219-227 160. (EM 10:7) (Latvia-Forests and forestry) DOLIDZE, M.V.; GUSEVA, N.N.; RETIVAYA, Red and infrared spectral classification Of Ytype stars from 1~k-dispertion spectra in Cygnus IV. Biul. A%0. astrofiz. obser. no.28:137-156 '62. (star s-Spec tra) -(KW 16 - 7) RUDZIT, V. [Rudzite, V.1; KUNDZINYA, I. (Kwidzina, I.] Effect of perorally administored tryptophan on thn blood picture in patients with malignant neoplasms treated wilh Thio-TEPA, cyclophosphane or X raye. Izv. AN Latv. S.SF( no.10:87-94, 163. (14TPA -Y,'. ---') 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy- i klanicheskoy meditsiny AN Latviyskoy SSR. KUNDZINVY A, I. A. ('Eun,;7 -1 rvi, I. I; Z! I A,,'~F, I. Ya. [ZI Lur~~, !.,I Local application, of cdtvm,~clri in treatin can"ro-Lis Occ-ra. Antibiatilld 8, no.-G~1,1113-1110 D 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iatvdyskaia re8pLblikanskayp- 'r:.l--in-- che ski aya bol~nitsr, 13-meni Strachrnya i Institut eksperimcntallncy -J klinicheslrkoy med! i-siny ~jl latviyskoy ~SR, Ri-a. u NYRKOV, Ye.S., kand. teklm.. nauk; GIRFS, V.V., jjizh..; UPII.-GTI1, V.S., ijiol. Application of polytetrai'luorooth- yleno InGultit-Ion on cablc,-~. Uektrotekhnika 35 no-5:E2-64 UY16.1, (MtRA 1?-.8) KMIELISKAYA, V. Ya. (Movkva) Use of corticonteroid proparations in chronic and subacute forms of external otitis. Zhur. ush., nos. i gor. bol. 24 no.2:20-22 Mr-Ap 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. 1z kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (direktor - deystvi- teltnyy chlen ANTI SSSR, prof. B.S. Preobrazheni3kiy) lechebnogo fakullteta 2-go Moskovskogo meditsd.nskogo institlata imeni 14.1. Pirogova. KUNLLISKMA, V.Ya.; STEPANIACIE.XA, doktur biol. nauk Ringi in otitiD externa. Vest. dorm. I v(,,n. 38 lio-10.51-55 0 164. (IIIIIIA 18:7) 1. Klinika bolezncy -aklha, gorla i nosa (direktor - deystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR, prof. B.S. Preobrazhenskiy) lechebnogo fakullteta 11 Mookovskogo medit3in5kogo instituta imeni Pirogova i mikologicheskiy otdel (zav. - prof. A.M. Ariyevich) TSentraltnogo Miniqtcri3tvo zdravookhranemiya