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KUMARI, B.V., professor (Tallin) Otie tarda L. in Estonia. Pr1roda 45 no.4: U4 Ap 156. (ULRA 9:7) I.Inatitut soologil i botaniki Akademil nauk Estonskoy SER. (Astolliso-Bus tards) . professor. otvetstvannyy redaktor-. ORNO, S.Kh.[Onno. 3.H.1 -!~n~mli-V-tor; PIYPIR,I.Ta. [Pliper. I.J.], professor, redektor; TAVTS, S.Ya. (Talts, S.J.]. kandidat b1ologicheskikh naukt redaktor; )MBRIRMAN, KhA. [Haberman. H.K.]. rodaktor; KARTASHEV, redaktor izdatellstva; POLYAKOVA,T.V., takhaicheakiy roAktor (Proceedings of the Second 3altic Ornithological Conference] Trady Vtord Pribaltiiakoi ornitologichaskoi konferentaii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akadamii nauk SSSR. 1957. 427 P- (HLT?A 10:2) 1. Pribaltivokaya ornitologiehookays konferentaiya.2d, Tallin, 1954. 2. Inatitut zoologii I botaniki Akedemii nauk Istonskoy SSR (for Kumari, Onno) 3. Deystviteltnyy chlen Akademii nauk Istonskoy SSR (for Khaberman) (Baltic Sea region-Birda) 111RARI, B.V. "% -~M-vm- State of the consarratlon of nature in t1he Estonian S.S.R. Okhr, prir. I zapo7. delo v SSSR no.2:71-94 157. (MLRA 10:8) 1. InttWit zoologil i botantki Alkademli nauk Xstonsko7 SSIR. (Istonia-Katural. rvimiments) KUHARI, N.V., professor. M- VIA- - - Coordination of the work of ornithologists; in the Baltic d6mmis- sion for the Study of Bird Higration. Vest. AN SSSR 27 no-5:114- 115 NY '57. (KM 10:6) (Baltic Sea region-Birds-Migration) K.U P 4 pj_ ~' E - 0 - OMRI, E. v -. - '' , Sess.ion of the Council for the Study of tho Migration of Animals. Zool.zhur. 36 no.9:1438-1440 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Animals, Migration of-Research) KLPMARI. E. V. tProf.) I "Einige Resultate der Vogelzugsforachung im ostbaltischen Gebiet (Tallin ESSSR),." paper submitted at 12th International Congress of Ornithologists. Helsinki, 5-12 June 1958. MIAIRI, E. (Tartu, "'stonia) "Einige Zoogeo,-ranhische Aspekte des Vogeizures" Soviet paper presented at tile 15th Int-L. Congress of Zoology, London, J-c-23 JU 58 RMTJ--qIt V. "The Influence of Varlouo Foctora an the Changing Amals Occupied by birdB and Mammls in the Baltic States and Fennoscandia." report presented at Conference on Dry Land Zoogeography, Llvov, 1-4 June 1957 (Izv. Ak Nauk Ser. Geog. 1958, No. 2, P 155, Author: VORONOV, A. G. ). AUTHORs essor SOV-26-58--l-29/51 TITLE- The Birds of the Upland Swamps of the Baltic Region (Ptitsy verkhovykh bolot Pribaltiki) PERIODICALt Priroda, 1958, Nr 3, pp 103-106 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The sphagnum swamps of the Baltic Region are the habitat of numerous birds. These birds species have been studied thoroughly and the author lists the different types along with their living habits. There are 4 photos and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 Finnish. ASSOCIATION: Institut zoologii i botaniki AN Estonskoy SSR-Tartu (Insti- tute of Zoology and Botany of the Estonian SSRIs AS-Tartu) 1. Birds--USSR Card 1/1 KUMAR I, B. V Seminnr of scientists studying the migrntion of birdn. Zool. zhur. .3? no.9:4PA) Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Bnltic Son Region--BirdB--MipTntlon) KUMAR!, "ITLIK - 2. -I 4,C, ik Kir,--,st,uc,, 1~-59- 19 bibl. birds. 2d rov. an-"' enl. ed. TnIi-Iml, "an 15 Vont'-l- lift of -Best "Urolzarl Uncl. 30(0) . IAUTHOR: Kumariq E. V.9 Professor SOV/3o-59-1-34/57 TITLE: News in Brief (Kratkiye soobshcheniya) VI. Plenary Meeting and VII. Technical Conference of the International Association for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources (VI general'- naya assambleya i VII tekhnicheskoye soveshchaniye Mezh- dunarodnogo soyuza po okhrane prirody i prirodnykh reaursov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 1, pp 120 - 121 (IJSSR) ABSTRACT: The meetings mentioned in the title tnok place in Athen and Delphi (Greece) from September 11-19, 1958,, . laore than 400 experts from all over the world took part. The members of the Soviet delegation were: G. A. Aliyev (chief of the dele- gation), I. K. Akhunbayev, V.*M. Basov, E. V. Kumari, S. A. Maltdchiyunayte, K. D. Mamisashtlli. The history of erosion and its i4fluence upon the decline of civilization, as wall as the education of young people in schools for the benefit of preserv4tion of nature were mentioned as the main problems of the PlonaWMeeting. A symposium waa held doaling with the protection of rare Ant Bpecdas ad animal a of the Mediterranean. Card 1/2 Problems-of organization were also discussed and new elections News - in'Brief. VI. Plenary Meeting and VII. Technical BOV/30-59-1-34/57 Confe'renc'e of the International Association for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources held. It was decided upon measures of preservation of nature as well as the further development of national parks. Problems of correct utilization of soil and water for the purpose of avoiding corrosion rere discussed. MeastLUBvere jaken for', the ~ -pre~sjeveratioxxof . lZare, 1 f1dra ahd fauna. The.AQxt me'e-Ling-wi.11-be held ifi Wa-tsau in 1960. Card 2/2 KUMI, Ila. New foreign works on bird migration. Higr.zhiv, no.l-.190-195 '59. (MM 13:6) 1. Institut zoologli i botaniki AN Estonskoy SSR. (Birde--Migration) KUMARI, 2. v First case of finding a solan alit in Utonia. Z.ool.zhur. 38 no.M.-1896-1897 D 159. (MIPA 13:5) 1. Institute of Zoolo&- and Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R. (Utonia-Cannets) KUMARI, E.T.. Prof. Preservation of nature in the Estonian S.S.R. Priroda 48 no.6:51-55 Je 159. (MIRA 12:5) I.Predeedatell Komissi po okhrane prirody AN Estonskoy SSR. Tartu. (Estonia--National ?arks and reserves) " KUMARI, E. V. Mass appearance of the Siberian nutcracker In the Baropean part of the U.S.S.R. in the fall of 1954. Trudy Probl. I tem, sov. no.9:119-128 160. (MIRL 13:9) 1. Institut zoologii i botaniki Akademii nauk EGtonskoy SSR. (Nutcracker (Bird)) Activitirjs gration. of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Mi- Zool.zhur. 39 no.1;158-160 Ja 160, (HIRA 13:5) (Baltic Sea region--Birdo-Migration) NUVARA, Vbnbola, kand. biol. Pnuk, ntarBhiy nauchTrjy sotr.; MERIHEY, Arnold; PAIMAS, Helmt, inzh.-patolog locnoUo khoz.; PAIN-J'ASTO, Ernst, kand. biol. naulc,- HAM."C"All, 11., ak-ademi k. retsenzont; ~~U SARI ~B. -Pyof., retsenzent; VUISTE, L., kand. biol. naukp retsenzent; LING, B... kand. biol. nnuk., retrienzont; 1101CM. P.. kand. sollkhoz.. naul retsenzent; LAATS, A., propndavatAll, retsenzent; ORA, V., nauchnyy sotr., retsen-~ent: RAII.G. H., nauclu-~,,y --otr., retsen- zent; LALL, E.p red.; VAHTRE) I... takhn. red. (Forest protection] Eetsakaitse. Koostanud A.Merihein. TEa- linn, Eesti riiklik kirjnstus, 1961. 732 p. (MIRA 15:5) I. Z6ologieheskiy i botaniehankiy institut Akaderiii naulc Estonskay SSR (for Maktar~a). 2. Direktor upravleniya lesnvkh kulltur i melioratsii Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva Estonskoy SSR (for Merihein). 3. MinisterAvo Bellskogo kho- zyaystva Estonskoy SSR (for Parmas). 4. Ilauchnyy sekretarl Zoologicheskogo i botaniclieskogo inatitutn Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR (for Parrasto)- 5. Akademiya naul: Entonakay SSR (for Haberman, Kumart, MuiBte). 6. Alcademlyn Lclllchozyav,- stvennyhh naul-, Estonskr,.-.w SM (for Mats). 7. VetvrinariWy nauchno- issledovatell~k-'4- inatitut., Estonskqa SSR (for Ore). 8. Inatitut khimii Akaderli naWc Estonakay SSR (for riang). (Estonia-Trees--Diseases and pests) _KUMAPI, E.V. Urgent problems of the study of natural monuments. Vop. ekol. /+:"-45 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut "clogii i botaniki AN Estonskoy SSR, Tartu. (Baltic states-Natural monuments) ELP"afil , -T.V. I ":!~."* . ,I;V. ;- tj, [Abstracts of --eports of the Fifth E6-ltic OrnitholcF;4cal Conference] Tezisy dokladov Piatoi Pribaltiiskoi ornito- logichookoi konferentsii. Tartu, AN Eiitonjkaj SSli) 196,3. '1116 P. (1, DLk 17: 3) 1. Pribaltiyskaya ornitologiclieskaya konferontuiya 5tll, 196,3. 2. Cblen-korrespondent AV Eftonslicqy SS,- DOLDIK, Mli-khail Stapanovich; TARLM'SKAYA, Raisa lurlyevna; KUFuqRl-, E.V. doktor biol. nauk, prof., red. - ~ --.- - 1':!~' ~-. ~ . [Bird migrations] Perelety ptits. Y*.insk, Nauka i tekh- nika. 19&/,. 33 p. (MIRA 17:12) KUMAIRIP F.'VI Upla2i-l swamps of Eatonla as hatit-at for birds, amitologlia no.706- 43 105. OMIRA 18%1()) KUMARIN, A. Reducing labor orpnnditure and improving quality control in the rachinery induntry. Biul,nauch.inform.: trud i zar plata no.5:16-43 '59. (Mla 1;!5) (Kuvbynhnv--Machinery industry) (Industrial efficiency) KUMARIN,. A., starshiy prepodavatell; PLAKSIN, V.; LEVIN, S.; LIVAPOV, V. New forms of the organization of technical control. Sots. trud 7 no.9;79-85 S 162. 04IRA 15:9) 1. Kuybyshevskiy planovoy institut (for Kumarin). 2. Nachallnik otdela tekhnicheskogo kontrolya Chetvertogo ordena Lenina podshipnikovogo zavoda (for Plaksin). 3. Nachallnik otdala tekhnicheskogo kontrolya Kuybyshevskogo zavoda avtotraktornogo elektrooborudovanlya i karbyuratorov (for Levin). 4. Nachallnik otdela tekhnichesko o kontrolya Devyatogo podshipnikovogo zavoda im. V.V.Kuybysheva Ifor Livanov). (Kuybyshev Province--Machinery industry--Quality control) KUMARINA,,A.N._,_,,_._ - Selection of the method for discharging warm water in cooling ponds. Vast. LGU 17 no.1205-64 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Tula Province--Steam power plants) (Novosibirsk Province-Steam power plants) li'MiAMASHVILI 11 Z TSAGAR:,,;LI,, II.V.,- CHIIIOVLT!I, V.Ye. flow Recearch IAatituto. Tokat. proit. 21 no.10:21-22 0 161. ("a.-L', Il,:10) 1. Dirchtor l~,auclino-i-orledovatoll.,jlogo instituta tcl,:-tillnoy osti Sovota n,,.rodno,-,o 'wj-m- Gmi,..--" i (_`,0r Kuvaritnv.hvill). 2. cliro~-.tora :~u rauchnoy SovAr. nnrn0ro,,,o I.hozy_,n-tu-,m Grxizii (,'cr TSaCaroll). 3. Uclicj-.,3r( i)~.,.AIArta 4prc- Soveta rarc,c~,,.o,:c) Gnarii U."or Cliihov:~ri). (Gcor,ai%--Toxtilo research) KUMOITASHVILL M- Z-; RAZDOLISKIY, S. M.; GAMGEBRU, V. K.; ~ALMVA, A. Z. Maltilayer nonwoven fabrics. lzy. vyn ucheb. zav,; tekh. tok'st. prom, no-4:73-75 062. (MIU -15--10) 1, Nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut tekstillucry promysh- lemosti Gruzinskoy SSR. (Nonwoven fabrics) NAMUCHASHVILI, G.J.; M.Z-.; MALKIII,Kh.Sh. Specialization of the knit goods industry in the Georgian S.S.R. Tekst. prom. 23 no.10:44-46 0 163. (MIRA 17;1) 1. Nachallnik otdela legkoy promyshlennosti Gosplana GruzinBkoy SSR (for Mamuchashvili). 2. Direktor Nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute. tekstillnoy i legkoy pronyahlennosti (NIITLP) Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Gruzinskoy SSR (for Kumaritashvili). 3. Rukovoditell laboratorii modelirovaniya trikotazhnykh izdeliy Nauchno-issledovateltskogo instituta tekstillnoy i legkoy promyshlennosti Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Gruzinskoy SSR (for Malkin). OLENEVA, T.N.; SUMBATOV, G.A.; YEVDOKIYDVA, V.M.,, Use of butadione in tuberculosis. Probl.tub. no.7:39-44 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz kafedry tuborkuleza (zav. - zasluzhenW deyatell nauki prof. A.Ye.Rabukhin) TSentrallnogo inatituta usovershenstovaniya- vrachey, TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy Ministerstva putey soobalicheniya imeni N.A.Semaohko (glavnyy vrach A.A.Potsubeyenko) i bollnitay "ZaJchar,ino" (glavnyy vrach V.P.Patrik). (TUBERCULOSIS) (BUTADIONE) KLJCHARCZYX, Wiktor; DRZASZCZ, Antoni:KUMASZKA, Franclezek Apparatus insuring the safet7 of He'Asserin gonorrhoeae during transportation. Med. dosw. mikrob. 11 no.2:191-194 1959. 1. Z Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Skorno-Wenerycznej v Katowicach D-frektor; dr mad. St. Totuszynski.i z Zakladu Fizyki Lekarskiej Slaskiej A. M. w Rokitnicy Kierownik: i)rof. dr M. Puchalik. ORISSERIA GONOMMORAB, culture) ZNOZINSK!, Jerzy; HIVSHA, Franclszek; GILEC, 1-33zalL, Use of Na-`4 in the evaluation of the blood supply of extremities in artericsclerosis obliterans. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.?: 939-0/45 164. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznvch SI. Ak. Ned. w Yatowicach (Mierownik: prof. dr. med. K. Gibinski) i z Zakladu Fizyki S1. Ilk. Med. w ~.abrmi-Rokitnicv (Kierct;n 1111(: prof. dr. fil. Pu chal I k) I GIEC, Leazek ; rL'LT'llMZKA, -Fnanci3zak; 7.MljlrZINSF.T, jerzy Wirer R),cretion wiLh sweat of radioacldvo . xliunl influence of beat. Fol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 t 64 1. 27 111 Kjlnfl~-J Chorob Wournetrmych Slaalkiej Akademil. I I-ledyc"'lloj 11 K-ItcWic-noll (i',~v-rt~vnlkt yvloc. dr. mwd. i z Zakladu Fiz"kl Akade-iij-1 w (Kierovmik: Prof. dr. fil. M. Stars, 1huriable Slements of the orbit of an ecl-ipsiw~ variable 10 Arictis. Astron. tsir. ~o. 126, 1V52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I:ay -1953. Unclassified. KOPY'LOV, I.M-; KUICAYGORODSKAYA, RA. Parametnro of galactic subsystems and absolute magnitudes of long-period Caphe14a. Ixv.Krrm.a9trofIz.obser. 15.,169-189 155. 041RA 13:4) (Galaxies) (Cephsids) MUSTEL', N.R.; KU?&kYGORODSKAYA, R.R. Spectropbotometry of GO-and KO-ty-pe stars witb w6ak and strong lines. Izv.Krym.astrofiz.obvier. 16:122-128 '56. (MIlk 13:4) (Stara--Spectra) RN. MUSTELI, E.R. ; GALKIII, L.S.; KUMAYGOR.OD,ISXAYA;. BOYARGIMN. 14.Yo. (bmntitative spectral classification of FO-K5 stars with well detoridned distances. Izv.Krym.astrofiz.obner. 18: 3-37 '58. 04IBA 13:4) (3tare-Classification) MUSTELI, E.R.;.KIATAYGORODSKATA, R.N. 1. - ~.... .. 1- --11. 1 - , _- Ilmission bands in the spectrum of Nova Herculie, 1934. Izv. Kr7m. astrofiz. obser. 20:101-117 '58. (MIRA 13:3) (Starso Now--Spectra) AUTHORS: Mustel, E.H., Kumaygorodskaya, R.N. 23699 61/ow/oCA/029/058 A001/AIOI TITLE: On the origination mealianism-of emission hands in Sp r..4,njm of Nova Harculls19311 and physical conditions in its envelope PERIODICAL: Refel-ativnyy zhurnal. AstronOIT11ya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1961, -J-42 ah- stract 4A345 ("Izv. Krymsk, astrofiz. observ.", 1960, v. 22, 207-224, Rngl, summary) TEXT- The authors discuss the problem of the mechanism producing bright lines in spectrum of Nova Hercul:U 1934. They are of the opinion that the main process leading to origination of bright lines in the star main spectrum is scattering of radiation of the extended envelope by the main envelope accompanied by fluorescen- ce. Changes in contours of lines [0 1] and Ji I observed in the spectmirr, of Nova Herculisare explained. The border parts of bright bands ("peaks") were created by two gaseous aondensations situated diametrically, and the central parts of the bands by the extended envelope. Variations in -the power of matter E,,,.~ection by ths,: Card 1/2 23699 58 On the origination mechanism ... AOO1/A1O1 star nhangr-d the ratio of the bard edges to their central parts. Electronic densi- ty w,.d Qlectronie tt~mporature in the envelope of Nova llercn,113 In Fctbruary 193rl wnre estimatod t'.,-o:n tits,- ratio of intensities of the [0 1] lineo. Therr~ are, I P references. V, Gorhatskly [Abstracter'a note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KUMAYGORODSKAYA, R.R. Spectrophotometric study of stars. IzvAr7m.astrolfiz.obser. 24: gi-114 160. (MIn 13: 1? ) (Stars--Spectra) 8/035/6P-/000/007/024/083 A001/A101 AUTHORS: Mustell, E. R., Kopylov, 1. M., Galkin, L. S., j~umaygorodskaya, R.N., Bartash, T. M. T3TLE:. Speetrophotometric study of Nova Herculis 1960. 1. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 7, 1962, 31, abstract 7A236 ("Izv. Krymsk. astrofiz. observ.11, 1961, v. 26, 181 - 216; English summary) TEXT: About 120 spectrograms.of Nova Herculis and ~Aql taken as a standard were taken in March - April 1960 with the 122-cm reflector of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, mainly with a quartz spectrograph with dispersion of 155 A/mm at H7. The following'quantities were determined: equivalent widths W& and values of &~,(km/sec) for emission hydrogen lines Hg- , as well as central intensities 10 with respect to continuous spectrum for all -Nentified emission lines in the spectrum of N Her. Changes of these characteristics of emission lines in the course of time were generally analyzed. The-average speed of enve- lope expaftsion was estimated (1,850 km/sec) from the width of hydrogen lines. Card 1/2 S/035/62-/000/007/024/083 Spectrophotometric study of Nova Herculis 1960. !. AOOI/AIOI ' . Approximate brightness and date of maximum luminosity of N Her'were determined from spectral changes observed in this Noval mmax - 0-50tOT17 (probable error); March 1�2~5 (probable error). The absolute magnitude of the Nova in maximum was determined (Mv = -10m.0), as well as distance to the star (R 1,250 Pc) and total interstellar absorption in visual light at star distance (Av 2T.0). By com- paring with ~ Aql relative energy distribution was obtained for each night in continuous spectrum of N Her within the wavelength range AU,512 - 5,050. Balmer decrement was calculated from lines HP-Hq. There are 12 references. From authors' summary [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KOHLOV, I.M.; KtJMAYCOFtODSK' - A "-. Speetrophotometric study of E Aurigae during occultation, 1955-1957. Izv. Krym. astrofiz. obser. 29:251-267 163. (MIRA 16:10) SOURCE CODEs UR/0269/6-5/o-D-o7oD-97O-D25700237, SOURCE: Ref. sh. Astronomiya, Abse 9.51. 237 6'~11 AUTHORt Kumaygorodskga R. A_ Z? TITLE: Study of the physical conditions in the atmospheres of 0-stars REFERMED SOME: Izvo Kmsk. alitr u-jp�_sery., v. 33, 1965, 242-265 TOPIC TAGS.- star, atmosphere, hydrogen line,, line width, spectral Iine, electron density, ion temperature., spectrographic analysis N"/. TRANSLATION-. The physical conditions in the atmospheres of 19 -2-ta-Lrp of spectral classes 0 4.5-4 9.5 are analyzed. The equivalent widths W.A for all sufficiently strong lj:nes are found from spectrograms with dispersions of 33 and 1h A/m. The dependence of W;k upon tho spectral class and luminosity is studied. The electron densities no Uf the atmospheres of the stars 3tudied are determined from the hydrogen lines. Curves of growth are plotted for the He 11 lines. The ionization temperatures Tion are found from the He I and He II absorption lines. The Zanstrov temperatures were determined from the emission lines of He IIx C III, and N 111; they were found to be close to the efftotive temperatures, The microturbulent velocities wore obtained from curves of growth for the He I and He 11 lines; the macroturbulent velocities were determined from the contours of the He Is He lis 0 Ills N 1112 and Si Card 1/2 UDC : L 11533-66 ACC NRt IV lines. The macroturbulent velocities were found to be 2-3 times greater than the microturbulent velocities. It is concluded that the dimensions of the largest turbulent elements in the stare of class 0 are greater than the effective thickness of the atmosphere, Bibliograp4y of A titles* A, Xo1esov SUB CODEs 03 KUMUEEK. K. High-speed dental engines. Jemna mech opt 6 nc.9:261-267 S t6l, "" 'L, - I- ... 1* Chirana, nappp Praha. L 02157-67 T - Pi Cck 035999 AUTHOR: Rumbalek K and VU7,t, Brno SOU!X-'2*: Joinna rziechanilm a ol)tila, no. SOURCE CODE: CZ/0030/65/000/008/0255/0257 8, 1965, 255-257 "Dental Tips with Air Bearings" Prague, J`5~2~!~ 1,!4 22tilca, Vol 10, No 8, Aug 65, Pp 255-Z5 7 Absl~rW [Author's Czech, Russian, German and Enalish summar- POIAS4, modifiod3: The article describes the operating Principle 4 and properties of aerodynamic and aerostatic air bearingslitsed with the turbine tip of dental ang-ines with an ultra-high num-* ber of revolutions. It points out troubles which can arise in their oporatkQn_ pLnd.- ways of . eliminating thom. Orl- . art. has: 7 f igures and 2 formulas. TOPIC ZIGS: dental equipnent, air lubricated hearing SUB CODE: 06,13 / SUBM DATF.: 06 Jan 65 / OTH REP: 004 Card 1/ 1 464, M4, pomorski ritrojar --..-KUfOATOVIG,-. Steam boilers. Pogon 2 no.11/12:201-204 11-D 161. 1. Glavni i odgovorni urednik, "Pogon." KUM~TOVIC,Tllip, nast4i-vnik R(wersive liwtallatiom for ship engineLt. Pt. 2. Fogon 4 168-176 N-D 1. Glavpi i odgovorni uredniks "Pogon", sof Strojarokc-enorgetskog odjoln Skole za VKV radiliko, Zagreb. KUMATOVIC, Filip...pomornki AIX)Jar Is k1, Steam boilers* (To be contd.). Fogon 3 no.5/6:76-81 ~t~~Je 162. 1. Glavni i odgovorni urednik, "Fogon.11 KUMBATOVICp Filip, nastavnik Some peculiarities of the running and construction of ship engines. Pogon 3 no.11/12:173-179 N-D 162. 1. Sef Strojarsko-energetskog odjela Skole za, VKV radnike, Zagreb, glavni. i odgovorni urednik, "Pogon". KUNBATOVIC, Filip fteam boilers. Pogon 3 no.9/20:146-151 6-0 '6tZ. 1. Glavni I odgovorni urednik., "Fogon.11 ~UMUTOVIGo Filip, naBtavOk ---. Haveruive inota2lations for ship engines, Pt.2. Pogon 4 no*9/101143-148 B-0163. 1. Sef Strojarsko-energetakog odjola Skole za VKV radnike,' Zagreb, i glavni. i odgovorni, urednikv "Fogon". KUMBATOVIC, Filipo nastavnik Reversive installations for ship engines. Pt.l. Pogon 4 no.7/8:114-U8 JT/Ag'63- 1. Sef Strojarsko-energetakog odjela Skole za VKV radni-ke, Zagreb, i glavni i odgovorni urednik, "Fogon". .P~ VIC,-Filip, naDtavnik Reversive installations for ship engines. Pt.1, Fogon 4 no.7/8:114-118 JI/Ag'63. 1. Sef Strojarsho-onergetskog odjela Skole za VhV radnike, Zagreb,, i glavni i odgovorni urednik, 'Fogon". No KURBATOVIC, Fllipy-nastavnik Stem boilers. Pogon 4 no-5/6:8143 My-Je f63- 1. Sef Strojarsko-onergetskog odjela Skole za VKV radnike, Zagreb, glavni i odgovorni urednikp "Pogon". 11~91 I~"V-Tf 90T-OcT-?AoQu 5 uoPOT *z '14 *GJDTTDq UIL'07S dTTTJ, 501A01YO-110 KIJMCHEIIKO,A. How-we achieved high work indexes. Hast. ugi. 4 no.2:7-8 P 155. Nvu 8:6) 1. Mashinist kombayna shakhty no. 17bis kombinata Stalinugoll. (Coal mines ancl mining) OILFY'v, 1. MIMCHEV, 1. Expenses for afforestation end the posslbiil'~~, for :-ecucl-E them. p. 2c"-" Vol. 12, Nc. 6, June 1-'1156. GORSYD STOPANSTVO AGRICULTURE Sofiia, E-ilgaria So; ~>-st Euroi--~esn Accession, Vol. 6, No. ~, Febru,,:ry 1957 KUMCHEV, 1. KUMCHEV, 1. Correlation of productivity of various kinds of trees in our low-trunk-tree forests. P. 367. V01. 12, no. 0, Oct- 1956 GORSKO STOPANSTVO Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURCE: East Exwopean Accessions 148t (EEAL) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 KT!'-=llGIJ B S inzl-.; VZRGOS, N.G., irizh.; r.`-jV-'i'IFf.Gl,', progresn at the 'YloliWen" Mine. Gor. zhur. rio.9-6-10' S 165. (mluvuA I. Ty-rnyauis'r-liy vol I framu-moll ibdanovyy kombinut (for Chi47-nov, Liscws~dy, Yarrdzin, Verjus ). 21. institut Eorncgo dela im. A.,'i.SkochjnqkcCc (for Krivenluv). , i n:~'.. ; , L(A I I DUBINIII) V.1--I.r inA.; H(EINEII-IYAK !N, N.A., inzh.; KUM~I:~j IMYSHKIN, A.P., inzh.; TARPSUJI. M.V., irizh.; YASAFC77, inzh. Tyrnyauz ore dressing plant. Gor. zhur. no.9;10-11 S 16~5. (MiFvni', IC~~-C)) U 41 56-4-40/54 AUTHORz Kumekin, Yu.P. TITLEt Polarization in a Quasi-Elastic p-p Scattering of 635 MeV - Protons on Deuterons (Polyarizatsiya pri kva-,ziupru om P-p- rasseyanii protonov a energiey 635 IAeV na deytonakh~ (Letter to the Editor) PERIODICAM Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol- 33, Nr 4, pp. 1056 - 1057 (IJSSR) ABSTRACTt The polarization of protons with an energy of 635 � 15 MeV was measured on the occasion of the quasi-elastic scattering on deuterons. The measurement was made by a telescope. The angle width of the apparatus was 60. D 20 was us d as target. The follo Via vn1flan were obtained for the polarizationt lab. PD 180 4395 3,0 240 39,0 3,8 300 30,2 4,0 Card 1/2 56-4-40/54 Polarization in a Quasi-Elastic p-p Scattering of 635 MeV - Protons on Deuter- ons Blab. PD 360 17,2 4,5 410 0,8 4,5 520 29,5 0,5 There are 1 table and 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: United Nuclear 1103caroh Institute (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) SUBMITTED: July 6, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Leksin, G.A. , Kumekin, Tu.P. 56-5-11/46 TITLE: On the Elastic Backward Scattering of 660 MeV Protons on the Caxbon Nucleus Seen as a Whole (Ob uprugan rasseyanii nazad pro- tonov a ener*ey 660 MeV yadrom ugleroaa kak tselym) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal, Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol- 33, Nr 5, pp. 1147-1149 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A oaxton target is irradiated by the internal proton ray of the synohrocyclotron. The protons scattered within the domain of ^-, 1800 are deflected by the magnet of the accelerator and then go over into an analyzation electromagnet. After passing through a collimator of a length of 4 m, they impinge upon the registration telescope. Summing up the results obtainecl by measurements it may be said that the lower limit of the elastic backward scattering cross section (p-0 reaction) does not exceed 3.10-33 =2/stemd. With the same prcbsbility no scattered protons were found within the domain of from 660 Mev to 350 Mev. The mechanism of ejection of fragments containing from card 1/2 56-5-11/46 On the Elastic Backward Scattering of 660 Mev Protons on the Carbon Nucleus Seen as a Whole 8 to 12 nucleons differs from the quasielastio scattering by the corresponding fragnents in the interior of the nucleus. There are I figure and 8 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: United Nuclear Research Institute (ObOyeainennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) SUBMITTED: June 1, 1957 AVAILDIE, Library of Congress card 2/2 240) SOV/56-35-6-12/44 AUTHORS: _P., Meshcheryakov, M. G., Nurushev, S. B., Stoletov, G. D. TITLE: Triple Scattering of Protons at 660 Mov (Troynoye rassoyaniye protonov pri 6g0 Mev) I. Measurement of the Depolarization ParaTeter D(90 ) (I. Izmereniye parametra, depolyarizatsii D(90 )) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Ur 6, Pp 1398-1401 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the contents of a lecture which was held at the 4. session of the Scientific Council of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) The parameter D was introduced by Wolfenstein (Vollfen "~teyn) (Ref 1). It holds that 0 (1-D) - ' IG-N-Bl' + J.Hj'j where 0 is the scattering cross 0 0 T section of the nonpolarized proton beam in hydrogen. The amplitudes G, N, B, H are functions of the scattering angle and of energy. In the present paper the results obtained by Card 1/3 D-measurements in pp-scattering below 90 0 in the center of SOV/56-35-6-12/44 Triple Scatter~ng of Protons at 660 Mev. I. Measurement of the Depolarization Parameter D(90 ) mass system at 640 Mev are given. Work was carried out on the six-meter synchrocyclotron of the United Institute for Nuclear Research. The first scattering of the 660 Mev protons took place in the external chamber of the synchrocyclotron-An the beryllium polarizer target (4 cm thick) and gavo a proton beam with P1 - 0.58 + 0.03 and EP . 640 + 12 11ev (7-105 protons /cm2sec) . The second scattering occurred in the hydrogen target (liquid 112 in a glass container, 12 cm. dia- meter). The mean proton energy in the center of the target wgs 635 Mev. Whereas in the first s8attering the angle was 9 , it was found that 0. - 41 + 2.5 (i.e. 90 + 5 0 in the center of mass system). The energy after scattering was 315 � 40 Mev. The third scattering occurred finally in a carbon analyzer target (0 3 ' 12 0). The tvo variants of the experimental arrangement used by the authors are shown by a figure. It is described and discussed, and the size and arrange- ment of the 9 counters is given. Card 2/3 It holds that D(900) - 6 3n/E3; the two asymmetry values were SOV/56-35-6-12/44 Triple Scattering of Protons at 660 Mev. I. Measurement of the Depolarization Parameter X90 0 determined as amounting to 6 3n = 0.200 + 0.032 and 0 - E3 - 0.216 + 0.012, respectively, and thus D(900) - 0.93�0.17. These results agree well with those obtained by other authors (reference 3: Ep. 310 Mev; reference 4: Ep . 415 !1ev). The result indicates tha-t pp-_jca4tering at an angle of 900is mainly due to the C(d1 + a2)n term in the scattering matrix. In Born's approximation this term corresponds to pure spin- orbit coupling (Ref 5). The authors finally thank Ya. A. Smorodinskiy and R. M. Ryndin for discussions. There are 1 figure and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: O'b"yedineanyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1958 Card 3/3 83581 S/05 60/038/005/014/050 B006YB070 AUtHORS: Kumekin, Ju. B., Meshcheryakov, M. G., Purushey, S. B,, Stoletov, G. D. /I TITLE; Triple Scattering of 660-Mey Protons. II. The Angular Dependence of Depolarization PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No. 5, pp. 1451-1455 TEXTt The authors have shown in an earlier work (Ref. 1) that 640-]Mev protons are slightly depolarized when they are scattered through an angle of 900 in the center-of-mass system. This shows that under these conditiors the pp-interaction is relatively seldom accompanied by a change in the spin orientation. Further investigations at other scattering angles (54, 72, 108, and 1260 in c.m.s.) gave two independent relations between the amplitudes of the pp-scattering matrix, and two relations for the angular dependence of the differential cross sections and the polarization. These investigations are communicated in this paper. The work was done on the six-meter synchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh Y" Card 1/4 33581 Triple Scattering of 660-Mev Protons. II.The S/056/60/038/005/014/050 Angular Dependence of Depolarization B006/BO70 iaeledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research). The experimental arrangement shown in Fig. I is the same as that of Ref. I. The proton beam had an energy of (640tl2)Mev and a polarization P, - 0.58�0.03. First, the beam was scattered to the left through 90 by a beryllium polarizer target inside the synchrocyolotron chamber, after which it was scattered in a cylindrical vessel filled with hydrogen, again to the left. The average proton energy at the center of the hydrogen target was 635 Mev, the flux was 7 .io5 p/qec.em2 in the beam 3 cm thick. The depolarization parameter was determined from the scattering angle 92 (socond scattering). every 180 in the range of angles investigated. After passing throu3h a three-counter telescope, the beam fell on a carbon analyzer target fro which it was scattered on both sides through 92 - 120 in the laboratory System. The normal component of the polarization vector of the doubly scattered protons was determined from the left-right asymmetry 6 3n of the protons coming from the C_tar~et This was done by recording the fivefold ooinoidancea of tho aountarn of: Fig.). The dopolarization parameter was determined from the relation D - (t 3n/k3)(14P1P2) - P2/131; ("2 't' tilt) Card 2/4 83581 Triple Scattering of 660-Mov ProtonB. II. The S/05 6o/038/005/014/050 Angular Dependence of Depolarization B006YB070P polarization after the first scattering; E 3 is the left-right asymmetry of a proton beam with P 1 and having an energy equal to that of the doubly scattered beam EV after scattering by the carbon target). The experi- mentally determined values of 6 2, E2' EV E3n , and D, together with 0 corrections, are collected in a table. The values obtained for 8 2 = 90 in Ref. 1 are also given. In all cases D had a positive sign. According to Wolfenstein (Ref. 3), D may vary between _1+21P21L D~6 +1. The results show that the normal component of polarization is only slightly altered for pp-scattering at 54P 72, and 900. Referring to Wolfenstein, the authors now show that the sum and difference of the depolarization para- meters for scattering angles that are symmetrically situated with respect to 90 () , may be interpreted in terms of the amplitude of he pp-scattering matrix. Also, the probability that [D(540)-D(1260)) and M720)-D(1050)) do not vanish may be calculated (60 and 66%). Ya..k.Smorodinakiy, S, V. Sokolov, N. P. Klepikov, and R. M. Ryndin are thanked for discussions. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 9 references: 2 Soviet, 6 US, and I CERN. Card 3/4 83581 Triple Scattering of 660-Mev Protons. Il. The S/056/60/038/005/014/050 Angular Dependence of Depolarization Boo6/BD70 ASSOCIATIONi Obl'yodinennyy institut yadernykh Issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research SUBMITTED: December 25, 1959 x , Card 4/4 T) AMIGIEZY, L. A., 3~17-~-=,[, Yu. r., "Nt~mnAnation of Vie NN-Scatterlne, kiplitudea Staten at 660 ~L-v" - report preiicnt~d at Intl. Canforence on Ifig)i llnnrk-,y 1:71yvica, Cew~-vft, 4 -11' July 1962 Joint Inatitute for Nuclear &vearch Nuclear Problem v KUMEKIN, Yu. P,; MESHCHERYAKOV, M. G.; NURUSHEV, S. B.; STOLETOV, G. D. Tripple Proton Scattering at 660 MEV: I*asurement of the Parameter R" report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Cern, Geneva, 4-11 July 1962 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory of Nuclear Problems 5/056/62/043/005/017/058 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Kumekin,-Yu.__P., Meahcheryakov, M. G., Nurushev, S. B., 8'ioletov, G. D. TITLE: Triple scattering of 660-Mev protons. III. Angular dependence of parameter R PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikiv v. 43, no. 501), 1962, 1665-1671 * i TEXT: Further experiments on triple scattering of protons were made within the soope of the program of reconstrudting the pp-scattering matrix for EP = 660 Mev (cf. 1: ZhETF, 35, 1398, 1958; Ilt ZhETF, 38, 1451, 1960). The change in primary-beam polarization F1 was measured which depends on the polarization tensore D ip and Kiq of the scattered and recoil protons, respectively: Card 1/6 S/056/62/045/005/017/05f3 Triple scattering of 660-Mev protons B102/B104 P(() 4- D - P ; P(c)) + K P n 'Onn 0 0 P" 2P 1__ jP it , P.q 24 14 11 P 0 XZ I + P(O)PI 1 + P(O)PI JDjpj R 0' P2s2 RP, fn,k,i + A P,k,, R Z sin (0/2) + Y cos (0/2), A -7 cos (0/2) - Y sin (0/2); P2k- R' - Z cos (0/2) + X sin (0/2), A' !i ')12) + X cos (0/2). 2 R P, (n,kl + A'Plk,, The subscripts p and q refer to I~Zo~ easured polarization components of scattered and recoil protons, is the polarization arising when an unpolarized beam is scattered, the subscript i refers to the initial polarization of the incident beam. The geometry of the experiment may be seen from Fig. 1. The parameter R is related to the asymmetries by R . 6 /(6 sinf2) where E, = P P 6 RP P sinf, = (N N WN +N 3s 3 1 39 38 ~ .1 3 a, L- R L R for J.=90' (which is the case in Fig. 1) these relations are simplest. The experiments were made with protons of 640+12 Mov and with Card 2/6 8/056/62/043/005/017/058 Triple scattering of 660-Mev protons ... B102/BIO4 P1 = 0.58 + 0.03 from the six-meter synchrocyclotron of the OIYaI. The experimental arrangement nuch aa to antinfy the gaometrioal phaoo-ohift analynin qnd matrix M pp* For 9 900 of monitori targets and counter telescopes was demande. The rovultti wort! uned for a ror dotormining the moduli of' Ow SoattOrillg and Ep--~640 Mev: M.. (0,24 � 0,11) . 1(r13 MOI (0151 0,05) 10-" CAI, I Mw (0,40 � 0,06) - 10-13 cAj c103161,io = -0.96+024 and cos fol'as - 0-84 +.0.42. There are 5 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1962 Card 3/6 S/056/62/043/005/017/058 Triple scattering of' 660-Mev protons ... B102/B104 Fig. 4. Energy dependence of the moduli of the elements of M pp (900) Fig. 5. Energy dependence of the phase angles of the elements of M PP (goo) 0 assuming 1M01(640 Mev, 900) 180 Fig. 1 Card 4/6 Triple scattering of 660-Mev protons #.* -Fig. 4 ffl- CP,, 099 - IN,, I,/, 11y,011A Iff',1114 "PP YK. 7-0 H, 1 ogo [,J,HrY S/056/62/043/005/017/056 B102/BI04 Fig. 5 too- 4 0 HIS 46 Card 5/6 S/056/62/04 3/005/017/058 Triple scattering of 660-Mev protons ... B102/B104 0, zPadl I 13S M3, li~. ik 1 R R 1 1) Ao 51, 4.9-10,9 10.9�0,3 1 0,45�0,08 0,99�0.25 Table 72 6 8�1,0 13,8�0.7 0 119�0,08 0.6M.20 go 5:5�1,4 21,1�t,3 0:26�0,07 0,931:0,17 106 6.9�1,1 20,5�J.1 0,32�0.06 0,28�0,16 126 4,9�i,3 tO,2�0,5 0,49�0,13 0,57�0,20 Card 6/6 5/056 62/043/006/039/067 B125YB.102 AUTHORSs Azhgirey, L. S., Kumekin, Yu. Pit Meshcheryakov, M. G., Nurushev, S. B., Zt-61-eTo_v_,__O_. TITLEi The nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitudes and the complexity of the'spin-orbit potential of inieraction between-nucleons and nuclei PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheekoy fiziki, Y. 43, no. 6(12). 1962, 2194 -2198 TEXT: Information as to the nucleon-nucleon scattering at high energieB.;.1 can be obtained from experimental data on the scattering of nucleons by nuclei. The differential elastic cross secti6no of protons scattered by! carbon huclei through small angles and the polarization of these protons; were determined by L. S. Azhgirey et al. (ZhETFP 44v 11 1963) at EP N 660 Meve The real and imaginary parte,of the Born amplitudes were obtained from these cross sections G(O). and H(O)t and the'relatione' Card 1/4 s/056/62/043/006/039/067 The nucleon-nucleon... M25./B102 G (1) =i N,!(klko) A I (q) +A, (q)] 4 (3) H (q) W (klk,)' [I C, (q) + r, CA)] itudes of n'U tt ring between the ampl cleon-nuoleus scattering and the NN-soa 9 amplitudes following from the,superpoaition model lead to (0) = 3/ 4 At" (0) + I/. AOR (0) 0,36 � 0,03, (0) = 3/, A' (0) + 114 A' (0) 0,72 � 0,04, 1 0 ell (0) = 3/, C 11 (0) + 1/4 C,11 (0) - 0.33 � 0,28, e'(O)=3/$Ct'(O)+'/,Co'(O)=0,77�0,20. for the real and imaginary parts of the amplitudes A and C, averaged over the isotopic states. q is the momentum transferred. The subscripts I and zero refer respectively to the isotopic states with T - 1 and 0 of the two-nucleon system considered:. The negative sign of the real part -A"(0) Card 2/4 T The nualeon-nucleon... 3/056/62/043/006/039/067 B125/B102- of the zero-spin amplitude is due to the effect of the repulsive hard core in nucleon-nucleon interaction. In first Born approximation the spin amplitude F(o)-corresponds with.the spin-orbit potential of nucleon- nuoleus interaction, as is shown by comparing experimentally obtained data on NN-ecattering with the phase shift analysis. Between 40 and 660 Mev the energy dependence is described satisfactorily by A 1 (0) = (7,20 � 0,20) / E,,. + (4,68 � 0,~6)-10-3 E,,. A " (0) = (0,673 � 0,03) (6,88 � 0,35).10-3 E,. C (0) = (0, 188 � 0,038) + (3,86 � 0,70). 1 0-!E,,. 0 (0) = (2,45 � 0,42). 1 (r-E,. (1,97 0,84.). 10-&E,. The energy E~.M. in the c.m.s. is given in Mev and the amplitudes in -13 -1 10 CM6 The amplitude A describes mainly the energy dependence of the total cross sections of nucleon-nucleon interaction (averaged over the R isotopic spin). The energy dependence of A (0) leads to the relation cf(O) .- (kcr t/4x) 2 for the nudleon-nucleus scattering cross section through Card 3/4 5/056/62/043/006/039/067 The nucleon-nuoleon... B125/B102 the angle 0 It also implies the existence of a pure shadow scattering at N400 Mev in the lab system-. 7-1(0) is positive throughout the energy range investigated. Hence up to 660 Mev the real part of the spin-orbit potential V SH of nucleon-nucleua interaction has the same sign as in the shell model. The parameterb"Of the optical potentials,'determined from the nualeon-nucleon scattering, are tabulated. The data obtained on nucleon- nucleon scattering indicate that the real part of V diminishes with in- 1, ~ I . SR creasing energy. According to nucleon-nucleon 6iperiments the imaginary part of V SR is likely to be nbn-zero. There dre I figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) .W VC'R. Mev VS1, Mev SUBMITTEDt June 30, 1962 :E Table %.&rd 4/4 40 82 6 99�3 8,6 2,9 -1,14�0,3( 9W0 65 9 57�9 5,0�0,9 -0,135�0,5( 147 210 52�4 33 4 46�3 46 3 3 8�0 4 3:1 0:2 -0 65 O'Of -0:58 O T 310 � 17�7 * 43�3 � 2 2�0 2 j ' -0 56- '11 660 -3.3�3 67--4.4 i:3�0:3 0:55 :0,4E h0384 8/020/62/145/006/006/015 230( ) B181/B102 AUTHORSt Azhgirey, L. S., Kumekin Yu P Meshcheryakov, M. G., Corresponding M~Mer' U-j;~~,rushev, S. B., Stoletov, G.D.p ~u and Huang Tieh-chliang TITLF,i Bxcitation of 0 12 nuclei by 660-Mev protons FERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 6, 1962, 1249-1252 TEXT: A graphite rod, 1 cm thick, was bombarded by protons having energies of 660 + 3.9 Mev a Ind a flux density of about 3'109 P/cm2 sec. The protons scattered through 4.2, 5.2, 7-0, 9.1 and 10.70 were deflected magnetically and then conducted through two quadrupol-e lenses and a collimator into an ionization chamber with three scintillation counters. The inelastic diffusion scattering cross section for 70 is 130-10-27cm 2/ste- rad. The maximum energy distribution of the inelastically scattered protons is connected with the energy from the giant photoresonance of the 12 C nuclei, but is much wider. Interaction between the incident proton and Card 1/0 -1. 12 Excitation of C nuclei ... S/020 62/145/006/006/015 B181/B102 the bound nucleons may. cause 5tab.le collective excitations of the nucleus, i.e. spin, isoopin, and spin-isospin 'waves (ZhETF, 43, no. 8, 1962). Giant photoresonance excitation and excitation of the nucleus by spin waves of the giant resonance energy may set in simultaneously. This is probably what causes the widening of the curve. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIOUs Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTEDt May 11, 1962 Card 21417- KUMEKIN, Yu.P..; MESHCHERYAXOV, NURUSHEV, S.B.; STOLETOV, G.D. Triple scattering of 660 Mev. protons. Part-3. Angular dependence of parameter. Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz. 1+3 no.5:1665-1671 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Ob"yodinennyy institut yadernfth isoledovaniy. (Protons-Scattering) AZHGIUTj L.S.; ,KUMEKIN Tu P.1 MSHCHMYA]KOV, M.G.; NMUSHEV, S.B.; SWILETOV) 0 4 Nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitudes and the complexity of the spin-orbital interaction between nucleons and nuclei. Zhur. eksp.i teorafiz. 43 no.6t2l94-2198 D 162. (NIRA 16i1) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut, yadernykh isaledovaniy. (Nucleons-Zoattering) (Nuclear reactions) AZHGIREY, L.S. ; KLEPIKOV, N.P. ; ; MESHCHERYAKOV, M.G. ; NURUSHEV, S.B.; STOLETOV, G.D.; SARANTSEVA, V.R., [Phenomenological analysia of pp-interaction at 657 Mev) Fenomenologicheskii analiz pp-vzaimodeistviin pri 657 mev. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh isaledovanii. Pt.l. 1963. 3 P. (M1RA 16:6) (Protons-Zeattaring) MMHCHERYAKOV, M. NURUSHEV, S. B.; STOLETOV, G. D. Longitudinally polarized proton beam generated by a six-meter synchrocyclotron. Atom onerg. 14 n0-1:38-40 J& 163. (MIRA 16:1) (Cyclotron) (Protons) h5369 S/ O5y63/044/001/034/067 B188 B180 04, LbTu AUTHORSs Azhgireyt L. S., F4uxekin, Yu. Pj Moshoheryakovt M. G., Nurushev, S. B., Stoletovo 0. D., Khuan De-teyan TITLEt Elastic small angle scattering of 660-Mov-protons by carbon nuclei PER10DICALs Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, v. 44, no. 1, 1963, 177-A91 TEXT: The differential elastic scattering cross section of 660-Mev-, protons by carbon nuclei was measured in the range (1.80 k 0 9 90) where nuclear and Coulomb scattering interfere. The polarization of the scattered protons was also meaoured, and the results were used to oal- oulate the scattering amplitudes and the corresponding nuclear potentialmi' of the optical model. Determination of the energy spectra of the scattered protons shows that inelastic competes with elastic scattering at small angles also. Reliable results on elastic scattering cross seo- tions at high proton eneraies can only be obtained if inslastioally scattered protons are carefully separated. Here this is done by defleo- tion in a magnetic field. Pig. 4 gives the differential cross section , C ,lrrl 1/4 S/056/63/044/001/034/067 Elastic small angle scattering B188/3180 measured for elastic scattering, and Fig- 5 the polarization of scattered protons as a function of the scattering angle. Hence, the components of scattering amplitudes obtained by the me'thod of least squares are (in 10-13 am)' 9,,(0) - - 5.05 0.45 9NIN 15.26 � 0-45 hXR(o) - -10-4 13-3 hnj(o) 37.6 + 9.3 The corresponding radii of the central and apin-orbital ~Otentials are 2 0 (2,48 0,04). 10-13 cAt, r~ (14 a) v 2 ~rt (24.83 0,16),-10 P cAt,_ (14 b). h tiThey are much larger than when determined from electron scattering. The valuas of the integrated potentials of the optical model according to the BOM approximation aret ceiii-ral potential U :((-127 12) + 1 (257 ~- 14)). 10-11 MeV-cul, 22 a apin-orbital potential W ),((14,8 3,9) + 1(6,3 � 5,4)). W." McV-c.4t'--- ~22 b~- There are 5 figures and I table. Card 2/4 5/056/63/044/001/034/661-' Elastic small angle scattering ... B180/B180, ASSOUATIONs Oblyedinennyy inatitut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Insti- tute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTEDs June 30, 1962 Pik- 4: Differentia~ scattering cross section for 660 Mev protons by carbon. 0 - seoondaiy protons with more than 60 Mevj 0 elastically scattered protons. Solid curves calculated values. Legends (1) dd/dco 10- 24 cm 2/8 terad, (2) 9, degrees. Fig. 51 Polarization of protons Fig. 5 (primary energy 660 Mev) after CAP. elastic scattering by carbon nu- clei. The P value at 6-30 was 4S- taken from ZhET 'Ft 351 89t 19581 44- boIdq solid curves calculated values with optimum adaptationj W hatched areas range of error. 14Z Legends (1) 9, degrees. Oard 3/4 Elastio small angle acattering .*, ' ;-- -- C", /c""~ Fig- 4 1 W, '. t-.***N S/056/63/044/001/034/067 B188/BI80 It $1 Card 4/4 =----L 1, epad" n2 I L.S.; KUPIKOV, N.P.- KUMKTN Yu.P.- I&ZHCHERMOV, M.G.; AZHG IREY )p . NURUSHEV, S.B. ; STOLETOVJ, G.D. Phenomenological analysis of pp-interaction at 657 Yiev. Part 1. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4jll74-1182 0 t63. (14IRA 16:11) ACCESSION NR: AP4018357 S/0120/64/000/001/002510030 AUTHOR: Biktimirov, S. Kh.. Kumakin, Yu. P.; Nurushev, S. B.; Stoletov, G. D. TITLE: Outfit for polarization studies with high-energy proton scattering SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1964, 25-30 TOPIC TAGS: proton, proton study, high energy proton, proton scattering, polarization study, triple proton scattering ABSTRACT: An outfit (see Enclosure 1) intended primarily for measuring the triple -scattering parameters in cases where the scattering in hydrogen takes place in a horizontal plans is described. The outfit ~:onvista of two rigid t;r"##e,# 4 And S which emi rotate ArovimA a *1.AtAi)fiAey vvrtitak "lunm A being suppdrtea by a common base 1. A hydrogen target 3 which serves as a accond scatterer is mounted on the column 2. A number of scintillation counterz forma two Card 114 ACCESSION NR: AP40183S7 telescopes which record the charged particles emitted from the hydrogen target at angles 0. and 0' in the laboratory coordinate system. The angles can be measured by means of a dial 6. Thus, the outfit can measure the parameters of triple scattering for both above angles. The segments 7 and 8, together with the target analyzers 9 and 10 and with the scintillation counters that record triple- scattered protons, form polarimeters. The segments 7 and 8 can be set either vertically or horizontally." To reduce the random- coincidence background. the protons not scattered by the third targets 9 and 10 are recorded by special scintillation counters AM and 113A connected for anti -coincidence with other counters. In a typical triple -scattering experiment, the cross-section of a polarized proton beam had a circular shape with a 4-cm diameter. The members 4 and 5 were so adjusted that the protons scattered in the hydrogen to the left and to the right within a 900 angle would be recorded. Target analyzers of 8.5 g/cm were used. With a polarized-beam intensity of 2X 107 pX~otona/ZeC' the Count rate of the triple -scattered protons -was about 3 protons /min in each of the four channels. Correlation coincidenc es were counted at & rate of about 0. 1 cmd ZJ4 ACCESSION NR: AP4018357 events/hr. The background in the absence of the third targets was about 16% of the total count rate; the background in the absence of the liquid hydrogen was 1% or less. "In conclusion, we wish to thank M. 0. Meshcheryakov for his guidance of the work. We are also thankful to L. V. Budkin, V. I. Nikitin, V. M. Pribor, and 0. V. Rykov for their helpt in building and adjusting the eqlApment. 11 Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh iseledovaniy (Joint Nuclear Research Institute) SUBMITTED: 23Feb63 DATE ACQ: l8Mar64 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE: PH, NS NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 Card .3/4