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69689 S/126/60/009/03/012/033 E193/E483 Investigation of Certain Physical Phenomena Occurring at High Temperature on the Surface of Crystalline Substances. IV. Analytical Study of the Kinetics of "Self-Healing" of Artificial Defects on the Surface of Solid Bodies and 1 = 10-4 cm, the following values of y were obtained for copper, silver, gold andnickelt YCu. =~10-4i yAg*= 10-31 yAu ze lo-6, yNi -_ 10-3. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONiKharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Kharlkovskiy filial IRYeA (Khar9kov State Khar1kov Branch of IRYeA) SUBMITTED: July 3, 1959 Card 9/9 University 87209 S/126/60/010/001/021/027/XX F,032/E314 AUTHORS: Zillberman, G,Ye. and-KmJJkl,jt.0. TITLE: on the Relaxation Time of Fast Electrons in a Metal PERIODICAL*~ Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol. 10, No. 1, PP. 9 - 13 TEXT: The authors consider an electron in a band lying above the conduction band in the case where the energy of the electron is insufficient to excite plasma oscillations and the finite range is due only to collisions with the conduction electrons. The following cases are consideredt sr; rs; ss and rr , where rs denotes the case where the scattering electron lies in the conduction band and the scattered electron in the band above the conduction, and prior to the collision,and similarly for the other combinations. Explicit expressions are derived for the relaxation times for collisions in the above types of interactions. Yt is shown that the limitations imposed by the band structure on the collisions can increase the relaxation time by a large factor. Card 1/2 67209 S/126/60/010/001/021/027/Xx E032/E314 On the Relaxation Time of Fast Electrons in a Metal There are I figure and 9 referencesf 4 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet, ASSOCIATIONi Kharlkovskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo NII khimicheskik)- reaktivov (Khar1kov Branch of the All-Union NII of Chemical Reagents) SUBMITTED: January 14, 1960 Card 2/2 133728 S/056/60/038/004/021/048 Z(Ooo B006/BO56 AUTHORSt Zillberman, 0. Ye., Kulik, 1. 0. TITLEt Quantum Oscillations of the Photoelectric Yield of Metals in a Magnetic Field PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 3e, No. 4, PP. 1186 - 1200 TEXTt I. M. Lifshits, A. M. Kosevich, and A. V. Pogorelov already pointed out the importance of investigations of the quantum oscillation effects for the problem of the oonseryation of the dispersion law of conduction electrons in certain metals. The best-known of such effects are the deFaas - van Alphen effect and the Shubvikoy - de Haas effect; the former was experimentally investigated in the USSR by B. I. Verkhin, B. G. Lazarev at al. (Hof. 3). The present paper describes the theoretical investigation of the external p4p~qelectric.effect on metals in a magnetic field in the ultraviolet spectral range. Let the magnetic field be assumed to be perpendicular to the surface, so that the electrons are free to reach the anode. Under these conditions oscillating compounds Card 1/3 83728 Quantum oscillations of the Photoelectric 8/056/60/038/004/021/048 Yield of Metals in a Magnetic Field B006/BO56 occur in the photoelectric current besides the compounds changing monotonically with H. One of them is due to those oscillations of the electron atate number in the magnetic field, which cause the do Haas - Van Alphen effect. A second one is due to periodic dependence of the transition matrix element on the magnetic field, and is not interrelated with the state number; it is a new oscillation effect, which is common to all optical phenomena and is connected with transitions between the bands. An investigation of this effect in principle permits determination of the position of the individual regions of the Fermi surface in the reciprocal lattice. The third component represents an interference effect. A further new quantity, which may be obtained from photoelectric experiments (of the energy distribution of the departing electrons), is the shape of the isoenergetic surfaces which are lower than the Fermi surface. The investigation of the quantum oscillations of the volume (external) photo- electric effect carried out in the ultraviolet for electrons possessing an arbitrary dispersion law, thus furnishes not only theoretically interest!,ng results, but also gives indications for experiments. Thus, it is also pointed out that by means of photoelectric experiments, the possibility is, in principle, given with comparatively weak fields to Card 2/3 83728 Quantum Oscillations of the Photoelectric Yield of Metals in a Magnetic Field in'vestigate large groups of electrona whose under usual experimental conditions due to effect experiments a narrow light ray can be one block. The effect investigated in this de Haas - van Alphen effect, actually only on its genesis (the wave functions). The authors M. 1. Kaganov for discusaing,this paper. M. (Ref. 2) are mentioned. There are 5 figures 6 M, 3 British, 1 Swiss, and 4 German. S/056/60/038/004/021/048 B006/BO56 oscillations are blurred the block structure. In photo- produced which covers Just case depends, as also the on the dispersion law and not thank I. M. Lifshits and Ya. Azbell and E. A. Kaner and 21 references: 7 Soviet, &O,SOCIATIORt Kharlkovskoye vyssheye aViRt3ionno-inzhenernoye voyennoye uchilishche (Khartkov School of Higher Learning for-Airforpe Engineers). Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kharlkov State University) SUBMITTEDs October 9, 1959 Card 3/3 0 36378 S/r,58/6P,/000/005/073/119 AO61/AlO1 AMHORS Kulik, 1. 0., Zillberman, G. Ye. - ME: .i.1, Impurity distribution in crystal gro%-Lh from a melt PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 11, abstract 5E90 (V sb. "Rost kristallov. T. 3", Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961, 85 - 89. Discuss., 214 - 218) TZM: The distribution of an impurity over the volume of a single crystal grolvm from a melt has been determined. In this problem, the decisive factors are two concurrent processes: -impurity and heat flows. The former flow is deter- mined by diffusion and thermal diffusion, and the latter by-thermal conductivity and heat transfer by diffusion. In addition, the presence of a tempeftture field in the melt - crystal system leads to the distorti6n of the crystallizatlon front and makes the impurity distribution more complex. The problem is solved by the method of successive approximations. The effect of heat transfer by diffusion is neglected altogether, and the temperature field is found from one closed equa- tion with given boundary conditions. In the problem of diffusion in zeroth ap- Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/005/073/119 Impurity distribution in crystal growth from a melt A061/AI01, proximation, pure diffusion with a plane crystallization front is considered. Corrections for the impurity distribution due to the thermal diffusion effect and to tho distortion of the crystallization front are obtained in first and second approximations, respectively. K. Gurov [,'ibstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 BFLOZOROV, D.P.; KULIK, 1.0.; ZILIBMMAN, G.Ye. Distribution of impurities in crystals grown from melts. Kris- tallograftla 6 no.2:279-282 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. KharIkovskiy filizl Instituta khimicheskikh reaktivov. (Crystals--Growth) KIJLIKI 1.0. Momentum distribution function of Fermi particles in'gas_ within tbe~high-density. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz, 40 no'5: 3.343-2352 My 11618 (MIU 34:7) 1. Fiziko-t~khnicheskiy institut AN Ukrainakoy SSR. Field theory) Coulomb functions) Partioles .(Nuclear physics)) ~ S/056/62/042/OOZ/036/055~ BIOO/B104 AUTHORs Kulik# 1. 0. TITLE: Some features of the oollootivo energy losses of fast elec- trons passing through an aninotropic plasma PLRIODICAL: Zhurnal ek&perimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 2, 1962, 543 - 551 TEXT: The plasina oscillations in a gas of quasiparticles (electron plastaa in a uniaxial crystal) are discussed. The dispersion law for plasma oscillations, U3 0 (t), is derived with the classical equation of motion. p p Expanding 1/('Z_ into series with respect to N11/113 a4/ap - velocity of quasiparticles) one obtains in zeroth opproximation for k---YO (Vn)t d., where 4 is the unit vector in the di ection of vF is the electron velocity on the Fermi boundary. The integral has to be taken over the Card 1/4 31056162104210021'0361055 Some features of the... B108/B104 Yer;ni surface F_(4). At k,~