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KOKSHAIIISKIY , Nikolay Sergeyevich; KULESHOV, V.N. . otv. red.; SIDOROVA, T.S., red. - [Technical and economic premises in planning means and structures for wire comminications] Tekhniko-ekonomiche- akie obosnovaniia pri prooktirovanii sredstv i sooruzhenii provodrioi avlazi. Vonkva, Ojviazl, 1905. 189 p. (MIRA lgig) -XULESHOVO,,,VaajI.jy, Nikolayevich; GAVRILYUK, V.V..* kand. tekbn. nauk, otv. red.; BATRANOVA, T.A., red. .[LonR-d,istance cable cormiunication lines] Mazlidugorod- nye kabeltnyo litii sviazi. Moakva, Sviaz', 1965. 262 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. V. N. ) IEBEDEV, A. F. 2. USSR (600) 4. Medicine, Rural 7. New advances in rural public health; conference of Frogressive rural physicians in Vinogradov. V. N. Kuleshov, A. F. Lebedev. Sov. -drav. 12, No. 1, 1953, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassifted.1 AAKIIDAYXVA~ Nina Vaoillyevnal KULE.13M. Dvvy,~., red. (Organization of work in a maternity homal Organiza-, taiia raboty rodillnogo doma. Monkvn Meditoina 19650 73 p. WRA 18,12 VEMEDIP I.V... kand.takhn.nauk; KUIMHOV.V V.P., inzh.; RGIBRO, B.N.,, insh. Experimental testing of a tJ nrttla wetting system. EnergomaBhimstroenie 8 01 :41-4.4 Ja 162. WIRA 15:3) (Condensers (Steam)) KULESIIOV, V*Ts Simple met od for determining the presBure in anestheric Pquip- mente Zdrave 1361o 9 no.3:88-89 Mr163 (14IRA 16p,,12) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. kafedroy - prof. I.B. C[Leahkevich) Vitebskogo meditainakogo instituta. KULESJ.IOVj,V.T.. Simple met od for determining the pregsure in anestheric equip- ment. Zdrav. 1361. 9 no.3:88-89 Mr'63 WIRA l6k12) 1. Izz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii zav. kitfadroy - prof* I.B. CleshIcevich) Vitebskogo maditainakogo instituta. DROMMIN, I.A., inzhener; MEMO, V.V., takhnik. Freezing ice in packs with salt layers. Vest.TSNII M no.1:60- 61 F '57- WaA 10:3) (Ice--manufacture) I OEM My ",.t :F- -11 ~. . ~ ~ , 117, A I ~zi i , .. '2 1 - -, . , . - . I w .1 - - , . -:T~ !t~~ . i~', - - , :; ~ _: I '. , , ~. - I ~-, . ,y.., J~~, i ~ ; ~. 1, ~, - . ~ : :. I ~ ~ - --- ~.- ~ ~ ~- -. - - ~v, ~ , , 1 - ~: :~3~ '. : i-_'-Ll A ~ 7. 7 1 - - ~ -' . , - ":, . : L--m ~-~ M.'r -- KULFjSHOV, Ya ... .. ~ -",. I Interconnoction of two low-tension fenders. Zhil.-kom.kboz. 9 no.2:16 159. - . . (MIRA 12.5) 1. GlavrWy inzhener tresta "NOBoblenergo, "g.Perovo, Moskovskoy oblasti. (Perovo--FAloctric power distribution) BACRELIS, D.S.; GELIMAN, R.Ye.; DUTKIN, G.S.; KUIZSHOV,,Xa.G,.; NIKIJLIII, V.V.; RYVKIII, G.A.; SADKUI, P.I.; S-IIWIOV, A.D.; SOLOVIYEVP P.F.; KHALI2EV, G.P.; SURNOV, A.D., inzh.p red.; SOLOVIYEV, P.F.,, red.; BORUNOV, N.N., tekhn. red. (14amal for electricians in two.partsISpravacbnik v dvukh torr-akh. Pod obahchei red. A.D.Smirnova. energoiadat. Vol.l. 1902. 479 p. (Electric qugiweripg7Handbooks, manuals, elektrotekhnika Moskva.. Gos- (MIRA 15%5) etc.) S-USONOT, V.I., tekhnik; ZIHELIS, L.Sh., inzh.; KOZYULIN, A.S., inzh.; KULBSHOV, Ta.T., inzh. Discussion of Y.S. Popov's article "Construction of 6 to 10 kv mast substationen and A.A. Priakhin's article "Is it proper to transfer the line cutout of a 10 kv mast substation to the and pole of-an electric power transmission line?" Nnergetik 8 no. 10:22-24 0 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Electric liDee--Overhead) (Electric substations) (Popov# F.S.) (Priakhint A.A.) ATABEKOV, V. B. ;_ KIJLESHOV,, YaT IY, L.S.; _; FRIDKITI, I.A.; YABLONSY AIXKSEYEV, V.P... red.; BALKOVSKAYA, I.Z., red. izd-va; KIIENOKH, F.M., tekhn. red. (Handbook on municipal electric networks and substations) Spravochnik po gorodskim elektricheskim setiam i pod- stantsiiam. [By] V.B.Atab3kov i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo MKKh RSFSH, 1963. 550 P. (MIRA 16:11) (Electric power distribution-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) (Electric substations--Hahdbooks, manuals, etc.) 4F. 'V~ tF GELIMAN, R.Ye.; KULESHOY, Ya.T.; SADKIN, P.I.[deceased]; SMIRNOV, TiF NG A. D. , zb~_,_red. ; SEGAL, Te. I., red. ; BOW OV, N. I., tekhn. red. (Electrician's manual in two volumes] Spravochnik elektro- tekhnika v dvukh tomakh. Pod obshchei red. A.D.Smirnova. Mor,kva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2. No.l. (High-voltage apparatus] Apparatura vyaokogo napriazhentia. 1963. 104 p. (141RA 16:11) (Electric engineering-Hand books, manual3, etc.) GELIMMj R.Ye.; KULESHOV, Ya.T.;,,:*DK3:11, P.I.Cdeceaaed); .9-URNOV, A.D.; II.I.j, tekhn. red. (Manual for electricians in two volumes] Spravochnik elektrotakhnika v dvukh tomakh. Pod obahchei red. A.D. Smirnova. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2. [complex electrical equipment] Kompleksnoe elektrooborudovanie. 1963. 255 P. (MIRA 17:2) GELIMAN, R.Ye.; KULESHOV Ya.T.; SAVOS-l"WdIM, A.I.; SX11"IMU"i, A.D., inz ., re . [Electrical engineering handbook in two volumes] Spra- vochnik elektrotekhnika v dvukh tomakh. Moskva, EnergUa. Vol.2. No.3. 1965. 240 P. (MDA 18.~6) 1-1 Avi, I' ~- I 1~14 KULESHOV, Ye.V. Use of hexonium for preventing posttransfusional reactions. Vrach. delo no.8:75-80 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Gospitallnaya khirurgicheakaya klinika (zav. - prof. R.V. Bogoslavskiy) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta i fiziologiche- skaya laboratoriya (zav. - koktor med.nauk R.M.Glants) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta perelivaniya krovi i neotlozhnoy khirurgii. (HEXONIUM) (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) ............ iK MMt-M' ki FIEVAZASHVILI, B.I.; IVMIOV, E.A.; KULESHOV, Yu.G. Potentialities for increasing the effectiveness of the flotation process, Met. met. 36 no.5s24-29 My 163. (MIn 16:10) MMSHO71, Yu. G. 1xLESHOV, Yu. G.t "Soi-w probleiw of distributed amplification". Kiev, 1955- 1-1in Ili-her Education Ukrainian SSR. Kiev, Order of Lenin Polytechnic Inst. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science.) SO: Kn!7hna-va Letoris~ No. 50 10 December 1955. Moscow. 4"!i6 9 We SOV/112-59-22-46724 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 22, p 199 (USSR) AN '(0 R~:'. Kuleshov. Yu.G TITLE: The Efficiency at a Distributed Amplification PERIODICAL- Tr. Taganrogsk. radiotekhn, in-ta, 1958, Vol 2, pp 19 - 21 AB3TRACT- The efficiency In the anode circuit of tubes at a distributed amplifica- tion under A and B conditions Is considered, Suggestions are made re- I garding the selection of tubes, depending on their position in the stage. It is shown that the way to raise the efficiency of a stage is to raise the efficiency of each individual tube, and that the use of several feeding sources at a distributed amplifica:tion may be justified both technically and economically. V.M.L. Card 1/1 ;()V- I AUTHOR: ~u 12Lsh_omr~~~ TITLE: Selective Properties of Certain Devices with Distributed Parameters (0 diapazonny1ch svoystvakh raspredelennymi parametrami) PEMIODIOAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, P~P 512-517 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An infinite homogeneous line (see an arbitrary system of energy sources quency w . The amplitude and phase energy sources is described by: ryada ustroystv s Vol 3, Nr 4, Fig,l) is excited by operating at a fre- distribution of the P (x, w) = F (x, W) e where F(x, w) is a real function of x and ~ is a com- plex frequency function, ~ = a(w) + jo(w). The propa at- ion function along the line is equal to ~ = cr(w)+ jo-M. The effect due to an elementary source is described by Eq.(2) for x = 0 and by Eq.(3) for X - t . The total effect can be described by Eqs.(Il) which by adoptincj- the notation of Eqs.(5) can be transformed into: Card 1/3 10V-10)-3-4-7/28 .3 Oelective ProDerties of Certain Devices with Distributed Parameters IL (P(P�.) F(x? w) eP'.dx (6) + It is Dointed out that Eqs.(4) or (6) can be employed to design a number of useful devices. It is shown that it is possible to calculate the compensationgirameters for a dis- tributed amplifier or to design a unidirectional wide band filter; the design of a filter based on a recta~E~ular wave- guide having a cross-section of 12.65 x 28.3 nm and propa- R gating an H 10 wave, is considered in some detail. It is also mentioned that Eqs.(4) and (6) can be employed in tile synthesis of the devices having a "comb-type" characteristic. The author expresses his E;ratitude to Corresponding Member of the Ul-.rainian Academy of Sciences, S.I. Tetel'baum, to Cai-d 2/3 Selective Properties of Certain Devices with Distributed Parameters' Prof. N1. I. Kontorovich, Prof. G. Ye. Pukhov and Docent . I. 1A. Baranov for their help. There are 3 figures and 7 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: March 9, 1956 and finally, aftor corrections: July 241 1957. 1. Distributed amplifiers--Design 2. Broadband filters--Design 3. Mathematics--Applications 4. Functions--Applications Card 3/3 9(2) SOV/19-59-3-69/306 AUTHOR: Kuleshov Yu.G. TITLE: A Comb Filter PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 3, p 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 21a4 9 48 Nr 117830 (584409 of 14 October 1957). The fiiq~r consists of a chain of reactive elements. To improve the shape of the comb, it is designed in the form of a uniform line with power- transmitting elements. These elements are electron tubes, or semiconductors, operating on common load and excited by inphase voltages with amplification factors chosen by the gaussian curve. Card 1/1 IKULESHO , Yu.r-.,,. Distributed excitation'of a line. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radio- tekh. 5 no.4:476-482 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Rekomendovana, kafedroy teoreticheskikh o9nov radiotekbniki Y4yevokogo ordens, Ienina politekhnichesko o instituta. (Radio lines) (Microwaves5 (Parametric amplifiers) KULESHOV, YU.G. e e Method for the synthesis of frequency and transf r charact ristics of a four-terminal network. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 6 no.3;271-277 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy teoretickieskikh osnov radiotekhniki Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina politekhnichesko,,o instituta. (Electric networks) WAI ACC NR. AP7002983 SOURCE CODE: UR/01,13/66/ooo/024/0081/0081 ;IIWENTOR: Kroshchenko, V. D.; Duvanov, A. M.;..K.uleshov, Yu. N. IORG: None !TITLE: An installa'tion for studying the ballistics of artillery systems. Class 42, !189608 [announced ~y the Ramenskoye Department of the All-Union Scientific Research :,;Institute of Geophysical Exploration Methods (Ramenskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 24, 1966, 81 TOPIC TAGS: ballistieslartillery weapon, ballistic test facility ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an installation for studying the ballistics of artillery systems. The unit is mounted on a stationary framework and contains a hermetically sealed housing with optical inputs. A piston in this housing separates the optically transparent fluid which fills the test chamber of the instal- Ilation from the working fluid fed from a hydraulic compressor. To eliminate the leffect of temperature on the housing and optical inputs, a chamber is built into the housing to hold the experimental capsule with fuse, powder charge and firing pin. 'A 1heating element is used for localized heating of the experimental capsule alone. 11 Card 1/2 uDc: 620.17:623.522 AP700--8---, ACC NRi 29 3 1-stationary frame; 2-housing; 3-optical inputsi 4-piston; 5-test chamber; 6-chamber; 7-experimental capsule; 8-fuse; 9--povder charge; 10-firing pin; 11-heating element _ISUB.CODE: 19/ SUB14 DATE: 18Dec64 Card 2/2 GORBENKOP L.A.1 KULESHOVt Yu.N. Distance-type switch. Biulonauch.-tokh.infom VIMS no.11101-103 163. (MIRA 1W) Aco AI*60112(~C,, SOUI-IGE, Cot)--.,: Lji"/O!,I~/66/000/006/oico/oioi 1,3010y, V. V.; X'U03*11ov, Yu. P. V nono stabilizer. Class 1.2, ~:o. 17')T)7 lzolbrotoniya, pro=,,shlonnyye obr,-%-.,tsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 6, 1966, 100- '-'OPIC TAGS: nuto-,atic Proonura control, prosourc rojulator A"I,,,TI*","C,*L': This Author Certificate projonts a pres-suro r To jMproVO U.,o c-aractcristic3, the st,,.bilizor cont,,.,.JLn.,; two jot amplifioro. The inverse out- tho fL-s- an"lifior -,.- connected to the load an6 the supply channel of tho z, o L U second 'I'molifior (300 ~,iG. 1). The diract ou'L*.Duu of ',,he second ampliflor iz ccn- .ioctod to. -Uho control channal of ~ho first am-d"ifior. TI-10 pressuro supply inlot line is connactad to the supply channel of rho first amplifier and through a di- 1 L 41h v Ldor to t a control channel of the second anplifier. Card 1/2 UDC; 621.646.4 L o6q-42-67 AGO la ,"-16011262 Fig. and anplifiars; 3-7 - rooistancos; - output prossuro; P no,-a.-Ve rtab Y2 foodback signal; P X2 - control signal; P - pressuro supply Orig. ar-'V-. has: I diagram. SUM CODZ: 20, 14/ S-uDIM DATE,: 04Doc64, .6 2/2 C., 7 --i 0 ZEBOLID, Aleksey Nikolayevich; SEMEZIOVA, fladezhda Vasillyevna; KULESHOV, Yu.Ya.. red.; BUCROVA, T.I.0 tekhm. red. (Organization of the work of the surgical nurse] Orga- niZatsiia raboty operatsionnoi sestry. Izd.2. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 63 p. (MIRA 17:2) FILATOV, Antonin Uikolayevich, KOTOVSHCHIKOVA, Marianna Aleksandroyna; KULESHOV, Tu.Ta., red.; KHAF-4SH, G.A., tekhn. red. [Coagulative system of the blood in clinical practice] Sver- tyvaiushchaia sistems, kro-d v klinichaskoi praktike. Lenin- grad, Medgiz, 1963. 159 P. (MIRA 16;9) (BLOOD--COAPULATION) GG-LOVIN, Georgly Vacil yovich; YU.Ya.y red. [Problem ur chomical .*'.a '~ostei. !.~;rdngru,~, i-ledits- a van 13-3 P. t') [" in fliko)-ayevic1h; i~"Xi -f~f -ill . I* .-. , , . r, , A.?JAMANWA, Cee-mia-ilyt--mri; KI: [Dr-yed o1cod plasma and its use for therapeuti:: :_;u,.hnIa plazma krovl i ee .--ii ad i a ~hr a r;.u, tic a br-o7.r~ . KUS-1,11K, KuLs',IP-W, Yu.lla.) red.- lcurgi-al. treatment. c-f gimint, call tunorFj sko6 le:110air, gig-,rj-.,(,kjotochnyXh cpu'-h,)`9i ad 11"iedi toinn, 1964. 2!7 M 6 -- KU=IICV,,Yu.Yi&., mayor toditainskoy aluthby, kandd nAd. nauk Tradfiigibd of fibriftoly-tit blood ih radiation Instonao Voong-Ods thur. no,803-26 064s (MIRA 1#15) TALMO. S.L.: TURZHITSIAYA. A.N~;- Fractional composition of short cellulose fibers. Xoll, shur. 19 no.1:118-120 Ja-F 157. (Km io:4) 1. Laningradskiy takhnologichaskiy inatitut im. Y.M. Molotove,, Kafedra fizichaskoy i kolloldnoy khimil. (Cellulose) (Fibers) I 8HAJjYKO, G.Ye., Prinimali uchastiye: KULESHOVA, A.A.; SHESTAKOVA, N,A, SOKOLOVA, Z.N.j BOBROV, V.V. Increase of the toxicity of shale tar collected in a compartment oven main with the p2rpose of using it for antisepting treating of wood, Zhur.priklskhim. -34 noolOs2362-2364 0 961. (KM l4t1l) 1, Leningradskiy inatitut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta, (Wood preservatives) (coal tar) 2ELENIN, N.I.; SHALTYKO, Me.; CHERNYSHEVA, K.B.; TAMCKINA, G.V.-, FAYNBERG, V. S.; YANYOVSKAYA, T.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: SOKOLGVA, MI.; MIESHOVA A.A.; K.-LESTENKO, M.N.; BOBROV, V.V.; PIPET-IM, F.G. - Developing methods for the cold fractionation of shale tar. Part 5. Using light tar as wood impreganting oil. Khim. i tekh.gor.slan. i prod. ikh perer. no.12:278-284 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy inzhenernc-ekonomicheskiy institut i Leningradskiy in- stitut inzhanerov zhalaznodorozhnogo transporta. ZAYGXAOY, Iooif 3orisovich; prinimoli uchantiye: GVOZBUI(H, A.M., SHMORGUN. Ya.Sh.. inzh., TIMOFEYET, T.S.. inzh.-, ;RAY, R.I., inzh., KULHSHOTA A I inzh.; GOROM'TSKIY, G.Ye., inzh.; SOSW1k6-'9-.N.q Insh. retsonzent; SIROTIN, A.L. red.; BL'KIND,Y.'D., tekhn. red. [Reclamation of used sand mixtures; design of pneumatic reclaimaral Regenerataiia'otrabotannykh smesei v liteinom proizvodstve-, kon- struktaiia i raechet pnevmaticheakikh rageneratorov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo mashinontroit. lit-ry, 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 14:~) 1. Nachallnik otdola mokhanizatail Hoskovskogo transformtivnogo zavoda (for Ovozdevich, Shmorgun, Tlmofeyev, Arov, Kuleshovs. Gorodetskiy) (Sand, Foundry) (Pneunatic mchinery) gy~ RM 4~ ~,--,mmmmmmr mgmg ol t, A i ------ - ----- MKLtNIKOVA, V.P.; FEDOWIII., A.P.; GATWIIII, I.L.t PODOLISKIY, M.A.t_. 'ILESHOTIA, A.N. Some regrulariPMw -of the catalytic reforming process. ACM i tekh. topl. I masel 9 no.3.-7-11 Hr'64 (MIRA 17 17) 1. Krasnodarsay f Mal Vsesoyuznogo neftegazovogo #vjwqF, M-issle- dovatellakogo instituta. ------- --- - 3k ' F- qtq 0-0 14 kit N.P.; FFDOrk(V, A,P.; - 11SROVA A.U. 1ELINTKOVAP Y Converting individual hydrocarbons in catalytic reforming. Rhim. I. tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.7:2,1,-28 J1 164. (MMti 17:12) 1. Krasnodarskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-issle- dcrvatellskogo inatituta. _&VjES9qFA,__A.V.; FROKOFIYEV, O.N. Practices in controlling quarantine weeds. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.700 J1 161. MRA 16:5) 1. Direktor Kazakhekoy karantinnoy laboratorii (for Kuleshova). 2.-Starshiy agronom-toksikolog Kazakhskoy karantinnoy laboratorii (for Kuleshova). (Alma-Ata Province-Weed control) (Alma-Ata Province--Ragweed) BRAMSONt M.A.; ZELIVANOVICII, I.L.; KULLSHOVA, G.I. Radiative capacity of water in the infrared spectral region. Trudy GGO no.152:31-67 164. (MIRA 17:7) I* TUM B , t~VIA MLOV V. MmHo"A X. LZLP Ont j 0 2. USSR (600) 4. Occultations 7. Tashkent observations of lunar occultation of stars. Astron.tsir. No. 110. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Feb Xy 1953. Unclassified. KULEMOV A, X.F. Observations of occultations of stare at the Tashkent Aotronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek S.S~R. Astron. tair. no.142:11-12 6 153. NLRA 7:7) (Occultations) KUMSHOVA, K.; TIJUISh-TEYN, B. Observations of lunar occultations of stars in Tashkent. Astron.tair. no.140:18 Ag '53. (MLRA 7:1) 1. astronomichaskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (Tashkent). (Occultations) KULESHOVA, K. Observations of occultations made at Tashkent. 24 Ja 156. (Occultations) (MM 9--7) 11 VUSHOVA. K. Observations of teir. no.'177:22 lunar occultationo-of,stars in Tashkent, Astron. 7 'K,"F~ (Ocoultations) (ULPA 10;6)~ SLONIX, Tu.M.; -KULESHOVA, K.F. ------ Characteristics of the lost eleven-year Trudy Tashk. astron. obser. Series 2 (Ban) cycle of tolar activity. 6:101-111 157. (MIRA 11:11) - 59 - 10 - 8111 Translation frorn: Referativnyy 7liumal. Astronomiya I Geodcziya, 1951), Nr 10, p 67 (USSR) AUMOR: Kuleshova, K. TITLE: Solar Activity (1957, September to October) PERIODICAL: Tsirkulyar Tashkentsk. astron. observ., 1957, 10 November, Nr 291, pp 10-21 ABSTRACT: The results of observations of the spots (number of groups, Wolf numbers, areas) and prominences (the numbers and areas over the 5--degree zones) based on the findings of the Tashkent Observato solar SE!rviceare given. Card 1/1 2F,710i S/035/6 1/(YJO/008/018/022 L16 A001/AlOl AUTHOR: KuleshRva,_j~, TITLE- Ascending branch of solar activity of cycle no. 19 from TAO observa- tions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 8, 1961, 58, ab- stract 8A477 ("Tsirkulyar Tashkentsk, astron, observ.", 1959, yanv. 10, no. 298, 8 - 12) TEXT: On the basis of analyzing the numbers of groups, Wolf numbers and areas of sunspots, cycles no. 18 and no. 19 are compared. The conclusion is drawn that cycle no. 19 is the most intensive of all those observed during the last two centuries. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] 002/oo6/01' S/0'55/62/039/ V,073'/B535 f.rmat'on zones -277 KuieshovE., I of Sunspot 2, 1962, 273 - - ~-- i-~~c U~ e .39, no, distribu t% str zhurnal 1 1 ill Tile f "a e 1, - r ,t,tude sunspot ,r3:TLF, ,t,onomlc-nesxiy tthe . is of Majo PLa r . ted Out thn As laws lained. the '11101DICNL It is poin spoercr bec" e%P that P ly referred to as so far jon shows J.SO3.ated TL\T' uent but has not . ~trIbut d in aim Of tile t d1f re g tion, rreq ortance sunspo but a.roupe The of 3,1 -imp latitude f'rmly of rings' %tion t tile theoretic' f the - tform 'ropagr d 1 0 tr-buted un' j115P ectior not d-is 3. ta-Ke Ile Velocity Of IobtaiT%e- a were t are . h frequently . 0 tile ions d 19 -1 and .;PO s 11 WWIC detertnIn observat 17, 18 an Z a month. 11pulsoo to I ationo Cyr-leg i S 1, A. S er Whks . CLU r for velocity -xt there ,,sent PaP o and the'11 -rvatory irage 'I ude,d th' . . from P ,pulses al ObS t the Bvl.conc~ Ct2.0 these kstrOnOn"c tha -it IS tile dire t was found JbIc for Tashkent 1 21 months 'tosphorc respons r:Lllgs do length 15 the Pho lation j.5 ~ These onths emPloye . n in . ~U udes- m the av ,age ulat'O ..5 circ igh latit r I cire Thl afte mer-idiOna uatore rings at 11 ki to the eq r"Ch'"S it the P0105rance of sunapo e equator I the aPpevL Inove towards t gradually Card 1/2 'he fine St V"Cture of Sunspot ffrom the 0.1.10 . 'nstant of th S/033/62/039/002/006/014 '-Ing th Z073' Prociti, e appezir", eir nppear", A5.3.5 sunsp-ed at 0t Q 11 j ce of t Aft whose la ti t Ile Zone divides Ude a Or' 4 oviginal 'ins velo nd So on figure, City Of Into a Seri I and 2 tn prop,,., t en Xn till AS. Of laolat 3 bjf~, -ed -9. JLon i's as g'v-en above.,V: to 6 Month, a n 01jr ri.& vay th Stlec spoe~- ess, Ive P,,I,,,, Tashkent T 51 here are (Tashkent caya astr SU[JMX7'T,CD: Astz.ono.,onotnich kaya ob. 'Cal Obes April 5, 1961 servatory; Irva to r, Y. fj "o-rd 2/2 i7 lie VIM J~g rp KULESHOVAI L. N,q CAND Blo Scit 11REOENERATION OF THE PANCR -EAS --U'. NDER-VARIOUS TYPES OF DIETtAND CHANGES IN CON- CENTRATTI ON OF THE THYROID HORIAONEP," Nioscowt 1961. (2ND MOSCOW STATE MED INST IMENI N. 1. PIROOOV). (KL-DV# 11-61, 215). -86- -KULESHOVA, L.N. Regenoration of islet tissue under variolm nutritional conditions and in hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Biul. eskp, biol. i mad. 51 no.5: 94,98 My 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Iz kqfedry gistologii i embriologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.A.Voytkevich) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. N.I.Odnoralov). Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom A14N SSSR A.V.Lebedinskim. (PANCItEAS) (DIET) (TILYROID GLUD) (REGNERATION (BIOLOGY)) J~ ~wg VOYTKEVICH, A.A.; KULESHOVA, L.N. Reaction of the pancreas to injuries in frog larvae In relation to metamorphosis. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 53 no.6-.84-87 Je 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafpdry gistologii I embriologii (zav. - chlen-korrespo,.ident AMN SSSR prof. A.A.Voy-tkevich) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PANCREAS-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (METAMRPHOSIS) VOYTKLVICII, A.A.; BUMONOVA, A.I.; KULESHOW., L.N. Reaction of mast cells to hormones. Dokl. ~'Il SSSR 146 no.2:492- 495 S '62. (MMA 15:9) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut. Prodotavlono akademikom N.N. Anichkovyin. (MAST CELLS) (HORIONES) KULL'Sfi(',VA , L.N. Effect of small doses of alloxan on the regeneration of insular tissue of the pancreas. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.3:109-112 Fir 164. (14IRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. A.A. Boytkevich) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta. Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN SSSR N.N. Zhu- kovym-Verezhnikovym. can hT%ks 45 MW t. Z'_ e 'S vvl S105616010391011021029 B006/BO70 AUTHORS: AlItehuler, L. V., Kuleshova, L. V., Pavlovskiy, M. N. TITLEt Dynamical Compressibilityp Equation of State, and Electrical Conduotivit ~f Sodium Chloride at High Pressures L3~5 `i_" ~' I_/C PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 39, Ko. 1 (7), pp. 16-24 TEM The authors report on the compressibility and conductivity of single crystals of rock-salt under pressures ranging from 50#10 3 to IY\ 8009103 atm. That many dielectrics show much higher conductivity during the passage of shock waves, was discovered by A. A. Brish, M. S. Tarasov, and V. A. Taukerman in 1950. A similar effect in dynamically loaded ionic and molecular crystals was detected in 1956. The relation- ship between the dynamical and electrical properties, and the character- istic of shock waves has, however, not yet been investigated. To do so was the purpose of the present work Thl)dynamical compressibility of single crystals of rock-salt (2.16 ;/cm was measured by a method Card 1/3 Dynamical Compressibility, Equation of State, S/05 60/039/01/02/029 and Electrical Conductivity of Sodium Chloride B006YB070 at High Pressures described in Ref. 5. The parameters of the measured shock adiabatics are compiled in Table 1. Fig. 1 shows the DU-diagram of the shock adiabatics, V/C D and U denoting the wave and mass velocities of the shock wave. The highest applied pressure increased the crystal density 1-85 times. Fig. 2 shows P9(8), and Fig. 3 PM; P 9denotes the pressure of shock compres- sion, 6 . VOY/vi v is the specific volume behind the shock wave in the initial state, and v is the same at OOK, In the following, the volume OK dependence of GrUneisen coefficients T(v) is investigated starting from an expression due to Slater and L. D. Landau, and also from one in Ref. 9. Two expressions (7a) and (7b) are obtained giving Y as a function of n and 6. n is a parameter taken from the theory of ionic crystals and lies between 7.84 and 9.1 (Refs. 10 and 11). The two r-formulas are again transformed into (9a) and (9b) which give ~ as functions of 4, the lattice parameter ?, and the interatomic distance r. Analysis shows that, in the range of densities investigated, the repulsive force may be _r/ represented in the form Be with 9 - 0.318 A. In this range the Card 2/3 Dynamical Compressibility, Equation of State ' S/056/60/039/01/02/029 and Electrical Conductivity of Sodium Chloride B006/BO70 at High Pressures GrUneisen coefficient varies from 1.75 to 1.27, In the following, the experimental arrangement propoeed by A. V. Reymers for measuring the electric conductivity is discussed (Fig. 4). The determination of the resistance of the shock-compressed crystals, R X, is described. All the experimental material for 14 points of reference in the crystal is given in Table 3 (vO/v, To P 9 and the specific conductivity Z ). The temperature dependence of the specific conductivity is represented in Fig. 6 by the function log F,(T-1). For high temperatures, this curve has a constant slope corresponding to an activation energy of 1.2 av. In conclusion, the authors thank Academician Y 'a, B. Zelldovinh for his interest, and V. P. Drakin for collaboration in the experiment. B. I. Davydov is mentioned. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 16 references: 8 Soviet, 3 German, and 5 American. SUBMITTED: January 25, 1960 Card 3/3 ur -.! %,-, 9 ;,* .; . ~: - e.'Iji F.- IkAl ',I ; , V .- -- n. , , .- ~ :', 1 11 L x j -, ,~ n, -~ I - 1 .1 s- lcil c)f n,.-st-l ng - ',I , C., . . i '. V.i !I Fy. o.-ni to! ogi ict , 4"7-'4. A'.-,~ I. lf,l a S/181/63/005/001/043/064 B108/B180 AUTHORS: AlItshuler, L. V., Pavlovskiyj M. X., Kuleshova, L. V., and Simakov, G. V. TITLE; Study of alkali metal halides under the high pressures and temperatures of shock compression o. 1., 1963, 279-290 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 59 n TEXT: To investigate the interaction forces of the ions of alkali halide salts the authors studied the shock compression of UP, KC11 Nal, KBr, and CsI crystals in the pressure range 2-10 10 10 12 bar. The pressure was created by exploding a charge which threw a-steel plate against a metal screen on the other side of which the sample was attached. Phase,trane- formation of KC1 and KBr was observed during the shock compression, probably a transition from NaCl-type structure with coordination number 6 to CsCl-type structure with coordination number 8. There was considerable increase in internal energy of LiFp KBr, and CsI after the compression. The experimental data are used to derive semiem~irioal equations of state Card 1/2 S/181/63/005/001/043/o64 Study of alkali metal halides ... B106/B160 for the ionic crystals studied. The thermodynamic properties of the crystals are described, on the a3BUMPtiOn that the atoms vibrate in the spherically symmetric field of their neighbors (theory of "free volume"; J. E. Lennard-Jones, A. E. Devonshire. Proc. Roy. Soo., A1631 539 1937)t The anharmonic thermal vibrations have a considerable effect on the position of the shock adiabates of samples with reduced initial density. There are 6 figures and 6 tables. SUBMITTED: August 10, 1962 Card 2/2 KLjj_E,i,sjoV,, I...V,; ~1.,,TytlSHKIN, Yt~.N.; KOZETS91ii G-V~ . 1. I Orni-thogeographical review o-,f the Kh-!k:rltsl.- linngt~ "4m,--- Vall~-ry)- ,6 c (MllwA 18--0) Ornitclf~glia w:.7,,97--l?07 I ,Q -1. BMOVI(;Il, N IMSHOVA, X* ional sconolmic A word of mployses of branch offices Of the rsg council. -enu. SSER 19 no.gi43 6 158. (MIRA llilO) 1. Starshiy ekonomist-finausist uprayleniya promyshiennogo i grdshAanskogo stroitelletva l[uybyShaTskogo noynarkhosa (for SerkOTich), 2. ZsMeStitell glavuogo bukhgaltera, uprayleniya mashinostroysuiya togo sba go-vuarkhoss (for lulashova), (finance) 1. KULLSHOVAL__~Ir-. 2. U311 (600) 11. ~hceoa 'I Shortcui,JLrIZO in process choose and how to get rid of I hem. :-loloch. pro. - 14 7. 1 1 1 no. 2. 1553- 9. yanLhly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. A. -,)GC7T PA UM/Nedicine, - Anesthesia, Local Jun 48 Medicine - Dicaine, Administration and Dosage "Experiments In the 'Utilization of Dicaine for Infiltration Anesthesia," Docent M. A. Kuleshova, Faculty Surg O'linicArkhangellsk Med Inst,4 pp .'Dirurgiya" No 6 Data includes 1j056 operations. Concludes that dicaine provides good medium for local anesthesia. ltxplainB advantages~ and describes method of admin- Istrations. 34/49T23 -`- ~Ilc- ,"'e olm Castrl,- ..rg.17. jnlirurgil., 1. RePort by M. As irulesho ;fOBkVa no. 10:89-92 Oct 19521. laid 23:3) KULESIIOVt,, 1-1. G. r-'Synthesis of some Pilocarpine Analogs. XVIII. On Pi-locarpine Alkaloids." Preobrazhensky, N. A. and Kaleshova, M. G. (p. 237) SO: Journal Of General Cherdstry (Zhurnal Obshchei. KhL-di) 1945, Volume 15, no, 3. KULESHOVA, R.I., nladshiy nauchnyy aotrudnik. Method of detecting small quantities of atropine in drug mixtures. Apt.delo 3 no.1:13-17 J&-F '54. (KIRA 7:1) 1. Iz laboratorii farmatsevticheskogo- analiza (saveduyushchly - kandidat khimichaskikh nauk N.S.Goryainova) TSentrallnogo nauchno- iseledovatellakogo aptechnogo instituta Ministerstva %dravookhra- n&niya RBFSR (direktor Ye.N.Kutumova). (Atropine) (Drugs--Adulteration and analysis) KUISSHOVAj M.I.v starshiy nauchn-yy notrudnik Identification of some medicinal substances by means of distributive chromatography on paper. Apt. delo 10 no. 2:45-50 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) (PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY) (DRUGS) ,_~YLFSHOVA, II.I.,,kand. farm. nauk Separation and Identif leation of the components of drug- mix- tures by the method of paper chromatography. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANIT 4raO9-U6 163 (MRA 1", :3) 1. Laboratori-ya farmatawticheskogo anal iza(rukovodltel I labo- ratoril kand. farm. nauk - V.A. Zaytsev) T&mtrallnogo aptach- nogo nauchno-issledovutellskogo Instituta. KULESIIOVA, M. I. Separation of the componento in drug mixtures by the paper chromatc~- graphic mothod. (Repoit No.2). Apt. delo 10 no.5t47-50 So-O 161. (MIRA ll..-12) (CHINISTRY, MLDICAL AIM PHARKAGEUTICAL) (PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY) KIJL-ESIIOVA, 14.1. Imnd, farm. nauk I... ... Determination of multicomponent alkaloid mixtures by the method of countercurrent extraction. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 6:114-119 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Laboratoriya farinatsevticheskogo analiza TSentrallnogo aptechnogo nauclino-issledovatellskogo instituta. 17 2 2,t) P), 11- ~ 2. BO ---, 3X064 AUTHORS: Knunyants, I. L., Shokina, V. V.. and Kule-,Iloya 11, D. TITLEt Addition of Hydrogen Halides to Flucro Olefines PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. qj pp, 1693-1695 TEXT: The present investigation proved that it is easier to add hydrogen halides to perfluoro isobutylene than to perfluoro propylene. HF Is, e.g,, added to perfluoro isobutylene under pressure when heated to 2000~ The reaction takes 24 h. Perfluoro propylene musz be heated under the same conditions for 100 h at least. HC1 and HBr are adied in the vapor phase, without pressure, on a catalyst (coal in a mixture xith CaSO 4). Addition to perfluoro isobutylene takes place at 2000C, whiil~ for perfluoro propylene the temperature must be raised to 230 0C, The adli'icn ccrresponds to the distribution of the den.'.Jity In the alefine molecule. Thus, hydrogen Is added to the. ~~Eirlcn b~),-,nd *0 thp trifluoro methyl groupz Card 1/3 87110, Addition of Hydrogen Halid,,~q to 17/021 Fluoro Olefines B025/BO64 CP 3- CF-CF2+ HX CF CPH I- CF?X CF C===CF HX CH - CF-X. CF3 CF'Z .1 where X ~ F, CI, Br, This is confirmeil by !comparing the spectra of the nuclear magnetic resonance of P19 in the comp-,,unds cbt~-in:-%d xith the spectra of compounds obviously containing tho r~ar:ie gi-otq,ing.l Thn talc' p. 1694 shows the values of the relatfvo, chemical d.splacement for the compounds obtained. All attempts made to add perfluoro pr()pyleno tc ps?rflunro iso- butylene failed, The monohyda) monohalogeri perfluorn, i~7obut-ineo were stable to acid and oxidizing reagents, e.g., tc boiling with nitric acid (specifif~ weight 1.52). Under the action of bases (Napco,, Pyridine, an'.1ine), hydrogen halide is readily split off a,,-ain An ,logotiq propane derivativ~?s are more stable- There are 1 table and ? referencesi ; Sovi'zt, 4 US, ani 3 British. Card 2/3 Addition of Hydrogen Halides to Fluoro Olefines B02 i/BOC,4 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoore--iri'Lch.---.,ikikii soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Eleriental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Scienceo USSR) SUBMITTED: July 16, 1959; completed April 29, !960 Card 3/3 rMWANTS. I.L.,akadenik; j~~HOV~AN.D~.,LIWKOVL, H.G. Structure of the products from the addition of all:71 sulfanyl chlorides to unsaturated acids. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.1-81-83 w6o. (MRA 13:11) 1. Institut alemeatoorgenichatkikh soyedineniy All bSSR. (Sulfenyl chloride)