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BELADI, I.; KULAN, E. Haemadsorption viras isolated from a child with res-piratory disease. Acta virol.Engl.Ed.Praha 4 no-5:323-325 S160. 1. Microbiological Institute of the Medical University, Szeged, Hungary. (VIRUSES) (RESPIRATORY TRACT IMOTION in inch & child) BELADI, Ilona--KMI, Esztqrj_MZCS, I.; SZOIWSY, E. Preparation of primary human amnion tissue cultures. Acta microb. hung. 7 no.3:307-311 160- 1. Institute of Microbiology, University Medical School, Szeged. (TISSUN GULTUn) (AMNION) MECS, I.; SZOLLOSYO E.; KUKAN, Eszteri 13EIADI, Ilona Aetiological and epidemiological studies of poliomyelitis in Szeged, 1956-~-1959. Acta microb. bang. 8 noltl5-19 161. 1. Institute of Microbiology, University Medical School, Szeged. (POLICHYELITIS epidemiol.) SZOLLOSYS E.; BFIADI, Ilona; KUKAN,,_9sz-t-er; AGOSTON, Eva; JANOSSY) G.; MILE, Ibolya Virus excretion and antibody response of children immunized with monovalent or tft-valent live poliovirus vaccines. Acta paediat. acad. sci. Hung. 3 no.1:33-39 162. 1. Institute of Micobiology (Director: Prof. G. Ivanovics), University Medical Schoolt Szeged, and Public Health and EpidemiclogicL Station (Head Physician: T. Vetr6),, Szeged. (POLICMYELITIS imminology) (POLIOMMLITIS VIRUSES) HUNUARY , M CSI, Ilo , p 1, 1 lya; BELADI, Ilona, KIdIAN, Agoston, KUKAN,_Eqther 1U na APA bo Institute of Microbiology (director: IVANOVICS, C.) and Department of Ophthalmology (director: KUKAN, F.), University Yedical School, Szeged. [original language versions not given]. "Etiological Relationship of Adenovirus Type 8 to the Keratoconjunctivitis Epide-mic in Szeged." Budapest, Acta Microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol X. No 1, 1963, pages 59-63. Abstract: [English article, authors' English summary modified] Twelve strains of adenovirus type 8 have been isolated from 52 selected, early cases of keratoconjunctivitis with pronounced symptoms, during an outbreak of epi- demic in Szeged, which afflicted over 1500 persons. Among these cases, a four-fold or greater increase of neutralizing antibodies was found a.gainst the isolated agents in seven out of nine pairs of sera tested. A similar rise of antibodies was registered in twelve out of fifteen paired sera obtained from patients afflicted with the disease where attempts to isolate the virus were negative. All Western references. 1/1 BELADI, Ilona; KAW, A.; I~M"Aqtber; MUCSIp Ilona; PAPAI, lbolya Aetiologic relation6hip of adeaovirus type 8 to the epidemic of keratoconjunctivitis in Szoged.-Acta microbiol. aced. sci. Hung. 10 no.1:59-63 1631. 1. Institute of Hicrobiology (Director: G. Ivanovicx) and Department of Ophthalmology'(Director: F. Kukan) University Medical School, Sze ed. ~KWTOCONJUNCTIVITIS) (ADENOVIRUS RWECTioirs) f, -n f a--alnfluanza tyl, 3 virus In RFLa n~~JJs:. virol Pl. hst5 IE',.] 8 no .4, . ( a n 383 J1 164. inntitutr., of Microbiology of the Medical z vi-rd p Hunr"iry. HU1113ARY 41 DI, Ilona, BAKAI, Marta, YUC3I, Ilona, KUKAF, Dizt(-Ir; 1- iv ed, Institute of MicrobioloEy (d`rector: IVAI ICS, r ity of Szeg ri.) (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Fikrobiologiai Intezet). "Study of the Pffect of Flavonoids and Related Substances IL. The Effect of ,~uprcetin on Different Viruses. 11 Budapest Acta Vicrobiolo!.,ica Acadomiae Scientiarum Hunparicar;, Vol XIII, No 2, 194, paFes 113--l-19-- Abstract: [English article, authors' English summary modified] The effect of quercetin on different viruses has been studied. Herpesvirus hominis, gerpesvirus suls, -tYPO 3 Of the parainfluanza virus and the Sindbis virus were found to be sensitive to quercetin. The sensitivity of type I pollovirus was mo6erate while types 2 and 3 of the poliovirus and tyPes 3 and 4 of the ade-nov` ruses were completely resistant. Being. active only against the extra- A. cellular virus, quercetin was considered to have a virucidal effect. The effect of mo.-in on Herpes suis was identical with that of quercetin while rutin was almost. completely ineffective. ) Hungarian, 14 Western references. [Manuscript received 27 Oct 65.1 1/1 FOLDI , M',, , (1r ~ , dr. I SZEG11Y, G. , d T . ; G,-'*LL1"1' .Tj A Iljr-'~~! FMA, N dr.J P0111"RA1, M.;' ij-.1 ZOLTAV, O,T., iz-,; VARC,11&, L,, Anatomical, hiatological and experimental data on thr) fluid eir---ulation of the eYe. Orv. hetil. 103 no.38:1789-1792 23 s 16-1~ 1. Szogedi Orvo.-tudxrLanyj 1ELryetem, 1h Nlihl In 11k; ~' szeg~fllrlika fj-, Anat.wlzd Inte-zat., (""YL PROTEINS) (LYMPHATIC S-13TEII) KUKANOV, Adollf Aleksayevich (Way to the heart; a reporter's notebook]Doroga k serdtsu,- repoitazh. Tallin, Estonskoe gos. izd-vo, 1962. 87 p. (MIRA 15:12) (China--Description and travel) (Europe, Western-Description and travel) 68026 SOY/155-58-6-28/36 AUTHORt Kukanov, A.B. TITLEs O`-n the Question Concerning the Polarization of Electron 'Navea Under Reflection on a Plane Metallic Surface PERIODICAL: lauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki, 1958,Nr 6,pp 180-164 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author uses the data of Sokolov Z_Ref I - 4 7 on the re- flection of electron waves on plans metallic su;faces and in- vestigates the polarization phenomena taking place thereby. The state with negative energy is neglected as in I-Ref 3 7 _ Since in relativistic quantum mechanics the projection of tb; spin on an arbitrary direotion is no integral of motion, it is described by the mean value. The direction cosines of the spin vectors are calculated in the mean, and relations between the direction cosines of the spin vectors of the falling and of the reflected particles are obtained. The author states that the direction of the spin vector remaino-unaltered under reflection only if the spin vector of the falling particles lies in a certain plane. The author gives the condition under which the longitudinal r Card 1/2 V 68026 On the question Concerning the Polarization of Electron SO'1/155-58-6-28/36 Wavee Under Heflection on a Plane Metallio Surfaoe polarization for refleotion Is transformed into a transverse polarization. The author thanks A.A. Sokolov for the problem and discussion. There are 5 referenceag 2 of which are Soviet, 2 American, and I Italian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M-V- Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDs November 20, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Loskutov, Yu. Y., Kukanov, A. D. 56-2-27/51 TITLE: on the Polarization of the Radiation Emitted by a "Super- light"-Magnetic Momont (0 polyarizatoii izluchenija "overkhsvotovym" maCnitnym momentom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol 34, Hr 2, pp 477-482 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of the method of quantum electro-dynanice the authors investigate the problem of the polarization of the irradiation emitted by a 11superlight" ma.-natic moment, which moves in a ferro-dielectric. Expressions are given for the intensity of radiation per unit length. The takin,!1- into account of the magnetic permeability of the medium does not change the character of the polarization of the radiation in the dielectric. The first chapter deals with the polarization of the radiation emitted by the mag-netic noment. An expression is put down for the vector potential X of the quantized electromagnetic field in a medium with the characteristics E(-j) and p(-). The amplitude A of the vector C!Ir'! 1/15 potential is decomposed to components which characterize On the Polarization of the Radiation Emitted by aa "Superlight"- 56-2-27/151 1 2.1agnetic Moment certain polarization state3. Also for the operator of the interaction energy as well as for the probability of the radiation emitted by the ma'-notic moment expreasionu are put down. Then the intensity of the radiation per unit length is calculated by avera-in,!", over the spin states. An expression is also put down for the threshold radiation. The radiation is partly polarized and different from zero also at the threshold value. The latter circumstance is caused by the spin-flip and is a pure quantum effect. The polarized as well an the unplolarized part are of the same order of magnitude. The second chapter investigates the energy losses in motion in a ferro-dielectric. Here it is made a condition that the direction of the maGnetic mocient coincides Vith its direction of motion. The equations of the field potentials are put down in detail for this case. Finally the expressions for the energy losses are deduced and divided into Cherenkov- and ionization parts. There are 8 references, all of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University (I'Aoskovskiy Josudaratvennyy Card 2/3 universitet) On the Polarization of the Radiation Emitted by a "Superlit,,ht"- 56-2-27/51 Magnetic Moment 1 SUBMITTED: August 21, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congrese 1. Dielectric radiation-Polarization 2. Mathematics-Theor7 Card 3/3 KMNOV, A.B. Polarization of electron waves reflected from a plane metal surface. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:3-12 '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1.Moskovski7 goonuniversitet im6ni K.B. Lomonosova. (Ilactron optics) ................ . Elastic scattering of electrons with oriented spin in the crystal lattice of a metal. Izv.vvs.ucheb.zav.;fiz. no.2-.10-20 160. (MIn 13: 8) 1. Moskovakiy gosuniversitet im. M.V.Iononosova. (Electrons-Scattering) (Metal crystals) MDROLF7, P.A.; KUKANOT, A.B. Producing short (on the order of 3.10-7 sec.) light pulses bv means of a spark discharge and an oscilloscope. Izv.v7s.ucheb. zav.;fiz. no.2:44-47 160. (Min 13:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosuniversitet im. M.V.Iomonooova. (Zlectric discharge lighting) S/l39/6o/ooo/oo6/oOl/032 E 03 2/r., It i (/0 3_5-- AUTHOR: !4kan9y9 A.B. TITLE; On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons With Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyvahikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, -196o, No.6, pp.5-12 TEXT: The relativistic quantum mechanics is used:to analyser- the selective reflection of electron waves by crystalline metals (Wullf-Bragg reflection). A relation is found'between polarizations of the reflected and incident waves. A condition is derived'which can 4e used to determine when the longitudinal polarization of an electron beam can be transformed into a polarisation with the aid of crystalline metal, and vice versa, The a,nalys*s is based on the'Tollowing considerations. j A cartesian set of coordinates is chosen so that the plane z = 0 corresponds to the surface of the metal and the metal itself occupies the region z >/ 0' The potential energy outside the metal is ta)cen to be equal to zero and electrons incident an the Card 1/12 880_V S/139/60/000/906/001/032 E032/E414 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons With Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal metal from the side of the negative z axis are described by the wave function Eq. (2) L (2) Caid 2/12 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/001/032 E032/E314 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with oriented Spins by the Crystal LAittice of a.Metal where Cos e 2 I B+10sln e b., = 1/-2 sf(-I() Cos 9.,e IT. 2 sf(-I()sln Oje ZO- (4)- S K) 4 Card 3/12 5/139/6o/000/006/001/032 E032/E314 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal The wave function given by Eq. (2) is the simultaneous solution of the Dirac equation and the equation (CIV A Sy -Y (5) Y ki subject to the *condition that the electron energy outside the metal is zero. It takes into account only those states which correspond to the positive energy.- The lattice is assumed to be of simple cubic structure and the potential energy of the electron inside the metal is taken to be of the form 1 V(X, Z) 4- V(X, Y. z); Z 0 (6-) Card 4/12 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/001/032 E012/E314 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal 0 where V is a constant positive parameter characteristic of each given metal, and I V(x, y, z) is a small addition to V It is such that the spatial avej;age of the potential energy inside the metal is equal to -V The function I V is then expanded so that 1 1 -2Ti/d (f x+my) V'(x, y, z) = V~x , d~ y + d, z + d) V (Z) a (7) 46M t'm where d is the lattice constant and ~'m are integers, The wave function for an elettron inside the metal is taken to Card 5/12 e ~_ -I _;.i S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/001/032 E032/E3i4 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal be of the form -icK't e (P I (x, Y" Z) The qi4antities y' and K, are then expanded into the series (P (P, (P I+ (9) 0 1 KQ KI + KI + (10) wherl tpl and KY are of the same order of small quantities as V The zero-order approximation is then given by Card 6/12 M39 S/l39/6o/cno/oo6/o0l/O32 E032/E3'14' On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal.,.Lattice of-a Metal 0 0 0 -icK'x which is a solution of the Dirac-equation for the case 0 tem V(x,ytz) S -V The author has obtained the following sys of four linear equations for the function I (P Card 7/12 88039 s/139/6o/ooo/oo6/ool/o32 EOWE314 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal A + (R2- K.2) + + 1. Ox K,2), 1,4 + (R + K,) I oz + Card 8/12- 818,039 S/l3q/6o/ooo/oo6/ool/O32 E032/1-314 On the Elastic.Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal + i ax dy + -~- ", - ~ (R -~- K,) jz ax VY aird 9/12 88039 S/l39/6o/ooo/oo6/oOl/O32 E032/E314 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal- lAttice of a Metal where 0 0 2Vrr R KI + (12) hc i V,,r 1) 0 I (q 1. 2, 3, (13) hc K (Pq 5 0 In analy must Bing the set -of equations given by Eq. (11) one distinguish between the case where the wave functions are degenerate with respect to momentum in the absence of perturbations.from the case when there is no degeneracy. The present caper is concerned with the first of these two cases and the analysis is limited to the zero-order approxi mation. It was shown in Ref. 6 that the degeneracy Card 10/12 88039 S/13q/6o/ooo/oo6/ool/O32 E032/E314 On the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with oriented Spins by the Crystal Lattice of a Metal sets in when k112 + k212 + 4 12 kit 3 2TY 2 + (k 2rr 2 + - d 2 d ( 21V ) 2 k3 - n d where n is an-integer and k' = (k k 1, k 2 3 is the momentum of the particle inside the metal when I v 7 0 Card 11/12 88039 S/139/60/000/006/001/032 E032/E314 on the Elastic Scattering of Electrons with Oriented Spins by the Crystal Lat-tice of a Metal Eq. (14)-is identical with the Wullf-Bragg law. The analysis is then continued for the case where a selective (Bragg) reflection takes place from a system of,.plane nets parallel to the z = 0 plane and expressions are derived for the energy gap in the metal. The paper is concluded with a set of general expressions obtained from the above theory for the relations between the polarisations of incident and reflected waves. .. Acknowledgments are expressed to Professor A.A. Sokolov for valuable advice. There are 20 references: 13 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni M.Y. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDi January 14, 1960 Card 12/12 KUKANOV, A. B. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Saveral problems related to the motion of point dipole moments and Dirac particles in matter." Minsk, 1961. 8 pp; (Belorussian State Univ imeni V. I. Lenin); 220 copies price not given; bibliography at end of text (1? entries); W, 7-61 sup, 219) 21508 S/139/61/000/002/003/018 d (00) B032/E414 AUTHOR: Kukan v, A.B. .&UKano TITLE: On the Cherenkov Radiation Emittel by Magnetic and Electric Dipoles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, pp.28-33 -by magnetic and electric TEXT: The Cherenkov radiation emitted dipoles has been discuss ed by many authors. Different workers are said to have obtained different formulae for the intensity of the radiation emitted by a magnetic dipole perpendicular to its direction of motion. V,L.Ginzburg and V&Ya.Eydman (Ref.,13 and-16) have pointed out that some authors base their calculations.on a model-in which the magnetic moment is formed by a pair of magnetic poles, while other workers discuss the phenomenon in terms of magnetic moments associated with current loops. A "truet' magnetic dipole is not in general equivalent to a current-loop magnetic moment of the same magnitude and direction. The present author discusses this conclusion using the method described by him and Ref.11. The Maxwell,equations for a medium with complex e and It are taken in the form Card 1/12 21508 S/139/61/000/002/003/oi8 On the.Cherenkov ... E032/E414 I dDl 41t rot HI = - - +- C at C I OBI rot El C at d1v D' d1v BI 0. It is assumed that the system of electric charges and currents 15 characterized in the laboratory system by magnetic and electric moments Ile and 71e, anctthat the dimensions of the system are so small that it may be looked u pon as a point system. In that case- -d1vP1 -dlvlxla(r - vt)] (2) Card 2/12 S/139/61/000/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov,,,, E032/E4i4 ape (3) t where v in the (constant) velocity of motion of the dipoles.. In terms of the vector and scalar potentials, Eq.(l) leads,to a2A C1 dt2 C (8) C2 at2 9 so that in the case of -uniform motion of the dipoles along the z-axis, the special solutions are Card 3/12 21508 !-,/139/61/000/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov E032/E4i4 dk, A rot f 1. Ko e"(' -d" it! f tL dk, t KO( e t (9) + irc K (t ) lk -1) dlv n, f p e dl k,.) (10) where A lB QZP) '9lH.(')(AP) P.29 2 p. Card 11/ 12 IN ~j, W. -ME S/139/61/000/002/003/Oi8 On the Cherenkov ... E032/E414 t A!1(j sIgnRek3(1 tl ..V ke V C In order to determine the energy losses by collisions with impact parameters greater than one can use the Poynting theorem E.., 1y e dS. 4r, f (13) In the case of small'impact param6ters b 1 In 4 (Eb) 2 Card 5/12 21508 ./139/61/000/002/C)03/018 S On the Cherenkov ... Ec32/E414 The final expression for the Cherenkov part of the energy loss per unit path length is found to be (clectric dipoles) "Max lp-Ree It-P Re tLIdw + f WMIX r.,1 (1 -p)2 Rea W3 + oz.- 4"- Id- + (0 P)2IRe!,I + 2v' 2 + [RealI ReI[L + WBIA dw + lap e2+ r2 lReal 2 + OX. (03 1 P'RezjL +PIMNL d. + 2v4 (16) 0 Card 6/12 On the Chercr~~ov S/139/61/000/002/003/018 E032/E414 WMAX f 03 PIRelit v4 0 Reilt P 21,71.2* e (,,e e 0 e where ji X01 11 Yo, 11 z0) 'and ivO Tr ex. I 1~,Yo, TI ozo) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 are respectively the magnetic and electric moments for the rest system xot Yol ZO, The first.four terma in EqI16) are identical with the formulae given by V.L.Ginsburg (Ref.1) and I.M.Frank (Ref.2) Card 7/12 21508 S/139/61/000/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov ... or and e=-Ree>O. Next, consider a system of magnetic charges and currents whose centre of inertia moves through a medium with.complex $t and c with a con~-ttant velocity v along the Z-aXIS. If the dimensions of the system, which in the laboratory frame has magnetic and electric moments ~tl and jTm. are ..Sufficiently small, then the charge and current densities are given by divM"'= - d1v [10&(r - vt)], U8) Omni mZ(Ir-vt)]+ crot Pn + cf0t 1r- Ipma(r- vt)]. (19) The electromagnetic field appearing in the medium is then described by the Maxwell equations Card 8/ 12 21508 S/139/61/000/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov ... M rotH C at I aBM 4t; M rotEm C at C (20) dlvDm 0, and the transition from Eq.(l) (3) to Eq.(18) (20) is obtained by the following replacement P6 32 It follows that the intexisity of Cherenkov radiation emitted per unit path (magnetic origin) is given by Card 9/12 ,,/139/61/oOO/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov ... E032/E414 W.,.n W% Res dw ~p P2- ReP + V4 f JpJ2 0 (1 ~- P2) W1 lRepla] !p* Reeldw + 0 WMAX JRejj - + OY, 0 "'Max ml 1 (21) + + ,0,. + .3 _p2)21pe,l + TV -I max Sy. 7cm + P2 Imlep] d- 0 Ws Req-) I + -OZ. P X V4 0 X P'Resj-) (I Re:jp.) + PlIln2g,,.Id_. Card 10/12 IT- 10 1 -.0 Fp S/139/61/000/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov ... E032/E414 M m m m "qmz where 110 Nox 010yoIlloz and M.'11' '174 ox 0 0 ..o 0 0 0 are the magnetic and electric moments in the rest system, and are related to IIIII and Ilm by A -0 - IfT-_fpxI4V.)V0 ~j [Voicol (17) 0 .1-F1) oteovo)vo 19.1voleol 0= The first and third terms in Eq.(21) are identical with Eq.(4.23) and (4.24) in Ref .4, with IL =- 1 and e = Re c > 0. Acknowledgments are exprassed to Professor A.A.Sokolov for his interest in this work and to Professor A.N.Matveyev for discussing the results. There are 29 references: 26 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. Card 11/12 21508 S/139/61/000/002/003/018 On the Cherenkov 7~CWE414 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni M.V.Lomonoso,%,a (Moscow State University i;pQrl4 ~J,V Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 20, 196o 20769 S/051/61/oiO/003/001/010 2-7/ //,S78j NO 1) E032/E514 AUTHOR: XWkanot,-A---J0. TITLE: On the Quantum Theory of Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation Emitted by a Magnetic Moment PERIOPICAL: Optika i 'spektrookopiya, 1961, Vol.10, No-3, PP-289-296: TEXT: The emission of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation by a magnetic moment has been discussed by a number of workers on the basis of both classical and quantum theories. However, there are discrepancies between formulae obtained by different authors.' V. L. Ginzburg and V. Ya. Eydman (Ref.11) showedthat some authors (I. M. Frank, Ref-3; V. Ya. Eydman, Ref-7; N. L. Salazs, Ref.8) uset a model of a magnetic moment in which the latter is formed by J magnetic poles, while other workers consider magnetic moments associated with current loops. In'the present paper the relativ- istic quantum electromechanics is used to investigate the emissio of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation by a neutral (e = 0) Dirac particle having an intrinsic magnetic moment 11 . The analysis starts with 0 the Dirac equation for a magnetic moment (A. A. Sokolov, Ref.19; ii! A. I. Akhiyezer, V.,B. Bereatetskiy, Ref.20): Card 1/5 2076~ On the Quantum Theory of ... S10511611010100310011010 E032/E514 + 17 + pa-ocl) a and In this equation m is the mass of the magnetic moment, 0 A P3 o operator representing the are the Dirac matrices and U is th energy of interaction between the magnetic moment and the electro- magnetic field in the medium. It is assumed that the magnetic moment is moving through a transparent ferrodielectric whose dielectric constant and magnetic permeability are e(w) and u(W)9 0 respectively. Two possible forms of interaction between the magnetic moment and the electromagnetic field in the medium are ..;-considered. These correspond to the following two forms of the interaction energy operator -F0 (F3 ("B) + p3 (aE)j g1t, D VV~ PO IF3 (*U) + ps (*D)1. (3) ''Card 2/5 20769 ,,,On the Quantum Theory of S/051/61/oiO/003/001/010 E032/E514 .IiIn the above two equations cr and are the Dirac matrices. The! ?2 ~;vector potential A for the quantized transverse electromagnetic afield in the ferrodielectric is written down in the form :~(A. A. Sokolov and V. N. Tsytovich, Ref.21): 3 2nelil fit 61P, (-Ic'%t (4) + jj+ OXP (ICI% t - N01, 3 where L is the volume of the basic parallelipiped, c C cit rVIL n and hx is the momentum of the photon. The amplitudes a and a + obey the following relations (5) n, n'- t, 2, 3. 7T 20769 On the Quantum Theory of S/051/61/010/003/001/010 E032/E514 in particular, in the absence.of photons at the initial instant- (which is assumed throughout) one can write .4 a 'A M0, 1 1 '02 '3 % This formalism is used to obtain a formula for the intensity of the: radiation emitted in the case of linear polarization and circular polarization. It is shown that in the case of the Ii ;B,,E inter- 0 action, the emission due to longitudinally polarized particles in, i !j0 in general, elliptically polarized, whilat the radiation due to unpolarized particles consists of two parts, namely, Lw linearly polarized component and an additional unpolarized component. In the case of the )i ;H,D interaction, the radiation emitted is always; linearly polarizea ;,-rh-atever the initial spin state and velocity. The formulae obtained are then specialized to the ultrarelativistici ).case (P-> 1). The special*case cos 9 1 is also discussed in 'Card 2 CYI 6 9 On the Quantum Theory of ..,. S/051/61/010/003/001/010 E032/E5i4 some detail. Acknowledgments are expressed to A~ A. Sokolov for his interest in this work and to Yu, M. Loskutov for discussionx. There are 28 references~ 27 Soviet and I non-Soviet, SUBMITTEDi April 21, 1960 i Card 5/5 S/05l/63/ol4/ool/02o/o31., E032/~~14 AUTHOR: Kukanov. A.B.' TITLEz :A simple method of calculating Cherenkov loss's in a tran8parent uniaxial'crystal. PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.14, po'.1, 1963,.121-124 ~.TEXT: A. G. Sitenko and-A. A. Kolomen;kiy (ZhETF, 30, .511, 1956) have obtained a general expression for the energy emitted by a point charge in an-optically-active uni.Axial dielectric in.the.~ form of a Fourier-integral'over the wave',,number and frequency space. The present paper reports a method of evaluating thin. integral. ov~-r the. wave number apaco" in 4he case where the p6ii~t charge moves through a transparent uni.aXi~tl'ferrodi*elec*tric at an arbitrary angle to the optic' axis. It is shown that the. energy of the extraordinary waves is given by 2 -1 v c 111110.(Pp-l 2C-2 0 and W e ~11,(POPIL-, v3 Card 1/2 A simple method of calculating ... S/051/63/Oi4/ool/020/031 E032/E5i4 when. v -7 -'c~