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UMYAVTSLPV,Jld,,; TYUTIIIA, F.M.; MlKffAyLOV, N.I.; GLAZUVOVA, v.K. Causes of the formation of dark spot* on the surface of zinc plated parts. lzv.vye.ucheb.zav.; khimA khim tekh. 3 no.l: 166-169 16o. (MIRA 13-6) 1. Kafedra elektrokhimil Moskovskogo khimiko-tekhnologicheakogo inetituta Imeni. D.I. Mendeleyeva. (Zinc plating) (Zinc--Corrosion) 3/1 53V6010031005101 o/ol 6 -B01 3/"058 AUTHORS: Bek, R. Yu., Kudryavtsev, N. T. TITLEi Effect of Alternating Current in Electrodeposition of Zinc, Lead, and Tin From Alkaline Electrolytes PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh %avederiv. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 5, PP. 698-901 TEXT: The effect of superposition of a.c. over d.c. during electro- deposition of zinc, lead, and tin from alkaline electrolytes was studied here. The following electrolytes were used: 1) 0.25 N Zn, 2.5 N NaOH flumm without addition; 2) 0.25 N Zn, 2-5 N NaOHBUMM, 0.5 9/1 Sn (calculated _Z per metal); 3) 0.8 N PbP 4 N NaOH summ , 50 MI/1 glycerin; 4) 80 9/1 Na2sno 3) 10 g11 NaOHfree without additions. The temperature of all solu- tions was 50 OC. Zinc and tin were deposited on polished steel, lead on polished brass. The experiments showed that the development of spongy growth on zinc electrolytes may be entirely prevented without additions by Card 1/3 Effect of Alternating Current in Electro- 5/153/60/003/005/010/016 deposition of Zinc, Lead, and Tin From B013/BO58 Alkaline Electrolytes applying a.c. with a frequency of 20-300 cycles and at a higher current density than that of d.c. A smooth, semibrilliant deposit with characteris- tic "parquet" structure was ascertained at a current density ratio between a.c. and d.c. D -/D- - 2 - 3, and a frequency of 20-70 cycles. The crys- tal boundaries become less distinct at D,/D- >10. Signs of spongy growth appear at frequencies of 300-500 cycles. The effect of a.c. disappears at an addition of tin (0-5 9/1) or lead (0.06 g11), and the deposits show fine-crystalline structure. Under otherwise equal conditions, the formation of spongy growth is intensified when a.c. is applied during electrode- position of tin from stannate solution. Eloctrodeposition of lead from alkaline electrolyte with glycerin addition is not influenced by applying a.c. It was ascertained that cathodic and anodic polarization is reduced (by 4-5 mv) by the application of a.c., this reduction being intensified at a higher D-/D- ratio and a lower a.c. frequency. It was further ascertained that the application of a.c. with a frequency of 50 cycles at D^j/D- = 2-10 does not influence the current yield of metal. It amounta to 99-99.5% just as during electrolysis without application of a.c. K. M. Gorbunova is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 11 Soviet references. Card 2/3 Effect of Alternating Current in Electro- S/153/60/003/005/010/016 deposition of Zinc, Lead, and Tin From B013/1000 Alkaline Electrolytes ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva,Kafedra elektrokhimii. (Moscow In 'stitute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, DeDartment of Electrochemistrv) SUBMITTEDt May 6, 1959 Card 3/3 S/129/60/ooo/olo/006/009 E193/E483 AUTHORSt KU sev, N.T., Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Moroz,_-r.I-.,-Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEt The Effect of Electrochemical Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Steelil PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 196o, No.10, PP-36-40 TEXT: Zinc platin Niin cyanide electrolytes brings about deterioration of the mechanical properties of stools Y9 (Ug), Iand 3oxrcA BOKhGSA)I~due to hydrogen pick up. The object of Me investigation, described in the present paper, was to establish how the properties of these steels are affected by zinc plating in cyanide-free electrolytes, copper and cadmium plating in cyanide solutions, lead and tin plating in acid electrolytes, and chromium plating. Five solutions were tried, the compositions of which were as follows (in g/litre): 1. ZnO - 15; NH4C1 - 250; H3BO3 - 201 Carpenters Glue -- 1; pH = 6,8-7. 2. ZnSO4-7H20-215i A12(SO3)3'18HpO-30*, Na2S04'10H2O-75;pH=,4-4,5. 3. Same as 2 with addition of 10 g/litre of dextrin. Card 1/3 s/l2q/6o/ooo/oio/oo6/ooq E193/E483 The Effect of Electrochemical Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Steel 4. Zn(BF4)2 - 250; NH4BF4 - 25; licorice root 5. ZnO - 20; NaOH - 120; Na2SnO3 - '- The experimental work consisted in relating the duration of the plating operation (up to 60 min) to the properties of the specimens, determined immediately after plating. U.T.S., yield point, elongation, reduction in area, and the number of bending reversals that a specimen could stand without cracking were measured. The V/ following conclusions were reached. (1) The harmful effect of zinc plating on the mechanical properties of steel can be reduced by using cyanide-free electrolytes. (2) The deterioration of the mechanical properties, caused by copper and cadmium plating in cyanide solutions, or tin and lead plating in acid electrolytes, is less than that due to zinc plating in cyanide solutions. (3) The ductility of steels studied is most adversely affected by chromium plating in sulphate electrolytes. (4) Best results are obtained by zinc plating in an electrolyte containing (in g/litre) Card 2/3 S/12q/6o/ooo/o1o/oo6/ooq E193/E483 The Effect of Electrochemical Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Steel 250 Zn(BF4)2, 25 Nli4BF4, and I licorice root, plating in a solution containing (in g/litre) 40 25 NaOHI 40 (NH4)2SO4 and 10 dextrin. There are 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. or by cadmium Cdo, 160 NaCN, 5 figures, Card 3/3 852oo 0 171111 1-11411 iliq s/129/6o/ooo/oil/010/016 E073/E535 AUTHORS: Smolenskaya, G. N., Engineer, Kudryavtsev. N1,, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor ana Karatayev, V. M., Engineer -V1 TITLE: Electroplating of Titanium _ PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1960, No.11, pp.42-43 TEXT: In check tests in which the surface preparation and the V~ plating conditions recommended by H. Richmond (Electroplating and Metal Finish, No.10, 1956) were applied, it was found that the plating peeled off easily when scratched with a knife, filed at an angle of 450 and on heating to 150-2500C. Therefore, the authors si-alected different plating conditions.' The titanium was first degreased and etched in a mixture of 185 ml/1 of 48% HF and 8.6 ml/l of 70% HNO for several minutes. Following that, anodic treatment was 4ppli2d for a few seconds with an anode current density of 0.1-10 A/dm- and move In solutions of various compositions and concentrations. Then, plating with nickel, copper, zinc and other metals was applied. In testing the bond strength (filing at an angle of 450) satisfactory results were obtained only on powdered Ti, Card 1/3 S/129/60/01MAi 1/olo/ol 6 E073/E535 Electroplating of Titanium which was preliminarily sand-blasted. Various other methods were also tried. On the basis of these experiments the following technology is recommended: 1) Degreasing with gasoline, rubbing with wet Vienna lime, followed by rinsing in cold running water. 2) Pickling in a solution containing 185-200 g of HF (40%), 8-10 g of nitric acid and I litre of water at 18 to 250C for 40-60 sec. 3) Rinsing in cold running water. 4) Rinsing for 2 to 3 min in ethylene glycol for the purpose of preventing dilution of the zinc electrolyte with water; this operation can be substituted by drying. 5) Chemical or electro-chemical zinc plating in a solution containing 200 g of HF, 100 g of metallic zinc and 800 mi of ethylene glycol. 6) Rinsing in cold water. 7) Nickel plating in an ordinary sulphuric acid bath at 18 to 250C with an initial.current gensity of 1-2 A/dm2, which drops within' I to 2 min to 0.5-1 A/dm The duration of the nickel plating is I to 1.5 hours. 8) Rinsing in cold running water, following by drying with warm air Card 2/3 85200 S/12q/6o/ooo/ol1/oio/oi6 E073/E535 Electroplating of Titanium at 250-3000C for 40 to 60 min in a furnace or in a drying chamber. This is followed by pickling in concentrated hydrochloric acid, plating with copper or other metals and polishing. After such treatment the components can be plated with other metals, e.g. chromium, rhodium, gold, silver etc. Vx Card 3/3 KUDRYAVTSEV. N.T.; TYUTINA, K.M.; CILVANKIN, I.V. hatermining the thickness of tin-nickel coatings. Zav.lab. 26 no-3:301-302 16o. (MIRA 13:6) 1 (Tin-nickel alloys) 82561 P/ 0 0 A/080/60/033/06/02/006 gloo AUT~iORS: Kudryavtsev, N. T., Mikhaylov, N. I. TITLE: Electrolytic Production of Highly-Dispersed.Iron Powder).1 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy kh1mii, 1960, Vol. 33, 11o. 6, pp. 1360-1365 TEXT: Large quantities of iron powder are needed by powder metallurgy. Sulfate, alloride, nitrate, citrate and oxalate solutions of iron salts and also alkaline solutions containing iron in the form of ferrites and suspensions -of colloidal hydroxide particles were investigated to obtain a highly-dispersed homogeneous iron powder. The beat results were obtained with an electrolyte described earlier (R6f. 7) containing iron sulfate and potassium sulfate up to saturation. The optimum acidity of the solution containing 82 g/1 FeSO -7H 0 0.6 n) is pH In this case the spongy deposit - _~de 2,s - 3.0-3-5. on the ca;h more homogeneous and purer than at higher pH values. The current yield of the metal decreases with an increase in the current density, especially at an G increased pH value of 4.0-4-5. With a temperature increase from 20 to 40 C the current yield of the metal increases from 10 to 80%, but at a temperature above 30 OC the spongy deposit Is removed from the surface of the electrode only with difficulty. With an increase in the iron concentration the current yield of Card 1/2 825 61 3/080/60/033/06/02/006 Electrolytic Production of Highly-Dispersed Iron Powder the metal increases to a certain limit, beyond which it remains constant. The' following conditions are recommended for electrolysis.- electrolyte I- FeS04 - 7H20 55-75 9/1 (0.4-0.5; n), K2304 until saturation of the solution, pH - 3.0-3.5, temperature 18-22 C, current density 15-35 amp/dm2 corresponding to the iron concentration. The spongy deposit is treated by a 3%-solution of sulfuric acid to eliminate hydroxides. Various inhibitors are added to prevent dissolution of iron metal. The introduction of 0.1% sodium arsenite showed the best results. The iron powder produced by this method contains 97% of iron metal compared to 75% in powder produced by other methods. Drying of the powder is carried out at room temperature during 2-3 days to avoid oxidation, heating and burning of the iron due to the oxygen of the air. Sedimentation analysis of the iron powder showed that 60% of the mass consists of particles with a radius of 3-5/k. The addition of this powder to polyester-urethane materials twice increases their heat resistance. There are 4 graphs, 2 photographs, 1 diagram and 13 references: 10 Soviet, 2 English and 1 Indian. SUBMr=i November 2, 1959 Card 2/2 3/080/60/033/011/003/014 A003/AO01 AUTHORS: Smirnova, A. M., Kudryavtsev, N. T. TITLE- An Investigation of the Effect of Ultrasonic Oscillation_ on the Process of Electric Depositionof Chromium ~6 - V1 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 2521-2526 TEXT: The effect of ultrasound in the process of chrome-plating on the current efficiencythe quality of chromium deposits and the value of cathode polarization was studied. Vibrators of the K-504-2 (K-50-F-2) with oscillation frequencies of 17.5, 20.5, 27.5 and 80 kc/s were used. The intensity of the oscillations was controlled by varying the electric power from the generator within the range of 200 to 3,000 w. The cathodes were cylindrical samples of 16 mm in diameter and 30 mm long or flat samples with rounded edges of 50 x 20 x 2mm. The cathode material was GnIO (st.10) and GK20 (dt.20) steel. The anodes were' plates of lead with 6% antimony. The porosity'of the samples was determined by the ferroxyl method on samples with a chromium layer of 20-401A. On several sarhples the microhardness was tested with a RT-3 (PMT-3) device with a load of 50 g. The solutions under investigation contained 100-450 9/1 Cr03 and 0.32 to 10 9/1 Card 1/3 S/080/60/033/011/003/014 A003/AGO1 An Investigation of the Effect of Ultrasonic Oscillations on the Process of Electric Deposition of Chromium 112S01 It was found that the dependence of the current efficiency on the current densit'y and the temperature does not change under thd effect of ultrasound. Variations in the frequency of the vibrator oscillations from 17.5 to 80 kc/s had no appreciable effect on the current efficiency. Deposits with satisfactory outer '0 :H2 appearance were obtained in an electrolyte containing 250 g/1 CrO at a Cx 3 S04 ratio of < 250. The deposition of chromium metal in an ultrasonic field takes place within a narrower range of H2304 concentrations. The upper limit of H2S04 concentration at Do = 10 amddm2 is 3.5 g/1, at 20 amp/dm2 it Is 5 9/1- Without ultrasound the respective values are 7 and 10 g/l. The quality of the deposits in an ultrasonic field is the same as without application of ultrasound. In some cases the porosity is lower. Ultrasound has practically no effect on the hardness of the deposits. The potentials were measured during electric deposition by a ff[IT3-1 (PPTV-1) potentiometer. In the ultrasonic field, as well as during stirring of the electrolyte, a sharp drop in the cathode potential is observed a. low current densities. Ultrasound inhibits the deposition of chromium due to difficulties in the formation of an adsorption film on the cathode. Card 2/3 9/080/6()/033/011/003/014 AOO3/AOOl An Investigation of the Effect of Ultrasonic Oscillations on the Process of Electric Deposition of Chromium Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 2: The Effect of the Current Density A A on the Current Yield Depending on the Composi- tion of the Electrolyte at a Temperature of 45'C. '70 A - current yield (in %), B- current density t5 tn amp/dm2). Compositon of the electrolyte 1, 1 439 9/1 C r0 4 07g/1 H2804; 2,-:~ 1 j 250.8 g/l CrO 2 X J H S04; 3,3' - 103 9A Cr031 1-08 9/11F.2SO4- 1,~ and 3 - without 110 $_ - with ultrasound. 170 so ultra ound; 11 ' 2' and 31 __Y ~r~_e__.__Yffect of the Tumperature on the Current Yield' in an Electrolyte Containing 250 g/1 CrO 31 2.5 9/1 H2304, Iat a, 1,0 to 8,9-, Current Density of D. = 40 amp/dW. 0 - - - A - current yield (in %), B - temperature (in C). 1,- with- out ultrasound, 2 - with ultrasound, f = 20-'kc/s. There are 8 figures, 1 table and 11 references: 8 Soviet, 2 English, I Swiss. SUBMITTED: March 11, 1960 Card 3/3 8/020/60/132/03/41/066 A3 0t) B004/BOO7 AUTHORS, Kudryavtoev, ff~ T~, Golovchanska~-a, R~ G,., Baraboahkina, N,, K., TITLE: The Cathodic Process in the Electrolytic Depositing% litanium AFrom Aqueous Solutions 'k PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 636-638 TEXT: By way of introduction, the authors discuss the data given in publications on the cathodic depositing of titanium and, from the position of Ti between Al and Mn in the electrochemical series, they draw the con- clusion that it must be possible to deposit it like Al from non-aqueous organic or aqueous solutions of its salt in the case of high hydrogen overvoltage., They investigated the electrolysis of alkaline solutions, for which purpose they used solutions of the metatitanates(of-Na, Mn, MCr; aild Fe in NaOH. The low solubility of these metatitanates 6 8 9/1 n) in NaOH may be increased by means of organic additions. The maximum titanium content of the solution (15_- 20 g11) was obtained by leaching-out the sodium metatitanate with 20 30% NaOH at 500C with the addition of organic Card 1/3 The Cathodic Pro--ess in the Electrolytic S/020/60/332/03/41/066 Depositing of Titanium From Aqueous Solutions B004/-BOO7 substances, Titanium is found as T14+ in the solution, As catho~,Iri, C,i, brass, Pt,- and Pb, and as anode, stainless steel or Pt were used. The curr,_-,t yield was determined gasometrically (by measuring the de o8ited hydrogc-n and gravimetrically (by measuring the deposited titanium~ As shown in Fig. 1, the current yield decreases irrespective of the type of the cathode within 20-30 min from 60 to 0.5%., As soon as the cathode is com- pletely covered with Ti, only hydrogen is deposited., The titanium layer on the cathode is 3-4P. thick. When an anode made from stainless steel is used, the titanium deposit contains traces of Fe and Cr, and attains a thickness of 15y . As acid electrolytes, solutions of potassium fluori.dv- were used, which were acidified with hydrofluobor o acid.. There is no deposit of Ti on the cathode from compounds of TiA+.. Only hydrogen is deposited, and T4+ is completely reduced to T3+. Only after the ratio Ti4+ ~ T13+ . 1 : 1 has been attained in the solution, does the cathodir depositing of titanium metal begin. No formation of T12+ in the solution was observed. Also in this case the current ield decreases (Fig. 2) a- soon as the cathode is -covered with Ti (3-4,,,~, but not to the same ex*a,at as in alkaline electrolytes, because the titanium deposited from acid electrolytes is more porous. The addition of surface-active substancea Card 2/3 The Cathodic irocese in the Electrolytic 8/020/60/132/03/41/066 Depositing of Titanium From Aqueous Solutioni B004/BOO7 (gelatin, joiner's glue, glycocoll) does not Influence the current yield. There are 2 figures and 15 references: 2 Soviet, 6 English, 3 German, and 4 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Mo3cow Institute of Chemical Techno imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev) PRESENTED: December 12, 1959, by A. N. FruaLkin, Academician SUBMITTED: December 12, 1959 Card 3/3 KMRYAVTSEV, N. T., TUTINA, K. M., FIRGAR, S. M. "Electrodeposition of Zinc-Nickel Alloys for Protecting Steel articles against Corrosion" Report submitted at the Third Seminar on Electrochemistry, Karaikudi-3, S.RLY 26-29 Dee 61 1. Department of k; lectrochemical Technology, Idendeleefs Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow. SYCHIS, Andrey Petroviah;,XUDRUV-T3&Vt R.Ts. doktor khim.nauk, prof., retsenzentj RIKBUGt' D.B., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISLUA, M.S., tekbn. red. (Crystallite; protective and decorative metal coating] Kristallit; zaohchitno-dekorativnoe pola7tie metallov. Mook;raqGos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. .lit-ryt 1961. 142 po (MIRA 14:6) (Protective coatings) S11 37/62/000/OOV 1 46/2o 1 A06OIA101 AUTHORS: Kudrf .,,-.Tyutina, K. M. TITLE: Electrodeposition of a tin-nickel alloy PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Motallurgiya, no. It, 1962, 106, abstract 1116119 (V rb. "Elektrolit. osazhdcniye splavov", Moscow, Mar;hgiz, 1961, 76 - 93) TErT: The article considers the conditions of deposition of an alloy of Sn-Ni from acid and alkaline electrolytes. The cathodic and the anodic processes occurring in the deposition of the alloy are.analyzed in detail. The composition of the acid electrolytes and the operating schedule for depositing.the Sn-Ni alloy with -50 and -65% Sn are recommended. A recommendation is given for the composition of an alkaline electrolyte and the operating schedule for depositing an alloy with a 5 - 12% Ni content. A method is given for determining the thick- ness of a Sn-Ni alloy deposit. There are 10 references. Ye. Layner [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 s/lP3/62/6c)o/oo6/bi2/bl8 AOO4/A1Ol AUTHOR: KudryavtoevN. T. TITLE: Electrodeposition of tin-bismuth and tin-antimony alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1962, 43-114. abstract 6B215 (V sb. "Elektrolit. osazhdenlye splavov", Moscow, Mashg1z, 1961, 94-103) TEXT: The author presents the results of investigating the conditions of electrodeposition of Sn-Bi and Sn-Sb alloys and the recommended electrolytes. For deposition of Sn-Bi alloys containing 5% Bi the following electrolyte is suggested (in g/1): tin sulfate SnS% - 45-54 (0-11 - 0.5 n); sulfuric acid H2SO4 (specific gravity 1.84) - 100 (approximately 2 n); glue - 0.5; crude carbolic acid - 5.0; bismuth nitrate Bi(N03) - 5H20 - 0.32 0.8 (0.002 - 0.005 n), at 20 - 250C and a cathode current, lensity of 0.5 2.0 amp/dm2. As anodes, pure tin should be used which is to be immersed in "he electrolyte immediately prior to electrolysis. For depositing Sn-Sb alloys containing 5% Sb the electrolyte composition is the following (in g/1): tin sulfate - 45 - 54 (0.4 - 0.5 n); sulfuric acid H Soi~ (specific gravity 1.84) - 100(approximately 2 Card 1/2 S/123/62/ooo/co6/012/blB Electrodeposition of -tin-bismuth ... A004/A101 2n-); glue - 0.5; crude carbolic acid - 5.0; ammonium'fluoride or difluoro ammonium (NTHIIF or NHOF2) 4 - 5 (approximately 0.1 n); antimony fluoride SbF3 - 0.3 (approyi.mately 0.005 n). at 20 - 250C and 0.5 - 3.0 amp/dm? current density, 'Anodes are similar. The author analyzes the deposition of Sn-Bi alloys without current. This was obtained by dipping tinned plates and the components in a i and 100 g/1 sulfuric acid. After holding solution containing 0.5 9/1 Bi(NO3)- 0 in this solution for 0.5 - 1.5 minutes, the plates were heated to 150 C. An analysis of the tin deposit of 10 it thickness revealed a Bi-content of 4.5% after 0.5 min holding in the solution and 8.5% after 1 min holding. The author studied the effect of the heating time on the Bi-distribution in the deposit. He describes the method of electrolyte analysis for the H2S04, Sn, Bi and Sb content and the Sn-Bi and Sn-Sb alloy deposits for the Bi and Sb-content. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ,9/123/62/000/006/008/018 AOO4/A1Ol AUTHOR: Eud TITLE: Electrodeposition of lead-tin alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1962, 43, abstract 68211 (V sb. "Elek-trollt. osazhdoniye splavov". Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, io4-ioq) TEYT: The author describes the results of investigations to determine the optimum conditions of clectrodeposition of lead-tin alloys. He recommends the following electrolyte compositionD for alloy coatIngs containing 8 - 12% tin (antifriction coatings) (in g/1): paraphenol sulfonle lead (or metallic lead) 97-138 (0-35 - 0.5 n), paraphenol sulfonic tin (or metallic tin) - 24 (0.1 n), paraphenolsulfonic acid 51 - 87 (0-35 - 0.5 n) gelatin - 2, at a temperature of 20 - 400C and a cathode and anode current density of 1 - 2 amp/dm2. Anodes of a lead-tin alloy were used (approximately 10% Sn). The current efficiency at the cathode and anode amounted to 100%. With coatings of an alloy containing 20 - 60% tin, the electrolyte composition is as follows (in g/1): paraphenol Milfonic lead - 42-110 (0.15 - 0.4 n), paraphenolsulfonic tin (or metallic tin) Card 1/2 S/123/62/0000/006/008/018 Electrodeposition oflead-tin alloys A004/A101 60 - 119 (0.25 0.5 n), paraphenolsulfonic acid 0(free) - 70-121 (0.4 - 0.7 n), gelatin - 1.5 3.0, at a temperature of 18 - 25 C and a cathode current density of 1 amp/dm2. The current efficiency amounts to 100%. In this electrolyte lead- tin alloy anodes are used with a relative lead and tin content corresponding to the composition of the cathode deposit. Corrosion tests of lead-tin coatings applied to copper plates showed that lead-tin coatings containing 8 - 12% tin possess the highest corrosion resistance. Metallographic investigations revealed th;_,,~, after 2 hours heat treatment of lead-tin coatings at 1500C no structural. -_*ar,7,es could be detected in the deposits. It is therefore not expedient to subject binary lead-tin coatings to heat treatment immediately on the cathode. VI/ [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/123/62/000/006/007/M AOO),'/AIOI AUTHOR: Kudryavtsev, N. T. TITLE: Blectrodeposition of zinc-nickel alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, MaGhinostroyenlye, no. 6. 1962, 42-43, abstract 6B210 ( V sb. "Elektrolit. osazhdoniye splavov", Moscow, Mashgiz. 1961, 110-1211) TEXT: The author presents the results of investigations to determine the optimum conditions for a joint deposition of zinc and nickel from cyanogen and ammoniate electrolytes. Prom cyanogen electrolytes, coatings were obtained, which contained 0.5 - P.1% nickel, coatings from ammoniate electrolytes contained 10 - 3N, nickel, tho rest being zinc. Corrosion tests showed that, in an atmos- phere with a constant high humidity, alloy coatings with 2% nickel are more resistant than pure zinc coatings. In a humid atmosphere with variable tempera- tures and in a 3% NaCl solution with periodic exposure to the atmosphere, such a coating is analogous to pure zinc. The maximum corrosion resistance is shown by an alloy containing 25 - 3M, nickel, which during tests in a It NaCl solution spray at.30 0C did not display any traces of zinc corrosion during 20 days. It is Card 1/3 S/123/62/000/006/007/018 Electrodeposition of zinc-nickel alloys AOO11/A1Ol pointed out that the coating with this alloy does not ensure an electrochemical proti,ction of steel parts from corrosion and Is characterized by increased brittlencs:i. The optimum coating results were obtained with an alloy oontainlng 10 - 1%5 nickel. These coatings are elastic and show a greater corrosion resistance than pure zinc coatings, while they ensure an anodic nature of steel parts, DurIng tests in a salt spray, the first signs of corrosion appeared on the alloy after 11; days, while pure zinc showed already corrosion signs after 2--1 days. The author recommends the following electrolyte composition for obtaining bright and lustrous coatings of a zinc-nickel alloy containing about 2% nickel (in g/1): zinc (in the form of complex salts) - 32 (1.04), sodium cyanide (total) - 75 - 100 (1.7 - 2.0 n), caustic soda (total) 68 (approximately 1.7 n), nickel (in the form of cyanogen salts) 0.15 - 0.75 (0-005 - 0.025 n) at a temperature of 20 - 25 0C and a current donsity of 1 - 3 amp/drri4. The current efficiency wnounts to 80 - 95%; depending on the current density. Anodes of pure zinc are used. For the deposition of a (10 - 18,;2 Ni) zinc-nickel alloy the following electrolyte is used (in g/1): zinc oxide - 15 (0.37 n), nickel chloride NiC12 6H20 - 12-306 (0.1 - 0.3 n~' aluminum chloride - 2'1~0 (about 5 nj, boric acid 20, at a temperature of 40 C, a cathode density of 1 - 3 amp/e__112, a mean anode density of 0.1 - 0.5 amp/dm2 and current efficiency of 95%. The electro- Card 2/3 S11 23/62/C)rjO/006/W7/018 Electrodeposition of zinc-nickel alloys A004/A101 lyte is stirred mechanically or by compressed air. the anodes are of zinc or zinc and nickel with a surface ratio of I : 1 or 1 ; 2. The author presents data on the cathode polarization during electrodeposition of zinc-nickel alloys, and describes methods of analyzing the electrolyte for its zinc and nickel content. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 V I 37/6P/000/003/013/191 A0o6/A10l AUTHORS: Kudryavtsev, N. T., Mi.khaylov, N. I. TITLE; Electrolytical preparation of high-dispersed iron powder PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 15, abstract 3V102 ("Tr. Mosk. khim.-teklnol. in-ta im. D. I. Mendeleyeva", 1961, no. 32, 298-303) TF_XT: The authors studied conditions of clectrolytical preparation of high- dispersed Fe-powder, homogeneous in respect to the size of particles. Best results were obtained with the use of sulfuric-acid electrolyte FeS04 0,4 - C.4 n. + K2SO4, until the saturation of the solution at pH 3.0 - 3.5, 18 _ 220C temperature and 15 - 35 amp/cm2 current density. For the purpose of obtaining acid-resistant powder, the spongy deposit in the form of pulp was processed for 10 minutes with 3% H2SO4 solution with addition of 0.1% Na arsenite. The-humid powder was, after washing in a filter with water and then with aceton or alcohol, placed in a 5 - 10 mm layer at the bottom of a high glass and was held in air at room temperature for 2 - 3 days. The black powder obtained contained 97% Fe- metal. There are 13 references. See also RZhIvIet, 1961, 1V153. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] A. Pokhvisnev Card 1/1 '2ij38'G 5/539/61/000/032/005/017 D202/D301 AUTHORS- Kudryavtsevq N.T., Bek, R.Ya. and Tarasevich, M.R. TITLE- The effect of periodical reversal of current direction on the concentration polarization SOURCE-~ Moscow. Khimiko-telchnologicheakiy institut. Trudy, no. 32, 1961o Issledovaniya v oblasti elektrokhimii, 79-84 TEXT.,, The authors aimed at verification of the opinion of previous in- vestigators that current reversal has a favorable effect on the speed of electrolysis and properties of the electro deposits. In the authors! opinion, current reversal, although it decreases polarization, cavaos periodically the dissolution of some part of the deposit; therefore, the total deposition rate is lowered. If the ratio of times of switch-on of cathodic and anodic current is K T-c , then the rate of electrolysis 1), a. would not be determined by the working current density D w , but a valus D = Dwe k - I , (effective current density), The authors compared the ef k + I Card 1/ 4 S/539/61/000/032/005/017 The effect of periodical D'-)02/D301 concentration polarization during electrolysis with direct current to that at electrolysis with reversing rurrentg both processes having the sams Def" They investigated these processes on silver nitrate solutlon--,., AgNO (0.05M) NaNO (I M) at pH = 1 and on equimolecular K-Fe(CN) and 3 3 a 6 K4Fe(CN) solutions on an apparatus permitting 2 to 3000 revep.m. with a constant k ratio; the dependence of potential and current intensity was registered by a tape oscillograph. The effect of current reversals in AgNO3 solutions has been studied at D w = 0.5 a/dm2, with k = 6.39 and 16.4 at 30 0 and 500C, D ef for k = 6.39 was 0.36 a/dm 2 and for k ~- 6.4 - 9.44 a,/dm2. During electrolysis with direct currant. = 0.5 a/dm 2 at 2 30 C a spongy deposit was formeg , but with current density of 0.36 a/dm the depoeit was compact. At 50 C it was compact iR both cases. When reversible current was applied (k - 6.39, temp, 30 C) a sponge was formed on the cathode when less than 10 revop.m. were used, but with higher reversal rates, a compact deposit was obtained; at. 50 0C such a deposit Card 2/4 S/539/61/000/032/005/017 The effect of periodical B202/0301 was formed in both caseso The' same phenomena were observed with k z 16.4. Similar results have been obtained with a mixture of ferroeyenide and ferrityanide ions. It is seen from the obtained oscillographs and corresponding graphs that with increasing reversal rate up to 60 per min.., the concentration polarization is decreasing; further increast in alter- nation having but a very slight effect.At alternation rates up to 60 rev. per min. this polarization has a much larger value than when d.c. -is applied, when its density in equal to D ; at an alternation rate ef higher- than 60 rev./min-the value of concentration polarization approach- es that obtained with d.c. In the author's opinion, this may be explained as follows.: During the switch-on of anodic current, the ionic concen- tratton on the cathode is increased by a partialdissolution of the metal-- Uo deposit and by ions diffusing from the bulk of solution; the polar.4- zation is loweredg the current density increases, and the loiss of de- posit is balanced by an increase in the speed of electrolysis. If the current reversal rate is low, after the concentration in the diffusion layer is restored, the ions would tend to diffuse into solution and the Card 3/4 S/539/61/000/032/005/017 The effect of periodical ... D202/D301 polarization would increase, Therefore, the rate of electrolysis may ljf-- %xicreased by reversing current only when it alternates very rapidly. The authors conclude that from the point of view of reagent supply to the cathode current reversal cannot be regarded as a means for intens.- fication of electrolytic processes. There are 5 figures and 11 refe:r- ences.- 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the Eng I I E;h- language publications read as follows: G.IV- Jernstf-dtj Steel, 120, no. 179 100-IJD29 134, (1947)i A. Hickling and H.P. Rollibaum,; Transv Inst. Metal Finish., 34, 53 (1957).. Card 4/4 S/539/61/000/032/008/017 D258/D301 AUT HOR: Kudryavtsev, N.T., and Beic, R.Yu, TITLE; The influence of alternating current in the clectro- deposition of zinc, lead, and tin from alkaline Polutiors SOURCE-, Moscow. 1(himiko-telihnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 32; 1961q Issledovaniya v.oblasti elektroichiniii; 255-258 T EXT : The authors aimed at improving the texture of electrodeposited Zn~ 11b, and Sn by using Alternating current superimposed onto direct current., This was done in view of the known formation of spongy deposits on tile cathode occurring during the clectrodeposition of Zn from NaOll solution,, even when operating at current densities., lower titan the limiting valued Specifically, Zn and Sn were deposited on polished steel cathodes, 11b -- on polished brass. The currpt densities (C.D.) used vere: 0.2 - 0.5 Amp/dm for Zn; 0.2-4 Amp/dm for Pb; and 0.2-5 Amp/dmn for Sn. The elec- trolytes had the following compositions: (1) Zn - 0.25N (ZnSO 4.711,0); NaOH 2.5 N, (2) Zn 0,25N (ZnSO .7,11 0) NZ1011 2.5N; Sn-O.5g/I (total) 2 Lot., Card 1/ 3 S/539/61/000/032/008/017 The influence of alternating ... 0258/0301 (3) Pb--O,.8N; NaOII (t,t,,l)-,IN; Glycerol - 50 cm 3 /J. (4) Na 2SnO 3 - 80 g/l NaOII (free)- 10 g/1., Smooth and semi-lustrous Zn deposits were obtained on opurating with an a9co frequency of 20 to 70 c/8 and at ratiol C.D. a.c./C 'D'doe* of 2-3. Deposits obtained in that way from solution (1) showed clearly outlined crystal boundaries; at higher frequencies, the crystalline regularity decreases. Spongy deposits appear at a frequency of 300-500 cls and the beneficial effect of a.c. vanishes completely at 800-1000 c/s. The addition of Sn (solution no, 2) or Pb had an adverse effect on the quality of deposited Zn. The application of a.c., at 20-- 300 c/s and C.D. a.c. /C.D. d.c.'7 I on the deposition of Pb from solution no. 3 had no effect at ald, while deposition of Sn from riolution no. 4 was adversely affected, under the same conditions. The adverse effect Oil Sn vanished at frequencies, higher than 300 c/s. The effect of a.c. on cathodic and anodic polarization was investigated in solution Do. 2. At 500C and without stirring, both anodic and cathodic polarizations were decreased by 2-5 mV, on using a C,,D, a.c, /C.D. d.c~ "a tiocf 5. The li,.gher Card 2/3 S/539/61/000/032/008/017 The influence of alternating ... 0258/0301 ratio had no effect at all. The current efflciency was almost independen,; of the type of current used. There are 4 figures and 12 references~ 10 Soviet-bloc and 2 none-Soviet-bloc. V/ Card 3/3 5/539/61/000/032/009/017 D247/D301 AUTHORS- Kruglikov, S.S., Kudryavtnev, N.T. and Sobolav, R.P. TITLEz Investigating electrolytes for smooth nickel plating PERIODICAL. Moscow. Khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut. Trudy, no. 329 1961. Issledovaniya v oblasti elektrokhimiil, 259-265 TEXT: The authors mention the development of additives for smooth elec- troplating which has taken pLace in the USA and concludes that the com- position of the nickel electrolyte given, used with the addition o1 0.5 g/1 of coumarin at a pH'of 4-6 and a current density of 4-6 amp/dm at 50 + 20C with mechanical stirring provides good conditions for a semi lustroUs smooth nickel plate. The influence of the various electrolyte conditions has also been studied using a quantitative measurement of the smoothing capacity. There are 7 figures and 4 non-Soviet-bloc references~ The 4 most recent references to the English-language publications read as follows-. W.R. Meyer, Proc. Am. Electropl. Soc., 24, 123 (1936); D.G. Foulke and 0. Kardosq Proc. Am. ElectropIgSoc., 43, 172, 181, (1956)i Card 1/2 S/539/61/000/032/009/01,7 Investigating electrolytes ,.. D247/D301 J.D. Thomas, Proc. Am. Electropl. Sac., 43, 60, (1956); S.A. Watson and J. Edwards, Tr-Inst-Met.Finish.j 34, 167,2229 (1957). L'/ Card 2/2 S/539/61/000/032/010/017 D247/D301 AUTHORS-. Bakhehiaarayts4yan~ NoG.2 Kudryavtse quid Kokarev') G.A. TITLE- Investigating electrolytic nickel plating with intermit- tent current and with alternating current PEMODICAL; Moscow. Khimiko-tekitnologicheskiy institute Trudy, no~ 329 1961. Issledovaniya v oblasti elektrokh.imii, 266-271 TMg The authors studied the effects of such currents on the appearance of the plate, the current efficiency and the polarization of the nickel electrode. An electrolyte of composition NiSO 4 71120 215g/l, H3HO3 30g/l NaF 4.2-4.5 g/l and NaCl 4 g1l was used in all the experiments. The de- posit was 10 microns thick and was made on iron and brass plates 2.5x2.0 cm in size. The anode surface made of electrolytic nickel was from 2.5- 5.0 tim 2s greater than the cathode surface. A platinum electrode of 0.35 cm surface area was used in all the experiments. The appearance Card 1/4 S/539/61/000/032/010/017 Investigating electrolytic D247/D301 of the deposit was assessed visually. An oscilloscope was used for measuring polarization and current strength, and the current efficiency was found by using two copper coulometers. Short period cycles were used.0 For intermittent current the cycle were 0.33, 1.0 and 1.9 sec. At 20 C and a current density of 3 amp/dm there was no observable dif-- ference in the appearance of the plate from that obtained with constant current, but the comparative current efficiency fell by 10%. The authors explained this by the diffusion of hydrogen ions into the cathodic layer of the electrolyte, during the breaks in current, producing a greater acidity round the cathode than that found underconditions of constant curreni- With breakr. of shorter duration, the current efficiency in- creased but the effect was small. The rate of plating did not change with the use of intermittent current. The cathode potential reached its maximum almost immediately following connection, and on switching off, decreased sharply at first and'then more slowly. It remained at greater negativity during the breaks than under stationary conditions. With alterVing current, at 20 0C, with a cathodI4~. current density of 2-3.5 amp/dm , and an anodio current density of 2-3 amp/dm2 , a bright coating Card 2/4 S/539/61/000/032/010/017 Investigating electrolytic ... 0247/D301 was obtained up to 5-7 microns thick. With incrensed thickness the brightness decreased. At 40 0C anti current density of 4-6 ampldm2 , varia- tion of the ratio of the durations of cathodic and anodic connection from 2 to 9 and a corresponding variation of the cycle time from 0.24 to I.Osec gave no change in the appearance of the plate. rhe use of al- ternating current produced a noticeable decrease in citrrent efficiency at the cathode. This could have been due to the ionization of hydrogen adsorbed on the cathode, taking place during anodic connection and in- creasing the hydrogen ion concentration round the cathode. This ex- planation was supported by the increase of current efficiency with the increased duration of cathodic connectiong while the period of anodic connection was kept constant. Low pH values decreased the current effi- ciency to approximately the same extent for constant and intermi~6tent currentq while with alternating current pil values below 2.5 produced a 2 sharper reduction. With a constant cathodic current density of 2 amp/din an increase in anodic current density of 3 amp/dm2 made th a current efficiency fall to 30%. and a further increase to 4 amp/dm gave a re- duction to 4-5% and a sharp deterioration in the quality of the plateo Card 3/4 S/539/61/000/032/010/017 Investigating electrolytic D247/D301 Oscillograms for the alternating current. show some cathodic depolarization in comparison with constant conditions, but if the potentials are referred to the effective current density there is no (tepolarization,, There are 7 figures and 6 ref erences. 6 Soviet--bloc and I nort. Soviet-blor.'-, . The re- ference to the English-language publication reads as follows-t G.W. Jexn-- stedt. Patent USA 2,470j775, 24.V.1949. Card 4/4 3h382 J S/539/61/000/032/011/017 D204/D301 AUTHORS. Kudryavtsev N.T. Golovchanskaya, J?,G. and Baraboshkina, TITLE,~ The cathode process in the electrolysis of Ti from aqueous solutions SOIURCE~ Moscow. Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 32, 1961. Issledovaniya v oblasti elektrolrhimli, 272-277 TEXTi Electrodeposition of Ti was studied on Cu, brass, Pt and Pb *a-, thodes, with Pt and stainless steel anodes, from alkaline and acid aqueous solutions, since little work has been done in this field. The standard potential, position in the electronegative series and hydrogen overvoltage of Ti are first discussed, on the basis of results obtained by Soviet and Western workers. The metatitanates of Na, Mn2 Cr and Fe were tried but proved only sparingly soluble inaq. NaOH and hydrolyzed readily. In the case of Na metatitaluAte the maximum concentrations (15-20 g Ti/1) were obtained by dissolving the titanate in 20-30% aq. NaOH, with additiveaq Card l/ 3 S/539/61/000/032/011/01-, The cathode process in the 99, D204/0301 at 20 0C. Electrolysis was conducted in a 250 ml glass bath, finding that Ti deposited from tetravalent ions only. The current efficiency ("?, ',~ ) f*11 sharply over 20-30 min., from 45-60% to--0.5%, independently of the material of the cathode, (except during the first few minutes), owing probably to the high cathode potential of Ti and the relatively low hydro- gen overvoltage o2 Ti. I Also decreased with increasing current density, D~j (20-40 amp/dm, ) 'and increasing temperature (20 to 50 C). The ac-Ld e ectrolytes were based on 40% 11r, and metallic Ti and the experiments were conducted in a 250 ml plexiglass bath, dividing the cathode and anode regions with a polyvinyl diaphragm. ~t wal,,found that Ti was deposited WAS I-I or higher-~ Curren~ only from Ti3+ ions and only when Ti 1.ITi efficiency fell as before, from 10-02CM116 to -I - 6%,. after 30 m-~n. The 2 temneratures studied were 20 and 50 DkT 40 - 20 amp/dm and the pH 2.2 - 2.4. Brilliant silvery coatings of i, 3-4 A thick were obtained from both the alkaline and acid electrolytes, but. deposits from the fluct-, ride solutions tended to be more porous. Methods of analysis of the solutions and of the deposit are given in full, There are 3 figu-ree,, Card ;k/3 S/539/61/000/032/011/017 The cathode process in the D204/D301 4 tables and 16 references- 3 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-Sovief-bloc. Tile 4 most recent references to tile English-language publications read as follows: Sin--ichi Satoli and KG81ltn Jamane,, J. of the Scientific Research Institute, v. 50, March(1956); Tadzimal Fudzivara and Mor., Abstrac- ter7K note, Names trunsliterated], j. r-nectrochatit.soc. Japan,, 24, '212- 216, (19561); M,.E. Straumanis, S.T. Shin and A.W. ScAilechten., J. Phys. Chem., 59, 317., (19551; Tadzima, Seki and Mori, J.' Electrochem. Soc. Japans (1956). Card 3/3 S/539/61/000/032/012/01'? D204/D301 A /,PC 0 AUTHORS. Mcllnikova, MA4. and PiLlanker, V., Sh. TITLE The cathode proce8n in the electrodeposition of a Fe Cr alloy from a borofluoride clectrolyt(~ SOUFZCE Moscow. lCiiim'~ko-.tekhiiologi-clieskiy institut. Trudy, no. 32, 1961. Issledovaniya. v oblasti clektrokhimii, 278-282 TEXT;- Electrodeposition was studied from an electrol te containing Fe(BF 4)2' Cr(BF 4)3 and HBF4with known contents of C5+ and C,.r3+. A constant concentration of Cr, equal to23-.5% of the, was set up by passing a current of density 10 amp/dm for I hour before each experiment.. The cell used allowed estimation of the current. consumed for the discharge of H2 and for the alloy. The influence of Cr(BF 4)3 and Fe(BF 4)2 concen-2 trations on the composition and current efficiency of the deposit was in- vestigated, as well as that of HBF content, temperature and cathode current density Dke It was found that the deposits were dark and Card 1/2 S/539/61/000/032/012/017 The cathode process in the ... D204/D301 impure when HBF4 was low and that Cr was not deposited fro solutions and when D containing 0.3 moles Cr(BF4) 3/~ k4_5 amp/dM Optimum results were obtained with an electrolyte containing 1.2 -1.5 moles 0 Cr (BF 0.15 -- 0.3 moles Fe(BF ) and 2 moles RBF per I~ter, at 40 C~ 4 3' 4 2 4 with D equal to 30 amp/dm . The current efficiency was 20% and the alloy 3 k N Cr) was bright for thicknesses up to 10t14 , but brittle. The Cr conten* of the alloy increas ed when Dk was increased and the tempera- ture was lowered, but the current efficiency of Fe was practically in- dependent of temperature and D . The results are discussed and ex- -k plaiined in terms of polarization curves plotted for the several processes tak-'ng place. There are 7 figures, 1. table and 7 references.- 3 Soviet- bloc and 4 non-Sovi6t-bloc. The referencesto the ErIgItsh-language pub- lications read as 151lowa, Fyseya and Sasaci, Trans ~Amer.&I ec troc hem.SOC. 59, no. 23, 445, (1931)5 Snavely, Faust and Brinde, US. Pat,, 2,693,444 (1954), McGrow, Gurchiag Faust and Brinde, J. Electro-chem. So:. 49(1954 Card 2/2 31138h S/539/61/000/032/013/017 /.Pao 0204/0301 AUTHORS jiudryavtsev, N.T., Tyutina, K,N1., Clivank-in, I.V. and Tsupak, TITLE-, Electrodeposition of a Sn.-Ni alloy from alkaline cyanide solutions SOURCE- Moscow. Ithimilro-telchnologicheskiy institut., Trudy, no. 32, 1961. Issledovaniya v oblasti elektroichimii, 283.y288 TEXT: A study of the joint deposition of Ni and Sri from stannate solu-, tions containing additions of complex Ni cyanide. The influence of Ni concentration in the solution and of current density, D,,, on the quality, compoaition and current efficiency of the alloy were studied at 65 01 75 0 and 85 0C, depositing the metals on brass or Ti plates. Cathode potentials at various D kg a were measured during the deposition of the alloy and of Sn alone. Alloys with 10-26% Ni could be obtained from solutions con- taining 0.12 - 0.6 g Ni/19 53 g Na SnO /I and 10 g NaOll/l,. (alloys of 2 3 C,,rd 1/3 S/539/61/000/032/013/017 Electrodeposition of a Sn-.Ni D204/0301 20-26% Ni were bright), but the current efficiency fell sharply on -n- creasing the Ni and lowering the Sn content in rhe electrolyte and atalower temperatures. 2 Thus on increasing Ni from 0.06 to 0.6 g/l at- "73 ed from 65 !o 8%~ , C, at D k ~- I amp/dm . the current efficienc:y decreas A proportion of NJ In the deposit rose with increas-ng Ni content of the solution, but was practically unaffected by changes in temperature or D Cathode polarization in the deponition of the alloy was more pronouncPd than during the deposition of Sn alone. The resultsare discussed in terms of the polarization curves derived f-,r; the various processes taking place, concluding that the joint deposition of Nj and Sn facilitates the evolution of 112 by reducing its overvoltage on the cathode. Passivated Sn anodes or anodes of Sn and an insoluble metal were found suitable and the following conditions are recommended for the deposition of an alloy Cop- taining 5-12% N' - electrolyte composition - Sr; (ito NaIS1101% A ) 30g/l, Ni (as Ni(CN' ) 0.06 -- 0.12 g/1., NaOll 10 g/1, NaCN 0.25 g/l: temperafur-o- '2 2 750C; DIf equal to I amp/dm , Analyse.,i of the electrolyte and of the Card 2,/',?J S/539/61/000/032/013/017 Electrodeposition of a Sn-.Ni ... 0204/D13011 deposits are described in some detail. There are 6 figures, I table and 3 references4 2 Soviet-bloc ~nd* 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The referen.-o to the English-1anguage publication reads as follows: J.W. Cuthbertson.). N. Parkinson and H.P. Rooksby, J. Electrochem. Soc., 100, 3, ('953), Card 3/3 S/539/61/000/032/014/017 D204/D301 AUTHORS., -..Kudryavtsev, N.T., Tyutina, K.M. and Baraboehkina., N.K. TITLE4 The effects of organic additives on the cathode pro:~ess in the electrolysis of Sn-.Ni alloys SOURCE, Moscow. Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, noo327 1961. lasledovaniya v oblasti eleklrokhimii, 289-292 TEXT. Continuation of earlier work, inspired by Soviet and Western in- Yestigations which showed the addition of surface active organic compounds could influeni:;& the componition and quality of alloys deposited from elee- trolytes containing more than 1 metallic salt. Additions of P-phenyl sul- phonic acid (I) prepared from (a) freshly distilled phenol, (b) chemi- V cally pure synthetic phenol, (c) technical phenol and (d) crude earbolic acid, were made to the electrolyte consisting of 300 g/1 NiCl 20 6H20. 50 g/1 SnCl26H20 and 60 g/I NH4F, to investigate their effects on the quality and composition oi the deposit and on the cathodic polarization. Card 1/2 S/039/61/000/03Z/014,/017 The effects of organic D204/D301 The additions were made at. 50-,650C9 at p1l 4.5. It was found that the cathodic polarization, quality and composition of the deposits depended an the purity of the phenol from which I was prepared. Additions of I prepared from freshly distilled or chemically pure phenol had no effect. 0.5-0.7 moles/l of I prepared from teclinical phenoL displaced the electrodeposition potentials in the electronegativ& direction by 100-200 mv and lowered the Sn content in the alloy by 11-14% (to 51-50), with current densities of 0.5-4.0 amp/dm2 a The deposits were shiny and elastic. Raising the temperature to 55-65 C further decreased the Sn to 49-50%6~ The effect of I prepared by the sulphonai.ion of crude carbolic. acid increased the cathodic polarization by 400 mv- during the da-position Of Sn aad,thereby, lowered the latter to 20% in the alloy; the deposits were gray when the current density exceeded 0.2 amp/dm2~ The addition of 1-11.5 g/l of di-2--dimethylamino-5-pyridyl methane increaaed the cathodl.- polarization for both Sn and N1 and had, therefore, little effect on the alloy composition. The deposits were elastic, light in color and con- tained up to 60% Sn. There are 2 figures and 5 references 4 Sovi.e*-bloc and I non-.Soviet-bloc,, Card 2/2 3085 5/539/61/000/032/015/017 '/'P / -9 D204/D301 X 11peo AUTHOR: Kudryavtoev, N.T,. and Altapova, N.M. TITLF: Electrodeposition of a tungsten-cobalt alloy SOURCEL Moscow. Khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut. TrUdY, no. 32., 1961. Issledovaniya v oblasti elektrokhimii, 293-297 TEXT- This investigation is based on earlier Soviet and Western studies which showed that IV could be electrodeposited in the presence of small amounts of the Fe group metals. In the present work the authors studied the electrodeposition of a IV - Cc alloy from (NH 4) SO,,solutions contain- ing CoC1 2.61120 and Na2IYO4a2H 20 , with and without aRdi ons of citric acid boric acid and OL -ni troso-)6 -naphthol, at 750C. The effects of IV and Co concentrations, pH, temperature and current densities (D) on the quality and composition of the deposit, current efficiency (f~) and cathodic po,, larization were investigated. The cathodes were of polished J~-90 (L-90) brass plates 0.5 mm thick, and Pt wire spirals served as anodes. The deposits were analyzed colorimetrically for Co, using a universal Card 1/3 S/539/61/000/032/015/017 Electrodeposition of a o.. D204/D301 -2 (UM-2) monochromator. Initial experiments showed that already at 2 g Cocl2 H20/1 in the electrolyte, the Co content of the alloy reached 50Y6, within a wide range of D (1-35 amps/dm, 2). The deposits were shiny. Increasing the tungstate content lowered TZ and raised only slightly the W content of the alloy. Lowering the pH below 10.5 lead to the precipi-, tation of Co1VO 40 2H20. Additions of 50 g citric acid/l increased the range of D in which the deposits were shiny by a factor of 2, allowed the p1l to be lowered to B-79 decreas:dl~ , made the deposit more brittle and had no appreciable effect on the 1 oy composition. The last 2 observations were also true of boric acid (20 g/1) and Ck-nitroso-A -naphthol 10 m1/1. Increasing D led to an increase of W in the Aloy but lowered ~ lowering the temperature considerably lessened 71 but effect on the com- position of the alloyq. Cathodic polarization was noticeable at relat-I've- ly low D - this is explaiRed by the complexing of both W and Co alloys to form rco 3 WO4.(NH3Q _1~' X-ray analysis showed the deposit con- taining .--,50% W to be a solid solution with a hwcagonal lattice Card 2/,3 S/539/61/000/032/015/017 Electrodeposition of a J)204/D301 (a i c rj l-, 6); this alloy resisted 11 28o 4and IINO .3 but not HCI,, The tilin 0 - 41k) coatings were porous, but quickly became compact in greater thickness and at higher D's. The recommended conditions fGr the depo- sition of a 45-55yo W alloy are: electrolyte - 40 g11 of Na 2W0 4.211 209 2 g/1 of COCI 2C161120, 132 g/1 of (Nit 4)2 so4 and - 45 g/l of NH 4OH to give p1l r--Ill; temperature 75 0C; 1) equal to 1 -20 amp/dm 2. Current efficiency varies between 30 and 70%, depending on U. There nre 4 figures and 16 references; 11 So-viet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 mcd recent re- ferences to the English-language publications read as follows: 1Y.E. Clark and M.L. Helt, Trans. Electrocheni. Soc., 94~ 244, (19,18); M.H. Lietzke and M.L. Holtt ibid., 94, 252, (1948); L.E. Vaalcr uid M~L. Holt, ibid., 907 12, (1046); A. Brenner, P. Burkhend iAnd E. Seegmiller, J. Research, Nat. Bur. Standards,, 39, 351, (1947), Card 3/3 34386 S/539/61/000/032/016/017 14 0 0 D204/D301 AUTHORS- Kudryavtsev, N.T. and Mikhaylov, N.I. TITLE., Electrolytic preparation of highly dispersed iron powder SOURCE. Moscow. Khimiko- tekhno logic he skiy institut. Trudy., no.32, 1961. Issledovaniya v oblasti elektrokhimii, 298-303 TMTz The above wasstudied in view of the lack of a satisfactory method of the widely applicable, pure Fe powder of uniform particle size distri., bution, Sulphate, chloride, nitrate and oxaltite solutions were tried ' as well as alkaline electrolytes containing Fe as ferrites or in colloidal suspension as the hydroxide, using Ni-coated brass cathodes and low C steel anodes. It was found.that a sulphate solution containing the satur- ation amount of K 2S04 was the most suitable and the effects of Fe con- centration, temperature, current density (0) and pit on the current effi- ciency and particle size of the powderwere further studied in this electrolyte. Optimum results were obtained in solutigns containIng 53-82g FeSO 4o7112O/e , at 18-220C, with D:?15..35 amp/dm', in the pH Card 1/2 S/539/61/000/032/016/017 Electrolytic preparation D204/D301 range of 3.0-3.5. On the basis of the abovt work, the authors const.ru4,,t,- ed an apparatus yielding --10g of dry Fe powder/hr, consisting of a 60 0 glass funnel of -431,-ziapacity, with a central, polished Ni or stainless steel cathode and low C steelanodes arranged concentrically 70-80 mm away. The crude Fe sponge, containing hydrated FeO, was drawn off every 30-40 min and the electrolyte was cooled by circulation. The pH was ad- justed by additions of cone. H 2S0 ; the current was 10-30 amps, at 6-10y. Fe powder was obtained by a 10 MIA extraction of FeO with 31% H 2so4 con- taining 0.1~6 Na arsenite and was washed with water and acetone or alLCohol. It was then dried at room temperature for 2-3 days, in 5-10 mm layers. The product thus obtained contained 97% of metallic Fe, with mean partielt diameter of 4-40 11.0 Sedimentation analysis showed-J60% to lie in the range of 6-1014 o Addition of this powder to polyester urethanes increased the heat stability of the latter by a factor of 2. There are 5 figures and 13 references; 10 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as followsi S. Ranganathan and B.R. Nijhavan, J. Scient. and Industr., no. 7, 333-49 (1955)0, W.M. Shafer and C.R. Harr, J.Blectrochem.Soc., 105, no.7, 413z-;417, (1958). Card 2/2 BEK, 4.Yu.; KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T. Effect of alternating current on the electrodeposition of zinc. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.9:2013-2020 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Zinc plating) (Electric cW=ents, Alternating) BEK, R.Yu.; KIJDIIYAVTSEV, N.T. Effect of the periodical change of the direction and pulsation of a.current on the electrodeposition of zinc from zincate so-4 lutions., Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.9:2020-2027 S 161. (MIRA 14--9) (Zinc plating) (Blectric wrebts) KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T.; BEK, R.Yu.; TARASNICII, M.R. (Moskva) Effect of periodic reversal of current on concentration polarization. Zhur. fiz. khim. 35 no.7:1507-1511 J1 161. (MIRA .14:7) lo Khimko-tekhnologicheskiy institut, im. D.I.1-tendeloyeva. (Electroplating) (Polarization (Electricity)) MIWGLIKOV, S.S.; KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T.; VOROB'YEVA, G.F.; L'VOV,%IY, V,M. Effect of ripple current on surface leveling in nickpl platinz. Dokl. M SSSR 140 no.4:877-879 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 3. Moskovekiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy Institut im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. Predstavleno akademikori A.N.Frumkinym ing) (Nickel plat , KLmmrmv, N I T. (V.*Ocov) "Blekktroniederschlege von Silber aus Cyawlektrolyten bei erhohter StromdLichte.* report presented at the Vn Intl* Co3loq., Ilmenau Inst. of Technoloe7., IlmnauGm, 22-26 oct 1962. .--KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T.; FSHILUSSKI, Ya.B.; POTAPOV, I.I. Imestigating chromium sulfate solutions for the electrolytic deposition of chromium. Jzv.v7o,.ujh~,jikvwf-..-~~him.i khim,tekh. n0,4:617-620 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tokhnologicheskiy institut imeni MendeleyaVa, kafedra tek:hnologii elektrokhimicheakikh proizvodbtv. (Chromium sulf~to) (Chromium-Plating) S/080/62/035/002/011/022 D202/D302 AUTHORS; %drZavtsev N. T. and Smirnova, A. M. TITLE. The effect of ultra-sound on the process of zinc electrodeposition PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 2, 1962, 328-334 TEXT! The authors studied the effect of ultra-sound on the rate of zinc deposition, quality of deposits and the polarization during plating in cyanide, acid and zincate electrolytes. A plating bath, fitted with nickel vibrators of 17.5 and 20 kc/s/sec was used; the ultrasonic field intensity being varied by power input on the vi- brator from 100 to 1400 V-amp. The authors give full details of the electrolyte compositions,..the experimental conditions and re- sults, It was found that in cyanide plating the use of ultra--sound-. increased the current yield and allowed an increase in the admiss- ible c.d. by 3 - 5 times, the resulting zinc plate being brighter and more compact than without its use; maximum plating velocity being obtained at low NaCN concentration; even a slight increase Card 1/3 S/080/62/035/002/011/022 The effect of ulta-sound ... D202/D302 in the normality of NaCN leading to a marked drop in 'the current The ultra-sound has practically no effect on microhardness of the deposit. In acid electrolytes the use of ultra-sound gave L brighter dedosits at c.d. much higher than without its use. In the absence of ultra-sound, at c.d. higher than 4 - 5 A/dm2 the zinc plate was spotted and uneven, with current yields of -85%. With the aid of ultra-soun a compact and bright zinc plate was obtained at c.d. 50 - 55 A/dm with 95 - 99% yields. Similar i. esults have been obtained in zincate electrolytes: With ultra-sound the zinc plate was compact and bright. The results depend, however, on the power input tq the vibrator: It has to be higher than 400 V-amp at c.d. 30 A/dm". The cathode and anode polarization decreased in all el- ectrolytes under the effect of the ultrasonic field, especially in zincate solutions and less markedly in the cyanide and acid ones. At the end of the article the authors propose chemical compositions of electrolytes and plating conditions for all three plating pro- cesses with the use of ultra-sound. There are 7 figures, 4 tables and 16 references: 12 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The re- ferences to the English-language publications read as followsg S.R. Card 2/3 3/08 62/035/002/011/022 The effect of ultra-sound ... D202%302 Rich, Technical Proceedings,at the 42nd Annual Convention, 131, 1955; D. J. Fishlock, Met. Ind. 93, 109, 1958. SUB14ITTED: January 10, 1961 11~ I Card 3/3 KUDRYAVTSEV N T BEKY R.Yu.; GIJREVICH~ M.A~ Electrodeposition of silver by alternating current. Zhmr.prikl, khim. 35 no.3:55,:~-562 Mr 162. (MIRA 1594) (Silver plating) 3/060/6 2/0'-15/004/008/02 2 D202/D301 i'LUT!"011,S Xudr atsoy H. T., Kruglikov, S. A., Voroblyeva, G. P. On7i"u~bov, N. T u tudy of the jmoothin6 off ect of some nitui~,-)gcn -con- L..~.-Jning heterocyclic (.ompound.-' (~j '7 '18 2 111 Z 1 OD IA. LZhurnal prikladnoy~ ?himii, v. 55, no. 1162, 177- 1 TE'XT :The WtIlOrS tested quinoline, methyl-quiriolinium iod-Lde, quinaldine and acriflavin as smoothing agents in nickel electro- C~ ,)!at-*nf-, a do rlk e d 0 U t optimal conditions for theil- use. Til their opinion only quinaldine may be of practical use, because quinoline a, J- nd, its me~hiodide have comparatively si;iall Smooth-ing effects -and z aposits. Acriflavin produces a favorable effect but sive brittle dL k, -L - -L only in a very narrow concentration range, which mukes it un6uitable for practical purpoue8. An addition of saccharin to electrolytO2 containing quinoline or its derivative gives a losr, br-ittle plate, but markedly lessens the smoothing effect of these compo- 'ulds. Ex- Periment,al details and tile obtained results are given. There are Card 112 S/08 0/6 2/0'5 5/ 004 / 008/022 A .3 tudy of the ... D202/D301 . 5 fi&fures, 1 table and 13 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 10 nun-So- viet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the'1r3U,1gC OU- blications read as -follows: S. A. Watson and j. E. Ed'.','~Lrd3, Trans. Inst. Metal Finish, 34, 167, 222, 1957; B. Raub, Platiil,--,-, 46, 486, 1958; S. E. Beacom and B. J. Riley, Metal Ind., 95, 103, 1959; S. E. and B. J. Rileym J. Elect'l-rochem. Soc., 106, 301), S';11,1."ITTED: March 27, 19061 Card 2/2 ,M-HOR"l; Kruglikov, S. C, anu U'Vuvokiy~ TTTLE: Investigating RIODICAL: Zhurnal. prilkladnoy S/08 0/6 2/03 51' 1 004/00e) /0,? 2 D2 02//D")O 1 S., Kudr, tsey-N. T., Vorob'yr-va, F. V. fl. electrolyteG for omooth 4. ;.1-, khimii, li. ~5, no. 4~' 1 '2 7 -7 TEXT: The aim of this study was to check- ti-.(, hypoti~c;sio of W'-~Utorn investigators: Watson, Edwards, Foulke and Kardos, concerninn, -the nechanisin of the action of smoothing agwits in nickel e1 r-~ ectroplut- ing. 'The present authors used a pul,;atintj; d.~.. aiid aad quinaldine as smoothing agents, these cor;ipo-Lznd-~ added lo Uhu electrolyte separat-ely o--r- in m-ixture. The results proved ~-rl the smoothing process the relative speed of d 4MtGioll 0' the. U-`C-Ilt to various oarts of the cathode is the decisive T'~Ie addi- tion of counarine is most effective beUreen 20 - -500C; Twher aarl cx- cess of Uhlu compound is used tho olectrolyte becomes Oelf-Ire,gulat- ing, as the coumarine solution rerulills satur'ute'd di'll."Ir, thc Whole, plating process. The addition of a mixture of the illbovo coiTlpoulld',' Card 1/2 3/080/'--'"0-"'-- "1' ),/"-jO9/022 0"/ -) 1) / LC Investi.saluing electrolytes 'Lor D202/D,.;k)l is recomnended, an even nickel plate bein,,:~ obla ~,r,.ed ;-L a rarigo of conditions, arid iriuch more compact 1.1mil Experimental deTails arid results ai-e given. There trc, 5 2 tables and 7 references: 4 Sovic-i;-bloc and 3 The to the English-langrua-Le publiCati(31LS Z16 S. A. 'i'latson and I.Edwards, Trans. Metal Fi-n-*Lsh, 34,, 222, 11357; D. G. Poulke and 0. Kardou, Proc. Ai~,i. Elec Lroplut~~.,r':; ';w, 4*')', 172 , 1.965; 0. Kardou, Proc . Am. Elec troplaler'a Soc. , r-~J, ~;UBVIITTED: Dla r c h 2 7 , 1,) 6 1 Card 2/2 t of ~~l ~ a~-4 i o. L L.. c 1 11, n c; vor (S1-4 v I, --,a the -E, loel." ;-~r wllaorl L-- r i :~hvr, r Lan S1080,16 2/035/005/006/015 ? D204/D307 ILUILH'ORS Xudryavtsev~ Tyult;ina, K. M. and Firger, S. M. 11-LTLE: Protecting steel articles against corrosion with an CD electrolytic zinc-nickel coating P-IODICAL: Zhu.-nal prikladnoy khimii, V. 35, no. 5, 1962, 1035- 1043 TEXT: CL-4L-1hodic codeposition of Ni and Zn was StUdied from cyanide (I) and ain-moniacal (II) solutions, obtaining ailoys containing 0.5 - 2~, Ni from the first electrolyte and 10 - 30 (or more)% Ni The second. The following conditions are recomiended for the Prodluction of high quality coatings ~~2% INi) from I: Electrolyte - Zn (as a complex~ 32 g11, NaCN 75 - 100 g1l, NaOH 70 g/1, Ni (as cyanide) 0.025 - 0.75 g1l; temperature - 20 - 250C; current density I'D) 1 amp/dm2. The corresponding current efficiencies were 80 966,3 and the anodes were pure Zn. The Ni content of the depo- sit increased with increasing Ni concentration in the electrolyte and 1"ell with increasing D. Electrolyte II was investigated in Card 1/2 S/080/62/035/005/000-/015 2rotectin-, steel articles D204/D307 --ter deta-1 ce deposits containing 10 - 20L.,!', Ni were fOUnd to sin Do Ihe best orotection against corrosion. It was found that the Ni con-uent in the alloy increased with temperature and pH and depended 0.11 the Wi concentration in II and on D as in the case of I. Best qualit-y, deposits containing 10 - 18~- Ni were obtained at 400C and at -)~H 6.5 - 6.8 from a solution containing 15 g ZnO, 12 - 36 g 7.7 j n I .Ii_~ 2' 6H20, 250 g NH4C1 and 20 g H3BO3per liter, at a cathode cur- rent density o.-L* 1 - 3 amp/dm 2. The cathode current efficiency was 955, under these conditions and the anodes were Zn or Zn/Ni. Solution IT %.jao sufficiently stable w.r.t. composition and showed good buf U properties at pH 6 - 10. Pitting of the deposits could be par- .____y alleviated by the addition. of various organic compounds to electrolyte, but was best avoided by stirring the solution dur_4r_,-,, elec-urolysis. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. April 13, 1961 Card 2/2 ~~6/62/036/010/003/005 V B101/B186 AUTHORS: Bek, R. Yu., Gamburg, Yu. D., and Kudryavtsev, N. T. TITLE: Electrodeposition of bright copper with superposition of a-c on d-c PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no..10, 1962, 2244-2245 TEXT: The effect of a nickel sublayer on the brightness of electrodeposited copper was studied. A bright nickel sublayer was obtained from an electrolyte containing 170 g1l NiSO 4* 7H20, 30 g1l H 3B0 3? 12 g1l KC1, and 6 g11 naphthaline dioulfonio'acid with a pH of 4 - 6, at a current density given by.V. V. Ostroumov and 1. F. Plokhotnikova (Zh. prikl. khimi-;, 1520, 1668, 1958)- However, copper deposited on it from .an electrolyte conta~~Yling 200 g1l Cuso 4' 5H2 0 and 100 g1l H2SO4stay~d matt even when,quinaldine or coumarone had been added to the nickel electrolyte. Polishing of the sublayer was also ineffective. Increase in the current densitY to 13 - 17 ma/cm2 at 180C and to 21 ma/cm 2 at 2500 caused the Card 1/3 S/076/62/036/010/003/005 Electrodeposition of bright copper with ... B101/B186 formation on the nickel of a matt, bluish thin coating of Ni oriented along the (011) axis. At an optimum ratio D a-c /Dd-c ~ 1-10 - 1-15, very bright copper deposits with a high reflecting power were obtained on such sublayers with a thickness not less than 7 - 8 A. Increase of the ratio to more than 1.2, reduced the brightness and a change in the d-c density 2 from 3 to 10 a/dm had no effect as long as D a-c /Dd_, remained unchanged. An X-ray analysis shows that the bright copper plating obtained by a-c superposition is oriented along the (125) axis and its texture could be characterized in individual cases as quaci-microorystalline, whereas copper deposited on a non-orientod Ni sublayer has a texture orionted along the (011) axis. This confirms the assumption of 09troumov and Plokhotnikova that tho oublayer structure has an orienting effect on the crystallization of the first copper layer. The authore, however, assume that the orionting effect depends not on cathode piassivation, but on other factors, such ".&.reduced oversaturation with a-c during electrolysia, which means a shift'in conditi6ns for the formation of seed crystals toward equilibrium. There are 2 figures. Card 2/3 S/076/62/036/010/003/005 Electrodeposition of bright copper with... B101/B186 ASSOCIATION: MKhTI im. D. I. Mendeleyeva, Kafedra elektrokhimicheekikh proizvodstv (MKhTI imeni D. I. Mendoleyev, Department of Electrochemical Productions) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1962 ,Card 3/5 DEK, R.Yu.; KUDRYAVT'SEV, N.T.; NECHAYEV, Ye.A. Cathodic polarization In the electrodeposition of silver from ferrocyanide electrolytes. Zhur. fiz. khim- 36 no.11:2506- 2508 N162. (MIRA 17;5) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskly institut imani D.I. Mendeleyeva. KRUGLINDV.. S.S.; XUDRYAVTSZVO W.T.; VORDMVA,, G.F.; ANrONOV, A. I. *On the Mechanism of the Action of Levelling Agents in the Blectimdeposition of Metals*" Report presented at the lhth meeting CITCE, Intl. Comm. of Electrochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Moscow, 19-25 Aug 63, Mendeleev Chomico-Technological Institute.. Moscowy U.S.S.R. LJlolo7-63 EWP(q)/FWT(M)/BDS AFMIASD JD TCCESSICN NR: AP300-1951 -S/0226/63/000/003/0018/0024 AUIHOR: Kn4nmts-ev, No T,; MUthaylov,, X. I Nolrikctf, A. At TITLE: Production of very, fine copper powder SOURCE: Poroahkovaya metallurgiyal no- 3o 1Q,, i8_24. TOPIC TAGS: very fine-copper powder., culpric sulfate reduction, reduction vith titanous sulfate., batch-type process., continuous process., solution ozidity, current density, lead anodes, titania sulfate reduction ABSIRACT: Very fine, Fure copper powder with particles of sphercidpa were. duced by the reaction between titAmous sulfate (Ti sub 2735 s7gub-44 ~~ub p ro sub 3 and cupric sulfate (CuSo sub 4) in mi e4ueous solution containing 200-250 g/dm sup .3 of sulfuric acid. With cupric sulfate added in excess of the stoichione-tric amount, yields of 99.5--99.9% of the theoretical were obtained. Particle size varied depending on the concentration of titanous wilfate; at a concentration of about 1.0 g-equiv/dm sup 3, particleo were I- to 10-nicron in diamter. At concentrations of less than 0.1 g_eqt1iv/dm.suP 31 particles were nearly colloidal Card 11 10107-63.- 14CESSICK NR: AP3001951 tind formed a stabie suspension with imter. The higher the acidity of the titanous sulfate solution, the purer the copper pc-.xter obtained; in a 6_10% solution 200-- 1250 9/dm suP 3 of sulfuric acid produced the optimim acidity. Titanic Sulfate produced by the reaction vw reduced to titanous sulfate by electrolysis with direct current; the beat results mere obtained vith a cathode current dennity of :L--3 amp/dm. sup 2 and lead anodes. The redudtion of cupric sulfate to copper powder and the reduction of titanic sulfate to tilvMous can be done in the same iressel by either a batchl-type wthod __ dripping a saturated solution of cupric inx1fate Into a solution of titanous sulfate __ or a continuous method _- anodic dissolution of meta3Llic copper in a solution of titanous sulfate. In both, the reduction of titanic sulfate on.lead or copper cathodes occurs simultaneously with copper reduction of cupric sulfate. The batch-type method yields particularly high-purity powders, 'The advantages of the continuous method ere that 1) copper ,iiazte products can be used as anodes, 2) there is no loss of titanium and copper i3alts, and 3) the process may be autcoated. laboratory units for both processes have been built.. and procedures for treating, drying, and controlling the quality of.,the povders produced are described. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 3 figtWes. ASSWIATION:. Mbr&ovskiy kMm1ko_tekhno1ogichesk1y institut im. D. 1. Wndeleyeva Nbsco,sr Institute of Chemi6al Technoloq CaFd--- ...........- ACCESSION NRt AR4018306 8/0137/64/000/00140033/0034 SOURCEj RZho Metallurgiya, Abe, 10236 AUTHORt Kudryavtsevp No To; Mikhaylovp No 1*1 Novikov, At A. .TITLEt Preparation of highly-disperaed powders of iron and copper ,CITM SOURCEs Tro ftyby*shavske aviats. in-t, vy*p* 16, 1963, 6-9 TOPIC TAGSt iron powder# copper powder, electrolytic reduction cell TRANSLATION: A description is given of laboratory methods of preparing pure, finely dispersed Fe and Cu powders. Fe Is obtained in a conioal'glans electrolytic roduo- tion call with anodes of low-carbon steel strip and a cathode or HI or Tie The electrolyte oonniGto of FeS04~7H?O (56-76 G/1) and K230 with pH-3.0-3.5. Current the density is 15-36 a/dm~ and temperature is 18-221. The & Bponce formed at cathode is loosened by the evolving RZ and oolloots PA'ja pulp In the bottom part of the oell* Aoidity of the' eleotrolyte in maintained by adding H2S040 The recovered ,pulp is treated vrith 3-6% H2SO4 containing I &A of Na'areenite inhibitor to remove ,the hydroxidee The Fe powder is then waahed- with water and acetonas, and dried in air at room temperatures The purity of Fe powder is 97%l and its spsairio surface# ;Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRi AR4010306 30 m%. The Cu powder is obtained by the homogeneous reduction or M04 in acid medim by Ti sulfate In an alectrolytio reduction cell containing a 5% solution or T12(SO,) (200-260 &/1) acidified with H2804& Tho call has Cu anodes# a soluble Cu cathode tsouroe of Cu ions in colution)p and an insoluble Pb cathode for resen- orating Ti whioh is enolo8ed in a ceramic diaphragm with a 10% solution Of H2804# The ourrent, denn~ty ic 6 &/dm2e The Ou powdor forming in the bulk of the eleotro- lyto deposits on the bottom of the bath is filtered#-'weihad-with wdtor and drledo~ Va Neshpor BUB COM MM ENCLt 00 L 5a 56,0-65 9PF (a /EW(m) IC-WP( z) /EWP(i) /914P(b) 1EXA (d) /EWP(t) Pad IJP(C) JD/ _ff, 707r )iCCESSION NR: AT5012665 UR/2539/63/000/044/0091/0096 ilUTHOR: Kudryavtsev, N. T., Firger, S. M., Dok-ina, N. N. ~5 TITLE: Electrodeposition Of a cadmium-nickel alloy SOURCE: Moscow. Klhirn o-tekhnologichesictyinstitut. Trudy, no. 44, 1963, lBsledDvani- "a v obtasti fizicheskoy khimti, analiticheskoy khimii i elektrokhirnit (Research in the field (if physical chernistry, analytical cheMJBtry and electrochemistry), 91-95 TOPIC TAGS: electropl rr alloy electrodepoaftion, cadmium alloy deposition, nickel i!L)v 'Atlt.~Osition, c admiti2t"oIrros ion eetstance, electrolyte composition ABSTRACT. The purpose of this 3-tudy vias W increase the corrosion resistance of cadmium ~~v if vqth nickel and thus to protect parts operating under severe corrosive con- ns te-niperatures and moistur(: content, in ar, atmosphere consisting of the pro- 1,- -;stion of organic fuel, Cd2-' and Ni2' ionq arf, discharged at the cathode hoBphate solu'.ions. forming ullo~-q in Much 'he C'd,/Ni ratio de- .:.t 'i I rom pyrop oj~r,(Jjtiong of electrolysis. A suid-,- was rnaiii~ of tho inilutince of concentration components, tempoiature, pH of ffie soluticn, current density, and stirring on I-iality iuid composition of the deposit, current efficiency, -ind stability of Bohition. nc 11 Under all conditions . the deposition rate of eadinium was higher than that of nickel. To COrd L/2 L 52560-6-:' ACCESSION NR: AT5012665 deposit a Cd-N-1'. alloy containing 10 to 15% Ni, an electrohyte containing ethylenediamine is recommended having the following composition, K 4P207 '200 L, CdO - 6 -- L (0. 1 N), 7 1 , I j "~.,: 14 g/L (0, 1 N), Cthy1enCdta1T)i1qC M' P- 2 g,: L, 1)1: The conditions of electrolysi a am: tomperaturcN 41) -45C: cin-, ent dens1tv up to -0. 5 A fdrr12 without stirring and up to 2: A/dmz,' with r3tir-ring- caximiurn anodes; ano'dic curreia dl,-nsity 0. 2-0. 5 A/drftz. The electrolyte is atirred with compressed air or by mechanical i-r eans. Orig. art. has; I figure and I Uble. ASSOCIATION: MbskGvekiy khimEka-tekhaologicheskly institut (Mbecow Chemical Eagineering Institute) SljB?V=-ED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE- IC, MM N D FU,-'F SID V! 0 0 5 OMER: 004 C, -d 2/ 2 7?e L 3220-65 EWr(M)/EWP(t)/D1P(b) r~?(c) JD/JG A-CCESSION NRI: AR5004770 S/Ol37/64/OOo/OlO/GO33/G034 SO UR, C`E Ref. zh. MetallUrgiyaj Abs, 10G232 rM0 -T I T LE 91-4 n76-Ty 0 1-6 on-c 0 Ur 073 CHTED SOURCE., Tr. Mosko lea"-takhn 01. n-ta im. D. 1, Mendeleyeval virp * 44, 1963, 102-10-7- TOPIC TAGS: iron base alloy# chromium containing alloy, electrolyte# metal electrolytic deposition VLANSLATIOIT.- On the basis of tests carried out; the following conditions are recommended for the electrodeposition of iron-chromium~ alloys containing 27-35% ohromitua: composition of the electrolyte CI'2(90 6H 0 160 g/l (2 11.)j FeSO TH 0 30-50 g/1 (0 2-0*3 N - M-. C11 ~O~~ 156 g/1 (2 N, ). Temprvrat4;e 260, D--7-12 ,/d.~# PH 2,3 2, ~. 2~f ield of alloT based on ctxrent 20-26'9, Microhardne ss of the a1loy containing 32% ohromium, is 600 kg,/mm2. The deposits of alloy are even, light, and shining, '11-1 literature titles, G, Svodtaev-as Curd I SUB GODEt - HK ENCLo. 00 t Is M-1 MEN KUDRYAV'TSEV, N.T.; MIKHAYLOV, N.I.; NOVIKOV, A.A. " - -1 Obtaining a highly-dispersed copper powder. Porosh.met. 3 no,3: . 18-24 MY-Je 163. (KIRA 170) 1, Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D.I.Mendeloyevao L 10686-63 ~TMWSIOK HR: AP300?)M 8/6153/63/006/002/M4/OP-79 AUMR- Xudryavtoev, - V. T.; Pshijusaki., Ya. B. TIM: -Investigation of chromilm ram the electrodeposition of cbradum mdfate soliations SOURCE: XYM. Xh4mJya I khimichesksam tekbnologiya, V. 6, no. P-, 1963, 274-279 TWIC TAGS: electrodepoe"Lon of chroodun,, chroadum sulfate solutions, complex Cr-anino acid compcunds,' buffering., Beta-chrow ABSTRACT: Cr sup 3+ form a vhale~ seriep of complex comp= ids with azaino acids (glw,ine, asparagine), assurIng high buffering In these solutils. -The beat electrodeposItion of Cr Is frozzi 1-29 chromium solutions vith a high glyclue con- centration at pH 2.5-3 at tocm or elevated temperature. ! In the presence of glycine the cathodic potential is displaced towaxd negative.values because of complex for- mation; increasing temperature to 40C displaces potential In the positive direction and increases yield of precipitated metal vith the current. 7hose e1eetro3,-, chromium deposits do not have cracks, adhere well to the baae-metal surface. They are of hexagonal Beta chrow structurav "V. A. Korionovich took part in the experi- mental work."- OrIg. art. has: "I figures. Associations Moscow Inst. of Chemical Technology Card ----------------------------------------------- ------------ SMIRNOVA; T.C. 1,,loctrodeposi Lion of irrin rrOM 14111r4tO GlCC'tr(-,4yt-,3 In the rrcsurmcc of aminoacetla acid klglycine). lzv.vys.,acheb.zav.~ kh,:..,n, i khim. tekh. 6 no.6097-1001 163. "'MIRA 17-4) 1. MoAovskly khimlRr)-tf--khn,)log[chpskiy irw;Utut lrumi Mcindolmyeva, kafedra tekhnolcgii e16-kt-ro!-.himicheskikh prolzvodstv. KUDRYAVTSEV,, Xje,# -.-prof,; KRUGLIKOV, S.S.,, kand. khim. nauk; -V&60ym, G.F., kand. khimich. nauk Electrolytic medal plating with the leveling of the surface of articles. Zhur. VKHO 8 no-5:493-501 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. 1208 MICCESSION HR: AP,66b6" 6/663/61437650 7'. 6/~ 163103 EWP(q)IEWT(m)IBD~ AFFTC/ASD JP/11H ~,WMO~i Glazunovap V. K. M1dryMVtsajr,, N. T. ~TXM.v Investigation of the conditions of spontaneous growth of crystal fibers In t e;Lectrolytic coatings J.,OURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy klif-li,1 v. 36,, no. % 1963, 543-550 iTOPIC TAGS: crystal growth, electrolytie'tin coatings, tin,-copper, lead, rearys itallization !.AMSTRACT: - Experimnts showed that Vie growth of crystal fibers in electrolytic tin !aoatings occurred spontaneously, independently of oxidation in dry or damp'atmo- :aphere, and was probably caused by Internal stresses in the-deposits. The'differ- 112nee In incubation period and crystal growth rate in coatingsAa explained'by t,he jaagnitude of internal deforwation in the Sn lattices.- Significant acceleration of i,2rystal growth of Bn deposited an brass Is apparently connected with diffusion of I& from the brass into the Sn coating, Coatings on Zn and Cu also showed dhort :=ystal incubation peritft and rapid growth; III,, Sn,, and steel substrates reduced ;,,the effect., and on Ag and Fe there was no crystal formation in 4 years. M6 de- lerease in the crystal growth rate, proportional to the'Increase In the deposit "thickness, is apparently caused by the decrease in internal stresses. Addition of Card 1/2, L 12676-63 ACCESSION ,~tktourea to the electrolyte In depositing OA produced strikIng crystal growth to Sa ,coatings, Coatings deposited at 00 were very fine gralned and stressed; crystal ,powth therein was rapid. On-Cu and Sn-Ki deposits showed no structural change. rh tn-Fb, the incubation period was retarded, while In Sn-Zn the characteristic crystal 4~grcwth appeared in 6 months, Reversing the current or Increasing the current den- Ji :sity up to 1.2 aq dm had no effect; at 2-3 aq dmo the Incubation period increased Wid the growth rate was decreased. 11eating had a decelerating effect p ion roport al ~to time -and temperature of heat., on crystal growth. This also points to the role of internal stresses In the grovth, mechanism of the crystals, This phenomenon repre- sents a peculiar form of recrystallization in 9n Coatings. Or-4g. art. hast'; 4 ~ta-bles, I figure'; 3*-P~at0grhPhfj. .ASSOCIATION: none SUM=; 310ot61 DATE Am iejunO HXCL; 00 SUB CODE: CH NO MP SOV: 009 005 .Card 2/2. ELI` IT, )EPOSITIOIN OF Ti FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS (USSR) d IR, G.- 0 Aovchaanzzl~ay,,~, UNI: Akademiya naul, SSSR, 4'eb 1SO'3, !'~'30-'IOM2. V. 6, 21 7 S/0-0/- on aqueous solutions 3f its salts presents serious di" i, e~ al ~ o P th 6 r eduction o T,' ions,the.low over- the teaderncy ol Ti to absorb H and to p~,ssiva-c readily 'a n. n o tC!---4o-'tdd Ti cathades but only on cathod s on of othor N.., or Fv. livaever, as soon as the aCO j,j.- y, r 01 T ~L thic'x,, -he deposition e 16 T U o~ j. c,-r thc Tj d,~ppositQd on a Cu cathode reve-lLad 'u,-' --rd- -1 analloy which has a disordered rhornloic lat- i or A. o th eT;Cu- -T~Ctl-,, coi:-,inoLmds. The diffusic'n Causes a .Z and zmakes, 'Ocsclbie deposit-ion, which con - 11-11~:Ir Sur -a layer reac "he elec- fa- hes 10056. 11 r:", DVI laztice as the matallurgical L Card 1/1 LYKOV',M.M.; KRUGLIKOV, S.S.; VOROBIYEVA, G.F.1 KUDRYAVTSEV, N.T.; rAR t ANTONOV, A.Ta. 1; Mechanism of surfaes level.Ing in the electrodeposition of metals. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.4%911-914 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhno1*icheskiy institut im. D.I.Handeleyeva. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Fruakirqm. (Electroplatipg) it KRUGLIMV, S. S.; KUDRrAVTSBVp N. T.1 ANTONOV) A. Ya*; DRIBINSKIY, A. V. -.' "A study of levelling in nickel and copper.* Report to be subndtted to the International Council For the Electrod"sition and Metal Finishing, 6th International Metal Finishing Conference, London, England, 25-29 May 66 KUDRYAVST-EV, N.T., dokt.or kh1micheakikh natk; SKIRIOVA, T,'Y.,. kard. tekhn. naule. Elleztrolytic deposition of iron chromium alloys. MashinostroGnie no.5~60-61 B-0 164 (MIRA 1822) Pad ASD'm E-'1rWVE'V-'P 0AV(b) AP40 76V S /0 304Ye4% 051W1110072 A'J'Th0i6: Tsuvak, T. Ye. (Eng~inee-.,J; iudryaytaev. M. T. (Doctor of chemical -aaiencez); QysYann1-koyax L. -V, 1TETLF.- Nickel-chrondum alloy coatiM SOURCE: Hashinostroyeniyes no- 51 1964, 71-72 TOPIC TAUS: electroplatimg, nickel alloy, chromium alloy, metal coating A13STRACT: The conditions for electroplating of Mi-Cr alloys from solutions can- ta-ming, trivalent Cr in complicated combinations with- glycol were experimentally -.'-t-jestdwated. T~xee, 4, arid 6 gram-moles o~ glycol were used for I ~ram-atoni of Cr I:: ~--;Iphate, chloride, and mixed solutions at 20-uOC. The percentage of Cr in the aeposit, and the yield was measured as a function of Ki concFuitraticn in the Solu- 1, -.1 the properties of the coating were observed as a '.-~mctinn -3f plating K 7'. ~7 .11he effects of additives such as amonia ions wer- a13o investigated. - 1, .10 Y-S lound thar, the best electrolyte for platins- wi'*~ ~4-1-'r al (10-16% Cr) contain 160 &/Itr chro-nium sulphate (2n. ), 2140 g/itr uickel chloride (2 a.) ard 2-'-() g/ltr glycol. The solution should be at 40C and have a pit of 2.0-2.7. C-ceration with the above electrolyte over ar; e~jtended period of time (50 amp - h~/Itr) using a pure Hi anode and 20-30 amp/dm' gave a corrotant yield of 30-32,40' if Cc.rd 1-/2 T. L 13253-65 ACCaSlOrl UR: AP4047695 the p.9 was periodically corrected. Orig. art. bast 2 figures. A&MD-TIOU: none SUIMITTEN 00 Sull CODE: M 140 REF SOVt 000 Card 2/2 ENCLt 00 OTHER: 000 l.'P(c) JD U35011514 !JR/WP,~ /04/rKv~,-/r,27/0069 10W0 'Eudryavtsev, N. T. T-jutina, K. M.; Fdtakh-Alia,- M.I .-E. T-,urina,_ _N-.--A. -admium r)lating. Class 4zo*-retenil i t rnyt&, 0 zznvakov, n-. C,,,.,Ur P tinal .,(~Ctropla Ratract: A method of electrolytic cadmium plating from a cadmium Oxide is proposed for producing quali ty coatinVg dep-nmition [a d,zn-- Ln an electrolyte lngredient g/I cadmium ox de (I.CV) sminoacetic acid 150 (2.a4) sodium chloride 80 (I'SN.) gelatin 5-10 thiocarbawide 2.1. a-. a temperature of 18-25 C, pH=7,5 and D 2 a 0.1-42.0 &/d% F d - -