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-KORZYCKA-BIELOSZABSKA, Florentyna: ZDERKIEWICZ, Tadeusz Effect of mineral fertilizers on the development of sage (Salvia officinalls L.) mid on its till content. Ann.Univ.Lublin; sec.D 14:303-310 159. 1. Z latedr7.Farmakognozjl VydziiLlu Farmaceutycznego Akademii. ".cznej w Lublinie lierownik: doe. dr Florentyna Bieloszabska. (FERTILIZERS) (PLANTS HEDICINAL) - KUDRZYCKA-BMLOSZABSKA, Florentynalt. ROZEKO Tadausz Isolation and biological dettermination of active constituents of rhiz. filicis, L Ann.Unir.Wblin; sec. D 141291-302 159. 1. Z Katedr7 Farmakognozji Wydzialu Farmaceutycznego Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie Kiercunik: doe. dr norentyna Bieloszabska. (ASPIDIUM chem) KIID,qZYC,I(A-BIEI/JS",'A",SYJ,, Florentyria; ZDERKIEWIC',~', Tadeusz ~. i - -, Determination of oiis in the tetraploid forra of Calum cai-vi L. Acta Pol. pharm. 21 no.2:135-343 164. 1. Z Katedry Farmakopozji Akademii Medycmej w Lubli-iia (Kerownik: doe. dr. F.1,4. Bieloszabska). Pare~y useld tninqu.~iizirig dnug:3 v;q,~Eoab-.e or-'$--4n. tv ~elc. 20 2 16 A p. 1* Z Fpited' y Farmkugna:~j i 'ilyrAziril-, tk, doc, , cir . F, linn, vol. :~n. ro. 13 Ju-ly ll)~tl Forithl y List. of Fa~; 1~ European axcf,-rmions E -:AT) !,C) Vo` 8, TsTo. 12, Uncl , I- -- -- -- - .-- - - - -- - -- --- KUDU, K. F. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Study of ion counter given predominantly positive half-periodsof high frequency voltage." Leningrad, 1961. 7 pp; (Ministry of Education-RSFSR, Leningrad State Pedagogical Inst imeni A. I. Gertsen, Chairof General Physics); 250 copies; free; (n, 6-61 sup, 193) KUDUP K, F, High-froquenoy radiation detector for clansroom demonstratio a. Usp, fiz. nauk 82 no. 070-771 Ap 164- (MIM 1r1., ) CHABUDZINSKI, Z..; KUCZYNSKI, ff.; KUDUK) J. Conformations of carvomenthols and related compounis. Flt.2. Bul chim PAN9110, 121 no.916O3-606 164. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry of the School of Medicine, Wroclaw, and Department of Organic Chemistry II of Wroclaw Technical University. SubmItted June 23, 1964. CIESLAK, Jarzp doci drcl XqDUK,,_~anlm; RULKO, Felicia. - J Gentiana lutea alkaloids. Act% Pol. pha=. 21 no.3t265-Z73 164. Acta Pol. pharm. 21 no.3t26,1-273 164 1. Z Katedry Chemil. Orgs-lemaj Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawin (Kierownik: doe. dr. J. Cieslak) KOSTIRLY,A41ADALSKA, Olga; BAI:KO14SK.1, G-.,,eslaw; EUDUE, JvninflL Attempted cultivation of eugmol-crintaining bh:3il and the eugenol content in its o~-. Acta Pol, pham. 21 no.4: 387-393 164. 1. Z Katedry Botaniki Famaceutyemej Akademil Medyeznej we Wroclawiu (FIero,,mJ.k: doe. dr. Z. Ghalxtdz~xski). Val BUNIMVICH, Lev Danilovich; kUDUKT ga~4-loggo3Ta; ERENBURG, Grigoriy Borlsovich. Prinimali uchastiye; PEREFLETCHIKGV, B.I., inzh.; KHEYSTVER, Ye.:H., inzh.j MOROZOV, N.A., red.; LEBEDEVA, I.D., red.izd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. (Technology of assembly-line production of elements made by joiners and carpenters] rekhnologiia massovogo proizvodstva stoliarno-stfroitellnykh izdialli. Moskva, Goelesbumisdat, 1963. 257 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut proyektirovariya predpriyatiy derevoobrabatyvayushchey pr)myshlennosti (for Perepletchikov, Kheystver). (Building-Details) KUDU ~~I.Aj; SANAKOYEEV, T.V. Increasing the stability of the operation of electric vibratory ma- chines. Obog. rud 6 no.4:4,'I-45 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Stalinirski,,, zavod "Elektrovibromashina". (Conveying machinery) (Ore dressing--Electric equipment) KUb'UKHOVO I.A.; MALYSHEV, G.I.; SANAKOYEV, 7'.V. - --, -~ ~ ~-, ~-. Improving the spring system In electric vlbrating machines. Obog. rud 9 no.403-36 164,, 04IRA 18:5) s/l8o/6o/ooo/oo4/ol3/O27 Elll/E452 AUTHORS: TITLEs Zholobov, V.V. and Kudukis, A.S. (Leningrad) Corrosion Stability-of Titanium Alloys ".0 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhni---heskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 196o, No.4, PP.?7.-80 TEXT: After a brief review of the literature on the c,orrosion stability of titanium alloys, the authors describe their own experiments aimed at finding their suitability for f--hemical-plant construction. Soviet alloys type VT-59 VT-3 and VT-3-1 and some American alloys were studied in the laboratory in the follow-ing media.- 10%. 50% and concentrated sulphuric acid5 10yo, 20% and concentrated hydrochloric ai~id;; 20% and concentrated phosphoric acid, 20% acetic acid. Tests were at 18 to 204C for 65 days. Corrosion was estimated as the weight-loss rate per unit surface (g/M2 hour). Results are shown diagrammatically in Fig.1 to 3. In addition, the corrosion of the following allDys were compared with that of technical titanium in boiling concentrated sulphuric a_."id for 4 hour3a IMPI-A (titanium obtained by powd~!r metallurgy), TiMc3O, TiSil, TiAl3Cr5, TiAl3V2, V_A13Snll, T_-Al6M,:-3Cr3- Card 1/2 s/i8o/6o/ooo/oo4/0l3/027 EIII/E452 Corrosion Stability of Titanium Alloys Results (Fig.4) show that of these material s only TiMo30 and TiSil had higher resistance to corrosion than technical Ti. VT-5, VT-3 and VT3-1 had low stability in sulphuric and hydrochloric acid, fairly low in phosphoric and high in acetic. There are 4 figures and 8 referencesa 5 Soviet, I English, 1 German and I Italian. SUBMITTEDs April 29, 1960 Card 2/2 :4 jqDUP39 A.P., Inth, Blasting under difficult conditions. Avt. dor. 28 no.912S 't 0 165- (MIRA 18-10,; KilUTIr IS p ,%, , blusting louse o"' md12-ir-n cul-lic nipters of 90JI. 7 n P . !,, t. r -,,) ~ a 15 nod,K-32 F '64. (MIRA 1g,;3) 1. Nachallnik otdla upravl(mlya NTc."19 trenth Transvzryvprom. ~2jj1 AUWRs Xudulis. A. P, (Engineer) -57 ORI;2 7z None TITIAs Compaction of an embankment by vnderwater blasting SOUWEz Trazuiportnoys stroitellefto, no* 3, 1966, 51 TOPIC TLGS1 highway constrwtiono highway structurst eVlosive *ham, solid explosive No. 6 zhV ammaito, KpK-1 6"Josion device to ABSTRACTs The use of oL special blasting twludque for the compaction of a highway emback- ment is described, The embankment wait undior construction on the Zashoyek - Monchagorak Bootion of the Uningrad - Murmansk highwNr. The embankment was constructed an an approach to the bridge built over the StmLto of Salm. The blasting compaction method was used to accelerate the completion of bridge construction work before November 1965. Four 200-4~g underwater explosive charges wore 3AI4*.on each side of the embankment and one 5000-kg charge in the center. The tot4a charge was 2100 kg wide of a No. 6 ZhV pulverulent amwnite. The explosion was attcceesfully actuated bjr means of two coupled KPM-1 explosion devices. The laying and bRaeting of charges is briefly eiplainodo their emplacement is schematically illustrated wtd a 30-M high water blast is shown in a photo. Orig. art# bass I diagramp 1 photo, SUB OMs 23, 19/ SM DATEs None Eiji) EJZLE,-j RU011, A. I.,, imb, Sinking inclined holeo at the Vuoksa quarry. Transp atroi. 15 no.6:51 .34-165. iMIRA 18s12) 1. Glavnyy Inzh. spetsiallnogo upravleniya No.79 Trmxsvzryv- proma (for KuduliB). MAUDINS, Toodors;-KUDUKA, A., red,; MIRONOVS, A., [Gombat history of the Latirian Riflemen. 1917-1920] Iatviesu strelnieka cinu eels, 1917-1920. Riga, Latvijas Valats izdovnieciba, 1961. 150 P., (MIRA 15$2) (Iatvia--Army) (Rusiiia-Revolution, 1917-1921) J,VC~171'1~[Wlj 0 .; JQ ". , .1 1, j F jtij,TJC)!J, A.!.; MEYETIYEV, N.P.; KIJIDUSOV, 1.1 Sorne charactfris tics of the pre2ent-day dynardes of the coasts of Sulak Hay. F)okl. All Azerb., SSR 21 no.2:39-43 165. (MI N. 18: 5) 1. institut geografiJ AN AzerSSR. KAZANTSEV, Ye.l.; -XUDUSOV, V.A.- Wash-out of thorium from strongly basic anion exchangers Radiokhimiia 5 no.22231-236 163. jMIRA 16tlO) UZANTSEV, Ye.l.; KOROBEYNIKOV, V.L.; KUDUSOV, V.A. Sorption of ions of certain metalo on AV-17 anion oxchangers from nitrie'acid solutions. Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.5:1143-1146 My 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Urallskiy politakhnieheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova. rz-ff --caa q,-.n4: 4467-65~~.. L ACCESSIOU NFU .,AT5013643 -ia~di6rbed in considerable quantitites and n Cluted: (1) thortum to s, vftlch,~are_ are not eluted to any appreciable extent by 7 N HN03; (2) long of La, Ce(TTT), Bi, 13b, Co, Hi, Cu, U(VT), and Al, which are adsorbed in small quantities; (3) ions of Fe(III), Cr(TTI'l, Zn, Cd, Mg, Hn(11), and Ca, which are not adsorbed by the reeln. tons of metals of groups'2 ind 3, with the exception of U(%11), ar quantitacively eluted from the resin by 7 N JfNOP Thua, the results of the ex- periments show, that Th can be separated from metala of groups 2 and 3. It waa found that U Could be separated from Th m,3st effectively on the KU-2 resin from HLNO solutions less than 2.5 N., and on th,~ AV-17x6 resin from HM3 solutions 3 more than 2.5 N. A simple procedure is p-coposed for the separation of the Lhorium Laotope UK from uranium Golutioni, Ort,76 art& has: 5 figureo and 4 SUB OOD9*. IG KIWAKOV) F. A.) Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "The prophylaxis of postopera- tional infections of the pleural cavity in operations on the intestinal tract". Stalingrad, 1959. 19 pp (Stalingrad I'Mate Med Inat), 2W copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 150) ZHUKOV, A.I.; ONOSOV, V.N.; KUDTAKO.V,_Y,,b,; SERGEYEV9 B.M. On the forma tion of Th[(OH)41bl# ions. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.4s871-875 Ap 163. - (MIRA 160) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. (Thorium compounds) KUDYAKOV, V.Ya.; SMIRNOV, M.V. PbtentWs of Zr/Zr2+ , Zr,tZr4" and 7,r2+/,Lr4 and equilibrium Fr+ Zr4 '4,,- - 2Zr2+ in fused KCI. constant of the reaction 4, Trudy Inst. elektrokhim. IJFAN SSSR no.6:19-27 165. (MIRA 18:11) "Mil M. V. MOVI .; KIIDYAKOV, V.Ya~, Equilibrium potentiala of zirconium in molten lithiun chlorid,,4. Izy. vys, uchabb zav,j tovet, mate 8 no,502-88 165. (MIRA 18t10) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut, fizlko-LeVhnlcheakly fakulltat. the-.- tn-clasure., DoLbly -re--'cvy'ii~~ 4 coVPIO~(-wiii,6-dAlculatedi~'aiid also standard :electrode--Pot~ntlals of-4r Z/, the oxidation-reduction potential of the Zr gr 4 SySteM, By meaSuring the cur- mnt efficiency of anodic dissolution of metaLLic zirconium it was shown that the ipr~mary icns which Fe in equilibrivm with the metal in CsC!. melt are Zr+7 and Ztr4 rnther than Zr 3. For Zr'rZjZr~r4~ couples 'the oxidation-reduction potential In C"d )AA- .. ........ . ORIGORIYEVA-BMNSUTEYN, A.G.; KUDYAKCIVA, L.I.; MR-OSIFOVA, M.Z.; KHABAS, I.M. Immunological effsotivonano of'purifted diphthorial anAtoxin adsorbed on aluminum phosphate, Z~u:r,mikroblol.,epid.l Immun. 30 no.llt48-50 N 159. (MIRA 130) 1. Iz Lenin~radskogo Instituta vaktoin i 9yvorotok. (DIPHTMMIA immunol. ) (TOXINS AND AMPITOXINS) GRIGOR')EVA-BEMIISIITEYIJJ, A.G.; KUDYAKOVA, L.I.; DISYETTS, A.?If. Pork in lowering diphtheria :morbidity in Petrc,avodak. Vest. Mill SSSR 17 no.2-.56-62 162. (1 J. ~- L 15 -.3) 1. LeningradukAy nauchno-iouledovatellskiy institut vWctnin i uyvoroto1c. (II'TltVZ,AVODSK-DIPIITIIERIL-FBMVflO?I) FREMMO B.A.; GRIG0R1YKVAHMHNSffTMT, A.G.; STEVIVA, Ye.S.;_jRPYAKQK L.I.: FILIMVA, G.D.; BOLDASOV, V.K. Immmological, evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-influenza vaccination in 1958-19Y9 161,, Trudy Len.inst.epid.i M11ccobiol. 22:12,6-156 161 (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iz laboratorii grippa (zvv, B.,A* Fricbmn) laningradskogo instituta epidemiologii i m3krobiologil. imeni Pastera i otdela epidemiologii (zav. A.G. Orl.gort-yeva-1)3renshte~t)Uningradskogo naucbno-isoledovatellokogo Jmstituta vaktain i syrorotoke (MMEN7,A-PREMTIVE INOCULATION) (DMUNITY) TATARGV. Yu.N., inzh.; KUZIIETSOV, V.P., inzh.~ KUDYANUV, A.V., inzh. Designing automatri-e-.11aersl for mar,,hirAng small-sized parts. Mashe Balo no,2*.22-31 7 (MIRA 16:7) (Machine tools) (Automtion) KUDYIUIOV, A.V., inzh.j TULUM, A.G., :Lnzh. Forced exchange of cutting tools in automatic lines. Mash. Bel. no.2.-45-47 160. (MIRA 16:7) (Metal cutting tools) (Automation) KUDYAINOV, A.V., Insh.; GORFIIHML7, D,.Ya., inzll.; ISENTER, L.S., inzh. Phoumatic romoval of chips n,,om machine--toolB units and automatic lines. Mash. Bel. no.2:60-6',. 160. (MMA 16:7) (Machine toola) (Pneumatic machinery) K-UTYA311OV, YU. 7. KUDRYASHOII, Yu. B.: "Some properties ond the nature of the hemolvtic factor Prising in the liver of animasl sin radiation disease." Moscow State U imeni M V. Loponosov. Soil Biolo~~,j Faculty. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the DAgree of Candidae in Biological Sciences.) Knizhr,aya letopis', No 39, 1956, Moscow. SOY/21-58-10-14/27 AUTHORSt Dyadohenko, M.G. and Kudykin, A.G. ~11 ----------- TITLEt On the Characteristios of Garnets from the Lower Tereblya Basin of the Transcarpathian Region (K kharaktariatike gra- nata basseyna nizhneiKo techeniya reki Terebli Zakarpatekoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 10, PP 1087 - 1090 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The geology of the Transcarpathian region has been studied by many Soviet geologists such as A.A. Bogdanov, V.G. Bon- darchuk, O.S. Vyalov, M.M. Zhukov, Ye.K. Lazarenko, V.I. Slavin, V.S. Sobolev, L.G. Tkachuk, and others f-Ref 1 through 10_7. one of- the authors studied the geological structure of the Tereblya river basin of the Transcarpathian region during 1955 t01956. Considerable quantities of gar- nets were discovered in the course*of studying the mineralo- Card 1/3 gical composition of the microsections of Quaternary alluvial SOV/21-58-10-14/27 On the Characterigtics of Garnsits from the Lower Tereblya Basin of the Transcarpathian Region deposits from the lower Tereblya baoin, The investigated garnets are almandinet by their predominant component; gene- tically, they should be connected with the local garneto- chlorito-muscovite schists. By the almandine component content, they are clase to the garnet from the Transoarpa- thian dacites. The chemical analysis of the garnets was performed by analyst Ye.V. Romanishina, and the crystallo- chemical formulas of them were determined by V.S. Sobolev's Z-Ref 13-7 method. The compositions of the garnets from the regions of the Ukrainian crystalline shield and Trans- carpathian region are dissimilar and connected genetic- ally with the rocks in which they were formed. A compara- Card 2/3 tive study of the composition of the garnets can be used to SOV/21-58-10-14/27 On the Characteristics of Garnets from the Lower Tereblya Basin of the Transcarpathian Region elucidate the conditions of rock formation and to divide them into separate genetic complexes~ There are 2 tables and 18 references 17 of which are Soviet and 1 Czech. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologichesikikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geo- logical Sciences of the AS UkrS$R) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, N.P. Semenenko SUBMITTED: may 159,1958 NOTEi Russian title and Runaian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation 1. reology--IWR 2. 'Earth--Configuration 3. Minerals--Determl- nation 4. Fbck--Properties Card 3/3 Equ:--I, br on, ent-~ liln, (if I ro.2i,.'L.,O.A48 F 'MIRA I 6~ Ingri Kirrva. I)MI M.V KUDYAK-TV, Tntmnodyna-m'.zr,,c,f the riw~zion of zlr(~;orlum d.1- and With aikah. Jvi rne'IA3. Zlwr. neorg, kh'v,. 10 tio. 5~~ -12: 1--!, .`~Vl, 14Y 165. OCT~k 18a6) ZAYNCHKOVSKIY, V.F. The diversified Molotov Collective Farm. Zemledslis 4 no.6: 109-112 Je 156. (KLU 9:8) 1. Predsedatell kokhoza Imeni Molotova, Dnepropetrovskogo rayon&, Dnepropetrovskoy oblasti (for Kudym). (Ulmaine-4griculture) 8M90 3/123/60/000/023/001/008 0 AOO5/A001 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, 1960, No. 23, p. 129, # 127224 AUTHOM Vargin, S. V, Kudymov, A. D. TITLE: High-Temperature Carburizing of Carbon Steel of the Brand 20 in a Solid Carbonizer PERIODICAL: V ab.: Novaya tekhnol, tseimentatsii. Perm', 1959, pp. 87-111 TEXT: The carburizing was studied of carbon steel of the brand 20A in a solid carb8nizer of the Bondyuzhskiy-type at 910 - 1,3000C temperature with inter- vals of 50 C. The increase of the carburizing temperature up to 950 0C decreases the duration of soaking by 1.6 times. CLuenching from 840 0C guarantees the abolish- ment of the cementite network and the grain refinement in the core. The carburiz- ing temperature of 1,000 C causes the increase of the grain from initially 7 marks to 4.5 marks in the core and 3.5 parks in the cemented surface. Therefore, normalizing or quenching from 900 - 920 () C is necessary for abolishing the cementite network and simultaneous regeneration of the grain in the core, and following Card 1/2 8662o S/123/60/000/023/001/008 A005/AOOI High-Temperature Carburizing of Carbon Steel of the Brand 20 in a Solid Carbonizer quenching of the carburized surface layer at 760 - 7800C, and tempering at 160 - 1800C. The carburizing at 1,050 - 1.1000C is not recommended. - There~are 16 figures. I. N. N. Translatorts note: This is the full. translation of the original Russian abstract. KOYHO .-DAY&-' KOTOV, P.T. .-MON Comparative analyst# of induced polarization of sedimentary rocks. Prikl. geofis. no.16t213-2-26.157. (KIak 10.-8) Olocks, Sedimentary) With Veselov, K. Ye., Golomb, V. E., Kailshcnra, L. V.; L)-In~-kaya, A. I. Revi-tav of P. 1. Lnka-vchenkolz "Gravl=4-lric ExP1:)ra'1rn fcr Ga2" P. in book Applied 100, C011tetion of Aruclod" Ind. 19 MCDCOW" castau~~-*hlzdat' 119 , 'Me articles are devoted to a d4sawision of methods of interDrating Varlow tyWs of elactriml logo, nothods a det(wudulng V2e porosity, permeablUty,, and epecifle aw.'Zaae chanaterieties of vater bourring roclw,, cmd riftcdo of datercdnitig tb-z- ph~enlcal prop=tlea of aideawto and tho ebaracteristles a variom VbyBLwl A do3crIption of plezoe'41-ectric MauTe recordors used In aelamic c~lomtilon to QUO given. KITO"fMCU, B. Ya. llii~h Kot(jv, P. T. "'Ller Nature of 11-,ht- Induced Electrical ir, 0("dimentary Rcx-,kL." 0 PO 1W in book ~Alied GgE~Lsics; -Collection of Articles, No. up, Moseav Goutoptckbizdato 1956, 267p, Thoas articles are concerned vitIt the methodology of interpreting the reaUts, of grwrA*mtrIc.. seluale w4 electrical exaveya,. Reviev ther colleetiug Vroperties of rocka on the buls of data obtained from resistometers and the applIcstion of chargod jurticle accelerators in vell loggIng. k.Ye.;; GOLW'#'V9'J'.'; XALISnrA#; 4ga'Ah.; IDZINSUU, AeL Oft M, roksychenkols bookt "Gravimetrie prospeoting.for oil'wA gas, I Reviewed by ]C;le Teselur and others. Prikl, geofiz, no'19: 245-254 158. t4) (PrOspeoting-Geophysical methods) (Makavonenko, P.I.) KUDDIOV. B.Ya.; MMV, P.T. Nature of induced polarization In sedimentary roch. Prikl. geofiz. no.20:134-140 '58 iPolarization (Electricity)) (MT.RA 11:11) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) 3(5) SOV/132-59-7-9/1? AUTHORS: Kudymov, B.Ya. and Ushakov, A.V. TITLE: A Photo-Electric Device for the Study of the Lumi- nescence of Walls of a Bore Hole PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr 7, pp 34-36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a description of a luminograph for the study of the degree of luminescence of walls of a bore-liole, more especially - for the evaluation of the degree of saturation of oil-bearin6r beds of rocks in an oil viell. The device was designed and constructed according to plans elaborated by the authors. It consists of a 150 cm steel cylinder, 90 mm in diameter, in which the device is assembled. A glass lens is fixed in the side of the cylinder. Ultra-ViOlet rays produced by UFO-4 valve cause the luminescence of the photomultiplier, whereas current impulses originate on the anode of the photomultiplier corresponding to separate changeable amounts of the reflected luminescence on the cathode. Card 1/3 These intensity impulses are passed onto the mantle SOV/132-59-7-9/17 .A Photo-Electric Device for the Study of the Luminescence of Walls of a Bore Hole of the valve of the proamplifier, and from there - to the multivibrator, where the second 12P4C valve acts as an amplifier of the intensity of impulses. From the cathode of this valve, and passing through a cun- denser, these impulses are transmitted to the surface station where they are registered on the counter or on the integrating apparatus of the radioactive core,-samp- ling installation. Thus registered curves show largest deviations when the luminograph passes through the oil beariiag bed of the bore-hole. The luminograph is fed by direct burrent of 1!50v intensity for feeding the in- candescent and anode valves. The high 950v intensity indispensable for the created by an RC-generator and rectifier. Experiments made with Card 2/3 this device in oil ivells of Bashkiriya, Tatariya, in SOV/132-59-7-9/17 ,A Photo-Electric Device for the Study of the Luminescence of Vialls of a Bore Hole East-Siberia and in the city of Rcctmenskoye(Moskovskaya Oblast') gave very good results. There are 3 diagrams. ASSOCIATION:VNIIGeofizika Card 3/3 5(2) SOY/32-25-5-22/56 AUTHORS: Kud.7mov , B. Ya., Malinina, V. I., Varlamov, V. P. TITLE: Method of a Quantitatiwe Spectral Analysis of Water on the Content of Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Sulphur (Metodika kolichestvennogo spektrallnogo analiza vod na soderzhaniye khlora, ioda i eery) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya., 1959, Vol 25, Nr 5, PP 583-584 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A water spectral analysis was worked out, which may find vast application in geological laboratories. A spectrograph ISP-51 was employed, as the most sensitive spectral lines of the elements mentioned in the title lie in the visible spectrum. A spark generator IG-3 served as spectrum exciter and the dis- charge -took place in a fulgurator (Fig, Scheme) wi'th a capacity of 1 CM3. "Ortochrom'l photofilms were used for the iodine and sulphur determination) and films of the "Spectral Type III! for the bromine and chlorine determination. The following spectral linoswere used: C1 4794-54, Br 4704.86, J 5161.19 and 3 5453-88 . The determination accuracy was tested with artificial mixtures (Table 1) and the relative error in the Card 1/2 halogen and sulphur determination was found to amount to SOV/32-25-5-22/56 Method of a Quantitative Spectral Analysis of Water on the Content of Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Sulphur � 1Z. The determination accuracy of spectral analysis on subterranean water samples was determined by comparing with data obtained from chemical analyses and amounts to.� 20~ for chlorine in the caae of a high chlorine content. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnyy fieftyanoy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geological Petroleum Prospecting) Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOT/53T2 K~dymov, Boris Yakovlevich Spektralfnyy karotazh skvazhin; geolchimicheakiye issledovaniya osadocbnykh porod (Spectral Well Logging; Geochemical Investigations of Sedimentary Rocks) Moscow, Gostoptekhi:zdat., 1960. 60 p. 1,700 copies printed. Sponsorir%,Agenc-y: Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. Voesoy-finyy nauchno-issledovatel"skiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki, IIGeofizika). T . Ed. (Title page): V.A. Sokolov; Scientific Ed.: A.G. Ionell; Tech. Ed.- I.G. Fedotova. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for geophysicists, geologists, and geochemists concerned vith the study of sedimentary rocks. COVERA GE - The book -presents the reivults of opwatral analysis of core samples taken from Devonian., Carboniferoits, and Permian sections of stratigraphic and exploratory boreboles located on the Russian platform. A description Card 1/3 Spectral Well Logging (Cont.) SOV/5372 is given of the geochemical coiq)osition of individual sections, and rec n- dations are made on the spectral logging of wells for the study of sedimentary rocks. The author thanks N.D. Krylova, Te. V. Tumovskiy (rock samples and spectrogram processinf)j, and VJ. Malinina-Yermakova (quantitative spectral analysis of bo.reholes). There are 24 referecces: 23 Soviet and 1 English. TAELE OF CONTMS: Introduction Theoretical Principles of Spectral Analysis 3 5 Simplified Methods of Blvaluating the Content of Elements in Rocks by Means of Spectral Analysis 32 Examples of Spectral Well Logging 18 ApPlYing Qualitative Spectral Analysis Data to the Study of the Geochemistry and Paleography of Sedimentary Rocks 42 On the Paragenesis of Certain Elements in Sandy-Clayey Beds 53 Card 2/3 Spectral Well 14Wng (Cont.) BOV/5372 Conclusions 54 1 Supplements I - IK 56 1 Bibliography 60 AVAILAM: Librar7 of Congress Card 3/3 JA/&wm/mas 8-8-61 - -A KUDTMOV, B. Ta., SSUROVA, V. I. Relation between the membrane potential of rocks and the mobility of ions in the membrane. Prikl. geofizo no.26:218-223 16o. (MIRA l3s8) (Rocks-Blectric properties) (Ions-Elgration and velocity) FEMSKIY, V.V., doktor fiziko-matem. nauk, red.; SHIHOKOV, A.S., red.; KO- VAIZVAy A.A.) red.; GRATSIANOVA, O.P., nauchn. red.; BORISOV, A.A. nauchn. red.; 1"MUK , V.I., nauclin. red.; KCJTLL--fkEVSKIY, B.V., nauchn. red.; PCIOWTSZVA, I.V., nauchn. red.; MOZZZENIKO, A.N." nauchn. red.; LOZINSKAYA, A.M., nauchn. red.; SWIEYEILSON, M.B.p nauchn. red.; BOGDA110Vj A.Sh.y nauchn. red.; 111KITSKIY, V.Ye.., nauchn. red.v nauchn. red.; PETROV, L.V.,; KOMk- Rovy S.Gy nauchn. red.; GO,IBUNOV, G.V., wichn. red.; DUIXIMIKO, I.A., nauelm. red.; FELIDMAN, I.I., nauchn. red.; POMETU11, D,Ye.j nauchn. red.; BEDWI, Yu.K., ved. red.; VOHONOVA, V.V.,, toklm. red. (Status and prospects for developing geophysical methods for mineral prospecting] Sostoianie i perspektivy razvitiia geofizicheskikh meto- dov poiskov i razvedki poleznykh iskopaemykh; materialy. Pod red. V.V. Fedynskogo. Moskva, Gos~ naucbno-tekh-n. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 623 P. (MIRA 14; 11) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya goofizicheskava konferentsiya, Moscow, 1959. 2. Ministerstvo gG010gii i -Dkhrany nedr SSW (for Fedynski7f, Petrov). (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) S/169/62/000/006/015/093 D228/D304 'UTHORS: Polshkov, 14. K. and Kudymov, B. Ya. TITLE': State and means of IncreasJng the effectiveness of geo- physical methods of searching and prospect-ling for use- ful minerals PERIODICAL: Re-Ferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 20, ab- stract 6A141 (Sov. ireologiyagno. 10, 1961, 68-74) TEXT: The successes of gecphysical prospecting methods, especially in ihe field of seeking oil and jras, are noted. These are due to the improvement of apparatus and to the introduction of new, survey Uechnicues. A scient3'.fi-cally-sub.,3tantiated complex of geologico- geophysical investigations, allowing searches and prospecting tuo be conducted by the most rational methods with the reduction in the volume of structural drilling at the expense of seismic surveying, has been developed in recent years. The prospects are considered for raising the precision of depth determinations during mapping by -seismic survey methods. The use in seismic surveying of transverse Card 1/3 0 S/169/62/000/0006/015/093 State and means ... D228/D304 waves in place of longitudinal ones is extremely perspective. Much success will be achieved in the field of the detailed study and the mapping of intricately formed structures thanks to the introduction of the seismic.method of controllable set reception. It is apt to e.mpioy the correlation refraction method for regional.investigationa ol' -ulle basement surface and the method of deeo seismic soundin- for deeper crustal horizons.. Regional investigations have covered the S'oviet Union's extensive territories; in the authors' opinion, the time is ripe for organizing systematic work on the geological depth mapping of the USSR's territory on 1:1,000,000 sheets and, in places, on a larger scale. New methods of' electric prospecting -- telluric currents, electromagnetic field formation, magnetotelluric profiling -- are being successfully used. Equipment for frequency electric sounding will be fully developed within the next few years. The me- thod of gamma-gamma-logging is being successfully applied to investi- Eate anLle holes. The material composition of rocks is'bei,-Ig stu- died by neutron methods. Research. is being conducted on the use of nuclear, magnetic, and paramagnetic resonance for prospecting pur- --noses. An extremely urgent problem is to expose oil pools in high- Clard 2/3 S/169/62/000/006/015/093 Staze and means ... D228/D304 resistance carbonate traps and to determine the degree to which rocks are saturated by oil and tiater. The detailed study of the question of using seismetry and gravimetry for seeking oil and gas f-Jolds will I~ave to be tackled. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 3/3 POLSIMOV, Mikhail Konatantinovich;,KM=V_,-B.Ya.j red. ; VOYUTSKIY, V.S., red.; YUYGMS, S.M., ved. red.; VORMOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Basic problems concerning seismic prospecting apparatus; transcient processes and rei3olving powerjOsnovnye voprosy seismorazvedochnoi apparatury; ustanavlivaiushcbiesia pro- tsessy, razreshaiushchaia B, cobnost'. Moskva, Gostoptekh- izdat, 1962. 335 p. PO (MIRA 15111) (Seismic Prospecting--Equipment and supplies) I,UDYYIOVj 13-.Ya-.~ KUZ'MINA, N.K.; LOVIYA, S.A. Using the shooting method to increase the productivity of water wells. Razved. i okh. nedr 28 no.2:42-43 F 162. (MIRA 15-3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geofizi- cheskikh metodov razvedki. (Wells) KUDYMOV, B. Ya. "Geophysical prospecting of oil and gas at less investigated territories" reporL to be submitted for the WtA.,d Mtic" Cwtoreaco cz: the ApplIcation of Balance and Technology for the PA-v;efIt of the Les-ei Mveloped Arean - Gemva) Swltzer)Aad) k-2o reb 63- d 19 w I ' I ,' at V w f Ku al kd ~ -t.. l 9. tua etc-it was - I-cifted Wi * R 16 - I - 9 M (h a 0 cc. NO, (%p; cr~ I-") ind 2S cc. IfjSQ4 - - I H s it tr&t of 20-4 f MW -r , r~ i ip. Cm 1.98). w2s taka, ic: amaid ~ chatrLig. The Ire - O 8 tr 11=tIng wu madaued until colavkvi I Ifialn. wu obtaintef (tl hn.). Uwtotn. vc%% ftitTattt with the M of HCHO. - Lracush *Ver wal sddo* A to pro- f duce I. -2N H:~Oj and cawgit NHA'SO4)t tf) yield mi 1-425fa 7 I- Sol" of d w1d One to t" f a f"it pr . . y q ] ri'O tab. d dAp6t:, yxui;;; In ICFt(C N)s Od 1-2 of iy ICCMM, IGS04 wcrc added and tht 1041, Will tifA-AtCd With jox-5m KIMCINk. The tiffation wis cgtrkd alit drop- ~is m e. When ft 12 1 I't"fe soin wu titrated back with a zn - old . . , t rocu cuto A fl the chan vd to blue via t 8 k . . , r g g M EUD)NOV I G. 1. "Zinc Compounds, Their Isolation, O'bservation and Determination in Forensic Chemical Investigations," Ciu)d Pharm Sci, Moscow Pharmaceutical Inst, Moscow, 1954, 10 Jan 55- (MRv 24 Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Techniaal, Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556 24 Jun 55 SAVBL'YEVAV G.I.i-KUDYMOV, G.I. Now method for determining organioally bound iodine in pharmacoutioa-I preparationo. Mad. prom. 14 no.7336-39 -To 160. (MIRA 1338) I. Pernwkiy farmatisevticheakiy institut. (IODINE-ANALYSIS) SAMIYEVA, G.J.; KUDDIOVI. G.I. Qxantitative determinaticn of thiophene sulfur in ichthyo:t. Aptech. delo 12 no.3.:62-65 My.-Je'63 (MM 17:2) 1. Pemskiy farmataErvticheakiy institut. TE,RENTIYEV) A.F.; VOLODINA, M.A.; KUDYRASHOVA, V.A. Structure of Schiff's bases of N-arylpyrrolineq. Doki. AN SSgR 164 no.ltll5-118 S f65. (MMA 18; 9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny-y universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Terentlyev). I KUDYUKIN oft- I ~iiih.young Biae.-k Sea Plopt.sailors, Blok. agit. vod. transp. no.g: 18-19 Ny 157. (KLPA 10:6) (Odessa,-Merchant seamen) n,'UNKIN., 14.1. 33227. Vinodellehaskaya Promyshlonnost'Holdavit Za 25 lat. Vinodellye I Vinogradarstvo llbldavii 19/fqt No. 5p a. 10-13 SO: Letolis' Zhumalinykh Statey, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 POLYAKOVA, V.I.; 01'MN:_'V,, A.L.; i*UJYUKD.A, J11UNA.1ii, II.Ya., red. ---- 1.'___ (Painting and decoration of toys made frum paper-wood pulp, wood, metal, plastics and other materials) Okraska i rospis' igrushek iz bumazbno-dreveanykh massp dereva, metalla, plastmass i drugikhmaterialov. Koskva, Gosmest- promizdat, 1962. 2 v. (M1RA 17:4) KUDYUKOV, K. 1. Lakes - Kazakhstan Ancient lake basins of southeastern and the climatic conditions prevailing during their existence, Izv. 0 66SR. Ser. geog. No. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accengions, Library-of Congress, July 1952. UNCLASS. KUDZELIKOY A.S. 't DTA-3M and DIA-3AM decofler cells, ,arAarflizatinn of DIDA-214P 0 Avtom., telem. i sviazl 9 no,,603-34 Je 165. ('C-IIIIIIIA l8tB~ 1. Starshty elektromekhaWk purlkt" l4n~-,knv-!-,kc,y dintantrit KUDZELIKO, I.N., byvehiy boteman, Goiroy ordenov Leninn, Trudovoro ,Irruiogo Znameni i Krasnoy Zirexd7. Unforgettable dayi. Mor-flot 17 no-11:4-5 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Turboalektrokhod *Baltika*., (Russia-Revolution, 1917-1921) AMANTAYEV, Ye.; ILYALETDINOV, A.; KU:DYSHEV, T, Effect of simazine and strazine on the microflora and nitrate content of light-colored Ghestn4t soils of Alma-Ata Province. Arobiologiia N no.3:462-464 MY-Ja 163. MIRA 16:7) 1. Kazanskiy nauchno-issledoratellskiy institut zemledeliya, Alma-Ata. (Alma-Ata Province-Soils-Nitrogen content) (Triazine) (Alma-Ata Province-Soil microorganisms) V 11.1. [ Fvudz let io J* BO I Alkali resistance of white and raw-stock dyed turiacetate silk. Trudy AN Lit.SSR. Sev. B. nci.2:191-199 165. (MIM 19:2) 1. Inatitut khimi.-i i khimicheskoy taklinologii AN Litovskoy SSR. Submitted September 25, 1964. KUD1,11"NE, D.J. (KudzLenc, 1J.] --.- .. Study of acetate silk deacotylated by alkali. Trudy 114 Lit. SSR. Ser. B no.3:101-110 1164. (11.11TRA 18:5) I 1. Institut khjmJA- i khimicheskoy tekhnologli AN OMNI, R.B.; K-11DIZENEO, E. I. Photometric determination of the Interaction betveen nolyt~A-i-- aold and nulfopalicylic aold in eolution. ?rutty VGU 57t73-80 159. (KML 1315 ) (Holybdic acid) (Balicylic acid) y~-kul_za AjLPWR,._!j4r Why Salazar is afraid ofa Portugese woman? Rab.i sial. 38 no.9:15 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Portugal-Politica and goverrz6~ant) 2", 'itortwy fliEltit. ).13. POIZ'i~l (LiFa Lotnic7a) "am"a"'t lol. 11, no. 52, Lec. 1955 So. Fast. Si.iropf)axi Accassic)ns Ust Vol. 5, Vo. () Sen~cmbor !1)-';6 I L 07961-67 EWT(m)/EWP(Q/ET1 1JP(0 JD. ACC NR' AR6031893 SOURCE CODID: UR/0058/66/000/006/ElOO/E100 AUTHOR -Audzionts, A. 1. ; Batarunas, 1. V Karpus, A. S.; Kudzhmd4jskas, P. Lh TITLE: Optical properties and band structure ofantimony trisulfide single crystals SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E788 REF SOURCE: Lit. fiz. sb., v. 5, no. -1, 1965, 481-490 TOPIC TAGS: optic property, absorption coefficient, single crystal, valence band, antimony, antimony trisulfide A13STRACT: The authors measured the absorption coefficient of plane-polarized light of thin single-crystal films and Sb2S3 single crystals in the photon energy range of 0.6-1.75 ev. It is shown that the maximum of the valence band and the minimum of the conduction band do not coincide, In an approximation of highly bound electrons, models constructed frorn the energy band structure agree with the experimental data. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 201 ard FID Y. '7n 0.1h Per--,f-,cktivy Ilazvitiyz Irkutok-oy Oblptti (Per~pcctivem in thn Daval.op-ment (if the Irkutok ~rc2) Irlcuttk, Irl-ut--koye Vnizhnoya lzd-vo, 1956. 2115 Fl. Illus., i4ojp--. "Literrtum": P. 208-21)t. KUDZIN, A.L.; MAKODZEBA. I.A. Content and variation of mioluble carbohydrates In the organs of vegetative propagation in Acroptilon picris CAM. Dokl. AN SSSR 119 no.3:606-608 Hr 1-58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-U4s1edovate1'skijv institut kukuruzy Vaesoymnoy akademii sell skokho%yay*tvewykh nauk im, V.,I. Lenim. Predstavleno akedemikom A*L. Xurssnovymi'o (THISTIR) 41,7-9oo AUTHORS: 093V~60/000/01/015/0i E201/E491 SinXakov2 Ye.V., Avramenko, V,,-P Kudzin, A.-Tu, and Zuyev, A.F. TITLE; Inves-tigation of Magnetic Properties of Certain Mixed Ferrites iN PERIODICAL%Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Flzlka~ ig6o, Nr 1, pp Bo-86 (USSR) ABSTRACT2 The alathors investigated magnetic properties of the following mixed ferrite systems: nNiA1204 - 10ONiFO204 M nCoA1204 - 10ONiFe2O4 (II) nNiMn2O4 - 1OONiFe2O4 (M) nCoFe204 - 1OOMnFe2O4 (IV) where n = 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and is the molar ratio. In these systems one of the components is non-ferromagnetic (NiA1204, CoA1204 and NiMn2001 except in the case of IV where both components are ferromagnetic. Samples sirere prepared employing the usual ceramic techniques; oxides or carbonates of "pure" and Card 1/3 "pure for analysis" grades were used. Samples were 69441 S/l3q/6o/ooo/ol/oi5/o4i E201/E491 Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Certain Mixed Ferrites annealed at 1380*C for two hours or at 1420 aC for one hour. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that all ferrites had spinel structure and were solid solutions (Table 1). The following properties were investigated: the temperature dependences of the initial permeability Pos of tan 6 and of spontaneous magnetizationj the dependences B = f0i), and ii =_f(11); the coercive force and the Curie point. The concentration dependences of lio of the saturation magnetization B and of the Curie temperature (0) are shown in Fig I and 2 for systems I and II respectively. Fig 3 shows the temperature dependence of the Q-factor of coils with toroidal cores made of system I ferrites. Fig 4 gives the temperature dependenco of 40 for system 111. Fig 5 and 6 show the concentration dependences of p0, of B and of 0 for systems III and IV respectively. It was found that introduction of a non-ferromagnetic component lowers the Curie temperature, reduces the Card 2/3 saturation magnetization B and raises the coercive 6944LI S/139/60/000/01/015/o4i Noi/E491 Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Certain Mixed Ferrites force. These results can be explained using the theory of antiferromagnetism. For system IV ferrites (with both components ferromagnetic) the law of additive variation of properties with concentration was obtained. The losses in all ferrites were due to magnetic polarity reversal. There are 6 figuress 1 table and 12 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 4 English and 3 translations from English into Russian. ASSOCIATION:Dnepropetrovskiy gosuniversitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) SUBMITTEDg September 19, 1958 Card 3/3 a~.-VYO 36473 b/161/62/004/003/013/045 B102/B104 AUTSHOP's Ku,.Iz:Ln,' A. Yu. and Sh.,Apovalov, V. TITL:,-;: Effect of anncaling ~ on the re,-)olarizition of barium titanate monocrystals PSIi-110DICAL: Fizi-ka tverdwro tela, v. 4, no. 3, 1962, 0"50, - 6~)2 T',',XT: The nuthors studied the change in shape of the dielectric hysteresis of BaTiO sinple crystals caused by annealing 0 Fit -1200 C. The measurements were made in the range 50 cps - 15 keps with 0.1 mm thick crystal plates. Part of tho aamples had not been heated b~-fore, the others had been sub- jectc,~ to 1 - 2 hrs heating at 12500C in a ailite furnace. otrong, alter- nating ficid 5 'I%-,.,Icm) heated the oample and chanred the shape of the loop. Annealed samples which show -- complf-tely distorted loop are affected most by the alternating field: after the field has bcQn applied for some seconds tho loop. becomes normal and spontaneous Polarization P 19 rises. PS (t) at 60 cps shows a peak at about 1200C, above this temnerature P a vanishes abrUDtly. For samples heated to above the Curie point (140'C) Card 1/2 3/101//62/004/003/013/045 Efrect of annealing B102/B104 the shape of the loop depend3 on the cooling rate; e. g. with 3 der/min a double loop appcars. When coolinp, slowly down to the Curie point and then cooling rapidly, a triple loop riay arise. lloldin- and incr,:~%sinE- the temporature increased the polarization which indicates that not all crystal lomains take part in repolarization. Multiple loops can be exilained by Abels model (J. Phys. 3oc. Japan, 14, 633, 1959; 15, 795, 1960). To clari- fy the effect of the atmosphere, exDeriments viere made with samplea heated 0 .0 ir. 02at 1250 C and in vacUum at 900 C. In the latter case a double loop' appeared, not observed in the former case. A constant electric!tl field chanre3 the kind of loop distortion. Ye. V. Sinyakov is thanked for dis- cussions. There are 5 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 non- Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (DnepropetrOV3k State university) 3UB:,'.ITTED- October 21, 1961 Card 2/2 S/181/62/004/005/04a/o55 B16j"/BI38 .A.UTFOR: Xudzin,,__A.__Yu.____, _-_Z_ .--" -- TITLE-. Effect of an addition of nickel on the properties of single crystals of barium titanate PERIODM.L: Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 4, no- 5, 1962, 13069-1370 TEXT: Earlier experiments with polyeryGtalline specimens hLd shown that even small additions of nickel to barium titanate will reduce the dielec- tric and mechanical. losses, Curie tempoxature, and phase transition tempera- ture -from the cub-,c to the hexagonal modification. As nickel is to some degree soluble in barium titanate and promotes the formation of the hexa- gonal phase, the existence of a polyphase system cannot be excluded. The exDeriments were therefore repeated here with single crystals grown from _n solution in a notassium fluoride melt. This was kept for one hour at the maximum temperature of 11600C, and then cooled at the rate of 300 per hour. The barium titanate was produced from specially purified titanium dioxide (99,99~L) and chemically pure BaC03' Nickel was added during th 'e growth in th 3 - -e form of NiO and NiTiO . The yellow crystals were in the Card 1 / -~ .j S/'181,/62/004/005/046/055 Effect of an addition of nickel ... B163/3138 . shape of right-an[:led triang-ular plates 0.1 rim thick, with lega 4 to 5 mm long. Silver electrodes were applied 'oy cathode sputtering. The dependence of the dielectric constant on temperature (from -80C to +13000) and nickel content (from 0.13 to 4.7 mole ~o) was measured at 1 114c/eeo in a field not exceeding 60 v/Cm. With increasing nickel content the tomperatum J, peaks become flatter and occur a; lower temperatures, while the Curie point first falls rapidly, then more slowly. The absolute reduction is rather more than for polycrystals. The slower decrease begins at about 1 mole which is approximately the concentration at which the hexagorial phase is formed in polycrystalline specimens. This is still far below saturation. In a 3_-C-3 (VRB-3) X-ray diffraction apparatus the tetragonalitly of the uniz cell was found to vary from 1.01 to 1.006 with nickell oxide content increasing to I." mole j ~o. Further increase causes a complete change in the character of the X-ray patteraj due to rhombohedral distortion with a very small a an.-le. The results of the dielectric constant measurements and Me structure studies are in qualitative agreement, but the difference in the properties of crystals with NiO or NiT03 added cannot yet be explained. There are 2 figures and 1 table. Card 2/3 s/ial/62/004/005/048/055 Effect of an addition of nickel ... B163/B138 ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitot (Dnepropetrova State Univarsity) SUBMITT~;D; January 25, 1962 .. je Card 3/3 W577 3/07o/62/007/005/oi4/014 E132/E46o AUTHOR: Kudzin, A.Yu. TITLE: Dielectric properties of single crystals of barium titanate having traces of added cobalt PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v.7, no.5, 1'962, 799-802 Tf!',XT: Non-isomorphous additives to DaTi03-have not.been studied as intensively as strictly isomorphous.replacements in spite of the useful properties some generate. Single crystal specimens are essential to ensure that only one pha 'se is obtained. Crystals of BaTi03 with dissolved Co were grown by Remeykals method from a solution in KF with cooling from 11600C at 250/hour. CoO was more successful than CoTi03 for introducing the Co impurity. With up to 6 niol ,a' CoO crystals in the form of flakes 0.1 mill thick and 5 mill long were obtained. . Up to 10 moll"a the crystal composition was the same (approximately) as the melt composition but for 13.4 mol % in the solution the crystals contained 11 .5 mol O~ CoO. Crystals contained about 0.045% K. The dieleciric constant was measured at temperatures from -80 to +1200C for a range of compositions;. There appears to be a Card 1/2 S/07(3/62/0137f M5/01 4/014 Dielectric properties of single ... E132/E46o maximum d.c. for about 15") added CoO. The unit cell dimensions were measured showing that c decreases and a increases with impurity reaching equality at about 5.5% Co (mol) showing that Co replaces the Ti ion. The magnetic susceptibility increases almost Linearly with the impurity content showing that the magnetic moment of the Co ion in the solid solution is about 4.5 Bohr magnetons corresponding to Co++. The (clectric)Curie temperature decreases with added Co. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) SUBMITTED: November 30, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: ATL4015639 S/0081/63/000/022/0131/0131 SOURCE: RZh. Nhimiya, Abe. 22D42 YU AUTROR-. Kudzin, A. TITLE: Apparatus for investigating the magnetic susceptibility of weakly magnetic, compounds CITED SOURCE; Naucbn. zap. Pnppropetr, un-t, v. 77p 1962j 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic susceptibility, Faraday balance, Curie-Shenevo principle, germanium magnetic susceptibility, silicon magnetic susceptibility TRANSLATION: A Faraday balance is described for determining the relative magnetic susceptibilities of dielectrics and semiconductors at room temperature, with mic- roscopic measurement of the displacement of the rod and sample. The apparatus utilizes the Curie-Shenevo principle; thus, the maximal displacement of the sample (or standard) is obtained by moving the electromagnet, and the sample consistently drops at the point where Role is a naximum. The error in the measurement of mag- netic susceptibility is 0.005 x 10-6. The apparatus was tested with pure sampl1is ._of Go and Si. When one of these was used as a standard, the value of the magnetic' Card: 1/2 mom 741 '-ACCESSION NR: AR4015639 susceptibility of.the other agreed with the tabulated value, F. Chernyakovskiy ,DATE ACQ: '07Jan64 SUB CODE; CH ENCL: 00 Card 2/2