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n'DIU, o. i- rurlra jrOrl fro; .)OU tsk-~n. 111-ta, Vol viri, ya f.. lylj~ C,) v k. F30: IN 132-3," IM-11-A, 0. PA 7-5T20 Apr 1948 oxemigUT Nickel Salto O'ne VasnIng of the Second Potential In Nickel Salt Bolutions," 0. Midra, and Ye. oiton, 6 pp O'Zhur -Iriklad 1hW1'" Vol III) No *AO- - ~j7 Dmiaription of a visual method of determining 1-V 6w*v* for various cathode current densities aoting an nickel salt solutions. Clarifies reasons for chemical polarization In simple salt solutImaj, and mcp1aine role of anlm4 JA this process. Submitted 2 Jun 194T. KuDrv~' 0. K. Fudra, 0. K. and Cl~etverikav, A. V. - "On the erfect of e-lectrolyti--s of otEer J,-)nfl on the electroprecipitation of metals", Ukr. kbirr. zhurnal., Vol. X1V, Issue 20 1949, p. 53-68, - Bibliog: p. 67-68. SO: U-4392, 19 August 53, (Letopis Mumal Inykh Statcy, No. 21, 1949). USSR/CheaListry - Metallurgy, Jun 50 Decomposition Potential "Secondary Decomposition Potentials in Molten Ults," O.K. Kudra, B.B. Gitmn, Inst of Gen and Inarg Chem, Aced Sci Ukrainian SSE "Ukrainskiy Xhimicheskly Zhurnal* Vol XVI, jo 1, pp 128-136 The decampu potentials of pure mc.Iten silvel halides (AgCl, AgBr, and AgI) are measured employing a modified method of taking current- voltage curves using various sized cathodes and the same anode. Two decompa poteatials, 21M for each molten salt, caused by 2 different cathode processes, are established. The pres- ence of a 2d potential in such simple system cannot be ascribed either to the decompa of the solvent or to gradiial dissocn and therefore can only be attributei to the decompa of complex ions. USSR/CheaListry'- Lithium T= 50 "Decomposition Potentials of Acetone Solutlws of Lithium Chloride," O.K. Kudra, M.E. Le=er, Inst of- Gen and Inorg Chem, Aced Sci Ukraini- SSR "UkrLinSkiy Xhimicheakiy Zhurnal" Vol XVI, No 1, PP 137-148 The decomyn potent ials of acetone 6olne of lithium chloride in the concn range of 0.004 to 3.89% Lici at various cathode currents are detd. The pres- ence of 2 decompn potentials in all of the aolne investigated was established: the 1st (lov) potential corresponds to the deposition of dense metal, and the 2d (high) corresponds to formtion of a porous, black deposit. It is shown that the 2d potential is not connected vith deccapn of the solvent. From changes in the 2d poten- tial depending on the concn, temp and adda of vater, it follovs that this potential results from decompn at the cathode of complex cati of the type: ff~ ~ iciJ or flin _~ -C2n-mCH3COC19- The process of electrodeposition of lithium from acetone solnz is clarified, and the optiwis concn and voltage ranges are est&blisbed. %,~ , USSR/Che-mistrY - Lithiva Jun 510 "The Decomposition Potentials of Lithita Chloride in Isobutyl and Isomyl Alcohol&," O.K. Kudra, *.I. jar- ner, Inst of Gen and Inorg Chem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR "Mraloskiy Khinicheskiy Zhurnaa" Vol XTI, No 1, pp 149-161 The decamp potentials of lithium chloride in iso- butyl and isoanWl ales are measured by a nodif ied owthod. of taking curreat-voltage curves vhich allows the cathode processes to be made apparent separately. The presence of 3 decompn portentials 1A established. The lat (law) potential is the 222T9 usual one for lithium, corresponding to the depo- sition of the dense metal; the 2d (medium) corre- sponds to a black, porous cathode deposit, and the 3d (high) is t ied in with the decompa of com- plex cations in a -nn r similar to the 2d. The obtained results and conclusions agree well vith other physicochemical properties of the system studied. USESE/Chemistry - Lithium Jun 50 ,,The Decomposition Poteatials for Pyridin Solutions of Lithium Chloride," O.X. XUdra, X.E. Lerner, Inst of Gen and Inorg Chem. Aced Sci Ukrainian SSR "Ukrainian Xhimicheskly "urnal" Vol XVI, No 1, pp 162-172 The decomyn potential of pyridine solas of 11thim chloride at various levels of cathode currents vat stud-led and the presence of 3 decompa potentials *s- tablisbed. The Ist, ordinary one corresponds to the deposition of dense metal and the 2 higher on" to a black, porous cathode deposit. It is shown that in the system LiCl - C; there exists a complex equil. betveca simple lfytiun ions and 2 types of cor.n1ex cations with different levels of solvation, the compa of which changes with different conens and temps. 1z connection vith the good complex forming properites of pyridine as a solvent, there &rise, at definite solvent concus, favorable condi- tions for sharply delimiting zones of the denso and the porous cathode deposits. These zones then #bow great difference in values between the lower and the higher deconqpn potential . The concus corresponding to the niost favorable conditions for getting dense, light gray lithlus deposits are given. 212TIO KURA, O*K.; TUROV, p.p. DOtormination of the rolatlonship of current density to time In water and -acetons solutions, Ukrain. KhIm. 2hur. 16, 242-53 150. (HIBA 4:2) (CA 47 no.22:12052 153) U a, levond caetli~ pIcUz,*lklio tj IL-.;If 119;1"r 1 ~' ~ " ~; .......... . XUDRA, O.K.; GITHAN, Te.B.; SELILAK. N.S. 'Relation between current density, time, and concentration in electro- precipitation of lead. Ukrain. Xhiz. Zhur. 16, No.5, 477-83 3o.(KLRA 6:4) (CA 47 no.22:12034 153) 1. last. Gen. Inorg. Chem., Mad. Sci. Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev. KUDRA, O.K.; GITHa. SHILAK, N.S. Relation between concentration, current density. and time In el 19 ctroprecipl- tation of cobalt. Ukrain. thim. Zhur. 16, NO-5o 484-91 '50. (XLRA 6:4) (CA 47 no.22:1205) '53) 1. Inst. Gen. Inorg. Chem., Aced, Sci. Ukr. S.S*R,, Kiev* KUDRA. 0.K.; GITWAX, Ye.B. Effect of concentration. current density, and time on electroprecipitation of spona silver, Ukrain. Ehim. Zhur. 17, 890-901 151. (XIaA 6:4) (CA 47 no.22:12038 033) 1. Inst. Gen. and Inorg. Chem., Acad. Sel. Ukr. S.S.R., Kiev. C; UM/Choldstry WMAS Apr 51 *Decomposition Potentials of Cadmium Salts in Acetone Solution," 0. K. Kudra, P. P. Turov, Inst Gen and Inorg Chem, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR, Kiev *Zhur Fiz Xhim" Vol XXV, No 4, PP 391-397 Ixamd daposition of Cd from Cd12 and CdBr2 in acetone soln. Found 2 points of inflection on I-E curve at high cathodic cd's, lover potential corr to smooth deposition of Cd, higher to formation of porous black deposit. Diln produced little variation in former Lcue, considerable in latter. Assumed existence of "V cathodic process,,probably discharge of complex 'Catiotm in latter case I&RI20 MR/Chadstry - Zlectmdsposltlan,of intalm my 51 "Ncomposition Potentials of Acetone Solutions of Iron and Mercury Salts," -.0. K. Kudra,'P. P. Turoy, Lut Gen and Inorg Chem, Kiev, Acad Sci Ukrainian, SSR "Z'hur Piz Rbiza" Vol XXV, No 5, PP 519-522 Pot&ntial current curves of acetone soln' of FeC131 U12, or HgBr2 exhibit 3 steps or vaves. In Fetl soln the 3d wave corresponds to sepn of black, lu- minous metal deposit. A limiting current in reached at this stage. Further polarization of electrode up to 12 v does not result in vew electrode proc-. - eases, i.e., the solvent does not decompose. With UNR/Chemistry - Electrodeposition of Metals May 51 (Contd) R912 or Har2, waves corresponding to approx 2.25 v are accompanied by copious development of games, showing that solvent participateaL in reactions at electrode. S~ C; E usat/chaudstry - mactradepoenics ar metals my 51 "Decomposition Potentials of Acetone Solutions,of Cobalt aalts," 0. K. Kudra,'j'. P. Turov,,Tmt Gen and Inorg Chem, Kiev, Acad Sci Ukralzian,SSR, *Zhur Piz Xhim" Vol XXV, No 5, PY 513-518. Potential current curves of CoC12, CoBr2; HM; Or; COC12 + 1E1; CdBr2 -rEBr in acetone solne vere taken at various cathode current densities. Two cathodic discharge potentials vere found at high densities. WIth CoCl.;, or CoBr the lower,of these 2 poten- tials corresponds 'AVID 40POSItion Of dense, smooth- layer of+ - metal, while at the higher metal black UM/Chemistry Electrod sition of Xetals My 51 (Contd7 In delpos ited. -As :distingaisb"'L from salts -of m1xts, there wo no. developmat - of .gas, which Vith ZdXt$ ~ I.OCCU" ~ at &L ad, "a= L of _tba -.pptentlal bIgher than either of the other. 2. Dependence of the 2d (idddle) potential on diln varl,66: vith-CoC12, the potential grows vith diln; vith MI or Elkc, it drops. Results indicate complex Ions am present In to the simple ones. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOORAPHICAL REPORT AID 446 - I BOOK Call No.: AF623815 Authors: KUDRA 0 and GITMAN, YE. Full Titl6_-.__Hk0W0LYTICAL PRODUCTION OF METAL POWDERS Transliterated Title: Elektroliticheskoye polucheniye metallicheskikh poroshkov Publishing Data Originating Agepey: Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR Publishing House: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR Date: 1952 No. pp.: 144 No. of copies: 3,000 Editorial Staff The authors express thanks for valuable assistance to Prof. N. N. Voronin, to senior scientific coworkers I. A. Sheka and Z. A. Sheks and to Prof. Ya. A. Fialkov, Corr. Mem. of the Acad. of Sci., Ukr. SSR, editor of the monograph. Text Data Coverage: The production of metal powders of loose cathode deposits is already used on an industrial scale in the USSR. Accounts of the in- vestigations of Soviet scientists and engineers (Igaryshev, Kudryavtsev, Borok,Bal'shin, Gavrilov,, Yesin and Levian, Levin, Loshkarev, Kuzlmin and others) are not yet systematized. The authors present this mono- graph as a first preliminary attem t to generalize the available data V'3 P Blektroliticheskoye polucheniye metallicheskikh poroshkov on the electrolytical production of metal powders. AID 446 - I A large amount of reports dedicated to this problem at the All-Union Electrochemical Conferences (in Ivanovo in '1945, in Kiev in 1948) shows the need in theoretical works. The rather extensive patent literature indicates the increasing demand of industries for electro- lytic powders. The monograph is provided with tables and diagrams. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE$ Poreword 3-4 Introduction ,PART I GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Electrolysis. Conditions..of the Production and Treatment of Metal Powders 11-22 2. Composition, Struoture.and Properties of Electrolytic Powders 22-35 3. Mechanism of the Electrolytic Deposition of Metals under High-Deneity Current 35-47 4. Zones of Deposition of Compact and Loose Cathode Deposits 47-59 5. Causes of the Formation of Spongy Porous and Loose Black Deposits 59-69 PART II ELECTROLYTICAL TREATMENT OF LOOSE METALS 1. Production of Loose Deposits of Copper, Silver, Gold 70 W3 Elektroliticheskoye polucheniye metallicheskikh poroshkov AID 446 - I 2. Production of Loose Deposits of Beryllium, Zinc and Cadmium 84 Production of Loose Deposits of Aluminum and Thallium 92-96 Production of Loose Deposits of Tin and Lead 96-99 5. Production of Loose Deposits of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth 100-103 6. Production of Loose Deposits of Chromium, Tellurium and Manganese 103-105 7. Production of Loose Deposits of Iron, Cobalt and Nickel 105-130 8. Production of Loose Deposits of High-Melting Metals (Zirconium, Titanium, Thorium, Vanadium, Tantalum, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Uranium, Platinum and Palladium) 130-136 9. Production of Loose Metal Alloys or Polymetal Powders 136-138 Purpose: For persons interested in the production of metal powders by means of electrolysis Facilities: None No. of Russian and Slavic References: 126 Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress. 3/3 17L I-,.- f Cl"., fol U')'SjR/f;hc,iid:3 try DucompoAtion Card 1/1 Authors Lerner, H. E., and Kudra, 0. K. Title I The Intensity of Decomposition or Aiximinun Bromide Solutions in Ethyl, Bromide. Periodical Zhur. Fiz. Khim. Vol. 28, Ed. 4, 656-660, Apr 1954 Abstract Method for decomposing aluminum bromide solutions in ethyl bromide are described together ~rith the observation and recording of the Intensity and changes In decomposition by I-V curves. Ten references; tables; graphs; drawJng. Institution Kiev Folytechnical Institute. Submitted I June 14, 1953 WSH/ Chomtst ry Vhyslcal chomtttry Card 1 1/1 Authors Lerner, :11. E'.. and Kudra, G. K. Title I Decomposition intons-.Ities of tho alundinim bromide alkali metal halide ethyl bromido sy-,t(.,m Periodical t Zhur. fiz. khiin, 28, sd. 6$ 1006 - 1012, Jone 1.95111 Abstract I The decornposition Intensitins of the ternary Al13r-,-.'-'eHa1-C2115Br system wero Inwustlgated at differont concentritioms awl'current-donsities. In addition to two maln decomposition Intensities connectod with the separation of Al and 14o'Hal,-the authors dincovered an additional inter- mediate intensity corresponding to the prezence of a complex ion in the ' soiution. The conrlitions most favorable for ion discharg e of the IVeHal from ethyl bromide solutions, are explained. Five USSR references. Tables graphs. Institution : The Polyte-chnicuin, Kiev Submitt4~d : June lit, 1953 USSR/!'.~yslcal Chemistry Electrochemistry., B-12 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - M21miya, No 1, 1957, 518 Author: Kudra, 0. K., and Gorodysskiy, A. V. Institution: Kiev Polytechnical Institute Title: Method for Investigating the Electrodeposition and Galvanic Cor- rosion of Cadmium Original Periodical: Izv. Kievsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vol 17, 179-190 Abstract: In an effort to determine the possible relationship between the quality of electroplating and the current density (i) used in its deposition, the preservation of the potential of Cd deposited on Pt, Ag, Cu, and Fe from a 0.1 N solution of CdSO4 has been investigated as a function of the i used in the depooition. The method consisted in establishing the time required dor the solution of a given weight of Cd, which was determined from the jump in the potential of the electrode. It is shown that the higher the i used in the deposition of a layer of Cd on a foreign surface, the longer the time during which Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Elrctrochamistry, B-12 Abst Journals Referat Zhur - Khimiyao NO 1, 1957, 518 Abstracts the Cd potential is maintained,for the same amount of deposit. This, in the opinion of the authors, is due to the greater compactness of the deposited metal. The opinion is expressed that the new method can be developed and applied to the investigation of electrode and corrosion processes by studying the time during which the ]potential of the cover metal is maintained. Card 2/2 KUDRA. O.K., prof., do),tor ),him. nnuk; VRZHOSEK, G.G., Papiront Pnrt 1: Influence of the intermittent-current on the decomposition notentinl of hydrochloric Acid. Izv. KPI 20:52-65 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Hydrochloric Acid) (Electrochemicnl nnAlYSiB) XUDU, O.K., nrof., doktor kh1m. npuk; VRZHOSEK, G.G., neniront - --- Pnrt 23 Influence of r1pDle current on nome Anode nrocessen. Ixv. XPI 20:66-75 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Hydrochloric acid) (Polarogrpmhy) -K~, O.K., nrof., doktor )chim. nnuk; VRZILOSEX, G.G., AsnirAnt Pnrt 3: Influence of the nnion nnture on the drov In decomoosition notentinl while using rinple current. Izv. KPI 20:76-89 15% (Acids. Orpnn1c) (polnrogrnohy) (MIRA 11:1) 153-58-1-7/29 AWHORS: Khoteyanovskly,, OsI., Kudrap O'K, TITIZ; Polarographic Investigation of Halide Complexes of Cadmium in Mixed Solvents. Communication 1: Methanol-Water (Polyarografi- cheskoye isoledovwdys galogenidnykb kompleksov kadmiya v smeshannykh rastvoritelyakh. Soobshcheniye 1: Metanol-voda) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Khimiya i kbimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Wr 1, pp. 43-53 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As is known, a solvent is not indifferent to the properties of complex compounds* The Influence of various solvents on the structure of these compounds is little Investigated up till now., The behavior of complex compounds in the mixtures of the solvents in almost less clarified. In this paper the authors describe a systematic polarographic investigation of the influence of aqueous solvents on the properties of some complex compounds of cadmium carried out by them (see table 1 and figure 1). The composition of these compounds and the relative liability of the constants were polarographically investigated. It was found that the addition Card 1/2 153-58-1-7/29 Polarographic Investigation of Halide Complexes of Cadmium in Mixed Solvents. Communication 1: Methanol-Water of ethyl alcohol causes a displac=ent of the fields of existence oblasti susbehestvoyanlya) of the investigated complex comWounds ~sse tables 2 to 5). A linear dependence could be found betwen 10 9K and l/D in ebloride, bromid and iodide complexes of cadmium. There are 5 figures, 5 tables, and 24 references,, 20 of vhich are Soviet# ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fitichaskoy I kolloidallnoy khimii (Chair of Physical 'P't, and Colloidal Chemistry) )t'jr, V /26 ~Ch.#"' I//,/. ~' /. SUSU7M: September 23, 1957 Card 2/2 T -.3: Kh(Aojanovakiy, 0. 1. , Kudr,~, 0 T ILIE Pcjir-,ro,,i-:--)hic In,~Pzuti,atioy: of t,,Q in Ilixed Solvent.,; k rlsvoritelya?ll) Co7rnunic~.tion Il. PERIODICAL: Iz-vostlya vynohikh uchulnny?h zw"(Ael i'Y. ?ly,, 2, 3~~ - 42 J.111) In tle previou." by t! c flut"v).r.'! t - 4 rulea Coveriiinj; the Of t'lo t icml tile in."tability co-lot:..:Ar of cad'-dum h.A0 c o,--, -1 jC? x u 0 in aqueouz methyl alr!ohol solutiono were four;,,'. T; ie - e o L .jj.L mt paper leals with tho ~oxpl-;-..-.ij.-,. Of 1"),Iurr.ce of "lic :; Aure of the oolverit o.,. t"l-, C07- plc~xes if mctllanol is oul-s-tituted by JLt~3 it forms; a logicad continuation of The oolutions cont-iinud 20-4~ a-1 6:~ v~,' Cz r I/ volumu (Ah-nol. Solution:; coril., iniriL; L~Cl ..;d All:LLIr ro i,;,. 1~h i clnvo~ut ion of t1hp Cc-4,~I-.C--,:~ of C---(Imiun in -";xr,,d Solventz. Cof=unic-..tJon .7. 0.1 - 2.0 11 LiJ - 0.01 - 2.0 LiNO 0.1 :4, Cd(1103 M wero U.'ed The temperature amcunted to 25 Thr2 U, 0. 1 dencribed in detail in ref. 1. and tablea 1,2 g1vo t),,,,, o1jtnintnt. T-,-~ half-wave potenti,,-,l of cadmitua war liz,;laced -.111th the increacing eth-nol content or. the back-v~-jund of the indifferent elcctrolytr., 0.1 M LiNO4 intc, ,pocitive ran,,,c of pot,?r:tj,tjo, -ir, the more J to aqueous solutiors (Table 1, Li witi- refr!rerice 2). In tl.e prenence of s%ltii t110 0,Lid potential viao dioplacod -':-t,; the ne ,, ~ ri t 1v c, .rZtr,L-,e (Table 2). As the V:71uf-, o** t!.f.) li-lit C7,~rront ri~,.mialnerl itbout t~ic oame, a co:r,,)!,!;,, -'.-;ri:.-tirn be ausumed. The caeniwm r-117,ir~tion in -11 rrvi,i-Able. The -LP.(! i:,:il of the comploxc-a -,;-o to thi: :,:-,c --rr7 2 'A In t'-.0 ,-,I f. 1 4 Po I InvP:;t.iI-,,Ltion of th'.- Halogen Co,7,pli-~xes of Crtdmium in ~~Iixed Solvents. Com-,unication 11. Et`,,~,,(31-71,-ter bromides) and in thl? 4'J'14, sol~ltion f'or the foliowin~; complexe-s were found. C(!1"1+, CdCl + 2 C,IBr and CdBr 2. In alcol-.ol solut."ono with co:.Contrationo only the con-plexco CIC1 2 , n c! C'd B r2 occurred. The sam-c complexes no in aquewis solutions were found for iodide complexes of cadmium in a 2e. alcohol solution (Ref 1), i.e. with coordi.,,,~." ion nu,A,ero from 1 to 4. Wit.,, the increase ~)f t,-,c, content the equilibrium was di.;I~Iaced in t;-.e li-ectior of the coordination satui-tted co.~.;Jcxe:~. Alre-ly iii a 6"46' alcohol nolution the complex CdJ2- A within the .-,hole concentration ted. From the comparison of the neth:Lnol it :7.zy be ceen that etl,.!,rol adlition.-. influ(noe the equilibriti:.; of tho CO-1plexei; to ~I :"ki-I" th-ii moth.,-,nul ad~lltions. Vie v~~Iu2t~ of t-(,- I:if t~-I,ility contAnrit decrease with the incrwi.,;Q uf t' '--, t~I,,o'-,(.)I contont in the solutions. Bet-~-revn K, 1/D C;.rd '1/4 exi:-,to a lineur dep,-.,nderce for th~- Polaro rLi,,,hic Inv.---sti-,--,.tion of the Halogen Complexcu 0 f C i um i n'llixed Solvents. Communication I!.' Eth-.nol--11-ter It war, proved tl-,,.t the lncre~ioe of the influe.-,ue ,.alcohol arlditiono of thc ch~ln,-Ies of t1,'(-, inf7t:tl~ilit~--- coni~tant with the ircre:,-,-.e of the nw;il,er is bound to the ztep-wise ch,,rr-cter of dissociation of comple::e.-. Thiri- P", t.-~.'Avo, and 9, 7 of '0 , D v i c t - AS"MATION: Kiyevol:iy po1Jte1~1,rAc';r--,1:iy in .~t 4 t t0 - u ( yiyuv , r)l.,' t t" C `." I i C ~L! l'i'--titilte) K-fO~rft fiziclr~erkoy I kol1oi,!.-loy k i, Ji-,. i i (ChrLir of Physical nnd Colloid C1.4:~.:;intry) SUB:.:ITTr-D: September 23, 1957 Cn-rd 4/4 IX)ROYF.YKVA. N.G.; KqJtA _11:~.-% Physicoch"Mical investigations of acetone oolutione of hydrogen chloride. Uirr.1thim.shur. 24 ne.5:592-598 0 58. (MIRA 1211) 1. Klyevekiy politakhnicheekly Institut. (Hydrochloric acid) (Acetone) DOROMVA, N.G.; KUDRA, O.K. Physicochmmical investigation of ether an1ntions of hydrogen chloride. :Ukr.kbiu.zhur. 24 no.627o6-711 158. OGRA 1213) 1. Kiyevskiy politakhnicheskV Institute (rither) (Hydrochloric acid) 50) SOV1153-2-3-7129 AUTHORSs Vdovenko, I. D., Kudra, 0. K. TITLE: On a New Method of Investigating Diffusion Processes PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimichoskaya tokhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, PP 345-351 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The determination of diffusion coefficients according to the hitherto used methods, some of which are mentioned, still leads to considerable errors because the temperature can be kept sufficiently constant only with difficulties. For this reason the authors used fox the determination according to Skoboto and Kavetskiy (Hof 11) the current impulse which occurs in sw1tching on the electrolysis. The eloctrolytes were solutions of WO , ZrSO , Cd.90 and AgNO of dif f eren't concentration 4 4 4 3 (Table). The current density and the period until the occurrence of the first cathode precipitation wire measured. A measuring device was developed which is shown by a scheme (Fig 1). Formulas for the computation are deduced. Moreover, test series are carried out in which spherical instead of Card 1/2 cylindrical cathodes are used. It could be proved that during On a flow Method of Investigating Diffuiion Processes SOV/153-2-3-7/29 the first seconds of electrolysis the rule of the linear diffusion holds Irrespective of the shape of the electrvde. There are 2 figures. 1 table.., and 16 references, 6 of which are 3oviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyovskiy politekhnicheskiy Inatitut - Kafedra fiziaheekoy I kolloidnoy khimii (Kiyev Polytechnic Inatitute - Chair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry) SUBMITTED: March 19, 1958 Card 2/2 5 ( ', , 2 )' 'I o7P 33.-2-4-17/32 AUTHORS: Kudra, Gudovich, N. V. TITLE: Or, the Mechani= of the Flpctrcred-.jrt.J*o.-. cf 1-~,aA in Pyrophcaphate Electrulytes PERIOLICAL: Izvestiya vysshi~h uchi~'znykh zzavc.~'Iniy. '.~!~',n~ya i kh-imicheskaya c tekhnologiya, 195), V-01 2, Nr 4, nP ~;')B .1 561 (7jS57 A B S T iU ~T It hao been found recently that a _~jrtnin, viantit'! ..-f ani.):,._o. can be adoorbed on the electrode t h 4, :3urfac(-. char6e ,jign; later on they are r'.'ther r(,pc,11(-d. "Ahect" phevo:aena arc expres.3ed 11_ elezt.rolyaio 'zy -izat-on ri-n 1cc.-asJ*xg 1-7). The inveoti:r 1. uticn of ."oraplux electr~,lytci Is 4:nto-rFstirg from, a theoretical point of vij~,t~ 1~' an ?l(.ctr,)sOparating metal among tho anio-m. Cyanogen bi~hs iiqo'l in ele-..- ~,ro,ulating loelong to th(-.gc electro._~ytr-3. It car be azo-.~med that the electrocrystallizattor PrO:.C'3F in thc3r~ ;~st'.nr~ !.,:, conn~-cted with thp ii:imediate :%etal 3epara+it,n froz, th.? anions. 'The ~leutro- lytes mentioned in the til.1p Frf?, in a ~ertai.,'. &!,-.rpe, analogoua to the cyanogen baths. Abo-ze -all, di2~zted solutio:',s, -serp ir.- Card 1/3 veoti,--ated by the authOrS beC.1,11r' T. A. Kryakcva (R-f 8) fc'und Or, the --echanism -f the Electroreduction of Lead in SCV/1;53-2-4-17/32 Pyrophc3phate ~~Iuctrolytes that the specific effect of the anionn is -.:ore distinct in such solutions. Figure 1 shors polariLation c-.zrve3 in Zolutions with various ratios of' pyrophoiphate and lead nitrate. The initial voiic(~ntration was K4P,,O70.05 m and Pb(NO 3)2 0-03 m- It can be ueun from these data that the amperage decreases rapidly if a potential of 0.600 - 0. 615 " is reached. Then the curves pass & minimum and increase again later on. Thus, specific current minima arL observed in 3Mall electrolyte concentrations on the - curveg_in the luad reduction from the pyrophosphate complex b P 0 . The current-decrease cccurs near the zzero charge 6 (T2 7)2] of lead. Peptone considerably retards the lead red!iction.With a certain concentration (Fig 4) 'the minimum and miaximum on the polarization curve are thereby neutrali zed. This is explained by the formation of a continuous adsorption film of peptone. The presence of foreign cations facilitates the electroreduction of lead from -the complex anion mentioned, anions retard it. Cations shift the zero-charge potential in positive direction, whereas anions shift it in negative direction. There are 4 Card 21~ figures and 9 Soviet referencC3. On the Mechanism of the 7lectrored-acticn of Lead in SCV/1 5-1-2-4-17/32 Fyroph03phate Elcctrclytes ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut, Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidno;~ 1-himil (Kiyev Polytechnit- Institullej Chair of Phy- -nical aneCc,.UailiLl,"'iie::.i:iti-Y) SUBJIT MDt March 19, '1958 Card 3/3 KIMRA, O.K.; VDOVIMKO. I.D. Ilectric timer method for the analvoisof solutions. Ukr.khim- shure 25 no.1:25-31 159 (MMA 12:4) 1. Kiyevskiy ordens Lenina politekhnicheakiz inctituto (Ilectrochemical analysis) VIMIOSEKI G.G.j KUDRA, O.K. Effect of some admixtures on polarization by a ripple current. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav,; khim.i khim.takh. 3 no.6.-100&1010 160. (KMA 14:4) lo Kiyevskiy politelchnicheakiy inatitut,, kafedra, fizicheakoy i killoidnoy Irhj m4 J, (POU,U-Isation (Electricity)) (Electrolysis) 87508 S/073x,/6O/026j'OO1/O06/0-,1 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Vdovenko, I. D. and TITLE, Method of Studying Diffusion in Electrode-near Layers in th,:, Absence of Current PERIODICAL: Ukrainakly khimicheskiy zhurnal, 11960, Vo;. 26, No. 1, pp~ 36-40 TEXT: The nuthors describe a new method of studying free diffusion in very thin, electrode-near layers. It is based on a sudden impoverishmen t of the electrolyte on the cathode during short-termed electro'Ayjis at high amperage, and on observing the balance of concentration when the currc-nt is switched off. Fig. 1 shows the circuit of the measuring apparatus. The time relay 1 has a contact pair clojed in thQ normal atat-, ani one wh,,ch is open. The closed contact pair slc3es the d.c. circuit tc which the electrolyzer 7 is connected. The contact pair of relay 2, WhicY I,-; cp,~n in the n,~rmal state, Is connected In p,trallel w!th the formor contact pair. The winding of this relay Is conne7ted w1th 'hrb contact pair of relay 1, which is open in the normal :3tat~,... The seconds counter 4 is Card :/4 a 8 Kethod of Studying Diffusion in Electrodp-n,~ar S/07Y2N26/001/006/02 Lity-ra In the Absence Qf Current B004 054 connected with the ciroult of the second contact pair of relay 2 and of the tube relay 3. The following process is conducted: Ths:. time relay 1 is adjusted for a period within which a black metal precipit,~'- 1-cmes visible on the cathode and the concentration in thr~ ele-,trcd-3-near layer practically vanishes. When the time has elapsed, r9lay 1 switches off electrolyzer 7. At the same time, relay 2 is sw1tch,:d on, which again switches off after a given time, and switches on thp r-lectrolyzer and the seconds counter. After this proceaa, which -;rrriapords to the formati.;r. of a precipitate on the, cathode., the terminal, potential of the eleotrolyzer rises, and the ccntacti of the vcltmeter 6 are .LD3el, whereby the tul,~- relay opens and the seconds counter is switched off. Thus, ammperagr and duration of electrolysis are fixed- Mcrecver, thr, slrcuit -cnt.-tins a cur-...nt reverser 8, whi-.h reveraes the sense of -urrent, again dissolves the precipitate, and makes the apparatus ready for the nPxt experiment The amperage is adjusted by rheostat 9 and millli.=meter 5. Th~- experim,:-nts were mado at 1160C with zinc-, cadmium-, and copper salts C D 0.5 ___ I al- . A/Co-_' wrt7, found for 'he amount of subztaricf~ lllfffus~.i_ CD 4s th~ concentration of the dlffuF~ed aubstanr--: in rroles/- -i-,,l curr,_-! Card 2/4 Method of Studying Diffusion in Electrode-near Layers in th,-t Absence of Current 87508 5/073/60/026/001/006/021 B004/3054 density (a/CM2), T the duration (sec) of the analysis, calculated from "lie second switching-on of the electrolyzer until the appearance of the dark precipitate? and a and A are constants dependlnC on the salt used. The followinC wan stated: With riving concentration of the electrolyte, more substance diffuses, i.e., the rate of concentration balance is directly proportional to the initial concentration. In dilute solutions, the, concentration is balanced within 30-35 seconds. Experiments with equimo.lar solutions of various salts shu-.-.ed that the diffusion rate depends on the type of anion (Fic. 4). D. N. Gritsan is mentioned. There are 4 figures and 8 references: 5 Soviet, 2 British, and 3 French. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy ordena Lanina politekhnicheskiy in3titut (Kiyev "Order of.Lenin" Polytechnic Inntitute) SUBMITTED: October 271 1958 Legend to Fig. 4: Effect of the anion on the diffusion rate. 1: CdBr 2; II: CdCl 2; ,':CdS04; IV: Cu(N03)2' a) concentration, moles/I, b) amount Card 3/4 N4 V0.4A of substance diffused, moles/11. EM70AMA 87508 5/073/60/026/001/006/021 B004/BO54 d Card 4/4 'VRZHOSEK, Go Go -, !UDRk! 0 1 - _ _7! J~~~ Weet of temperature on poleirization in the prneence of pulsating current. Ukr. khim. zhur. 26 n6.5:562-564 16% (MIRA 13:11) 1. Uyevskiy ordena Lenina politakhnicheakiy institut. (Polarization (Ilectricity)) LERNERv M.1o.;:-KUHA, O.K. Decomposition potentials of nitrobenzene solutions of aluminum bromide and sodium bromides. Ukr. Win. s1=. 26 no.6:719-722 1609 (KIRk 14t1) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnichookiy institut i Ki7evskly institut grashdanstogo vosdushnogo flota. (Aluminum bromide) (Sodium bromide) KUDRA, O.K.; GUDOVIGH, N.V. Cathodic polarization in lead pyrophosphate solutions. Zhur.fiz.khim, 34 no-7:16i6-162i ii 16o. (HIPA 1337) le Xiyovskiy politekhnicheekly inetitut. (Lead pyrophosphate) (Polarization(Blectricity)) LEWER, M.Ye,j KUDRAO O.K. Decomposition voltages of some metal bromide solutions in nitrobenzene. Izv.vys,,ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekho 4 no.3:393- 396 161o (MIRA 14:10) 1* Kiyevskiy politakhnichaskiy inatitut, kafedra, fizicheskoy i konoidnoy Ithimii. (Bromides) (Electromotive force) S/07 5/6 1/027/001 /()C,2/,"(,)2 B 10 5/B216 AUTHORS: Izbekova, 0. V., Belinskaya, L. S., Kudra, 0. K. TITLEi A study of the nickel-pyrophonpliate bath PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 27, no. 1, 1961, 116-121 TEXT: The authors have studied the usability of nickel-pyrophosphate baths which in comparison to cyanide baths have the advantages of being harmle3s and sufficiently stable. They studied the influence of component .1oncentration, temperature and additivea on the quality of the niokel deposit. The following additives were tested: H 2s0 41 HC1, KC1, formalin, rhenol, peptone, Seignette salt and urea. The tests were carried out in a sinrle bath or in several baths connected in series (6 x 2.5 x 9 cm, 100 ml volume) with plate-shaped nickel- and copper anodes. The back part of th-? anodes was isolated by a layer of paraffin or varnish. The electrcde potentials were measured by means of a nnTB-l (PPTV-1) potentiometer against a saturated calomel electrode as reference and reduced to a normal nydrogen electrode. The electrolyte composition was no chosen as to give clear ani stable solutions. This was the cane with solutions consisting Cqrd 1/6 A ztudj of the rilckel-pyropho3phate bath S/0731/61102771 Y) i /C02/002 B)03/B216 ~,f 0.05-0.3 mol/I Niso4 mixed with solution3 K 4P2O'/!1iSO 14 of molar ratio ..ol- below 2. At a molar ratio of 2-4, the K 4 P207concentration had Po .nfluenze on the appearance of the nickel deposit on copper oathode3 at I %e SO 4 concentration within wJdP limits affects 200C. Variation of nel.flinr the quality of the nickel deposit nor the curr-nt yir-ld The "Ls.s-~ --oatings were obtained at NiSO4 c? ncentrations of 0.17-0.4/0 mol/I and a current dqnsity of 0,5 -l..O a/dm . At current densities around ? 2 0 .. 1 a/dm the depcsit Is whitish with uncovered areas. At 2-3 %i/dm , th-~ c'4 .,o3i.4--, are black and at yet higher current densit4ps ickel -:3 not d,?po--itPJ at all. A temperature increase wider,3 the permi5sible current den3ity rqrge Though hydrogen wa:~ dischargod simultanflou3ly w! th Jli%-k~' pi tLine, 11id not oo,,ur. The authoro ancribe this tc, the tlv~rough agital-ion (7tf the Ple--trolyte by the hydrogen bubble3 and to the high negativ~- ,;athodp potential. Fig. I illustrates the reduct--ci-, in ~.*irrent y1eld at 20'-C produced by ln--vousing the current donsi-ty rtnl py r Li'li liv, t, zoncen- 10 fL TLIii off,ect gr-idually dimint.,ili-i w, fijr*l,o- ,je;; "y ex~-'e3s- P iowl.-r ua:-:-!,' lon-jio (apprnxil Gari ~16 S/073/61/0?7/001/0~2/002 A atudy of the nickel-pyrophosphate bath B105/B,-.,!(, mately 0.1 a/dm 2) the current yield Is hardly affected by the nickpl zoncentration. At higher current densities the yields increase with increasing N'504 concentration. At 40 and 600C and 0.2 mol /1 of N'504 the yieli in increased considerably by a tomperaturo rioe. The authors also found that the diffusibility of pyrophouphate electrolytes (according to -.he method by Field) Is always much greater than that of acidic electrolytes. In service of pyrophosphato baths consisting only of Niso 4 and K4P207 the nickel anodea become strongly passive and the r;urrent yield drops to zero. The authors I however used the initially mention-?l additives. At a current density Of 1 a/dm 2.5 g/1 of KCI completely eliminated anodic passivity without detrivientary --affect to th- quality of' the deLOSit. At higher current densities the anode is only partially a';tivaied by the same amount of KC1 and the current yii,,ldr, fall -,hort '-f 100%. In this cane the anode is usually covered by a dark Incrusta4ion V At higher temperatures smaller quantitiej of KC1 have a lowur activating c-ffeLt, but here too, the anodic current yield at 2,5-5- g1l 3f KC1 1~1 -early 100%. Fig. 2 shows the influence of additives on the pcolarization The bath contained 0-1 M of NISO mol~'r -atto of 4 Card 3/6 S/07 it 1ttAy of the) nickel-pyrophosphate bath b 10 ~ /B? ir~AtP_,~_'7/1"'304 2.5 at 20% , The zoro curve ~fl Thn absencp of additives. It ii apparezif from 'hu cl..rvf,.- '. ia t u p 10 ml/.' of formalin (curve 1) produces an avsrag~ cafhol- rot,,n'4~0 .;r-as~, of 100 mv and up to 50 m1/1 an incroaje rf j"' r v P AdAition of phowil somewhat reduces polariz,ition at 1 o r,..- (up to I Vdm'~) . The clirves 3 and I worn ake r, i n T~r~-,,n in 4. 0 ii'll oi phnnol. T lie I avora~jle 7f fQ,_t -~f phpn- 1.t aq)loirf F,* 11 il~ In- ~re,13c-i luster cf 'he ,oalingu. Addition of 1 gl~ r,f =.,,a also incr,~aoijo, the cathode 1,.otential '*,y M 75 rr_-, -ind 110 gli ot p~~p'cnq pr-duce an increass of 110-120 m,. 10 gll o S-ienct-.- 1-~ al I rei,u-_~a pu'Lar;-,ation by 30-35 mv. There are 2 figurc.; and 5 ref,-re:i-04: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-blo,.,. The reference to En~;Ii3h !q:-.irza9f P.,;b1-i,_ati.cns rpado as follows: Vaid J., Rama Char T. L_ J Elo~.;troch-z- So;- 104, 460-461 (1957). ASSOCIATION: Klyevskiy ordena Lenina polit-Ahniciz,~jkiy in:ititut (K4(.,- "Order of Lenin" Polyte,,hnic Inntilute) SUBMIT,rn: July 1, 1959 Card 4/6 t rr. :1 rc.; '7- kr. L .-dj- I~ol tt t. DOROFEYEVA-- " --- -- P N.G.; KUDRA, K. Ele An chemical propertieo of oome nonaq,-A,~-- hydrogen chloride. Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 no.", Is Kiyevokiy politekhnichookiy inetitut, (Hydrochloric acid) nolutiona of 61. (KM 14: 11) A-I!PRA, O.K.; TERNOVAYAO N.I. Investigating phyulcochomical propertied of aluminum chloride solutions in othyl, n-butyl other. Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 no-5:W-615 161* (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kiyovskiy politokhnichookly Ini-titut. (Aluminum chloride) (Ether) TV?XOVALI,, II.I.; KUDRA O.K9 Physicochemical properties of ali-Imm chloride solutions In dibutyl, other. 27 no.5:615-618 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kiyevsk'y politokhnicheskiy inatitut. (Al:um~m chloride) (Ether) 14' HKOVA, J,S.- GALIMR), V.S., Ko"'J" O.K. .0 Y Load plating with tri3AM Bo Mauhinostroonte no,3:7?-79 Ily,-je s&? (I*ad plating) (KIRA 1537) 1 VDOVENKO, I. D.j KUDRA, 0. K. Effect of the nature of the solvent cm the diffusion of electrolytes. Ukr. khim. zhur. 28 no.3:323-326 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kiy-evskiy politekhnicheekly institut. (Solvents) (Electrolyte solutions) VRZHOSEK, G. G. [Vrosek, G. G.1; KUDRA, 0. K. Overvoltage of bydrogen evolution on mercury in a ripple current. Ukr. khim. shur. 28 no.5t6O4-610 162. (MIRA 15!10) 1. Kiyevakiy politelchnieb skiy Institut. (Hydrogen) (Overvoltage) (Electrodes, Mercury) GORODYSXIYO A.V.; RUDILA, o.K. Electrodepooition and galvanic corrosign of zinc. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no,,7:812-815 162. (MIRA 15sl2) Is Kiyevskly politekhnicheakiy institut. (Zinc plating) (Electric corrosion) LERNERt M.Ye.; XUDRA, O.K. Discharge potentials for sulfuric 4cid solutions. Jzv.vyS.ucheb.zav.; khim.i. khim.tekh. 6 no.4:588-590 163. (MRA 17:2) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheekly inatitut i Kiyevskly institut Grazh- danskogo vozdushnogo flota. Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. PUMODCHRI[KO, V.G.; SKRIPHIKs VeAe; _!gTjj&&_O.X. Electrodepositlon of emall awuntB of iron on mercwT,,. 2h p Ichi 36 no.21344-350 F 163. ur rw a. - (H* 16:3) .I* Kiyevskly Pol-itekbuichookiy ixwtltut. (Iron plating) (Electrodes, ~Ibrcury) KUDRA, .O-K.j FIA.LKOVP Yu-ya-; ZHITL-el-RSKIYO A.M. Radioiso-~Opjc method for determin:ing the transfer numbers in sicondary systems and Individual alectrolyteso Zhur* neorg. khim. 8 no,7A737-1741. J1 !63. (MIRA 16:7) 1 " KtYevskly PolltekhnicheskI7 Taft'alkskoy SSR. (Radi,~Isntopes) (RDS-a-Migration institut i Institut khimii AN and velocity) KUD~~-.P,,~.j_fIALKOV, ru.Ya.; ZHITOMIRSKIY,, A.H. Transfer is bars in the System sulfuric acid - acetic acid, Zhur. neorg. khIm. 8 noo721742-1748 JI 163. (KMA 36:7) lo Kiyevskiy politakhnicheakiy inetitut i Institut khinii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Sulfuric acid) (Acetic acid) Iono-Migration and velocity) ~ DOROMEVA, N.G.j VRZHOSEKV X.I.; KUDRAP O'K. w Electrochemical proportion Of b7droRen bromide solutions in i8cwW1 alcohol. Ukr. khims shur, 29 no,2:156-161 163* L Kiyevskiy politakhnichaskiy institut. (MIPA 16t6) (Ordrobromic 13cid) (Isopentyl alcohol) (Electrochemistry) KUDRAJI O.K.; ZHIT014JR-7,11, A.N.; FIAT-noV, Yu-ya- Electric transfer of Ions in absolute sulfuric acid. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.2077-379 J1 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhaichoskiy inatitut. Predstavleno akaderlikom V.I.Spitaynym. (Ions-Migration and velocity) (Sulfuric acid) KUDRAP O.K.; FIALKOV, Yu.Ya.; TAMENKO, Yu.A. Physicochemical analysis of the systems trifluoroacetis acid - Indifferent nolvent. Ukr. khIm. zhur. 30 no.4t 347-353 164. (MIRA l7j6) 1. Kiyevskly politekhnicheakly Inatitut. i ico [!'r 1; .1, , .-. ; I.* . I . I I 1 1VfI.10- I y I 1 .1 - 14 ~ I.., % L, J.~ i"."-, ,,1$ 1~'ffoct of Lltu,fn.CC-,,IctAvo rm ti;o 'Anotlco of !~loctrodai)osition Of iron oil it ::,.orcui-y C-ItIlk-Kilo. !U~:~ 163. (:a:.A v.9) 1. politokhnichoskiy ,.ka,-4,i.7.ikom A:; ~-i, i**.i,.). L; KUDRA, O.K.; FIALKOV, Yu. Ya. VSKI Y, A.11. Transference numbers in the systems formed by water wiih sulfuric and orthophosphoric acids. 7hur. neorg. khim. 9 no.10:2454-2457 o 164. (MIRA 17: 12) 1. Kiyevskly politekhnicheakiy Institut i Institut khimii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. T. , o" . '. ... 1 1, FIALF.0%', YU.Ya.; I.',, Yu.,*..; ~77D!a, (;.~. 11:11ilynis f bJnary systerno forned with fOrmic "i lys i ( 1 1. I uc id tirid e9 to, ro . Lir . ob. 'knlm . 31, nne I "- D '(4 ( Io I 'U' 1811) th An:Vonts. 1r" 'a 965. 1. r'yevsk:y Pc~-'tekhn;che:j~,,.), tteel HPLEOVY ZHITOMIRSHY, A.N.; KUIDRA, O.K. numb,.rs in binmr7 systems forTr4,-d by sulfuric acid with orthophosphoric and monoohloroneptic melds. Zlvur.npor khime 10 noo4t934-938 Ap 165, f1*'IIRA 18:6) 1. KiyfivskJy politelkhnicheakiy institut i Institut kbimii AN TAdzhikskoy S.M. CaIL1N'r,:Jij V.3.j ',ESHKGVAp L.S.; FUDRA, O.K. Cathodic poNWization during the separation of lead from trilonate complex electiolytes. Ukr. khIm. zhur- 31 no.8:866-871 165. (I,GRA 16t9) 1. Mycvskiy politoklinichookiy institut. FIALKrll, Yu.vt.,~ CUTIRUX, 0,V.; KLTDP,~,.- oJ, Phyalcochemical analysis of' binary 21q,i4.d sys~o-ns formed by a.mines. Part It Systems diphenylamine-aminus. 7har. ob. kh!m. 35 no.9:1523-1529 5 '65. (MIRA M10) 1. Klyevskiy polltekhnicheskly Inatitut. &r' WOOffl-M -AT WN TOPIC TA "6fS: alkali metaL. eh oriedc'el ctrolysis. calcium contamination, calcium --p a - uthium-et ct-ro- ----,-rcmova I . -. - - -Ith thp -ther qlkqli r',)Pt:li I I - , , - 4 u, -~ I'- -he~4- !4, -is trl~cr, . ~V~ T- !! , i ilutions W, . "I'), . i. :~ .,f I 'i 11, , . I m, .~, ~' .. . ~ !,,! i ~,i, , -i~~-wo!d ,he migra- . '. -i , '' 1 :-O-,~Ihlp 1~1 re- I I ---~ a ~ J! ;; m I . -- , o") GALIWKER, V.S.~j MTLOVZOROV, V.i',j KUF.IPIAZ, 0.%. Study of a new electrolyte for copper electroplatin Ukr. khIm. shur. 31 no.9%957-951 165. ~MIIRA 18111) .1. Kiyevskly politekhntchaskiy inatitut. FlAlY07, Yu.Yu.1 TSFlDRO'rSKAYA, V.A.1 FUDIRA, O.T. Temperature vlocoalty coefficients of Wary systema. Ukr, khi.m. zlmr. 31 no. ]2t1267-1275 165 (MIRA 19 t1 ) lo. Kiye-rokly politakhnicheakly Jnstitut. SUbmItted February 24, 1964. KMPAS I W. KMRAS, W. Protection against the molding of building timber in warehouses. Przgvlad. P. 70 Vol. 8, M. 5, flay 1956 PRZEGIAD KOLEJO',-i'Y DROGO',vY TECHNOLOGY Warazawal Poland So: East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957 V4 AP5025667 UR/0167/65/000/004/001110018 AUTHOR: Borisoglobskiy. P. V.; Kudratillayev, A. A. q TITLE: Physical conditio-4irf-or an efficient detection of flaws in high-voltage pulsed capacitors ~!!~ SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Izvestiys. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1965, 11-18 TOPIC TAGS: capacitor, dielectric breakdown, dielectric insulation, flaw detection ABSTRACT! The physical processes accompanying the rise of partial discharges and local defects in the insulation of high-voltage pulsed capacitors used as energy reservoirs for high pulsed currents are discussed. It is shown that in high-vottage pulsed capacitors with a large number of parallel- or series-connected sections there exists a pre-breakdown state caused by the development of ionization processes due to the presence of such defects as cracks, various inhomogeneities, and air and other inclusions in insulation, which ultimataly lead to the dielectric breakdown of the capacitor. The breakdown of one section doe not immediately lead to the breakdown of the entire capacitor. The flaw finder y be adjusted to signaling the appearance of the first section with Sre&kdown. tRe resistance of the breakdown channel of the defective section is & function of the magnitude of current flowing through this chanel. The "metallic zero" -resistance of the breakdown channel of the 1/2 ACC NRt AP5025667 defective section may be e1 iminated by meana of a specified number of discharges of the capacitor battery, which Includes the capacitor with the defective section, at up to 50% of its rated voltage (with respect to its rated load resistance). As tile pulsed discharge current passes through the defective section, a shock wave &rise-# in the breakdown channel and is recorded by appropriate instruments. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 table. IN jp ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordens Lenina anergaticheakiy institut (Moscow Energetics- Institute); Uzbekskiy nauchno-iddledovatel'skiy Institut energet avtomatiki (Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Energetics and Automation) I/ tt ' SUBMI7.TED: l0M&r65 ENCL.- 00-----SUB-COD8'.-9Zj-x5-- NO REP SOV: 004 OTM: 001 2/21 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Commercial. 011-Bearing. M-5 Sugar-Bearing. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25122 Author : Kudratullayev, A. Inst ;-N-oV 'g1ven Title The Technique of Irrigating Cotton Under the Con- ditions of the Region About the Middle of the Course of the Amu-Darlya River Orig Pub: Izv. AN TurkmSSR, 1957, No 1, 72-78 Abstract: Tests were made in 1953-1955 at the Chardzhouskaya Experimental Station and In the kolkhoz Im. Lenin in Chardzhouskiy Rayon. The length of the furrows, the size of the streams, the gradients, and the row spacing were studied. The best results for the first irrigations were gotten by cutting deep irrigation furrows, which with 60 CM. space between Card 1/2 105 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Commercial. Oil-Bearing. M-5 Sugar-Bearing. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 25122 Abstract: rows went to a depth of 14-16 cm. and for subse- quent irrigations to a depth of 18-20 cm. With 45 cm. space between the rows for the first irriga- tions, the furrow depth was 12-14 cm. for the first watering and 16-18 cm. for dubsequent irrigation. Information is given on the length of the furrows and the amount of the streams in relation to the gradient of the locality and the physical water properties. Card 2/2 The raw cotton yield increased with the lengthening of the furrow with identical streams and dropped with an increase In the stream. P. I. Kizima KUDRATULLAYEV,, -N.K. Sensitivity of diphtheria beaterin to witibloticn. Zdrav. I~irk. 8 no.2t26-28 FIN, (MIRA 17W 1. 1z ADhkhabadskogo instititta epidmir)l(;(Ai i (dir.- dotsent Y^ S Popova,)riucbnyy rukovoditel I rzof. Yo,Ya. G.leybegxhn [d;ceaoed CHAIYY, A.A~; Mn-JAI~~-rz -m, ..., r,.V.j ',j Flov !o-vmt, rcr fl,"Alga irt, % n--, P.L.It, , miplng and gfj(jl,*,gin,..I. II-)ndll I-,n-f. ~tv,r. J.-u:]. gnr. AN MM n 0 o 13 1 t 3 1 r..,34 . -17:~-) KUDRAVETSY G.V., gornyy lnzh. Readers' reply to the article by N.G.Kapustln "'low Tzet~cd oil determining the most advantageous area of the cross section of workings In flow series of lowest mine pressure"; "U9011", 1963v No.9. U9011 39 no.l2s63-64 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Doneti3kiy nauchno-isaledovatellskly ugollnyy InstItut. KUDRAVTSEV, M,,G. , podpolkovnik maditainakoy sluzhby; CHUHLOVIN, B.A. I --, -.1- .podpolkovnik meditoln3koy sluzhby, Detection or salmonelloses in a group or acute gastrointestinal diseases, Voene-med, zhure no.7347-48 JI 061. (MI'iA 15:1) (SALMDNELIA) (INTESTINES--DISkWiS) 80803 ~Q 040 S(Y,1/124-59-9-10352 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 9, p 113 (USSR) AUTHORS, Vlasenko, G.Ya , Deryagin, B.V., Kudravt!"_.N,M., trokhoEov,_ P.S., Storozhilova, A.I., Churakov-,-". TITLE: Flow Methods for Investigating Atmospheric Aerosols PERIODICAL: V ab.: Issled. oblakov, osadkov I grozovogo elektrichestva. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1957, PP 185 - 188 ABSTRACT,, Not only the number of particles within the volume unit, but also their dimension distribution can be determined by the ultramicrosooplo floW investigation method, For *.his purpose, an optical discriminator (photometric wedge), making it possible to obtain the partiole-brightness distr1bution, was mounted into the 'target illuminating device of an ultramicroscope. A new wedge-graduation method is described; the graduation curves of the dependence of particle dimensions on the wedge position can be obtained quickly, when applying the method mentioned. The authors report on the flow method applied to the study of' the Card 1/2 atmospheric condensation nuclei. For this purpose, a simple 80803 SOV/124-59-9-10352 Flow Methods for Investigating Atmospheric Aerosols accessory device is developed for "revealing" the conden5-,tion nuzlei ~On- taining in the atmosphere, This accessory device consia's of an air- moistening chamber and a cooling channel, in which vapor condensation on the condensation nuclei proceeds. The condensation nuclei, enlarged in this way, are carried away by the air current, arrive at the cell of '11ia.4 ultramicroscope, and can be recorded by the observer-. Ilie optimum opera- tion conditions of the device were determized experimentally, By the Ultra- microscopic flow method, the automation of registering aerosol part.L~les or Arevealed' condensation nuclei can be brought about. The de3ign of an auto- matic colanter developed for this purpose Is presented. lhis carrl'unk oul, the registration of aerosol particles of high numerical concentrations without failing. S V. Severin Card 212 P.0ZjF'IL31Jyy 1410., starsIdy nauchnrf sotr-udnikp kand.biulogIch(.,skikh nauk.; SERG.-,"YLVA , A . Jn V.,, aspirant; --rWDIVIYASITOV, A.G., aspirant; VIT7, V.O.; doktor selIakokhozya7stvennykh Chanpes ir the volume of circulating blocd in suckling foals [,Ath owmwaryAw-English], Izv. TS)DIA no.1:233-238 162. (MIRA 15:6) (BLOOD VOL1,14E) (COLTS) KUDRAYASHOV, A.H.P aspirant Results of crossing cattle breads of greatest interest In agricultural planning In Vladimir Province, Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. sellkhoz. Inst. no.l9t260-264 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra razvedeniya sellsko-khozyayatvannykh zhivotnyMi- (zav; - prof, V*Ys. AlItshuler) Ivanovskogo sallokokhozyaystyennogo institute, VC SHEVCAK, I.A.; MAYDITOVA, T.P.; KUDRSII"40, I.A.; OU-NINSMY, M.I.; frZTRACHKOV, F.A. Preparation of sodium thiocyanate from hydrogen cyanide contained in coke-oven gas. no.5:375-376 my 162. (M RA 15: 7) ("Jodiwa thiocya.. L, :'Iydrocyanic acid) (%Ccl~~-cvon gan) jl~u_- _iFr. KUDRENKOV. B.I. In the academic council of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Road Construction and Maintenance. Ayt. dor. 19 nn-10:32 0 '56. (MLRA 9:12) (Pavements--Testing) KUDRENKOV, B-I.; MUDROV, G.G.; POLYAKOVA, A.I. New requirements of atone materials. Avt.dor. 27 no.1:27-29 A 164. (MIRA 17:4) '~ I I AGOV, V.p inzh,j KUDRETS, V.p inzh. Marine eani tary-onglno @ring InaLallations from jict:.tt4o!-q. Mcr. f,Lrt. 24 no,8:29-30 Ag t64, ~(Y-RA 18t9) BIJ%GOV# V.A., inzh.) TKACHENKO, 11#A*j inzh.; KUL"' ;'~~ V*S lnzh. I I OP Manufacturn of plantic ship furniture by the method of oomproased air molding. Sudostrcenie 30 no.5s44-46 My 1~4, (MIRA 17C60. TO, _. , DRE~2 A-11 WANKOVA, L.(Tiankova, _E_ _-, _ L. j Effect of certain plant substances on the restoration of nitrogen exchange In drought-damged plants. Doklady UN 14 no.5:523-526 161. (Nitrogen) (Plante) IWDREV, T.; TYMIKOVA,, L. [Tiankava,p L.] On the nitrogen absorption by wheat plants reeovering from drought damages, Doklady BAN 15 no.21219-221 162. 1. Submitted by Corresponding Member Y. Hilkovaki.