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KUBYSH&V, A. Useful formB of econcmic vork, ii 61. Don. i kred. 19 no.7:59-61 (MIRA 14:7) 1. Upravlyayushchiy Sverdlovskoy kontoroy Gosbanka. (Sverdlovsk Province--Industrial mamgement) (Sverdlovsk Province-Bailks and banking) KUBYSHEVp A. --- --___._____.._ I PubUc bureau of economic analysis. Dan. i kred. 20 no.3s 46-49 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Upravlyayushchiy 3verdlovskoy oblastnof kontoroy Gosbanka. (Sverdlovsk Province--Industrial managewnt) SNEGOVSKIY, I.F.; KIIHrSHKV, G.A#, starehly nauchnyy sotnWnik Distributing batcher for poisonous chemicals. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I. bol. 8 no,602-33 Js 163. (MIRA, 160) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom mekhanizataii Respublikanskoy khmelevodcheskoy Btantaii, MoBkovskaya obl. (for Snegovskiy). 2, Respublikanskays, khmelsvodcheakaya, stantaiya, Nookovskaya, obl. (for Kutvshev). (Spraying and dusting equipment) 137-58-6-11956 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 110 (USSR) AUTHORS: Rodyakin, V.V., Kubyshev, N.N. TITLE: Production and Treatment of Copper -and- zinc Mattes at the Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead-and-zinc Kombinat (Polucheniye i percrabotka medno-svintsovykh shteynov na Ust'-Kamenogor- skom svintsova-tsinkovom kombinate) PERIODICAL: Byul. Tsentr. in-t inform. M-va tsvetn. metallurgii SSSR, 1957, Nr 5, pp 26-Z8 ABSTRACT: A shaft furnace of new design is used to smelt a Pb agglom- erate with considerable impurities, including Cu. The Pb is bottom poured from the furnace. The slag, matte, and a por- tion of the Pb are released into an electrically heated settling tank measuring 7.3x4.4xl.6 m. Of late the matte contents have been ZO- ZZ016 Cu, 11- 1316 Pb, 7-816 Zn, and 15-18% S. Blowing the matte in the converter permits recovery of from 750% of the Cu (when the matte is 10% Cu) to 9517o (when it is 30-3516 Cu). A return slag containing 1.5-3.056 Cu is produced. Build-up of matte in the converter continues until it is 5056 full of a rich Card I/Z mass (3-5 chargings of matte), whereupon the blow proceeds 137-58-6-11956 Production and Treatment (cont.) until white metal has been produced. The bulk of the Pb is driven off during We.SPcond period of blow. During refining to white metal, the amount of qu artz addition is checked by the external appearance of the slag. Should there be excess quartz, a small amount of matte is added to the converter. The white metal -is blown 40 to 90 min until blister Cu results. Cleaning of the tuyeres is performed throughout the blow. This operation is consider- ably more difficult than in the blowing of ordinary mattes. The blister Cu contains 93-9516 Cu, 3-57o Pb, 0.04-0.05% Zn, up to 0.4% Bi and other im- purities. The converter dust contains 45-5016 Pb, 3.5-4.0% Zn, 4-616 Cu, 5-616 As, and up to 0.5% Se. A.P. 1. Copper ores--Processing 2. Zinc ores--Processing 3. Minerals--Separation Card 2/2 SOV/136-59-3-6/21 ,kubys4ev, U.N. and AUTHOR: Abdeyev, M.A., Miller., O.G., Y Matveyev, A.T. TITIZ: Conversion of 'lead Matte at the Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead Works (Konvertirovaniye vysokosvintsovistykh shteynov na Uat'-Kameno6orskom svintBovom zavode) PnIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 3, pp 23 - 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method of obtaining copper is given from matte containing 18-24% Cu, .12-18% Pb, 24-30% Fe, 7-8% Zn, 0-5-2.5% As, 0-5-0.8% Ob and 15-18% S. The main difficulty is the presence of lead in the matte. This is removed by an after- blow. During the afterblow, topper is also oxidised and passes into the slag. This is decreased by addition of coke which reduces the copper oxide and copper passes back from the slag. The lead sublimes. It is necessary to submerge the blast deeply for several minutes. Three operations are given. The first is used for small quantities of mtte. 40 kg coke are used in the afterblow. Intensive removal of sulphur only begins when the blast is deeply submerged in the metal. 1.5 tons Cu is obtained with analysis: Cardl/2 SOV/136-59-5-6/21 Conversion of Lead Matte at the Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead Works 99.07% Cu, 0.2% Pbs 0.2% Zn and 0.2% Fe. The second and third operations yield 3-4-5 tons copper using a full 8-ton converter, the full reaction taking twelve hours. 50 kg coke is used and copper with an analysis of 98.18% Cu, 1.0% Fb, 0.2% Fe and traces of S is obtained. The slag from this reaction contains 18.8% Cu, 15.931,`6 Pb, 24.3% Fe and 15% S102 0 There is 1 table. ASSOCIATIONS: Altayskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiv InBtitut (Altay Mining-metallurgical Institute) (Abdeyev.. Miller) Ust'-Kamenogorskiy svintsovo-tsinkovy7 kombinat (Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead-zinc Combire) (Kaybyshev) Irtyshakiy medeplavilinyy za-iod (Irtysh Copper- smelting Works) (Matveyev) Card2l? ABDEYEV, Masgut Abdrakhmanovich; SMIRNOV, V.I. v akademiko oty. red. j . KUBYSHICV, X.N., retsenzent; KW, O.A., retsenzent; .MWTAKOV`P'-A:.-O. P takhu. red. (Complex metal ore w~sttes ancf their conversion]PolimetalUchs- skis shtsiny i ikh konvertirov&nia. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Aicad. nauk Kazakhokoi SSR, 1962. 227 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Akadsmiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR (for Sairnov). (Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy) xuuup N-.-N-. (K-ubpo-hov, -N.N.1- ~Ielting pf lead ores,in tho vertical furnace.and its continuous i$provomemt. Analele wtalurgi* 16 no.4tl7g-185 O-D 162. AKHMETOV T V K. q HKOVI K.S. Side recovery of arsenic " tailings of the metallurgical industry. TSvet.met. 36 n"0.242-45 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Losad industry-By-products) (Arsenic) AKHMETOV, K.T.1 DONCIIENKO, P.A.t XUBYMM, N.N.; VOLKOV, I.P.; KARAFRTYAN, V.K.; YFLYAKOV, I.I.; CHIKRIiDr,--wv.-;-KHMABERGENOV, R.Zh. Modernizing the industrial equipment of lead production wA the grovth of labor productivity. TSvet. mat. 36 no.7ill-19 Jl 163. (MIRA 16t8) (Lead industry-Equipment and supplies) KUBYSHEV, M.N. Improvoment of ohaft furnace lead awlting. TSvet. =t. 36 no.807-43 Ag 063. (KM 160) (Lead--Metallurgy) gg KUBYSIIEV, N. U.; AKIRCTOVt 1. T., kand. okonom. nauk - -. ------ A book on the conversion of complex metal matte%, Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR. 19 no,803-75 Ag 163. 1 1. Glavnyy metallarg evintsovogo tavoda Uat'-Kamenogorskogo avintsovo-tainkovogo kombinata imeni V. I. Lenina (for Kubyshev). KOLESNIKOV, N.A.; EIBIDJJET,~ FEVOMKO, V.O.; rAF-4PETYINI V.K.; UNWAKOV? M.S. Intensification of the shaft furnece lead smelting process 'by augmenting the oxygen concentration. T3vet. met. 27 no.12a 33-38 D 164 (M-IRA 1812) Horse Brooding Achievements of a Hero of Socialist Labor, hard-an Tatan Deshenov, Konevodstvo No. 5, 1952 9. Monthly List af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MY 1952 -23M, uncl. sFaumr A., Shofe*~ KOMAROVA, I - Y0LCHAN0V,-B---0tI=anskay-a Oblast (Pe;iovo, Novgorodskaya Oblast'); KEYSHEV, V. (hirovskaya Oblast') Readers' letters. Pozb*delo 8 no.4.31 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Starshiy inspektor pozharnoy chasti, Nazan' (for tomarova). (Fire preventl3n) KUBYSHEV, V. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the process of the operation of cylindrical.grain cleaner.11 Omsk-Chelyabinsk, 1961. 18 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture RSFSR, Omsk Agricultural Inst imeni I S. M. Kirov); 170 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 219) TRESKOV, Georgiy Dmitriyevich; LYUBIMOV, A.I.; KUffSHKV, A.; _Y' MGMV, M.P., prof.p retsenzent; KOICA9M, -K.G., prof., red.; DUGIIIA, N.A.9 t*khn. rod. (Calculations for grain harvesting machines] Raschet zerno- uborochrykh maehin. Pod red, K.G.Kolganova, Izd,2#p perere Moskva , Maohgisp 1961. 214 p. (MBA 150) 1. Kafedra sel'skokhozyaystvenrqkh mashin Chelyabinskogo in- stitutarmekbanizataii i elektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Terskov). (Grain-Harvesting) !A >4 C~ ;i~ t, ,J) >4 ca .e- KUBTSHIN, BoTev Keasuroment oIf the dYUBMIO xAP4tic characteristics of forromwetic material@ and the separation Of 100505 in then. Sbor.trud- InGt- elektrotekh.AN UM nO-12:43-69 155- (WA 9: 11) (KILgastic materials) (K&Pstic ""urements) EMySHIN, B.Ye. ""MUNUMMINNip Of mapatic apparatus mapetissa I)y alternating ourr6at- Investigation -85 155- (KLM 9: 11) Sbor.trud. Inst.elektrotakh.AJK uRSR no.12:70 ("patio amplifiers) T7 N 'P-4(-3/ PHASE I BOOK ECEWITATION SOV/2530 Akademiya nail Ukrainokoy So. Institut elektroteWipiki Voprosy magnitzqkh i=ereniy (Prcble~a of Mognatic Hegaurwents'y4yey, ltd-vo ANVkeSSRjl959- 117 p. I..000 copies printed, . I i Ed. of Publishing 7ouse: I. Xisina; Tech* Ed: Mol. Yeflnoya, Editorial Board: A,D. Neaterenko, Corresponding Member UIXmiqian SSR Acad=W of Sciences (Reap. Ed.), S.Ao Lebedev, Aca4miciva, Sol* Tatellbaun Corresponding Member, Ukrainian SSR Acad=7 of Sciences (Deceasedi. L.V. TsukermIkY Candidate of Tedinical Sciences,, A.Wo X11yak, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Ye. Y. Khrushchova.. CaudLdate of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for dealpers and makers of electrical instr=ents and scientific staff ambers or reqearch and plant laboratories enMed in electrical and magnetic measument. COVERAGE: The authors present results of magnotiq meaa;Ments conducted at the Laboratory for Electrical and Magnetic Measurements of the Electrical Engineering lnst~tute, Acadeqr of Sciences, uirwAs They d1go)Iss testing of higb coercive Card 1/D - Problems of Magnetic Measurements SOV/2530 magnetic materials used in the manufacture of Vompont m"to wA ccmpare various methods of testing hard mapetic w4terlals- They Also describe various methods of measuring field int4naity and flux density and evaluate the atcuracy of those methods* They discus methods of testing soft magnetic materials and consider problems of resolving total iron core losses into components. They also discuss testing of ferra4agnstic Materials at high frequencies and describe problems of measuring loqpap vith the aid of a calorimeter. References appear At the and of each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Fran the Editor Nesteren1co, A.D. Terminology Used in the Field of Xapstic Measurements 5 The author consideres the problem of terminology for the ipa%~otioo method of measuring flux density and field InteAstiv. 'go j~Unte out that basic physical phenonema of the process should be r-opsidered when introducing terminology for the induption met4od of measament. There are no references. Kubyshin,, Determination of PemeabUlty of 84batfaces ip an Alternating 6 Card 2/6 Problems of Magnetic Measurements BOV/2530 The author dinousses a method of 4atermining Magnetic permeability of a substance from data for dynamic characteristics in an alternating magnetic field. He also presents a method of determining complex magnetic permeability at frequencies different from those at vhIch measure- mentswere taken and resolution of losses into compments was made. There are 3 references, all. "loviet. Rozhanovskiy, I.M. Magnetic Characteristics of Iron InAlternatIng Kagnatic Fields 20 The 'author otudies mWetic characteristics of Iron in alternating magnetic fields ard analyzes the effect of eddy currents, -demagnetizing action of higher-hamonic currents in a magnetizing circuit and the type of the applied voltage. Ile also investigates funetional relation- ships between the flux density and the field inten ity and din cusses a circuit used in the study. There are 4 references, all Soviet. Rozhanovskiy,I.M. Reccmmended Methods of Resolving Iron Core Losses Into Ccraponents 33 card 3/6 Problems of Magnetic Measurements SOV/2530 The author discusses analytical and graphical methods of resolving total iron losses fit various frequencies into hysteresis and eddy- current components. The methods presented utilize the experimental data of total Ions In Iron taken at various frequencies and at a cm- stant flux density. T'here are 13 references: 6 Soviet, 1 English and I German. Petrochenko, V.F. Resolution of Iron Core Losses Into Components by the Two- frequency Method Under the Con4ition of Conotant Eddy-current Losses 45 The author discu:isei a method of resolving total iron losses Into com- ponents at two frequencies. Ile also evaluates experimental reSUltb obtained by using this method. There are 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 English. Mesterenko, A.D. Use of Balanping Circuits for Testing of Soft Magnetic Materials in a Constant Magnetic Field 53 The author discunses the poessiblilty of using balance method for obtaining a magnetization curve and a hysteresis loop of ferrcmaguatic materials. He also dencribes circuits used in the experimental study. There are 5 references: It Soviet and I English. Fevraleva, N. Ye. Measurement of Field Intensity In Devices for Testing Hard Magnetic Materials by Meaw of a Test Generator 62 Chrd 4/6 Problems of MW-etic Measurement3 SOV/2530 The author describes a test generator for measuring field Intensity and discusses the generator error. The generotor was developed at the Laboratory of Magnetic and Electrical Measurements of the Electrical Engineering Institute, Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR. There are 5 references, all Soviet. 40ribehenko, G.I. I A.Do Nestereako, and NYe, Fevraleve, Errors of Devices For Testing High Coercive Magnetic Materials 71 The authors diacuss devices used for determining residual magnetism and coercive force. Attention is given to a device vith compensat- ing coils and a bridge-type device developed at the Laborotory for Magnetic and Electrical Measurements of the Electrical Engineering Institute.. Academy of Sciences, UkrSSRo The authors discuss the cormtruction and operation of these devices and describe their character- istics. There are 5 references: 4 Soviet and I German. Fevraleva, N.Ye. Utilization of the Hall Effect in Germanium for Measuring Magnetic Flux 86 Card 5/6 Problems of Magnetic Meaauxt=ents SOV/2530 The author presents a general description of the Hall effect and dis- cusses its application for measuring magnetic flux. She describes a circuit using a germanium -crystal for measuring flux and discusses circuit error. There are 8 references: 4 Soviet, 2 English and 2 German. Karpenko,, V.P. Calorimetric Method of Measuring Losses in Ferrcimagnetic Materials 96 The author discusses calorimeter circuits used for measuring iron losses at high frequences. He also describes the error of the colorizetric, method. There are 5 references, all,soviet. KarpeakoY V.P. Possibilities of Using T-Circults for Magnetic Measurement 105 The author analyzes various T-oircuits and discusses their application in determining magnetic characteristics of farrcmagnetic materials at lov and medium frequencies. There am 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 English. AVAILABLE.: Library of Congress ip/gap Card 616 11-23-59 13 s/ :5 1 Al I ;JAI I g) pal fill N 'sc. - a i 1 1 of, 1fill, 3/112,/60/000/006/019/032 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurmal, Elektrotekhnika, 1960, No. 6, p. 279, 4.5112 /-S AUTHOR: Xuby!~Mln, B. Ye. TI TLE Problems of the Linear Theory of MagneticAmplifiers PEi1IODICAL: Sb. tr. -Tn-ta elektrotekhn, AN UkrSSR. 1 6. pp. 113-134 959, No7. 1 TEXT: A qualitative analysis is given of a magnotic amplifier considered as a current or voltage generator controlled by direct, alternating or pulse currents or voltages of a lower frequency than the frequency of the feed current. With such an approach to the analysis, the calculation of a magnetic amplifier becomes similar to the calculation of electronic amplifiers. It enables the author to obtain approximate analytical expressions for the load characteristics of a magnetic amplifier and for main coefficients. Equivalent circuits of magnetic amplifiers are considered which, by using the linearized curves of magnetization by direct and alternating current, make it possible to obtain calculated relations for a choke-type magnetic amplifier, with an allowance for Card 1/2 .9/112/60/000/006/019/032 Problems of the Linear Theory of Magnetic Amplifiers bias and feedback, as well as for a magnetic amplifier fed from a current source (both transformer and autotransformer). There are 20 illustrations, 7 references. 0. V. S. B Card 2/2 J 4n, i,., u1 C~ tic -L: )l I I..; Awyi t 'Crudov, 63-77 a ',~ctl,od of ubt-L-J,-i:-.-" C ~., ) 0 VI (I r 0u 0 nu _i Ou;1"; U 13 e C".. ~ V,L C 1 of Cru , -Cra., t3 .r t e T.IXIIC L, - 0l 11 induclunce 100j C /,q . v o 1 t::Ie T, e I, A, d c o 1 iind UZI,. ..-Q or 3 3 )%icre used with the brid e o ind~,~ctliciii und Cn.-Ic;~ 4OnS "dVe 'J:L'OT)ej't--j~!S Of -li:, fe-"romagne-c ;I_ - - L. C J'l Ue U-,cd to find sup-ar,11601,, V_1,4()~; .ard 112 I C) t Y hy - 470 d eid" ~ On 62/b25/012/0A2/0'5 D508 D2 ~, sad '6"p- yub1shint 1.16, ttons OV xOV instS, 00 troneformer ro-PT -2 I OV By-ty ontactissel 'current in tomatio the 1).%'. Nu Toversin ,,,4_o bathe 129 for .95 Vo ?5' no* tius, i t of Operation hV .008' 1692 - '100 PO%#eT 19629 the Vr , tots of a as describe b cons magnet egg uthorG WbJO 5-069a i CO t tacts a Transement I te . o4trie a rAe4ja c of 4the ) inte of a Is t has a Cs LCtA'On ".forms"', , the fO`0,',,,,eMen Saco - ~ bleed- confi*-rl tra, tOT tu frhe 86. 4t %be tne the a 14. the ear a 4rO'P tale n 5-9111", Isen r'56()/221D 4 roltage le (t%40 d a Pulse it hen the I a e%ist at at the stau an TO# I to Trent to ,,,fierB The OUPP11 ing tic cu t equal ero volv V& is eque. ogramm or TO eformer VaTas 19 110 Pr movinf tre, load I no bleeder 8,rA no OVerati-ne t 406 aoToss the of %be J5tOT and a "tage 8r Teo What, the *40 arms 0 'a.rd' 1/2 C Automatic contac tleas load S1103 6 0 the result,, D20 1 308 With MaGnetizatio 9 ParasItIc I%D 21023101210121013 netIc amplif, n Of ma current, ere are GnetIc are small and are of the half OPer4tIng amplifiers and do not I compared w Outside th This is back IS Ith full wave type 9 Which e8011'-rev '0 because nerease -Wave Mag- In applied, Which Mak eralbi 98 In the amplifiers. A e8 them more 0conomIcal t8 by Capaolt 414 rae maices it aP801al type of ity, it, ances of t P11fle , The Possible t 48 t Ora which Primaries Of to dispense voltage feed- the he a.c. are adjusted to r With bias V/ The tIme-reaponse W17ndIngs of resona ansfOrmera wind- arrangeme and te with are shunted WhI Ch a nt 1. makes the magnetic amplifiers the minimum I especl Immune to 'squired c0 t a Th is Induc- be used the load n rol current Improves th Othally Important I, th 01roul t being a c Smaller. SUBMITT.ED, er t-,Ypea~ Of load. Use of gal,a or 0,, ~ehere are 6 NO bathe and ca~ I lune 962 figures. Card 212 KUBYSHIN, B.Ye. Determining the obaraoterlatics of simultaneous magnstization of ferromagnstio materiale for the calculation of magnetic amplifiero. Trudy inst, Komestandsmer i izm. prib no.64:39-48 162. (MIM 160) (Perromagnatism) (Magnetic amplifiere) MILYAKH, Alek:iaridr Nikolayevich; KURS11111, :ioris Yevgenly.~nrlch; VOLKOV, Igor' Vladimir(A,-.., -1 [Inductive and capacitive converters of voltage sources to current sources] Induktivno-emkostnye preobrazovatell istochnikov napriazhenila v istochniki toka. Kiev, Naukova dumkas 1964. 303 P. (IMU 18:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Milytikh). , ,--- -HIN, P. Ye", k..Inn. nauk; 7 u, ~ Y. i, ;,,I.; ,T- G, 'A .0, -1 .1 b . -,Nlogns~! t, 1 c) -r w ! t h iq ' d: , ,., - ;(, I i nyu t. ciiari es . - 1-1 'Snqri,. 1. e!-ikfro*A,'rc,,* prom, O.-D 163. (MI RA ~-."i : 10) KUBY511IN, Me., kand. takhne- nauk; BY'KGV, L.N., inzh.; PAVILCII, L.L., Inih. Ih-dversal electromagnetic attachment for rwairuring rectifled d.c. during reversing operations. Energ. i elaktrotakh. prom. nc.108- 40 JaAr 165. (MIRA 180) ~MIYSHI'11,, B.Ye. (Kiyev),- L:1PK0VSKTY., K.A. (Kiyev); 1,11KHAIIE'VICH, G.A. (Kiyev)I One method for eliminating Idle operation current In a magnetic ampl,lfler. Avtom. I telem. 26 no.3:532-538 I-U- 10. (MIRA 18:6) - - - ___ - - L 05AT731-67- - NT(!) --- nr_r___ ACC NRe AT6020426 (N) COURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0073/0081 0/ AUTHOR: _EtQ1a~~._jS,.1_Me11nichuk, L. P. ORG: Institute of Electrodynamics AN UkrSGR (Institut elektrodinamiki AN UkrSSR) 41-1 TITLE: A method for increasing the Q-factor of a magnetic amplifier SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Preobrazovaniye I stabilizatstya elektromagnittiykh protsessov (Conversion and stabilization of electromagnetic processes). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 73-81 TOPIC TAGS: Q factor, magnetic amplifier, time constant, electronic feedback ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for reducing the time constant of magnetic amplifiers used in automatic control systems. Analysis of the relationship between the time constant and magnetic cox~pling with the feedback and bias circuits In an ordinary magnetic amplifier with external feedback shows that the time constant of the empli- fier is determined by the time constant of the control circuit, the parameters of the bias and feedback circuits which are magnetically coupled to the control circuit, and also the amplification factor. A system is described for constructing a magnetic am- plifier without feedback and with three independent control circuits, or a magnetic amplifier with external feedback and Inductively decoupled control, feedback and AC circuits. The dynamic characteristics of amplifiers incorporating this system are ex- perimentally studied. The results show that this system may be used for increasing ihe amplification factor with a simultaneous reduction in the time constant to give Q increase by a factor of approximately 8. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 8 formulas. K11 ellB CODE: 09/ SUEM DATE: 26oct65/ ORIG REP: OOh/ OTH REP: 001 rZard-1/1 L u5,874-61 - F-.7-1(1) I ACC NRs AT60264-2-7 -N-) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0085/0100 AUTHOR: Ku~Xshin, B..Ye.; LipkovskiZ, K. A.; Mikhalevich, G. A. ORG: Institute of El!ctrodynamics AN U`krSSR (Institut elektrodinamiki AN UkrSSR) rITLE: A noncontact vide-range voltage regulator Incorporating magnetic amplifiers ~5 3OURCE: AN 'UkrSSR. Preobrazovaniye I stabilizatsiya elektromagnitnykh protsessov (Conversion and stabilization of electromagnetic,proceaseo). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 85-100 rOPIC TAGS: magnetic amplifier, voltage regulator kBSTRACT: The authors discuss a method for compensation of excessive open-circuit cur- rent In magnetic amplifiers used in a noncontact vide-range voltage regulator. These 2ampensated magnetic amplifiers lave a specially connected additional nonmagnetized choke. The workJng windings for each core are split In two and taken in pairs to form two arms of a T-circult In which the third arm is -the winding of the additional choke. Expressions Eire given for determining the parameters of this type of amplifier under basic operating conditions and for selecting optimum pe~-ametcra. Experimental tests Df wide-range voltage -regulators using these magnetic amplifiers gave completely satis- factory results with a control factor in the load of 2000-2500. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 34 formulas. SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 26oct65/ ORIG REF. oo8 V Card i /i kh ACC-NRs--AM5010311- --Monograph- g~ip AlqiS~andr Nikolayeli rresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of qh Z. Kubyshin. Bori the Ukrainian B. rc-)T (CO a revgenIX2vic h ~;' 1~o.1kov',_IgqKLYjaAWroYiC1L Inductance-capacita~ce converters'of voltoge sources to current sources (rnduktivw- yemkostnyye preobrazovateli istochnikov napryazheniya v istochniki toka) Kiev, Haukova dumka, 1964- 0303 P- illus.0 biblio. (At bond of title-, Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSH- Institut elektroclinamiki) 2,300 copies printed 70PIO TA08i voltage rvgulator, alsotria onpaoitanae, eloatrio induatanaep aloatrio power engineering, thermoelectric converter., electric current, ~ 3 , 4 electr1c device, electric energy conversion, nonrotary electric power converter, rotary electric yQwer converter PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book describes circuits of Inductance-capacitance con- verters which make it possible to obtain constant current regardless of wide range variations In load resistance. It contaim calculation methods for converters, calcu- 3AIon examples, tables,, and curves required for carrying out the calculations. It ii shown that the employment of the converters Is preferable to that of parametric and compensating current regulators used in power engineering and automation. The book Is intended for scientino, engineering,, and technical personnel specializing in coverter engineering,as well as for-aspirants ead students in universities specializing in these rields of study. Card _10 A ACC - NRs -- A1450103U TUIZ OF COUTENM (abridgedIt Introduction - - 3 Part I. Theory of inductance-capacitance converters Ch. I. Two-terminal pair network in a voltage-source to current-source converter system - - 9 Ch. 11. Single-phase and sultipWoe converters of voltage sources to current sources - - 33 ,Ch. M. Special operating conditions for voltage-source to current-source convert- - . ers - - 57 Part 2. Selection and calculation of basic elements-of inducta!Aco-capacitance con- verters Ch. IV.. Optimal efficiency conditions and design calculations for the converter . elements - - 74 Ch. V. Methods for calculating the processes taking place In circuits with ferromag- nets - - U7 Ch. VI. Design caXculations for inductance-capacitance converters and their elements - - 171 Part 3. Application of inductance-capacitance converters Ch. VII. Converters for feeding devices vith highly variable 'load resistances 24,1 Ch. VnIe Inductance-capacitance converters for su4pplying raibmy track circults witk stabilized altemUng cument - - 257 Card I ", I Ch. IX* Conyerters for feeding day1ces vith oteep-volt-ampere characterlatic - - 26T Ch. X. Current stabilizere baaed on inductance-capacitance cofiverters -,- 273 AppepAix - - 288 BibIlogralAy - - 299 SUB CODRI -.O?/'P=DATEl 230at64/ ORIG Rai 087/ OM MW 1 015 1 I I .3jjyjjlp~_A.A- eather Goods ,Ur y - - . I.. ., he Bogorodak FactorY of L erials in t Je 165. Use of new mElt -obuve proms 7 no.6:34 (Kim 1818) and Accessories* Kozho I I A.; wpysmvg H.S.; A.A.; KOVTUSHENO A. i,.o 70 TETELIBAM4t :j."""uhMy red.; P.0 ZMETS, B "..; LF.BEDEVA, N na c red. Y-11, tekbn. :P- VlvomADovv A 7. k-0 ~r- L .1 1 e staM; kat"109- aVe M,110., cptlilog and manwalSOrtovy [:,',h - Tll-IASII, 1962- 62 1);.11U, 15111) spra-locbnik. 14ockVal Tolh I.-Elektrostal ,skly zav0d t,,,h,loi*,O :.&sbinostroyeni7rl* (itolling MW-13-catalogs) MBySHKIIi, G.P. enroothiAn Aron - .1 " - n the Trans - ~.;, _~ -~~ - -'.. inax, due to rainfAll I sit no.1:26'5-263 tWimun river dra inn arA Zn6lifhl - Dop. AN U1 oc.,u it-, -. )) (with summaries In TI'asO 157- LArotakhniki 1kedecil W-lk ';"S" led- ,. Institut g1drolOlgit th #0 Mauk USSR G.J.Sukhonolm- stavienc iAndM"AOI Alct"10"ltl -HydrOI09Y) (Transaftrpathia- Vartic&l "n&"ty of the distribution Of runoff of rivers in Transearpathis. Hateor.i gidrol. no.4:34-15 Ap 157. (HLU 10:5 (Transcarpathis-Ranoff) . V 1-r x 6 ys -M,-r I Yf,, W. r ~ OBTSaINI G.Pa arpthian PrOVIUCO I frsuec (m] 14,Tlimm flow Off of rivers of ths 1 V. Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy Ukrot NIGKI no*9:137-139 " 6) (Wansearpa Imagoremont -AMMM 01 - (dies) *Cha LCt ristice of the cand Tool, S a rfF-4' the UkSSR. 0 of W rivers of Z&kllrpatgkaya ObI st. Of Kiev# 19580 15 pp (Min of Higher VI"cation UkSSR, Kiev Inst of Engineers of Water 120 copies (KLP 15-58t 115) - B B , VISHNEVSKIY, Palladiy Fedorovich[Vyshnevs,kyi,, P.F.]j DROM, Nafamil losipovich; ZHF19ZNW, losif Aronovieb; KRYZHANOVSKAYA, Ariada Borisoma(KMhanivalka, A.B.); KUMOM- ramrally .?~~ovi4h[Kubyshkin, H.Pj; tiSENKO, Klars, Arkhipovnal 14OKLYAK, Vladislav Ivamovich; CHIPPING, Galina Aleksandroma, [Chippinbs H.O.]j SHVETS, Grigoriy Ivanovich[Shvets, H.I.]j PECHKOVSKAYAO O.M.[Pecbkovalka, D.M.], red.isd-val RAXHLINA# N.P,p tekhne red, (Hydrologic calculations for rivers of the Ukraine]Gidrologichui roarakhunky dlia richok Ukrainyj pry vidaitnosti spostereshen'. [By]P.F.Vyshnev'kv:i ta inshi. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk UPOR, 1962. 385 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Ukraine--Rivers) S/120/60/000/01/031/051 _PWIM'Nastyukha. A.I. AUTHORS: Kozachina. B,S , Kubyshkin, a TITLE: Stabilization of ihe 7o`?1-e-ErTWX--system Voltage in a CMUat=W9 PERIODICAL: Pribory i toklinika eksperimenta, 1960, Nr 1, p 110 IUSSR) ABSTRACT: The stabilization circuit for the deflecting voltage of a cyclotron described here differs from the usual high- voltage stabilization circuits in that the grid and cathode circuits of the stabilizing tube as well as the DC amplifier are at the ground potential, i.e, no high-voltage dividers are used in the cathode and grid circuits. The circuit, given in Figure 1, shows that the negative terminal of a rectifier (BlOO/20, 100 kV working voltage, 20 mA current, bridge-circuit connection) is connected to the load via a ballast water resistance V. of 2 Ma . A high-voltage divider (4,1 ) is connected in parallel with the load; it divides the voltage produced by the rectifier in the ratio 1:450. A potential drop Cardl/3 across the smaller part of the divider is compared with S/1206o/ooo/ol/031/051 F_291~f~21 Stabilization of the Deflecting-system 0 e in a Cyclotron that of a standard call 1; Tito resultant voltage 3. difference in applied to a DC amplifier (YM); the output signal of the amplifier is fed to the grid of the stabilizing tube X~ (rK-3000, maximum working voltage 100 kV, actual voltage 30 kV). The voltage across the load is kept constant by varying the potential drop across the tube tA 1 * Since the cathode of 41, is grounded, no isolating transformer is needed in the filament circuit; the amplifier is also at the ground potential. Two indicating instruments are used: AV'~l -to measure the voltage in the deflecting system, and KtI-2 to measure the voltage at the tube anode. With the circuit described 20% variations of the input voltage and current changes from 0-5 to 5 mA produced only 0.2% of variation of the deflecting voltage. The circuit has been working Card2/3 satisfactorily for two years in a 1.5 m cyclotron KUBTSHKINp P. P. Occurrence of Ground Waters in the Lower Dnepr Saaids Sb. jjp&ch__tr,, KiyevMk, lesokhoz. in-JU, no 3, 1953p pp 93-101 The author briefly describes the ground waters of the Lower Dnepr sands in connection with their utilization for raising garden and grdpe crops, and also in connection with afforestation. He expounds the history of the study of the Lower Dnepr sands as connected vith the problem of land improvement and afforeatation and with the probleA or the organi- zation of truck.gardening and grape culture. (R2hGeo?., no 3, 1955) SO: Sum. No. 639, 2 Sep 55 7 SOV/1 12-58-1-294 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, p 43 (USSR) AUTHOR: Xubyshkin, P. P. TITLE: Fundamentals of Hydraulic Calculations of Draining Canals (Oboanovaniye gidrotekhnicheskikh raschetov osushitel'nykh kanalov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Ukr. n.-1. in-ta mestn. i toplivn. prom-sti, 1956, Nr 10, pp 11-28 A13STRACT: Bibliographic entry. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Inland waterways--USSR 2. Water--Control systems Card 1/1 KUBYSIJKIN, P.P. [Agricultural melioration and forestry] Sellskokho- ziaistvennaia moliorataila i lesoyodstvo. Moekvfip Kolos. 1964. 334 P. (MIRA 1819) 85818 Ileo A153/Ao26 AUTHOR: Kubyahkin, V., Engineer TITLE: -Ultra-Short-Waves are Reliable, Convenient and Efficient PERIODICAL- Grazhdanakaya aviatsiya, '1960, No. 10, pp. 12-13 TEXT: Advantages of ultra-short-waven over short waves are enumerated and the relatively limited use of ultra-Rhort-waves for ground-air (dispatcher- aircraft) communication in the past is explained by a limited range. However, now that in the USSR and in foreign countries they have begun to use automatic intermediate relay stations on aircraft routes, outlooks for using ultra-short- wave facilities have improved. The principle of operation of such stations is explained. It is said that relay stations must be located 200-250 km from air- ports, with overlapping ranges, and providing reliable and convenient communi- cation from ground-to-air and vice-versa. There are 4 figures and 2 photos. Card 1/1 tY urpitit: c ardl t i s ~'auPJ on Tcl)ycEkrdlogr;iF.!-. ic Aj r (,,:r data. Sov. mod. 28 no.1~76-41 165s o r~ S litf orop(i I XUBTSHKIN, V.I. Selecting measuring circuits for digital voltmeters. Priboro- stroenis no.4t6-8 Ap 160. (KIM 13:6) (Toltuoter) Use of an integratcr In tha method of electrobydrodynamic RrAlOOOB V- ady a9epage Into horizontat drain3. Trudy ..,~r calculating the unate 1!84--96 163. Oew. pc, prill. mat. 1 nn. (141RA 18:2) i. Ukrainakiy nauchno-insledovatellskly lnptitiit gidrotvkhniki i tzaa3ioratpiit Kiyev. ACCESSION NR: AP3004325 S/0033/63/040/004/0700/0702 AUTHOR: Fomenko, B. D,; Bonelis, 1. V.1 Kuby*shkin,V. V. TITLE: The latitude and height dependence of atmospheric disturbances due to type 11 solar corpuscular streams SOURCEs Astronomichoskiy zhurnal, v. 40, no. 4, 1963, 700-702 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric disturbance, atmospheric disturbance latitude dependence, atmospheric disturbance height dependence, corpuscular stream, solar corpuscular stream, type H solar corpuscular stream, radio sounding ABSTRACT; The, latitude dependence of atmospheric disturbances has been detected from a study of data, in addition to that used previously (B. D. Fobaenko, Astron. zh., v. 39, 833, 1962). It is found that the amplitude of atmospheric disturbances increases with geomagnatic latitude. Radio sounding data show that the disturbance occurs in the atmosphere. Orig. art. hast 4 figures and I table. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR2 AP3004323 ASSOCIATION: Volgogradskly podagogichaskiy instLtut (Volgograd Pedagogic Institute) SUBMITTED: O7Feb63 DATE ACQj 20Aug63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REP SOVI 005 OTHZR: 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION MR: AP4043960 8/0033/64/041/004/0736/0742 AU711OR: Kuby*oWdn, V.V. TITLE: Universal photoelectric photometer with automatic control SOURCE; Astronomichouldy zhurnal, v. 41, no. 4, 1964. 738-742 TOPIC TAGS: astronomical Instrument, photoelectric photometer, photometer, photometryj colorimetry, automaUe photometer ABSTRACT: This article describes a universal photociectric photometer with automatic control, designed for photometric and colorimetric study of stars, planets. nebulae and Zodiacal light and polarimetric measurements with various types and designs of telescopes, and ensuring full automation of the photometric cycle of observation while preserving high photometric accuracy. no photometer, whose block diagram is shown In Fig. I of the Enclosure, consists of an extensible photometric head, mounted on the eyepiece end of a telescope, and a central control panel in which most of the units are mounted and which at the same time is the working posiUon of one of the operators. The central control panel and a number of auxiliary devices are situated in the laboratory and connected to the photometric head by a 7-m multistrand cable with a reliable electromapetic shield. The' COM 1/6 ,ACCESSION NR: AP4043960 optical system is shown In Fig. 2 of the Enclosure. After passing through the disk I with .diaphragms, the radiation ofthe Investigated object, focussed In the plane 6 a diaphragm, ,falls on the Fabry lens .2, which projects It onto the photomultiplier photocathode 3 of the ,exit pupil 4 of a telescopic system formed by the telescope objective and the Fabry len3. 'The diaphragm disk I has 16 sets of different diaphragms and one field diaphragm. Each set contains two diagraphs (for photometric study of stare and photometric study of the sky background). Ile diaphragms are changed automatically by turning of the disk. Two disks !with filters 6, 6 are mounted in the photometer. Each disk has one field diaphragm and eight light filters. Ile sixteen filters make It possible to work in eighty different spectral .regions. Filters are changed automatically. 7`he disk 7 has a field diaphragm and a container with a radioactive luminophor which serves as a photometric standard. - When measuring the brightness of the sky background and checking the constancy of the photomete: sensitivity, the disk 7 Is turned to a certain angle and cuts off the light flux from the Investi, gated object, and the luminophor Is Introduced into the optical system -and projected on the same part of the surface of ihi photomultipler photocathode as the radiation from the exit pupil of the telescopic system. Behind the diaphragm disk there Is a disk 8 with slits; At haa one field diaphragm and eleven slits with widths of 0. 01 - 3 mm and lengths of 2/6 'Card ACCESSION NR: AP4043960 2 - 22 mm. A alit of a particular width and length Is moved along the rocni Imago of the investigated object by microscrews in two directions: for right ascension and declination. no slits are changed automatically. Between tho diaphragm disk and the Fabry lens there is a prism 9 of total Internal reflection, which In combination with the eyepiece 10 makes It possible to point at and check the position of the Investigated object In the din- phrngm or slit. The photometer can operate with different Fabry lenses. no polarold 12 is rotated In tho mounting of the bearing 13 by a selsyn 11. no light nux is modulated by an alternating currant amplifier. Considerable detail is given concerning the photometrio components, the olactrometria amplifier, the programming unit and the central control panel. For stars brighter than the eighth magnitude the measurement accuracy to Om. 001- Orn. 002. Stars to the twelfth magnitude have been observed with an accuracy to Om. 01- 0m. 02. "in conclusion, the author thanks V. B. Mikonov and N. F. Kuprovich for die- cussion of the work". Orig. art. has: 2 figures. :'ASSOCIATION: Volgogradakly pedagogicheekly institut (Volgograd Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTEDs 24Jan64 ENCL: 02 MM COIDEi AA, ES OTHERs 005 ""NO REF SOVI 016 CarJ/6 ACCEMON NR: AP4043960 - ----------- L ENCLOSURE: 01 -- tric head; toolectria photometer. universal photome Fig. I. Block diagram Of a pho gtion; 3 - DC amplifier unit; 4 - DC amplifier; 2 - detector of the inv0sUgatod rPA - voltage divider; 8 - tube voltn,ter-, 5 - potentiometer; 6 - Otabilizdd rectifier; 7g unit; 11 chronograph; 12 - power 9 - electronic voltage stabilizer-, 10 - programmin supply. Card 4/5 60 ENCLOSURE: 02 ACCESSION NR: AP40439 'A UL, u Lj rl 7. 1g. 2. Optical system of tho photoolootric photometer. A - photomultipliers L 2690-66 EWT(1)/FCC GW- ACCESSION MRs AP5020679 LtR/0033/65/042/004/0794/0797 523.745 14,19- 34 AUTHOR i K M~hki~_V,j Ve TITLE: Solar aotlykey and pressure measurements in the troposphere SOURCE: Astronomichaskiy zhurnal, Y. 42, no. 4, 1965t 784-797 TOPIC TAGSt solar activityt troposphere, solar flare, ABSTRAM This is a continuation of previous work, partly by the author and others but chiefly by V. D. Fomenko, based on the application of the superposed epoch method. The results are presented in a series of graphs: one set for quasi-stationary corpuscular streams from active regions and a second set for nonstationary co4-puscular streams from chromospheric flares. Three different curves are representods one for *central" flocculi (with all. flocculi considoredV a second for flocculi located in the "unfavorable" solar hemispherop and a third d for "central" flocculi for which 61,0~7 0 The curves for the quasi-stationary streams from active regions show practically a constant atmoapheric pressure for flocculi of the second group and a definite pressure maximum at At Z+6d for 1 Card 1/2 L 2690-66 ACCESSION NRs AP5020679 flocculi of the first and third groups, Because superposition effects of nearby disturbances are smaller, curves of the third group show a much greater pressure i increase than curves of the first group, An increase in atmospheric pressure was noted in all cases after appearance of a chromospheric flare, the maximum being found at the phase plus 3-4 days. This in in agreement with goomagnatic data. It is concluded, in keeping with previous work,, that corpuscular streams are responsible for variations in atmospheric pressure, even at sea level. "In conclusion, the author expresses his sincere thanks to K. R,__Hu_t&1' very i valuable advice, for constant interest in the worko and for many M49-40na of the results of -the in"stigationo* Orig. art. hass 9 figures, 1 tables and 2 ndices, appe ASSOCIATIONt Volgogradekly pedegagicheakly institut (Volgograd Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTEDs 01Apr65 EXCLs 00 SUB COM ZS# AA NO PJT SM 029 MM 1 009 i Card 2/2 EV., I( I I/FCC/Ed A k I-,A ACC NR, AP6002690 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0033/65/042/006/ 1232/1249 AUTHOR: Mustel'i E. R.; Kubyshkln, V. V.; Bonelfal, I., V. 10 ORG:44istronomical Vouncil. Agademy 6stronomicheskiy Soviet Akademii nauk SSSR); Volgograd Teachers' tnatitute lgogradskiy pedagogichaskiy inatitut) 0.X0 TITLE: Corpuocular streams and cosmic rays and their effect on the earth's troposphere ~SOURCE: Aatronomicheskiy zhurnall 4. 42, no.- 6, 1965, 1232-1249 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, meteorolagical Aenomenon, proton stream# corpuscular stream, tropospheric process, chromospberic flare ABSTRACT, Quasi-stationary corpuscular fluxes emanating from active regions during the period of 1951 to 1953 are analyzed. Chromospheric flares recorded at several Arctic stations at different geomagneLle latitudesare plotted diagramatically. Analysis of the results indicates that the corpuscular streams produce a pressure increase, while the subrelativistic proton streams from chromospheric flares produce pressure decreases at the polar caps. It is noted that the amplitude decrease of atmospheric disturbances with decreasing geomagnatic latitude can be a source of additional atmospheric circulation. This assumption is borne out by analysis of chromospheric flares of 1956-1960. A more detailed discussion of all 1/2 UDC: 523-745 A. C NR, AP6002690 these problems is to be undertaken In the near future. and 3 tables. Or1g. art. has: 13 figures (ii) SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATEI 253un65/ ORIG REP: 015/ OTH REP: 007/ ATD PRESS: LH Uj :Ord 2/2 AR602b4V5 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/005/0055/0055 AUTHOR; Mustell E. R. ; Bonelis, 1. V. ; Kg~, yshkin V. V. 3 7 TITLE! The effect of cosmic ra a, the lowest layer of the Earth' a atmosphere SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 5. 51. 429 REF SOURCE: Astron. tairkulyar, no. 333, iyulya 10, 1965, 1-6 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, atmospheric pressure, chromospheric flare, solar flare ABSTRACT: According to Soviet and Western Europe weather bureaus, the earth' s atmospheric pressure increases on the 6th day after an active area passes through the center of the solar disk (an average of 13, 878 active areas during the 1907-1952 period). This fact correlates with an increase in geomagne-,~ tic activity. After chromospheric flares, the atmospheric pressure on the Sun increases sychronously with an increase of geoi-nagnetic activity (on the 4th day after a flare). Thus, the effect of solar corpuscular streams causes an increase 1/2 UDC: 523. 75:523. 165+ 525. 24 L 47310-66 ACC NRt AR6028405 in atmospheric pressure. At the same time, a decreasein atmospheric pressure occurs in the area of geomagnetic polar caps immediately following flares. The authors have associated this phenomenon with the activity of subrelativistic proton streams. Orig. art. has: 9 reference items. G,' Ivanov~-Kholodny~. [Translation- of abstract) [FM) SUB CODE: 03/ 212 ACC NRI ARG032353 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/007/AO20/AO20 AUTHOR: Fomenko, B. D. TITLE: Temperature fluctuations in atmospheric disturbances as a function of recurrent solar corpuscular streams SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 7A116 REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost'. No. 2. M., Nauka, 1965, 85-87 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric disturbance, solar corpuscular radiation, solar corpuscular stream, solar corpuscular temperature fluctuation, flocculus ABSTRACT: Data on center flocculi, i. e. , floculli having a heliographic width of no* more than 6* and situated in the solar hemisphere disposed to affect the earth, e selected for subsidence curves of the 18th and 19th solar activity cycles, when w er the Wolf number was between 15 and 75. At the same time an analysis was made of flocculi having a heliographic width greater than G* and situated in the solar hemi- sphere not producing geophysical effects on the Earth. Data obtained in high alti- tude temperature soundings made at Tbilisi, Volgograd, Moscow, Arkhangel'sk and Murmansk were used as the geophysical index. The method of rjuperimposed iCord 1/2 UDC: 551. 5:523. 745 _ACC_NR_1___ - --- __ AR6032353 epochs was used. Data obtained in high-altitude temperature soundings were analyzed simultaneously with disturbances in atmospheric pressure as a function of active solar regions. It was found that the temperature maximum in the 0-20-krn layer occurs 7 days the passage of the active region through the central solar meridian. B. Rubashev. [Translation of abstract) SUE CODE: 03, 04/ card 2/2 ACC NRs AR6028769 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/006/Oo64/0064 AUTHOR: romenko, B. D.; Kubyshkin, V. V. ,TITLE: Temperature changes in atmospheric disturbances caused by recurrent corpuscular ;solar fluxes .SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.488 ~REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost'. No. 2. M., Nauka, 1965, 85-87 TOPIC TAGS: solar activity, solar corpuscular radiation, sunspot cycle TRANSLATION: To determine the effect of corpuscular fluxes upon temperature variations, data on the flocculi for the descending branches of the 18th and 19th cycles of solar ;activity were selected; the selection was made at a heliographic latitude of