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The Formation Conditions of Violuric Acid and of t!.e 90'1/156-58-2-35/48 Violurates When Nitrite Acts 'Upon Barbituric Acid aoid concentrations below 0.01 MOO and at nitrit* con- centratione of 0,01 - 0,001 mol/1. It van found that the color intensity of the produced violuratedepends on the active reaction of the solution, The color is, however, in the case of all pH-valueH due to the formation of the sodium violurate with ak 1~20 mp only. A color maximum max..) is observed at PH 5,0 - 5,2. The color of the produced violurate vaniubea gradually with the duration of interaction in the case of the optimuz pH-value as well as in the case of lower values (5,0 - 4,0). In contrast to this, the color intensity risen in the cane of higher pH-values (5,0 - 5,6) with the prolong-ation of the reaction duration. In the case of PH 4.0 - 5,0 the violurate is produced more quickly, this process reaching Its maximum within the first 10 minutes (at 10000). The color vanishes later owing to the decomposition of the violurate. In contrast to this the violurate formatio,r~ ., apparently inhibited in the case of higher pli--valu-.,, (5,0 - 6,0). It doe3 not reach a Card 2/4 maximum even after I hDur (at 1000). The color intensity i~ The Formation Conditions of Violuric Acid and of the SOV/156-58-2-35/48 Violurates W7Aen Nitrite Acts Upon Barbituric Acid in the case of PH 4,0 --5,0 is due to the varying degree of the colored salt (violurate). Th,e formation of the violurio acid proceeds with great velocity at a PH < 5,0 - 5,2 and is abruptly inhibited when the optimum pq-value is sur ,passed. There are 3 figures and 1 reference, ASSOCIATION: Kafedra, organicheskoy khimii 2-go Mookovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo instituta im.N.I,.Pirogova (Chal of Organic Chemistry of the Second Moscow State Institute of Medicine imeni N.I.Pirogov) SUBMITTED: October 26, 1957 Card 3/4 The Formation Conditions of Violuric Acid and of the SOV/156-58-2-35/48 Violuratea When Ilitrite Acts Upon Barbituric Acid Card 4/4 SOV'3-3-G-41/43 Tho Application or !~urbifuriu ~.n.t 2-"',,.JobIrbit,_~.ric Acila for t t. p n 0 10 1 cx.,. T :r r *%~~j (j, `0 1~1 -or t:ie vAicLocolorimatric 'uter-minaticn of willn an crror of r."ic iarbituric ,ici.'. '-Q uso." for ~.:ic tiptur"Lation cf nitritc, bewiuse th-,,rc 1--- vc, lirc_r de- A . izo c cr~ ~_~ n t r ~ i t i c in, V%,! obcerml color '.-':iere are and 6 reforences, 2 of iiliicli are fljoviot, 5 Corman a-nd I li--,Uar. A'.; 2-y kockovuldly !,,c.-vJ'ar~iI61,rurnWy modituinakiy ir3tit-A i!:icri T 0 7'e 7..cacow Stat dieal Ineni 2 U 'I T'21: rl 21, 1rI,5C C;:.rd 1/1 5. io 7 2;-;-~ S 07/ -'~ 3 -2 2/3 7 AT.J1THORS Drozdov, 11. S., Krylov, V. P. TITLE. Brief Communication. ColorimetrIc Dete-minat,ion of Bar~tturie and 2-Thlobar'vituric PERIODICAL: KhImicheskaya nauka 1 promyshlenno3-,', Vol 4, Nr 6, PP 798-799 (USSR) ABSTMACT: Nitrous acid with barbituric (I) and 2-thiobarbituric (II) acids forms colored salts of 5-isonill-rosobarbituric and 5-isonitroso-2-thiobarbituric acids, respectively. The quantitative photometric determination of (I) and (II), based on the above reaction was made at pHW5.0-5.2 Cur Na arid K violurates, arid pl[;e::4,.--'I; . Q for r1a and K 2-thioviolurates. For stabilization of' pi! of the solu- IL-,ion, an acetate or phosphato-citvate buffer mixture was used. For a rapid color development it is suffi- cient- to heat the reaction mixture to 1000 for 15 minuteo and cool It to 20 0 with '~ce *wate-. The error Card 312 of' the determination Is not over The allove Fo cijorimeti-ic Der ermination of' Parbituric arid 2-~hiolbar',,.Vluric Acids ~W 3 v1i -22/37 de',ermination can 'be made on 10- ro I eli.'~ev con- cenT,ralion of' (1) and (H). The ptese`nce of cations of alkali and alkali-earth metais does not- interfere w1th 'he determination. Cu and Fe r~a!llons interfere wP.rh the accuracy of the There is .1 fiEure; and 6 references, 2 Soviet, 3 U.S., 1 U.K. The U.S. and U.K. references are: Koppani, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., 23, 1074 (1934); Mattsor, Holt, J. Pharuiacol., 59 379 (1937); Christensen, J. Biol. Chem., 16o, 425 (1945~,- Mangouri, Quart, J. Pharm., 20, 10O~ (1947). ASSOCIATION: Second Moscow State Medical Institute im.eni N. I. Pirogov (2-Y Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy medits-inskiy institut imeni N. I. Pirogova) SUBMITTED; Ap-lil 29, 1959 Card DROZDOV? N.S*,j %=v) VOPO Readtion of 2-thiobarbituric acid with oodium nitrite. Izv. vys.uch9b.zav,;khim. I khimetakh, 3 no.3:476-479 160. (MIRA 14:9) Is 2P-0y Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy maditainakiy institut imni N.I, Pirogova kafedm arganicheakoy khimii, (Barbi~wio acid) (Sodim nitrite) k-l DROZDOT, X.S.t -~FPW~VV,~P. Photometric determination of barbituric and 2-thiobaLrbituric acids. Zhursanalethloo 3,5 no#2;248-Z49 Mr-Ap 060, . (MINA 13;7) 1, 2-y Kookovskiy gosudaretvannyy meditsinshy institut is. N.I. pirogova. (Barbiturlo &old) T D7jROZDOV# N*S*j UM.OVp V*P* Synthesis, structure# and coloration of salts of violurio and thiovioluric said, Dokl, AN SSSR 135 no.5:j-13571138 D 160. (KM& 13-112) 19 2-j HookavokLy gosudaretyenW meditairokly institut im*N.I. Firogova. (Violurio aoid) -K - - - KRYLOV, V. P.,,_~and. Chem. Soi. (dies) "On Some Reactions of Barbituric Andn2-Thio-barbituric Acids and their 5-Iso-Nitro- Derivatives." Moscow, 1961, 16 pp (Yoooow Uhem-Eng-r. Instit.) 200 copies (KL dupp 12-61, 266). ( lmn) -)7 ~Z-)W, n. 1. IlInteracti-in of 2-TAobarblUrIc -,mA larbItur"o ,Ath the ;'rod,ictq c)f BL-,~,cnic OAdntl)n of Lij-id--t.~ Rc-it)rl~ prnmite,l at 'tic 50 Intermit-Imal Moscow, 10-16 Au,runt 1961 .1 DROZDOVP TI.S.j jmrlriv, V.P. (Moscow) Detemination of the dissociation constants of weak acids. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.3-1-.2557.-2560 N 161. (MIM 14:12) 1. Kafedra organichsokoy i fizicheskoy khimii 2--go Alloakovskogo meditsinskogo inotituta, imeni N*I.Firogova. Acids) Dissoeiation) ~ DROMOV, U.S. [doceased]; KRYLOV, V.P. Use of 2-thiobarbituric and barbituric acids for the photometric control of autoxidation processes. Zav.lab, 29 no.11:1308-1309 163. (MIRA 16sl.2) 1, VMOGoYuznYY ZROchnyy politakhnicheakly Institut, AREFIYEV, T.I., kand. ekon. nauki BRASLAVETS, H.Ye., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; BRDZGULI, M.M.; VLASOV, N.S., prof., doktor ekon. nauk; DUBROVA, P.F., doktor ekon. nauk; YESAULOV, P.A., kand, oallkhoz. nauk; ZALITSMAN, L.M., prof., doktor sell- khos. nauk; KALIK, P.A., doteent, kandidat nellsko- khoz. naukj KOSTSE=KIY, N.A., kand. skon. naUk; KHYWV, ,L S. , kand. dellkhot. nauk; LIBKIND, A.S., dote., kand. -eTon. naMj 14AKAROV, N.P., prof., doktor skon. nauk)- OGIA)BLIN, U.S., kand. sellkhos. nauk; POLDVENKO, S.I.,kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, S.A.1 dots.,, kand. ekon.naak; SAPILINIKOV, N.G., doktor skon. nauk; TISHCHENK0, G.A.,, prof., kand. ekon. nauk; TYUTIN, V.A.p prof., doktor ekon. nauk;YANYUSIIKIN, 14J., kand. ekon. nauk; PYLAYEVA, A.P., red.; FREYDMAN, S.M., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.M., tekhn. red. (organization of socialist agricultural enterprises) Organiza- tsiia aotsialiaticheskikh sellskokhoziaistvennykh predpriiatii; kurs lektaii. Yoskyap Sel'khozizdat, 1963. 662 p. - (MIRA 16:8) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom ekonomiki Vaesoyuznogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo Instituta sakharnoy svekly (for Areflyew). 2. Odeoskiy Bellskokhozyaystyennyy Institut (for Braslavets). ~Contlnued on next card) AREFIYEV, T.I.-- 3. Moskovakaya iikademl-ja im. K.A,TI- miryazava (tcr Vlasovl, il~74~-Xh!y otdelom ekonomiki i orgenizatsii Nauchnc~.--iisiedu-tcsreilskogu instituta sadovod- stva im. I.V.Kichurina (for Dubrova). 5. Moskovskiy Gosudar- stvannyy univeraitat 1m. M.V.Lomonoaova (for Zalltsman, Polovenko), 6. Zaveduyu.-AhaMy kjgfodroy organizataii sel'sko- khozyaystvennogo proizvodatva L6riingradskogo sellskokhozyay- stvennogo instituta (for Kal'm). ?. Zaveduyushchly otdolom ekonomiki Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta ovoshchnogo khosynystva (for Xostseletakiy). S. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno- iaBledovatellakly instultut ptilsevodstva (for Krylov). 9. Mos)wvskV ekonoiaiko--&tatiaticheAJdy Institut (for Libkind). 10. Veasoyuznyy sel'skokhoz7ayetvenniy institut zaochnogo ob- razovaniya (for Makarov). 11. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom ekonomiki Krasnodarsk nauchno-issledoimtellskogo instituta sel'4Wgo khozyaystvaorfor Ogloblin). 12. Kafedra organizateii selisko- khozyaystvenno.go proizvodstva Leningradskogo sel'skokhozyay- styannogo instituta (for Popov). 13. Zaveduyuahchiy kafedroy Sovetskoy ekonomiki Vyishey partiynoy shkoly (for Sapillnikov). 14. Voroneahekiy sallakokhozyaystvannyy in-stitut (for Tishchenko). 15. Leningradskiy sellskokhozyaystvannyy institut (for Tyutin). 16. Direktor 5evero-Kavkazakogo filiala Vaesoyuznogo nauchno- Issledovatel'skogo inatituta ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyay5tva (for Yanyushkin). (Agriculture-Economic aspects) XELTLOY, V.S. Problem of repair of the aorta with a one-piece plastic Insert (with smanry In NWIsh]. Ilksperekhire 1 no~2:43-50 Xr-Ap'56 (MIRA 11110) le Is fnkulltatskoy khIrur Ichaskoy kliniki (dir. daystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSH prof. A.N. Bakularl II Hoskovskogo goeu"retvannogo ueditsitsko- go InatitutR Imeni LY, Stdins I Sverdlovskogo InstItuta vonstanovitall- noy kh1rurgil, travantologit I ortopedli (dir. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. 7.R. Bogdanov)o (AORTA, nurgery, exper. allplasty with nerylic mins (Rue)) (ACRYLic nsiNs. aortoplasty in an1mals (Hus)) V: S.'j- VENEDMOV,.D.. D. and PETROVSKTY) B. V.') (Prof.) -- Moscov "Restorative Surgery in Occlusion of Large Arteriee." Report submitted for the 27th Congress of Surgeorts of the USSR, Moscov, 23-28 May 1960- R, -1 till q PETROVSKIYj B,Vej KRYLOVp V.S.1 VENEDIXTOV, D.D. Surgical treatment of arteriosclerotic occulsions of the large vessels. Ktirurgiia 36 no. 5:10-a17 My 160. (MIRA 34: 1) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) KRYLOV, V. S., Doc Illed Sci ut shunt- Ing and prosthe~IW In the surgery of 414od vessels* (L'X- q - ') Derimental clinical ohserv tion)." M-os, 1961. (Min of A 11 ~, ;,inst AdvancCd-l 11~111, Heulth USSR. Central 'I (YL, 3-61, 257) 413 4~, PIMMY, B.V.,, prof.; )EMMOV, O.B.j,; XRIWV JOS." kandemedensuk .-~j ~Wtio prostheses in the surgical treatment of aneurymn of the peripheral vessels* Xhirurgiia 37 no.50-12 My 161 imm 1435) le Iz goopitallnoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (sav. - deyetvitell- myy chlen AMN SSSR prof. B.V. Petrovakiy) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenim meditsinskogo institute Imeni IX* Sechenova. (BLWD VESSM-SURGERY) (MMEYMS) Fr=VSKIlp B.V., prof.; NATSVLISHVII.T., G.A.p,,naukL-JlUP-VjL-- (Moskva) Signif icance of contr"t methodo In the diagnosis and treat- ment of nolerotic lesions of the aorta and greWYesivelso Klinemade 39 noo2829-35 r 161, (KMA 3A#3) lo Is gospitallnoy khirurgichookoy klinM (zav, - daystritell- My ahlen AMN SSOR prof. B.V. Yetrovskiy) I Hookovskogo ordena Utina maditoinakogo instituta imeni. I.M. Sechancya (dir. chlen- korrespondent AHN OSSR prof. VJV loyanor)* (AMMOSCIMMIS) (ANGIOGRAPHI) PEnOVSKIY, B. V. , professor 'MUWV V S- - otarehiy nauchnyy ootrudnik; IKROTOVSKIr, 0. S. (Moskva:~.-7---~;30,0' Univieraltetakiy pr., korpus 4, kv. 139) Surgicnl treatment of Opulseless disease* (Takayaguals syndrome). Vent. Pir. no-4128-35 162. (MIM 15:4) 1. Is gospitallnoy khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B. V. PetrovBkiy) 1-go Mookovskogo ordens, toonins, moditsinskogo insti- tuta. im. 1. 14# Seohenova. (PUISE) EYLOVI V.S.; YARMLINSMY, I.S. Device for the IntroduoMon, of vasoular prott-,ea,~q in surgical formatj,on of a permanent collatnrult shunt fr= the femoral !nto the popliteal artery. Eksper. khir. i anes". 7 no-5149-50 S-O 162, MRA 17, 10) 1. Iz go8pital"noy khirurgicheekoy klinik., 1 Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsInskago instituta Imeni Secherzowa. PETROVSKIY, kv., prof.; VIV.) _MV, V.S,, doktor w3d. nauk; 7ARETSKIY kand. med. nauk; RADKIII, I.Ye., kand. wed. nauk Abdominal aortography. Vent, khir. 89 no.10:3-12 0 f62 (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khIrurgIcheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.V. Petrova- kly) I-go Moskovskogo ordena lAnina meditainakogo instituta. 2. Deyst- vitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Petrovskiy). Adre 11 avtKov: Mookvaj G-48, Pirogovskaya d.2/6 1-y Moskovakiy meditsinskiy institut. M" 'P MEKH=V, H.M.; ARABr=, G.G.; KRYWVO V.S. Methodology of studying the pathology of the renal arteries in arterial hypertension. Ter. arkhe 35 no-4:40-44 Ap'63 (HTRA 17il) 1. Iz goopitallnoy khirLirgicheakoy kliniki ( dir. daystvi- tollnyy chlen AM SSSR prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) I Mookovskogo ordens, tenina moditninakogo inatituta imeni I.M.Sochenova i InqtIAuta terapii dir. - deyotvitellnyy chlen AHN SSSR pr,r-,f. A.L,,Mya:3nikov) ANN SWR, ARABIDZE, G.G.; EFLICHFNKO, I.A. WKIfTlYF.V. M.M.; KR Diagnosis of stenosing lesions of the renal artery. Vest, khir. no,7j 22-24 J1 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Iz goopitallnoy khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav, - prof. B.V.Petrovskiy) I-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo Instituta Imeni. Sechenova. Adres avtoral Moskva, B.Pirogcvskaya ul., d.2A, gospitallnays khirurgi- cheskaya klinika. Hl~~fii'IYEV, N.ik-!.; REUJIS, M.G.; KRTWV, IV.S. Vascrenal hypertension induced by flbro=ascular hyperplazila of the renal artery. Azerb. med. z~ur. 41 noe 10t60-64 0 164 (HIPI 1921) 1. 7z nauclum.-Issledovatel'skogo Irntitut,,-, kIlInIcheskoy I eks- perimentallnoy khirurgii i goapltallroy khinirglcheskoy klinijki (direktor - deyp'-fitellnyy chlen M' SSSR B.V. Petrovskly) I Monkovokogo ordena Inninft madItsinnkogn Anst1tuta Lanni Sechanova. BELIC10,1KOO T.A.; miyLOV, vol" ; KROTOVSKly) G.S.; ABITGOVY Alvo Aogiography in leaJona of the branchen of the arch cf the ort&# Vast, rent# -J. raA. 40 no#5112-17 3-0 165, (MIRA 1612) : # Nsuahnn-insledotatellokiy Institut klAnlehmokoy i SkalsAmentmaInGy ItItirurgli zclravoolx~ranenlya %SFSR9 Moskva. KLWHNIKOV,Ta.l.; KRTUN.Y.S.; KAXOGM,L.A.. SANOLYrOY,A.I.; NIKULITSKIT. 1. V. The Introduction of an Intensive poultry breeding system. Miss. Ind. 6SSR 26 no.3;26-29 '55- (KIRA 8:9) 1. Zamestitel I ministra promyshlennosti rqasDykh I molochnykh produk-tov RSFSR (for Kalashnikov). 2.'Tekhnoruk Kuntsevskoy ptitsefabriki (for Krylov). 3. Takhnoruk Glebovskoy ptitse- fabriki (for Makogon). 4. Takhnoruk Tomilinskoy ptiterfabriki (for Samoletov). 5. Direktor 'Brattsevokoy ptitnefabriki (for Sikulitakiy) (Poultry industry) gg a gn Wn, ULU 1, ser kandidat sell skokhosyaystvennykh nauk; I f A S I IL 1 02 fwrfte or; CEMBTSMA, Te.A., tekhatcheekly redaktor [Productioa proceseSS in poultry plants] Protsessy proizvodstva na ptiteefabrikukh. Moskva. Pishchepromizdat, 1956. 161 p. (KLRA 10:4) (Poultry plants) CATE;GORY t Poultry. ASS, JOUR. I RZhBlol., No. 6t 1.959, NO, ;.,'j928 A73THOR 'rotlynikov, N. P.~ Y1'710V V- Se T 0-f- T 1ILF, 1-1r;:rtnin1r~T, tV !h(_; 7f)MPeT''A- ture. lie&imeri in th.'-- Raisin- !vIlets on DRIG. PUB. Varms. Tr. Vses. n.-is in-ta ptitoevodstvaj 19567 25, 144-156 A3 9 T R,1 C T i in the course of 4 years wxparilments were car- ried Out pertaining to the raising of PlMets in winter at io-7v tcmperatures and applyirg tng procedures periodically, Tt was pro- darken: von that at 10-150 [C) pullets grow normally and develop well, Within the course of 4 months of raising, tho pulletst live weight wiia 6.8 percentq the weight of their hearts 54.i4 porcent, their livers 46o4 p#3rcent, th.--,Lr 7 .1- ungs abolism 1 22s8 pereentt their pas mot I i - 25.2 porcent higherg their avorage egg produc- Card% 1/3 *Poultry Farming. C J~ T.7"" j0UR. No. AUT~JCZ~. :1~ 1! L 02 ABSTRAc-j, percelit, the Weij!ht Of thctr 0995 1.4 g higher than In Pullet's raised at hieb tc-nperatures. The combinnt4 temperatures and Periodic S100P iOD Of lowered In darkencd Premises Increased welght. gain, by .15.9 p~,r- cent Rrid egg productlon by 32o4 perectnt, acce_ lerated mriturity by 8 da7s* By ralsjrAg -OUllet- In Winter in field hen.Waves at low res V - cy A- -S ible to inc-rea:ie thf-, duration ir N Po' 01 th!t wHeinp kept i:' the field to 9-1() 2/3 COUNTRI I USSR CATEGORY 3 ABS. JOUR. I RZhBlol., No. AUTHOR IN3T. TITLE ORIG. PUB. AMTRACT 1959, NO. months and to raise egg and meat production bY 25-30 percent. Demina Card: 3/3 BAijlY, L.T., kand. nauk; kand. nauk; P.A., red. sellkhoz. nauk; -KtYLOV.. V.S.., kand. --c-l"khoz. KRIKUN, A.A.,, Geroy Sotslalint'ichenkogo Tnxia, sellkhoz. nauk; SrOLLYAR, T.A., kand. sellkh02. KARYUKINA, K.L., kand. callkhoz. nauk; PLAUTIOV, kand. ekon. nauk; IVAVOVA, A., red.; SERGEYEVA, V., (The economics and organization of poui-try raising] Eko- nomika i organizatsila ptltsevodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1964. 357 p. (MIRA 18:2) 3/020/60/135/006/026/057 '26r. 14 C20 B004/B056 AUTHORSt Levich, V. G., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Kirlyanov, V.A and T1TLEt Effects of the Discrete Nature of the Charge and Properties of the Double Layer on the Metal-Charge Interface (Taking Account of the Discrete Structure of the Charge of Specifically Adsorbed Layers of Ions) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, ig6o, vol. 135, No~ 6, pp. 1425 - 1428 TEXTs From various papers by other research workers the authors conclude that the model of an electric double layer with uniformly "smeared out" charge does not correspond to the experimental results. In the present paper, they give a report on a quantitative investigation cf the effects of discrete charges of the electric double layer on the metal - solution interface. The following equations are writteni for the potential jump in the layer of adsorbed anions at the point of the electrocapillary maximum& 6ta * to a _41tojr/D, (5), and in the case of a charged interface as a result Card 1/3 87410 Effects of the Discrete Nature of the Charge S102 60/135/006/026/037 and Properties of the Double Layer on the B004YBO56 Metal-Charge Interface (Taking Account of the Discrete Structure of the Charge of Specifically Adsorbed Layers of Ions) of the charge q of the metals 6 f - to - 6ra t 6fq; 6fq a -4Aq(A+,r)/D (6). 6 denotes the average charge in the adsorbed layer; D is the dielectric constant of the internal region; A is the minimum distance between metal and anion, and P+T is that between metal and cation. For the micro- potential of the point charges the following relation is obtained: A . 'r t Tis +[ /(fi+jr)j(6ra + 6?q) (10), where ?,,C1e(e/Dr)ln2. Provided the surface of the electrode is not too largely occupied, equation (10) agrees well with experimental data. For the dependence of the potential jump 6ra on the concentration and activity a + of the anions, 6(6~a )/61n a+ - (RT/F6 Va) - [6?A/6(6f.)]-'RT/F (12) is found. An estimate of the values of)3 and J'from the data on ionic radii, and a calculation from equation (12) gave good agreement with the experimental data on the mercury - solution interface. The authors thank A. N. Frumkin for a discussion. There are 13 referencess 7 Soviet, 3 US, 3 British, and Card 215 874 ~ 1) Effects of the Discrete Nature of the Charge S/020/60/131/006/026/037 and Properties of the Double Layer on the B004/BO56 Metal-Charge Interface (Taking Account of the Discrete Structure of the Charge of Specifically Adsorbed Layers of Ions) 1 German. ASSOCIATIONj Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Insti~tute -f Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDt September 26, 1960 Card 3/3 GORPANEV, A.[.; KESSLER, Yu.M.; KRYLOV, V.V. Effect of the structure of stronr electrolyte solutions on thermo- dynamic properties. Zhur.strukt.khim. 2 no.3:260-267 My-Je 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut elektrokhimil AN SSSR. (Electrolyte solutions) (Oemistry, Physical and theoretical) 10 A A"/Z-11-0 .3hli29 S/185/61/006/006/006/030 ~211. 3 D299/D304 V. S. AUTHORS: Harberp R,Iop and_zYJqWV TITLE; Spectral distribution of optical density of plasti- cally deformed rock-salt crystals PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnalp vo 6t no. 6# 1961, 755 - 757 TEXT; The dependence of the intensity of light scattering on wave- length in plastioally deformed crystals can be determined by Wl_ cal-density measurements; thereby the spectrometer 0-4 (SF-4 was used. The natural rock-salt crystals were annealed at 650 - 7000C and tempered. The optical-density distribution was measured on spe- cimens with a small amount of impurities. Four specimens -were mea- sured simultaneously. One of the specimens (which had highest trans- mittance), was wlected as a standard and not subjected to deforma- tion, whereas the other 3 specimens were plastically deformed. Then the optical density was measured with respect to the standard cry- stal. The results of one of the measurement cycles arc shown In a Card 1/3 S/185/61/006/006/006/030 Spectral distribution of optical D2019/D304 figurev where the values of lgD + C (D being the optical density and C -- an arbitrary constant) are plotted on the ordinate, and lgA,(/t being the wavelength of the incident light) is plotted on the abscissa. The investigations were carried out for the spectral region 3800 - 6000 1, The graphs shown are typical for the investi- gated NaCl crystals. The slope of the straight line 3(ig D)/8(lg;L) is greater for the deformed crystals, and depends on the size of the scattering particles (inhomogeneities). The Increase In the slope Is proof of diminishing size of the mosaic blocks. In real crystals, although they were especially selected, and annealed and studied under the same conditions, the developnent of plastic de- formation is not entirely similar; thus, in 2 of the investigated specimens, the slope changed at a stress value of 150 g1=2 appro- ximately, whereas in the third specimen -- at 350 g/mme only. Work- ing formulas for a quantitative estimate of the size of the scatte- rers and their concentration, as a function of optical density, are not available as yet. It is emphasized that the change in the slope starts only at deformation stresses which corre.-pond *,..o the appear- ance of diffuse scattering (Tyndall's cone) inside the crystal. The Card 2/3 S/185/61/006/006/006/030 Spectral distribution of ... D299/D5O4 conducted measurements show that it is possible to study the sub- nicrostructure of trans.ic-,ent solids in the eurly st.-I,-eq of plastic deforix,lion. Thure ;ire 1 fij~ure and 5 reforences; ) jovict-bloc ar,0 2 non-Soviet-bloc, The references to the '-En,--lish-lanGuaCe publica- tions read as follows: S.P.F. Humphrys-CvAzi, Proc. Phys. Soc., B68, no. 6, 1955; R. FtIrth, Phil. Mag.9 40, 1227. 1949. ASSOCIATION: Umanslkyy pedahohichnyy instytut (Uman Pedagogical Institute) Card 3/3 4 % LEVICH, V*G.; KRYLUV, V.S. Theory of the double electric layer in concentrated solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.60403-1405 D 161. (KUU 14:12) 1. Institut elektrokhimii Akademli nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN SSSR (for Levich). (Electrolyte solutions) MYLOV I V.S. Distribution of the potential and intensity or an electric field in the dense portion of a double electric layer. Dokl.AN SSSR 114 no.ls155-158 MY 162. (MIU 15;5) 1. Inatitut elektrokhimil AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikoz A.N.Frumkinym. (Systems (Chemistry)) (Electric fields) LSVICHP V-0.1 KRYWV, V.S. Adsorption iBotberm in A discrete double electric 14yer model. DIkl. AN SSSR 142 no .11121-126 .1. 62. (MIRA 14:32) -I* Institut elok+rOkhimii AN SSSR. 2# Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Levich). (Adsorption) KTZYUV, V. S. "Theory of the Electric Double Layer with a Discrete Structure in the Presence of Specifically Adsorbed Chaiged Particles.* Report presented at the 14th meeting CITCE, Intl. Corl-vi. of Elec~rocherdcal Thermodynamics and Kineticap Moscow,, 19-25 Aug 63o Institute of Blectrcehamistry,, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow XATLQV,,~~fAq LEVICHI, V.G. Theory of the double electrioal layer in concentrated solutions. Part 1.'.khim. 37 no.lt106.114 Ja 163. (MIRk 1713) i. Inetitut olektrokhimii AN SSSR, KMOV, V.S.; LEVICII, V.G. Thebry ofelvatrical double layer in concentrated solutibns. Part Zhur.fiz.kbim. 37 no.lOs2273-2277 0 '63. (MIRA 17:2) ,z~t e AR UNICH, V.G.; K1H' YANOV, V.A.,- _~hYlbV_, Proper-Lies of the double Jayur aid thu charw:teristlc of the electrostatic- adsorption nf lon.i. Dok'I. All S&SP 155 lio, 3: 662-665 Mr 104. (MlRA 170) 1. Chlen-korrosponcient AN S1,1"Itt (for lfivlr~h). t a: I.E In G H, V.G.; KPtY!..OV, V.S.; VOWTUIN, V.P. Theory of unswady l'iffurion fr(,m a movirip driq . DfAl. A14 3,61 no-316l#8-653. Yr 165. (IA,:RA l8tO 1. InntAtut elcktrokhimli AN ~~,-,SR. -?. AN S.:SH (for Levich). Theo-y of extraction from a 160 no.6: 1358-1360 F 165. Omlijl i8:2) 1. Institut elektrokhi-ail Ali 2. Chl-,n-k~,rrespondent- AN SSSR (f(.-,r lp-VICII). -.KR.YLqvp V.S.; 1XVIC)l V.r,. Effect of the dlearsteness of adsorbed charge or interphas~ surface tensione Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no-2t409-412 N l64. (MMA M12) I- InBtltut elektrokhixdi AN SSSR. 2o Chlon-korrespondent AN Sssn (for Levich). VOROTILINP V.P.; KRYWV. V,S, LEVICH, V.G. (Moskva) Thsoz7 of the extraction of matter from it falllng droplet. PrIkl. mat. I,mekh. 29 no,2043-350 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18s6) PETHOTS)KIY, H.V.i XUMOV, V.S.; ICKHTIM, M.M. Dingnusis and nurgical treatment of renovascular riyp--rtenslon. Khlrurglla 40 no.110-9 N 165. (MIRA 18.7) 1. Nauchno-Issladovatellakly InBtitut klinichoskoy i eksporizentallnol kh'irtirgii Rinisteratva zdravookhrananiya RSFSR i gospitallnaya khirurgi- chaskaya klinika (dir, - prof. B.V.Patrovskiy) I M,-)skovskogo ordenn Laninn meditainskogo inatituta, imeni Sechenova. KRYLOV, V.V., podpolkovnik, voyen4yy shturman pervogo klassa Navigators' calculations can be automated still more, Vest. Vozd. K1. no.5i82-83 My 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Navigation (Aeronautics)) -IMYLUV -, -Y.V-.tX-A-za-n IT- Deformation versor. Trudy JTAI 45:85-V 139. (MIRA 14t1) (Vector analysis) (Electricity) BELOVAp H.B.; VASILITE;Vp V.0.,- VIASOV, GX.; GRYAZNOV, L.P.; DH"Kllip Me.; ZI[EGALDVp Yu.V.; KARBI.VNICIO, KWIOV9 Ye.P.; KRY- TITOV, V.A.j ZARETSKAYAq A.I., vedusbchiy red.--,--79;;- DOTOVAq I.G.9 tekhn. red. [Geology and oil and gao potentials of Xamchatkal Geologicheekoe stroenis i perspektivy neftegazonoanosti Kanchatki. Moskvat Goa. nAucbno-tekbn. izd-,wo nert. i garno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961, 343 P, (Kamchatka,Fstroleum geology (KERA 14:9) (Emchatka-Gast Nataal-Geology~ kit* '~'i Mag SOV/98-58-11-9/15 AUTHORSs 3obolev, S.V. and Krylov, V.V., Engineers TITLEs The Construction of a Prefa.)ricated Reinforced-Concrete Spillway Dam (Sbornaya konstruktalyttzhelezobotonnoy vodoslivnoy plotiny). For Discussion Purposes (V poryad- ke obsuzhdoniya) PERIODICALt Gidrotekhnicheako)*.-etroitellstvo, 1958, Nr 11, PP 48-50 (USSR) ABSTRACTj The use of prefabricated reinforced-concrete parts in the construction of hydroelectric power plants may considerably shorten the construction period. The authors developed the plan of construction of a spillway dam from such blocks of a simple but universal shape suited for all fundamental structures of a hydraulic system. According to the au- Card 1/2 thors such construction will need less concrete, speed- e i -A. SOV/98-50-11-9/15 The Construction of a Prefabricated Heinforced-Concrete Spillway Dom For Dincuesion Purponea upt and simplify the building process, which will consist mainly of mechanized assembly of the structure. A detailed description of the proposed method is given. There are 3 diagrams and 1 table. 1. Dium-Construction 2. Reinforced concrete-Applicatlow Card 2/2 KMOV, V. V. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Certain Questiorn on t1a Theory of Dynamic Action of a Stream on Water-Fault Inatall&tionOpO "'Oszow, 1960, 28 pp, 1130 copies (All-Union Sci-Pes Institute of Viater Supply, Sewerage, Hydrotechnical Strictures wd Fr!~4_neerlng )4ydrogeology, 070DOYeO", AcadmW of Construction and Architecture USSR) (KLo 46/60v 125) t MLOV, V.V., inzh. Designing the profile of an arched dun ovorfliwq Isvevyoo uchebosave; anerge 3 no.11129-135 J& 060o (14IR& 13s1) 1. VammoyusW xaocbnyy annrgetlebeekdy institut. Prodstavlona kafedroy gid"anargetiki I gidmvliki. (spillways) ,-KRYLOV, V. Engineering and technical societies in the struggle for speeding up tochnical progress. Rech, tr&nap. 19 no. 2:46 F 160. (MIRA 3-4:5) 1, Chlen prezidiuma Permskogo oblaotnogo soveta nauchno-tekhnichookikh obahchestv. (Inland water tranaportation-Technological innovations) . ......... A --",; 'N V., inzh.; SOBOLIV, S., insh. Industrially sectional construction of navigational slaicava". Rech,transp, 19 no-5:36-38 My 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Hydraulic angineeriug-lquip".nt and supplies) (Precast concrete construction) -KRYILV V.V., inzh. Hydraulic calculation of eilergy disDiPatora. Gidr. i 91troL, 30 no-5:40-44 My 160. (Spillways) (HDA 14: 5) 71' V. Vx-inzli. Ilydruulic calculatlon of a apror. TZV. 'r uchab. zav,j enorg, A+ no, 1:c,15-1co ~a 161. Rarl Y.:2) I o . . ~l 1. Vooaoyuznyy zaochnyy --norptchashy ir-titut. Prodstavlona %afedroy gidroanurrotiki, Carding Yach Inca Simplif led cotton-carding machine VChU-1., Tekat. prom., 12, No. )., 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - - 1951, Uncl. 2 KRTLOV, V.V. Distribution of strains and hidden elongation In roves. Tokst.pron. 14 no.7:27-10 Jl 154. WRL 7: 8) (Cotton spinning) PZ KR'iLOV, V. V., KRYLOVj V. V.s "The effect on the process of stretching and on the uniformity of coarse linen of the stretching instrument and the twisting-winding mechanism of lines nachines." Min Higher Education LSSR. Moscow Textile Inst. Moscow, 1956, (DISSERTATION FOR THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE IN TECHNICAL SCIENCE), So.: Kniabuaya Letopial, Moscow No. 15v 1956 XFjywT, V,V, inzhener. Now ChTP-600 cotton wool carding machinso Toketeprome 16 ne.ltl9-21 is 156. (HIBA 9:4) (Carding sachines) XaTLOV. V.V.. ),-qndidat tekhnteheskM nauk. 4~ P - - ~, .1 - Strains and unevenness of *liver In drawing the roving. Tokst. prow. I? no.6:30-32 Js 15?- (KIRA 10:7) (spinning) (Tern--Testing) I AIZKSAJIDROV, F.T., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KRYIDV, V.V., knnd,takhner-ank Cap-type carding Mchins with a production capacitr of 15 kgo per hour. Taket. prom. 18 no.6tl7-19 Je 158. (HIU 11: 7) (Carding machines) N, -1 KRYLOY, V.V.,kand.tekhn.nauk; KOHOL'KOV, N.V. Trends in the Improvement of carding machines. Taket.prom. 20 no-10:77-80 0160, (MIRA 13:11) (Carding machines) Some thouretical and exporlmomta' diltr, rn t,,.e high-speed card I ng nFchlnes for ~ot L,,ri 1z-., -aryl I'l Cf. ~lb. :7,!A"r takh. tokst. prom. mj.3:49-57 1(~,. 1. Vm~tsoyuznyy i legkoy promyshlennosti. - -J~ 11 - - - :: - ~ r ~ J'~.' ; . t N`~ ~ ; - ~, i.6 ~ , *~~j 4~rr .J~ I jj~ i~d . %-'-- -, . - I . , ;,w - , , -.,, ~i ~m,. 4A,,*W~fl!~ ;": I .; 1, , -* - - -.* i - :~ , I- " I - L" J~ , ~ , - ., . C, .1~,l~-~~.,~.-i~~ti-,-~;'~,,"','~ :IR, R, - a., . .:~ - . 1, -,44T , wq ~ "' ;!~ V -3,j "T - - 7 f, - -1 - - . - - KRYTAOT ~ 0 1. 0 vo~- - Mne problem In the theory of elastiolty far arbitrary variables. Trudy KAI 21s3-78 148. (mm io:6) (Xlastlclty~ 124- 1957-10-11859 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 10, p 95 (USSR) AUTHOR: Krylov, V. V. TITLE: Some Problems in the General Investigation of the Equilibrium of an El atic Body (Nekotoryye voprosy obshchego issledovaniya ravnove:iya uprogogo tela) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kazansk. avlats, in-ta, 1956, Vol 31, pp 447-615 ABSTRACT: The Author's objective Is a general investigation of the stressed and deformed state of an isotropic elastic body and to establish the equations of a theory of elasticity without recourse to any assumptions relative to the smallness of the displacements or their derivatives. The work contains seven chapters: 1) the deformation of a solid medium; 2) analysis of the stressed state; 3) basic relationships between stress and deformation tensors: 4) integration of equations of equilibrium; 5) pure deformation at a point-, 6) the plane problem; 7) to the torsion of a round shaft. The basic outline of the establishment of a non-linear elastic theory, as proposed in the paper, narrows down to the Card I/Z following terms: a) a symmetrical deformation tensor must be I Z4-1957-10-11859 Some Problems in the General Investigation of the Equilibrium (cont, ) determined by nine components: "The additive combination of the turning angles of two linear elements (shear) is not neces- sary", and "The work owes its development to the view that the enlistment of each component (out of which the expression for the shear is set up) as an independent component of the deform- ation tensor simplifies the investigation" ; b) the experimental relationship between stresses and deformations is taken in the form of Hooke' a law, that is, as a linear relationship between the relative elongations along the principal directions and the principal normal stresses; c) in all examinations, the deform- ation versor is applied as an independent tensor. To find it. supplementary equations are required. and "it appears plausible that the basic equations of the theory of elasticity usually employed are not sufficient for the exact determination of the stress-strain state of an elastic body. 11 However, "the determination of the deformation versor is left open in the paper. A. I. Lurl ye Card Z/z ;~mr V. -7. ~ -1 nT.-M A r. T --I- -OL- - --. --I -,- -_- S22cialties of the Construction of Jet Aircraft, 1948. 124-1957-2-1622, Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mcklianika, 1957, Nr 2, p 27 (USSR) AUTHOR: __Krylov, TITLE: The Lateral Stability of a Sweptback Wing (Poperechnaya ustoychi- vost' strelovidnogo kryla) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta aviats. priborostroyeniya, 1953, Nr 4, pp 17-25 ABSTRACT: The paper affords a quantitative evaluation of the lateral sta- bility of a sweptback wing without any reduction in area in compari- son with a straight wing, To provide references for the evaluation, the Author introduces the difference between the tangents of the angles of E-tack of the right and left semi-wings due to the sideslip angle c-, of the craft and the given fore-and-aft sweep angle and the tr1sverse dihedral angle (3 , The abovementioned diffexnce is determined from purely geotnetrical considerations. The aero- dynamic effzcts resulting 'from the sideslip are not considered in this paper (such as the spanwise redistribution of the circulation), because the Author believes that these effects in the first approxi- mation are the same on both the sweptback and the non-swept wings Card I /Z and, therefore, can be disregarded in the comparative evaluation. 124-1957-2-16ZZ The Lateral Stability of a Sweptback Wing The relationships obtained indicate that the lateral stability of the wing increases with an increase in the angle ~ (sweepba~k).There- fore, in order to maintain a degree of latera stability equal to that of the straight wing, it will be necessary to decrease the angle 13 (dihedral), Upon arriving at the final formulas, the A. makes a wholly superfluous assumption regar(ling the equality of the angles P and 0 , which, in physical reality. are independent quantities. Also, on evalWating the term with X , the Author, considering the angle (~ to be variable, assumes the angleP to be constant, which contradicts the preceding assumption. As a result thereof the funda- mental nomogram (Fig. 7 in the article) is derived from two mutually exclusive assumptions, which leads to numerical errors and makes the graph unsuitable for practical use. The elimination from the design formulas of the assumption (p=/3 is a fundamental necessity to maintain the validity of the qualitative conclusions derived by the Author. B. V. Raushenbakh 1. Swept-back wings--Stability (Lateral) Card 2/2 mm Name : KRYLOV) V. Ye. R--y-ka : Ragineer G._ Molrfty writes in a review of a mam-3 on 4Lircraft cork- struction that 0. 1. Rozanov, A. S. Bedunkavich) V. Ya. Kryloy) Ya. 0. ftnovko md 0. 0. Rostortsev are the authors of a book entitled "Bpecial Yeatures of Jet Aircraft Constractift". Source : P: Vestnik Vozdushnoip nota., No. 3, March 19541 pp. 80-82 KWIDV' V.Ya., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; HILIMIKOV, A.P..doktor .-----'--t4;iknichevkIkh nauk, redaktor. [Development of helicopter construction In the U.S.S.R.] Eazvltle vertoletostroenlia v SSSR. Leningrad, Vass. ob-vo po rasprostrananitu polit. I nwchn.snanii, Leningradikoe otd-nis 195$. 42 p. [Xicrofilal (nn 9:0 (Holicopters) 1OC-7-13/13 AUTHOR- Plot given TITM New Books, (Novyye knigit Russian) FMIODWAId Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, Nr 7, pp 8141 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT; V.A.KOTELIIIIKOVs "Theory of the Potential Iloise Stability", pub- lishea by Cosenergoizdato 1956, 151 pages, price 6.15 roubles. This is a monograph and the material contained can be used for the analysis of modulation-radio reception methods. New methods worked out in the field of radio comunioation and proadcasting. inroma-tive rererence worx -weonnoiogy or xeie- comunication i published by svyaz,izaat. 1957- 71 pages. price 2.20 roubles (Ministry forPost Office and Teleoomuni- cation in the U.S.S.R., technical administration). Description of the latest developments, as e.g. highfrequencLv apparatus for radio relay lines of the "Strele type, the temistor measuring instrment of highfrequenoy power, the device for measuring the relative level of transition- and fluctuation noise in multi- channel radio relay lines, the impul3e-o3oillograph 10-52, the latest miorophone types, the multifrequenoy generator for sound telegraphy, the ctrong radiation tetrode, the apparatus with crystal triodes for detemining defeotive parts in subterranean lines with non-metallio casing. Card 1/2 New Books. 108-7-13/13 V.YA.KRYWV.- "Artificial Earth Satellite" , published by "Soveta- -ROYi-iiiUio" . 1957 - 76 pages, price 2. 25 roubles. A monograph. A.K.VARDEMURGi nPlastic Masses in Eleotrotechnical Industry", second edition, revised and completed. Published by Gosenergo- izaat, 1957, 231 pages, price 0.- roubles. V.L.TXURIN, V.H.LISTOV, A.V.VrSOTSKUi "Teleoonminioation", second edition, revised and completed. Published by "Transzhel- dorizdat" , 1957, 411 pages, price 13,20 roubles. Theoretical bases. Textbook for Railway Schools. ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESHITIM BY- SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 KML10\(, SUBJECT USSR/MATHMTICS/Theory of approximations CARD 112 PG - 352 AUTHOR KRYLOT W.J. TITIZ The convergence of the algebraic interpolation in terms of the roots of a 6ebygev -polynomial for absolutely continuous functions and for functions of 'bounded variation. PERIODICAL Doklady kkad. Nauk 1 362-365 (1956) reviewed 10/1956 M& Let f(x) be defined on [-I,+I]. Let the interpolation knots be the roots I(n) . coo Lk-1 Ir (k.1#2,...,n) of the polynomial T (n are coo x). k 2n n(x) ' 00s The Lagrange polynomial which interpolates f(i) with respect to its values in x(n) be n k 2 1 1 (x) a T (1) 1 (X.X(n))Tn'(X(n k-1 n'k k n,k n k k Theorem 1t If f(x) is absolutely continuous on ~-1,+j , then on 1.11,+11 I,i,(x) converges to f (z) uniformly with respect o X i n --~p oD o For the proof the author uses the fact that for the uniform convergence on [-!.+l] for absolutely continuous functions itnis necessary and sufficient that the absolute values of the partial sums E 1 ngk (x) possess an upper k.j bound A. The existence of A is given by the consideration of an integral Doklady Akad. Hauk 107, 362-365 (1956) CIRD 2/2 PG - 352 representation, namely n 1n,k(x) - (21t k-j T.(X) dz f [I - z I Z-X T-77 r n i where is a closed curve, where the knots x(n) (kw1,...,j-1) lie outside ri k of P and the knots x (n) (k-J,J+lt ... n) lie Inside of T Theorem 2t If f(z) i k J* is of bounded variation on [-I,+1] , then Ln(x) converges to f (x) as n --+ oo in all points of continuity of f(x). INSTITUTIONj 9danow University, Leningrad. Some properties of a9distribution corresponding to the equation aLA. 10./ Doia.AJI SSSR 132 no.6tl234-1257 160. a a 9, Mm 13: 6) (Distribution (Probability theory)) 81389 S/02 60/132/06/08/068 C1 1 IYC222 AUTHORs Krylov, V.Yu. TITLEt Some Proportion of the Distribution Corresponding to the Equation ~u (-J)q+l D2qu at , )X 2q PERIODICALt Doklady.Akademii nauk SSSR#1960tVol. 132,No. 6,pp. 1254-1257 TEXTt I.M. Gellfand (Ref. 3) incited to investigate the distributions connected with several di-fferential equations and being analogous to the nensure of Wisner. In tho present paper the author considers the distri- bution in the space C(O,T) of functions x(t) continuous on rO,T which corresponds to the equation L Pu (_,)q+1 p2qu (1) 7t- - DX 2q As it is usual the distribution is defined on cylindrical subsets of the C [0,TJ It is proved that for bounded smooth functions V(x) there exists the mean with respect to the distribution of the functional Card 1/3 LK 8 1339 .Jomo Properties of the Astribution Corresponding S/02Y60/132/06/08/068 to the Equation JU (_,)q+l J 2qu C111 C222 7t 2q ~X T exp - V [x(t)] dtl and that it is a solution of f2) Du (_I)q+l D 2q u --r - V(x)U X_ q Therewith also the existence of the distribution or the generalized measure P2q is proved in -the whole C (0,T] . It is shown that the complete vari,ition of 11 2q p q >1 is infinite on C rO,T7 . The measure P2q is con- centrated on a compact set in as much as its variation outside of this com- pact can be made arbitrarily small. A well-known result of Wiener is ge- neralized : Theorem 4 3 The complete measure F(t of the set of those trajectories x(t) G C [0,T1 which are positive on *O,T- at least during the time t is given by Card 2/3 813a9 Some Propertien of th~ Distribution Corresponding 3/020/60/132/06/08/068 I%q+l 32qu CIII/C222 to the Equation 4t )xIq 2 fare a (6) P(t in 1) - 'L FT for every q >,I . The author mentions L.Y. Kobelev ; he thanks his scientific leader I.M. Gellfand, Corresponding Member of the A3 USSR, and I.I. Pyatelakiy-Shapiro for advices. There are 5 references 1 2 Sovistj 2 English and I American. PRESENTSDi February 279 1960, by A.N. Xo1mogorov, Academician SUBMITTEDt February 25# 1960 Card 3/3 ----- t~g~ KRYLOV, V. Yu. Cnnd Phys-Math Sci - Wiss) "Non-positive distributions and equations with partial derivatives." Moscow, 1961. 5 PP; (Acedemy of Sciences USSR, Matheiantics Inst imeni V. A. Stek- lov); 150 copies; price not given; bibliography on P 5 (19 en- tries); (KL, 7-61 sup, 219) 3102 611139100110021018 11 U U C1 I C222 AiffH,OR1 Kxylov, V.Yu. TITLE: A limit theorem PERIODICALo Akademiya nauk SSSR.-Doklady, v,139, no.1, 1961, 20-23 TEXTs The following theorems are proveds Theorem is Lot ~,, ~20-6* Ik"c" be a sequence of mutually independent random Tariablesgiven by the generally not positive probability densities Pk (x) (k.1,2,.,.) satisfying the following conditions: 1) For every k (k.1,2.,...) it holds Jpk(x )dx - 1 , jxpk(x)dz - 0, .,, ,jx2q 'lpk( x)dx - 0, j x2llpk(x)dx a (-,l )q+lb2q k 2) There exints a constant C so that for every n it holdes n n z Ix 2q lPk(x)ldx - CZ ! jx2q Pk( x)dx i-i J k-1 Card 1/3 A limit theo-rem 3) For every -X> 0 It holds lim n z n->co B2q k., n :Ixl>-&Bn where B 2q . n b2q n 2: n kal 4) It holds 3/020/61/139/001/002/018 C1111C222 X2q (x) dx 0, Pk lim max X2q x)ldx 0. f,->0 Kk5n B 2q lPk( lt-U400 n 111. c-E Bn If then P n (x) is the probability density of the normali%ed sum then it exists 9 k n Wh k-4 i S O-t 2q/( 2q)l+itz P(X) - lim Pn( X) . 2V dt. n400 Card 2/3 A limit theorem S/02 61/139/001/002/018 C1 11 YC222 The limit value is-understood in the sense of the weak Convergence over the space Z. On Z of. (Hof-43 I.M.0911fand, G.Te.Shilov, Prostranstva obobahchennykh funktaiy rSpaces of generalized functions 3, U., 1958). Theorem 2t Let Pk (x) (k-1,2,..,) satisfy the conditions 1)-4) of theorem I and besides the condition 5) Ifnk(t) I -w-(1+ AX -n )&( (k-1,.. ,n) for all k,t (-oo