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LLTArlli', 1.V. Iordzatian. lavices for the meazurement of energy in -ra7 bearx. Med. rad. 9 no.7:46-51. J1 164. (MIR A 18: 5) 1. Fiziko-takhnichenkly institut Imeni loffe AN SSSR. ,!;tot, A un a -atron or c- co:,rosrond3 to ra U, U, 2/ ACCESSION NRs AP4020338 S/0089/64/016/003/0258107,60 A ORs U, Lopatint ze Vo TnUt measurements of energy in a broosstrahlung boom over a rouge of R adb Gamma max a 15 to 80 Mov SOMEt Atowtays. energiy4, v. 16, no* 3, 1964, 238-260 TOPIC TAGS: energy, bremsstrablung boom, calorimetric measurement, ionization measurement, calorimetric method, tranaLtLan curvag quantometer ABSTMCT: The results of calorinstrk and ionization measurements in a wide range of f radiation energy are compar-p4o The comparison is conducted for, three methods of determining energy in a bremstrablung beast (1) calorimetrLeg (2) by measuring transition curves; and (3) by using a quantometer. 7bese throe methods provide results whLch agree witbin the limit of weasurement.'arrors in the range of Z r VIX It 15 to 80 Mov,* Some systematic divergence between ionization and calor&e tr cmeasurements can be caused by inaccuracy of values* A comparison of quantometer readings with the results of masuremient by !; ck, transition curves Lndicated that the error in Integration of transition rves !Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4020338 by the quantometer is lese'than 1% durLaj 9 s 15 to 80 Nov, and about rAMMA max 4% during 20 Mev.. Use of the Simpson binary-To-no-a (tandem-quantometer) permits this integration to be carried out with up to 1% accuracy in the entire' energy interval being examined, OrLg. art. baw 2 figures. I ASSOCIATIONt Nona SUEMITTED: 2&Aug63 DAT2 ACQs 31MAr64 3=1 00 SUB COM N? NO MW S"I 006. 1 0001. J 4-Card 2/2 INIat ACCESSION NR: Ap4oi9972 S/0020/~4/154/006/1318/1320 'AUTHOR: Komar, A. P0 (Academician); Kruglov, S. P.; Lopatin, 1. Vo; TITLE:! Constant sensitivity for gamma radiation of energy above 15 Mov 4 SOURCE: AN SSSR- Doklady*o v- 1% no. 6, j964, 1318-1320 TOPIC TAGS: gamma quantometer, gamma radia:tion energy measurement, constant sensitivity quantometer, quantometer, ionization chamber, multiplate ion#ation chambep ABSTRACT: The gamma quantometer is a multiplate ionization chamber 'lused for meas~irement of the energy in a beam of gamma photons. Its ionization ciArrent depends on the partial ionization in differertt sec-! ~Itions of the oh~mber- The'purpose of the present work is to obtain 1constant sensitivity of the quantometer in various energy ranges of gamn-a rays. Thii 1s achieved, first,by the construction of a new. ~model permitting a better integration of the ionization in different ,j 1/2. ACCESSION NR; AP4019972 sections, and, secondly, by filling the chamber vrith hydrogen at 295 Jatm., irstead of air. In the experimentally tested energy range from 10 to 70 Mev, the sensitivity was be constant. Orig. art. has: 3 f igures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. Ae'R. %offe Akademii nauk SSSR (Physic a -Engineering Institute, Acadejq of sciences SM) DATE ACQ: 23mar64 ENCL: 00 .SUBMITTED: 23Nov63 ,.SUB CODE. PH NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER:.001 -....Card 2/2 KRUGLOVP S. - 40-PATINP I.V. Distribution curves of energi atsorbed along the depth with the presence of substances Inhibiting irradiation. Med. rad 9 no.7t52-55 J1 164. (MIRA J;tj,) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy Institut imen! iorre AN SSSR. -23; R. R EWT(z) DfAAP L !ACC NR: AP6011428 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/167/004/0785/0788 iAUTHORS: Komar, A. P. (Academician AN UkrSSR)i ~Fm 10vt S. P.; 1QV!i!SL_I1 ~Vli 'ORG: Physlool hnical InstItute im. A. F. loffe,Academv of Sciences.. SSSR, LeningradTiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut Akademii nauk SSSH) 'TITLE; A new instrument for determining the intensity of S ma !radiation -- Causs quantum meter ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady,, v. 167, no. 4, 1966, 785-788 TOPIC TAGS: radiation, radiation intensity, radiation linstrument I Z) &.Zcc ,ABSTRACT: Theauthors describe an instrument In which the intensity ~ofy radiation, as measured by Its absorption in a substance, is de- termined integrating the area under the transition curves. The lnte-;_, - igration is by means of a quadrature formula under the rain area of i ithe curve and by means of a six-point Gaussian approximation. The Ithicknesses of the absorbing copper plates and the widths of the gaps.--- between them are calculated to obtain the best quadrature integration Z, Card .113 uDc: 621. 539422 -77777= 'T'i L 26587-66 ACC NR: Ap6oll428 Card Fig. 1. Conatruction of 1 new quantum meter. B .high voltage electrodes; C gathering electrodeq~ ~BT spacer bushings; II Insulators; It ou te r. j ac ke, t.,, P11 P 2 :front and back panels of the quantum meter. L 26587-66 ~'ACC NR: Ap6oi1428 0 tThe new quantum meter (Fig. 1) was experimentally checked for sensi- ~tivity against data obtained by the calorimetric method in the range lof,y energy from 15 to 80 Mev and at 650 Mev and was found to be ac- curate to 2 -- 3%. The results show that the use of the Gauss 'quadrature formula results in a quantum me ter with a smaller number 'of plates, with constant sensitivity at all bremsatrahlumg end-point energies laiger than 15 Mev, and which doea not lose sensitivity at energies below 100 Mev like the Wilson quantum meter. Orig. art. jhas:-2 figures and 8 formulas. 'BUD CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 18 sep65/ ORIG REP: 0031 OTH REF:-004 i Card ME, U 0:3 L 7 A U -11. s) it Xoma A. 11 Kruk; ov -LjLopqt1n,-1.-V- 03G: Physicotechnical Institute in-_A,F,Ioffe 14 SSSR tekbnichoskiy institut AN SSSR) A new type of quantomotor (Gauss quantomxter)fur bca-m enorgica SOURCE: Zhurnal tolthnichaskoy giziki, v. 36, no. 9. 19GG, 1710-1717 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear physics apparatus, brennstrahlun~,,, energy, apparatu:, tABSTRACT: The author.,; discuss the design, cons trijet i on, and ;.-i--Ionnanxe of an --ut07-'.-'.1c jintegrating qunntopieter for direct mensurc-ment of the vncr,-ic:: of bremsstrahlunr, bca,,-,~50 I analogous to thc quantometer of R.R.Wilson ('Nucl. Instr, , lp101 :D57), The suitabillt7 ,lof different numerical integration formulns for L.-i cuppe., transition curvo iis dincussed, and It is concluded.thit Gauss' for-.-.ula 1,; 'lic advantageous. The described instrument employs seven copper absorbers; with between 0.405 and 2.8G3 cra and gaps between them ran"-in"' 0.10; and 0.2h-1 C-3. The absorber thicknesses and gap widtha wero selected in .:Ith Gauss' inte.-ratior. formula. and IL; The instrument can be hermetically scaled to '.cc'.~=odate a 10 cn diameter bean. When fij~ed with air at Dtmoziplhuric thc ----~,!--'1v1tY of the instrument is 0.877 x 10- ClMoV, The sensitivity was found to C.rd 1/2 UX: L"'D.07,&.22 vary by less than 2,~ for bremsatrahlung beama with maxima,-a I:, to 630 'he maximun beam power that can be moaL;ur-~d with air ir, 10-" 11/cu" at a PU15C 'rate of 50 11z; by using a rare Gas fillinj the maximum power tiiaz can bo a c n bo increased by a factor of 103. Tho instrument can talso b,, L.,~%id to mvastir%, the powers of high enorgy oloctron boams. Orlb. art. haa: 6 forwulxi, 4 f and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20 BUBM DATE: 22NovG5 ORIG. R~Y: 005 07:1. 'Ria?: 004 2/2 bab L-~ord I1RUGIA)V,-R2=__;jqMky"b. pormonallnyy pensioner, chlen. lo=lnintichealcoy partil Sovetskogo Soyuzs; DUBWVINSKIT, T., red.; TAGOROTA, I., [The miraole of light) Chudo - evet. Moskva. Monk.rabochii. 196o. 89 p iMoscov Provinoe--Bleotrification) (MIRA 13:10) Per.-Aart 1)c-osit3 e-f t,he isliir, ~ller:3 and "f-lny--i I,; Vie .-;orthern i'.'auc-,sus." v-ol-:.'!r, 3cl, Chall r of' the Fl3t,:~ry of tleolo ~_,, at j! Palecntolo :,,,, "--o 10 -'Ica l Tac,,ilty, ',Ii(,rnovtsy State U, ",.Ln "A -her .55. (U, :;-,, 12, liar ao : S,vi. _o. 670, 29 SeP 55-~urvey of Scientific ji-A TechnIcal I .)lcc-ertattc;-,s Wended at !Ts.~71 1*1 :her Mucntl :.-Il Ll~t`t,:finrs (15) AUTHOR: Kruglov, S.S. 11-58-4-11/16 TITLE: On Diabases of the Jentu RAnge, and Khateavita River in the North-West Caucasus (0 diabazakh khrt?4'ta Dzhentu i r. Khatea- vitoy n& Severo-Zapadnom Kavkaze) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologichaskaya, 1958, Nr4. p? 95-96 (USSR) AB3TRACT: The author describes some outcrops of diabasea he discovered during geologic surveys in the North-West Caucasus. These outcrops were not until now marked on the geological maps of the region and can help in the study of magmatic activity in this part of the Caucasus. The composition of the diabases is piven. There nre 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: KAvkazskaya ekspeditsiya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova (The Caucasian Expedition of the Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 11,1957 Card 1/1 1. Geology USSR 3(5) SOV/2o-126-5-4o/69 AUTHOR: Kruglov, S. S. TITLE: Bed Intrusions of the Dzhentu Range in the North-western Cauca- sus (Plastovyye intruzii khr. Dzhentu na severo-zapadnom Kavkaze) PERIODICAL: Dokladj Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, pp 1058 - 1o61 (USSR) ABS"dACTt In ripite of a comparatively thorough exploration of the magmatic formations of the area mentioned in the title (Refs 1-5,6,B), there are still some individual sections of their occurrence which were described very poorly or riot at all. Among these are the magmatic rocks of the Dzhentu range in the drainaGe area of the river Laba. A survey of publications (Refs 6,a,12) is given. In 1956, the author especially investigated the magmatic rocks of the Dzhentu range as a member of the department of V. fi. Robinson (with the participation of A. Ye. Shantser). These in- ventigations confirmed the scheme by V. N. Robinson (Ref 11). Their age is lower-paloozoic (not younger than Silurian) and not Devonian (Refs 4,5) on the ba3is of the archaeocyathis (Ref 7) found in the containing limestones. Both the magmatic Card 1/3 and the containing rocks are described in detail. The former Bed Intru:iions of the Dzhentu RaG.,,e in the Norlh-wectern SOV/2o-126-5-4o/69 laucasus consist of diorite-porphyrites and granite-por,,)hyries as well as of dia:basee (Ref lo). Between the tuo former, there are transitions of the type of granodiorite-porphyries. The rocks described are not effusive but hypabyssal. Most probable they are extrusivo facleB of the complex of small intruoiona (Rers 1-3). In 1957, the author investigated sedimentary deposits of granodiorite-porphyries on the upper course of the river Urup, which are identical with those of Dzhentu. Such rocks are also known under analogous depositing conditions of the river Pshe- kish, already in the drainage area of the river Belaya (Ref 6). Apparently synchronous are also sedimentary deposito of differ- ent compositions on the upper course of the rivers Kyafar and Zelenchuk, finally on the upper course of the Kuban (Ref 13). The lower carboniferous system may be regarded as the lower limit of the intrusions in question. The upper limit, however, is the lower Permian system. Thus, the bed intrusions belong to the final phases of the middle-paleozoic, or to the initial phases of the upper-paleozoic magmatic cycle of the Bol'shoy Kavkaz (Great Caucasus). L. A. Vardanyanta and V. P. Xostyuk Card 213 looked through part of the material of the author. V. N. Robin- '1 -2 Bed Intrusions of the Dzhentu Range in the North- SOV/2o-126-5-4o/69 western Caucasus son gave some advice. There are 12 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Ukrainakiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologorazvedochnyy in- stitut g. L'Yovfftsinim Jcientific Geological Prospecting and Research Institute Town of L'Yov) PRLS_~-'NTEDt February 3, 19599 by D. V. Shcherbakov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 2, 1959 Card 3/3 'e4 .Vature of ema:,' dislooations in NOMO JTUMNOIO ollffs of the UstOrn CArPa, A414. DWI. AN SSSR .135 no.532-193-11" D 160. .4 NEU 23:12) Is Ukrainskiy naUChno-Usledovatellskiy geologorazvedoebnyy iratitut. (Zadneys region-Geology, Structural) KRUGLIJV, S.S. [Krublov, S.S.] Cretaceous volcanic formations of the Trooteneta 1Lvor In the eastern Carpathians. Dop. AN URSR ro.10:1350--135J 161. (141RA 14:11) 1. Mcrainskiy nauchno-isolodovatellskiy geologo-razvodochzgry inatitut. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR O.S.VyalovyM. (Carpathian Mountains-Geologyp Stratigraphic) KRUGLOV, L-S.S. Recent data on Cretaceous volcanism in the eastern Carpathians. Dokl. AN SESR 140 no.lil93-196 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ukrainakiy nauohno-issledovatel'skly peoloporazvedochnyy inatitut. Predstivleno akademikom V.S.Sobolevym. (Carpathian Wountains-Rocks, Irneous) KRUGLOV, S.S. Lower age limit of the Rakhov sfirles In this* rlyBc?~ of' the eastern Carpathians. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.4:898-901 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Feologorazvedochnyy institut, V. Llvov. Predstavleno akademikom 1).V.Nalivkinym. (Carpathian Mountains--Flysc~) KRUGLOV, S.S. Granitic pebbles in the flysch of the Soviet Carpathians and their origin. Sov.geol. 5 no.12:127-132 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nailchno-insladovatellokiy,.geologorazwdochnyy inatitut, (Carpathian Mountains-Pebbles) KRUGLOV, S.S.; POLEVAYAJ, I-I.I. Absolute age of exotio granites in Soviet Transcarpathia, Inform, sbor. VSEGEI no.54tlO7-115 162. (MIRA 17t1) DABAGYA.1,1, DI.V.j ZHILOVSKIY, N.I.; KRUG1,011, S.S. microfauna and tho atratigraphic position of the Shipot and Yalovetsk series of the Eastern Carpathians. Trudy UkrNIGRI no.5tlO6-3.24 163, (,MIRA 180) KRUGLOV, &.So Minamlogicai cOMNOition of the clAY Of the Cretaceouts and Paleogens sediments in the inner portion of the Soviet Carpathiana. Trudy UkrNIGRI no*5sI25-241 163* (MIRA 1813) ag, KALENIGHENKCip T.D. [Kalenychenko, T.D.]; KRU~;1,0','t S.S. MACHU, Ye.Ye. (Mihachova, IE-lU-T Stratigraphy of Midd3a Juraosic oad.'ments in Tranzicarrathis. Dop. AN URSR no.9:1193-.1396 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. (Mralmikly nauctinc>-ioijindoviAt,,~11,;kiy i ~aiarlkov,qRiy j:asudnrstvvniiyy uril-vorvitet, KWJGLOVp S.S. Nature of -the Marmoroah blocks of the Soviet Carpathians. Gool.sbor. [Lvov] no-9141-54 165. (MIRA 18:12) g, SHUT"), Veniamin 1,-.rall(,v!ch-. G('ROYIlCjVl'KTj', A.I., KIVhOVA, Ye.P., r,,tF:enl.ent; DUKHORY, F.N., red. [floisting and conveying machinery in light irduotryj iodll- ormo-transportnys manhiny v legkoi pror-yohlenno.0d. llo- skva, Legkala industriia. 1961,. 290 p. (MTRA 17:10) RAXITSXIT, G,Arl.-IAW T,A. New mechanism for winding reserve yarn. Takst. prom. 19 ne.5:62-65 Y-V 159. OGRA 12:10) IqG1avny7 inzhener fabriki imeni Oktyabrlokoy revol7utsil, g.XlIntar (for Rakitskir). 2.Zaveduywhchir apparatno-pryadillnym proizvodetvam,' fabriki Imeni Oktyabrlskoy revelrutall, g.KlIntsy (for Xrugl*T), (Weaving) (Textile machinery) KRUCL9;, V. Vmayor Trannfer of, firo from a aackpoint. Voen. vast. 42 no.41, 114-115 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:3) MIGiL.V) V.A. Combined method of the classification and grouping of parts. Standartizatsiia 28 no.7:29-29 11 164. (M,IFj, 1711l) KRUGLOVp V.A., inzh.; KRUGWVA, L.V Some problema of precision of' multiple machining of parts on machine-tool units in instrument manufacture. Priboro3troenie no.5:19-21 Ky 165. (MIRA 18: 5) Itit n -I tre!i zxU,.-,n u!' tnoi r i;- ii.v tf)c I "r,.dkrtiza tali a (MIRA 18W K.RTJG!,()V, V.A. , Jn?.h. Gomplox mathoda for a precision design of machining processes. Vest. mashinostr. 45 no.7;54-57 Jl 065. (MIPA 19:10) 'j, wl.,~! L 06139-67 EWT IJP(.c) I ACC NRi 6031170 SOURCE CODEi UR/0361/66/000402/0003/0CIS 'AUTIHORi Nemenov, :L. M.1 Anisimov,,_O. K.; Arzumanov, A. A.; Golowanov, U. Not ,Yezerskiy. V. F.) Kravchenko.L Yo. To I !=lov V. 0. t Laktionov, I. A.; Mashcherov, I Hashcherova, 1. V. Popov, Vu. .-1 Proxor-fly-.1117-1. Aybin, So N ; Fadcrov, No 0 DRGt Institute of Nuclear P~jslcso AN KazSSR (Institut yodernoy fIsIkL AN KaxSSXj TITLEt Putting the Kazakhstan Cyclotron A to operation SOURCEt AN KazSSR. Izves%Lyas Serlya ftsiko-natmaticbeskikh nauk, no. 2, 1966, 3-15 TAGS:. cyclotr*nl proton accolaratorg May accoleratorg alpha particle / U1502 IRACT: The U-150-2 cyclotron of the InstLtutoof Nuclear Physics of the Academy of ,ences of the Kazak SSR is described# This cyclotron is designed to accelerate pro- 13, Aeuterons, alpha particles# and multiply charged Ions, Energies of 24 Nov are :ained with deuterons. Alpha particles and protons can be accelerated to 48 May and May, respectivelys Sixfold Ionized carbon can be accelerated to 1#40 Key. The mg- :Lc field in the cyclotron necessary for 20 Nov dMeron production is 14000 cor- ids; this Is produced by a current of 000 moo The necessary variation of the mag- le field with.radius to obtaboid by the use of swular @his@. The high frequency isiator and its alignment Is described. The dependence of beau carrent at various L 06139-67 ACC NRs AP6031170 final radii Is platted as a function of the potential betimest the "dees", The auth- are thank engineers V A. Borisov, B, L, Vav*Ss6 1. 0. SlAdmao, senior elect Ic engineer Do- D. Gr*m4.-;-;r4m -it " oh efs of work shift@ 0, A. Obrastsow and V. Es O#hkL g and chief of service A. 1. Tkacbel for partLeLp&tL*n in the wwk of setting arigbt the various difficulties ved In setting up the Cyclotma. OrLs. art. bass U ftevres, 10 1 SO CODE 3 20/ BUBN VATSt Done Card 2/2_hN1U- 25689 5/18ij6l/003/007/011/023 B102/B214 kUTHORS# Petruaevich, V. A.9 Sorokin, 0. V., and Kruglov, V., I. TITLEt Applicability of the parameter of the "effective surface recombination rate" for Go and Si PERIODICALt Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 3, no. 7, 1961, 2023-2030 TEM The object of the authors was to demonstrate experimentally that cases in which the parameter of the "effective surface recombination rate" cannot be used for the characterization of the Bi surface are realizable in practical and that this parameter can be used generally for the characterization of Go surfaces treated by the usual etching agents. The fact that the application of the effective surface recombination rate Seff is not always justified has been referred to by Shockley and Read (Phys. Rev. 87, 835, 1952). Also the conditions of applicability of this parameter were theoretically studied earlier. The authors of the present paper investigated n-type and p-type germanium with a conductivity close to intrinsic conductivity, and also n-type and p-type silicon with resistivities of 10 to 130 ohm-cm. After establishing the ohmic contacts the sufaces of the individual samples were treated differently, i. e.# Card 1 6 25689 S/181/61/003/007/011/023 Applicability of the parameter B102/B214 etched by different agents and under different conditions. The method of measuring the field effect has been described elsewhere by Sorokin (PTE, No. 2, 68, 1959). The change 06 of conductivity related to the change of "Ywas determinid from the field effect, and thus Sef f was found out. Indesdo 3eff-4 dxt where-f(z) is the height of the surface potential barrier as a function of the coordinates, andT is the volume lifetime of the nonequilibrium carriers. The thickness J of the barrier is defined as the normal distance from the surface whers'Y.)K up to the place where The known theoretical relation,66.fW is used for the determination of Y (J. R. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 21, 641, 1955). The results of the 0 investigations are given in a table. The positive values of Y correspoAd 0 to the blocking and inversion barriers, and the negative values to the anti-blooking barriers. Of particular interest are the results for Si. as only hypothetical data exist on the effects of the above-mentioned etching agents. For examplal a strong blocking or even an inversion layer appears on p-type Si after it has been etched according to method 4, while either a weakly blocking or an anti-'blocking barrier appears in n-type Si. Ill Card 2/6 '"A! rz. ".5 25689 S/18IJ61/003/007/011/023 Applicability of the parameter ... B102/B214 experiments were carried out in room atmosphere, The Table also contains data on the surface recombination rate daloulated from the curves of the spectral distribution of photoconductivity. The following conclusions can be drawn from the resultst 1) For sufficiently high surface potential barriers and the usual values of the diffusion length, a case in realizable in vraotice in which the notion of S off loses all sense. The higher the resistance of the sample, the lower in the value ofYo for which this will be the case, because Ofinoreasee with Q. It is, therefore, to be expected that for semiconductors having a forbidden band width larger than that of germanium, the parameter 5 off will not be applicable for relatively small 10- 2) All conclusions which are based on the application of Seff or Teff should be revised, and it should be investigated whether the criteria for the applicability of 5 off are fulfilled. This holds, above all, for the band structure of surface semiconductors with which Seff or T off is used as a function of-Yo- 3) It is necessary to improve the theory of Card 3/6 25689 S/181/61/003/007/011/023 Ipplicability of the parameter ... B102/B214 0ffects in which surface properties are involved, and to determine the role of the geometry of the potential barrier- 4) The criteria for the applicability of 5off ,hould also be improved. Above all, it should be kept in mind that T in the surface charge layer is in general not equal to T in the volume of the semiconductor. The authors thank G. Ye. Pikus, and G. L. Bir for discussions. There are 4 figures, I table and 14 referencest 9 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Sovist-bloo. ASSOCIATIONi Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEDe January 14o 1961 (initially) and February 10, 1961 (after revision) Card 4/6 SRvtnf~s Panks "Collected exercises on accounts and accounting in the operation of savings banks," V. I. Stepanov~ Uoviewed by V'. 'Artiglov, 3ov. fin,p 13, No. 4, 1~5)2. Monthly Ust of Ru9slan Acce.-istons~ Library of Conpress, July PY52. Uncla39ifled. I,- '! T. ! 1 0 ~ 1 N15 774 . Y,~, T!chf,t I otc!-Ptnosti v sberegntel Irykh kas-akh (Accunting and accountal-iljtv In savirFs hanks) 1-bskvao Go:3f,n!74nt, 1954. 219 P. tables. WOLOV, V. ; KLTS. L. For basic Improvewat In the operation of savings banks. 71a. SMM 17 no.1106-47 N 156. (MU 9t 12) (Gavlage banks) -_PUGlAX..-Vauiliy Ivanoyloh; DANILOTp P., otvetatvennyy red.; YMPPOTA, 3.9 red. izd-vi-, LUZ=, A*, takhn, red, [Savings banks In the US.S.R.] Sberegatelinys kaney v SSSR. Noskys, Gonfinisdat, 1958. 36 p. (mm lltg) (Saving banks) "J-0.11' KRUGLJOT. A-W, Testerday's and today's money. Tekh. vol. 28 no. 12:16-17 f6o. (MIRA 13:12) (Money--History) KRUGLOV V I dotp..; VAHUISMp A.S.,, ctarahly propodavatellj MV. A z j dots,; TSVL7KOVA, Ye.Y., prepodavatell; MAZURKEN16,*M., red. izd-va; TELEGINA, T., tekbn. red. I (collected problems in accounting]Sbornik zadach po bukbgalteraxomu uchatu. Yoskva, Goofinizdat, 1962, 262 p, (KIRA 150) 2. Laningradf:kiy fimnoovo-ekonomicheskiy inatitut (for Kruglovp Narinakiyj, TSvetkova). (Lecounting-Problems, exercises, etc.) I'AUGLOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; DRUYA, Ya.Ya..p otv. red.; YAZURMICH, M., ~.-~va;~, A.,, tekhn. red. (Accounting in savings banks) Uchet v sberegatellrVkh kassakh. Moskvaj Gosfinizdat~ 1962. 270 p. (MIRA 3.5s7) (Savings-banke-Accounting) 777'77777-777~~- ACC NRo AP70OW7 SOUF49 COD81 UR16654/66/000/003/0066/0069 AUTHORI xmglovo V. L; NikwArovap 0. A.; Strakhovp Le P, OnG I none TITIE1 Photoconductivity of vitreous As2593 SOURCEI Leningrad. Universitst, Vestnik. Seriya MAI I khtmilp no. 3# 19669 66-69 1 -10PIC TAGS1 photoconductivityp selenidep arsenic compound ABSTRACTI The spectral distribution of the photoconductivity of vitreous Afi2s*3 was dotermined by means of a UJ-2 amplifier with compensation of the dark current. Two maxima, X = 0.91s and X a OMp were observed. 7he long-wave photoconductivity maxi- mum is located at the edge of the fundamental absorption band. A fairly strong light ~*3cattering is observed In the same op"tral range. The spectral distribution of "long-range" photoconductivityp I. e,,# one which is manifested when the aample is illuminated from the side of the interelectrods spacep was determined. Using the con- Capts of direct and indirect tranvitionsp the authors examine the nature of absorption at the edge of the fundamental absorption band. The photoconductivity at this edge and the photoconductivity in the shorter-wave range of the spectrum differ In their kinetic characteristics, Curres of photoconductivity kinetics for various wavelengths are given. At longer wavelengths, a slower riso and door*ase of the photooondmativity are observed. Orig. art, hast 4 figWes. SUB CODES 20/ SM DMI 130M5/ MIG RVI 006 Card 1/1 VMS 539.213 KONDAKOV, k.P., inzh. (Chelyabinsk);' KRUGLDVP V.M., inzh. (SverdlovBk) Conveyor tunnels in the maintenance and inspection stations, Zhel. dor. transp. 45 no.5t69-71 My 163. (MIRA l6tIO) 1. Zamestitelt nachallnikEL Yuzhno-Urallskoy dorogi (for Kondakov). L 43879-66 EwT(d)/EWP(V)/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/LW(1-)- IJP(c) BC - ------- AC C NRi AP6030620 SOURCE CODE: UR/-0413/'66/000/016/0110/0110 INVENTOR: Voroblyeva, T. M.; Mellnichuk, A. Ya.; Kruglov, V. N. ORG: none TITLE: Digital servo. Class 42, No. 185118 SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 110 TOPIC TAGS: servq--syytem,.7logical element 6 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces a digital servo with a housing, a return electromagnet (spring mechanism), and electromagnets with reciprocating cares I whose number is equal to the number of digits in a binary number; the air gaps between the cares are correspondingly equal to one, two, four, etc. units. To eliminate the I intermediate electropneumatic (electro-hydraulic) converters and simplify the system, i the electromagnets with the reciprocating cores are arrange4 in sequence in the non- magnetic housing so that their side surfaces touch the inner surface of the housing. [JR] SUB CODE, 09/ SUBM DATE: 10jun65/ ATD PRESS: 5075 Card 1/1 Iblg UDC: 681.142.07-525 11. . , ~:t'xrj~," -0! ~ f~: -- - KRUGLOV, V.P.; FIDLO", K.N. Shop for the produotion of glued bare for the frames of window and door sets. Dar. prom. 12 no.6tl4-15 A 163. (MIRA 16slo) 1. Cosudarstvannyy inotitut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti. KRUGLOV, V.P. [Technological i3chomes for opwAadized WwA 'Prf'Ct!:~tiLg production] Tekhnalogi-heskie skheuV nykh derevoobrabaty-vaiushchikh proizvod6tv. Vm~-va2 TSentr. nauchno-itiol. In--t Informat.-Ji I issledovanii po Josnoly J obrabaty,vaiushchei promyshl. i lesr-iomu khoz., P. (MIRA 1. GlavTWy spetsialist Gosuda-,stvonr-)r,,-- 5r.zAI-,,tA. P-k-yekll-- rovaniyu lesozagotovitellnov tyvayushcbey promyshlennosti. 11 LT~ L L' I __ USSR/Medicine Veterinary --- TV-M6-1 Card 1/1 Pub. 137-13/17 Author Kruglov, V. T., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Title Concerning endurable doses of ASD-f2 and the role of liver in utilization of the preparation Periodical : Yeterinariya, 10, 58, October'1954 Abstract : Results of experiments, conducted on various animals, shoved that liver plays an important role in rendering harmless toxic effects of large doses of ASD-f2 preparation Introduced into the blood stream. It can be seen, therefore, that large doses of ASD-f2 solution may be administered Lutravenously to cattle without creating any marked disturbance in their phyL;Ical condition. Large doses of ASD may also be administered perordlly without producing toxic effects, because it easily enters the blood stream through the gastro-intestinal tract. Institution All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine Submitted IRUGLOT, Y.T., kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk. Biological stimulants used in Toterinary surgery. Yeterinarita 32 n9.1:61-66 J& 155. (HLRA 8:2) 1*VsesoyusVy institut eksperimentallUOy TOterinarii. (MIRIVART SMGJW) (BIOU)GIUL PROWCT8) XELUGLOVI 1121 A MwIdat voterinarmykh nauk. Veterinary drugo used In the German Dozoorstic Republic. Yeterin&- rLia 33 no.6:82-87 Js 136. (KM 9t8) 1. VessoyumW inAtitut okmparisontallnoy voterinarii. tGornW, Ust-Voterinsry materia medic& and pharmacy) US3R Farm Animals. General Problems. Q Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40387. Author : Radkevich P. Ye. Nikiforov, Inst. : Not given. Title : Dienestrol Discetate for the Fattening of Swine and Cooks. Orig Pub: Voterinariya, 1957, No 8, 74-76. Abstract: A comparative investigation was conducted as to the effectiveness of the use, for biological castration of swine and cooks, of the following Soviet-produced and imported preparations of dienestrol diacetate (I): folestrol (suspension 1, in 2 ml. ampoules of 50 mg. 1), folacopon (tablets of 25 mg. I), and platyphilline. The experiments were carried out at the kolkhoz and Card 1/3 3 USSR / Farm Animals. General Problems. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 91 1958, 40387. Abstract: sovkhoz farms on 1,206 pigs and 6,060 cooks. Folestrol was injected subcutaneously in a dose of 2.m1. to pigs weighing up to 100 kg., and in a dose of 4 ml. to pigs weighing over 100 k8. Platyphilline was injected thrice at intervals of 24 hours, in a dose of I ml. of 1% solution. Following the injection the adult sows showed higher weight gain 1by 6.4 kg. per head) and better meat quality -then the control animals. The cooks 'used in the experi- mentation were approximately 2 months old, weigh- ing 550-600 g. They were administered Injeotions of 0.65 ml. of folestrol. Folacopon was implan- ted -either in the form of tablets (1_ 2) or as a ension in 3% starch In the same dose as f l8uNrol. Following the injection of folestrol 0 es Card 2/3 CAT20ORY Phannacology and Toxicolo",. Analeptics AD5. JOUR. N,'P. 5 1952~ N,~e 23090 AUTECIR FX11flov, V T. !;!ST. A.L.L-UTIIOTI iffstitute of Experimorital Vetrrinary TIME, I On Lhe PhFtrmuaodyTIaju.;^-.q of Frotoanomon!n ORE rj. PUB. , Tv. V2oa. In-tu olksperbm. vetuvinariJ, 1957, ~3 -7-A C 111 - 20, 342-353 ITie. action of protoArie-monlin (P) upon thi nerrous t-y,sf-wr, RES, honop,:~IetIP,, ;avdiovasc-ular and e:xrotory system, an well as Its antLaIcrobial propertiea, were studied or, th6 w~wlo organiam qj-'.(j (L,n isolated orr;ans. Undev the Influonce of P (1-2 T-ig/'Jcg), the abnorption Ability of RES Increases and colloidal stain di3anpear3 from the blood nore rapidly. A, proliferation ard *11(.dIcIn'.) 1/3 'j.Mri Y I V C(~ CA T if, G R Y JOUR. PZhBi-)l,, Ns. 1959p N,%, 23090 A!"'MCR TrL TL F, 3F-Tf-l. PIER. I A-74STRACT jiypoj,pjrsia of ths raticuloendotheliun and lym- I i cont d phoid tissuo in tha spl,-,~tjn, livex-, lungs and other organs occurs. An a remilt of tho !ncrease of the reganorative function of RE3, the process of healing of wounds Is aacqleratod. P stinulnte~ myeloid tissue, viz., tho erythrocyte count, 7-q b, and leukocyte colint increase, and the young form. of blood elements appear. P increases cardiac Carl: 2/3 1~ r~ L! ',,! 7.1, 1 CATEWRY AB3. JOUR. RZhD1o1,, N,). 1959, Nt). 23090 ~ 114ST. TITLE V OF-1 0. PUB, activity, tonicizea the vajc.--iotor contor and cont'd dilates the vessela of Isolated oygans. Toni- cizing action of P upon thc ~;ristrolntestinal tract J.s removed by atropine. F Incrcases di- uresia. P introduced into a ve'Ln In anesthe- tized aninals 3oriotlmes produces awakening from anestilosia. F a strong antifungal action in regard to cryptococcus, a causative agent of lymphangitis. The lethal dose of the preparation exc5eds b7 15-25 times the maximal therapeutic dose (2 m~/kg).-- L.N. Lavrentlyev Card: 3/3 USSR / DiDCDOOB of Farm Animals. Diseases Cuased by R BDctorID and Fungi Abo Jour: Rof Zbur"Biologiya, 110 161 1958, 74177 Author : Kruglov, V. Ti Inat : Not given Title : Test of Troatmont of Lymphangoitis Epizootica in Horses with Protoonamonin Orig Pub: Tr. Voca. eksperim. voterinarii, 1957, 20, 354-360 Abstract: Good therapeutic effectiveness of protoonemonin is reporteds.tosted on '27 horses throu h loc3l ad- ministration. Concentration of 0.19 to 0.12 per- cont of protoonemonin solutions proved to be the moot effective. Card, 1/1 US3.R / DJO~MS03 of Farm AnImals. Gonural Frobloms. Ab.3 Jour : Rof Z:i~jr - _31iol,, 11o 22, 195,1)', No 101308 p Author : Krup'lov, Vt TO In,3t : All-Union Institute of Exparlmontal Vetorlnary I .A,:;(! 10 111z;. T I t 1 Wounda %id Ulccr3 With Frctoaat~aionin. Ori3 Pub Tv. Vnes. Iii-ta t3kaperi!-,,. veterinaril, 1957, 20, 361-366 Ab3tract It was dcr"onstrated that whvn usDd locally, Proto- anumonin (P() activatos RES Crut-'culo-endothcdIal system ..7 ol6nont8 within the wouncL. then P In 0.5-L"O castor oil solutions was ucod, wounds heal- ed twiua Gs fast. Following applicatioa of 0.18- 0. 27/ colutiono, lymphaV,'loitic ulccra hr.-l~;d with- In 7-10 days, and nodes wure resorbod in E3*v of the cazon. A'L'ien injuri,~:s and burc-s cwiscd by 113crd 1/2 _7 j~L,3 Jour 1'1,j f Zl-.-,.t r - B i o -1 'lo. 2 2, 19 53, 11 D 10 130 6 phosphorus compoundj wor,.; tmatcd wLth Intravo- noun injoctions of P, ;iood rosidtj wu,r., o",)t!-Iw,-,l in a numbor of ca3os, Taj au~lior r--*co.,m,.iidG tllat P should bU L13%Jd for trotltln~~ WOUn(13, UlCijrS, ,.:-v1 lyrmphan~~ioltis In horson, .a woll as nucro- in ',~-xm mimalo. Card 2/2 L RAMVIGH, P-Ye., professor; KRUGLOT, T.T., kandidat veterinarnykh nauk-. NIKI70ROVA. N.I., i=--aTM-VWVerl-~arnykh nauk. Dienestroldiacetato for fattening @vine and roosters. Totorluarita 34 no.8:74-76 Ag 157. 1 (KERL lOjq) 1. Vmesoyuznyy institut skeperimental8noy vaterinarii (for PaAkevich, Xruglov). 2. Tsesoyuzn" nauchno-isaledovatellskiy Institut, Yeterl- narnoy sanitarii I ektoparazitologit (for Nikiforov). (Acatoacatla aoid) (Castration) -- ---- - --- Aa --v - , -T -2 RAMMICH, P.Te., professor, ..--kand.vaterinarnykh nauk; __ julff0 NIKIFOROV, R.I., kand.vaterinarnykh nauk Folestrol as a method of biological castration for swine and roosters being fattened* Trudy VIN Z2:301-306 159. (MIR& 13:10) Oblestrol) (Roosters) (Mne) I ~ o~andoveterinarnykh nau): Toxicity of the third fraction of ABD preparation and its components in various methods of its use in the body. Trudy VIN 22:327-334 159. (MMA 13:10) (Tissue extracts) ..--KRWWV, V.T., kand.vetGrinA nykh nank Cytological picturo of wound exudate following treatment of wounds with ABD preparation, Trudy VIZ7 22:335-340 159. (MIRA 13:10) (Wounds and inJuries) (Tissue extracts) KRUGLOV, V*T,p kand. voter, nauk; TITOV, V.V., kand. voter. nauk; .--- I- - PUKIN, V.S., red.; OKOLELOVA, Z.F., (Protection of farm animals against radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological contamination] Zashchita sel'skokho- ziaietvenrWkh zhivotwjkh pri radioaktivnom, khimicheskom i bakteriologicheekom zarazhenii. Moskyap Sallkhozizdat, 1963. 38 p. (MIRA 170) '-M i;ELOV yk?.M yarid V~Jt;11.. 111illk; Fh1J(;j"'V, VI 0~';IPOVA , V.11. , r(A. [Protecting farm animals and plantn ag gainvA rwtIo,_-tIve au.'It; safety manual for collective form chairmen, state farm di- rectors, field crew foremen, and I'arm rrAiLnag~,rsj sell skokhozialstvennykh zlilv,-tnykh t rantc-nit o. noi yrIIJ; pamiatka dlia predsodatei.-I v. r sovkhoz.yv, brigadirev .1 upra*iIInI,,j7,h; t!jl.,j Kc,17)s, 1964, 16 p. V - "' -7 .7U,11.v hffor.3staLlon Valuable exp-,rlunre of Sloboda mechanizors. Les I step, 'lo. 4, April 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aul-ugt 1952 Uncl. Yn "wi Forestry Engineer-Ing Leading mechanics of the Khambelinsk shelterbelt station, Les. khoz. 5 No. 3(42),, 1952 MonthlyList or Russian Accessions, Library of Congressp Duly 1952. Unclasa:Lfied. 1. KRUGLOVI V.r-. 2. ussR (6oo) h, Astrakhan Province- Afforestation 7- Work practice of the Kharabali Shelterbelt Station. Dost. sallkhoz. no. 69 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januirrt .1953. Unclassified. 1 -.11 KORSHUNOV, A.A., gornyy inzh.;_KRUGLOV, Ye.I., gornyy inzh.; ESA!jL(T;, V.F., gornyy inzh. Use of some new forms of timbering at the "Zolotushinskiin mine. Gor.. zhur. no.7s77-78 JI 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Vvesoyu=yy nauchno-issledovatell ski gornometallurgicbaskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Korshwiwv ' rXilgiov), 2. Zolotushinskiy polimetallicheskiy rudnik (for Eaaulov). S/056/62/043/006/014/067 B154/BIO2 AUTHORSs Gorodihakiy, G. M.1 Krizhanakiy, L. U., Xr 119M TITLZ3 On magrjitude of quadrupole interaction between Si nuclei and the crystal lattice PE'IRIODICALi Zhurnal okuporimentallnoy i toorstichonkoy fiaiki,-Y. 43, no. 6(12), 1962, 2050 - 2052 . TEM The authors investigate the discrepancies observed between other authors' re3ults(e.g. ZhFTF# 40, 7131 19611 41, 1347, 1961; 41, 1767, 1961 and Proc. Phys. Soc., 77, io62, ig6o; Phys. Rev., 123, 179, ig6i, 120, 22119 19CO) concerning measurements of the quadrupole interaction between the 119M Sn nuclaus and the crystal lattice. The experimental values of the resonance absorption line widths 2r varied between 0.9 and 1.6 mm/Bec exp -8 6 and the oplittinE: conatants A between 3sI0 ev and (11.0 1 1-5)-10- ev, The authors of the present paper used as source a*7.15 mg/cm2 thick P-Sn foil (0.1~ Sn 112 1 2.3f. $n 119 ; 94- Sn Ila irradiated by a neutron beum of integral flux 2.1,1020 noutrons/CM2. P-Sn foils of several thickneasee Card 1/3 5/1056/62/043/006/014/067 On magnitude of quadrurole ... B154/B102 and other Sh compounds wero used an absorbing media. The sou8ce as well as the absorption medium were kept at a temperature of T - 83 X. The results for several absorbing media aro tabulated. The data from evaluation of the quadrupole splitting in the P-Sn lattice show j;ood aereemont with the Ilostern papers and are in contradiction to the Soviet papers cited. it is concluded that the discrepan'cy may be due to instrumental splitting of the line measured. There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTE'Di July 13, 1962 mnl TCAU%00N&. - 2r... 'v A CAW. 0 1 -10-1 - ' SS". 191: TT 46 , 0 1272 12,14 2 Brkh 1 10:1 10 .5