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KRUGIDV* lAws-Ar-and. takhn. nauk (Hook-ya)
Rev equipment for field testing of engineering propertles of
soils. Prom. stroi. 36 no.12:32-34 D 158. (KIRA 12:1)
(Soil mechanics)
Filtration capacity and deformations due to loads and to tho lower-
ing of the water table in loeas and lose6liko soils in the south-
eastern part of the 'Ukraine. 09n., f=dj makh.grun. 2 no.3:
lo-12 16o. 01IRA 13:7)
(Boil mechanics)
(Water, Underground)
Pkvs1cal, chemical, and mineralogica properties of loose
soils of the southeastern patt of the Ukraine. [Ttudv)
11106P no.42x44-0 160. (MIR& 13%6)
(Ukraine-Loose) (Soil mechanics)
KRUGLOV, K.I*j gorTW inzh,
Moving dumper. Gor. shur, no.lWO--71 0 163, ()aRA 16t11)
-- --------- :_-
Sorcerers from Gorki. NTO 4 no.5t45-47 My t62. (MIRA 150)
(Gorki Leninskie--Agricultural experiment station)
N' Z~,l
)avA Ljqv
On unbeaten tracks. XTO 5 no.2 F 163.
(High pressure ri
(MIRA 16:3)
"Excellent track" is the motto of Anton 11'JutchJk's crew.
Tra,nap.stroi. 14 no.12:33-34 D 164.
(~MIA 1911)
1. SpetsialInyy korrespondent zhurnala "Transportroye
KRUGLOV, L. (Kondopoga, Karellskoy ASSR)
Birth of a great Kondepop. NTO 5 no.7139-41 Jl 163. (K[RA 16:8)
1. Spateial'W korreepondent zhurnala *Nauchno-tokhnichasklys
obahchs5tva SSSR.w
(Kondopop-Paper induatry)
Prellmim-irv data on the current reglatti In c'
the we3tern coast of Africa (Cjnakry~ Takorddl).
4 no.5z9',l2e-j923 164
Kenya as a Milit&U-Golonial and Strategic Be" of Imperia3ism During 1946-1960.
The following dissertations were defended in the Urican Institute.
Cwdidata of Historical Sciencese
Veetnik Akad Nauko No. 4, 1963, PP&I19-145
IRUGIDT, L,X,, assistont.
On the vork of the elastic supports of the boiler for Series L
locomotives. Trudjr RIIZH2 zoel7i60-71 153, Ouk 9W
(Imecoustiva boilers)
KRUGLOV, L. M- "Investigation of the Relative Displacements of the Frame and Boiler of a
Locomotive." Leningrad Order of Lenin Inst of Enginaers of Railway Transport imeni
Academician V. N. Obraztsov, Leningrad, 1955 (Dissertations For Degree of Candidate of
Technical Sciences)
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis, No. 26, June 1955, Moscow
KRUGIOV, L.K., Insh.
Role ~Of Int"erframs fastenings in lessening longitudinal dis-
placemnts between steam looomotivo frames mid boilers. Trudy
RIIZHT no,2lt267-285 158. WRA nt6)
True friends of a plant. NTO 4 no.10:18-19 0 162.
(MIRA 1529)
1. Spetsialina korrespondent zhurnala *Nauchno-tekhnicheskiye
obshchestva SSSR".
(Kolomna-Diesel looomotives-Technological imovations)
L 4022-66 EiVT (d)Avrr (1)Awj(m)AwP(w)1E',qP(v E1,qP(t FVIP(~
VE '.,'A ~hWE V A (c
ACCESSION NR: AP5022258 IJP(c) UR/ /65/00 /001 1 90/1
JD/IIW/E?A/AT 537.311,33#546.3
AUTHOR: Krasulin, Yu. L.; Ivanovj V. D.1; Kruglov, L. H.
TITLE: Role of dislocations in the famstion of Joints during pressure Idi
with heating of the metal and semiconductor
SOURCE: AN SSSR, lave s t iya-.-ftorganIche sk iye- materia ly j -vi- I,- no.-7
TOPIC TAGS: pressure weldingw crystal dislocation, semiconductor d.evice
ABSTRACT; Metal conductors were welded to siliconAingle crystals'anto which a
pyrex rlunger was press~-4 to simulate pressure welding. It is found that during
pressure welding involv g the heating of the metal conductors with the semi-
conductor, dislocations re formed on the surface of the semiconductor in the
area of its contact with the metal. Chemical bonds between the metal and the
semiconductor are formed at points where the dislocations emerge to the surface
of the semiconductor. The number of dislocations formed in the surface layer
of the semiconductor depends an the welding parameters: temperaturej pressurej
and duration, At low temperatures and short durations lasting less than the
Incubation period, the weld Joint between metal conductors and semiconductors is
Card 1/2
L 4(Y22-66
fomed owing to adhesive forces (van der Waals and mechanical bonding), Orig,
art. has: 6 figures.
L 22Har6S-
t 7-- -77 YAW f,
Card 2
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-14
and Their Application
Water treatment. Sewage water.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31739
Author Kruglov L,S.
Title Conversion of a Conventional Rapid Filter of an
operating Station into a Filter of the AKKh
Orig Pub: Vodosnabzheniye i san. tekhnika, 1956, No 10,
Abstract: Two variants are described. According to the
I-st, conversion of the filter is effected without
distrubing the existing drainage system and gravel-
sand filling. The slitted vinyl-plastic pipes of
the top drainage system of AKKh are disposed in
C ard 1A
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products i-14
and Their Application
Water treatment..Sewage water.
Abe Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957.. 31739
the sand, at the 191.70 markp increasing at the
same time the edges of the distribution troughs
up to the 193.05 mark. The procedure reduces
the amount of work by 50%. According to the 2-nd
variant the pipes of the bottom distributing sys-
tem are replaced, with removal and subsequent
re-charging of the supporting layers of gravel
and sand. Filters converted by either variant
yield practically the same results in operation.
C ard 2/2
Bridges according to her designs. Tranap. atroi. 14
no.3:32-34 Mr 164. (HIPA 17:6)
They built the Volga-Baltic S6a Wateroay. Transp. stni. 14 no.6129-
32 Je 164. (MIRA 18Q)
c- I lnf:",-~r .f u ~.Iii-sp,o--d tw~j--trrk-,
:'O."'Cow Qroer of Ij-" rn- Re--6 Pann,z .;ij~her Tac~
0 c h -.y "I ~'.7
%.)u m 71
1. - KIUTLn~, I-- r, [;. -- -- --- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- --- - --- - -- --- -- - ---I
2. U-31-3a (600)
4. Pressure'Gages
7. Device for measuring alternating low pre33ure. V03t. mash. 32 no. 10, 1952.
9. Monthly itist Rf Russian Accpq!3 s Library of CongreS30 February 1953. Unclassified.
~Iov-,ts',,PiA ni'~a na stroikp',-I kor%~,,-nlvaa Z~ovif.,t in. cr,-.ztri~ction proj,.cts
of ccvf unis2r. S'inferoTol, Kriniz,2at, 1953. YO -.
ZO: bnthly Li~t of Russian-Accennions, Vol. 6 No. 5, IWO, st 11),53
ORLIN, A.S.. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk- KRUGLOY. Moq., kandudat tekhnichaskikh
nauk; MIZERNM, G.N.. kandidat to 4s~kikh nauk.
Methods of investigating gas exchange processes in two-stroke sagimmso
[Trudy] MM no-35:31-39 155. (MMU W)
(Gas and oil engines)
MLIN, A.B., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk; KRUDIDT. M.G., kandidat takhnichookikh
uauk; MIZZU=, G.N., kandidat tsV6'1_cWeskD4Cnauk.
Indicator diagrams for aoxpression-ignition two-stroke engines having
variable parameters durium admission aRd'sxh=st.1Tru4Y3XM, Ao.35::4Oa6
155. (ladicaters,for gas and oil engines) (HIM 9:7)
KRUGIDV. Maiu,kandidat tekhnichookikh n1mk.
Gas exchange processes In two-stroke engines at mrring pressures
during admission and exhaust. (Trudy] KM no-35;46-54 155.
(Gas and oil engines) (MIRA 9:7)
IRUGIOV, H,G,, kandidat tekhnichookikh nrilik.
Parameter datormination of similar tvo-stroks engines. [Trudyl
MU no-35:55-63 155. (HMA 9:7)
(Gas and oil enginos)
MUGLOV, M.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Iffoct of unsteady gas flov on gas exch&W processes In %vo-stroke
enginns. [Trudy] MM no.35:64-79 155. (MIRA 9:7)
(Gas mA oil engines)
yqvich; OLITAX, Valentin Dwitriyovich; ORLINj A.B.,
profeasorg redaktor; KAIASHKIN, O.H., inzhener, ratmenzent; IWA,
V.I., inshener, redaktor isdatelletva; RUDINSKIY, T&J., takhnichs-
skiy redaktor
(Traotor engines] Traktorays dviesteli. Po& red. A.S.Orlina. Xiav.
Goo. nauchno-takhn. isd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1956. 325 P.
(Tractors--Angines) (KLRA 10il)
Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal, Mcklianika, 1957, Nr 2, p 53 (USSR)
AUTHOR Kruglov. M.G.
TITLE- Oil the Effect of a Nonstationary Gas Flow oil the Scavenging Process
in a Two-stroke Engine (0 vIiyanii neustanuvivshegosya techeniya
gazov na protsessy gazoobmena v dvukhtaktnon-i dvigatele)
PERIODICAL: V sb. ~ Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya, Moscow, Mashingiz,
1955. pp 64-79
ABSTRACT In the opinion of the Author, the simplified formulas proposed
by him may be used in certain instances in the analysis of the
scavenging process in a two-stroke engine for the purpose of de-
terniining the gas pressure in the engine cylinder.
V. P. Ab rukov
Lnterntil corrtbusticn engines--Perfor:7,ance
i,- s--App lie ajor,
Card .1 /1
A- -
Orlin, Andrey SergeyeVich; Vyrubov, Dmitriy Nikolayevich, Kalish,
German Georgiyevich; ikhail Geem ; Leonov,
_~Mlov' M or iyevich
Oleg Borisovich, Lebedev, Bergey Yevgenlyevich; 1jibrovich,
Bronislav Genrikhovich; Churain,Mikhail Mikhailovich
Dvigateli vnutrennego agoraniya. t.l: Rabochiye protsessy v
dvigatelyakh i ikh agregatakh (Internal Combustion Engines.
v. 1: Working Processes in Engines and Their Units) 2d ed.,
rev. and enl. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 396 p.
Ed.: (title page): Orlin, A-S , Professor; Reviewer: Mellkumov,T.M.;
Ed. (inside book): Yegorkina, L.I., gngineerl Tech. Ed.:
Tikhanov., A-Ya.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Automobile,
Tractor and Agricultural Machine-building(Mashgiz): Bauman, I.M.
PURPOSE: This book Is written as a textbook for students of
institutions of higher learning specializing in internal combustion
engines, automobiles, tractors, marine engines and locomotives.
Card 1/11
Internal Combustion Engines. v.1% Working Processes (Cont.) 326
COVERAGE: The authors give a brief historical survey of internal
combustion engine development in the USSR and mentions the names
of the principal designers and engine types built from 1901 to
the present. Theoretical bases of contemporary engine cycles,
combustion, Intake, supercharging processes, fuel supply and
engine control are discussed. The influences of the operational
and design factors on the work of the engine are analyzed.
Prohlems of power, efficiency, carburetion, transportation
engine characteristics, and the bases of mixture formation in
compression Ignition engines and gas engines are discussed.
This book is a revised and enlarged edition of
Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya (Internal Combustion engines)
Vol. I (Mashgiz, 1951)- Particularly extensive revisions were
made on Chapters III, V and IX. Chapters IV and VII have
been rewritten. Chapters I and VII were written by Orlin, A.S.;
Chapters II and IV by Vyrubov, D.N.; Chapter III by Vyrubov, D.N.
and Leonov, O.B.; Chapter V by Vyrubov, D.N. (Sections 1-7),
Card 2/11
Internal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes ~Cont-)326
Kruglov M 0: ~Section 12), Leonov, O.B. (Section 13) and
Chursin: M:M Sections 8-11); Chapter VI by Kruglov, M.G.
and Leonov, O.B.; Chapters VIII and IX by Kruglov, M.G.;
Chapter X by Leonov, O.B.; Chapters XI, XII and XIII by
Kalish, G.G. In the preparation of Chapters II, 1I1 and V
the studies of Lebedev, S. Ye. and Librovich, B.G. were
used, and in the preparation of Chapter IX the work of
Kalish, a.a. There are 31 referenceai 28 are Sovietp 2 English and 1 Gexnans
Preface 3
conventional symbols 5
Ch. I. Brief History of Internal Combustion Engine
Development 7
Ch. II. Thermodynamic Cycles of Internal Combustion
Engines 17
Card 3/11
Internal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes (Cont.) 326
1. General considerations 17
2. Thermodynamic cycles 20
3. Investigation of thermodynamic cycles 22
Ch. III. Fuel and its Characteristics 27
1. General considerations 27
2. Fuel 27
3. Reaction and products of combustion 34
4. Heat capacity of a new charge and of the
combustion products 45
Ch. IV. Mixture Formation and Combustion 49
I. Mixture formation 49
2. Heating capacity of the mixture 54
3. Combustion 55
Card 4/11
Internal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes (cont.) 326
Ch. V. Real Cyolv of Internal Combustion Engines 68
1. General considerations 68
2. Charging process 69
3. compression process 86
4. Change in the characteristics of the fuel in
combustion 91
5. Combustion thermodynamics 106
6. Forces of expansion ill
7. Characteristic parameters of a cycle 115
8. Factors influencing Indicated characteristics
of spark ignition engines 124
9. Factors Influencing Indicated characteristics
of compression ignition engines 129
10. Parameters characterizing engine operation 135
Card 5/11
Internal Combustion E'ngines, v. 1. Working Processes (Cont.) 326
11. Influence of the design and operatIng factors
on the effective characteristics 138
12. Specific power and means of increasing it 141
13. Heat balance and heat liberation per unit
volume of the combustion space of an engine 149
Ch. VI. Heat Rating of a Cycle 157
1. Choice of heat rating parameters 157
2. Examples of heat rating 162
Ch. VII. Processes of Gas Exchange in Engines 172
1. Special basic features of &o-stroke engines 172
2. Development ofthe process In a cylinder 176
3. Distribution schemes In two-stroke engines 180
4. Initial equations for the analysis of gas
exchange processes A6
Card 6111
Internal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes (Cont.)326
5. Analysis of a free outlet process 189
6. Analysis of scavenging-intake and forced
exhaust in two-stroke engines 198
7. Analysis of the exhaust In four-stroke
engines 201
8. Parameters of the exhaust-supercharging 202
9. Available t ime intervals of distribution
schemes 207
10. Sequence of the conduct of analysis 209
11. Changes in parameters of cylinders according
to the angle of crankshaft rotation 214
12. Experimental determination of the quality of
the cylinder clearing and filling processes 219
Ch. VIII. Supercharging of Engines 229
Card 7/11
.Lnternal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes (Cont.) 326
1. General considerations 229
2. Systems of supercharging 232
3. Limits of the increase of engine power by
supercharging 241
4. Supercharged engines 246
Ch. IX. Fuel Supply in Engines With Forced
Ignition 257
1. General considerations 257
2. Simple suction-carburetor 258
3. Simple suction-carburetor characteristics 259
4. Ideal carburetor characteristics 265
5- Main controlling systems 267
6. Auxiliary devices of a carburetor 275
7. rians of some carburetors 282
Card 8/11
Internal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes (cont.) 326
8. Fuel evaporation 286
9. Mixture control in engines with liquid
fuel injection and forced ignition 287
Ch. X. Special Features of Operational Processes
of Gas Engines 294
1. General considerations 294
2. Methods of the use of gases in engines 295
3. Mixture formation in gas engines 300
Ch. XI. Working Frocesses of the Fuel Supply System
and Mixture Formation In Engines with
Fuel Injection 305
1. Basic fuel supply systems 305
2. Injection process 310
3. Injector characteristics 312
4. Fuel compressibility and its influence on
the Injection process 322
Card 9/11
Internal Combustion Engines, v. 1, Working Processes (Cont.) 326
5- Inertia phenomena in an injection process 326
6. Fuel atomizing during injection and the formation
of a spray of the atomized fuel 332
7. Mixture formation in compression ignition
engines 339
Ch. X II. Working Conditions and Characteristics of
Internal Combustion Engines 359
1. Working conditions of internal combustion
engines of various purposes 359
2. Speed characteristic of an engine 362
3. Partial speed characteristics of an engine 367
4. Stability of the operating conditions 372
5- Other characteristics of an engine 375
Ch. X III. Application of Regulators of Speed
Operating Conditions to Internal Combustion
Engines 379
Card 10"ll
Internal Combustion Egnines, v. 1, Working Processes (Cont.) 326
1. Conditions in which regulators are necessary 379
2. Regulators 382
3. Fuel supply adjustors 391
Bibliography 394
AVAILABLE., Library of Congress
Card 11/11
KRUGLOV, M.0AJ,,,6nd.tekhn.nauk
peed two-stroke engines with loop scavenging. Avt.i trakt.
prom. no.8:40-43 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12)
KRLTGLOV, M.G., Imndidat takhnichaskikh nauk,
N_ __
Two-cycle internal-combustion engines.
je 157.
y6st.msh- 37 no.6:8-16
(KERA 10:7)
(Gfts and oil
CRUX, Andrdy Sergeyevich; NMWjQ4,_~j4Jcbaj 1. 0q 11, x6j.,
kand. takhn.nank. ret"nsent; POPM, A*A.,''66d. tekhn. neuk, red.;
BAMIYTSW, A.Aes I=h,, red, ids-Ta; BLIJCIXDp T.Do, tekbu, red,
[Heavy-duty two-stroke mrize diesels] S"ovye dvukhtaktnye disell.
bol'ohol, moshchnosti. Kosk~aq Goo. nauchno-takhn. ixd-vo mahino-
stroit. lit-ryg 1958!1~3 P. (KIM lItIO)
(Karing 410401 engines)
AUTHORS: _ANzjay__h1.G.. Candidate of Teehnical Docent;
and Ye6i~~an,~Yu.L. , En,.,,ineer
TITLE: InvestiCation of L,-,op ScavenCinU of a 1P.-o---;'.r.:)kc Encine
by means of a RunninC SinCle-:~ycle midel ~Izsledovaniyo
petlevoy produvki dvukhtaktno,-o -jvi~-atlelya na dinami-
cheskoy odnotsiklovoy modeli)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1958, ar 6, pp 22-25 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Loop- acavenC~ ing tests were carried out with the help of a
model test riC provided a ss,~ecial device, electro-
magnetically controlled, for ti,e additi3nial feedinL of air
into the cylindcr when the pistor. pas~,es throuCh the upl~er
dead point. The cylinder P.M.-,SUres were detected by a
barium-titanate transmitter 1e pres
Ssures in the exhaust
manifold, by a canacity transm-itt-er. The degree of mixin-
was measured by Eas analysis af ter scavon(jn; rith cDrbon
dioxide. Eight models with difi'erent desiEns of the
scavenGinr ports were tested at 1 00$ rpL-. at ucqvcnLinE
pressures between 1.00' arid 1_2 rC/cir FiEure 2 shows the
cross-sectional area of the ocavenCinU and cxhLust pcrts
plotted afainst the cr.-.r.k ar.;-le. All but thr~ eiGhth ii-odel
have the save maxinum croz.,,z;ection,~l areas. The
Cardl/2 scavenginL~ air consu;n,' Lion, the re3idual C,'as coefficient
Investigation of Loop Sc '-vQnGinL,-, of T-io-z;troke EnUd tie Ly --le-ons of
a RunninG Sing-le-cycle Model
and the charginC coefficient are plott-ed aLainst the
scavenginL air pressure in Yi,-urcr, 41 6 and 7. The
residual Las coefficient Is plotted w,rainst the excess
scaven-in,r I V Lj 0
0 , air coefficient in Fi. ure T1.e residual , [,s
coefficient and the cl~brL;iiiL (,oefJ'.'ic1e.T,t are plotted aLainst
the speed in ~iEurcs P. and c) for ;,,,odel Ars 5 and 8, chosen
as the most suitable deuit~ns. The zain factors describinC
the acavenginC process for these two models are compared
in a table, either at tla,~~ slice :;cDve%t'ji, iiir floc:. or [it
the same seavenginL, ciir prewure. Mudel lir 8 qpp4~ars
superior by virtue of a hiLher Ocavc?nr.-inr efficiency and
a higher charginC coefficdent. There are 9 fiEures and
1 table.
Card 2/2 1. Internal combustion englnes--Arialysis 2. Interal combustion
engines--Test methods
ORLIN, A.50 , doktor tekhn. nauk; KRUGLOV, X.G., kand.tekhn. nauk-
Develo nt of two-cycle marine and locomotive diesel engines.
_gme z i
[Trudyj uwfmff no*76s5-24 1588 (XIRL 110)
(Marine diesel engines) (Diesel locomotives)
1RUOLOVq MG*O kmad. tekhn. nauk; TWANWo Th.L., Inzh,
Arnamic single-oycle
In two-aole anglaose
model engines used In studying iba gas 6=b&Mo
Cfi~] KM no.83:116-132 158. (=A i1%6)
(Gas and oil engines)
#A11 E
sli - I
1191 v
rimAllyAll, Tix.L.: MINIM. H. 0.
InveatijItting loop scavanp.4ng of trnetor-type two-cycle dinsel
angines. Nauch.dokLvys.shkoly; mash. I prib. no.1:6-17 159*
(HIU 12: 8)
(Diesel engines--Tenting)
12(2) SJOV/113-59-6-11/21
AUTHOR: Kruglov,, M.G-, Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE. ....
The Scavenging Coefficient of Two-Stroke Engines
With External Fuel Carburation
PERIODICAL: Avtomobill.naya promyshlennost', 1959, Ur 6, pp.31-
ABSTRACT: The author presents the formula for estimating the
scavenging factor and the amount of fuel mixtures
lost in the exhaust, and the amount of combustion
products. He derives the following equation for
determining the scavenging factor;
tA_o (c0
C 0
where is the scavenging coefficient andJ40 is
the c~.
einical coefficient of molecular change.
However the use of this formula in practice is con-
Card 1/3 nected with certain difficulties since with the
The Scavenging Coefficient of Two.-Stroke Engines With External
Fuel Carburation
conventional gas analysis and gas analyzers the
volume content of dry gases is determined in a
sample. For this reason the author presents the
following formula;
where CO and CG'*"are the volume components of
2 2
carbon dioxide in the dry combustion products
and in the exhaust gases, H is the weight portion
of hydrogen in the fuel. These two formulae can be
used both for determining the scavenging coeffi-
cient(e in gas engines with external and internal
carburation and in compression ignition engines.
However it is pointless to use them for determin-
Card 2/3 ing t in compression ignition er)ginen and gas
The Scavenging Coefficient of Two-Stroke Engines With External
Fuel Carburation
engines with internal carburation
it is necessary to know
surplus upon combustion
~_:~_can be determined by
suring the fuel and air
as in these cases
the coefficient of the air
If it is known, then
using the results of mea-
consumption. There is 1
ASSOCIATION: ?,:VTU imeni Baumana (?.iVTTJ imeni Bauman)
Card 3/3
Alekseyev, Valentin Petrovich, Nikolay Ivanovich Xostygov, Mikhail
Georgiyevich Kruglov, Aleksey Nikolayevich Krylov, Oleg Borisovich
Leonov, and Te-oriffNikolayevich Mizernyuk
Dvigateli vnutrennego agoranlya; opisatellnyy kurs (Internal Combustion
Engines; Descriptive Course) Moscow, MaohgLz, 1960. 451 P. 15,000
copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): A. S. Orlin, Professor; Ed. (Inside book):
L. I. Yegorkina; Nsna ng Ed. for Literature on Automotive, Tractor, and
Agricultural Machine Building: I. M. Bauman, Ingineer; Tech. Eds.:
B. I. Model' and T. F. Sokolova.
PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students at machine-building schools
of higher education, and for personnel engaged in the production and
operation of internal-oombustion engines.
C0VXMGZ1. The book describes the construction and operation of all the main
types of reciprocating internal-combuBtion engines, and of individual
Internal Combustion Engines; (Cont.) SOV/4188
systems and mechani sms used in them. The book corresponds to the program
of the course on "Internal4lombustion Engines" at the Moscow Higher Tech-
aical Institute imeni N. Ye. Bauman. V. P. Alekseyev wrote chapters V
and VI; N. 1. Kostygov, the introduction, station 2 of chapter 1, and
chapters Up III and IV; M. 0. Krugloy, chapter VII (except sections 40
and 42), section 57 of chapter X, and chapters XII and XIII; A.N. Krylov,
chapter VIII, and sections 40 and 42 of chapter VII; 0. B. Leonov,
section 1 of chapter 1, and chapter IX; G. N. Mizernyuk, chapters X
(except section 57) " XI. The authors thank Professor D. N. Vyrubov.
There are 38 references: 35 Soviet) 2 AnglIsh and I French.
nits Or COYMM:
Foreword 3
Introduction 5
Ch. 1. Fuel for Internal-Combustion Engines 9
1. Basic information on fuel 9
2. ruel combustion in internal-combustion engines 16
Card 2/8
ORLINp Andrey Sergeyeviahj -KR'UGIDV Mikbail Georgiyevich; XMIN, N.S., kand.
tekhn. nauk, retsenseaTTORmit-ra; p -- Imbi-i - reds- I- TIJCWUV r A.Ya.p
tekbn. red.j MMIO B.I.s taklmi-red.
[Tvo-cycle interval-combustion engines] Dvukht&ktnye dvigateli muttren-
nego agoranlia4 Moskvaj GoV#'-nauohno-tskbni-izd-4p mashinostroito lit-
ry, 1960. 555 P. (MM 34t8)
(Gas amd oil engines)
ORLIN, A.B.. prof. dolctor tokhn.nauk;kl~t4lG;Y,_~!G..,kand.takhn.naak
gas exabange processes In medium and lov rovered two-cycle
engines, Isv.vym.uoheb.s&v.;uaehinostr. no.9s155-162 060.
1 (MIRA 13M)
1. Koskovskoys vyseheys tekhnichaskoye uchilishche in.
(Gas and oil engines)
Investigating the gas exchange in two-cycle diesel engines with
loop scavenging. TraktA sellkhosmash. 30 no.2s3-8 7 160.
(KIRX 13:5)
(Dissol saginse)
KRUGLOV, 114,,-kund.tekhn.nauk-
Determ1ning the gas tqmperaturo in tho cylinder of an Intormal
combustion engine at the beginning of the exhaust cy-cle.
Energomashinostroenle I N '(J. 0 IIRA 34. 11)
(Gas and o.,~ onginev-Pylindere)
KRUGLOV, M.G.# kand.tekhn.nauk; X=V, H.P., inzh.
Using models in Investigating gas exchange in a two-stroke
engine. Veat.mash. 41 no.11:15-21 H 161. (NIRA 14311)
(Dioaal engitwo-Testing)
DMLOV,_.~.G.; KOZWV., N.P.
Slallation of gas exchange processes In two-cole engines. Trudy M21T
no.139:2"-254 161. (HIPA 104)
1e Mokovskoye ~qpsheye tekhrxicheakoye uchillshche imeni Baumana.
(Gas and b,il engines) (Thermedynamics)
-_Mj..G. ; K.
ROGANOV, S.G.; STEPANC1, Yu.A., prof., rateenzent; YEGC.RKINA,
L.I.,, red. izd-vao SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhn, red,
[Internal combustion engineo]Dvigateli vnutrennego agoraniia.
Pod red.A.S.Orlina. Yoakva, Mashgiz. Vol-3. [Systems, regula-
tion, automatic control]Siotemy. Regulirov&nie. Avtomatizataiia.
1962. 307 p, (MIRA 16:1)
(Gas and oil engines) (Automatic control)
ORL111, A.S., prof.j VYRUBOV, D.H.; 4WUGLaV,-"; i-"CGA11GV, S.G.;
SIMMOV, F.F.; CHURSINj M.H.; GALA.I!UVA, M.S., red.izd-va;
SOKOIDVA, T.F.# tekhn. red.
(Internal combustion onginosjDvigateli vnutrennogo sgoraniia.
Pod red. A.S.Orlina, Moskva., Mashgiz. Vol.2.(Design mid
con-structionlxonstruktaiia i raschot. Izd.2. perer. i dop.
1962. 379 p.. NIRA 15:11)
(Gas and oil engines-Desip)
KRUGLOV, M.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent
Equation of gas discharge In case of a flow in criterional form.
I2v.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinoatr. no.2:142-146 162. (MIRA 1525)
1. Moskovskoye vyeshaye tekhnicheekoye uchilishche Im. N. E.
(Gas dynamica)
.KRUGL,CV JM G. kand.takhn.nauk
. 1. , - - -J~ It-
Actual air excess ratio during cmbustion in diosol originea.
Izv.vys.uchebozav,; mashinostre no*4:167-170 162. (YIIRA 15:7)
1. Mookovokoyo vysahoye toklinichookoyo uchilishche Imani
(Diesel enginoo-Combustion)
KR!UGWV M.G., kand,tekhn.nauk TSZIN' G"YAN [Chin Kuo-haiang)
Effect of the design of distribution members on the gas exchange
processes in a two-stroke diesel with loop uowvmWvg* Energo--
mashinostroanis 8 no.ltl5-20 Ja 162* (MIPA 15.3)
(Diesel engines-Testing)
KRUGLOV, M.G., dotsent; KOZLOV, H.P., starshiy prepodavatell
Using models in investigating W exchange in two-cycle engines*
Izv.vyo.uchebozav,; mashinoatr. no.5doi-in 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Moskovskoye YyRsheye tekhnioheskoye uchilishche Inemi Baumana.
(Can and oil engines-Testing)
KRUGLOV, M.G., kand,tekhn.naukp doteent; KOZIDV, N.P., inzh.; IVIN, V.I.,
Problems in designing a two-cycle tractor engine with a
loop scavenging, Isvovyosuchebosave; maohinostr, no*5*.124-129 162.,
(MM 15:10)
1e Mookovskoys vyusheys tekhnichookoye uckilische Imeni Baumana,
Determining the teMmrature, of working medium in the cylinder
of a motor-vehicle diesel engine. Ayt.prom. 28 no.ns4-6
N 162. (MM 161l)
1. Moskovskoye vyasheye tekhnichookoys uchilishche imeni
(Motor vehicles-Engines)
IUWGLOV,_M. G.. kand. tekbn, nauk
Generalized expression of filling and feeding coefficients
for internal combuition engines and vol=etric compressors*
Vent. maohinostr. 42 noo'12:28-29 D 162.
(Gas and oil engines-Biel systems)
T 7_77
KRUGLOV. ?A1.G - KHAYIDV, M.A., doktor tekhn. naukp reteenzent;
UA VA, M.S., insh., red.; SOKOLOVA, T.F.p
[Thermodynamics and gas dynamics of two-cycle internal
combustion engines; gas exchange processes] Termodinamiks,
i gazodinamika dvukhtaktnykh dvigatelei vnutrennego agom-
niia; protessey gasoobmena. Moskva, Kashgiz 1963. Z71 P.
WRA 16:9)
(Internal combustion engines)
ANGLOT, M.G.9 kand.tekhn.nauk; IVIN, V.I., inzh.
Effect of the power lose component on the performance of a two-cycle
diesel engine with network blow-out. Energomsehinostroenie 9
no.2sl6-20 F 163. (MRA 160)
(Diesel engines)
ORLIN, A.S., doktor takhn.nauk, prof., zaaluzhannyy dayatell nauki i
takhnikis KHUGLO`V, M.G.p kand.tekhn.nauk
Prospects for using a two-cycle diesel engine with loop scavenging.
Energomashinostroenie 9 no./+:26-28, 42 A 063. (KIRA 16:5)
(Diesel engines) TQtors)
,,ERUGLOV,_M.G., kand.tekhn.nauk
Hydrodynamic cbar&oteriatice of a two-stroke engine.
Vest.mashinostr. 43 no*2:28-30 F 163. (MIRA 16:3)
(Gas and oil engines)
KRUGLDV, M.G., kand.tekhn.nalik; YEGOROV, Ya.A., inzh.; I)YJTRIYEV, V.P., inzh.
Improving the apparatus for testing engines. Trakt. i sellkhozmash.
33 no-5tl8-20 VV 163. (KRA 16:10)
1. Moskovskoye vyssheye takhnichoskoye uclillishche Im. Baumana.
KRUGLOV, M.G., doktor tekhri.11fulk,prol'.; IjMITRIYEV, V.P., aspirant
Effact of exhaust pipo diameter on gas-exchange in-lices and
performance of a two-cicle engine. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr.
no. 12:158-166 163. (MIRA .17:9)
1. Moskovakoye vy5sheys teVhnichaskoye uchilishche imeni Bauman&.
KRUGLOV, M.G., kand.tekhneneuk; D14ITJiIY.V, V.P.J. aBpirant; YMOROVp Ya.A-p
Improving the economic efficiency of an engine with a power-driven
supercharger operating with pnrtW loads. Izv.vys.uchdb.zAV.; W
shinostr. no.8:205-211 163. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Moskovskoye vysoheye takhnicheskoys uchilishche imeni Baumana.
KRUGLOV, M.G., kand. tekhn. nauk
Some problems in the gas dynamics and thermodynamics of
gas exchange in two-cycle engines. Izv. vyB. uchebo zav
mashinostr. no.21177-194 163. (MIRA 16:;~
1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskM uchilishche imeni
MGI,Qy, M.G., doktor takhno nauk; YEGOROVp Ya.A.0 insh.
Determining available energy of exhaust gases by the diagram
of pressure changes in the outlet pipe. Vest. mashinostr. 43
no.12:17-21 D 163. (MIRA 17:8)
MORGULISO P.S.; PERFIIDVt V.G.P, KRUGWV, M.G., doktor takhn.
nauk, prof*, red.
[Turbochargers for dismal locomotive engimel Turbo-
komproosory teplovosiqkh dvigatelei. Moskva# Mashino-
stroenie, 1965. 146 p. (MIRA 180)
KRUGLOV, M.G., doktor tekhn.nauk; YEX;OPOV, Ya.A.y kand.tekhn.nauk
Effect of the exhaust s7Btem on the performance of a
high-speed two-stroke diesel engine with loop sc%venging
in case of a combined supercharging. Veat.mashinostr. 45
no.8:33-37 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:12)
KRUGLOV, M.G., doktor tekhn. naukj DMITRITEV, V.P., kand. t6kh7. nauk
Design of gas-distribution units for Wo-cycle internal
combustion engines. Izv. vys. uchet. zav.,# mashlnoatr.
no.5-123-130 165. WIRA 18112)
1. Hookovskoye vyssh#yye takhnicheakoye whIlleh--he
N-, --~-rw
27104-66 EWT(d)/EWT(1)/E7#T(M)/Z1.P(f )/T-2
ACC NRt Ap6oi=5 SOURCE-ZODEt , UR/0122/65/0007008/003)/00)7...,..
AWHOR: Kruglov,_Ij, G. (Doct:)r of technical sciences); Yogorav, Ya. A. (Candidate
of techni cal sciences)
ORG-.. none
TITLE: Effect of the exhaust system on the operation of a high-speed tfo-cycle'
diesel 2ngini~ with loop scavenging for the case of combination supercharging
SOURCE: 'Vestrdk mashinostroyeniya, no. 8, 1965, ))-37
TOPIC TAGS: diesel anging. supercharged engine, engine exhaust sy-,tem. engine
turbine system, turbine compressor, turbine
AD IMM CT The authors propose a theoretical.and experimental',
method for-selooting the optimum'dimensJone for the exhaust sys;-'
tem of a diesel engine with a oombInatlon nuperohnrging system,'
An equation Is given for power balance on the tgri?ocompressor"
qkqf~_,j'~and formulas are derived for calculating the coefficients
which appear In this equation for the available power of the ' ex-:
haust gases, the power transmitted-to the piston by the exhaust.,
gases during gas exchange, the available power of the scavenging
air, losses in the exhaust systemo turbine efficiency and com-
pressor power demand, The proposed theoretical method is expe-
rimentally the operation of a two-oYole V-4,
Card 1/2 UDC: 621.4)6.13-001.5
ACC N1. AP6017405
diesel engine with loop qoav;ng-ing (D is 130 -ma, 'S 146 mm-T-under
combination supercharging conditions* The data'show that a-pulee-
turbine with an efficienoy of,0.82-0.84-and a compressor with *n
efficiency of 0,72-0.74.mav be used-to produoe a mean ouperchalge
In a high-speed two-oyole onginevith loop 00avensing and inorease,
the power by 45-50% at S o'O.175-M80 kg/ef hP-hr.*0r_ig. art. has%
5 ft~;Ura!, and 1~ fomulas.
SUB CODE: 13 SUMI DATE: none OP-M fWj oo4
C.ard P. /2 PY
77,77 17-7-7?
ACC NRi AP7005229 (4, IV) SOLMCE CODE': uR/Oi145/~6100(j/009/0087,/0091
~UTHO~i: KruSloy,...;j..,G. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professorl; Yegorcv, Ya. A.
al~c_W-iechnical sciences)
bRG: MVTU im. N. E. Bauman
TITLE: Energy distribution in the exhaust stroke of a two-cycle engine
30URCE: IV1JZ. Mushinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1906, 87-91
TOPIC TAGS: diesel engine, gas turbine, kinetic energy, exhaust gas dynamics
ABSTRACT: The article in a report on experimental resettrch done at the 1.1,o:;cow
Technical College on the effect which the cro8s sectional area of "he exhaust manifolds,
in the 4D 13/111 two-cycle loop-scavenged diesel has on the enerat distribution in the
exhaust stroke with regard to losses. The length of the manifold was held constant at
600 = and diameters of 80, 67 and 50 = were studied. The engine had two exhaust
manifolds, each joining two cylinders. A strobo3copic 14A1-2 indicator wa-- used for
measuring the static and overall pressures of the exhaust gases in two cross sections
of the manifold. The results show that up to 40% of the total available power is in
the form of kinetic energy when the exhaust gases are moving at high velocities. This
fact should be taken into account when evaluating the energy potentialities of a gas
,turbine. The time relationship of the gas velocity should be taken into account When
C.,d 1/2 uDc: 621.432
ACC NR: AP7005229
calculating the kinetic energy since considerable errors are introduced if the average
velocity is used (the results may ~e more than 30% lower than the true values). Heat
losses through the walls of the exhaust manifolds are insignificant, reaching no more
tha~q 40 of the total available energy of the gases in the cases considered by the
authors. On the other hand, hydraulic losses reach 20% of the available energy.
Methods are given for determining the energy components, and it is shown that hydraulic.
losses may be determined with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes from the
average flow parameters as in the case of steady-state motion of an incompressible
fluid. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 13, 21/ SUBM DATE: 10Jan66
ACC NRt Al"(006676
SOURCE CODE; UR101451661000/010/0078/0081
AUTHOR: _Kru f&. (Doctor of technical sciences); Ivin, V. is (Candidate of
technical aciences)
ORG: MVTU im. N. E. Bauman
;TITLE: Use of a model for studying gas exchange, supercharging and vapor mixing con-
:aitions in a combination two-cycle high-power diesel
SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyenlye, no. 10, 1966, 78-81
TOPIC TAGS: diesel engine, engine fuel system, dimensional analysis, model scaling
1ABSTRACT: The article in a report on work betnp done at the Moscow Technical College
fin. Bauman on theoretical problems involved In designing tile gas-air channel in a
,high-power diesel engine. The methods of dimensional analysis are used for determining
.the parameters of a model suitable for this study and the properties of the scavenging
iagent applicable to the given model. Dimensionless formulas are derived for fibding
the necessary viscosity of the scavenging agent according to conditions of similarity.
iRecommendations are given for pressure compensation where the viscosity of the scaven-
!ging agent does not conform to the given model. The operating principle of the model
lis set forth briefly together with the experimental procedure. Orig. art. has: 4
CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 1.5Feb66/ ORIG REF: 002/
uw; 621.436
Rnre fnv-- ~liborculoun 00teltio. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no-3:66 Mr 059.
(BOUW--TURMUI&jji;) Oal?A 12:7)
KRUGLOV, M.S., polkornik-awditsinBkoy aluzhby
Interfunctlonal relatlons of the digestive organs of the
abdominal cavity in chronic appendicitis. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.7:24-
25 J1 162. (MIRA 15&13.)
IMCMUALAP Ye.F., kwid.biologicheskikh nauk; KI.UGLUVP
Atheistic education In zoology leosons in the sixth grade. Biol. v
shkole no.ls22-23 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Smolenokly peda ichaskiy inatitut,
KRUGWV, N.A. (Vitebsk).
Three now experiments in eleatricity. FiS.T shkole 7 no.3:50-52 153.
(MaA 6:11)
,Ah,~r Functiorial Pharacterif-,tica )f the 'l -vou!j rcmtr-r." :r F-O!dl a
In.,-,t ~,'emicitn I. V. ravlov, Chair of 1,--.nln~rad, 1~55
(Diszertation for De!:r-.-,~ of Doctor of Nedical -ciences.)
SO: '~nlzzhna:~,t LntoTtvt ?lo. 23, E !-cow, j tin 55, r)l, r!7-104
Iffect of analgesics on the lability of a nerve center. Farm. I
toks. 20 nool:7-13 JO-7 '57- tKLRA 10:7)
1. Isfedra farmakologit (says - doystyitellnyy chlan ANN SSSR prof.
T.T.Ukusov) I-go laningradskogo seditainakogo Institute imant eked.
(NARYOUS SYSTM. effect of drugs on,
analgesics, on rb7thato activity of flexor center during
afferent stimulation (Rum))
(ANALOSSICS, effects,
on flexor nerve center with afferent stimulation (Rua))
ix. Jour. : "la-13-401.1 'To z:2
IT. t 1
AbntrL~c L
: Kruglov, N. A.
Pa c C!
t Q,::
0 -10
S 7, rr.v
Perlo'l- r
-_-'erponsc," bticlicn-2 lonv'~ to 0.5 1.5
s c t- 4-s 'he -, --re z,i7kll lo:;ez o- a
prepar, -
on cre rep !-,-).-.vora, ncrk:-Le of up
to 3 see follov,;cd. Alt; Ir
2 :roved to I)o
a:i.l Qccurred rft,~;? lQses
c,'L* annl[;vsics were latroduccdl; '--I il~l*k- of
V.. t'::-s nt i eu-rf
USSR / Fhamacolo-y, Toxlc-.~logy, Analgoaic3. v
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Blol., 11o 20, 1958, No 94183
Author : rurAlov, N., As
Imt : Not t3ivon
Titlo-- : AntaGoalo.-I of N'-Ally1noroorphin,; v'nd Daphthuzolc
with Rospect to Lilliorphino.
Or.'G Pub : Far;xkol. i tok3iko1o,-,iy-,, 1957, PO, '~u. 6,
Abatract : 1",-ally1normor-p1hino (1) in do3C3 (2.5 - 5 rag/kr,
in toots on rats has &.i analg,~:3ic effLot, which
is not Intontilflod with tho Increase of the do-
L303, In 2.5 doses and up, I lowers tho
-nal,losic offact of morphino (II). in th:, tosts
on rabbits intmvonuuo lnj~-.ctiori of 5 - 10 iq3/k~~,
of I doc3 not affoct tho, r.),spIrIntion; 1 - 2 L&
kj rocupuratoo tmd provonts the doprossing offoct
Card 1/2
IV W~ RA5,4-N
i7i 2.2;
USSR / Pharmaculo-yj Toxicolo9j, Analgosics. v
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Siolo, No 20, 1958, Ito 94183
of 10-20 mg/kC, of II on roapiration, whilo 2.5
and 5 LW,/kg weakems tho obstip-ational effect
of H. I blocks the offout of II on respira-
tion nore 3tronGly than its ancosthetic offact.
2,4-diamino-5-phonylthirtzole (Daphtazol; III)
in dooos of 20 - 30 M./1% Increama the reflex
excitability of the rabbits and itInulates ros-
piration. 50 - 100 rglkg manifosted a toxic
effect. III stimulatcs respiration, which is
depressed by II, but In lesser degree than I.
III does not weaken, 'out rather intensiflee
tho analgQsic offoct of II on rats. DL5o III
In m1co buildn up to 270 vC,11% hypodc-r-Ically.
In 50 doao, III lowors DL50 II from 630
to 340 Lig/kg. -- Yo. N. Guseva.
Card 2/2
The affect of aminAzine and mepasine on the central transmission of
excitation in certain motor reflexes Lwith summary in English]. Yarm.
I toka. 21 no.1:34-38 Ja-7 '58. (91RA 11:4)
1. Lnborntoriya chastnoy farmAkologit (%Rv.-deystvitel'nyy chlen
A101 SSBR Drof. V.T. Zakusov) Institutnfnrmnkologii I khimioterapit
10-(N-mothyl-3-piperidylmethyl)-phenothinzine on central
transm. of motor reflexes in cnts (Rus)
on central trnnsm. of motor reflexes in cAts (Rus)
transm. of motor reflexes In cats, eff. of chlorpromnzine &
10-(N-meth.vl-3-piparidylmethyl)-phanothiazine (Rue)