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If ACC r,(R-- Ar6o1509
7.atjon. TM,n confirm-n thn ostmrq)tIon thAt rotarlation of polyn~-,-r-17.ation Irl cis,
slilb,)-ne is causod by nilyturo of chains aid not try roducc-I rato of initin'lon. -ho
withor thanks m. FLupllivarlyari for blt~ interrjrt in tb-1.7, worlez an.-I for tl~vt dincI11351043
of t1h,,I thanks, A. fleok iod anA L. 1. nklivi"dov for t hAr 1
In th,.) work'. art . bau: ZJml-V
SUB CODE: 07, 20 / SUIDI DATM 26oct64 ORTC, fUiPt oo5 oni rF.Ft 005
Card 311.7 ~.,
L 38700-66 MT(M)/JEWP(j) GO/Fil
ACC NR: AP6017525 (A) SOURCE COM: UR/0379/65/001/006/0796/0800
AUTHOR: Kardash, N. S.; Krongauz, V. A.
ORG: LhIsico-Chemical Institute im. b. Ya. Karpovj(f'iziko-khimicheskiy institut)
TITEZ: Distribution of primary energy absorption during radiolysi Id photolysi
of solutions of acyl peroxides
SOURCE: Teoreticheskaya I eksperimentallnaya khimiya, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 796-800
TOPIC TAGS: gamma irTadiation, UV irradiation, benzoyl peroxide, photolysis.,
ABSTRACT: Primary and sensitized photochemical and radiolytic decompositionlof
diacyl peroxides (0-naphthy orovioonnv naphthoyl, and benzoyl) in benzene wan in-
vestigated. Radiolysis and photolysis were carried out on air-free solutions.
Doses of y-radiation from a Co,60 source were equal to 4,.2-1018 v. The UV irradia-
tion (X = 303-313 millimicrons) was supplied by a PRK-2rMercury _LaMO The depend-
of Irradiation efficiency upon solution concentrations and absorption and
flourescence spectra Is graphed. It was found that the effectiveness of the energy
transfer is greater for peroxides containing aromatic groups than for dipropionyl
,Card 1/2
L 38700-"
.ACC MR: AP6017525
peroxide. This is explained in terms of the inductive-resonance energy transfer
which is facilitated by the aromatic groups. An increase in the overall energy
.transfer of the dipropionyl peroxide in benzene resulting from addition of naphtoyl
;peroxides is attributed to the great stability of the excited naphthoyl peroxide
~,molecules as well as to the contribution of the aromatic groups to the energy Itroass-,
!fer. The authors thank professor Kh._ S. Bagdasar-yan, for interest in the work arid-
.discussion of the risults and R. 0. Hatveyeva for assisting in the work. Orig. art.,~
Ihas: 2 figures, 1 table and 1 formula.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: lOJun65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REr: 003
Card 2/2~~_
ACC NR. AI7 0049 SOURCZ COD-:;': UR/0020/66/168/001/0154/0157
SAMOMALOVA, L. I I KR01,1= &_.X1',_AL*Ajbjvoicochemic*a1 Institute imni L. 'Yao,
ERoy MzM-Mmidheakiy institut)
."Determination of the Radiation Yield of the Formation of Trip~et Molecules
:in the Radiolysie of Benzene"
Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk L, voi 168, No 1, 1966, PP 154-157
~Abstract: The benzene-sennitized reaction of trano-cis loomerization of stil-
~bene was used to determine the radiation yield of tilplet molecules under %he
action of gamma rays upon benzene. The radiation yields of the isomeriz, ion
,of stilbene was found tq increase with increasing concentration of the solu-
Itions approximately up to 10-3 M; with :ftirther increasing concentration, the
!yields reached limiting values, and remained constant within the range of con-
centrations investigated (up to 0.1 M). The limiting radiation yield of the
:isomerization of trana-stilbene in cyclohexane was greater than that in ben.
:zene. The fact that isomerization of trans-stilbene occurs not only in ben-
zene, but also in cyclohexane, which has no stable excitation levels, indi-
cates that it is due substantially to interaction of stilbene with radicale
formed in the radiolysis of the solvents. At stilbeae concentrations less
than 10-3 x, the reaction of prima~ry free radicals with stilbene competes
with-.their mutual recomb1L*jXon,. yhereas at higher otilbene concentrations,
all the primary free radicals formed from the solvent cause Isonnerization of stilbeno.
Isomerizition of stilbeno Induced by free radicals was inhibited by conducting the
Cord 1/2 UDC: 541.143 - 541.1%
0, za
T f~4 t 1 '7 f?
radiolysis of stilbone solutions in benzeno anc cyclohexane In the presence of
additions of vinyl monomers: styrene and mothylinothacrylate, which are effect
radical acceptors. A compprison with the cn~itlzed photolyst f b nezena solutions
.- SO, 5 0
of trans-stilbene Tin the presence of gLy Zie, nd nothy1mthacrylato Indicates t%at
under the action of gamma rays, a substoptial fraction of the tripl7it benzene molo-
cules that lnduQo isomeriz6tlon 9f styieno are forned from higher excited states or In
the neutralization of ions. ThId paper was presented by Academician S. S. Medeyedev
on 17 August 1965. The authors thank Professor tax. S. Bagdasarlyan for his interost
in the ifork an f di custions df the results. Origo art. has: 2 figures,
r4t 37902 3) or a
TOPIC TAGS: radiation chemistry, benzene, Isomorization, free radical
SUBICODE: 07 SUM DAM, 29 Jun 65 ORIG REFt 008 OTH REF% 006
Card 2/2
. . . . . . . . . . . . ....
ACCMION NJq: AP4025090
AUTHORS: Farfianovich,0 1. Aq Shuraleva, Ye. I.; Krongauz, V. 0.
TITLEt On photostimulated luminescence in pan NaC1 crystals
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizikaj no* 6j 1963o 90-94
TOPIC TAGS: optical flashp M-band absorption) x-ray tubeo energy transmission
phase, F-centerp photostimulated luminescence
ABSTRACT: The optical flash from stimulated F- and M-band absorptions in pure
natural XaCl crystals has been investigated. The specimens included one untreated
NaCl, two heat-treated crystals at 300 and 760Cp and another grown from a malt.
&citation was supplied from an x-ray tube BSV-2Cu (50 kv, 10ma) through a 0.1-=
thick aluminum filter at room temperature. It was found that the mechanism
involved in the process of flashing is not only the general typo but also involves
a complex processs including thu excitation energy transmission phase from F-cen-
tars to other electron centers. It is concluded that the presence of two photo-
stimulated luminescence mechanisms is connected withronaniform distribution in
recombination centers and capture centers in the crystal volume. Orig. art. hast
Card 1/2
4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Irkutskiy gosuniversitet imeni A. A. 2hdanova (Irkutsk State
SUBMITTE6t l6jul62 DATE ACQs' 14Fab64 ENCLo 00
C,,d 2/2
1',M: A113003413 3/0051/63/015/001/0070/0,082
A'M11101t. Vilutts, 13.5).; Krananuz V.(;
~1'1*1*1~1:: Tenp-,2raturo (jucnching of t1le 1=inesconce of Siberian dlimonds
SOUrM Optika I spektronkopiya, v.15, no.1, 1063, 7.9-32
M~11C TAGS: luntneseence quenching, dinno'lld, light sun storage, IV='Inescence
A!YMIACT: Invostigation of temperature quenching of lwnincscance Is of interest
in that it helps understand the nature of the liu.,iinescence mcchan"sm 1.1 crystal
phosphor~j. Hitherto there have been few studies of temperature quenching of the
li:ninescence of dlamond3, and these have been concerned mainly .,.,1th quenching of
their photoluminescence. Moreover, tho published d-ita arc often conflicting and
contrndictory. Accordingly, the authors stt:dicd quonching of the x-rny and photo
stimulated luninescenco of Siberian diamonds. The tomporature dependence of the
roentgenoltrilnescence was studied In the rangc from-193 to +2000. The emission
was detected by means of an FIX-1? photamuittplier. Under x-ray excitation some
diamonds store appreciable light sums at room temporaturo nnd jr.1lo-w-curve pf'11CS Pp-
pear at 00 and 2400 (blue) and 80 and 2300 (ycllo-.~). Somm specirtens iiso oxnibl't
glow-curve penIts at low toripuraturcs. On thc other hand, sone specirv.,ns (mainly
ot-ol tn,ins do not store light sums. Luninescenco vorsutn tenp-rature curves for
;?d 17n
L 13099-63
storing and non-storing diamond specimens aro shown; "he curves Indicate strong
guc.,tiching.. Under x-ray stimulation the emission drops to r0ro nt M-1300. Qt,,ent;j_
In- In also obsorved In the case of photostimulation (filtered W fron a rnorcury
(liqchirge tubc) , but in this case the temperaturo of intense wcalening ir higher
(230 to 4000) and complete suppression is not observed even at 5000. Tnterprota-
t1--)n of the experimental results is hwipcred by lack of a cjf~ar ,irder:3tnnd*!ng of
the mcchnninn of lvviinescenae In din-londa. The po3sible nechanigns of J!ght surj
storage are discussed; it is suggested that in dInTiond.; tqtorag~, niy occur without
creation of free clectrnns and holes. 7lie authors conclude that the differences as
regards temperature variatlon of the luminescence bri~htncss observed for diffenrcnt
dinnond sp-ccirons and under different forms of excitation may be explained by the
fnct that tbere occur in diamonds different processes leading to c-ilasion and
quenchinEr of I wm' ines cence. I figtire.
Aris OC 1AT ION: none
SM- 1111MM: 23JOG9, DATE ACQ, Q"OJuIG3
SM CODF: ril NO RU SMI: 000
Card 2/2
ENCL: 00
(MIER! 004
!0't AT~1002216 /6 1
AUT110M Partiano-fiah It Ael Shmroleva, Ye. I.; Krongaut, V. 0.
TITLE% on complex mechanism of flash stimulated by F-b" absorption in N41
SOUPOSt Optika i spektroakoplyal abornik stat6y. vs lt Lyuminestaentsiya.
Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSRv 1963, 185-189
TOPIC TAGS: F-band, absorption, irradiation, optical flash
ABSTRACTs F-band absorption study was made of the change in o tical 9h ght-1
ness in pure crystalline HaC
1 after being stimulated by x-r at
room temperature, The change-in flash intensity and the absorption coefficient
wns obtainod both by pulso stimulation " contimious irradiation. The results
are dopicted in Fig. 1 (300 enclowre), The change in flash brightness is
rolated to the presence of blocking centers In the crystal and to an intermediate
process necessary for radiation recombination. The rise in optical flash b.161.,
noos undor pulae stimulation is also explained by the phenomenon of the thermal
decay of these blocking centers. Orig. art. bass h figures,
ASSOCIAT-10% none
SOEMITTD: 00 DATE'AcQ, 19 may 63 ENCLt 01
Card 1/2
S/051/63/01 4/004/010/026
A UTI ICRS I'll rf ianovi Ch I I.A., Shuralova, Ye.I., Krongaux, V.rA.
,I* New data on the tnermit and optical stabinty or
M centers
PE It I C, 1) 1 CA 1, ;Uptika i spolctroskopiya, v.111, no.4, 1963, 513-515
, r t.1, vr The aim of the work in to obtaitt a viore detailed
e. -t t i0tv of the connection (if the first peal, of the thermal
luminescence curve with the M absorption band. A complex study of
the optica.] and therittal disintegration or F and ,, centers is carried
oaL in parallol with photo and theri-ml stimulation of I umin esc once
in phosphors'excited by X radiiation. )lure NaCl crystals and
NaCI-Ni aml NaCI-Tl phosphors are usvd. It is shown that the first
peak of the thermal luminescence curve is not connected with
,kJ centers but depen(13 somehou, on other centers which are noticeably
109-s thermally stable than M centerf, . On the other hand it is
i_,vidcnt that M contern always exist in crystals when F centers are
prcnent . This is undoratandable on t1tv hasim or 1I.Pick's viodel
(Zfj . Vhyr, , v, 151), 1960, 69) necording to which M centers mro
formed from two F centers sittiated, the (110) axis. It is
Card 1/2
New data on the tberirLil ... 1:039/2420
known (11. Va raday ot a I, 11hys . liev. , Lettors , V-7, 1961 , 57) that
in crystal-i oxcitod by X-rays at liquid Mtrogen temperati.Are and
heated tilt to room touttiperaturo that the coiic'untration of ~X' centers
iticreascs almost 50 tit,.ias an account of their foriiiation from
F conters. mis process probably occurs when phosphors
irrafliateil with X-rays at room toi-,itierature are licated up to 1000C.
At this tcmpuraturo the formation and domtruction of M centers will
occur- i3i.m%iltancously. There are 2 figures.
5UBMITTED: July 9, 1962
Card 2/2
Stimulated photoluminescence of pure NaCl cryst*ls. lzv. vys. ucheb.
zav.; fiz, no.6s9O-94 163, (MIRA 17:2)
1. Irkutakiy gosudarstyennrf universitat imeni ZhdRnova.
Effects of the Increase In brightness of optical fla3has in pare
NaCl crystals, Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; fiz. no.3s66--70 t63%
(MIPA l6t 12)
1. Irkutskiy gosudarstvenny universitet imeni Zhdanova,
1.-- 11 ~
111.1 ~~ ..
L. 2"64f4b-66 EWT(l)/H_ff(m) IJP(Cj .JDjjG
ACC NRs AP6013056 6OUnCH CCDE: UlVO048/66/030/004/0581/0589
~ J,
HOR: Parflanovich, 1. A.; Shuraleva, Ye# L; EtnLinaLE. B.- Krongauz, V Go
Irkutsk State University (Irkutakiy gesudarstvonnyy univoraltot)
ITLE; Roontfrenolim'i'nesconqo Of and trapping levels in NaC1 and KC1 crystals activated
y Ag and Cu /Report, Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence hold In Rlga,16-23 Septembe
OURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Beriya fizichaskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 581-589
TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, thormoluminescenco, luminescence center, sodium chloride,
;potasaitna chloride crystal phosphor Lor.4% ('- A"*I.,,~
ABSTRACT: Ono of the outstanding probloma in the physiz of ionizing radiations is
folucidation of the mechanism of roentgenoluminesconce (RL). Accordingly, the purposes
,of the present study were to Investigate the RL mechanism in Ag-activated NaCl and KC1
:crystals and to obtain now, comparative data on RL of like crystals activated by Cu, in
1view of the similarity of this activator to Age The work Inclix1ed determination of the
;temperature dependence of the stationary RL and recording thermostimulated and light-
stimulated emission curves. The experimental data are presented mainly in the form Of
graphis: plots of build-up of RL, tempurature dependences of the RL and glow curves,
;Auslouchtung curves, optical flash curves, and absorption curves. At temperatures
L 264"-r,~:,
7.- T=.,-
ACC NR, A116013056
!above 1000 C tho,RL spectra of all th5 phosphors hnvo a principal peak associated with
itype I centers.) HaC 1:AJ and NaCl:Cut .lso Pxhibit an emission identified with type 11
centers. The KC1 phosphors, however, in addition to the type I center l=inescence,
,einit viqiblo bands that cannot be identified with type 11 contors. In general, the
RL in made up ol two components - n.ahort-lived and a long-lived one - which!
,are characterized by different relative intensities at different temperatures* The
experirwntal data nro nnnlyzed at some length (kiwi some hypothones arc proposed. It Lf
:noted that the characteristic groan phosphorescence of KCl-Ag in nlao observed, although
'in weaker form, In the case of "pure f KC1 crystals. In view of the temperature range
!in which this green afterglow Is evinced It is inferred that this emission is duo to
:rc-combination of free electrons with V cantors, for holas arc immobilized at law temp-~.
k I
However, holes may participate-in other foras of groan luminescence. In
goneral, there apparently participato In the roontgonoluminesconco of alkali halide
~phosphors several different types of centers (including oxygen canters), some of which
are more active in one temperature range, and some in another; both electron and hale
,processes are significant (above the temperature -of solf-trapping of holes)t Orig.
iart. has: 5 figures.
L 4259-9"6_6 Fwr(M'~ 'E-'-iP(-0/ET1
ACC NR, AP6018446
SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/006/1058/1062!
AUTHOR: Parfianovich, 1. A.; Krongauz, V. G.
ORG: none
TITLE- X-ray luminescence and optical flash on KJ-Tl phosphor
SOURCE: Optika I spektroakopiya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 1058-1062
TOPIC TAGS: phosphor, luminescence, recombination luminescence, x ray effect, elec-
tron hole, potassium compound, thallium compound, thermal activation, optic bright-
ness / Y.J-T1 phosphor
ABSTRACT* The authors investigated the dependence of x-ray and light-generated lumi
nescence and optical flashes in KJ-T1 phosphor on changes in ambient temperature. Th;
experimental data provide satisfactory evidence of the impor nt role played by the
position of the localized holes with respect to the I 4enters. In addition,
the data confirm the electron hole mechanism of energy transport to the luminescence
centers although they do not preclude the possibility of an exciton phase as the means
of transfer, especially In the final stages of the investigated process. The experi-~
ments consisted of exposing specimens of KJ-T1 phosphor to x-rays and tLen observing
the intensity of the optical flash after the termination of the excitation. The in-
tensity of luminescence during the x-ray exposure was also recorded. The samples were
T-," I
UDC: 537.531 1 535.37
ACC NRt AP6018446
exposed to x-rays for 15 minutes at a temperature of 1050K. After an initial rise, I
the Intensity was observed to level off. A spontaneous optical flash followed a short!
time after the termination of excitation. The temperature of the specimen was then
increased to 1331K. The Intensity of luminescence was considerably higher during the
subsequent irradiation, though it fell off rapidly to the level prior to the tempera-
ture rise. The Intensity of the optical flash following the second x-ray exposure was
somewhat higher. The temperature of the sample was increased to 1330K again. An
' at the
x-ray pulse generated a luminescence pulse of an intensity comparable to that
onset of the seco d excitation cycle. Finally, during the third cycle, the inten'sity
of ldmine'scence d e t'o'exposure to light in the F-band, decreased very rapidly~fr6m
an irlitially high1value to zero. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
SUB CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: 2lDec64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001
L 06256-67 Ewr(1)/EwP(e)/Evr(m) IJP(c) W11
I'ACC _NRI ___AP6oj!qi6-2 SOURC.S C-01Dkis
AUTHORS Krongauzp V. Q.; Vilutlay N. S.
ORGs none
TITLE1 Photostimulated lumin cence of diamonds excited with x rays
SOURCES Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 3, 1966, 384-386
TOPIC TAGS$ luminescence centorp thomoluminoseencet diamond, x ray irradiation
ABSTRACTS Considering that the study of photostimulated luminescence is of major im-
portance for determining the mechanism of luminescence in generalp the authors inves-
tigated this phenomenon by taking partially transparent diamonds from the Yakutsk de-
posit. The specimens# which emit a blue glowi were excited for 20-100 min with x rays
from a BSV-214o tube (10 mA, 45 kV) at room temperature. The stimulating illumination
was separated by means of a M-2 monochromatorp and the light source was a 400 W tung-
sten lamp. The stimulation spectrum of blue radiation, measured in the 520-1100 nm
range,showed a peak at X = 560 rn. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the '
brightness of photostimulated luminescence (measured with light impulses with X a 600
nm) showed this brightness to remain constant in the 239-480*K rangep and its decreas4l
to be associated with a thermoluminescenco peak having = 5160K. At the latter
temperature,, at which nearly one-half of the light am 1~zoratod at this peak is
emitted* the brightness of the photostimulated.luminosaence decreases by a factor of
2 UDC: 539-371539'.12.o4t546.26-162
ACC NRt AP6031962
two. Those facts show that -photostimulated luminescence Is due to the emptying of
levels (caUed, C-levels) rei~onsiblo for the high-temperature peak of thermolumines-
conce. It was found also that the optical do-excitation of C-contors is associated
not only with the luminescence of 415-centors, but also with the filling of levels
shallower than C levels. Measurements performed by K. N. Pogodayev and V. S.
Tatarinov in tho authors' laboratory showed that x-ray irradiation of the diamonds
studied caused an Increase ~n photiooondu~tivityj qapecial-ly at 500-600 nm. It is co
eluded that in x-irradiated'-diamoAds with a typical blue luminescencog the light one
gy generated during optical'do-excitatioils stored in deep local levels (C-levels).
Lhormal liberation of charg;s frora'these levels gives rise to the thormoluminesconoo
peak with t62 516OK. The~C-trap's' are i~patially separated from the luminescence
centoral and the blue luminescence resulting from the liberation of charges from
C-centers is ro binational in character. Orig. art. hasi 2 figures.
APG032545 SOURCE CODE.: UR/0139/GG/000/004/0007/0011
AUT11OR: Parfianovich. I. A.; Krongauz V G.
ORG: Irkutsk State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov (Irkutskiy gosuniversitet)
TITLE: Recombination luminescence JQ-TI phosphor
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 4, 1066, 7-11
TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, recombination, recombination process, recombina-
Lion luminescence, phosphor, phosphor luminescence, optical flash, x ray
luminescence, flash brightness, electron hole, energy migration
ADSTi-I.ACT: A study was made of the x-ray luminescence and optical flash of
Leveral samples of KI-171 containing different amounts of an activator, excited by
x-rays a', 'i' = 105K. Pulse measurement of the temperature dependence between
the brightness of the flash and x-ray luminescence were found to be complex, and
a series of alternating increases and decreases in these values was observed
between 'the temperatures 105-240K. At the same time a pronounced parallelism
was observed in variations in brightness and x-ray luminescence within this
temperature range. The Increase in flare brightness and in x-ray luminescence
Card 112
following the heating of excited samples from 105 to 133K is discussed. The
regularities observed are explained, taking into account the redistribution of hole
centers. The data obtained point to the importance of the electron-hole mechanism
in the migration of energy from the basic substance to the centers of luminescence
in M-Tl phosphors. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [Authors' abstract)
SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 24NIov64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001/
ACC NRi APT004-95-7 SIDURCH CWHi UR/0048/66/030/009/1414/1415
AUMORt Parfianovich, I.A.i Kro!j&ur.1kjA2&..,.
ORG: Irkutsk State University (Irkutokly gosudarstyennyy universitat)
TITLE: Effect of build-up of the F-flash and roentganoluninencence In KIM phosphors
6teport, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) hold at
Riga, 16-23 Sept. 19657 1
SOURCEt AN SSSR, Izvestlyao, Serlya fisicheskays, Y, 30, no. 9, 1966, 1414-1415
TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, alkali halidet potassius compound, Iodide, thallium, x Tay
irradiation,lusLinencence center I
ABS77LAM The aut4ore investigated the roentgenoluninoseence and the F-flash In
thallium-activated KI crystals, The specimens were irradiated with x-rays for 15
minutes at 1050 K and the intensity of the F-flash was recorded both before and after
the specimen had been heated to 1330 X and again cooled to 1050. Theo specimen was
again irradiated with x-rays and the whole cycle was repeated several times. Heating
the specimen to 1330 and subsequently cooling it to 1050 was found to inc Be the
Intensity of the F-flash as well as the initial Intensity of the luminesceze during
the subsequent x-irradiation, When the specimen was irradiated with F-band light
instead of x-rays, boating to 1330 and subeequent cooling did not enhance either the
F-flash of the x-ray flambe The observed effects of hosting are ascribed to dio-
soclation at 1330 9 Of Vk centers *ad the entropment of the holes thereby released
in tho vicinity of Tl+ ions with the formtIon of Tl+p couterso Orix. art. hags
2 flgUrege
SUB CODN: 20 SM DATZI mom OR10a RUs 005 olm RIW 1 001
ACC ,4R, APT00-1959 '60-UR-C--,S-C---O'DE-i--UR-/0048/66/030/009/1420/1423
AU`111OR% Krom"AYAD...
ORG: Irkutsk State University Im. A,A$Zhdanoy (Irkutakil gosudarstvennyy univarsitet)l
TITLE: Concerning the parallelism between the temperature dependence of the roont-
!genoluminosconce and optical flash brightness for alkali halide phosphors report,
IFourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) hold at Rigso
j16-23 Sept. 19" '7
SOURCHt AN SSSR. Izvestiya Geriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 9, 1066, 1420-1423
TOPIC TAGS: luminescences, alkali halide, luminescence center, luminescent crystal,
temperature dependence, F band# x ray Irradiation . oPr.,c (31?16o1rA)E3;3
ABSTRACT: The author has measured the temperature dependences of the roontgeno-
luminescence and the F-flash of NI, Cup In, Pbp and TI activated NaClp KCI, KBr, and
K1 phosphors and of an NaC1 phosphor containing both Cu and Ni, The F-flash was
elicited by illuminating the uniformly heated specimen with a pulse of light in the
F absorption band. To measure the roontgenolumlnemcence the specimen was first ex-
cited by 15-min Irradiation at 100P X with x-rays. The specimen temperature was then
raised at tho rate of 0#28 degree/min and the specimen was periodically stimulated by
1 sec x-ray pulses. The brightness of the thermoluninescence was subtracted from the
total brightness during stimulatione Measursuents, were continued up to temperatures
Card 1/2
-so high that the F-flash no longer appeared, (400 to 5000 X). The results are pro-
sented graphically. The temperature dependences were found to be complex and to vary
considerably from specimen to specimen, but there woo a marked parallelism between the
roontgonoluminesconce and F-flash temperature dependences for a given specimen. At
the temporature at which the F-flash Intensity dropped rapidly and vanished, the roent
genoluminescence intensity also dropped rapidly with Increasing temperature, although
it did not vanish; this was the case not only In NaCl:Ni, but also in HaCl:cu, in
which there is a wide temperature range between vani&hing of the F-flash and final
disappearance of the r centers. The teVerature dependences of the two luminescence
effects were also parallel In the specimen containing two activators, but they differs,
considerably depending on whothorthoy were measured In the 630 up Cu band or the 360
m4 Ni band. An explanation of the results Is given on the basis of the hypothesis
that the luminescence Is due to electron recombination at 10 activator + hold It centers,
the concentration of which Is determined by the thermal dissociation of V centers*
The author believes that It would be difficult to explain his results on.the bakAs of
an exciton luninescome mechanism* Or1ge aft* hast 2 figUrOse
SUB ODDEt 20 SM DAM ame, OR10,0 RM 006 am R~ 1 001
C.rd 2/2
SURMELI, D.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYLOVA, R.D., kand. tekhn. nauk;
RUSYAYEVA, S.D., Inzh.; KRONGAUZ, V.N., inzb.
. --'- ..
Bitumen emulsions. Stroi. mat. 1-1 no.2:9-10 F 165.
(MIRA 18:3)
L A6726-66 E -ATTtl) Gi
ACC NRa AP6021982 SOURCE CODE: UR/0006/66/000/003/0035/0038
AL)THOR: Ryukhlvu'k. Ye. L% Zebode I. V.,- Kro V. Sh. Nikolayev, N. N.
ORr,: none
TITLE: Line measurements along sequented courses using the AD-1 measuring device
SOURCE: Geodeziya i kartografiya, no.-3, _1966, %3'%8
TOPIC TAGS: surveying inatrumont, distance measuring equipment/ AD-1 distance
measuring equipment
ABSTRACT: The device consists of a calibrated disk with a mechanical counter and a
braking mechanism mounted in a metal case containing two small reels of steel wire.
The total weight of the device is 2.2 kg and its capacity is 1000 m. Line measure-
ment is carried on using the following steps: 1) the steel wire is stretched along a
line S; 2) the wire is passed through the reels and the disk; 3) two scales are fixed
at the two ends of the wire; 4) the initial readine is taken after braking the disk'
Twenty-five measurements of lengths varying from 81-3116 m had square errors of 1:20000
1:22000, 1:17000 under various conditions. A photograph of the device and an opera-
tional setup are shown. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 4 formulas, 1 table.
SUB CODE: 14,08/ SUBM DATE: none
UDC: 528.512
ACC NRt Ap6o13980 FA 80URCE CODEF UR/04131661000/008/0079/0079
INVENTOR: Korshak, V, V.; Krongauz, Ye. S. ; Rusanov, A. L~
ORG.- none
TITLE: Preparation of polysm idea. 16 Class 39, No. 1807201~
SOURCE: Izobretentya, promyshlennyyeobraztey, tovarnyyeznaki, no. 8, 1966, 71
TOPIC TAGS: polyamide, acid chloride, amino group, heat resistant polyamide
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduces a method for preparing polyamides
by polycondensation of dicarboxypc acid chloride a compound containing an amino
group. To obtain heat-resistanil olyamides
.anjinobenzoyl hydrazide to suggested as
the compound containing the amino group. LD)
Card UDC: 678. 6751 41 0
SAFONOV, A.P., kand.takhn.nauk; KRONGAUZ V S., inzh.
MGchanical haat meters. Taploerargatika 8 no.g-.25-28 S l6i.
(MIRA 14--8)
1. Toplooot' Mosenargoo
I (Staam motors)
I -I-- .. I-- - - - .. -- .1 . .1 1.-111 . ~. .-I. -1.11 .. - -- Z-- I : ~ .1 ":~, ~, . i~ ,- ,
KRON"UZ, V-Ta. (gorod Moskva).
Preparation of luminous oompositions. KhIm.v shkole no.6:61-62 I-D
'53. (XLRA 6:11)
GOSTJV. M.N..-,WLU&UZj.V.Ta.: ROVIOTA. ?,P., red.; SHCHIPWA, T.A..
tekhn, rer." -
(Homemade chemical e(jApment) Samodelinye pribory po khimli.,
Moskva, Oos. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Mmve. proxy. RSISR, 1958.
101 pe* (MIR& 11:9)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoys upravlenlye shkol.
(Chemical apparatus)
-Yo. A.
"The Specificity of the Root--Zone Microbiological Processes of Various Species and
Varieties of Wheat in Relation to Their Vitrogen Need." Cand Blol Sci, Yoscow
Agricultural Aced imeni K. A. Timir7azova, ~bscow, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 2, 'Tan 55)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defonded at USSR Higher Educational
Institutions (13)
30s Sum. No. 598, 29 Jul 55
SINTAGIN. I.I.. rod.; KROIZATJZ. Te.A., red.; ZUBRILINA, Z.P., tekha. red.
[Problems of plant feeding and the use of fertilizers; proceedings
of a session of the Acad*my, April 2-5, 19371 Voprony pitantio
restenit L primenentle udobreall; materialy sessil Akedemil
(2-5 sprelia 1957 go)* Moskva# Goes tzd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry,
1957. 275 P. (MIRA 11:11)
Is Vaesoynsnays skadentya sellskokbosysystyannykh nauk Ideni
V.I. TAniua. 2. Glavnyy neban" solcretarl prexidiuma Vessoyuznoy
aia'Rimit sell skokhozyayutvonvykh nauk iment V.1.1ant'ns, chlen-
korrespondent Vsfgoyusnoy-ak4d&Vtr-'$'G'Ilskokhoryayst'vennyk nauk
im. V.I.Lenins (for-Stryagin).
(Fertilizers and manures)
SAMOYIDV, I.I.. akademik. glavnyy red. Edeceased]; RkMUOTA, To.F.,
doktor biolog.nouk, zameatitell glaynogo red.; BYLINKINA. V.N.,
kand.biolog.nauk, red.; RZRZ3WA, T.N., kand.biolog.nauk, red.;
WRosImsKIT, L.M., k"d.biolog.nauk, red.; PROKHOROV. M.I., kand.
biolog.nauk, red.; HAKAROVA, H,Xqj kand,biolog,nauk, red.;
[Microbiology in the service of apTioulturel Kikrobiologiis na
sluxh~m,pAllskomu khosisistvu. Aoskva, Goo.izd-vo sallkhos.lit-ry.
1959., 309 P. AS (MIRA 13:8)
1. Leningrad. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovbtallakly institut sel'sko-
khozyaystvannoy mikrobiologii. 2. Vassoyuznays skademiya sel'sko-
khozyayBtvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lanina (for Samoylov). 3. Ves-
so.ruznyy nauchno-iseledavatellskiy Institut sallskokhozyaystvannoy
mikrobiologli (for Beresova, Dorosiaskiy).
(Bacteriology. Agricultural)
Lysis of BaclUus megatherium caused by phageo in the production
of phoophorobacterino Mikrobiologiia 29 no. 4071-580 JI-Ag 160.
(MIRA 13110)
1, Inatitut mikrobiologii AN
baktarialinykh preparatov.
SSSR i Pervyy mookovskiy zavod
Non-germinating properties of the spores in a Bac. megathorium
var. phosphaticum culture. 14ilmobiologiia 31 no.ltlV3-UO
,Ya-F 162. (RDA 15:3)
1. Moskovskogo otdallpiye Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-iS3ledovateltakogo
institute, Bellukokhozftystvannoy mikrobiologii.
(BAciLLus w-GATHgRrum)
r, cf !i,,o-,-e varic
kr-mA, (,,:i i
Study of the effect of varlow contaminante on the growth of
Bac. magaterium, var. ghosphaticum. Prikl. biokhim. i mikro-
biol. I no. 6:717-721 N-D 165, (MIRA 18:12)
1. Vaesoyuzuyy nauchno-lonledovatellskiy institut isellskokho-
zyaystvennoy m1krobiologil, Mookovskoye otdeleniye. Submitted
May 20p 1965.
- - 11 1 - . - - , - - 1. - . . , ~ I - F 111 -~ ~~d e ,
- ---- - ~.~ Z~, "~
- - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -
Distribution of the current density along the height of the
electrode in an slootrolytio'bath. Khim. prom. no. 21l16-3-18
F v 63., (Xlectrolysis) (MIRA 14:4)
nc( e_( UZI
AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Slonimakiy, G. L., Krongauz, Ye.3. 62-2-15/26
TITLEs From the Field of Heterogeneous Chain Polyamides (Iz oblaeti
C,,eterotsepn,ykh poliamidov), Information 72 On the Thermal
Destruction of Polyhexamethylenadipinamide (Soobahchaniye 7.
0 teplovoy destruktaii poliGekoametilenadipinamida).
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya All SSSR OtdelenJYe Xhimicheskikh Nauk, 1958, fir 2.
pp, 221-226 (ussn).
ABSTRACT: The considerable expansion of the field of application of
high polymers during recent years required further investi-
gation of the behavior of these p-lymers under various condit-
ions, among them also in the case of their aging. This phenom-
anon may be caused by various external circumstances, the caus-
es may be of a physical or of Ft cher.1ical nature, Because of the
immense variety of the aging-phonomona of polymers the authors
considered it useful to investigate one of the simplest caus..
as of the aging of these polymers -the thermal cause- especi-
ally carefully. As test object the authors selected polyhexa-
methylenadipinamide. The influence exerted by the heating of
the molten polyamide upon its molecular weight was especially
Card 1/3 thorouChly investigated. In the case of isothermal heating
From 'the Field of Heterogeneoua Chain Polyanidea, Information 62-2-15/28
'It On the Thermal Destruction of Polyhexamethylenadipina7iide.
a succeasive reduction of the molecular weiGht could be ob-
served, where its very definite significance was determined
at 3000^.-90000 (see fig-jre 3). The processes of the growing
of the chain take place simultaneously with the thermal de-
struction of the polyanide in the inner medium. As the de-
crease in the molecular weight takes place independent from the
type of end-groupa of the chain (and still more intensively
in the high-molecular polyamide), it is concluded that the de-
struction-proceeoes do not only take place at the ends but
aXso at anv places of the chain (fiE~ures 6-8). The experiment
showed that a certain molecular weiEht in the molten poly-
amide of the above-described type (independent from the init-
ial stage of polymerization) a certain molecular weight is ob-
tained the quantity of which depends on the temperature of the
heated polyamide. The special part played by the destructive-
-recombined equilibrium was emphasized in this connection, es-
pecially the part of the interchain-exchange reactions in the
determination of the equilibrium value of the molecular weight
of the polyamide on the given conditions. There are 8 figures,
1 table, and 12 references, 9 of which are Slavic,
Card 2/3
Fro.-i the Field of Heterogeneous Chain Polyamides. Information 62-2-15/28
7: On the Thermal Deatruotion of Polyhexamethylenadipinamide.
ASSOCIATION: Institutefor Element-Organic Compounds All USSR (Institut
elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy kkadernii nauk SSSR).
SUBIZITTEDs Augunt 9, 1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Polyhexamethylenadipinamide-Therna1 destruction
2. Polyaraides-Analysia
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Krongauz, Ye. S., Suprun, A. P. (Moscow) SOV/14-27-9-2/5
iITLEt brief Survey of the Publications on tsott~ctic Polymers
(Krntkiy obzor rnbot no izotakticheskim pf)limeram)
PERIODICALt Uspekhi khimii, 1(,i8. Vol 27, Nr 9, pp 1056-1083 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt In the beFinning the authora noint out that in the course of
the last decades the Interest of chemiEte has been directed
to the investigation of the polymerization of unsaturated
hydrocarbons (and their derivativen), This was mainly because
Important products had to be produced for national economies.
The production of various polymers is discussed, beginning
with the production of new stereoregular polymers of the a-
olefines by Shilldknekht and Natt. In the USSR the production
of stereoregular polymers was initiated by the publications of
Topchiyev and Krentsell (Refs 3,4). The different polymeriza-
tion reactions, especially the aterpospecific ones, are dis-
cussed (Refs 28-56). In the next chapter the authors deal with
the mechanism and the kinetics of the atereospecific polymeri-
zation (Refs 37,39)- In this special chapter the Isotactic
polypropylene is discussed. In industrial practice those plas-
Card 1/2 tics are of especial interest which are mide of products es-
Brief Survey of the Publications on Isotactic Polymers
pecially rich in icotactic polymers. Recently the qo-called
fractionation method has been employed (to produce pure iso-
tactic polymers); this has been done by direct polymerization
(Refs 44-46). The authors then deal in dptall with the block
polymers Olefs 44-49) as well as with the stereolsomeric poly-
mers of diolefines (Refs 20,44,50-54). The polyvinyl chloride
produced by means of' radical polymerization, the isotactic
polybutene, and ia0taCtiC D01YBtyrene are then discussed brief-
ly. The synthesis and the properties of well crybtallized a-
olefinea with ramified chain are dealt with in a Rpecial chap-
ter. Finally the authors discuss the polymer4zation of acety-
lene, and the copolymers of the a-olefiner (Ref's 61,62,64).
There are 20 figures, 12 tables, and 64 referf-nees, 12 of
which are Soviet.
Ca-~d 2/2
Coordination chain polymers. Part 1: Preparation of polymers
of Me-( $-Aiketones) and metals, Vyookon.soed. I no.12;
1764-1771 D '59. (MIR& 13:5)
1. Institut elementoorganichaskikh soledinaniy AN SSSR.
(Ketones) (Organometallia compound@) (Polymers)
ig. 21 ILI kL,,a 2 2 S/190/60/002/005/004/01:~
/A 1~2-~ 19 B004/'BO67
AUTHORS: Korabak, V. V., ongauz, Ye. S., Sheina, V. Ye.
~O k"
TITLE: Inventigation in the Field of Coord
Production of Polymers on the Basis olf Aroma'i-i-c Bis-(~-
diketonea)lWith Metals
PERIODICAL: Vyaokomolekulyarnyye soyedinenlya, 1960, Vol. 2-~ No.,
pp. 662-672
TEXT: The authors describe the synthesis of bls-(O-diketores) %ith:!)
two directly connected benzene rings: 4,41-bis-.(acetoacetyl)diphenyl 11);
2) benzene rings separated by an oxygen atom: 4,4: bJ.s-(a,.etcacety1)d1
phenyloxi-JeWl 3) benzene rings separated by a methylene groull: 4.4'
bis-(aaeteacetyl)diphenylmethane (3); 4) a single benzene ring and
ramified strticture: O;Ppol,pl-tetraacotyldiethylbenzene (4); and 5) the
bis-(O-diketone)of isoplithalyldiacetophenone (5). which 11!3 to the
terephthalyldiacetophenone (6) produced earlier. Coordln:iticn p-~Iymera
with the following structure were obtained from these
Card 1/4
Investigation in the Field of Coordination S/190/60/002/005/'004/Olr,
Polymers. IV. Production of Polymers on the B004/BO67
Basis of Aromatic Bis- (0-diketones) With Metals
0 q-y-.q 0 R - -C 11 CH
6 50 Y - -C6114" C!'2C6114^112
"Me'- -0- 01---Mer ..C6 H4C 6H 4-' C6114 OC6H 4-' C6 H4C K;? C 6H4"
The Claisen reaction which the authors used at the beginning, gave cr.',.y
poor yields of diketones (5%). Proceeding from Ref. 2 the authc,-,-, ~j,-P-j ~
ed a method of direct acetoacetylation of compounds contain.,ne 9-,-,ral
benzene rings by means of acetic anhydride and in the preuence ,.f lt-orn
trifluoride with a 20% yield. The reaction equation is written dcwr fcr
diphenyl oxide:
BF kCH 0".0
C H O-C if + (C11 CO) 0 -4 cH co-c H O-C if cocif -- ~ - --W'ip
6 6 2 6 4 6 4-
5' 5 3 3 1
--*. CH iCOCH 2 C046 H 4' 0 -C '6 11 4- COC112COCH 3' Thun, eompuund6 ird
were obtained. (1) could not be produced in the same `Ih-~
Card 2/4
Investigation in the Field of Coordination 5/190/60/002/005/004/01r,
Polymers. IV. Production of Polymers on the B004/BO67
Basis of Aromatic Bis-(P-diketones) With Metals
0--diketone of diphenyl was formed: C 6H5-C6H4- COCH 2- COCH 3' (1) WaA jYr'
thesized according to Friedel-Crafts, (4) from xylylenedibromi-de and acdium
acetyl acetonate. (5) and (6) were obtained by a method de5,~ribed in
Ref. 1. By reacting alcoholic solutions of acetates of bivalent metals
(Be, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn,, Cd, Mn) with these bls-(P-diketones), or by heating
the bis-(P-diketones) with the acetylacetonates 0of these metals at a
atoichiometric ratio in the vacuum to 200 - 250 C, the coordination
chain polymers were obtained, whose properties are comptied :Yt TabI96
-1-6. These are colored powders, partly insoluble, and partly joluble in
few organio solvents. Fig. 1 shows the thermoniechanif~al curve f,;r
(2), Fig. 2 that for (4). These curves are characteristic of crystall;no
polymers'. The molecular weight of the polymers was betw-~-en 1000-2000~
The authors found that the following rules govern the tehuvlor of these
polymers: With increasing content of phenyl groups, thermcstabil:ty
innreases while solubility decreases. Solubility and meltabiliti
when the ionic rudius of the metal deviates too atronglv from the r~tdiaa
of the chain-formIng atoms. Beryllium compounds showed the highest and
Card 3/4
Inve3tigation in the Field of Coordination 3/190/60/002/00c,/004/01,
Polymera. IV. Production of Polymers on the B0041/13007
Bagiu of Aromatic Bta-(P-diketones) With Metals
ccpFer cempounds the lowest solubility. Thermostiibilily, hooever, 1.4-
C:'01LOes in the series Cu > B > N1 > Cc ',;> Zn > Mn > Cd. There are
2 figureq, 6 tables, and 7 r:ferences: 2 Soviet, 4 US, Find 2 Gerr,~Ia-
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut elementoorganicheskikli soyedinenty
(Institute of Elemental-organic Compoundo)
SUBMITTED: January 9, 1960
Card 4/4
5,5930 A166/A026
AUTHORt Xrongauz, Ye.S. (Moscow)
TITIEt New Data on Polymers
MIODICAL: Priroda, 1960, No. 11, pp. 102 - 104
TEXT: The article compares methods of radical polymerization to produce
atactic polyniel-s and catalytic polymerization giving isotactic or syndiotactic
polymers. The hypothesis is advanced that the catalyst must contain some solid
orientating surface for alignment of the radical groups in the isotactic poly-
mers, since soluble or highly dispersed catalysts usually resulted in a non-iso-
tactic polymer. Final proof of the hypothesis Is so far lacking. Subsequently
it was found that Isotactic polymers could be produced by stereospecific polym-
erization with other catalysts, e.g., 6-valent chromium compounds on alumosill-
cate or borium trichlorate. By varying the conditions of synthesis, polymers of
various molecular weights and properties (elasticity and strength) could be pro-
duced. Stereospecific polymerization can produce unsaturated compounds with a
structure similar to gutta percha or natural rubber. Prospects are good for the
synthesis of olefine copolymers from ethylene or propylene by the new method.
%Card 1/2
New Data on Polymers
These would have good chemical stability and enhanced resistance to ageing.
Keen interest has been shown in isotactic stereobloc polymers and research Is
now in progress in the U3SR into stereospecific polymerization.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh s6yedineniy AN WSR (Institute of
Elemento-Organic Compounds, AS USSR)
Card Z/2
yOMfVU- V, V
itJSKUTOVII, 1.11~ red,-'ml -va;
)7 DKOVA 1% V Vj
khn, red.
Lr n
of v 7n, t h,~~i
".'jil if.;;, 30 Vs, q -7~e I no ni.1 a
Moe k 1 m; - 9 a,
IQ;-*-r,i,:hesjcI.e RMA 1431.1)
1. Ohl e ii-korrea poulri nt All SSSR (for Yorshak).
(Mazrumala,vlar ~.--)mpoundj)
(Cy(-J-'~c -cmpiiinds.)
.3119 o%1~)..i31Oob1cjO)1G1q
B! 1 O~Bdi'8
AUTHOHSt Korshak, V. V., Krongauz, Ye. ~L, Gribkov;-, P. 11., basnev,
V. A.
TITLEt Study in the field of coordiGation-chtla ~ul~mera. V.
~.jnthebis of metal-cuntaining polymer. of bia-,,I-diketones
PLA10DICALt VyLokomclekuly&r,.jye soyedinaniya, -i. ~j nu. d, 1~61,
NXT t In 1,ruvicus 1.&,~erj (Rei. 1 . Vj su'.tomoluk. s(,jed. 17c;4, 1 95'~,i
,'lei. 21 66e, t~6t.,) The authart; ha~ ihown that c(,:~iiri-ti(,n-chair~
j.Qljmer- ovre i'urmc--, by inter.,-ctior, rf ~,nd act, -,-;a (or
.c~,-tyl of blvaient 3is-~-Ji:.etcrej of th(., iolowinr
f4 t ~,,e d,:Vj 3t-j~; fed :CH3CUCH2C~;-1-CvGH2CUCH wl.ur, f
.."'iL cl aarc uiwulubie aria hiu dctmc.3:Lticr, t,!m~erLtureb
U1 uo ar,-! -,~U It was the r,-i.
-i c,1 th~ Ire uat 4cv. ~(, ~ro(.uce
C,.Vd 1/6
),j/61/uu3/~,,~d/ijv9/01 9
itudy in thu !ivi(; of ccur(jin:.tion-. . . B t 10122 18
I.Giymers with fLiuxible c-aini, Aich cont~ii~,d -kCH,:) CI Lr)(Cli AJA "j -
groups between the benzene nuclei. For thiB puepr,!io, three Lirowatic
were synthesized: 4,41-bii-,'kic~t~Llcet./I) diphen,,,l ethane
nd 4W-bij-
et~Vlejie diphe.,ji :.-thvr (11); a
~acut(-accetji) di-Ahj.ene pljcol ether ~111). jynthedie wa., ma6e
accor.,iinF. to tht~ Luihorla certil'i-t- of the UjjA, ii- '12-64oB, 195,-, by
,-,cet~,acetjiatin;,I- the aromLtic :(,m,-,ound3 by Laeand cII ucet~~rihydride in the
,%.rfzL~enc~.- of J3---4.A6 compared to Glaisen's ccndensatic:i, the reaction
is ~ne-staged ana resultd in a high jield. To prevent formation of
.in termed in.tes, a lur,,
ge excess of acutanhydride is necessar.'r, molar ratio
20 - 5U. I (meltiri., point 147 - 1480C) was obt,.ined in a yield of
10,v referred to diVhenyl ethana. Thu reactiun temi-erature was 40 - Q0C.
The infrared ul;,ectrum cunfirmed the btructure of p-aubstituted biti-11-5
diketane ut dipheny! ethune (for keto-enols, characteritic absorpticn
at 1600 cm- 1, for 1,4-subbtituted benzene nuclei, charactori.9tic
,absorption at 8415, and 79U cm- As a by-prQduct (1t),t), dipherVI ethane-
Card 2/8
Study in the field of coordination-... B11O/B216
~-dikstone (malting point 81.5 - 82.50C) was obtained. II (melting point
169 - 1700C) was obtained in optimum yield (16%) at -100C. The ethylene
diphenyl etherl brought into reaction with ac*tanhydride, was synthesized
in the autoclave (1500C, 50 atm) by reaction with natrium phenolate and
1,2-dichloro ethane. III (melting point 125-5 - 1260C, yield 7-9%)
was obtained at a reaction temperature of from -5 to +50C. Diethylene
glycol diphenyl ether was synthesized as initial compound by reaction
of Na phenolate withtfl,gl-dichloro diethyl ether (2000C, 50 atm)- Since
the compounds had no yet been described, the authors synthesized I also
by Claisen condensation and found it to be identical with the compound
obtained by direct acotoacetylation. Compounds 11 and III could not be
produced according to Claisen. By reacting 1, 11, and III with acetates
of bivalent metals, the authors obtained the compounds given in the
Table. In this, they made the following observationst The solubility
of the polymer depends on the ionic radius of the metal which forms the
polymer chain. It was found that introduction of the groups -CH 2CH 2-1
Card 3/8
Study in the field of coordination-... B110,~2!218
-OCR2CH20-, and -OCR2CH2OCR2CH20 between the benzene nuclei resulted in
coordination-chain polymerization. The molecular weights, determined
ebullioscopically, were at about 2000 - 3000. The films produced at
200 - 3000C and 50 atm were brittle. The thermomechanical curves and the
X-ray picture of the beryllium compounds of II confirmed the crystal
structure of the polymers. There are 3 figures, I table, and 6
references, 5 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR
(institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR)
SUBMITTEDt October 18, 1960
Card 4/8
AUTHORSi Korshak, V. V., Krongauz, Ye.,S., Sheina, V. Ye,
TITLEs Studies in the field of coordination polymers, VI
Synthesis of coordination polymers of some bia-ff-diketones)
PERIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyag v, 3, no,. 10i 1961,
TEM The authors Ilyntheaized aliphatic bi:-(P-diketones)i 1,1,2,2-.
tetraacetyl ethane (1), adipyl- (II), and a bacyl diacetophenone (III), and
prepared and studied their metal polymers~ They prepared I from a
suspension of 0.5-mole Na-acetyl aoetonate in ether by adding a solution
of 0-5-mole iodine in other at room temperature under vigorous stirring.
The melting point was 185-186OCi the yield 27-30%. 11 and III were
prepared according to V. V. Korshak et al. (Vysokomolek. soyed., 1, 1764,
1959). The melting point of III was 108-109.5 0C (Yield 20-22%). The
metal polymers of the bis-(P-diketones) produced were prepared by 3-hr
heating in a vacuum of 2-4 mm Hg of their equimolecular mixture with thej
Card 1/4
Studies in the field of coordination B130/B110
respective Me-acetyl acetonate at 150-210 C until no acetyl acetone was
set free, To remove the remaining aoetyl acetone, the resulting product
was treated wifh hot water, boiled in alcohol, washed with ether, an4
dried to constant weights The copper derivatives were obtained by
reaction of the diketones with copper acetate in an alcohol solution. It
was found that I with Be-, Ni-, Co-. and Zn-acetyl acetonates formed
nonfusible powders which were unsoluble in ordinary organic solvents and
had a high decomposition temperature. I formed no coordination compounds
with In and Cd. The chemical analysis showed that the composition of the
resulting metal compounds corresponded to the theoretical values~ Also
the metallic derJ,atives of II and III constituted colored powders. The
Be-derivatives of III, and ths Be-, Zn-, and Cd-derivatives of II, are
soluble in chloroform, tetrachloro ethane, dioxanei bromo benzene, and
dimethyl formamide, the Ni- and Co-derivatives only in dimethyl formamide
and dioxane. The peculiarities of these compounds are explained according
to Hammond, Borduin) and Guter (see below)., In the interaction between
tetraaoetyl ethane and the metal ions, a coordination binding of the
metal takes place between the keto groups of adjacent molecules of the
Card 2/4
2 8176
Studies in the field of coordination ... B130/B110
bindine agent (Fie. 1). In Ho ani particularly in III, the formation
of closel, monomeric complexen is probable because of the presence of
a flexiblti metf.ylen4 chain (Fig. 2 . Mere are 2 fiCures, I tables, and
6 re"orenoesi 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four referenbes to English-
lanLuage publicationu reud as followst R. G. Charles, Org~inic Syntheses,
j2061, 1959; G. S. Hammond, W. G. Borduin, G. A. Guter, J. Amer. Chem.
30c., 81, 4682t 19591 G. A. Guter, 0. S. UaMLIondo J. Amer. them. Boo.,
81, 4686, 1959; G. J. Bullen, Acta crystallouvr.,12, 703, 1959.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorgunichookikh noyedineniy AN SSSR
(InUitute of Elemental Organic Compounds J%:,) USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 25, 1960
Fig. 1. Model of a 1,1,212-tutraacotylune ethanq complez with metal,
* carbon, o --hydracen, 9-- oxyCen, -- metal.
Fig. 2. 11odel of a aebucyl diacetophenone coruplex with matill. Deati,i.ationa
as in Fig. 1.
Kor,_nak, V. V., C r i b kova N. Vas nev,
V. A
TITLE: in the field of wlth coordination
ciiains. XIII. Study of the laws gov(-.riixi1;; poijcoordinat ion
reactions in solution
Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 03, 1962, 815-820
Tk;XTs ThQ effect of experimental conditionn on the molecular weight of
polymers was also investigated. 4,41-biq-(acetcacety1)aiphenyl oxide 2+
whose pollymez- vith Zn is oolubli, in dimethyl formazide, reacteo. ---ith ~n
ions. The amotint of r-.,acted tetraketone and the molec~.lar weiFht of the
polyzer jy titration of tnc- ter;i.inal (~nol groups, using
Na zetnylatc and as there i:, "nly cni. ponsibility for the
terminal -'roupo: T k. TX',. -: 4 e... Tk-lite-Tk, .".,e - nwtal and TLk . sub-
stituted tetraketone. _"ynthesis takes place bys (1) reaction of-alco-
holic solutions of Zn~u JCOO)2 and 1; (2) reaction of an aq,;eous
Zn(CH m sol~itJ~on -ith a benzLne solution o~ I at trio phase interface;
Card 1/4
Invaz;tiZutions in the field ... 1~ 1/ 3 13 5-
(3) condennsation of an wiuuous solution of acetic zinc ammoniate at the
interface -sith I in n-xylene; (4) reg.,etior; of -1 .,.ith "In(CH 3 C CIO)
in ui:aethyl fQr.-__i_c a'Aution. In th e cas e of ( 1 ;~,ole of alcoholic
Zn(C:: 3CUO)"", colutior, reacted with 1 mole solution of I !,%t 200C to , 80~,
of I duril., ~he fir:.,t minutos, and tu 85/' after 1 '.'Ke molvcilar wei'~
-ioas Tk-,,,:e-Tk) . The dimer inaolubl,~ in i~.athanol ia precipi-
tated and au3iro,,- tno hoino,3eneitj of the reaction ;.iedilum and the growth
of the polyxer chain. In the case of (2), polycondensation between the
phases, the polyner cAlain grew more quickly. Interphase polycondensation
produces polyiers of hi6hQr molecular weight th,n equilibrium polyconden-
sation. During the reaction of the benzene 3olution of I with the
aqueotis solution of Zn(C11 3C00)2 at the interface
Card 2/4
Inv e L3 t iga t io rs i n t h c- fi e I d. 31 1 C' B138
Milxi~(Ala + (C'll'C.00)3Z11 -.1
It 0
If t= ccil. 4
0 cc
011 0 0 0
0 C) Oil
takes place. Thol acetic acid formed det;troyti the c-omplux obtained. The
destructive effect of acetic aci& is atronC,-.7-r in lni-. %-iiter-benzene medium
than in methanol, o---iin.- to greater dis,;oui;tion. In thc =J-~ of
(ratio 1:2), 1 was almost completely Polycondenaed in -4 zninutea at
20 and 500C, at a r3tio of 1:1 and 200C to about Th e t r 4' Tk-l.',C-
Tk-,i,e-'fk with ciQle,;ular woieht 1150 was obtained, a~; eq"ilibrium act in
betwocr, the zinc aizi;-.ionium complex and the polymer co,.-.plex of zinc
which formed -witn 1, tne instability constants of which -.vere about cqwal.
Card 3/4
:,/ 1 ~ '_," ~,`/ u 0,;/ U U 4/G,? 6
Invc.ntiiiritiona ir, '.hT~ field ...
Of I )iz,~ the act.-tic zirx ar.-,.oniate in il im, - L hy 1
(,12at.,:;o.,;phere) at 140 - 1500C, aftul, 0.5 hr, prouuced a polymLT
65 - ~fcip jiu~L: "a" maoleculur weight l0uCj - 116C. T~ie ,-,hite product
obt ;.n(:(i after I hr -,,as quite incoluble ir. dimiethill fornarnic-e. It -it as
se. .:att,,d into: a fraction with =Olecular %seiOlt Tj(), -UILIOIC in Chloro-
-.i t..~, iraclliolt:., (,-Axture of trimor and tutra,-.wr), ~.,ol ec"lar weight
12,,, formamide; three in3ol~ble,
raction.-,. ~;rowth of the polymer chain iz a~iaamea-. high rate of
pol:/coorcinatior. iArld formation of insoluble adv.-acti in the firut stage
interrupt chair. growth and cause formation of a lo-a-voiecular product.
Tnore are 2 tableo.
AiSOCL',TIONs Inititat clementoorganichet;kikh L-oy(;di,,wniy AN S~ILP (Institute
of _i- I mmi ta 1 -organic Compounds A"~ Ujzj:l)
S U BY, I TT-'- li sFebruary 28, 1961
Card 4/4
Organophosphorus polywTs with P - N bonds. Izv.AN SWR.Otd.
khimenauk no.8:1412-1416 Ag 162. (MA 15%8)
1. Inatitut elementoorganichookilch soyedir4eniy AN &9SR.
(Phosphorus organic compounds) (Polymers)
Chemistry of organometallic compounds. Priroda 51 no.305-39
Mr 162. (MIRA 150)
1. Inatitut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR, Moskva.
(Organometallic compo=ds)
Preparation of a polymer frQm diphonylbonsylphomphine oxide b7
poly.recombination reaction. Isv.AN =R.Oted.khim.nauk noo9sl636-1644
S 16Z* (141RA 15,10
1. ~wtitut elementoorgauighookikh voyedineniy AN 55SR.
(Phoophine oxide) (Polymers)
AID Nr. 982-10 4 J=*
Korshak, V. V. , Ye. S. Krongauz, A. M. Berlin, and P. N, Gribkova.
IN: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149, no. 3, 21 Mar 1963, 602-605.
Pour polypyrazoles (1) with alternating pyrazole rings in the backbone, of the
R1 CH HC - C- R1
Card 1/5
An Nr- 982-10 4 June
'R React= temperature
and pressure.
GO= Ela
1 C6 H4-0-C6H4 CH3 (CH2 )4 210-220 200-210/1
2 C6H" (CH2)2 CA CH3 (CH di, 218-225 209/10-4
3 (CH 2) C6H5 (CH2)4 100-1Z 225-235/1
4 C6H4 (CH 2)2 C6E4 CH5 KD 1 260-280 1 250/1
have been synthesized for the first time by the reaction of bis(diketones) of
the type RI COCH2CO-R-COCH2CORI (H) with dicarboxylic acid dihydrazides
Card 2/5
AID Nr- 982-10 4 June
SYNMSIB Of POLYPXWOLES(Cont'd) 8/020/63/149/003/020/028
of the type NH2NHCO-R"-CONFiNH2 (III). Polymers I are formed as a result
of pyrazole ring closure (polycyclization) which occurs in two steps as follows:
x II + III - 2xH RI -C(OH)nCH-C-R-C-CH-C(OH)-R'
11 11
(IV) n
2 x112C~_
The first step is the formation of a polyhydrazone (IV) from an equimolar
mixture of II and III in boiling absolute ethanol, Compounds IV are green
Powders soluble in common organic solvents and do not have a sharp melting
Point. The reduced viscosity of 0. 6016 IV in cresol was as high as 0. 4. The
-pecond step of the reaction Is the ring closure of IV to form I- in quantitative
Card 3/5
AID Nr- 982-10 4 June
Sn"MSIS OF POLVVAZOIZS (Cont'd] 8/020/63/149/003/020/028
yields when IV is heated for ~ to 5 hrs at its melting point in an N2 atmosphere
under reduced pressure. Polymers I are yellow powders of mol. wt. 9200,
soluble in cresol. dimethylformamide, concentrated H2SOh, and formic acid.
Upon ring closure the polymer chain of IV decreases in length, causing a
drop of reduced viscosity in cresol from 0. 4 to 0. 1. It is noted that the syn-
thesis of I can be achieved in one step by the reaction of bis(4 -acetoacetylphenyl)
ethane with adipic acid dthydrazides in boiling benzyl alcohol. The structures of
I and IV were determined by elemental analysis, IR and UV spectroscopy, and
analysis of.their alkaline or acid hydrolysis products. In the UV spectra of
I and IV obtained from sebacyldiacetophenone, a battiochromic shift of 40 mg
was observed with respect to 4,41-bitjl3-(5-methyl-N-acetylpyrazolyl)ldiphenyl-
ethane and 4, 41-bis(acetoacetyl)-diphenylethane acetylhydrazone. Prolonged
Card 4/5
AID Hr. 982-10 4 June
treatment of polymers I with concentrated H2SO4 yielded a mixture of unidenti-
fied sulfonated products. Basic hydrolysis of I or IV in an aqueous 25% KOH
solution boiling for 12 'hrs - c a u a ed backbone degradation. Bia(diketones)of
the structure
~> C-0
O. C-0
where Ror CH 2, form polyhydrazones 'which could not be converted to
the polypyrazoles. (NIJ
Card 5/5
Nqw method for the production of polypyr4zoles. Dokl. AN SSSR 152
no.521.108-1110 0 163* (AURA 16z12)
1. Inst,itut. elemantoor anicheskikh soypdinoniy AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-
korre3pondnnt AN SSSR Mr Korshak).
t ~ 1,
ACCESSION NR: AP4042875 S/0062/64/000/007/1281/1288
AUTHOR i Kornhak, V. V. ; Krongaut, Yq S. ; 'Be r1in , A. M. ; Gribkova
P. N.; Sheina, V. Ye.
TITLE: Synthe.9in of polymera for the polycyclization rcaction.
Canz.-iunication 1. rutypyrazolen
3 0 U 11, CL -AN' 5,15R. Izventiya. Seriya khimichookaya, no. 7, 1964,
12 a i - 12 a 3
TOPIC TACS: polymer, bent rcaistnnt polymer, 'polyhydrazone, poly-
nyrazallt!, his-00-diketone), dicnrbox~lic ncid dthydrazl(iv-, Poly-
cyCit!aLion reaction, polypyrazole rtructure', polypyrazole propcrty
-15 RAM Polymer.,; containing pyrazole rings. have been svntbeA1.ZCd
in an attempt to produce new polyneric natoriala with irkp~oved heat
re:-,intance and chumical stability. Polypyrazoles were aynthesized
from bis-(0-diketones) of the R'COC11,2CO-R-C0C11ZCOR' type and dthydra-
zidea of dicarboxylic ncido, The reactionj deolgnntcoel nn polycycliza-
ition, proceeds in two otepai 1) formation of polyhydrnrones by the
~reactior% of the carbanyl oxygen of the ketone with the a-ad amine
'Card ~ 1/ 3'
group of the hydrazide which to nccompanted by sepnrntion of -water,
and 2) formation of polypyrnzoles by separation o016' a water notacule
and closing of the rinp, Polyhydrazonen are prepared by licaring
equinolar amounts of the initial materials in absolute ethanol for
10-36 hr. Polypyrazolen are formed by heating, polyliydrazones aL
200-250C in nitrogon At 1-2 mm lig fo~ 3-5 hr. 11olypyrazoles are
yellowfah powders soluble in cresol, diri~,thylfornamirle, and cancen-
trated sulfuric and foripic acids. They p,elt with deco,.,ipositlon at
220-260C# ind thun do not exhibit the expe'cted heat resistance. A
polypyrazole wa3 synthesized in one step by reacting 4,14'-bis(aceto-
ace tyl) diphenylethane with the dihydrazide of adipic actd in boiling
benzyl alcohol. Attempts to synthesizelpolypyrazol,eu in melts failed.
From a study of the properties and structure of the synthesized poly-
pyrazoleo it was concluded that changes in the structure of the poly-
mer backbone with the nim of increasing its rigidity will increase
the melting point of the polypyrazoles. Orig. art. hnn: 2 tables.
ASSOCIATI-011i Iiatitut clamentnorganicheckikh. royedi-,14~Tify Avadevlil:~
nauk SSSR (Instivite ol Organoolemental Compoijads, Aca,U,.-.,y ur
Sciencca SGSR)
ACCESSION Nat AP4040467 S/0190/64/006/006/1078AW
AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V*j Krongauz,, Ye, S,j Berlin, A. He
TITLEt Synthesis of polymers by the polyoyclization reaction. 5. Polypyrazoles
SOURCEt Vy,*sokomoleku1yarr0rQye soyedineniya, v. 6. no, 6, 1964p 1078-1086
TOPIC TAGS: polycyclization reaction., branched diketone., adipic acid dihydrazides
keto enol tautomerism) polypyra'zole) polyhydrazone
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier work by the authors and P. N.
Gribkova (Dokl. AN SSSR "149 60211953 CAbstracter's notet 1963?7) on the inter-
action of bis-( 0-diketonsaj with the &U-Wdrazide of adipio aoTd- (DAL). The
present investigation differed from the previous one in that instead of linww
diketones it involvod branched diketones or the type
0 \
C/. 0
Card 1/3 cd
Acassio NRt Ap4o4o487
where the R is either absent or represents CH,, CH2C6H4CH 2' CH2C6H406H4CH2p or
CH2CO004CH2. The synthesis of those monomers with DAA was conducted by heating
equimolocul,ar quantities of the reactants either in aboolute ethanol or in a melt
for periods up to 10 hours at, 80-170C. The obtained polylVdrazonos or polypyrazoles
were analyzed and their melting point, viscosity (in cresol or sulfuric acid), and
infrared spectra were recorded. It was found that the re&ction of tetraacotyldi-
ethylbenzol- of h,, 41 -bis -(211,2 It -diaceto ethyl) diphanyl-,, and of 4,4,-bis-(2",2"-
diacetoethyl~diphenyloxide with DAA yielded polypiperazoles, while the other
diketones produced polyhydrazones, In the opinion of the authorsj the composition
reactivity of the end product of the reaction is determined by the koto-enol
tautomerism of the original diketones axid by their cis- or trans -configuration,
.The koto form led directly to polypyrazoles,, the trans-onol configuration yield6d
only polyhydrazones, while the cis-onol form yielded polypyrazoles through the po3,v-
hydrazone intermediate stage, V* Be ShoinA supplied the totraacetylpropane and
carried out its purifioatione Orige arte hass 3 tables and 4 farmlas,,
ASSOCIATIONs Institut *lftsntoorgani~heskiM aoy*dinsniy AN SM, (LWtitute of
Card 2/3
Blementoorganic Compound9p AN SM)
suBm=i ED s 3-iju3.63
Card 313
DATE ACQ: o6jul64
M;CL 00
oT=: oo8
ACCESSION NR: AP4040488 S/0190/64/006/006/1087AO91
AUTHO'.R.St Korshak, V. V.j Kroni:auzp Ye. S.j Berlins A. Mo; Travnikova, A. P.
TITLE: Synthesis of polymers by the polycyclization reaction. 6. Polypyrazolos
SOURCEt Vy*sokomolokulyarrol" soyedineniyas v. 6s no. 6s 1964s 1087-1091
TOPIC TAGS: polycyclization reaction., polypryazoles bipyrazole polycondensations
dicarbo.V34c acid chlorides dikefono polyoyolizationo dicarboxylio acid d1liydrazide
ABSTRACT: The investigators attempted to synthesize polypyrazoles from compounds
containing pyrazole cycles, The desired results were achieved by polycondensation
of bipyrazoles with the chlorides of dicarboxylic acids swording to the reaction
Card 113
x - G H 0 0
-A- A-R
lit A N cn
0 0
~~ODDX C611&(Cj12)2C61j,; C61140C6114;
C112C6114012; (C112)0; R = CIT), C6113;
Y -.(C]12)4, calh.
.A total of 8 bypyrazoles were synthesized. Seven of them were now and rer)resentedi
4,41-bis-(5-not,hylpyrazolyl-3)dipherWloxide 4jh'-bis-(3,5-dim thyl azolyl-4)
.Vlilene, h , 41 -bi s --53, 5-dimothylpyraz olyl-t) met liyj7d iphenyloXi5d e',
dimotir 1notivj7diplianyl -phonyl-py
ylpyrazolyl Is 1,8 di-(5 _razolyl-3)octane, di-(3.,5-
dimotlVlpyrazolyl:h~, and 4,41-bis-i5-motbylpyrazolyl-3~diphonyldisulfido. The
procedure was started by mixing 30-40 M1 of pyridine with 0.1 mole quantities of
one ofthe bypyrazoles. To these mixtures were added (dropwise) 0.1 mole amounta
~of adipic, torephthalic, or isophthalio acid chloride, dissolvod in 20 ml of
Vlene. The contents of the flasks were stirred and cooled for several hours.
They were then heated for a long time to 100-125C. and wore allowed to at-and over.
night. The polypyrazolos so produced were Identical with the polypyrazoles ob-
Card 2/3
tained by polywjvlization of. bis-( a -diketones) with the
dibydrazides of the corresponding dicarboVUe acids. The latter group ua3
described in an earlier publication by the authors and P, N. Gritkova (Dokl. M
148,9 602p 1963)o Origs 9A. bass 3 tables and 1 formula.
;ASSOCIATION i Inatitut elementoorganiobakikh soyvdineniy AN SSSR (Institute of
Elementoorganic Compounds,, AN SSSR)
SUBMIrTEDs 31J0163 DATE ACQs O6Jul64 ENCL: 00
:SUB CODE t 00 NO MW SOVI orms oo6
c,rd 3!3
ACCESSION NRo AP4042185 S/0190/64/006/007/1195/1202
,AUTHORt Korshak, V. V.; K
T. Ya. _J~S!__S.; Berlin. A* H*j Smirnova,
TITLEs Synthesis of polymers by polycyclLzatLon, Polypyrazolese VIIO
SOURCE: Vy*aokomolskulyarny*ye soyedLnenLya, v. 6. no. 7, 1964,
TOPIC TAGS: polypyrazole, polycyclization reaction, bL~-(0-4Lketone),
dLhydrazLne, hexamethylonehydrazine dLhydrochl'orLde, p-phenylene-
hydrazine dLhydrochlorLde, polypyrazole property
ABSTRACT: The authors have synthesized polypyrazoles (mp,. 200-3000
1by polycylLzatLon of linear and branched bis-(O-diketones) with di- i
ihydrazides of dicarboxylLe acids. In an attempt to develop poly-
ipyrazoles with a higher heat resistance, dLhydrazides were replaced
JwLth dihydrazLne, or &mLde groups were introduced in the polymers io
iform hydrogen bonds* PolycyclLzatLon of bis-(O-dLketones) with
!hexamethylone- or p-phenylenshydraxLne dLhydrochlorLdes in boiling
ialcohol vLth alkali added to separate and bind HCI,, or heating equL-
;molar amounts of the initial materials in pyrLdLaso yielded
Lqard 1 / 2.
ipolypyrazoles - powders wLth a up of 80-265C and a molecular
rweight of 5000. Polypyrazolas containing amide groups in the back-
bone were synthesized by reacting dLpyrazoles with diLsocyanates In
,chlorobenzene or by malting the Initial materials In nitrogen# These
rpolymers are white powders with a mp of 208-276C and a molecular
;weight of up to 10,000, IR spectra indicate that they do not contain
i -
1hydrogen bonds. Thus, the attempt to synthesize heat-resistant poly-
1pyrozoles failed, The presence of heavy pyrazole rings upsets the
!symmetry and loosens the packing density of the polymer chatna, and,
as a result, prevents the formation of hydrogen bonds. OrLg. art*
has: I figure and 2 tables.
JASSOCIATIONt InstLtut elementoorganLchookLkh soyedLuenly AN SSSR
i(Institute of Organoolemental Compounds,AN SSSR)
OTHER% 003
Card 2/2
if., " ,
~ - . - l-,
L 10191-66
FACC NR, AP5028486 GOYRCE CODE: UR/0286/~5/000/020/0065/0065'
INVENTOR: Korshak, V. V.; Kronjaul,.Te.. E~.. Rusanov. A. L.
ORG: none
TITLE: Preparative method for polyesters. Class 39, No. 175652
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 2o, 1965, 65
TOPIC TAGS: polyester plastic, heat resistant plastic
ABSTRACT:/ An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for heat-
resistant',"Polyestero, Involving the condensatiod of aromatic dicarboxylic acid
chlorides with hydroxybenzoic acid.- hydrazides such as the 3- and 4-hydroxybenzoic
acid hydrazides. (SH)
KORSHAK, Vaailiy Vladimirovichk KR I je*S* pIred,
(Advances In polymer chemiatTy] Frogreso polimernol
khimii. Moskva# Naukaj 1965- 411 P- (MIRA 1911)
AP6015045 SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/008/00V0804/0808
AUTUOR: Ru9nnov, A. L.; Korsh2*1 V. Nemirove'tayl.,
ORG: Institute of lleterq~irgani At!_�,95_R_C1netitut elementoorganicheakikh
soyedineniy AN SSSR)
TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of p!j.Ly:l,3,4-oxadiazoles
SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye noyedinenLyn, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 804-808
TOPIC TACS! polyoxadiazole synthesis, polyozadiazole property, heat resistant
ABSTRACT: Fourteen high-molecular-weight polyhydrazides of the general formula
4-- L &--alas
have been prepared by low-temperature solution polycondensation of dihydrazides and
dichlorides of aromatic dicarboxylic acids in hexamethylformamide. The polyhydrazkbl
had softening points of 280-400C. Cyclodehydration of the polyhydrazides at
250-320C in vacuum yielded fourteen poly-1,3,4-oxadiazoles of the general formula
tig. 1. Thermomechanical curves of two
11 Ar and Arl In Formula (B) are.-,Z,./
12 : Ar and Ar' In Formula (B) are
and respectively.
Ilie polyoxadiazoles had a softening point above 400C and were soluble without de-
composition inikoncentrated sulfuric acid. Thermomechanical curves of the two most
heat-resistantPpolyoxazoles synthesized are given in Fig. 1. Orig. art. hasi
2-77gurei--'and I table. [BO)
SUB CODE: 07, 111 SUBM DATE: 03Apr65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REP- 005/ ATD PRESS:
Card 2/2_ V&
KRONGO~~L'D. mAk.__
Determining the carrying capacity of casing-grouting pilings,
Aserb. neft. khos. 39 no,205-37 F 160. (MIRA IAW
(Oil well drilling, Submarine)
Calculation of the carrying capacity of combined casing-grouting
pilingoo Azerbe neft. khoz. 40 no.109-41 A 161.
(MM 34:8)
(Oil wall drilling, Submarine-Equipment and supplies)