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M KRIZAN, Vladimirt doces dre,, inza C*Sc* Determining the beating capacity of gas fuel by the temperature increase in a metal block. Chem zveati 16 no*10;769-773 0 162s 1. Katedra chemickej technologie doze a vodyp Slovenska vysoka skola techni0m., Bratislang Sasinkova 5. -J,-, tht! bc,,,rd bn rel;Adun to r)oqitJ.(jn -inl dev!!l; rterit- se' 11/i, v. 4/6, 195()/52, Yu:,,)sla-vda) 1.1-)rlt",Ii.y lij~t, of i!:a,,;t El,irolpcan Accessi I,' L - 1 1 fuilli- 1?55, 'Jnrl* KR1ZA?,..7t,,.HOSTYK. Z.; JABLORSKI, I.; SIMALJAK, J.; SCHNORRXR, M. 1%perimental bronchography with aqueous disperse solution of barium sulfate. Brattel. lek. listy 35 2 no.2:SD-83 31 July 55. 1. Z Ustavu pro lakarsku fyziku LYUK v Bratislava, prednosta doc, MUDr. a RNDr. Z. Krizan, z Ustavu pro usitu anatomiu. LYUX v Bratislava, prednosta doc. MUDr. M. Xratochvil a z Tyskumeho ustavu onkologickeho v Bratislava, riadital clan korespondent SAY V. Thurso. (BARIUM SULFATIC aqueous disperse solution in exper. bronchography in dogs.) (BRONCROSCOPT exper. bronchography with aqueous 4isperse solution of barium sulfate in dogs.) KRIZAN .9 Zdezik6 1-. Behavior of the alveolar profile angle toward frontal trajectories of splandmocranium, Biol glas I/+ no.1/2:17-21 161. MILAN, Z--dor.ko;. I- ConLribution. to the knowledge of Arteriamaxillaria. Biol glas 14 no*1/2t87-91 161. 01, 1, M, Dinko Marovic's jadLranstj ftjAjdj Cloji 91jocci, (Adriatic !tIaltdae, Mur.11 cephal- IOUs); a book review. p. 102. (Gotdarski vestnik, Vol. 9, No. I, Mar. 1957. LJubljana. Yuj*slovj&) European Accessions %, YmIZAIM% 7. FCrptian fisheries; on the occasion of a visit by our fish experts to Eupt. pe 27. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1956 So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 - i-~- - ~ - -, ~ - L - ~ r I ~ .1 . - - ---_ KRIZAKEC, V.L Fisi.erie3 of the west coast of Istria, P. 296. (GLASNIK, Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1956 Published 1957) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (Er-.AL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. KRIZANAC V. "The problem of our oyster culture," P. 267 (Morsko Ribarstvo) Vol- 9, no. 10, Oct. 1957 Rijeka, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 M__ __ ___ __ ---- __ - __ - __ - ____ ___ - -- __ ____ __ - __ __ - - - KRUAISEC, V. ...... . _ Now oyster-broading technique in the IAm Channels P 94 XCHSKO RIBARSTVO. (Udruzenje mor3kog ribarstva Jug*31&vije) Rijeka, Yugoslavia Vol. U, no. 5, May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions OMAI) LC. vol. 8. no. 9. Sept. 1959 Uncl. Krizanec, v, Arc oysters and chells dangerous in summerl A trade curb in Dubvovnik. P. A5 MORSKU PIW.STVO. (Udruzenje morBkor, ribarstva f"Worlavije) Aijekaf Yugoslavia, Vol@ Up no. 7, July 1~,59 X.onthly list of East European Accessions 'Lill) LC V01. 9, no. 2 Feb. 1, CIO Uncl & Culture of shells on our coasts. IMORSKO RIBPJt!;TVO. (UIh-asem4,e morskor, ribarstva Jugoslavi~n) Yu.foslavia. Vol. 1l,, no. 8, Aug. 1959 Yonthly Ilut of Last European Accessions (EhAI) LC Vol, 9, no# 2 Feb. 1,060 Berinlav,.Inz. Problem or wood surface processing. 25-33 Ja 164. Kam ind 13 no.l: KRIZANICj BeTlelav, Irs. Appearanoe of bubbles in lacquerse Kam in 22 no.10059-760 0163, Problem in wood surface processing* ,tM-,k ~eft.,Ww ~-4 On a FurAsmental Lwm of the Calcul ti KrJ4nnlj.Pranc#! ~furiyeaipelmame?onndamental-iu*---I, des Y&ii&iFo-fi&%-.Sl&venska Akad. Znan. Umet. W~zred Mat. FIZ hn. Vede. Ser. A. 7 (1956). 21-33. (Slove- nian. French summary) Le lemme fondamental du calcul des variations et w3 g4ndralisations (Zermelo, Ilaar, Hilbert, Mason, Kubota) ,sont sEulement des cas particuliers d'un thdor6me gin6ral: ,"Soit A un op6rateur lindaire ddfini dans un domaine ;9(A) partout dense dans un espace hilbertien 0, et soient I a& (h = 1, - - -. ts) des 616ments linhirement indipendants. 'Soit 41 Fensemble de tous les 4ldments y de 9(A). OTthogo- naux aux ak, donc (at, y 0. Chaque &ment x avec la ~conditlon (x, Ay)-O quel-que Noit y G 0, appartient au domaine 9(A0) de I opdratcur RdJoint A* et Yon a A*x-,E Akak-" La dimonstration repose sur les trois lemmes. 1) Les y ,avec la condition (al,. A - 0 forment un sousespace ~' ,t =V, o?a 2(ak) CSt 1e COMPId- .avec la condition ID'+2(alki Iment orthogonal de ro'. 2) Pour tout 616ment y P ~ on a Y-Y'+I; lAbk, Oh Y'E et bt e 9(A), 3) Vensemble f est partout dense dans On d6montre aussi th6orhne 2: "Chaque 61LIment x a%,cc ]a condition (x,Ay)=0 quel que soit y c- -9(,4) avec la ptoptidtd (ak,Ay)=O, s'vxprinic par la somine x= Rw j b+ Akak ob h est une solution de Hquation A*b=-O." 1). RiAkq i1 (Belgrade) Eff KRIZ "Measures for increasing the productivity in the Lola Ribar Textile Industry in Karlovac." P. 1073 (Takatil) Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957 Zagreb~ Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East Riropean Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vol. 7. no. 4, April 1958 JANOVSKAJA, S. A.[Yanovskaya, S. A.11_MI~ANIC, Franceftranalatorl HIator7 of mathematics. Obs mat fiz 8 no.3:97-103 N 161. 1. Clan Uredniakega odbora, "Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko (for Krizanic). KRIZANIG,, France 7be fourth congress of Soviet mathematiciaAs. Obmat fiz 9 no,,2:87-88 Ag 162. I, Clan Uredniskega odbora, "Obzornik za matematiko In fiziko." PLASAJ, Miljenko, dr.; KOLARIC,, Krotoo dr,; KRIZANIC, Lubomir, dr.; KATIC, Velimir., dr.; BUNAREM, Ahka, dr. -- - A gJant solitary kidney gyat. Lijeon. vjsm. 87 n0,31311-315 Mr 1 65. 1. Iz Intemog, Kirurskog i Rendgenskog odjeljenja Xmijake bolnice i Patolooko-anatmakog instituta Medicinakog fakulteta u Zagrebu. 105, T s f~ r 1 ~cr DIZANIC I V. Datch oyvto" in the Omis bay. p. 2M. MRSKO RIBMSTVO. (Udmsenje mDrokog ribaretva Jugaslavije) Rijeka., Tugoela:via, Vol. U., no. 9.. Sept. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accesaions (EW) IC Vol. 9., no. 2,, Feb. l9k. unal, KRCMERY, V1.; FEMCIIK, M.; _~~ ~ANIIVAJ H. On the rachanism of action of tetracycline antibiotics. M Zffect of chlortatracyaline and oxytetracycline on the catalaes activity of sensitive and polyreeintant otapby-lococci. Cook. spidem. 11 no.2:115- 121 Mr 162. 1. StsAny vetarinarny ustav, pobooka v Bratiolave a Veterinarna. Vyse- trovaoia atanica v Bratislave. CHLORTSMCYCLINI pharmacol) MYISTRACYCLIKE pharmaool) STAPHYIXOCCUS metaboligm) CATAWES metabolium) I KRATOGHVIL, 1. -, TAHABCAK, M.; KRIZANOVA, 14. Occurrence of Salmonella in the Konica region. Gesk. epidex. idkrob. imun. 8 no.4:239-244 July 59 1. Krajoku hvgianicko-epidemiologickn stanica, Koslce.Statny vedeclq veterinarsky ustave ZDaice. (SAIXONNU U&WTIOIIS, epidemiol. ) RATTi-'ArL,V.; An attempt tf, prepare an lmrunf! jr,15. AC of influenzti v 5 m_ !" IU 1. InarlLute uf A~~adsf;,y ci '~rtt L.' I I t; - av a R Chomical Abet* Vol- 48 A pr. 10t 1954 Biological Obesistry protams. ica. 9 pakro Orig dtmt1*n. ImbollMatouiWa M.P.;- STSW-13. Akad. Vid, Prague. Ctech.). Ciem. is y 4 199A119M): cf. C.A. 0, WAt.-S.;"Mc dttn, at fm all POUP4 at 6~ Itt t'Cateims U Wmd rA PoLtrousttrk 111rSdOn Win. I-OOTIM P-CHISC41114COW4 (b- The reduction Of the "action product of I with 811 Irmps amm at a more neg. half-wave pw3teuttal. than that Of phenyl-HIcompds. CyOntormethioninotntuler", The mtth*d Is" been tcord on cyrttine, a0mmins and Ct"i4i It. Hudliaj'- LLUCIKOVA, 0.; JATMOVIC, A.; XNIL, BO; 5bRX1-Y.--- Vimses 1; isolation and chemical properties of Rous sarcoma. Chakh. biol. 3 no.5i298-307 Roy 54. 1, Institut organlaheska7 khtwil ChSAN, organicheakAya btakhtmiya, Praga. Rous sarcom virus, Isolation & chem.) (UCMMMS* experimental, Roan sarooza virus, Isolation & ohem.) (SARCOMA. experimental. Rous sarcoma virus, Isolation & chem.) IAUCIKOTA, Olga. Purification and some properties of the inhibitor of virus Meng- glutination from chorio-allantoio membranes of the chick embryo. Aota virol. Ingl. M., Praha 1 no.ls2-21 Jan-Xar 37. 1, With the technical assistance of Cecilia Nadaska Institute for Virology, Csschoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava Raosived July 100 1936. (KDIAGGLUTIUTION virus hemagglut. inhibitor from chorioallantois of chlok embryo# purification & properties) (TOIK UO same) (TIRUSAB same) IT //7(- 4UCf6VA, 0. (Teabnical assistance: T. Blazova) The influence of tho inhibltor of the inhibitor of virus hows"lut1na, tion from chorioallantoic membrane on the multiplication of tho Influenza virus strain PR 8. Acts, virol. Engl. Ed., Praha 2 no-117-11 Jan-Mar 58. 1. Institute of Virology. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (IN?WW7A VIRUGAS. gulture off, of inhlbitor of virus hemagglut, on multiplication of strain PR 8 on chorioallantoic membrane.) (HIMAGGLUTInTION off, of inhibitor of virus hemagglut. on multiplIcation; of Influenza virus PR 8 on chorioallantoic membrane.) IAUG ~KqYAQ., Rnzymt1c split product of Influenza virus haeragglutination in- hibitor.Acta virol. llftgl. Id., Praha 3 no.3,.139-143 July 1959 1. Inatitute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brati- slava. I"LUJM VIMIS, iwmnol. NEURAXINIC ACIDS,. metab.) i --OPT' .1/ t. i P~ V C RATOVA. V. [Rithovi, T.1; KOCHISMOVA, D. [Koclikovi, D.1; SANTO. Ta. [Sza'ato', J.3i LAUCHrMOVA, 0, (Laucilcoyal, 0.1; GAXA, L. [Hina, L.] Some properties of the virus-neutralizing factor of normal animal sera. Vop,virus. 4 no.6t7l7-723 R-D '59, (KIRA 13:3) 1. Institut virmsologli Chekhoslovatskoy akademil nauk, Bratislava. (VMUSIS) (IMMITY) SZANTO, J.; LAUCIXOVA, Mga; XOCISXCVA, Dagmar; RATHOVA, Vojta Preparation of anti-inhibitor serum and its effect on the multiplica- tion of Influenza virus. Folia microbiol 5 no.2tlO5-llO Mr 160. (EKAI 9:7) 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak AcadepW of Sciences, Prague. (INFLUENZA) (VIRUSES) (SERUM) KRIZANOVA,LAUCIKOVA, 0,; SZANTO, J.; KOCISKOVA, D. Purification and some broperties of the thermostable Inhibitor against Avid A2 inflviensa virus from horse serum. Acta virol. Engl.Ed.Praha 5 no.1:4-11 J& 161. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak AcademV of Sciences, Bratislavit. (IKff=NZA VIRUSES immunol) (BLOOD PROTMIS ahem) KRIZAROVA-rLAMIKOVA.. 0. - SZA19TO, J. ; KOCISKCVA, D.; RUTTKAT-raECKTO Go; Differences in the properties of two inhibitors against avid A2 Influenza virus strains from horse serum. Acts, v1rol.--RVgl.Ed.Praha 5 no,ltl2-18 T& 161, 1. Institute of Virology, Oxechoslovnk Aandemy of Solo-wios, Bratislava. (ixrwzNZA VIRUSES immunol) (BLOOD PROMPS chew) ZHADA, J. -,'._KRIZAN(WA, o.; BoREcIT, L. A factor destroying virus receptors In paeumococcal cultures. IV. The concentration and partial purification of pneamococcal factor 103 (Pn-f-103) andDifferentiation from RDE of Vibrio cholerae. Act& virol.Zngl.Zd.Prah& 3 no.1:39-60 ja 161. 1. Institute of Virology, CzechoslOTak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (DIPLOGOCCUS PXMONIAZ chem) (VIBRIO ches) SOKOL, F.- BLASKOVIC, D.; KRIMIOVA, 0. Subunits of Mxoviruseo. II. Properties of Haemgglutinins of Newcastle disease, para-influenza 1 and mumps viruses. Acts. virol.Fagl.Ed.Frahs 5 no.3tl53-159 My 161. 1. InBtitute of Virolog7, Czechoslovak Acadewl of Sciences, Bratislava. MWASTLE DISEASES virol) IMUENZA VIRUSES immunol) HMS virol) VIRUSES iz=ol) I ILBRECHT, P. L_~R~~O. JUNTO, T. Location of influenza virus haemagglutination iuMbitor demonstrated in chich embryo calls by fluorescent antibodiaB. Act& virol.Engl.Zd. Praha 5 no.41232-235 J1 161. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak.Aced zw of Sciences, Bratislava, (iNnuENZA i=unol) (EMGGLUTINATION) HANA, L.; KRIZANOVA. STrKP B.; SOKOL, F. Some data on.the nature of the cofactor enhancing the activity of imperfect antibodies against A2 influenza virus strains. Acta virol. EnglaM.Prabal.5 no.5:325 5 161. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak AcadwW of Sciences, Bratislava. (INFLUENZA VIRUSES immunol) SWITO I J.; _KRIZANOVA, 0,,; LINK, F. Interaction of gamna-inhibitor with A2 influenza virun. Acta virol. 61 ~24-530 162. AI 10 1. Institute of Virology Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (INFLUENZA VIRUSES~ (MIAGGLUTINATION INHIBITION TiSTS) KRIZANGVA ,._06 RATHOVA, Vy XOCISKOVA, D.; SZOro, j. Purification and properties of beta inhibitor from bovine serum* Bratial. lek. liety 43 no.1.22-30 163, 1. Virologiaky ustav CSAV v Bratislava, riadital akademik D, Dlaskovic. IMMUNE SERUMS) (CHROMATOGRAPHY) NFLUENZA VIRUSES) (kNT1VIRA.L AGENTS) R resistance of the organism and myxofirus Inhibitors. of some antibacterial and antiviral ihochanisms. Folia 8 no.3:137-146 163. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (MYXOVIRUS) (IMYUNITY) (HMAGGLUTINATION INHIBITION TESTS) (ANTIVIRAL AGENTS) .1comPLEvENT) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY FMACTIONS) (SA1.141ONELLA TYPHOSA) maim LINK,F.; SZAI:TO,Jo; KRIZA11OVAjO. A quantitative assay of the In vivo protective effect of gama-inhibitor against inhibitor-aensitive A2 inflw%nza virus strains. Acta, virol (Praha) [Engl] 8 rio.1:71-q5 Ja'64- 1* Institute of Virologyj Czachoolovak Academy of Scienceep Bratislava. 44- KRIZAJIOVA~ 0.1 IMKOp J. Separation of genme-inhibitor on carboxpethyl-ftllulose. Acts, virol. (prom) [Vng.] 8 no.2tl79-182 Mr 164. 1. Institute of Virologyp CzechoBlovak Acadmy of Sclenceop Bratislava., I- KLTSTC, Predrag; IGNJASOVIC, Slobodan; NWES, garlo; KRIZAROVIC, Dragumin Gonad done in polvic radiography In newborn and oldern Infants. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 93 no.2tl93-198 F 1 65- 1. InBtitut z& medlainu rada SR Srbija u Beogradu (Upravnikt prof. dr. Dragomir Karajovic); Speeijalna bolnics, sa decju pam. lizu i kostano-zilobnu tuberkulotu u Beogmdu (Upravnikt doe. dr. Branko Radul( a ADAM, Jo.-,tf', Inz. C.3c.; KULDA, .11ri., inz. !nz, Calculation of shor~-clrcult forc65 i-n transformern by d,,gt'II-.a! computera. Acta techn Cz 10 no.'lj5g.7) 165. 1. Institut,19 of Electrical Ergineering of the Czv-hz.,~Iovak Academy of SciAnces, Prague 1, VRclav3ke nwn. 5~ ',"0,- Ids-n A and Kulda), 2. Dieoretical. and CaIr-ulattori oC Resenrch and Testing Institut- of tho Zn-voly V,11.1.onlria Na*i~xal EnterprIse Plzen ffor KrizanovsKa), Submlt..ed Arr,'L 2~, In -Lt!3tjrL?, Jk*g~"-lFOltq-"! in- Ap -I.-,-:)Iovsk k:adpmy r,-f taky iind L 38942-66 Fmp~ k)/T/i~-,-1P(V)/W(Q/b'rI IJP(C) J DAIM/M ACC WR-1- -Ap6o29711 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0017/65/054/007/0317/021 AUTHCR:- Dubskyj Jan (Professor; Engineer); Krizanov 9!~&- Libor (Engineer); Voracek,-TF3rs-MY--M,ginser) ORG: (Dubsky; Krizano-yrskyl VSSE, Plze ; (Voracak] V. I. IAnin Plants, A.' , Plzen (Zavody V. I. Lenina, n.p.) TITIE: Influence of thermal aging on the mechanical and electrical proportion of cold-pressed butt-welded Cu joints t SOURCE: Elaktrotechnicky o 0 0 Vo 54# no. 7, 1965P 317-321 TOPIC TAGS: thermal agingj welding technology ABSTRACTS New methods of measurement and testa of these joints were verified and compared with present usual procedures. It was was found that the results permit a more concrete evaluation of the joints from the point of view of their service life. The tests also proved the possibility of using the joints also in rotating electric machines. This paper was presented by Professor Prudky. *Ori art hast 7 figures and 1 table, [Based on authors? Eng. abot.] UPRS: 32,48210 SUB CODE t 13 / SUBN DATE t OqApr64 / ORIG REFS 006 / SOV REF: 001 OrH REF: 005 Joininy of dissimlar metals,t 'AL -10 000--"-Ww " *Soo Lw ; '1' 0 0-4 040 0 ## 0 it, is 11 2P x a M a a 9 a a JL A! a a V 0 to A' A-MAT Sal. ! 4, -&-A-I 'AfffL.A-S-." f A t-4 71-4 A 000-10) .0 ." i,., SA R 66 621~396*72 - 02 1219 9tetion squIlun at of tbo 50() watt radlo-rolay system T. U. 5W. a us yestifts "1w (No. 11 May (July$' 19451 111 Hostan, - CirVUIAzIw- Soo 00 x and illustrations coomitay is doseriptiolt of ths new units too *6 now in production. The amplifiers provide an output of 500 V and are C $00 o * connected for witching to 4 feeders and 4 out-going lin*a. Data art zoo given for the two da"Is, comprising respectively out.?ut and power unit, and input amplifier, conrrol and motor vmol. 2* R. A* see too Noll a I s, I t a 0414LkW6CAL U1144101 CLASSOKAIM At 4#10dri oat 4~w 004 #hARV W -~'* r 4 - 10 F ,I M A S a 1, '0 1P b it 0 a a 91 It 19 Ot a aW- 0 6 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 U 0 ~66 00 0 0Joe 000 00 00 0 00 0 0 6 1* 0 00 00**go***** 0 00 IILLY2 J.; MURIN, AJI.j 11F.",0BRAZENSKIJ, IU, Fisoion producto of t%~aotopes of coaJtv and rare earthe revulting from the floulon of Pu with neutrons from nuclear reactor. Jaderna ener.Ae 3 no.5:139-140 MY 157. 1. Radiyevyy institut, Akademii nauk S.S.S.R., Leningrad (for Krizansk1j, Iturin and Proobrazenskij). 2. Ustav jaderne fysiky,, Caskoslovewka akademie ved,, Praha (for Maly). '4 11 T- - - - ;-v -, rT-T, -w- -. "L. F. warlifiers, Sviazizdat, 1948. K:-"Z,~ S. " 1 .1 P j 0 Usilitpli nizkoy chastoty. --oqco-,-r, --jonutUrst-!-nijoe -zi!,itellstvo Uteratury no Voprosam Sc:,azi I Hadio, 19W.' ;)r). 315, t11!i;,,3., bitlio~~-.; 23 x 15; blue boar Is. 2;,4,'-66 S. Otri-toat-)IInayzi ol~ratnaya -qwf,,z,, . Prololzii. n~,-Iuet *~,':IiO, ::0. 7, 5. 17-1,~- SO: L,--toiir;, ~;o 11 1 . )2, jr))o. I--- -Ka I zz0s .- - 25723 Otrizatelinaya obratnaya. avyazl. Radio, 1949, No. 8, 9 16-1g.-Okonchanio. Nachald: No. 7. Kry2hanovskii, V. Priam v avt(imobile. S.m. 25937 SO: IZTOPISI No. 34 - IRT I't t'Design of Snall I-ower Transformers and Filter :~~-,.okesll, 40 pp, 1950. KRIZ3. 3.N. (Otitput truntiformerol Vykhodnye trunsformutory. Moskva. Goe.energ.izd-vo, 1953. 32 p. MRA 6:7) (Radio-Traasformers) PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 289 1 BOOK Call No.: AF589978 Author: KRIZE, S. N. Full Title: LOW-FREQUENCY VOLTAGE AMPLIFIERS Transliterated Title: Usiliteli napryazheniya nizkoy chastoty Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House for Energetics Date: 1953 No. Pp.: 327 No. of copies: 10,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Chechuk, P. 0. Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: The following Soviet scientists were mentioned as having written books on problems of theory and methods of compu- tation and analysis of amplifier systems: Berg, A. I., Braude, G. V., Voyshvillo, 0. V., Yevtyanov, S. I., Rizkin, A. A., and Tsykin, 0. S. Text Data Coverage: This book deals with an analysis of low-frequency voltage amplification. In addition, basic data on the theory and analysis of pulse amplifiers with feedback are also examined. Many circuit arrangements of voltage amplifiers 1/2 Uallitell napryazheniya nizkoy chaototy AID 289 - I are Illustrated, methods of snalYsiS and computations are followed by practical examples with formulas and graphs. The work only perfunctorily covers the analysis and ap- plications of voltage amplifiers. Power amplifiers are not included. The entire treatment Is primarily analytic and theoretical in approach. Table of Contents: Ch. I ffe-neral Data on Amplifiers. 2 Rheostatic Stage Transformer Stage ?I Elements in Analyzing Low-frequency Low-power Transformers 5 Amplifier Feedback 6 Application of Negative Feedback in Voltage Amplifiers 7 Pulse Amplifiers 8 Transient Processes in Pulse Amplifiers with Feedback Purpose- ThIs book is Intended for engineers and students of dif- ferent specialties confronted with computations and design problems of amplifier systems in their work. Facilities: Not given No. of Russitin rind Slavic References: 20 (entire total Soviet) Avallable: A.I.D., Library or Con ress. 5/2 n1ZE, S. N. "Transient Processes in Linear and Nonlinear Aperiodic Circuitz.f' Dr Tech Sci, Moscow ~,]e ctrotechnical Inst of Commicatione, Ministry of Comunications USSR, Moscow, 1954. (KLj No 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher EducFtional Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 5%), 24 Jun 55 USSR/Electronice - Radio Card 1/1 Author : Krizej S. Title : Regulations in amplifiers Periodical : Radio, 3o 51 - 53o Mar, .1954 AbstrACt : There are three basic pa:,-ameters in amplifiers; 1) the coefficient of-an amplification; 2) of the frequency band passage; 3) of the dynamic range. Sometime;s it is required to change one or all of theae parameters. The article gives several methc-d3 by which this may be accomplished eithiir manually or automatically. A number of diagrams are also includiid. Inn-titution ! ........... Submitted : .6 .... f..$. T529 "Cn the "'election of the Most Suitable Values of Farawters of Iterated Fluse Systems," pp 45-47p 2 ref Abst: In designing iterated pulse systems the problem arisen of se- lecting the movi. cuitable relative parameters for the inlividual sections of such syrtams. It is shown theit what Is most Important Is the choice of those pttrarneters of a system which determine the vetup tink of the process th in its Initial phase, that Is, the steepness of the ri5e front of the Input pulae. ISOUPCE: Sborn, Statey_ Vreso-uzn. Zaochn. Polittikhn. In-tti Yin. V h. _ysr Cbrnzov, 7Collecti,n of Articles of the All-Union Corr-enpondonce Polytechnic Institute of tho Ministry of Higher Mucation), 'so 15, Yoscow, 1956 uup,1954 category USSR/Radiephysic8 - Radio-wave reception Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, So 1, 1957/ No 1932 Author Krize, S.N. Title Errect or No-nlinearity of Tube Characteristics on the Transients in a Cathode-Loaded AmplAfier Stage t 0 Orig Pub KlektrosvyOZI, 1956~ No 8, 18-24 J~\ , Abstract Analysis of the..effect'of the cutoff of plate current and of the nonlinear- ity of the tube characteristics on the transients in a cathode-loaded 4tage. The characteristic of the tube in the conduction state is approximated by a quadratic binomial. Int-ligration of the resultant nonlinear differential equation leads to simple design equations, yielding results that are in good agreement with the experimental.dAta. 4 z 'y' a:' DOIXATOVSKIY, Yuriy Aronovich; KRIZZ, S.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, reteenzent; SHMIDT, Y.O., knnd.tekha-.nsuk, red.; NAKHD4SON, V.A., red.lzd-va; BLIKIND, V.D., LAutomobiles in motion] Avtomobill v dvizhenti. Hoikva, Goe. nauchno-tekhn.12d-vo mashinostroit. lit-r7, 1957. (M RA 11:1) (Automobiles) KRIZZ, S.14. 'e ~ - -, 'Xp-proximate method of calculating the relationship between frequency and transient characteristics in radio circuits. Elektrosvias' 11 no.1:11-16 Ja 157* (KLRA 10Q) (Radio circuits) (Yourier's series) 0~ AUTHORt KRIZEOS.N,, regular member of the society. PA - 2626 TITLEt of an Impulse Limiter. (K raschetu impul'snogo ogranichitelyet Russian) PkMIODICALt Radiatekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, Nr 3, pp 62 - 66 (U.S.S.R.) Received, 5 / 1957 Revieweds 6 / 1957 ABSTRACTs The operation of the impulse limiter of vision s1guals is analyzed. The non-linearity of the volt-ampere characteristic of the limiting element and the finite time of the increase of the acting impulse is t4ken into account. Initial datat The permissible rising time of the impulse on the tube grid of the limiter t rise' the parasitic shunt capacity C 0 , the equivalent inner resistance of the input voltage source Ri, and the frontal duration of the input impulse which is to be limited, t rise 1 (with finity of its value). First the case in investigated in which the EMP shows a linear character of increase at the limiter input. Next, the case is investigated in which the EW has a rectangular shape. In this case computation of the time constant Is simplified . The front of the increase of the impulse of a system voltage does not depend upon the existence of a separating condenser. The capacity of the latter is always sufficient- ly large and charge time Is incomparably greater than the charge Card 1/2 time of the capacity 0 0. Voltage at the condenser C does not begin PA - 2826 Computation of an Impulse Limiter. to change considerably before an electric current appears in the circuit.of the tube grid of the limiter. If the limiter works with considerable amplitudes of the aignalat it might be that approxima- tion of the volt-amp4rs characteristic of the nonlinear element by means of an exponential function in not to the purpose. In this case stgo approximation to the exponential curve is used. In- veatigation of this task in a general form is very complicated, is, however, simplified in the case of given concrete conditions. (5 illustrations and 3 citations from Slav publications) ASSOCIATIONs Not given PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDs 27-8-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 Duc 'V,-,c:i ~'cl PILASE I BOOK WLOITATION SOV/332k Sergey Nikolayevicb, Candidate of Technical Scienceo, Docent ~1~-kntoryye priblizhenWe metody rascheta perekhodnykh prateassov (some Metbods of Approximate Calculation of Transients) MOSCOV, 1958. 46 p. 1,000 copies printed. ~;oonsoftng Agency. Vsesayuznyy zaochnyy politekhnicbeskiy institut. Kafedra radiopriyemnyktk i radioperedayushchikh ustroystv. Fe3p. Ed.~" G.A. Tokmakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of PublisbIng House: T.I. Artemova; Tech. Ed.- P.G. B~-brov- 'PUPPOSE! T-n-ia booklet is intended for specialists in radar, television, pulse co=11nications, autm tic control and other fields of engineering which require the calculation of transiezits.~ COVERAG&-, 'I"he author presents acme methods of approximate calculation of transient processes in linear systems. Ihese calculations are intended for the golution of problems which would lead to integral transforms of Fourier,, Card 113 Some Metbods of Approximate (Cont.) SOV13322 Bromvidl,., Care on-HeaV, a Me and Duhamel, if analyzed by precise methods. The autfjor devotes most of his attention to the investigation of tranaients corresponding to the reproduction of steep fronts of short-d~ration pulse signals, which he considers one of the mo3t important and dirficult problems encountered in pulse system analysis. All results obtained by the author are calculations of adjusting procenaes in video circults; they are also ,,alid for the calculation of envelopes (T radio pulneu during their passage 'through corre- by,onding highL-frequency analogs ~of video circuits. No personalitien are men- tioned. There are 3 referenceo, all Soviet. TABIX OF CON77NTS Introduction 1. Calculation of a Transient Frm the Real or Frcm the Imaginary Part of the Equation of the Frequency Respcm* Characteristic 5 2, Calculation of the Initial Stage of the Trandient From the Coefficients of the Equation of the Frequency Respon6e Character- istic in Its Complex Form 17 Card 2/3 k~;ont U';/ C9.1culation of Transients With Linear Approximation of the Front of Actuating Pulses Z2 Apprcyimate Computation of the Duhamel In,tegral 37 46 V`A-LABLE-, Library of Congress (TK3226.K78). JP/gMP Card 3/3 4-la-6o PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION 792 Krize, Sergey Nikolayevich UsilitelInyye ustrcwstva (Amplifier Apparatus) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1958. 314 Pe 50,000 copied printed. Resp. Ed.: ChistyakovIf N.I.; Ed.: Novikova, Ye. S.; Tech. Ed.: Veyntraub., A.B. PURPOSE: This is a textbook approved by the Ministry of Camminications of the USSR for students of coomp-ication tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The book gives the fundamentals of audio-frequency amplifier theory and design, as well as wide-band and pulse-omplifier theory and design. The author attempts to simplify as much as possible the mathe- matical tools necessary to the presentation of the material, and Limits himself to elementary mathematics, as a rule. Hovever, a number of formulas are included,, which axe aimpllfied an far as possible. Particu- lar attention is given to the physical processes taking place in the cir- cuits studied in the text. To facilitate understanding, all calculations Card 1/9 Amplifier Apparatim 7102 are illustrated by actual n=wrIcal ememples. Since the pablicatlon in 190 of a textbook on this subject, val3iteu nizkoy chastoty (Lav- frequency Amplifiers),, for camunications tekhnikms, the course material on the subject has unUrgone considerable change. For this reason the present work has been &3- t completely rewritten and cannot be regarded an a new edition of the 1948 text* No personalities we mentioned. There an 16 Soviet references (including 1 trawlation). TABLE OF CONTEN Preface PART Z. GENE= I"WWATION Off-AMPLIFIER UNITS Cho I* Introduction 2 lo Classification of uplifiero 2. Indices characterizing amplifier operation 10 3. Distortion in amplifiers 22 4. Elements of amplifier circuits 35 Card 2/9 Amplifier Apparatus Ch. n. Tube Characteristics and Operating Conditions 792 1. Static characteristics of tubes 42 2. Dynamic characteristics of tubes under different types of load 45 3- Classification of Ube operating conditions 48 4. Amplifter-stage operation under limiting conditions 52 5. Determination of nonlinew distortion from, tube characteristics 54 Ch. III. Equivalent Diagrams of the Amplifier Stage 1. Equivalent circuit of tibe with load 59 2o Amplifier stage gain 60 PART 3:X-. POWER AMPLIFIERS Ch. 17. General Information an Power Amplifiers 1. Power-emplifier operating conditions 65 2. Output-transformer function 66 3- Frequency distortion in output stages 69 4. Calculation of output-transformer parameters TT 5. Crest-voltage stability at output 80 Card 3/9 Amplifier Apparatus 792 Ch. V. Class A Triode Power Amplifier 1. Properties and field of application of triodes 84 2. Effect of load factor on basic amplifier performance charac- teristics 85 3- Class A triode pover-miplifier design 90 Ch* VI . Class A Pentods or Besm-tetrode Power Amplifier lo Properties and field of application of pentode power amplifiers 96 2. Design of class A pentode power amplifier 99 3o Load-resistance stabilizing circuit 102 4. Example of beam-tetrode power-amplifier design 105 Ch. VII. Push-pull Amplifiers 1. Operating principle and basic pr6perties of push-pull mplifiers 108 2. Design features of class A push-pull amplifiers U3 Ch. VIn. Operation of Class B and Class AB Power Amplifiers 1. Properties of class B and class AB amplifiers and their field of application 3.17 Card 4/9 Amplifier Apparatus T92 2* Operation of class B2 triode amplifier 12D 3o Example of class B2 triode saiplifier design 132 4o Operating characteristics of elms AB output stage 134 5* 13, ogle of elms AB omplifier design 137 6. Operating characteristics of impedance-load final amplifier 139 Ch. IX. Amplifier Grid Circuit for Tube Operation an Grid Current 1. Effect of grid currents an nonlinear distortion 2o Selection of tube for driver-stage 145 3- Example of driver-stage design 14T Ch. X. Feedback In Amplifiers 1. Properties of feedback amplifiers 149 2. Classification of feedback sVpV circuits 150 3. Effect of feedback on amplifier input and output resistance 152 4. Effect of feedback ongain factor and distortion 154 5. Self-excitation of feedback amplifiers 161 Card 5/9 no Feedback Amplifier Circuits 1. Feedback circuits in pmr amplifiers 2. Parasitic feedback in the amplifier stage 3- Feedback rhase-inversion circuits Xn. Resistance-compled. Amplifiers 1. Amplifier circuit an& its pr rt-Les 2o Function and requirweents of circuit elastents 3- Equations of frequency response and phase characteristics 4. Design of resistance-coupled. amplifier step 5. Zxsxq?Ie of reslstanee-coup3A& amplIfter design Ch. 0 Circuit of Transfonier-coupled, Amplifier Stage I. Stage circuit and its rties 2. Frequency-phase characteristics of the stage 3o Camputation of transformer-stage characteristics 4o Exzmple of design of voltage-amplifter trawformer stage Amplifier Apparatus 792 Ch. -XIV. ResistAnde-tran foxner and Choke Cirevi-ba *of Amplifle&Lion Stagb 1. Properties of circuits and their application 214 2,, Equation of frequency-response characteristics at low fre- quencies and design of circuit elements 3o Example of choke-coupled sm;plifier-stage design Ch. XV. Correction of Frequency Distortion in Amplifiers le Principle of frequency-distortion compensation 221 2. Corz ction, circuits using resistance increase of anode load 222 3. Resonant-correction circuits 225 4. Feedback correction circuits 225 5. Regulating frequency-response characteristics of dorrectim stages 230 Ch. M. Wlde-band Amplifiers 1. Characteristics of wide-band amplifiers 233 2e Low-frequency distortion,-cor ction circuits 234 3- Correction circuit for distortions at high frequencies with the aid of induction coils 236 Card 7/9 Amplifier Apparatus 792 4. Use of feedback in wide-band amplifiers 241 5- Amplifier stage with cathode load Ch. XVII. Pulse Amplifiers 246 le operating characteristics of pulse amplifiers 2. Calculation of transient processes inpulse anp2lfiers 248 3, Resiatance-coupled pulse amplifier 252 4, Application of correction in pulse amplifiers 259 Pulse transformar-coupled amplifier 264 Operation of cathode-load stage in a pulse amplifier 291 7. Action on pulse-amplifier input with finite front rise time izt Ch* XVIIIO Gain Control 1. Function of gain controllers 273 2. Gain-control circuits 274 Ch. XIX. Fundamentals of Stmatural Design of Lov-capacity Low frequency Transformers 1. General rauwko 279 Card 8/9 Any3ifier Appsmtus 792 2. Design of lov-frequency transformers 270 3. Design of transformers operating vithout m&gAetiZStiOn 4. ExaWle of design of transformer operating vithout continuous magnetization 289 5. Design of trwAformere operating vith mpatization 291 Ch. XX. Beidmdu tor Amplifiers 1. Properties and app3leatlons of sadconductor anplifiers 299 2. Design, characteristics and circuit diagram of sadconductor triodes 3W 39 EWv&lmt circuits of triode-tranolstor stages 302 4* Circuits of triodo-transistor uW=er stages 304 5. Triods-tranxistor watistage anplifiers 30T 6, Triode-tranxistor output stages 310 Bib3lography 312 AVAUMM Library of Congress (TW72.A5X75) Card 9/9 JP/ar U-10-58 AUTHOA: Xrize_,_S.N. __ __ f TITLE: Tho Design of the Compensating Amplifier (K raschetu skhemy videousilitelya) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1958, Nr 9, 30/106-56-9-3/17 Circuit of a Video Pulse korrektsii irapal'snogo pp 18 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACTS The design of a compensating circuit is considered using the method of multiple roots which enables the highest ratio of amplification to rise-time to be obtained, it has previously been shown by the author in Ref 2 that the system performance will be an optimum ifthe rise-times of all the separate stage responses are the same. Equation(2) is the most general form of the denominator of the ratio of 2 polynomials which represents the jystem responso. The roots of the denominator are multiple, complex- conjugate. The expression appears again as (8) in terms of resonant frequency and damping factor,, The circuit of Fig 1 is taken as a particular example. It is required to design the coupling network between the output capacitance of one valve and the input capacitance of another. The .Vard 1/1+ additional elements involved are the load resistance and SOV/106-58-9.-3/17 The Design of the Compensating Circuit of a Video Pulse Amplifier series inductance in the anode circuit and the series coupling inductance to the following stage. The transfer function is given by equation (10). Equations (12 - 15) give the values of the un.'mown components in term6 of resonant frequency and damping factor. The following conclusions may be drawn: 1. The inductance of the series compensatlng coilq chosen in accordance with (13), resonates with the parallel combination of terminal capaci- tances at the design frequency; 2. The inductance of the series coupling coil Is similarly chosen to resonate with the series connection of these capacitances at the same frequency; 3. The overshoot of the transient characteristic depends on the ratio of the terminal capacitances. The maximum overshoot occurs when the3e are equal. A critical case occurs when the trans'ent characteristic has the L steepest front for a monotonic ri3e (damping factor equals 2). In this instance the following rid capaci- tance has a value 4-8 times the anode ca,)acitance. Fig 2 Card 2/4 shows the damping factor in terins of capacitance ratio; LF. For a given total parasitic capacitance the maximum suv/io6-58-9-3/17 The Deiign of the Compensating Circuit of a Video Pul.,;o An-plifier possible stage Cain increases as the ratio of anode/ rid capacitance departs from unity. Starting with (M (21) givej the transient response of tha stage. Fig shows the generalized transient characteristic for various valuen of damping factor. Equation (22) gives the stoepo.3t monotonic response which corresponds to multiplo real roots. Fig 7 shows how the overshoct and normalized rise-time are defined. The latter Is measured between. 10% and 90~ of steady-state value. Table 1 shows how the overshoot and normalized rise-time vary for 6everal values of damping factor. An experimental proof was carried out with the aid of the circuit values showr ill Table 2. These repre- sent two variants of the circuit with damping factors of 1-1+1 and 2 res ectively. The appropriate oscillograms are shown in Figs 9 and 9. There is good agreement with the calculated responses. The present method of design requires the choice of two non-dimensional ratios. It is interesting to compare their values with those obtained by Card 3/1+ SOV/106-58-9-3/17 The Design of the Compensating Circuit of a Video Pulse Amplifier Professor Braude and his colleagues (Ref 1). The author takes kl 0.122 arid k2 0.511. The previous reference recotiu:iends 0-125 and 0-625. Tho norralized rise-times agreo, however, to within 1/1'5. There are 9 figures and 3 references) all Soviet. SUBMITTED: October 24, 1957 ~;ard 4/4 '-r,V/ 1C,8- 13-9-6/26 UTHOP Krize,' '!. N.] T IT i On rh.? rc)mpu7.jtivn ;:i Complex 10 C, .-, v:,r a Giver, Trannfer CharrL--:-!ri2T i,: T'i. rt~son:,t-i s.1-n?.nn.'~Kn imptil'snyxh sietem po zainnnoy pprel:hndn,~)y knaraeteristik,;.,) I Radio' ekliniko. 11056. Vr-l. I i, Nr Q. r;r,. 4i-Ao B T W. i This is a presentation oi' a n.tAtiA or' ~--)mparjng the param~!ters pilae accor,,Jin,~- tc their 'rnrjf,!f-.r fl.-Mracterit!~icli. T h a. '~, ir, oi n, that. the m--St 9-11-in'.ageouS t)nrar,~tOrs of a lineal- sy:;tem with lumped cQnsturts are to be detormin~d. The system "011;3icits L)' el^mc~ttt8 ot' at, arLitrary tyne with a MinIMUM PhRUe sh4!*t. Thi-i -if-ttica wl;erante~-a a maximum ratio tetwenn the Itfibilizol ,rnnsfer factor hni tne lealing-edge Tiae furt.h~r in,.-31. -.'Far ior. is Rprj!-,d -,) -,`d~c rif- howover, ctn also e,,3 npp.~_-d 'a sthtlr ,;J.MLiRr systt:ms. AB they exhiLit a general charAct,?r. (i '5,I '.'o r the tranefer oharacto-ristic, is der-ved. Tt;#-!-.j a,-2 and -1 references, 3 ofwh~cn ar#~ "eviet. SUMMED: October 12, 1957 Card 1/1 MORUGIV, L.A. Prinimal uchastiye LEZIV, Yu.S.; ITSKHOKI, Ya.S., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; K4221' -,-S.- N., prof.,doktor tekhr.. nauk, retsenzent; SUKMIOV, Yu.I.p red.; S,'UROV, B.V., tekhn. red. (Pulse systems with delayed feedback] Impullanye ustroistva a za- pazdyvaiushchei obratnoi ffviazliu. PoBkva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio," 1961. 2W ps (14MA 14 112) (Palse techniques (Electronics)) (Delay lines) KRIZE,.-S-U~j--MHKINA, A.A. j ARTEPOVA., T.L., red.j OHIZHEVSKIY, E.M., takhn. red. [Problems of amplifying devices) Sbornik zadach po usilitell- nym ustrointya. &.p. Hoebuzisdat, 1963. 76 p, (MIRA 160) (Amplifiers (Zlectronics)) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) STRACII,L.j Inz.1 MUZEKyFop Izz. Principles of drying. Pt.3* Staviro 41 no.8t292-296 Ag'63 1. Statni vyzkumny ustay tepolne tachniky, Praha. STRACHI L.,, ins.; KRIZEK, F., ina. Principles of drying. Pt.1% Air and water vapor. Stavivo 41 no,,2t 61-63 F 163- 1. Statni vy%kwmy ustav tepelne tachniky, Praha. STRACIIP L.~ ina.; KRIZEK,,F., ins* Prinoiplod of dryingo Pt4, 2o Staviv? 41 no.4tl4l-143 Ap 163o 1, Statni vyzkumny ustav topelne toohniky, Prahas KORGER, Milan, inz.; KR17EK, Frantisek, inz. Determining the coefficient or mass transfer from a plate in longitudinally flown medium by the naphthalene sublimation method. Zdravot tech 7 no. 2:64-73 164. 1. State Research Institute of Thermal Technology, Prague. C Z'-,-'C "10 SLOV.,11~ I A Chair of PzyclrUatry at the In3titutc or Montal Health Iuatadra UD~_7, Praj7-c.o. Ohan-oz; in thc Clinical Picture of So'hizon'tirenia Ta'Con as a 1'0:301ogical Iten. I -'rague, Cosicoslovons!ca Poychiatrie, Vol '9, :.'o ', 1963, pp 292- Abctract: Prcnent I'ormsof chizoparmia -.-o quito difforont from U.'osc dancribed in thr~ litorature o--,*' so:~ac Years aso. The c1mn"as in tbc :;oc-'-c";,T, in the way of wor!cin,- and c',)andInf-I the loicure, c'--,an7,r,s in tuccluiology Pmd --atinrr htlbits have a de,,p influence. The inercased contact anonLsi; cau~;,:;s an osrlicr di agno s 2. s and an a result sonn ilinosoos arc not and tr-al"mcnt, marIced too diStinctly. Pseudocat-atonia is u:-,c of ,~taraxics and ps,Ychoplharrnacology change the outward m-nifcstations. h 'dostorn, 1 Czech referenco. KRIZEK)J.; VOLtIVKA)J.; LEDERMVA,K.; NEUMLNN,J. Alternating awareness of sexual identification. Cook. paychiat. 10 no.2tI19-121 AP'64 1. Psychiatricka lecebna, Horni Berkovice. ERIZEK, J. (Pruha I?AdlAcka 55) A case of male honose"Ilty c=blnid wit~- Cook. ps7chiat. 61. nO#3:18-"-185 JO '65. 1, Psychiatricke oddeleni Krajskeho rtarod-n:hn zdravi Stredo"ekeho Ymjskeho nurodniho vyboru. .- - KRIZEKJP j . Prehistoric and later skull trepanationo on Czechoslovak -territory and their relationship to psychiatry. Cook. poyrhiat. 61 no.5:331-338 0 165. 1. Psychiatricke oddelenj Krajokeho ustavu narodniho zdravi Krajokeho narodniho vyboru Stredoceskeho krajo v Frazo. T I ACC NRI AP6004568 SOURCE --,ODF,: (;Z/0083/65/000/003/01-92/0185 AUTHCR: Krizekp J.--Krshizhek, I. (PrAgue) ORG: Psychiatric Department KUNZ, Institute for National Health KNV (Paychiatricke cddeloni KU19 stredocetskeho KNV) TITLE: Case of male homosexuality associated with exhibitionism SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska psychiatrie, no- 3, 1965, 182-185 TOPIC TAGS: social problem, behavior pattern, psjchiatry ABSTRACT: A homosexual who shows aiso signs of masochism, urola'gnia, narcissism, and exhi- bitionism was investigated. Because homosexuals are very rarely exhibitionists,a psychiatric examination was requested by law enforcement agencies, Both homosexuality and exhibitionism were confirmed during the examination. Details of some other perver-. sion3 of the patient are given. Orig. art. hast 1 figure. fi-PRIS 'SUB CODE: '05# 06, / SUEM DATEt none -Cor-d - 1A 43007-66 CiA~- AjP~~Iglff- SOURCE CODE: AUIHOR:_ Krizek, J.--Krehizhekp Is ORG: Psychiatric Departmento Regional Institute of Public Health# Central Bohemia Region, Prague (Psychiatricke oddeleni KUNZ.KNV Stredoceakeho) TITLE: Prehistoric and later skull trepanation in Czechoslovakia and relationship to psychiatry SOURM Cookoslovenaka payohiatriep no- 5, 1965t 331-337 TOPIC TAGS: psychiatryg therapeutic surgeryt surgery ABSTRACT: Description and discussion of 33 trepanated ekwu found in the Czech territory since 1876t sexq age, location of wound, number of wounds (up to 3)- Most survived operation; signs that surgery was therapeutic in intent rather than magical or religiousj therapeutic trepanationa were apparently carried out also by the Slavic populations in Czechoslovak territory in the 10th and nth centuries, ,but later the practice fell into disuse, The author thanks Professor of Anthropology# Doctor V. Fetter for his review,, and Docent A. JarLik for some of the literary referenc and informations The photographs were provided by the Institute of Anthropologyp KU P~rague. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [Based on authorls Eng. abst.] [JPRSt 33#5001 SUB COM 06 / SUBM DAM none / ORIG REF1 025 / OTH REF: 015 a MLP CZECHOSLOVAKIA KRIZEK,, J.; Psychiatric Department, Krajaky Institute of National 1MtTtft-Vf-*the Central Bohemia Kraj (Psychiatricko Oddeleni KIRTZ Stredoceskeho Kraje), Prague. "Two Cases of Necrophile Motivation." Prague eskoslovenska Psychiatrie, Vol 62, No 4. Aug 66, pp 266 - 05 Abstract L'Wuthorts English summary modified_7: The author do- scribeY-two cases of necrophilism which he met in his practice. The first was an imbecilep former grave digger, who entered a morgue and misused a female corpses The second case was a schiz- ophrenic, a former priest, who had an auditory hallucination or- dering him to touch the qenitals of a female corpse; he resisted this urge. The author discusses necrophilia. sensu strictiori, where the desire for the corpse is a primary onot psoudonecrophil- ia which is an emergency satisfaction in defective individuals, and transitory neorophile motivation which can occur in various mental disorders. No referenoea. (Manuscript received 24 Mar 65). 74 - i-._'1R`1'.U:?0VA Ir - KqIZFX LL; VOLFOVA, J.; P3yciiiatric Clinic, Pac- ul`~-Iy of "onor.11-70dicine, Charles Univorsity ~Psvchiatricl:a Kli- ni!~,, Vscobecneho Lolkarstvi ICJ), ?raF--,ue; Psychiatric Xnartunwnt; Hrajs1,rj Institute of Public Healthp Kraj of Central Oddaic;ni ru7'Z Strodocos1celio Krajo), Prague; Psychia~i,Lc Hlospital (PSyCh4at 1. ric'~a Loccona), Horni Borkovice. nodactylia Connected with 1-,ental Dosordors." -2r_--Uo., Ces*.:os' ovoriSka. Poirchi,1 trio,, Vol 62, No 5, Oct ('06, pp 329 - 331 .U~ YLb... ract ~1-,orsl English summary nodified~__7: Threo cases of aracnnodactylia ,:ith psychic alteration nre deberibed. The pro'lle-m of a connection between developmenral diztarb.--.nces of such type and d-isturbancos of nental functions occurr-,n- sii-,iul- taneously are discusned. ,Io references. (Yani's cript roceivad 10 Sep 65). KRUWHANZL, V.p prof. inz. dr.; KOLLAR, K., Iriz.; k~UUK.-J-t inz-; SGIUNKA, J., Inz.j STAUEK, V., inz. dr.; SIREK, J.? hiz.; SLEGRO A., inz. Surveyor's role in capital constructions. Geod kart obzor 10 no.9/10035-239 0 164 191:1