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8(6) SOV/112-58-3-3829 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, F, 45 (USSR) AUTHOR: Oftel'makher, A. M., and Krivko, V. S. TITLE: Experience in Operating an Electric Power Plant (1z opyta ekepluatataii elektrostantati) PERIODICAL: Energet. ob., Nr 4. Minsk, 1957, pp 118-123 ABSTRACT: Operating experience has shown that the temperature required for operating meters and relay-protection devices in an unheated main substation is secured by heat from the reactors. To save on cable and other muerials, the relay-protection devices and meters for generators, transformers, and outgoing lines can be removed from the main control room and placed in the main switchgear room; a signal board indicating relay operations caL be installed in the main control room. On steam-control boards in the boiler room and in the generator room, electric low-voltage wiring should be segregated from steam gauges, steam-flow meters, and their connecting Card 1 /Z 8(6) SOV/112-58-3-3829 Experience in Operating an Electric Power Plant tubing to avoid possible damage to electrical equipment due to moisture. To facilitate and speed repairs, a monorail telpher should be provided over large motors. V. Ye. Z. Card 2/2 L 22272-66 EWT(l) ACC NR.- .06oo5iM 'SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/000/009/0017/0017 AUTHORS: Yoroblyev, A. A.;, Kalyatskiy,, 1. I.j Kriv~_..; to'l -9. T. Chepikov, TITLE: Pulsed electric breakdown of air and water vapor at increaeed pressures SOURCE: Ref..zb. Fizikao Abs. 90143 REF. SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov I poluprovodnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 103-106 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, electric discharge, gas disobarge', water vapor., pressure TRANSLATION: Experimental volt-second characteristics are obtained .of the electric breakdown of air and water vapor at different pressures (l -- 4 atm) for application times in the range (2 - 20) X. 10-7'sec. Pulses of positive and negative polarity with amplitudes .up to 400 kv were applied on a point secured at a distance 4 20 mm Card 1/2 L 22272-66 'ACC NR: AR6005i86 from a grounded plane. The time of action of the pulne voltage was measured from the oscillograms. It is established that the pul:3ed strength of dry water vapor at Increased pressure exceeds the s,6,,rength' of air, especially forpuloes of negatiVe polarity. For water vapor, no reduction was observed in the dielectric strength of-the -gap in ,the pressure region 10 -- 20 atm. such as is characteristic of breakdown in air. I. Popov SUB CODE: 20 P Val, V.v, na. 131 7 r, 4 Poll 'r I -S I tZA' . .)TIVKOV G.A.; VEKSLFR, Ya.l.; KORZAN, D.P.; SIWuGgRT.-,, A.R.; . - IIIASABOVAY V.A.; PAIMARCHUK, V.P. Experimental myocarditis in acute rallation sicknees. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 no-4181-83 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 17t8) XRIYXOlg G.A., polkoynik neditsinskoy sluzhby; VAKSUM, Tsol., mayor mecL:Ltf,L koy sluzhby, kandidat maditsinaktkb cauk; YBYRIMY. A.S.@ mayor maditainskoy alushby; SHEYNGERT3, A.R., godpolkornik maditsin- skoy sluzhbyg kandidat maditainskikh nauk; RUNOYSKIY, D.N., polkovnik meditainskoy alushby. Course of experimental pneumonia following damage by radiation. Toona-medeshure U04:41-45 JI 656, (MM 9:11) (RADIATION SICMMSS) (PI"ONIA) 47 AUTHOR: None given 26-10-39/44 TITLE: A Brief Review of New Books (Korotko o novykh knigakh) PERIODICAL: Prirodaq 1957# No 10, pp 122-123 (USSR) ABSTRACTs "Nuclear Processes in the Stare", a collection of lectuzea given at Liege in September 1953. No author. 1.I. Revizin, "Plastic Materials In Medicine" V. Glaxer, nPrinciples of Electronic Optics" (Tranal. fr. German) E. Birshtekbert "Microbiology of Crude Oil" (Tranal. fr. Englis7h B.G. Kuznetaov, "Principles of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in their Historical Development" G.B. Altermani A.M. Zharskin ?.A. Krivkovi F.V. Nevolint "Production of Synthetic Pat AAAT;;~ Wle and Fat Sub- atitutes in the Bovist Zone of Germany. . M.P. Bed inggauz,,g Preserving Natural Colors in Plant Dz7iW - Jim Corbett, "The Cannibals of Kumaon" (Tranal. fr. Eng-lish) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 KRIVKOVA, A.M. A now piropLasma species Firoplasma males sp,nov. from the blood of badgers, Trudy Inst..sool, AN Kazakh. SSR 14:42 160. (Urghis Range-P.iroplasmosis) (MIRA 13:12) (Badgers-Diseases and pests) USHAKOVA, G.V.; KRI'VXQVA A M ~ Ixodid ticks parasitizing on volves in Bet-Pak-Dall. Trudy Insta zool. AN Kasakh. SSR l9t241-242 163. (MIRA 16%9) (Bet-Pak-Dala-Ticks) (Bet-Pak-Dala-Parasites-Wolves) L. ~. iaIVLEVA, L. D. 3clence j.LoPlication of trigonometry to solution nd ntudy of ~,-ponetry probloms, Ioskva, Izd. Akad. pedagog. nauk SSFR, 1951. '-I onthly LI:it of Rusaltin Accessions, Library of Con~,resq, December 1952. U,11('LA3 ; rFIk,b. KRIVINIKOVAO J. A now stage in building a netvcrk of medical libraries. Cask. zdrav. 12 no.:U20-25 Jat64. 1. 'Inspektorka knihoven v resortu mirdaterst7a Mravotniatri. ZVCHKOVA, Z. V.; KIUV") KIWAMIJA , A. N. flow determination of the atomic and elect -)nic structure of dicyandiamide. Dokl. AN SSSSR 155 no. 2: 98-401 Mr 164, W TRA 17: 5) 1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy inBtitut im. L. Ya. Yarpova. Predstavlona akademikom S. S. Medvedevym. KRIVOBODROV, -A.A.,. kand. takhn. nauk, dotv. ; SWOBOT-KOV, T.11., red. (Spherical roofs (theory and an cxtmpla of cnlculation)j study manual]Sterichookoe pokrytie (teoriia I priner rav- cheta); uchabnoe poooble. Loningradp Loningr. in-t inzhe- norov zhol-dor. trannp. im, V.P.0brazteova, 1961. 37 p. (Roorap Shell) UWA 15:18) KRIVOBOX-,.&, Jjme" ~.' " !- Sinking cables being laid across shallow rivers. Test. sviast 16 no.12:11 D '56, (MMA 10:2.) (Cables, Subparine) GOROKHOV., A.M.., putevoy rabochiy; I&S~MSEY, D.A.; TARASUV., A.I.; M:VOBOKp G.K.; 11 r-Im. mo ".&" Up A.DOP inzbo-mekhanik; YURIYAKS9 P.I. [Jarjakis, V.I,:- Ma*lujvo A.A.; SAFRONUV, V.S.; SHAROVp N.Y. Lettere to the editor. Put' i put.khoz, 7 no*4;40-42 163, (HIRA .`.613) 1* Stantaiya Talovaya., Yugo-Vontochnoy dorogi (for Gorokhov). 2. Nachallnik distantoii zaahchitnykb l9oonaaazhdeniy, stantoiya Atkarsk, Privolzhakoy dorogi (for Beaedovskiy)o 3* Hachallnik 'putevoy maibinnoy stantaii,, stantaiya Llgov, Mookawskby dorogi (for Tarmar). '4. Sekre- tar; partiynoy organizataii stastaii likitovka.,, Donetskoy dorc,gi (f0 Krivabok). 5o Stantsip, Kikitovka., DorAtskoy darogi (for Mbisey~.nkoYs 6. Brigadir puti, stantaiya Platone, Pz-ibaltiyi&oy dorogi'(for Yurlyaks). ' 7, Zamestitell nachaX'zdka dl;;tuntsli, Sallysm, Zakavkazakoy dorogi(for lbragimav). 8. Starshiy normirotshchUcy . * ' stantsiya Rtishchevo, Privolzhokoy dorogi (for Safronov). 9. Sekretarl nartiynoy organizataii, stantsiya Rtishchevo, Privolzhakoy dorcgi if-or Sharov)o (R&U,~rOada-Maintenance and repair) J-" ~ . -. , - . . . "Kuzbass Adoptis New Machinex7 and Mining Methods," U901', No 9, 1950. "Donbass Corblue Ivoves FXfective in Mine imcni Kirov," UP,01', No 9, Sc.P. 50- Translation W-15769, 12 Dee 50 BILIKO Shaya 14andelovich; KORABLEV, Anatolly Alskeandrovich; ?AMY, Androy Dinitriyevichl RWBODOV, Mikhail Alsksandrovich; ZRITOBOX; WMILIXA, L.N., takhn.rod.; ALKWIFA, to (Instrumnnts and apparatus for studying mine pressure] Pribory i apparature. dlia Issledovantia. prolavlanti gornogo davlenila: spravochnik. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat. 1958. 363 P. (MIRL 12:1) (Mining engineering) (Measuring instrumants) PARUSIMOV, VAF.; BUTUVICH. R.V.; KRIVOBOK, X.P.; LINDFINAU, N.I. Trends In thick coal seas mining In the Xasnetsk Bnein. Ugoll 34 no.8:6o-64 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) Olusnetsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) I- KRIVGBOX, K.P.. inzh. Observe technical requirements In hr1raulic coal :,ining. Bezop.trude v prom. 4 no-9:3-4 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Yqdraulic mining-Safet7 measures) KRITOBOX, X.P., Inuh.; SHATIANSKIT, S.S., inzh. Hydraulic gravity baulage of rock In hydraulic zinee. Ugoll Ula,- 4 no.9:23-23 S 160, (MMA 13:10) ( W raulic mining) (Xine haulage) -- KRIVOBDK# X.P.p inah, .1 Working conditions in hydraulic mining, (Hydraulic minipg) Ugolf 36 no, 2i16-17 T ItIg (HM 1412) - - ---, - T'- i~'., KRIVOBOK, M.N., kand.biol.nauk. Biological characteristics of young carp on fish spawning and rearing farms of the Volga Delta. Trudy VNIRO 32:108-128 '56. (MIRA 10:10) Volga Delta--Carp) Fish culture) ~ KRIVOBOK, M.H., kand.biologicheakikh nauk. DITAKOVA, G.P. , ------U~tilization of food supply b7 7oung carp and bream on fish spawning and rearing farms. Trudy VNIRO 32:129-145 156. (MIRA 10:10) %~. (Carp) (Bream) (Don Valley-Fishes-Tood) IRIVOBOX, M.N., kand.biol.nauk. Significance of the outer Volga Delta for the young of partially migratory fishes. Trudy VNIRO 32tl65-177 156. (MIRA 10:10) (Volga Delta-Carp) i.N.i,' ol. nauk. Biology of young carp In the outer Volga Delta. Trudy VNIRO 32-.263-276 156. (MIRA 10:10) (Volga Delta--Carp) KRITOBOX, M.N., kand.biol,nauk Sighificance of the study of nitrogen metabolism in fishes for placicultural practice. Trudy sovAkht.kom. no.8:197-204 1 58, (91RA 11111) 1. Vensoyusnyy nauohno-tooledovatellskiy inatitut morskogo rybnog) khosyaystva I okeanngrafti. (Nitrogen metabolism) (Ijobes-Yood) ,-KRIV030K, M.N., kand.biologichaskikh nauk; TARKOVSYATA, O.J. Determination of the time of spawning migrations of tho Baltic herring based on studies of its fat metabolism. Trudy VIIIBD 42:171-188 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Baltic Sea-Herring) (71shes-RIe;ra*ion) (Fat metabolism) KRIVOBOKO 1.1.17, RoUtionship.between spawning time and fecundity In the Baltic herring. Trudy V111RO 44:160-164 161. 14:11) (Riga# Gulf of-Iferring) (Reproduction) KRIVOBOKI TARKOVSKATAO 0. 1. Pbraiological characteristics of the Baltic herring Clupea bm-engus membras L. of various fecundity. Vop ikht. 2 no.3: "l-451 162. WRA 15210) 1. Vvesqyuznyy nauchmo-issledovatel'skiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i dreanografii - VNIRO. (Baltic Sea-Herring) KRIVOBOK, M.N.; TARKOVSKAYA, 0.1. chemical characteristics of the yellowtail flounder, codfish# and Alaska pollack In the southeastorn part of the Bering Sea. Trudy VNIRO 49t257-272 164. (KM 18:5) 1. Voosoyusnyy nauchno-Issledovatellakiy inslitut morskogo rybnogo khotyaystva L okeanografli. 11MMOAM4, 11.,glavnyy snergetik, KRIVOBOX N.,brigadir skorostnoy prokhodchookoy brigady I -- # - 0 Now equipment used in Dogtiarka copper mines. KTO no.2:12 F 1590 (Him 12:2) 1. Degt~urskiy medn" rudnik Sverdlovok_qa oblant' (ior both). 2. Shakhta *Ka italinaya-10 Ifor Xrivobok). ~Dsgtiarka--Copper mines and mining) NAKHODNOVA, A.P.; KRlVOBOK, VAL Preparation of barium oxide with a high content of main substance. Trudy IREA no.25:461-404 163. OURA 18:6) I - - - NAMODNOVA, A.!-.; KRIVOBOKO Vol. Purification of barium compounds with trilon B. Trudy, IREA no.25: 479-482 163. (MIRA 18:6) i nlW,BC,K, Yu. V.: Water Biol. Sci (disIO, -- 'Llin renction oA," '24~rrold calla to u tho action of radioactive iodinolls Viaxlkov, IT)9. I' pp (Min Health Mr Ssap KharIkov Stato Mod InAt), 200 ouples (KL, yo 114, 119) MUVOBOKp Yu. V. (Kharlkov) Secondary changes in the thyroid gland following the action of radioactive iodine. Arkh. pat. no.g.-44-50 161. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Is k&fedry glatologii (zave - zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki rof. B. V. Aleshin) Kharikovskogo meditsinskogo instituta r. - doteent B. A. Zadorozbrry7) M (THYROID GLAND) (IODINE-ISOTOPES) Al..'r,S111N, B.V.i XH11,VGiiD1K, XU.V,,,, - ShAftj In tho aboorptive capacity nnd 1rce1e%rtr.'c ; - rt cf thy-old callu during the ac-.ion of Eli,31. eksp. bicl. i mad. 56 no.8,,.101-105 Pg 163. kYTP~ 1.7,,,7) ;. Iz kafedry gisto.1c,gil (ZU7. - J.r'Cf'. D.V. Adenh-m", 1 medits1makcgo Instl1tv,ta, Pradntavlez-a daystviGs, I--- nyA, INN SSSA AJ, 1A)bad1nsk,,Lm, KRIVOBOK, YU.V. Influence of radioactive io4ine on the nonstimulated and st4imllated thyroid glazA. Biul. eksp, biol. i mod. 51 no.6: 66-69 je 161. (~UIA 15-- 6) 1. Iz kafedry gistologii (zav. - zaaluzhonnyy doyatell nauli prof. B.V. Aleshin) Kharlkovskogo meditsinakogo instituta (dir. - dotoont B.A. Zadorozhnyy). Pr6dotavlena deyatvitellnym chlonom AMN SSSR A.V. Labedinskim. (TIMOID GWID) (IODIIIE-ISOTOPES) (URACIL) MIT'JOBOX.- X,,(Fharlkov, 22, uI.8-go nlyezda Sovetov.2,kv.1'.1) -i2E2&&-xU Elslopn7*191097 r the reaetion of the thyroid gland to the thyrctropic hormne. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 4A no.102-37 Ja '05. (MIRA let1l) 1. Kafedra gistologii (zav,- zaaluzhemiyy dayatell nauki prof. B.V. Aleatilin) Khartkovskogo meditainakogo instituta. Submitted Dec. 22, 1963. KRIVO'80'10V. A., gorn7y insh (C. Chereakhovo) Make way for Siberian gypaw. Pron.koopo 12 no-1100 N 138a (Irkutsk Province-Gypsum) (KIRA 11:11) LUIVCBOKOV, A. Sagging of vessels moving on canals* Mor. flot 20 no. 12:23 D 160. (KIRL 13:12) 1. Upitan turbokhoda Oftlapeshtl Cbernomorskogo parokhodstva. (Inland navigation) (Load line) KRIVOBOKOV; A. Course selectiGn in the Florida Straights. PSor. flot 22 no.2t 26-27 F 162. (IUFLA 1514) 1. Kapitan turbokhoda. *Budapasht". (Florida, Straights of--Navigation) STEPAIMIKOV, Roalld Vanillyevich, ansistent; KAIVO;~OKQV, Alokjardr Vauillyevichj MESHKOV, 0.1., red. [Cargo handling operation on the "Pokin" ("Peking") - type tanker) Gruzovye raboty na tankere tipa "Fekin." Monkvnl Transportj 1964. 122 p. (MIFA 17s9) 1, Kapitan tankera, "Hudapeaht" (for Irivobokov). KMOBOKOV A.V. Characteristics of mooring vithout berthage, Biul, tekh.-ekon. iaf&-Id. Takhe upre Min, mor. flota 7 no.6:16-23 162, (MM 1694) Is Kaj~tan tankers NBudapeshtv. tAnchorage) .. KRIVOEQKOV* D,V,p In7b, Screw conveyer for clean!ng canalee Stroi. i dor. ma6h. 7 no,9:16-18 S 162, (MIRA .15:10) (Dredging machinery) IKRIVOBOXOV I Axdc&ywrich,; RAXITO, Fduard lonifovich, wucbnyy red.; ANOVA9 X.N., red,; ROGACM, Y.T., red.; SUSHUVICH. V.I., tekha. red. [Practical training of electricians in signaling, centralized control andL block systems; ua=al for instructore of railroad and technical] Protsvodetvannoa obuchente slaktromonteroy po signalizatsit, tsentralizatsii t blokirovke (STO);'v pomoshch' masteram prottvoilstyannogo obuchenits ZhU i TU. Moskva, fees. uchobno-pedagog. izd-,Yo Trudrezervisdat, 1958. 103 P. (KIRA 11:11) (Blectric anginearing-Study and tAaching) (Railroads--Blectric equipment) CIUM4EM, Nikolay Mode stovich; -IWJVOBOKOV*, a Androyavidp inzh.; CMEDXOV# 14ikbail flikolq;,~Jc , inzh.; KAZAXOV, A.A., kand. takhn. naukp rotsenzontl VYLll,)IKGVA, V.I.p Inzh., retsenzont; UWAXGVAjvZ.P tokle rsUenseutj XAWWAAOO.I.,,inzh. red.; .U=XO,L.A.j teig.;esp. (Signaling oyetems, their installation and mnintenancelUstroi- styu SToBq ikh rontazh i soderzhanie. 1,.oskva, Tranczheldor- Izdatp 1962. 412 p. (MIRA 15:1-1) (Railroads-Sginaling-Block system) r. rT i Ir k, , v " T, m 32609. KRIVOBOKOV p M. Organizatelya W018-someliorativnykh zventev v kolkhozakb. Bote. eel. khoz-vo, 1949 No 10 , a. 52-55 SO: LOtOPis' Zhurna.11 nykh Statey, Vol. 44 I ---KRIVOBOKOV [Finanoing of distilleries] Yinanalrovanio spirtovykh sayodov. Kookysi, Pishohopromisdat, 1954, 77 p. (MM 7:11) (Distilling Indastriom) K;'jj i ~' 111-i " t . '~"'-.J '' . , ., ujjari Aru:royovich; I: N.N. , -~.d. Pv-hcha-Voditsa Hoalth ho.-,ortj Kurort Fuilicha - VoJitla. Kiev, Gormedizdat UJSR, 1963. 74 p. 0-1'1&~ 17:(.') KRIVOBOKGVP S.A, (Kryvobakovp S.A.] Involution of intrathoracic tuborculosia In children following rooovery from tuberaulous meningitis. Pod. kkush. i gin. 24 no. 60-9 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Dotskiy tuborkulaznyy sanatoriy "Zirka" Ministorstva zdravoe,chraneniya UkrSSR v Awhche-Voditse. STULIY, L.A.j LUMCCOVAp O.B.; BUTSIKA, L.K... kand. mod. nauk; KRIVOBOXOV, S.At [rrjvobokovjj VOLOSHINOVt B.M. (Voloohynov,, B.M*j;'d&Gkt- ""tYMOVSKIY, V.11. (ByBhkovv'kyi,, V.N.] dotsent; POKOTTIDVAq V,Tu. (Pokotylova, V. IUJ; KOLESNIXOV) G.F, Kolesnykov H.F.); ZIATKIS,. L.SI; SAVOSTIMNOVA., S.I.j M121, D.D. [Bryn, D.D.1; HATVL'MXO, Ye. . (Matviienkop IE.A.]; HR(TIZ, LXL; YEPSHTE1710 L.G. [Epohtein, L.11.1, kand# medo nauk; SHAKINOVICH, A. (Shakhnovych, L.A.) Annotations and authoral abotracts. Pedint. alcuabi ginek. no.3s 31-34 163 MIRA 17 tl) 1. Kharlkovskiy naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut okhrany mate- rinstva i detstva (for Staliy). 2. Kafedra detskikh bolezney Odesskogo meditainskogo Instituta (f-r Safronova). 3. Ukrain- skiy Institut okhrany materinstya I detstva (for Wtolka). 4. Detskiy sanatoriy dlya rekorvalestsentov ot t,iberkuleznogo meningita, Kiyerv Pashcha-Voditsa (for Krivoboko-*). 5. Detskaya klinika Ivano-Frankovskogo meditsinskogo institutu (for Volo- shinov). 6. Kafedra detskikh infekl%,Sionnykh bole%ney Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for BlcUovskiy, Pokotilova). 7. In- stitut infektsionnykh bolezney Kiyev ( for Kolesnikov). 8.Kharl- kcvokiy oblantno detskiy dom No.1 (for Mathis, Savostlywovap Brin,, Vatvaye kql. 9* Kafedra pedlatrii Kiyevrkof,-o medi lfttll%% (for Bronz) lw;'~Kafedra fakulftetskoy pedlatrii Gorlkov:3kogo mad. instituta (for Yepuliteyn). 11. 2-ya detskaZa boltnitsa Sherchen- kovskogo rayona g. Kiyeva (for Shakhnovich)o AndrellLyt! ";,-PMUYXT# N.A.,rodaktor; LOUMTTT, To.G. * , - " low, 'I- [The Neboba-Todikqa health resort) Xurort Pushcha-Toditsa. Kiev. 0o#, sod. tvd-'Vo TJ$SR, 1956. 66 p (NI&A 10:5) (XM-.MWa RISORTS. 1~;vlm PLikus, VC-) KRIVUBOKOVO S.A. [KMobokovp S.A.] 'Vascular reactions in children vho have had tuberculous meningitis. Pod&,, akush. i gine 22 no.5:22-23 160.(KERA 15s6) 1. Respublikanokly awmtoriy "ZorIka" d1ya rokonvalootoontov 1e tuberkulesnogo, meningita, (glavnyy vrach - S.A. Krivobokov Kraryvobokov, S.A.] Kiyev,, Puahcha,4oditaa. r (MNIIA=--TUM=LOSIS) (PL&THYSHOOMPHY) KRIVOj30xOv,p--q.A. [bYvobokov, S.A.] Late cOmPlic4tlons in children following Ped. I akush- I gin. 23 no.5120-23 t61. tUberCUIOU8 MSAIglt,3. 1. Detakiy reepublikanakiy sanatorly NM 14:12) Poole tubOrkuleznogo meninr "ZorIka" dlYa rekonvaleB-4fientov 'ital Kiyev (MMINGM-TUBERCU v Pushcha-Voditaa. LOSIS) BRINBERG, S.L.; SPORTSOVA, A.P.; KRIVOBOXOVA, B.S. Effeot of iron on the biosynthesis of erythromycin. Antibiotiki 7 no.8:689-692 Ag 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauohno-iseledovateliskiy institut antiblotikov. (MN-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ERYTHROMYCIN) HILIMINA, V.,iush.j XRIYCBOBDDZZO, A,,master Attaching a flexible shaft to an electric motor by means of sleeve. Miss. ind. SSSR 29 no. 4-47 158. (MIRA 1128) : , Kbabarovskly myssokombinst. (Shafting) HILMUXA, V-; KRIVOBORDMMO. A. Nchine'for cutting c'91'10~phane. Mlas-lnd-SSSR 30 no.6:45 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1e Xbabarovskly NFasokombimat. Nat Industr.T--]~qujpment and supplies) MILUHIIIA, V.; KRIVOBOR(,D]UMO. A. fo; opening tin cans. Ml&s.lnd.SSSR 31 no.1:51 6o. Knife (Km 13:5) 1. lhabarovskiy, myasokombiuats (Khabarovsk-Tin cans) 8/081J61/000/021/052/094 B110/B101 AUTRORSt Danyushavokayal Z. L. Xrivaborodov# R T TITM Development of a technological production scheme for tamponago cement in the Sterlitamakskiy Soda and Cement Combine PERIODICALi Reforatiynyy shurnal. Xhiatiya, no. 21, 19619 312, abstract 2A310 (Nauchns soobehoh, Cos. Vass. n.-i. in-t toomentn. prom-sti# no. 10 (41), 1961,4 - 8) TZX?t A description is given of adjustment works and the experimental studios of optimum technological parameters of the production of high- strength tamponage, cement for cold boroholes. It was found that the raw material components should be ground jointly. The optimum mineralogical composition of clinker is given* KI should amount to 0*90 t 0.02, the alumina modulus should be 1.5 1 0.02 and the silicate modulue should be 2.2 t 0.02. The optimum $0 3 content is 2,2 - 2.6%. The use of the rooom- mended composition of the raw material mixture led to an increased furnace Card 1/2 8/08IJ61/000/021/052/094 Development of a toohnological production,* B110/B101 productivity (by-10%), to a longer durability of the -,,lining (by,-the double) and to a reduced fuel consumption (by -100 The free UO-oonteat could be reduced from 1,7 to 1.0%. If the grinding fineness is increasod from 2840_to 3300-3600 am %gf the cement meets the requirements of rov 1581 42 (GOST 1581-42 .as to deliquescence and bending strength in two-day age. With finer i di the pulp becomes thicker and the pill produotivity decreases. rAbentralolfer's notes-Complete translationj Card 2/2 KRIVOBORODOV, R.T.; KUZNETBOVA, T.V. Effect of the structure of alInkers on the strength of' plugging Cement. TSament 29 no.3il7-19 1,V-Je 163. 011 RA 17 11) 1. Sterlitamakskiy teementayy zavod. KRIVOBORODUVI R.T. Raising the qu&34ty of cement at the Sterlitamak cement plant. TSement 28 no.137-8 -T&_F 162. (NIRA 16:5) (Cement--Testing) KRIV80HODUvo J#To Optimum parameters of cement for wells having high temperature. Neft. khoz. 40 no.6t65-67 Je 162. (KRA 15:61' (Oil well cementing) .~ : -,.; '.' ~ -,-4, 1~I ; ~:. ~ , ) 1 .11, IJ!71nt,, pozzolan rorrr~nt. P:iro.,ndr- , 1. 'jt,-rllt.,uTjakskiy kcmhimt I Tal-al-Aly rwf'tynnc-)y instit-it. KRIVOBORSKIT, V.Y. dt~r~ogoopio Phot0slorogrAphy of fOrAMiUtf9rs. Truo VNIGIII no.153:327-339 160. (HIRA 13:7) (Photomicrogragby) (Photogr&Pbr. tersoncopic) (Foraniuifera, Yossil) SUBBOTIVA, ALFX5ZYCl!Jr-l-lIT5rX/lGli, L.S.; RARX'O'WAYA, O.F.s MUTOVA, Z.I.; BULT111KOVAt S.P.; WN1,07M.YA, KISM11011, E.N.; KOZLOVA, G.E.; KUZDIA, V.I.; KRIVOBORSKIY, V.V.,- USIMOVA, I t!.V.; FPX,,YZ,Wl, Ye.V. [Cretticcous mrd laloogene Foraminiforn hi the West Siberian Plnin) Foraminif r melovykh I paleogenovykh otlozhenii Zapadno Sibirskoi nizmennonti. looningrad, flodriv, 1964.455 p. (Imingrad. Vauchno-issledovntellskii goologorazvedoclknyi inntitut. Trudy, no.234). 18ti) 1. Vuesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-iosledovatellakiy geologoras- vedochnyy inBtituto Leningrad; Sibirskiy nauchno-inaledovatell- skiy Institut geologiip goofiziki i minerallnogo syrtya; Illovo- sibirskoye torritoriallnoye geologicheskoya upravleniye i Tyu- menckoye territotiallnoye goologicheakoye upravlenlys. On oertain approzimatic-n probleme related to a now class of Intogril- differential equationas &a Ao Pol Pat 9 no.10:707-712 '01. ytechniquo, Insi (Rumanian 1. Faculte do Hathematiquej, Triatitut Pol, People Ropiiblic) at Faculto de MInthemntl(pio, Univoraitop Frunze (Kirgh.S.S.R.) KRIVOCH V.I. Vischanizing, the manufacture of toys made of woodpulp. Dot. khor. igr. no.1:44-4? 155. (MLRA 1012) 1. Starshly WMcbWy metrudnik Nauchno-lesladovatel'skogo Instituta 1grushki, (Toys) ';G) n,). 5- ni~'. i ,at on z)ta~jn I-rizes (ot the CounaLl, ut Minlotorst MSR) lit the fields cf r~,tenc#-- &nd Invention* anraxwces th^t the following scientific wrrks, ,vp!UAr sclen. 60r;~Ke, nr;d textbooks have ti*en submitted fQr vccrttitim for !A&itn Prizes for Lx- yoc.'e- 952 and 1`453~ (Smetalraja Kultura, W.Facow, No. -K!--~4), 29 Fin 4pr L954) Ra-- Tit-1.2 of Work A-imir.,ated bv I "a t:; ~,- 1) U ro ,11. Ye. jazonov, N.A. I.Y. T~riil.:Anov) A. 1. i.ztn,1y*,;ov1ch, A."'I. Sairnov, I. S. "Local Pow!r of tlt Biloruoolan -3H and a Plan for Th!nIr Utilization for th-! Ade ~~Iec'lri- fiC.J.ion of Dejartrw~n~ of 1,1.yAcu-,L;. ', I i -r7.a t - i(~A. an' ici-tices.0 Acalera'-.1 of Sciencen iel or:i~, -.ian 3311 SO: W-30604, 7 JU1Y 1954 KALININ, S.M.; LUPINOVICIL, I.S.; HOWICKO. I.S.; ABRAHCHM. A.P.; ALEMMIM', To.K.; ALISMIK, F.I.; AMBROSOV, A.L.; Alt2l3rXVA, U.N.; AjjOXjfINO A0110; AFOYIN, R.I.; BABOSOV. N.M.; BALOBIX,V.M.; BARANOVhKIT. A.I.; BM DlSXO, T.T,'; BILISKIY, B.B.; BOBKOVA, A.Y.; BCLISMOVA, V.P.; BUL- GAKOV, H.P.: VAGIM, A.T.; BILIDILUM, R.T.; VILICHINSKIT, A.D.; VLASOVA, X.S.1 VOYTKO, D.I.t VOLUMMV, A.O.; GABYSWXV, N.Y. [deceated]; GATKO, A.A.; GALASHNV, N.A.; OORICGLYAD. KhoS.; GAIMUS11A, 1.71; WlTi- LOVSKATA, M.N.; GORBtlUOVA, U.N.; GORSKIT, N.A.; GMIIMMI, Z.Sh.: GRIMIMO. N.P.; GUSAOT, V.A.; GlJDAYKIH. A.I.: DANILOVICH. Aj.: DZMITIYEV, V.A.; DINIGOV, Z.H.; DOR=MIN, N.A.; DUBOV, A.B.; DUBCV- SKIT, U.K.; TNVTIKHITRY, Me.; Z11ARIKOV, I.S.; ZHILIN, A.P.; ZlfGLIIS- ROVICH, A.M.; 211MIAVIL', B.M.; ZABRIX0, D.A.; ZAKIIARMIKO, G.D.: Zu- BETS, V.Mo; IVITSKIT. A.I.: KACHURO. I.M.: KElROV-ZIKM(AU, O.K.; XIDA- LIHSKIT, V.A.; KIPENVARLITS, A.F.; KOVALEVSKIT, G.T.; KOVALICHIJK, P.P.1 KOZHANOV, X.Ya.; KOZLOVSXIY, I.Ts.-, KOCWOVA, Z.N:; EUVOMMSKITI-- I.P.I. KUIMYAVTSNV, S.F.; KUSTOVA, A.I.; LAPPO, A.I ; IMOHMNIOO T.B.; LASH13VICH, a.I.; MALICa'VELlY, V.I.; KANIKO. H.F.; MARKOYNTS. A.F.; H&T6XWQ,X.Ya.: MZDrADKV, A.G.; MOTOR, Ys.D.; MOISKYEV, I.G.; MUSGRIW, V.V.; WXHIN, N.D.; NAGORSKAYA. Te.D.-, NALIBOTSKIT, S.B., NIKCLArAVA. Yu.H.; UNDOLUGOV. I.T., ORLOVSKIT, I.A.; ORWVSKIY, X.F.; PANKAVICH, A.A.; PBSKIN., A.L.; PROKOPOV. P.Ta.; PUSU.A.REV, I.I.; RAZKYSLOVICH, 1.2.; RAZWHKO, A.V.; REWAVA, Zol.; RINKISO V.A.; ROTDO, A.I.-, ROGOVOY. P.P.; ROZSHBLYUH. B.X.; RYMOUNOV, A.G.; RUSI- NOV. A.A.; SAVCHMNKO. A.I.; SAP31407, V.A.; SAnOllOV. I.P.; SVIMIY, Ta.N.; WIVIOW, V.P.;# MOTIV, I.V.; SIX(ROV, A.L.; SIDOHENKO. G.Xo; (Continued on next card) NALIVIN, B.H.---(oontinued) Card 2. SXORCPANOV, S.G.; OMMICKWO, L.A.; SHIRNOV, T.Ye.; STAROVOYTOV, X.T, (deceased]; STRIUOT, I.G.; SUSLOV, V.P.-, SUXHOMOT, G.Te.; SMAROV, A.Te.; TIXOSHININ, V.D..- TISHOVICH, I.I.; TROPASHXO, I.H.; TRIMTO, S.I.; TRIMA, N.K.; TUZOVA, R.V.; TURXTEXIT, R.L.; UKARSKIT, M.N.; UROYNT6 I.M.; XHOTOXO, A.I.; XHROBOSTOV. S.N.1 TIM. MIANOVICH, F.V.: CHOWAVSXIY. I.0.; CM=OTA, Ts.l.; CHUNOSOV, N.H.; SHIMMI. V.1.; SHIXHALIM, N.Y.: SULYAR, A.Ye.; SHCHWOV, N.A.; TURGMIS, B.A.; YUSKOMS, MX; YAKOVL3V, B.I.; TAXOMAX, S.A.; TA110- SHIVICH, A.A.; LUTSMIKO. N.V.. red.: LARIN. V., red.; X=CHITS, G., [Measures for increasing agricultural production per 100 hectares of land on collective and stnte forms of White Russia] Heropriiatila po uvelicheniiu proisvodstya sallskokhosisistvannol produktaii no 100 gaktarov saimlinykh ugodii, T kolkhozakh i movkhosekh B5M. Rsdo-koUe- giia; I.S.Lupinovich I dr, Minsk. GosAzd-vo BSSR. Red.aslikhos. lit-ry, 1939. 601 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. White Russia. Kinisterstvo sel'skogo khoslaystva. (White Russla-Agriculture) KPI WA.AZ, Boris Abranovich Kiev Inst of Hygiene of Labor and occupational Diseases of the Min of HealLh UkSSR, Academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, based on his defenset 7 October 1954, in the Council of the Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Med In3t imeni Bogonolets, of his dissertation entitled: "Cardio-vascular System of Workers of Hot Shops". Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of AAK,, List no. 9., 16 April 55,, E~rulletenl Min SSSR, No. 14, Jul 56, Moscow, pp 4-22, Uncl. JPRS/NY-1429 A i .(I r io I 14. ~ i :, z1, r) v i ~ r 1z,, s ch L. 2 t J c' .."y litrnh-,y tr ri,.ni-ossolrontl. F-mr.('Aizlat ',znnr, !'~54. 19 sm- r tri;Oa and T-rof-.iJ-.(IpvanP.-. 'Privil llclr%ev 45 &:'Ac vir no (Alyu vnedrwil.-m v rrftktllqi). 1. 5GO -,kz avt. ukn7an na 3~y S.- (55 -1 20P) /d4. '413 .X: Ynlzhnttya Latopis" V0111, 1951, Jr"Oe t Vil & Z'4 0 1 A. KRIVOGIAZ B Studying the state of health of collective farm workers. Boy. imed. 19 n0.1153-58 Ja 155. (KMA 8:4) I* Is Xiyevskogo Inetttuta gigiyany truda I professional'afth zabole- vaZdy (dir. L.I.Madvedl). (RURAL CMITIM, health of Russian collective farm workers) (PUBLIC HIAMR, statistics, In Runsia, result of sass survey of collective farm workers) KRIVOGLAZ, B.A,,, starehly nayohnyy sotradnik. 31tiology of myocardial dretrophy. Terap.arkh. 27 no.1:87 135, (MM 8:7) 1. Is Kiyevskogo nauchno-insladovatel'skogo instituta gigiyemy truda I profeentonnl0t7kh zabolevozty. (IffOCAMIUH, diseasee, dyntropby, ettols) KRIVOGLAZ B A. doktor madituiuskil-ch nauk.; MODBLI, A.A.,kandidat moditsinekikh nauk..; BOTXO, V.G.,kandidat moditsinakikh nauk.; M ISHOV. A.A.,kandidat seditsinskikh nauk. Lowerod morbidity among collective farmers. Sov. zdr'&'v.'15 no.1:48-54 Ja-Y 156. (MLRA 9t6) 1. Is Kiyevskogo institute, gigiyany truda, i professionallnykh zabolevaniy (dir.-doteent L.I. Medved') (VITAL STATISTIOS morbidity among collective farmere in Rusala) KRIVOGkA--PMJj Abrolalih., professor; CMOTAF337, D.F., redaktor; LUUHMATTI, Te.U., takhrodaktor. [Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disturbances in metallurgical workers dealing with host processes] Profilaktika I lechenis eardsohno-soeudistykh narushenit u rabochikh gortaphikh tookhov. Kiev, Goo.sed.isd-vo USSR. 1957. 201 p. (MIRA Will) (OARDIOVASOULAR SYSTM-DISILASICS) (KNAT--PHYSIOU)GICAL ITYWT) j! - 137-58-3-~303 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 267 (USSR) AUTHOR: Krivoglaz, B.A. TITLE: Reducing the Illness Rate Among Personnel Working in Hot S.-lops of Metallurgical Plants (Snizheniye zabolevayemosti rabochi*.-.h goryachikh tsekhov metallurgicheskikh zavodov) PERIODICAL: Vrachebn. delo, 1957, Nr 9, pp 967-972 ABSTRACT: A report on the reduction of incidence of illness among pe:-son- nel working in hot shops of metallurgical plants; recommendations for future improvement of working conditions are made. Yo. L, Card I/ I KRIVOGLAZ, B.A., daktor med.npuk; BOYKO, V.G., kAnd.mpd.nAuk -d6w~yn`=,ore ~Vffaatlng the Incidence of anginA amone, agriculturnl machinery oueratore and methods for lowering it. 21 no.11:116-140 N 157. (91RA 11:1) 1. Is Klyevskogo instituta gigiyany truda I Drofesslonal'nykh unbolevanty (dir.-doteent L.1.9adved') (LARTMITIS. prev. and control in machAnical workers) (OCCUPATIONAL DISSASES, Drev. Rud control laryngitis in mechanical workers) r or c o r & 4ud, of 'i,O u r r.- MOMI, L.I.. dotsent, red.; KRITK&L".Aprof., red.; KAGAN, rues*,, red.: SERIUMTARATA, S.G.. dotsent. red.; TOSTANOVSKATA, A.A.,, -red.; WIDIM. Tu.I., kand. md.nauk, red.; BURKATSKAYA. Te.N.,, red.; SPTVU, Te.I., kand.=d.nauko red.; NOVIKOT, Tu.T., red.; BULIDTATIT, N.A., EHygienas toxicolos7o and clinical aspects of new insecticides and fangicides] Gigioneg tokolkologile I kl1nika novykh'ineekto- fungitaidov; trudy. Pod obshchei red. L.I.Madvadia. Koekvs. Goo. izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1939. )70 p. (mrRA 14:1) 1. Tsesoyasnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya po gigiyane i toksikologii ineektofungitaidov. let. Kiyev, 1957. 2. Kiyevskly Institut giglyeny truda i profsabolevaniy (for Medved'. Kagan. lundlysmg Spynu). 1. Ukrainakly usuchno-Looledovatellskiy Institut pitanlya (for Tostanovskaya). (Insecticides) (Fungicides) VERSHTGGU, Apollinariy Tefimovich [Terebyhora. A.M.1; MIYO&M-D.A.- [Iryvohlas, B.Aol, red@; pMOTSKAYA, L.A. EPototelka, L*Aq]q tekhred. ERoad to health and longevity] Shliekh do sdorovIia ta dovholittia. lyiv, Dersh.mdovyd-vo URSRo 1960o 26 ps (KnLA 14:1) (LONUTITY) KRIVOG14~P-D.As, prof. Si4e offeats In treatment with antfb~otlcs. Vrash. delo no.2t 76479 F 161.1 (MIRA 14:3) 1. Kiyqvokaya gorpdakaya kliniabepAya bo3.lnitoa. (ARIOBIOTICS) IMIVOGLAZ B-. A.-Myev Concerning Prof. Z. 1. Imellsonle reviow of F. Nelsh's mnual on occupational diseasee. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 5 no.7:59 J1 161. (KMA 15:7) (OCCUPITIONAL DIS M IS) h a-z-, - -- - _3 YRIVCG-LAZ, B.A. [Kr-yv.) I B.A.J, prof. Work and a e. Nauka i zhyttia 11 no.8:45 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:12) fMorozov, Nikolal Aleksandrovich, 1854-1946) BCYKO0 V.G.1 VEYS, V.P.; MODELI, A.A.; ZARITSKAYA, L.A.; KKASNYUK, YO.P. Occupational pathology in workers in enterprises of powder metallurgy. Poroah.met, 2 no-5jI09-113 S-0 162. OURA -15:11) 1. Kiyevs~dy nauchno-iseledovatelskiy institut gigLyeny truda i profzabolevaniy. (Powder metallurgy~--Hygienic aspects) MEDVKI) I_ 1. doxtor mod. nauk, red.; BTIRKATSKAYA, Ye.N.,, nauk red,; VOYTEM, G.A., kand. med. Rauko red.; KAGAN, Yu.S red.; KRIVOOLAZ, 8.A., prof., red.; XUNDIYEV, Yu.I., kand. mod. . nauk, re_d_.~_MffO_VSKAYA, Ye. 1. , doktor med. ulwk, red.1 SEREBRYANAYA, S.G., dots., red.; SPYNU, Ye.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; TOSTANOVSKAYA, A.A., kand. nod. nauk, red.; TROTSENKO, M.A., kand. khIm. nauk, red.; NOV1KOV, Yu.V., red.; CHULKOV, I.F., tekhn. red. [Hygiene and toxicology of now pesticides and clinical aspects of poisoning; reports of the Swond All-Union Sci- entific Conference of the Committee for the Study and V Reglementation of Poisonous Chemicals of the Main State Sanitary Inspection of the U.S.S.R.] Gigiena i tokBikolqgiia novykh peatitaidov i klinika otravlenii; doklady 2-1 VBe- soiuznoi nauchnoi konferentaii Xomiteta po isuchenliu. ixeg- lamentateii iadokhimikatoy Glavnoi gosudarstvannoi Banitar- noi Inspektaii SSSR. Fbd obahchei red. L.I.Madvedia. Moskva,, Medgiz, 1962. 478 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vaesoyuznaya nauchnaya konfemntsiya po gigiyene i tokBiko- logii insektofungitaidov, 2d, 1962. (Continued on next card) nDVz-D', L.I.--(continued). Card 2. 2. Predsedatell Komitsta gosudarstyermoy sanitarnoy inspektzil SSSR po izuehenlyu i reglamentatsii yadokhinikatoy (for, Medved').3.Kiyevskiy nauohno-iseledo"teltakiy.inatitut gigiyesy truda i profzabolevaniy (for Burkatakaya, Voytenko, S nu, 'Y" Kapn, Trotaenko).4. Ukrain3kiy nauchno-iseledovatel I skiy insti- tut pitaniyl(for Serebryanaya). (PESTICIDES-TOXICOt4GY) BARAANIKP P.I., red.; HARCHENKO, I.P., red.; GARWIC11, R.D., red.; KAGAN, S.S., red.; KAI.YLPZHNYY, D.N., red.; XRIVDG~~., red.1 POZNANSKIY, S.S., red.; SUPONITSXIYAOWmpr0.,1,,.; -- TRAKHTENBERG, I.M., red.; SHAXHBAZYAN, G.Kh., red.; SHMALI, D.D., red.; OSETFIDV, V.I., red.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D., (Problems of general and specialized hygiene] Voprosy obshobei i chastnoi g1giany. Kiev, GoBmedizdat USSR, 1963. 308 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Ukraine. Ministerstvo zdravookhrenenlia. (PUBLIC HEALTH) ntl.c-n (,f cl~rcriir, 0 the 'rid fll-'Inicn Solviltfic of 'estloicler, t t ~!I'Iv ar,~' ~u 1~ t I f ~'hrrv'r-aj inm,ecti-n lj-~l and Klev lnnilt,,tc of lli ,-r I::,- 'e.,ic- cl~'nal `Jnv'~'r no !7Arv 17-19 k,-)Ct 19(". 190 n. lNi-Ir".) Kj ev -ns u te o f I 1;'y:, io~ ne and ~ -ccupatl Onn 2 Li qpo-.-r s. KRIVOGLAZ, B.A., prof& Side effect of antibiotics. Feltd i akush, 28 no.llt2l-2-4 M163 (MM 16t12) 1. Tz Kiyevskogo inatituta g1giyeny truda i profeaBlonall- nykh zabolovaniye ~"PVO 1'. 1., 1 rc f., otv. red. ; YEV I Jj I Eai G. ! I-d.; KIJIIDIY!!I', Yu.j., (joti., red. ; IMM PON l'i SKrY, VA., prof., rod. ;tl dof.s., rod.; SHAK11RAZYM, f., red. (In(justrial hy lonei InteMoptru.ontal collection of -:ct- entific papersl Gigiona truda; rvzhv(.,dom.,3t-vermyl skirl-Ak nauclinykh rabot. Kiov, Morm"In, 19~4. 2)(8 1). 1. Kiev. Institut giglyony truda J pr.,)f(!.;51-n-jtllnykh zfi- bolovaniy. 2.Kiyovskly Jrmt[tt.t (-jlycny truda i yxufe~,- ionnlln~rkh zabolovanly (for MEAvoill, 537.311.4 ItIO pgobktm of tWiviiatioll L A- =-a tM LI.. USSR. 21. 417-74 Calculation of the junneleffect thrmgh a potential barrie'r fintmed by a Curvature of the cotwixtivit y i 10m 'If the Oftniconductot on which a rnetal electrode W been doosited. lu Influence of t1kis tirmi on (he Contact reshtance Is cor"Ideted for various fornu of the WOntW butiet. In the contact tnodcl tug. It"fed by 13. 1. t)&VydoV " I lnflwmv Is pitrticular y strong and It"s to "uturatim- of the rmistilfto with fricreA4162 COOVII p.d. The Hap forces on the rrctal were estimated In Is certain approomation and via theo red with A. m. ravienko aw V. I =1 nko's results obtained in "perimcrits y4th Oorperoxick. and when current ~aucs, tho mviture or the c on- ductivily tone lower bound&ty is parallel 10 the curve of the MletiII&I dUe (6 8XIM0oul field &M spicn r7 l~ n to the ili d4 d o t t c charges an but lint %'tcn the l'KH ;4 tw %front (1,8. tA*t curvent , I wloci cmt3ct r"CA'Ahcn %Irtk fljn~!!O'u J:"frr c-)ft'ilktn. bly). ali the r1ir r4rt of th- co-,W, At high Mlend reqfitzme Is comentratcd In a laycr 10- 1 cm thick,!. and then i.n.1 Wed "~tmes compic-uOul. 'Tha, treatment i% one-dimensional. The Schfodinpr equation with a potential term rcvmcrtW the sum of contut potential and pcrk~dic I.Allke potential 1! mimt be Oved, and this Is fuilitalcd by the dirnina- lion of the laftkz potential term by Nkar's inethod Or the criecthr milts, the I,scir being per. - formed by the JVK8 method. It 14 vvry dl&-Wt to mine the s"tter of the4-statti obWnod on the t d er e t1wrmal lattice mcillaGons. but It 6 rmon&W to I cm thick orly ona am aumna that In a laycr 10 n4 proce-vt cvviri. that in the "classictd doffW diffuslon equation applics and that 1-t the A dotnal thete Is only tunnel effm %%ilhout watter. I S YOMM CIRO.PS ot+ct fA thla art" It Me In 1~,tfzzkkm C4 che errCt 4 th. cOlval. cA (Imm on the luftdkic cinul. oil PIZ carrying txc"s Ph Is thorn its a typical r.imp!t, fly wroming the gKiliM. theory of th-mc. corid. and by u~ij%jr the avall-We datiL, 6t foll~A#injt ac-e. (each-j: When the concu. of dDnors bi Tory high a-!! ceacn. rA the -it of Imp. until therits,7411wwri. current casrkT* is fmdrpendp~ takes place. The ctec- cowl. decrea'se's .11b to~mp. tne- causedilmealedmobility, When th!cokmn, Old"s"'f1dr. creases the -n"iVtk spectrum of curytnt carriers q4fls inva 2 tonm In (fir kr*er tmA Ilit cronce. d the eurtcot car-- fic" drTcndq C, p-writially (n The (111'ance bwtw"n the at" of the CAltso ". '11, ffl 11K upper Ume the (Artirtt move as free polarom loan 141val cryital. Atlowterrip,tho jittatest coacti. alcurrent carrots Is In the lower rone wlif-te, it Is gwarfirally ladqwndtat d the to-rip.. while In the uptwe vme It TV*$ cxpomtitlall~ *i~.h temp. It the ot4rv metal A rulets havo 3 vm)cnc* t "If nis *I? finve it quasl kkc.; Ithey have tvih-, t& qua-Ai-mcfal. As the cmco. 4 Oor~v futtlita derrcaqes the matkm of the carriers In the lower. som "hi',e In tht upper time m0ing changes bwk*Ay oral the crystal be %mars a bcmk~mdurfro of go ardinary dew tyt*, N. Goldowif" , ? 0 KRIVOGIAZ, N.A.: FZKAR, S.I. Spectral pattern of mixed light absorption and luminescence in dielectrics. Trudy Geof.inst. no.4:37-70 '53. (KMk 7:12) (Dielectrics--Spectra) (Absorption spectra) (Luminescence) Solid btate Phystcs, ,ih 6rfrin dynamics ~ 006) 7opr. Fiz. Hetallov i Metallovedeniya A. N. Ukrainskoy 5:1, No 4, 1')53, P-) 95-103 Krivoplaz, M. A., and Smirnov) A. A. Diffusi,in of 6mbedded Atoms in Ordering Alloys Wit.h Gjrystal:ine Lvtico of Fe3Al Type L~ased on the mIgnitude of potential enerrj of diffll3ing internmitial atom3 of lattice (UaJ and on the probability of realization around these dLumn )f a m-order configuratIon (Wm)j the autiors obtained the number of atoris c n? the configuration rn Rround intersticen of two kirvis, 01 and U-2 (ill, and n2,): nl, Wig, exp U9 n2m a -XWMO exp UR p where*A is a normalizing coeffLcient. 2 kT kT So: Moscow, Heferativnyy, Zhurnal -- Fizikap NOli 1954 W-31059 XfiTVOHLhZ, H.O.; WYLOV, V.I., diyorvy chien. On the diffuRion theory of Implanted atome in the internodul crystallic lattice. regniluting an alloy. Dop.AH MR no.5:344-351 '53. (KLR,, 6:10) 1. Akademiva nauk Uk-rayinsikoyi RSR (for J%nylov). 2. laboratoriya metalogi-' syky Akademiyl nauk Ukrayinalkoyi BSR (for Kryvohlaz). (Ketallograpby) . '. .zV OWIM WrIj --- 9 . . ? L I 1 .1 1 1 . , . =======7 t --- --- - - -11 1 .1, 1 --- - I- -- ---