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_r" .1 ~, AXIMOVA. R.N.; KRIVORUCHKO. R.A. ------ 1~ qualities of erythrocyte@ preserved In alcohol-glucose-citrate blood. Probl4gemat. I perel.krovi I no.2t45-48 Mr-Ap 156. (MLEA 10il) 1. Is Wyovskogo nauchno-i z sled ova tol I skogo Institute perelivanlys krovi (dire - doteent D.G.Patroy) (BLOOD RAM, erythrocyte mass preserve in alcohol-glueoRe-citrate blood) (ALCOHOL. XTHYL alcohol-glucose-citrate solution for erythrocyte wises preserve) (GLUCOSI same) (CITRATIS same) V r I "Transfusion of Alcdbolwalucose-Cltrate Blood in the System of Complex Treatment of Patients With Suppurative and Septic Diseases," by R. A. Krivoruchko, Llvov Scientific Research Institute of Mo -Transfusion (director, Docent D. G. Petrov), Probl= Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol 2, No 9, Mar/Apr 57! pp 49-53 Transfusion of alcohol-glucose-citrate blood is effective in the com- plex treatment of patients affected vith suppurative and septic processes. One of the advantages of alcohol-glucose-citrate-blood transfusion is the reduced frequency of posttransfusion reactions. Transfusion of alcohol- glucose-citrate-blood contributes to the building up of immunobiological forces in the organism, normalization of the composition of the peripheral blood, activation of phagocytosis, and a decrease of the virulence of mi- croflora. Transfusion of the above blood does not disturb renal function. (U) 5 a IRSE ME w1KW1-w"1-9n'3:-K C~k AKIMOVA, R.H.:AQUVORUCHKO R.A. Two-stage method of preparing an alcohol-glucose-sucrose-citrata suspension of erythrocytes* Probl#gemst. i peral.krovi 2 no;5s 51-55 S-0 '57- (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz Llvovskogo nauohno-iseledovatqllskogo Institute, parelivanire krovi (dire - doteent D.G-PetroO (BIDW TRANMSION alcohol-glucone-seecharose-eytrate suspension of erythrocytes, two-stage method for prep.) MVOR70CHKO, R. A. 9 Cand Med Sci -- (dies) " Transfusion Oaftwd of alcohol-glucoee-citrated blood in the '-Arl"etl of ~;4~ treatment of patients dith suppurative and septic diseases." Llvov,1958. 16 pp (LIvov 6tate I-led 1n3t) 200 copies. (Y,L, 12-58, 102) -93- YAYES, S.B.; KUCHUX, A.P.; KRIVORUCI.70, R.A.; SHIMANSKAYA, B.M. Transfusion of blood preserved with cation exchangers and its erythrocyte mass in hypoplaatic states* Sbor. trud. L'vov. nauch.-Inal. inet. perel. krovi i neotlozh. khir. no.41 155-161 160 (MIRA 16:12) YAYES, S.B.; NOVIKOVA-DANTSIGER, T.I.; AKIMOVA, R.N.; KRIVORUChTO, R.A. State of hemopoiesis and gases of the blood in transfusions of blood preserved with cation exchangers following hemorrhages. Sbor. trud. Llvov. nauch.-issl. inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh. 160 (MIRA 16:12) PMMOVp D.G.# doteent; KRIVORUORKO, R.A.; TURCHINp V,L,; YEMNA, V.D, Centralized supply of flasks with factory produced blood preser. vativeo. Probl.gematA perelskrovi. no,,7s5O-53 161, (MIRA 14t9) go inu-4ituta peroli- 1, Is L'vovskogo nauchno-iseledovatel'sko. valrAya kravi (diro - dotsent Me Petrov)* (MMD-GOLL=011 AND PPMMVATION) PETROV, D.G., dctsent; KRIVORUGHKO, R.A.; MAMISENKOP V.i. Method for individual bacteriological aterility control of preserved blood. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.10;58-60 162. (,M,IRA 17:12) 1. Iz I,Ivovokogo nauchno-ionledovatel'skogo instituta perellvaniyu krovi (direktor - dotsent D.G. Petrov). ,.KPIVCrilTJCHKO, R.t. Amino acid com1caltion of a plaientA hydrn,yeate, Gemat. 1 yervl. k-rcyl li79-92 16,~O (KIRA 18:10) 1. l'vcvekl7 !-r-61,ltiit kreml. ACCESSION NRs AT4036059 8/2781/63/000/003/0199/0206 AUTHORSs Volkovs Yao 7.1 Tolok, V. T.i X#Vorudbkov S. X. TITLE: Plasma of Theta pinch in a magnetic.grid SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems ,)f controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konfer- entsii, no. 3. Kiev, Xzd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 199-206 TOPIC TAGS: plasma pinch, plasma confinement, magnetic mirror, plasma stability, plasma decay, plasma physics ABSTRACT; Experiments were set up to ascertain the confining abil- ity of a magnetic grid without a longitudinal field, where the plasma is in'ected from the ends of the chamber* Another purpose of the experiment was to compare ibe stability and cleanliness of a qCard lls ACCESSION NR: AT4036059 (D-pinch plasma with a peripheral field and without it. The experi- mental setup and the procedure are described. Measurement of the lifetime of the plasma with density above 6 x 1013 cm-3, and of the intensity of the peripheral field B between neighboring conductors at zero longitudinal field, made at(Pa constant pressure of 13.3 n/m2, has shown that the confinement time increases from 20 to 70 micro- seconds as the field is increasqd from 0.5 to 24 x 104 A/m. The existence is proportional to B2/3. Superposition of the field of 1P the magnetic grid'on the () pinch apparently decreases the instabil- ity; the particles are lost predominantly through the magnetic gaps. The amount of impurity (from the walls) in the discharge decreases with increasing B4) , and the amount of absorbed hydrogen released from the walls also increrses.'--it in pointed out that the results of these experiments are still preliminary, in view of the small diameter of the chamber and the small values of the magnetic field. Orig. art. hass 6 figures. Card 2/5 ACCESSION NRs AT4036059 ASSOCIATIONs None SUBMITTEDs, 00 DATE =Qs 21Xay64 ENCLs 02 SUB CODEs ME NR REP SOVs 005 OTMMs 003 Card 3/5 lap'. A.CCESSION NRJ AT4036059 INCLOS= o1 2 Thaw-pinoh plasma in a magnetio field Card 4/5 ACCESSION WAS AT4036059 02 JV Dependence of plasma lifetime on the magn~tio field intensity in the gap. C&r4 5/5 VOLKOV, Ya.F.; TOLON, V.To; XMCRUCHKO, S.M. 0-pinob plaama in a magnetic not. Zbur. tekh. fis. 33 no.9:1093-1097 S 163, (MIRA 16:11) . . . 1. . XRIVORUCTIK VIROZUB, Te.V., otvetstvann7y redaktor; ANDRSTEV, S.F., -Tp ekhnicheekly redaktor. [Coke oven meohanic) gashintat koksovykh pachel. 2-e Isd. Kharlkov, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tevetnoi matallurgli, 1954. 256 p. (nu q:1) (Coke Industry) ~~IVORUCHKOj Semen Semenorichj DORFW, G.I.t otv* red.; KMB'SKIY# .. Legap -red@ Izd4~*__AWDRKWv B.Pov tekhn. reds [Operator of a ooke-puohing machine; manual for on--the-job - training of qualified workers) Hashiniat koksovytalkivatelia; uohabnik dlia podgotovki bralifitsirovannykh raboohikh na proizvodstva. Mzrlkoyp Gos.nauohno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metanurgiip 1961. 173 p. (H~MA 14:6) (Coke industry-Equipment abd supplies) 11RIVORUGHKO, Semen Semenovichp VOLIFOVSKIY, G.M., otv. red.; LIEOPWM , S.S., red. ixd-va; ODREM, S.P., tekhn. red. (Individual and crew training of the mason In the refractory laying of coke ovens] Kamenshchik ogneupornoi kladki kokoso- vykh pechei; dlia individuallno-brigadnogo obucheniia rabo- chIkh. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 216 p. (MIRA 16s8) (Coke ovens) -F"'.CERPTA YEDICA SES 8 Vol 12/2 Neurology Feb 59 777. MUSCLF POWER IN PRE-SCHOOL AGFS (Ilussian text) - Krivoruchko T. S- - UCIL ZAP. KALIN. IIEDAGOG, INST. 1956, 5 (57-531 It was -so-U-9-hi to determine the characteristics of the muscular power in children under school age and to elaborate the conditional average group norms or muscular power wherchy it would be possible to assess individually the degree of development of the muscular power of the hands of a child under school age. The results of investigations carried out in 127 children under school nge who wese in kindergartens during 1949-1950are cited. The examination was made by means (if a hand-dynamometer of a site to suit the child's clenched hand; the data olitained were elaborated statistically. Simultaneously other anthropometric investigations were carried out. The results of the investigations are tabulated. The muscular power of pre-school ages shown a steady Increase, the Increase with eich year being rather greater in boys than in girls; training in of decided importance* in the development of righthandedness. The author considers that by active inculcation of habits, physical training and teaching the muscular power of both hands can be adequately developed. (S) A KRIVORWHKO V. The brigade of Ivan Xrpmaranko. Stroitell n0-10:6-7 0 '57. (KIRA 10: U) (Cowrete construction) (Blast furnaces) KRIVMUCHKO. V.D. Determining the speed of erythrocyte sedimentation. lab. delo 3 no.1:28-29 Ja-Y 157 MRA 10:4) 1. Is kafedry vtoroy gospitalluoy khirurgli Toyenno-morskoy maditainskoy akadeali. (IRYTHROCYTIS) PAVLENKO, P.A.; KRIVORUCHKO V.D KRYNSKAYA, N.B. Blood sugar in gastric cancer patients. 26 Ao.8:63-67 Ag 162. 0CM 15:10) 1. Iz khirurgicheskoy kliniki usovershenstvovaniya vrachey No. (nachallnlk - Prof. I.D.ZhItnyuk) Vovenno-meditsi-nskoy ordena Lenina. akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (BLOOD SUGAR) (STOMACH-CANCER) J I Olie, 4 F11, Olj.~I S lid il~ Ij k~:Id I : k ',i' I ~ ~, I ~ 6 " ~,urroSlcln (If gillconized tantalum. Silironlzir,~ ',; ~-, fl- r -4 i 1, 1 - - z , ~ " - I , ; g. '. , ~z i - ~ ~ ~ , I : I-, ~,._ - 1. 1 . . I - -, - - " -I ~, r 'i'1 - .., I -1J [. P, 'W11 W ~.L 3434-66 (m) /VTC/ZPF (n) -,2 /0;,,(3 (m) /FDIPQ ACCESSION NR: AT50248711 LrF/0000/65/000/000/0045/0055 AUTHOR: Ivanov, Ve Ye.; ethiporenkot Ye. PVII Zmiy, V. I.j,Krivoruchko, V. M.~' I'V5 Yy/ 5 TME! On the vacuum Milicanixim of refractory metals .1~ 'W's. 1~ SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Inatitut problem materialqvq4V_q _Jya~'Diffuzionnyye pokryttya as metall-a" (Diffusion coatings n metals). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 45-55 TOPIC TAGS: metal diffusion plating, silicon, refractory metal, silicide. activation energy ABSTRACT: The kinetics and mechanism of case-formation were investigated for Mo opecimens measuring 40x10x1 mm vacuum-s'iliconited at 1-10'5 mm Hg by being covered~ with Si powder and heated at 1200-1350*C..Metallographic and radiographic exami- nation estwblished that the formation of molybdenum silicides occurs in the follow-i ing sequence,:, --- M0_+ 0' "038' + S' -4 M059i 3 4- SL - MoSi2 at the corresponding phase interfaces, I.*. the forma:~Ion of Mo$12 is due to the Card 114.. L 3434-66 ACCESSION NR,, AT5024871 lower silicides. Plotting of the curves of isothermal Srowth of the layers of and MQS'2 at t250*C revealed that the increase in their thickness with tim ."o f0i a a parabolic law. This was verified by vacuum-siliconizing specimens of Mo W Ta in aturated Si vapors. The resultiag curves also proved to follow a p&-37 1 raboli~ -lawl-If growth in layer thickness as a function of time, thus confirming jthat the diffusion of Si is the determining factor in the rate of silicanizing. On this basis, the activation energies for the diffusion of Si in Ho5Si and 3 Mosi were calculated to be QM053i - (126,000 + 12,000) cal/mole and 2 S12 ~(57,600 + 6,000) cal/mole,'r 'es~ectiveiy. Experiments to determine the effect of ~the presence of a temperature gradient between the box (1250%) and the specimen (12DO'C) on the growth rate of the MoSi layer (see Fig. Y of the Enclosure) re- 2 ,vealed that, if the metals are siliconixed in a box with a temperature gradient, the siliconizing rate decreases with increase in temperature of the specinen and in- ;creases with decrease in this temperature as compared with the temperature of the box, while the growth in caso-thickness follows a parabolic curve. Orig. art. has: 10 figures. kSSOCUTIONi none 2/4 Cord ;-Card 3/4 L 3434-66- ACCESSION HR: AT5024871 Fig. 1. Diagram of setup 1- - furnace-.- 2 --thermcouple; 3 ape-cimen; 4 box; 5 Al 203 ring; 6 - furnace lid; 7 stainless-steel cooling pipe 4/4 Card 15749 ~6 E,,,,,r(m)/ETc(f)APF(nl-2/E~r,(ri)/E~lk(d)/C-'~,.P(t)/E,~.T-(z)/s',T(b) W A3 AT5.027941 SOURGS'GODSs MV0000165100010001005310059 I,JP(C) J3D/JG/G3 AUTHORi NqobA (WoUr of technical saisnass) i Mrivoruchkas V, JW Ydtrofanoy A. 8,1 Pbliivisevp D. of L I none TITL13s Silloonizing of refractox7 metals SOURC91 Sft'nar pokr Iya (deato-resistant i~gs trudy seadnarae L49nin&radp Isd-vo Naukat Ti7, TOPIC TAGSs solybdenump tantalum# tvnpten,, heat diffusion ABSTELAM t The kinetics and the-mechanism of siliconizing of refractory metals in 4~ 4 -facuum under stablUxed conditions-(5-50 hre) were studied previously by 1. 19. Ivanov and the authors (FMq l7# 6p $Up 1964)* The purpose of the present work i W" to study the initial stages of all1conizingand to determine the paremete" controlling Us rate of WO oomplex process. A foil plate (0o1 a 10 x 20 mm) and o7lindrioal (0*5 us diameter and 20 long) eamples of .-Mo. It, and V were covered 1113 L 15749-66 'AGG Iffis AT5027941 ------ by powdered (grain size' 5-10r) silicon" loontaining (in %) 99.9206, sit 0.0009 ho 0.02 All, 0.004 Mgs 0.04 Cap W%~12 Za, 0.0012 Qro 0.0001 Its 0.0013 Sao and 0.0025 Pot placed Into a molybdenum vessel and carried into a preheated vactnm electrical furnace (I x 10-5 M Hg) througb a lipeolal forechambers The stuo vu made at Ms 1250p and IM, v1dob were registnred by a Pt-Pta thervocoMple and an EPP-09-type automatto potentiometer, The increases in weigbt (in mg W) of siliconized samples were determined aftsor various exposures (t In minutes). The ourvas for wet gb"norsase _veraue -time were --plotted - for- lf*-o -1250p- &M-13000g-wid- subjected to an X-ray ffraotion stuavol 2 During eiliconizing Of 1Mo at l250Cj 'the M03SI PhAss was formed first, then C&Rer 25 minutes) the K65SL5 phase appearedo and the MbS12'was formed after 150 minutes. The intervals betvaim the formation of various phases decreased with increasing temperature@ a the 'MoOi ;6&ae at. 12000 appeared after 310 minutesp at 1250C after 25 niilutesg and the 1;9SL2 Phase was formed at 1.3000 after 5-6 minut-is, Me process was a similar i one durin g ailiconi zin C of Te. and V except for the -~'aot that some phasse 9 Which should hns, been present according to the phase diagrams did not appear at all* Only Ta $I and Taft "" formed during siliconizing of Ta ( A and T`23i were aboei.005J Ue WgSI3 ;9Z appeared first and W~ later during7atke. silloool C of a ~We After *at& Uikdng the pb#Ao equillbrIum, a chemical composition of the lam 2/3 L 1 AGO fiRs AT5027941 did not change, The Points of Inflection on the curve# indicated the fomationcto. subsequent, now, higher yhasso The W331. and ?S053i3 Fhases grow according to the parabolic law. The rate of olliconizing was thus controlled by dif-rusion., even during the initial stnges of the process. Orig. eLrt. has& 2 figures* SUB COMs SUBM DAT31 2DJul65/ aaQ RUs 009/ DM RM Oa A 12058-w(h - _EWr(Z)/F_VZP4t)jEW_(b)__.. IJPC,-) -. JD1JG1WB_____-1__ - ------ -_ ACE NR, A 6001,102 souRCF corw: UR/0,16.1/6.5/001/008/1.3r),1/1359 AUTHOR: Ivanov, V. Ye.; Nech(yoj~~no, Ye. P.; ZpllyVl - Krivoruchko. V. M.; Verkhoro'bin, L F. -, Aleksandrov, 0. hl.;, Mitrofanov, A. 1101!~ se S.; ~t Cs tko-tekhnicheskly ORG: Ph~sicotechnfcjjl Institute, &adeWv 2f Wenc rM (Fiz institut Akademii nauk UkrSSR) TITLE: Study of the oxidation kinctlCp of molybdenum disitivide at 1500 - 1800C ri J--41 ~tj- no. 8, 1965, 1364-13W SOURCE- AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Nearganicheaklycmaterialy, V. TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum compound, aflicide, oxidation kinetics, silicon dioxide ABSTRACT: Molybdenum distlicide samples (prepared by stifelding molybdenum at 1250, 1300, and 1350C) were oxidized for 10 hr at 1500 and 1600C and for I br at 1700 - 1800C. The oxidation Is represented as follows: JI) SMOS12 + 702--v Mo6Si3 + 75t02, (2) ZM0312 + 702 --o.- 2MOO3 + M02. X-ray analysis shows that reaction (1) predominates over (2); the latter is of decis!ve importance at the start, when the St02 film is formed. The increwase In the oxidation rate is+related to [he orientation of the crystals. The structure of hlo% may considered to consist of layerelbf silicon arKI molybdenum atoms alternating in the direction of axis c; If It Is kapt In-mi-60-that thi bonding forces between like atoms in a layerareweaker than the forces between the layers, the layer orientation parailel to the surface (MoS12 Card 112 UDC: $46.771281 L L"OrA-66 ACC NRj AP6001302 samples obtained at 1250 and 1300C) will cause a lower oxidation rate than in samples where the layer orientation is perpendicular to the surface (ailicides obtained at 1350C). It is concluded that the oxidatiun rate of MoS12 Is affected by many factors, but It has not been possible to determine which Is the most important one. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 07, 11 SUBM DATE: 24UWS ORIG REF: 006 OTH REF: OW? L 27562--66 BT(ri)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD/3G,~0 ACC NRt AP60111688 SOURCE CODE: uR/0363A5, AUT11OR: Ivanov, V, Yeo: Nechiporenko, Ye. P.; Kriv ruchko. V. H.: Zmiyj-_Y. Is x1trofano L Aleksandrov, 0. M. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute AN Ukr55R_(Fizlko-tekhnichoskiy institut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Oxidation of tungsten d_isilijacide &t 1500-180000 temperatures -20 SOURCE: AN SSSR.1 izvestiya.~INeorganicheskiye materialy, v.. 1, no. 8, 1965, 1360-1 TOPIC TAGS., tun,gsten compound, silicidep oxidation kineticat silicon, molybdan= compound ABSTRACT: The authors carried out an investigation of the o~ddation kinetics of tungsten disilicide over the temperature range 1500-IMOOO. Tungsten of 99-95% purity and 99.999','* pure ailicon,were used for the investigation. The oxidation kinetics curves are parabolas. The effecto of preparation tempera- ;ture and homogenization time of tungsten disilicido specimens on their oxida- tion rate was studied. It was shown that the oxidation rate Of 14S12 at 1500-1700PO is approximately the same as that for MOSi2- It is even somm4hat 2 at lWG' lower than. that for MOM Orig. art, has: 2 figures and 2 fonwalas, [Jmij SUB CODE: 07 / 'SUBM DATE: 24MV65 / ORIG rw: oo3 / On RFF.- oo5 Card 1/1 UDC: 546-78t281 50UME; CODE: AUTHOR: Ivanov, V. Ye.j. NechiDorenko. Ye. P.; Krivoruchko. V. Mt;-ZmiY, V-.I#' Altrofanov, A. S.; Aleks~Lndrov,-QAAN ORG: Physicotechnical Institute AN UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Oxidation of tantalum disilicide at 1400-1600*C temperatures SOURCE: AN SSS F ya. RJ Izvesti '2"7 Neorganic 2skiye materialy, v. 11 no. 81 19651 1364-13 TOPIC TAGS: tantalum compotind, eilicide, oxidation kinetics, silicon ABSTRACT: , Up to the present day there are no systematic investigations on the oxidation kinetics of tantalum disilicido at high temperatures. The ,purpooe of the present study was an examination of the oxidation kinctica of tantalum diailicide at VtOO-16000C temperatures. Tantalum of 99-95% .purity and 99.99% pure silicon were used for the investigation. Tte effects of specimen preparation temperature and extent of their howgenization on tho oxidation rate were estabUshed. The oxidation of TaS'2 specimens in Ahe initial stage conforins to a straight-line relationship. After some ape%-.- .irio period of time a sharp riee in the opecimen oxidation.rate sets inp which loado to their failure. The fundamental feasibility' of raising the ttantalum dioilicido's beat residtanos up to 160000 was demonstrated. Orig. art. has! 3 figures. (JPRS) -- SUB CODE-. 07 / SUBM DATE-. 24Xay65 ORIG REF-. 002 / OTH REF-. 003 Card UDC, -546-8831 NRi _1~ -31 SOURCE C 0 ff _U q0_ 76-Vi-TO-11 ct" AP6 JL)"'j(3"-_--1D /n A ,(fr f - e.; Nechipore Krivoruchko V. M.- Verkhorobin, L. F.; AU171OR: Ivanov, V. nko, Ye. Mitrofanov, A. S.; Poltavtse,v, N. S. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, Kharkov (Fiziko-tekh- nicheskiy institut Akademii nauk UkrSSRT_ 5_)~ 41,9 TITLE: Effect of additives on the kinetics of the ailiciding of molybdenum in vacuum 6 SOUPCE: AN SSSR. 2212-2218 Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 12, 1965, TOPIC TAGS: refractory metal refractory coating, molybdenum, silicon, molybdenum disilicide, oxidation 11 esietance 411 ABSTRACT: Inasmuch as the coating of refractory metals with molybdentuift disilicide is known as a prospective method for preventing high-temperature oxidation,-the effect of some additives on the growth rate and the structure of the silicide layez on molyb- denum was studied. It was noted that properties of the disilicide coating (including brittleness and an inadequate thermal stability) may depend on the preparative methcd and on the purity of the initial materials. In this study the silicide layer was produced on molybdenum sheetland wire 0.1 and 0.5 mm thick, respectively$ in vacuum by beating at 1250C. Molybdenum of 99.95% purity, 99.999%-pure silicon and commer- Card 1/2 UDC: 546.281 ACC NM AP6001239 cial silicona KR-O and KH-1, 99.0 and 98.0% pure, respectively, were used as Initial ,jo,iding cells. The growth rate, structure and phase composition materials fo~, s1V of the coatings & ned were studied b* gravimetric, metallographic and x-ray methuds. The-e-f-fe-FE-of Al-I'Ve"lCu-lTilland B'Ased as additives, and of the residual gas pres- sure was studied. It was found that the presence of small amounts of Al(1-3%) in 1~~dered silicon cause3 the formation of a ternary compound Mo(9i, A.1)2 with a hexa- gonal structure, the grovth of which is expressed as a linear dependence on time. The presence of the other additives studied, with the exception of Ti, results in a decrease in the growth rate of the MOSi2 layer and does not affect its structure. The residual- as pressure does not affect the silicide layer growth, if it is within 1.10-6_1.10 t mm Hg; at 1.10-3 Mm Hg' the rate slows down 3-4 times; at 1.10-2 mmH& disilicide is not formed at all, and only the M03Si phase is formed. Transition of the dark and opaque hexagonal disilicide Into the silvery tetragonal- form -on- prolonged -heating -vas- observed; -- Orig.-arv-. -Yas - -4---figures and 3 tables. SUB CODE: OT, U/ SUBM DATE: 1OApr65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OT1I REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: Card 21RI-)Id 1 532-1-66 E=.M) /F~lgp(j lp,,Tr./FpF (rj) -;) jFWrj 4M).jig-jr. ( t-.tZ;1P (h) TJR ~1 .7 ACC NR_z AP5026274 UR/0226/65/000/010/0067/0070 AUTHOR: Nechi orenko Ye. P., Krivoruchko ; Mitrofanov, A. S. - V. M. _7 tf, s ~'l Y,I TITLE: Siliconizin&.of refractory metals under nonequilibrium conditions SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 10, 1965, 67-70 TOPIC TAGS: siliconizing, refractory metal, ailicide, Toly �J_qnym compound, aluml.nn containing silicon, chemical bonding ABSTRACT! The kinetics of the formation and growth of the silicides of refractory metals in a complex physicochemical process. In such cases, chamosorption is fol- lowed by growth of the layers of the products of the chemical reaction, with even- tual rise of an equilibrium at the phase interfaces, i.e, constancy of the concen- trations of the chemically bound components. This picture is markedly complicated when an insignificant amount of a third element takes part in the reaction or when the system of the layers that form is a multiphase system. In thin connection tile authors describe the results of an investigation of the kinetics of the vacuum sili- conizing of molybdenum in tile presence of a small amount (1.0-1.2 wt.%) of aluminum. dispersed in t!je silicon. It is choun that Itt the absence of an equilibrium conce tration of '_ St"At the phase interfaces during the initial stage of siliconizing, the growth of the silicide layer in time obeys a rectilinear law, because Al, which Card 1/2 -66 ACC NR, AP5026274 has a higher vapor pressure than St, interferes with the supply of Si to the reactiog surface. This happens only In the Initial stage of the process, since equilibrium conditions begin to net in as the layer thickness increases, and the Al Is gradually eliminated under the conditions of vacuum siliconizing. It to further shown that this rectilinear law of growth prevails not only in the case of compact and sufficiently thick single-phase layers but also for multi-phase layers, also because of the ab- sence of an equilibrium at the phase interfaces (i.e. because of the variability of'!. the concentrations of reacting substances). In this cane) too, as the thickness of each phase and of the entire layer increases, an equilibrium sets in and the recti- linear law of layer growth is superseded by the parabolic law. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN VkrSSR (Ph sico-Techniral Institute of SUBMITTED: 22Nov64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HN, CC NO REF SOV: 002 OMR: 003 2/2/1 C d GOVONY VA, inzh.;, ISMAILOV, I.M... kand.tekhmauk; XARHU'KWEDOVp U*Z6, inzhe; SOSNUVSKAYA, B.Ta., inzh.; KHIVOhUCHKO V N., inzh. Cooling of cottonseed oil cake prior to storage. Masl.- zhir #prom,, 29 noe2t 40-41 F 163. (MM 1634) 1. Upravleniye pishchevoy prorqshlennosti Soveta, narodnogo khosyaystva UzbekBkoy SSR (for Govor). 2. Sredneaziatskiy filial Vaesoyusnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute. zhirov (for Ismailov, rarmukhamedov, Soonovskaya 3. Yangiyul'skly maelozhirovoy kombinat (for Krivoruchkt. (Oil cake-Storage) KRIVORUCMV,.j.I.; GOOSZN, K.Ta. New system for arc heating of hot tops. From. onerg- 13 no-7:49-30 ii 158. (KMA lie. 10) l.Tyashpromelektroproyakt. (Ilectric heating) -YU,.O!iUKv B.M. Changes in the nervous system during dysentery. Trudy Izhev. 21#162-165 164. MRA 19.-l) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bole?ney (zav. - doteent T.!%Osnt-tevn) lzhevskogo moditainskogo Instituta. I 1 . ;'~ i'o 1 47 % ) I I J 11 11 1 . 2. u3jit (6U0) 4. Telegraph 7- Finding out and elivinating tile causes of waste, Sov. svinz., No. 10, 1951- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril, - 1953, Uncl. PAVLOV, M.F.; KRIVORUX, M.P. W"W=ffl"w%,4 Method of reconditioning the track shoes of the OH-201 excavator.. Rateei isobropredle v stroi. no*79:30-31 154. (MIRL 814) (Excavating machinery) MAT Mh ICIV, H.S.; KRIVORUKOVp., )U. Operation data of s"e purification plants of the Novo-Gorikovskiv Petroleum Refinory., Khim.i, tekh.topl.i. masel 5 no.4sl9-24 AP 160. (MUU 136) 1. Novo-Gorlkovskiy neftepererabatyvayuehchijv savods (Seviage--Parification) MATVEYEV, M.S.; KIUVORUKOV, M.K. Use of electric current in the purification of waste wv~ers. Prom. onerg. 16 no.8;32-33 Ag 161. (MMA 14:9) (Sewage-Purification) I I. . % . . - h, . .- . . W9 v ; : - - ---- ........ I., - -- -- - -.- ---- --- MM KRIVORUKOV V.L.., inzh.; ROZIfANSKIY, Z.Ye... inzh. Charge and discharge devices for ftnditioaing 42kalirm store. e batteries, Elektrotekhnika 34 no.12S75 D 163, ~MIPk 1791) ACCESSION NR: AT4026357 0/0000/62/000/000/0215/0221 AUTHOR: Briling, K. K.; Krivorutskly, Yu. Kb.; Levinakly, L. S. TITLE: Construction of a large-capacity magnetic operating memory (MOZU', SOURCE: KonferentolyapoobrabotJceinformatsit, maahinnomupere"duiavto- matichosicomuchtenlyutakota. Moscow, 1061. Vy*chiolctfllnayalinforinatsionnaya tekhnika (Information processing and computer technology); sboralk materialov kon- ferentsil. Moscow, 1962, 215-221 TOPIC TAGS: memory, addressing, circuit design, magnetic memory, switch, commutator ABSTRACT: The article describes the construction of an address-selection system for a magnetic operational memory device of large capacity and medium speed, built on the "Z" system. The various ways in which this problem might be solved are discussed. Ile authors indicate aB the preferred technique the switching of the currents from a single source over selected branches through the use of current commutation de*dces (switches). Ila work begun In 1957 at the Laboratoriya elektromodellroyanlya (E lectro- simulation Laboratory) on the design of an operating magnetio memory with magnetic control led, In 19690 to the oreaUon of the MOZU-1000. no wiperience acquired In this Card 7 ACCESSION NR: AT4026357 work demonstrated the operability and reliability of magnetic control systems; In this connection, the decision was made to continue this work in the development of a large- capacity magnetic operating memory. In the matter of selecting the control system, the authors compare two versions of address commutators: 1) a commutator using magneto- diode keys; 2) a commutator using boundary transformers. Both versions are discussed 1 and analyzed In the article. With regard to the magneto-diode key type switch it Is shown that the power of this device i~ basically daterinifted by the switching of unselected cores by switching and zero channels and depends on the cross section of these channels; In turn, the section Is determined by the number of output windings. After reaching a cer- taln optimum value, the section begins to Increase as the number of output turns in- creases. The second version (using boundary transformers) is also shown to suffer fro a substantial defect - high rate of power consumption - because of the presence of a large number of passive elements. As a result, It was decided to use a third version of the address commutator, with a semiconductor triode operating under saturation as the switching element. This technique is described in some detail and it to shown that the channel current source = be very substantially simplified - ono OU-50 tube instead of the 10-12 needed In the other versions, with the food voltage capable of being lowered to 300 Y, inatead'of 700-000 ve Orig. axt. hast 0 Liguros sW 24 formulu. ABSOCUTION.-'None card 2/3 MANGERONY D.; KRIVOSEIN, L.E. Some methods for solving the contour problems of a new class of linear integrodifferential equations. Pt. 1. Rul St si Tehn Tim 8 no.lsl9-35 Ja-Je 163. 1. Institutul politehnic, Iasi (for Mengeron).'V. Universi- tatea de State, Frwizef U.R.S.S. (for Krivosein). U703 S/044/62/000/010/012/042 B160/B186 AUTHORS: Mangeron, D., Krivojtja~ TITLE: Some problems in the solution of Integro-differential equations PERIODICAL! Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika,.no. lot 1962v 54v abstract 10B249 (An. tiin~- Univ. lapi, see. it ve 6, no, 39 supl. 196o, 6o~_6161*(&ummariea in Rum. and French]) TEXT: Let L lyl 9 OR) (X) +1 a& W v(09-k) (X); P Jill ab, (x) D, (k); Dj jyj c. (xi) (X,); S jyj a i d. (1) (1); M=1 ~ - M-1 4 is a 'parameter; xit x0 t C[c,d3; the well-known functions a k(Y-) bi(x), 0m(x)l dm(t) Ki(x,t) are determined in the square x, t 6 [c;d], Card 1/4 S/04A/62/000/010/012/042 Some problems in the solution ... B180/B186 z1(x)q ..... 9 Zn(x) is n-times differentiable non-vanishing at the segments the property: an arbitrarily stipulated, linearly independent-~4-- systeta of functi-ins, the Wronakian of which in [c;d'jj H(X,t) is a giYer. function which has ZY H (x. 1) 10, 1 0, I.....n - 2; a (x), In - 1. where a(x) / 0 at x ECc;d). For the boundary problem R1 jyj (1) S low Y, (I = I - -(a) L ly I(x) + P jyj + XKk (x. 1) y"' (1) di, (b), a A-0 where u . x or u . b, the follow, ng are expounded: (1) Methods of deriving a solution; (2) Methods of deriving approximate solutional ~3) Conditions for the unambiguous and ambiguous solvability of problem I). We will only outline the method for obtaining a solution to problem (I) for the case u . xj n>,,(m,p,z). If the funotions Card 2/4 Some problems in the solution ... S/044/62/000/010/012/042 BiBo/Bio6 'I V 00, V W Ct 2k W +H (x, 1) V (1) di, where cl .... gonare certain constants, are substituted in equation (b). an integral equation of the Volterra type will be obtained in reapect of y(t). Having found T(t) from this and then substituting it in (II), the following equality is obtained n Y W - fo (X. )) +ct vi (x- A) + Y, If the (III) functions are.substituted in boundary conditions (a), N' el it, (k) - pi (A) +V wil (k) D, jyj (I- (IV). If the cip""02 solution of the (IV) system is substituted in (III), Card 5/4 M W - FIX. A) +ul (x. A) D, M. Some problems in the solution ... After applying the operators Dj[.3 system of equations S/044/62/000/010/012/042 B180/BI66 (j 1,...,k), to (V) we got the k ,I (k) Di jyj (X) (j Finding D j1y] (j - I .... rk) from thiBj and then substituting it in M, we shall get an explicit term for the solution to problem (I). 'Also studied is the case where det (411 (X)) - 0; det (oil (A)) - 0. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation Card 4/4 - -- ------- MANGERON, D.; KRIVOSEIN, L.E. (Krivoshe'.,, L.Ye.] New n-thods of numerical calculation of solutione -)f the integrAifferential different systems copgorning nppl;.e,i meahnninn. Pt.l. Studil carc mac npl 17 na.6:1345-1372 164. 1. Polytechnic Institute, Insi (for Mangeron). 2. A.-ademy of Sciencen, Kirghiz S.S.H. (for Krivo3eln). Subett,-d Mnrch Iwo, 1964. T T- , F KRIVOSFMI J.j LWEP, E., red.; MITT, T., tekhn. red. (Narva; excursion guide) Narva; nkakuraioonijuht. Tallinp Eesti kliklik Kir astua, 1960 104 MU 1531) iNarva-Descr*lption KRIVOSHAPKIN,, A.;.USXLNS]Cff, A.N.-. POKIDXO, N.M.. rodaktor; SAIDUR, N.Y., , 7*m a o~nzdatelsstva; DOROZHZRIHA, L.P., takhnicbeekly redaktor [Pallating and bundling freight; experience of leningrad docks with aeagoing goods] PaketrAte pererabotka grusov; opyt Loningradekogo morskogo torgovogo ports. laningrad. I%d-vo 'Horskol transport, v 1956. 56 p. (KLRA 10:9) (Preight and freightage) (ContaiDars) BORISOV, A.A.; KOMAROV. A A ; KRIQWKIN, A.A.; SOROKIN, P.P., spatere4aktor: m KUZWSOV, A.D., ;e~aktor lidwrNT-ttva; DROZHZHINA, K.P., tethatchashy redaktor (Manual for longshoremen crew leaders] Uchebnoe posobia dlis bricedira gruzchikov morskogo flote. Leningrad. Izd-vo OMorskot transport,m 1957. 168 P. (Milu 10:9) (Loading and unloading) nHOSH&MN. JL. j'*~ . . 10 ~ Packing place freight and lumber for 28-36 Ja 137. l.Starahly takhnolog Leningradskogo (Packing for shipment) shipment. 3lok.& (KLRA 10:2) morskogo partA. ANDRONOV, Leonid Petrovich,, dote., kand. takhn.nauk; VARSHAVSKIYO D.A.p retaenzentl KRIVOSYMIN, A.A.0 retsenzentj PRIKHODIKO, B.G., reteenzeni;--num . O.8.-,-rwd-.t-bAVPMOVA, N.D., takhn. red. (Cargo handling and storage calculations] Skladakie i atividome raschety. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 250 po (MA 15:6) (Cargo handling) (Warehouses) KRIVOSHAPKIN, A.A. Pack tranaportationv loading and unloading of exportation pulpwood logo. Biul. takh.-okon. inform. Tokh. upr. Min. mor. flots, 7 no.3t46-51 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Starahiy tekhnolog Leningradskogo porta. (Lumber-Transportation) (Unitized cargo systems) - KRIVOGILUXIN, B.V. Our method of curve alignment, Pat' i putkhoz. 6 nos3:32-33 W 162. (KM 150) 1. Starshiy dorozhnyy master, at. Kizema, Smrnoy dorogi. (Railroads-Curves) ,KRIVOSHAPKIN~ L.A.; ZLOBIN, M.G. Modernization of b7draulic presses. Mashinostroitell no.12:12 D 163. (MIRA 17: 1) KRIVOSHAPKIN, L. A.; ANTONOV, M. N. Improving the feed mechanism of a semiautomatic latba. YAshino- stroitell no.l2zl7 D 162. (MIRA 16:3.) (rathes) (Feed mechanism) KRIVOSHAPKIN, I A.1 'J;7TJli'OV, M.N. Improving a grInding machine. Mashlnortroltell no.808 Ag 164. (Mllt 17t10) T- DL43SIMVA, G.A." -0 1VAKCHIKOVA, I. I.; au&~WMXIYAAW .. IXYCHIK. V.M.; OYBYANKINA, V.I.; YXOKTISTOVA, V.P.; TSIMUN, M.Z.; BXMLOVA. S.N.; SUBUANBMIUA, X.1h.; RUBAKOT, P.I., laureat Stalinskoy premil, spetsiallnyy redaktor; '-vAIANINA, O.V., kandidat sell skokhozyayatven- nykh nauk. apetsiallnyy reclaktor; SAKRAROVA. V.M., spetsiallny7 redaktor; XOMINKO, Y.T., spetsiallnyy redaktor; ?MZNBVSKIY, Y.Y.. otyatetvannr/ redaktor; BURUCKWO. L.A., redaktor; ALF]MOTA, P.V.. takhnichookly radaktor [Xxperience of agricultural leaders of Kazakhat-..; at. annotated bibliogruphy) Opyt peredovikov sellskogo khox~aietva U.'ekbakol. SSR; annotirovaniql, ukazatell literstury, Jtlma-ka, 1955. 290 p. (HMA 9-.12) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. TSentralluaya nauchnaya biblJoteka. 2. TSentrallnays nauchnaya biblioteka Akademii nauk Kazakhokoi 33R. (for Dameshavai Ivanchikova, Krivoshapkin, Iaychik. OveyaWdna, Pookt-istova, T51aman) (Bibliography--Kazakhatan--Agriculture) USSR/Wediclue Veterinary, Foot-and Jul 53 Mouth Disease "Experimental Prophylax1s,of Cattle Against the ,Foot-and-Houth Disease,"'N.A. Krivosbapkin, ,rA.S. Red1ko, Vet Physicians Veterinariya, Vol 30, No 7, PP 25-26 Describes exptl inoculation of cattle with AETaS (anti-epithelial-cytolytic serum) prepd on the principle of Acad Bogomolets0s ATsS [antireticular cytotoxic serum]. Epithelial tissues of diseased cattle were used as antigen. A serum with a titer of 1:300 was obtained from hyperimmx1nized horses. The author concludes that the'results 2T3T60 of the expt were favorable. Animals inoculated with AETsS and then exptly infected with the natural virus of foot-and-mouth disease contracted it in a light form and recovered in 5-7 days. Furiber research and laboratory work on a larger scale are essential to determine the value of the new serum. USSR / microbiology, Antiblosis and Symbiosis. F-2 Antibiotics. Abs Jour.- Ref Zhur-Blol., 1958, No 171 76707. Author rlwokhAok! A ; Chernov, Me V.; Ivannikov, A. R LDT_~e Kazakh Franch All-Union I ut Inst Veterinary Instl ut . f Academy of Agricultural Sciences Imeni 1. V. Lenin. TItle Use of Antibiotics In Laboratory Practice, Orig Pub: Tro In-ta vet, Kazakhs. file VASKHNlLj 1957, 89 248-253, Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 18 KRIVOSHAMIN, N.A., vet. vrach; BAGROVSKAYA, NONN, vat. vrach. Using untibiotics for the 7)reservation of blood. Taterinarlia 34 no.10: 72-73 0 157. MRA lOsIl) (LRIBIOTIOS) (BWOD--GOLLICOTIOII AIM FMIMTATIOI) KUZIIIIINp A.I.; SKRIPIN, G.V.j KIUVOSHAPKIN, P.A.; ]aMGKII, G.F. Energy spectrum of the diurnal variation of co:jmic rays and the diurnal temperature fIUCtUations at an altitude from 20 to 1+0 km. Geomag. i aer. 3 no.5:830-834 S-0 163.(MIRA 16.11) 1. Yakttskiy filial Jibirokogo otdelciliya All 63611. ACC Mi AN%602)7~)39 SOURCE COM: UR/0313/66/"/005/Wt4/()044 AMMOR: Krymskiy, G. F.; Altukhov, A. M.; Krivoshopkin, P. A.; Kuzlmin, A. 1; Skripin, G. V. ,TITLE: A new method for investigating cosmio ray "isotropy .SOURCE: Raf. zh. Ioaledovaniye kosmicheskogo proctranstva, Aba. 5.62.298 REF SOURCE: Sb. Issled. po geomagnetizmu i aeron. M., Nauka, 1966, lo5-lio ':TOPIC 'LAGS: cosmic ray anisotropy, linear equation, earth magnetic field, particle :trajectory, radiation spectrum, variational problem IABSTRACT: A method usi-ig the spherical analysis of data from a worldwide network of Istations is suggested in order to obtain the instantaneous characteristics of cosmic !ray anisotropy. The analysis can be reduced to solving a system of linear equatione 'with four unknowns. The solution determines the isotropic Intensity and three compo- !nents of tne "iiisotropy vector. Introduced is a calculation for the coefficients ',for the unknowns in the equations for each station. The effect of the earth's maxnet-i lic field on particle trajectories, da well as differences in t4a energy spectraforiso-I !tropic and anisotropic variations, is considered. Abstract. LTranslation of abstract] SUB CODE: 04 T-11r, j- ACC NR: AT6027220 SOURCE CODE: --"UPIO-06016610-6610001016-570110 AUTHOR: Krymakly, G. F Almukhov, A. M.; Skripin, G. V.; Krivoshapkin, P. -A Kuzlmin, A. ORG: none TITLE: New method for studying the anisotropy of S22M!Ejgj~ SOURCE: -AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdelenlye. Sibirskly Institut zemnogo magnetizma, Iojjosfex3 I rasprost. v Issledovantya po, geoxnagnetizmu I aeronomil (Studies In geo- magnetism and aeronomy). Moscow. ftd-vo Nauka, 1966, 105-110 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray anisotropy, cosmic ray Intensity, cosmic ray ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determining the Instantaneous characteristics of the anisotropy of cosmic rays. The method will make it possible to obtain the anisotropy dis- tributlon In the morldional planes and to study the anisotropy of phenomena characterized by abrupt changes in the isotropic background (such as the Forbush decreases), all of which was not possible using the method of diurnal variations. The method proposed makes use of the fact that the world-wide network of stations established during the IGY makes It possible to determine the neutron component with an hourly statistical accuracy of 0. 1% and, ther6ul, L Card 1/2 ACC 7220 to determine the anisotropy characteristics over a 2-hr observational period, provided that Its amplitude exceeds the mean amplitude by a factor of more than 2. A distinctive feature of the method Is the representation of the distribution of cosmic-ray Intensity over the celes- tial sphere In the form of a series In spherical functions and the use of the first spherical harmonic of the series. The expression for the first harmonic yields the amplitude of the anisotropy vector and an expression for the intensity in an arbitrary direction at an angle to the direction of the anisotropy vector. The spherical analysis reduces to the solution of a system of linear equations with four unknowns. The solution of the system determines the Isotropic portion of cosmic-ray Intensity as well as three components of the anisotropy vec- tor. The coefficients at the unknowns are calculated and tabulated for 38 stations, taking into account the effect of the geomagnetic field on the charged-particle trajectories, and also the energy BPBCU-QM of the variations. Orig. art. has: 6 fb:~-znulas and 1 table. SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: 25Doo65/ ' ORIG REFi 012/ 0711 RM 002 Card 2 /2 TT' r I -~T ACC NR, AT6027221 SOURCE CODE: U11/0000/66/000/000/0111/0118 AUTHOR: Kuz'mIn. A. I.; Krymoldy, G. F. -, KrIvoshapkin. P. A.; Skr!p!p, G. V. Chi!rk2y, N, P.; Shafer, G. V. ORG: none TrrLE: The nature of cosmic ray variations SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye oWqjmAy~,_�Ib ij~~nst~tut zemnogq agnetizma.. lc I rasprostranenlya radlovoln. Isaledovantya po goomagnottzmu I aeronomil (Studies In goomaguetism and aeronomy). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 111-118 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray intensity, solar cycle, magnetic field ABSTRACT: A brief survey is given of available data concerntng the variation of so-~~ Intensity and the effect responsible for this variation. The effects of fluctuations of the magnetosphere and temperature fluctuations In the upper atmosphere on cosmic ray variations are examinod-.- cosmic ray flares with energies up to 10 Bev, and their association with Forbush decreases are discussed In relation to tVr effect on cosmic ray variations. The I 1-year variations, 27-day variations, and solai~ diurnal and annual variations are shown to be closely Interrelated, and to have modulation of galactic cosmic rays by the radial inter- Cord 1/2 L G ACC NRi AT6027221 planetary field as their common source. All existing observations on the variation of cosmic ray intensity are seen to indicate the existence of an external (with respect to the sun) radial interplanetary rnagnetic field and the predominant contribution of the dynamic effects of the field's disturbances to the modulation of galactic particles. An Important feature of the field's configuration (deduced from observaUons of the variation of cosmic ray Intensity, and also from other unrelated data) Is Its oblateness with respect to the plane of the ecliptic or the solar equatorial plane. SU13 CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: 25Dec65/ ORIG REF: 026/ OTH REF: 009, 7 1 - Card 2/2 ACC NRi AR6027538 SOURCE CODE: UR/0313/66/060/005/0043/0043 AUTHOR: Kuzmin, A. I.; Krym G. F.; Krivoshapkin, P. A ; Skripin, G. V.; Chirkov, N, P.; Shafer, 0. V, TITLE: The nature of cosmic ray variations SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye kosmicheskogo prostranstva, Abe. 5.62. 292 REF SOURCE: Sb. Iseled. po geomagnetizmu i aeron. M., Nauka, 1966, 111-118 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, cosmic ray variation, magnetic field, interplanetary magnetic field, magnetosphere ABSTRACT: A review of studies is presented on cosmic ray variations caused by changes in the magnetos phere,~(the temperature of the upper atmosphere, modula- tion effects, and flare effects. The role of the interplanetary magnetic field in the generation of cosmic ray variations is emphasized and the characteristics of the field are evaluated. [Translation of 'abstract] JFMJ SUBCODE: 03, 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ Card I /I att wt/ ILoi-6S (V)/fTC/EEC-Iz/EEC (t (h F /f-'c -5/1-a P AP500210 2 o0r, T ij n v~ 1 Kut'min,, A. Lry skiv, G. F.; K r i v o a h a p_~jjj _K_. A r 'k, C) N' c o nm c r A. v s z e C i A N S S S R Izvestiya. S c r t y a f I z I c e i q v a 2 8 , n o . 12 1 6 1, 199 7-2000 7 A GS c o s r. c ray flux, chromospher i c f lare, r~a~~necfc field, o-b4t, solar particle, Forbusn accrcase, vaiactic cosmic e ~.-ponentia I f u r. c t i on , i n t e rp I a n E: 1, ;; r v 7 n c t p 1 '4 T h c f1 u x o f cosm-t c -, a v 5 -; e p e n o n '.e a o f c h r o - a, r e a A r e f I e c i n z ma rn e L I c i e 7~ ,I q I d e 0 r t r i e ri r 5 I: A r h Led f r C. m 0 t h e r 3 Ip 3 C /3 A CC F q T M: N P space. solar cosmic rays aWIv from Oe toward- the gun. 7,- --,-f7re-cpted space is charactcrizc~, I' C. C, r C, -,q( i a c t i an e v i R r ha r c 6 'D A a W I L h Llk E: 1--ye rzi cy t,L a7 a L. L L LLv v c i e n e s e p r- e e ~nrjntjor. is v the r e a t e r t n p o I a r r e f,, 9 t i - e I a ii ' e j t v i r, th e F o r b u S h d e c r e aq e n n t1) r i r ;I e E 0 rj 0 & ph c r i c f 11 a r e 9 o b L ai n e d b v eK T-, 1 71 f- RtS I n (I I c a t e s a n a th e m a n e t i c s he I I o f t h e v j Fhi exr~f n a L n L e rLi a n et a r v 7~ 1 7 r a s i C.Q r P, t h C V,aII 5 m u s L e x I t a t t ne bound a r L!c toe [I h v r a r t I S d 4 T 1 (IN Institut kosmofizicheski k e L~ V ~I e c n o m. I c, I f-A I a Sihirgkogo -~ t '1 0 1 f- -1 1", I j ,-ard 2/3 1, 2!AjO-14')5 ACCESSION NP: AP5002101 (InecLtute of_Spare Physics Research and Aeronomy of the Yakutsk Bra-ch of Siberian Division, Academy of Sc',encc!;,SSSR)- E, "; C L ,;n RL;7 SOVi 008 OTHER- 004 Card 3/3 J._45lo_-66 EWT (I )/EWT(m)/FCC/T/9WA (h) IJP(c) GS/GVi ACCESSION NR: AT5022836 IM/0000/65/000/000/0239/0245 AUTHOR; 1UjyoghWkIDj P, &; Knm~)SJyA,_Q._y,; S.kripin, G., V. TITLE: The study of upper atmosphere temperature variations from terrestrial measure- ments of cosmic rgygi SOURCE: Vscso-vuznove soves kosm1ches9!ft_AR0_Ley.__Jpt, Yakutsk, 1962. Kosmicheskiye luchl I problemy kosmofizild (Cosmic rays and problems in cosmophysics); trudy soveshchanlya. Novosibirsk, RedLzdat Sib. otd. AN SSSRY 10651 239-24r) \V TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray memy-r-ement atTqpyki~r!q teT'p u c, cosmic ray Intensity, upper atmosphere _S4~_p ABSTRACT: Data concerning the dynamics of the mesosphere are necessary for the under- standing of the coupling mechanism between the solar and terrestrial events and of the general circulation of the atmosphere. However, oystematiodata about atmospheric dy- namics at altitudes between 20 and 80 Ian are practical1y nonexistent. The present article, consequently, gives results concerning the periodic temperature variations of the moso- sphere lisderived from the terrestrial measurements of cosmic rays at Yakutsk. The cos- mic ray intensity was measured continuously ever the 1959-1960 period at 30 and 60* from Card 1/2 octoloo'70 imam L 4510-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5022836 the zenith on the Earth's surface and underground at 20 and 60 m. w. equiv. (some data concerning daily variations are based on the 1958-1959 period). Experiments were carried out under the assumption that the variationq in cosmic ray intensity at 60* and 20 (6n) m. w. equiv. depths were caused by temperature variations of the atmosphere only. The analysis of data confirmed the accepted production mechanism for the hard cosmic ray componant , ~ via intermediate nuclear-active mesons. Significant periodic changes in upper atmosphere temperature were found at the height of the ozone layer. These seasonal variations were between 35 and 50C, the 27-day variation amplitude was 5-10C, while daily variations were within the 3-7* limit. The yearly maximum appears in the fall, and the daily maximum during night hours. The observed temperature variations Wee well with data from spec- tral observations of the night skies. The spectral results referring to altitudes of 80-120 km have amplitudes several times larger than the corresponding results for the 20-50 mb layer presented In We article. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas, 7 figures, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut koemofizicheskikh Isaledovaniy I acronomil YaF SO AN SSSR (In-- etitute of Cosmic Physics Studies and A SUBMITTED- 29Oct64 ENCL: 00 SUBCODE: ES, AA NO REF SOV; 005 OTHER- 000 Card 2/2 L Z9M~ - W(I ', ACC NRi AP6018864 SOURCE COM AUT11ORs S~ripin, o,_v,; Krivoshapkin P. A. t Kryms!dy. Go F 9 1 Filippov, V. A. ORG: Institute of Astrophysical Research and AeronovV, Yalmtsk Branch, so AN s3a TITIEs Study of tho anisotro PY of gasmla_rA3Lq~ by the crossed telescopes Mthod 51/ SOURCE: Goomagnatitm J aeronoutys, v, 5, no, 5, 1965* 817-825 TOPIC TAGS: cosrdo ray Wdgotropy, 900MAgWtio field, solar activIty ABSTRACTs A method in proposed for taking into account diatortions of antsow ..tropy of cosmic rays by the goomagnetic field,,And the directional dia- gram of the instrument. The authors have codOuted matrices restoring the true vector of anisotropy for instruments of the Yakutsk complex. _j Computations were made using coupling coefficients for different zenith .angles and three forms of the energy spectrum of anisotropy. Using tht imafrices the authors have restored the true vectors of anisotropy for ,the neutron component for three epochs of solar activity (1958-1964). Readings of azimuthal telescopes were used in finding the true vectors and the vectors.of the atmospheric influence for the earth's surface and for depths-of 71.20 and 60 m (water equivalent). An evaluation is given, of the degree.of agre:ement between the derived vectors and three forms Card 1/2 UDC: 523o165 L 29178-66-- ACC NR, AP6018864 'oi enerSy spectre. 'Use -of makes it possible to determine -the pri.mary and atmospheric-components of the diurnal wave. In the period of the maximum and decline-of eolar activity observations are 'desciibed satisfactorily by a spectrum given by the diffusion mechanism., The &~t6rs wcpreds tiinkfi to t .1. Dorman'o-id- A I.Kuslodn for-thii-r-h~dtna d4locussion qf yumber of P;V'jb!:MX* OrIgo girt*' haeto figues, fol 1 table* 1JM SUB CCWt 049 03o 08 SUMtDATE, 0290A,"ill ORIGREF1 009 OMREFS O(Y7 KRIVOSHAPKO,, Insh. 0 bwwwamm~ al ~- Protecting communication channels from disturbances caused by electric traction. Avtom., telem. I sviaz' 2 no.1127 A 058, (MIRA 11:1) 1, Taboratorlya sIgnalixatell 4 evyasi LIvolskoy dorogi, (Telephone lines) WHINSKIY) V.L,; POPOV, I.K.[docoasedli.K~iIVOSI~~Y",_~_,, red. [Problems of the organizatlon of production in nurseries, flower and greenhouse fams,, and orchard and park ranagement; brief lectures as an aid to correspondence teaching]Voprosy organizatsil proizvodstva v pitormikakh, tsvetochno-oranzlle- reirWkh i sadfvo-parkovykh khoziaist-vakh; kratkic lektsii v pomcBhohl zaochnoru obucheniiu. K)skva, Vsorossiiskoe ob-vo sodeistviia okhrane prirody i ozelonentlu nasolennykh punktovp 1960. 86 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Plants, Ornamental) GASSOVSKIY, L. N.j_KRIVOSHAPOVA, L. V. Multifocal eyeglasses, Nov. mod. tekh. no.2:47-59 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Gosudaretvennyy ordens. Ienina opticheskiy institut imeni S. I. Vavilova. (EYEGLASSES) KRIVOSHCHAPOV, M., polkovnikp Vo7ennyy letwjitc #-rvog-) hlav%a Flight dies,-ipline and flight. commde-r. fv-. i koism. 47 rc.9.1 32-);7 3 16-1, (Hilu STALMYO, It.; KLUVOSHCHEKly, A~, plavny7 vrach Prc;hvlactic surveys for the detection of cancer and pre- cancermis conditions. Zdrav.Belor. 5 no.6:55-56 Je '59. (14IRA 12:9) 1. Zavedigrashchays Gomellskim garsdravotdelom (for Sneshko). 2. Gomellskly oblastno7 onkodiepanser (for Krivoshcholci.~). (CAMCM) KP.IvLr,ifcla;Klyj A.F., zaaluzhennyy vrach MSF; I . - - ---- . - j - ) Dinrlon:iary sorvlco in tittoma,7h dtsott6cs. ',ljrE-v. :,o-1. 9 slo-6,-~,4-55 Je .163. . 0-11BA 1-7:5) 1. 1z GomollL;kogo obla.9tritg) onkoloi~lr-~eskng,~ dlot~--ns~.rft (glavnTj ,Vrf,-h KRIVOSIICHEKIYj We Practicoo of oonsultation oe~ters in the prevention of canoer in women. Vopeonk. 6 no.2t98-101 F 160. (MIRA 1412) (GPMPATM OROANSj FDWZ-WoER) KRIVOSIICIIEKIYp A.F. Thrombocyte count in the diagnosis of cancer. Yest.khir. no.7s 30-34 '61- (KrRA i5a) 1. 1z Gomeilskogo onkologicheBkogo diopansera (g1, vrach - A.F. Krivoshchekiy). (CANCMI.-DIAGVOSIS) (ELGOD PLATEIMS) ; F 3.., , ", i ~ ~ ~ .1 1 . i ".,, ., I. 10 h .'V' . ~ --! iu-sHn , zro . :~ `7 -. ~. ~ r, i' ~ I h P r ." a .( khr . r, -,' r . - . [,a! I . Vost. no . 1 -, - 61- . "Nal.ur,, of Tomsk .; an" It:j 'c-,, 0.1% Frivnencl-.ek-v. T t I I . - -~7 5 '~ - , " ~, -1 ~T .. -!v., .i.I,!I,, I.. .", -, 'I ,~ . I , . " , , ~!,_ F(j:j Now literature on problo-ma c." )r ~..- - i -- 1951 ... 1960. (r'kh r . Tj r 1. r . S' ". L . I ! ~ a 11 . V e) ,, '- . n -.. ~ -, - ~', I', S-, ',-,2. ,.P.IR'. IOGAYZEN, B.4i GUMRIZFH, A.N.,- YAFAII(-.VA, V.V., G.M. Lake Teletskoye an a unique body of water of the Altai and an object deserving protection. Izv. Alt. otd. Geog. ob-va SWR no.5:216-217 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Tomskly gosudarativennyy universitat. IOGAHZENq B.G.1 rjSTlXV Or A&Nej KRIVOSHCHEKOVp 0,M.,, red, (Nov fisheo of Western SiberUl NOTYG r7by Zap"wi Sibirl. Novosibirsk* 1960. 50 P. (KUU U87) I* Voeroosiyokoye obsbahestvc eedeyBtviya okhrane prirody i oselenenlyu naeslaWth punkt-ove (Siberiag Weateo,.-Fisbea) (Animal introdoction) '------IFj~ncus-,i`enof ~problcms in ocolo~7 at tLo Biological I.-Aituto of tho, Siberian Diviuion of the Soviet Acadomr of Sciences. Izv.Sib.oV-. All SSSR no.12:137 '(-,0,, (VLA JJ+:2) (Ecology) i v T-~ T A tkOW CALIOdd for normironia ovninaiOn. Lty.yost.fli. AJU jS.';.t uo.?; io-~-A 157. (MLRA 10: 9) '-'Fivj,4d-v)-SIbi:-akiy f ilia I ~k:4denil u&ik 66SR. (Thermionic O:i~sslon) '*Cathoden) AUTHORS: Rumor, Yu. B., Doctor of P4yaico -Mthematical 30-10-16/26 Sciences, Krivoshchekov, G. V. TITLE; The Siberian Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics (Sibirskiy inatitut radiofiziki i elaktroniki)A PERIODICAL: Vestnik AN SSSRj 1957, Ootoberj $r 10, pp. 108-110 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Scientific research Is being cdnducted at the Siberian Institute of HeLdicybysics and Electronics In the following fields; &I Theoretical "Ica (applied electrodynamics) b Electronic phenomenons at super-high frequencies. a Electronics of cathodes. d Physics of gas-discharges. Yethods of mathematical "icp were developed and. the folloving problems stvAled: i~ Theory of directional antennas. 2 Studies of distribution of the currents in aerials with optimum radiation pattern. 3) Theoretical investigation of wave guides the cross- section of which changes slowly. 4~ Development of a neff theory of the magnetron. 5 Experimental determination of a new inversion process of Card 1/2 the conductivity of diodes. *[ orpnized from the Section of, Technical Physics of the West-Siberian Branch of the AS USSR]