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MALKIN, L.Z.j ALKHAZOV, I.D.; XRIVOKHATSKIT, A.3,; FEMRAK, K.A.; - BELOV,, L.M. Spontaneous fission of CA2" with emission of a long-range o< -particle. Atom, energ. 16 mo.2-tl48-l49.,' F 16/4, (MIRA 17:3) ACCESSION MR: AP4042972 B/G048/64/028/007A255/125i AVnIOR: Baranovo I.A.; Krivokhatskiy 8.; Silantlyov, A.M. Go-m-radiati from curium 242 ark[ 243 41eporp, 14th Annual Conferen TITIZ; "I of on Nuclear Spectroscopy hold In Tibilizi 14-21 Feb 196g SOURCE- AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya, finicheakaya, v.28, no.7, 1964, 1255-1256 TOPIC TAUS: gamma-ray speotr~um, alpha spectrum, alpha spectroscopy, curium ABSTRACT: The photon yields per alpha decay of the 100, 220 and 277 keV-Cj0243 -r rays and the 44 and 100 keV Cm242 7-rays were measured by the C1-7 coincidence me- v thod. The 7-spectrometer employed a Nat ecintillator and had a resolution of '10% for 662 keV 7-rays. The alpha spectrometer employed an energy sennitiv'o gold-olli- con surface barrier detector madq from im-type silicon. This detector was lnvestlga--~ ited In detail before being employed in the present measurqmonts, and its bohavior 1' is described elacwhore (LA.Daranov, Pribory* I tokhnika eksperiments, No.2,113,19-,"'- 64; I.A.Daranov, U.V.]Dlinov and N.U.Uz&rinov,IxvoAX 888R,6er.fIz.28,1257,19G4). The energy resolution of the alpha detector was 80 k*V, and the pulse rise*tine of each detector vas.lose than 2 x 10-6 sea, Corrootione.vere made for sooldental co- 1 ACCESSION XR: AP4042972' tu .Incidences and for Compton scattering of the more'energetic 7-rays. Thd appars 0 was tested by mossuring the photon yield per.alpha decay of the 59.6 MY AM241 7- ray@ ~ yield of 0.31 per decay was found, in good agreement with the Value ascribed, to J.H.Humel by R.K.Hyde (UCRL-0148., 1961). The photon yields per alpha decay of the 100, 220 and 277 key Cm243 7-rays wore found to be 0.42, 0.113 and 0.112, res- pectively; those of the 44 and 100 k0V CR242 y-raya were 2.7 x 10-4,and "0.0 x 10-4,; respectively. The yield obtained for the 100 keV CM242 7-isy must be regarded am.a preliminary result, for the accuracy was much reduced in this came by a large so- cidental. coincidence backgrounds "In conclusion, the*authors express their grati- tude to L.M.Belovp PeDelvanoy and M.Modovesoy for asilstanos In the 'Work." Orij., art. has: I figure& ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMITODs 00 IMMI 00 'MR. 40 SCNt 004* 0WR Sun CODRI NP 1 003 2/2 BARMIOV, I.A.; KRIVOKHATSKIY, A.S.; Ga=a rays from Om 243 and no.7tl255-1256 JI 164 SILAHTIYEV, A.N. 0242 . Izv. AN SSSR Ser. fiz. 28 (MIFA 17t8) 1w, m I Itov v m* i v Lim a ti~ ~1, A. S. A, LU r6 X 1-dUXJX-Ul-Un rrEIM rMfl Cnn-JarilleM fit" lfftV w EM M I M. aaa SIMMER, i'i I- I I'm ~ml , ZIA- I ~ 10" M low 19" ."Medok.Gypam Depositps S. P. rrlvokhatakly., pp Oftnedka Nedr" Rd 2 IN.Ooelt discovered by the Um-Chemmorskays, Goolog "I Ada&.1stratime Domorlbes pogrq*lo I.&Y of do- posit'and presents sectional map abow1mg relative lo- satIon. Discusses pologlo wA afteralcea features of deposits Jbntlms that no dIffloulty should be wMerlmood, In vwkl",this deposit as it is in vloin 1tr of the Cherwrechawk and Sol'aho-labinsk coal as IOUs.. wA also =o can be We of hydroelectric At " - MLIO Over gmet4o is Id" River. KMOYJIAT6KIYI 3.p. (stavropoll) .010giats are activelY taking part in Retired ge collectiveo Pjlzvod. i okh. nedr 26 noo9:60 S (Stavropol Territory-Trade uniona) cia2. Ufe of the the 11 160. (14IM 15t7) (Geologiato) DARCVSKIKH, G.T.; RGOV, A.B.; KRIVOKIIINA. Studying the effect of the formula on the relaxation properties of rubber. Kauch. i rea. 22 no.8tl2-14 Ag 163. (KMA 16:10) 1. Leningradekiy tokhnologichenkiy inatitut Im. Leneoveta. 1f.;%., 1 and. jant -control duvaw, I'l-C) !ID.-k r a ii ~,-L. 6t26-30 3 y pro y s' -n cv~ - r. n~ %. nyf I tut tign'. I r.-;Co mati'hlno-~It f GODDYACHIK, I.P.; OSTROPOLISKIT, A.B.: rRIVOIRIZHA. M.T. - . Graphic method for designing and selecting renilating prom. no.4:)1-33 Ap 157. (valves) valves. 0&Z. (Kwu 10: 5 ) KRIVOKHI t Nomograms and graphs for calculating gas distributive stations of gas pipelines. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:64-68 Ap-Je 162. (KTA 15:6) 1. Ukrainskiy gooudaretyennyy inatitut po, proyektirovaniyu prodpriyatiy,po dobyche prirodnykh gazov. (Gasj, Natural-Pipelines) ---KRjyOVjj7aM,-,S,LD., inzhenor. construction of small yards for precast reinforced concrete reduction* Terf.prom-33 20-5t19-22 156. = 9--q) l.Mostorfestror. (Precast concrete) -4 tr.,Awrej L 22190-66 LW(J)/EWP(k)/EWT(I)/.rWT(n)/,-6W(a)-6/T RM/W AC- WR: Ap6oo4gil SOURCE CODE: UFV0056/66/050/001/0003/0014 AUMOR: Krivokh1zha S. V.; F~Yellnskiyl 1. L. ORG: ln~~itu"t-e-o-f- sics im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of ScIence9,Pg�,L(FIzIchesk1y Institut-Md-emff nauk sssH) 2f, TITLE* Fxperimental investigations of the propagation of ultrasound invis.cous liquids -5O(JRCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki,, v. 50, not it 1WO TOPIC TAGS: ultrationics,, sound propagation, viscous fluid, rel&xation process# ultrasound absorption, propagation velocity ABSTiMM In view of the small number of experimental investigationg Of the velo- city and absorption of ultrasound and hypernound In viscous liqulds,( and In view of the difficulty of deacribing these phenomena by means of re 'theory with one or c-,ren oeveral relwmtion times# the authors have extended the raige of inventi- gated substancen by measuring the velocity amd absorption of ultrasound at 3 Meg in triacetin and 1,2- ropylene g3,yco3L iscosity was varie4 by 7--9 orders of _,I whost Y magnitude. 'The method used for the wMeriment vaeba&ed on a technique developed by T. S. Velicbkina and one of the authors (Ambelinakiyj DAN BBBH V- 751 177# .1950)o Card 1/2 L 2219o-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo493-l .0 modified to permit the use of the same appeza- ;~tua to measure the velocity of ultrasound an well as its absorption (Fig. 1). The 6onstrue- 2 :tion of the equipment and the test procedure tirepofflop H X rare described. The experimental results are fiv . 8V made to fit an analytic relation that agrees JL x f ,qualitatively with a nonlocal diffusion theory V 0, r a. A ifor the propagation of ultrasound in viscous 3 N"Y'se'd - Off . V 0 4, developed by Mo A. Isakovich and 1. A. Chaban (DAN SOR v. 16% no. 2p 1965). To check Fig. 1. Block diagram of setup ithe theory more convincinglyp however, it is I for the measurenent of the Yeloci- Tnecessary to perform a series of new ultrasonic ty and absorption of ultrasound. experiments and to continue the theoretical and - 1 - Hf generstorp 2-- bf ampliflsr~ experimental Investigations of the nature of 3 - pulse genertitorp oscill&- the nonuniform liquid on which the theory in ,based. The most important Is a check on the scope. theoretical predictions of the nonuniformity.'of the liquidp and to show whether this nonuniformity represents structure fluctuat ims or bem other pbesemenono Orig, art* haet 14 figasep, U fbroWp W 2 tablese SUB CODE t 2D/ sum Dast 2omL65/ mw pxr i olo/ on Rv: oog nMt Card 24aj4_66 EWT(1)1FW11(8)1 WT(q)/T/VWF-(t'j IJP(C;) -1 D/'WM ACC NR1 Ap6ol4615 SOURCE CODE: fj AUMOR., Ike 2ba-As V.; Mqab4 L-; WtXqj~c a~uncv, Fabelins 1. L. ORG: Phyp,~csj!jqtitute j&jMdeYx_Acydcyy_QL_8jzjcncea SSM(Fizicheekly inatitut Akademii nauk S58R) TITLE: -Induced Mandel'aht -Brillouin scattering In single-cryst t tem- peratures 2.1--300K SOURCE: Zliurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki.. Pialja v redaktoiyu. Prilozheniye, V, 3p no. 9, 19661 378-382 TOPIC TAGS; quartz, single crystalp light scattering, laser application, line shift ABSTRACT: The following effects were observed in Induced Mindel'shtcm-BrIllmin - -scattering (DMS) in single- crystal_2Mgx_t7,-,.-j a strong increase in the shift of the Stokes component, due to -the quasilongitudif~l hypercoric wwre, an the t Merature was lowered from 80 to 2.1K; occurrence of a Stoker, component of IMBS due to the quasitransverse wave at 80K and a difference in the character of the damage to the single ci-jotal In the focused laser beams at different temperatures and for prac- tically constant light-pulse power. The invedtigation was made with a previously- described installation (PisluA ZbL"ZF v. 2.9 41, 1965). The giant light pulse from a ruby laser,of -250 Mw power, was focused onto the interior of the crystal cacTlej uhich was either at room -temperature or placcd in a cryorftat filled vith liquid helium or liquid nitrogen. A32 crystal samples were cut from a eingle block of L 24204-66 ACC Nxi AP6014615 Brazilian quartz. 11je frequency ablfU tw of the Stokes co onents are tabuLated. It is shown that Av dorubles in the temperature interval 60-T-K atid continues to in- crease with decreasing temperature. To explain the observed larf:e increaje in the frequency it must be assumed that under the conditions of the ex;.erimerrt the re- fractive index and the speed of the bypersound change noticeably under the influence of the strong electric field of the light vave at low temperature. An analysis show, that the influence of the electric field on the refractive indek amd tbe speed of th, bypersound are apparently not the only causes of the observed appreciably Increase of & at low temperature. The observed strong difference in the outward appearance of the damage in the single crystal of quartz at different temperatures Is atiribute, to the 'fact that at BOK the absorption of the hypersound is somewhat smaller than at 300K,, and this decrease is apprently sufficient to produce under certain conditions BIBS without damaging the Metal. When the temperature Is lower(rl to 4.2K., the ab- sorption coefficient becomes even smaller, and usually no damage accurs. If damage is still observed in this case, it can be-attributed to the strong, narrowing of the light channelt and consequently the increase In the intensity of the light and byper. sound. The authors thank L. V. Iteldysh and Yu. P. Rayzer for useJU r ka made during the discussion of the results., and to 0. B. VoUrs-Raya. M. A. Vyscytokaya. and V. P. Zaytsev for help with the vork. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and I table. (021 MB CM; 20/ Om DATIS ORM PJW: OOT/ OTH R9F.- 005/ ATD F V . w. j u~ I OIKQ.~ L I ,oe KRIVOKOBILISMY, 1. Collective Fams First successes of a new collective farm. Kolkh.proizv. 12 No. 7 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress Octoter 1~,52. M-CLASSIFIED OLESNEVIGH, LoO,[Olesnevych, L.O.)) oty, red.; KOZLOVA, T.A., rod.; KONONENKO, V.M., red.,- WUYQ--KOX1WSKjY,.1.F. [Kr-fvo- Kobyliolkyi, I.F.] red.; BLRANIOVA, N.P., red.izd-va-. BMEZOVSKAYA, D.N.lBerezovalka, D.11.]j, tokim. red. ' [Production potentials of the western regions of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Rezervy vyrobnytetva zakhidnykh ral.oniv Ukrainalkoi RSR. Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSR, 1963. 152 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1, Akademiia nauk URMI, Kiev. Instytut suspillnykh nLuk. '~'_A, USSR/Forestry Forest Culture. i_4 Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69134 Author : Krivokobilskiy, I#M. Inst Title : Binding and Afforestation of flizhnedneprovsk Sands. Orig Pub : Nauchn. tr. Ukr. n.-i. st. vinogradarstva i osvoentya peskov, 1955, No 5, 5-13 Abstract : Results are described of experimental plantings founded in the '30's on Nizhnedneprovsk eands. 7hey have shown a positive influence of mechanical protective measures on vitality and grovth of pine cultivations. The suita- bility of different conditions is characterized in re- lief for afforestation purposes, some agrotechnical re- commendations and instructions are given on use of dif- ferent manner of mechanical protection depending on concrete local conditions subject to afforestation. Card 1/1 - 59 - ZINICH, Vasiliy Nikolayevich[Zynych, V.M.]. PrinAnimal uchastiye KRIVOKOBYLISKIY LF [Kryvokobyllalkyi,, I.F.Ij BROVENKO, sef ~fk zz~: nauk red ONOPRIYEHKO M.Xj r6d.; POTOTSKAYA, L.A.[Potots~lka: LT J. tekhn. red. (Business accounting combined with operational control within indlyidual production unitsj based on the example of the Otoria komuniwul Collective Farm, Kosov District, Stanislav Province] Vnutrihospodaralkyi rosrakhunok z operatynym kontrolem; na prykladi kolhospu "Zoria komu- nizmu," Kosivalkoho raionu, Stanislavalkoi oblasti. lyiv, Vyd-vo UASHN, 1962. 58 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Collective farma-Finanoo) Y.- -I T. f KRIVOKOBTLISKIY* V*Y,, Inshener; VAMMLI, VaTu.. inshener. Using the U-3M engine on the 'Stalinets-81 and tha 8-4 combines. Bellkhosmashina no.lsl3-13 Ja 134, 1 (MMU 7:1) 1. SKB pri zavods "Serp i Holot*. (Gas and oil engines) KRIVOKOBYLISKIT, V.7.; YAXHM1, T.Yu. Defects In the design of the U-5K engine for combines and their elimination. Sellkhosmashina, no.9:21-23 5 154. MU 7:9) (Gas and oil ~nglnes--Design) KUBATA,H.K.; nIVOKORUISICIT,V.Y. improved spark arresters for combine engines. Sellkhozmashina no.10:23-25 0155- (MIRA 8:12) 1. Spetsiallnoys konstruktorskoye byuro savods "Serp I solotw (Sparks) (Gas and oil engines) KRIV(IROIIYLISXIY. V.Y.; YjRBjfhjo, B.S. The SHD standardized diesel ongino. Blul.tekh.-okon.Infom, no.11:58-59 1 58. (KIRA 11:12) Plosel engines) -V KRIVOKOMISHY, V.F., inzh.; IaREMIII, V.P. in zh. IncreaffIng- the -heat resistance of cylinrier heads of the SMD-7 engine. Mashinostroenie no.1-84-86 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Gosudarstvoymoyo spetnJaP'noye konstruktorskoyo byuro po dvigatolyams g. Kharikov. (Gas and oil engines--Cylinders) KRIVUKOBYLISKIY, V.?.; KMASI., L.M. ~bohaaization and automation of the manufacture of SMD-14 electric motors at the Merp i ~blotm plants Trakt. I aellkhozmash. 31 Eisso32) no,11338-41 N 162. (MIRA 15j12 lo Zamestitell glavnogo insh. Xharskovsko o motorostroitellnogo 0 zavoda "Serp i molotu (for KrivokobVlvskiy~, 2. Glav tekhnole Karlkavokogo motdrostroitelinogo savoda OSerp i molotl7for Karas'10 (Electric motors) (Electrio equipment industry) VERBUK, RA; CAYDUCHENKO, N P I IRIZIw t5KIYO V.F - POLYAROV 4 it .0 M.L.j CHICHEVAO Ll,' 25O.J waUin. red.; OKOLEIDVAt Z.P.,, takhn. red. [Dismantling, assembly and repair of SYJ) engines] Razrabotka., aborka I remont dvigatelei SMD. Moskya, Sallkhoziadat, 1963. 174 P. (MIRA l6j9) (Diesel engines-Maintenance and repair) KPIVOKOBIL SKIY, V.F.; ZLATOPOLISKIY, 14.1fa. Machines for multIple screwing of pins, bolts, and nuts. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no-8:32-34 Ag 164. OMIFRA 17: 11) 1. Kharlkavskiy motorostroitellnyy zavod "Serp i molot". r!.. ! '( 'I I . I I .", 4 1 , ~ . . , i r 4N . ,-iu t ~,:z an", ', ~~ ~~ 0 1 - " ~.nni 7nl.l,)zl .)I' f,~r m,j . ongires. Ma3hinostrconi,, n). 104. '-.46 1A .1-1 1 i. -- . . .- .I I m I , ~ ~- I I ! ". ) KFIVOKOBYL'SKIYO V.P.; ZLOTOPOLISKIT, Ms. -1-- Automatic line for areving In pins. V44t. 1 9911khozaash. no.6s 40-41 Je f65. (MIRA 180) 1. Khnrlkovskiy motorostroitalinyy savod "Sarp i molot". -. - - - - -I - -~ " I .,, ~~ , C, ~1 , ': ,~, t KIUVOKOLVKO. I.P. "PINNAVANk Operational experience of reinforcement workers. Transp.strol. 6 no.12:5 D 158. (MIRA 32:1) (Reinforced concrete construction) IRITOIONI, A. Reorganizing the work of mining schools. Prof.tekh. obr. 11 no-5: 3-4 Ac '54. (xW 739) 1. Naahallnik Toroshiloygradskogo oblo,stnogo upravleniya trudo- vykh reseryov. (Mining vngIu*9rIW-Study and teaching) KRUOKONI.A.; RASHMADZHUN,V.; LkRTASIINV,G. Pedagogical lectures. Prof.-takh. obr. 12 no.5:21-22 Nx 155. (XLRL 8:8) 1. Nachalinik Voroshilovgradskogo oblastnogo upraylenlya trudo- vykh rezervov (for Krivokon'). 2. Starshly Inshener Armyanskogo reepublikauskogo upravlaniya trudowykh reserwov (for Rmhuadshyan) 3. Zamestitell direktora po uchabno-proizvodstvennoy chbsti uchill- shcha mekhanizataii sel'skogo khosyaystva no,4. (for Kartashev) (Technical education) - KRIVOKONI, A. Our work experience with young specialists. Pref.-takhn.*br. 13 u9j: 14-15 Mr '56. (XLRA 9:7) Lftchallmik Voroohilovgradikege obl&stmogo upravlsonlya trudivykh roloryove (Voroshilovgrad Province-Technical aducatioa) . 'A. 27-9-7/30 AUTHORi Krivokon', A., Chief of the Voroshilovgrad Oblast Administrat- e a a rve a TITLEs Training at Regular Work Sites (Obuchonlye na shtatnom rabochem Monte) PERIODICAL- Professionallno Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, No 9 (148),1957, pp 9-11 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The extensive article deals with the students, practical train- Ing In the coal mines. It prdvod difficult to appoint all of them to regular working places because of the fact that the number of students exceeded the number jobs. As an example the article quotes the "Teentrallnaya Bokovskaya" minep one of the largest of the "Bokovo-jLnthracits" Trust (Pokovo-Antrateit treat) where the students of the Industrial Mining School Nr- 4 (Gornopromyshlennoye uohilishche Nr- 4) take practical training. The plan provides for 30 machine operators at the cutting machines and mining combineep and 39 operators for the electric locomotives. On the mine 5-5 'Ibis" of the "Voroshilov coal" Trust (Voroshilovugoll treat), where the students of the In- Card 1/3 dustrial Mining School Nr- 3 (Gornopromyshlenncye uchilishche -Trnining at Regular Work Sites 27-9-7/30 Nr. 3) get their practical training, there are 32 operators for the cutting machines and mining combines and 61 operators for the electric locomotives. It is apparent that even these large mines are unable to place all the available students. As a result a part of the students are occupied while others stay idle or are assigned to other work which reduces the quality of practical training. To avoid this, the Industrial Mining Schools Nr- 4P 5p 6, 7p 10 and others ncw send to the mines only that number of students which can be placed by the mine for the next few days, and the students represent all the professions taught at the given school. flow this works out is shown by an example of Industrial Mining School Nr- 7 (Gornopromyshlennoye uchilishohe Nr. 7) and the mines of the "Zhdanov coal" Trust (Zhdanovugoll treat). The article deals further with placing graduates on jobs, outfitting them, giving them safety instruction, and finding them quarters. Mention is made of K.A. Shlepch6nko, Director of 'Vme-Industrial Mining School Nr. 6 (Gornopromyshlennoye uchiliahche Nr. 6) and of Dlyachenkoj Director of tKe Industrial Mining School Nr- T, Card 2/3 who arranged that their students work In their own speciality. Training at Regular Work Sites 27-9-7/30 ASSOCIATION: Voroshilovgrad Oblast Administration of Labor Reserves (Voro- shilovgradskoye oblastnoye upravleniye trudovykh rezervov) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Krivokon', A., Director ."C V/27 -59-1 -16/7~1 TITLE~- Training Groundu for lAectric Locomotive Diivers (Uchebnyy poligon dlya mashinistov elektrovoza) fERIODICAL, Vrofensionallno-tekhn-Aclie-,ikoye o'brazoviiniye, 1959,.Nr 1, pl) 22-2i! (US"R) ABS)TRAM The LjUthc~r starts by liating the dutiou of electric loco- motive drivqrs in mines., and critici,.-.4on tho. inadequate training they undergo He suggests that the training system be revised and the training inatalletion be more completely equipped. There are three type!; of training grounds - all located in the Donets Basin (Donbass), The type I grounds usually tins one locomotive ;hed equipped with one inspection pit, generators, control switchboards, selenic rectifiers and other technical facilities, The 100 to 150 m long railroad track terminate,, in de3d-end sidings and has rne switch locrited Ii or 4 m from the shed Fig 1) The type 2 tr,,ining installation is set up with closed circular tracks that Eire 2GO to 'ICO in in circum- ference, have one switch at the shed tate and a few Card 112 grarlients. The school i:, equipped with accu:rulator -0--j/27 -'~9-1 -16/ 11 ,raining Groundo for Llectric Locomotive Drivers locomotives only . ) The type 5 insta,.Iations (Fig 3) have 2GO to 250 :.-. lont, rail f~icilities bordered by owitches and by load,-ne, and uniondinj; :;ttttions, running alit,htly up and down hill and hav,,ng ~.jidinjv Vhere are cuntact ae woll aa ticcumulator locomotiveo. &'he author J;iVO.1; a reVieW Of thV 11WAor Of troinilljy StLiientus and of the training curriculum at the three differcnt training groundo There are three ditigrams and one Iable., AS30k;IATIONi Luj;Liris~oye oblastnop,, upravlen.,~-- tr,,1:'ovykh re3ervov (The Lugnnsk Obltj~itAdmlr~isl~ratior, of Labor Reservcs) Card 212 IMYCKCS', A. . Demon8trationarea. for minors* Prof.-tekh. obr. 17 no-7:7-10 JI ,6o. O(M 13: 8) 1. Nachallnik lagaukogo oblastnogo upravleniya professionallao- takhnicheskogo obrasovaniya. (Don Taney-Xining engineerInV-Study and teaching) KRIVOKONIP A. Facing the demands of technical progress. Prof.-tekb. obr. 18 no,8:10-11 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. flachallnik Luganskogo oblastnogo upr4vlaniya professionallno- tekhnighookogo obrazovaniya. (Lugansk Province.-Mining angineering-4tudy~ and teaching) !r KRIVOKONI, A. In anticipation of the requiremento of life. Prof.-tekh. obr. 19 no.9:5-7 S 162. (MIRA .15:10) 1. Nachallnik Luganakogo oblastnogo upravleniya profeasionallno- tekhnicheskogo obrazovaniya. (Ijuganak Province-Vocational education) KRIVOKONIP A. Innovators as a model for fitud(ints. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.121 6-8 D 163. (NIRA 17tl) 1. Nachallnik Luganskogo oblastnogo upravlenlyn profe3sionalino- tekhnicheskogo obrazovaniya, KRIYR ~_*Y ner * Automatic welding for manufacturing small-sizs cylindrical vessels. Izobr. v SSSIL 1 no.4:17-18 0 156* (HLRA 10:3) (Illectric welding) SHTROMBIRG, B.IO; MIROS101ICILLM, A.M.; MDYSITIVA, Kh,H.; KRIVOXONI, Tu.G.; BRUK, AoS,; VOLXOYA, Z.A,; GSTD, G.P.; OBUIDIOVSKIY, -T&oN# 4. Investigation of ther coals of the Lvov-Volrn' Basin. Xoks i khim. no.1:12-17 161. (HM 14: 1) ......... 1. Ukrainskiy uglakhimicheakiy institut (for Shiromberg, Mirosh- nichenko', Hoyseyeva, Xrivokoul). 2. Dnepropetrovskiy motallur- gichaskiy institut (for Pruk. Vallcova. Geyd, ObukhovskiV), 17 (Lvov-Tol7n' Basin-Coal) 14MOSHNICHRIKO A.M.; SJURUMBz;iiG, b.I.;-YjLIvuKuII', Yu.G.; SEINKAREVA, T.V.; DRnI &N.; DVUZHILIIIAYA, N.M.; GUTMAX, L.M.; KULIXLN, R.K.; KOVALEVSKAYAS *16H. Coking of a charge contairting' 4 gas coals and blast-furnace lting with coke obtained-by thiomoth6d. Koko i khim. no.2:20-24 163o (KII?A 16t2) 1, Ukrq~nskiy uglakhWehelikiy inatitut (for MiroMmichenko, Shtroxbor$,, Krivokon.l. Shinkarova, Druy). 2. Donctakiy nauchno-issledovatelhokAy ugolInyy institut (for Dvuzhlllnaya). 3. Donetskiy kAsokbimicheakiy zavod (for Gubian, KtIllman, KovalcvokaM- (Coke) (Motallurgical fi=naces) 1,; 11IVC)*KCN::Vy 3 R!id Lo In radio clubs and radio circles; livelier work in Une ccn3tr-ucticn secticn. '-dio, 110. 4, 1952. IT r Nonthly Li.-it of' H-uiqJ.:tn Accessions, Llbrrx- of' Conz,ress, lutie 191-2. UNGLA-~ I ~'T F D. rin, on-in L),L r, Cticmistry PhYsicol,chomiatry card 3 /1 Pub. 22 - j5/6o Atithore I ',j'nrqrj A. Ati Krivokorytova, Be V..; and Rhodorov. P. M. Title I Heats of solution of polystyrenes of different mole:ular weight nnd the packinL7 density of stable chains Periodical i Dok. AN S.W 100/4, 741-743, Fab 1, 1955 Abstract I The inteeral heats- of solution were determined for -various fractionB in benzene and for a hydrogenated polysteren~ monomer - ethyl benzene. The results Indiarte that polystyrene with a molecular weight of about 1000 dissolves in benzene and in ethyl benzene with a zero thermal effeet. It wa6 observed that the low-moleculir polystyrene dissolves in a natural hydrogenated monomer - ethyl benzene - with a zero thermal effect which indicates that the packing density of the low-molecii1ar polystyrene in close to the packing density of ethyl benzene moleciles. An increase in molecular weight was observed to be followed by a considerable increase In the heat of solution. Four referencees 'U-1,W and 1 USA (1950-1954). Tablel graph. Institution i The A. Me GorkXy Ural State University Presented byi Aendemician Vo A. Kargin, August 17, 1954 tr bl C th'-dol V~ItOr,-. SCiL.'tifi.C ,.-I In-gtitutir-s r, -CL.1 o"C"'Ochij . rr blcra of Ubliorrphy !-;,d Sci(.ntific Wcun.nt~tinn. ,.ba Jour : IILf,.r-t 7hur 25 i.-Tch 1957, 1PC179D ..uth(x : Inst TitIc I I d'L -' ')f UIL OL'vc1c-rnL- 'it of !-!~ttr it, 1'r-~-etion Ath thc Disc,.-,,Lr,, vf '~-w Discrctc- Foria of i.!,t.t,-r b- thc Clu.nistr- CO - tvr-. OriLr. ?ub : .".VtLr,... dloc. !-A s f 1, -t f il..,3rif . AI-SS R) 1956. ..bstrnct ; "o -ibstr-ct. C:,rc3 1/1 .! A,' ~;V* ; 'I Ij,'.~!2 1 -. " -- v Z-. , .. , - .- -". MMOIAPOVI E. Use of plastics and chemicals in the transportation and fishing fleets. More flot 25 no.10:36 0 165. (MIM 18:11) 1. Nachallnik laboratorli Mentrallnogo konstruktorsko- takhnologicheskogo byuro'"Awharryba'O. 7~q, r Y T, L 4z9 11~ 4-i-~ (7 1,- -;,q _j ~. 1 n a% jJ-L ACC NR: A1`0"6611 ~ I I , -1 --- ; ICA~010 Jj/0Q-7.6/OG40 SOU_I~cz CUD'-., AUTEOR:- XXIyola v B. 14. 2o ORG: TsKTB "Azchorrybo" TITLE: Use of niastic and synthetic materials in small ship-repair woekahops SOURCE: Pybnoye khozyaystvo, no. 11, 1965, 38-40 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuildinC engineering, polyethor resin, epoxy resin, =�n=k=rc:Mz, poly- styrona resin, polypropylene, polyethylano, polychlorotrifluoroothyler.9, glass fabric., paint, heat resistant material, synthetic material, plazticizer, filler AISTPAM A Conoral review of various resins, plaotico, paint and othe chemical pro- ducts is D'recented. Polyether and epoxy resins am roinf_o_R~y RIMAloth of varioua types and compositions. An addition of cobalt naphtenat with cumene rydroperoxide is recommended for hardening polyether re . A wide application of gltxs plastics made of reinforced polyether and epo resins,=various ship-repairs is briefly reviewed. An addition of d;butyl-phthalate is recoiwxnded for plasticization of epoxy -resins while polyethylene ~Ikith polyamine or bexamethylene-diamine are adbed for hardening. Following are materials used as fillersy'~'cement, asbestos, j;r ~j~te,\Iquartz sand, various ozides and metal powders. A vibro-vortex spray method for coating metal surfaces with plastic powders is recommended by using polyethylene, poly_oropylone, polystyrene, polychlorotri- fluoroethylene and other resins. Various synthetic materials and paints are mentioned Card 1/2 UDC; 678.5 ACC NRi AP5028611 for coating of ship docks and equipmont. The use of polyethylene tubes and various syn- thetic materials for construction and decoration purposes aro also mertioned such as- leather substitutes, fire-roBistant decorative plastics, foam plastics for furnitureand other synthetic materials. The use of various clowisors and preparations for removing rust from ship hulls and for cleaning equipment is aloo mentioned. YI&V materials men- tioned in the text are identified by standard specifications. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUE-1 DATE: None 2/2 MLP Card KRIVaUJW, F.G. Y.9, Ghyedov, the founder of physloochanical rhec'.ogy. Ukr.thim. shur. 21 no.5:675-678 '55. (a& 9: 3) 1. Odeaskly takhnologichookly institut imeni I.Y. 0 W Im. (Uhvedoy. Fedor Nikiforovich, 1840-1905) XIN .KRIVOIAPOV, F.G LXNELINIKOVA, L.Ye. Splitting of starch In groats during bollIM. Izv.vyn.ucnab.%av.; pishchetakh, nool:90-93 1599 (MIRA 12:6) 1. Odseekly takhnologichaskly Inetitut Smont I.V.Stalina, ~mfe4ra neorganichaskoy Whimit. (Starch) nIVOLlVPOV,jG.; SHILOVA, L.I. Hydrophilic properties of groats in connection with their hydrothmrsal processing. IST.Tyloucheb.s..vo; plaboh.takh. no.5: 13-U 159. (MMA 13:4) 1. Odesekly tokhtologichooidy i"q 4tut i,sni I.V.Stalina kafedra neorganichookoy kh1wit. (Cereal prouuots) KRIVOLAFOV, P.O.; SDIELINIKOVA.. L.Ys. Effeat of. salt treatment on the ferw titation activity of starche lzv.vYs.ucheb.tav.; pishch. takh, no.6s33-36 161. OtIRA l5t2) 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologichaskiy instit,t. kafedra noorganichaskoy khimii. (Starch)(FormentA Lion) KRIVOUPOV, F.G.1 SINELINIXOVit L.Te.; S)ILOVAp L.I. Weat of the hydrothermal proc saing on certain charact6ristion (if groat starches. Izv.vys.uck;b.zav.; pishch, tekh. no.304,-.56 163. ()GRA 160) 1. Odeaskiy takhnologichaskiy :.notitut imeni Lomonosovap Wedra neorganicheskoy i analitichesk y khimii. (Starch) 40 e, KRIVOIAPOV, F. G.; SINELINIKOVA; L. Ye.1 SHIIDVA, L. 1. ------- SuscoWbility )f starch to ittack by ferments during its aging, Izv,vyo,uoheb.z&v.; 2-.24--25 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Odesekly tokb"ologicheoly institut imeni lomonosava, kafedra neorjazicheskol i analiticheakoy kbimli. e TA t rf!ar" zq t, centr ro vi, rv ire n iZvecl. redr 3 yr Ya n -v s kA ya g- e o: .XRIVOLAPOV,-1.19. C-~~ Recent developments in weed control on rice fields. Zemledelie 23 no.12:34-44 D 961. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Dal'nevostochnaya risovaya opytnaya stani3iya. (Rice) (Weed control) 1. Ye. Dis.;ertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences were defended at the Scient.ific Council of the Far-East AffiUate "Riceweed and Their Contrul." "Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No 4, i,p 119-145 '.- KMOLAPOVaital.- Machine for bevelling glass. Stako i kere IS no.2;36 F 161. (,!.,IRA 140) (nirroru) YBUZZMA. R.Z.(Ufa);,XiLVOLAPOT.--OiS.(Ufa),- OWLENTSIV, R.D.(Ufa); BOZHIMSTVXN,-jKIY. V.P. (Vfa) Reductior roasting of ricb iron ores by mixtures of petroleum gas and water vapor. Isy. AN MR. Otd.takh.nauk. Met.1 topl. no.5:19-24 So-O 160. (HIU 13:11) (iron ores) (ore dressing) ROZKMTVMKIY, V.P.; KRIVOLAPOV O.S. - - - - - ~. Reduction of sulfide ore 'by mixtures of petrolew gat vith wRt8r vapor. Zhi;r. prild. khime 33 no.32:2622-2627 D l6o. (KMA 14t1) (Sulfide.a-Metaunra) fit -T jv t I v r(trn V. ye. Tea ind o'.her subtro-Acal. plants ~n the TranscarD,iti,lan r)rovtnce. Uzhgorod, Znizhno-zburnallno,~ Izd-vo, 19%. .Icnthly I.I.-t of Ruisinn .%ccesslons, LtbraU of Cong-ress, June 19!,2. U"'r'LAiSIFIED. KRITOLAPOT, Tiktor Temallyanovichl GRIMM. Y. (Hrymut, fjpetar*4.; PANCfMKO, T.. red.: LUCHXIT, K., tokhred. [Field tooting and mesa selection of grapes) Aprobstolin i mosova selektsiis vynohrodu. Ushhorod, Zaknrpotalke obl.yyd-vo, 1958. 23 P. (KIRA 13:3) 1. Starahly nnukoviy protsivnik Zokarpatelkoi oblasnoi sillalko- goopodnralkoi doslidnoi stanteii. (Grape breeding) red. KRITMAPOT, T PANC113MO, T., red.; LUCHKIV, M., teL (Regional adaptation of varieties and specialization in vitimilture in Transcarpathial Sortorsionuvannia I spetsiali- zataiia vynohradaretva v Zakarpatti. Uzhhorod, 2okarpstalke obl. vyd-vo, 1938. 119 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Stershiy nnukoviy pretsivnik Zakarpotalkoi oblasnoi sil's1ko- goopodaralkot stantaft (for Irivolopor). (Transcarps this-Vitimil ture) ativ-t tt-o, Piarts. rotatcon L- P,.j iz, 'AW AW1 - I: It r 10 j Ln 0 19 'J') F') 7-AEw7--u-Gb&sL Soite A,, T L-P i~ "'brl 7k n ~ Z I j.. nri jol.n. r,~ Zn".Prpr rbl. )r(' C~ ; r !s,- 57) 3 el the --,r- lnzvc Of of '~hc Kurcw, Ella, C'o-ne'; The bei;t 0-,o " - n t.1, -W rjr in elurtn,- thu tan (!cyt of .tn, f7a, plu;air.(~r fibt),u% t~i,- zot:L (A J141Y. RO,sjot, cranj w,!!,,-. it, %jrlxg ne eced irfte' Irtl ~rnwr it. c"W"T.Cl Ufhl,:~ '~h( '"r.1t, of f4r~ USSR/Cultivated Plants - Potatoes, Vegetables) Melons. M-3 Abs Jour Ref&ur - Biol., So 3,-1958, 10797 Author Krivolapova, O.P., Onishchenko, 0.1. Inst Title Potato Seed Production in the Trano-Carpathian Region. Orig Pub Kolgospnik Ukraini, 1957),No 4, 31-32 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 KRIVO LAPOVA, A. P. # Cand Agr Sci -- (dies) *Certain problemp of potato ilan in zakarpatekaya Oblast.* Beregovol 1958. 17 PP (Min of Agri- culture USSR$, KharIkov order of lAbor Red Banner Agr Inst lit V. V. Doku- chayev)p 100 copies (KLj 18-58, 101) -82- '4 . f Kryvo I a I ~-;VrA, ., ~;.M.); A.P. S (.). f'. I' A & 0 ; .3)I[ELUDIKO, YU V Impr(woment In nood climlitlea and ollminntlon of votato leaf rolling musaic virunea under Carpathian Mountain conditions. 14ikroblol. zhur. 27 no.401-35 165. (MIPA 18:8) KAWVVj B.N.; VEYSBERG, 9.3.1 ROMANOVAo I.L*j KHIVOIAPOVA, Ej. 'Anodie Diffusion of Oxygen through Lead Dioxide.* Report presa-..t.:;! :t t~~ !I-' !"oting CITCRO Intl. Com. of Elactrocheldcal TimmodyneAdca and Kinetics, Moscow.. 1Y'-25' Aug 63. Affiliated Research Storage Batter7 Institute,, Podolsk, U.S.S.R. T .51y 3/ Pd-4/Pe-4/P9-4/Pq- 4 Of ACCESSION 11R, A01432a44-0 9/3124/63/000/005/A01.2/A012 souacs: Rzh. makhaoLka, Abe. 3A62 AUTHOR: Sapag V. A. I kiyolapova, L. n in TITM Inverse problems in variable mass rAchanL4.s tar curvilinouir matio polar coordinates CITED SOURM 'rr. Mckhan.-x4tem. fak. Katakhak, yn-t, v. 1, no. 42, 1960, 203-267 70PIC TAGS: motion equation, Meshcharskiy, curvilinear motion, pclar coordinate. -TRANSLATI(Mt- -The solution-is given to tha- probleat of detarminstLe-n-of -thr, law- of variation at mass with time it the law is kamt for the notion of a point with variable mss. The notion is considered to tie planes and the 44441tiOn of -form. -7-1. -#-*-Are-MnyW-- DATA ACQ 1 14 itat 6 3 SOS COUlt PR 00 Card 6060*0*60*0 00 A: if A 6A Is 't all W 0 so -00 -00 Coff"O'D Is As GlidWA4 ta"um, 1-00 "Volsisuve and P. N. "Imuov. J. PAPYS, c4r". (U. S. . .00 0 a 1. "Oomms ol pb 14 n &",4 Wed by The SM". (it Itearic, I.Prylic. palmilk go M. afirtir Qei,b and N&), as low. Iml not at bijib. current on-itim Ifso, Onxi rstnO. h4vT Mile effect; col~h ' (JeClittle4corrusion. Addit. 14 CIUM), lower% the distharav I (Wr 411j d " WA I A&I, imil-Avi OW E'SPO it y tA I lie net. zoo of see off Of I zoo medl Joe nes k A woo U 0 AV -0 As 0 tv I-IT AD I I Of R 0 0 0!0 0 0 0 o o o 00 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 :0 0 o 4 0 0 0 P~ -- .0 0 *If 0 * 0 o of 0 o vl~ I V vp 31 ;j v 10, 11 36 b v a 36 a 41 a a a at %1 06 ALT 0 A__L , k "_ _W 7i 14IM141 Oil Woo ALI "t wmAv3ogKtvl3 fit'-tf M,111 Or ~q-g -V -V .at Isla 'qd jo osoma&-3 aq, sabotsW jlswals JIM " .,I, i 0 zz "nolor 002 10 -wv J-0 losm -0013 -ppe 'it" '9311 *Pl- -]~Mlg -PAII"POAUI Ma S.3LXMiS OL "1110 a", P ALIMM"d looll In PiSIPI. q4 und 10 Samjpja X all a 0 )a W41x" voll Supap a%ApAt3wp all coI pq" malls "too tupowl all 10 "44111p "lusuvw aql so 13094 SU 00T .3 V Of PMMZ* 10WIt Ar 11i U! 00 Is JD 111112115ov Also Vila d I W r PON qj vad " "pulm" 0 091 mAum, 0&4=2 aollwpfpj T0*9" Am %UI'bo,/'dvsrMm ro tso p ,j v Its p"m 0 0- z tollIp jo,liEw" Illift"putmi U lop" C, v Of 14 "m "IS W'Sluou, qd ja pal qj ajW to saparpA. 00 set r UDI)vp- jqI "I amw istiorlup" dtsrol u"I IV go 1X il") W111 "(PrIHIIII Apoxii-wo Ammilm uv Isrulow P"noo4w dvA M1113wo NJ W3 Irg lnmp p OXMI 0 -%1p 0 to 'I%,$ j3pun 4dum all Jb APIS Uq)13 W P-Md 0 0 n~I-p 11v :(,Arll to Allow 00 I-lq-) 4-qu v Vila -idooot NI a" Ap,wlpumtul ludgg, "go 41.1 )" 1.1p low, v -gr -(I to 641. so oe., Y X 'it P- WAINAMPA" 90 Wmp 00 III PIP" P ""AM m hqwwo&q 00 00- 00- 00 osiciiii tiff 0*0 m, of a' I O.W ,, I., ", , , I! V 1, 1 lee 0" 0 0 *so 41 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 50 PUME I DWE 1IrWIT&?I0N SOT/2216 Soveshchanlye pa eltktrokIllatt. tCh, r4&e*-. 1956. Trudy...; labornI111 (Transactions or the Fourth Canrer*ncv an Vpet- rochavistry; C0110ttlOn Or krtLclos) Roacow, txd-" AM 33U 1959. SU V. Xrrata allp inserted. 2.5M copLqs VrjnccZ;. 39onscrIn,; kgoncys kkad*aiya hour. 3334. Ot"Ienlye ALuk. ldltorlAl Soard. A.M. Prunkin (Asrap. Id.) AcadexteLan. 0.A. Y*N-z. Profoasor~ 3. 1. Zhdanow ( I'" p. Secretary), S.M. Labano~, P"- reagar. 3.1. zhdanov tRes. Uvretaryh D.N. Kabanov. rrofess or% To. X. rolotyrkln. DfttQr of Chemical SAlefseeal V.V. Lases. V r0 Lukcvtaev, P fessor3 Z.A. Sale.-yoval V.V. .3tonder. Pmf'tss*2- and G.R. FlArl&nOvIch'. Z4. of Publishteg vousel X.G. Yesorov.. ?wch. 9d.8 T.k. Prusakova. ?tMP=a This book to Intended for chemical and electrical sagl- near*. physicists. lestallurgIsta and reesorchors Intorette'S in Various aspects of elect rochemist.7. OVMCM, The booic contains 17' Of the 23a reports presented At the Fourth C*nr*rtnc* an glqctrqehomjm~" sponsoreQ by the COPArt- ::nt or Chemical Scienc*a Rod too Institute or ftrs%cal C%s-~lstr7 &dw*y of Sciences. USSR- The collacClon partaInG to dIfftrent branches or oloctrochowlewl kinetics. agsble lqyvr theories and gmlv&njLc processes In metal. elvetrodepoalton and industrial elect- ralrols. 4brldg*d 416"9010ns are given At the end of *^eft dlvi- slon. The majority of reports not Included here he's been publish" In periodical IttersturO. *0 POrSOMILZI08 Are mentioned. Sof.reoce, a" given at In. 0. Of 00-I Of the articles. -zhar-13-8-irly (Doveasect). and I_4_2SE"_"vK- Anodic Behavior 0; st"goneso and ' to Alloys Lt41104-JE-F. (vaep"Petrovoicly tnatitut Lmonl F.I. Dswrahlnwwro; Znotltut kalsli AN Lftr332 - Dftepro- votrovsk Institute or Chemical Technology Imen.- P.F. Dztr- matnaklyl L"tltut* or Chemistry, Acsewmy of sciences. ":- 339)4 xl*ctrwe rMsAIT've at,& Too Anod;o" Its corrosion, I I f . DUri . live raly 0 'u forte Acid lutIaaa 01scussOn IF.?. Toys and contributing &utharal 732 ?ART rX. CKMICAL 30CRM OP CVMWT 735 ~~l . ~V.3. Ilectrodo processes in We- Blectroefttioleal card 2944 T Sources of Current 37 pany, ve B . A 0. yawvol~IkAya. and Role or il~rl" 3U'1raT4---:n-t"v W*gxt*..e plate of a-Ueod Set .ry T44 and V_ 1. harll"M PeChIhIN. of tr.. Loos jrfjcjs,4y of the ftfiti-O 140trode Of a LO;d 24ttOL-Y 1. S. V47swa. and a W. Ut4MOV. I'Q - -JAI.- LaP9n,H.=c rod or *P.IAT Dror IS t nd A L4&3- V-V"t* AlwVT ,.at and oxyg:n 9volutlon 15, AZyylMv&._T,_A. (Vs*soyuzny7 rAue1%no-%msIod6v&%0I'%X*Y lnotltut IStOehnikov taca-All-UnIOR SCI*ntiric A.Goarth Institute of tloctrlc ftwwr34urcos). GrOwth Of Zinc I'Rndrlt.e in 3coo Uallin4 Pal"wre .62 Plorow, V. 0. (Gorektoviskly PoIttek"Icheakty Irlatttut LAWAI Card 30/34 5. 46* 00 YYJ95 AUTHORS: Vay,3berg, E. S., Krivolapova, Ye, V., Kabano,~, B. N. TITLE: Bvict, CommunicatI0113. EN,oct. of, ;I) f~p 1-hi! M.araol.j.~J- of' Pb Paosivation In 112S01, Sobltlowl PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy lchimll,* 1959, VO.1 '22, Ili., 10, pp 23'4- J 2357 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The ef'fect of Sb on the proceo:j of pasjival,l, oL *,he negative lead electrode in lead-ac-id i1a "lorle.", waa Studied. A sharp decreas(2 'Ln Wi-, cupacl~_y (-.t* the negative electrode (by Sb P010011111t;), iJ 1\1511~--117 ZiLtribfll~~_-d to it.; i.nability to charge Cully. me that due to the corrosion of' the ano(k~ 'clec- trode during discharging, Sb migratc." W I'lle lief~al,ive, elce trode and promotes Wic pasolvatJon ol' ~,Iv! 1,01 Thwo, It is wrong to attribute tho dect-cane In the capacity of the negaLive electrode,unl.y 11c) 'Aw In the degr-ce of* ita charging. rwf~ 8 It SOVICt, 3 Brii,lz;h, I U.3'. Enf-jlnh Card 1/2 lanCuag Tran3. ,e references ave: Crenneil and 1-1; BriO' Coaimiurdcationz3. of' Sb xi the Chavactev of' 111) Pu:;alvatlon In 11 ~? .130,, Solutiono SUBMITTED: Falwlay Soc,., 27, .103 (1931); Gl-i,111011L, al-l 1",illill"Ill, Word Pow. , XVII , 264 1932) ; VA nar-, i 17 , Bur,. 31-anoard;3 1. 1u, Y`Y) 19'.') i,-, 1 an(] Thvj-:;!c, Tvan.,,- . Favaday 3(-)(. jilly -31, .191j8 Car,d '1/2 OIVOLUTSKAYA.. G.0., kand. biolog. nauk; NECHAYEV, V.A. (Vladivostok) Volcanic ash shower. Primla, 52 no.9:126 163. (KRA 16: 11) " 1 "Lark 12botlen or 3akj,uljxj Tiland.11 Cond Diol Scl, Fal. Eas,~ Affiliate, Acad Sci US-R, Vladivastolk, 1954. - WhBiol, No 6, Itar .5) l go: Sum. No c.,70, 29 Sept 55 - Surve~- of SciLmtific anti Techftical. Dissertations Defended at USM Hif;hor Educational Listitutions (15) Country u5SR CATEDORY Po. -~c T IT L,, C t on U-i 0, PTJ I. _j f A (11 i i t 'i in), ~j new of, o r I t I, L) C; ono r,'A r.,~ rt. A RD XRIYOLU73r,AYA, G.O. S!o: ~e f - atures in the development of socondAr7 posts in burnt-ovar arean of enruce-fir forest@ in Sakhalin. Soob.SakhAl.fil. AN SSSR no.'3:65-69 156. (MMI 10: 7) (Sakhalin--Forest Insects) (Forest fires) U66"-Penorri end Spcri~?I Zoology. Insects p ,,'b9 Jmurt Rof Zhur - Biol.p No 6, 1958, No 25808 Author s.Kri-inlutakryc 0-0. Inst 5-'-)t Uivon Title The Brrk 8cctlca (Colooptorr, Iriiro) vf tho Ccnifcrour F.)rcats of thc I51rnd of Cnkhrlin. (4nrt~yody (Oollcc7torrl iridre) khvninykh looov o. Srkhrlinr) I Orig Pub t %toraol. obnzroniyaj 19%, 55, No 4, 826-859 Abstrrtt t On the coniferous treas of grkh-lin thirty fiv~c specier rf brrk beetles were found, rrncng thcri one new spccics Fityo- phthorus socholinonsis Krivolutzkrjr rnd ono ncw subspucles Blrstophrgus pucllus oriontr1is Krivclutzkrjr. The grert 1rrch be-Alc (I'pq]sube1ongrtus) cruscd thu rest drr-ngo rmong tho b7rIc bactlos which injure tho Irrch trco, end t~x c~etorn typogrrph beetle (I. typogrrphur f. Jrpcnizvs) wre most in- Jurioun for the -yrn fir, the Glen fir rnd the Srkhtlin pinc. Thu brrk beetles first found in Srkhrlin ware:Fahtorophlocus Crrd 1 1/2 OSSR/Ganorrl rnd Spocirl Zoology. Insects Abs Jrur Rof Zhur - Biol., No 6p 19'/8, No 25808 spinulonus, Polygrrphus punctifrons krivolut.-kirnus, which In- hntited tha ryrn fir; Po. roligi-rphus, t-13o found cn the ryrn fir# Fol. auboprcupo which invrdad tho ry-n fir, tho d-ur lrrch rnd the codrr "atirnik"; rrypturgus cincrous, 0. hispidulus lived in the p!-esegoo of other b,~rk tactles. Cr. picous (there is n- description of Crypturgus picoun Egg. The only known species Is Cryph-lus piccus Egg. Ref.) injured tho rypn fir; Ips duplicrtue inhrbitod t~a Siberim fir, sor-atimes the ryrn fir; Orthotomicun atturrlis, fmund on the ryrn fir ~nd on the lprch troo, and Cryphrlus rei.Unrzovi found on the Srkh,-lin pine tree -nd the ryrn fir. C,,,rd 1 2/2 t via t c r N t-. I A r1 4o 11 01 )a t I 1~.14 U c I vc Ej-il. 17 K! v.. af't'. I 'V C 0 i C I v t e) V 111 ILI 6' !'i W, t t~ cl 0 it 9 fli t-ro t c-i n ov r irm r: v r r, I I o I .1 a ;1.~. t i wi t. a im i (bi-L lit, r r, i~ r-:, __ 4 ,lRrVOUITSKATA, 0.0.; MAMOV, A.I., otvatetvannyy red.: 0014VNIN, N.I., red.ixd-va; TVMITIMOVA, X.Se, tekhaorede [Bark beetles of Sakhalin] Koroady eakhalina. Roskva, 1zd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 195 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Sakhalin-Bark-beetlea) CHEREPANOV, A.I.; KRIVOLUTS&AYA, G,O# -.1 1. -__ Most harmful insects in parks of Western Siberia, Trudy TSSBS no.3s65-75 160. (MIRA 150) (Siberia, Western--Forest insects) KMOLUTSKAYA, G.O. 1,ongicorn boetles (Coleopterap Cerambycidae) of Sakhalin. Ent. oboz. 40 no.2000-314 161. (MIPLA 14:6) 1. Institut biologii Sibirskogo Otdeleniy-6 All SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Sakhalln-longicorn bentleo) KRIVOLUTSKAYA, G.O. .......... Nature of the invasion of the Siberian fir by insects developing within its trunk and:chmage in their complexes during the dying off of fir forests injurod by tent caterpillars in Western Siberia. Vop. skol. 707-89 162.* OuRA 1615) 1. Biologicheskiy Inatitut Sibirokogo otdelenlya AN SSSRO Novosibirsk. (Siberi44 Western-Fir-Diseases and posts) (Siberia, Western-Foreat i*ftts) KRIVOLUTSKATAS Aspen leaf miner Lithocolletis apparella Ho-Se in the fores~f of Western Siberia. Trudy Biol. inot. Sib. otd. AN MR noo82180-lft 162* (KM 15:12) (Siberia, Western-Leaf ainers) (Sibetia, Western-Aspon-Diseases and posts) KRIVOLUTSKAYA, G.O. Larvae of three species of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambyeida~). Zaol. zhue. 41 no.5t770-776 MI 162. (JURA 15:6) 1. Biological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R Novosibirsk. (Longicorn beeilles) (1-arvae--Insects) tR I j;, t ' ~ i, _~VOLUTSKHA,, Gall Olimplytivna; IThIlMola jjl~ , L i., VAO; XURENTSOV, A.I.,90tva red. [Stem-mining pe3t In dark-green conifer forests of Western Siberia damaged by the Unt caterpillar Dendrolimus sibiricusl Skrytostvolovye vreditell v temnokhvo1rykh le- sakh Zapadnoi Sibiri, povrezhdennykh sibirsUm sh-32kopria- dom. Moskva, Vauka, 1965. 127 p. (MIRA 180) I - -.- --- - -- - - - -I-- - - - --- . --- --- - --- %k A~ -- -.- -- ~ -.1.- 1 '-- .- ~ -.. ~