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------------------ "Free Nilv:Ientiles atll ;,Ilt,)ly3ig L N Bone Ml,.rrovi af!.or Report prescnt,~! at th--- 5t) IriterrintLonal Blocie,.~Istry Molclw, 10-10 A,,j-ust 1961 KRITSKIYt G.A.j ROYTHANp F.I. Nolootide meta~olivm in the bone marroi under norm&l conditions and followin& X irradiation. Biokhimiia 26 no. 1:148-154 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institute of Biochemistry# Academy of:Sciences of the U.S.S.R.# Moscow, (MMOW) ( X RAYS-PHYSIOLOJICAL EFIYCT) (IlJCLEOTIDES) - 1 6 4 - [Olud Chli-wleil OITSKIY-Cs -A-;-G11ZHAY-TS1-VMy Nucleotida metabolism in of the beo moth (Galleria mellonaUA L.) under normal conditions and following X irradiation. Biokhimiia 26 no.2:249-253 Mr-Ap 161. (HIRA 1435) 1. Institute of Siochemistryp Academy of Sciences of the U-S-S.-R-p Moscow. (Z RAYS-PMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (AUTOLTSIS) 39465 CAI I % 010 Si'2181621,'027/(K)2/0011001 bql - 1 P4.,o 1016/1213 AUTHOR. -Kritskiy, G. A. and Koviun, Yu. T. TITLE: Effect of x4tradiation on the autolysis of deoxyribonucleic and iibonucleic acids of bone marrow PERIODICAL: Biokhimiya, v. 27, no. 2, 1962, 313-316 TEXT: The purpose or this study %as to provide thu missing information on the effect of irradiation on the autolysis of DNA. The right hind extremity of a rabbit was irradiated undel the following conditions ~ voltage. 180kv,'current intenifty. 15 ma, filters of 0.5 mm Cu and 0.75 mm Al, focal distance, 30 cm, dose 2,000 r, exposure, 22 min. The rabbit was decapitated immediately after irradiation and bled. '[*he bonei of the hind extremities were rrozcn in solid C02, tha%ed later in a cold-room ( ;- Y`C) and the bone marrow cxtracted at once and homogenized in Ringer's solution. DNA and RNA Were extracted before and aftei incubation for 2 hrs at 38', by shaking with phenol-saturated water at pil 8.3 and precipitation ~%ith alcohol. The precipitate was dissolved in water by shaking for 5 min. The total DNA and RNA content wa~ (Icter- mined by measuring absorbance at 255 mit, DNA-by Burton's diphenylamine method and RNA-by the arcinot method. Anout 30 rabbits were used in these experiments. The amount of DNA isolated front the irradiated bone marrow was ca 13*//. higher than in the Pon-irradiated control. The difference was p(obably Gard 1/2 Effect of x-irradiation.. Sfo2 I lij'62;027)'002/001 /001 1~16,112t 3 due to weakening of the bond between DNA and protein as a result of irradiation. The rate of autolytic cleavage of DNA immediately aftcr irradiation with a dose (if 2,000 r wus. more 1han 3 times a% high a, in the control. The amount of extractable RNA and the rate of its autolysis did not changc aftct iriadiation x ASSOCIATION Institut biokhimii im A. N. Bakha Akadernii niuk, SSSR (institute of Biochcmistr) im A N. Bakh, Academy of Sciences, LISSR), Xfoicow SUBMITTED7 August 1, 1961 Gard 2/2 I- FFT~ 1A.9n -MA AR4L ACCESSION NR: AP3oo5651 S/0218/63/028/004/0595/0601.1 AMOR: Krits Y. G. At; Safronova.-R. N,; Chil-Akopyany L. A.; Kovtun, TITLE: Bone marrow nuoleio acid autol7sis in normal and in i1A X-irradiated animals SOURCE: Biolihimiya.9 v. 28,, no. 4. 1963o 595-601 TOPIC TAGS: autolysis, RNAp DXA# bone marrow# local X-irradiation,li dose ABSTRACTe For DNA and RNA autol-yais of rabbit bone marrow,, the righ back oxtremit~os of a group of rabbits were exposed to X-irradiation', (RUP-1) of 2000 r (24 min),&the same parts of another group of rabbits. were exposed to 200 r (2-4 min). After irradiation the rabbits were .decapitated at different time periods. The back extremities were frozen for 1-2 da-yst and after thawing at room temperature,, the bone. marrow was extracted. Nucleic acid autolysis of bone marrow homo- -,genates was investigated. Results indicate that shortly after irrad-'-.-.- jation DIIA autolysis is slightl activated for the 200 r dose, For ,the 2000 r dose the initial DNA autol7sis rate increases almosg threes Card 1/2 L 18199-63 ;ACCESSION IM: AP3oo5651 tiraes, RNA autolysis for a 2000 r dose is activated only 2 hrs after ,irradiation. DITA and RNA autol-ytio rates are ignificantly Inhibited' s !'after the first day., roach their peak between 2-4 days, and then gradually return to normal. Nucleic acid autolysis changes were 'COMLI pared with changes in their contents. Activation of DNA autol7sis is an earlier radiation disturbance than decrease in nuoleic acid contents or change in free nuoleotido contents. Activation of DNA ~j autolysis shortly after irradiation is a characteristic disturbance in cell biochemistry and leads to cell disintegration. Sharp inhlbi-~~ ,tion of DNA and RNA autol7sis shortly after irradiation can be !explained by qualitative DNA and RNA changes in the irradiated ,tissues, The authors express their gratitude to I.T. B. Aleksan-drov ifor assintance in the stud . Orig. art. has: 2 iablost 3 figur~s- ASSOCIATION: Institut bioldiimii im. A. N, Baldia, Akademii Nauk SSSR.,', Moskvs. (Institute of Biochemistry-TroTd-eyff of 3giencos, USSR)-- SUBMTED: iMug62 DATE ACQ.: 063ep63 ENCL:: 00 SUB CODE: A14 NO REP SOV: 009 OTHER: 018'. Card P- 2 JqUTSW, G.A, SAFRONOVA, R.N.; KOMN, Yu.T.; MIRUNA, S.Ya.; MLYSIVIA, L.F. Change In the p-opertios of deoxyrlbonualsic acid of the bone marrow following X-ray irradiation of an animal. BiokhImIia 29 no.4:701-706 ji-Ag 16,4. 041RA 18:6) 1. Institut biokhimii imeni Bakha AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosu- darstvennyy universitet Iment Lomonoaova, Moskva. CO-D-6- ___6(/d2_i_A/63/(jWLJ06/fi~ Vii15-3- ACC NRi 7/ AUTHOR: Kritsi(]._!,-, ~`_-iljv~ihova L. Ft; Safronova. R. N. ORG: Institute uf im. A. N. Bakh. AN SSSR (Institut biA~Wi AN SSSR); Moscow si-a~i-eo-niver.i Lt.y im. -M.- V. Lomono: !nnyy universitat) TITLE. Change in pcoFerties of bone-marrow~DTMIfter x-irradiation in vivo SOURCE: Diokhimiyao V- 30, no. 6, 19659 1147-1153 TOPIC TAGS: bone marrow, rabbit, DNA, x ray irradiation, depolymerizationp chemical. precipitation, fluid viacoallyo polymer cross linking, intermolecular complexq RNA# protein, polymer structure ABSTRACT: Local x-irradiation (2,000 r) of the hind leg of rabbits decreased the viscosity of bone-marrow DNA immediately after exposure. the maximum decrease (49%) occurring on the )d day. The mothod or fractional procipi- tation of DNAvrith trichloroacotic acid from an alkaline solution or with alcohol ina neutral medlwi containing Mg++ revealed a slight increase in the readily procipitablo DNA (fraction I) immediately after exposure. This 'fraction decreased 4-5-fold during the period of scuto rAdiation injury to the tissue. The molecular voirlit of the fraction increased immediately after exposure but decreased 3 days later. The authors conjecture that the decrease in viscosity and increase in procipitallility of DNA iv=odiatoly after x-irradiation may have been caused by the combined processes of dopolymerization, format4on of cross-linkages-.. r-.A 1 /9 UDC: 547.963.3 L 31193-66 ACC NRs AP602205 in JVA molecules and dissociation of coXplGXO5 Of DUA 'With P11A and protein.' Dapolyzerization of DUA van most pronounced duringg the period of acute radiation injury (1-5 daya aftor irradiation). Those change3 eventually proved to be ravorsiblo for tho moat part. Elootron-microacopic studios,,* revealed aborrant forms of DNA atructuroat crosa-linkagoso brsnchinGl twisting of strAnln, dopolyneriz at Ion, and formation of knote* OrIg. art. hass 4 figuroo and 2 tables'. LJM31 SUB CODE: 06, 07 / SUBM DATE: UDec64 / ORIG REFt Oll / OTH REF: 004 XRlTSXIY. G. G. , inzh. Sapplying refractory materials in piles to the construction sites of blast furnace$. Mont.i spets.rab.v strol. 22 no.qs26-28 8 160o (MIRA 1318) 1. Ust'-Xamenogorskoye stroitellno-montashnoys upravlenire treats, Soyusteplostroy, (311ast furnacem) (Refractory materials--ftansportation) BORISOV p P.V. . irah. j KRMY.IY,, G. G. Lining the blast heatm of blast furnaces with large refractorT blocko. Monte i apetse rab. v stroie 24 no.1:9-12 -Ja 162 iMnU 3-5:7) 1, Treat Soywteplostroy i telplostroya. (Blast furnaces) Ustf-TAmenogorskoye upravleui~m Sojuz- (Refractory concrete) I -- - - --- - -- WAYEV, I.S.; KRITSKIY, M.S.t PELO~RSKIY, A.N. Metabolism of pQlyphosphates and some other phosphorus compounds during the development of fruit bodies in the mushroom Agaricus bisporus L, Biokhimiia 25 no-0735-748 JI-Ag 160, (MIRA 13tll) 1* Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., .ud FaaLlty of 214logy aW 4*" Sciences, the State University, Hmaow ' I (MUSHROOMS) - (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) 17 171 ~. 1, YJ',iTSKIY2 11JUM."V, I.S.; Y, . I., ukader-lk Twc, ways of phonphate transFort, In the fru!tJng bodJes of Agaricus bisporus. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 rio-4-949-911;~ F 10. (11411PA 18:2) 1. Institut bi-okhimii im. A.N. Bakhc~ AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudarst- vennyy universitet. KRITSKIY, M.S.; KULAYEV, I.S. Acid-Boluble nucleotideo of the fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus L. BiokhImila 28 no.4t694-699 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 1813) 1. Institut, biokhiidi Imeni Bnkha AN SSSR i biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Gosudaretvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova, Moskva. !~~ITSKIY M.S.- KULAYEV, I#S.; MAYOROVA, I.F.; FAYS, D.A.; BELOZEFSKIY, A.M. . - , '- Translocation of phosphates in the sporophores of meadou mushrooms. BiokhWia 30 no.4:778-789 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18.-8) 1. Institut biokhinii.imeni A.M. Bakha AN SSSR i biologo- pochvennyy fakulltat,,Gosudaretvannogo universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova, Moskva. UnWaLl" --iruaum, 294T NCUssil-71ng the Technological Process of Ship Con- 03~uctlcn," M. T. Eritskly, &gr, GEIPI, 2 pp ...~.troyen1ye* No 2 Z There eme certain tecbnological processes in the om- Stiuetlon of ships uhich are the a regardless of the type of ship being built. These include types of USUrial and a1zes of certain parts. Because of the IatW t1w necessary for building a ship, and the tam ta:Llor* methods now In use for separate part4 U* author recommends that ships be classed accordIM Wthe technological process of construction to pa- 28M UM/Ships Construction (Cmtd) Mir/Apr 194T al't'the use of a central stock for some of the parts vh "- are ca~ to 2--rere.1- typac, ti=, cutting dc= M Ithe tUw necessary for shaping each part for each SILIP - as KRIToEM, S. 11, "On the Fundamentals of the Theory of Stream Flow Utilization." Iz. Ak. Niuk, Otdcl Tekh. Nauk, No. 2, 1946 UM/Floods Doe 1946 Flaw, Wdrodynamic "The Principles of Maximum Flood Flaw Retimatee for the Design of Outlets and Spillways," S. N. Kritskly M. L-Menkel) 12 pp "Izv A Nauk Otd Tekh" No 12 Detailed discussion on the above subject) with emparlsons an to how similar estimates are carried out in foreign countrieu. Author drave examples from the vork acemplished by the Temessee Valley Authority. 14r2 KRITSKIT, S. N. "Hydrological Fundamentals of the Theory of River Runoff Regulation*' Sub 31 Oct 47, Moscow E~rdraulie Engineering and Boll Improvement Inst Imeni V. R. Villyame Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow In 1947 SO*. Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 Kritskiy, S N 1115 62'1,321 qK9 ..Zimniy termichesUy rethim vodakhranilishek rek. I kanalov ,Cwinter thermal system for water reservoirs$ streams and conduits bL 7 S. N. Kritakiy �and others 7 bloskva,, Gosenergoisdatj 2947- 154 pe Diagm, Graphap Tables, E i - -* t 7,: *-.' :, of .-f I ~ I !, 7:.. '? y ). N. anI ", V., "-I. I - - D-7 ti-., Di"'rlbltion of "Cr , - - - . .j --, vm--If~ '..*-";. Dat-~,~, -, ~' ") '! 1-4- ./ I v-P nt;7- Conill t -2' :,3 U-3 3~,. 11 3 I -- F RITSKIY .-Sergey -Niko "Selection of Graph Curves Representing the Distribution of Potential Mhen Calculating the Flow of a River Current," It. A. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Tekh. Njuk, No.60 1948. Eev.tion for Sciebtific Solution of Problems of Hydraulic Econovq, kS USSR K1i1'1'6KIY, S". N.--- " --MEITELI-- M -F--- -- - - - "Using the Method og Greatest Probability for Selective Evaluation of the StatistIval. Parameters of River Flow.." Is, Ak. Nauk SSSR, Otdel. Tekh. Naukp No,4p 1949 Section for Scientific Solution of Problems of Water Economy, AS USSR 14117~=, 5. .71. ".RUM!j "The Hydrological Basis of Hydraulic Stream Enginnering," Publ. House Acad. Sci. USSR, M., 1950. - -IR-ITSK-rt, -IS.---N. "Hydrologic Fundamentals of Fluvial Hydraulic Engineerirc," 1950 F~il'rsKlf) S. N. (Doctor of Technical Scio!nces) Gave treaties on Maximum Amount of Water In Volga and Don Rivers to be Utilized by Specific Projected Hydroeleotrio Developments. Soviet Source: N: Sovetskaya Latviya. 5 July 1951 Riga Iatvia Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on fiel in the Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report Number 107048. UNCIASSIF11D r~-, !TSK 1 Y, 3. ': I . ,' ' V Fr . KRITSKIY, S. 11.) 1,E11:111EL I, "'I. F. Jydraulic Ei~gineerlng Fundanentals of hydraulic engineerln;: no.-ilied to rivers. Gidr. stroi, 2C no. 5P 1951. I T, T Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con,,-,ress. November, 1~52 . UNCLA5.3 -ED. KRITSKIY. 3.11. doktor tokhdche8kikq naUk: WMLI, M.T., dokt_or_t_akh-nI --arie naUk; CHEBOTARITO A*I., redaktor; MAYNIU, M.I., tekh- nichaskiy redaktor; KOKOWTA, L,Be, te".wicheekiy redaktor. (Calculations of water resources; river run-off control, water suppl.v and hydraulie pover computational Vodokhoziaistvannye raschety; regultrovanie rechtogo stoka, vodokhoziaistvennye i vodnoenergotichookie ranchety, Imeningrad, Gidrometeorologichaskoe izd-vo, 1952. 392 P, [Microfilm] (MM 8:5) (Water resources development) Prenmit fltntf? and lovelopront of 5oviet mot,ololol-y in jJ:30.arrP~. nauk n-_,. 6, 1~-52. ..zv. AN otd. tv'k~ . Lj=-,IAy List or Russian Acconnions, Librxy of Congre,3.n, Nover,ler 'I i T Mw ComItUe an ft4in Prlses (or Uw Comall or Misters Usm) in uw rxamm salmm and Ummtlons wmmos Vwt Uw;foUwUW scuntifla wrmy porAlar scien- tific books, and textbookA he" bun subidtted for acapatition for Stall, Frim for the yes" im 03A 1953. (Soveld-cma ftltgi* mumv, Bo. 22JOs 20 rob - 3 AVr 1954) A 221 SmimtO& kx Kritak ~Z, ".N. Wail, M.P, "-Iater ~;conc--,- Calculatioris" for th-I 5ciontifir, 'i'malovi''~'it of roblems of Acatlomv or Oci-),ices USSP 9*-. ..W-30&*, 7 JUIY 1954 HIZlTAMVRTT,--G~.-M.-.-Aademlk; ATT 9, --V' . -G-.- A-LAMPITV 9- P. HO BUTANDVSXIT, X.Ss; YARTAZABOV, S.Ta.; VMS# V.I.; GUTIM, F.Y.; DTHITRASM, N.T.; LARALWY, N.A.; KOCHARTAN, G.A.; KRITSK 11W, U.N.; MURZATXV, N.M.; YZLIDMAM, M.P.; almmKiNdwo -TAN', P. .; ZRISTOV, V.S. Sukias Efremovich Hanaserian; obituary. Izr.AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.5:143-144 M 156. (MLRA 9s11) (Yanamerlan, Suklas 31fromovicb, 1881-1956) KRITSIIY, S.R.; MUM', M,F, ,-~, I 7,~ -226FU00AMW Istimating the probable recuryance of rarely observed hydrological phenomena* Probl.rog.rach.stoka no.6:188-217 156. (WAL 10:2) (Hydrology) KRITSKIT, B.N.; HIMMI, M.F. Double finite curve of probability distribution and Its application to hydrological calculations. Probl.reg.rech stoka no.6:218-229 1,56. jNMA 10.-2) (1"010a) KRITSKIT. B&N,; HMUL'o H#Y. , -M fasks"ry~-hydrology In connection with hydrotachnicml construction during the sixth five-yepLr plan. Meteor. I gidrol. no.12ig-17 D'56, (MIRA 10:1) (Water resources development) MITSKIIj S.; MIKELII, M. KRITSKII, S.; NEIIKEUI, M. Theoretical invetitigations or river regulations and Ue utilization of their stored waters. Tr. from the Russian. PA51 Vol. 191 No. 4, 1956. KOZLEMENM TECHNOIDGY Budapest, Hungary So: East European Accession, Vol* 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 KRITSKIT, S.11. ; MULI , M.F. Estimating the probabls frequency of hydrological values. Meteor.i gidrol. no.3:52-53 Mr 157. (KLRA 10:5) (4rdrology) KRITSKIY, S.H., doktor tekhn. nauk. Water resources of the Tobol 3Aver and Isbin River, their regu- lation and utilization., Test. AN Kssakh. SSR 13 no.7s24-29 JI 157* OU4 lotg) (Tobol River-Hydrography) (rahim River-Hydrography) gig;, ill lAf 3P 0 o I Ittir"If * .; :, ! %; i rt i -i ILI v I g j a 21 k -till' t i i us 2 V t -JOV-98-58-2-18/21 AUTHORi 3humell, 3.S., Engineer, Member of the Presidium, 3rd All- Union Hydrological Congress TITLE% The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress (111 Vsesoyuznyy gidrologicheskiy ellyezd) PERIODICALt Gidrotekhnioheskoye stroitellstvo, 1958, Nr 2., pp 60-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Third All-Union Hydrolo&ical Congress took place in Leningrad at the end of 1957. The Congress was attended by 1,240 soientists, engineers and specialists, employed at 300 soientific-researoh organizations and vuzest scientific- technical societies of the electric power industry, mining industry and water transport, and 35 speciilists from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, China, Mongolia, Poland, Rumaniao Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. The Congress examined the conditions and prospects for research into the hydrology continents, and pointed out the great achievements accomplished in the field of hydrology and water resources of the USSR. A number of reports was heard by the Congress, among which may be mentioned the report of Candidate of Technical Scien- ces V.A. Uryvayev (State Hydrological Institute) "The Study Card 1/4 of the U33R Continental Waters and Further Tasks in This The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress SOV-98-58-2-16/21 Field". The Doctors of Technical Sciences S.N. kitskiy and M.F. Menkell (Section for the Scientific Development ;,f Prob- lems of Water Economics; USSR Academy of Sciences) and Candidate of Technical Sciences A.I~ Chebotarev (GGI) reported on "Water Engineering in USSR and Problems of Hydrology". Professor A.H. Voznesenakiy (Institute "Energoproyekt'-) spoke on "The Utilization of the U33R Water Resources and the Pro- spects for Developing Water Power". A total of 9 special- ized sections were working at the Congreast Calculations and Prognoses (Chairmen - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Pro- fe3sor D.L. Sokolo-vskiy, Candidate of Technical Scienoes A~I. Chebotarev and Doctor of Geographical Sciences G.P. Kalinin)j Hydrophysics (Chairman - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Regular Member of the RSFSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor B.P. Orlov); Lakes and Water Reservoirs (Chairman - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of RSFSR Science and Engineering, Professor Ye.V. Bliznvak)t Hydrodynamics and Rivor-Bed Processes (Chairman- Correspond- ingMoml-jrp AS USSR,# Honored Worker in R"IFSR Sclenue ana zngineering, M.A. welikanov); Water Economics (Chairmen - Doctors of Technical Scioncee S.N. Kritakiy and M.F. Menkell); Card 2A General Hydrolovy (Chairman - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, The Third All-Union Hydrologiral Congress SOV-96-50-2-16/21 Professor L.K. Davydov); Hydrometry and Methods of Hydro- logical Research (Chairman - Candidate of Tezhnical Sciences A.K. Proskuryakov); Underground Waters and Problems of Under- ground Feeding of Rivers (Chairman - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor B,I. Kudelin); Hydro- chemistry and Snzilitn-r- r-tection of Wutern frhn-Tman - Corre3poading Member, AS USSRj 0. A. Alskin). Over 400 reporta on alL principal problems of the hydroloi;., of cu,,- tinents were deli-rered end discussed at the sections. The author lists the work performed during the 40 years of Soviet regime and speaks of current needs. The Congress adopted several decisions, approving the resolutions of the sections, and considered it necesuary to establish an inter-depart- mental committee to co-ordinate scientific research work. The Congress decided to take necessary measures for an urgent exploitation of the State Hydrological Institute's River-Bed Laboratory, whose activ--ty should further the solving of im- portant scientific problems in the field of hydrodynamics Card 3/4 and river-bed processes, Future hydrological congresses The Third All-Union Hydrological Conj:resu JON - 98 - 58.2-18/21 will convene once every 5 - 7 years. .1. Hydrology--USSR 2. Water power--qSSR Card 4/4 0 10-58-3-11/29 AUTIK)R Dzens-Litovskly, A.I., Lopatin, G,V. and Shn:tnikov, A.V. .LII~LEi The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress (Tretiy vaesoyuznyy gid-ologicheskiy s'lyeze) Pl-~tIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR - Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1958, lir 3, pp 3-9 (USSR) AbjTliACT; From the 7th to the 17th October 1957 the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress took place in Leningrad. There were 1,200 experts on hydrology and adjacent subjects, and 6-uests from peoplele democracies present; 429 reports were delivered; among them 140 reports from workers of the Gidrometeosluzhba (The flydrometeorological Service), about 65 from workers of 'the USSR Academy of Sciences and the same number of reports by workers of Soviet Higher Education Institutions. At the plenary meetings of the conference the following 9 reports were delivereds "Investigations on the Interior Waters of the USSR and Future Tasks in Studying This Subject" by V.A. Uryvayev; "Water Engineering Construction in the USSR and the Tasks of Hydrology" by S.N. Kritskiy, M,F. Menkelt and A.I. Card l/ 6 Chebotareva; " Investigating Lakes -and later Reservoirs of the Tho i'hird All-Union Hydrological Congress U63HII by Ye.V. Bliznvak and V.G. AndreWanov; "The Utilization of the USSR Water Resources and the Future development of hater Engineering" by A.11. Voznesenskiy; "The Present Methods of Hydrological Prognosis and Ways Leading to Their Development" by G.P. Kalinin; "The Research and Computation of 'Nater Dis- charges in the USSR, Their Present State and Future Develop.- ment" by D.L. Sokolovskiy; "The Climatic Factors of Water Balance on the Continent" by K.I. Budyko and O.A. Drozdov; N.Ye. Kondratlyev reported on his researchiregarding the de- formation of river beds, and Academician I.P. Gerasimov on "The Transformation of Water and Thermal Conditions Under the Influence of Meliorative Measures", During the continuation of the conference the following reports were delivered in the 9 sectionst B.L. Lichkov on "The Unity of 14atural Waters and the Formation of Subsurface Waters", based on the theory of the Academician V.I. Vernadskiy) M.I. Llvovich on "Complex Geo- graphical blethod in Hydrology and the Tasks of Its Developmenit", A.V. Shnitnikov on "Th.3 Past and Future of Lake Aral and the Big Climatic Rhythms"; 3-A. Apollov on "The Connection Between Solar Activity and the Phenomena Determining the Flow of Rivera"; Ye.S. Hubinshteyn and O.A. Drozdov on "Climatic Changes and Va- Card 216 riation3 and the Secular Course of Precipitations". 'rho r.-!por, The '_'hird All-Union fiidrological Conwreas 10-58-2)-1/29 of P.A. Xozlovskiy "Connections Between Hydrological and Terrestrial Electricitj Problems" is said to have been inter- esting and valuable. Four reports were delivered by 11,S. Kuzin, V.S. Mezentsov, V.I. Astrakhantsev and G.V. Lopatin on questions of hydrological partitioning; K.Ye. Ivanov re- ported on "Basic Principles of Swamp Hydrology"; V.V. Ro- manov on "Water Balance of Swamps in the European Parts of the USSR"; A.M. Gavrilov and P.V. Molitvin reported on their investigations regarding rivers in karst districts of the USSR; G.I.. Shvets and E.G. Moskovkina reported on the secular fluc- tuations of the amount of water in the Dnepr and on historical floods at the lower paxts of the Daugava; I.V: Bogolyubova, M.M. Ayzenberg, T.Ye. loganson, S.P. Kavetskoy and others reported on the study of flood waters and on catastrophic floods in mountainous districts; A.I. Dzens-Litovskiy on "Geologio-al and Geographical Re6-ularity in the Distribution of Fresh-Water~, Brackish- and Salt Lakes"; B.B. Bogoslovskiy on "Water Balance of Lakes in'the USSR European Territory"; M.A. Man1ko and A.V. Agupov dealt in their xeports with the subsurface supply of lakes, and A.N. Afanaslyev and 0.1. Khalatyan with the water balance of the Lake Baykal and.the Khrami water reservoir; Card 3/6 G.I. Galaziy reported op "Botanilcal Method Serving Hydrology Th6 Third All-Union Hydrological Congress 10-58-3-1/29 and Engineering Geology". On the formation of shores and the bottom of water reservoirs, S.L. Vendrov dealt with the Tsim-- lyansk, the Kama,.and the Kuybyshev water reservoirs; N.A. Labzovskiy, O.G. Grigorlyeva and A.S. Sukhodol;skiy on the theory of shore formation; V.M. Makkaveyev dealt with the the- ory of surge in water reservoirs; othe- reports delivered by Ye.M. Selyuk, P.I. Nikulin, V.L. Bulakh, V.P. Moskall and I.G. Nikitin deAlt with the theory of surge and in particular with the water reservoirs of Rybinsk, Kuybyshev, Kakhovka, Dnepr and Central-Asia. Matters,of thermal processes and water ba- lance of water reservoirs were treated by I.V. Molchanov, K.I. Rosin,ekiy, M.M. Aynbund (Lake Seven), V.I. Verbolov (Lake Baykal), A.R. Konstantinov and G.G. Fedorova (Lake Valday). On subsurface water resources and the subsurface supply of rivers reported S.F. Averlyanov, S.N. Bogolyubov, B.I. Kudelin, B.L. Lichkovy F.A. Makarenko, G.M. Zakharchenko, A.I. Kalabin, V.A. Sergeyev, V.I. Duginov, V.A. Korobeynikov, G.F. Basov. N.I. Druzhininj A.V. Lebedev, O.V. Popov and others referred to the state of subsurface water supplies and A.A. Rode, N.N. Favorin, A.K. Filippov and others to the water physical cha- racteristics of soils. A.M. Ovchinnikov, V.I. Dukhanin and Card 4/ 6 others reported on their investigations of the regularity of The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress 10-58-3-1/20, subsurface water formation and distribution in the Russian lowland. From the regio:.-i reports are mentioned: M-M, Ivan- itsin, on the formation of subsurface water in the irrigated cases of Uzbekistan; B.11. Arkhangollskiy, on underground de- pressions in the North-Western district; M.V. Silich, on the karst of the Lithuanian SSR. The question of evaporation from the water surfaces was covered by Z.A. Vikulin, D.L. Laykhtman~ T.V. Kirillov, A.A.KrassovskAya, M.P. Timofeyev, N.I. Yakovlev and others. On the subject of evaporation from ground and vege- tation, reports were delivered by V.F. Pushkarev, A.R. Konstan- tinov, V.V. Romanov, N.P. Rusin, V.I. Kuznetsov, S.F. Fedorov, V.F, Shebeko and others. On ice and snow research spoke G.D. hikhter, Ye.Ya. Shcherbakov, I.V. Ivanov, P.P. Kuzlmin, O.A. Spengler, A.P. Braslavskiy, A.G. Kolesnikov, A.A. Pivovarov, A.G. Pronin, B.P. Panov and others. On hydrochemiatrl and sanitary preservation of water, reports were delivered by N.hi. Bochkov, S.M. Drachev, M.I. Kriventsov, A.0. Alekin, P.F. Bochkarev, N.V. Veselovskiy, P.P. Voronkov, K.K. Votintsev, 6.G. Vznuzdayev, K.V. Filatov and others; on the regularity of chemical composition in natural waters of different geographic Card 5/6 zones reported A.O. Alckin, L.V. 13razhnikova, P.V. Voron- The Third All-Union Hydrcirgical Congress 10-58-3-1/29 kov, A.I. Dzens-Litovskiy and otiiers. Considerable attention was paid to the study of the conditions in regulated rivers and the state of technical equipment in hydrometric work (O.N. Borsuk, Ye.M. Znamenskaya, S.I. Koplan-Diks and A.K. Froskuryakov). On the possibility of using physical methods of measuring, based on the laws of ultra-accoustics and nuclear radiation, reported M.M. Arkhangellskiy, A.M. Dimaksyan and Ye.V. Berg. 13. Popova and Ye.A. Romanova reported on the future possibilities of using air photosurvey. Ye.V. Bliznyak proposed a scheme to systematize information on USSR water resources. On new methods of calculating the regulation of flow reported S.N. Kritskiy and M.F. Menkell; I.A. Zheleznyak elucidated the phenomenon of transformation of the flood flow by means of' a system of water reservoirs. Thirty five reports were presented by representatives of people's democracies. AVAILABLE! Library of Congress Gard 6/6 1. Conferences - Hydrological Congress - Leningrad 2. Hydrology - USSR I,- XRITSKIT,,- -S.9.-, ---- - StanaZ'dizing the resources and utilization techniques of water power. Proble rag, rach. stoka no,7:7-31 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Hydroelectric power) TAKOBSON, Andrey Genrikhoviche ixzh.-. KARATAM, Tasiliy Luximich. inzh.; ZHKJZNrAKOV, Georgly Tasillyevich, prof., doktor takhm.nank; V=OYI Petr Petrovich# lash.; (HUSHINp N.M., reteensent; KRITHKIT, B.N,s doktor takhm,sauko asuchayy red,; PWROV, G.D,* nauohayy red,t SOZOLISKIT, 1.16, takhn.rade [Construction of cofferdams on the Volga River at the site of the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station; designing and studying construction sites from the point of view of engineering geology] Perskrytie rusla VOlgi T otvore Stalingradekol GZS; opyt prookti- rovanila, Whenerao-gidrologiahaskikh iseledovasil I noblindenii. Moskva. 1959. 88 P. WRA 13:6) 1. Deystvitellary chlen Akedemii stroitol'stva i arkhitektury SM (for Grishin). (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) (Cofferdams) ATRAXWO, F.D.; VMS, V.I.; OURSTICH, B.A.; MWISOV. V.1.; ZAKHAR 1, A.G.; KARAULOV, N.A.; ZOLOSOT. I.S.; KRACHKOVSKIT, N.1s; ZRITSKIT. 3.N.; LIBIM, X.X.; LIONTITITA, T.K.; XIMMI, X.F.; imm- "..; ROSSITIVSKIT, G.I.; SKYORIN, B.I.; KRZHIZRAf- NOVSKIT. G.K., nkademik, red.; XARKOVICH.;S.Gag, [Principal problems in desirAing a unified power systex in the U.S.S.Rj 09novaye voprosy planirovaniia edinoi energe- tichaskoi sistemy SSSEL. Pod red. G.K.Irzhizhanovskogo, V-I-Vaitsa- Moskva, 1959- 174 p. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Akademlya nauk SM. Inergeticheekly institut. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademli nauk SM (for Vayts). (Ilectric power) MIKITIN, Bergey Nikolayevich, dqteent, kand.tekhn.nauk [deceased]; XAWLI, L.A., kand.tokhn.nauk, isd.; SHIMINI", I.Ta., lash,, red.; XUMM-AX... doktor takhn.neukg reteensent: AYVAZTIV, V.G., prof., doktor takhn.unuto retsensent; AUMBANDROVSKIT, lu.A., dotsont, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; OHLOV, V.A., red.-, BORUMOT. Nel., tekhn.reds (Principles of calculations connected vith bydroolootric.powerl Osnovy gidroonargeltichookikh ramohatov. Noskya, Goe.energ,isd-vo, 1959. 510 P. (MIRA 12:5) (Hydroolectric Pover) KRITSKIY, S.H.; POMLI, 14.7. Calculation of long-term regulation of stream flow consider- Ing the correlation of the flow of consecutive Years* Proble reg.rach.stoim no 8:5-36 '59. (MIA 13:4) iReoervolrs) KRITSKIT. B.H.; HIMLI, M.7, A survey of Irench periodical literature on the calculation of hydroelectric power station reservoirs. Probl.reg.rech. stoka no,8:257-263 '59o (MIRiL 13-.4) (Frano"ydraulic engineering) (Reservoirs) KRITSKIT, Sell.;ICIMMLI, N.Y. I Concerning P.Moran's articlo "A probability theory of damn and storage systeue." Probl.reg.rech.stoka no.8t266-271 159" (MIRA 13:4) (Reservoirs) (Moran, P.) FM)OROV. L.T.. kand.takhn.nauk; LIONTO UVSKIY, B.B.; GILILENBLAT, Ya.D., kand.takhn.nauk; KORINISTOY, D.T.; ROSSINSKIT, K.I., kand.takhn. nauk: KUZIMIN. 1.A.. kand.takhn.nauk-. KOIIMTSKAYA, A.A., inzh.; IIISAR-MUKHAKKDOVA9 G.N., insh.; PANOVA, G.K., inzh.; ROZHDZSTVINSKIT, G.L., inzh.; SEKIKOLINOT, A.$., Lnxh.; TSMVSKIT, S.Y., lnzh,; ZHUKOVA. N.Y., insh.1 WISHIN, N.M., retsonsent;_-DITSKIT, S.M., doktor tekhn.nauko red.; MINMI, M.7.. doktor te ~--.-na-uk-, Wreit.--.- GALAKTICKOV, V.D.. kand.geol.-min.nauk, red.; ZAVALISHIN, I.S., insh., redo; MALISHEV, N.A., lnsh,, rad,; MIKKAYLOV, A.Y., doktor takhn. nauk. red.; PETROV, G.D., insh.. red.; RAPOPORT, Ya.D.. red.; RUSSO. G.A., kand.takhn.nauk, glavnyy red.: SIVASTITANOT, V.I., inzh., redo; TITOT, S.V., inzh., red*; TISTROVA, 0,N,, red,; LARIONOV, G.Teep [Hydrology and water economy of the Volga-Don] Gidrologiia i vodnoe knoziaistvo Volgo-Dona. Pod red. S.N.Kritakogo i M.YoMenkelis, Moskvs, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 146 p. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Moscow. Vaesoytiznyy proyaktno-isyekateltakiy I nouchno-iseledo- vatel'skiy institut Nftdroproyektm imeni S.Ta.2hak. 2. Daystvitall- nyy chlen Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Grishin). (Don River-Water resources development) YNDOROY, N.N., kand.takhn.zwuk; POP07. I.Y., kand.geogr.nauk; BORSUK, O.Not kand.geogr,nauk; GRUSMSKIT, H.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; VELIKANOY, X.I., prof., doktor takhn.naiik. red.(Koskv.9); UMATIV, V.A., otv. reds; ALUM, O.A,, red.; BLIZNTAK, Te.T., red. (deoeased); BORSM, OJ,# red,; DATTDOV, L,X,, red,; DOMANITSKIT~ AoP,, reds; KALININ. 0.P., red , ZRITSKIT S N red.; XUIZLIN. B.I., red.; red.: M-2-10-8 0 XANOIM, L.Y., , J~0# X.F., red.; ORWY, B.P., reds; PROGMUKOV, Asl.e red.; SOKOLOV-SKIT, D.L.. red.; SMGLER, O.As, red.; CHIBOTAMOV, A.I., red,; MOMOVSKIT, S.K., red.; MATILINA, H.K., red,; VLADIMIROV, O.G.,, [Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Trudy III Yeasolusnogo gidrologichaskogo n"esda. Vol.5. [Section of Hydrodynamics and River-Bad 11volution) Sektaila gidrodinamiki i ruslorykh proteassov. 1960. 421 p. (XtRA 13:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy gidrologichasiciy agesd. 3d, Leningrad, 1937. 2. Goaudarstvennyy gidrologichaskiy inetitut (for 7adorov, Popov). 3. Chlan-korrespondentAN S&M (for Valikenov). (Hydrology-Congresses) doktor toklmnaukj ME111:91,1, M.F., doktor tekhn.nauk Defining more precisely the norms and technical conditions for the calculation of maxim;m discharges in the design of hydraulic structures on rivers. Trudy Gidroproakta no.4:9-23 160. (Hydraulic engineering) (MIRA 15:2) KRITSKIY, S.N., doktor tekhn.nauk.; LSSKOV, G.A., inzh. Plotting calculated flocd hydrographo. Trudy Giciroprockta n0-4:14.&54 160. (1-UM 15:2) (Obf River-Hydrography) 8/050/60/000/05/08/020 B007/BO14 AUTHORSt Kritskiy, S. No# !!~nksllo N. F. TITLEt On the Estimation of the Probabilities of Excess Maximum Water Deliveries in Rivers Fed by High Waters of Different Origins PERIODICALs M~e sorologiya i gidrologiya, 1960, No. 5, pp. 34-36 TEXTt In man]~.kJXM, high water is at times caused by the snow melt# and at other times, by heavy rainfalls. The following paradox arises from calculations made at home and abroad (Ref. 2)1 in the range of rarely reoccurring maxima, the probability curve drawn after the rain course is higher than the curve of the highest maxima during the year (maxima due to snow melts or rainfallst respectively). This paradoxical situation is explained here, and a calculation procedure satisfying the nature of objective phenomena in shown. When setting up the curves, the parameters of the three curves (of water amounts caused by snow melt a, such caused by rainfallep and the curve of the yearly maximum aaounts) are estimated on the basis of data available. The third parameter, the coefficient of Card 1/3 On the Estimation of the Probabilities of S/050/60/000/05/08/020 Excess Maximum Water Deliveries in Rivers Fed B007/BO14 by High Waters of Different Origins asymmetry, however, is assumed on the strength of general considerations. Ito valuse are assumed for the ooamon curve and do not oorrespond to the distribution laws of each individual high water type. This gives rise to the mentioned discordance which can be eliminated by a proper selection of the coefficient of asymmetry. The correct procedure is illustrated by the diagram in Fig. 1. This diagram contains the probability curves for each of the high water types. It in assumed in this connection that there be no,statistio relation between the two high water types observed during the eameyear. The formula from paper (Ref. 1) is written do n. it~/ is possible by this formula to set up a curve of the yearly maxima, based on the given probability curves of the maximum water deliveri:s of each of the high water types. In the upper part of the diagram, this curve forms, so to speak, an envelop* for the curves of the two high water types. In the range of low probabilities of an excess in the maximum water deliveries it practically coincides with the curve giving the higher values of the very rare peaks. Usually, the rain maxima fluctuate lose, from one year to another, than is the case with the snow maxima. Therefore, the upper branch of the common probability curve approaches the Card 2/3 On the Estimation of the Probabilities of 3/050/60/000/05/08/020 Excess Maximum Water Deliveries in Rivers Fed B007/BO14 by High Waters of Different Origins corresponding branch of the rain-peak curve. For an illustration of the foregoing, the example shown in the Fig. is given in all details. There are I figure, 1 table, and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 3/3 SHEYMW,t L.B., inzh,; KRITSKIY S 11. doktor tekhn.nauk "Engineering hydrolog7m by G. RdMnidras [in French]. Reviewed by L.B. 8heirman, S.N. KritBkii. Gidr. stroi. 31 no.9:3 of cover s 161. (MIRA 14:12) .(Hydrology) (Rdminidras,, G.) KUTSKIYP S.N., doktor takhn.nauk; M..F.,, doktO-r tekhn.nauk Method of technical and economic comparisons* Gidr.strol. 32 no-4:/,0-42 A 162. (MM& 3-5:4) &y=leatric power stations) IIOVIKOV, I.T.; IMPORCUMY, P.S.; GI:aBUPz, S.Z.,; E,-'LYAY.OV, A.A.; ZRISTOV, V.S.; VCVI&'jE]SKIY,. A.N.; WAI.730V, P.M.; BOROVOYO A.A.j TERWj I.A.; ALEKSAN)RCV, B.K.; YURINCV, D.M.; NOSOV, R.P.; RIKIIAYLOV, A.V.; HICHIPORCVICII,, A.A,; AEELEVI A.S.; PROSKMtUKCVp B.V.; MEWL', M.F.; KRIiSKIY. 3.N.1 BELYYj L.D. Mikhail Zygonlovich Knox-re. (sidr. stroi. 32 no.51 My 162. (MM 150) (Knorres Mikhail Evgonlevieh, 1876-1962) KRITSKIYp S.N... doktor takhn. nauk; MWUIIp M.F.t doktor takhn, nauk level flustuations of -!,Dead inland otas and lakpa. . Meteor i. gidrol. no.'..'t32-36 JTI 164 (141RA l?t8) 1. Pov*t po izu-Ihen:!.7u'proisvoditaltn7kh oil pro Gosplane w Pt. 1 .7) V. F. it, I . 1 -1 . - .Iodulus 'ar.:. Arch 5ci, :;'%;co,., ll-;5~- ..~o 12., Mar So- Sum. 0 ";'10, 2) Selt ~55 - Survey of Sel,mbific mid Tcchriiwal. Diq,:,erLa',Ions Def"crided at IRISR Iiii-Iner LducaUunal InstitutLons (15) AVEW41=0~2 A.P., insho; KRIMM, V.Gw, inzh.; MYZDRIKUY, Yu.A., inzh. Improving boring and blasting at quarries, Stroi. mat. 9 no.2:7-10 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Boring) (Blasting) (Qaarries and quan7ihg) KIRITSKIT.,, ~.W4= . . );at - - . Nicknl plating of used screws without preliminary grinding of heads. Masb.3~1. no.4sl42-143 157. (MIRA 1119) (Nickel plating) 1wzUNOv' I.A dots.; GRIBANOV, I.I., dots.; IVANOV, A.I., prof. [dec;alsed); MAS1DVj *jI.,,dots.; RACHINSKIY, A.A., dots.; TROITSKIY, A.A., dots.; TROITSKIY,A.'V., prof.; KHORST, G.O., dots.; EENIYAMINOVICH, E.M., retsentent;,KRITS IY, V.M., reteenzent; POYARKOV, V.F., retsenzent; RATURIN, S.I., "to. red.; TIKHONOVA, I., red.; UKHTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. [Manual for.hydraulic and irrigation engineers] Spravochnik gidrotekhnika-irrigatora. (By] I.A.Buzunov i dr. Tashkent Gosizdat UzSSR. Pt.1, 1962. 442 P. (MIRA 16:7~ (Hydraulic engineering) (Irrigation) T- ,I JMITSKmo V.11. late results of streptomyoln treatment of tuberoulous meningitis in ohildren, Probletubs 34 no~303-37 8-0 156- (MIRA 10ill) 1\ is In q0tskoso detskocc tuberWescogo sawtoriya (glaynn vreoh nsuohr47 rukovoattell - prof. L.D.6at synberg) Voronssh- skogo obledrevotdole (say. I.Pftrmonko) (MMUSIlp RIVINUAL, in We od ohild there@ streptoWain, remote results) (89-MONYCIVe there use tubarool seningeel in ohtlao# remote results) - , - I I- ~ ,--T-,~ -i- - - - ,-7 /1-.- . / - .7" --71--r - o- :- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - ---- - ---- - - -- -- --- - - - -- -- --- ---- - - -- --- - - - JMITSKIY. Y.N. Rolopeas in tubercular meningitis in children [with summary in fmgliahl, Podistrits 36 no.1:34-40 Ja 158. (HIRA 11:2) 1. Is Grafskogo detskogo tuborkulernogo I'll natoriya (glavnyy vrach Y.N.Kritakir) Voronothekogo oblasdrevotaela kzav. I.P.Yurmanko) (HMI11a3S--TUMCUU)S IS) (GHIIDRRfJ--DISk;AS3S) MTSKIYP on the problem of familial ogitsoartinlar tubermdosin, Problo tub, 38 vo,Ss8"9 160. (KCU 14d) 1, Iz Grafsk 01detak go tuberkul ori7a (g3.avmy wach VON* mritsid.71 Tbron=skogo otlo'do'rmavooKot'd'oelsam(tsav, I.P. Pomw&o). (BMW-TUEMCUI,0M) ~ ~ ' kV KraTSKIYP V.N. RBsults of 10 years of obserrations on children convnlosoant frm tuberculous meningitis. Probl.tub. no.5:29-34 161. (MM 15:1) 1, Iz Grafskogo detskogo tutorkuleznogo sanatoriya (glavmyy vrach V.N. Kritski-yj Voronezhskogo oblodravotdola (zav, I.P, Fwmenko), (MMES-TUMMMMIS) KH1TSTay-.v-.-1v.-.- -glavny-yvrac-h- I , Nutrition for tuberculosis children. Med. sestra 20 no.9*.32-38 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Is Grafekogo detskogo tuborkuleenogo sanatoriya Varonozhakogo oblzdravotdela. (CHILDREN-Z-UTRITION) (TUBERCULOSIS) KRITSKIY, V.N. Exercise therapy in the compound sanatorium treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Med.sestra 21 no.8;16-20 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Gja%TLyy vrach Grafskogo detakogo pro tivotuberkuleznogo sanatoriya Voronezhakogo oblastno o otdela zdravookhraneniya. (EXERCISE THERAPYI (TIJEERCULOSIS) 7. -..- v i, " -7 -1 -i I 'f, 2--4 ~ - - T"?"-- KiTNKII, V1r!,IimIr Viktorovich, IPPe- A 0~,)rl ' r!,iijri^ In ind r,-!tri-r-lnhy. Tzd. h., dor. 1 r,~rpr. 1946. (4P--?6030) ~v36r;.K75 igh6 'L3Y.11, 'llidlmir llikf.orivit~h, iM 'n,t0e i-+.- nn rrint,il lo,-Y-inhy. ,-'V6r'.y79 Ir)49 A ih,)rl, in -!nir-i! .-'ro-ri-hv T. z,l r). YrDtle).S. lmrn min -ri I oedi 1 1 NO (Card 1. Min-rolovy. ". Crvi ti 11 o,,ri rhv. ~. Pmtrmlm-v. T. Inrved D-il.ri-- virh, InPP- I fl L -IRITSKITO-Vladimir Tiktorovich, dotsent;-CEZMRIXOT, S.D., dot'sent, [Short course in mineralogy and petrography with basic principles of crystallography] Iratkii kurs minerologii i petrografft a nachallnyai evedenilaml po, kristallografil. Utyerzhdano v kacheatTe uchabe posoblia dlia uchashchikhmia jornykh takhnikumov. Isd. 6., parer. I dop. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat, 1953. 275 p. (Wak 1. Moskovskiy goeudaretvannyy universitat (for Chetverikay). (Mineralogy) (Petrology) (Crystallography) ~.rjj Kr-.tkly hirr mi-vmn1r)-ii i mtro-r.~:711 kfirt%11,1t;r,,-f It (Conciso cotirr, - of with t-iqlr- ir!'ormation c~ncaralaL cri,c~talloC-,ra illy, 1)'v) V. V. (i) S. D. C ,~Otveril:o7- Izd. 7. per. 1 dj,). 1-L)r'kv-t' Uf-blotokhlmlat, 1955. Literatury; p. !)"0-(m) L j81a4__,%66___ __ -_- . ---C - ACC NRi AP6013816 SOURCE CODE: U.R/0066/65/10/006/0005/0008 AUMOR: Kritskiy, Ye. D.; Slyusarenko, V. I.; Kuznetsov, D. A.; GeRanets, A. I. ORG: none TITLE: Klimat-4 ship air conditioner SOURCE: Kholodillnaya tekhnika, no. 6, 1965, 5-8 TOPIC TAGS: air conditioning equipment, refrigeration equipment ABSTRACT. The Klimat-4 air conditioner is designed for year-round operation on ves- sels not equipped with central air conditioning systems. It controls both temperature and relative humidity and can move 1500 m3 of air an hour. The Klimat-4 consists of a cooling unit, air heater, humidifier, fan, and automatic regulator system-, freon-22 is used as a coolant. A detailed breakdown of the technical parameters and a descrip- tion of each component of the air conditioner are given. It is recommended for use on ships and in hospitals, kindergartens, cafes, and restaurants. orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATEt none UDC: 628.83 : 629.12 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: -Meltnichenko, L. G. (Docent); Truskov, P. F. (Candidate of technical science Kritskiy, Yeo Do ORG: none TITLE: Method and results of investigation of wear of materials for bearings in sealed cooling compressors SOURCE: Kholodillnaya takhnika, no. 2, 1966, 1o-18 TOPIC TAGS: cryogenic fluid compressor,, ball bearing, bearing material, wear resistant alloy, corrosion resistant alloy, bronze/BrSuN-7-2 bronze, BrOF-10-1 bronze ABSTRACT: Experimental results'presented hore on bearing material woar agree well with expokence of aoizuro on tho job, As a result of experimonts performed under varying conditions, the authors conclude that: the resistance. :to seizure and wear of the materials investigated in a frwn-22 medium is I I .considerably poorer than in the air. The highest seizure resistance and greatest wear stability at load pressures 'up to 100 kg/;~2was exhibited by bronze alloy BrSuH-7-2. This alloy has Immr strc-Sth than lead bronsl type BzOY.10-1 bwever. With the same load levels. bronze- ra hit,*W%ave 11woh poorer ;;;Aoorrosion qualltiese, The met prwdsi% x*Q'Nor o ration I in freon compressors is therefore HrSuN-7-2a Orig. art@ has: 5'rig;roo aM 2 tables SUB CODE: 13g 11 / SUBK DATE$ none / ORIG REF: 014 EJFRSI LOKONOY,'M.Y., knnd.tekhn.nauk; KRITSIrY,. A-nzVe--n-e-7r-,-ROZHKOV, X.Y. "Automation And control of processes in concentration and hydro- metallural by I.L.Kovallskii, B.T.Nevskii. Reviewed by M.F.Lokonov. I.L.Kritakii, K.V.Rozhkor. TSvet.met. 26 no.4-68-72 Jl-Ag 153. (MIRA 10:10) (Notallurgy) (Ore dressing) (Automatic control) (Kovallskii, I.L.) (Nevskii. B.T.) KRITSKIY,Ye., inshener --l- ."': ~4 -~ Control device for protecting crushing machinery from metal scraps. Stroi.mat., Isdel. i konstr, I no*7.22-24 J1155. (KIRA 8:11) (Omehing zaahlnerY) KRITSKIT. Te.L., Inshener sea, . ~ -.;- ,-, Device for the control and registration of the circulating load In a crushing mill. Gor.shur. no.6154-59 Je 155. (KM 8: 8) (Crushing machinery) (Antomatic control) 137-1957-12-22985 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 19 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kritskiy, Ye. L. TITLE: Problems of the Comprehensive Automation and the Prerequisites for the Complete Automation of Concentration Plants (Zadachi kompleksnoy i predposylki polnoy avtomatizatsii obogatitellnykh fabrik) PERIODICAL: Obogashcheniye rud, 1956, Nr 6, pp 1-6 ABSTRACT: The comprehensive automation (CA) of concentration plants re- quires the simultaneous employment of all known systems of auto- mation in order to guarantee the greatest reduction in the number of service personnel, increase the efficiency of the installation, improve processing techniques, and ensure more sanitary work- ing conditions. CA may be regarded as the first step in the trans- ition to the completely t;utamted . concentration plant. To solve the problems presented by CA, a great amount of work will be needed, both with regard to material and technical preparation, in order to provide the designated installation with units for auto- Card 1/2 matic regulation and control. The procedure for the introduction 137-1957-)Z-22985 Probleims-of the, Coinpechene ive, -Atitornattow AitoWy~ of CA is given. Author recommends that serious attention be paid to the automation of crushers. A. Sh. 1. Metallurgy-USSR 2. Industr7-Automrtion Card Z/Z 14(5) SOY/112-59-5-9631 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr S. p 169 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shteyn, S. A., Fershtenfel'd, A. A., Mednis, E. F., and KritskiX~, Ye, L TITLE: Comparative Tests of Various Methods of Automatic Control for Ball Mille PERIODICAL: Obogashcheniye rud, 1957, Nr 6, pp 55-66 ABSTRACT: Three methods of automatic control of mill operation were tested at the Noril'sk concentrating plant: constant weight of feed, constant noise, and constant circulating load; the tests were conducted from January, 1956, to April. 1957. A short description and a comparison of the above control methods are given. Seventeen illustrations. A. A. S. Card 1 / I KRITSKIT. Ta.L. .j ~ - . .- 'A"1040~~ 6W' Apparatuses and equipment for the protection of crushing machinery from metall1c Inclunions; natal detectom qog, rud. 3 noel: 64-71 158. OGRA 11110) (Crushing machinery) (Magnate) (Automatic control) IT - ___ AUTHOR: Lokonov, M.P. SOV/136-58-10-23/27 TITIS: The Fourth Scientific-technical Session of the Mekhanobr Institute (CbLetvertaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya sessiya instituta Mbkhanobr) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, fir 10, pp 92 - 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/6 On July 15-18, 1958, the fourth scientific and technical session of the Mekhanobr Institute was held in Leningrad. It was attended by about 300 representatives from scientific and design institutes, industry and political bodies. The session began with surveys of the work of the Institute since the third session in 1954 by Professor O.S. BoSdanov, G.A. Finkellshteyn and A.B. Patkovskiy. The session then heard and discussed the following: by Ye.L. KritsgX (Mekhanobr) on the development of a sound- meiiiir-ement method of regulating ball-mill operation; by A.I. Povarov and M.G. Zabirov (Mekhanobr) on the auto- matic maintenance of constant hydrocyclone sands-density; by I.I. Blekhman, (Mekhanobr) o,-a the selection of the main operating parameters of vibration machines; by I.M. Abramovich (deceased) and R.V. Yevsiovich (Mekhanobr) on the development of a new industrial model of a three-level SOV/136-58-10-23/27 The Fourth Scientific-technical Session of the Mekhanobr Institute concentrating table with 20 m~ of total deck area; by G.A. Finkellshteyn (Mekhanobr) on increasing the wear- resistance of beneficiation equipment particularly by rubberising; by G.A. Sedova (Giprotsvetmet) on the un- certainty of the need to automate beneficiation works; by A.M. Pogosov (VNIITevetmet) on now equations for calculating the grindability of ores and productivity of ball mills; by A.K. Kuzovlev (Sredne-Aziatskiy institut geologii i minerallnogo %rrlya - Central Asian Geological and Mineral Raw Materials Institute) on tests of a new type of turbo- cyclone; by V.I. Lutsenko (Gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut Armyanskogo sovnarkhoza - Mining-metallurgical Institute of the Armenian Economic Council) on measures to improve a type ".Mekhanobr-6" flotation machine at the ' 1Udr-'hLrOn Works; by V.R. Kubachet (UZTM) on modernisation of crushing and grinding equipment; by S.I. on the work of the Mekhanobr Institute on collectors and flotation modi- fiers; 'by I.N. Maslenitskiy and V.V. Dolivo-Dobrovollskiy (Mekhanobr) on the rendering harmless of waste water from beneficiation plants; by I.S. Shitov (Mine Management of the Magnitogorskiy metalluraicheskiy kombinat - Magnitogorsk Card 2/6 SOV/136-58-10-23/27 The Fourth Scientific-technical Session of the Mekhanobr Institute 'Metallurgical Combine) on the slowness of Mekhanobr in certain fields; by A.A. Kalmykov (Norillsk) on the incomplete utilisation of Norillsk ores and changes in the flowsheet at the Norillsk Beneficiation Works; by V.I. Saprykin (311brus Mine) on the need for Mekhanobr to participate in the work on the utilisation of Suriyak deposit ores and accelerate their work in other fields; by B.M. Bendhikov (Takeliyskaya obogatitellnaya fabrika - Tekeli Beneficiation Works) on the shortcomings of the Mekhanobr designs for the works; by V.A. Binkevich ODnepxpetrovskiy sovna khoz - Dnepropetrovsk Economic Council) on difficulties'in the region in ore beneficiation; by O.S. Bogdanov, A.K. Podnek and V.Ya.Khaynman (Mekhanobr) on the kinetics of the action of flotation reagents; by V.Ya. Khaynman (Mekhanobr) on an investigation of th-~ mechanism of the action of cyanides and complex cyanide compounds of ferri- and ferrocyanides; by S.D. Sukhovol'- skaya (Mekhan br) on factors produci depression of minerals; by B.Ya. Yanis (Mekhanobrron the investigation of various flotation modifiers for non-sulphide minerals with the aid of radioactive isotopes; by 1.N. Shorsher Card 3/6 JOV/ -18;j~o-jgj/tZ~ ; i JA% 1 3 2. ute The Fourth Scientific-technical Session Of t e ano, r (Mekhanobr) on the flotational separation of collective molybdenite-containing ores; Ye. L Vishnevskiy and S.L. Gekhtman (Mekhanobr) on the beneficiation of cassiterite- containing ores; by N.K. Nikollskiy, I.P. Kell', Yu.0. Tennison and Yu.N. Chepelkin (Mekhanobr) on the determination of the residual sulphur-ion concentration in the pulp with the aid of a silver-sulphide electrode; by A.S. Konev and K.G. Bakinoy on the technology of separating lead-copper concentrate by depressing galenite with iron sulphate and sulphite and flotation of the copper minerals; by G.S. Strelltsyn on the special features of flotation of perov- skite ores at 'the Afrikands Beneficiation Works; by I.N. Maslenitskiy and P.M. Perlov on the present state of the autoolave-soda process of treating tungsten-ore beneficiation products in the USSR; by V.I. Konstantinov (Mekhanobr) on layout at some of the largest Soviet benef iciation works - by M. S. Tevonyan (Kavkaz skiy in3titut minerallnogo syrlya3 on the successful experiments on the separation of a lead-copper concentrate with potassium permanganate; by V.A. Lisichenko (Kavkaz Institute of Card 4/6 Raw Materials) on a study of the flotational reaction between BOV/156-58-10-23/27 The Fourth Scientific-techrLical Session of the Mekhanobr Institute a mineral particle and an air bubble; by Professor I.A. Kakovskiy ZUralmokhanobr) on the influence of the surface state on the electrical separation of low-conductivity minerals; by Professor V.I. Klassen (IGD AN SSSR) on the vacuum flotation of particles smal1w than 10 )1; by F.I. Nagirnyak, (Uralmekhanobr) on the complex utilisatilon of low-grade copper-zinc ores; V.P. Sokolov (Bredneaziatskiy NII geologii i minerallnogo syr1ya - Central NII of Geology and Mineral Raw Materiels) on the beneficiation of boron- containing ores; Doc-_.b P.P. Titov on the use of radiant energy to improve the flotability of minerals; Professor K.A. Razumov (Leningradskiy gornyy institut - Leningrad Mining Institute); B.G.r. Krangachev (Armgiprotsvetmet) on some shortcomings of Mekhanobr; Ye.N. Grivezirskaya (Balkhash - Copper Works) on Mekhanobr recommendations for that works; M.Z. Valyayeva (VNIITsvetmet) on the work cf that organisation in Altay Beneficiation Works; by Professor S.I. Mitrofanov (Gintevetmet) on sorption and the depressing action of reagents; V.A. Rundkvist (Mekhanobr) on the Mekhanobr designs for the Tekeli Works; Card 5/6 BOV/136-58-10-23/27 The Fourth Scientific-technical Session of the Mekhanobr Institute Professor M.A. Bygeles (VIMS) on errors in N.A. Yanis' work; by I.P. Plaksin, Corresponding Member of the Ac-Sc.USSR, on some of the reports presented. At the concluding plenary session, V.F. Fedorov (GNTK USSR) discussed the requirements in beneficiation for the fature. and the part to be played by Mekhanobr. The following participated in the discussions: A.A. Kalmykov (Norjl1sk Combine), V.A. Olevskiy (Mekhanobr) I.S. Shitov (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine3- Card 6/6 --- - --- -- - - - -- - -- - - --- -- - -- - - --- Consumption control of the water fed to a classifier with a closed comminution circuit. Obog, rud 4 no.2:37-39 '59. (MIRA 14:8) (Crushing machinery) (Automatic control) KRMKIYt Yo.L.; MINSTER, M.N. The MT6 translator metal dateotor. Biulotakh, isal.inst.nauch. i tekh.infors. no.847-48 162, (KOA 15:7) (Electronic instruments) KRITSKIY, Te.L.; MINSTER, M.N. *ASDE*, metal detector. Obeg. rud 7 no.3:60-63 162. I (Sweden-Metal detectoip) (HIRL 16:4)