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TALI, K.E., kand, tekh, nauki LESSIG, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; Prinimall uchaotiyes GVOZDEV, A.A.; ALEKSANDROVSKIY, S.V.; BORISHANSKIT) M.S.; DOUTRIYEV, S.I.; MIKHAYLOV, K.V.; MULIN, N.M.; NEMIROVSKIY, Ya.M.; CHISTYAKOV, le.A.; VASIL'YEV, B.F.; BOGATIIN, I.L.; ZALISOV, A.S.; NIKITIN, I.K. New standards SNiP H-V. 1-62 for the design of concrete and reinforced concrete elements. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.3:97-102 Mr. 163. (MRA 16:4) 1. Hauohno-inaledovAtelOokil Inotitut Akadawil stroitollatva i arkhitektr--y SSSR Ofor &11 ex-cep. VasilOyev, Bogatkin, "I&Iesov, RI's-4-t-4n). 2. i"titut t1povogo proyektirov&--iya ! '7 (for Vasillyev, Bogatkin, Zalesov, Nikitin). ;n No, Olk i~%,k tice U,~A Fiv A A T ALIKHANJAN. I., KINIPLI.N. .;z. Z. SUC)MUM. V. V rRILOV VA I :;ovint, Aca,l,-vty of Medicine. Atomic I 051tov (Russian version not given]. "')timo 1(noont Protlema of Microbial OnnOtIOW 8qdP;Pat, Biolonint Yozlemnnynk, Vol 10, No 2, 62, pp 87-96. AUqtracta The arUcle is a trannIation from the Russian of a lecture prez;entW at a coy#-resm on micrablal ranotica held in 114mcow In January 1962. It reprevoints a brief raylow of recent advances In the Cenetics or microorKanisms, dr-"Mnr mostly with vork of WF-storn European AM Unitnd States scientists. or 49 refoyrotnees, almost all are Western. 7r A- USSR/GonQrcl tnd Sr ,CCJ-l 70010gy. in:icct3 Abs Jour t of Zhur - Biol., No 6, 19118, No 25821 'A.uthor -t- v V.P. v V-P In!jt Inc 1-tuto n vwior rnd ForuFt Econciny Titlo i To tho Biology of the Fino Silkworm in thc. Forcot boltv of Sonip-Irtinsk obli-st', Krzrkh 303R. (Y ticlcgii ncrnovego shollcopry.A7 v Icntochnykh bor-kh 3o:.,#-l7tinskci cblrsti Y,-zrl:hskoi SSR.) Orig Fub t Tr. Tn-tr vodn. i lom. kh.-vr, KczrIchsk. fil. 11ASKIVIL, 1956, 1, 215-230. Abstrrct t Tho silkvorr w-9 - .::ost injuriouo post of pine- trC.C.S in forcet bolt:-. ,ccording to obsarvrtionn, In 1955 thu cxcdus of the butb;rflio~ vrs from th,, ond of Juno to tLc -Addlc; of August (-bout 45-48 drys), thc, rvc;r-po fertility -w- 160 urgs (19-264), tha orrc v;cro dovolopcd in 9-12 d.-ya. Thu h7tching of tho ',-,r- v:-r) in ;ar-as cccurred in thn Irst third of July mi rt tho boAnning of August. Tho Irrvro of tha thiri -Ind fcurth C ~, rd 1 1/2 USSRIGonurrl -nd Spoci-I Zoology. insocto Abo Jour i Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, No 25821 117tching-- burn to hiborrarto ~t tho first -utmn frort; E: omargcnce from hibEirnrtior, bogm rt "'ho wrzing up of tho upper noil lryar to 3-40. frsting Into tho chryrtlin glrrU VIS from the rocond half of Juno to tho anti of July. F C-rd 1 2/2 i C-;-, I U I TA XEDICA SeC.18 V01.111 Cardiovascuinr 2an 57 298. 1001,0V V. S. Dept. of Surg., 2nd Med. hist.. 31(,scow; hist. of Restorative Surg.-,li~Vrri tivs ~-, 5nolithic plaslic aorial prostheses (Russiais E'ksjw-r. Khir. j!056, 2 ('1:3-50) Illus. 5 E.Nperiments Nvere carrird out on 22 (logs on replacement of tile 161(ijnill~jl tort., liv a pro-Miesis, prepared front polyvinyl plastic. The diatm-ter ti( the jiro,~thr,ls %%'.is 0.11-1.0 Cul. and tile length 1.0-2.5 cin. The prosthesis wits terilited by boilitig. The abdominal aorta wits exposed by an oblique Ieft-side iticision itt the `101`011KI'i- tom-11111. The protithesis was Stitched itito tile dc(ect in the ;tort.% by ait Acil Inattress Skit ure., Sti tchi ng of the transplant took 3.) min. and blood lessl less o~ tile aorta histed on the average 44 min. Of the 22 (logs, 13 died at intervals of from 2 to 1*2 days, 4 were sacrificed for investigation in 2 months 20 days, 6 in 9 months, and 5 of tile (log-, are living at present. The results of the intervention were controlled b aorta;,,raph: below the distal suture the lumen of the aorta was somewhat enlarget . In 80 davs the small plastic tube was covered internally by compressed thrombotic mws%es. The surface of the organized thrombus and also the thrombotic masses were in a short time covered by endothelium. On the outside the prosthesis was covered by a fibrous capsule. After 180 days the lumen of the vessel remained cleat, the inside of the prosthesis was covered with endothelium. In some places the endo- thelium was distributed in several layers, As for the adventitia the small tube was Surrounded by coarse fibre connective tissue. The experiments testify to the possibi- lity of replacing an abdominal aorta defect by a polyvinyl plastic prosthesis. The endothelization of the lumen of buch a prosthesis was com feted within 6 months. Eurmistrov - Leningrad V USSWInorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds. C Abe Jour: Ref. Zhur. Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 657- Author : Mikheyeva, V.I., Shamray, F.I., Yxilova, F.Y&._ - I; Mikheyeva, V.I., Markina, V. Yu., 167a;va' O.N. - II; Shamray, F.I., Mikheyeva, V.I., Krilova, E.Ya. - III; Mikheyeva, V.I., Shamray, F.I., Krilova, E.Ya. - IV. Title :Preparation of Amorphous Boron of High Purity - I; Physico-chemical Analysis of Reaction of Magnesium and Boron Anhydride - II; Purification of Amorphous Boron - III; Problem in Evaluation of Quality of Amorphous Boron - IV. Orig Pub: Zh- Neorgan. Khimii, 1957, 2, No 61 1M-1231; 1232-1241; 1242-1247; 1248-1253. Abstract: I. A study was made of the reduction reaction of B 20 with me- tallic Li, Na, K. Be, Xg, Ca and Al, employing methg~cg of thermo- Card 1/4 -3- USM/inorgmnic Chemistry. complex Compounds. C Abe Jour: Ref. Zhur. KbiziYa, No 1, 1958, 657 graphy and chemical analysis to the solid reaction product ob- tained by acid treatment. It vas conf-.4'.rmed that concurrently with borides of constant composition, CaB6 and AlB1.2, amorphous phases of vary-Ing composition were also forwd in large amount during reduction of B203 with N&, K, Lt, and Mg. To obtain amor- phous boron (I) on a plant scale, the thermal reaction for re- duction of B20 3 with Mg is recommended which, even after first acid treatment, securz a content of ~ 80% in the form of basic mixture - Mg. II. The reaction Of B203 with Mg was 9-.udied employing methods of differential thermal and cmplete chemical analysis Of the reaction products while varying the concentration of each of the components of the reaction mixture from 0 to 100$. The basic reactions for preparation of boron by the thermal reduc- tion process with magnesium were determined and the composition Card 2/4 USSR/Inorg(Lnic Chemistry. Complex Compounds. C Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur. Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 657 for evaluation of the content of active B and of B that is combined in lower oxides utilizing concurrently ceriometric and aurometric methods. Card - 4/4 -6- 1-~-tmv -HZI, A.V. A.A., ',F7~,.MKOVI, Ye.l., 3,7-1.01.30V, V.V., qnd - - tz:~ --tedistribl; Lion of material -.-dthin cru3tal layers and foldino", Soviet ne-ology 17-vetskaya L~- geologiy2ax No ,~9, 1949. 4 1101 12/3 Fed. Ficro. Yar 59 918. PROTECTIVE 111-OPERTIES OF TvPIIOlD FEVETI TYPF-SPECIFIC VI-PHAGE A AND ITS ADAPTIVF 11POPERTIES IN 711E ORGANI~M OF MICE (Russian text) - ;I M J1. . Semina N. A. . Stiathittna 1'. V. and Chepkov MIKROBIOL. (Moak. ) 1958, 4 (41-47) Graphs 6 Tables I In tests In mice the typhoid [ever Vi-phage A showed a high protective effect againfit S. lyphl phigto-type" C. D,. D,. D,. E, F2, G, L, but not against the phage- types 1), and E,, This protective effect probably depends on its adaptive proper- ties. Tarabtak - Kollice At GERKE, P., akademik, qtv. red.; RUDZITIS, K., prof., red.; BUMEISTERS,V., 4and. med. nauk, red.; B104HERGA, V., kand. med.nauk; SKARDS, J.P Und. med. uauk#--&&U&Y A,-H., red.; LEMEEMA, A., (Clinical and experimental medicisel Klintaka un eksperimestals medicine. Riga, FSR Unatnu akat,-irdevvismiks. Vol.l. 1962. 254 P. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Latvijas Padomju Sotaialistiskan RepubfOws Zinatnu akademiJa. Eksperimentalas un kliniskas medicinas Instituts. 2.Latvijas Padomju Sotsialistiskas-Republikas Zinatriu Akademija (for Gerke). 3. Lstvijav Padonju SotsialistinkaB Republikan Zisatnu Akademijan Eksperimentalas un kliniskes medicinns inmtituta Onkologijas sek- tore (for Bramberga): 4. Latvijas Padomju Sotsial-istiskas Repub- likas Zinatnu Akademijas Eksperimentalas un kliniskaa medicinno institute Klintskas riziologijns un terapijns sektora (for Skards). (MEDICINE, CLINICAL) (MEDICINE, EXPERIMENTAL) KUKAINE, Rita, _KRILoVA,_N., red.; PILADZE, Z., tekhn. red. (Poliomyelitis prevention) Poliomielits, profilRkse. Riga, L4tvijas PSR Zinatnu akademijas izdevnieciba, 1962. 65 U. (MIRA 16:5) (POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE) I~rZ i ; - - -.- . . I Z . -, 7 . . . 7~ : : ~. -. 1 . . , -. .: 11-. , ; ~ . I-. . " 1 1 ~ ~~ ; : '~ - - , '-. . , I .. I . J- . . . . . . . . '. 'If :j, tl,-.c Ali "Thermol. ,lc ,,rod at toll of polyouccarlduo a pulcr ixt I Con&Tvs.3 on tac Memistry ond Physics Of IlIGh 1',)ly-rrs, 2!_': Jon-2, YO) 5'(1 i-pocov, Forest ',lezecreli Imit. B-3,0841195 T Eyf""A "E'llICA Sac 7 Vc)l 11/10 7erllatric~ Oct rQ, 2820. THE FwNcrIONAL CO%DITION Of-' TIIF LIVER IN H111:1111ATIC CIIILD- It EN WI I EN TREAT E.D BY ACTIf (Russiar. text) - Kri I ova T. v. PhOill., ENI)OKIt. 19511. 4!2 (08- 6 1) Gruplia 2 Antilox1r, prothrombin-producing and pigment functions of the liver were studied in 24 children with rheumatism (joint and cardiac forms) before and after treatment by ACTIL Certain patients were examined at the peak of administration of maximal (loses of the preparation. Glycaemia was also studied in these conditions. 'rhe patients received from 840 to t.000 U. of AcTit per course, commencing from 60 1.1. (JO U. t.i.d.), decreasing the 24-hour dose to 40-20 U. 'rhe above- mentioned functions of the liver were disturbed in the majority of the children be- fore treatment. After administration nf ACTII along with a general (finical improve- ment, normalization or pronounced improvement of the antitoxi,, prothrombin- forming and pigment function of the 'iver took place in the majority of the patients. Glycaemic curves underwent a chanj 1 in more than half of the children (the curves appro3ched the 'diabetic type'). The thanges were most pronounced at the peak of introduction of large doses of ACTI.. These disturbances were of short duration and disappeared in a few days afte- the administration of ACTII was discontinued. (Vt. 7) KACHA11OVi- V.A.; KRIM&A. Ye.P. Dust from grinding as a secondary raw material. Kauch. i rez. 16 no-7,35-37 J1 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1.Yaroslavskiy zavod asbotekhnicheo'cikh izdeliy i TSentralinaya nauchno-isaledovatellskaya laboratoriya, asbotakhnicheakikh izdeli.7. (Asbestos) (Brakes) ,~,'.V. [,M.,)jqv, ye. Vj; KRILOVA, Z.A. *Yrylr)v, Z.A. ] k Culture of Euglena, Infusoria, Hydri, Cyclops, and Daphnia in school. Biol i khIm 8 no.1:50-51 165. 1. Mtchurin State Pedagogical Institute, HichurInsk. L 31734-66 T DJ ACC NR, X060_:~U_15 SOURCE CODE: RU, AUT1HOR:__&&jj2M&q,L~ (Engineer); Danilov, B. (Engineer); Cristescu. M..(Engineer); Crozo, A. (Engineer) Dima, C.; MitacuA Aj Stan, I. ORG: none IV 1\ TITLE: Possibilities ofmanufacturing multigrade oils in the Rumanian People's Republic SOURCE: Petrol si gaze# v. 16, no. 3-4, 1965, 234-246 TOPIC TAGS: Oetroleum product, petroleum refining, fuel and lubricant additive ABSTRACT., The authors discuss laboratory tests performed with a view to the manu- facture in Rumania of the multigrade oils BAB 10W-30 HD and SAE 20w-40 HD from Rumanian raw materials plus imported additives. The multigrade oils produced in the laboratory were found to have characteristics similar to those of imported oils of the same type, leading to the conclusion -that their manufacture in Rumania is possible and advantageouse, Orig. art. has: 11 figures and U tables. (Based on authorst Eng. abatract) [JMS) SUB CODE: 11, 13 / SUBM DATE: none / OTH REF: 004 / SOV REF: 001 :.e-jI 0 Vo z Is 3p or a x =3 M. -sl I 1182 -20 0 _9 It -..90 3 Pa 0 1?A +-l z0 54 !ll::UMojf- a-as ais +3 0 r gh "eel d .8 'U 'd d-i .4 L q- A 40 a 1.4 ~hj 4i1".0 1.1, is . 14 imili; 3 00 tits Jug I!:!-. o 41 :01 bd fj--- IYANOV, M.Y.; KRIMI, G.Te. Innervation of the ovariou in fish. Vest.Lon.un.11 no.3785-97Y 156. (rISU,S--ANATOHY) (OVARTXS--I NMVAT ION) (MIRA 9:7) KRIMAII, I. Standardization of the mriln ship engines in the Caspian BRain. Mor. flot 16 no.11:12-13 N 156. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Glnvn;ry Inzhener Kaspiyakogo parokhodetva. (Marine engines) (Caspian Sen--Ships) KRIMAN, 1. Experience in increacing capacity of -power planto and ship speeds. Nor. flot 19 no-1:31-34 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Kaspiynkogo parokliodetva. (Marine engines) (Shipa-Speod) KRIMAIN I - P1,(lN'[K( V , A. , It,zh . ~-. p Lextboe)k on st-am bol.1-pra. Mor. fict 25 no-5:4f, Mf '6 5. (Y.-, k A I -~: f ) 1. 'U'Iavnyj lnzh. Kasptyskogo pnrokho4i3tva (for Kriman) . KRIMBERG BLI(~~mkol'shchlk !-.WA cl~ My suggestions. Stroltell no.11:12-13 1 58. (MIRA 11.-l?) 1. Strottelluo-montashno7e upravlentye No.8 trq9ta Moldpromntro7. Kishinev. (Windows) (Glass cutting) -A~ KRIMBERG, B.Yit, rutat-gr Now method for puttyirq-, rabbets. Suggonted by B.U.Krimborg. Rats.i lzobr.v stroi. no.9:65-67 159. WIRA 13:1) 1. Treat Moldnrometroy, Ktahinev. (Windows) YANITSKIY, Gi; KRIKBIIRG, B.Jpt., stakol'shchilt.; SUKACH. G. , inzh. ; VOU)VICH, A., Bi-Y55W, I., tekhnolog Suggested, developed, introduced. Izobr. i rats. no.11:30-31 N 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Bardyanskly zavod doroshnykh mashin (for Sukach, Volovich). 2. Duepropetrovskiy rechnoy port (for Bredun). (Technological innovations) POPOVY K.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAYVOWNSKAYAp Z.1.1 UMAYETS, V.P.; NIWV, V.I., VALUYKOP G.G.; OKHREMERO, N.S.; ZHDANOVICH, G.A.; DATUNASHVILI, Ye.N.;SER11INOVA,ff,I.-, MARCHENKO, G.S.; XURAKSINA, N.K.; TYURIN,-S.T.; TYURINA, L.V.; KRIMCHAR MS.; RAZUVAYEV., N.I.; 0GOWD111K, S.T.; MIKHAYLOV, SM.; ZHILYAKOVAY 0., red.; GILIKMAN, N., red.; FISENKO, A., tekhn. red.; (Wine making; manual for the workers of wineries on state and collective farms in the Crimea] Vinodelie; rukovodstvo dlia ra- botnikov vinodelicheakikh zavodov sovkhozov i kolkhozov Kryma. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1960. 415 p. (MIRA 16:)) (Crimea-Wine and wine making) r (I ie in! r 112-25. U-12r'142, 11 Parcil 1,1, (Lot,7,pla 'Zhimial In.-.11-1, .31.ato- :~p 1 4 1 1 PANCH3NKO, Yelena Vasillyevna; SKAKOV, Yuriy Alskeandrovich; POPOV. Xonotnntin Viktorovich; KRIKIM, Boris Isaakovj ; ARSINTITET, Petr Pavlovich; 1HORIN, TUN KvtRATS B.G.. doktor TARtrof ft , 0 tekhn.nauk, prof.. red.-; GORDON, L.M., red.indatelletva; KARASEV, A.I., [Kotallographic laboratory] Laboratoriia metallografii. Pod red.i B.G.Livshitsa. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo lit-ry po chernot t tevetnol metallurgil, 1957. 695 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Metallography) 7/3- ?1-4 10/3n T I'-`.E Review of the Lectrres ( Ob.3uz1h,loniye d.--kludov) "'RTODICAL. Zlh~,rnal Neorganicheakoy Khinil, P1511 Vo', 3. Nr 4 S95-097 (USSR) ABSTPACT: Krimer states Viat the reOUItS concerning the phase equilibrium in the tunk-sten-niobium system, which were delivered by V, S Mikheyev "id not completely agree with those obtained by Yximer in the Laboratory for Metallo- graphy of the Institute for Steel (Moscow). Here Krimer gives his results which are reprenented in one table and 7 iia,-ra!7a The author worked with almont pure tunjston (99.99,%)/; pure niobium was not at his disposal; rith 'M.4~S niobium containing 6~S of secondary components of which Atanium, 00 1~ silicon 0,07 ~j iron and 0,04 o lead Besides, the author acknowled,-es that t-!e meltings were per- formed in a vacuum-electrode-furnace, which possessed a copper base and that by this the alloys were polluted to a Card 1/3 small extent, The first two diai~,,ra7.3 here refer to the Review of the Lectures measurements of the lattice periols of t!.e aolid Lioluticti at l2oo 0 and 1400 01 the fol lowing, t-so of the hardneso measuremente according to Vickers: a) after and b)- after hardening at 12ooO; th-.~ next dia-Iram ahows measurements of the apecific electrio ieuiatluncc conditions, and finally a diagram shows teir.:.erature niea-qiirf~, ments of the melt dependent on ~,ts kompGsit,.on Kr.;-,-~r arrives at the assumption that it in I'mcre probable" .~Aut the tion of a continuous serien of solid 3oluti,)ns must be thc. consequence of the combined action of nic-)iurri ani Yeremenko, of the Instituto for I'letal- Curam-,cs and Alloys of the Ukrainian AS, co:.,ipares the results of hic, ,t% veatigations of 1956 concerniti,- the allo., ntructure .,-f th~- chromium-nioblum systems x-,th the results :,f V F Fr:ir,.'-.#- which were last delivered on the same subject, and finds t*~ie- in agreement except the tenperatareE) es,;eciLlly the soliaus temperature - in the author's measurements-reau-Ited 6o 0 hiCher, becai,se, however, here a - - if acc. racy C~.rd 2/13 of + 30 0 is in question, the author is of opinion t' .~t thE Review of the Lecttires 73-3-4-lo/35 determined difference is not of great importance.. the author staf-s that the temperatuins Ir,,-iven in the lectures by F"nke and Yelyutin generally were too low. C'uncerning the solubility of chromium in niobium (maximum -oncentration) Yeremenko is of opinion that on this subject too hiGh values were published, for 2o~'7 certainly wore too hiGh. The author maintains that he had performed radioj;raDhic investigations of the Cr Nb compound aa welli however, two r-ound modifications, which are dealt with jy Funke and Yelyutin could not be determined by him.There are 7 ficmres,l table. ASSOCIATIOI: Institut stali', Moskva (Moscow,Steel Institute) Inotitut metallokeramiki i spetsiallukh snlavov An USSR (In3tjtute for Metallocerami .Cs and Special Alloys, AS Ukrainian SOR) Card 3,13 KRIIM, 13.19, dots,, kand. tokhn. nauk; MA7VNYX7, YU.To.,, inzh. InvOgtigatine, Phase equilibrium in the tungston - niobium system. Sbor. Inst. stall no.38t420-426 '5B. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Kafedra, metallografli Moskovskogo instituta stall im. Stalina. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Tungsten-niobium alloys-4btallography) 10(6) 3 1,4/ 11, 5- 2 -- 45 AUTHORS: 7,orelik, S. S., Krimer. 1. 1. TITLE: Investigation of the Initial Temperature of the Recrystalliza- tion of the Alloys of the System Tun(-;iten--Niobium (Isaledo-.,F.,i.iy3 temperatur nachala rekriatallizatsii oplavov nisto,:,.y voll- frnm-niobiy) PERIODICAL: 11auchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. I'letallurgiya, 1)5t)~ Nr 2, pp 233-237 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The dependence of the initial temperature of the recrystal-- lization on the concentration of the componentfj in the systeir, tungsten-niobium was inveatigated. The alloya cf this system form a continuoua series of solid solutions. 11,1etals of a purity of 99.9 percentages by weight tungsten anl 99.4 per.. contages by weight niobium were used for the production of the alloys. The alloys were melted in a vacuum furnace in an argon protective atmoophoze with a tungaten electrode. Several properties of the alloys with purest tungsten anI niobium are given in a table. The results concernin,-, the initial temporature of the recryatallization of the solutions inven- tigated are given in the figure. '."he initial temperature of 0 Card 112 the recrystallization of niobium and tinigater. are 1150,. 1000 P 9 30*~'1 -,--2 -43, Investigation of the Initial i'emperature of the Recrystallizat-lon of t.;e Alloys of the System Tungston-lilobium respectively. The results show that the addition of small quantities of the second component (0.5 -- 5"-) increases the inlial temperature of recrystallizati:)n by approximatoll? 300 . The maximum initial temperature for the reoryslalliza.- tion of the alloys of the rystem W - -11b is obtained in tungsten alloys by addition of 5 - 0 grarn-atomic percentage nioblum. The initial temperature of the recryntallization of alloys of equiatomic composition OW', W anit 50%, NO is only inconsiderably increased. The rinximum values for Tsolution of the inventigated single-phase alloys of these Tmelt two-oubstance systems are not higher than 0.1,0 - 0.55. There are 1 figure, 1 tabletand 4 Soyiet referencoo. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Inatitut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: may 8t 1958 Card 2/2 18(7) SOV/,72-25-9-50/53 AUTHOR; Krimer, B. I., Docent TITLE: N. F. Lashko and N. I. Yeremins Phasa Analysis and Structure of Auatenite Steels. Mashgiz, 1957, Editiow.3#000 Copies, 233 Pages, Price: 9 Rubles PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriyaj 1959P Vol 251 lir 9, PP 1148-1149 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A review of the book mentioned in the title is given; it is intended for engineers and teohnicians to be used for work e stools. in the field of metallography of high-alloy auatenit ' The work contains data obtained by the authors themselves as well as data published in '234 other articles* In the first chapter, the properties of auntenita and ferrite ateelo are compared# and the influence-exerted by Aho alloying constituents on the stability of the a- and y-phases in ferroalloys and on the structure formation of austenite steels is investigated. Several methods used to investigate a:uatenite steels axe,ex-. plained in the second chapter, and in the third chapter a classification of the carbide phases and phases penetratin, into the austenitic structure together with some properties of these phases is given. In ihe fourth chapter, probl.erts Card 1/2 of the two-phase structure of austenite steels are discus3ed. C", OV13 2 -2 5 -5 - 5 0/53 11. F. Laahko and H. 1. Yeregin. Phase Analysis and Structure of Austenite Steels. Mashgiz, 1957, Edition-3pOOO Copies, 233 Pages, Price: 9 Rubles The fifth chapter deals with changes in the structure of austenite steels in the non-oquilibrium state. In the sixth chapter, th* distribution of the alloying constituents ir, steel between the individual phases occurring is desoribe4, while in the seventh chapter the effect exercised by Nip Mn, and Cc 6n the phase composition of composite alloy austenite steels is considered* The eighth chapter iu devoted to the formation of intermetallic phases in austenite ate,.Ja. . In the review, some shortcomings ani errors in the text of the book are referred to, such as the fact that colored microphotographs should be reproduced instead ot black-and-white reproductionst some necessary data are and incorrect interpretations of phase transformations a.e given. Card 2/2 RALITSZV. Mlkhnil Vaoil'yovich. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; HAR4WOVA, TDmara Aleksandroyna, dotaunt, lcand.tekhn.nauk; BORIN, Yedor Androyevich, dotsent. kand.takhn.nauk; GOLOVIII, A.Y., prof., general-mayor inzh.vtekhnicheskoy oluzhby, retsenzent; USOV, A.F., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nouk, reteenzent; PANCHLiKO, Ye.Y., doteent, kand.tokhn.nauk. rot sen2ent; sent, k.-ind.tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; SHPICHIIIIUSKIY, Ye.S., red.; L4MAYZVA. O.K., red.izd-va; VATNSHHT~, To.B., CHotallography of nonferrous metale and alloys; with an atlas of mcro- and microstructuras in supplemnntj Motallograflis tevetnykh metallov i splavov- 9 Drilozhanier Stlass mpkro- i m1kroBtruktur. Pod obahchey red. M.Y.Anllteeva;-MoakvatoGoo.nBuchno-tokhn.izd-vo.lit-ry po chernol. i tavatnoi'metallu 911. 19 372 p. (MIRA 13;9) 1. Kafedra metallovedeniya Moskovsk-ogo instituto tavetnykh metallov L zolota im. H.I.Kalinina tfor Mal'teev, Barsukova. Borin). . (lionforrorun metals--Motallogrnphy) - PRM I BOOK ZVLOITAZI.Cm 307/4782 Mosecm. Institut attli Prollvadstvo I abrabatka stall I %PlavOv (Prot4ctiOn &Md T-04tut'.1t r Steel and Alloys) Moac~. 1960. 442 p. * (Series& Itag 3bomlk. 39) 2.100 copl.s printed. A. SOMOI Ed. of PUblishing House. 3. L. Ztrg.r,. Too.,&. 12's-OL R. Zleynnan, Editorial Council Or Who instItut-t X. A. =j%k4v, Prefox"r, D"tor of T.4nnlaal 3-c-ences; P. N. Qrla-ra~l, Doceo%, Candidate of Technical Sciences; T. P. Yo-Yut.40. ft~fels~r, Doctor of Technical Soleness; A. A. ZIM--r-Itaktly. i'mroasar. Doctor of Chemical Soleness; 1. M. Kle4n. F=ftasor, Zoctcr of Technical 3cl*nceoj 5, 0. LIvehits, froresser, Doctor of Tdc!%- c5cioncesn; k. r. LT-mbtmov, Proreasor, Doctor of Tochni-call aleal 34100 *a; 1. . Pavlov, Corr*zpondina rw~zor. AaAdecq or Uien_es =Mj and A. X. tokhvlsn*v. Pmf4asor, Doctor or _10`4~=Zal rUR?=1 MAID 'book is intoneed for tochnical personnel in Indust-ri. scientific Institutions and ocnools or *4acatl_-. dealtri witzi open-4tearth and sl*ctric-rurnace st**!=A~ang, "z&1 roll-tri. Physical metallura. and n.At_1rV.=oct. it a" Card 1/10 be used by Students 97*"alIZIM9 In these rl.!.da. -41 t CCMA=i The back contains rea t& or th*c_-*tlcal and w.3;,e -,,t- 4". al Investigations or metal'Mrilcal and hwa__.nginovr~~g in open-hearth and electric r,4roaces. Daze are Ineujed on t, faUowiags desulfurlaJng of pig Iron out,-_::e the b:A3t ru",ce. Latera4tIon of oxides or tb& carbtdo-ftrmiog metals w%= &oIiLj 4 cbAO4* Of content of gas*$ I= tze bat.1% of =o o;,en- 'Arbea, th hearth ruxnace In various petoja of molting. the electria smiting of $."I. etc. otha. ArtIcI*a deal wIth the 000=1formity or deformation in _91-11MC, the StIA&j of the continuous rolling process. the dePwn4qn:w ef the friction. 411,PP40 ccOffIclents In rolline, an a w~=~r of end other problems In the pre3p.or-41n, or mota.,,. Articles on physical metallurgy and the theoretical prt-nziples ard teahnlq_~a of in* beat troatuent of steel are daso tnt aded. MQ p*rzensu- ties are mentioned. References accoeptny ~at or ti6e ~tiaios. lhore am 20T rareroncos, both Soviet and 5c`M_3ovIG1.. -am ?~-o and X. S. C ndlda-. of :eohn-a.: 3&1- -i f-Pk-f rta c ,ir t s [D n e e;a " o of tz, rho&* ZqulUbr1um In the Co-Cr-A.1 System ft-7 Candidate of -veh,,jc%l and X. S. Lacn1kovich, Rniar**.r (D"art=ent of ftysicza P#t%j_ x:...ti:s or t. to I " formation or Aastenito G*ngrated During lh~_ LM Ball-BaLring Steel 26 4 someatoys. M. L.. Docent, Candidate of T*cbn-.*al 3ct---**, Xnalne.r (DePa~t=*It Or PhYs-431 A-'Rlluray d, iL~ - I - t T;; 6it Xff f C avi *s A - *lt O 0041 lons or kuatenitl z. ng o~ the T"4*ncY Of Steel TO-AM T*ozPer Rrlttj*n.#.. itrul I-r, 0. X- a~dldst. Of Nchnioal Sel- o e WOODS (Department 'al or Co--cr-Al og gr 4; J Al ors 306 ~ Lldloo 1. 0. Rolatloashlp Be-v~*a Crboo CO&e"trjktLon A Card 7/ 10 3/14 60/000/007/008/015 A161YA029 AUTHORS: Strug, Ye.M.; Krimer, B.I.; Panchenko, Ye.V. TITLE: Determining Specific Electric Resistance on Specimens of Arbitrary Shape PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallur- giya, 1960, 11r 7, pp 125-128 TITLE: The improved Galender (Russian transliteration) s,--,ot resistance method /Ref 2,3, English/ was used in experiments with specimens of Fe-A) and Iv7-11b system alloys, and the results agreed with data of previous studies of Fe-Al alloys available in literature. The essence of the Galender method consists in measuring the voltuge drop between two urbi- trarily chosen points on the specimen surface. The article includea a detailed description of the measuring device used (Figures I and 2), having two brass bars and two contact needles. '-'he measurement errors were not higher Lhan 0.002,':/~, though current inatab.-.1ity arid inaQcuracy of graduati(w, raised it to 0-5-1~0%. A -nnT)l -1" (PPIN-1) low-re-si,itanre pf)tentiometer was used for meagurements. The instrunont wais t',nailuiited fcr different Card 1/3 S/148/60/000/007/008/015 A161/AO29 Determining Specific Electric Resistance P.-, Specimens of Arbitrary Shape metals and alloys (Figure 3). The slope angle of the straight line in (Figure 3) to the axis of the abscissa ~Aelds the coefficient G(and is to be introduced Into the formula P-dR vL.- ohm - mm2/m where R is the N V N N standard resistance; V - the resiutance drop on the specimen; V N - the resistance drop on the standard resistance; Ok- the graduation coeffi- cient; p - the specific electric resistance of material tested. The dependence of the instrument readings on the specimen thickness (d) is shown in (Figure 4), where it can be seen that from 4 mm and higher the thickness has no more effect. The method has been tried on Fe-Al (Figure 5) and 'VI-Nb (Figure 6) alloys. The results coincided well with the available literature data for Fe-Al alloys. The method may be employed for determination of electric resistance in small specimens as well as specimens of brittle metals that are not easily machineable. It is mentioned that Engineer Yu.Ye. Matveyev participated in experiments with W-Nb alloys, and steel needles were used for potential contacts. There are 6 Figurea and 4 referencent 2 are 3oviet and 2 Engli-3h, Card 2/3 S/146/60/000/007/008/015 A161 A029 Determining Specific Electric Resiutance on Specimens of Arbitrary Shape ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) V/ SUBMITTED: July 3, 1959 Card 3/3 2 WUIJM, M.N., kand.tekhn.niLuk;,~~MR,_.P!~_;., kand.takhn.nauk Properties of oobalt-chromiulm-4Lluminum alloys. Sbor.Inst. stili no.39:306-314 160. (XIRL l3S7) 1. Kafedra metallografil Moskovskogo ordem Trudovogo Xrasnogo Znameni instituta ~t&U im. I.T.Stalinas (Cobalt-chromium-aluidn= alloys) 7-7F- FANCHEIKO, Yelena VaslllyovTia, dots.; SKAKW, Yuriy Alek.,.-umdrovich, Qotn.; 011*1R, izris loaakovIch, dDts.; ARSENTIY;~`V' Pitr Mirn Yakovlevna, a-istont; POPOV, Konstantin Viktorovich, dots.; Prinimalft uchastiy( SHASILPTKINA, A.V.; LIVSHITS, B.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red. [Metallographic laboratory) Laboratorlia metallografii. Monkvaj Metallurgilap 1965. 439 p. (141hUt 18:9) . 1 4 i1v TKAGM, K.I.; CHINIKOVA, L.Y.; SARATIDY, M.G.; LKBEDRY, K.P., inzhener, rmteenzent; BARANOV. I.A., inzhener. redaktor; L-EYKINA, T.L., rodaktor; POLOSKATA, R.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Improving the technology of canting fixtures) Usovershenstvoyania takhnologii otlivki detalei armatury. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1955. 154 p. (MLRA 8:11) (Founding) IMIKER. G-1- . Method of preparation of seminars in medical history; results at the Saratov Medical Institute. Sovet. zdravookhr. 11 no.4:21-24 July-Aug 1952. (CIXL 2312) 1. Docent. 2. Saratov Medical Institute* "DeveloT.~~erir. o'L' ll)*r)!'c i~eutth ir tipte 3ara,ov r, :4L-;) IlUblic .health Saratov Aate ' ed i~otf ~;.,; r L, 1, c v (DA13:3erl.-it i,,n f or tli--. -0--rep of ~~o Aor of , ed Ical No. 32) 6 "%u- 55 IT _TT__ 7- -T jr- I LTAPIDUS, L.B., redaktor; KRIM. I.L.. redaktor [China) Kital. Otyetstvenrqa redaktorr Liapidus, L.B.1 Krimer, I#L. Moskva. 1950. (MLRA 7:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaync7a upravlaniyfj geodezii i kartografii. (China-Maps) KRIMER, I.L., redaktor CItaly; school map) Italit&; uchebuala karta. Otv*tstronnyl rodaktor Krimer. 1.L. Moskva, 1952. (MIRA 7:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glawnoye upravlentys geodosit i kartogmfit. (Italy-Amps) KRIMER, I.L.,; SOBOLEVA, V.S.,; SKURTGIWA. P.V..; SHURAN, Te.M., otv.rej.; TRET'YAKOVA. L.Ye., otv red.; BALANTSEVA, I'l.,; SHAPIRO, Te.M.,; Fl;~SEYSV. V.A., red.; BENEVSKAYA, V.A.. red.; SOLOVITEV, S.N., [Cartographic chronicle; organ of the state bibliography of the U.S.S.R. for 1951-195A, Kartografichookala letople'; organ gosudaretvennoi bibliografii SSSR. 1951-1953. Moskva, Izd-vo Vaes.knizhnoi palaty, 1954. 162 p. (xrRA 12:7) 1. Vaenoyuznaya knizhnaya.palata. (Bibliography--Maps) YANYSMA, S.K.,; SLASHCHIVA. S.K.,; XHIKIR. WBOLUVA, Y.B.,,j SHURAN, TeX, YEDOEMYNT. V.A., red,,l BZHBVSXAYA, V.A., red.; SOLOVIYET, S.N., [Cartographic chroniclej organ of the state bibliography of the U.S.S.R., 1954] lartografichaskaia letopis'; organ gosudaretyennol bibliografil SSSR, 1954. Noskva, Izd-vo Vese.knishnoi palaty, 1953. 124 p. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Veasoyuznaya knizhnaya palata. (Bibliography--Maps) L -1649,-!--66 1:'-TF(m)/'F-',T(J ACC NRi AP6027086 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/65/035/010/1877/1878 V -0 AUT110R: Shamshurin, A. A.., Krivoshchekova, 0. Yo.; Krimer, M. Z. ORG: Institute of Chemistry, AN MoldSSR (Institut khimii AM MoldSSR) TITLE: Synthesis of dialkylcarbalkoxyph sphatesi SOURCE: Zhurnal ob~hchey khWi, v- 35, no. 10, 1965, 1877-1878 TOPIC TAGS: chemical synthesis, phosphate, pota6sium compound, carbonate, ester, solubility, organic solvent, chemical stability, hydrolysis ABSTRACT: . To synthesize dlalkylearbalkoxyphosphatesi the.authors used various potassium sonoalkylearbonates as one co;aponent and -dialkylehlorophosphatea as the other component In aodurdance wIth kihe equation ROCOO?( + CI(O)P(OR'), --o- 110C(O)OP(0)(OR' )2 The 15 esters obtained-were colorless liquids with a faint odor, mij'parlngly soluble Iq water and soluble In ether, alcohol, benzene, 4'pd other organic solvents* They are unstable at room temperature IIAA d stable at OOC. Hydrolysis results In the formation of dIalkyl 'rhosphate, alcohol, and oarbon dioxide. The yield of dialkyl- -Y I was 60%. The phyalcoohelaloal properties or the products are presented. Orig. art. has: I table. [JPRS: 36,3281 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 14Dec64 / ORIG REF: 00`7 :5L7.26, I AN, 1-2 1 i E K OV A I C, K% ~5 T'M.IC: .1877-187F 0 165. 1 . I-ns t -I t7it Oiilut~ '4 AN MolmavBkoy FSR. ASKOVA, I.A., lash.j IVANOVA, S.N., lnzh.; KRIMER, R.N., inzh.; XUDRYAVTSE'VA, E.I., inzh. White opacified glazeB containing zirconium ror porcelain insulators. StekA ker. 19 no.1102-35 N 062. (MM l5sl2) 1. Zavod "Izolyator". (Electric Insulators and Insulation) (Glazes) .0 ; 10) TF X AID P - 3502 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 17/21 Authors Zabolotnyy, I. I., Koztum, V. P., and B. M.Krlmenwn Title Selective corrosion of zinc Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim., 24, 6, 655-659, 1955 Abstract Plates of sheet zinc (1.8 mm thick) containing O.rA , Pb, 0.12% Cd, and 0.02% Fe were treated with acid solutions, namely: 18.4% H2SO4, HC1., or HNO at room temperature. The experimental data show that &e nature of the corrosion depends on the acid used. One diagram, 6 references, all Russian (1931-1953). Institution : None Submitted : S 4, 1953 GUREVICH, Alaksandr Mikhaylovich; GOROZHANKIN, Vlktor Ivanavich; HEIMAN,X.R., Inzhener, redaktor; SOKOLOVA.N.N., tekhnicheskiy re- ltat-6r-'- ' (Tractor DT-54] Traktor MT-511. Moskva, Ooa.izd-vo selkhoz.lit-ry, 1955. 318 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Tractors) NOVIKOV, Mikhail Pavlovich,: pjMFLWL1,..XtN.. nauchnyy rod.; SEREBRY-NNIKOVA, L.A., red.; SUSH)MVICH, V.I., teichn. red. [Power tool for assembling m9chicery] Makhanizirovqnnyl Instrument dlia eborki mnshin. Moskva# Vase. ucha'~no-pedngog. izd-vo Trudrezervlz4at, '1957. 231 p. (MIRA ll*.11) (Power tools) GIRSKIY, Vladimir Andreyevich; IAPIR, Ylaviy Allbertovich; SUSNUOT, Aleksandr Alskseyevich; OGIIIIVICH, V.A., kand. takhn. nauko retsenzent; XR, a4 X'S., lub., red.; NIKITIN, A.G., red. izd-va; HdiLls B&IO."tokhn. red.; BLIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. [Automatic concrete and mortar p3antel Aytomatisirovannye betourqe i rastvornys sivody. Nookya, Goo. nsuchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1958. 174 p. OCMA 13:.- 10) (Mixing machinery)(Antonatiiq control) SYOLIN, Alaksandr Ntrovich; SIIDWOVICH, S.V., inzh., retsenzent; KRDOBW. M.N., inzh.. red.; TWUNOT, A.Ya., tekhu. red. --l. - ~-- - I- 119--505 and A-505A ("51) power shovels; design, operation', and repair] Bkslmvator5r W-505 , X-505k ("51); konstruktaiia, ekspluatataiia, i remout. Koskvat %9. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinoetroit. lit-ry, 1958. 258 p. (MIR& Il.-q) (Shoveling machines) SOKOLOV, X.R.; UNSTAYWYNY, S.V.; ROSTOTSKIY, V.K.; GRNCHIN. N.K.; STANKOYSOY, A.P.: BAUM", V.A.; B=DWi, I.L.: BORODACW, I.P.; BOYXO, A.G.; VAIMSKIY, I.I.; TATSSLAV!;XAYA, L.U., VOL'YSON. A.7.; DOKB'AOVSKIY, H.G.; YWNUS. H.ra.; YFYIWMNKO, V.P.; ZIMIN, P.A.;. ITANOT, V.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, A.A.; KOSTIN, I QMIWAN. 14.N.;.LINEVA, M.S.: 1CM11COV, A.S.; 14IROPOL'SUYA. N.K., PETROV, RIOROT. A.S.-, ROGOVSKIY, L.V.; SMIRKOV. G.Ya.; SILUNANSKIY, Y.F.; SlilKA140TICH, S.Y., SIDWIM, V.A. Ngenii Richardovich Peters; obittmry; Makh. ctrol, 15 no-1:3 of cover A '58. (MIRA 11:1) (Peters. XWgenii Richardovich, 1892-195?) V- C~ I- -. .- ~, P-,-- ,IF~ I i .1 f- x - - .~ I .I#- IMIRIOU4101. 14.14. .inzh. - - Series of now concreting machines. Makh. strol. 15 no.1:27-28 A 158. Mokh. Btral. 15 no.2:27-28 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) (Road rvcninary) VASILIYY.V, A.A.i inzh.; MfflWY1OV, Tu.G.. inzh.; PRUSSAX, B.N., inzh.; SHIMANOVICH. S.V., insh.; IfSCHETOT, G.P., inzh., reteenzest; MUNIRMAN, *.ff., inzh., red.; UVAROVA, A.F., (Construction and road machinery In agriculture] Stroitelinye I dorozhnye mashiny v.sellskom khozinistve. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ryg 1959. 390 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Agricultural machinery) (Building machinery) (Road machinery) -2 WWM,4 MIS BUIAVIN, Ivan Aninimovich; SILHNOKp Sargey Cleorgiyevich; TRWITAKOV, I.M., inzh., ret:enzent; KRIM1RW,_K.N_-o 1nzh.0 redo; d z T.F., DANILOV, L.N.. r . d-vat [Kaohineis for makine, building wterialel Nachiny dlia prois- vodstva stroitellnykh M-aterialov. Izd.2., parer. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo maohinostroit.lit-ry. 1959. 464 p. (KIRA 13:11) (Building materials industry--Equipment and supplies) BAUMAN, Y.A.0 kandstekhn.nauk; MMURUKOY, H,Tn., doteent, kand.tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; XRIHKDW , N.Y., inzh., red.; TIKHAHOY. A.Ta., (Equipmont for manufacturing building materials; a reference manual) Oborudovanie dlia proizvocietva stroitellnykh mate- rialoy; spravochnik. Moskva, Goe.nnuchno-takhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1959. 576 p. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Chlon-korreopondent Akademii stroitallstva i arkhitaktury SSSR (for Bauman). (Building materials) -A; Of g CHURABO, Dmitriy DtAtriyevich; MALOV, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KRIMIERMANI M.Nlp inzh*j red.; YELISKMt V.S., red. izd-va;ELI- KIM), V.D.-O tlejum. red. [Parts and units of instraments; design and construction menuall Detali i uzly priborov; konotruirovanie i ranchaty. Spravochnoe pooobla. Izd.2.t ispr. i'dop. Moskva, Cos. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1961. 518 p. (KIRA .14:9) (Instruments-Design and construction) CHURABO, Dmitriy Umitriyevich; LHIII W!AN N.A., tekhn. red. - .~z .; PULIDYAYEV, (Design of radio components and assembly unita]Konstruirova- nie detalei i uzlov radioapparatury. Moskva, Gosenergoisdat, 1963. 439 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Radio-Equipment and supplies) -M A 'SA T, I.Ya.; A.A., kand. tl~-kJm, w1w, r,-,tr,~nzent; V ozh., red. [Pillar cranes for use in building] :3troitellnye "Dashen- rVe krany. Izd.2., perer. i dop. 11-onkva, Izd-vo "I ashIno- 'Itrocniep" 191".4. 378 P. 7: S) T Ij .AI 1-9r - N -At T' R Y,'Kli, A. A. , i~, kand. t rtr-uz, zent-, red. [Calculationo for tnillluz~.r3 ~P.~ Paschc,L bifll.aiozera lia 12e T- 1. MO cow. Vses-IvuzTvy stroltellnop i mmmuf, P. Organizing motion-picturn and photographir supply stores. Sov. torg. no.2:57-58 F 159- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Direktor opetsiallzlrovannogo magazine. kino-fototovarov No.6 Hookul'ttorga. (Photography-4pparatus and supplies) (Motion-picture PhotograpNy-Apparatus and supplies) KRIMERMAN, P. Czechoslovakian motiOn-picture cameras. Soy. foto 19 no.4:61-62 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Czechoolovakla-gotion-picture cameras) K-ql.k:g, qyAll, p. Necoagity to take onere,,etic measures. Sov. foto 19 no.10:75 0 159. (MIRA 13:1) (PnotograpV-Equipment and supplies) KRIMEMAN, P.; POPOV, A. Czechoslovak photographic enlarging apparatus. no.11:68-69 N '59. (Csechooloyakia--.Photograph,r--Itnlrirging) Sov.foto 19 (MIRA 13:4) KRlYZRMAN. 1'. Complaints of amateur photographers. bov. torg 33 no-10:36-37 u 159. (MIRA 13:1) l.Diroktor moskovskogo magazina "Kinolyubitell." (Photography-Apparatus and supplies) SMORODIN, Viktor Alekneyevich; KRIKMWII, Patr Hoineyevich; ALSMINVA, Z.F., red.; BABICHEYA,V.V., LFor the buyer of still and movie cameras] Pokupateliu o foto- L kinoapporatakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 86 p. (hIRA 13:11) (cameras) "Kvarts-1" and Kvarts-24 motion-picture carri-ras. Sov.foto 20 no.2:38 F 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Motion-picture cameras) KRTHIRMAN. P.'. Semiautomatic "Neva* motion-picture carie-ra. Sov.foto 20 no-3:39 Mr '60. (MTRA 13:7) Notion-P Icture cameran) x1i D&R" Amateur motion-picture cameras. Sov. f4re. 34 no.11:43-46 N '60. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Direktor moskovskogo magazzina 40nolyubltell." (Notion-picture cameras) BARINOV, L.V.; GEODAKOV, A.].; GRINFVICI!, Ii.Ya.; I01FIS, Ye.A., kand. teklin. nnuk; KRIY&dIAN, P.M.; LAFUAI, A.A.; 11,11'.112OV, I.b.; r-,UIFILOIJ, NX.-JI-IMLI V-.C'- kard. tekhn. nauk; FERTSIK, A.G.; r0LYAI-.'SKIYI II.N.; POPOV, A,Ii.; ~-X-'ONOV, A.G.; SUROVO S.G.; SHASHIDV, B.A.; TELESHEV, A.F., reci.; MALEK, Z.N.v tekhn. red. (Manual for the amateur-photographorl Spravochnik fotoliubitelia. Pod obahchei red. E.A.Iofisa i V.G.Pellia. Moskvaj, Inkiisstvo 1961. 530 P. (MIRA 15:71 (Photography ... Handbooka, manuals, etc.) 'ion KRI:---Z"Al!p P, Votion-picture aticli -,,-oto,,-7ra-'hic rtoro.,; of the German Demccratic 111cpublic. Sov. tor,-. 35 no.1.1:6C-63 1. 161. (I:IRA 14:10) (GniT&ny, l.'aqt--Tlotogra-p)iy--Al! aratus -xd ourplies) ijARINOV, L.V.; "IFOUAKOV, A.I.; GRZEUGF, il,.Ya.; D;YLO, YO.A., ~nnd. teklai. nnO.;JLlW4M4Al, LAPAUE1, A.A.; MMENKOVY I.i~.; PANFILOV, N.L.; E'LL', V.G'l kand. tekhn. nauk,-"PS(TTSIK, A.G.j FOLY~ZKIY, N.N.; FOFOVY N.A.; SH40NOV, A.G.; SUROV, ~%G.; SHASHLOV, B.A.; TE!I~SHEV, A.11., red. [Ilandbook for the amateur pho tc grit pher I Spravochnik fa- tollubitella. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Iokwstvo, 1964. 472 p. (VIDA 18:1) S/C5I/61/OCO/011/0;52/040 B103,/B202 AUTHORSs Ru(iakova, N. Ya., Bilonizhka, A. D., Krimerman, S. Z. TITL,~; t Carbamide deparaffi.,ation of filtratos oil' u3raffir. production from the Dolina and Boris lav PLRIODICLLt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya. no. 11. 1961, 483, abstract 11M193 (11M193). ("Nauchn. zap. Gos. ri. I proypktn. in-t ugolln., rudn., neft. i guz. prom-sti Tkrriiproyekt", ;960, vyp. 83 - 85) TEXT: Melium oil fractions of the petroleum froi-a the Dolina and Boriqlav deposits boiling out in the temperaturE. rango 260 - 510COC and solidifying at 28 - 330C contain up to solid paraffin hydrocarbons and supply raw material for the production of petroleum paraffin. V31 - 20 paraffin and 82 - 60 ~j filtrate were obtained from tho (A.,itillate Ly Mijans of the filter prriss method. The filtrat- contair-3 up to 8.41 paraffLn, its solidification point lieu at 4900. To obtain a filtrate with a relatively low solidification point and easily paraffins a carbamide deparaffiriation of the filtrate of th-,~ plaraffin production was Card 112 01110;121C)40 Carbamide deparaffination... B 1C,,:k,/B2C-2 carricd out. Deparaffination was carri~od ou' by T,,~-ano cry3talline carbamide in the presence of rectified alcohol ar actvator. The followiQ3 proved to be the optimum conditions for c3rbamid-~ deparaffina-ion of the filtrate of paraffin production; carbamide enns,imnticn r-~ferr-d to raw material 70 activator 2,-)', duration of stirring i,O min. As a result of 61 carbamide deparaffination the solidificL.tior. point -,14 the filtrate drops to -24, -250C and low-melting paraffins wi-th 'heir point at +33, ' C, +340C are obtained. b9traoters note- translation.] Card 212 A ~ ~ 1,;: ( ~;,- ~-- ~ , 7 , . . .., ! , , , - r. ,,- J 0 ll,~ I ~ *, A T" - A r ~ ". -; , I -, 7 f I :, - ~ . A , _. , 111:. . . ~ - : ~ I . - - I , - i- ~ I , I I - .. I .: ,, .: -j -, . . I I . : - : - I ~ ~ , I; DI'.. ff,lJr,:L ya. . kand. tekhrj. wvik; I If) ."12"T ~~ YT .I', II Obtaining cm.;.merclal paraCifins awt furil o!Itt by li- f-. desLructive (jh;tljjutjor. of ~, heavy pj-af'rlr.- .1uljrtcfAi-L from wf-stern l1kralra c.;ilg. Nuft. i jr,,Lz. zl"'Alraly, rilkilloy, (for E c- 1 ~)!rr,, k2, Ilervy-y droj:-obycl.,ik!y nivod (11.'or '!eltnik, GNS!MLIN, S.A.; - KRM-M-'DT&.D. Chloropento eyndrome ln cleatricial atenoses of the pylorus. Vrach.delo no.7:37-39 JI 160. (KIRA 13;7) 1. Rhirurgichookoye otdolonlye (zave4iWushchiy - prof. B.Te. Yrankenberg) Odeeskoy gorodskoy klinichookoy bolluitay No.l. (PMRIC STENOSIS) ALATYRTSEVA, I.N.; HIUMIER, R.I.;-XETA-Ih, G.L. New dyes for leather. Eozh.-obuv.prum- 3 no.11:2(-28, N '61. (FIRA 15:1) (Dyen and dye1nV--LeaLher) - I- -- 'Z-~ - 6 - M.". - - -~ -I'T, "- - *,. - .1 -.1 . _;Cv. ~J,JPKM-, Ya.M. [Krymker, 1A.M.] h-evention o'A.' hemorrhages In l&1x)r according to materials from gynecological consUlLationa. Ped.,akush. I gin. 24 no.1:60-61162. (141fiA 16:8) 1. Akusheralgo-ginekologichne viddileanya spetsializovanoi kLi- nichnol, likarnime Kiyova (golondy likar - T.P.Hovikova (Ilovykova,, T.P. , naaikoviy kiorivnik - nauk 0.1. levdokimov (lEvdokymov 2 0.1.)). (UMOPMAGE) Uluilx) KRIMLTAN, A.I.; SIVONYAN, S.A. ontrolling mealy bugs in the greenhouse. Izv. Ali Arm. SSR. Blol. I sellkhoz. nauki 11 no.7:117-11A Jl '5P. (MIRA 11:9) l.Botanicheeki.v institut, AN Arm.SSR. (Mealy bugs) (Parathion) (Greenhouse plants--Diseases and posts) j n;,, 36 rto. 1 3 37 Ja 165. (Y L RA 18,: 14) AYZEIIISIMOT, L.A.; MIIKOV, P.M.; GLADKOV, D.A.; LIKET, L.O.; YGRUTER,_~I,X-o 911EPAV, I.I.Ya., kand. tokhr. nauk; ,j- KA. 'ITMFOIT-1 M.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOPERBAYXI B.L.; CHERINIKOV, S.S., kand. takhn.nauk; BELOV, V.S., ZIVRDI) B.F.; XONAKHOV, G.A.p kand.tokhn.nauk; MOROZOV, I.I.; 1/,USIITAYEV, A.F.; OGNEV, N.N.; PAIM, M.B., kand. tok)m. nauk; FURM-1p D.B.; LIVSHITS, A.L., kand.tekhn.nnuk;MECMIW-, B.Kh.;SOSENKO,A.B;kVDULOV, A.N.; LEV121, A.A., kand.tekhn. nauk; YAKODSON, M.O., doktor toklm.nauk; MAYOROVA, E.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; MOROZOVA, Ye.M.; ZUSMVI, V.G., I-And.tokhn. nauk; FAYDIS, V.A.) kand.tekhn.nauk; VIADZIYEVSKIY, A.P., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; BELOGUR-YASNOVSKAYA, A,I., red.; CHIGAREVA, E.I., rod.; A.SVALIDOV, M.Ya., rod.; KOGAIi, F.L., tokhn. rod. (Vachine-tool industry in capitalist countries] Stanko-- stroonie v kapitalisticheakikli stranakh. Pod red. i s pre- disl. A.P.Vladzievskogo. Moskva, 1962. 822 p. NDA 15:7) 1. Voseow. TSontral'My institut nauchno-tokli-Achonkoy in- forruiteii mashinostroyeniya. 2. Eksporimentaltr-Oy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov (forVIadziyavskiyj lielogur-Yasnovskaya, Chigareva, Assvalldcrv., 4ogan). (Machine-tool industry) T T Zt*n5-'- KRIMNUS, G.Kh., Inzhener. 1mprovements for existing railroad transport cost accounting eystems. Trudy KHIIT no.24:43-53 '34. (KLRA 8:1) (Railroads--Accounts, bookkeeping, etc.) KRIMNUS, G. For better exploitation of suburban lines. p. 81 Trends in improving the present system of cost accounting in railroad transportation. p. 116 PRZEGALD KOLEJCW`Y (Wydawntetwa Komunikacyjne) Warszawa. Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 1955 SOURCE: East k~uropean lecessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4, no. 12, December 195~ TUCHKEVICH, T.M.. kandidat ekonomichookikh nauk- (Miarlkov~ ADAMIZO, N.V., kandidat skonovichaskikh nauk, inz~Anex (LbArlkov); inzhener (Xharlkov); ZJKMSKIT, A-Tao, (Xbar'kov); MUMOV. Go.., kandidat skonamichookikh nauk (Kharlkov); SIIATNV, N.I., kwAidat ekouomichsakAkh nauk. dotsent (]Diarlkov),- USHUOV, P.S~, (rb&r6.kov).- IMLISHMi-MANAIT, P.G'.,- kandidat ekonomicheakikh nauk (KhaPkov). Q~xalities and defects of a manxi&l on transportation economics (OTech- nical manual for railroad engineers." Volume 11, OPlanning and accounting in railroad transportation.0 Reviewed by T.M. Tuchkovich and others.) Zhel.dor. transp. 38 no.B.-91-93 Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Railroads-Kanagement) Sy 4 KRIKKUS, G.Kh., inzhener. The coat and rates for passenger transport. Zhel. dor. transp. 39 no&3:19-24 Mr 157. (KM 10:4) (Railroads-Farea) mg S