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K ft Fi 1. IN, f C)) 5 -3 58 5 i. Yijzh--ic,-Tadz"-~ikjkuya A.L.Yunahlriym. KREYDENKOV) G.Pl, Upper boundary of Paleozolc sediments In the Tajik repression. Dokl. M SSSR 159 no.4.-799-801 D 164 (MIRA M.1) 1. Frodstavlano akadamik= D.V. Nalivscinym. KFI, EN Fj-,': IF f ),V! , C ",i ' - Y P .." I, j . , ,o S-rm,hror, i ~;m 0 V e-: v I Io) t,'fd I-Nrch M' 0K)",X)V t', F ',,' . (1, . oY% R FY 1)FNK( )V , G , . , ;; ; AV I I , (,* () N ?I? . V . I i I Ol t r It t, I [,,rnf I ly of P L I f2or-,!ne s ed i rrir.,ntr~ ~, n TfiLll i k Lepres.3i on. Mill. M'Af'. Otd. geol. 40 no.3:31.-56 My-J,, 165. (MIFA I?SiO MY ICH. A. *Collection of works on research and preactice by physicians of Kinak Pfovince.*'Reviewed by A. Irsidich. Zdrav.Bolor. 5 n0-1: 76-77 ja 16o. (MM 13:5) (WHrIA RUSSIA--KIDIGM) 1 tc 1 .-3 1 11 In t"I c:.- K=IKI B. 20005 KFFYDIK, B. Za rysokiye upozhai serayan i sena lyutsesnyl sel. khoz-vo tadzhikistana, 19h9, No. 3, S. 41-144. SO- LFTOPIS 7HURNAL STATEF., Vol. 27P ',Toskva, 19119. 3-322-1 " 7'TDT'?' , B. Cotton '7ro-,iD;j: - ~o~ntral .!:;!;i R,~ducinr intr-r-row spqce in cotton plrtnttnlr. No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, lc~5 95a- Uncl. XUTDIX, B.M.; MLKSUXOV. A.N. 434." Alfalfa-Sudan grass mixtures. Zemledelle 4 no.6:95-97 Je '56. (MI.RA 9:8) 1. Tedzhikskaya gosudarstvannaya selektoionnaya stantelya. (T&Jikistan--Alfalfa) (Sudan grass) MYDIK, B.H. [TaAk State Plant Breeding Station; a brief su ry of work done) Tsdzhikskala gosudarstvanuaia selektsionnaia stantaiia (kratkie itogi rabot). Stalinabad, Tadshikgoeizdat, 1957. 61 p. (MIRA.11:5) (Tajikistan--Plant Breeding) I I M 11. A,4 f C, rr L -i 11 k.v t oj o!) I IA~ t, t r :)l -A o-A 2, it d r- 'It x IA 9 P, 'o r ;iii t , 9, o z 11 1 1 L I o o USSR/Cilltivated Plants. Forld,~r FID-ints. Ab~, Jnva?I R(,,f Zhur-BioLl NO 15, 195:31 68221 Author I ~'r (-- y (I 11, T-3 , I iI T~LICSUTIIJV Ic In-t '.tut of Inst T: i (I ,Ti Elf J Ai~riculturc. Titlo A No,.: Duvolopriorit- in Grass Sovin," on Unirrig.,,,ted Lamls of T,-,.dzhil:istwI. Ori.,~ Pub: Byul. n,,,.uchno-tcldir., infori-:. T~i,lzh. -Ln-t zuiilad.., 195',), Ilu 1) 32-37 Abstract : Thu rosults of c-,xpcrii-.i,-,nts (1(,)54-1(56) irc! prc,sontccl in cul-tivatim- 1-Lic.-=o ni~-od witli sudan rass 1,,-nds. l4hcii lu- curne 62 kd-hoct.-~ro) rinc slidan. r,-rass (30 lc~V Ili(xt-am- wcro~ sown in alterwitc ro!.,s. 1--lic, in- I cruase in My yielcl for th . rccorOl y,-;--r (1956) Card 1/2 74 USSR/Cultivatccl Plants. Fodder 1-1~intz. Lbs Jour R(.f Zlim-Biol., j.'0 159 1953~ 66221 vms 16.7 porct)zlt nbuvo th,. 97-1 cc;ntii(-rs/ hrirvustud on th~.- control plo-'G, (pur(., lucorno so,.-:n in On tM~ basio of eco- nomic ~Llizatioii o.-L' luccimc so-,!in--,q r~Jcoii- nondations arr-, givon. -- V. S. Card 2/2 I~v KREYDIK, B.M., zasluahennyy agronom Tadzhikskoy SSR; NEVZORCV, V.V., z&Bluzhennyy agronom Tadzhikskoy SSR Alfalfa in irrigation and dry farming. Zemledelie 27 no.2137-41 F 165. (MIRA 18s4) KREYDINP Mo inzh, - - -;;;;~ L . The road to the shops soatimes leads through the design and construction institute. Tekh. mol. 31 no.3212-13 (MI~6319t 6) (AnginserinO SAKHAROV, Mikhail Demlyanovich; KHEYDLIN, L.N., red.; PASINKEVICH, I.R., red.izd-va; AKOPOVA, V.M,., tekhn. red. (Machine production of window units) Mekhnnizatsiia proiz- vodstva okonnykh blokov. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Windows) MIMLIN, kand.tekhii.nauk Specific pronsure curven in hot rolling. TSvot.mot. 33 no-1: 70-75 Ja 16o. OAIRA 13:5) 1. Giprnteratmetobrabotim. (Rolling(Metalwork)) ~ - - rw. WITUROV~ Oleg Va3111yevich; SOUITSEV Yurly Konotantinovich; SORKIR, Yurly Isaakovich; FEDIN, Ilikolay Georgiyevich; PUL'KINj S.P.j d0ktor fiz.-mat. naukj retsenzent; KOIMRATIYEV, V.A., kand. fiz. mat. nauk, retsenzent; MISHIN) V.I., kand. ped. naull-, retsenzent; VEYU~N, I.B., prepodavatell, retsenzent; MEMO, Ye.G., pre- Podrivatell, retsenzent; PYSllKALO,-AJ'l.',- ~r4poiaVati5ll, retsentent; DITKIN, V.A,, prof., red.; YAKOVKIN, Y,.V., red. [Explanatory dictionary of mathematical tems; textbo,~,k for teachers] Tolkovyi slovarl matematicheskikh terminov; posoble dlin uchitelei. Moskva, Prosve3hchenic, 1965. 539 P. (MIRA 19:7) Yd' DLIN, Ye.G.; PAZELISKIY, S.V., red.; KARPOVA, T.V.., tekhn. rod. 'EY - I fOral tests on mathematics for grades B-101 Ustnye kontroll- nye raboty po matomatike dlin 8-10 klasnov. Mloskva, Gos. uchebno-podagog. izd-vo 1.1-va proav. RSFSR, 1961. 63 p. (141P,A 15:2) (Mathematics-Examinationsp questions, etc.) FAKTORIS, Ye.A.; KPMEK, Kb.Ya.; POE6EDLOVSKIYt T.S.; SPOTAROKO, S.S.; FAYYERSHTEYNP S*G* - '' Results of mass use of gamma globulin dUring the pre-epidemic season in t1le prophylaxis of epidende hepatitis. no.9s392-408 164. (MIRA 18:4) I E y i~.Yli. I-ILL te Z. I orl oaruna ~,ij n ~%y 6 rl I 'J, 1 n -, a r. S R Vo p . ;1-. f ( M I IiA 1 ris t, i t v! ru ~,3 o I of, i in"ll 11: " p , . I . F ri f; i n f- j 1, - 'W! Pni,ino:i. ll,~~ 3 t .jim sh .3 L No . I 'I ,195J.. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Zeptemb~-r 195219%, Uncl. MYER, A. M. On the invention of self-ignition engines in Russia. Trudy po ist.takh. no-7:67-77 154. (mLRA 7:7) (Diesel engines--History) I T."i 1: r c o vv I ;v KREIF,Rj ; iMEYER) G. _K.; RAMADIVICH) V- V. -- - -- -- - "Kulltura lekarstvannykh rastenii, Ogiz.0 Lensellkhoziz., 1934, 270 PP. SHILOVA, Ye.l.; KREM , X.G. Carbon dioxide of the soil solution and Ito role In soil formation. [with summary In Inglish]. Pochvovedente no.7:65-72 J1 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. LoningrRdskiy ordena Unina goeuniverRitat imeni A.A.Zhdanova. (Soil formation) (Carbon dioxide) ":-YMYER9 R. For youl employees of the merchant marine. Okhr. truda i sots, atiakh. 4 no. 2:52-53 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Instruktor TSentralinogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh morskogo i rechnogo flota. (sailors (Navy)) 1 . , Ye . ". 2. j',7" ; ,_;,; . (6~10) 4. Frozt 7. Brief survey of on tW,~ effect of low on 1 1;!n* frudy GGO no. 12, 1948. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,- - A~~iLlL 1953~- Unc I - KREYRI, S. L. Kreyin, S. E., ZaAlavskiy, Yu. S. an.i Voinov, 11. F. J - MaciOne Parts Smazochnoe maslo i dviEatell . y.oscow, Gosudarstvennoe 1',al-Ichno-TeMini-cheskoe Indatellstvo, Neftyanoy i Gorno-Toplivnoy Literatury, 1552. pp. ll,~9, illus., dia,,.-s., 23 x 17. LXIII-1 'YL v 'Nate&. .:;Irw h~n - abd 13 -IMCel A. G., fag ad [au I inMaL a I Q 6T, ku k" cu -J#4J I wai;vyrdid e0m dt*aafe ja' . 7 Oe IL - e t 25 MI M045',% ,M added. at ytuamu- ud a. Mf. ba-wo-C 140 1 .20 mfu OIL Uto fts 0n) &r ft"h , contafiled 2 Td. after p1h :fr jdatilarly1folhCa' coal :ChdA t. ad Or e ty coot Ivor F14 Ach -41UW 2 owis after 3 hu. ttlew Atom. a vwwkd 14. and 2 M'u mtttpkx I an , kwasam!er to d,ojyd (1V froci tnol. AV the Other 2 IV a Cd PPtd. as , datt red *U CIA Y coutam,ed: !dzadkuevj,,itkPW . 24, t0al: A" a0v it d1acticed , 'It t "41fa of Ouy dlc-- Ype wmpl,,, en I (*t 0" Pu ue TrIth 11 ligAg.0 OtImed "Mmation Gra-fte Oil NJ. C~l and z_. gr e=m Of f adZc=kxu oocdd be The ease ;1; -MPkZeS 0 444 MftQmcTk cc, "P41064 by the a&. "In, f V COOwned I 'la In V. G a or On heatime NJ RAd lost it Ad "8141ned 2 etok. Of 11. 1 - ~ a boill Probably boadW. to 9 Otal U in AC cemplexes the Ag cqmpk,.f to Rk. 'U'd "' Other attatfild to a. Bug, es did not - hr. cad 'jer"grotyphe. Outift of VCMCOMVk .. a, e_viq_ dionedbulfa Ic-gave 2.(Oh QMe C-adit:ans ILU01"ditudi" 04 and U-0 d1ozem care Ydmxnh P-hArOityphem. "I OPOWOnIc add e4ykrijLJ.& wh MM ttaNraj d& yvJ TbeSe. acids d- "Its Of dig owl VI Producm d.;mCaY d ed U*d (cu, C. 40'a. NJ. Cr. pe) were luch In ouM M777777777 77~ Walter IDAROV, A.N.; LI50GOR, M.M.; WIMM, A.M.; KOIAMN, V.D.; KALA:31111IKOVj V.V.., kand. toklai. nauk, nauchnyy red.,- YMMILOVSKAYA, II.S., red.; KARASIKp N.P., takhn. red. (Manual for the rural rotion-picture operator and mechanic] Spravochnaia kniga sellskogo kinonckhanika. lloskva, lzd-vo "Sovetskaya Aossiia," 1961. 1+48 p. WIRA 15:4) (Motion-picture theaters-Equipmant and cupplics) GUDRINIECE* E.(Riga),- IEVINISH, A. (Riga); VANAGoG. [Vanags,G.) (Riga); NATELIS, L. Effakele,L.] (Riga); KREILEO L. (Riga) Research In the field of cyclic arylazo-,6 - diketones. V. Metal complexes of 2-phonylazoindendiones-1,3. Vestis Latv ak no.10: 107-113 '59. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyakay SSR, Institut~crganicheskogo sinteza. (Aryl groups) (Ketones) (Metals) (Cyclic compounds) (PherWlazoiriftndione) (Complex conpounds) MWM, dotsent; KUYLIGH, AEDRUSECHELKO, Yrt#V., Blood eosinophilia I some d1:;r,,ujos of the digestive organs, Vrach. delo no.9tl33-135 S163. (~MU 16:10) 1. Kafedra terapii (zav. - dotsent I.P.Larner) III Kiyevgkogo Inatituta. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (EOSUMMS) (DIGMTM ORGAI.-SEL-DISEASES) PICHUGRI, Anatoliy Anfinogenovich, dots,, kand.tekhn.nauk;. KREMI, Adollf BoriBovich, inzh.; GORBATOVSKIY, I.V., red.; -GOSTISIICHEVA, Ye.K., tekhn. red. (14achinory and automatic machinery at the construction project) Mashiny i avtor,.aty na. stroike. Novosibirsk, Novo- sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vop 1962. 62 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Construction equipment) (AutorAtion) L&SITYAK, A.R. of of rO P'll tz~ (I vi*l;,r, It turt' lfce;)Trl ipc) I Y-vfl(: If; -I r3crAs . Vah- 1 :,Yv. no.1 or, Orfcct 11 :1.85-193 3. (mlfu Is.-8) lo GolliclanAverinyy ko,jt,-ojr~yy ~ut lia. Tarasev-i,,~',,a. SHCHUMI, Petr Dmitriyovich; red.; DOGOSLAVIM;, N.F.p tekhn. red. [Eodernization of industrial acluipr.entl Vodernizatsiia zavod- :3kogo oborudovaniia, Moskva, Gos. nauclmo-tc,,hn.izd-vo ?-a- oldnostroit. lit-ry, 1962. 157 1). (MIA 15-4) 1. Uralvagonzavod, I!izhniy Tngil. 0--izhniy-Tv.gil--Induslvial ceuti.Iiiicnt--Tociliolor-ic,~.1 innovations) Kroyi~icr, A. "C-n Cartain Asillects of Locturijir lin ;-atlheitatic~,, iij tht) o'chools of 7o,,.tl,,." Ilin :~&,,cation Azerba-d-zhan A-zer'bayfth'all Ltat.- 'edi(oncal ln-,~t, i::: ni V. L,,-,n:Ln. Fliak~i, 1~,55- (Iji!seltat, on ~'or -,c- ra e ii, f 'an cl ic:,-p 0 in ;bda.-of-11cal "cierce) So Knizimaya "*o. 27, 2 Jid,~ 19':-' KR3TKZH, A.Ya. Tissue therapy vith fish roe. Klin. mad., Koskva 30 no. 11:88-89 Nov 1952. (GIXL 23:5) 1. Of Krivoy luk Hospital (Head Physiotan -- A. Ta. Kraymer), Alek- sandrovskly Rayon, Tomsk Oblast. MYMER, A.Ya. Hypnosis therapy of nocturnal anureols In children. Pediatrila no.D74-77 J&-F 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Iz Krivolutakoy bollnitsy (glaynyy vrach A.Ya.Kreymer) Aleksan- drovskogo raiona TomBkoy oblasti. (Urine--Incontinence) (Hypnotism) USSR/Medicine Veterinary, Time Therapy; Fish Roe Card 1/1 Author Kreymer, A. Ya. Title Tissue therapy with fish rce in veterinary practice Periodical Veterinariya, 31, 48-49, may 1954 Abstract Persistent fissure of teats in 15 cows was cured completely within 3-5 days after each of them received a 20-cc Injection of suBpen- sion of fish roe. Experiments with 20 calves that had paratyphoid proved that fish roe in tissue therapy increases immunobiologic defensive properties of the organism in cases of infectious diseases. Injection of fish roe into the organism of horses resulted in heal- ing of wounds that did not respond well to other methods of treatment, Tissue therapy with fine suspension of fish roe is a simple and con- venient method of treatment and can be safely tuied in veterinary practice. Institution Submitted ,E yMER A X-a . 10 UNTMER, A.Ya. (Krivolutek) ~~ '- ~-' ~ Hypnotherapy In hypertension. 32 no.3:65-67 Mr 134. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Is Krivolutakoy bollnitsy Alakeandrovsko.wo rayonA Tomakof oblauti. (A~rtenslon) (Hypnotism--The rapautic use) M, A. Ta M#-thlod of differmatial supravltal staiuing of erythrocytes. Lab.do3ln nn.1:28-29 Jan-Feb.'55. (11-IrmiB: 8) 1. Tz Krivolutskoy bollnitsy (glawrach A.Ta Kiriner) Alaktandr- ovskogo rayona Tomsko7 oblasti, (MYTHROMES. staixing, differential supravital technic) (STAINS MID STAINING, erythrocytes, differential supravital technic) IRUKAR, A.U. ~ Treating nocturnal enurusis in a Pioneer camps Yop,okh,mate i dets 1 no.6:81-33 11-D 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Iz zholeznodoroshnoy bollaitsy stantaii Tomsk Il (glavny7 vrach H.H.Tuzov); is kafedry goopitallnoy pediatril (sav. - prof. G.G. Stuks) i kliniki nervaykh bolezaey (zav. - doteent H.V.Shubin) Tomokogo mediteinokogo instituts imeni V.H.Holotova. Min- - ucomr usuca) OITPNOTISH) MMM, A. Ya. Bypnotherapy in certain skin diseases at a rural hospital. Test. van. i derm. no.3:47-4~ My-Ja 156. (HLRA 9. 9) 1. Is Krivolutakoy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach A.Ya.Xreymer) Aleksandrovskogo rayon& Tomskoy oblasti. (SKIN, diseases, Whotic technic (Rua)) (HYPNOSIS. therapeutic use, skin die. (Rua)) KRE-Y1,10, A. Ya. Cand Mod Soi -- (dins) Illh-eatmant of nooturnal enurojis by hypnotio sleep." Tomsk, 1957. 13 pp 20 Or'. (Tomsk Stftte Uod Inst im Vs Me Molotov), 200 oopiea. (KL, 13-57, 100) -45- KRumn, A..Yn.., knnd.mod.nnuk (Tomnk) --40pw~~~ Preventing nocturnnl enuregis in childr!mIq institutions. Mmdoeatrn 17 no.6:19-21 Jp '58 (MIRA 11:6) (URINE-INCONTINYXCE) KREYMER, A.Ta., (Tomek). Therapeutic nnd pnthogenic aspects of verbAl communicAtione Med,sestra 17 no.9:32-38 S'58 (mm 11:10) (MICM, PSYCEOSOMATIC) KiMMM, Aleksandr Yakovlevich (Prevention and treatment of nocturnal enuresis In children] Profilaktika i lechenie nochnogo nederzhaniia mochi u detei. Moskva, Vledgizp 1960. Ill p. (MIRA 14:9) (URM,INCONTMCE) MEYIER A Ya. Ir%~Olvomont of tho nuclear substance In hemalAic anemias. Biul. eksp. biol. i 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii Toinskogo rieditsinskogo instituta. Predstavlona dhlenom A?-Of SSSR V.N.Chernigovskim. (ANEXIA) (EHYTHROCYT&S) erythrocytes in experLmzontal mod. 49 no.3:35-38 Mr 160. (MIRA 34:5) (zav. - prof. D.I.Golld~el~g) deystvitelinym -KMf-!EA, A.Ya.; PREGER, O.M.; BML4SHOV, I.G. Uoe of tho oxyhemometer for direct "reading" of electrop#oregrams. Lab.delo 7 no.7:58-61 Jl 161. OILIA 14: 6) 1. Tomskiy institut kurortQlogii i fizioterapii (nauchnyy rukovoditelt - prof. A.S.Saratikov) i kafedra. patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. O.I.Golldberg) Tomakogo meditainskogo instituta. (ELECTROPHORMIS) .-KREDIER1 A* Treatment of noctuimal enuresis with hypnotio sleep. 25 no.2s130-133 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. 1:4 kliniki gospitalinoy pediatrii (zav. - prof. G.G.Stuka), k3-iniki nerimykh ~olezney (zav. - dot4ent N'.V.Shubin) Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta i zheleznodorozhnoy bollnitay stant311 Tomak II (glavnyy vrach M.N.Tuzov . (.URII~, -INCONTINENCE) (HYPNOTLSM-THERAPEUTIO USE) Ki-I'MEft, A.Yu. Chaxit-oz; !n tbe blood variun yrotejr~ ---()rjposj,t,Ion In yatlientr wLth chronic rudiculltizi durinv the course of ~Ibratory bath trt!atzent. 10 n(,.2:144-149 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Tamskiy nit-,ic'riric-in~;lodoviLtellg~-ly in3titlut Imrortologil i fizioterapii. USSR / narmacclogy, Toxicology. Cardiovascular Drugs. V ,Ab3 Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 42376. B, Ya. Author rr Inat , al;~ ed. Institute. Vov vo F% Title The Effect of Digitalis Infusion Durin- Intraven- ous Chloral Hydrate Anesthesia. Orig Pub: Nauk. zap. Lvivsk. derzh. ped. in-t, 1956, 5, 98- lo8. Abstract: It was observed, in experiments on isolated hearts of frogs, that a preliminary perfusion with a digitalis infusion (1) in concentration of 1:250 and 1:300 considerably decreased the toxic action of chloral hydrate upon the heart. In experiments on dogs, preliminary intravenous injection of 8-~O drops of I permitted z;dministration of higher doses of chloral hydrate (10-20 ml of a 10% solution) Card 1/2 'USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Cardiovascular Drugs. V Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-BiOl,, 110 9p 1.958, 42376. Abstract: for the achievenent of prolonged anes'tl*hesia, with- out affecting the work of the heart and the blood pres-1,ure. Similar resliilts were obtained in the veterinary clinic, vihe:,e chloral hydrate was used for anesthesia in horses, previously prepared with I. Preliminary injection of gitalin showed a weak antitoxic effect. -- A. A. Myazdrilcova Card 2/2 UKRAINE/Hw=n and Anirnl Fhyi3iology - Di.gestion. V-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958.. 4o67 Author : -Bi KreYmer, T. Boroda Inst Title Influence of Copper Ions on the Content of Some Cc=o- nento of the Gastric Ju!ce. Orig Pub Nauk6 zap. L'vivs'k. de.-zh. pod. in-t, 1956, 5, 119-126 Abstract Studies were conducted )f the gastric juice of an adult dog with a fistula of tae parotic gland and stomeh, and of 2 puppies with pstric filtula3; the juice was collec- ted before and after feedine, aa well as after the intro- duction throuGh the filtula of 3 to 20 ml of a 1% solution of CUM ' The general acidity of the stomach (which was hi&ier in the adult (lot; than in the puppies) rose inter- mittently after the administration Of CUS04, than started to exadually decrease,, while the Cl contents continued to go up, Half an hour after the administration Of CuS04, Card 1/2 4 4 UKRALUA/fIturan and Animal Physioloby - Digestion, V-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol.) No 1; 1958, 4c67 the content of Cu. ions was high, than started to decrease and was insignificant at the end of one hour and a half. No Cu was found in the saliva. Card 2/2 and Animal Phyriology - Excretion. v-6 Abs Jour : fief Zhur - Bio.L., 11,-) 4, 1958, i8289 ,'tuth.-.r : B.D. nhruybran and B.Ya. Yxeymer Inst : The Lvov State Pedagogical Institute. 'i'itle : Biocheriicai Disturbances in the Cc-Tnosit-Wn of the B.L.,,~d in Experimentai iUdney Damage. Preiiadnary Report. r i t, Fub : Danovidi ta ,jovidciLennya l,'v-,*v:;'k. der?.h. ned. in-t, No 2, 36-.38 ..'.bstrr.ct : No abstract. C;Ird I /I KURYLO, S.M. New nothod for making a fintula of' the common bile duct in dogn [with summnry in Engliah]. Diuloknp. blol. I mod. 46 n0,7:lo5-io6 Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Iz lnborntorli anatomli i fiziologii chnloveka i zhivotnykh Ltvovskogo posudnrstvennogo pedngogi2he3kogo institutA. Predntavlena do) tvitfillnym chlenom AMU SSSR. V.N. Chernigovskim. (BIM DUCTS, COMMON, phygiolngy, axam, through nrtif. fiatuln, tnehnic Of RPPUCAtion (Rue)) milli Pit 4/Pr-4 --~-RFVAM 60-3- -&K ACuESSION NR, 'AP 5000478 5/0073/64/030/011/1195/119T-1 AUTHOR; Gershuna A. G.-; Kreymar, Go A. TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of certain polyazomethines SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, V. 30, no. 11, 1961-0 1195-119T TOPIC TAGS: polyazomethine, polymeric Schiff base, coordination polymer, chelate polymer, polymer ABSTRACT: Twenty-eight new eolymeric Schiff bases containine complex- forming Q,01-dihydroxy diazomethine groups have bc2~ prepared and converted to ch e o~lymers The polymeric Schiff bases wet.,e pre- pared by polycondensation or 2,Ji-, 2,5-, or 2,6-diaminophenn'l; -2,5- or 2.6-diaminorenorcinoL; triaminophloroglucinol; or bis(4-hydroxy- 3-aminophenyl) sulfone. with plithalaldchyde, tereptithalaldehyde, math- lencbis(salicylaldch de), or glyoxal. The polymeric Schlrf:bases y -hous, brovn-to-yellow powders, insoluble in oreanic solvents Were amorp and decomposing at above 300C. The absorption of Cu2+, C02+. t,'iZ+, or U02+ from acetate solutions to form the chelate polymers was studied. Card 1/2 L 18287-65 ACCESSION HR.- AP5000418 The polymeric Schiff bases from glyoxal and triaminaphloroglucinol or 2,4-diaminoresorcinol had the greatest absorption capacity. The che- late polymers from gflyoxal and triaminophloroglucinol or 2,4-diamino- resorcinml also showed the greatest resistance to the removal of the metal ion by dilute acida. Orig. art. hasz I table and I form*ala.-. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im..A. M. Gortkove (Kharkov State University), SUBMITTED: 210ct63 ENCL: 00 SUR CODE: 0GfGC NO HEF SOV: 007 OTHER; 016 ATD PRESS Card 2/2 - 0.0 00 see * 0 it 0 00 so * 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 #14 00*4*40000 ,let I 0000 w if Ij m is 4 if w to a it a B a a is ly X )l a jimuldallumpa il 4i 41 ad v r A SO A-A- 4 L 0 0 % 0 Kil b -,-4p0 A w A~!-Loq fttu~fs ' ' % -An- Kl AWSO 1930 11 1 o C k Z % 1 ., . , en . 1 m . , 11* ); owow) 7, If *0 &MIc pe werr ckwed Imm &Injmt $11 Fe by filtrgm ovel NIM), thr Fe is Uken v tip hy aduwobm ardy. A flumnsio egg, -so kof 00 *0 1- - , ~ - -, I IV-- -, ~~, '.I ,- oil 0 It ItI IV IV ft 0,K It IT ft It OR rI3 (I 1 1. 1 0 0 41 0 0 0 9 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 6 * 0 0 : 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 111 0 0 1111 0 0 4 0 0 a I A q if is ofA : 11 8 .1 24 A ", is M t 1. 6 t. F ' to to d I V I I 1 '4, it A P. Simultaneous reduction of oildes of Iron, titanium and CoI=bjUm with isiuminum. G. S. Kricinier . J. A pf4ce.1 -00 ('kfm. (t% S, S. R ; Ij, 1'2r, -70(in I;rrnch, 1271 1 1~.I- .-A prelityindry fettoct. In thermal redo(O"ll i,f mld!.' of Fe, Cb 4&n,1 Ti with Ali (fie yidd al Ti **- - lower then that of ell. -this selective pnile- I-swi mods, prollouricrol in thq lic-ricr of At ill Aiiii% Ivy the reductionof Pc *lid Ctioxides t,im"akaii,t lilt: to TiO, The reduction it( Tw(h with Al sjf-jit,~Wv, ' no i. etwitcrt,it, proceeded in staxti: ihr first TO - and the second TO i - 'ri is riulo(hrmik. 'I lie equil. id -Z of 00 the wct)tfd reaction is shifted fix the left still it, rq,,il .00 00 "Mit. is of it higher order t bait the equil. trimsi. fitr there. duction of cl-A. A, A. P-1cl-tw -00 && 00 -00 *0 .00 .00 o Of ;00 00 i0o .4 p it 9E it It 11 It 'T At,) 'I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : :1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 it Was 1.0 '* 0 009 0 o o 00#0000000000 a 0 V NO Il U U IN 6 k 1) a a a 41 to a ak 4 -4 74 A" IMP "PM - L JI-A WIZ M'. ati, j a A-4 I Ferrocolumblum from ofe4 containing columblum and zirconium. C, S. KIVIrr"l, U S N 14. 41,17.14, )ill. 31, lhaf Ch 6 ttdutid amt vfitvr~ t1tv alh-y. wh 1e Zr truLasik, so ill the Lag. so oo so 90 41 84TAILLUAGICAL LITINATIO1111 CLASIVKATOP AV in 1A U ;0T- so 0 s 0 0 400 Zoo goo 2 see too ties 1900 is -i-I awc, 'I. /VI "Selbods Iw the Ddwabatl= d On We d Dispullm and IM 1pealft Balm d TuMn ad T g Oubb Punda 0. S. Kmmer, M. R. VakhovAays. 0. 8. Sefonovs. and E. E. Dogino (Zarod. Lob.. 1949. A 12), 159-167).-fln Russian). Experiments were carried out which were tisard ton t (1) the rate of adearption by the powder of mothvirne bluti frons ail. solutiuns, 42) the rate of oxiclatkon of the powder b Hk'O 13) the rate of catalytic decompWition of H,O, by the powder. (7) ti; I@;; of volume Contraction In am" empl, -P. powder specimens. 31ndrstmetbodis I not very reliable; the seoond and fou .rth give con"wdant resulti; (,,r both lung-" and tungsten carbid-t; the third is applicahle to ineWfic tungnten anly.-T. 0. 1~ UM/Metal -Tungsten may 52 "Reactive Diffusion of Carbon Into Tungsten. Part.I," G. S. Kreymer, L. D. Efros, To. A. Voronkova "Zhu.r Tekh Fiz" Vol XXII, No 5, PP 85M73 Diffusion of carbon into tungsten produces nev carbide phases, Ist WC and thereafter con- trary to data by kndrews and Dushmn (cf. J. Phys -.hem,2% 1925) and by Firani and Sandor (cf. J. Inst of Metals, 73, 385, 1947)- Relation to time of isothermal growth of W2C layer is given. The coeff of diffusion could be camputed. In- debted to Prof YA. S. Umanskiy and to help by the laboratory of the hard alloys combine. Re- ceived 10 Feb 51. 30 L12 MYMER, G. S. USS11/yetals - Tungsten May 52 "Reaotive Diffusion of Carbon Into Tungsten. Part II. Investigation of Carbon Diffusion in Unstrained Tungsten," G. S. Kreymer, L. D. Efros, Ye. A. Voronkova "Zhur Tekh Piz" Vol XXI; No 5, pp 874-876 Authors prove experimentally that the diffusion coeff is not af-0ected by the previous treatment of tungsten. This is probably due to the fgct - that tensions vanish at the temp (3,500-1PW of the test. Even if some tensions remain in the re- crystd mterial 'they are without. affect on the speed of diffusion. Received 8 Aug 51- 2M'31 VSttTOn9(h Of Omeauttd, 1:19011 (iltbide-cobatt altoylas a fun; m Of mVer tuo Craig size. 0. S. Krtfitlcr, 6~1 0. 5. Saforieva, and & 1. Ilitmoov. Zhur. Tekh. F4. 25, 117-24(1051i).-A no. of 5 X 6 )e Wynm. ban of 94% We-a% Cc alloy with mr(ally 4raded gmin size of 1, 1- 1.5, 14, and 2-4 p were fractured in a machine, (described) at 20-8M' and their breaking stmogth platted and tabu- lated. The strength dectexiftwith tile temp. for iliefirifst .1110Y f"wn 119.6 kg./sq. mm. to 40.1/sq. mm..tnd for thr maritAt I'mm 129.0 to 74.0 kg,/jtq, mm. ft hKirailes to a max. at around 2WO a" 4hert declines In all caws. Crain, site and thethicknessof fly rocasurlog theft, toescive far" which dropi with larger grohi and flitclier m-A. Tile postAllity of pisitic micro- scoplr slip-.t i1 reduced Will? thinner tresh 4% well as mdbld- billion of Own toreach their temile The initial strCagulelling with the inctcas. lilt temp. Is intrm"I With hichcr nlk~mplagtkity of CO layer thoulih above 2W* the soltming effect ombala nm tile kuctice of the pl3sticity chUnges. Nfacroplisticit wag observed only With finest $rain and lot 1000', in Uri ltcf mwil 2PICime" broke with n* deffection at RIL D. 25(l.) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2446 Akademlya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy infor matsii Title: Izgotovleniye tzdeliy metodami poroshkovoy metallurgii (The Manufacture of Products by the Methods of Powder Metallurgy) Moscow, Filial Vsesoyuznogo instituta nauchnoy I teklinicheskoy informatsii, 1957. 23 P. (Series: Peredovoy nauohno-tekhni- cheskiy i proizvodstvennyy opyt. Tema 4, No. M-57-320/3) 1,400 copies printed. Ed.: A. N. Malov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Exec. Ed.: L. Ye. Shobik, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: T. M. Sorokina. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for specialists in the field of powder metallurgy. COVERAGEt The three articles in thib brief collection deal with several aspects of the manufacture of sintered-metal and cemen- ted-carbide products. The first article is concerned with the effect of various factors (chemical composition, surface treatment, carbide grain size, and temperature) on the fatigue Card 1/3 The Manufacture (Cont.) sov/2446 limit of cemented tungsten-cobalt carbides at normal and ele- vated temperatures. The remaining two articles deal with cen- trifugal mixers for cemet compositions and with a four-cavity compacting die for iron-ceramic bushings. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kreymer, 0. S.; I. I. Sidorin; and Ye. F. Tishchenkova. Fatigue _-LI~6T_R_dFd Alloys at Normal and Elevated Tempe.ratu_r,~4s 3 Effect of chemical composition of hard alloys on th4~tlr fatigue limit 7 Effect of surface treatment on the fatigue limit of hard alloys 11 Effect of the grain size of the carbide phase on the fatigue limit of tungsten-cobalt carbides 13 Effect of Temperature on the Fatigue Limit of Hard Alloys 14 Conclusions 17 Temkin, I. V. Centrifugal Mixers for Metal-Ceramic Compositions 20 Card 2/3 I The Manufacture (Cont.) sov/2446 Nikolayev) N. N. Four-cavity Die for CompreBsion-molding of Iron-Ceramic Bushings 23 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress GO/jb 10-27-59 Card 3/3 51 126-2-22135 AUTBORS: Kreymer, G. S., Baranov, A. I ~) ~~-,nd Si~foiov~2, 0. S. TITM: 9trjtj.(., tnd F',tP(!n_th of !,!etr;lloceri~ hard alloys .consisting of tungsten carbide and cobalt. (Staticheakaya i tsiklicheskaya prochno3t" metallokeramicheskikh tverdy'kh spi.avov Karoid vollfrai~ia-koballt). PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol-5, No.2, PP. 3CDI-364 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Thin cobalt layers enclosed bet~,.7ecn tun-.sten carbide U Grains of very hi-h.hardness, and very w.,lao:: of the modulus of elasticity are in a bloc!-.ed s'U-v_-e ~i,,d Iul-ic- Lbility of ruc~,-layer,_, to plastic defor,.iation is brLII-.C-d and, consequently, their st:mnL.,th is ijicr_~,ased Lrid their plasticity reduced, as was found in earlier -,%-or'~ of the authors of this paper (Ref.17). The thinner t-he cobalt layer the larGer will be the degree of blockin,~," and the hir,hor should be the strenf~th and -the brittleness. Lj hozrever, i:ith increasim,- brittleness the local stress concentration increases and this reduces considerably tile Yjowiinal strent~th. Eyperimentol proof of this poitit of view is contained in an earlier paper of the -ail-hors (Ref.l?) in which the bendinG stron;,)-th of the tw-,,,--sten Card 1/4 carbide BK6 containinL; 6% Co was investiLptedus o function 12(1-2-22/35 Static and c~,clic strani~th of metalloceranir! hard alloys consist- ing of tungsten.carbide and cobalt. the test temperature and the grain size. It ulas found that for ayiy of the investiL~ated grain sizes (1 to 44) the curves 1'temperature-s~rencl-th" had a clearly pronounced maximum at 200 C. Since the only variable factor in the Given case was the plasticity of the cobalt inter-layers, the results revealed the influence of plasticity on the strenl-th in the above mentioned sense. Independently of the authors of this paper, V. V. Baron and Savitskiy, Ye. M, (Ref.18) detected a maxizium in the "temperature-strenbth" curves of a number of brittle m3tals and alloys, particularly of inter-metallic compounds, whereby the hardness decreased .-,ionotonously with increasing temperature. The authors of this paper considered it of interest to carry out tests in new directions which would directly or indirectly confirm the here expressed point of view and these comprised the study of the cyclic stron6th of tun6sten carbides with cobalt as a function of the thicknes.,; of the cob~alt inter-layers and, consequently, as a function of the plasticity. It viac, anticipated that in the cace of Card 2111. cycj.- .Lc loadin(, tho deL!roo of plnsticity ,~Iiould have ,An Static and ovelic stronGth of metalloceral"it; hard alloys consisting of tungsten carbide and cobalt. influence at least as lart6e on the strength as in the case of static loading since in this case the stress concentration is of greater importance. The tests consisted of bending rotating specimens which were fixed on one side, vhereby the specimens consisted of the investigated carbide and mild steel, the shape and dimensions of which are indicated by the skelch, Fig.1, p.,362. The tests were based on five million loading cycles. Furthermore, the bending strength and the hardness were measured. The results are entered in a table, P.362, and four photographs of the microstructure of the specimens are reproduced in Fig.2. The obtained data confirm the view that the reduction in plasticity of the cobalt inter-layers with a decrease in thiclmess leads to a decrease in the strenGth and thus also to a decrease in the strength of the material as a ;:hole. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 19 references, 9 of Card 3/4 which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: June 8, 1956. ASSOCIATION: All-Union Research Institute fOl Hard Alloys. (Vsesoyuznyj, Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy lnstitut Tverdykh Splavov). "-n-?n/~;5 :Io V-1 1 Static --I tvclic strength of metalloceramic hard alloys consisting of tungsten carbide and cobalt. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 :-,0V/180-59-3-16/43 AUTHORSt Alekseyeva, N.A., Baranov, A.I. and Kreymer,G.S. (Moscow) TITLE: Strength, Hardness and linpact Toughness If HarcF Tungsten-Cobalt Alloys in Relation to their Composition, Structure and Temperature of Investigation PERIODICAL: lzvestiya Akademii nauk, SSSR, Otdcleniye teklinicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo. 1959, Nr 3. pp 92-96 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Three series of alloys were investigated with grain sizes of 1.64, 3.3 and 4-95 microns. Alloys in each series containing 2,41u,10,1512U and 25%, Co were made. The characteristics of the alloys are given in Table 1. F�gures 1, 2 and 3 show the relation between bending strength and cobalt content. With increase in cobalt content the strength increases to a maximum. For series I and 2 the maximum is at about 20o' cobalt and for the coarser grained series 3. at 15'f0' cobalt contents. With lower cobalt contents the coarser grained alloys had higher strongths. I-ig 4 shows that there is a linear relation!3hip between hardness and cobalt content. With increase in cobalt content the hardness decreases. The hardness alBo decreases with increasing grain size. Card 1/2 Values for impact strength are given ill Fig 5 and the SOV/180-59-3-i6/43 Strength, Hardness and Impact Toughness of Hard Tungsten-Cobalt Alloys in Relation to their Compo.-iition.. Structure and Temperature of Investigation effects of temperature and grain size are given in Fig 6. With low ~.obalt content arid fine grain size, the material shows a brittle fracture which does not depend on the temperature. With increase in cobalt content arid increase in tungsten carbide grain size, there is an increase in impact strength because of an increase in elastic deformation. The investigation showed that in the bending test, the deforniation takes place at the cobalt cementing films and the decisive factor in the strength is the microplasticity of the cobalt phase. It is shown that it continuous network of cobalt phase is required to give alloys which are tough and strong. There are 6 figures, 1 table arid 11 references, 1 of which is German, 3 English and 7 Soviet. jUBYWIVED: December 9, 1958 Card 2/2 % AUTi1ORJ:Kreymcr, G.S., Oidorin, I.I. and TIT!a~: Fatigue Strength of Rard Sintered T-ungsten Carbide-and-r-obalt Al loys ch(,,,,,kikh tverdykh s1plavov harbid 'PEAI(,'1)ICA_T,.-, Izve~.tiya Akademi.i 11auk 33311, Otdc_ '_ ~niyc, Naukl P)56, tir 3, i)--,) 113--118 (US:3R) ABSTRACT -. Tc~.Ls viere carried out t.pon of sin-t-l-red tun-,3ten- carbide robalt compositi,-)ns i)unte(l. ~jTjj)lj -,Ili-) :)"4 j~Cj c.ent.-all.; loaded bent beamo in a yo;',~C~ fixtUre adapted to a Schenclk resonance faLi.-;;ue ;.iachiiie for tension-compression I cadiiiS A non-symmetrical loadin- cycle with a corstant dis- symmetry co-efficient was applied five million ti!iies. The oriecim-n~, gretund by a _herijcal--;.,e,-,ha-ni(,.al 7:-cthod, werc sur- 1 C3 f7ir.t, lap-ood with bo-,-,-,n i-arbide. Tilcl sa7-,-,c .7ot-1,11) Used at tomperatures, -:ihc-n. 1.ho s..,,-~L-nien was surrounded tri exterrially lie, d char.,ib-r containing ar,- ate on or he2ilxa. The tc-stc- dcsi,-~,n,,:~d to r~~3tablich -I(-; :..1~1atIcns h.(_1t,a%?,Qn the otrc!n-th and t:he (cobalt. contcnt) or the U U i-r3in size at both roor. and The D Uritirrue sltrenCth closely f0li'OVIS Uhe of :~'U'atuic Card -1 /2 The ''3tr('~nj~th o.f.' '3'jntr~-Tod Carbide and Cobalt, strenCth in relation to cobalt _--ontont, ',.~:rair. and tem- perature Some discussion of lthos(~- re1,ati_-ns,, co-mmon to static and fatiglie strength: is, 'of 1:1~-Chanical proportic'!: alld fa'Aj"111 11 CV-01, "I T'all-o of tile abov;,, zariables. The practiral is 1-~.'ached that undel, conditions of metal cuttinrl, allo-,s with a lower cobalt content may not only liave a GrOz_-tt(-r vicar r,~s_i.-3ta_nce, but also a larger fatigue strength. This eff(~ct, iorified wider production condition. inci-case.- with -he cutLing speed" i~e~ the tem i)e rat lire of the ~ut~inr;- r,,dge. In fatigue t;heory, the part played by irlitial plaf,0-i-ity a,-- a of fat'icuc. roni~'Jtarlce 1),-,(,n Thert: ai:-~_, 1 tables. 9 ficur~s and 5 refer*,_--nc,,:-.,_ 2 of whiAi arl~ Saviet, 2 Englis'h and 1 German, ASSOCIIM01i. Vjesoyarjr). nau.-,Iinci-io~;!F~-dov,,I-c-.l.,,Iriy J_n_-,ritut tv~?rdykli solavov ~.IVTU ira,, Baumana (All-Un-.on Lnstitut, for 11~xd Allays INTU -Lm. B,'~,iman) SUBi,1ITTED: June 18, 1957,. Card 212 1. A11oj-:#j-Fatig-rAm 314 Y 01 S1 I _37162100010-0210441 1,', AGrv61A1O1 AWDIOPS: Kreymor, G Mudosovtsev, S. A., Safonova, 0. S., BoFino, I-,, M, TITLE. Research for new sintered carbide grades for pneumatic Impact drilling PERIODTCAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, r4etallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 32. abstract 2G258 ("Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. In-t tverdykh splavov", 1960, no. 2, 3-14) TEXT From 4 initial W-powders, 8 series of experimental WIC-Co sintert-d carbides were prepared containing 8, 11, 15 and 20% Co. The W-powders were produced by H2 reductlon at 650 - 820; 720 - 800; 900 and 1,2000C with conventional and intensified grinding of the mixtures. The sintered carbides obtained were subjected to perforating drilling tests on a stand at 7 atm, on rocks of 16 - 18 class strength (according to Protod'yakonov). The absence of breakdowns of the plates and wear resistance were taken as criteria of suitabili ty in selective laboratory-scale tests. Highest strength in pneumatic Impact drilling was shown by coarse-grained WC-Co 0sintered carbides, prepared on the base of tungsten that was reduced at 1,20() C, A decrease of the grain nize by Intensified grinding of the mixtures, caused a decrease in ak and the operational Card 112 ~A) Re-f,ear~;i for nmi sintered carbide grades ... ACJ06/A 10 1 "U. . h of the Antered carbide, In spte of maintained anfl e~/(,n A.Ightly - 4 in-re,ased 6~,. From sintered carbides BK 8 Mir, 8), BK I I M