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KURBATOVA, M.D., kand,med.nauk; KRECINER, B.B.,
I ,
Radiographic determination of the size of the liver in children.
Pediatria 38 no-4.,7742 Apr 160. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezney (zav.-daystvitellnyy chlen AMN
SMR prof. Yu.F.Dombrovskaya) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina me-.
ditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova.
3110-1-65 '7'4T(M)P;r( M (d) /T/r4v t)/ewT-
ACCESSiONVR: APS003499 S/0148/66/000/001/0091/00
i; AUMOR-. Krechiner, V. Go; PM6dio L Vo ]?Aguzov, Yu.
TITLE: Some pecuHarities of internal frictlonift complexly alloyed high strength
SOURCE: IVUZ, Chernaya raeftl1urglya, na. 1, 1965, 91-94
TOPIC TAGS: Internal friction, steel Internal friction, alloy steel,- isteel heat treatment,
steel mechanic-al e
prop rtyl 45]KhGSNT steelo 4510SNT steel
ABSTRACcT: This paper Is a. study of Internal friction in highly alloyed- 45KhGSNT and
_4*nsn isteels la relation to their mechanical properties after heat tr~a_trde_nC_;_1~Vts
were meIted. in an inducti-on furnac6i -and forged4ato '0 mm diameter rods at temperature
of 950-1100C. The rods were slowlj cooled, tempered at 900C, and annealed at 680C.
Impact and tensile strength sample'a were prepared, quenched in oil from 9000, annealed
at 200-600C for two hours, and then cooled with the furnace. Internal friction was
tested on 0.7iknm~wiret drawnfrom, 6 mm diameter rods. The wire. was 60jected to
recry-stallization annealing at 69OC-to 200C (60-100C intervals) and held for 30 minutes
A friction'and rigidity raodules were dotermined In the RKF-M19 vacuum relaxator
a Ito. tre q uof 0,76-0.85 cps, The curves of internal frictionva temperature were
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Eksperimentallnoo opredelenie teplovoi inertsii termoanomometra. (Akademiia
Hauk, SSSR. Doklady, Novaia seriia, 1948, v. 61, no. 6, p. 997-1000,illus.)
Title tr.: Experimental determizattion of the thermal inertia of a hot-wire
AS262.S3663 v.61
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1955
co ~q-l
Results of experiz;-nia-l"investigations of microturbulance in the free
atmosphere. Trudy TUO no.6tl74-183 152- (MIRAUt6)
(Atmospherio turbulence) (Aaronalatice in mateorolog7)
USSR/Geophysics - Atmosphere Temperature 1 May 52
"Investigating Micropulsations of the Temperature
Field in the Atmosphere," S. 1. Krechmer, Geophy Inst,
Acad Sci USSR
"Dok Ak'Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIV, No 1, PP 55-58
Describes microthermometer which he developed in
1946 - 1949 at the Lab of Atm Turbulence Geophys
Inst, Acad Sci USSR, and which has a time const of
0.01 sec and sensitivity of 0.010C, suitable for sub-
ject investigations. Subject pulsations are of in-
terest in problems of atm optics and theory of pro-
pagation of radio waves (cf V. A. Krasillnikov,
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXV, No 3, 1949), requiring
detailed study of temp pulsations in air (cf P.
Sheppard, Weather, 6, No 2, 1951). Submitted by
Aced M. A. Leontovich 11 Mar 52.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 87 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Krechmer, S
TITLE: Methodology for.the Measurement of the Microfluctuations of the
Wind Velocity and the Temperature of the Atmosphere (Metodika
izmereniya mikropullsatsiy skorosti vetra i temperatury v
PERIODICAL: Tr, Geof iz. in-ta AN SSSR, 1954, Nr 24, pp 4 3- 111
ABSTRACT: Description of the instrumentation for the recording of fluctu~-t-
tions in the wind %,~Iocity and the temperature of the atmosphere
which was developed by the Geofizicheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences, USSR) during
1947-1949. The recording accuracy is of the_2rder of magni-
tude of I cm/sec for the wind velocity and 10 degrees C-lor
the temperature; the time element is recorded to within i0
sec. (This degree of time .i.naccuracy leads to a leveling of
any variations in the velocity and temperature distribution on
a scale of the order of 5 cm for a wind velocity of 3 m/sec. )
The instrumentation is based on the principle of the hot-wire
Card 1 /3 anemometer; the probes employ thin platinum wires (20 diam)
Methodology for the Measurement of the Microfluctuations (cont. .)
During wind-velocity measurement the filament is heated to 200- 300'C by the
passing of a current (of the order of 0. 2-0. 25 amp). Temperature changes
(and, consequently, resistance changes) occurring in the filanient are go%crned
by its heat rejection to the air, which depends on the wind-velocity component
normal to the filarnent and is virtually independent of moderate air-temperature
variations (of the order of magnitude of I degree C). Therefore, a meaSUre-
ment of the resistance of the filament yields a detern-iination of tile wind-veloc-
ity component normal to it; an inconvenience therein arises through the non-
linear character of the relationship betweed the resistance and the wind veloc-
ity. The resistance measurement is performed by means of a Wheatstone
bridge, so that (with the aid of a galvanometer and a loop oscillograph) the
current inten.,iity in the diagonal of the bridge can be measured directly. The
bot-wire anemometer can be planned for the measurement of the horizontal
wind-velocity component (with a probe having a vertically positioned filament)
or of the difference between the horizontal components at two points of the
flow (two probes are plugged into the arms of a Kelvin double bridge, so that
both tile sum and difference of their resistances can be recorded simultane-
ously), The measurement of the vertical wind-velocity component is rendered
possible by an "angular adapter", which consists of two filaments positioned
in a vertical plane at angles of +450 and -450 relative to the direction of the
Card 2/3
Methodology for the Measurement of the Microfluctuations (cont. )
mean wind. The difference between the resistances of these two fil aments is
approximately proportional to the vertical wind-velocity con-1ponent (wherein
the ratio factor is a function of the resultant wind velocity. In the micro-
thermometer element the current passing through its fiLiment is of low inten-
sitv ('of the order of I ma*), so that the overheating of the filament relative to
the surrounding air does not exceed 0. OIOC. Therefore, the temperature
(and, hence, the resistance) of the filament depends upon the air-temperature
fluctuations and is virtually independent of the wind velocity. The resi~.tancv
is also measured by mean_~, of a Wheat!:tone bridge, and it is found that the
current intensity in the diagonal ot the bridge is proportional to tile air-tempera
ture fluctuations. The recording of the (ut-rent in the diagonal requires arn-
plification by a factor of 101, which is acconriplished on a carrier frequency
(4 kc) with the use of a phase -sens iti% e detector, so that an output current
can be obt~Llned which changes sign with a change in the sign of a temperature
fluctuation. The theory of the instrument,Ation is set forth, its design is des-
cribed, the results of an experimental investigation of the instrument char-
acteristics are presented, and the instrument-calibration and data---,nalysis
procedures are described, Bibliography: 26 reference!~.
I. Wind--Velocity 2. Atmo3phere--Temperature, 3. Temperature--Recording devices
Card 3/3 A; S. Monin
6o-3.22 - 2/3
AUTHOR: Krechmer, S.I.
TITLZ; _Re_g~ardingVariability of Wind Direction (K voprosu ob
izmenchivosti napravleniya vetral
o instit
33 (l 0) 8-59
: 3
, r
, pp
ABSTRACT: The article discusses the results of an Investigation
conducted by the Geophysical Institute of the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR In 1954 on the variability-of wind
direction. The author analyses the rel&tionglilp between
the structural functions In the direction and the velopity
of the wiiitA for different relative positions of the base
and the vector of velocity. A qualitative evaluation of
changes in,the direction of the wind and a statisti6a
jnresent~ation of registered material are given. Spatial
and reduced "space-time" structural functions of the
field of directions are developed which are in agree-
ment vilth existing datca on the atrneture In the field of
velocities. There are 10 figures, and 7 -roferamed of
which ' - :~k_: Russian, 1 English and 1 Aft,arican.
AVAILABLE, Library of Congress
Card 1/1
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p 107 (USSR)
AUTHOR: ~ Krechmer S I
TITLE: Experimental Determination of the Characteristics of Temperature
Fluctuations in the Atmosphere (Eksperimentat'noye opredeleniye
kharakteristik temperaturnykh pul'satsiy v atniosfere)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Tsentr. aerolog. observ. , 1956, Nr 16, pp 39-47
ABSTRACT: A continuation of the experimental investigations by the author on
the microstructure of the temperature field in the atmosphere (Dokl.
AN SSSR, 1949, Vol 63, Nr 3). The same instrumentation and
methodology is used as in the preceding investigations. The measure-,
ments were performed during the summer of 1953 at the field station
of the Geophysics Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Some data
from the earlier investigations are also used. The distribution curves
of the temper'ature microfluctuations at fixed reference points exhibit
a distinct asymmetry, with the maxima displaced toward the side of
the positive fluctuations. This indicates that negative temperature
fluctuations are encountered less frequently, but that they have a
Card 1/3 greater ampiitude than the positive ones; this can be attributed to
Experimental Determination of the Characteristics of Temperature (cont. )
occasional outbreaks of cold stable air masses. The distribution curves of the
synchronous temperature differences between two points located at a base length
are of close to normal shape. As the base length is increased ( I = 2 and 32 cm
were tested) the frequency distribution curves are substantially "washed out",
i. e. , the frequencies of large temperature differences increase. The data of six
recordings, with mean values computed up to 20 seconds, are used to investigate
the mean-square temperature difference at two points, that is, the root of the
structural temperature function
H( I T(H') - TFNTYI 2
For 1 ranging from 0.5 to 50 cm the results are closely described by the
formula q-H-R-Y 8 2 10 -310.32
where the temperature is given in degree C and b in cm. The exponent 0.32 is
extremely close to the theoretical value of 1/3 obtained by A. M. Obukhov (Izv.
AN SSSR, ser. geogr. i geofiz. , 1949, Vol 13, Nr 1) and by, M. Yaglom (Dokl.
SSSR, 1949, Vol 69). The coefficient of 8.2 x 10-3 6C. cm- A. is several times
Card 2/3
SOV/124-57-9- 10607
Experimental Determination of the Characteristics of Temperature (cont. )
smaller than the results of theoretical estimates and the values previously obtained
for it by the author. This may perhaps be attributed to the insufficient number of
recordings and the insufficient averaging time employed. However, the manual
handling of the data for the numerical ' computation of the structural function, when
the averaging is done for a period of the order of a few minutes, is extremely time
consuming. Therefore, automation of this data handling is desirable, in order that
the instrument be capable of determining directly either the structural functions or
the correlation moments.
L. S, Gandin
Card 3/3
Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 85 (USSR/t
AUTHOR: Krechmer, S. I.
TITLE: On Directional Variability of the Wind (K voprosu ob izn-ien-
chivosti napravleniVa vetra.)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Geofiz. in-ta AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 33 (160), pp 48-59
ABSTRACT: It is shown that if the pulsations of the wind velocity vector are
small in comparison with the mean wind velocity U then the
longitudinal, structural function of the wind direction is propor-
tional to the transverse structural function of the wind speed;
and the transverse structural function of the wind direction is
proportional to the longitudinal structural function of the wind
speed. In both cases the proportionality coefficient is equal to
U_ 2. The variability of the wind direction is examined experi-
mentally by means of a weathervane equipped with potentiometric
gages and an oscillograph. Four of these weathervanes were in-
stalled in a straight line in such a way as to enable the author to
determine the structural functions for six distances ranging from
50 to 375 meters. Visual analysis of the oscillographic record-
Card 1/3 ings made it possible to divide the results obtained into four
Oil Directional Variability of the Wind
groups, depending upon the predominant oscillatory frequencies, namely:
1) from 840 to 60 fluctuations in wind direction per hour; 2) from 60 to 12;
3) from 12 to 2; 4) less than 2 hourly fluctuations in wind direction. The
inertia of the weathervane had ail adverse effect oil the recordings of the high-
frequency fluctuations. The classification of results adopted is similar to that
proposed by Singer and Smith (Singer, Irving A., Smith, Maynard E., J.
Meteorol. 1953, Vol 10, Nr 2, p 121 - RzhMekh, 1954, Nr 3, abstract 2626).
It is shown that with an increase in the mean wind velocity the frequency of the
long-period pulsations (group III) diminishes; the frequency of the short
period pulsations (group 1) increases, whereas the frequency of pulsations
of the intermediate group II does not exhibit any regular variations. The
structural function of the wind direction was investigated in two ways; directly
by simultaneous registration of readings at several different points, and in-
directly - by registrations obtained at different times at the same points (by
way of a structural function based on time), founded oil the hypothesis of the
translation of the pulsations by the mean flow. For small velocity values the
structural function becomes a constant. For velocities of the order of 7 mps,
the structural function A( I ) is determined by the relationship A( I ) = B lc~
where the exponent W varies between 0.19 and 0.23 in comformity with the
theoretical deductions of A.M. Yaglom (Tr. Geofiz. in-ta AN SSSR, 1954,
Card 2/3
On directional Variability of the Wind
Nr ?.4) according to which 0< z 0.21. The histograms of the wind direction and
wind-direction fluctuation5 for different time intervals and different mean
velocities are also analyzed.
L. S. Gandin
1. Wind--Directlon 2. -,'InJ--VeIo-~',:,., 2 Wind di-re-zlion -indicaLors
Card 3/3
J%old gradientmeter for measuring air-temperature gradients, Tray
TSAO no*22r96-99 157. (KM 11:4)
(;;mospheric temperature) (Keteorological instruments)
a owl-
It OL I-
Ic IQ ilo 16 %iiam)
L & 11".0"
jL c r
to n
N. A. 11-I"
1, In
at I 9-~ 5.4
Olm ROMOD& tW UP 090600tda PMtbA at Me GotMA&tto f"haologtftl owfA%7 ct
saills 224bowbe ml liso*iftl camuRl"tia" to. A. A. pow Omm), ft"M,
8-11 jwmo. /fS'l
AUTHORS: Furduyev, V.V. and Krechmer, S.I.
TITLE; The prcticnt auto-correlation of a speech signal
FERIODICIV,: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioclektronika,
no, 81 1961P 38, abstract 8 K495 (V ab. 100 let so
dnya rozhd. A.S. Popova, M., AN 3SSR, 1960, 228-234)
TEXT: The statistical properties of speech arc quantita-
tively determined by the first distribution and the integral law of
distribution of instantaneous values of the autocorrelation func-
tion for different delay times. The experimental evaluation of the
RMS values of this function has resulted in determining the coher-
ence coefficient as a function of the timeshift of the signal and of
its delayed repetitions. The coherence interval of the speech sig-
nal in about 70-80 microsec. Two tape recorders were used in the
measuring arrangement, one of which was used as a controlled 0-0.56
see. delay line. The direct and delayed signaln were applied to a
Card 1/2
'0 -1
The present auto-correlation ... D201/0304
correlator with an integrator having a time constant of 30 microsec.
The indications were recorded on a loop oscilloscope. The statis-
tical processing of correlograrns was carried out manually. f-Ab-
stracter's note: Complete translation-7
Card 2/2
KREGHUR, S.0 kand.fis.-mat.nauk- DOLINIK. A.
Artificial reverberation and reverberators. Radio no.6:57-59 Je
160. (MIRA 13-7)
(Vibratorn) (Sound-lquipment and supplies)
YANKOVSKAYA, A.S. [IAnkovs1kaP H.S.]; KNYA~EVA, K.N. [Kninzieva, K.N.1;
Methodology for the simultaneous recording of electromyograme,
mechanograms and the amplitude of motion in the joints. Flziol.
zhur. [Ukr.] 8 no.4t556-558 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Laboratcriya biologii Instituta gerontologii At-IN SSSR i
Ukrainakiy tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
ortopedii i travmatologii, Kiyev.
KRECH~ER, V. (Krecmer, V.)
Works of Czech scientist Emarupl Purkyne. Meteor.i.gidrol. no.92
53 S 163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy I-r~stltut lesnoio khQzyaystvi,
L 51304-65- VRT(m)/~VINP(zY/E~V'A*(c)/T-/E-RP(b)/E~*A(d)/E79P(w)/E',KP(t) MJWIJI)
IACCESStON UR:" ip0iAjA UR/Oi48/65iGOO/G'O5/'0148-/O-1-'51
AUTHOR: Paison Ii V.; Krei-hider, V. 21
TITLE: Investigation* ojr the wear ~re_4istance of complex-alloy,
~.Lgh-strength ateel~-_
~SOITRCE- IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya no, 5. 1965,J48-151
XU.F1 U J'AUb 11 h stren h steel, alloy high strength Pteelt steel wear resist
L1,4i'ISMT steel A). 'T
9 GG steel 5OKhGSMT steel
iABSTRACT: The wear, resistance of 47KhGSNT6 _44KhSNT, 6oKhGST end 501rh%n. high-
%strength olloy steels has been studied..'~ Speolmens-vere quenched frord 880, 890"
i830'and 8060C, reapectIvely, tempered at.200C for 2 hr, and cooled in air. The
.microstructure of tempered steel consisted of martensite and residual austenite.
It vas found that - 47Kh'GS1tT 4.4.-bMZ
and a low hardriess (511 11V) becauq-*
!of an excessive amount of reoidual.austenite (up to 6-7%) -, the 66nGST steel has
ia high hardaest; (710 V due to the.high content of carbon and the absence of
inickel, Wear resist ancel tests showed that'5OKh'3SW' and '60KhGmsteels are the M-Osti
swear resistant due to theirbigh'carbon content, the absence of nickel. and_sin
i~ 5 OP-4,SMT steel the presence of molybdenum. The .47Kh(;Sfff and WIONT' Ste eIs ha"~-C 1
Ithe same hardness, but the wear resistance in.'47KhGSRT steel is higher becan:~,e of
usclim!-:R, V.C.; PAISOV, I.V.; FIGUIZIOV, YU.V.
enaracteris'll-c-it of 4.nternal frl,~ticr, in
hi&-es-Istance tteel. vyo. u,.~h~:b. zan%- .-em. met. 8
no.1 .01-% 165 l8a,L)
I . 1-k).ikovskiy Lnrl ! Ui L ~,;t il 1 41
L U4filil-67 EVT im J /'LV F (w"' i/ LW F( L ~'/ E'! II'M6 JDZ.",16
ACC NR, AR6020945 SOURCE CODE: LIR/0137/66/000/002/1059/IO59
:ALITHOR: Palsov, I. V.; Krechmer, V. G.
TITLE: Mechanical properties/Of new high strength steals
SOURCE: Ref zh. Metallurg, A s. 21393
REF SOURCE: Sb. statey aspirantov i soiskateley. H-vo vyssh. i oredn. spets. obrazo-
vaniya KazSSR. Metallurgiya i obogashch., vyp. 1, 1965, 181-187
TOPIC TAGS: high strength steel, metal grain structure / KhGSNTF steel, 45KhGSTF
steel, 45KhGNTF1 steel, 40KhNMA steel, 30Kh2GN2 steel
TRANSLATION: The carbon content of the steels is 0.35-0.45%. rine grain structure of
the steel is attained through deoxidation and ferrotitanium. For grain refinement,
0.12-0.32% V was added. The composition of the experimental steels are as follows:
'37KhGSNTr-o.37% C, 0.76% Si, 1.38% Mn, 1.34% Cr, 1.04% Ni, 0.15% Ti, and 0.27% V;
45KhGSTF-0.46% C9.0.86% Si, 1.59% Mn, 1.40% Cr, 1.10% Ni, 1.10% Ti, and 0.12% V;
~MGSTr_-o.34% C, 0.79% Si, 1.45k Mn, 1.0% Cr, 0.15% Ni, 0.35% Ti, and 0.32% V. Sam-
ples were quenched from 8800C and-ktempered at 200-6000C (air cooling). After temper-
ing at 2000C 45KhGNTF1 steel had U ---kg/mm2, ak 7.7 kgm/=2, 6 10%, and # 40%. Af-
. 180
ter tempering in the 500-6000C range we found a decrease of a k and brittle fractures.
UDC: 669-018.298.3
L 04681-67
ACC NRi AR6020945
in the specimens. Upon simultaneous decrease in V and Ti contents, the.increase in C
content from 0.37 to 0.46% lowered ak in 45KhGSNfFl stie-1. For a quality high strengti
steel (ab170-185 kg/=2, ak 6-7.5 kgm/cm2, 6 10-11%, and # 40%) 4SKhGSNTF was recom-
mended after qu hing from 8
,#QC and tempering at 200-2500C. 4SKhGSNTF steel could
ireplace 40MMAILcd 30Xh2GN2 Wteels. For the replacing of 30Kh2GN2 steel it is neces-
Isary to ase the-U--content in 34KhGSNTF steel to 0.35%. V. Olenicheva.
Card 2/2 Ev
USSR/Engineering Apr 49
Model Testing
"S- Problems in th,6 Theory of Mechanical Simi-
larity (Dimensional Analysis), " T. V. Krechmer,
Sci Res Inst, Min for Constr of Mach-Bldg Enter-
prises, k pp,
"Dok.Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 1XV, No 4
Discusses deformation equations for a body anA a
model (hm'ogeneous and isotropical elastic bodies
.gecmetrically similar and made of the same mate--
rial) vhen acted. upon by surface forces and. volum
USSR/t:ngineering (Contd) Apr 49
forces. Submitted by Acad L. S. Laybenzon,
9 Feb 49.
V. llizr",
USSR/Engineering - Soil Mechanics 21 oct 49
"Model'ing by Means of a Centrifugal App%ratus in
the Presence of Filtration Processes of a Definite
qlass," V. V. Krechmer, Sci Res Inst, Min for Cons
of Mach-Bldg Enterprises.
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSW Vol LXVIII, No 6j, PP 997-999
Discusses,.model'ing used to study problems which
arise in design of equipment whose stability and
strength are chiefly dependent upon shifts of the
bottom and water in it. Submitted by Acad A, L
Nekrasov 26 Aug 49.
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr. 11, p 135 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Krechmer, V. V.
T IT LE: Calculation Method for Plank Walls as E)nstic Structural Elements
with Due Consideration to the Compressibility of the Groundin the
Restraining Encasement Area. (Metod rascheta shpuntovykh 5tenok
kak uprugikh konstruktsiy s uchetom szhimayemosti grunta v oblasti
zadelki) I
PERIODICAL: Tr. N. -i. in-ta osnovaniy i fundamentov, 1956, Nr 30, pp 74-110
ABSTRACT: Calculation of the strength and deformation of a grooved wall loaded
with earth fill, with or without a tie-down at the anchorage support.
The upper portion is considered loaded by the active pressure of the
fill. The lower portion is calculated as a bar which is elastically -
fastened to an elastic semi-plane. The contact problem is solved for
an elastic bar and semi-plane with a load and moment representing the
action which the fill exerts on the bar. No account is taken of the
discontinuity in the semi-plane created by the insertion of the bar.
The friction between the soil and the plank is disr"egarded. The
Card 1/3 stresses in the serni-plane are determined by means of Melan'5
Calculation Method for Plank Walls as Elastic Structural Elements with Due Consider-
ation to the Compressibility of the Ground in the Restraining Encasement Area. (Cont.
formula as modified by the reviewer (Gorbunov-Posadov, M. 1.
Shekhte r, 0. Ya. , and Kofman, V. A. , Tr. N. -i. in-ta osnovaniy i funda-
mentov, 1~54,Ni