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L 57437-65 EWP(w)/Epp(C)/E-,"(q)/T t M/W/JG/tG A r ;ACCESSION NR:- APWiT234 AUTHOR: Vyk Ilickys, H. 02ft; Lobl.; K. (Elogineer), Krejel, R. (Engineer -91 ~TITLS: Cast stai -nickel steel J6 nless rcmium ISOURCE: Hutnicke listy. no. L 1965, 528 TOPIC TAGS: steel,, cast steel* stainless steel, chromium nickel steel,,atainless cbromium nickel steel, cast chromium nickel steel, cast stainless chromiun n116kel I Isteel ABSTRACT: This Agthor Certificate Introduced a cast stainless chrouium-nickel steel containing 0.12% C , 4-0% 9h, uP to 1.5% Gi,' Cr, 15-22% Nis 2.0-' 440% Mos 2-5- UP 4.5%, 6M. to 0.1% it, up to and up to 0.5% Ti. In presence of ''0.2-0.5% V, respective ratios of V;mo,,V:Cu, an V:NL of 1:6-12, 1:6-16, and 1:43-5T should be maintainedaLad, the, Ko cont must be at least 5.5%. An increased Cu content makes the steel go sfsjant~lnt the active state, The steel I!Mlon re 1has 5-40% ferrite, vhich increasea,tensile end yield strength and weldability, and eliminates susceptibility to vold cracking. -Vanadlum refines the cast structure- of the steel. [WWI 1-card- 8/277/63/000/002/001/00i A052/A126 AUTHORt Krej'6i, RagIA911y, TITLEt Now ooonomy-alloyed stools PERIODICAM Referativnyy.zhuxnalt Otdeltnyy vypusk, 48o Mashinostroi- telsnyye materialy, konatruktaii i reachet detailey mashint no. 2, 1963, 11, abstract 2.48-76 (SlAALrenstvi, v. IOP no* 59 1962l 164 - 185) (Czech.) TEXTt New economy-alloyed cast steels of Mr-511i-qMn-N and Wr-141&4 N grades have been developed in CzSSRp as well as 2-phase steels of Cr21Ni5 grade containing no Ni or with the Ni content reduced I by 50% compared with auetenitic stainless steel of 18/9 grade* Cr-Un-Ni- -N steel is almost with all properties equal to 18/9 steel and has a 6's higher by 40% at high rand O(k values, but its corrosion resistance is slightly lower than that of 18/9,eteel. corrosion resistance of Cr-Un-N 'steel with 17% Cro but its mechanical steel is equal to that of ferrite properties and machinability are considerably bettere Cr-Un-N steel has Card 1/2 0/002/001/001 S/277/63/00 New economy-alloyed steels A052/A126 a e twice as high as that of 16/9 steel and a e25% lower# Characteristics of Melting afid casting of these steels are compared with the technology for -18/9 steel casting and are specified. 2-phase steels of Cr2INi5 grade can substitute many austenitic stainless Cr-Ni Steele; their casting tech-: nology does not differ practically from that of 10/9 steel. A stabilizing with Ti or alloying with Ro raises the strength of these steels by 5 compared with 18/9 steel, but reduces ductility. Cr21Ni5 steels.are resisting heat up to 300 - 3500C, their corrosion resistance in many organic and inorganic acids is even higher than that of 18/9 type steel ' due to a higher Or-contentp the exception being some aggressive media like 10% HCI. The machinability of 21Cr5Ni steels is better than that of 18/9 Steele. H.' Ivenskaya KRFJCI, Rostislav O'hortened e-oncmical melting of the Czechoslov-k Standard 42 2661 material. Slevarenstvi 12 no.9:341-3.,.2 S 164. 1. Slatina National Enterprise, Brno. 3/,0G1/62/C^0/'023/061/1,20 B160/B186 AUTHORS: Krej'cl, Rtidolf, Kadlec, Jaro3lav TITLE: Manufacture of silica gel with Inrge pores PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 473, abstract 23K236 (Czech. pat. 101179, Oct. 15, 1961) TEXT: Si02 hydrogel containine intramicellitr liquid (water, aqueous solutions of inorganic and organic substances) is treated in an autoclave under the action of a temperature from 1000C to critical and subject to enough pressure sufficient for preserving the liquid phase in the gel before it is dried. Silica gel is produced with large pores whose size can be controlled by the autoclave treatmerit conditions. The product is used as a catalyst or a carrier. Example. 27.35 1 of a Na2sio 3 solution (SiO2 concentration 113 01 and density 1.156) is cnntinuoualy precipitated by adding 35.3 1 of 1 N H 2304, 80 1 of silica gel balls are obtained which. are left for a certain time in a mother liquor at pH - 10.3 containing Card 1/2 S/06 1/ 62/' 00/023/061/120 Manufacture of silica 6e1 ... B160/B186 12 g1l of Na2so 4' After draininit off the mother liquor the balls are kept for 24 hours in 24 1 of 1 N H2so4 and washed in water until there is a negative SO2 reaction and the Na 0 content is reduced to < 0.03io. 10 1 of 4 2 the balls are saturated for 3 hours in 4 1 of a solution containing 80 ml of NH4 salt of dibutyl naphthalene sulfonic acid; the liquid is then run off and the granules placed in an autoclave which is heated for 4 hours to 3750C and a preagure of 220 atm. The autoclnvo in then allowed to cool. The granules which have been treated in this way are dried and roasted in an electric furnace at 6000C. The finished granulated silica gel has a specific surface area of 50 m2/g, a dry weiGht of 0.30 kg1l, an absorptive power for water of > 200~-, and a maximum pore diameter of > 120 [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 212 YH&MI, V. F.REJCI, 11. Ide are cultivating crops ,,rhich -,,rield the highest qu:--,ntity of :-Aitri ious su~~stances per hectare-, we meet the feeding, stuff require:ie:-ts th ough our production. p. 16. Vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 1956 11LASY AGRIC111TURE Czechoslovakia So: East &ropepn Accession, Vol. ), :0- 5, EaY 1951 1. IntAc 1amt, 'lip LI, f ion 'lisk rr)-4!30t'~~-311 Ap 1~)/' CZI-CHOSLOVAKIA/Electronica Electrical DL,3c~)argca ir (;qser,, H-7 Gas Discharge Apparatas Nt,s Jour : Pzf Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1958,, No 64o4 4:.ithor : Krejci Vaclav -7 Ins+ : P:i~~ysc ~tute, Czechoslovak Academ;y of Scie:,-,es; Pnague, Czechoslovakia T17;le : Low Freq:aency Oscillations of Glow Discharge Orig Pub : Ceskosl. casoP. fYs.: 1957, 7, No 4, 457-453 Nbstract : Damped oscillations were observed In 1;1-Le glow discharge, arising in air at a pressure of 1 mm marciary (and in other gases) and at currents close to threshold value of the self-sustaiaed dis- charge current. As a rule they can be caused by a sharp change in the discharge current or by a sharp voltage p,.Llse on the external side of the electrode. Unlike the k-,2owr. relaxatioa oscillations. whose freTaeacy is dependent by tte RC cozi2-7.3.nt of the external circuit.: the parqme-~er.- c-f t'-e damped. oscil- lation depend on the parameters of the d1scharge plisma. Card 1/1 Electrical Discharges in Gases and Dis- It-7 charGe Apparatus Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizik,-,, No 6, 195~, No 13632 Author : Krejci Vaclav 4 ~ Inst No G v~en Title Low Frequency Oscillations of r. Glow Discharge Orig Pub Chekhosl. fiz. zh., 1957, 71 No 5) 509-510 Abstract See Referat Zhur Fizika, 19581 Nc 3. 64o4 card KHEJCI, V. SCIENCE Periodical CESKOSLOVZENSKY CASOPIS PRO FISIKU. Vol. 8, no, 1, 1958. KRHIM, V. Low-fre uency oscillations of the positive column of a glow discharge through gases. p. 42. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3. March, 1959. Uncl. AUTHOR: _-Krej6f, vatlav CZ/37-58-5-3/19 TITLE: Influence of the Cathode Zone on the Dynamic Properties of a Glow Discharge in Hydrogen (Vliv katodove' oblasti na dynamicke' vlastnosti doutnav4ho qboje ve vodiku) PERIODICAL: 6eskoslovensky dasopis pro Fysiku, 1958, fir 5, pp 526-533 + 1 plate (Czech) ABSTRACT: To elucidate the influence of the cathode zone on the dynamic properties of a discharge the authors carried-out a number of measurements. In the first part of the paper the results are reported; in the second part the authors attempt a qualitative interpretation of the measured relations. The measurements were carried out using the same technique and the same apparatus as was done in measurements reported in earlier woxk (Ref 2). The discharge tube was connected to a stabilised source of 2.5 kV d.c. which was bridged by agi e capacitance; between the cathode of the dischar Md the grounded negative pole of the source a pentode was connected for the purpose of regulating and stabilising the discharge current. Parallel to the pentode a capacitor of Card 1/5 variable capacitance C x was connected. The results CZ/37-58-5-3/19 Influence of the Cathode Zone on the Dynamic Properties of a Glow Discharge in Hydrogen measured for various capacitance values have enabled evaluating the influence of the parasitic capacitance of the cathode end of the discharge relative to ground. Near to the cathode a metal rinG was fixed on the external side of the discharge tube to which very short high voltage pulses were fed. Each such pulse brought the discharge into a non-steady state. The establishment of a steady state manifested itself by changes in the intensity of -the li6ht emanating from the discharge and changes in -the voltage of the cathode of the discharge relative to ground. The characteristio3of both these magnitudes was observed on the screen of a pulse-cathode oscillograph; typical oscillo6rams of -the cathode voltage recorded by this method are reproduced in Fig.1 (plate p 632b). In Fig.2 the dependence is graphed ofthe oso-illation frequency on the pressure and on the capacitance of the external condenser C x (I = 0.20 aA, length of discharge gap 48 cm). In Fig.3 the dependence Is graphed of the oscillation frequency on the capacitance Card 2/5 Cx for various areas of the cathode surface for a CZ/37-58-5-3/19 Influence of the Cathode Zone on the Dynamic Properties of a Glow Discharge in Hydrogen discharge length of 68.5 cm. In measuring the dynamic properties of the glow discharge in spectrally pure hydrogen it was found that the cathode region does influence the behaviour of the discharge in the unstable state. The results of these measurements are given and also their phenomenological interpretation, which is based on the equivalent circuit of the discharge, Fig.4. The relations derived in the paper permit calculating the magnitudes of all the capacitances and inductances in the equivalent circuit from measured results of the dependence of the oscillation frequency on the capacitance of the external condenser C . If the results of measurements of the dependence ~f the oscillation frequency on the length of the discharge path is known, it is in princiPle possible to calculate also the magnitude of the inductance L s and of the capacitance C S per 1 cm of the length of the positive column. It is practically not possible to measure accurately all these relations over a sufficiently wide range because a change in one of the discharge Card 3/5 Parameters brings about a change of the frequency and CZ/37-58-5-3/19 Influence of the Cathode Zone on the Dynamic Properties of a Glow Discharge in Hydrogen damping of the oscillations and the frequency values determined in the case of high damping are very inaccurate. For the time being it is not possible to go beyond determining the order of magnitude of the reactive parameters of the discharge. The results described in the paper show that in the case of a non-steady state glow discharge, the influence of the cathode region on the dynamic properties of the dischar~,;e can be appreciable. Thereby, the dynamic properties of the cathode region are U of such a type that they are supplementary to similar properties of the positive column and thus form a resonance circuit. Thereby, the possibilit- y is provided of the generation of low frequency oscillations in the discharge even if the external discharge circuit does not contain any reactive elements at all. Ackmowledgments are made to Dr. L. Peka'rek for his advice and assistance Card 4/5 in carrying out this work. CZ/37-58-5-3/19 influence of the Cathode Zone on the Dynamic Properties of a Glow Discharge in Hydrogen There are 4 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Czech, 1 Soviet and 1 Wnglish. I ASSOCIATION: Pysikaln! ~stav C'SAV, Praha (Physics Institute, Czech.Ac.Sc., Prague) SUBMITTED: January 13, 1958 Card 5/5 Krejci, V. Neeative resistance of a glow discharge. P. 377. CTIKC6I,OV.',.II.`KY =30HS i-RO PISdO, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. h, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EIAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 10, 1959 -Oct* Uncl. S/058,/6P-/000/004/151/160 A061/A101 AUTHORS: Krej6i,.V., Popovici, C. M ffect of a hollow cathode on striations in glow discharge 1ITLE: E P-MIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no, 11, 1962, 32, abstract 11-3-63shch ("Chekhosl. fiz. zh.1', 1961, v. Bll, no. 9. 682 - 684) TOCT: The hollow cathode of an experimental discharge tube consisted of two parallel nickel plates. The tube was filled with neon up to 2.7 mm Hg. When a photomultiplier was used, the change of light intensity in -dime was recorded at different distances between the cathode plates and with constant discharge current. The effect of the hollow cathode, while neither producing intensified striation in the positive column nor acting upon other striation parameters, wan found to impair the feedback between the anode and cathode, the magnitude of which in most cases determines the production of self-excited moving striations. There are 8 references. [Physics Institute, AS CSR; Physics Institute, AS RPR] F. Ya. [Abstracter's note-: Complete translation] Card 1/1 C7 1 S/058/62/000/004/1415/160 A06IIA101 AUMORS: PekArek, L., krej6i, V. 1ITLE: The physical nature of the production of moving striations in P. d-c discharge plasma PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 59 - 60, abrtract );Zh406 ("Chekhosl. fiz. zh.", 1961, v. B11, no. 10, 729 - 742, Engllsh) TE-=I: A mechanism of the lamination of a positive d-c column is suggested and physically interpreted on the basis of a greatly simplified system of equa- tions, whose solution describes the production of a periodic structure of the plasma of a positive column after an aperiodic disturbance. Only three principal Xphysical phenomena, taking place in the plasma of any d-c discharge, were con- sidered: 1) dependence of ionization on the electron temperature, and, come-* quently, on the electric field; 2) formation of space charges as the result of different ion and electron diffusion rates; 3) production of additional elec- 'uric fields due to the appearance of space charges. The foregoing processes as a whole give rise to a characteristic circuit, developing in time and space, and, Card 1/2 The physical nature of... 8/058/62/000/0011/1115/160 A061/A101 in its turn, leading to the production of a periodic structure - moving atria- tions. In accordance with experiments, this structure arises only between the auiode and the seat of local disturbmee in the plasma. There are 23 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 45267 Z/037/62/000/005-6/017/049 E192/E382 AUTHORS: PekArek, L. and Krej~I.-N.- TITLE: Analogy between a stratified plasma wave and the waves on the surface of water PERIODICAL: 6e:31-1-oslovanslky casopis pro fy siku, no. 5-6, 1962, 546 - 552 T EXT The process of wave-forination on a smooth water surface is well known, whoreas a similar process of the appearance of ' triobilo layers, kno;,rn as "stratification'waves", in a gas discharge is a comparatively unknown phenomenon. Such waves in gas dis- charges can be produc od, for instanco, by applying an iTxx-iodic %,nltage pillse to till electrode situated in ttle discharge tube. This pulse produces an initial stratum which rapidly disappears but results in the formation of a similar stratum at a certain distance in the direction of the anode. In turn, after a delay, another stratimi is produced and so on; a set of strata which moves towards the anode is observed only after several ms,-whereas the individual strata move in the opposite direction. The thenry of gravitation waves on the surface of water can be approximately described by the Card 1/4 Analogy between .... following basic equations: Y + + -=, = 0 Cx ay- az- Z/037/62/000/005-6/017/049 E192/r,382 (1) a2Y 04P + g - = 0 6z where y is the velocity potential, x and coordinates, z is tlic vertical coordinate, is the gravity. The.stratification -.,raves in similarly be described by a system of partial be/ax i--q 0n+ an /at zfN 0 + 0 (2) y are horizontal t is time and g inert gases can Oifforontial equatiorn (5) (6) Card 2/4 Z/037/6n/000/005-6/017/049 Alkalogy betwee'll .... E192/E382 w1i er Pe is the iocal deviation of tile electric field from its equilibriiii-il valuo,n i.-; the deviation of the ion concentration from the equilibrivil.) V.11110 14 q is an elementary charge, ZI 0. 0 is a conntarit rclatin,, the ionization intensity to the electric- field strength () anal x is tile distance'from the position of t;ic initial perturbaLion ot' the equilibrium State. Lqs- (5) and (6) aro valid for dnviation.-; and talfe'into account the three basic PrOCCSSC.'3 ill PlCUMICA: 1) dependence ot the ionization rate on the electron t cm perat Lire, tile temperature being directly proportional to tile field; 2) production of space charges by differing electron and ion- dif fus ion rat e~u and 3 )appearance of an additional electric field due to tile space charge. The solution of Eqs. (5) and (6) is approximately given by. 11 (x %./, 0 't J i-2.v( - xt + N Cos [-a xt) - Card 3A Z/037/62/U00/005-6/oi7/o4q Analogy botween .... El ')2 / P'3 8 wil o'r 0 (If r v q It Comparison of t,,ic theory of strati- 0 + ficallion waves in 111(!r? ga,30.-, witi, tile theovy of tile gravitation Waves On %;:iter --ihow.,i tluiL althotigh the two effects are very sii,,i Jjr, tile -1 -1 i . betweeii them , re prim, rily due to tile different morle.-; o1: propa~,,ixtion oC tile perturbations (from the oq"ilibr.ium ot;ito); whereas in waves oil water the contact forces Vr Are tile lilo!~t important, tile electrical phenomena in plasma are Such as to ZICt either directly or remotely. In this respect, the moving strata differ from the waves on water and have no direct analogy in riiechanixal syutems. 'ifiere are 3 figures. A A,SSOCI' rION: Vysikalni xv;tav 6AV, Praha (1'hY-'icf; Institute, C6AV, Prague) Card Lill, PEKA K, L.; KREJCI, V.; STIA4~ 0. i Direction of motion of striations in an inert gas-hydrogen mixture. Chekhool fiz zhurnal 13 no.4.,243-245 163. 1. Fyzikalni ustavj, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha. PLIKARM, L.; KRF.TGI, V. The theory of movlmg striations In a D-C discharge pla!~rla, Pt.2. Chekhosl fiz zhll--nal 13 no.12C881-891j. tS3. ustavq Ceqko3lc-,,ar)2kFj KRF.P'T, V. 'j "ummer 9chool of moloculitr blophytiles In Varonna (Italy). Ghakho3l fiz zhurnal 15 no.31219 M. 1. 1wititute of Physic3 of the Czechoslovak Axiidomy of --3ciancas, Pralpin 8, Lumumbova 1. Rncalved October 16, 1964. . - ~- -- ~r~ r I . I f r, rp.Fj(;T, Va!.-Iav, otrol KREJCI, V1.; FEIT, J. An experimental study of the healing of muscle rupture. Pt.l. Cs morfologie 8 no-3:274-280 160. (EW 9:10) 1. Vyzkumny ustav traumatologicky v Brne, reditel prof. MUDr Vladimir Novak, dr. la. Pathologicko-anatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty v Brne, prednosta prof. KJDr Jaroslav Svejda. (MUSCLES) (REGENERATION (BIOLOGY)) YUSIL. Fe-1 -0JqCj,_j._;__YLAHSKY. I.; SPONAR, J. General and local vegetative changes in wound healing. Rozhlechir, 39 no.6:374-379 Je 160. 1 Vyzkumny ustav traumatologicky v Brne, red1tel prof. KUDr. V:Novak. Ustav experlmentalni patologle Brno, prednasta prof. XUDr et RNDr. V. Uher (WOUND HIALING) (AUTONOMIC MVOUS SYSTIM phy9iol) -P*LqI,,-Y1Adim1r;JMIT, JoBef; technicka spoluprace J1rina Yromlova. R.Odnra. Studies on wouncl healing in the muscle in experimental conditions. Ro2bl.chir- 39 no.6:397-403 Je 16o. Is Vyzkumny ustav traumtologicky v Brno. reditel prof. dr. Vladimir Rovak, dr. 1. v Patologicko-anatomicky natav lokaroke fakulty univeraity v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. Jaroelav Svejda. (YUSCLES wds & inj) (WOM HIIAING) -=Cl, Vladimir, KUDr Anatomical studies on the spinal with special reference to internal fixation. Roshl.chir. 34 no.8:468-475 Oct 55. 1. Vyzkumny ustav traumatologicky v Brno, redital prof. KUDr Vladimir Novak. Anatomicky uatav lakarake fakulty KU v Brno, prodnosta prof. RNDr a KUDr Karel Zlabak (SPINA, fractures, ther.. internal fixation Wz)) (SPINA, dislocations, ther., internal fixation (Gz)) (DISLOCATIONS, spine, intertakl fixation (Cz)) (YRAGTURZS, spine. internal fixation (Cz)) SAIANSKY, Igor; TMWCI, Vladimir; STAISTNA, Jitkn. Ilegetntive reflex changes in injuries of the soft tissues of the joint. Actn chir. orthop. traum. cech. 26 no.4:261-265 Aug 59. 1. Untnv nro vaeobeenou a experimentalni patologii lekaroke fakulty 14U v Brno, preduosta prof. MUDr. A RNI)r, Vilem Uher. Vyzkum3V ustay trnutiatologicky v 'Brne, reditel prof. 14UDr. Vladimir Novak. (JOINTS, wds & inj. ) (AUTONOMIC IMVOUS S7ST11K, Phys iol. ) MWCI V * SAIANSKY, I.; HH%MK, Fr.. L Vqsomotor reactiona of the skin in injuries of the soft tissues of the joint. Attempted evaluation of the functional state. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 26 no.4:266-275 Aug 59. 1. Vyzl-umny ustav traumatologicl-4 v Brne, reditel prof. dr. Vladimir Novak Uatav nro vaeobecnou a experimentalui patologii lekarske fakalty KU v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. Vilem Uher. (JOINTS, wds & inj. ) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM, phys iol. ) KRF-JCI ,Vladimir Closed injuries of the bicep;~ brachii. Acts, chir.orthop.traum. cech.27 no.4:315-326 Ag'60. 1. Vyzkamny ustav traumatologick3, v Brne, VL.Novak, doktor lek. ved. (ARM wds & inj) KREJCI,__Y1AdJMJX1 SALANSKY, Igor; PISTIELKA, Milan Blectrodiagnosis of closed muscle injuries. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.50: 1578-1582 15 D 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav traumatologieky v Brno, reditel prof. Dr. So. MUDr. ~ladimir Novak. Ustav pro vooobecnou a experimentalni patologii .1 lekarske fakulty v Brne, predn*Bta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. Mr. Vilem Uher. Laborator prunyslove elektroniky CSAV v Brne, vedouci prof. Dr. So. Julius Strnad, clen korespondent CSAV. (MUSCLES wds & inj) (ELECTRODIAGNOSIS) i-,-T,:Jci, %T. Patellar fractures. Rozhi. chir. 44 no.11:741-7/6 N l6r. 1. V, 13 .mkiimny ustav traumatol.o[,ic.-y v Irne. ii, f kill: J(;i" V. ~ 1, -, -- tion of freu mepvobaazat~v in wue tArine of Mothers ana --junm Infants. Ceak. j;,yn,~?k. ~-,; 0 J~ Gyn.-por. odd. (vedouci UlDr. IM. Slonek) a centraini labo- rtttor (vedoucl IliRc. V. -; Doskovicich. KREJCi, 11, A 3unuier school on molecular biophysics in Varui na, ltaly~ Cs cas fys 15 no.2t178 165. 1. Institute of Physics of the Czecho3lovak Aradwa7 cf :)ciances, Prague. FP,Zjt,'I , Venceslav, inz. 1 -1 . ,,hvtoc~hvirdcni i~.O.hcd oC rnanljCrt(,L!,,ri,%g, f,:, ~,- .3bor val- olektro'.0ch 4:220-22') 164, 1. Tesia q,)znov, Branch Vrchlabl.. KRE-JCIK, Milan, doe. inz., doktor technickych vedl MARTINEC, Jan, Inz. Problems of the length measurement of rolled stock. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.5:729-740 163. 1. Higher School of Miningo Ostrava (for Krejoik). 2. Research Institute of Iron Metallurgy, Brno (for Martinac). Submitted March 10, 1963. KFEJCI.9 Z., inz. Economical method of electroplating by usingr waste water evaporators, Strojireristvi 12. noe9:7O2-710 3 162. 1. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke, Praha. ; :t, XR&MI Z inz, Fa-perience in the introduction of the production of Fapandit, Stavivo, 41 no,4:n8-122 Ap 163o 1" KSNPS, Ostrava. KREJCI I Zdenok, inz. I, Growth of microorganisms in ass6mbled hou!jes. Poz stavby 12 no. 3: 118-123 164. )t 1. Regional Association of Naiional En~erprises of building, Ostrava. isolation of further subidantes frain the leaves of :X11.1dra" hemp (Cannabis sativa L., vat. Indies). Zd. Kjglti r.nd FrandkicAantavt(Patackilto Univ., Olomouc. ciec Arta Unit. Pal4ekiands Olansuanji, 6. fi9-&XI955xl--ngli-1 surrituary).-A suicrobitilogically acti-c acidic fractilm was Isolated fram the leaves of Indian hemp. After acqylat~Q- with AcsO and NaOAc, it gave a nticsobiologically tuactiv neutral material which arose froni phenolic substances of the "t., and an active acidic traction (1) which crystd. from Etto and was recrystd. frorn EtO.Ac-petr. ether, giving a double m.p., 80-100'1127-8*. fall' -71 :l: V (c 0.671, CHCls), yielded a pink color, with 14504 und a poa. muc- tion with C(140j~. Elementary analysis corresponded to CaILA of "HuOt; it contained 2 Ac groups and 2 double bonds which could be hydrogenated with PtOj in McOll. It can be oyJdized by perphthalic acid. I vi-as called can- stabldiolic acid and was con3idered to be a carhoxy deriv. of ,'cannabldiol, canuabirint, or tetrabydrocaunabinol. Infra- "red Weetruni of the diacetyl deriv. of I is given. Another acidic substance was found in hemp leaves from 1052 arid called acid 11. It was subjected to sublimation at 100- 130'11 ram. and crystd. fcom etlier and petr. ether. m. :1324'. Memcmary analyils corr"prinds to CliffiA. It Is microbiologically inactive. Neutral pmr. etliet residue was hydrolyzt%] With ale. hydroxide in N atra. and extd. with Ptio. The prtr. ether clualt fr-un AlzOs coluirin wai tvapd. and recryad. from petr. ether giving a Ixtraffin, fri. W. An akohol (m. 50-W') was obtained frorn t tic Ht,O efuste. Both 'Were mictobiololically inacflve~ 1. r'. (MiDr. R110r. PWr.) Z. Kre~nl, "Harf (Iaruiabis sativa) - Antibictisches Heilmittel. " Mitt"il- ung: Matliolik und Ergebnisse der baktariologis-linn Uiitersuchun~on und vorlaeufir~e klinliche Erfahmuigen," Me Fharm;,tzie (Berlin), 13/3, March 1958, pf). 155-66. Receivel on 1 September 1957. ~'ron the Hygiene and Epidemiological Institute of Palacky University, Olomouc (1irector: Prof. Dr. Se. J. Kabelik). T'he aut~orls aldress is Olomouc,, Liiicka 8. KREJCI,,-Zdenak I On the problem of subbtances with antibacterial and ha5hish pro rties in hemp (Cannabis oativa L.). Ca*NWk.cesk 100 no.43:1351-1354 27 0 161. 1. Ustav hygieny a epidemiologie lekarske fakulty FU v Olonouci, prednosta prof. Dr. So. MUDr. Jan Kabelik. (CAMIABIS pharmacol) VTKTDAL, Miroslav. Mr.; IMWCI, Zdenek, MUDr. - I WMM=WWAWA%VeY4 Heavy metals In rherumatology; experience with Cu-devenan of domestic production. Vnitr. lek., Brno 1 no.11:841-845 Nov 55. 1. Z 1. vnitrni klinikyh PU Olomouci, prednoota prof. MUDr. Pavel Lukl, a z hygienickeho ustavu PU v Olomouci. prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Kabelik. (COPPER, therapeutic use, rheum.) (RHANATIST4, therapy, copper preps) KVIZCI, Zdenek; KVOCII, Iadialav; SCIRJSTER, Otto Mechanical processing of data for establishment of output standards. Prace mzda 11 no.9t4O8-415 S163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav vlnarsky. KREJOIK, Zdenak, inz. Seventh Meeting of Technical Committee 27, Solid Fuels, of the Internatlon6 Organization for Standardization. Normalizace 13 no.2t54-56 F 165. 1. Research Institute of Fuels, Bechovice. 8t,,. tu ~ a nd prob,", en2 of' ng ene a,, g~n~-rq departments. Cank. hyg, 110 no.~',:,,'54-459 S -.6", Kfttedrit hw~ieny a epidemiologle Iekarqke fakalty Pfiiip-ckt~~:L) Olomouc a Katedra obeene hygieny le~arokz, lfakilty fl~riovy Univeroity, firadec Kralove. Z/014/62/000/002/003/003 E192/E382 AUTHOR, Karlovsky, Jar., Engineer and, Boh,, TITLE~ A novelty, Wireless microphone PERIODICAL.: Sd~lovaci' technika, no. 2. 1962, 70 TEXT;. The device described is in effect a frequency-modulated miniature transmitter. A detailed circuit diagram of the system is given in Fig. I., In this, a transistor T 1 operates as an oscillator. The transistor is OC170 and is specially chosen in order to be capable of operating at 100 mc/s. The transistor operates as a common-base oscillator with the tuned circuit in the collector, the feedback being taken from a tapping on the tuning coil through the capacitor C 1 to the emitter. The oscillator is followed by a high-frequency amplifier stage based on the transistor T. , which is coupled to the oscillator by the coil L 2 . The collector of T2 contains the tuned circuit L3-C 6 'which is coupled to the antenna. The signal from a Card 1/3 z/oih/62/000/002/003/003 A novelty E192/E382 dynamic microphone is amplified by a single-stage audio-amplifier based on T 3 ' The amplified audio-signal is applied to the base of T I through the coupling condenser C 7 ' The low frequency thus changes the operating voltage between the collector and the base of T I ' This results in the modulation of the collector- base :apacitance of T, , which is connected in parallel with the tuned circuit. In this way, the oscillator undergoes frequency-modulation. The system is fed from a 13.5 V battery and produces an output of 20 mW in the antenna. The frequency- modulati.on deviation is 100 kc/s and the bandwidth of the audio- channel extends from 20 c.p.s. to 20 kc/s (at 30 db)~ The microphone can be used at distances of 50 - 100 m. There are 2 f-igures. ( t, '~ . KREJCIKI Bohumil Stabilizing voltage and current by moans of transistors. Sdel tech 10 no.4:124-127 Ap 162. hM"JGIK, Bohumil Transistor stabilized power supply. Sdel tech 11 no.5:17ri-178 My 163, KARLOVSKY, Jaroslav, inz.; KREJCIK, Bohumil A differential amplifier. Sdel tech 12 no.4t!39-11.0 Ap '64. .1 140 KRiJCIK, J. : FLECHACEK, V. Fastening rock walls with prestressed anchors. P. 127 (Zeleznicni Technika) Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1957, Czechoslovakia 11 SO: MONTHLY DIDEX OF EA,'M~RN EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (aAl) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 K', -I Eic 11", 1 J. The -,,r(ducli(,n (A prestres-sc(i -eirforced corcrcte ties ( i t'if Fori- t-,-e T . 271 (Zel cxricni Tcchnik,~ , V-11. -'~) -(,. 1' .1 ' ci- . !';17, i rnhr , (7-z"C!!f A( L( nt"ally of ha~,- t biropcan , ccessi(.,rs ( " 'i 1; . Vol. 7, rt- . "', I ebrunry 1~58 j,"E , V 1' 1, ,J. )- I '; . Reconstruction of~ the railroad stations in Vienna. P. 33h. (ZI-I'LEZINICNI TECIINIKA.) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 5, No. 12, Dec. 1917 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, J. Erection of protective gaileries aggaln3t faldni-. -Itune:; n1l"i avalallclj--,~i of' :MOW. 1). ,)6. (I'vaha, Cizoehoslovakla) Vol. e~, ", '--eb. 1)57 4- . ,'7';,.l ) .30: Xonthly In,lex of East Accession (i- IC Vol. 7, N-J. 5j, Xv 19c8 STUCHLIKOVA, E.; HRUSKOVA, J.; MIATECKOVA, V.;..KREJCIK, L.; HRUZA, Z.; JELINKOVAP M. Effect of heparin on the non-esterized fatty acid level in the obese in relation to age. Cesk. gastroent. -ryz. 19 no-5:267-272 ji 165. 1. IV. interni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. M. Picik) a Fyziolo- gicky ustav Ceskoslovenske akademie ved v Praze. L:01180-66 EWP(c)/EWP(v)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EViP(b)AwP(')/EIA(c)/ETC(m) WIN/mAw ACCESSION NR: AP502 4850 cz/ oo7 8/65/000/009/0020/0 .920 i q 4 AUTHOR: Tomis, L. (Engineer Candidate of sciences) (Ostrava); Kr i"H. M~~: cent Doctor Engineer) (Frydek-Mistek); Micek, P. (Engineer) Oif-riViT" TITLE: Method of nondestructive inSILe_ctin~'for 1--i nations in sheet Plate., and istrip. 'CZ Pat. N6. 30T-65 y y T3 SOURCE: Vy-nalezy, no. 9 19652 20 TOPIC TAGS: steel sheet, steel strip, steel plate, inspection,nondestructive in- spection, testing, nondestructive testing iABSTRACT- This patent introduces a method of continuous nondestructive inspection Iof sheets, platee, and strips for laminations caused by Ingot defects such as cav- ities, blow holes, antlnonmetbllk~ inclusions. According to this method, the articie inspected is brought to a temperature Just above that of the Curie point and any laminations are detected by a difference in magnetic properties as compared to ithose of sound materie2. [DVI ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 16jazi65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: jE, fiO REF ~~V: 000 OWER: 000 ATD PRESSWO A IT f %i Working. bw aid of ofmt~f spri. ua- Kral'alk 41pin or Winkler (7Avad pf-vulI-p4t Czec 1. r y k-7 . ~.. I I. I TiZubMIM -A erddhauslon. 13' Brno IM, 571-434(Pub. 9 M -wOmer q Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute JulY 1954 Production or steel PAsurement. Control and lllecti-aan-izatioa-in- B, b! ;;k_teR1k and (HOw'!-U Li.ty. 053, , (11): 47;7RUT771n, Cz_e'MT.=,~ fuflt-r jwtru. Illentatioll of metallurgical pme~~xc~ in foundriv-i awi xteef- woris &m diAcumed. Remrto marrA wid clwit~e ot wiftWO awilyipment Itle considertj. Tliv porametel-4 meawit-4 on ft Oquipped Ituft4i,", I -111A rill l1livm 'I'll[ fur- nacM and overall fuel controf wi wuhroika nau r. r. don 6 mmt Ww" M44% xv 11. vou'. fsuppwimt, ptdsa6 tho control of roll prow tra thlAyiem Im disoussod. ~PWIll-~'40'ITWIN-W9OVA' G/00 611008100210021W, B007YB056 AUTHORSi Krej~ifk, Me, Engineerg Molisift, Me, Graduate Chemist, E-lim&h7e-k, L. , and Zeman, J. TITLEt Changes in mechanical properties of cord through the effe~-t of ionizing radiation PERIODICALs Plaste und Kautschuk, v. 8, no. 2, 1961, 66 - 69 TEM Plastics and textiles suffer a change through radioactive radiation. Since automobile tires can now also be vulcanized by means of ionizing radiation, the authors studied resulting deteriorationn of mechanical properties of tire cord (strength ' elasticity). The following cord types were irradiated in air (from 2 - 245-1o5 rep h) with various doses of 6-- ~'/ radiation (from 6o CO) in the range of from 104 to 10 8 rep., terylene cord (from Great Britain), dederon card (Eastern Germany), caprone cordo silon cord, nylon cord (Switzerland), Rudnik viscose cord (Czecho- slovakia)p Cordenka super viscose cord (Netherlands), and cotton cord frim Egyptian cotton. Diagrams show the measured resultsi the follow4ng losses Card 1/3 Changes in mechanical ... G/004/61/008/00cn/002/007 B007/BO58 in strength occur at a dose of 3-107 rep; polyaimide --Ords 7(Y/o, cotton cords 406, viscose cords 30%, terylone 6;j'. Cotton- and viscose cords were almost entirely destroyed at doses above 10 b rep, and a loss In strength of 60% occurred in terylene cord. The decrease in mechanical properties with an increase in the radiation dose proceeded for the individual tire cords as followss cotton cordi continuous decreasel vicose cord: Rudnik: a similar course, the elasticity decrease amounts to 45% at 3-1o7 rep; Cordenkas after an initially low decrease, the strength- and elasticity drop increases, at 3-1o7 rep, the elasticity dToV amounts to 47%; polyamide cords: silon, dederon, caprono ` nylonj strength does not change in the range of small doses up to 4-105 TeP; a steep drop takes place then, but from 2-107 rep, the drop becomes small again; terylene cords strength hardly changes up to a dose of 107 rep, and then decreases slowly. A 50% decrease in strength occurs at t-he fol- lowing doses: terylene 1-5-108 rep, Rudnik 4-7-107 rep, Cordenka 3.6-10 7r~-D, cotton 2.6-107 rep, dederon 1-4010 7 rep, nylon 1.1-107 rep. Silon Card 2/3 G/004/61/008/002/002/007 Changes in mechanical ... B007/BO58 107 rep, caprone 107 rep. A yellow to brown coloring of samples sets in r, gave alor--t through irradiation. Cords impregnated with rnibber o2tition r the same results. With the aid of published data it repor!. is given on t1,P present state of study of radiation sensitivity of plast,ics and textiles * and on vulcanization through radioactive radiation, requ;ring doseq- :.,f fr"PP 1 to 5-10 7 rep. The Czechoslovak inn original paper was lranslat-?d int-1 German by K. Weber, Zentrale Fornchungsst~,lle der Reiferi::ndustTie. Furst~r.-- walde (Central Research Center of thp Tire Industry, FUrsterwaldo). There are 8 figures and 23 refprencest 4 bovlet-bioc and 12 non-Sov-4:-t- bloc. ASSOCIATIONj Research Institute of Rubber and Plastic!7 Techn:,l--,gy, Gottwaldov, Czechoslovakia) Card 3/3 KREJCIK, Milan, doe. inz., doktor technickych ved Remarks on the problem of data collection, and on the problem of reliability of measurpment systems in automated metallurgioal operations. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.5i751- 759 163. 1. Higher School of Mining, Ostrava. Submitted March 10, 1963. It' -I ~ ":0 i I II .A.- . 11 ./ . The uie of 1--)elt conve-ors in hro,.n-coal o-,-en At:-3. .1 1 " 1,0. (UHLI) (Praha, Czecrioslovakia) Vol. 7, no. 6, June 1957 3,~;: vlr)nthly Index of ';,aSt Furor- an (--.'.Al) "IC '101 7, -"~- -', 1~63 ~-e A .1-1 1 1 KREJCIK, 0. Prospects ofbelt conveying in north Bohemian coal mines, P. 157. UHII. (Ministerstvo paliv) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 1, no. 5, May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959, Unclo Kff.EJCIK. 0. Experiences gained from the transportation of an overburden on belt conveyors at the Vrbensky open pit in the north. Bohemian lic-nite basin. P. 343. UHIZ. (Ministerstvo paliv) Praha, Czechoslo%akla, Vol. 1, no. 10. Oct. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accession (LSAI,, LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 190"0. Uncl. U&JUM, Otakarj, inz, Operation of belt converyers on the surface layer of the A. Zapotocky Mine in Uzin. Zpravodaj Ust uhli Most no.3/5: 2-95 162* 11 Vyzkumny ustay pro hnede uhli, Most. KREJCIK, Utakarv inz, -Operational experience with the shifting of belt come7ure in (jpen lignita mines* Uhli 5 no.5.*163-16'7 My 163. 1. Vyzku=y ustav pro hnede uhli, Most. KRWCIK, Otakar, inz.; JAVICEK, Jan Digging resistance of gravel sands during the win-ter season. Zpravodaj Ust, uhli. Most. no.1/2:2-12 163. rl. c 1w, -49 VeMul, axlt4ah' W4 AMWIcan. (=Hl' ter, talcudlu d6 tfr~ 0 an emwed.' The caltive points of -trW,'dlffw:as am as depending cn the redwuvo cr cxl Spej*.41 H=QUS-%" ftmeck Vd th cdl~.TOO-'Mm 4299"* The Uh Ow subsea a god to an Inert ammv pa lot, nltroOn 70,*GWbM gas -ImIting-otnt or W4 U* b3h VW Mtt~d With ICS deX"n in a fcM and heat" Vwlow &4v2es of WD" too CIA, 6L of rc :c 4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cheraical Techn,,)lcF.7 - Processinc; of S~-IiO 11-22 Fossil Fuels. Abs J,.,)ur Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 24, 19581 82912 Author Holubar, V., r cik,-Z-. Inst Title Micro-Photometric Deterjainati-ins of the Reflective Fruper- ty in Coals. Orig Pub Mli, 1957) 7, No 11, 381-387. Abstract The reflective property of 38 sanples of Czcchosl,)vaMan c,.Dal fron various coal basins of the country was measurce, on a reconstructed Reichert's microscope which was equip- ped with a special device for microphotography, The (late obtained are represented on dia~;rams, microphotopicturcs and in tables. Card 1/1 4- MJCIKI Z01 '=a The meetings of the Group 8 for coke testing and the Group 7 for coal sampling affiliated to the Technical Cormittee 27 of International Standardization Organization in Madrid. Paliva 41 no.3:97-98 Mr 161. K,WCIK, Zd.; VOKOU1q, M. A. Revision of quality standards of fuels for 1962. Paliva 42 no.I: 36-37 Ja 162. YM JCIKY Z - Y inz. Tho 5th meetU* of the Group 7 of International Organization for Standardization on sampling of fuels. P&14va V no.3-92 mr s62- 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paliv, Praha. HOLUB) J.; _KMJCIK, Z.-- First proposal of the International Organization for Standardi2ation: recommendation of coke sampling. Paliva .42 no.9.285~-286 3 162. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paIiv, Bechovice. -. -j I.. - -~7 -, ;'. .. A XREJCIK k ,_,0j4gW_L inz. % I , 7WI-1: ~, D~ ~, y %, I - , ~ - Coal sampling control by the duplicate sampling method, Sormalizace 11 no&4:107-110 Ap 163, 1, Uatav vyzku= pa.Uv,, Beehovice. HEDEK, Jiri; JELINEK, V., dr. inz.; =CIK, Z,., inz. Some principles for determining the apparent specific weight of coal. Paliva 43 no.11,352-355 19163. 11 Ifornicky ustav, Ceskoolovenska akademie ved, Praha (for Medek). 2. Odborove normalizacni stredisko, Vatar pro vyr.,-.- kLm paliv (for X-rejcik). 11-~-~~,," IMJCIK) Z., in3o Sixth meeting of Working Group 7 - Coas Sampling of Technical Go=rdttee 27 of the International Organization for Standardization. Falive 43 noo61188-189 Je 163. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paliv,, Bechovice. Y,RLeJCII," 11 . Nenek., iliz. Method of evaluaLlrq,, ustermtic errors in coal sa,-.1pling. Normalizace 11 no.l():31F--320 0 163. 1. Ustav pro paliv, Becilovic.(i. VCELkK, VI.; KREJCIK, Zd.,- IIOLUB~ J. 1--.1- .1 -- I .-:. I Soviet w~ichlnes for automatic owpling of nnlid fuels nnd mechanical dressing of samples. Pali-va 43 no,10011-321 0 163, 1. Ustav pro vyzkum, paliv, Bechovice. . 0 .I.(~,-j in ths -ne- , Mbaf 3Late- llormal ,?act. Is KREJCIK, Z.; HOLUB, J.; VCELAK, V., dr. inz. CSc. Standards of fuel quality consumption in the Soviet Union and possibility of their application in Czechoslovakia. Paliva 44 no. 7:224-227 J1 164. 1. Itstituto of Fuel Research, Bechovice. !-, ~,, ;lo, .~ ; r~j , , ,. , I-- f 1-1 :1 ~ I K. . "', - ;Jr~, ~~tr, ,0 ~ Tt~(!nzmloric~.i iml -,inal 'Aic~ meth-l ()!' rOFII trd -~Ai-- in the *3),,vl,-z, Union. llallva 44 '; 1 62, . 1. Invitilte of' ll-'uols, hooi,ovif-e. H I, J. ; V(:~ L A K, 7, ; " , ? ' ' T r' I ", I i , , I'- .,A), , Thormophy.,; 1 1!1, .1 jjrj_l t :. ; f. , 1, t,:.,) J., - ,, ", ~- ~ ::~ ~hj I "'ZI I,,, ~ i i ri the S- ovju t, un ll ~-Tj. f-'r, , , ,, -,.~/ ~,i '. "'; 11 'i :,j, f . . , . . , I , I . In.,, t, ! t'l I Lo o i,PI, .~ 1 1, --, 3e f) : " ~ 0 i ~,., z : , ~j ; -I..