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V. M, YETIE-VIRC), A. P. -UL# S'Solutions, Solid Binary solid solutions of tricyclic molecules of fluorene, phenanthrenep anthracene, and carbazole, Zhur. prIkl. khim., 25, No. 6, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress October 1952, UNCLASSIFIED 7-77-77 v C h ~z LITWO-camponcut systerna cf coadeosad two-tint mde. *fd& the s --F We I ti Cf, C.,A. 4 fudG16(ound indelte (11~(Oifn a ccaitinuau% of rohd suairm, such - t the art ahnost Uwar (wwfir-us,1 the Ti:e sv:it,~m I- Euphthalmt (111) Cs- hibitt tt ptowunced MI-41, 4a 40'. 1" 226 MSqe ,~ 111, "'berms the S6rocder Matiair x%w1d Vic-L' a long tlqi min, I aal Unqu6i'lint. Uy) yiM a cutv;~ vd(h 2 lairdlua. ;kl 6' for m4* for , 13.1s, (or the WX MW tic #217" a IV With a maK. at;. I. I CiLICU.- C.U,,N~ Ttze rivvefa U-bcukrm (V) hasawlif at -9,roC7117C.-V, 111C%v-i(ei(1I It ft an, txa, M I.- a c4p-- of, limited maEd s4tai, with 01,, diffcicac.~ In 4;t 1g. In (fee paks of eketraim With a It Wild: aul I-V, ft cute tic due (a If boadilig, Futur It. Wthtuant% V. M. T Ls III ind "he f Ind. Zeno. V. f. Kuvchl2to S. KhruAbyheX ;Mdti; D- Zhur. Fis. Mint. Uriat ongts - 26, 12MA"1952); cf. ZIjur. Priklad. KUM. 2S. 313 1952).-The systeing Cjtlj~C,jlt-CjIr4 (1) and CtH~- ifIN-C411S (11) were studic(L The rn.p. of each System is R tabulated anti grnplied as a function of the conen. of each component; for I vallici are given for the Coils/C414 tnol. ratios 12.41/87.69. 26.39/73.61. 64-92/45.09, and 68.16/ 31.85, while for 11 the CollsICtIlYN mol. rntioi ara 32.3/ 07.7, L9,3/47.7, 72,36!27,05. The corresponding eutectIC temps. for 11 am -27.6 to -28.5% -31.8 to -32.5% and -35.0 to -37.2% mp. In both systems the triangular diagram 13a* a single line of binary eutectics. This line divides the field of crystn. of the solid soln. of CsHrCtolls I-In the Cell# field in 1. and that of the solid snin. of Qjfr CJIjN froul the C4lIj field In 11. J. YA I ~~ USSR/Chemistry - Solid Solutions I Feb 52 "Ideal Type Crystallization Diagram of a Two-Com- ponent Pe.-itectic Solid Solution," V. M. Itravchenko, Donets industrial Inst imeni 19. S. Kbrushcheva "Dok Ak Wauk SSSR" Vol LXXXII, No 4, PP 597-600 An Ideal type of temp-compn(T,X) diagram is utilized in physicochem a".Lysis as a std for 2-component and polycompont-nt and eutectic. systems. Such a diagram in a rectilinear form has recently been proposed by the author for simple, unsatd, 2- component solid so3ns. Now, he proposes a similar diagram for a peritectic equil in a dual sys Ltem. 213T17 Five diagrams are constructed froxLexptldata on the following system : p_C94CI1 0 P-06412; P-C6H4C]3'C%P- - P-C6F-4BrNO2; p-C6H4BrI - P-C6H412; P-C6H4B-r2 - P-COOrI; 1-ClOR16 - d-Ciohl6- Cross sections of the mols in the above system b&ve similar dimensions as shown by X-ray and electrongraphic measurements. The diagrams show that as components in the systems become more &like, the peritectic isotherm becomes shorter until it becomes a point at the limit. From this it is Possible to get an ideal type peritectic diagram T,X in which the peritectic point is connected by StrA.ight 11- to the melting points of the compo- Uents. At the limit, these 3 points fall on a straight Jim. 213T17 S t IRAMGM0 V M Condensed phase equilibrium in binary systems of naphthalene and its homologs. Review and forecast of naphthalene systems. Ukr.khim.thur. 19 no.1:21-35 153. (MLRA 714) 1. Donetskiy industriallnyy institut im. N.S.Xhrushcheva. (Naphthalene) (Systems (Chemistry) MVCHEnKo, V.M. ~00. Equilibrium in condensed phases of four-ring hydrocarbones vith one-, two-, and three-ring hydrocarbones. Pyrene systems. Ukr.khim.zhur. 19 no-5:484-490 153, (MLRA 8:2) 1. Donetskiy industriallzy7 inatitut lm.N.S.Khrushcheva. (Pyrene) (Condensation products (Chemistry)) raavohenko, V. 114: --------- J-7, Xw~ antf pir hydrijubms. 4 Pmae (em. v Kkien, z 100); Khtx.. 1994, No. jg~yr&--A tkimal anal-1-sk ~ M t of W-ry %Yltrml of pyrcne~x) with flutt and ardfiraceffe (VII). All wrm of the tutgct(c (y mtvdic mNt%. of the sYsUM% %%vte: - I ifid It, 24 rtld of 1, Gtll*; I and Ill. - 29.1 moL 70 of 1; 64.01; 1 (mcl jl~a 3.3-34 mul I dg*, t awt V pmx. (6 Mot. "-- of V 91 V. 1 kmi mal, SUP; I awl VIT. 20.'Q of VII, 130-. cr)-stfl. of COMPDA(mV, within'a vstem wurrcd at 1-1* sumtenoliq. Thc equit. dkigiran~% %mv in ZjwA r.&ytt. mgmt Ivith r""Ousim" deriml nn the! NW75 ef the 0411CA and fim~V'4 rig ledlnfi% 61 MCI. "Ifxk'14 qf t1m COMIX111tIltm, - FmItt t(w 61 E tilt S!fr(-(fvr cqtultion wan appro'c' The, T-V kid fillfiled 5,01ilt 50111S. -.1t41 a Ilk'fitt. ti c Ic KRAMMIKO. V.M. . Equilibrium of condensed phases In systems formed by anthracens with naphthalene homologues, di- and octaWroanthracene. Ukr. khim.zhur. 19 no.6:599-609 153. (W-RA 8:5) 1. Donetskiy industriallny7 inatitut imeni H.S.Khrushcheva. (Anthracens) (Naphthalene) (Systems (Ghemistry)) nAVCHENKO, V.M.; FASTUKHOVA. I.S. I Crysta.1lization of 2,6-dimethylnaphthalans in binary, o7stems with benzene homologues, naphthalene, and diphanyl. Ukr.khim.zhur. 19 no.6:610-617 153. (~WU 8:5) 1. Donetskiy induatrialinyy institut imeni If-S-Khrushchava. (Naphthalene) (Systems (Chemistry)) 14401 t"Ma of Oquifibtfum diagrotras for liquid &ad crystal- U126 phsten.' V. ~kt. Kravcheitko (N. S. KhruAivhLv Mucts laid. Khiws. 27, 41-2~5(19ZU- Known Ideal tcmP.-compn. diap-Ams are AHW.1%-ATif anti new ones am estabUsbcd lor Certain tusic claulpitA of rquil for the liquid and cryst. pbaws. In setting up the ideal ternp.-cocapa. dincram the following were causiticred.- (a) the tetup.-Comp". diagmals (cc a groug, of binary orl. sys- tem that had been studlerl"pertmenta y,(b)topwaphical PMullatitles of the diacrunts. (c) relation betwLt-n the type a dkigram and the proptrtles of the coniponcoto.. The rtadta obtaked for binary systcm Were extCadal to WMC COLOCS of the phase equil. in system of 3 and 4 compottents. -The Ideal tcmp,c~. diagram assumes the sAnic role w the Conception of an ideal gas to its upplicatioti to Qctujl I-Roytaffcucts, The ternary systerna lndeno-isoquinollne--naplith-i.~, Kr-a%,- --cht'nkn-and ~, 61 Zhur. P,11's~,xvm-.,-]VAL JCMkl 17, f,2,15d.-Ttiatigular phnse diagrams will solid phase modet., were Prerol. ftcrn exilit- (laid 013i""nt" tile Observat Ion of the ter'lary system5l indent (I (A1h1uu1h1II,Vg (111) ftnd H-111-C41114, temp. stn. ivtmt in 51aod mA a TY t,61,01tilto futtWon of tile rtate trac- 110115 n[ the compollell0k . th sys(ems. The I-M-111 syt" crystnilize4l in the form of contimlous 90511 sobts. I I r, solid ph;v;c model mitnincd nu ternp. min. uxcrpt at the "Ilrelpoills.. In the phase "IeNtO of the 11-111-C.11say5teta it tint q( 41~,-uhtc cutm-tics serd, the ficid of trystil, of tile H- III vAid tobl. from tImt of CA44- T. W. Lowtherv. Yr. ----------- cat $*Ae- a--,- 'I '- , r t , MI-0, o wa L5 i it --,-Att we -~(ln .1,j P5 xt jil%lf . ttl( by ditrin RMIYiLc~ and fll~ vuv~ctic tt:c y,tz,;lA were d,;t4.- The latelt" fmfdau. of cfirv~z%o 0 t~ Grlpl 'al hllrjl~ ly -4 -, -4f. 1"~, 27, C akd. utc sble~ foraoiL /,~! frt~!~ Zt ~ Tj the ijartil ft!inp. v.1th :e m-As'. ul cbrYv,;!t E, *K . naphthaknc,'in 'K.,~.mLd R LOS ezil.1mil. from, .,c K"I-m 'e e"* V I , '- ,/1~ L. -I C AUTHORS:Kravchenko, V.1d. and Pastukhova, I.S. 73-2-7/22 TITLE: Diphenyleneoxide systems with 2- and 3-wing hydrocarbons and carbazole. (Sistemy difenilenoksida, s dvukh- i trekhkollehatymi uglevodorodami i Icarbazolom). PERIODICAL: ,Ukrainskiy Xhimicheskiy Zhurnal" (Ukrainian Journal of Ch-em-fs-try), Vol'.23, No'929 March-April, 1957, pp..180-190 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Diphenyleneoxide occurs in considerable quantities in coal tar (Ref'.I: P.P'.Karpukhin, Trudy Soveshchani a Po Tsiklicheskomu Syriyu AN SSSR9 OTN, M.-L.,1937,P~Miin approximately similar percentage as anthracene, carbazole and acenaphthene. (Ref.l: P.P.Rarpukhin, Trudy.Soveshchan- iya*Po Tsiklicheskomu Syriyu AN SSSR, OTN,M.-L.,l937,p'.63; Ref.2: M.S.Litvinemkol Koksokiiimicheskaya Promyshl.tUSA, 1947). Phase equilibria were determined for 9 two- component systems for diphenelene oxide and the following components: naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, 2,6-dimethyl- naphthalene, 2,7-dimethy1naphthalenel fluorene, phenan-- threne, anthracenep acenaphthene and carbazole. The ob- Card V3 tained data characterise the conditions at the beginning and the end of crystallisation of the substances. Equili- brium data for all the above named binary systems are 73-2-7/22 Diphenyleneoxide systems with 2- and 3-ring hydrocarbons and carbazole. (Cont.) tabulated (Table 1). Lines of ideal solubility are plotted in Diagrams 1 and 2 and calculated according to I.F.Shre- der' s equation (Ref -5: I.FI.Shreder, Gornyi Zhurnal, 1890, No'.121 272)'. It was shown that the systems dipheqrlene oxide-naphthalene, diphenylene oxide-216,-dimethylnaphtha- lene, diphenylene oxide- 20-diitethy1naphthalene, di- phenylene oxide - anthracene and diphenylene oxide - acenaphthene have a simple eutectic equilibrium. Diphenyl- ene oxide - phenanthrene form organic solid solutions. The system dipherWlene oxide -2-methylnaphthalene gave organic solid solutions which are characterised by a phase diagram with a minimum. Diphenylene oxide -fluorene and diphenyl- ene oxide - carbazole gave a continuous series of solid solutions. The heat of fusion of diphenylene oxide was calculated from the data obtained by thermal analysis and found to be 4200 Cal/mole. The type of binary systems of diphenylene oxide with various 2- and 3-ring components was considered in connection with the structure of the Card 2/3 molecules. Diagram 5 shows sectional diagrams of the various molecules of the above named compounds. There are 5 diagrams, 1 iable and 13 references, 7 of which 73-2-7/22 Diphenyleneoxide systems with 2- and 3-ring hydrocarbons and carbazole . (Cont. are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Donets Industrial Institute, imeni. N.S.Khrushchev. (Donetskiy Industriallnyy Institut im. N.S'.Khrushcheva). SUBMITTED: June 21, 1956. WAILk IBLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 0, KRAVCHMO, V.K.; PASTUKHOVA, L.S, (Stalino) A study of the crystallization of acenaphtene in single, two, and three ring hydrocarbon systene [with summar7 in English]. Zhur.fiz.khim-31 no.8:1802-1811 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Donetskiy indugtrialinyy institut im. N.S.Xhrushcheva. (Crystallization) (Acenaphtane) (Hydrocarbons) KRAVCHEMKO, V.M.; PASTUKHOVA. I.S. Crystallisation of diphanylensulfide In one-, two-. and three-, ring compound systems. Ukr. khIm. zhur. 24 no. 2:168-176 158. (MIRA ll;G) 1, Donstskiy industriallnyy inatit%it, g. Stnlino. (Dil)euxothiaphene) (Systems(Chemistry)) AUTROU: Kravuh(atko, V. M. Pastukhova, 1. S. 20-119-2-26160 TIME: 'I'lio Etiuilibritim of Conoensed Phaeve in the! Naphthalene - Thionarilithene 3yeteal (Rti-'~rliovasiye kandc-n3i.rovannykh fpz 6- oiet-~me naftalin- ti otlm'l PERIODICAL: DoV1'ady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 195E, Vol* 119, Nr 2, ppi~ 285-287 (USIV) ABSTRACT: Naphthalene is produced from coal tar with an admi --ure of thionaphthene. This admixture is rqmoy-l by moans u;* repeated washing with concontrat-d WLth a Coilow.:Tlg rectifioation and by menns of other The (ilffjeulties rising on this occasion are explained an.~oig ~tbers by the formation of solid solutions of hoth A 0iort survey of techn)cal Literature n o r d or to solve the problem on Lype of dtiagram- rf the system mentioned '.,n title tht- WoLn-11' !"i-st Care- fully prepared thi c3.; syi-sthezised , an(' r, :,jj~' re" from styrent. c, v o r y Pu, Card 1/i naphthalene was processed by meanz uf fiot-1-a-, Ic The Equilibrium of Condensed Phaspe in the Naphthalene- 2U-lig-2-26/6o Thionayhth*ne Syetem I distilled and then re-crystallized. Thp melting Fnd crystallization proceR*es *ere inveitigated by mean:~ --)A the method of aijaly--16 ti.- ~:f a convenient IaLoratory of components wero~- invealigai.-d by means of the ailatc-frieLriC method. The inveeilgatien rktsal~ Ax-,~ givin L:Y, table 1. The diagram rfitin, wit,110111JI or tile beginving ol' the k't,) and its termination (t. ) ~ii nho-~%-f, on lig. 1. 1 was fcunl that the named materials foi-% a ,;ystem of soli (I I u t i o r, 3 w i t i-, limited eutectic. In fig. 1 tho cu2-1j~z: f an ideal solub~:lity of the tih~- systnp, computed according to the solutic,n 1. F. 'Shred:~:,~ (re~- are Vlotted rith dotted line. .:urv--)*; ~' !rt th-~ diug-n-,~r1l ,X found experimenttLIly Jiiv-:~rg;., :n r46. i. Such a e-nng deviation cun hy 'he fo~,ina-,,,~n -)f F,,,lid solutions which iovt~ a Card 2/5 line (analogy It, i-tiz 'I). The 2C,-119-2-26/6o The Equilibl'ium of Condensed Phaces in Lne Nriphthalenf, Thionaphthene System (ref 8) indicate the equality --f the intermolecular bindings C - C ,, 10 ~ and the valent anglea < O-C-C- 120o which th~:)y form. iy completLng these quantities by the values of thfj intermolecular radii Ra = 1024 and RH - 1117 R the surface of the cross sections of the flat naphthalene molecule S*J 50 ~ 2 can be found. It can be seen from the computation of the binding C9- C In naphthalene (ref 9) that A S is smaller than 1 1 -. For this reason the neutralized structural data can be used for the building up of the cross section 8 and SO) of the model of the naphthalene molecule ~fig 2). The thionaphthene structure could not be found in technical literature. On fig. 2 the cross sections of its model (S I and 91) are built up approximately. The ratio of the surfaces of the greater cross sections 3f the molecule models- Sq'11 ~ 5 On the application S1 has place within S. The sulfur atom in thionaphthene, 4owever, lixonsiderably Card 3/5 projects beyond the boundaries of the corresponding section The Equilibrium of Condensed Phas"s in the Naphthalene- 20-119-2-26/60 Thionaphthene System of the outline of the molecule of naphthalene. Thess small divergencies ir, size and shape of the cross s"ctions of the models of the naphLhalene and thionaphthene molecul,?s explain the isomorphism found in these material.z. Diagr5m t'X (fig. 1) showe on its greatasL part ~jC-ioo -' 70 naphthalene) thtit tht, p~itsts on the liqui'dus line coincide with the limiting straight line whion inight be plotted bet- ween the vulting points of' the compinerits. With 0-40 % naphthalene the liqUdus curve deviates from ~he inentio6el straight line only Lu a small ext.ent ("Ot above 5o at tile minimum point). This s,-ction can be explain-:d by the specific influeric,~-- -)f thionaphthene;, ')y th-W influence of the siAlfur hataeoai-m~;j Niiivh tifforvhi 'iIAO -~tt.! itj tnk~ riso(jo or rotor rj,-, oiii ch gl,okq III fllt~ Of tho components u)' the 2uLl,i :,,olutlon. There are 2 figures, I tablef and 12 refert:n-,es, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 4/5 Tne Equilibrium of Condenvpj Plja3es In the Naphthalene- 20-119-2-26/60 Thicauphthene System ASSOClATION: Donetskiy in4ustriallnyy institut im. N. S. Khrushcheva (Donets indu3trial Instl tute irfieni N. S. Khrushchev) PRESENTED: October 5, 1957, by 1. 1. Chernyayev, Member, Academy of Sciences USSR Card 5/5 AUTHORS: Kravahenko, V. M., Fastukhova, I. S. SOV/79-29-1-7/74 TITLE: The Equilibrium Liquid and Crystals in SystemsWith the Participation of Anthene Fluorine (Ravnovesiye zhidkostl- kristally v sistemakh a uchastiyem fluorantena) PERiODICAL: Zhurnal"O~shchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 1, pp 27-34 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors recently published a few results on the balance conditions between fluid and crystalline phases in systems with the participation of two tetracyclic hydrocarbons, namelyt pyrene and ohryeene (Refs 1,2). Frank (Ref 3) mentione.some data which only partly characterize somfi phase diagrams of anthene fluorine without giving results concerninv the crystal- lization end in the systems. This paper concerns a system group with the participation of anthene fluorine C 16H10 wnich prevails quantitatively among the components of pitch coal 9 double systems were investigated with *uoh second oompon- ents ast benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetramethyl benzene, (durene), naphthalene, 2-methyl naphth~.Jene, 2,7-dimethyl naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluorene, anthracene, and acenaphthene, e.g. as representatives of the mono-, bi- and tricyclic aromatic Card 1/2 hydrocarbons. Thus 9 systems of 2 compcnents were investi- The Equilibrium Liquid and Crystals in Systeems SOV/79-29-1-7/74 With the Participation of Anthene Fluorine ASSOCIATIONt ;jUBMITTEDs gated in-whioh anthene fluorino id 001moatod with mono-, bi- and trioyalia hydrooarbons which occur in the technical miz- turee obtained in connection with the pyrolysis of fuel fossils. The auteotic type of the investigated systems was found. The melting heat of anthene fluorine (about 4300 Cal/mol) was determined. The type of the phase diagrams is explained. The type of some systems under the participation of anthene fluorine which are not as yet investigated is predicted. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet. Donetskiy industriallayy institut (Donets Industrial In'stitute) July 19, 1957 Card 2/2 S1020V611136100110211037 B016/ "055 AUTHORS: Kravchenko, V. M. and Faatukhova, I. S. TITLE: Binary Systems of Bicyclic Molecules One of Which Is Thionaphthene PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 1, PP. 104-107 TEXT: The authors studied the phase diagrams of systems composed of thionaphthene and one other component having either a structure strongly resembling thionaphthene (Fig. 1, S and S I - thionaphthene, S - indene, 1 1 2 33 - indole) or one with a markedly different molecular cross-section V (Fig. 1, S 4 - isoquinoline, S 5 - 3-methyl isoquinoline, S 6 - 2-methyl naphthalene and S 7 - 2,6-dimethyl naphthalene). Data on the corresponding binary systems composed of thionaphthene and the above-mentioned substances (1) - (6) are listed in the same order in Table 1, which reads as follows: Card 1/6 Binary Systems of Bicyclic Molecules One S/020/61/136/col/021/037 of Which Is Thionaphthene B016/BO55 XB = weight, X bI - moles thionaphthene, t1- temperature at beginning crystallization and t2 at completion of crystallization. The types of phase diagrams found by the authors are in good agreement with the charac- teristics of the components (Fig. 1). To study the dependence of T, the equilibrium temperature of the condensed phases, on X, the comrsition of the mixture (in %), the authors applied 4 different methods: a Thermal analysis using an apparatus built according to the scheme given in Ref. 1, b) Visual observation applying the same apparatus, c) Several specially prepared mixtures were measured by means of a dilatometer connected to an ultrathermostat and d) The behavior of comppents in the liquid phase was studied by measuring the refractive index nD of mixtures of composition X in the Abb6 refractometer. The authors found that the systems (1) - (3) exhibit complete solid-state solubility while (4), (5) and ~6) form eutectics. The formation of solid solutions in the systems ~1) and (2) is explained by structural similarity of the components, the differences AS and AV of the cross-sectional areas (S A2) and volumes(V A3) of the molecules being small, i.e.-3 - 5 and/or-1 - 6%. The eutectic type of the Card 2/6 Binary Systems of Bicyclio Molecules One S/02 61/136/001/021/037 of Which Is Thionaphthene B01 6YB055 systems (4) - (6) is explained by the considerable difference in shape (Fig. 1) and aize of the component molecules. The corresponding differences in this case are ~S >1416' and AV> 20~. Fig. 2 re resents the t,X and t'nt diagrams of.all six systems. The systems (1~ and (2) are of the D linear type I of V. Ya. Anbsov"; (Ref. 8). Finally the authors compare their data with the thiona hthene - naphthalene system which they had studied earlier on (Ref. 9~ and state that the latter occupies a position ir,termediate between the eutectic systems (4) - (6) and the solid solutions and that it is closely related to the linear type I. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and g.references: 5 Soviet, 2 US, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Donetskiy industriallnyy institut, g. Stalino (Donets Industry Institute Stalino) PRESENTED: July 1, 1960, by 1. 1. Chernyayev, Academician SUBMITTED; June 29, 1960 Card 3/6 S/020/61/136/001/021/037 B016/BO55 C. r c M- C. c C. C. C. y c0 C~c- DD s c cil 1, Nti N Card 416 S/020/61/136/001/021/037 B016/BO55 X, X- X. X. X, xM 7 T H OR a (bTGH- MR A C U.1 too 00 100.0 -31 2 56 46 62 0 0' ;8 15 8.43 1 6 A 1 2 99:47 68.1 t 23: 7 T S 84 : 45:3 5 2 : 1 2 .14 1 0 9 ' -1 0 ' ' ' . I , " 6 ' 1 1 2 - 5 o 11 4 39 1 1 13 to 1 75 4., -0 . -t 1 7 3.9 7 , : 1 :, 23, 22 16 G l : 23 9 6: 1 4 0:00 0.0 -1,7 - 67.22 (4.0 21,6 19 (Z) T N Oil AdiTCH-MiIAOA SOO.00 100 0 1 2 3 87 33 64'3 34,1 33 90 22, 20 5 12.5 40 93 25 92 :3 3 1 : Ti 50: 'o S3 12 . 46 5 43 87:3 8 95 , 31 9 31 44 H j 40.8 34 1 37.(" G.09 5.3 49:8 1 47 75.60 73:0 33 3 32 :-'s 34 39,0 37 31.7 0100 0.0 53 a ()) .T non A IOTS M-M 3 OX N H OJI MH too 00 ICO 31 ;: 4 46 70 2 '6 ' ?' '3 21 ' ^0 9 26 6 - 91: br 1511 T 5 O:z ~9 1 :7 33:!G . 1 6 1 11 1:2 9 1 1 15 : 4 0 4 2 5 . 2-. ,8,30 ' . 6 1 1 : 10 64.90 : . . 1 7 70.16 CO, 4 &0 2 275 . 27 0 to 0.0 .41 - (1) 1 m ci R a 4; TR - 2. m t T N A 11 a (b T a A W 11 soo.00 100 0 3t % 2 -4 :1 0 Ir, 61 5 -4 1 0 2 1 , - - M t -4 1 as D 3 : -1 1 -4 2 %:2 : ~ 4 J i 1 , 13, 2S:2 4:2 7 43 : go 4 1 8 5 61 ~s t.8 -4 2 0 .2, 6 6. I 30 0 -5 73 48 . 74 6 0 3 1 : ::4 .2 44 5 9 -4 1 2 11 ' .2 0.00 0.0 34 1 U w . 70 8 . 4:7 -1.2 s 13:0 31.!6 U: Card 5/6 -- - S/020/61/136/001/021/037 B016/BO55 r too it a O-r eH-3- me -T9 A-'" 3 -0 -X H No it It It too 00 too 0 31 2 73 04 1 13 74 3 4-4 of 41 A 39 9 13 2 03:81 ll~ to vs:2 8 ' ' 7 7 2 24 4 3 CO 04 : 71 3 16 t : a I i ~! -;~ l 17"1 3:37 4 ~3 , U1 13 2 0 40 66 CAI 67 53 1 ;1 2 . 5 . I'a 1 1.2 0.'" 10 7 st, 6 L Co. 78.07 70 17 1 :0 13: 2 47.54 49.2 3610 13 0,00 0:0 6S.7 55 7 % 14.a 13,2 H ON 84- 1 c It - 2 -6-A N m c I H A U a 4) T a a v H too 00 IZA0 100.0 VG 1) 31 2 25:1 5 78.30 " " 60 8 41 2 ' " " 22 5 41.10 45,0 - .1 : fit '10 93 . 0; 1 26 0 . L., 5 6 :; 1 7 ' '00 67j; 61 1 5 3,1 1 1 2213 11:2~ 11, Ot 0: , 4 1 2 22.6 .114.96 1 5 8.7 sO.2 22.5 'a , 65 1 00. 1 22.5 22.5 47.71 51.5 77,0 2~1 O:j 110 0 53 ,54 bk. 0 321,5 212.5 Card 6/6 LITVINP21KO, A.U., kand. geol..-miner. nauk, otv. red.; ENTAZEV. 17, G.I.. kand. geol.-r:lner. natA, red.- inzh -geol., red.; KULIl]E2#'KG, inzh-geolog, red.; K-1111IPKOV, A.V.: karri. geol.-mirier. nau~.. red.i FLIYANIOV, M.D., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; KWOLEVA, T.I., ved. Yed. [Probloma of the goologry and m1neralciy of iru dop,~oitfl Voprosy geologii i wlneralojfAi rudn.ykh me.-,tk)ro:Lhdellii. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 188 1). 1. Institut iminerallukh PASTUKHOVA, I.S.; KRAVCHENKO, V.M. Crystallization in the ternary system p-xylqne - m-xylene - carbon tetrachloride. ZhurAprikl.khim. 37 rio.l.-136-141 Ja 164. (MRA 17:2) 1. Dotietakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. TLTERYU H, V.,' i~o,lov,orka deposito of the ll~ralrllall Qr. 310 rto.'fl: ll.~,)-122 ji 165. V.7) , tut .- -allilykil rell"i.1.1%,("ll, A, .,dnel L KOZHARA) V.L*4 KRAVChERO P V*No [Kravehenko, V.M.] Genetic types of ores in the northern Saksagan' deposit. Geol. zhur. 20 no- 405-44 l6o, (Saksagan' rOgiOn-Ore deposits) (MM 14:4) IRAVCHEMW. V-N-tessiptent *I*- . Increasing the vibration strength of lap-welded joints by creating etress deconcentrators, Trudy NIIZHT no.14:130-142 158* (MIRA 12:1) Is lovosibirskiy institut lazhenorov xholesnodoreshnogo transporta. (Bridges-Welding) KRAVCHMO* V.N iuxh. UsInC the method of photoolasticity In investigating vibration strength of welded lap Joints without strese concentration. Trudy MIIT no,101t144-166 158. (NM 11:6) (Bridge a-Welding-Te sting) (Photoolasticity) M~AVCI,MiKej V, N. : IMs Lor Tech Sci (diss) -- "Dwos- on of the v lbration stren,stuh of lap-welded Joints str~jss doconc,0111.1-atol-S) unirv, l-,lotholl of ImutcoltAsLicity". I-jiscaw, 1959. 10 )p (Min Transpov'--ation I%Iosccv~,r Ordor of L,:3n[n and OlItlor of Vibor liod )Yiniv-ji, InrL of Ralljund Trnnnpcj~:t -1-n,-.1marr, In, 1. V. Stalin), 150 coPias (KL, 1,0 l4p 1~,-)q, 12,0) MWICIE-IF'O, "'-P'. Economic uso of material res-airceq. Zlifl. dor. trfLnsp. 47 no. llt79-80 X 165 (MRA 19:1) 1. Starsidy revlzor ulu-,-.hby matf!rlallno-tet-.Iuiichr,,-,kogo obonpechmiya Severo-Kavkaznkoy doroCi. GLAZUNOV, A.1.4 KAMOVITIKOV, D.P.; KRAVCIIENKO, V.S.; PIVOVAROV, V.G.; STEPANOV, I.A. Automatic control of alcohol in distilled liquors. Spirt.prom. 27 no.2t28-32 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Alcohol) (Automatic control) YLRAVCRENKO V.S.; STEPANOV, I.A.; TIKHOMIROV, L.A.; UMGVNIKOV, B.P.; GLAiUNOV, A.I. Automatic maintenance of constant pressure in continuous rectifying columns. Spirt.prom. 27 no.3129-33 '61. (MIRA 14:4 (Leningrad-Liqu'or industry-Equipment and supplies) (Distillation apparatuM ~I~V.~'A.V., kandidat tek6icheskikh nauk. nauchnyy ontrudniki ',X.UVCFUU=, V.S.. inzhener, nauchnyy totrudnik. Determining the better alternative in planning the formation of river trains. Rech. transp. 15 no.9:21-25 8 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1. IKTP AN SSSR. (Inland navigation) (Rargep) (Towing) V KOMAROV, A.V., doktor.tekhn.nauk, nauchny7 sotrudnik; SOLOVIYEV. I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchny7 sotr-udnik; KRAVCFMtKO, V.S., inzh., nauchnyy sotnidnik; KOVSHOV, G.N., iifih.','nauch"y -jotrudnik. Experimental multidestination transportation of merchandise in combined railroad-waterwa7 communications. Rech.transp. 17 no.2: 8-13 F 158. (MIRA 11:2) l.Institut komplekanykdi transportnvkh problem AN SSSR. (Merchant ships--Cargo) (Railroads--Freight) KOMAROV, A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; TSurkov, 11., nauchnyy sotrudnik; KRAVCHENKO, V.. nauchny7 sotrudnik. Combined operational technology for rail and maritime transportation. Mor. flot 19 no.2:13-17 F '59. (MIRA 12:3) I.Institut komplekonykh transportnykh problem AN SSSR. (Transportation) I "..KUMMIKO, V.S., doktor tekhn.nauk; OBRAZTSOV, A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; kand.tekhn.nauk; LIMMIZIOV, Ye.I., inzh.; TRIMNOVA, M.G., inzh. Use of high-frequency currents for unloading frozen ores. Zhel.dor. tranap. 42 no.11:63-64 N 16o. (MIRA 13:1.1) (Ore handling) (Induction heating) (Rai lroads--J~reigfi t~--Cold voather operationo) KRAVCHENKO, V. S., CANo TECH SCI, "INVESTIOATION OF THE BASIC FORMS OF COMBINED TECHNOLOGY OF THE OFlEfkA!T-A-&N OF RAILROAD AND WATER TRANSPORT IN Moscow, 1961. (STATE Sci ECON COUNCIL OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS USSR9 INST OF COMPLEx TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS). (KLI 3-619 216). 219 KROCITTKO, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red. [Technical and economic problems of developing transportation; transactions of a conference of young specialists] Tekhniko- ekonomichoskie voprosy razvitiia transporta; trudy konferents1i molodykh spetsialistov. Moskvaj In-t kompleksnykh transportnykh problem. No.3. [Problems of improving the organization of the transportatioL process) Voprosy sovernhenstvovanlia organizatsii perovozochnogo protsessa. 1963. 186 p. WIRA 17:71, SKALOV, Konstantin Yurlyovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ZUBKOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich, inzh.; KHAVCHENKO Vltjdimir 1__iz== Silayevic!21 kand. tekhn. nauk; NIKITIHA, Vera Nwa~yevnap Vladimir Aleksnndrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; DLUGAC11, B.A., red. (Port junctions and terminals; their luyout and operation) Portovye uzly i stantsii; u3troistvo i ekspluatatsiia. Moskvaj Transport, 1965. 197 p. (MIRA 18:4) -L 02349~-67 EWT(M)/EWP(t)/ET! IJP(c) JD ACC NR, An6o25737 SOURCE CODE: UR/005 AUTHOR: Kravche "o, V. S.; Andreyeva, A. A.; K=etsovp F. A. TITLE: Influence of -substrate finishing conditions on the quality of ep al f itaxi of germanium in the chloride method -ep SOURCE: ReAh. Fizika, Abs. 4A585 REF SOURCE: Sb. SlIvoZium. Protsesey sinteza i rosta kristallov i plenok poluprovod- nik. materialoyp 1965, Tezisy dokl. Novosibirsk, 1965P 15-16 TOPIC TAGS: germaniump epitaxi&l grovingp semiconducting filmp surface finishing ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the influence of the preparatory operations prior to growing an the perfection of epitaxial germanium films. The perfection of the films was inventigated as a function of the conditions for finishing the sub- atrates of Ge in hydrogen and for etching the latter in a mixture of dry kqdrogen chloride with bardr-,)gen. It is found that when the substrates are treated in lWdrogely at 850c, tho optim3l treatment time is 40 minutes. When the substrates are polished by etching with a mixture of hydrogen chloride and hydrogenp mirror-smooth film cor*- taining no stackVi,,j faults are obtained. (TranalAtion of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 ivl< 0 V. USSR/Mines and Mining Equipment Electrical Equipment Jun 1)47 f'Safety in the Use of zlectricity for Underground Minesoll L. V. Gladilin and V. S. Kravchenko Institute of Minit,g, USSR Academy of Scienceso 2pp "Gornyy Zhurnal" Vol CXXI, No 6 Usually power of 500 - 5~O watts is used for electrification of ferrous and nonferrous mines in the USSR -- 350 watts is used in coal mines. Recommends various safety features to be adopted in mines. PA 1PT52 KRAVCPENIIO~ V-8. "TeleregulatI-n and Remote Control in Kines." BY= book, Basic Problems for the Reconstruction and DevelopInent of the Donbass. Editor, A.M. Terpigorev. Ugletekhizdat, 1948 V. S. S013 Cables, Stool Testing Nquipment, Xleotrical "Iciectromagnetic Ylethoft of Controlling the StrwgU of'steel Cableso- V. S. Mravehanko, Inst of Mining, AoaA SOL UsaRp 6 pp "Gor Zhur" No 9 Describes v,,gnetla vethods for checking strength of vorn-stool cable. 4W 15/49M5 KRAMa"14YO1 V's, "The Probable Nature of the Ignition of Methane by Electlic Sparks and Evaluation of the Spark Safety Mine Electrial Circuits." From book Mine Aerology and Labor Safe in Mines, Ugletekhizdat, 1949. 0;0*000000*00000000 00 1; It U it M my posts At '04304.0 At ca, q 'I Ulm - 1 A - It -L-A ~s 0 .1 _o: .0 .00 09 -00 0o 00 4i Investigation of Steel Cables for control of Their 00 fin Riji,i4nj V, 13. Krnv,-h,.nk,). 00 00. Aludfpnii sauk SSNII, 0111firilie rekknich,400 00 J! Nauk (BuIlvily; J the Academy of 4ri.-proo ,( the USSR. Bection of T-chnicul Yvb. 1919, .00 0* p. SX201. coo j Describes and diagrallIA AbQVV mpthod. Ty0cal data are charted and tabulated. COO 00 a go* o0z 002 to zoo I L A WALLUFMAL WIN&YU41 CLAISIPKATIOM go* wool #)'All 4K 0.- All N so v -T U 6 v to 1, 1, 0, 44 w a it a pt a a I,, KW A A An i t a IWO x 0 19"W5113143STMEN '07 : : : d" ::&::Ilooooooo*ooooooo a 0000600090000000*00 Ot 000600000000000 0 1009*0*0000600000000;i KRAVCHRIYO P V. S. "Open Electric Sparking in an Inflammable Mine Atrwsphere,", Blektrichestvo, No.2, 1949. Inst. of Ednirg, AS USSR A A ~J, 00 4' A-k-, JAC *I- 1-1. lee n1l 40 0 I'MAC10111 too 0,40012141 t-f* shokesedsom XOM4111 d h"fsdpunf W 01011001911" of 8W WW R*M V. P. Kmvobmko. (ftq&sats 0% Kollsio- ?Ah t-4191k. 4241. (Inflotli(Atifin). 11w Ssivk4 Instiltute for Missing Pearmcfa iarritil -it intmoi. Ristu'lut on the use of or,"retuilus. *0 brokell"i"*4% O e soul D.C. intstrunwitis mv "Ttl-l. Its, k hi if l h i l roul- e ass of a "- w r s im p- a itAinict U in Ov dim4lim of the stlip of fill, p,Iv 04.1 . --l"Istry A od whivii f1mis the intloml %obstille list,% a fill" rimot .4,111'"4041 fit an dullyllider atul a momling instroow-of. To A,tain a rosw"44itt "I in the riqo. air winding. arp-16t-1 l,v a vibral4w. 'I'lop tivinclings am nimsts, its I wit ariso irrolsir , lm hm so winvililm, thi-in to to littitif vvrr any liars of tlw %%m rolir, In the A.C. * dr(Momm,j* * tlw vivivisint, 4. O.'P- ll~, i-lilki"Y Whilling 4MI41 IliP sli~ri-oilfkrl I lllfft~ 1. 1 t l l i ,, It"to a Wsi aim, riffult. .o,,, Frosis list, 0W si,%,oodacy Wimillum MW it varialle pissit 4 flew Oil, owimmimining 'ifewl. rho IM'. inatruln"i v tolo. It 11KMV amrmls%v than thst kV. one ancl it nin ik4irt a aiisg6 Imikort wvv inmitia, thr YOPP. mazinsum mstaitivity (.W drimills (Aults ill obtairmt fcw a firld o( about 4.%(XKJ Goo". linpulmem of wreral taillftlike am olitotant with a n-1. . I T in, ism. wo typm of awasitaing pirruit m), utwktlkg with a PIN"." type antputwe Ut ,tw *111, cat .1-fmitir tubt, i 1 d -1, omp ll to WAV rims fir fn~umt wit Is an accuracy I% by "Wis". of a livilloitir VA-minonstifer, but thip to 4mJy inailaW hw lalmilatory work.- a.u, 'a if IS 99 Is a it a a It of r' jr .4;--a is I W 0 9 a a 11 -977 -M ~14 90 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 as 0 00 0 lee cis lee ass W 0 0 too & 6 a q 4 0: 48 WW- 03 004, 00,91 4588. OPW ILW"IC SPOM IN FIREDAMP ADIMPHERN. Iravchanko# V.S. (Elektrichostvo (electricity)# Feb. 1950, (20j, 70-75). The obaracter of thtAgnition of methane gas by electric sparks and Ita probabUlty are, studied, and magnitude nf Igniting ourfent doterainede A method of asteslag sparkii., safety in presapted, and experimental data roqulr~-l few trAuattve circuits, protected bV spark quenehift apparatus and unprotected, are given* It to shown that modern mines can be protected. S.R.A6 418.ILA 89T&&&W~WAt UT9*0401 CLASUPICOMM U:49100;10 W Opp W 19 1 1 00 0 **0000000000::00;; 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9-9?rxM-A2T-.-- 06.649 zw W 0 0 a 4 3 2 9 .0 9 0 0900**Oo* 490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 a a* Are 0 a** Wee so 00* 0 qoo goia so Wo : woo Wool 232T50 USSR/Electricity - Spark Protection SeP 52 "Flammbility of the Electric Spark," V. S. l(ravchenko, Inst of Mining, Acad Sci USSR "Elektrichestvo" Vo 9, pp 21-28 Establishes that the single criterion detg the flamability of mine gas to elec sparks In mixed (inductive and resistive) circuits is the energy dissipated In the arc. Submit- ted 18 Jul 51. 2r,r5O /7- Krt%vchct*o, V.S. (Dcctanl thasis, Inst. Mn. Acca. Sol. U.S.S.R.. 19"; atmN Ifl-lurn. AMC. RIUM 6.0% jj. Avyd. act. U.S.S.F0, ,hr. 1954, 10% lie). A thawatleal and eXpcrimential Imcstl;ptica of the physical 'riature Of spam lCnltltn of flre-ftp Is prtsontea. It Is establifted that the $010 factor detcroinlre the IGnItim capacity or WY-43 duo to trmks Is the Ww(7 dJAPwTcd In the are PWO Of the d1wJrrac. P=ma-10 rArg GlT9n tOr CQZ=InlnG thiS MUC7 and Its ccroCgltlM lanittnr, capacity in a fircd=P ILU ttere. the role Ot the AWk mid alm ctl,,~gs of a dlacrareo, of Apark McVey Mid dwatlen of diZelnrge, find Of CfmMtWiStICv of zho circuit nM of the W-wk. are cKw2ni.;. hodern thM Of thc. propaCatlen of cab Uon In explosive rAG mlxuwes Is used to c1plaln the tenitim of fireclorp bj oapa ILIVO dlscharrcs and the cxtInct&cj% of r1rOo ty vopcw. 82. jj~C_EWDIVITY OP FUCTRIC SPARM. Kravch9k., W.S. (Dtsrll. Clektrotech., rhe- I~MtRti of mine gas is dependent on so many variables that no attanpt to find a the(,retical solution has In the past been successful. The author mdonvour:; to formulate theoretical equatlen.1 to dotemIne 11mition by spark-s In n consIdemblo minber of actual ca5es. KRUCIM110, V. S. Eleotrioal Engineering Abstraots MaY 1954 Suitchgear AM IfteudMty of dfttrk d on brealift elf circulft at tw Mumiercial, Scoustic ad gTS[P& freji;R9-m'VV, S,_KgAvrirF-yrn EjektjchsjrO.. - - 717. 59ZM--M-jrftr1aff.- 90 09, In development work on electric mining equipment- designed for operation at acoustic and ultrmnic frequencies it was found that, contrary to virldely held opinions, the incendive capacity of sparks is less at these frequencies than at maim frequency. The explanation 11" only In comidedni; the dangerous phase of the discharge which is its arcing stage, and Ip particular, the possible maximum of energy liberated In such a discharge. Ilia author presents an empirical formula for this energy which was derived oWjinally for d.c. conditions. It Is fOU4 Thai e.g. at 100kc/s ft Incendive current must be 5-11 times gmatef than on dc. Comparative expert- ments In various Inflarrunable gas mixtures at various frequencies fully confirm the theziry, See also Absir. 1854 (1954). a. F. KRAW KRAVCHEITEO, V-,S- New concepts of the process of mine gas ignition due to electriC sparks 9tomming from Poor connections. Trudy Inst. r,or.dal& 1:203-209 154. (MLRA 7:12) (Mina explosions) (Ilectricity In mining) I ~~ -I z , - '- H ~,.. 7,1 '.--- "'. # ... . . o~_ , KRAVCHMO. T., Inzhener. '--- Cutter-1nader "Gorniak" used in anthracite mines. Kwt.ugl. 3 no.7:14-15 J1 '54. (MA 7:7 (Coal-mining machinery) USSR/Mining Coal FD-2929 Card 1/1 Pub. 41-10/17 Author ; Kravchenko) V. S., Moscow Title :On the question of the nature and mechanics of sudden ejection of coal and gas Periodical :Izv. AH SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 6, 101-108, June 1955 Abstract :Describes an experiment performed to study the ctuse and the mechanics of coal and methane ejection when a seLled strata of coal and gas under pressure is suddenly exposed. Concludes that when a coal zone, saturated with gas Is exposed, the coal starts to disintegrate as a result and through the acticn of the escaping gas. Tile disintegration occurs very rapidly and in the form of a thin front. This "disintegration wave" travels ispidly towards the end opposite the one exposed. At the same tine the gas escapes rapidly in the opposite direction causing an explosive ejection of gas and disintegrated coal particles. Drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, formulae. Three references, all USSR. Institution Submitted April 11, 1955 ~ 4 ~X r. 4 , il.'~ f; f 11 ,11 w KRAVCHERIO, V.S. Searching for new methods of breaking hard rock. Gor. shtLr. no.l: 36-43 J46 '57. (KLU 10:4) 1, Institut garnogo dela AN SSSR. (Ultrasonle waves--Industrial applications) (Bleatric spark) KRAVG;BUIKC. V. Mochnnizing, And witonntizing, nurfnce equipment, Mast-ugl. 7 no.4:17 Ap '51. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Uclif?nyy aokretqr' Tekhniko-ekonomicheakogo novetn Luganakogo sovnarkhoza. (Conl mining mnehinery) Tr 1:'.V t V AUTHOR: Loguntnov, B. ?11. S 37i o - zlva - a -14 TITLE: On Problems of Rock Disintegration (Voprosy razrusheniya gornykh porad) TransE.ctions of the Conference in the Mining Institute (Soveshchaniye v Institute gornol--o dela) PERIODICAL: Vestn-ik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 8, PP- 130 - 132 (USSR) A-S'7RACT: This coordination conference was held from May, 2o - 22. It was called by the Institut gornot.-o dela AkademiJ. nauk SSSR (Mining Institute AS USSR). Representatives of scientific research inatitutes, of univeroities, of pl-nning bureaux and manufacturing plants participat~-,d in the work. The following lectures were held: B.M.Leybov on methods of evaluating coal structure, M.M.Protod'yakonov and B.M.Loguntsov on the standardization and the establishment of a uniform scale of drilling work, A.N.Zelenin on a more precise method of thp determination of limit values of rock stress vulues. ot V.S.Kravchenko, A.P.Obraztoov and D.A.D~~nioov '-ii the Ca-rd 1 '2 61, magnet!~- high-fr-i1xiency "ielltio, for the bi*e%king On Problema of Rock Disintegration. Transactio.-s of So-~ 17'~ _ a:~ _a _ Z 7 '4 the Conference in the Minirg Institute up of quartzites from the anomalou., m-a,7netic oren, from Ktirsk and from ores of ot',P-r cites.." A.P.Ostrovskiy, A,I.Gollbinler and QJ1 qeiv methods of blasting in the drift advance of 'Jore holes." 'Kiles -overning tho rock L'.V M. I. Koyfman &n Means of rotating and )ercusoion drilli-;1-- R.M.Eygeles ion'Ithe dependence of bore thrust on the drill pressure, on the drill speed, on rock properties etc," Ye.I.Illnitskaya on'~mechanical extraction of coal," N.G.kar-atavoy-e~n4the specific pressure distribution or the leading edge of the cutter in coal extract-ion. At the end of the conference it ,-~as emphasized that the majority of research work which has hitherto been conducted was entirely of an expecimental nature. Theoretical and experimental rcsearch is to be intensified in t,-.e future. Card 2/2 SOV/110-56-c,-17/2U AUTHURS; en1co V S. (Doctor of Technical Science) and Ullyas'Mce too.,"V.E. (Engineer) TITLE: A Study of Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment in an 1tmosphere of Explosive Gas (Vzryvobezopasnost1 alelctrooborudovaniya v atmosforo vzryvchatY1ch lgrazov) PERIODICALt Vestnik Elektroproriystilannost-'L,19587Nr ()71.p 69-74 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Heavy-current electrical equipment is usually made flame- roof by the provision of an exglosion-proof casing, g aving flanges with gaps of sue dimen3ions that gases, expelled to relieve the internal pressure formed when an explosion occurs, are cooled down before reaching the surroundinG explosive atmosphore. Rocont Soviet work has clarified the mechanism of flame-extinction in narrow gaps and some now properties of explosion-proof casings have been discovered.' The critical gap between infinite planes at which flame rot~agation ceases depends,gimarily on the properties of t9e rning mixture partic arly the energy of activation, the maximum flame temnerature, the thermal conductivity of the gas ani the rate 'of pro.)agation of the ~.;ard 1/6 flame relatuivo to the products of combusti;n. Theorotical equations for the critical gap are written, but they give A Study of Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment in an Atmos!)here of Explosive Gas only the order of magnitude for different gases. It is clear that the reason why the material nature of tile flange has little effect on the flame-suppressing efloiciency is that the heat-transfer is mainly governed by the thermal conductivity of the gas. The effects are more complicated in the closed casings met in practice than they are in the theoretical infinite gaps. There are considerable increases of pressure and temperature inside the casing, so that the gaps must be smaller. In exporinental work on explosion- proof gaps the variability of the effect of explosion propagation is importanik".. A special test rig was made up, as schematically illustrated in Fig 3, and consists of a special spherical casinZ of 2.5 litros for dotormining safe gaps, with a controllod gap between the flanges. This wa5 filled with an explosive-mixture and placod in a large (220 litros) explosion chambor containing the same explosive mixture. The mixture inside the sphere was ignited by a ~;ard 2/6 magneto spark. It was found that for a given set of conditions an explosion could occur only occasionally, for Sol l lu - !7/2U Study of Explosion-proof Electrical Equipment in an AtmoslAiere of Explosive Gas example, only once in 60 tests, and in one case only once in 167 tests. It is usually considered that a gap is safe if no explosion occurs in a certain number of tests. In practice a safety factor of 23'-,'~ or so was allowed in gap length. Tests made in t~e T31JIPO served as a basis for a more reliable i;ietliod of determininZ? safe gaps. An attempt was first mado to establish a relation- ship between the probability of an explosion being transmitted and a factor Coverning the intensity of the source of ignition, such as the size of the flange gap. Similar work was recently done in England by Bruce) but later tests were not in accordance irith the linear relationship that lie established. Our tests were made in hydrogen, acetylene and propane. Only a limited number of tests could be made and we had to be ~;atisfied with 3 - 5 Pr,::.'Ltive results in about 300 tests. It will br,1 soon from the rojults civen in Fi- 4 that a reliable relationship was nevert-holess obt:~J_nod, 2he tests con- Card ')/6 firmed the validity of the law of ,)robability of ignition for ivnition sources of unstable intensik, a The A S~.-udy of B,,,.plosion-,~roof Blecturical in -4p~ At-_:05,~,!Ihe,ro of ive Ga S rela'u-ionshi.) botwcon '.-he of transmission of c:-.~)loz-' -on and tho 3iz-o of 'V-ho flan~c L.-aD is ;iven in Fig, 5 ~zid tho fori-Itula in equation (5). This relationship forms a ba3is for a new I method of deterninin, "ho ~;afo -a--. A rict",lod is siven of detorninins the relationship betw;on the probability of explosion transmission and the lenth of --a!j from mental data. A procedure is then offe-rod for fi;ldin., a value of .-ap length that corres.nonds to a given low value of o.-,plosion 1)robabi1i'&-,y. Tho relcvant calculatioi13 ,.Icre mado by L.71. Bollshov at the I.-athomatical Institute Stcklov of the Academy of Science of the USSR. Formula give3 the value of the 3afG gap. Values of the magnitude t that enters into this formula are "ivc.% in Table 1. 2he procedure was used to determinc oale, flan-re zaps foi vory dan.r-crous mixtures of air .:_Jt"h !iydro-.;cn a-d aco-tylena, also with propane. The most a-.plorAve concentrations of t1licie gases in air arc give:- in Fi-f 6. The s.--if-- _ra:~js ~Iard V6 u - - calculat.od by of fori?.iula (0 for an oxplosion SUV/11u- 5(j'-~)-17/20 A Stud of Sx~lojlon-proof BlocLrical 11,quiprion; in an Atmosphere of Exp~osive as probability of 10-6 and gave the dimen:;ioi-.,s recorded in Table 2. The corresponding re3ults of explosion "osts are given also. It will be seen t~iat oven if the safety factor of 2 is allowed in the gap len-th, it is practicable to manufacture some kinds~of explosion-proof equipment for hydro-ven/air rAxturos. Lrplo s ion- proof enclosures can al:;o be made for acetylene atnosphere3, provided the volume is not -'reater than 0.25 litres. On the basis of this work the Blellr.-trosila Works has developed and put into serlej droduction an oxplosion-proof lightinZ fittin,, for hydroZen:/air atmosphereo and has developed an inflammable-.cras indicator for hydrogen and acetylene atmospheres. Previous authors have pointed out that explosion-proof equi mont may bocome unsafe if prolon-od powor-arcs occur insyde it. The way in which this 0 happens is discussed, leading to the conclusion that the problem cannot be solvad r.-ioraly by suitable design of U Card 5/6 tho casing but requires that appropriate oloctrical SOV/110-58-0-17/20 A Study of losion-proof Electrical Bquipmc.-.t in an Atmosphere of Explosive ~as protective equipment be used to cut of -L" the sudDly in such cases. Additional slafoty measures are the uso of are-reois'-ii. 11 - U _ insulation, in-reased clearances betueon live parts and ;criodical checking of insulation resistance. There are 2 tables7 ~ fi7llreS and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 17, 1958 1. Electrical equipment--Performance 2. Explosive gases--Safety measures 3. Electrical equipment--Test methods 4. Electrical equipment--Safety measures Card 6/6 KAR OV, Yevgeniy Fedorovich;JMT.C11EaO, Vladimir Sergeyevich, doktor takha. nauk; LETBOV, Ruvim Xol,,,eyevich, doktor takhn.nouk; SHRYNBERG, Samuil Davydovich; MIRSKATA, V.T., red.izd-va: KOROVENKOVA, Z.A.,; BERJCSLAVSKAYA, L.Sh., (Automatic protective devices in mines] Avtomaticheskie shakhtnys zashchitnye ustroistTo. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu. 1960. ill p. (MIRA 13:7) (Electricity in mining--Safety measures) s/18o/60/000/03/025/030 ER?A/E3~1? 03, AUTHORS. Kravchonko, V.S. and Khaleyev, ow) q=== III -, % -. -604&4"k- TITLE. Some Relationships in the Inflammability of Explosive Mixtures of Saturated Hydrocarbons with Air PERIODICAL,~, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdc-leniye telchnicheskilth nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, Nr 3, pp 133-139 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The relationships described in the paper were found during the authorsO investigations on spark safe currents in electrical circuits in an explosive atmosphere of multi- component mixtures of hydrocarbons of CnH 2n+2 series. On the basis of their own experiments and with two and multi-component mixtures of alkane series and literature data, the authors established that the most dangerouS r-.onceatrations of hydrocarbons in air are inversely proportional to the square roots o~* their specific (or molecular) conc entrat ions. Similez- relationships were found to hold in respect of minimal current which on breaking of the circuit would igzite such mixtures. Thus, a dive,.t relationship exists between tho most dangerous concentrations of hydrocarbon-air explosive mixtures\\and Cardl-/3 m-Lnimal igniting currents. Using this relationship one can s/i8o/60/000/03/025/03o ET~I/F3~~pl Some Relationships in the Inflammabill 0 osive Mixtures of Saturated Hydrocarbons with Air determine the most dangerous conc entrat ions of any explosive mixture, lower and upper explosive limits and safe currents on the basis of the same data for methane. A comparison of calculated and determined most dangerous concentrations of alkane-air explosive mixtures and their /e,_ dependence on the specific gravity of the explosive component are given in Table 1 and Figure li the dependence of igniting currents for gas and vapour air mixtures of saturated hydrocarbons on their specific gravi iy Table 2 and Figure 2 (probability of ignition p = 10- contacts from steel wire 0-35 mm. in dia); the dependence of minimal igniting currents on the dangerous concentration of explosive component - Figure 3; the dependence of the probability of ignition of various hydrocarbon-air mixtures by circuit-breaking currents - Figure 4; the probability of the appearance of a mixture of hydrocarbons of various specific gravities for a mine, situated in a neighbourhood of oil-bearing strata - Figure 5. It is concluded that Card?-/3 the relationships established can be used for calculating S/180/60/000/03/025/0,)o f?7-1~Ej~ Some Relationsh:Lps in the Inflammabili 0 ~Iosive Mixtures of Saturated Hydrocarbons with Air minimum igniting and evaluation of spark c-hemical, petroleum explosions. There are 6 references, 3 of which permissible currents and for the safety of electrical circuits on and mining industries susceptible to 5 figures, 2 fables and are Soviet and 3 English. SUBM11TED: Octeber 20, 1959 Card 3/3 KRAVCUNKO, V.S.. doktor telrhn.nauk-: KARPOV, Te.F., Inzh.; BIRMMIRG, I.E., Inzh. Continuous methane-detection relay. Hazop.truda v prom. 4 no.2:22-24 F 160. (MIRA 13'.5) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR (for Kravchenko, Karpov). 2. Giprougle-avtomatizatsiya (for Birenberg). (Mine gasen-Safety measures) 3/194/61/000/008/041/092 D,"~;I/D304 AUTHORS: hravchei-iko, V,,S and Serov, V,,I,. TITLE: A ncw method of [;par!: protection in remote control and remotc, si-nallilig in""tal-lationu C3 > PERIODICAL: Referativnyy --hurnal. Avtomatika i radioclel~troniha, no. 8, 1961, 43, al:,stract 8 V363 0ezodasnost' truda v pron.-sti, 1960, no. 11, 20-21) TEXT: The new inethod consists in mzL'sing a small current f low alon(r th-, spark protecting suppl% line. The current produces a certain cuerf;y biAld-up (e.g. at a capacitor) at tho motor stage. This erier,-y is then dissipated in pulses ,--it a given signal. The described ti principle maker, it possi~lo to c-,tc-,,,d the applicability of spark protecting lines to hi~grh Power CYst('-M---, Z-Abstracter's, note: Complete translation-7 Card 1/1 - ~Wq41kIXO._T_S,,-doktor tekhn.nauk; CBRAZTSOV, A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, USTIMOV, T.T., inth. Dust-free rock breaking by electric methods. Gor.zhur. no-9: 42-45 S 16o. (HIRA 13:9) 1. Institut pornogo' dela AN,SSSR, Lyubertsy, Moskovskog oblasti. (Ore dressing) (Electric cutting machinery) 86878 3/105/61/000/001/005/007 1137.6) B012/BO59 AUTHORS: V-rP~,-hPnVn__V_ . octor of Technical Sciences, and Sun Yuy=17ngineer TITLE: Spark-over Strength of High-frequency AC-circuits PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1961, No. 1, PP. 77-80 TEXT: The authors of the present paper used the fundamentals of spark- over strength, given in the papers of L. I. Gavrillchenko (Ref. 2) and Refs., 1,3,4,5,6,7,to determine the ignitability of discharges occurring on opening of AC-circuits. Fig, 3 illustrates the experimental charac- teristics for determining the spark-over strength of inductive DC- and AC- circuits on variation of inductance (Fig. 3a) and of frequency (Fig. 3b), In all cases investigated (inductance between 0.1 and 10 millihenries) discharges from opening of DC-circuits were alwayc more danKei*ous than dischar-eii in high-frequency AC-circuitv. The expe.-iments showed that the 'It%bil,zed capacity voltage, determined at the ignLtion limit at various values of capacity, characterizes the spark-over s.rength of the inductive- Card 1/6 86878 Spark-over Strength of High-frequency S/I()5/61/000/001/005/007 AC.-circuits B012/BO59 capacitive circuit under the given conditions of ignition. This relation proved to be a unit characteristic of the circuit spark-over strength at f--equencies of 5 to 15 kc/sec and at inductances of I to 20 millihenries, at resonance and non-resonance parameters, Experiments showed that in a high-frequency circuit with inductanceand capacitance ignitability of the discharjes in the ranges Investigated ire entirely determined by the energy of theso discharges, independent of changes in frequency or other circuit parameters, The investigation of the ignitability of discharges occurring on opening of high-frequency circuits proved the principle of the constant least ignition energy of these discharges (within the ranges investigated) to be true. This investigation also made it possible to write down the ignition conditions of discharge in an inductive-capacitive circuit in WVC-A where I denotes the mathematical form: Equation (4): Imin min effective current with open terminals, t4 the angular frequency, A min the legst energy causing spark-over, and C the capacitance. Calculations and experimental data offered the possibility of explaining the effect of frequency on the least ignition currents in the inductive and inductive- Card 2/6 Spark-over'Strangth of High-frequenoy S/105/61/000/001/005/007 AC circuits B012.B059 capacitive circuits at various values of inductance and capaoitance (Fig. There are 5 figures and 9 referenoent 8 Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt .1notitut gorpogo dela AN-SSSR (Mining Institute AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt June 200 1960 ,a IV. NXIM 06878 8/105J61/000/ool/005/007 B012/BO59 Card T-1 x X"ll tz; 86878 S/1 05/61 /000/001 /005/0'~17 B012/BO59 -M70' S/105/61/000/001/005/007 B012/BO59 Lj 5: Amplitude valuLs of the least ignition currents inductive CiL-CUit: 1 D~, 2) kc/sec henry. 3) milii- P- I-.'. I: D~,pepdence of the effective least ignition currents, I.; 1-'~ ~'. ',he inductive-cap~,citive circu-it before opening of the -jz..c i to r, on current frequency at various %al,-es of indiictance and -itance. 1) millihenry; 2) kc/sec, 3) microfarad. Card 6/6 S/196/62/000/010/GO4/035 E073/EJ55 AMIORS: !:ravchenko, V. S. , and Scrov$ V.I. TITLE: New explosion chamber for testing. electrical circuits for safety against sparking PERIODICAL: Referativayy zhijrnal, Elelctrotelchnil-i i energetika, no.10, 1962, 16, abstract 10 A95. (Vezopasnost' truda v prom-sti, no.11, 1961, 20-L11) Ti~.'(T: Institut Sornogo dela im. A.A. Skockinskogo 01"ining Institute imeni A.A. Skochinskiy) developed an automatic explosion chamber which permits rapid determination of the probability of ignition of explosive gas-air mixtures during closing and opening of electrical circuits (inductive, non- inductive and capacitive); the circuit current which is safe from the point of view of explosions can also be determined. The equipment is used by a number of institutes in the gold mining industry, and considerably speeds the development, design and introduction of apparatus to be used in explosive atmospheres. 3 illustrations.. Abstractor's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 IVANOVSj~jy, V., inzh.; .-P 0 inzh. k'-'AYCjIFJ,'I'r), V. I 'nzh, MILKI", G. , How automatization works. Soveshakht. 10 no-3:21-22 I-tr 16:L 1. Luganskiy filial instituta Gipmuglonvtomati (MIRA 14:~) (Coal mincs and mining) zatsiya. (Automatic: control) KRAVCEMO, VLADDIER S.; KOTYARSKIY, AM 0 ------- "Research or, the safety of electrical installations in mInIng" report to be submitted for the third Int. Mining Congress) Salzburg Austria, 15-21 Sep 63 KUYQ911AQ__x"#, doktor tekhn. nauk; KARFOV, Ye. F., kand. tekhn. "i_- nauk; U"AVJJI 11 E.P inzh.; EMBURG, I. I., inzh. AMT-2 thermocatalytic methane analyzer. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.4.' 38-39 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Inatitut gornogo, dela is, A. A. Skochinskogo (for Kravehenko, Karpov). 2. Gosudarstvennyy proyaktno-konstruktorskiy institut avtomatizatsii rabot v ugollnoy promyshlennosti (for Birenberg). 3. Konotopskiy zavod 'Krasnyy metallist" (for Erenburg). (mine gases-Measurement) (Transducers) K-d-XCHENKO, V.S., doktor tekhn. rr-uk, prof. Ignition of explosivo gua-air-vapor media by electric dinchargeii. B1nktrich(,t3tvrj no.1105-80 11 165. (Muju~ 18:11) 1. Ituititut gornogo dela Im. A.A. Skochinskogo. DUSCHRIKO, V.S. . inzh. Unenntarina of annombled auxiliary ship mochaniams aftar their installation on ships. Sudoetroanie 25 no.9:32-35 S '59. (JAIRA 12:12) (Marina anginooring) KRAVCIIEN~O.V.S., inzh. Ways to speed the delivery of ships built in series. Sudostroonie 26 no.2:46-49 (208) Feb 160. 1. (MIRA 14--l-1) (Shipbuilding) KRAVCHETKO V. S.,, inzh. =2. Aspects of assembling and mounting marine diesel generators. Sudostroenie 27 no,'149-54 J1 161v (MIRA 1/,.11) (Marine diesel engines) KRAVCHFNKO, V.S., inzh. Design workability of coupling joints. Sudostroenie 27 no.12:42- 48 D 161. (YURA 15:1) (Marine engineering) KRAVCHENKOJ V'S. Ultrasonic method of inspecting the quality of material for parts of turbines. Trudy LKI no.31:65-73 160. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii sudovogo masltinostroyeniya Leningradskogo korahlestroitelinogo instituta. (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Turbines) KR"CHENKO, V.S. Causes of the derangement of shaft coaxiality in ship machine units. Trudy LKI no.34:133-149 161. (KRA 15-8) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii sudovogo mashinostroyeniya Leningradskogo korablestroitellnogo instituta. (Marine engineering) (Shafting) KRAVCHENKO, V.S., inzh. AnaVsis of tolerances for t,'-,e lack of coAxisil ghafting in marine machine units. Sudostroonia 28 nu.3.4'41-45 Ih- 162~ (MIRA 15,4) (Marine ergines) (Shafting) jo- KRAVCHENKO, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk Vibration of marine maohine assemblies under the effect of noncoaxial shafts. Sudostroenie 29 no.8:54-60 Ag 163.(MIRA 16tlO) (Vibrations (Marine engineering))