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0 vy R.Ya. -- .:I,;, . ---1,-,--:-,-" , f, New me fhorl for nilapirip *.'Ii~fl - ( ~ m. I , a yc)-j f - Trudy ~mr 52-155-363 163. (mmA 38"g) KRAPIVIN, A.F. (Sverdlovsk); MgKHAWDOV, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk (Sverdlovsk); !~~VT~OV,_S.D._(Sverdlovak) New developmentB in the classification station. Zhel.dor.- transp. 44 no.11:77-78 N 162. (~M 15:11) 1. Glavnyj inzh. stantsii Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochnyy (for Krapivin). 2. Nachallaik mekhaniziroyannoy gorki stantsii Sverdlovsk-Sartiro- vochnyy (for Krartsov). (,Railroads--Hump yards) A) e hat I za I ~ (n -?A 18::0) n tly- i -,a r.3 Lvo. nog nc r: t- z KRAIMOV, S. F. KRAVTSOV, 7). F. _- "Investigation of the Heat Exchange In Electrical Re- sistance Parts Maie on a Cylindrical Core." Min Higher Education Ul=&inian SSR. Kiev Order of Lenin Polytechnic Inst. Kiev, 1955. (Dissertation for the DegPee of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) SO: Knizbnaya letopis' , No. 4, Moscow, 1956 SO V1110- 59-4-12/23 AUTHOR: Kravtsov, S.F. (Candidate of Technical Saieno~-es) TITLE: ---An-T_n`ve_sTI`ga-E1_on of the Operation of Wire Resistance Elements under Steady Thermal Conditions (Issledol.raniye raboty provolochnykh elementov soprotivleniya pri statsionarnom teplovom. rezhime) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti,1959.,.Nr 4,pp 42-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In designing wire-wound resistance elements used in electrical control appar~ Itus it is assumed that the power consumption under continubus operating conditions does not depend on the wire diameter or the winding pitch or upon the way in which the resistance elements are arranged. In fact, of course. these fautors greatly influence the conditions of heat emission from the resis- tance wire,, The usual formula for the heat balance of a resistance element operating under steady conditions is given and its weaknesses are explained. Expression (9) is derived to exDress the relationship between the variables that govarn the steady-state thermal conditions of resistanL-e wires, This formula was used in working out the experimental result. The test specimens were Card 1/3 wire-wound resistors type NS-414. All the variables that enter into expression (9) were determined, The main SOV/110, .59-4, .12/23 An Investigation of the Operation of Wire Resistance Elements Under Steady Thermal Conditions dimensions of the resistance elements axe given in Table I and Fig 1 which also shows the positions of th.e thermo- couples used. The elements used were mad,~i of constantan wire. A number of different arrangemints wrere tested, horizonta17 vertical, various arrangerrients of bundles and boxes, and the test results are given In Fig 2. An empirical relationship between tfte lrariables for horizontally arranged elements _Js given in fformnla (10), and for vertically arranged elements in foi-mula (11). These formulae give results that differ from experimental values by not more than 3%, A correction factor is given that must be used if the resistance wire is of' some material other than constantan. Equations 1,10) and (11), which are based on many exparimental results, clan be used either directly for thermal calculations on wiae-wound resistances or for the formulation of tables. Expression (12) is then given fol. the p,:)wer (_;onsumption of the resistance element and by sub-3titullin'o, lnt.~) Card 2/3 equation (10), expression (13) ic obtained f.-oin which J_t follows that tho temperature of the wlr,-~~ depends riot onli SOV/110- 59-4-12/23 An Investigation of the Operation of Wire Resistance Elements Under Steady Thermal Conditions on the power but also on the wire diameter, the winding pitch and particularly on the design of the entire resistAnce element. The formulae derived are then used for consideration of the most economical design of resis- tance elements. It is shown that if the elements are arranged vertically much more active material is required than if they are arranged horizontally. Table 2 gives .values of resistance and permissible currents for standard elements and for elements with revised pitch. In both cases the permissible currents are calculated for single row open boxes using expression (10). The results Card 3/3 show that the pitch of the elements should be increased. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, no references, SUBMITTED: September 2, 1958 .iOV/110 -59-5-8/25 AUTHOR; Kravtsov, S.F., Candidats of' Techni.~al TITLE. Steady-.State Thermal Conditions Gf Flat Wire.-Wound ReBiatan~_-e Elemants Arranged in Two 1'!~ers in ~~ B,:,-K 'Stats.-I..3rarnyy tepicvoy r~?zh_`m p--.-_~1-_7._,,hnN-kh -ja!3h,;h_ikhkh) PERIOD1CALiV-2!3tn4k 191~ N:- S pp US R) ABSTRACT: k.,ai-Lable ipxperim~3nal data for: in wir~!--- wound res_4s~an-es arranged, ~_n u s_'rig~e 'Iaye.f ar~ not valid when th,:~ layers &:;-s two An investigation was a:_cardingly ma(Ar, :~ ihe :)Perat-4on of pairs of resi 'stance elemf~nts of --.te fla-~ :Outtru,~t2.on illustra~-ed in Fig 1, _,rranged in -.wz. 1~orizontal planes one thL- atht::~ in a bu.-d.. A::---_u&11y.. se-.en elements ;eere --_i-3ad --n each f--*--r to a,,,o4.~l c-~nd-~,ff~-ti? in determining the temperature of tb- mire irt th(i _-.entral el,-miE-nt. The horizontal distau-, 4P, bt-~we-:txi e]-in-ot. -tn`1r-, -1-ines was 56 umt and the ver ','iral d-~- t`_nes 200 mm. Several variant.,s c1f winling 1)i+-.h -,,Y_J77t- diampter were Card 1/5 tried. In ".he f irFt ser-.'.-3f3 -.f wi_r ! ~.ewP~i-ratures -~A)V/ 110- 59 -5 -8/25 Steady-State Theimal Conditions of Flat Elements Arranged in Two Tiers in a Bcx were determined as functictis of' vite :urrant and winding p1tch for elemenTs i-n both tifi In the second series, an investigat-,on was nindf-, c;f th,? influence of the ratio of' the power6 in the two tlezs on the conditions of heat-AxAiange buTweini thv upper and lower elements. E&sh box was t-f-sted in both cpen and clcsed states and at various loadings. Wirp temperatures were in the range 1-20 To 320~C., The maximuni temperature was measured irt Ihe middle turas of Yb- -I-E-ment. at paint's 15 aim froin the 1-~war- edge of tl-.,e vapp~tr j)crC-,Ia:i.n spacer, as indi;::ated in Fig I.. The ri!.sults of- the first serieti of r.ests, which are plotted -_:n Fig 2., show that-. the relaticnohip between th~- tempovaturr rise c-1 the wire, the Lurrent per turn of k-he tba wire liameter and pitch is given bN -c-rttula (1). T) i i s i valid fL>.r elements in with any ratio of powers bptween the lat-.e-, Th-~ 1_--ad cn 1-h~, upper tier ha.-i no influene on Tn this kj Avi 46~6- t,c,.Y- Card 2/5 case the _-onstan-~ ._,I Eq ' ' ' SOV/1.0) 59 5~8/25 Steady-State Th?rmal Condlt~`czis of Flat WiTe..Wf.).jnJ Elements Arranged j.n -Tw,., TI'j~r;q In a 86A ~~I::sed and orpen Ilk-at!,ric -cnditions b ill I~hc. uppt-l- e.lements :, hz)w-)%P,-, a by loading beneatb4 as I : _-- - h-, L :,-F' 'he --. cristant c fc.r theupper -21emant inlr-Ea '- t~ ti . .Th~_- _-.~itxr of ~hc Icad on the lappar -te-. that rin the 1,-.wi,.r Tier affe.xs the beat- exi-Jiange condition),-, i~,f +.he fcrmtr in rh- in F i g wh or e I h& a 1 7 -iu3 givv_s p c,~. ~-r ra t ic, a lid the c-rdillatf. I~he wj_.- temperature-3 L-quat iii -t~e upp;~xr aril wh~:-n the p-.-twer :-ttio is Oj -..plm b,)x.-!! 0.4,'a for clr-,sed. The ratio of the of wirit to the pow,~,-jr Ji3sipated waA us-?d :jF a cf e,:OIIc.M4_-:-aI -Issign. Thia ~on.3-uipTicii of resi.grant:,t wiv~e ma PI 9 1 y b.t de,~.-~vm'ritd f`:-cm axp z j...ri (2), where 0 is the zatio of thF- in th- jpp.,~t to that -Ln tbe lower t7ev., Cr5kPliq -:0, *1):: -.k-hTIgzI -111 -,.h,? ;5psTlfic C011.3-kimpl?.c1l ill tur'.-tifir dc-!IS7.,r . I r. I I- ~, 11 .:- ~ -!,I !~ .. 2 m 1j) &nd 1'4), are p1--:-%e.) ~v_ Fig ~.- i'-r - a i u r-c S Card 3/5 values cf ci. From the (!,3t&. i-.~ --hat it' Ihp '-)()V/'110 -59--5_.j1)/25 Steady-State Thermal Conditions of Flat Wire.-Wound Resistan-_!' Elements Arranged in Two Tiers in a Box two tiers are connected in series the material consumption is practically indepenlent of ~he 1-cad ratio. The resistance element :,an therefore be individually designed to ensure the same wire tcjmperatur~!,; in thC two tiers or the same load on aetch. For- parallel connection of tiers the elements must be designed fo: equal wire temper&tures in each tier as better use :~an be made of the material in this case, A procedure for selpcting resistanr.:e elew-ents fo-.- two-ti-er boxe5 i,~ llhen dtscribr~d. In 3eries designs, expression '11 is us~_-d t,-. determin-e the wire diameter in the lower ticr which should have the maximum permissible temperature rise. A formula is given that can then be used to dett!..-mini? the wire :Uameter in the upper iier, When zlesign;.ng fo-,c p&rallal connec-tion the moat favour-Able, load d.L3~:,ituticn between tiers i.a z-hosen and d2termines -.'-ht. _,urr?nT ir. fhe lower level. Then the wire diamstars '~cr the -w-j t'4.f~rs are easil-v calculated. The lmp~-r4ant ~~,d-rantaga oi_ the Card 4/5 prccedure is that ir is poa~..ible, by a2t:e.--,Lnv- tha ra;.io 'jf)v/'Ilo 51) 5-8/25 Steady-State Thermal Conditions of Flat Wire..Wclini Rssiblartz,_- Elements Arranged in 11wo Tiers in a Bzy. n,f the loads on the :wc ticz-5. tc nit-.14LP tb,nt best use of wires of standard diame-.4-srs. A ue~rk-ed natnerl,aA exampla is appendaJ. The.--e ax-e 4 SUBMITTED: 18th Dese-nibar 1958 Card 5/5 678'-9 ;z '/, 2 r1o 0 ~i.U TH OR Kravtjov, S.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences 'TITLE: An Investigation into the Heat Exchai4-,e of Elements of Electrical Ro;~istance During the till:, -1-rocess IC~',L Izv~,-;tiya vy~;shik 11)5'), '-,r 12, pi) ')`1-107 CU.-,,1, ,; L I R _?.XT: Tho tuthuL~ t-iii-it Uhe cu~_-fficlerft of ht~at exchanL,~e for thermLil re-sistors wiries L"-.-Oatuly durin- heatin-. Therefore the uce of e,,uati-ons containing a time constant may lead to lar;-o errors, A ralculatinLr method aithout the tij~,ic coristant is c--,,"U.ab!A;-,hed on the basis of the connection of Wie coefficient for heat u.cchan,;;e with the otren,_,-th )f the current under stationary Conditions. Ln e,.tuation is est'ablishe~,L for c_,lculatin,~; the short-tinic characUurj.s~i(.~.; of :,t airc -~-.Astur 01e- plent. The pcocos's of heatLi". cull~iuc.Lor.; electric CUT.- rent Liay be put as follo,.-.,s.,. C,,_ird 1/.3 ij An Investi6ation tLu iLat Exchriri6e of i~lei:Ierit~; of.lit-,clUrical Resistance During t' fleitinu rroces~~ C 'a t + OfL. t = 1 q1 where Q is the speific heat cajoacity of the cuncluctor material, kcal/kg C; Y - specific '-'-ravity. kL,, 0; q - density of the sources of heat, 'Kcal/m~' houE; t - temperature, reckoned from tha"- of 'U.Lo medium. C) t - time, ho rs; a~ - Ceneral coefficient of heat ex- change, kcal/m~ . hours. 0 C; 1 - characteristic size of the conductor, m, equal to the quotient of the area of the cross section divided by tho perimeter. The fol- lowinG equation io for the tomporature of tlie conductor: t = t e Y where t is the temperature established; t he Card 2/3 t-r 67859 SCV/ 143 - 5)-12-1 4/C21 An Investigation Into the Heat ExchanLe of Elements of Electrical Resistance DurinG the Hoating Process constant for the 'tiLlle Of 110z~lt"'G- foll"" I as the Lime tuken by the temperature to reach G3-2';o' of that established. There are ~ Ci~aphs and 4 Soviet refer- ences. ASSC;CI,'LTIC-,N. Khurll,,ovskiy.politekhnicheoki~, institut -1men-i "V".I. Lenimi (Khar1kov-11olytechnical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) - SUBL'ITTED z July 20, 1959, by the IL"afedra tcplo'U-ekhni!__i (Chair of' Heat TechnoloGy) C,avd ~/5 KRAVTSOV, S,F, kand.tekhn.nauk; POLNITSKIY, K.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Heat exchange of a horizontal cylinder with free air flow. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.i energ. 6 no.7;69-74 JI 163. (mm 16.8) T, 1. Khnrlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy instit t imeni 11 I.ianina. Predstavlena turbinnoy sektsiyey nauchnAekhniche;kogo soveta TSentrallnogo nauclinc,-issludovatellskogo kotloturbinnogo instituta Lmeni Polzunova. (Heat-Transmission) KRAVTSOV S Z., kand. tekhn. nauk Calculation of resistors operating in repeated short term duration mode. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.9:45-50 S 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. KharIkovskiy politekhnicheokiy institut imeni Lenina. Predstavlena, kafedroy obshchey elektrotekhniki. KF6-.v,T,30V) S.F,. ktirwj. frjk!ljj. yjil I I-; f L. A., te~.en. DetennInation of -;axA,,rrim I.ejrlinibia c-,,rrt!rit of re~iislarxes In a repeated shcrt-term m(,de of operation. Fluktrctekhnika 35 no.'7: 55-57 ' &I, - (IMIRA 17:12) ACC MION NR: AP5007537 SIOZIZ/65/000/003/00471004T AUTHOR, KKaV11 jCandidate of technical sciences); Polnitskils K. As (Candidite off~~ iciiencest TITILE: Thermal dealga-91-resistors -intended for short-time operation SOURCE: Elektrotekhnika, no.- 3.*'1965. 47-49 TOPIC TAGS: -resistor, thermatdasign, ABSTRACT: A method is set forth.ofthd thermal design of resistors which permits taking into account the effect of both the temperature and the time-period required for attaining a specified temperature rise upon the heat-exchange factor. This formula. is proposed, for thermal calculations: to= t -,(me. t), w1tere ico. .-e -sec/crrO C; f- a ,~' to the rolume specific heat in w qt 0 7 1 glop% io, i a the conductivity in m/ohm-mm"s I to the conductor croso-section in mm~_ Card 1/2 FA ACCESSION NR:: AP5007537 The stationary heat-excha nge factor differs. considerably from that existing during. -the heating-up, procese.-the -latter, increases with.the temperature and decreasen -with the Lima required for reaching .. thia temperature. The above formula agrees withi'n 574 vrith the results eiperimentally abtvlned for constantan, cast-tron, and "f echral" (ferrochromium4luminum. allay) reglbtora of various forms. grig. art. hast. 3 figures and -18 forumlas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBbUTTED,- 00 M(CL; 00 SUB CODE, EZ NO REW SOY:, OTIMi 000 Card VASILEVSKIY, kand.tekhn.nauk; TRAUBE, Ye.S., inzh.; LE;VCjjEjjK,), YU~Te inzh.; -HAVTSOV, _ S. Is-,- inzh. Automation of skip hoists by means of mechanical brakes with hydraulic drive. Ugoll.prom. no-4:51-55 Jl-Ag 162. (11,9RA 15:8) 1. Giproraselektroshakht. (Mine hoisting) (Automatic control) AR4V2 --~Ovj Distrt "'erv e 41~ We #"at 5 t 151 "tecatillyst sphcres are. di&-,Glvcd in Naoffj catten. of IW-ZW C.& at A&tzlt too. ~ TItz cciu(C.: stspelisiort is aHoutc! tc, Wo out lintl then 'fille off for muse. KRAVTSOV, Sh.L.,inzh. Analyzing skeleton diagram of rubber-tired sectional rollers. Strot. I dor.mashinostr. 4 no.2:17-19 Ir '59. (MIRA 12:2) (Road rollers) KRAVTSOVP Sh,l,. , inzh. Improving the construction of' the agitators for periodic operation of asphalt mixers. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.2:9-10 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) GUREVICH,"-M.G,,- KRAVTSOV9 S.S.; OVCHINLNIKOV9, I.M.; SURKOV9 V.11. Re4ent data on the concentration of some trace blemento in natural kases and waters of the Northern Caucasus. Trudy IGMi no-46:92-97 160. (MIRL 140.) (Caucasuag Northern-fteral waters) (Caucapus, Northernt.-;Gaa, Natural) (Trace elements) KROTSOV, T.G., inzh. New method of testing ship metal structures for tightnes.3. Sudostroenie 29 no.5152 My 163. (MMA l6s9) (Shipfitting) (Metalwork--Testing) VASILEVSKIY, M,N., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRAUTE, , Ye.S., inzh.; i.MVT'IGVJI V.A. I 0 inzh. KEffect of the convoying type, engine and network parameters on the rated operating efficiency of the cutter-loador. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.12:27-28 D 161. (MM% 14:12) 1. Giproriiselaktroshakht, (Coal mining machinery) pops 0 420 1111 P 311 is 0 a gr a a61 Is 1 0 Ap L t A 411 f N1, 94 4-Holl. 1191ght of 'h# Pqj1snII&l nl"MddrY Of 111,10 A101111C Nucleus. 00 V- 1K!!Tft-y1 C-PIA RMA11,11 if I-Aprad. dro Sesturts. V-R-SS. 3. .0111, 0 W--W237- 11-9- 1. 1P14. In G--am -n%. rjtrapAAt,,.n (r,-qn dat, got .41106 11V P011"W111 InCth"41 01 1111C.MUM""t 14T the light elemeuto the height of ilk- rw)toffmal bonralarv Aw high atmic nandvm eAn be obtaintA %ith An 00 mvurAcv of albout 10- - Tbo resulu Olitainni Irv torent in% tjRAtjw5 frw see tlw prahppactive eknwats am 06 tioned. The voJoeof the effective mliu.% of the ntofnic n- le,14 var" Very little aver t1pe whole perkxlw m-,trin. a** 00 j. ThU4 it,' v4due ffw the fistht nudol'It oolw4ling t.~ 11toliant 3.9 lo N An%I 00 ftwThitlzo-fi 10,1J, $00 of j. 0*0 00 .00 X3*0 1 see too T, i fov i -j o" itL An a od 0 Is so fi flow* u 0 tip 9 It fog mw I* o 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 Sp 0000 00 : : 0 0 0 a & * 0 0 0 0 4111,60 4110 0 0 o.. 0 0 00 0 00 The formula for the me" spectrometer of AUkhanov and ALUdWayan. V. A. Kravtsov (Lealacrad Polytech. Inot.). Zhur. Ekjpd. cf. Ahkhanov. ef &L. Zhur. EAspd. Teord. Fit. 19. 673(IWSJ: C.A. 45. VOW, following obstr.-K. points out that in the two arti- cles which have bem cited. the formula, 0 - *U,'( X III + (r# - riAt.2 X UL, for the calen. of the impuI%r of rticles hA!t t"n given without Its derivation. Thin nfumW cosilains an crroc. ie.. It/L should be Lill. Sime I i. th~ f."I rtk-le L - I.. -Pproa.. this error makes no thf. ference; however. in the 2nd article the use of the inc,"~t - bwmul4 can JeAd to large errors. The correct equamm is dffi~~t. 1. Rovlar LeAch kkttf;4 of a ddsob pw of i0ow a16& b a VWWO 1,0-11 (N4% It- 195 ZL TAL bow jM rdA svw wwwwwookAftly ttA *no 0 t, Pei= to b0 Opp,*% vwrfsov, V. A. USSR/Ruclear Physics - BIMinif Energy 11 Ma,.,, 91 of Nualeonn "The Shells of Light Nuclei and the Binding Energy of Nucleonap" V. A. Kxevtsov, Leningrad Polytech Inst imeni Kalinia "Dok Ak Navk SSSR" Vol L)CMI, No 2, pp 239-242 Concludes that all implications of current end Xeceding works positively show that the exibting representation concerning nuclear shells requires re-exarmi as contradicting expel data. Submitted by Acad L. D. Landau 2 Mar 51. 222T6o Sikells of bo&vy avidoi imd the vategiont of the audeonic boad. V. & Olf. 1. KA119111 P,4oirih. Not yALitf- SawkS.SS.R. 79, 43 #WIWl -Yrrmn The expd, d4ta. 3 ruin were (tior hcki nudiri. (1) In heAly nucloti, a atingic. Immi-tolAriv %tAldc ollotil trif KI jorninno, anil 1.10 "Cult.m. 1, "I'AIJI.Iled, l-, Me I.Inding ect"kity of the uni-let"t, 44mir llvl~. -i-Il ,I ..I,l it hk'h FC itild"t Ito I fir Illich-us fit I"Ille I'litc- with Ili ii"vgor lot the tim of nittletirt, -f floe ,Ili,, tylv let Illo- 144A .4t. 11"re- -6, .1, 1" 1 1,, the trogtim if the limi.-I rl,turm-, Ill.- ... I b. ..Iicfgv 4 the im,h.m~ lot wit, tvj~ aroy,-, .,ib .- I,, iteaw III the to" .,f 4 lite "ll"-f 1%1~- A, 111, I'lloollolit eneirgy .)I the 1111171COnS, 4lMtV4St, 'AIII: thl~ III) fit nudems of the sAme kind in the nuchu, J. R 1.", Is 17 1 lirill ~S. R. 8, fit ttuckl &(Z,Y) aLm c4cd. partly rcpm Lbe maz &(cc(* wmit. rwily tn~ii thr, rcartla"I~ 71W hiali'm t M coulk-A rmntro" (G) and Prow" (10 (fir nudd b < 20 Vie fint mist datil~ lirht twec" is Chmical Abut. BcI-Gt-(m%ctkte),, (2.2). Tk 01 8 48 Ito get (0'? tymri% Vie -UW &,"Mws with th- 1w a vwkovi Iv a d m - , APt-;259 1954 . . - p K pfr4ck- Nit ewcUir 0AWc 6M (20.W~ 6 f4med by tW o meOcts4ca . VSO&II $(Able Iluoleew Phanarant tic. (7.War vtocatmmd (RD I't &.'y pte((WA (stly (1dr Ught twckl t adt. for b4mrr tladc I & few Uts(W wraktni; the Ututh-C of CISK(ems mail &Cmiavot t1w MU(ciml Inmaw's'Rids thk- no. a "Ofli tit thr tinckus. U 4k- f%d" of rmwaq ITImm" with the m of neattnrl and d cmm~m with the tic. 0t pmtocm a s - o f "o n t h an I Ic 'e, T Ol I Two$ Olbw_ O"Wes and the twv 7. 34 t LALAM11W. Uipekki Fix, N4sk 4 LM desivid &2d itpptkd (a litervitm data In order t* det. same pMatiet at numerous RMItlare Wows. thebladingene of the Ulm led sad Papbed 4% 1 tsit aentrpm6 ddA. from (vx). (w.-O. (f i7j) MALI .;e.). d tfans,bt ve*fQrIbgDQcwPIL"'-%AtL t. e-4. aA. a3s, 7.49. ISM. 8.12, Olt, M 3,87. Thetrpco( wt., wW bivAlat caergr (4) (4 ut-c-T. of ducka"S U4 Elvin for live (OlkMiar cisments wo man me.; Plot,-# ffgK-U TIM-10 Pb]K-U4 Bile-M. ft"14 UM4 ' flpw-w WA-0. A='A-" Cmts-44 , P-. iM dllk Vdueg of & I ft Bk9Iw fik'&j C rot VAUtUva, 144 oratan. 124 iwatm pak, and t"t VW.OQ Pair. the eneqy. of radioactive tranOwnation (P4) in me.v., and Ahe W Life iw tkctm capture wt &!so ct"M roc *onto of them H&W4_ F4. E, hornerie Imajitim cargr. "d tM type of radionctivky am givea for the laonaerk hmvT cki Hiv-, BiJu-. and Ptu". The eaavtlc warfue of Es, for heavy nudd Is platted. TIsisitagmphreseuttliaga contour ynap in whI& the co&4Zm%U* ladLeate at. wt. sad it. no., while the third diaAasiou represents A 84 refer- ---- ~-tavgmz my. OF At. a ills M &-pt. (tn Engurtj. 149r. cup (mio yet), (m Rusawl- o(thilumps to curves of tho selaratfon awrgy of.M2U4Lj W~a lt&ht skm mediuni p0ol. ft~oulis are olhawn in tabulAr fQrm. (KIII.) MIKE! a Luc 1* d 6ub- -Ir shcus" V- (kt --I - ~-~e'cn"i r~A m crei Fij Le , ra g . 30, 4fli-10(19W). 'tab Tli e aly, s ability k caled. sheits and wbshclLs d- natlei, a , i.;,W, f where the neutron or prown UrA.. tvip.. ate 9. 14. 20, 24, V3, 32, 34. 40, 40. 554, 68. G4. 770, R2, 88, 9--, AS arid 152, 7A USSR/Nuclear Heavy nuclei FD-498 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-15/18 Author Kravtsov,, V. A. Title 'deface_ energ`y'4nd- stability of heavy nuclei Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 24, 242-244, Feb 1953 Abstract Letter to the editor. Attempts to find the relation E f(Z)A) between the bond energy E of a nucleon and its atomic number Z and mass A. Plots "iso-energy" levels of heavy nucleon shells. 7 refer- ences, including 2 foreign. Institution Leningrad Polytechnic Institute Submitted January 31, 1952 USSR -Nucwr shellf. V. A. Kravtsov (Leningrud I`WvLcjl~ *014dr, 48, * 12046.-In a 3-dfluenslonal plot of 9 - A J(Z,A), %where 9 - total mclear boutling energy, Z - at. no., 'A - m2m no. and & - IGOU.0 - 6.5(A - 200) (ill tn.c.v.), panladarly stable 6atopes occur at inters"tions of - valkyn; e.g., Siw, Ni". ". Sal". Ce". and M". The energy of famation of a pair tendi to dectease with Increas- Ing nuclear mass, and Is not a fun"lon of orbitalspin- V T,5 il"I us S R 6H THE MASGES Of CEMINE-89 AND ARGON49- V- A- Kravtwv. Zikur. Mott I Teoret. ns. 20, Mo. 8. 630z-- Mut"lly 00FAredtetcry nlws of the CIO-A" mass diffor- we have bm ottatrgd. IM crttertom ttAt the resultAng masses at Cl" wW P should He ock smooth mass surfaces throup rAlghboring wdldes La used to reject some values. The reselt Is U(Clw)- 38.08016 * 0.000011 U(A*) 38.0740 * 0,0004. A wAUl but deflafto differea,,3 ta the sudaces for eve -odd =W *M-ewn nwtei ts act-ed. (ftlewe Abstr.) VSS Iff 314L Rtgutadflas In ths chugs 0( MKIewtv (a twkL MI-1 R A Kauk SSSA, 90, ht RR4.1144. Vngl6h tratalstion, U.S. National Set. Foumd. ~p NSF-4r- I IS. The expedment&I changes in tho binding emw of a proton of neutron aswciated with tho addition of it - protoa or ricutron are plowd Ovinst N or Z, The results vin be reprewnfed (in MvV) by -201(N or Z). W. 1. $W%A)WK~ UseR/I-uclear FIrysics Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 1/11 Authors I Kravtsov, V. A. Title I Bond encrgies and nuclear sholls Periodical i Izv. All .5,,5R. ser. fiz. MAP 5742, Jan-Feb 1954 AbBtract t T~r. ronerril lawn governin.,- tho chanr(Is In bond onergry in atondc nuclie were estr!blished b'r measurino, the rmss of various Ltoms,, the energies of nuclear reactions :;rW by treasurinj the cnergieG of radioactive conversions of atoms. Tl,n bond onertries cf nticleons of Ypavy nuclai of all 1-ncnrn isotopes, ranging fro,.i 1"t to Cf, urcro detorrvined on the baris of exreriz!,:)ntal data. It is shown that the ener,,~y, lil.-rated durin- the nddltdon of ~-,n odd neutron, is al-, I ~ -Tays iouer Unn tor, en,3rf-v liberated b.,., 'lie addition of an even nentron. TIn nania a-,)-nlies to odd and even nrotons. Th.- n-itiire arxl stxucture of nuclear shells determined on the basis of th-_ energy levels. Indications regards in,~ thi fillin7 of nuclear shells are ex-lained. Sidy-nine references: 30- U351t, 36-111h; 1-Freanch; 1-Cremian and 1-3wins (1932-1952). Tables; rraphs. Instif.ution The 17. 1. Yalinin Polytechniciun, Lenin-rad Submitted Januarf 5, 1954 1'1,7; t,33; 2;0 1 1 2,04-0,2 . , it 0. 2 1 '7 Iris$ 2,3 --men V 2j�0.1 0,0�0,3 8/61/025/001/024/031 Systematic compilation of the binding S/04 B029/Bo63 ?123.251 2,7�0.2 .0,5 tIGC4 33 >1,25 10,221 i.25�0,20 1,74-0 1201 10 PW-" 52 naes sa 1 8 ) [9,221 .0,95+0,30 -0,07(271 0,95�0.20 1,5 IMCA 23, 3.20�0.051281 3,45�0,05 3,45�0.05 Legend to Table 2: 1~ current number; 2) nucleus; 3) half-life; a) hr; b) min; c) days; 4 decay mode; 5) decay energy (doubtful); 6) decay energy. 8 S/056 61 041/006/030/054 ,2 B-146YB!02 AUTHOR; Kravtsov, V. A TITLE. Distance between different energy surfacesof nuclei PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fi-ziki, v 41, no 6, 1961.j 1852-1858 TEM The distance between energy surfaces in the Z-N E b coordinate sDace (Eb is the nuclear binding energy) is investigated The following surfaces are considered from experimental data onlyt best known values obtained until June 1, 1060 are employed for the bind,.nC -nergies Approximaf- forrula3 are given for the distances between 3urfaces of the ff'ollowing pari tie 9 -Nit h respect to Z it nd Ni even evr-ri , even -od! , odd -odd and odd-even The difference in E b for nuclei of difffer-~-nt yuritieo i3 IK iue to the neutron pairinC energy The distan~-~- the energy surfaces prove to be identi-sal vath the energy gap-, 8 ~-o nii-clei (Ref 81 Bohr, A , Mottelson, B , Pines, D j Phys Rev 110 58; Ref Card 1/3 31782 S/056/61/04I/C06/0_50/054 Distance between different energy B146/3102 11',i _Po:_Yat~, S Mat. fys -Medd Dan- V-,d. Sel3k , 31 11, 1959; Ref 10 1 Miedal, A Nucl. Phys , 1, 655, 959) The distances and tr1eir mean values aze graphically shown as a of Z an~ it' The mean val,-ze:, exriibit the following dependence on the mar,!; numter A., Deven - 14,78 A'*O 54Mev, D odd ' 7-25 A-0 45ilev. D ev c. n ij the _4-tance between even-even surface and surface of odd A, D dd is the distance between odd-odd surface and surface of cd-i A This is a croof tor the invalidity of the former assumption that. the dpre~,dc?n,.e obeys the/ Weizsdcker-Fermi formula D -A-3/14 A paper ty A Caa,,~,-_ with fact "hat D ~he even)D odd is referred tc (Ref C an J Pl~ s- 102' 19j7; Chalk River Report, CRP 6~oj 19j'7) c ti, h fa e f e,-. T , D ., v c, n and D odd for maEif, and sem_,mag_,c_- Z inc-ea-u, tile -; I ,i~tance between the out-faces is diminohed in rar-e eii:,,,h:3 'cetween two m~L_,:ima -.onstitulting the boundaries cf thin iom.,iin VW.J. J%agiQ num I bers, tne increase in the listance is due to the fcrrn~~tion ,)f erooves on the Card 2/3 -317 8 2 S/Gz6/61/041/~-06/010/054 Diqtan~e betweer, different enerEy 31.~'U/BIC2 ener6y surfaces (Ref 13t Kravtsov, V. A . Izv A',- 33S7~ seriya fiz., is; 5i 1954).. It is pointed out tha-, the ir.:;rease in dis-.ance 4-s anomalously high in the range of the magic number 4~) ~ th~-t the nuclear masses pf Ga - Ru are, however, not sufficiently known to permit conclusions, There are 6 figures and 113 referencec-, ' Sc-,riet and 13 nnn-soviet The four most recent references to English-lank-uage publications read as followsi F Everling, L. Xbrag, J, Vattauch ' A Wap3tra., Nucl.- Phys , 15~ 342, 1960; J. Benson, R. Dfimeraw, R Ri's Phys, Rev , 11L 1105, 1959; S Belyayev, Mat -fya Medi Dan Vid Selsk , 51, 11, 1959; A Migdal, N-;cl. Phys., 1, '055, 1959 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute) S U 014 IT T ED jJune 17, !961 Card 3/3 KRAVTSOV, V.A. Tae atomic weight scale C12n 12 and new tables of atomic weights L f elements and nuclidto masse s. / Usp. f iz. nauk 78 no. 1: 65-92 S 162. (MMA 150) (Atomic weights) (Nuclei') Atomic) KRAVTSOV, A. V.; KRAVTSOV, V. A. "The Nuclear Energy Services." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. LFTIj LPI (Leningrad PhYsico TechnicaL Inst, Leningrwi Pol.~tcehnical Inst) -65 L 59718 EWTW Pob DIAP 74 BOCK EXPLOZATM 1Kmvtsov, Vladimir Alsksandmiah The masses-. of atons, and nuclear blaUM enerjziej~Kassy atomor L energil svpzi yader) Moscow, Atomizdat,, 1965. 375 p. illus,, biblio., tables. 3000 copieS printed. Editort Zo D, Andrayenko~ Technical editors U., A. Vlasova; Proof,. readert roe As Berenthe ITOPIC TAGS: atomic .Massa nuclear binding snergyj nuclear energy surface, nuclear m,-,dsl,, nueldde mass,, FURPaM AND GOVERAOS: 1ki the first part'af the book,, basic def Initionts and magnl~ the;, tndes to be studied are presented methods- of measurement,, %pparatus, and processaw-for computing the tables of -X-1-6845! and of nuclear binding energies am described* After a brief revie* of the baoic models of nuclear structure, the second part of the book contains a syetem&tisation.-of masses and nuclear binding onargiaii that provides confirmtion of-theoz7 and broadens cur understandibg of Inucle 'q ar structure, The author expresses his gratitude to 0* V. Shal&yeTsk1yj'Qe Ir,,! bmnU=uMs- and A& LrAxtear, ti lCard-2/3 KPAVTSOV. - V. G. ;, ROGULEV, B.A.. Improving the desulfuration Twoceso in smelting high carbon tool steel. Metaliurg 5 no.2:17-18 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Chelyabinakiy metallurgicheski7 zavod. (Deaulfuration) (Tool steel) ROBUK, N.N., inzh.; KRAVTSOV, V.G., inzh. New constructional decisions in the hydraulic turbine equipment of the Dnep-odzerzhinak Hydroelectric Power Station. Elek.sta. 33 no.2:32-36 V162. (MIRA 15:3) (Dnul;ro.dzerzhinsk Hydroelectric Power Station) (Hydraulic turbines) KRAVTSOV, V.G. Design shortcomings of the ZhR_5 radio transmitter-receiver set. Avtom., telem. i sviazl 6 no.10:42-43 0 162. NiRA 16:5) 1. Starshiy elektromekhanik Omskoy distantsii signalizatsii i avynzi Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi. (Rnilroads-Communication systems) (Railroads-Electi,onic equipment) SUPRUNWO. Dmitrly Alekseyevich; KRAYTSOV, V.G., red.; YARISH, Te.I., tekhred. LSolvable and nilpotent linear groupej Razroshimye i nill- potentnye lineinye gruppy. Minsk, Izd-vo Belgosuniv. im. V.I. Lenina, 1958. 92 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Groups, Theory of) 7'-7 DOTNOROYICH, Titolld Ignatlyevich; KRATTSOY, Y.G,, red.; KOYCHITS. Te.P., tekhred. (Three-dimensional contact problemo in the theory of elanticity] Prostranstvennye kontaktnye zadachi teorii uprugosti. Hinak, Izd-vo Belorueskogro goeouniv. im. YsI. Lenina, 1959. 106 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Minsticity) TUTAYEV, Leonid Kondratlyevich; KRAVTSOV, V.G., red.;MISHjWOVA, Ye.A., red.; BEIMOKAYA, I.Ye.,-T-evIff-e ~. (Lobachovskii's geometry; a projective model] Geometriia Lobnehovakogo; prooktivnain model'. Minok, Izd-vo Bel,- .,os- universiteta im. V.I.Lenina, 1959. 126 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Geometry, Non-Euclidean) 1 rjl Fill ck-. rr ~t n;luchno-ils!; it ~dvvi-,,Jil Isk y to rak I y (A)O.,-U,il-!-.-:,rl3yu 31vii AAnnny BHAGTNO V,V,; WMIM) V#G~ Assembly of tire treads from vidoned cord plieo. Xauch.i rez. 24 no.100-52 Ja 165. WIN 18:3) .1. Vssaoyuznyy nauchno-Inaledovateltakly i konctxuk~-nskiy Institut po aborudovaniyu d1ya shi=oy promyshlennoot-1. L 29249-6-6 I ACC NRs AF6019U5 SOURCE CODE: UR/0101;/66/000/002/0040/0-041,1 AUTHOR: Kravtsovo V. G. (Engineer); Medovayaj M. S. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Rotating.blade hydroturbine for Saratovskaya hydroelectric power station SOURCE: Blektricheekiye atanteiip no. 2,,.19669 40-41 TOPIC TAGS: water turbinel turbine bladep servomechanism, hydroelectric power plant ABSTRACT: A description of variable--pitoh four-bladed hydro- electric turbines now being built at the Kharkov Turbine Plant !for the Saratovskaya Hydroelectric Station. The new design has Allowed: 1) an Increase of the hub ratio to 0-35'; 2) a reduction jn the weight of the turbine; 3) an Improvement In the technology ~of mqnufaeture; 4) reduction In,mounting and repair times; 5) a Ireduction In dimensions of the body of the working wheel. The 'four stainless steel blades are rotated by a servo-mechanism In '.the center of the blade wheel. Each blade'was welded up from two, ;sections. -Assembly. balancing and testing are performed In the :working (horizontal) position* The turbine. together V11th Its' form a unit designed to generate 57,200 We Total ,weight - is- oveir 2,100 tons. Oi-ig. art. ha.9: 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 10,, 09 SUB14 DATE: none UDUI PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION sov/5116 Akade=Un nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedcaiya Instrumental Inyye rezhushchiye materialy (Cutting-Tool Mate rials Moscow, Tzd-vo AN SM, 1960. 137 p. 6,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.t A. I. Isayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: G. B. Gorshkov; Tech. Ed.: N. F. Yegorova. PURFOSE-. This collection of articles is intended for scientific personnel and production engineers enga6ed in the manufacture and use of cutting tools. COVERAM: The collection contains papers read at a seminar on cutting-tool materials organized and sponsored by the ftmissiyu po tekhnologii mashinostroy- eniya (Commission on Processing in Machine Building). The seminar investigated the cutting properties of ceramic and carbide tool materials, the effect of temperature on 'cutting edges,, the problem of wear,, and the possibility of using cutting tools more efficiently. No personalities are mentioned. Fleferences accompany each article. There are 81 references: 79 Soviet, and 2 English. card--X/3' Cutting-Tool Materials TABLE OF CONTENTS: Fbreword (by A. I. Isayev] Gulyayev, A. P. The Problem of Tool Steels SOV151.16 3 5 Belousov, A. I. Prospects of Increasing the Cutting Properties of Tool Materials 2o Yxavtsov, V. I. On the Problem of Studying the Cutting Properties of Ceramic Materials, Using Clean-Surface Friction Models in the Cutting of Metals 32 Yalitin, P. P. Improving the Production of Ceramic Tool Materials at the Moskovskiy kombinat .tvardyth splavov (Moscow Hard-Alloy Combine 42 Reznikov, A. N. Tempemture [Distribution] on the Surfaces of the Cut- ting Tools,, and the Wear of Cutting Edges 49 Card 2/3 PHASE I BOOK 1-UPLOITATION SOV/5302 Kravtsov, Vladimir Ivanovich Issledovaniye svoystv novykh rezhushchikh instrumentalInykh materi- alov (Investigation of the Properties of Newly Developed Cutting- Tool Materials) Frunze, Kirgizgosizdat, 1960. 119 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Ed.: A. M. Toropov; Tech. Ed.; S. Chotiyev. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel engaged in metal cutting. COVERAGE: The booklet reviews investigations of the cutting proper- ties of ceramic cutting-tool materials, discusses the physical nature of surface friction, and analyzes friction theories. The following are also considered: the physical nature of various types of wear, wear measurement, the friction-and-wear process in metal cutting, and the study of friction by using simulation by vacuum. No personalities are mentioned. There are 56 ref- eren.ces, all Soviet. C P ~r_4 --- 1/ 5 ALEK3ANMV, S.G.; FEWROV, R.Ye.; KRAVTSOV,_ jj!_~_ _otv. red.; HIMAYLOV, T.K..'; PROKCFIYBVA,"'Y.B., red.izd-va; POLUOVI, T.P., tekhn.:red. [Soviet satellites and space rockets] Sovetskie sputniki i koemicheakaia raketa. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 231 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Rockets (Aeronautics)) (Artificial satellites) AIXK f S.G.; MOROV9 R.Ye.1 KRAVTSOVq Volet 0tva ~ed.; MIJaWWVP T.K., otv. red.; PROKOFIYEVAV N.B. -j-red-.-i'rA--v-a-j---MIZNGVA, T.P. I tekhn. red.1 GUSEVAy A.P., tekhn. red. [Soviet satellites and spaceships] Sovetakie sputniki i komiche- skis korabli. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 439.p. (MIRA 14:8) (Artificial agiellites) (Spaceships) KRAVTSOV-.- -V.I.,,, -inzhener. New developments In Inspecting section disconnectoro. Ileks I tepl. tiaga no,602 Je 157. (MLRA 10:8) (Electric railroads) KRAVTSOV) V.I.; PETROVA, G.M. Kinetics of aquatinn of iridium chloride ions and the oxido-reduction potential of IrC12- / IrC13- Zhur.neorg.khim. 9 no.4tlOlO-1013 Ap 164. 6 * OCRA 17W 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Zhdanova. KOROTEDY, V.P.; YUBMIN, N.Ye., inzhener; KRAYTSOV, V.I., inzhener. Making mercury-are rectifiers. llek.1 tepl.tiaga no.9:33-36 5 157 (MIRA 10:10) 1. Nnchallnik remontno-rovisionnogo tsekha Novosibirskogo uchastka energoanabsheniya (for Korotkov). (Mercury-arc rectifiers) JW V SOY V.19. starshiy nauchny7 sotrudnik, kandidat takhaicheskikh nALuk; _A_T ' ]ROMAN, S.Y&*, inzhenero Method for direct measurement of stresses in concrete. Isy. VNIIG nj-39: 89-96 149. (Concrete--Testing) (Strain gauges) (MLRA 10:3