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KOZLOV, Nikolay Yakovievich, inzh.; LEVANOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich,dok.tekhn.nauk, prof.j POLUKHIN, Petr Ivanovich; KHASILtNIKOV, Aleksey Nikolayoyich; PAPARIN, Nikolay Yakovlevichl FILIPPOV, -Yoris Ivanovich; MARTYNOV, A.F., red.; GOROKHOVA, S.S., [Technology of the manufacture their use in the construction vibroprokatrykh konstruktsii i skva, Vysshaia shkolay 1963. of vibration rolled elements and industry) Tckhnologiia izgotovlaniia ikh primenenie v stroitellstve. Mo- 310 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Nachallnik Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro Prokatdetall (for Kozlov, Levanov). MAA 4AjKQj6A.F~L,,..Sodpolkovnik maditainakoy aluzhby. Some problems in the training of military medical personel. Voen.- med. zhur. no.10:64-67 0 '55- (MLRA 9;10) (MEDICIIM--STUDY AND TEACHING) KRASILINIKOV. A.P.,podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby -1n1--'1--;.` -:-1-1 Military education in military medical schools. Voen-med. zhur no.1:10-13 Ja 156 (KLRA 10:5) (HRMICINN, MILITARY AND NAVAL, education, military edue. in military med. schools) (Rus) KRASILINTIKOV, A.P. (Kirov) "Hanual for feldshers a"%,' factory health centers." Reviewed by A.P. Krasillnikov. FelIdA akush. no.4:59-60 Ap '55. (MMA 8:7) (INDUSTRIAL MICINB) A. P. YXI-STLli-i'I~iv, ,,. P. -- "The S-jurce3 of Laptaspirosir, *rj Stat~~ Med, Instituf,~, lAinsk, 1956. (Dissertrittion, for tl,u D--;-ree of Candidite of Medical Sciences) SO: I-Minhmya ktonins' Nlo 43, October 10% Irloscow 'lie Lealth Nov. 57 3/11 PU1, F-XC;-',%--"LIA YEDICA See. 17 Vol- 3327. KRASIL'N.IKOV A. P. wThe ro I e of farm animals in the infec- -1i6e, ormanwith leptospirosis (Russian text) ZDRAVOOK- HRANENIE BELORUSSU 1956, 8 (559-61) The author carried out a serological examination of cattle and an epidemiological analysis of the incidence of leptospirosis in some districts of the Vitebsk area. The observations showed human infection with leptospirosis to be possible in peo- ple caring for affected animals or by the way of water taken from open sources. It is essential to develop measures directed not only against local carriers of lep- tospirosis (rodents), but also towards prevention of infection of farm animals - another source of this infection. ZLIBERT, B.Ta,/ professor, sasJushennyy deyatell nauki; RUBINSHTEYN. I.S.. dotsent; SAKQVICH. A;O., doteent; VILRUCHIK G.Tu., kandidat meditalaskikh nauk; GURRVICH, G.TS, kandidat weditelaskikh naut; lZRAITIEL's N.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; MGA, A.t., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk-, MINA, P.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk-, MARCM7KO.L.O., kandidat reditsinakikh nwak; RIBIROVICH, Te.M., kandidat vaditainskikh nauk; RUBINShMT);. B.B. kandidat meditsinskikh naukj SAMOKHINA. Z.F., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; KRASILINIXOV: A.p kandidat meditsinskikh nank; ZHUSHKO. L L9 *S*o n R1,rv avI&MVIE; NISENSAUM, 1.14.. nauchnyy sotrudnik; SOIA)VIYANCHIK,S.I., nauchnVy sotrudnik; SUSLOVA. M.N., uauchVy aotrudnik;-POLISKIT, S.. redaktor-, KUTINA, P., tekhMeheakiy redaktor; KALECHITS, G., tekhnicheskir redaktor. (Practical manual on medical microbiology and bacteriological methods of sanitation ressarchj -raktichookoe posobis po medi- tainskoi mikrobiologii i hanitarno-bakteriologichookim metodam iseledovanii. Minsk, Goe.jzd-vo BSSR, Redaktatia nauchno-takhn. lit-ry, 1957. 356 P. (MIRA 10:6) (MICROBIOLOGY) KRASILIHIKOV, A.P. Case of isloation of leptospira grippotyphoea from the kidney of a mouse. Zdrav.Balor. 3 no.10:70-71 0 '57. (miu 13:6) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii Minskogo maditainskogo instittita (zavoduyushchly kafedroy - professor B.Ya. Illbert) i Instl- tuta epidemiologii, mikrobiologil i gigiyeny (direktor - kand. med.tauk T.I, Votyakov). (LVTOSPIROSIS) (MICE AS CAMMS OF DIMSE) Coja~eroi_nsi Katttkai'Fociis,.or. Leotqapirouis in t2e, 136~_ Y crasillnikov, C'lair of Microbiolof~ nitsia,n8SR b uy, Rinsk Medical Ins i7tute anTlUnak jnstjtu~e of LpiderdoloC;y, Microbiology, and HyGiene., 1"hurnal Mikrobiologii, Epideilio- loGii i Immunobiologii, Vol 28, No 1, jan 57 pp 51-56 This work concerns a search for sources of lepLospirosis crncng ru- dents in i4ekhovskiy Ruyon, Vitebs'L,-.aya Oblast, Belorussian ~ZE. It de- scribes tile topography and climate of the areas under observation. It notes that two serious outbreaks of leptospirosis, verified serolo.aically by Varfolomeyeva, Dezhurokova) and Krasillnikov, occured in rayon in 19:-,0 and 1953, and that only sporadic cases have been reported since then. On analysis of the territorial distribution of the outbreaks, nine foci 'were discovered. The investigations described were conducted from 27 julY to 1~ Sep- tember l' The following five species of rodents were trapped by the use of Tisheyeva and Gero traps: Sorex araneus L, Cletilrionomys glareolus Schz. Apodemus sylvaticus L, Arvicola terrestris L, and Sicista betulina Fall. Aftler disection of the animals bacteiiolo6ical suspersions of t',.,e orc;ans yere prepared and examined. A table show3 Uiat Teptospiravere not observed in theae surpensions. KRAS #IK4 07 Seedings of the Organ Is- were.Incaated at 2:,0 f or 10 days and examinefl; r:,rowth of Lojtoupira was observed in ten instanceu. Ten strains of r.cpto- spi--,a were 1sulaLed frog;. guinea bligs and yotui6 zabbitU' Infected e;,peri- mentally. 111'esting of -the pathogenicity of tiie strains isolated revcaled that r;rippotyphosa strain DM-251 was weakly pathogenic for ruinea pigs; a 1.~,--2 ml dose of Sorex strains (IM-274, OZZ-311, M-220 VYl), even after culturi,i;o- for 3-4 riontha ol-Cartificial culture media, caused Ue deatil Of frOLI One-f=rth tO three-fourths of experimental 6-ulnea pi6i; with a resultant pe,;L-lological-anatoirdca-lipic~~ure of icterohemorrhagic lepto:;~irosis; a 4-m1 dose of jtrain PMI-T'~',S (1-1Vnyakov) introduccd iiAraperitoncally 1:illed one out of three ..,uiiiea pias with the same picture. Another table shows results of serological investi.-ation of the sera of rodents and insectivores. Tho article of4fers the fullowii,,L; conclusions on the basis of Lliez;e and other results. "l. Gezit~ral infection of anin.,als with leptospirosis in ";,e focus i:i- Yestigated with lt~.2'-; according to serolo4;ical and 4, accordir._; to bacteri- ological data, WSIVNIMi 4-P. 112- tight -Species. ofIroants and one species of insectivora were:'~ found to'be carriers of Leptaspira in the focus studied. Li ~iovcn opeciet; (Arvicola Terrestris, Clethrionomys tilesius) Apodellus Sylval"Acus L., Microtus arvalis Pall... Apodenus a6rarius Fall., Eus niuscu~Lus r,., and tho co,-,-tun shrew), carrying was determined by isolatinL; cultures -f Tc,,)W!;.)ira, and in two (Gicista betulina Fall. and Zlicrcmys ninutus P,111), by ulu.'301~v- in,,- in_7._,Luic)biolojical shifts in the blood of infected '(~uiiiea "3- Rodents and insectivora of the focus carry Of &riprjotyphosa, Monyukov, Sorex, and bataviae types; ir addition, anti- bodies to Leptosoira hebdoiradis were observed in the Iblood sera of ro- dents. "4. The carrying of pat!-,ogenic LeDtospira by Sicista betuliva Pall. grippot-lyphoL;a by ~Ius musculus L.; of L. Monychov, bj- Pall.; and of L. sorcx, by ja-vicola terrestris L., 'qjodo~.-u and Clethroinomys tilesiu3 ix).s observed for t)IC f11%;4- t.L-.10. I servere epizootic anong t1le rodents and insectivo:,.,es of the fccus was not accompanied by diesease nu:iong humans due to the cha-r-ccteristics of the metooroloL;ical conditions anr~ fexzAn& activitieL; of tl'ie -Ceozdle C:U:..- 4i~; hay harveat-inS." (U) KRASILIVIKOV, A. P. "Sources of loptospirosis in the BSSR.11 report submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists) 1959. KBASIL'OKOV, A.F.; IZRAITELO, N.A. Experimental anthrax in irradiated animals. Med.rad. 4 no.6:56-61 Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. 1% kafedry m1krobiologii (zav. - prof.B.Ta.Ellbert) Minskogo maditain8kogo instituta. (iCiNTGM1 WS. aff . on exper. anthrax (Rus)) (ANTHRAX, exper. eff. of x-rays (Rua)) KWILINIKOVp A.P.; IZRAYTELI, N.A. Effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and the Prevention of experi- mental fanthrax infection developing on the background of acute radiation sickness. Mod. rad. 5 no.9:90 S 160. (MIRA 15:12) (RADIATION SICIOMS) (ANTHRAX) (ANTIBIOTICS) IZRAITEVY N.A.; DAVYDOV, ON.; KRASILINIKOVY A.P. Role of farm an4-1s in the infection of human beings with sclerma. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no-4Z26-30 AP 160. (MIPA WO 1. Iz kafedry mikrobloloeii (zaveduyushohiy - professor B.Ya.Ellbert) Minskogo meditoinskogo iwtituta. (RHINOSCLEROMA) (ANIMLS AS CARRIERS OF DISUSE) KRASILl~I-KQV,-.,A.P.j- GRITSKEVICH, A.V. Anthropurgic foci of leptoapiroula in White hwala. Peport No.l: Lopto3pirosis hebdomadis in domestic mice. Zhwr. wikrobiol. epid, i imiaun. 31 no,6:128-131 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz Minskogo meditainskogo inatituta i Instituta epidemiolo.gii, Mikroblologii i gigiyeny. (WHITE RUSSIA--LEPTOSPIROSIS) (RODENTS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) BOVDAREVA, Vadezhda Vasillyevna;KRASILINIKOV, A.P., kand. med. nauk,, dots.,, nauchnyy red.; YATIMM, red.-; PSHONIK, B.N.,, red.; ZIMA, Ye.G.,, tekhn. red. (Diseases transmitted to man k animals; an aid for students at popular universities of health] Bolezni, peredaiusbehiesia chelo- veku ot zhivotrjykh; v pomoshch' slushateliam narodnykh universite- tov zdorovlia. Yinsk, 1961. 22 p. (Obshchestvo po rasprostxane- niiu politicheskikh i naucbnykh zna,,~U Belorusskoi SSR, no.25). (MIRA 15:2) (AVIKAW AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) (CM12-MICABLE DISEASES) ILINIKOV A.P.; IZRA ELIBERTp B.1a.1 KRASILINIKOV ITELI, N.4L; DAVYDOVA, O.V.; FAYOSHTE~i, B.A. Inves,tigatico of the fishes of the Pripet River Basin as beareris of the soleroma bacinuso zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. 1, 2,1 no.2 s 39-44 Mr-Ap 161. rMIRA 14:6) 1. Kafedra m1krobiolojii (zav. - prof. B.ya,Ellbert) Minskogo meditsinskon instituta. Rmosumomk) (PUPET RMR BASIN-FISM) (FISH AS CAR=ljS OF DISFASE) IZRAITELI, N.A.,; ERASILINIKOV, A.P.0 Action of colimycin and mycerin in experimental sclbromatous infection. Zhur.ush., nos.i gorl.bol. 21 no.6:49-55 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologil (zav. - prof. B.Ya.Ellbert) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ANTIBIOTICS) (RHINOSCLEROMA) IZRAITELI, N.A.; KRASILINIKOV, A.P.,- FA)MINEYN., B.A.; DAVYDOV, O.V.; BORTKEnCR, V.S.- Role of a scloroma pationt in the distri1xition of the disease. Zhuro ushop novo i gorl. bol. 23 no.5:43-47 S-0163 (MTRA 17:3) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii ( zav. - prof. B.Ya, Ellbert) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta, KRASILINIKOV,,A.~..; IZRAITELI, N.A.; KRYLOV, I.A.; KLYAVZUNIK, N.Yu. Reaction of passive hemagglutination in the diagnosis of scleroma. Lab. delo no.9:537-539 164. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zaveduyushchiy - doteent A.P. Krasillnikov) Minskogo moditainakogo Institutu. Farm CATEGORY The Honeybee. ABS. JOUR. t RZhBiol., i1e. 61 1959, tlo. 25~,,47 for jj~-- (~orjt-y-oj oi., LI J. Ewropean Foul Drood, OR IG. PU D. : Pchelovodstvaj 19%, 1,01c, 1/9 : Three colonies were by feeding each of thevi '7.50 g Of O'Yrup " () g _ k 50. of witer and '250 g of sugar) conta.-Inirq- I GOO Internat-onp-I nniti of ponic-Ulbln for 1200) J' a Deriod of 2 days, Card: POLEVODOV,, A.P.1 DANILINO V.I.; KWILINIKOV.-B.G.; VLASOV, L.G. Press for determining the volume electric resistance of powders at various pressures* Zavo lab# 31 no.11:1417-1418 165. (MIRA 19:1) KRASILINIKOV. B.K.. inzh. Automatic control of the compressed air system on the pusher-tug "Boris Lavrenev.11 Sudostroenie 28 no.7:69-72 JI t62. OURA 15:8) (Tugboats) (Yarine engineering) V, -11"ovich; ;IL() JV, vasilly I 1'ef-~(Jllzent; naur;hn. red.; NIKITIVA, R.D., red. [E,xperience in the automaitlon of the coittrol of marlni3 diesel engines] Owt avtc'Blati---'tsj.i upravleni~ra mi dizeliami. Leningrad, SuCtostroenie, 19 0" -177 1*~*. Oz 0-, .15-195q 109 I A '9517 Zhurnal ()eolOs" Ja ) 3 . orova ,,of erati vnly PL. PU4 slatlon f rOul 59 (~UWR) j&OssaWOjsW1Y P'. kc PASIn ho Tran V1 as tLet , chastil 1.11nilcoll DO yart 0 compile'r- nol VLO1U- tras thorn Some SeVe ry of the "Or A-PP-Ly ing trol Only e neWoto Aij TV 0 tare ri. lue nt of swole 5 nenila stra 13ILVI Telctoniche t Prime and the t I OPY .nila) T.,TLF' it ' Viny IVIC Studying Itotlo 120 A I - -155 nus.Lns1to todov Ye PP 120 V3_ J'Kh Ule liercynia" ,PIOV.Sn 1jr 42.9 a steep "The 6801091-ya basin Is d baseMenn"Oolls. fc, go ta~ne .Lde houlo taz- SOV. Intermon 3.1 a donjan 9 not ad the j,Ejjj0D'1Gk'L: %inasinsw on a 01 basin I SaPn n Ica jar IiPAAW Iling f the tern -loving I stnsw) ta 0 ar a 0 the J~a s f0, and ,BSTRAC T I strue stract Of nto the thern lk~na A, arnal I SOU '~Chti nsI&S-181 Int, t_'Wes t S-Pars it the Ld 01. eas Aja tau di-44,de orth)" .4 31t 0 -Bala at the er, J'ong South to D 0hObs10' inated orl entstion ne t sv~ I Y the ,,S ori-9 of the ns) tfro Idence (basi bas nc the 37 arovsKos 'tage - The C 0 1 the 113L Z 4 the raledonan S card Structure Of the Northern part of the ment Of Applying Some Complex Ale thods Minusinsk Ba,i 15-1957-10-13795 Of the basins In Studying Itn and the EKperi- the basement I With the di a at rection Hercynian structuretsested by sever Of the Caleetween Individual 0 distinct and Caledoniian links b On-ian strUctures f influence Of pre folds -FlercYnian st of the basement. A of Hercynian features is Identified f. middle ructure on the development when there existed a western and an e a s' De-Onian time, 910n Of the Cheblukovsko-Balaich tern downwavo in the re_ their posi ti n being associ tinskaya and Nazaravskay me n t - Thus to ate a basins d with the structure of the base- Mately parallel to the antlelinorium he western downwarp extends In a direction appro.,ci- the eastern parallels the Of tho Ktlznetskiy Alatau, B"OnOvskly anticlinor, trr'l ZOnOp separating the downwarps u'm The can qn ancient Ca2.edonian anticlin was formed o rhe modern struct oriu,4 the remai n the site of ures in the SoILZO ns of which am skoye up Ii f t. A thick sequence of nskiy ridge and the opt the d coarse clastics a yov- OwnwarPs during middle Devonian time ccumuIGted in Of fi las tic sediments was P whereas thOM. neAc deposited on a thin layer t the end of the I the uplif t dIvidi tie Card 2/4 Eifel an stage there began a gradual 15-1957-10-13795 Structure of the Northern Part of the Minusinsk Basin tind the Experi- mefit of Applying Some Complex Methods in Studying It rearrangemnt of the pre-Hercynian tectonic pattern, associated with block faulting. Fractures split the Chebakovsko-Balakiltin- ski-k and Nazarovskay& basins into a system of east-west horst st.,s (zones), and-~ithin these there occur smaller faults which have permitted folding in the covering rocks, a characteristic feature in the Minusinsk basin. The principal faults are alined with the folds of Caledonian age, revealing a definite genetic relationship between the two. Each basin is a step-like struc- ture, descending from south to north into the central part. The southern border of each block is higher than the northernborder; that is, each block is inclined toward the north. Jurassic de- posits accumulated on the lowest parts of the blocks (their northern borders), and asymmetrical synclines with steep north- ern limbs were formed. In the bordering parts of the basin, ad- joining the most elevated blocks, box folds developed. Their origin is associated with northeast and northwest faults, emana- ting from east-west fractures which separate the horst blocks. Northwesterly trending flexuros are developed in middle and Card 3/4 15-1957-10-13795 Structure of the Northern Part of the Minusinsk Basin and the Experi- ment of Applying Some Complex Methods in Studying It upper Paleozoic rocks in the central parts of the basin, separa- ting gently sloping anticlines and the complex limbs of anti- clinal folds. The small blocks of the Paleozoic structure do not show in the Mesozoic rocks in the central parts of the ba- sin. Large-scale asymmetrical synclines are characteristic, their axes trending in the same direction as the fault blocks. Folds in the covering rocks in the most elevated blocks agree with the general trend of these zones; they are arched anti- clines complicat 'ed by block faulting. The development of the principal block-faulted structures originated in late Hercynian time. The methods which were used in preparing a tectonic map for the northern part of the Minusinsk basin are descrited. Surface geologic"al examination was combined with interpretation of aerial photographs and subsequent visual observation from the air. The study of the relief of the Chebakovsko-Balakhtinskeya basin shows its relation to the structure. Card 4/4 K. A. Klitin CHUCHIA, N.G.; BILUKOVA, TO.Te.; BOROVSKAU. I.S.; VOLKOV, A-X-; GRAYZER, X.16; ILIMO T~*V.; IAZAXOV, 41.; KIRKINSIATA, V-N-; XISLUK()T- Y-N-; ,KR L.G.; OSIPOTA, N.A.; RADYUXUICH. L.V#; AMD ROMNOV.. F-SX.~; IVULZIM. M.V* or~d.; DOLKATOV, PoSo vodushchiy red.: TASHCRTIR INSAU, A.B..tekhn.redi (Geology. and oil and Mae potentials of the Minusinsk Lawlam] Geologichankos stroaaia Kiwadinskikh meshgornykh vpadin i porspektivy ikh nefte-gazonoananti. Leningrad, Goe.naucbn. tekhn.lad-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry Leningr. otd-nie, 1958. 288 p. (Leningrad. Vaesciuznyi neftianoi nauchno-looledo- vatel'skii goologorasvedochnyi Institut. Trudy, no 120) iMM 12:5) (Minusinsk Lowland-Petrolem geology) (Minusinsk Lowland-Gae. Natural-Geology) AUTHOR: Kra a i I I nikov , B.N, , ',!osnakov',3k?,y, A A, ~-QV-5 -59-2-2/4 3 TITLE. Cover-Type Folds of the Northern Pari o f -~he Minusinsk Syncline and Their lleiaTion to ~he Caledonian Struci~u~_e (Skladki oblekaniya severnoy _-Inaszi Minusinskoy kotloviny i ikh svyaz', s kaledonskimi atrukturami) PERIODICAL: ByulleTen; Moskovskogo obshcher,-Lva i,;pvtate'Lo,..v prirody Otdel geologicheskly, 1958, Nr 2, pp 25-42 (USSTO ABSTRACT: The studies of many scienti-sts havo been da-voted to problems concerning the geologi.,3al structure of the Minusinsk syncline, the tectonic location of which has been explained as an inter- mountain depression in the fold sy6tem of the Altay-Sayan re- gion, Among them are V,,A, Obruchev, A,D. Ar"r(hangel'skiy, Ya.S. Edel'shteyn, A.N. Churakov, M.K. Yr2rovin, V,A, Kuz,letsov, V.S, Meleshchenko, G,1, Teodorovich, D:V, Obruchev, M.I, Grayzer, D.V. Obruchev, A.N. So.,~col~skaya, S.V Doroahko and Ye.F, Chirkova .-Zalesskaya. 1,V. Luchitok,_y, N.S. Zaytsev, V.S~ lelieleshchenko and K.D, Klitin dealt w--Th ouestions cf the tectonic structure of the indi-1-dual dep_-es3lons ef the h1inusinsk syncline, the morphology and origin of the strurtures of the folds, the imporztanco (f ruptures and rhel._- formation, Card 1/3 B-111. Krasil,nikov, A A ve 10, Sul.-idi-Kondratlyev SOW,5-58.2-2/45 Cover-Type Folde of the Northern Part of ~he Mirusins~ Syncline and Their Relation to the Caledonian Struczure and N.P, Kheraskov recently studied the deposits of this region dating back to the middle Cambrian period. I.V, Luchitskiy and A,I. Anatol:yeva (1953) devoted their research work to the southern Minusinsk depres3lon, It can be con- cluded from all the studies that wichin the 114inusinsk syncline the structure of the Caledonian foundntion does not differ in principle from the Caledonian structures of itus framework (Kuznetskiy Altay, Sayany), In the lower Paleozoic era, the region now occupied by the Minusinsk syncline and its fold framework, consisted of a geosyncline syszem of inner elevations and depressions, which was transfol-med at the end of the Cale- donian orogenic period into a aystem of linear anticlinal and synclinal fclds, In the Ddvonian period the ?.11-nusinsk Ryncline develoned into a diametrical meridian Caledonian depression, At the beginning of the Hercynian crogenic pericd the Cale- donian foundation was divided by systerratic ruptures parallel to the course of the bigger Caladonian -folds and acquired a fault-block character, Thus the Caiedonian an-~ir_lynal zones Card 2/3 were transformed into fault-block mounta.1-n eleviTions of a SOV-5 -5B-2/43 Cover-Type Folds of the Northern Part of the Minusln3k Syncline. and Their Relation tz~ the Caledonian Structure horst character, and the synclinal zones into a graben.-type depression. All in all, the Minusinsk eyncline has a super- imposed structure which developed on a complicated Cnledoriian fold basis. The superimposed _-haracTer of the !-ftnusinsK syncline did not destroy the structural element3 of the Cale- donian tectonic surface. They had a considerable influence on the sedimentation proceas in flie flir~;ynian period and are still reflected today in elevations and depressions of that time. There are 8 charts and 13 Soviet references,, 1. Gecic,gy-- .-USSR gal-:,al t'-_U--"-- 3. GaOPh75!.'i'-4 Card 3/3 KATS. Ya.G.-, KRASILIEKOV, B.M.; HDSSAKOVSKIT, A.A.; SULIDI-KONDRAT'YNV, To.D-.; "K'ff-'ffr*v Paleozoic stratigraphy of the kinusinsk Lowland and its marginal mountains. Trudy VAGT no.4:99-148 158. (KIRA 12:6) (Min'usinsk Lowland--Geology, Stratigraphic) Kpps gal 11 if 6i V 33 a V R, i qi V. -j e jv~ I 'A' 4a 2 J~ Asa a vjv 40 4v. S". 2.01. 10 t~l M 14, H Jul KRASILINIKOV, B.N.; KATS, Ta.G. Importance of fracturing for oil prospecting and problems relative to the oil potential of the Mirmolnek Basin. Izv. v7s.ucheb.zav.; geol. i razv. 2 no.93-19 S 159. (MIRL 13:4) 1. Moskovski3r geologorazvedochnyy institut im. B.Ordzhonikidze. (Minusinsk Baoin-Petroleum geology) (Faulte(Goology)) BILOSTOTSKIT, I.I.; ZOMMSHATH, L.P.; KHASILINIKOV, B.H.; KUDRYAVTSBV, G.A- MOSSAKOVSKIT, A.A.; POZHARISKIY, I.F.; KMASKOV-1-11.5. -Division of the Altai-Sayan mountainous area into tectonic districts. Blul.WIP.Otd.geol- 34 no.4:150-152 JI-Ag 159. (MIaA 13:8) (Altai Mountains-Geology-, Structural) (Sayan Mountains--Geolog7, Strudtural) BEWSTOTSKIY, I.I.; ZONENSHAINS L.P..LKRASILINIKOI~~.Nq KUDRYAVTSEVV G.A. MOSSAKOVSKIY, A.A.; POZHARISKIY, J.7.-;_RH_ERA9M*V, N.N. Formation and tectonic regions of the Altai-Sayan folded region. Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 34 no.6:3-22 N-D 159. (MM 140) (Altai Mountains-Folds (Geology)) (Sayan Mountains-Folds (Geology)) KATS, Ya.G.; KRASILINIKOV, B.N. Structure of the basement of the Agra regicn of the West Si- berian Platform. I2v* vys* ucheb, zav,j geol. i razv. 3 no.6: 28-31 Je 160. (MIRA 14t7) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (Siberia., Western-Geology., Structural) KRASILINIKOV, B.N. Relationship between the geosynclindi AM orogenic developmental stages of the Sayan-Altai folded regioh. Geol. i geofiz. no.9: 3-12 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirakogo otdeleniya AN SSSR Novosibirsk. (Sayan liountains-4eology, Structural) (Altai Mountains--Geology, Structural) kRASILINIKOV, B.N. ...... __ Division of Lower- and Middle Cambrian sediments in the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Ala-Tau. Geol,i geofiz. no.1:118-122 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, (Kuznetsk Ala-Tau--Geology, Stratigraphic) 13GATOV, V.I.; DOGOLEPOVp K.V.; KAZARINOV, V.P.; KALUGIN, A.S.; KOSOLOBOV, N.I.j KOSYGIN, Yu.A.; KIJA�~~HIK~GV JULP KRASNW, V.1.1 Y.UZUETSOV, Yu.A.; KUZNETSOV, V.A.; LIZALEK.. N,A.; ROSTGVTSEV, N.N.; SAM, V.N. In memory of Vadim Sergeevich Molashcheako. Geol.i geofiz. no.2.130-131 162. (KMA 15.4) ()bjeshchenko,, Vadim Sargeevich, 1917-1961) KOSYGIN, Yu.A.; BASHARIN, A.K.; IERZIN, N.A.; VOTAKH, O.A.; KRASILINIKOV B 11 - PAPTENOV, L.M. Principal in tho structural elements in the Late Pre-Cambrian of Siberia. Geol. i geofiz. no.10:68--82 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Siberia-Geology, Structural) KRASILINIKOV, B.N. Pre-Cambrian marginal troughs in Siberia. Geol. i geofiz. no.5:17-33 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. IrIstitut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Siberia-Geology, Structural) ANATOLIV~-Arji, A.I.; MASIL11 -1'I KOV-, B.N., otv. red. [Gciaparativc characterisftc:; of Devonian sodirnentn in the Sayan-Altni fold area] Sr-avnitellnaia kharakteri- stilm devariskikh otlozhenii Sainno-Altaiskoi skladchatoi nbln-,.U. 1,~osk-va, 1-.A-vo I'llauka," l)()4. 3, ~ 212 F; - 0,11 1 1H,~, I -, - B) Yl' a A B '74 7 ';mw or ri 1, the RiLl~,; 1 1 11A z q KOSYGINY Yu.A.; BASHARIN, A.K.; IORZIN, N.A,; VOLONITY) G.M.; VOTAKH, O.A.; KRASILINIKOV, B.N.; PARFEli'OVP L.IM.; SHPAKOVSYLAYA [Pre-Caribrian tectonics of Siberia] DokembrllLskaia tek- tonika Sibiri. Novosibir.3k, otilel Sibirskogo oLd-nila All SSSR, 1961, .1;11~ p. (MMA 18;1) 1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Sil)i-L,--kDye otdeleniye. Institut geologil i geo.fiz-lki. 2. Clilen-korre,-,p~-nderit hN a~M ( f or Ko,-,Y,,,j n) . AFANAStyylv, Yu.T.j BASHARIN, A.K.1 BASHARINA, N.P.; VLYrAKH, G.A.; SOLOV.IYRV, V.4..*, -1., otv. rad.; L,M., otv. red. _,R.t (Materials on tectonic terminology. P8rt 3..Tectanics-and its division. Terms on structural geology.] Mfaterial~f po I.-ektanicheakoi-terminologii. Novosibirsk. Pt. 3. Tektonika i ao razdaly. Terminy, Btrukturnoi. gcolo- gli. 1964- 2~5 P. (Its Trudy, no.34) (MIRA l8s4) ALADYSHKIN, A.S.; VASILIKOVSKIY, N.P.; VINKMAN, M.K.; GINTSINGER, A.B.; GURARI, F.G.; KARPINSKIY, R.B.; MRASILINIKOV,_B.N.; KRASNOV, V.I.; KRIVENKO, A.P.; LUCHITSKIY, I.V.; PAN, F.Ya.; PETROV, P.A.; POSPELOV, G.L.; SENNIKOV, V.M.; CHAIRKIN, V.M.; SHCHEGLOV, A.P. In memory of Andrei Aleksandrovich Predtechenskii, 1909- 1964. Geol. i geofiz. no.4:197-199 165. (MIRA 18:8) KHASILINROV, A~-S. 6olmd w-,-~ves in air, waterand wolid bodics Izd. 2., perer. :'.oskva, Gos, izdvo te'r.-liniko--teoret. lit-ry 1M. 1:39 P. (55--313&'!7) QC243-K7 1954 J~~f 14-57-7-14625 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnall Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, pp 56-57 (USSR) AUTHOR: Krasillnikov, D. D. TITLE: Dailv '~Effec`tProduRcaev~ eeIn at of Cosm s on intensity of the Hard Ov c 6omponent of Cosmic Rays on Ove a-st-and Clear Days (Sutochnyy effekt intensivnosti zhestkoy sostavlya- yushchey kosmicheskikh luchey v pasmurnyye (J) i yasnyye dni) PERIODICAL: Tr. Yakut. fil. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 1955, Nr 1, pp 19-22 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 14-57-7-14626 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, P 57 (USSRT AUTHORS: Krasillnikov, D. D., Shafer, Yu. G. TITLE: Variations in Intensity of the Hard Component of Cosmic Rays During the Movement of Air Mass Fronts (Variatsii intensivnosti zhestkoy komponenty kosmi- cheskikh luchey pri prokhozhdenii frontov vozdushnykh mass) PERIODICAL: Tr. Yakut. fil. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 1955, Nr 1, pp 33-41 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 14-57-7-14620 Translation fromi Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, P 56 (US -~T AUTHORS: Krasillnikov, D. D., Kuzfrnin, A. I. TITLE: Sudden Increases in Cosmic Ray Iliterisi~Y (bluchay vspyshek v intensivnosti kosmicheskikli luchey) PERIODICAL: Tr. Yakut. fil. All SSSR, Ser. fiz., 1955, Nr 1, pp 42-47 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 14-57-7-14602 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 53 (USS T :"LUTHORS: Krasiltnikov, D. D._,,--,Nikollskiy, S. I. TITLE: The Spectrum and the Meteorological Effect of Ion Impulses (Spektr i meteorologicheskiy effekt ioni- zat6ionnykh tolchkov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Yakut. fil. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 1955, Nr 1, pp 48-54 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 EMIMLINIKOV, D.D. Spectrum and meteorological effects of ionization impact 84 Vah. cap* IAk, im. no.1:23-?8 157. (MIRA lls3) (Collisions (Nuclear physics)) MTALISKAU, A.I.; KRASILINrMV, D.D.; NIXOLISXIT, S.I. Preliminary results on barometric and temperature effects caused .by-sy,WeUA.Aj=gp~erio showers near the sea level. Trudy ~= SdtR Sbr. fis. sio.2-.8"2 158. WRA 11:7) .(Cosmic rare) (Atmospheric temperature) (Atmospheric pressure) AUTHOR: Krasillnikov, D. D. 50`1/5' -35- 1-79/59 TITLE: The Inten'lificRtion of tho Barometric Effect Caused by tl,,!! IrIC.1-0,120 Of UIC OV '11, EXte[121VO All- (Uve che n, iYe b a t-o!v-, tr I(, "I ef!kmo kt Vf,111,,,'~ El j !'-):It Q~,-L 1-i .It J1 !it*, "s I e 7 v A_-STR~.CT: Tne z X zb~ n e me vr-riations of f zlir ohowors viere moa,,,ured ~Jn and 1290 c_-s~t longitude) at a n a 1 t i '6ud e of' 100 7, at ove sea level. T'-ese measurements wer.- carr-_-~ cut in -4 series bet,.,.-een 1954 and In t-e fi:,_,z se-ries r,- triple coincidences of counter group,3 a:-.d t1-.e qL~adru,~.!;_- coincide, os below li~-!J rir~ttor we_-e roo,~vlled. `,~e je~3ond measuring series waa .-irriel cut ilrzdtir 2,~, j,. of lizzh.- matter. Sixfold and eightfold coincidencez Were also re- corded in the second seriuz. The of the variations of the shi-uer nu7-.-~, ,ers kaver.-.-ed over Card 1/3 1 day) in connection with the variation of t.he Dres,31.ire The Intensification of the Baro.-.etric Effect Caused the In-rease of the Energy of an Extensive Air Shower and temperature values (avera,,,,,ed over 1 day) ahowed a noticeable increase of the blirometric coofficient the averai.-e density of the particles in the recorded showers increases. The partial coefficients of the baro.- metric effect obtained are given in a table. The enerEy of the primary particles was estimp-Led to amount to 2,1015 eV. The observed ir.~.enzificition of the barometric effect, which is caused by an increase of the shower energyj may be explained by the hypothesis of Nikollskiy~, Vavilov, and Batov. The author thanks S.I.Nikol~skly for his discussion of' this paper and also N.N.Yefimov, N,.!'. Yemellyanov, and T.P.Panfilova for their help in the evaluation of the experimental results. There are 2 figures, i table, and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviett ASSOCIATION: Yakutskiy filial Akademii nauk SOOSR (Yakutsk Branch of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1958 Card 2/3 3153h S/62 601/002/000/017/027 (VIOS-, :L70 D299YI)304 AUTHOR: Krasillnikov, D. D. TITLE: On some properties of extensive air 5howers determined from continuous recording of their intensity near sea level SOURCE: International Conference on Cosmic Radiation. Moscow, 1959. Trudy. v. 2. Shirokiye atmosfernyye livni i kas- kadnyye protsessy, 205-211 TEXT: The experiments were conducted at Yakutsk (100 m above sea level), starting in 1958. The time variations of shower intensity were recorded by an apparatus incorporating 360 Geiger-MUller coun- ters. The apparatus is described in brief and some of the results of data-processing are given. The counters were grouped at 4 obser- vation points, at the corners of a square whose side was 57 m long. In calculating the number spectra of the showers, the following no- tationa were used., The lateral di8trlbUtiOtl function(P(r) (r being the distance in meters from the shower axis.); the differential num- Card 1 On some properties of ... 315314 S/6 27/160/002./0-301/017/027 D299/D304 ber-spectrum K(N)dN; the angular diotribution of shower axes cos log; the expected number of counters of equal area < ticles 9, it is convenient determined by n-tuple coincidences between groups of Tiz. C(n,aj; as the mean number of par- to take the effective value N eff' Neff 00 R(N,n,0jdN R(N,n,cr)dN = -IC(n,cr) (5) 2 0 ~f f where R denotes the differential particle spectrum. It was found that if the distribution functionf(r) does not change with showers of different N, then the usually allopted spectrum (at sea level) is an overestimate (by a factor of approximately 1.5) of shower inten- sity not only for 6,10510 12 ev, a considerable muon component results from direct production events. The experimental data can also be explained by the production of muons in n --,+p decays and by a muon spectrum with 7 . 2-4- There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Yakutskiy filial SO A"N SSSR, Laboratoriya fizicheskikh problem (Yakutsk Branch SO AS USSR, Laboratory of Physical Problems) Card 2/2 S/04 62/026/006/018/020 BI 25YB1 02 LUTHORS: -4rasillnikov, D. D Yefimov, N. N., Nifontov, M. A., and Shamautdinova, F. K. TITLE: Continuation of the investigation into the intensity spectrum and into the atmospheric effects due to extensive atmospheric showers near sea level PERIODICU: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 6, 1962, 823-830 TEXT: Some results established since 1960 concerning Zhe intensity spectrum and the atmospheric frequency effects due to extensive atmospheric showers of various intensities are reviewed. The function ?(r) of the shoaer particle distribution not dependent an the intensity is assumed to be T(r) - 1-84-10- 3r-1for r 2-105, is expressed in exponential form on the basis of earlier results and further experimental comparison. This spectrum agrees satisfactorily with the experimental results for ranges between 3.8 and 80 in and with the areas d - 1-0, 0-5 and 0.17 M 2 covered by the counter groups. It practically proves that y(r) is independent of the shower intensity. The frequency of the extensive atmospheric showers selected according to the method of the n-fold coincidence is represented as to C (n, 0) K (N) W [N,, n, a, (p (r, R)l dN, 0 W (jV, n, c%, (p (r, RN, n, o, (p(r, R)jdS (S) The observed variations 6C(nlcf) can be caused by the changes 6K(N) as well as by distortions of the distribution function bi(r,R). if(R) is approximated by an exponential function b,r-le (r < 100 m), R) lb,r-1.6 (r > 100 m); If corrections for the geometrical effects are considered, the following Card 2/4 S/04 616 2 102 616061018/02 0 Continuation of the investigation ... B125/B102 is obtained for the barometric coefficient by variation of C(n,6) with respect to the parameter R of the function t;,(r,R) with constant K(N): J 2 (x-- 1) -aI. T jh-oGnst The geometrical temperature effect is given by: 100 (Xh (n, d)9KcU The observed increase in the barometric coefficient with increasing absorption coefficient of the.shower particles cannot be explained by an increase of -K with constant absorption coefficient. The Present results point to a change of the character of the variations to which extensive atmosphezic showers are subject within a range from 1014 to io15 ev, due to eithex the increasing presence of heavy nuclei among the primary partiolei3 with E03~1015 ev or to a change in the composition of secondary particles. There are 4 figures and 1 table. Carri 3/4 S/048/62/026/oo6/m/020 Continuation of the investiCation ... B125/B102 ASSOCIA.TION: Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR, Laboratoriya fizicheskikh problem (Yakutsk Branch of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Laboratory of Physical Problems) Card 4/4 MWILIMOV, D.D.; YEFIMOV, N.N.; NIFOVTOV, M.A.; SHA14SUTDINOVA, F.K. Relation between the width ratio and the mean intensity of extensive air showers, Trudy WFAN SSSR. Ser. fiz. n0.4.19-21 162o (MIRA 15:12) (Cosmic rays) MMILINIKOV, D.D. How to &,Uow for geomotric otfooto in froquoncy variations of exteinsive air shwers near boa level. Trudy IAFAN SSSR. Ser. fiz. no-401-56 162. (MDU 15:11 (Cosmic rays) KUZIMIN, A.I.; SHAFER, G.V.; S#AM, Yu.G.; KRASILINIKOV, D.D.; KRYHSKIY, G.F.; MANWKGV, A.P.; V.I. July 1959 according to data of comprohensive geophysical observations at Yakutsk. Trudy IAFAN SSSR. Ser. fiz. no.4:142-156 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Magnetic storms) (Cosmic rays) D. D-.-.KRAS-I-LNIKQV..- The energy spectrum of cosmic ray muons in the Range loll--IC)13F,v at sea level report submitted for the 8th Inbl. Conf. on Cosmic Rfiys (IUPAP), Jaipur, IlIdLa, 2-1h Dec 1963 KRASIL-NIKOVO D.P.; NIKdL'SKIY, S.I. Contbitious Mdorder of axtensiVe atmospheric agowers of cosmic rays. Nauch. soob. IAFAN SSSIIno.1:6641 158, (MMA 17:1) I '.K L 4481L46 E 0~ WT(1. ACC-:ARIIAPS024633 SOURCE WDE: VR/0O4s/63/024*,M/169O/1#92 AtrMOR9 Vernov 'B~K. --Tegoro4, TA.' egimov,': N~N.; KrasIcAthov, V.D. - KutMirs-i- A.z. Maksim",, S.V.; Xesterovaf---N.M~ Mikollskly, S.I.V'PiLepteov, Ye. 1-.t-Shater, Yu. 0., 01G; none Ti TIE: plan for a lar ge Anstallatibnat Yakutsk. for study of eAtvjwCvA-*A car /Report, All-Union Confemde,on:Oosaic Ray Physics #Sld ~t Apality 24-31 Bust'1964/ SOUIM: AN SSSR. Izvesttya. Seriya, fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 9,:-1965 1690-1692 TOPIC.TAGS: ri mary cosmic Layl,:eadcondary cosmic ray ,extengive air fatower, spect, ral energy. distribution, cosmic,rddistloWcomposition, cosmic radiation antsotropy ABSTRAM After adie: iussion ot the si gni fie ance of extensive.air sh owere fq rthe in vestigation of ultra~lli.,gh ~ energy ~ primary. cosmic: rays,. the authors ~briefly: describe an. installation to be &mPletedin.the next two.or three-~years near sea level aVlatitude 620 N. in the Yakute't regioxif- It Isanticipated that the installation will yield infor- mation concernlng~-Ahe energy: spectrum, 7composition, and anisotropy of primary coomic rays with energl!Fa up t6'1020 ev.,',..The-installatton, intended,for investigation of ex- tensive air sho*ers, will comprise 65 stations spread over an area of 23 km2i 'Each station will bo'.4quipped,with,scintillation counters with a total sensitive area of 1L M2 or 4, m2, and ~at the centraVotation.-JO m2. The total sensitive, area of scinttl-. Card 1/2 AAOI- 4^ N I K\C, j-L. res try jendrology. Als ),)ur Ref Zhur - Bictl-, No 3, 1958, 1057~., 'Titl, The Eco1---,Ey of the Krasncdsrskiy CtLks. Orig '-ub Botan. vh., 1956, 42, No 4, 272-274 Abstract An ecologicall characterization of nine types of oak gro- win& In Krusnod.,traXly Kray in givon, ai wo,11 Informtion on their geographlcal dIaLribuLion. In some in-,Usnces ,he distribution areas are brot%der thfin had been noted up until now. The growing regions of &U nine species are described. It is reconmended that C&. robur and J. petraeo6 be introduced into the p1tintinga when onk. Ln being grown In the southern areas. In some cases fl. pubes- cens can also be recommended since it is drouE~it resistant and grows well when there is a lot of lime in the soil Card 1/1 KRASILINIKOV, D.I. &grtwiss oak (quercus Hartwissiana Stev.). Biul.MOLP.Otd.biol. 61 no.6:101-104 N--qD '56, (MIRA 10:8) (CA'UGASUS--MK) KnSILINIKOV, D.I* (Krasnodar) _11-1-- ; " 6-1 colo'ey of oaks in Irasno(lar Territory. Bot.zhur.42 no-2272- 274 Ir 157. NLRL 1023) (Krasnodar Territory--Oak) KRASILINIKOVO-D.I,, _ Pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens 'dil-ld.) in the forests of the western Caucasus. Bot. zhur. 48 n0-5:661-669 My t63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Krasnodarskiy goBudarstvennyy pedagogichoskiv inatitut. KRASILINIKOV, Fedor TSAL, K.I.0 nauchnyy redaktor; KAHOU)TA, 4~-,,k- - I a c eik y redaktor , 4 [Electric repair@ on launches] Alelctromontazhuye raboty na katerakh. lAuingmd, Goo. noiusnoe lid-vo sudoetroit. prakyehl.. 1956. 152 p. (launches) (MIRA 9:8) (Electric engineering) KRA,SILIVIKOV, Fedor Fedway ch; YEMSKIrv A.A. j retsenzentj SLIM9 N.M.,p red.; FRUMMit-.P.S., tekhn. red. [Inatallation of 6166trib lighting equipment on ships) Montazh su- dovogo ouvatiUllnogo"41ektrooborudovaniia. Leningrad Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudootroit pjrorWshl. p 1961. 143 p. WRA 142 8) iShips-Electric lighting) KRASILINIKOV Fedor Fedorovichi,BOGACHENKO, V.Ye., red.; ANDREYEVAI ft-qv 1, - trin'm m 71ffU--vVf-TIXHONOVA, Te.A., tekhn. red. [Manual on the repair and installation of electrioal equip- ment on ships] Poaobie po remontu i montashu audovogo elek- trooborudovanlia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport, 1963. 198 P. (Electricity on ships) (MRA 16:8)